DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , TUESDAY , MARCH 25.1884. 1 tl-IE DAIO J3EE. SOUNCIL BLUFFS Tuesday Mornin < - Mnroll 25 , SUB ? . .tUrTtO.t tlATKS ! By Carrld - . „ . . . . . . so cents p ' < * ly M * - . * . _ . . . 110.0(3 ( | > et Ye OFFICE : No. 7 pearl Btrest , Near Broadway. MINOU MENTION , There are many malaria cases roportei The Treraont house is having Ha ii tcrnals improved. There are nine broworics in this co grossional district. Peter Sanders , a plain drunk , got tl usual "fine yesterday. Now spring goods just received at lleitcr's the tailor , 310 Broadway. For cut flowers , plants , etc. , go to V H. Foster , the Harrison strootilorist. r- The pound is now to bo put in condili < ifcr receiving cattle running at lanjo. Thomas Nelson , arrested for disturb ! the peace , was discharged yesterday. The United State court is expected commence iU grind hero this morning. The contest for the gold watch at t rink is the exciting event for this o\ ning.With With the deep mud in the strcota it nbout all that two horses can do to p an empty wagon. Oscar Johnson , a tinted gontlomn was yesterday ftnod $5 for carryinf "billy" concealed. J. Skidd and A. Styora wore arrest yesterday for kicking up ft row nt t Junction saloon on Main street. It is stated that Conrad Ooiso will out of the brewing business hero , in vi of the recent passage of the prohibit * act. Twelve barrels of whisky wore yosfc day visible in front of ono of Coun BlufTs stores. It didn't look very pi hibitory. The Ogden house ollico and roadi room are receiving some great improi nicnts in the way of wall and coili decorations. The boys bothered Taylor's grow store so much that yesterday nftornc ono of thorn was arrested for stealiii | awoot potato. Mrs. Maynard has recovered the h ness stolen from her stable Sum morning. The boy who stole it sole to Mrs. Almy for § 2. Every citi/.on should road the oiler mt by the water works company in nnotl column , and improve the opportunity getting in service pipes. Justice Abbott yesterday fined Flour $5 and costs for assaulting'his w And lot him go out to got the money , ho fails to return it will bo a relief to I city. ' The St. Quinton Opera company i rived at the Ogden yesterday and t poarod at' the now opera house li evening. They give three moro out tainmonts horo. The Odd Follows , who are talking building a totnplo which will far oxco the now Masonic ono , are said to hr their eyes on the lots just west of Atki : drug store on Broadway. The boy Oscar Sprink , who was nrrc ed for stealing a cooper's drawshave , n lies in jail , Judge Aylesworth being consultation with his parents aa to wl it is best to do about him. _ Sunday afternoon Justice Schurz c ciatcd at a very happy wedding , the c trading parties 'being William MOB and Miss Jennie Oliristonson , the cc niony being at the homo of the brie parents. This evening at 8 o'clock there will at the rooms of the Y. M. C. A. , No. North Main street. The program v consist of literary and musical oxorcis The admission will bo free to all yoi men , and they are invited to make s cial efforts to bo prosont. M. Blumonstoin got a little hot bocai uoino ono had shot ono of his pigoo : Ho accordingly sighted out N Sadowski aa the olfundor , and has led | a charge against him of shooting firoai within the city limits. The case will bo hoard for a few days , as the accuse * too busy to attend to it. Rov. J. K. Armstrong , who is knc as ono of the best pulpit mon in the c ! is to lecture at the Broad tray Muthoi church next