WHOLESALE Into , Cutlery , Tinner's ' Etc. , COUNCIL BLUFFS 10 W A. X-irSpecUl tlcnton ! to ordtrs my MMl. , BE.OO3E3C , Merchant Tailoring , REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. 805 South Main Street , - - COUNCIL 11 LUFFS. . GALLAGHER. New Store , Frwh Qoodt , Low Prices and Polite Attendant * . { First Door easf of Metropolitan Hotel , } UVETO EVT. KAT TO LIVE. RESTAURANT AND CAFE , On/toxrox- Tlio Kd. Olwon \ 404 Ilroaiinay , Motto kt all Ilourf. Chef d'cuUlno ( Council ninth. 1'artloi a S | > cclalty. HARMAN KELLEY , I 34 N , MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , O- DEALER IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS OF fl f ALL PAPER Al Interior Decorations. 13 S. Pearl Street and 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) TO LOAI1 REAL ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts o Title to all Lota and Lands in the County. IPx-ojpi-lotor , GRESTON HOUSE. 9 EVEKYTIIINn F1H3TCLAS3. Nos. 217 and 2 IDS. Main St. , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. At the well-known Establishment OF J. P. FBLBERT , 209 Upper Broaaway , the PIONEER GASH Of Council Bluflj. Notice our reduced I'ricc List. We gi\o 15 pounds Eitra 0 Suyar for . 81 00 11 pounds ( Iranulatcd Huirar . 1 oo 25 pounds Choice Oatmeal . 100 25 pounds Navy Beans . 100 20 pounds B et Bulk Starch . 100 12 pounds Carolina nice . I 00 12 pounds Choice I runes . 100 25 bars Buffalo Soap . 100 Extra Lake Trout , per pound . 09 Choice Jlliice Heat , per pound . 10 1 dozen Mackerel . 15 Colorado Flour , Winter , per cwt . 2 00 T. T. T. All grades , according to quality , llio to 80c per pound Wo also carry a full line of Men's , Ladles' and Cn'ldren'g ' line Shoes and Men' * Kino BooU at very low prices. Also a full line 01 Tinware and general merchandise. Call on us and bo convinced tha1 jou can Hat e n.oncy \ > y doalini ; with us. Goods dclh erfd fret ) Inanv part of the tit/ . Iu r wont , waani bound to cell and challenge t Uudaule competition In this conntv. J. P. PIMlKHTi _ _ 2U3 upimr llrnad a V. c -d o * * * c c * 3 S § " \r TriTTT7T7S Cllro without med. POSITIVE ; jj- udoj. 1)01 No. 1 wlllcnre ajiy casoln four day or lew No. S will cure the moat olutlaato caao no matter of how long standing. Allan's Soluble Medicated Bougies No nauseoni doecn c' ' mtiolu , copabla , or oil of san- < lal vtnod , tnttarnn'.uln to produce djepepala by deotroylnK the = oatlti of the ttomacb. I'rloj f 1.60 Hold by a I druggist * , or nuilod cu receipt of nrtc. Kor further purtlculara nail for cJrniUr , r o HOI i.w.j THE DOOM OF THE UNSAVED ! "The wicked nlmll bo turned into hell , and the nations that forgot God. And the saino slmll diinkof the wino of the wrath of God , which s poured out with out mixture into the cup of indignation , and ho shall bo tormented with firoand brimstone in the presence of tlio holy angola and i-i the presence ot tbo Lamb. W.R.VAUGHAW. Justice of the Peace , Omaha and ( 'onuoil liluirr. P. al juttiv roU ! < - ou giui OH KaAo v .10 POT A Iodide of Potassium Is ono of the etrorccat of the minerals used Iu incillchie , and hai produced much suDcring In the world Taken fora long tlmoand In larvo doses , it dries up the gastric juices , Impairs digestion , the stomach riufses food , ana the patient dtcllncslu lioalthand weight. I'crsonn with lllood or Skin Uisoaacs should l > o careful how they taKe these mineral poisons , ai In most Instances the cflect of tliooi Is Co almost prcmancntly Impair the conftl- tutlon To take the place of tluse poisons wo offer j on a safe , sure , prompt and permanent relief from jour troubles. Sniffs Specific Is entirely \egcta- - ulc preparation , and It Is e.wy to comlnco jou of It3 merit. 