Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1884, Page 2, Image 6

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"AUyntiown l nll
It you rumun tick wlicic yo\i r n
( let hop bitter th t n < ncr KMI.
The weakest woman , smallest child ,
und sickest invalid can use hop bitters
with safety and great good.
Old men tottering around from
Rheumatism , kidney trouble or any
weakness will bo almost now by using
hop bitters.
My wife and daughter wore mad o
healthy by the use of hop bitters and I
recommended them to mypcoplo. Meth
odist Clergyman.
Ask nj cowl doctor II hop
Bitters re not thu bc t family incillclno
On cutth.
Malarial fever , Ague mid Bilious
ness , will leayo every neighborhood as
BOOH as hop bitters arrive.
"My mother drove the paralysis and
neuralgia all out of her system with hop
bitters. " Kd. Oswego Sun.
Keep tlio kidneys healthy with hop
bitters and you need not fear sickness.
* ICQ water is rendered harmless and
more refreshing and reviving with hop
bittera in each draught.
The vigor of youth for tlio aged and
infirm in hop bitters !
'At tlio change of tlfo nothing cipmti
Hop hitters to ftll.y ll troubles Incident
Thereto. "
' 'Tho best periodical for ladies to
Uko monthly and from which they will
receive the greatest benefit is hop bit
ters. "
Mothers with sickly , frotful. nursing
children , will euro tlio children and bene
fit themselves by taking hop bitters daily
Thousands die annually from sonic
form of kidney diseases that might have
boon prevented by n timely use of hop
Indigestion , weak stomach , irregu
larities of the bowels , cannot exist when
hop bitters are used.
AtltiHy . ' . . ' . " . use ol hop
Hitters will keep ft wlmlo faintly
In rolrtHt health > car at n llttlo cost.
To produce real genuine sloop and
child-like repose all night , taka a little
hop bitters on retiring.
* That indigestion or stomach gas at
night , preventing rest and sloop , will dis
appear by lining hop bitters.
Paralytic , nervous , tremulous old
ladies nro made perfectly quiet and
sprightly by using hop bitters.
a. LO latia. atxoot ,
HR\O eetaUuhoJ tlirnucUoslii Oiimlu to transact
n Roncral Ijr.ikcranoani ! lni lm'ii . Wo Mill liny nil
claesca ol good * at u linlositlo or retail , ami guarantee
perfect Batlrtoctlon In | iilce > , nt wo nan buy clirapcr
than your cl\o > . Ymi can BOD the a l\nnlaie or hiv
ing your goads bought by ono who will work for
your Interest and not trust to n merchant who han
something ho It anxious to hu rlil of.Vo will also
( -ivu prompt attention to Boiling anything enttu twl
to us , and ( tools consigned to tin will hocarofullv
looked to. CorroDiwndcnoa solicited. n. , ' !
Wllefcrcnoos Oiimlm National lianV , McCnguo
fifo'3 Hank. Address 111 H. Ifith St.
And your work is done for all time
to time to como.
The World
to produce a more durable material
for street pavement than the
Sioux Falls Granite.
filled promptly. Samples sent and
estimates given upon application ,
_ _ _ Sioux Falla. Ditknto
J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. ,
. .
Until offlctx aru repaired from ru ult of tire , oft )
with Ir , Tarter , Itvoa i , Cii luou lilock I Ml
nd DOU JIM atretU.
Graham Paper Co.
tIT and 219 North Main Bt , BU Loult
JfEWS i , [ PAPERS , ! \YUA1'J'JNC
> UVI U > l'E4.CAED BOAKD Altt )
General Grant Declines to Father the
Recent "Political" Interview ,
3sman Digna Bowed Down With
Grief , But Still Eobollious ,
A Largo Variety of Items From
Other Points of tlio Old
World ,
A Iirxrjjo Ilnul ofMiirtlorors ill Cedar
Haiildn Otlior DnmcHtiu KvcntH ,
, Htc.
PAIII.I , March 18. The Oaulos says ,
Lilming Chang , viceroy of China , is sub-
nitting a basis of ponce to the English
and American ministers at Pokin and
asking thorn to interview.
It in assorted Franco will demand heavy
ndomnity from China and will occupy
/hineso territory to guarantee its pay-
rom Prince Nnpoloon la regarded M
mininont. Ho has gene to Switzerland
void arrest and taking with him his pa-
> crs and valuables.