Friday ovuning on "V Wealth and Wisdom , " or "Life in Mountains. " This leeturo has boon livered by him elsewhere with great fa and success and will doubtless proi treat. The body of Fred Oaks who died contly hero was taken to his horn Massachusetts , his father having conn hero after it. Young Oaks was a m ber of the UoyalArcanum ut Southbrii Mass. , and his father is also a mom' ' A number of the order hero accompai Uie remains to the train and rondi such services as wore needed. The CMO of Ed Ollison against P Bechtolo is being hwird before Ji Ayleawrortfi. Olliaou claims that Bechtele made a contract with hin attend to the restaurant for ono-half profits , and after a few months bat out of the agreement and refuted to n any accounting of the business. Bechtele denies that there wai any 11 coining to Ollison. A number of Council Bluff * busii men joined in tha excursion to St. L over the Wabuh. The train const f > t two reclining chair car * nnd ; B' ' ' opcrs. General Agent Oault vros at ( the head of the excursion. The train wiw a special ono , leaving hero all o'clock instead of later in the afternoon , so. ihnt the excursionists could got bettor glimpse * of the towns which have sprung up along this end of the Wabash line There are two causes of complaint about the ontorta'jimc'.tta given at tin now opera house . One is the absence ol hotiso progra'.nmea , and when they arc furnished ' /ho cast is not in such small typo ami so poorly punted as to bo little bolter than none. The other is the pool muslo given by tlio orchestra , The music generally is horrible. It is too light ant what there is of it is not of the bost. A young man representing himself t < bo n priest , named McCormick , fron Mitcholhvillo , was picked up yostordaj by the police who wanted to investigate him. It appears that ho had been nroum collecting motley of Catholics under SOUK pretext or another. Ho admitted thi but explained that ho had taken "a dro ] too much , " and got short of money , am took this way of getting some until hi could hear from his aunt to whom ho ha ( written. _ ANOTHER ACCIDENT , A. Ilnrfoor Hnn 11 Olono Hhavc on Ac Mount ol Anotlicr Hlmvcr'H Cill'OlOHHIIOHS. John Sholllor , a young barber , wn out hunting Sunday in company will another young slmvor , Hurry Ambrose The latter had just loaded his gun when Will Shickolanz , n boy , came alotij looking for his older brother. Ainbros asked the boy for a match to light hii cigar with , and the latter handing hin one , ho lighted it. Just as hu did BO hi gun was m aomo way disoharpjodj am the contents were lodged in the msido o ShoQlor's right thigh , causing a bai wound , but ono which will probably no prove very serious. The shot narrow } ; escaped severing the main artery , i which event ho would probably havi bind to death before help could havi boon gained , as the party were some dii tanco from the city. Itoal EBUUO Trjumfors. The following doodj were filed for re cord in the recorder's oflico. Marc 24 , reported for THE BEE by P. J. Mi Mnhon , real estate agent : Henry It. Mann to Jacob Schnoidoi wA nwi .I , 70 , 2-1 , § 1,000. "Fred Lukor to Fred BoHmire , nw BW > 1 , and si noj 2 , 74 , 42 , 81,000. J. 1 < \ Peterson to William White , pat nwiMI 7 . 