1 lm\o cured permanently Blood Taint in the third generation by the use of Swift's SpeclHo after 1 had nioht elunallj fallol with Mercury and Potash. F. A. TOOMKR , SI. U. , Perry , Ga , A 3011111 ? man requests roe to thank jou for his euro of lifood Poison lj the use of ) our Specific after all other treatment hail failed. JOH JACOIIS , DrupgUt , Athens , Ga. Ourtreitlso nn lilooil and Skin Diseases mailed free wuinuuniice. TIIK SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Drawer S , Atlanta , Qa. N V. Ollli-e. IfiDW.aid'at. . hotwpen Oth anil 7tli Avn ALO.VO TIIK LINE OF THE | Chicago , Si , Paul , ' Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The new extension of this line from Wakeflcld up the BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the GAN through Concord and Coleridge TO I-3Cu3k.EtlnE7I3Nr < 3-1I1Oia' , Itcachrs the host nortlon of the State. Special ex cursion ral s for land teckera over thin line to Wayna , Norfolk and Ilartington , and \ la Blair to all principal po'i.ts ' on the SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAILROAD Trilns over tht C. , St. I' . M. & 0. Hallway in Cov niton. Sioux Ut ) , Ponca , Ilartingtoa , Wajne auJ Norfolk , < C3oxa.aa.oot : 331.1 ± For Fremont , Oakda e , Nullgh , and through to Val- cntliif. ratea and all Intonation call nn F 11 WJUINKV , Oeneral Afont , rttrij t Uuildtr g , Cor. 10th and parnam Hti , uinaha , Kbb. iJn no sociircd at depot , comer I4tb ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , Graham Paper Co. , 217 and 219 North Ualn St. , fit LouU. WHOLESALE DKALE11S IN DOCK , ira A OC"Er8C5 JWHITINO NEWS , JCMVULOPES OABD BOAUD AMD PEINTER'S STOCK t-IT Cd'h r ld for Hops of all Justice onto Peace OFKICi : OVKH AMKUICAN KVI'UESS. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA rnoe. orcicKn , n. u. PUBIT , OFFICER & PUSE E BANKERS. Council BluDi . . I * . Estabiisnea - - 185t Dealers In Korean and cmeutla Kxctunire i n CORNER PEARL ST , AND FIFTH M Open 10:00 : a. m.,2COp. : m and 730 ; p. in. , SIoi uayVcdiictday and t'ilda > omliijn cidmhtly tlio ly > ) mpio Club. f rllu ( | ) Tut 'l ) andTlturtday t\enlHKi. ADMISSION , S5 CKNIV. No objectionable cliiracUruu 111 liaaUii OlUl'MA.N ds lUUTt a , . . . FUOl'ftUIIO COUNCILJLUFFS , ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. TUENING- TEIOK , A Michigan WolHlinmn I'ajs $ IO to Ijcurit the llnckct. Vnothcr confidence game is reported as Imving been played on the incoming Northwestern train. Tlio victim wns a WolahmMi , who hnd boon living sometime - time in Michigan , niul who was on route to Fort Collins. On the way ho fell in with a very gentlemanly follow , who chnncod to bo going to the same plnco. Soon af tor getting acquainted an express agent came in , wanted $10 onsomogoods , and of courao the gentlemanly follow had nothing but a draft , and no currency. The express agent hnd a badge on his hnt , and sooined to bo nn ollicial , and as ho vouched for the gentlemanly follow being all right the Wolverine Welshman 'ot hint have ? 40. Of course both gave him the slip at the depot. Ho had left only 32.50 and his ticket , and in conversation ho declared that ho had never road any account of such twiddles and know nothing about them. Ho knows now. IOWA NK\V8. Owen Flynn , of Marshalltown , was killed by a tree falling upon him , which ho was cutting down in Father Murphy's doorynrd. A Dubuque watchmaker haa invented a watch movement which has no dial wheels , and is said will create a revolu tion in watchmaking. The retiring mayor of Ottumwa. Major Waterman , waa presented by the mem bers of the police force with an olognnt gold badge , as a testimonial of esteem for his four years' faithful service , There were several narrow escapes from drowning from venturing on the honeycombed ice at Burlington recently Ono Illinois farmer was loaded down with a jug of whisky which ho donated to the thirsty old Miss. Two freight trains collided on the Chicago cage & Northwestern railway at Me- chanicsvillo on the 20th , ono running into the roar of the other. The colli ding engine waa badly wrecked and four or live cars and the way car of the head train wore ditched and badly damaged. The