Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA , MONDAY , MARCH 17 , 188-1. 6
electric Oil !
A Medicine with curative pro
perties as impossible to counter-
lid which is now having an en-
; | ] ious sale throughout the Dni-
States and Canadas.
I Dutln * the pwt two
Lean I hitvo tiic.l bottles
II Dr. Thomas' Kclcctrlc
pll ( or > itralM > , lirulsoi ,
Lilt' , burns , and Illicit
liatloi. It alniuarurc' .
F4I. I. , nialr , AM. Filth
fitil , Nov. 9,18s3.
OBAYVIU.B , 11.1.3.
I In c.uci ol Croup Thorn
Is1 Eclecttlo Oil ncm
Kits to cure. It en ml me
a \cry tiaj Ulcerated
| .rc Tliroat-C. K. Hall ,
STlIlc , 1118.
M 1.1,11. . ,
with HronclittU and nn
frtlon ol tlia thront ,
Ir. Thamas * Kclcctrlo Oil
cnrwl me Olhcr J. Hello
Isle , 23 Rut .Morrhnnck St.
At n remedy lorCatarth
Df. Tliimvt * GdcctiloOll'
; tniilsatthclci > . It cured
mo , and I bellc\cnUI curt
any case. E < 1 w , S. IloulcJ
1V. . Utli Strcit.
l $ *
. rT-tDK < m e tqaiATCr.TMV ( T
vorU. cvrti Itjf t411 * Dikrtbfft. ftLil Acuf. uid ftll
tWrtof tba Dlf-ilUiUrslDi. Af.wdrorAlmp rlftdcikHoii a Tor
rl * " ' ebkmpvn'i ftai ta all iflnn.r JrinVi , Try It , tkl
rf ciwtitA'Vitfc Alk Tcur cror.r rdnvc 'tfot Uit CBUA0 ]
Ku * UI tur.J DPIL J. O. D. BlldSRT4 60X8.
j. w. wurmuAim , COLB AOICT ,
Y. If. 3T.
The want ol a reliable -
. liable illructlc which
whllo acting as n
| > tlmulantofthekid-
ncjs , neither excites
nor Irritates them ,
was long sup
plied by Hosteller's
Stomach Dltters.
Thli line medicine
_ . _ Jg } oxcrUIhe requisite
ISgx degree of stimulation
" ( K upon thcio onrans ,
IAithout producing
Irritation , and Is ,
therefore , far better
adapted for the pur
pose than unmedl-
catud excitants oft
en resorted to. Dys
pepsia , fc\cr and
ague , and Mndrcd
d'HC scs are all cured
For sale y all dealers gcntr-
'iWfiSfcW *
OOF , MANLY VIGOR , Sperrnatorr
Wjjhtoa , etc. , when all other romo-
" ts fail. A cure guaranteed.
* . . .50 a bottle , large bottle , font
' times the quantity. < 5. Bv ex
press to any address. Sold by
all druggists. ENGLISH. MEDI.
_ j INSTITUTE , Proprietore , 718 Olive Street , 8k
l.ils , Mo.
W have sold Sir Astley Cooper's Vital Restorative
r A years. Every customer speaks highly of It 1
[ faesllatlnglycndorseltaaaremedy of true merit
f " 0. F. GOODUAH , Drug M
lOraahk Feb. 1 1883 v8rn&oml
licago , Si. . Paul , Minneapolis and
I n"tc new extension ef this line from Wakeflcld up
through Concord and Coleridge
hen the best portion of the State , Special ex-
lion ratea for Und lockers over this line to
, Norfolk and Hart Ing ton , and \ la Blair to all
( pal points ou the
Inso\er tht C. , St. P. It. & O. Ilailway to Cov
j'j Sioux City , Pence , llnrtlngtonVayne and ct evt
JJcinont , Oakda e , Ncllgb , and through to Val
entine ,
llfor rates anil oil Information call on
P. B. WHITNEY , Ofnoral Arjcnt ,
> 2t DuildlsK , Cor. 10th and Earnam HU. ,
Omalii , Neb.
keciti or secured at depot , corrar 14th
BRO'S & CO , ,
' J estabhthcd themselves In Omaha to t'ansact '
tieral br ikerago and buslncsa. We Kill buy nil
7cii of jtood1 * \vhnld8aleor retailand guarantpo
f cti Hitltfactlou 'n priced , as e < nn buy cheaper
y } urnehcs. Ynu rouses the advantage of h'W-
J.t ur gorxia bought by ono who will work for
[ ? 0ctcrcst ! and nut trust to a merchant who ha )
. " wVilng 1m is anxious to bo rid of. We will also
" "firouipt attention to Belling an ) thing entrusted
jj/ and gooka lonspneil to uj will bo carcfulU
j'd ti. Corro poiineni3 solicited n
w. ilcforencci- Omaha Nation * ! Bant , 3tcCague
jn Bank. Address 111 S. 16th M.
Nebraska Cornice
OT-aaxox" 'w'lu.clo-CTxrai ,
on Fencing !