4IJ , § 1,800. J. M. Palmer to J. A. Murphy , lot vnd part of 2 , block "D , " Curtis & Ham soy's plat , $ l,7r > 0. A. L. Biorwirth to A. W. Covalt , pai of lot 47 , original Plat , 8500. James G. O'Noil to James P. Niche son , so I nwj 2 , 77 , 43 , § 050. Total sales , § 9,700. o THO lllvcr. . Engineer Birkinbino , of the watc works , keeps a close watch on tha rive nowadays. By his observations it poara that the river at 7-)0 : ) yostorda o morning , was 17 foot above low watc mark , at noon it stood 141 foot abov and at 5:20 : yesterday afternoon a 10 foot abovp. Very little ice was float ing , which indicated that there was gorge at some point above the city. Mueller , on Main street , noils not on ! the lowest but gives a present with oac purchase for ono dollar. Go and BOO hir first. 1'ICKSONAfj. A. li. Thornoll , of Sidney , was In tlio clt yonterdny. H. 1) ) . WIllIatnH , of Glcnwood , wan In tli : lty yontorday. I. 1 * . Si'nnglor , ot Walnut , WJIH nt ISncl tolo'H ycHtorJay. G. II. Simons , u ( Now York , wiw nt 15otl tola's yoiitorilay. A. 11 , KvmiK , of Chicago , 'rofIstotoil ; nt tl Ogden yohtorday. ,1.1) ) . ItoblliHon , of Boston , nrrhodnttl I'aclfio yesterday. 1. M , Scaiilau 1 the lm ) > i > y father of a nln jiounUcr n boyitoo. A. Wilson , of Brooklyn , wax among thoi ut the Ogden yontorday. Jlcin. John Y. .Stono , of Cilonwuod , arrive 11 nt the Ogden yesterday. Ooorpott Lee , of Atlantic , wan In the ul < yoaterday ut nt liochtolo'H. ACr. and MrH. Sninuol Hanx rotnrnoil yd tor day from their western trip. J. 0. Klllolt , rink malinger , of Omaha , wi a diner nt tlio 1'acllio yesterday. Lowe , Jr. , of 1'oorln , 111. , wa niuoiig thogo nt the 1'ucilio youtorday. II. If , filovor , of Orand Inland , pause through here y oat or day on hin return froi Boston , 0. K. Dluwldillo , of Mulveru , lowu , prosperous and wldo-awako merchant ot tin place , WM in tlio city yesterday. Jerry Myorn , left lait ovonlng for Mlmi Bx > lli , where ho will probably engage lu tl laloon bualnosi. He nayn ho would have r maluod hero If tha license had been put lie 81,000. 0' COBIMEKC1AU or OOONCII , ULurra MAUKKT. i a Wheat No. 2 iprlug , 6805 No. 3 , Woj r joe ted , COo ; good dommul. Oorn ljeoJera are paying 3 to for old co ; o- ami 27c for Ufw. oin O ta In Rood donisnd itt 2fic. in Hay 4 00@C 00 per ton ; tXo ) per bale , ann llyo 10 < g)4oo ) , Corn Meal 125 per 100 poandi. n- V7pod Good lupjily ; iirlcen at yard * , 0 00 Coal Dellverod , hard , 11 60 jw ton ; 10 ! (00 per ton ed Lard Kalrbauk'H , wholetallug at lla Ittour City Uour , 1 00@3 30. ed Uroonu 2 U5@3 00 per dor. tlVX HTOCK , Oattlo 3 fX > @i 00 ; calvoi , 6 W7 ) fX ) . Hofw I ucal packen are buying now at there Is a K < x > il demand for all grndai ; cliol [ r. iwcklng , li 23 ; mixed , C 25. r.to ' ' ' . to I'UODl't'K. Quotation by J. M. St. Jolm & Co. , coti ho lolmlou mercltanti , 538 llroaxlway. ed IJuttur Gn-at demand for fine country i 20os 35c. creamery , ke l-KK" Very icaruu : 15o IKJT doton. fr. roultry Ueady Balojcliickeiu.drtMitsil , 121 fr.ng ire. He ; turkeyi , drtkueJ. ICc ; llyu , 11 ng uclu , drewod , 12jc ; live , be. riiuiTH. ' Oranges I 004 25 iicrbox. Lemon1 00 jwr box. IJanaiuu- 61 ® ! 00 | > er bunch cd , v " 2 tablM-Potutofn.40onlomi,40 ; ; cal I liage , nona lu the market ; apAlos , ready aa' ' ur tfl 0t 00 for prlino itoclt. OHOLEH OF THE OLOTH , How Ilfoltnp TutHo finvoii Muscular Smoker. llcliuko to ft" Insolent "Bishop Tnttlo preached in Omalm " remarked ono of I yesterday , sec , Council muffs well-known professional mon yesterday. "Well , that reminds mo of nn incident which came under my own observation several years ngo. IMsh- np Tuttln is a very practical sort of s man. I know him well. Ho came from the same etato. Well , a number of yean dgo while 1 was in the west , the bishof was doing some