THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Monday MorningMarch. . 17. BUBSCllirTTOfJ IUTE3 : Be Oatrlet - - - - - - - cent * per By Ma - - - - - - - - 110.00 per Tor OFFICE : No. 7 Pearl Btroot. Near Broadway. MINOK MENTION , Cheap railway tickets , 4 Pearl St. Additional local on seventh page. " The now council moots to-night. St. Patrick's day in the morning. The now city officials take hold to-day. The Catholic schools have no sessions to-day. Alex Board , Jr. , of Now York , Is at the Ogden , Eisoman , Ilodda & Go's , now delivery wagon is a beauty. The old sottlcro moot again this even ing at the court house. It seems settled that Tom Skinner is to bo the chief of police. Rontfrow's Jolly Pathfinders open at the opera house this evening. Chas. E. Putnam , of Cedar Ilapids , arrived at the Ogden yesterday. D. 0. Hart and wife , of Atlantic , stop ped over Sunday at the Ogdon. Now spring goods just received at J. Roitor's , the tailor , 310 Broadway. John Mahan was arrested Saturdayor disturbing the peace of Wagner's saloon. The aupromo court moots hero to-day , but will hardly got down to business before - fore to-morrow. Walter Williams has boon complained of before Justice Schurz for stealing a bull-dog belonging to Z. Ball. The fourth annual ball of St. Patrick's Benevolent society is to bo given at St. Joseph's academy hall this evening. The Methodists are thinking of aolling their church , if a reasonable price can bo had , and then build another and a bettor ono. ono.Master Master John Keating has iron the sil ver modal at St. Joseph academy for good behavior and diligence in study during the past two weeks. A special business mooting of the Y. M. C.A. will bo hold on Monday evening at 7.10 : o'clock. All members of the as sociation should try to bo on'hand. There wore six free lodgers at the city jail Saturday night. Among them was ono who was registered as "Slim Jim , the Council Bluffs bummer. " If any of the old policemen fool sere about being dropped off the list , they nhould kick the council , as by the cutting down of the force to five , four would have to go anyway. Thomas Ofllcer has interested himself in the electric light , and it is expected k that by his taking hold with Vaughan , the olootric lights will bo running in fulf iv force within thirty days. Henry Wagner and Dick Rickott's had aomo sort of a row with ono Brown , Sat urday forenoon , and charges wore pre ferred against both of them. The cases are to bo hoard next Saturday. The postoflico is hereafter to bo open every Sunday evening from 7 o'clock to I * 8 o'clock , so that those wanting to gat the fast mail can do so. It will also bo kept open from 11 to 12:30 : , as before- . The hall of the Ancient Order ot Hi- TjorianB to-night promises to bo a gand success , and Bloom & Nixon's hall will doubtless bo crowded. With good isumio , and all other needfuls for a good time , it cannot but bo a success. Next Thursday evening the grand ball of Abe Lincoln No. 29 , G. A. R. in to bo given at Bloom & Nixon's ball. The procco'ds arc for the fund for the relict ol the widows and orphans , and ought on this account to bo liberally patrgiuzec by all. To-morrow there ia to/b0 another con test of the lady aka rfl nt the roller skat ing rink , for tl - goid wnUh. ) Miss Whitney - noy has won ono contest , Miss 1'almei the secopfa contest. The watch to be perm nontiy noii , must bo won in three < x > 0'.osts. Saturday night some sneak thiovei made a dash for aomo sample shoos it front of Eisoman , Rodda & Oo.'a store They ran off with two pairs , but wen soon after arrested and locked up. The ; gave the names of Tom Anderson am Charles St. Olalr. Yesterday the old police force wa changed about , Officers Mullen an Cusick. , going on day duty , Officer Ba ! hyto taking Middle Broadway , Loonai the central beat , Ousick West Broadwa ; Beswick South Main , and the othei keeping their old boats. The council will probably bo satisflc to return the stone curbing and brii sidewalk taken from the lota on whi < the now government building is to 1 located. It was small business for tl city to take them , for Uncle Sam's pro ] erty .should be treated as fairly and hoi ostly as that of any private individual. The Ancient Order of Hibernians ate to go over to Omaha to join in a parai audohhor doings thoro. This event : they will return , and 1DO of the order Omaha promises to return with thoi and twenty-five more are expected fro Dunlap. There will be a street parad and then a dance at Bloom & Nixoi hall , There was a lively kick about U o'clc lunday morning from two follows w claimed to have lost their rolls in ono of Council Blufls numerous gambling houses. The victims wont to police headquarters and insisted on having the houao pulled , but wore informed that they could file complaints Monday in court , and had to rest content with that. Modesty is evidently unknown in poll tics. The old city council parsed a resolution lution "tendering a vote of thanks to the retiring mayor , city attorney , engineer and members of the city council for their untiring efforts in the interest of the city and their generous and courteous manner while serving in their respective posi tions. " For retiring aldermen to thus compliment themselves savors a little of egotism. An indignation mooting was hold nt Shenandoah Wednesday night and reso lutions adopted protesting against the pardon of Finis Allen , sentenced for life for the murder of John Long. After declaring such action an unjustifiable in vasion of the judiciary of the state , the resolutions declare "that such action would impair faith in the execution of the laws , bring the administration of justice into contempt , and foster nnd encourage - courage lynch law. " Ed. Ollison is favorably named as ono of the probable appointments upon the police force. He is 'wido-awako enough and strong enough to hold his own on any boat , nnd has had experience , having served two years in Ohio. Omaha has ono colored policeman , and if Council Bluffs is to follow suit , no bettor ono could bo selected than Ed. Some of the "coons" who spend their time loafing about are lighting him strong , for they fool that if ho gets n alar on ho will clean them up in n hurry. During the extreme cold weather the dummy depot was kept closed much of the time between trains , especially on Sundays , and passengers , including ladies and children , often had to stand out on the platform and wait in the storm and cold. Now that it is getting milder weather and outside standing is not so chilly , the depot is open more of the timo. It is to bo hoped that the agent will this summer so got in the habit of keeping the waiting room open , that it will carry him through next winter and the public have some accommodation in return for its gift of a 810,000 uvonuo. Artists' Material of every kind at BEAIID'H , next door to postotllco. SLANDEEINGOB SWINDLING , An lovru Man Get n Hnrtl Turnlnn Over ut tit. Josojih. The St. Louis Republican of recent date contains a telegram from St. Joseph , which gives the following faota , concern ing an alleged merchant of Essex : This morning n man named W. L. Me Groir was arrested and landed ! in jail , charged with purchming goods under false protonsos. Ho elaimod tobo a merchant of Essox , Iowa , and purchased several thousand dollars' ' worth of goods of fire or six wholesale ttrms. Meat of the goods were shipped to him. Ho purchased nearly $1,00 worth of McKnuiy , Ilundly & Wulkor and rjnvo them shocks for nearly 5500' on an Eaaox bank. It was discovered , as is charged , that ho had no money in the bank , and was not known thoro. Whcn > arrested ho was enjoying chnmpogno lunch with sno or moro vriolcsalo morohants. Ho lias been hero a week and h&a lived hijh. McKinney , Hundley it Walker , Mojor & Meyer , Robert Douglas , Rcgnior& Slump , James "Walsh , Harhrig A ; Brcn. , Rumo , Stewart & Kohn , and others foil viotirss for sums from § 100 to § 1,030 What his plan was is not known Ho clainoa to bo an honest mm. Late to night ha was soloasod on bond , and has autlwrlzcd .lib lawyer to sue MoKinxoy , ilurdly & Walker for $20,000 damages. So claims hhas $1,500) in the Uoaox lank. Ho left to-night f-or Essex ; ho says , to goi credentials , whun ho pro poses to return and nwk * things warm. Ho is very indignant. Roller sVatus , the beat'yut in Uttimar ket at J. Mueller's. EINO OUT THE OLD , I'lio Alderman "Wind Up tbo Ycixr \VltIt u I-UUo lUiHliicwi and Feed. On Saturday ovcninjr the old city coun cil mot , all the members being present except Alderman MoMahon. The city engineer was instructed to give grade to D. M. Strook & Bros. , who are preparing to build a sash , door and jlind factory at the corner of Bond und Twelfth streets. On motion of Alderman Keating the number of policemen was limited for the ensuing year to six , including the chief , The annual report of'Chief Fielc showed the total arrests to have bebi 1,157 , and stolen property rocovoroc 11,100.50. After a general discussion of the pav ing contracts , in view of the law jusl passed providing manner of payment , th following resolution vroa adopted. ttnotitu , That'the mayor , city attorney au city unglnoor be and we hereby inntructod I lsm Uie contract for pavtug J subinittea t thii council , and that a ooramlttoa coiisUtlu of , Aldermen Boldcntojif , Jtimoi , McMaho audKetttiuf ba tuid uro hereby unpointe uud iuitiucted to proaent the uaiuo to tl contractors for their elgntttureii nnd to ngrt with them upon and make a part thereof oil chuiqei that may be mtulo by eulil coniinl too uud Bald ooutricton affrned upouj pn vlded that any change therein ( hall bo rat tied by a majority \oteof the council thor after. after.Tho The council tlioi ; adjourned to Bool re tele's hutel where a 'sumptuoua ' baiiqui won served , by order of the retirii : loin mayor , Thomas Bowman. Those present at the feast were , The in Bowman , W. Suldontopf , M. Kc-allii Alex. Wood , Dau. Etcher , E. A. Trou man , Thos. Toatoviu , 0 J. Bout , J. < m Hegan , of Des Moines , Goo. F.Wrujh o , James Wlckham , K , L , Bhugart , D. I Smith of Chicago , W. S. Mayuo und 1 A. Moore. WINDOW SIIAIIEH at cost I at BEAKI A RUINED LIFE. Parlicnlars of the Causes Whicli Lulu Masters to suicide , 1'Yom n Vnrlcly Tliontro to tlie Grnve. TJio Buicido of Lulu Masters tins cmiscd much comment. From the facia drawn out by the coroner's jury it appears that she was formerly ono of the troupe who flourished so at the variety thcatro hero. Of late she has become quite despondent and aside from financial discouragement , she told some of her acquaintances that she was enceinte , and that Dave Mo Adams , who keeps a saloon on lower Broadway , was responsible for it. Fri day evening the pirl wont to Foster Bros , and got two ounces of laudanum , under the pretext that she wanted to use it on a sprained wrist. About 10 o'clock she wont to MoAdams' saloon and hand ing him an empty vial told him she had taken the contents. Ho did not believe it , as she Jiad once before tried to frighten him by pretending to take poison. She then wont up to Me- Adams' room , and ho there found her lying on the bod. Ho told her that if she was going to sleep she had bettor take ofl her clothes , and then wont down stairs , lulurning in about twenty min utes ho found her unconscious , and then summoned assistance. The girl lingered along until about noon oa Saturday , and thop died. She has a half sister at Car roll , 