Prime Minister Ferry has boon inter-
iowud upon the question of general
isnrmamont by European powers. lie
ironounccd it impossiblo. He says dis
suasion thereof is a waste of time.
OSMAM'H .srmir nowi : DOWN.
SUAKIM , March 18. The spirit of Os-
nan Digna and some of his fanatical ml-
lorents has boon broken. Ho has re-
urncd with as many as 2,000 followers
o the neighborhood of his former en-
ainpmont. Ho adopts the same tone in
ntorcpurso with his people as before the
ate disaster , and is exhorting thorn in a
oligious war. lie assures them in the
hird battle success will bo theirs , but
ho tribes are much demoralized , as they
ollect upon the full significance of their
crushing defeat. Oaman does not
losilato to make use of stern
measures towards any followers who show
igns of disaffection , two Shiokhs who
attempted to leave camp have boonplacod
n chains. Admiral Hewitt's proclama-
ion ofi'oring a reward for Hainan's head
cached the hands of Shiokhs with him.
They road it and spurned it with supreme
ioutompt. Daman's scouUt to the num-
> or of 150 arc watching close about Hand
out. They are under orders to kill all
trngglors whether English or of friendly
MADUID , March 18. General Ferrer
las boon arrested and a search is being
undo for General Higalgo. Those ollicora
are believed to bo implicated in tho'wido-
proad conspiracy against the govorn-
LONDON , March 18. To-day's bulletin
regarding ( iladstono's health atatca ho is
slightly better. Absolute rest haa boon
LONDON , March 18. In the house of
commons to-tiny , the , Army estimation
bill passed. The amount appropriated is
' 1,230,000. The Marquis of Uurting-
ton stated the olastio terms of service
and bounties wore inducing men to pro
long periods of thuir foreign service nnd
had attracted in the past year ever 33- ,
000 recruits. This is thu largest num
ber ever known in ono your. Regarding
the heavy naval ordnance in process
of construction , ho said three guns of 110
tons were the most powerful in the world ,
four of the 03 tons and three of 43 tons
will bo finished the present year. Lord
Edmund Fitznmurico , under foreign sec
retary , announced interruption of telegraphic -
graphic communication between Shindy
and Khartoum. The last dispatch from
Gordon was dated March 11.
The Hcono about the entrance of the
house of commons this afternoon , vrhoro
numerous commoner * wore sitting , was of
the most unusual character. Clerks and
porters carrying bags and boxes to committee -
mittoo rooms were stopped by the police
and the parcels subjected to thorough ex
amination to prevent the possibility of
introducing dynamite.
BKIU.IN , March 18. In the reichstag
to-day the president announced the reso
lution of condolence at the death of Ilerr
Laskor , from the Cincinnati Gymnastic
society. IIo stated ho would express the
thanks of the reichstag for the society's
I'NVl'.ILINO A MK.MOltlAl , .
LONDON , March 18. The memorial
tablotjin } honor of Samuel Pepys in
St. Oliver's church , London , was un
veiled to-day. James Russell Lowell
performed the ceremony. la n speech
Lowell alluded to the presentation of the
ship Alert by the British government to
the United States to take part in the
Grceloy search expedition and said hu
was glad to testify the Americans appreciated -
ciated this graceful and generous action
of England.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is made of roots *
liorba and barks. It gives tone to the
lomach and nmkua the weak strong ,
Sold by druggists ,
Tlio Onrpout or Trial.
OAIOACIO , March 10. Thu Journal's
Potortiburp , 111. , special says : Thu prose
cution in tlio Carpenter case rested this
morning. The defense demanded that
Frank Simmons bo called by thu prose
cution , as his name was on the back ol
the indictment. _ Thu court permitted
this , and thu witness declared ho was
positive the man seen in the buggy near
the scene of the murder on the night cf
the tragedy was not Carpenter , as ho had
aiv opportunity to look at him fairly.
Court adjourned for the day.