excellent work among r pretty rough class of follows. Ono da } lie wa in n stage coach , there bekig thrc < other inside passengers , two men and i lady. Ono of the men was smoking i dirty clay pipe , nnd the bishop rathe : gently remonstrated with him , but got i very surly reply to the olToct tha it was noiio of his business The lady was evidently quito 'nniioyei at the smoke , and finally became ( juiti 11 on account of it , nnd again the bishoj requested a litllo moro firmly that th smoking bo stopped. A still moro surl ; reply wixs returned , and the bishop tin nblo to contain his righteous indignation with ono stroke of the hand , knocked th pipe from the fellow's mouth out of th window. The fellow was mad , hoppin ; mid , of coursebut no thing moroocctirrct until the next station , when the passcn gors alighting to straighten otit their log and take n little rest during the chaiigo u horses , the burly smoker pitched int the bishop , but to hissurprino found him self uprawlijg on the ground , llis com p.inion came to his rescue , but inatca of proving a help , was treated in like summary manner by the bishop , wh punished both of tnom until they fairl begged. The four resumed their journo togitthor , and the rest of the trip thcr wanno * smoking. " Bishop Tuttle has done great work i Idaho , Montana and Utah , and his man friends in this part of the country , wh know the man and his practical commo sense , can well imagine how ho could , necessary , even use his muscle to corrm evils which could not bo othorwis reached. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Special advertisements , such as Lot Found , To Loan , Fur Sale , To Kent , Wants , BearIng Ing , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at the lo rate of TEN CENTS I'F.Il LINE for the flrst InwrtU and FIVE CENTS 1'EIl LINE for each subsequent sertlon. Lea\a advertisements at ouroQlco , No. Pearl Street , near Broadway WANTS. Two good broom makers and sowc WANTED bioom works : steady work. " \ 7ANTiii : r.xpcrlcnced dining room glr Wages 15 per month ! Ogden house. 1X7 ANTED A llrst elm Tinner. DT\V AVrig VV Council BluffH , low a. WANTED A ll\nloy ) wltli pony to carry rou for Ili < K. C I1 at CoiinUl IlhUlH DKK ollke. Every boiiym Council Illuffsto tal WANTED . Delivered by carrier at only twcn r nU a week. & A watir Sjianlel , brown anl white ; euv < J months old. Suitable reward forroluni to 1 Ilarrlion ntteet. PAPERS-For sale at UKR olllcu , at 25 ccn OLD hundred. 0 K liEN'T. Furnished room eight doila todies and gentlemen can make fir AGENTS by nelllng the "Champion Boso Strecthcr and Ironing lioard. " Retails at tl.O Any lady can do up a flue shlit without a wrlnk and glos < It as nicely aa'the hestjaundrlcs can. Addrc for pai tlculars 0. Ii. S. & I. Co. , Finn office , for 01 month' month'L. L. A. GASPER , FLORIST -AND Tlio largest and Mott Complete Orevn Homo i Western Iowa. Over 24,000 Fcut of Glass in Use The ( Ireati'dt tarloty mil the Choicest plant * . 1 ! collection of PlanUaml Klowcrs Is now romrteto I every rorrtt , and the jiubllo > ruln\ltcil to call at Inspect tlio name. I as awinlwl the first Premium nt the Couni IlhiT ( Dmtrlct fair In September , 1BSU , rcr all con ] iutltorn : aintia\o ) nlii.o milled many new at choice virlu'lesand urn ] iremreil | to furnish n ne claM ot plants that hivolieretclora bci'iiuimttalnali In tlil- < market , for which I maku no extra clinrnei. Cut llowurs anil llural iloHlgim ( iirnlshcU frumptl. anil on uort nutloo. llhucjust leauetl a new c * alOKiiufor IH3I , which will boneiit ( rcueninpplicn'lo ' tircon VcKotaltlcHthoYciirlloiiiiil , Hone lUJIsh In liottlen. 