111. , an3 a sister at Grand Island , Nob. Among her papers were the fol lowing : WALNUT STUKET THEATKB , MANACJEII'H OFHCK , KANHAH OITY , Mo. , January 23 , 1884. Mlits Lulu Masters : Yours of the 22d received. I answered yourfonn- cr letter Saturday , what salary wo paid winoroom ladies , and also the percentage. As I stated before , wo pay $5 a week , and Co on cocktails , lOe on bottled boor , 25o and COo per bottle of wines , and Miss Carroll can toll you that many of our wino room ladies average frojti $12 to 810 per week salary and percentage ; so I cannot understand what you irwnnt to say when you wrote for § 7 per wsok , as there is not a lady in this house that does not make more than that per vroilt. If you wish to open Monday answer at once. J. P. HAYNOU. There was also a scrawling note con > monccd on ono piece of role paper. 1 % was : CounciL BLUFF ! * , March 13. Dear Sister : I sit down to lot yon know that On the opposite side was written : "The cause of my death was love. Dave McAdams I have poisoned myself. LUEU BIjfSTKns. It appoam that she recently consulted MoAdams , oJ McAdaras & Mynster , in regard to what she could do. She claim ing that she had boon seduced : MaAdams admits that iho girl had charged him with being tlto causa of her condition , nnd ho had furnished her aomo money. PBKSONAU , ; Col. A. Cochrn&Is hero again. Chna. C. Campbell , of ClovalanJj Of , A at EJjoUtol'a. Howls Arnold , or Now York ajcnt Sunday atrBechtol'a hotel. IS' W. KolloRR , oroot Dunlairii best known , wnt-at the Paulic yestnrdny. J. J. O'Connoll , off Preoport , imiuhlnwy man.was horn ycBtorcUy. .Trireph Gilbert v& wna fornctilyiclork i tlio ranifcrhutol , nnil'nfterwarila omplojat ) nuilcr W. II. BuriiBt has ucceiitoU a position to tnuol fur the GTonaolidatoJUhnk Lias compiuy. ' George1 R. Da\ls n w ntarti > o t on tbb jonil for Do Vol & WHght. Mrs , 8. .T. Nrrria lUa pone cnsir. after new goods nnil the latent stylos. ( i. W. Jonca , of tlto Anioifoan oxpret company , took his Stmduy rust nt-tho Pacific ; R. S Itallllo nnd 11 , M. Toferw , of MaU vorn , were hero yostcrtliy. f Cedar Itapid ernckor icon , it ) at that Frank 3' . lloll , of Kansas' Giiy , was her > yesterday , and was welcomed by many of his- railway frlouda at the Pacific. Gofcrgo A. Morril ) , of Kansas.Glty , put ia at thtvL'aclfio over Sunday. ' W. J ; Davenport , of liiirlhbgton , spent Sunday at the I'acllic , nnd voa greeted by\ miMf old friends. E , OrouHliaw , o2 > Mondamin.TOM in the cityi yesterday , the guast of I. A. Gdoll. Nebraska wns well represented at thollvi dCii/Jiyeatordtty , Ihoro being JT. G. Boston and wlfo , of lavld Ilty , II , L. NAlaon , of lian v , J. W , Jaekacn , of OaUlwiil , and J. M. Davoy , of 1'ousx I\Irs. \ W. CJ JamoH has ifano to California on a vialtto [ i r brother. Mm. K , U Dlmock , of < Jnnoavlllo , Vflt. , ts hero on aalt ! to her bttthor , Fred Clarb , of ox proas fat o. Mm. K. T ) . Proutjv f Shelby , and , Wtss Jennie Davis , of Nuela , were here snapping Saturday , notwithstanding the courti house boycuUinr. | For cut flowers , plants , etc. , ROte W. H. Foster , the Harrison street llcnt. Johnson , a hack-driver of Ida Grove , U missing ; likewise a watch and $20 that didn't belong to him. The Pioneer thinks it singular , aa frequently during the paat winter aa much aa a thousand dollars has been entrusted to him with out the loss of. a single cent. Iowa Se'bd Corn FOIl HM.K UY J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchant , No , 3J Pearl rtrect , Bum JACOU 8I1IS. E. P. CAUWEU > t Attorneys -at-Law COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Offlco , JJ&ln Street , llooms 1 ul Bhujrut ft Mi lUhou'i Ulook , Will practice la 8UU and nlpr oourU N. SCHURZ ! Justice of ttie Peace ornou OVKK AMKHICAN E\i > itcs3. COUNCIL FLUFFS , - 10 W LADIES ! WE ARE RECEIVING- SOME VERY FINE Gentlemen OUR FINE BOOTS AND SHOES For Sprin Wear are arriving daily. Please call and see our New Stock. Z. T. L.INDSEY & CO. , 4rl2 Council Bluffs ) Broadway , , TOW A 1U W'a' West Side Square , Clunnda , j ' ' MAYNE & PALMER , DKAUIPJJ IN Hard and Soft Goal , AND WOOD , BCIK.'AND DAIUlKb LIME , 10U1SVIU.E AND I > ORT7 . > AND CFJIKNT . , MIC31OAN PLASTER , HAIR AND SF.WKIl PIPE. No , 030 Broadway. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & Soring ; Goods LEADING MEROHANrTMLORS , Jusit Received. 7 and 9 Main streab , , . IOWA. - - - - uropean only Hotel hi thia City on the European plan of W > PAY ONLY .FjOR WHAT YOU aBJT. " $ faw Buildzng lTe r jParizishings. MODER/N IMPROVEMENTS CENTRALLY L00APSD. ( FinB Sample Roomsv-Elegant Restaurant. PETE& BECHTELE , PE9PRISTGE , , . 336 and'338 ' Broadway - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. TV ! wli t * TPsi il Afi A Q n 111 1J.U1 bllcl ; ! ! JL OjlIUI NEATO AOT ) PROMRTL'J DONE. 805 South Main. Strcd , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. , . GALLAGHER , C ? E3 Eli. JL . Ifew StorC/J > t8h QooifrLow yricoa and Follto AtUndanto. f { FirsI'Door east of tlfotrojjolitanHotas } R "CPJa.0 DE'iat/tali.o. . . Ed. Oi : < * on Mcila t.XiH Hours. . Chef Council Ulufln. . MAIN STM GOUNG3L BLTJPBS. HEALEIllIN AUtTHi ! LATEST DESIGNS OFr a Wf I I . \ r J.ii r Interior De20radons. 13 Si Pearl Street nnd 20 K Main Street , - COUMML BLWPS. HEATING STOVES COST- FOR A SHORS-TIME i'l ' ite and Tinware , latest Noyeltiss in Fancy. Hardware. . A large line { oxti rjordinajy Fine Carvers. DeVOL & POSITIVELY THE LAEG-B8T AND CHOIOBST STOOS Ever shown west of Chicago , now being received by GASADY , ORGUTT & FRENCH , Carpets from 25o to $3,50 per Yard , Also TURCOMAN , MADRAS , LAOE AND SILK CURTAINS Xax 502 Broadway , Council BlulVs. \ CASADY , OKCUTT & FRENCH ( OPPOSITE OOUBT HOUSE , ) TO LOAN I REAL ESTATE Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lota and Loads in the County , ; Einpkie Hardware C 109 and 111 S. Main Street , , 'Vg ? COUNCIL BLUFFS , WHOLKSALE DEAJ.KHS IN HATS , GAPS BUCKGLOYES ; 342 nnd 344 Broadwnj , . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA1 , ' ' All klmis of 3BC. ROOM 6 , HEW OPERA HOUSE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , etc , , etc. All Orders by Mall Promptly Attended To. WHY DON'T YOU OCTSOME OP FITCH BROTHERS' ' CUSTOM SHIRTS' ? erfi-ot Fitting , Best nnd ChcnptsttliFIno I.lncn Collar Gun * . flTo. 715 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , lowaJ UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER MetaWastets and Wautfrn Coffins of alii Kinds. / TELEGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTEKDED TO. OPEN DAY ANDNIGHl DXTo. 1-.3XT. OVEfvixi. JS ffr C3o-u.aa.oil 011E8TON HOUSE. 37XnYTHINO KKSTCIUSS. v 247 nml SID'S : Main St. , - - COTJNCIB BSSTFS. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUM'S. rotrfollow'tijure the times oKhe'arrlrcl and do- ol't > ina by central sa < Janitlme , . athe RirtTiro l Trains Icav F transfc'ri depot- ton mln- carflcr nml'arrive ten minutes 1-Jldr. ' 6:40 : lira Chicago Exprcxr * 'JUOani -Fast Mall. r.Wpir ' . JOB AMD CO J.T3I3 B&WTS. 10lCam : Mall and Expres3 , OIHypm 8:2 : pm' Pacific Express- 6i55 p m CIKCAS ) . : * ILWAUKXH AND anTAtf * Express , 9Mam 0.45 S't ' _ Express , CIIICASOj.BOCK ISLAND A.ND ) fi'SO p-m .lAlintlo Express , R'iO a m D y Express , p m 7:151 : ti" 'Dcc-tfoincs Acootnmodatloo , At local depot only. * * AM UVITT. lams . 0:55 : ad- Hall , 4:46 : p in ftuinon Ball , * At Transfer only. cmctooancl hORTUWKans * ! . 5:30 pm Kxprcss , 0-50 p-m Pacifllc Kxprcts , SKlCn OTTT AND PACIFIC. 7:40 : 2 > m St. Paul Express , ! > -OOam 7:20 A ci. Anaommodatlon , tnnos PACIFIC. 