Nervousness , Nervcnm Debility. Neuralgia
NervnuH .Shock , St , Vltua Dancu , IVtmtrntion ,
ami ull ill mo8 of Nttrvo , Uvncrattvo Orguua ,
and all tieriiiunoiiUy ami rmllciilly ciiruil by
Alluu'a liraln l''uoi ' ) , thu great Iwtunlcal rom.
tly. $ lj > kif.OfurS. AtT
Pimvi DEKi'C , .Muich 18. An indopon
here this morning with delegates ropre
aunting half of thu state , Hon. fioorgo
II , Corliss has bubn nominated governor
but it is not yet announced whether h
will accept. Adjourned till to-morrow
OmoAdO , . 111. , March 18. Genera
managers of the rouda interested in the
Central Iowa and northwestern roads
nro in Bewion to-day , but the result of
their deliberations Is not to bo known
nntil late this aftornooon. Ilates are
being maintained to-day.
FiiRll Oil in Cnndy.
NEW YOUK , March 18. The Brooklyn
health department at the request of the
society for prevention of cruelty to children -
ron , analyzed the candy known as "Kyo
and Hock. " The chemist found the can
dy flavored with "essence of whisky or
fusil oil" in the proportion of .073511
grains to the pound. The fatal dose
of fusil oil is from 1.4 to 1.0 grains , or
about the quantity found in two pounds
of the candy. A small quantity produces
dizziness , headache and sullucation. A
ijood deal of the candy is purchased by
school children.
Arrest 'or.SuppoHcil MnrdcrcrH.
CiiiiAK KAPIDH , Iowa , March 18. The
Republican special from Manchester , de
tails the arrest of Cyrus Stoner , Ed
Hughes and Dr. A. Earhart , for the
murder of John Morris , in D. Ihi , Sep
tember 23d , 1870. Morris was shot in
the back on his way homo late at night.
Hughes was arrested at the time , but
never tried. ( Stoner is a brother-in-law
) f the murdered man , wealthy and in-
luontial , Dr. Earhart is a paacticing
ihyaicmn in Earlvillo. Detective Shut-
, uck , of Dubuque , caused the arrest.
Cicncral Grunt Icnlcn.
NKW YOUK , March 18. In a letter re
ceived from General Grant by one of his
'rionds in this city. Ho denies the re
cently reported interview in regard to
Jio forthcoming contest in Chicago as
) oing between Jilainu and Arthur. Ho
says : " 1 have had no interview with a
correspondent since I have been hero. 1
mvo not been interviewed by anybody. "
A Ifauiory Kin ; .
ST. Louis , March 18. Mitchell Furn
fc Go's factory burned at three o'clock
his morning. Loss estimated at $50-
The Coming Hrl adler.
WANIIINRTON , March 18. There seems
10 doubt that Col. David S. Stanley ,
Evenly-Second infantry , will succeed
lonoral as brigadier general.
Pneumonia Prevented.
NKW YOUK , April 11 , 188 : ! .
I bpliovo I have been saved from a tor-
iblo illness by AUCOCK'S POROUS PLAS-
About a month ago I was attacked
with a violent pain in my chest , accom-
mniod by fever and great dilliciilty in
> reathing , I apprehended phoumonia ,
which is so prevalent at present ; I wont
o bed and applied one Allcock's Plaster
> otwoon my shoulder blades , and two on
ny chest. In an hour my breathing was
nucli easier , in two hours the pain had
oft mo , and the next morning I awoke
icafoctly free from fever. I wont about
ny business as usual , "ondjj at the end of
i week took the plasters oil'
For the last ton years Allcock'n I'
ors have boon used by my family with
ho best ollect in colds , coughs , and pain
n the side and back.
Bo sure to obtain "Allock's" Porous
Blaster , as all others are worthless imi-
icvcriil Iniporlanl IMoAHiircH Intrti-
duccd and Ooiihldorcd In Com
WASIIINCJTON , March 18. A bill has
icon introduced in the house by Ilonro-
ontativo Budd , of California , to pro-
libit the importation and sale of opium.
'ho bill provides that the importation of
jpium , except aqueous extracts for modi-
, nl uau and tinctures , shall bo prohibited
andor penalties of line and imprison-
neiit. Sellers who knowingly aid or nbefc
ts importation or sale , shall bo punished
jy a line not exceeding § 5,000 , and im-
irisonmont not exceeding H.VO years.
The committee on foreign all'airs adopt-
3ci , without amendment , the reuolution
ind roportjof the sub committco OH the
Jaskar resolution , and submitted them
.o the house to-day. The committo also
reported to the house the resolution
acknowledging expressions of kindly feei
ng on the part of Gorman liberals and
providing their action in acknowledgment
of the Laskor resolution shall bo made a
matter of official record.