23 Plorco St. Council ! Dluffslowf EDWIN J , ABBOTT ! Wee of the Peace .VOTARY rmiuc isu nv.sKiMi.cos nr. UUOADWAY , . COUN ii. UMTKF ; Iowa Setid Con POll BALK DY J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchan No. B.SPeail Htreet . , OousciL SPECIAL NOTICE TO Consumers ot Water TUB COUNCIL BLUFFS City "Waterworks Com' ] AT T1IK UciiCHt | ul' tlio City CoiinoU , lor 80 ( ! > ' utennlon an olJmiccel t > j ritolutloi ] uwl llarch 18 , 1BH , heroliy announce * that 111 l > u tin lorvlcu | > | DM to the curb of thu trc. on the line cf IU main * , for all | iartlei ho dvtl ounncctloD ) made Kith the itrect malm , andvtl will make application therefor to thu cnrapanv \ \ fuco the uiplrittloa ot mlJ So day * ' eitenUon , APRIL 18 , 1884 , At the lollovlntf ( irlcn , jiajablo In advance : One-half Inch Hvnlco Pip . { 8 Kite-eighth luch Strvlw 1M | > . 0 Thrv Huarter | Inchiknlcd 1'lpo . lo hoen-elght Inch Her > lcu Pipe. , . , . , . . . .1 ! ( One Inch S r Ice Pipe . . , . H Tht-w 'prices Induilo the con ! ot uptnloit a clo lnp the itrnt , tapping the utreit water mu' ' furnlililng ami i > uttliiK In e > tra tron | { load leitl pipe , futiiuhlim anil putting In curl ntcp , top t ml cover complete , and waking all noct-uary c < iu tlou UtMCcn the itreet at r luiln and t < mk of tlio itrettvhlch are about onu-half tl oo t to the ooiituner ol doing the fame work. la > lew of the contiiupli'til paving of mti tueti In the city , iiaitlei aru tecommemled touia pphc tlmi Immediately , at the olllce of Uie oo | iany ( 26 Pearl Street , In order to live the neccwlty ami avolil the I cioaxd eipeune ot breaking up lhu itnet after pi UUrl Kn lurer , LA - T WE ARE REVIVING SOME VERT FINE OUR FINE For Sprin Wear are arriving daily. Please call and see our New Stock. Z. T. L1NDSEY & CO. . US Broadway , Council Blull's , ) West Side Square , Clarimla , f MAYNE & PALMER , DEAW.RS IN Hard AND WOOD , BULK ; AND BARREL UME , LOUISVILLE AKD POUTLAND CKMENT , MICHIOAN PLASTER , am AND SEWER PIPE. No , 630 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & TOI/LEK. Soring Goods LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS , Just Received , 7 nnd 9 Main street , COUNCIL Btarrs , . . . . IOWA. 'ASADY ' , CIRCUIT & FRENGI urtaina , Lace , ilk , Turcoman , Etc. Choicest IStock west of Chicago. Oil Cloths , Mattings , Linoleums , Etc. Come and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all gooda in our lino. Cheap est place to buy House Furnishings in the City. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - . - . . - . IOWA. Mail Orders Filled Promptly and with Care uropea Hot The only Hotel in this City on the European plan of "PAY ONLY FOR WHAT YOU GET. " New Building Ne-w Furnishings. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS CENTltALLY LOCATED. Fine Sample Rooms Elegant Restaurant. PETER BECHTELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. GrGO. LL Largest Stock in the City And Lowest Prices Guaranteed. * f 109 and 111 S. Main Street COUNCIL BLUFFS , - WHOLESALE DEALEUS IN BB XI M 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , All limit of KtiKlnccring Land Sure - © © 3 calculatud iUan \o | > ln titles , csr , ROOM 6 , m OPERA HOUSE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , 101 A , etc. , etc. All Orders by Mall Promptly Attended To. T DON'T YOU OETS31IE OF Perfect Fitting , Host nnil Chopo t.SFIno Ijnon Collars Mil CuCn. No. 715 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. 