; f tlnga , Balustrades , Verandu , Offloeund Bank
lUlHnga , Window and Cellar Guards , Eto.
[ 0011 , O. ANDMn 8TUKK1- , LINCOLN NUB.
"AIHKlt. U.awter ,
lotico to Cattle Men !
1 0 Head ot Stem Thrto Yeara Old.
JOO ' " Two <
ia Helfere , Two
150 " < t-teera , One
20 " " Helf r , One '
oabo\e dcMjrlb'd cattle are all well broO Iowa
fife , ulriilKlit aiul > ni < xitli Theio cattlu will > > a
/ > in loUie luit puictmcn , and at reasonable
Fle . I'or further particular ) ) , call nuoradilim *
. K. PA1TOX ,
Woverly , Ilrcmer Ou. , Inua.
P. 8. Alto young gnulcd built. m7- Imo Stwlt
Stove Repair Works ,
10U youth L4th St.
ICake * ( iMclaity of furnUhlntr oartlniri and rep *
\fg \ tQfe * of all dMTlptloo , wood stoiei , changed
fam 001,1 , rratcf , luretock , dampcH , fro. con > UnUT
naud. Trr coo o cur ttoia p * ( 9tlvM ujd
HTATli , HttlN'C3S.
1'fttrick Toloy , nn employo ol the B , A , . ,
hn.ibecn tent to the In auo nsylum. He fo
subjcoi to violent flt .
The mayor 1ms boon Itntnictod to ncRotlAto
for n town boll to ring out the hours from the
tower of Mnsonln temple )
A pilleloss son of Intllnns , with n vrlfo nnd
tliroo children , \vnt roliovotl of his ( wckotbook
nt the dcixvt U contained S330.
The onstern links of the tripartite now ship
tlielr iwtcngcn nnd freight to Bcntrico by the
Union 1'ncltic , liutoul ot the 1) . k M. M for
The grand jury rc ] > orto < l thnt the county
pihou WAS unlit for any humim to live in.
Prisoners nro promiscuously htuldlod In ono
loom , und Uio culcirH tlicrofroni nro thick
enough to cut with a cheese Unite.
The Is'nws dp < erlbcs Tnlmneo , the Urooklyn
dlvliio who enlightened Lincoln on "IHi' Bhin-
dors" for 6400 , ns "Two long logs , n cnvernotM
mouth , n inop of hair nnd n pair tif aoufa , A
scductno nmlln played nnon his lips , nnd then
the cork flow out , nnd gushe * of oloiiuoucj fol
lowed "
Tl < o nupromo co\trt has docldcd thnt wommi ,
lm\iiiK the iunlllicntloii3 | prescribed by the
utatutcs rolnting to school election1) ) , nro en
titled to vote nnd to hold the ntlico of trusted.
The ilcciaion , tho\iili not yet died , ii cl\cn out
In advanced to nvold disputes In the April
Thcro Is as yet no ( Iclinlto noun ns to the
proposed ovtonf ion of the 1) ) . fc M. by way of
Aslilnnd and Wnhoo , tliovi h oxery moveinoiit
uf the eomp'Uiy In that direction Is carefully
watched. It is generally boliorcd the line
will bo loeatfld nnd work commenced before
, ho 1st of Mixy.
An Iowa boy who worked a month for n
) liyaician , ln tlm nolgliborhood of Krouiont ,
ivaa given , Inntcnd of ten dollars which ho
oxpoctcd , a receipted bill for | m > feai < iiuil
sor\Icc3 which the doctor had rciulorod on the
occasion of htx birtli. That was enough to
nnko the boy wish ho had uovcr boon born ,
Arthur Truosdell has Hubmitted a iiroposi-
.ioii to the council to light tbo city with coal
ill. Ills proposition ia to erect ono hundred
amp posts , furnish the lamiw , oil , wicks ,
: hmnoys ! , do the lighting nnd extinguishing ,
cocp thorn in complete repair , all the your
round for the sum of $1,100 per year for n
iorm of five yc.ira. At this rate It innkea nn
average of U per lamp § 11) ) less than the
cost ot gtv > .
Wolbacb'H store was raided tha other nielit
mil noeral bolts of dross goods takon. Tbo
jurglar and goods were capturud soon after.
The funeral of Father 1'hclan , paster of the
Catholic church hero tor several years , was at
tended by a largo number of thoclcrgyfriands
and citizens generally.
The Catholic parsonage had a narrow escape
from destruction by fire , Tuesday. Lho coals
md fallen from the steve to the floor , and had
started n small blaze when dlscov ercd nnd
The B. & M. will make no further ofTort to
Hocuro entrance Into this city until after tbo
April election , when the voters will bo called
ujxin to decide whether they want another
railroad ,
Father Fholan , Uio beloved pastor of the
Catholic church nt Wood river , died suddenly
of nppoploxy lant Monday. On Sunday , the
) tli , ho preached at Wood Itivor and his aub-
lect wa-s "Sudden IJoath. " It waa Illustrated
tiy the circumstances attending the de'atli of
the late W. J. Unify in Crand Island , The
Ilov. Father dwelt upon the uncertainty of life
mid peculiarly admonlihod bis congregation to
bo ready for the summons. And yet of all
who heard him that day , he himself was the
first to answer the call . The llo v. Father was
preparing to build nn ologanf church at W od
lUter , and his sudden demise will stop the
work for n short time at least ,
The defense of Hold cost in the neighbor
hood of $3,000 , A deed was filed in the
county clerk's ollico recently , by which Win
Hold made over his real and personal prop
erty to Colby & Hiulet , his attorneys , fora
consideration of $15,000. They gave him a
mortgage on the same for $1U,000.