The house committee on private land
; laims agreed to report favorably on the
jill which passed the sonata recently ,
providing for settlement of private lands
in Now Mexico. Wyoming , Arizona , Utah ,
Nevada and Colorado , arising out of
rants made by Mexico before the land
included in those states and territories
was ceded to the United States ,
The secretary of the interior sent to the
senate an information concerning un
authorized fencing in public lands. The
secretary is satisfied from information re
ceived that the practice of illegally inclosing -
closing public lands is extensive through
out the grazing regions and many millions
of acres are thus inclosed to the exclusion
of the stock of all others than fence
owners and to the prevention of settlements -
ments and obstruction of public travel ,
liorticford'H Avid I'lio.spluUo
Pnop. Auou'ii Ouu , Now York , says
of the Acid Phosphate : " 1 have boon on-
nblod to devote myself to hard mental
labor , from shortly after broikfast till a
lute hour in the evening without experi
encing the slightest relaxation , and I
would not m\v at any rate dispense uith
it. "
In IMiotoKrapliy Taxation
nf Homo Mudo Money ,
WASHINHTON , March 18. The United
States supreme court has rendered a de
cision in the case of the Burrow-Giles
Lithographic company , plaintiU' in error ,
against Napoleon Sarony in error , from
the circuit court of the southern district
of Now York. The suit was brought by
Sarony against thu Lithographic com-
puny under a provision of the revised
statutes for alleged infringement of copyright -
right upon a photograph of Oscar \Vildo.
The only important question raised by
the case is whether congress had ami
has a constitutional right to pro
tect photographs and negatives
thereof by copyright. The courl
holds that the constitution is bioucl
enough to cover thu act authorizing copy ,
right of photographs , and finds that the
photograph sued on in this case win an
original work of tirt , which was the prod
uct of thu plninU'd | ! intellectual inven
tion , and which plaintiU' wan the author ,
thiit it belonged to a class of inventions ,
for which the constitution provided , ant
conjjreta ahuuld secure to him the ox-
elusive right to use , publinh , and Bollna
, it 1ms done by eoctiun1052 of the re-
I vised statutes. The judgment in the cir-
cui * court infuvor of Sarony waaaflirmod ,
j Decision was also rendered iu thu case
of Ilollistcr , collector ofinternal revenue ,
against Xion's co-oporativo mercantile in
stitution in error from the supreme court
of Utah. The question raised in the case
was whether certain duo bills or orders
for merchandise issued on an extensive
scale by Xion's co-operative institution ,
are notes , "Within the meaning of the
the act f f February 8th , 1875 , which pro
vides that all persons other than national
banks , shall pay a tax of ton
per cent. " on all notes used for
speculation and paid _ out by
This court holds the obligations heroin
mentioned are not notes within the mean
ing of the law , and are not taxable , 1 ho
same question which was raised in tlio
above case is presented by the case of
Jonathan 0. Willis , collector , ngainst the
Belleville Nail Co. , in error from the cir-
: uitcourt _ of the southern district of Il
linois. Judgment of the circuit court
below for this case was also affirmed.
If yon silflor from IOOSOIIOHS of the Ixiwolr ,
AiiKOHliira. ItlltcrH will nuroly euro you ,
llownro of counterfeits and ask ynur grocer or
dnigL'iat for tlm Reiiiiinn iirticlo. prepared by
Dr. ,7. O. JJ. Hlci'crt A , Stan
Its UuvnxcR Ncnr KtrliHVlllc , Mo , ,
I'eciillnrltiOH of tlio
Dcnth of n $ ! ( ) , -
000 Cow ,
KutK.svii.t.K , Mo. , March 18. A moot-
ng of the farmers and cattle men of this
section was held hero Saturday night to
consult in regard to the disease among
cattle in this vicinity , which is thought to
10 the mouth and foot disease. Five
small herdswithin a radius of four miles ,
are more or less affected. Seven cows
mvo lost one or moro feotovor fifty head
lave bad feet , and some of them have
Blistered lips and tongues ; several have
died ; none that have over shown the
symptoma of the disease have recovered ,
or even improved in condition. All these
cattle have boon wintered in either houses
or had timber shelter and good feed.