Masonic library building , to bo erected this year in Cedar llapids , will bo 40 by 41 foot in size , two stories high. It will bo arranged for 25,000 volumes at present , the second tloor to bo used as an art gallery and museum until needed for library purposes. The building will be made firo-proof. A now swindle is now operated on the farmers in sonio sections by a nice old gentleman who pretends to bo soliciting names to a petition for the reduction of salaries of public oflioors and the reduc tion of taxes. The name is obtained , when the farmer finds out shortly that ho has signed a promissory note. The heated air from the Sioux City academy of music , on coming in contact with the cold air outside , formed a vapor which was mistaken for smoke ; the tire alarm was sounded and a largo crowd collected ; and it was considerable time before the cause was discovered. The evening's entertainment was over and the hall empty , but had the alarm sounded n little sooner , a panic would have been unavoidable. A very pleasant incident occurred at Greenfield , Adair county , a few days ago. Mr. O. W. Buck , Sr. , the veteran mail carrier , who at present carries on the route between that place and Stuart , was presented by his patrons with a fine Elgin watch. This wns given to him on his G7th birthday. Mr. Buck lias boon on this route for nearly live years , and for nine years previous had routes equal ly long in Adair and Outhrio counties. It is estimated that since ho has been in the service ho has traveled 150,490 miles , a distance of over siz times around the world. Goixo WKsr. The Tenderfoot Fool AVIio Coos West to SlumOIV. . Hill N jo IN Detroit 1'reo Press. A young man with a plated watch-chain that would do to tie up a sacred elephant came into Denver the other day from thu east on the Julosburg Short Line , and told the hotel clerk that hn had just re turned from Europe , and wns on his way across tlio continent with the intention of publishing a book ofintornutional % inform ation. IIo handed an oilcloth gr'P ' across the counter _ , registered in a bold , bad way , and with a flourish that scat tered the ink all over the clork'a white ahirt front. IIo was assigned to a quiet room on th ( fifth lloor that had boon damaged by watoi a few woaks before by the ( ire depart inont. After an hour or two spent it riding up and down the elevator am ringing for things that aidn't cost any thing , ho oiled his hair and strolled inti the dining-room with a aovero air and sa down opposite a big cattle man who neve oiled Ins hair or struck his HOBO into otho peoplo'a business. The European traveler entered inti cenreraation with the cattle man. Hi told him all about l\.ris and the contin out , moanwhtln polishing his hands 01 the table-cloth and eating overythinj within reach. While ho ate another man' dessert ho chatted on gayly about Cologni and pitied the cattle man who had to ata out on the bleak plains and watch tin cown while others paddled around Vonici and acquired information in a foreigi land. land.At At first the cattle man allowed SOUK interest in Europe , but after awhile In prow quiet and didn't 900111 to enjoy it Later on the European tourist , will soiled cuffs and auburn mane , ordurcc the waiters around in a majestic way t ( impress people with his greatness , tippe ( 3 over the vinegar cruet into the salt am ate a alice of boiled egg out of anotho man's salad. Casually , a tall Kamasjinan strolled in and asked the European tourist what h < was doing in Denver. The cattle man who , by the way , had been abroad live o six times , and la as much at homo ii Paris as ho is in Omaha , investigated tin matter , and learned that the fresh Frond tourist had been herding hens on i chicken ranch in Kansas for six years and had never teen blue water , Ho thei took a few personal friondu to the dining room door and they watched the allegei traveler. IIo had just taken a long ru frcahing drink from the finger bowl of