Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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    ; JUA1JL/1 JDJtV" UiUUlJLUl , JLJdUliOJL AX 1 1884
Transpiring Ycslorfiay ,
Democracy Between tlio Soylla
and Oharibdis of Free Trade ,
Dooring , of Iowa , Boldly Striking
for Dakota's ' Governorship ,
Arthur's ' Stroke of Policy in Sond-
-iug Sargent to Kussia ,
Berlin to bo for a Time Without
an American Representative ,
Proceedings In CoiiRrcsH Tlio E luon >
tlon 1)111 In tlioHcnnto Doiulcil
Whisky In tlio HOIIHC.
Special Dlitmtcli to THE BKK.
WASHINGTON , March 20. Tlio frco
trade tnrill' reformers to-dny appear to
rccopnizo the fact that they are defeated.
They admit thomnolvoa to bo at tlio mer
cy of their enemies. They have lost all
of their tone of bluster , nnd instead of
saying they will force the bill before the
house , and force all the democratic mom-
bora to vote for it by applying
they say mildly that they hope they can
pas.i the bill , and hope that many of those
who voted against it last night will sup
port it in the homo. Instead of the at
titude of dictators , however , which they
yesterday professed to occupy , they now
admit their position to bo that of
Asking one-third of their party to vote
against their convictions to help thorn
take up a bill for consideration. Some of
them say that many of those who voted
against the bill last night will vote for it
in the house as a party measure , and vote
to take it up. The general expression of
the press in all the pastern cities , BO far
as any expression is given , is that the
caucus dooi not strengthen the attitude
of the free trade tariff reformers.
Special Dispatch to Tics HKK.
WAHiiiNnTO.v , March 20. The nomi
nation of Judge Brewer as United States
judge of the eighth circuit , to succeed
Judge MoOrary , will probably put ox-
Congressman Dooring , of Iowa , in the
field as a full-Hedged candidate for the
governorship of Dakota , lie had boon
waiting to BOO tlio result of this fight , as
ho did not want to ask for an appoint
ment of this sort for Iowa if Congressman
McCoid was appointed to so important a
place from that stato. Now , however ,
that McCoid is out of the Hold , probably
ho will begin an active canvass for the
position , and tlio chances seem to bo good
for him to got if. .
who is at the Arlington , under the care
of his physician , goes out very little. IIo
manages to got around very comfortably
on his crutches , but ho lias always boon
so active time ho doo3 not fancy the use
of these aids , and keeps them out of
sight as much as possible. The president
is to give a dinner to General Grant and
a few friends as soon as that gentleman
is able to lay aside his crutches and at
tend upon an event of this nature.
WASHINOTON , March 20.Tho nom
ination of Sargent to bo minister to Ilus-
eia was a total supriso to most persons at
tlio capital to-day. When it was laid
before the senate in exoculivo session , a
few questions vroro asked and briotly
answered , to the effect that the transfer ,
though not requested or oven suggested
by Minister Sargent , would doubtless bo
agreeable to him , and would also un
doubtedly bo productive of good results
as a matter of national policy , although
in what manner it was not stated , nor
asked , as the senate thereupon accepting
those assurances from a member of the
foreign relations committee , con
firmed the nomination by unanimous
consent as there * is good reason
for believing the action of the senate was
'based not only upon the belief that Sar
gent's transfer ( which in European esti
mation is a diplomatic promotion ) , would
DO agreeable to him and avert the possi
bility of further unploasantnoBs arising
from personal hosfilitioa , but also upon
the prevalent impression that the position
of American minister at the court of
Berlin will significantly and for an indefi
nite time bo loft vacant Secretary Fro-
linghuyson this morning notified Sargent
by telegraph , and congratulated and com
plimented him.
' . .Special Dispatch to TIIK BKK.
WAHUINUTOH , March 20. In the son
ata to-day the bill reported by Mr. Cook-
roll ( dom. , Mo. ) , from the committee on
military attain , to authorize the secre
tary of the treasury to cause to bo exam
ined certain vouchers of the state of
Miesouri for sums claimed duo by the
United Status to officers and men of the
militia forces of that state , for aid in Blip-
pressing the rebellion , was passed.
Iletrular PrWi Dispatcher.
WASHINGTON , March 20. In the case
of Kilbourno against ex-Sorgoant-at >
.Arms Thompson , the jury to-day ren
dered a verdict in favor of Kilbourno for
In the democratic caucus last nighl
Carlisle's resolution to abolish the tai
on tobacco and for reducing the tax on
brandy distilled from fruit , was adopted
by 88 to 27 a reported.