About 700 head of stock has been ox-
> 03cd in this county , but measures have
low boon taken to establish rigid quar
antine. Every exertion will bo made to
confine the disease to its present limit ,
jommissionor Loring , of the department
of agriculture , has ordered Dr. Salmon to
como hero and thoroughly investigate the
uattor. Ilia arrival is anxiously looked
'or by the farmers of this neighborhood.
IOWA CITV , la. , March 18. Mercedoz ,
.ho celebrated Holstein cow , owned by
P. B. Wales , secretary of the National
[ lolstcin Brooders' Association , died thin
norning of milk fover. The cow and
lor calf , which also died , were valued at
$10,000 $ , Morccdoz had the greatest
milk and butter record of any cow in the
world , and took the Brooder's Gazette
cup at Chicago last fall. Her last living
calf sold for § 1,000.
SPUINOVIKMI , Ills. , March 18. D.
Paaren , state veterinarian , reports , after
.borough examination , that there is no
'oot and mouth disease in Efllngham
county , nor in all that region. Tlioro
lees exist no disease there , however , sim-
lar tu foot rot in sheep , that is proving
'atal to many cattle. There have also
3oon outbreaks of disease among cattle
lear Duquoin and Xonia , Illinois , whioh
Dr. Paaren has boon directed to investi
A Splendid Hcincdy lor tiling Dis-
Dr. llubt. Nowtou , late President of the
Kcloctrio College of tlio City of Now York ,
mil formerly of Cincinnati , Ohio , , used lit.
WM. ] | AIL'H HAMAM vary extensively in his
ir.ictico , iu < ninny of his patients , now living ,
ind rostoroil to health by the use of this invaluable -
valuable medicine , can amply testify. Ho
ilways said thnt so good a remedy outfit not
.0 bo considered ineiely as n patent medicine ,
) ut that it ought to bo proscribed freely by
every physician , w a sovereign remedy in ul
iasoaof huutf diseases. It is sure euro for
3onsiiinptionand lias no cipial for all pectoral
Imminent ,
Wo desire to call tlio attnntion of the pub
ic to Kullingor's Liniment , ono of tlio boat
'reparations ' ever pat up for nil pnr-
) OK08 for which a liniinoiic is used. Applied
f > the head it reliovox hoaducho and jn'Cfcnts
U hair from ( ullitvj out.
1'romior Kerry says the fall of liacninh ends
.ho Tonquin war.
fts'J'lio coininittoo of emigres ? luvostigatlng
; ovenunoiit works at Hot Springs , Ark. ,
'oiind an ovoi-chargo of ? yO,000.
RTho Southern I'acilicjwillboononru .iin from
tfow Orleans to San KraucUco by liiursday.
I'ho dainago by floods WAS enor'iioua.
Jl\cr ! towns in Dakot.i and Montana are
ipprehonsivo of danger from tlio breaking of
thu Ice In the Missouri ami Yellowstone rivers.
The loss of Ufa by the mltio explosion at
I'oeahontas foots up 11men. . Very few bodies
mvo boon recovered , The inino had to bo
lootled to drive out the gau ,
Tlio house committco on 1'iicilic railroads
Imo ugruo to support a bill gr inting thu rfcht
of way to the Clnnubar Si ClarkV Kork rail
road through the valley i'f tlio Yellowstone
Itnilroad olliclal * say thcro Is nearly 50,000
northern tourlsU now In Florida hotels.
Among the prominent 01101 at Juoksonvlllo is
luy tiould und Alexander Mitchell , of Mll-
Itoiircsontatlvos of fifty loading wholesale
lionses nnd matiufuctiiring ostulillalimoiita of
Kt Louis have nppolntoil a committee with
view to organizing n mutual intmranuu com-
l > any on the plan of the Now York mutual
In the Ontario legislature three members
McKim , lliilfour nnd Dowlinggovernment
supporters , havu boon olfurcd hrlboa to vote
ugainat tlio government , and I/ynch and Kirkland -
land , two loaders in the conspiracy to oust
the liberal government wore arrested and
The special deficiency bill , which passed
the IIOUHO , contains the following Items :
47A3OOD for fees for examining surgeons of
the pension bureau ; $1,000 traveling expenses
of examiners of the u.imu bureau ; & ! 5,000 to
complete the building at St. Louis ; 8100,000
at Cincinnati ; &IOOuO for the inarlno hospital
at Memphis.