hi neighbor on the left and was at that me niiiiit trying to scoop up a lump of auga with the wrong end Of the tongs , There are u good many fool * who dril through the world and dodge th Authorities , but the most disastrous IMS thnl 1 know is the man who goes west with two dollars and forty cents in his pocket , without brains enough to soil the moil delicate cnmbrio handkerchief and trios to piny himself for a savant with so much knowledge that ho han to shod information - formation nil the time to keep his abnor mal knowledge from hurting him , TIIK PIMDK OPTIIK tIAtiian' . Who AVII1 Support tlio I'rotty Artros . Now York Journul Another pretty actress , in the Ka.iox Market police court yoslcnlay , was com plainant against her husband , Oharles K. Miller , for abandonment. Her stage nnmo is Nellie Douglass , Her hubnnd is a hatter by trade , and works In his brother's hat factory at Mo. 07 Prince street. According to the lady story she was married to Miller on the Ifith of Novem ber lait. In December ho deserted her , leaving her without means. At the time Miller loft his wife she was acting in Niblo's. She hold a position in the front row of the corps do ballet. \Vhilo singing a love song in the Oatos Opera company , nt San Francis ? , she produced such an impression on Edward Ilonry Moore that ho sent a beautifully written note , on scented paper , request ing an interview with her. Both fell violently in lovo. They were married at Oakland in 1881. Airs. Miller says that Moore's name was Henry E. Withers , and that soon after the wedding nlie was visited by a closely _ veiled woman who claimed to bo his wife , having been mar ried to him while ho bore the name of Withers. Hearing this Mrs. Miller left Moore , came east and married Miller. "By the way , " interrupted Mr. Miller's counsel , "have you soon your first hus band sineo you loft him ? " "Yes , once , " answered Mrs. Miller. After hearing this extraordinary story Justice 1'attorson dismissed tlio case. "Who will support mo now ? " asked Mrs. Miller reproachfully of the judgo. "I ant euro 1 don't know , " replied his honor. "I don't care , " aho said , "who supports mo , as long as I am supported , " Turning to her husband's counsel with a laugh Airs. Miller said : "Will you support mo ? " "No ! The lawyers business is very dull just now , and 1 can't support myself , " answered the lawyer. Mrs. Miller loft ccurt with her lawyer , chatting vivaciously. AIIH YOU GO1NO XOKUltOl'E ? In another column will bo found tlio nn- ouncomout of Mosura. THOS. COOK & SON , ouriat Agonta , " 01 Broadway , Now York , rolutivo to tlio > ory complete arrmiRomonta they hnvo nmJo for tours in Europs ths coining Sprint ; and Summer. "Cook's JCxcur- slonlat , " containing limps niul full partlculnr * , will bo mulled to any address on receipt of IU contw UKAVIEHT HUGS ON UlOCOHl ) Tonn or I'rcHli Pork lloprcflontrd by Only Twcnty-rour Knt l'orkcrn , New York SUr. Twenty-four dressed hogs , weighing in the aggregate 20,451 pounds , reached this city yesterday , via the Pennsylvania railroad , from Wrightstown , Burlington county , N. J. They wore fattened on the farm of D. Taylor Dovinoy , and were consigned to Hobo Brothers of No. " ( ! ( > West Thirty-third street. The largest of the hogs , dressed ready for the market , weighs 1,050 pounds , and the next in sb'.n is 1,015 pounds. The other weights are DOS , ! )18 ) , 8t > 5 , 832 , 830,830,817 , 800 , 87-1 , 810. SCO , 781 , 811 , 727 , 7-13 , 740 , 735 , 710 , 080 , 7i5 ( and ( SCO. Allow ing 20 per cant for the waste in dressing these hogs , the biggest of the lot must have weighed 1,200 pounds when he was killed. The competition in Burlington County , N. J. , in hog raising and fattening has boon increasing year by year , and now there are many farmers in that region who devote themselves almost exclusively to that pursuit. The process of fattening hogs is to keep them apart in separate stalls , and to food thorn