7:5 Western Express , 11:44 a m I'aiido Exproas , 7:4 ! ) a iir Locil Express , 6.51'Jia 12:14 : bet Lincoln Express , "Atf Tran i for only. LeaTS 8 ? d-0.2S 10-2iil:24 a. m. : : Zl- 4-24-USl-6.24-7:2i nd 11-04 p , m 3uoday , 8-Sl- 10.24 r-um. l:2d-3rH-624-7.0landinClpra. Ar rho Cat minutes bibra tauluR time. ADMNIBTBATOE'EbaMB Thtvundersigned will offoi'ifor aale on March 1&(10 ; O'OloeK-A. M. AT * X-L Bottawattamie CTo. , HOiStcers , 11 Horses , TiOWS , nOCiS , CORIff.OATS ; AffD FARMING IMPL3MEI J3. TERMS Ten mouths' Muie , at en j.ier epnt infersst .wiihapprcivecl iec rity on all sums irer ttjn dol'lnrs. A.11 sunisof t-n dalliu * PPtvodert : a-di. Kive per cant' ' dtsaouu t for ash on all auma o vor toiudx&l ) ars. RRicaM. 7J. or other tumors joauif ed without th nnnnuTP "niQt'i pQ inUUmb UloMuta Ovftf tblrtr years pjnctlc&l * ixpon' J ' eoco Offloc No an IRK o e i 0 a 2 * 3 Qi g 1 S a ° 6o M o IS 5 3 58 o 98H rf I I i rf | a ; a S B B S o o ] g ofe SILOAM Wo uorantcm th * cuio o ! the loiltning iwiaiwl dk seises , ortio pay { Khcumatlsm , Scrolulo. UlcarJ Catarrh ; a J DICwl amlhkndiscatns-Dv.pip ! , ,7 Compla'xitt Kidn i ; and Dloddcr I''JKS < .V. Qitit ) 'j ralgla aad-Asthnat These Sprln aKre thc ftty resort -tnb-tlroiln.-vj iloblliuvtnil.ind arc tie- / FZE13LE.H. IIKS BEST CTUEND , . V Good otol , livery and bathlnjr TocomoduJ'untt winter and summer. Locality Mrlily pkhirotj. and heillhjAojseslblo by Vkbiah rn2va7H Evnna , CT-C-.D. fir ( J. , at Albanjt Correfj ouuc 1 solicited , RSV.JJ.M. Si r > \ ] Springs , lOentry Uti , JR > ' ANALYSIS. Specula ar vit\ . . _ > . TiO , Ileaction . . . . . Carbonic Aad r.ast . . . . . . Carbonit > Calolnmi . . , Carbonata Irbn . „ . TfHV Sulphate. UJuncsla. . . _ . . . . . - . 3"HO Sulphate Calcium v . . . . . . . . lilt * Chloride 30-lljrau. . . . _ . „ . . . 7,2t > V Sllllca. . . . , . IvStM Alumina . . . . , . . . .0,010/ Ornaiiicixxi-VDl ti' sutler and Is < - ' . . . .l/.W Total scliu * > pcr gaUon . OT.IT * _ Wmon r& MJBttiLU Cheanlsia | THE mm OF THE UNSftfEDf ] "Tho iokea ! shall lie tiirnod iuio heJ and tbo nationo- that forj t Gftct the saaio.'ahoJlidiinli . of tiio trina of j wr.-vth StOodv whicli fs poured oui witl out roicturo hiio the oupiof'indignatio | and Ixvshall Be -montod with. Sre ti brimeiono in ii > o prese so of frXe J anguls < indi it. the jrescnco oti tlie La' ' Justice of Omaiia ana Counoil' J-Katfr. . f\ \ > v . ' | OFFICER $5 FUSE BANKERS.I CountU Bluffs - U , m CORNER PEARL ST.ANDflFTHAV Open lu ; 0 a. m. , 2fO : p. m ani730p. ; m. , i i.ay , Wi-ilne rta > anil Frida ) evtBlrgaexclughelV the lLinplo Club. . larMusio on Tucbdny and Tburtdaycentries. . J r ' ADMISSION , 26 CENTS. No objoctlonible charoclerarlll be admitted. * ' CHAPMAN & MAHTENB. . . . PROl'HIKTO SPECIAL NOTICJ ? J NOTICE. Special adrcrtlavipenta , lucb u , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wauta , E1/ In ; , eta , will bo tniertod In this column at thi rata of TEN CENTS PEU LINE for the flnt Inw and FIVE CENTS PER LINE for each mbiequer ' Mrtlon. Leave nlvertlMincnU at our office , " / Pearl Btreot , Dear Broadwav WAMTB-e ; vy WANTED A ll\.iboy with jpony to ram * ft lire. LV11 at Council Bluffs llix uittuS ANTED Ever } ' body m Council DIuOi to 4 W TiiBliii. Dellrered by carrier at only t fl cents a IVAAlr. 1 /"VLD PAPEItS-For ealo at lire office , at 25' ? \J a bundnul. f DENT. Kurnlthed room eight del FOIl ' . H. Otn St. a A DENTS Tadlca and Keillemen can nukol JV.cJa j wofc-ot by Bellini ; the "Champliiu B > ' Htreclher and Ironing UoirJ. " lUUIll at fl. Auy lady can uo an line thlrt wtltiout a vrin J midgloaiI unlc lya tliuicttl undrle ran.AdJr. ( or la'tlculari ' 0. i ) . H. & I. Co. , fiix o ! ! ! ; , ( or uuJ Mrs , H , J , HOtOD , M. D PHYSICIAN & 223 MMdlo Bn 'f"V. Council EDWIN J.ABBOTT iop nf lbU Ul ViliK ) lleCIC iMlUK.NtR\LCO\\Kl\cn : , 115 U110ADWAV , .