The Live Stock Ivxchango of Chicago has
appointed a committee to go to Washington to
omxwo the pleuro-pnoumouia bill , liosolu.
ti'ins were passed declaring the bill uncalled
for nnd dangeruua on putting too much power
In the hundsof thocoinniUiionerof agricultiiro.
flio resolutions also cxiii-os * the belief that
contngloiiii pleuro-pneumnnia does not exist iu
the United States , nor foot and mouth dls-
oat.e , either in lllluois , Iowa or Kansas , and
that the food animals of the country have not
boon BO healthy within 'JO yours a now.
XIP uuinu U hotter uuil moro pleasantly nnd
widely kiiuwn than thnt of Mr. ,1. A. Voz-
Rom , For years ho hat m.ulo hiiusulf famous
I } ) ' tlie elegant perfunuw nnd complexion now
uer tlwt boars his naiuo. the latter luulng
fouml iu t the belle of I'.xria Gernuuy
" IIH * way VI VHU UUllU * 1/1 A l H , V4b * * *
and London. Kvorvbody admires beauty iu
Jiiijiuj. \othlng will ditiuoro tu produce or
onlunco It tli.iu u , m > o of Mr. 1'uzzunl'ii prepar
ations ,
Dr.V. . U , Davis , of Kookuk , felt
badly the other day , nnd liberal doses of
, whidky and quinine not helping him out ,
l ° throw in omo morphine , and it took
the heroic cllbrts of his brother doctors to
.sayo his lifo. Dr. Davis disclaims any
{ auicidal intent.
Double KaglcR nnd Itiilllon 1'llcd Up
In Iho Trcnsuro KOOIIIB of
Two Btoaincra.
New York Sun.
Trucks loaded with well-dressed men
rolled up Woat street at intervals yester
day morning and disappeared on the cov
ered pier of the Cunard Steamship com
pany at thu foot of Olnrkson street. Be
sides the men the trucks carried small
kegs and iron bound _ boxcs , which were
unloaded on the pier alongside of the
steamship Servia , which sailed in the aft
ernoon , The men carefully carried the
kegs and boxes to the after part of the
vessel , whore they were locked in an iron
chamber. The kegs and boxes hold $2-
150,000 worth of gold , which was going
to Europe. On the steamship Baltic
$2,350,000 in gold was shipped.
The gold was in the form of bars and
double eagles , and was the largest amount
shipped on a singlu day for several years.
The gold bars were obtained in exchange
for gold certificate1 ! at the assay ollici1 ,
and the double eagles came from the
vaults of the subtrcasury , whorogold cer
tificates wcro deposited in their stead.
The double eagles were delivered in
canvas bags , each holding $5,000. The
bars , which are worth anywhere between
$1,000 and § 5,000 each , wcro packed in
saw-duat in wooden boxes. They were
carried on trucks to the ollices of the
firms that had bought thorn , and were
then boxed and barrelled nnd carted
oil' to'the steamship piers under hu\vy
The little kegn and iron-bound boxes
stored in the "treasure room" on the
Sorvia were forty nil told , and wore count
ed by thu purser and all the oflicors be
fore thu largo iron door was closed and
locked. The purser has the money in his
especial car , ) . The storing of so much
wealth in the Serviva created no particular
"It is not unusual for us to receive on
board largo amounts of gold , " said a clerk
at tlio wharf. "Wo carry moro or less on
every trip. "
"What precautions are taken against
robbery ? "
"In the first place , the treasure room
ip of iron and is as strong as any bank
safe. It has complicated locks , and
no cracksmen , 110 matter how clover
they were could get into it inside of a
week. "
"Is it especially guarded during the
trip ? "
"Yes , it is thoroughly looked after.
The purser and officers thoroughly in
spect it three times a. day and three times
at night. "
"Was the Sorvia'a treasure chamber
ever broken into1 ?
"Never , and no one over tried to break
into it. Anyway , if thieves did got in ,
they could not very well carry away the
gold , for it is too heavy. The gold in
these forty kegs nnd boxes weighs close
to 25,000 pounds. "
A weather-beaten man with a dropping
oyo-lid , who had boon listening , tapped
the reporter on the shoulder as hu was
leaving the wharf.