constantly on cracked corn and cornmeal balls. They are never allowed to move out of their pens , and being fed and watered five or six times a day have nothing to do but tc got fat. They are washed and attended to as carefully as babies , and never by any chance are called upon to exert them selves. When a hog weighs abouj 550 pounds his logs begin to wonkon ; ant when ho roaches GOO pounds ho lies down and takes lifo easier than over. Ho never moves except to swallow his food , and every mouthful that goes into him niakea him fatter. It is no exaggeration to say that the heaviest of the hogs in this collection of monsters did not stand up during tbo last six months of their livi-a. The hogs will bo on exhibition to-day and to-morrow. Then they will bo cut up and packed for the markat. 1'ork of Una kind is in great domandjat hotels and restaurants for larding , but for ordinary use hogn that are not so abnor mally fattened are better. Mr. Davincy is the winner of a gold medal offered by John Taylor of Trenton - ton , N. J. , for the heaviest pen of hogn raised in tlio state. IIo pays ho has n hog on hand now that will dress next winter at 1,200 pounds. Ho sold hit hogH for $ ! ) , 18 per hundred weight , 01 § 1,877.01. Fewer CorkH Xliiin Formerly No * Ynik Sun , "Nothing to-day , " the barkeeper oj an east oido bar room rung out to an olc man who trust his head in through lh < doorway. "Maybo I'll have some at tin end of the week , " " \Vh.xt docs ho want ? " a cross-eyed man who had just ordered a whiskey aoui asked. "Corks " the Imr-tondor , - replied "Ho'n a landmark around hero. Ouosc its full 15 years ago since I first navr him lie didn't look a day older than ho dooi now- The boys used to like him , and they'd save the corks. 1'vo sold liiir many a barrolful. Nowadays the pool old follow don't buy more than u few a * a time , a don't eeom to have a great dea of capital to invest in his business , " "Is there much traflio in old coaka'/ / " "All the old corka are bought up , bu there is not the trade in them that then uaud to bo. 1 remninbor vrhon I use ( to save a barrel a week , but now I don' got together a barrel of them in thro- - weeks. " 'Don't people drink as much as formerly morly ? " "Oil , yes. In old times the boor bet ties used to have corks. Now they ar closed with patent stoppers , -which cai n be used over and over again. Importoi ale and porter are about the only kinds o malt liquors for which corks are used Wo don't sell enough champagne t have many coaka , and wo depend ulmos entirely on aoda water , ginger ale am saraapurilla for nearly all that wo havo. "What is done with the old corka ? " "Littlo ones are cut out of the big onus and the scraps loft over and broken cork are used , I am told , for many purpose ! SomutimuH they are cut Into small piece and used for eluding cushions , and aonu timcH are burned and made into a blue' ' povrdor , which is used for paiuting. " liIKH l.V , V PiAT. Mornl ( I IIP Itoront Apart nioirf- HOIIHO Trnurdy lit Now YorK. Ntn fork Cor. I1ill d lphl lifeonl Some of the myslotien as wflll as taisiv ries of lifo in a fashionnhlo apartment- nnino have been made puNic in the story of the bindini ; and gagging of > ' , 'i s Harvpy in the Sloano llats , at Brondwny and Thirty-second street. The tnslimony if her negro assailant , to the ell'ect that 10 had boon domiciled in the sorvnnts' rooms for three days , recalls similar royo- ations bytola in reference to tha ntylish apnrtmont-houc.i of I'aris , and lends 'oculiar oiupUiuis to the imported title tpplied to the Now York tonomont-honses if A fashionable gtiulo , yist. : French Ilats. Apartment-homo lifo in Now York is a nodorn method of living , and its peculiar- tics would surprise the people of other : itios who have not yet been crowded nto Huch a way of living. In the first plncu , it banishes the idea of homo. Aa in the French language there is no word significant of homo in its English sense , so in the French tint there is no need or room for such a word 1'ooplo only ojkt tnd sleep there , and , indued , do not always oat where they sloop. They occupy a corner of an immense caravansary , ] uito as public as a hotel , but cheaper and less exacting in the matter of perpetual dressing for moala. They neither know nor care who may bo living under the same roof and in contiguous rooms. Money is the broad certificate of respect ability which opens thu front doom of the "palatial apartmont-houso'1 to its "guests , " and money is omnipotent , jleniyuion , gamblers , brokers , grass \yidows , adventurers of all sorts all may hid shelter there if they can pay in ad vance for roomsamlkeop up the payments iromptly. People who have money and , vaut to enjoy lito secure apartments in a 'ashionablo qiurtor , board their homes at a livery , dine at n restaurant , and proceed , o enjoy lifo without its troubles. Perhaps .hoy do on joy divesting themselves of the : ares as well as the comforts of a homo , but it is a sad thing for their children , if they have any. The young people grow up without the restraints as well as Lho tender , loving atmosphere of a homo ; they make all aortn of acquaintances in the halls and on the stairways of the vast iiodt that onroofa twenty or thirty fami lies , and they understand the mysteries of lifo before their parents roalir.o that they have fairly outgrown the limits of the nursery and school. That possibilities of vice and crime may bo presented to their eyes is soon in the story of apart- munt-hfo with which the - tragedy news papers have been ringing this week. A dear is for holo-ln-tho- price paid the - - - corner pretanso of a homo. Tonomont- house rooms or , rather , suites of rooms rent for § 40 a month down ; K ranch llata range from $40 to $50 ; apartmont- house suites range from $1,000 to $ ( ( ,000 or $7,000 a year , according to the style of the structure and proximity to a fnsh- ionublo avonuo. The cheapest garret in one of those fashionable dons will bring $100 a month and people will pay it and go half hungry rather than remove out of society's limit. It is a wretched sort of lifo f r all concerned , and society realizes it by finding that the dollar is an'ghty beyond family lineage , reputation or brilliancy of intellect. Tlio New Trloyelo Thin mnchhia In propelled by Rtttatn. and will cuny two people twenty mtloH in nn hour , It In Hftld. It is quito im In\onUon but iloon not uompnro with llurtlock Iltoixl Jtittrr , * , which \\ill carry the Invalid nloiiK tlio roiul to houltli to bc.it nil. MKDIl'MISTIO MUltntUUICltY. IlcnryO. Gordonof Kpii-lllHl Notnrlctj Kxnoscd ut I'liilnilclplilix l > y Two Hcportci-H. 1'lilIaJ Iplila ipoclal to the Inter Ocean. Henry 0. Gordon , ono of the best known materializing mediums of this country , was captured to-night in the midst of his manifestation by reporters of The Philadelphia Proas. Gordon haa been carrying on quite a thriving busi ness of late in the manufacture of spirits who , ho claims , are these of persons present at his seance. Ho has man ] dupes , who have firmly believed that the figures represented by Gordon are thoto ot departed friends and relatives. One of the reporters got into bin confidence overal weeks ego , mid lins been playing ho detective over since. A warrant was worn out by him before a magistrate to ' lay , charging Gordon and his 'assistant lugh Kerr , with obtaining money undo also and fraudulent representations , will ntotit to cheat and defraud and con piracy. In company with two follow ournaliats the warrant waa served. Gor Ion was caught while personating Katho Ia/.anltlio deceased daughter of Thoma I. lla/.ird , who owns a fine country sea ititsido of Newport , It. I. , and who i .ponding . the winter in Philadelphia Gordon was dressed in while draporien was in his stocking feot. Undernoatl he outside drapery ho were a nightgowi ivor his trowoora and shirt. Undorneat ! iis robes , and wound