3 'k Metalic Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds. Vf ; TELEGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAYAND NIGHT OXTo. X-fli 3XT. IMC , ± ai St. . Railway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The foltonliigaro the times of the arrhal and de parture of trains by central standard time , at the local dqvots. Trains leave transfer depot ten mln- earlier and arrh c ten minutes later. CHICAGO , PURUNOrON AND qUINCT. LKAMC. C40 p m Chicago Express 0:40 : a in 9:15 : a in ' Fast Mall. 7:00 : prr KANSAS CIIY , 8T. JOE AND COUNCIL BLUFFD. 10:10 : a m Mall anil Express , 0:45 : p in 8:25 : pin Pacific Express , 5:35 : p m CHICAGO , MH.WAUKKR AND ST. 1'AUI. . 6:25 : p m Express , ! ) :40 : a m 0:4 : J a in Express , 6tS : p in CHICAGO , ROCK ISIiAID AND rACIFIC. r > :30 : p tn AtUntlc Expiues , 0:10 : a in 0:50 : a in Day Exprens , 6:50 : p m 7:15 : am Dcs Molne AcccnnnoJatiou , 4:10 : p m * At local depot onlj. WABAH1I , BT. LOUIS AM > * rAClnC. 0.r : > .r > a in Mall , 4:45 : p m 4:50pm : Cannon Gall , 11:15 : a in At Trantfer onlj CIIICAQO and NORTH 6:50 m Express , fl.Mi p m 0.4 5 a min racifllo Express , 1I.-15 a m mm BIOUX CUT AND PACIFIC. m St. 1'aul Express , 0oa : a m in Accommodation , 0:50 : p in * DHIOS PACIFIC. 17 : M p m Western Express , SS1 : a m 1:44 : a in 1'aclflo Exprcta , 4:34 : p m 7:49 : a m Local Express , 6:64 : am 12:14 : a in Lincoln Express , * At Tran fer only. DUUMT TRAINS TO OMAHA. Leave-8:24-0:24-10-24-ll:24 a. m. 14-2:2I-3J4- 4:2J6:24:247J4 and 11:04 m .Sutday 8:44- : 4:2J-6:24- : : : - : : p , , 10:24 : a. in. l:24-a : : 4-6:24-7:0 : : and 11:04 : p. m. Ar- rl > o SO minutes before leaving time. R. Rice M. D. or other tumors removed without the j knife or dnwlnff ol blood. CHRONIC DISEASES ° " -IaJ"'v o1 - Oier thirty years practical oxperlouoe Offloo No. street. Council BluHi Materials , ROOM MOULDING , CORNICE POLES nil PIT ! $ SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. Wo tjuaiantee the cure of the following named dl - peases , or no pay : Rheumatism , Scrofula , Ulcers , . Catarrh , n'l ' Illood andtklndlscoica , Dr > pepslaLher Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Gout , Nen- ralgla and Asthma , Thesis Springs are the fa\orlte resort of the tired an.l ilebllltntad , and are the FEEBLE LADIhS BKST FRIEND , Good liotel , livery and bathing accomodatlon lxtb , winter and nummer. Locality hiehlv picturesque and healthy. Acccaslblo by Wnlueh railway , a EvonaorC.B. & Q. , at Albam. Correti onuenc solicited , REV. M. M. THOMPSON. Manager. Albany , Slloam Springs , .Gentry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. Specific Gra\ity . 1.002 "cactlon . Noutrs Carbonic Acid O as . 20 [ n. pcrjtallon Carbonate Calcium . 35,021 drains Carbonate Iron . 7,041 ! J Sulphate Magnesia . 3,566 " Sulphate Calci'im . 1,146 " Chlorldt'Sodium . 7.200 . . . . . Alumina . . . . .0,018 Organlcand Volatile matter and loss . . . .1,469 " Total scllds per gallon . 67,174 WHIUIIT& MKRKILL. Chemist * JACOIJ SIMS. E. P. CADWKLL SIMS& CADWELL , Attorneys-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Office , Main Street , Eooma 1 and Shugart & Mc- Mnhon'i Block. Will practice In SUto and rdertl oourto Mrs , HJ , Hilton , M.D. . PHYSICIAN & SUE07EON , . 222 Middle Bro -lT'.y , Council Blufla. -AND- ! 's t Painting. i No. 32 Main Street and 33 Pearl Street , OOTJZCsTOIIEj IO"W .A. _ % NJiXT DOOR TO THE POSTOKKICE. PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO.