Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1884, Image 7

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Ir ,
ly boby sit monthi nld broke out with omc kind
J kin humor , and after being treated fire months
Imy fatnllr phUlclan , was ( then up to die. The
ItrKut reroimnamlod's Specific , and the effect
VnsKMtlilr < a8 | t wsi miraculous. My child
[ i get well , all truces ef the dlo o Is cone , and
It as fat a * ft plgr. J. J. KlrkUnd ,
Mlndcn , Itusk County Texas.
bars suffered for many jcars from ulcers on my
I , cftcn very Hr-oand ) < atnfnl , during which time
-bed almost e\rh thing to effect n cure , but Innln. .
k > ok Snl'ts spiclfl ) by ruUlco of n Irlcnd , nnd In a
[ ortttniouaa Hire I sound nnd well.
Hdwln J. Miller , llcaumont , Texas.
11 li.-uo been nllllcted with ScrnfnU for tnelto ycirs
Fid hvo had norus on mo as Urge as a mill's hind
Ir that length of tlino. ta. t gammer I WM m lud
that I could not car rlothlnp. 11ml spot t him.
f da ot Jolhrs In the effort to bo ciiretl. tint all to
I purpose , an J hid Injured my elf with Mercury
If l'ot sh. YourHwIftsHpcctflocurcvllneprouiptlv
II permanently , niid I hojia o\eiy Ilko sufferer will
lok H.I. . IIlRn.
I Ijkonl , Ark.
| > ur trcatl-o on Hlood and Skin Diseases mailed
> tS , , 'tanti ,
Drawer .1 , AttantA ( ja.
7. onico , 159\\.23 < t St. Iwtwccn nth Rnil Tlh * ,
The me ot the term " KUot
Lino" In connection withthi
; HORT corponto n&mo ot a frontroad
, comcjs an Idea ot utt wtmt
required by the tratrllng imb
lie a Short Line , Quick Timi
find the boat ot nccommoda
lions 11 of which are fuir. >
hod by the greatest railway In America.
And St. Paul.
Ktowna And operate * ener 4,600 miles of
orthern Illlnoln , Wisconsin , Jllnnowta , Io a
tkotn ; and ag ta main lines , branches aud onmoc-
Jung roach all the ureit business centres ot the
northwest and Far West , It naturally answers thv
pORcrlptlou of Short Line , and Heat llouto bctnoao
s Chicago , Mlln aukcQ , 81. Paul and Minneapolis.
I Chicago , Milwaukee , La t'rosao and Winona.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and nilondab
Chicago , Mllnaukoo , Kau Cluiro and Stllhrator
1 Chicago , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Bctcr Dam and OshKosh.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukesha and Ooonomonoo.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and 1'ralrloilu Chbn
Chicago , Milniukco , Owatonua and Fairlbanlt.
) Chicago , Ilololt Janeavl'lo ' and Mineral Point.
Chicago , iigin : , Uockford ami Dubitquu.
I Chicago , Clinton , Hock Island and Cedar lUpldt.
i Chicago , Council Dluffa and Omaha.
i Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Yank ton
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
Hock Island , Dubuque , St. 1'aul and Minneapolis
D \cuport , Calmar , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
I Pullman Sleepers and the Finest DInlnir Cars In
iorld are run on the mainlines of the CHIC AGO
H 01 cry attention la paid to pasjongcrs by court *
i emplo > c9 of the company. .
A. V. H. OAKPE-7KK ,
Qt-Jil Manager. Uen * IPus. Acenl
.J. r.z.iuti , OKO
a *
jtottsniouth , - . . . Neb
TTounir "took for oale. nnrrnnnnrtenp collottod.
> jM euro Junomnewi ,
EH IORN ! ' " "K luTs:1' : ' / ;
r f.f : j 'l s } Kldnij , Hplne nnd U\cr
"fCTRIO BECLil llKitt'i , Uout.Ai > tliinalle it
borlirSfSC/iltSi' ' dlnenn , Dyti'ir'-ln , Oi > ii-'l
SSffiiLHSyii * ' ' pitlon. f nulptlaii , Catarili ,
y/rfr" rlks. 1 pirptv , Imnnlincj ,
lumUiAciu. Pioloppnn Uteri.etc. Only Klintlllcl Ito
J vetin Anuilmthnt Fiiulsltu-EltHtrli.Uy unil mnp
Jitl/ni tliroimh 1hnb ( lyand canbonxhargedlnan In1
Iliv/tbythupatknt. u
B ! wn " lcfed"wlth" rheumatism an 1
urod by usliiff a belt. To any ono nffllctcd with
| uat disease , 1 would y , buy llorno'a Elcctrlo Bolt
' Any ono cm confer with mo by writing or ca'llotf
' my store , 1420 Douglas street. Omaha Nob.
MAIN OFF'CIJ-Opposlto postoflicg , room 4 Fren
ijrPorrale ntC. F.J Ooodman's ) Drug 'Btore.'ill 1
iftinam St. . Omaha.
Je warranted to weir longer. At
Blithe form nealtr , and plvo bettc *
SyfatlJfactlon than any other Corse :
In tlio market , or prtco paid nil.
iiiW ' t-e rxfunded. TholndorSLmentsol
i" * * Chlcniro'a best phyelclars , " " "
ich Cnrect. I'rlco , Ilcut Huteeo Jean.
I , 91 . . r > ( L AKK . . . . . your , mi . , nbantfortbcm. . . . .
't. ' . . .ift a. .1 * . JOHIU-II j. j\t >
ui rturtrB , liU & Ul'J Itaadolpli
H. P.
a & t y D tSza n ta
K'SOUANDrACt/llSlONS leave Now York
rll , May and Juno , 1M . 1'ASS VOH 1ICKETH
'rf AN'TIO Sn\JHUlS. : Special facilities for
rtln EUHOl'G , by a'l routes , at reduced rates
OOK'S EXCUHSI ) NlbT , with mapi and full par-
rs. by mall 10 rtntii. A''iirc < 8
THOS. COOK * ; SON , 1 ? ' ijroadnay , N. V.
" " t-a-w-wtt.
s - ' - tobcr 1078. One
[ box No , 1 will euro any case In four dajs or less No.
2 w 111 cure the tnott ooatlnato case no matter of bow
long standing.
A/fan's Soluble Medicated Bougies
No nauseous doses cl tuhebs , oopabla , or oil of Ban-
daliwood , that ar * nr. ln to produce dyepopsla liy
dcetrojln the coatings of the stomach , I'rlco 91,50
Bold by a 1 druggists , or mailed en receipt of prltv
" r further particulars send for circular.
n i
( riFKOUK. ) " (1JTK11. )
17UCC1UO-VOLTAIO BELT and oilier KLEcrma
all All-l.UNcra era sent on U ) Days' Trial TO
MEN ONLY. YOUNO OH OLD , who nro suiter.
Ing from NEiiToua UcEiLtrr. LOST Vmurr ,
WiSTIKQ WEAKNLSSEB , and all tlioio diseases of a
J'Eiiso.iij. NATDIIE , resulting from ABUSES and
Onicit Oicsu. Bpocdy relief and cnmpltto
restoration to IIiuLTn , Viuon ana HANIIOOD
ttuARANTCco. ( Send a& once for Illustrated
1'ampblct free. Address
VOI/TAIO ItKl/g CO. . Murdhnll. Mich.
James UeiioallnsU
Chartered by theStateofllll.
nois for theexpresapurnosi
of elvtnclramedlate reliellr
oil chronic , urinary and prl
, vato dleenees. Qonorrhaa
Gleet ondSyphills In all theli
complicated forms , also al
diseoscs of the Skin and
Ulood promptly relieved anc
permanentlycured by remc.
dieatestedina2'orf ) 'enri
tipecltiU'ractlre , Bemlna
r WcnUnesn. Nipht Lotus by Dreams , Pimples or
the 1'arc.Lost Manhood , j oslrf/i/riic < 7. XVicri
istloejcjiertmrtiltnii. The onproprlcte remedy
isstonce used in each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines cent by Mall and Express. No marks or
package to indicate contents or tender , Addresi
DR.JAMESNo.24WasMnglon ! ! > t.Ciicagoll ! [
i ol cany imprudence , cauilag tierrou
rvmituru dt-csy. etc. . uarlnfr tried n
known remedy , ban dtsco Arcu ft itlmpl
-elf-cure , uhlch bo will wnd FilKK t <
. . New York
| tU 11 n KANL , < * r ih i .
_ 111 uowcir.IBJCrit * 1jrwtur \
c * iiQ rittirutklwaUijulrVlr And | > alnltHtl/ - > rt ttlin
tU o > l I * * tu uUfr tii Diln nlintdlOAJi i i > 4&t > i1rti
John D. Peabody , M. B
1100113,80011 fi'lKOI ' FAKNAU
The Hold-Dyer Members of the Coniicil
Indicate Hostility to Vanglian ,
How He Can in Turn Muko It Intor-
fluXlicin. .
Tlicro hna boon aomo curiosity foil as
to how the council would work with
W. 11. Vnughim ns mayor. It is a demo
cratic council nnd ho is n democrat also ,
but ns ia well known there linvo boon
dissensions in the party and some of the
leading democrats hnvo bcun openly anti-
Vauirjum. The moolings of the old coun
cil on Friday and Saturday nights indi
cates clearly that there is a disposition
among the four liold-ovor members to
rasp Vnughnn. In the first place they
raised the salaries of the city attorney ,
city auditor and other ollicors , but no
raise was uiado on the mayor's salary.
This was not because the council thought
the salary of $000 high enough , for loss
than n year ago Ihoy tried to raise Mayor
Bowman's salary to § 000 , but Tin : Bun
showing up the law the salary could
not bo increased during his term of
ollico , the council took it back.
They raised the salary of the city attor
ney , who is anything but a V.iughan
man , and then turned about and em
ployed the retiring city , attorney , to
whom the council has shown little ro
sppct , to assist the now attorney with the
raised salary.
A still worse drive at Mayor Vaughan
is the cutting down of the police force to
five members and a chief. It was gen
erally known that Vaughan favored nn
increase in the number rather than a decrease -
crease , and as ho has the appointing the
council evidently .desired to cut him
down as a moro matter of personal spite.
Of'courso no ouo pretends that the city ,
scattered as it is over a whole township ,
can got along with five policemen.
The council having thrdwn down the
gauntlet , Mayor Vaughan has an excel
lent chauco to make it interesting for nil
concerned. If ho has bub five policemen
ho ought to pick out men of grit enough
to pull some of the gambling houses and
houses of ill-fame , and bring to the front
nil in the houseswhether they bo ollicials
or not.
Mayor Vaughan should also investipate
some of the transactions of the post year.
Ho should inquire into the § 100 which
Aid. James drew on the back p.iy resolu
tion , which was afterwards rescinded.
He should inquire by what authority
Dan Eicher has been drawing § 25 a
month as purchasing agent for the city.
He should inquire whether city ollicials
have any legal right to bo interested in
city contracts ; whether the mayor can
sell eafes to the city , and whether ho can
draw money for ollico rent while desk
50om ; s furnished in the city building
Ho should inquire how it is that the city
clerk has been paid ? 100 a month for
Bomo time , and that th < 3 ordinance mak
ing such a raise was not attended nniil
last Friday night. Ho should inquire
how Alderman Keating can be al
lowed extra compensation on ac
count of some committee work. Mayoi
Vaughan , ottghfc not to lot these matters
P ? 5 by without investigation , and if
thisro has been any money paid out ille
gally ho should take stops to recover it.
Now that the council has hoisted its flag ,
Mayor Vnughan should sail in , and lot
the public have the benefit of whatever
facts can bo had by this falling out.
Angostura Hitters ere endorsed by nil
thojoadlng physicians and cliomiats , for tlioir
urity and wholesomencHS. Bownro of conn
: rfcits , and auk your grocer or drupfrist for
10 genuine article , prepared by Dr. J. ( . 1 $ .
'ogert & Sons.
The ISostou Bicyclist * .
Wilmot and Sowell the bicyclists , who
ave created so much interest hero have
one westward. They are certainly
ontk'rs in their lino. They are both
Estonians and their appttaranco as por-
brmers on n bicycle ia a matter of chance
argely. Wilmot has a largo drug store
i Boston and'Sowell was connected with
lie Boston Herald , occupying a lucrative
losition besides having some consider-
) lo property. They have bicycle riding
or amusement as have hundreds of
thers and as tlioy increased in skill they
egand to attract some local attention ,
'hoy ' practiced together until their pro-
icioncy in their double autobatio acfs on
ho bicycle excited much wonder , and do-
nancls became prcxaing for them to give
ixhibitions. For some time they rcfiia-
id , but a war ago they wore tempted to
lo so by tlaitcring promises , and since
, hey have appeared at a number of
ilacos in the cast. They recently dccid-
d to take a trip west , more for night-
.eoing . lhan anything else. They appear-
id at Milwaukee and were intending not
to stop between there and Denver , as it
was only a chance that they did so. Man-
iigor Chapman of the rink hero wont
down to the incoming train to see Bir
die Bliss the wondomil boy skater , whose
"atlier ia the well known conductor ,
IVilmot and SuwuU were on the train ,
< md Mr. Ohapinan at once made them ni
offer to stop over hero for two nights. Jl
was a good stroke of enterprise on Mr ,
Chapman's part , and they proved one o
the greatest attractions over ofl'ered a
the rink. The Omaha rink then cap
tured them for an exhibition thnre. Un
like many of such performers they an
not moro professional athletes , but the ;
are young men who have shown abllit ;
in business as well as on the bicycle , am
have social ondcomaiorcial standing.
On the 20th of last September , Wil
mot , at Springfield , Mass. , won th
champion pri/.o , the contest being ope
to the world. Ho has been riding eve
since bicyclea were first brought out i
Boston. He at ono time made 218 mik
inside of 25 hours.
_ Sowell has practiced in athletic cxci
cisos for years , and is n membur , and hi
been an ollicer , of the Union Bicycle clu
ot Boston.
Heal Kutuiu TranHlbre.
The following doedj wore filed for r
cord in the recorder's oflico , Marc
15 , reported for TUB BEE by P. J. M
Mutton , real estate agent ;
Matilda J. Ulatterhuck to Frwikli
Dome , part at ) . } . 27 , 75 , 41 , 81,000 ,
Thomas Mierstein to Mury J , Mie
atein , part nw | , 21 , 77 , 41. 81,725.
in ii M r T * TJ-T 1 * n fntnnq O l ollAr
1 to 10 , inclusive , block 55 , Crescent
City , SJOO.
Jeremiah Folsom to Peter Krecht , lot
19 , b'ock ' 23 , Beer's nub , § 17 " .
John Hyun to H. P. Larson , part aw } ,
1 ! ) , D7 , 43 , § 100.
Hoyt Sherman , receiver , to E. 11.
Uinckloy , lot 8 , block 4 , Walnut , § 150.
Leopold Kern to Lewis S. Snyder , lota 7
and C , block 0 , Jackson's add , § 2,800.
Clmrlo.1 S. Dnlin to J. V. Benjamin ,
lot 0. block 23 , Avoca , § 300.
John Shaddon to James Christensen ,
part no ] , sol , 20 , 77 , 43 , § 70.
Thomas Tedford to Jt y Todford , soj ,
swj and swj , eoj , 0 , 77 , 41 , $00.
.1. T. Ilnrt to J. M. Prtlmor , part lols
13 and 14 , block 18 , Riddle's sub ,
§ 5,000.
Total sales , § 12,720.
" 'Tit a pot ol loiXturo'i , n complexion
Tlio ttiictnra of n skin I admire , "
In tuttitf I'ozr.oiit'H coiiiploxion l Hinder ,
I'nirott clinrms von nlll nniuiro
Wheat No. 2 spring , 70o ; No. 3 , COc ; re-
joe ted , BOc ; peed demand.
Corn 1/oalers are iiayiiift SIo for old corn
anil 28o for now.
Data In peed tlomaml at 22c.
liny i OOfff.f ! 00 per toil ! 60o nor bale.
Uyo iO@15c.
Corn Monl 125 nor 100 pounds.
Wood Good mipply ; prices at yards , 0 00 ©
Coal Delivered , hard , 11 50 per ton ; noft ,
5 00 per ton
hard's , wholesaling at lie.
Flour City Hour , 100@ ! 30.
Broom ? 2 lj@3 ) 00 per doz. |
Cattle 3 50 ® I 00 ; calve * , 5 fiO@7 60.
HOBS Local packers nro buying now and
there is n Rood demand for all grades ; choice
packing , U L'5 : mixed , 5 25 ,
Quotations by .T. M. St. .Tohn it Co. , com
mission mcrchauti , 53S Urondway ,
Uuttor Plenty and in fair demand at 15 ®
20c : creamery , 35c.
Kpfgi 121,0 , pot dozen.
1'oultry Itoitdy 8alochickonsdrossod ; , 12\c ;
ivo , Sc ; turkoyH , dressed , 15c ; live , llu.
uclcs , drosiod , 1-ic ; live , Sc.
Orangon i 00 ® i 2" > per box.
liOinons t 00 t > or box.
Bananas 3 50@4 00 per bunch
Vegetables Potatoes , 40 ; onions , 40c ; cab
ago , none in the market ; ripples , ready Halo
13 2J@4 00 for prime stock
Dubujuoin ( its. schoololoction cast only
203 votes.
Indianola has voted to establish a free
public library.
A Davis county baby , two weeks old ,
weighs 3 pounds.
The latent school fund apportionment
divides § 124,244.40.
Coal has been discovered near Atlantic
at a depth of 120 feet.
A now opera house , to cost § 50,000 , is
talked of at Ottumwa.
Sioux City is complaining of the soap
swindle on the street corners.
The fast mail train enables the Chicago
morning papers to reach DCS Moincs at 2
p. in.
Five unhappy Iowa Falls wives wore
divorced from their husbands at the lost
term of court.
The city treasurer of Atlantic is now-
required to giv0 a bond of § 20,000 , an
Increase from § 3,000.
dillotto Brothers' ' store in Burlington
was burglarized of § 000 worth of goods
on the night of the 10th inst.
J. A. Dyer , of Dj.iko university , Don
Moines , won the place at the atato
oratorical contest at Amos last week.
The Kcokuk Gate City explains that
it did not say that President Magoun was
"something" crusty , but ' sometimes. "
Peter Ellwangor , a well-known mu-
aician of Dubuque , residing there since
1852 , died of paralysis on the 12th , aged
CO years.
Ali 3 Carrie Cubbagc , of Clinton , has a
hpn-lioubo A dog got into it the other
night and killed forty-two of Mrs. Cub-
bago's fowls.
Villiaca boasts a young lady who dis
covered her house on fire , climbed upon
the roof , and put out the blaze with a
cup of eali. The Keviow aska the legis
lature to vote her a modal.
Mrs. Barnard , of Cherokee , whoso hus
band recently ran off with another
woman , hasbogun procccdingsfordivorco ,
and Mr. Gordon , whose wife Barnard
took , says ho shall not'disturb the woman
ii her now relations.
A. J. Weaver , who suicided in Ponn-
sylvaina the other day , was reported in
L'ho Chicago Tribune to bo the brother of
General Weaver. This is now said to bo
a mistake. Ho is not known to be a rela
tive of the general's family.
Mies Laura Fitch , living near Anita ,
had the toothache. She saturated a
piece of cotton with laudanum nnd mor
phine and placed it in the tooth. In the
night she swallowed the cotton The
family had to call a physician to wake her
Alex. T. Lindsay , of the fJanlt he use ,
'Dcs'Moincs , liaa brought suit against his
wife for divorce on the. ground that she
has another husband living , which fact
was unknown to him when ho married
her. April 20 , 1880. The other man ia
named W. II. Anderson.
The people of the state are beginning
to think they have an elephant of expense -
pense in. the now capital. It cojta § 2CO
a duy to heat it and § 25 an hour to light
it. It requires a small army of men to
keep it clean and in order. Five hun
dred dollars a day will not pay expenses ,
Captain W. II. Alexander , of Mt.Ayr ,
Ringgold county , committed suicide there
by hanging a few days ago , while undei
the influence of liquor. Ho had a fini
war record , and leaves n wife and six
children. Before committing the d ° cd
ho kis ed his chilarcn and bade then
During the year ending September ! )0 )
1883 , there wore 1,377 criminal convic
tiona in the state , § i. 7,0 ! > . > ,72 fines col
looted , and the expenses of the prosocu
don not counting district attorney ealo
ries § 3fll,17a.iJ8. Muecatino count ;
tfhnwa the greatest numlipr 120 ani
Dubuque the greatest cxponae $20 ,
877 70.
A Malvorn item of the 13th readi
' 'The ' jury in the Watson oaao came in t
2 o'clock this morning with a verdict , c
murder in the firat degree , and that li
Hurvo the rest of his natural life at har
labor , lie was sentenced by Judge Lee
borrow thia morning , and in now croasin
the otatu to Fort Madison in the pluck
Dan Farrcl'a care.
The Parkorburg Eclipse aays tin
M-iry E. Uarnentor , a 10-year old ir
r- dark hair and eyoa and of light comple :
ion , disappeared on February 8 , an
bpou - heard of hi
around homo. Her mother is in poor
health , and her father , JT. W. Cnrpon
tor , wants the papers ol the state to ad
vertise the lost girl ,
At the Dubuque mass meeting hold to
protcat against the proposed measure be
fore the atato legislature to tnx priynto
schools , citizens of all denominations
were present. Speeches wore made by
llov. Amos Cruni , of the Univeraalist
church , and Huv. D. J. Burrill , of the
Second Presbyterian church , in opposi
tion to the bill. There was great ex
citement and the mooting was crowded.
Phone Bosloy , on trial at Clinton for
killing Frank \ oung and wounding of
Hill Kennedy , \ras found guilty of as-
a.iult , nnd waa lined § 1 and costs. The
jury had the option of finding the do-
tendant guilty of assault , of assault with bodily injury , or of
manslaughter. Judge Hayes , in passing
sentence , said ho Would himself complete
the burlesque , ns ho did in naming the
The Creston Gazette la reliably in
formed that an engineer of that city , in
the absence of his family , took a bath.
After the bath he sat down in a state of
nudity before a window , and in that con
dition was soon by several ladini nnd
children. The Garotte says it also ap
pears that the man did the same thing
last fall. Since the last exposure , the en
gineer has been discharged by the Bur
lington master mechanic.
In his early and prosperous years , ono
Alexander Scott owned the major part
of Kaat Dos Moines. llo waa woalthj ,
and it was said that ho could not scatter
hia income as fast as it accrued. He
deeded to the fitnto the lot upon which
the capitol now stands without cost , llo
brought misfortune upon himself in time ,
gambling and drink were the instruments
of hia downfall , lie died n pauper and
\vna ouried in n pauper's grave , almost
within the shadow of the capitol dome.
No monument marks hisgravon ; wooden
headboard alone distinguishes it from
the surrounding level.
A shooting nfl'iiir occurred nt Morning
Sun , Louisa county , on the morning ol
the llth inst. , which resulted in the
death of Wade Campbell at the hands of
J. Frank Storrott , the particulars ol
which are given na * follows : Campbell
and Storrott , boys about 10 years of ago ,
attended the public school at Morning
Sun. A quarrel occurred during the re
cess , and Campbell choked and shook
Storrott , who was no match for him in n
personal encounter. While thia was going
on Storrott , with hia loft hand on Camp-
boll's breast pushing him back , pulled a
small pistol with his right , and putting
the muzzle close to his antagonist's breast
fired , the ball passing through hia own
thumb and entering Campbell's broaat ,
cutting an artery close to the heart and
producing death in twenty minutes. An
inquest waa hold this afternoon , the jury
returning a verdict of malicious homi
cide. Storrott waa hold in § 1,000 bail to
appear before the grand jury at the next
term of the district court.
For BCU en years Allen s Brain Food has
ntood the strongont test iui to Its inorits in curing
Nervousness , Nervous Debility and restoring
lost powers to the Generative System , and , in
no inntanco has it over failed ; teat it Si ; ! !
jor S3. At druggists.
HKII oumosrrv SHOP.
'flic Unfortunate llH < 'iiHO ( > rn llentirul
Western , AVomiui.
, Col. , March 9. Some time ;
ago o young miner of wealth fell in with
u lady , Miss Maudio , and took her to u
party nt Kokomo. She would not dance
but kept in retirement as a looker-on.
The party broke upj the young follow the
happiest of the whole lot. Ho thdught
ho had found a jewel of rare value , and
prized it accordingly. Hia dream vraa of
short duration , for n change came over
ita spirit the next day when an officer
arrived from "Frisco who wanted the fair
maiden to accompany him to 'Frisco on
the charge of larceny. Investigation
showed that ovury rag she had on at the
party the night previous was stolon. The
dross she were on that occasion was n
beautiful silk , and fitted her graceful
form to perfection. It was the most ele
gant dress at the party , and Misa Mnudiu
was the envy of all the other ladies. That
dress waa not made for her , neither had
she bought it , and this was true of every
article of clothing sho'woro from the sole
of her foot to the top of her head.
Thia discovery prompted the ofiicar tc
search her trunk , and in it waa founc
oyory imaginable article that could bo pul
into a trunk , from a baby's rattle to a BO'
of false teeth. It acorns that the oflicoi
who had como after her waa authorise
to lot her go on the return of the atolei
articles , which , together with the fact thn
he had a reluctance to throw a brighl
looking young irl into jail , secured her
freedom , and she at once sought other
fields for the purpose of displaying her
wonderful genius. It is believed by many
that the girl cannot help stealing , that i
ia a part of her nature , and that oho in
ono of that unfortunate claes of people
known aa kleptomaniacs.
A SuO'jtltwto' for tlio Organ.
Kew VorL Tribune , MarJi 0 ,
A considerable number of persons as
sembled in Chicken-ing hall yesterday
afternoon when Mr. BjtilHo Hamilton , n
young Englishman , exhibited his now
musical instrument , the "vi.calion , " This
instrument is designed to fill the place ol
the largo pipe organ ill any church whore
economy ol space and money must bt
considered. The instrument played upon
yesterday occupied ft very small space ,
having not moro than 10 by 10 feet frontage -
ago , nnd had 1(1 ( stops , including couplers.
Nevertheless , Mcsara. Henry Carter and
George W. Morgan , organiata , produced
from it effects of tone , volume , nnd
variety of timbre quite equal to thoho ol
an organ three times as largo. The in'
strumont ia played with a koy-boart
and blown with o bellows , and , except
copt for ita size , presents the same ap
poaranoo as an organ. It has , however
no pipes ,
The sounds are produced by a scries o
metal vocal chords , each of which vib
rates in n short tube corresponding ii
ratio to the aizo of the human laryn :
when producing like notea. These tone
which are above or below the compass o
tlio human voice are produced by inathc
matical calculation aa to the position th
larynx would bo in if it were capable c
producing thoao Bounda. Technically
Mr. Hamilton's invention is a now appl
cation of thu principle of the free root
The tones of the instrument were excoet
ingly tender in quality , yet sonorous an
powerful in volume when uaod with th
swell. They bLnded most ollectivel
with the voices of Mwa Emily Winar
and Signer EmilColotti , who Bang uovuri
selection * of sacred mubic. The comb
nation of smallnoaa in aizo and compur ,
tivo inoxpoimivunejsa of coat with powoi
range , and variety in thia instrument
considered , and with apparent qood rci
son , auro to makfe it useful for cma
u churches of moderate moans. Itiaalrcad
> r ( ueod to a considerable- extent in Englam
md Mr. Hamilton's pronont visit is for
the purpose of introducing it in tlili coun
try. _
The KofciMil' Mnlnt.
Dclrolt 1 no View.
It was n Jotlerson avenue car , A young
gentleman rose nnd gave np hia spat to n
lady , nnd his rhum , who occupied the
next seat , tendered him a position on hia
knee , which ho accepted. They chatted
plofiMtitly , nnd were drolling back mid
forth about n knoo-ay sent , nnd so on ,
when the car atoiipcd nnd n young lady
ontotod , The force of hnbft waa too
strong for the Dotroitor. Ho forgot that
ho waa uncomfortably perched on his
friend's knee , nnd , jumping up gallantly ,
and in hia moat pnraunsivo tone ; "Take
my sent. Misa. " Lightning shot from the
f.ur ono a eyes , nnd the rest of the pitsaon *
cors buried their faces in their hnndkor-
ol iefa or looked out of the window The
friend , however , settled the matter by vn-
cat'iig hia seat , nnd peace nna restored.
riiEvr.NTivn VND cuiu : .
The remedy balm ; Injected directly to the neat pi
the tlkcine , roiulred no change ot dirt or nau'ooug ,
mercurial or poisonous modlclnet to bo taken Inter *
inllj. When ntcd as n provnithu by ilthrr nex , III *
ImpoMlblo U ) contract uny prl\\to ornevici but In the
ease of tho-o already untnrtunitoly mulcted wo guar
antee tin co boxes to euro , or wo will refund tlionuw
oj. Price by mail , postage piltl2. per box or three
luixcs for $5.
sined by nil authorlted agents.
Dr EelixLeBrtm&Go.
0 , V , ( Joodman , DruggUt , Solo Agent , r Oinahi
Nelk j-wlv
ln i : . C. Wicar'a Nrnvr. AN HUAIN
ilBNl , nffuarnntooil niwciua for HjBtonn , Ditzl-
noes. CoiiTnUionn , Vit , Norroim Nournlgla ,
lloniinchn , NcrvoiiB Pronlrntion cnustxl liy the use
i if alcohol ortoliixcci ) , WiikofulncRfl , Jlonlul lj- )
rrosNioii , Bottonin ot the llrniu rt'sulling in In
winity nnd Ipadlnc to miBorj' , dorny and iloath ,
I'romaturo Old ARO , llnrronnuns , LUM of power
in cither BOX , Involuntary JX > S PH nnd HiKiriimt- ,
I'rrliccn catifiod byovor-oxortlnn ot thobmiaBclf-
nbuea or oTor-induJROiico. 1 Jich IH..T conlntno
ono mouth's trontmt-nt. $ t.X ( ) n box.or nix boxw
for$5.00Bont by mail preiuidon rocviptof prlco.
To euro any cneo. With oncli inlor rccolvwl bynt
for nix boxoH. nccoinpnuiiHl with $ S.)0vo ( ) will
Hond the ) > urclmm'r onr written Hunrnntoo to refund -
fund the money if the trontiuon.t doo8 not olloct
i > euro , ( luunuitooa looucdonlyDy
0. V , GOODMAN Hoi \ ent. Onaha Keb.
tltlimilliiiiiinnimi IIDILIIIIII [
Tell the children to cet ont and B TO tlio romla
tllliouttta ptcturea M tier appear from teirao lo
Uiuo. They will bo rloucd irltli tbo collection.
This opnoo 'ia owned by
Of courseno mean the famous animal appearing
on the label of every genuine package of lilac- !
well'A Hull Dnrham Bmoklnif Tobacco. Uvcry
dealer keep * thia , the tut Kmokluff Tobacco mado.
None genuine without trade mark of Uiu Hull.
jt 111111 n n i.n 1111111111 in 111111 n i in u
Imported Beer
Krlangcr , Bnvaria.
Culmbacher , Bavaria.
L'ilsiior i Bohemian.
Kaiser < . .Bremen.
Budweisor St , Louis.
Auliituser „ St. Louis.
BO JE s Mibvnukcp.
Schlitx-J'ilBnor Milwaukee.
ICrue'H . * . . . , Omaha.
Ale , Porter , Domestic und Rhino
EthauiUd Vitality , Norvoui and PhyilcM Debility
Prouuturo Decline In Uan , Kironot Youth , an hi
untold mlaerie * resulting from Indiscretion ! or ex ,
oeMei. A book for every man , youcr , middle &ged
and old. H oontalni 186 prescriptions for all acut
ind chronic diseases each ono of which Is luvaliiabl
Ho found by the Author , whose aiperlenct foi
years Is such u probably never before fell to the lo
of any physician too pages , bound In bcautllo
rreucntmislln moossedoovers , full Kiltguaranteed
a be a Oner worx n every sense , mbchauloal , lit
erary and professional , than any other work sold In
this country lor 12.60 , or the monty will be refunded
in every InsUnoo. 1'rioeonly 11.00 by uiall , pout
Illustrative simple 5 cents. Bond now. Oolc
l awarded the author by the National Medlca
Asaodatlon , to tli officers ot which b refers.
This book should be read by the young for Instruo
tlon , and by the afflicted for rollef , II will boncfl
all. London Lancet.
There Is no member of society to whom this bool
IU not bo useful , whether youth , parent , guardian
Addrua the I'cabody Medical Institute , or 1'r. W
H. I'arker , No. i Ilultlncb Htreet , Iloston Mass. . whi
may be oousulUd on all diseases requiring skill > ni
tiixileiioe , Uhronloandobstltatadl eatesthat ba >
batfixl the cklll ot all other phys-UCA I dan
L specliltyi bach treated lull :
thout aii instauo allure , TUVOCI C
t i * I PloCir
ontractor !
0 illNET W011KH , MUCH AH
aud all kinds of ofllM work a specialty Call or at
dru 1K01 Jackson Ht , 0 i fc MA.
Ono of the Best and largest Stocks in the Uuitod States
to select from.
Proprietors. Suporiutouduo
Omaha Iron Works
Steam Engines , Boilers
Mil ! and Grain- [ Elevator Machinery
Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting ' Cloth1
Wo nro prepared to furnish plans and estimates , and will contract for
the erection of Flouring Mills aud Grain Elevators , or for changing
Flouring Mills , fremStono to the Roller System.
32f" ] < j8pocial attention given to furnishing Power Plnnfs for any pur
pose , and estimates made tor same. General maclu'n \ repairs attended
to promptly. Address
Carpets ! Carpets !
Mats and Mattings ,