around his legs w i rod knit shawl , which ho had proviour ly woven for his father , and domatoria ! /.cd before the audience , In the caoine were found wigs , boards , fiillc robes , hoac dresses , mosquito netting , which ho hai used for lace , shawls , ribbons , spirit jew ulry , satin slippers , and other paraphor nufia enough to sot up a first class spirit ualist in the businnsq. Several in thoiiu dionco , who hnd previously recogni/oc departed friends , acknowledgcu that the had boon duped , and thanked the news paper men for the benefit they had ren dered the community. Hazard said that ho saw the face of his daugter gradually eliingo into that of Gordon , and claimed that the spirit hud taken possession of the medium. Ho could not explain the cloth H ing howoverwlnch Gordon said the spirit HI I had brought up from the store below. 1 The prisoner will bo arraigned before a 1t 1r magistrate , I FnMliiK Funny. A abort time ago Miss Fanny Daven port woighcd one hundred and eighty pounds of artistic loveliness. Although the ] ) iiblia was entirely satisfied she , however , was unhappy until she hud HUC- coedod , after a trip to Italy and a course of vigorous exercise , in bringing her fait proportions down to ono hundred and thirty-threo pounds avoirdupois. This it a direct loss to the stage of nearly fifty pounds. As there are a grout many thin people who want to got fat and , like Miss Davenport , a great many fat people who want to i/ot thin , her recipe is of some of interest. She walked tjvolvoa milea a day , ate no candy , eschewed sugar , vege tables of nil kinds except tomatoes , and never touched bread. Claret was her steady drink , and b ! the result. Thu ( mention in , ah"uld not the disappearance of fifty pounds of Davenport beauty be followed by a corresponding reduction in in the prices of admission to her per formancus , ' "l Although l'ow > iil' wuclleutoil compluxloi J i powiler i * perfectly Imnnlusi and nou-uxplo * ( Ivo. ntlll It KIMM elf itntl muko.1 u KUOI ! report 1 K.J.i in/ AJru'vUtJ. \ . THE CHEAPEST PLAGE IN OMAHA TO BUT Ono of the Boot andjlargest Stocks iufcho United States toselect , from. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR , UANUFAOTUHKR OF OF BTIUOTr/rrittST-OLAKJ ft AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. IS1P knd 1OTO lUrnoy Htrcct ami 403 . 8. IKthtftreet. 1 lu tr led CaUloiruo furnlolml fr uimn upllr t'o. > THE LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY 409 14' DodRcSt. . -Matt" I * \ OMAHA. NEB 3.5 LOW PRICES AND GOOD GRADES - " ni ( ( Jot my Prices before bavip elsewhere. "Yards. Dr.CONNAUGHTON 103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878 OatarrE , I Deafness , Lung and Nervous Disoasoa Speedily and Permanently Cured. Patient * lOurod at Homo. Write for "Tun MKDIOAL-MIHHIONAKY , " for the People , * * " lOonsultation and Correspondence Gratia. P. O. Box 292. Telephone No. 226. HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , Postmaator , Davenport , soya : "Phyaician of ttoa ADlilty ana Marknd Success. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport , | rUfln : Anrlonorablo Man. Fine Success. Wonderful Cures. " Hour * . 8 in 5 THE NEW HOUSE OF Fine Havantt , Key West and Domostio Cigars. All Standard Brands Tobaccos. Trial Orders Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed , { 13 ° 7 FARNAM STOMAHA - IMPORTERS OF AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC OMBS.TOMGCOSJIPESs . SIOEEES1 A1TICLES PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS : Beina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sixes from $6 to $120 per 1000. AND f DE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS : Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and Brigands , . WE DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. 0. M. LEIGlllON. H. T , CLARKE. LEIGHTON & CLARKE , SUCCESSORS TO KENNAHDI1UOB. b CO. ) Wholesale Druggists ! DEALEESiIN Paints. Oils , ' OMAHA -