"Young man , " ho said , "over heerd of
Cap'n Kidd ? W ° ! ' "s l'lunu or warn't a
rope yarn to a six-inch hawser alongside
this hero wealth in the Servia. Ef Kidd
was around these days them millions
wouldn't never get across the pond. Wet
a pity for him bo's ' dead. "
The superintendent of an importing
house which is constantly sending out
largo amounts of gold said yesterday that
the house insures it. The iirnx got the
money from the sub-treasury or assay
ollico , prepare it for shipping and then
lodge it in the vessel. Them their trouble
"Do you send any ono along to watch it
on the way ? "
"No ; it would do no good. The money
is perfectly safe in the vessel and in the
extremely improbable orout of a pira
tical attack cur man might get killed. "
"Why do you send out gold ? "
"Because it is to
impossible buy com
mercial bills. There are not any in the
market. "
A Dry Slrcani.
"Talking about Hoods , " said a traveler
from Colorado , "if you want to see a Hood
sometime that is ono , go out to Western
Nebraska and gaze on the Platte when
she's riled. Toke her in a dry spell and
there ain't a tamer stream on earth. Ono
day , before there was any bridges built
west rl Grand Island , a party of uswore
goinii to Julosburg that was years ago ,
when thcro was a Julesburg. In an aft
ernoon wo como to a low , sandy place ,
where there were some puddles of water
standing around hero and there. Afto-
wo'd picUml our way across the sand with
out wetting our feet , I says to an old
stager , 'Wo can't bo far troiu the Platte
now. ' 'The Plutto ! ' ho says ; 'why , you
tondorfcot , wo have just crossed it. "
Well , there wasn't hardly water enough
thcro to lloat a shingle , nothing but sand
and old snags of trees. But thu next day
wo camu to what 1 thought was an inland
ocean. 'What lake is that ? ' I inquired
of the old stager , 'Lake ! ' ho says ; 'lake !
that ain't no lake. That's the , Platte ! '
You may put a cow brand on my loft
haunch if it waui't u inilo wide and run
ning over the tops of the cottonwoods.
And it hadn't rained a drop where wo
were , but there must have boon some
lively waterspouts and snow molting up
in the mountains. "
Ho Got mi Order.
The drummers have had some hard
times of it lately. Three of thorn board
ed a Chicago , Turlington it Quincy train
at Monmouth the other day , and with
long faces began to discuss the situation.
> ( I have sold only three bills of goods in
four days , ' said 'the Chicago drummer ,
"and didn't get a nibble in flloiiinouth. "
"Neither did I. " said the Burlington
drummer , 'and 1 haven t made expenses
this week. " "Now , to show you how
funny luck runs , " spako up the St. Louis
man , "I'll toll you my experience. I've
been out thirteen days now , and hadn't
sold a .dollars worth of goods until to
day. In Moinnouth I took ono solid or
der , " "Tho thunder you did , " ejacula
ted his unbelieving listeners. "Yos ,
boys , and I'll toll you how I did it. It's
a pointer for you. You know that big
Dutchman thnt keeps a grncoiy there on
the square- near the postoflico , I s'poso.
Didn't you call on him I Well , I did. I
was desperate , too , and was bound to seller
or talk him to death. I stuck to him
throe straight hours , boys , but 1 fetched
him. Just as I was getting hoarao ho
turned around kind o' quick and business
like , and says : _ " ! pool a srop on this ,
nye flont. 1 gif you an ortor , and I want
U villod pooty tarn quick , too. I know
von I'f enoof. I'm no dolophono to
schtan oop und bu dalked at all do day
" "But it made fool '
long you good1
mviil the Chicago man ; "first customer in
thirteen days , But what did ho order ] "
'That's the worst of it , " replied St.
Louis. "Ho ordered mo out of his
store. "
A tilvcr niluu neitr bcliwaU * , Iu Tyrol , was
Hooded by a subterranean vprlug. Several
miners went drawuo'l , Damage to works im-
The Largest Stock in Omaha , and Makes the Lowest Prices ,
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und pricn * ns good and low m any 'i < ; ho citv l.rv mo.
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iron"An uonorablo Fine Success. Wonderful Cures " IInnr . 8 t 5
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1409 14' DodRC St. , { ° rS Sffi \ OMAHA , NEB