The house hat adopted a joint resolution
tion for the relief of the people in tin
lloodod districts along the lower Missis
The president has sent to the scnati
the nomination of Aaron A Sargent
envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary
potentiary to Germany , to be onvo ;
extraordinary and minister plenipoton
. tiary to Russia , vice Wm. II. Hunt deceased
ceased ,
made application before Judge Wylio to
day for a speedy trial of the indictmen
acainst him on tlio charge of bribery i
connection with the star route contracts
alleging on the part of the
government counsel. The matter will
have a further hearing on Saturday
Wm. M. Bunn , of Philadelphia ,
governor of Idaho ; Aaron Sargent , now
minister to Germany , to bo minister to
Ittisaln ; postmaster , C. II. Spring , Gray *
villo , of Illinois.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , March 20. The
senate took up the bill providing for the
purchase of the reservations of various
tribes of Indians , and allotting lands to
Indians in severally.
Mr. Dolph ( rep. , Or. ) moved an
amendment providing that purchase
money for reservations shall bo paid to
the Indians only at the expiration of
twenty-live years , lying in the treasury
meantime , tlio government to pay live per
cent interest , to bo used for the educa
tion of such Indians , and for preparing
thorn for self-support. Agreed to.
After other minor amendments , the
bill was passed.
Tlio education bill was taken up and
discussed by Messrs. Vanca ( dam. , N.
0. ) , Dolph ( fop. , Or. ) and Iloar ( rop. ,
Mass. )
Mr. Jonas ( dom , , La. ) denied emphat
ically as basolcss calumnies any charge
that the people of the south had any
prejudice against the colored people.
Replying to an inquiry from Mr. Harri
son ( rop. , Ind. ) Jonas said : "Tho col
ored voters of the south voted freely and
fairly at tlio polls , and to a largo extent
control our elections.1' Ho hoped the
time would coino when every man ,
woman and child in the south could bo
educated by their own slates.
Mr. Duller ( dom. , S. C. ) opposed the
bill. IIo could find no authority in the
constitution for the proposed measure.
Further debate on the educational bill
was interrupted by Jonas calling up the
house joint resolution roappropriating as
aid for the sullorora by the Mississippi
Hoods , tlio § 125,000 not expended for the
relief of the suiferors by the Hoods in
Ohio. The resolution was passed. The
sonata wont into executive session. Ad
Mr. Ellis ( dom. , La. , ) from the com
mittee on appropriations , reported a joint
resolution , providing that the $125,000
unexpended appropriation for the relief
of the destitulo in the recent Ohio river
Hoods bo expended for the destitute in
the district overflowed by the Mississippi
Mr. Rico ( dom. , Mass. , ) opposed the
Mr. Koifor ( rop. , O. ) introduced a bill
for the erection of a pedestal for a statute
of Garliold in Washington. Roforred.
The house wont into committee of the
whole on the whisky bill , Dorshoimor
( dom. , N. Y. ) in the chair.
Messrs. I'usoy ( dom. , la. ) , McCormick
rop. , 0. ) , J. D. Taylor (0. ( ) , Brown
dom , Pa.j , Warren ( dom. , 0. ) , and Cox
dom. , N. Y. ) opposed the measure.
Mr. Wortliingtoii ( dom. , 111. ) favored
the bill , and thought it rather surprising
that the high tariff men and tomporancu
men should combine to'dofeat it.
Mr. Dunn ( dom. , Ark. ) made the point
that by some peculiar method the bill
had boon brought before the house when
only three members of the ways and
muans committee favored it. Ho ridi
culed the idea of Morrison and Ilurd ,
the champions of tarilf reform and free
trade , bringing in a measure for the pro
tection of still another sec of pooplo. The
democratic party , by a solemn compact
entered into last night , proposed to re
duce the revenue thirty-ono millions. It
is proposed to swoop out the tobacco tax
twenty-throo millions moro. It is pro
posed in this bill to give away seventy-
live millions. It is proposed to pension
Mexican veterans , and that would take
three millions more than had boon esti
mated. In short , if the programme was
carried out , it would bo a reduction of
one hundred and eighty-nine millions in
the face of an estimated surplus of only
lifty-nino millions.
The committee rose and limited the
debate to one and a half hours to-mor
Having resumed session as committee
of the whole , Mr. Hewitt , playing for
a time upon the assertion of one of the
republican speakers yesterday , that the
whisky tax was the measure of morality ,
said ho had been brought up to believe -
liovo that taxation was for rovauuo and
for revenue only. The now doctrine was
taxation for revenue with incidental mo
rality. Carried to its logical ends , the
[ icoplo would bo divided not into free
traders and protectionists , but into good
and bad , and the latter would pay nil the
taxes. IIo thought the tax on alcohol
should bo abolished , and believed the
passage of this bill would result in its
abolition. Ho wan sorry the caucus had
passed the resolution to take the tns oil'
tobacco. It was luxury , pure and simple
Ho wanted a revision of the tar ill'on the
fundamental bast * of free raw ma
terial. IIo feared the Morrison bill
might turn out to bo a measure
for the increase of the revenue instead' ' of
a diminution. Ho wanted the whole
ut on the free list. The democratic
arty must got together on some common
round , which ho hoped would bo free
aw material.
Hewitt's advice to the members of his
arty was so candid and unreserved on
lie subject of the course it should pursue
liat Mr. Rood ( rep. , Mo. ) called his at-
ontion to the fact that ho was making
lie republicans acquainted with party
ounsels , by suggesting to him that he
vas not speaking in a caucus ; and told
inn at the conclusion that the ropubli-
tans would manufacture a victory out of
is ! speech.
_ "You alwayn did manufacture your
victories , " interjected Mr. Talbot ( dom ,
d. )
Thorp iroro also several interchanges
if opinion between Hewitt and Reed as
o which party would attend the funeral
of the other.
After further debate , the committee
rose and the house adjourned.
A Point of DlNortlur.
TUENTON , N. J , , March 2(1. ( In the
louse to-day Representative Fish arose
on a point of order. The speaker or.
dored him to sit down. Fish refused.
The 8orgoant.-at-arms refused to obey the
speaker a orders to eject Fish. Fish was
dually carried out amid the greatest con-
fusion. Fish declared that in a late
session lie had explained to the speaker
privately , but the speaker sent him away
with oaths. Resolutions censuring Fish
passed the house.
Severe Tliiindor Htorni.
PETEIUIIUKOMarch 20 , A tremendous ;
thunder storm burst over the city shortly
af'er midnight last night. The rain came
down in torrents. The thunder was go
voro and bhook the houses. Appomattox
river at thin point is very high. The
meadows on the Chesterfield side of the
rjvcr are submerged , The water is stil
rising. The protracted spell of lut
weather this month greatly retarded al
farming operation * in this section. ,
Further Particulars of the Cyclone of
Tuesday Eycoiog Last ,
A Number of Additional Deaths
Reported More Wounded ,
A Brakeman Blown from a Froigh
Box a Distance of 60 Feet ,
A Mother and Two Children Slain
in Their Oabin Homo ,
A North Carolina Family Killed
Six Women Victims ,
I'lio IJmial ijlM of GnHiiuldcfl Hint Ac
company tlio Demon of the ClntulA.
A 111111) ( ) ! ' , JILOWN AWAY.
CINCINNATI , March CO. Captain God-
alhor took rofujjo in a bridge over City
creek near Xctna , O. , yesterday during
ho storm. The bridge was carried away
> y a cyclone , the captain's horse killed
and his buggy demolished. Captain
lodfathcr escaped by swimming to the
RII-MIY , 0. , March 20. The force of
ho wind storm unroofed many houses
lore yesterday evening and obstructed
ho roads by fallen trees.
YOUNOHTOWN , 0. , March 20. Poland
ownship , Mahoming county , was viaitod
jy a cyclone last night , the path being
on rods wide and extending two miles
lorth and south. Several residences ,
jams and outbuildings were demolished ,
rccs torn to shreds , and cattle killed ,
naking a loss of many thousand dollars.
Several persons wore slightly injured ,
mt none killed.
PIEDMONT , March 20. A severe cy-
lone passed ever Aldoralion county ,
lear Pioumont , destroying the house of
VIr. Watson. Throe of his children are
hought lo bo fatally injured.
CIIAHLOTTK , N. 0. , March 20. Spe
cials to The Observer regarding the
cyclone in this section last night state
hat at .Newton thirty houses were blown
[ own , the Methodist church was wrecked ,
Cllno & Williams' flouring mill was
Icstroycd , Mary Hunsacker was killed
md fourteen persons were wounded ,
tumors from Lenoir say a whole family
vao killed. Six ladies are known to have
) eon killed. The telegraph , wires are
[ own. At Mecklenburg five or six rosi-
enccs were destroyed , but no lives lost ,
'ho cyclone also passed through Ircdoll
ounty , doing great damage to thu fruits
nd blowing down many houses.
LYNCHnumi , Va. , March 20 A tor-
ific wind and rain swept ever thin sec-
ion last night , causing great damage to
iroporty in Amherat enmity. The low-
antJs are all submerged , and fencing ,
> ridges and mill dams swept away. The
allies river at this point is higher than
or five years.
DAYTON , 0. , March 20. Intelligence
rom Shakortown , Ridgovillo , Center-
illo , Spring Valley , Troboins station
nd South Charleston toll of terrible
estruction by the cyclone yesterday
tyoning. Two Johnson brothers wore
tilled at Ridgovillo and ox-Uhorifl * Glat-
oltor was drowned while refuged in a
> ridge which was struck by the cyclono.
'ho damage done cannot bo ostimated.
RALEIOH , N. 0. , March 20. A cyclone
ormed near Novrton yesterday aftor-
10011 and traveled oast. Trees were
> lown a distance of'two miles and ovory-
ling was swept cloar. Hail stones as
argu as eggs fell. An electric storm
angod all ever the stale. Many persons
ere rendered homeless.
IJuooKviLLU , lud. , March 2ii ( The
illago of Scipic near the Ohio and Ih-
iana line , was wiped out by Tuesday's
ornado. Only two houses remain ,
nd they are badly damaged. Ilov.
osepli Winston was killed.
The InvoutoiV Convention.
CINCINNATI , March iJlii At the invent-
rR1 convention to-day the following com-
nitteo was appointed as a permanent
mtional organization : Jacob Reuse ,
'onnaylyania ; L. 0. Huber , Kentucky ;
3.1) . Hitchcock , Indiana ; M. Garland ,
liuhigan ; J. Dungaii , Illinois ; E. V.
Jnldwell , Alabama ; J. Ji Goghan , Ohio ;
3. F. Hyde , Kansas ; N. N. Ilorlow ,
Missouri ; Leonard Honklo , Now York ,
'ho report of the committee on rosolu-
ions was adopted , declaring that as
nuch of the progress of the country is
ho result of inventive genius , any mate-
ial change in the patent laws would be
nadvisablo ; they therefore ask congress
o onposo the passage of any bill which
Yould huvo the effect to discourage in-
, 'entora by impairing the value of patent
roperty , or that would imposn unequal
xirdons on the owners of such property ,
u maintaining their rights.
\Niiml > or Dl'lUlla Killed In the Son-
utc $ noi'or o.S ( > iairH' iriiner-
nlH A Kullway Victory Ap-
proprliitloiiM WOIILHII
DES MOINKS , Ifarch 21) ) . In the , sou.
to the bill to provide for the exclusive
use of the Kugliah languag-j in llu > pub-
io schools was iudofmital } ; postponed th
till to create au insurance and bankiug
department lost ; the bill to provide ,
or the inspection and r gulato thu silo
of petroleum , was lost aiid , a nation filed
x > roconsidos ; the bill to prevent dis
crimination ki freights between long and
short hauls , was lost ; bills woio. paas d to
nako couriios liable l > r witness faoa in
criminal coses whothtrtho ckfumlaut was
convicted or not ; to outhorko actions to
bo brovuht againt. railroad ctwpauios
brought in the nauo of > ho akatu upon
the recommendation of thu railroad coin-
misaiwiera ; to enSorco Uui rulings of the
commissioners in uiatUrs att'outing pub
lie tights ; to allow deceased soldiers and
Bailers to bo buried ivt the oxponsa of the
county , not ru paupyra , and headstone to
Ino pUr.od on the grave , provided the. ex
pcnso of burial and headstone bo no
moro thaw § 50.
At the house session last ni ht appro-
piiations were made as follows : Agri
cultural college , $15,000 ; insane hog
pital at Mt. Pleasant , $3,300 ; to provide
the present addresses of ox-ofiiccrs of
Iowa regiments , 81)500 , boys' reform
school at Kldora , 822,100 ; for institution
of feeble minded children , $00,200. At
to-day's session appropriations were
made as follows : Girls' reform school at
Mitchollville , 827,8'I8 ; insane hospital at
Independence , § . ' (8,700 ( ; saldiori' orphans
homo at Dn'otiport , 8 7,200 ; peniten
tiary at Fort Madison , 812,070 ; normal
school at Cedar Falls , 820,800 ; to erect
an additional wing to tlio insane hospital
at Mt. Pleasant , 8100,000 ; for Andmosa
penitentiary , 87 ,100 , for the education
of J. W. Ilallock at the stile university ,
81,000 ; for the state horticultural society -
cioty , 82,500. The suiTrago amendments
wcro again taken up , on a motion to re
consider , and again indefinitely post
poned by Iho same vole by Iho same
members as that of Tuesday. The bills
for the establishment , of normal schools
were all killed.
At the night session of the house a
bill was passed to prevent gambling by
moans of fictitious contracts for the buy
ing or spiling of grain or other produce
on margins known as the "bucket shop"
bill. It had previously passed tlio sen
ate. The remainder of the session was
occupied in considering legalizing acts ,
fifteen of which were passed The select
committco appointed to investigate the
charges made on the iloor of the house
agaitnt the management of the agricul
tural college , reported there were no
grounds for the charge and no cause for
The evening snssion of the senate was
occupied in considering the bill to com
pel auita for foreclosure of mortgages lo
bo brought in the county vrhoro the land
is situated. The bill passed by 20 to 8.
Why use a gritty , muctily , ctisngreca-
jlo nrticlo whou I lood's Sarsapiirilla , BO
niro so clear , so delightful can bo oh-
; ; uned so cheap. 81.00.
Captured hy Dultota , iiullaiiH.
FAIUIO , March 'JO. M t Ohmor , a pros-
icclor from T > ayton , Ohio , was captured
iy a band of Indians in the Turtle moun-
: aini : two weeks ago. The Indians hold
; ho priaonor for a money ransom. A
jarty of purauers started from the Grand
Forks , but the Indians fled five miles
nto the mountains , and sent word back
; hat that they would kill the prisoner if
; ho pursuit was notjubandoncd.
DL-IIUQUE , March 20 The Iowa Press
association and their wives , 150 persons ,
ivill pass through the city this evening
: or Now Orleans , Mobile and Vicksburg.
Duuu < iui : , March 20. A largo excur
sion party otarted from Waterloo this
evening , consisting of [ owa editors and
; heir wives , numbering about 115 in all.
They will visit Now Orleans , Mobile ,
Natchez , Vicksburg , Memphis and other
loints in the south , and will bo absent
'or two weeks.
A Mistress Murders Her Oflbprinp * .
BiiADKour. , Pa. , March 2G. At 10
.his morning a woman living with Orrin
Farrell , of Wollsvillo , N. Y. , as his wife ,
shot her son and daughter , oged 8 and
LO respectively , with a shot gun , and
hen killed horsolf. The woman a year
igo was adjudged insane by a physician ,
jut was not sent to the asylum.
"All } ou .own tault
II you remain sick ulioto you c\n
Clot hop bitter that never Kail.
The weakest woman , smallest child ,
nd sickest invalid can use hop bitters
, vith safety and grcaUgpod.
Old men tottoridf around from
haumatism. kidnoy'tt'oublo or any
reakness will bo almost' now by using
op bittera
My wife and daughter were madio
oallhy by the use of hop bitlors and I
ecommondod thorn to mypebnlo. Moth-
dist Clergyman. * > .
Ask any io il doctor If hop
Bitter * are not thu bet family incilteino
On oarth.
Malarial fever , Ague and' Bilious-
eas , will leave every neighborhood1 as
con aa hop bitlors arrive.
' 'My mother drove the paralysis and
ouralgia all out of her system with hop
liters. " Ed. Oswego Sun.
Keep the kidneys healthy with hop
oittsra and you need not fear sickness.
Ice water is rendered harmless and
more refreshing and reviving with hop
flitters in each draught.
The vigor of youth for the aged' and
nfirm in hop hitlers !
'At the change ot llfo nothing equal *
Hop liittvrsto allay all troubloj iucldont
Tbtrcto. "
beat periodical for ladies lo
alto monthly and from which they will
receive the greatest benefit is hop bit-
' "
Mothers with sickly , frotful. nursing
children , will euro the children and bono-
ifc themselves by taking hop bitlors dai-
Thousands die annually from some
'orun ' of kidney disouso that might have
> con prevented by a timely use of hop.
Indigestion , weak stomach , irregUi
aritics of Iho bowels , cannot exist when
lop bittera are usod.
A tanclv . ' , . % " . use of hop
lilttcrl ttilllcopa wli"o ! family
la rofcott lioalth . yuar&t a little cost.
To { xrcdiico real genuine sloop and' '
ihild-liko repose all night , take a little
lop bitters on retiring.
_ That indigestion or stomach gas at
nighb , preventing rest pud sleep , will dis
appear by using hop bitters.
Plwalytio , nervous , tromulorjs old
ad i us are made perfectly quiet and
sprightly by using hop bitters.
At ttMl . .
fcol * ill , CUM , UTII UI , piknWft. > > r iu.4 Apt * t.
Jiiur j r * of ib iHt Hkt Utr n . A few dttif * 1 * i > rl dt II JW
J ( iMi f cb uuM , > ! U 1 | fuuif r Jftnl * Ivvl * .
ttr rr tMiDkdii . A.ii * vr nor r * * < Uurftil for l
tUlUlukBkJouj Jb/l > IL J U.ll.fcltaMrAtUNtL
J. Ti TTt ESUAlTir , OCta AOE11T *
. r.
Tim want ol a reliable
liable dlruetleuhlch
while acting as a
110a , noltlieroxcitos
nor Irritate * them ,
uaslauK > lice sup
plied by HoHtottvr' *
Stomach lilt tors.
Thli lluo iiu-dlclno
exerts llio riHjultlto
degree ( i stlmulttl"
inuii time ur.'arj ,
? witluiut pri > diicii > i ;
' Irritation , anil U ,
thm'foru , far Wttcr
adapted for UK pur.
jio o than uniuctll-
ntudexclUnU oft-
m ri'ort J to. DJB-
pcpilh. Ie\er and
d ; cjncioro llcurxl
Always have bargains in property. Below
wo give a few bargains in
No. W-Cottase o ( 8 roomi on Hamilton direct
Oooi barn , and all In good repair. Tcrnu
\crj'o y 8S , ( o.
No. tS OO M ! home ol 8 rooms on lot 00x182 In
Crf ( lit Konclcr otldltlon , peed Urn , cistern
and trrc , $2.600 , $1,000 down , and B jears
on KiHii' n at 8 iwr cent.
No. 0' llumufciij lo 1 > south Omaha , lot 03x132 ,
housa 11 story and luuicment , Jl.BOO. I > rt
tVMh and tuna on balance.
No. 01 llotno and store building on Nor h IBth
street , on full lot $3,000. Terms \cry iftsy ,
No , et Nlco largo houio on 10th street , on full lot ,
ncarC. V. Ooo"tnan'8. $3,50a Thlt la vtry
cheap , and tcrmicrt GMy prt CMh.
No. 02-$4,000 gets tLat ulco MtUo cottage on Shcp
man arcnuo , all the jard ! n\etl so complete ,
new barn new fence and do bio lot , front
ing on Sherman a\cnue and I7th St. Terms
No. 123-SI50 Ukci nhomo of 2 rooms on full lot In
Lo o' addition. Good stables and trees.
Ono half down nnd tlmo nn balanco.
No , 124 Ho'iio of 3 rooms , fronting south on Hurt
otreet , on lesscd lot , lease being fc 10 per 3 ear
? 3.r < 0. Wlllsclloncaavtciins.
No. 89-IIouse and lot In Thornell Pace , goo I
barn and walks and cheap , $3,600 , t2OOC
down ii'J 01 ? tlmoon KilAiicc.
No. 35 Ioubio'l/housc , , on full lot. In E. V.
.Smith's addition , .i,000. ThUls\cr cheap
nnd should bo sucn to bo spprerlated.
No. 6. A houie of six rooms on north 20th St
A bargain at $ ? 000.
6. Lot nlth 2 homes on north 10th St. $1.000
easy payments.
No 8. Ono story hou < eec > en rooms only 7 blocks
from U. I' . Depot. Good \atuofor $2.100.
No. 14. UOIHO on Popplcton atcmio south front ,
very nicely located. Good view. Klegaut
home , S2.400.
No 13. HOUHO and full lot on Dth and Itancroit ,
NVat cottnge , she < Io trees \lnca &o. Good
proportv , 81,500.
No. 20. House of tcv en room ? Gothic , In Hcd
flclcs Sub-division. Acry homo-like place.
Chcaj11,800. .
No. 22. An elegant little home In t < ak 'a addition ,
Street car , school , church , highly respect
able , locality. A good bargain JiMW.
S'o. 21. A full lot nnd storobulMlngsouth of depot
A irood place forbuslncsiand cheap at ? 1. f > 00
S'o. JO Lot with six giwl tenement houses near
U. I' , depot , A good hit cstmcnt at (0,000.
S'o. 31. Boss place on Green car line , $2,50J.
No. 32. A corner \\lthcottagoln Parker's addition
only $1,576.
No , 04. Hotiso of 8 rooms on full lot neat St. car
turn-tabloln Stdnn's addition. This h ) A No
1. $2.600.
S'o. 105. Nine room house near business on Capltot
n\c. Firet clasi bargain. 13.100.
No. 142-$2,330 A house and 2 loU In Kountz 3rd
addition part cawh aim tln-o on balance.
No. 141 $5,500 N < w house of 10 rooms c' Ilarnoy
tit. , near car line , Is being sold cheap for cash.
This Is down to n property.
No. 110 $1,000 House and lot on north 23St. . , line
location and \Mll bo sold for $1,000 down , and
tliniton balance at 8 per cent.
S'o. 143 $5,0(0 ( Good business corner on ICth St ,
pajlng$50 per month rent. Will shade for
cash , speak < | U'uk If yon want It
No. ISO f2 OCX' House 1 lot In bhinn'u addition on
Hamilton St. Pay $1,000 cash and long tlmo ,
this Is a bargain for $2COO.
No. 1M-IMO House and largo lot In south-west
part of city , good for gardening , manufactur
ing purposes near side tracks or tmdo us a
good tuct for a market garden.
Vo. 1DO $2.100 A homo In Horbath's addition on
Sherman ao This should bo taken at once
before iirlcos Increased on this street in the
Vo. 125$2,200 Tin best bargain jet In Park p'ace ,
of houxo and largo lot , fronting on California
and CossSt. New barn , go jdw ell and cistern.
91,00) down , and $15. per month , or $00. otcry
four months.
12$5,20 Takes the prettiest place on llowcry
Hill , 01 10th St. Lot 152x14 i and on the cor
ner. Call and sco plan * * , anil hocomlnced.
135 $ l,0ii ) Takes a farm of 10 acres with house
of 4 rooms Uood barn , corn-cilos , well &O.
$500. at time of sale , and 3 years In bnlancn
No. 132 $1,800 House and lot In Kountz 2d addi
tion , and for sale , cheap for casher nearlyso ,
No. 133-82,600-Nlco cottage , on 4 lot In H. V
Bmlth'd addition , and on XL car lino. Unnd
\\ell and cistern , and n nice lUtlo homo. Will
shade price for all cash , or 3 cash.
Ho , 131 $3,000Vo want for that brick homo enlarge
largo lot , OCxlM In Sherman avu. , with barnt
wells , and nice shade trooe , pay uU yon can
tljwn. and times In balance.
Noi 21 $2,500 A good house ot 6 rooms en f nil lot
fronts east. Kxr-cllen soljhborhood ueftr
depot. Gilt edge prop
May field ,
Omaha View ,
Lots in all parts of the City.
WC 3 and see property Hit. and so'ect ' your' '
ilaoe W will show you any property ou our list.
Cor. 15th nnd Dodge Sts. , ( Wil
liams' Block. )
\ OF MANLY VIGOR , Spermatonr
a , etc. , when all other remo.
B fall. A cure gvaranteeit ,
BOn bottle , large bottle , four
times the quantity. ? 6. By ex
press to any address. Sold bj
oil druggists. KNfJLlSII MEDI-
OAt/IHBnT07B , ? K > prlctors , 718 Ollre Street , St.
f oulr , Ho.
"I hiv-o sold Sit Aetley Cooper's Vital Restorative
or vr re. I ery customer et > eaka li'4hly of It. I
onbetiiut'.nglycndcTsoItuaareniody of true molt
"U. F ooDMia , Dmg gin
c < n h eh 1 ISM vlSlnloold
Th remedy hclng Injected dlrjatly to the scai cf.
.he < rtikAi , , nqiilrta n change cl diet or nausctus ,
mercurial or ji ( > ! ouoiis inedlcln-j to bo taken tutor *
i&lljr. Whoa. used KH a proventira by cither soj.lil3.
pjpoulblu to contract any pritate disease ; but In the
to cure , or r.twlll refund thc
oy , Price By nmil , pootago J-VCU , $2. per box -tiiiea
bozos for i&
tenuxiVfli all authorized ngoaU.
C > " . Coodmau , Irugj | t < Solo Agent , icr-Omaha ,
UKNiiiHunniitooti | ) eixicltio for Hy&torU , Uizzi
ss. Convulsion Vita , Norwiuu K inilm ,
clAclio. Norvou3 Prustrntion vauead by trio use
ualcuhulurti > ) jwu , WnkpfuliPta , "itentiil l/o- /
prussion , f oftdiiiu ; of the HHLJI rt'bujting in in
dimity nuil ItvuVn ; tn iniBorjv JUCIQiiul death ,
I'ronmtiiro OldAirtt , llnrrcniutu , LIMA of powe'
in citliwr BOX. tntuhintiiry IAIWIM utxt biicrnuit-
rlircAcaiiBtHjbjruvor-oxurtiiMi u ( tb ) iruin , self-
iifQor ovu aduleouco. ioch tax contain )
ono tuonth'a tnwtmnut. f l.W < a bux.iir eix boiet
.for5.UBOtUyinuil prepahion rxit-ipt uf price.
To euro KKI 1500 , With ouch unirr rcooivoci oy i
tor six K * . nccompaiiHJ with fa.LO , wo i ul
wnil thuiMirclmwruur written ( TUHrautoo to re-
fuiulttiO nullify if the twatmout itoua not cauc !
ucuru. ( iuiimatix-'ti ituwxiunurny
r. GOODUAN ont , Onura Neb.
Physician & Sui eon ,
/tfl"0tfice / auil nwldenco 110 i North ISt street ,
Cor. ol CUrfc ,
Otiico llQun-S to 10 in. , I to 3 p , m. and 6 to
p w
We carry tbe best mnkcs ; we make the
Lowest Prices : we have the largest stock
to select from ; we carry tlie latest slylc ? .
For men we have the
TJ i o * ffl flff" 5
n Burt & Hear s
Fine lioct ? anil Shoes , They sponk for themselves *
The Charles Heiser Fine Shoes
Are made to our order , nnd we guarantee every pair. If you try one pair
j ou will take no oilier make at the same price. We are pgeiits for the
The Walker is the best Boot in America.
k\Ve have the following celebrated Shoes :
Edwin C. Hurt's ,
Lounsbury Bros , , & Co. ,
J. 0. Bennet & Barnard ,
Seller , Lewin & Compasy's ,
Ladies' ' Misses' ' and Ghildien's ' Spring Heel Shoes , Chil
dren's School Shoes , Common dense Shoes ,
Boys' ' School Shoes-
New Goods Arriving Daily. !
33 o ] p x-1300. o : ot
Than Any Rtgular Shoo Stora ,
WE STII.L rnioiD otm MOTTO :
" We Will Not Be Undersold
Dry Goods , Carpets , Boots and Shoes. .
Dodge and 15th Streets , .
Willimantic Spool Cotton is entirely the product of Home Industry ,
and is pronounced by experts to he the best sewing machine thread hiiha
m&e Oniiuia , Neb.
q JOSUi&tCB.B.U&jq.&iU
1319 sad 1820 Itimay 8t et and 403 8. 18tb HtraM. I
I Calnloinin fnniUlinl frp unnn nnntlntu -
(103 ( BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1S78 Catarrh ,
( Deafness , Lung and Nervouo-Diseases Speedily and Permanently Cured. Pationtf
( Cured at Ilome. Write for "Tun Mii : > iCAi-Mi.ssiotf.iuY , " for the People , Free ,
JOoneultation and Coriesnoiwlonco Gratia. P. O. Box S92. Tolophouo Ko. 220.
HON. ED-vVA'RD - ' RUSSELL , Postmootor , Davenport , saya : "Physician ol
w ; ADlniy mm Matknd Success. " CONGRESSMAN MUItPHY , Davenport ,
I--- < r iR : "An n.-mtirahli ) Man. Fine Succaaa , Wonderful Curen. " Hours. 8 tn B
. , . ,
luinli irui ) . l'inlniMi | < vu > rliir. only M li-nillli-
u in llflt In Ann-fit a i hit ml * tin. Lit rirlolly uml i
.ml. in tliruuuli iliiili'
SI.QOO WftUld Hot Duv It.
DR. IIOR > I was n Ictod with
tured by using a bolk. To SAT one ailllctwl with
that illaoui , I would y , buy Home's Klectr1. . Dolt
Any one , can coiifia with i * by writlna or calling
it my stc o , 1120 I > wigla si t. Omaha Ncl
MAIN OFFICE Cpposlto postotlico , roor i 1'rcn.
tor block
1T r'crale at 0,7. Goo.loian'3 Pru Etora , ill
mam.St. . Omnhtk
(1rl : niUxi U O . .
nois lor thtojtprcss purpose
of clvlnglnrncdiatc rcliella
all chronlcuuinary and p > Jr
.vate dlscjbos. Gonorrhcua ,
Gleet antiSyphills in all treir
complloteii forms , olscx , * ! '
disctEt'l of the Skin jnd
lilood fromptly rcllcvcc > 4nd
. . . . . . . lehtLossej by Dreams , Plml on
the FaceLost Mr.nhoodJ'iwiiKiT/l/cured X/irra
i'.iU f.r ; riin IK/IK / ; . The appropriate remedy
} at once used In cacJicasc. Consultations , per *
lonil or by letter , oscredly confidentlrj. Mcd.
'daca cent by MaUand Uipress. Namarks CA
package to Indlcatacontejits or scntJej. Addr a
Cn.JAMESNo.204VVaslilnnlonGt. > CicQOlll ! !
266TH > EDmDttPiiCE ( SI.Q3
HjhMHted Vitality , Nsevoua and Tin eleal Debility , "
Prf mature Dcrilno In Nun , Kiroraot Youth , an u
unwldnilscrlvMrosulHcif from Indiscretions or ou
ctjocn. A boob for ovtry man , young , ralddlo-aifodj
aulold. It lontalns va proscriptions fcraU acut.
ajil chronic JliwMoa cnrijono of which l lnvalu bi !
Co found by tlio Author , whoso eiperlenco ( or
/oars It oucA a proti'JIy ntner before Ml to the Ifr
j ( any phyriclan 808 pages , bound In beauMfit
il > ench invtlln oia ; < i * < l covers , full glA.giurantual
'to bo a fluiMvor/r u erery cn o , iri Jianlcal , llt-
erar1 anif prof ogalMml , than any other work sold. In
ttili couatry for W-BU , or the money will be retandoil
InevcrylintaiiM. i > rlcoonly 91.00 by null , post
paid. flu ! tratli Wimi > lo5cenU. neniinow. OoUt
uiedalxHardrillhitiiutbor by the Nfttlonal Hodlca
AiaocVJon , to th otflcors ol whlelJ he refers.
Th'u hook skooU bo read by thu young fw tiistrna
llon.aadby th aJIIIcUJ for rell l. It Hill Iraaofll
ilU London l nr t.
There Is n nwtnber ol eocloty to whan this took
nit uot be ntwful , whether )0jtb , parent , guanJian ,
Inttrurtor w cl > svnian. Arrpnaut.
Aildrctuthu Vcibody Hedirfal Institute , or I > r. W.
IL 1'Mkw , No. 4 llulunch Sweet , Oo&ttm Miai. . who
uny bo eonsulte.l on all dlwuea reoilriK ) | skill and
oxioilgnca. | ClirouIo ndn tlnatedWa8o Ui t h ve
th9 ( kill ot all other l > hHr I clam
i. ip otaiiy. Such trowed * uaj-llCHL fully
wltbaut aa luettnc illuro ,
111)1 ) .
Stove Eepair Works ,
IOJ ) South 1 4th St.
iurnIihlB7 eastings tiJ up *
luir utiitui cl all iisrlptton , wood Korea , ( hinged
hnru ciwl , yr tei nrtrtack , dirapers , &A i" istttij !
on haul. Try WO 0 GUI Ito/e V' ) ' V ) * ) * " * W.d