The B , & M. is takincr vast quantities of
stone from the quarries in this neighborhood.
During the pan two n.onths 200 car loads
have'been sent to rip-rap the different lines of
the company. The "t-touo gang" h H worked
all winter. The stone now being taken out is
used betwoou Tecuuisah and Atchisou.
Gage county contributed six criminals to
Stout's penitentiary gang at the late term of
court. They are : Win. II. Keid , man
slaughter , ton years ; .loun M. Ming , forgery ,
two years ; Henry Uurko , robbery , tliroo years ;
Joaopli Kendall , burglary , three voari ; George
W. ( Jr.iy , forgery , tlireo years ; John Waggle ,
larceny , ono year.
Ono of the foremen of the B , & M. sliopH in
forms The Journal that there is plenty of
work at the shops , that cvery'man is working
full time , and more men are wanted.
Louis ISrinkman has boon ja'lod ' on a war
rant sworn out by Chris. Liable , Louis seems
to hava been out ou a bender and attempted
to caw ) Chris and his wife with a club , and
wont so far ns to burst the panels of the door
in the elf > rt. He was put under 54,500 bonds
for hnuio breaking and assaulting with intent
to kill.
The late disaster to the 1C. C. train ! ian
shown the nocensity of a double track between
Omaha and 1'lattsmouth , There are now
twelve passenger trains between both cities
daily and n large number of freights. The
least that might bo done to insure absolute
safety ix a double track from I'latttiinoutli t < >
OioopollH , to avoid tbo increasing dangers of
the big band.
The Herald says : "In traveling on the 1C.
0 road it Is very uoUcuablo the proportion of
pas engerH that make the train from Pacific
Junction to Omaha compared with those who
continue through to the HluiTa. It H u per
fectly Hafo estimate th Jt on an average two-
third" of the pasiougerH north and suuth are
from Omaha , or to that place , nnd tha train
continued to the Bluffs la practiciJly empty. "
Ono of the qualifications necessary to secure
the mayoralty of Crete la honesty.
An Independent German Protestant church
has just boon organized at Columbus ,
The average attendance of the Nebraska
City schools for the post month was l03. !
No tiiiio man , or woman cither , can accuse
The Crete Globe of being level headed.
M. A. Dougherty has sold bin interest in
The Crete Globe to Mr. True , for sumo 33000.
The contract for , building the new 1'latto
river bridge at Schuylor , haa been lot to the
IT. F. company , to cost ub.nit $20,000.
Franklin county has a thriving Immigration
society , which is doing n great ueal to induce
eastern people to eottlo In that region ,
A Congregational church has been organised
at Martlnsburg , Dixou county. The building
of a house of worship is contemplated.
Jamca Pease of Oxford , accidentally poi-
Eoned hiimelf with aconite , which was mis
taken for spirits frumentl. Beware of thu
A Pawnee Wolf , who aold mortgaged goods ,
Sulllvunlzed the mortgagee for objcctlnt' to
the proceeding , and paid 810 and coat'j for
the satisfaction It gave him.
Kuckolls county is to ha\o a special election
on the l Hh of this month , to decide the qucs-
tlona.s ! to whether the county Khali Issue bond *
to aid the Warwick , Superior & Hastings
llailroad company.
Homo fool litigant olfcrod Judge Morris a
bribe of 820 to decide a case In his favor. The
judge , after commenting fievorely on the ac
tion uf the sender , handed the matter ovur to
the grand jury for their Investigation.
The Valentino Itepoiter nays the tMInne-
chaduza boa been on a rampage Mnce K&tur-
day , and ns n consequence not u bridge In loft.
It took them all nlTnllck iud clean , ai It did
every thing else that lay in 1U conruo.
Brown county has an entlmatod population
of over 1,000 Simla and there hat not been a
i-Inglo folium Iu biuinoss reported elnco the
organization of the county. Whoa a man's
credit gets " huky" they take him out and
hang him to a whittling pout.
i The manager of a second-band utoro In
'f Blair Imagined ha had Iwen robbed of a 25
( cent hat nd ho forthwith proceeded t < > Arrest
> n counlo of reupecUblo young ladlos. The
| lUipubllcan eaye ho succeeded in proving hliu <
golf ftfuwptclous jackass and it ulf with an
09niontof $ 'J1 for the fun.
The Johnson County ,1 out ml , the demo-
ci-atlo torchlight of southern Nebraska , hrvi
passed 10 fifth mllostono In its cnrcor. It ban
llomlthed from the moment of its birth , nnd In
now in the front pow of weeklies. Its succe"
In n monument to honest hnnl work ,
A wlloy youth of twenty-two summers t
Nebraska City induced n fickle widow of moro
than twoncoro years , to toll her llttlo homo to
cot funds to carry both to the Pacific on n
bridal tour , The youth took the funds nnd
the tour and widows mourns housoloas nnd
Tbo B. & M. surveyors nro In the Loiip
country seeking for feeders lo their road either
to connect nt Central City by wny of the
Loup , or nt Kearney by way if the Wrod
river. They nro reaching for the Black llllla'
trnlllo nut ! trndo In tlio great oUtlo country
through wlilch their now line will pa j.
All stnto papers are welcome to theno .Tot
ting ? , They nro propnied especially for their
coin onlcnco , and no credit. nnm or Imprint Ia
naked to Indicate their pateudty. It la pleas
ing to note how well they nro appreciated , by
reproduction jwrtly or wholly In n majority of
the ttato PICKS.
In n short'ttmo the B , & M. will nxtond its
postal car mall service to Denver , McCook
being the western limit nt present , to where
IKistnl clerks ran. The regular juwtal clerks
that now run to Haslinp will bo continued to
Denver , nnd n car added to the night train
from the oast.
The Argus says the lied Cloud & Kansas
Southwestern Is thn nnmo ef the latest rail
road enterprise In that section of the country.
For some time the question of constructing n
railroad from some point on the B. & jM.
through Smith nnd Books couutics , Kansas ,
lias been under consideration nnd it is now
probable that the road will bo built.
Mr. John 1C , Wall , n farmer living near
[ "Jrnftou , was found dead within forty rods of
Ills house lost Monday. A short tlmo before
lie had IM the house to itrho. some hogs out
of his neighbor' * corn. Not returning ns noon
is ho was oxpoctcd , n boy was sent to look for
lini. Ills body Wns found on the pralrio , ns
stated. Ho died ot heart disease ,
A lirlllliuit K.vhlbltlon at the Kollcr
Itlnlc Hnliirday Evening.
Roller sknting is fast becoming n factor
to the nmusomont loving public , nnd
Omaha ia not behind her sister cities in
rink or skaters. The music nnd laughter -
tor , gliding and tumbling , science and
awkardnoss , all testified to this fact lost
evening at the roller rink.
The skaters have enjoyed the benefit
of Will H. Daniel , as manager in the
early part of the season , nnd now Mr.
Elliott has Mr. Goodall , of Louisville ,
under contract for a month. Mr. Good-
all is a ward of Dr. Dinsmoro , n grontlo-
man and a superior skater. By his cour
teous manners ho is making the rink a
Favorite place of amusement.
Ilia skating last evening was of unu
sual merit , the comic imitations being
laughable in the extreme , and his scien
tific too movements called forth the ap
plause of nil present. The great attrac
tion of the evening was the byciclo riding
of Prof. W. D. Wilmott nnd Master Fred
C. Sowcll , upon one byciclo. Ono
would not believe that such acrobatic
batic feats could bo performed , as were
done with perfect o.iso by these two gen
tlemen. Mr. Wilmot holds Mr. Sowoll
above his head und rides on ono wheel.
They balance their bicycle nnd while
standing in the spokes each picks up hia
handkerchief from the tloor and returns
to a riding position.
An old lady romarknd : "If I had not
aeon it with my own eyes , 1 would not
have bolioycd it ; but there goes n wheel
running away with a man. " This fact
was demonstrated last evening by Mr.
Wilmot removing the saddle , backbone
nnd small wheel , and riding the largo
wheel , or monocycle , around the rink.
Mr. Wilmot wears a modal given to the
champion bicycle rider of the world.
Omaha has the name of being the most
critical of critics , but Uio entire satisfac
tion which the rcporter hoard expressed
by those present hist evening is sufficient
procf of the ability of Messrs. Wilmotand
Sowcll as acrobatic bicycle equestrians
nnd Mr. Goodall as a skater.
Ireland's National Hoi I day.
Throughout the world , wherever an
Irishman dwells , this day will bo
one of gladness and rejoicing. The
hearts of the bravo and chivalrous
sons and fair daughters of tha "dear old
land" will be brightened and made joy
ful , nnd fond and endearing rominia-
censes of tlto days of their early youth
and childhood will again bo revived in
fic-ir bosoms. Oil this day they will
cdobrato the anniversary of the patron
saint of their native land , nnd certainly
Irishmen .havo a right to bo proud of
their great national holiday. With
pardonable pride they can point
to that noble nnd beautiful
isle , wliero away back iu the centuries of
long ago religion , literature , music , nnd
Hong , flourished when most of the nations
of the world were steeped in heathenism
and barbarity. The principles of chival
ry and truth , which St. Patrick implanted
in the breasts and on the character of
Irishmen , and the glorious attributes of
purity and honor which leligion has so
nobly preserved nnd nurtured in Erin's
lovely daughters are to-day as alive and
nc.tivo as when Ireland practiced the
teachings of her patron saint and instruc
tor , free from the gross contact of on
alien and tyrannical people.
Centuries of oppression and misrule
have failed to change the character of
Irishmen , patriotic , faithful , nnd perse
vering , they are as determined ns over to
persist in the effort which they have
never relinquished to again restore to
their native land its former independence
and glory.
In Omaha our Irish citizens have made
suitable preparations to add their
quota to the great world wide event. In
a brood nnd national spirit they will do
honor to the memory of St. Patrick.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians and
Hibernian Rifles have charge of the ar
rangoments. The zeal nnd patriotism of
this noble order of Irishmen la well
known throughout the entire state , and
in Omaha they represent the manhood
and intelligence of our Irish population.
They have secured the assistance of the
best literary and musical talent in the
city for the occasion and have outraged
Masonic hall for the afternoon- whore ,
after the parade , the celebration will
take place.
A ThoniUKlilircd 1'Yuinl.
On Wednesday last a young man called
nt the B , & M. headquarters nnd presen
ted a letter , purporting to bo from D.
McCoole , superintendent of the Detroit ,
Mackinao u Mnrquetto railroad , with
headquarters at Alurquotto , requesting
transportation for benror from Omaha to
i Denver and leturn , The letter represented
sented the bearer as being the private :
! clerk of Mr. McC'aole. The B , & M.
folks suspected the loUor wns n forgery ,
land immediately telegraphed Mr. Mc-i
Coolo in regard to the matter nnd that
gentleman answered thnt ho know noth
ing of the young man or letter. It will
bo well for railroad companies to look
out for this young fraud.
John Kjinnn IMnccs $ K K iu the
lliuuls of it Krloiitl , Who lc-
unuiiB With the Pllo.
A young man by the name of .John
Fyman appeared before .Indgo Bonoko
Saturday morning nnd filed n complaint
ngninst ono Samuel 1. llollowny , charg
ing him with swindling complainant out
of $825.
About three weeks ngoFymnn endorsed
a certificate of deposit on the Onmhn
National bank to llollowny for the sum
of § 825 , which sum llollowny wns to
use in the purchase of real estate for
Fyman , but which nmounhe appropri
ated to his own use nnd jumped the
Fymnn has caused his nrrcst in Chicago
cage , whore he is now being hold until
requisition papers can bo obtained from
Governor DAWOS , when ho will bo
brought to this city to answer to the
A Tjaivycr'a Opinion of Interest to All
> T , IT. Tnwnoy , Kfi ] , , n loading attorney of
Wlncim , Minn. , writes : "After vising It for
more than three years , I take Croat pleasure
Iu stating that I rog > > rd Dr. Klng'it Now Dis
covery for Conmunptlon , at the best remedy In
the world for Cousin anil Colds , It has no\cr
failed to euro the nunt severe colds I Imvo
lind , and Invariably rello\o.n the pain hi the
Trial Uottlos for this sure euro for nil Throat
and Lung Diseases may bo had Preo nt O. l'\
Gooclinau'H Jrur Sloro. Largo size , ' $1,00 ,
St. Patrick's Dny at I'npillloii.
A musical and literary entertainment
will bo given ut Pnpilliom court house
on the evening of March 17 , for the ben
efit of St. Columbhiira church. Aa will
bo scon by the programme , many of the
parties taking part nro of Omahn :
Mann sole St. 1'ntrick's Day
Miaa Maggie Swift
Heading Out of the old house , Nancy
, Carl ton
Miss Sarah K. Bronnau.
Solo nnd chorus Old homo , ,1'utnam
Mr. Joseph McCaHroy.
Address . ' Mr.C. .T. Smyth
Piano nolo Recollections of homo
Miss Saddle Koilloy
Heading Molly Muldoon
, , Mist ) Stacla Crowley
Solo Waiting < . . t Mlllard
MISS Mary McNnmarn.
Piano solo Carnival iln Yonlco
Miss Moggie Swift
3olo Mooting of the waters Moore
Mi s Stacla Crowloy.
Solo and chorus We'll all bo dar..Putnam
Mr. J. P. McCarthy.
Prospective Bliss.
D. C. Patterson , a banker and real OB-
tatq speculator , will bo married on Tues
day next , nt Wayne , in the Presbyterian
church , to Miss Maude Gamble. Rev.
Thomas C. Hall , of this city , will go to
solemnize the ceremony. Sir. Patterson
is a brother of 11 , C. Patterson , of our
city , and has been very succrssful in bus
iness iu this stato. Ho was the nominee
of the democratic party in 1880 for state
auditor , at the ago of 22 years , and ran
much ahead of hia pnrty. A special train
lias boon chartered for the occasion , to
run from W yno to Council Bluifs.
Many of our prominent citizens nro in
vited to bo present. Their wedding tour
will bo spent in Europe for six months.
CHIOAOO , March 15. Notwitlistnnding
that a rate war seemed very certain to
occur next Monday by reason of the dis
solution of the Northwestern and Central
Iowa Traflic association , the situation
appears somewhat less warlike to-night.
General Manager Hughitt , of the North
western , Assistant General Manager Mil
ler , of the Milwaukee & St. Paul , and
General Manager Cable , of the Rock
Island road , hold a short mooting this
afternoon , and it is confidently assorted
that a meeting of managers will bo called
for next Monday or Tuesday , to form a
pool , and that in the meantime the
gents have been directed to maintain
YOUNQSTOWN , ' O. , March 1C. Last
night the employes of the Now York ,
Pennsylvania & Ohio road relaid switches ,
etc. , torn up in the afternoon by the
Pittsburg , Cleveland & Toledo men
whore the roads cross at Hazloton , and
ripped up 000 feet of the letter's track ,
and then placed a locomotive so as to
block each end. The Pittsburg , Clove-
laud & Toledo men ran a train of ilat cars
loaded with rails into tha obstructing lo
comotive , A general fight Boomed in
evitable for : i time. The sheriff made
several arrests. 'I ho , court has granted
an injunction ngninst the Now York ,
Pennsylvania & Ohio road from further
work till to-monow. No moro trouble
is anticipated at present ,
THE o. & M , u. it.
OinoAnd , March ! . " > . The a took holders
of the Ohio & Mississippi railroad had a
hearing before Judge Drummond in the
United States circuit court , which con
cluded nt 1 o'clock this afternoon , on the
application to have the receiver dis
charged and enable the road to pass again
in the control of the owners. The pro
cording was entirely ono of a friendly
character , The earnings of the line
having steadily increased under the man
agement of Receiver Douglass , and his
report presented to the court to
day disclosed that sufficient avail
able funds were now on hand to moot
all outstanding debts of the company.
A decree was submitted by the court
which will be entered this afternoon , pe
titioners furnishing a bond of $500,000 ,
to secure payment of certain outstanding
intervening claims not yet passed upon
by the court , and the receivership Trill
cease early next week.
GmuAcio , March 1C. The Tribune thin
morning intimated the Northwestern rail
way company contemplated parnlolling
the Union Pacific west to Denver , by the
extension of the Sioux City & Pacific.
General-Manager Uughitt characterizes
this as a pure fiction , and having no foun
dation of any character ,
Murderous Work by Jail Breaker * .
WINHSOK , Ont. , March 115. Two rob-
burs iu the Sandwich jail this morning
shot and killed Jailor Leech , fatally
wounded Turnkey Davis , and escaped.
Kennedy was captured when about to
cross to. Detroit. Ho say0 Leech shot
O'Callaghan , the other murderer , and
the latter on the road between vVindnor
I nnd Walkervillu became BO faint with
loss of blood that ho crawled over a
, fence and lias probably died. Search
faiU to reveal him.
lonaud Bnriiiog Animals.
All Dftngor in That State Now
Thought to bo Over ,
Investigation Reveals There is
Little Disease in Illinois ,
Lowell Tolls of Foot and Mouth
Ravages in England ,
Further Relative to the Scourge
in Louisa County , Iowa ,
iV General Fooling tlmttliu Contagion
linn llcott KvnjjKoruted.
NKOSHA FALLS , Ks. , March li. } The
quarantine coiuniittoo has ordered Uio
killing nnd burning of seven lioad of cnt
tlo from the Owl crook hord. Dr. Train-
bower 1ms returned from Eldorado , nnd
reports no apathy there , but found uomo
eovrs Butt'oring from milk leg. A C.ISQ ia
reported near Hall's Summit , Colloy
county , nnd the committee have gorio
there to investigate. Two Denver sur
geons are hero experimenting with reme
The secretary of the quarantine com-
inittoo has boon instructed to correspond
with the superintendents of roads near
here , asking them to require a health
bill from the committee , before receiving
cnttlo for shipment. Quarantine is rigid
ly enforced , with the destruction of five
infected herds , nnd through the disinfec
tion of tlio promises. All danger is over
Lieutenant Governor Fjnnoy and ether
members of the quarantine committee go
to Topeka to-morrow for the purpose of
giving testimony before the legislature
is denied.
SriuNOFiKLD , 111. , March 1C. Qov-
irnor Hamilton to-day received dispatches
: rom Professor Morrow , of the State
Agricultural university , and Dr. N. H.
Paaron , the state veterinarian , saying
there were no cases of foot and mouth
disease in Eflinglmm county , this stato.
EmNGUAM , Ilia. , March 16. Simon
Boattio , nn export sent here by The
Brooders' Gazette , to investigate the cattle
tlo plague supposed to bo prevailing in
this vicinity , and a person who has given
the foot and mouth disease careful study ,
not only in this country , but in Canada
and Scotland , after making a close in
vestigation of the aillictod herds here
makes the following statement to the
Associated Press : "Tho foot nnd mouth
disease reported to bo prevalent in
Blliiigham nnd adjoining counties proves ,
upon investigation to bo
In fact , I visited the largest herd in
Ellingham county to-day that was said to
bo iillliotfd with foot and mouth disease ,
Lho herd belonging to Robert E. Keating
who resides seven milks north of Efling-
liam , nnd found his cattle sufl'ering from
foul in the foot or foot , rot , but not a sin-
a\a , \ indication of the other disease. Mr.
Keating had a herd of 51 cattle , part of
which became nflliciod witli foul in the
toot about January 1st , nnd having no
attention paid to them , the disease has
grown steadily worse until aoino of thorn
test their hoof and foot. Tlio disease is
'onfincd to calves or the younger portion
of the hord. The old cattle and slioop
that run in the same pasture having
whatever. Of the twenty which have
boon affected , six were said to have boon
killed , leaving fourteen in various stages
of the disease , not ono of whichhavo any
indication of a diseased mouth , and oyory
ono of which Imvo ravenous nppotitos ,
indicating poor feeding. I have had
over thirty years' experience in the foot
and mouth disease , harincr soon hundreds
of cases , and , from careful examination of
these cases , nm quito certain that these
cattle are not nlfoctcd with foot and
mouth disease. From information gath
ered here in regard to other cases re
ported in this and adjoining counties , I
am convinced they are similar , and that
no loot and mouth duoaso exists in this
section of the state. "
WAHHINOTONMarch 15. Minister
Lowell has written to the department of
state regarding the prevalence of .foot
and mouth disease among the cattle in
England Ho says the prevalence of the
disease has been adroitly used by tha
friends of protection and the enemies of
the party iu power for the purpose of
bringing to the surface and making ac
tive a certain amount of political discon
tent. It has not boon dillloult to persuade -
suado the agricultural classes that their
losses have been duo to the
of the government in the admission ol
foreign cattlo. The question lias assunv
od so much of political importance as to
givoBorao anxiety to the govornmont.
Mr , Low oil refers to the bill passed by
the house of lords with respect to the
importation of cattle , and says it now
goes to the house of commons , with a
probability of passing. The wish of the
farmers. Lowell says , ia for absolute ox-
.lusion1 but this is dilllcult to obtain
Tne privy council may , on account of
this claim , find thnmselvos compelled to
nlopt motwurcs which , in principle , they
disapprove , Should the protectionists
and farmers succeed in bringing about
any thing like the '
there will soon bo even a more powerful
reaction brought about by the higher
prices af meat that would inevitable fol
low. Mr , Lowell recommends a vigor
ous inspection and unswerving resolution
in stamping out every spark of the ex
isting contagion , Were such a course
persevered in , ho says it would produce n
conviction in England as nothing , especi
ally no amount of argument , ever could
or will ,
DES MOINEM , March 15. Oov. Sher
man is in receipt of the following letter
from the board of. ' truntucs in Louisa
county , where Uio cattle disease has
broken out :
Ta Hit KxttllMty , ( l < > v. Shavian ;
At n meeting of the townihlp truntees
called Ijr the i > uroto | uf taking action Iu ro-
Kurd to the epidemic bellovoil to Ixt what U
called foot und mouth diieiue , which has
broken out In the herd uf Jonathan Drake
n ( nnnor living halt n mlle \\e tof Wnpollo ,
the board hiuo Instructed mo to ImmodUtolly
rommunlcAto to you the facts and symptoms
of the dl omo , that you mny enimo inch net I on
to ho taken na you may think proper. Mr.
Drnko liixn fifty head of cattle nnd the dUonno
lina nmnlfoftted Itiflf In the following
ninnnon The niilmM la first tnkon with still-
nris And InmonoM In the joints Above the
lioofa of the logs ( the forolora Ait ) not Alfocted ) ,
And hnvo n imirlont dlachargo from the nrwo
And running nt the oyeaj wlilch Imvo n dull ,
stupid look. After n few dnya the fixit bcgina
to crack At the joint Above the hoof , anil in n
few days moro droiia olT. ItliM ft dry , liArd
ijipoarnnco , nnil breaks llko n plcco of wood ,
There Are nlmut fourty head Allllctcd And n
number Imvo illoil In the Inat two days. There
I * great Alarm nmong cAttle men of this
vicinity In concciinonoo , ivi the county Is
largely devoted to stock raising. The town *
imp urgently request that you nond n compo
nent votcrlimry mirgetm to liivontlgnto the
opldomlo niul Uko uch action na you may
( loom proper to prevent further uproad of the
Prof. Stalker , of the state agricultural
lleco , has boon nont to Kansas by the
logislnturo to pxnmino matters there re
lating to the disease , The professor was
abroad nnd made n study of cnttlo dis-
O.T4CS , and on his return from Kansas
will , if necessary , bo sent to Louisa
Uwu.iNOTON , la. , March15. ] A special
to the Gazotlo from Wnpollo , Louisa
county , says : Twenty head of cattle are
ntlbctod with n disease which is confined
o the hind feet. The mouths arc nil
right nnd the cattle oat well. Opinion
lillera ns to the nature of the disease ,
501110 claim that it is the result of free-
ng , nnd others believe it is the foot nnd
nouth disease.
The MUtUgipp ! legislature ) Ima ndjournod
luo dlo.
The congressional committee to Invest- !
; ate the government work has arrived nt Hot
The governor ot MlBxinBlppI ha * uomm\itod
ho death Bcntnnco of John Nelson to Im-
irlaomuont for llto.
The nnnouncomont la made of the engage-
nont of Mrs. 1'rnnk l.nslio , the widow of the
tuMlehor , to Mnnpils do Lonvillo , of Franco.
Lincoln Post a. A. H. , of Topokn , Kn . ,
inmborlnfr over MX ) moinborx , by A rrwlutlon
1'ruilucnt Artluir to \ oto the Kitr. John
ortor bill.
The orovasso nt Morgnnaoa , Louisiana , on
.ho ( Jranil levee , In now 300 yards wlilu.
ihostAto authorities hope toeavo the bal
ance of the levee ,
Oliver Douglas' honso , I'lttefiohl , I\rais. \ ,
YOB burnoil Saturday tilght. The family
capoil lit their night clothes , A Iniy wns
escucd with hid throat cut.
The Ontario legislature han passed a bill
living widows nnd RplnstorH who Imvo the
iccoBnary property < iuallflr.AtIoni tha right to
ota at municipal elections.
Hunt C. Alnovlio wont to Now York
rom ,1'ooto county , Illinois , with a lot of
cnttlo , was arrested Saturday , charged with
lORslng wortbliiM checks.
The schedules In the nastgninont of the firm
of McGlnnis llros. k Fearing , brokers , show :
Liabilities. $424,000 ; nominal tataia , S07U-
000 ; nctiml tvwota , $175,000.
In pausing upon a pension coso the nocrota-
y of , the Interior has ruled that the fact that
Boldlor hud disease prior to his enlistment la
lot aii abnuluto bar to hla pension claim.
Somomino & Co. , an Incorporation opornt-
ng the 1'iko tobacco warohouao , l ouiHVlllo ,
ion aaaignod. LlabllltloH tioarly $100,000 ; as-
eta claimed to bo sulliclont to satisfy the
creditor ! ) .
At Vienna , Austria , Hugo Schonk , who
lonfossod havlnir murdered four women whom
10 had married for the purpose of plundering
.hem , and Carl Schonk ami Karl Schlanaarrk ,
IB ! accompllco.i , have boon sentenced to
A London dispatch of Saturday Hays ;
iVoston 1'mbliod hla r > , ( )00 ) inlloi ) tramp In 100
lays. Doctor Norman Kerr presided nt tlm
nootliig hold nt the finish , Canon Duckworth
and many ether prominent tcmporanco advo
cates wore present ,
A Durango apeclal nays : It la loportud that
n Biiowslldo carried away the Sanmon Mining
uompnny'H concentrating works , eight inlloi
KirtliwoaL of Hllvorton , erected lost Hinmnur
at ai < oxpoiiso of $00,000. No lives were lost ,
No further parttciilarii ara ubtalnablo.
A bandit band in the province of Hanta
31ara , Culm , hud an encounter with the
troops Saturday. Throe bandlti were killed
and eleven taken prisoners. Of the remaining
.wonty. two gave thomnolvon up and eight
iscapod. Among the latter WUH Durnco , the
The Intor-Ocoan'R South Bond , Ind , .
npoclal Bays : Two freight tralna on the Oniml
Irunk roadn collided MX inllou from tlioro Hut-
unlay , owing to wrong orders , lioth trains
were badly wrockod. Knglnoor Alaxandor
I'awoll WAS fatally Injured and four ether
trainmen Horiounly.
Thin ( Monday ) morning n special freight
train of tliirty-ono cars , all loaded with ' corn
for the miffcrorK by the Hoods In 'tho Ohio
river valley , will leave Wichita for Cincinnati ,
The coru la donated by the pooolaof Sodgwlok
county , and will prove n substantial present.
The body of u man named Jeremiah Davit
wan found Saturday ( u the debris of the warn
house of JI. J , O'Noll , which fell In Friday
lout at Dubuque , from the overweight of
pruln ; , Ills neck was broken. The coroner's
jury censure thooccnpantn of the building
Tor storing too much grain in the building and
the city for allowing It.
A trapoia performer named La Halncs ,
whllo performing at tha 1'onco opera hmino ,
Minneapolis , Saturday night , fell , owing to
tbo breaking of the rope , ana lit among the
amllonco , breaking hU neck. The pic i ( Us
patch makoa the rather contradictory state
mcnt that "tho andlonco bccnina parnlyzoil
and inado n null for the door. "
It la generally understood tint the KHz
John 1'ortor bill , returned to the house for
concurrence In tha senate ivniQiiiliiiontM , bus
been Indollnltoly pigeon holed. v According to
u certain rule ol the IIIIUBO , the bill , although
under a hundred ether hill * , may bo taken tip
any day , If the majority to do.ilro. Homo
members think Uio bill will bo taken up ID
the early part of next week.
iflTho secret Horvlco division nf tha trauHtiry
department reports that certain counterfeiters
are consummating moaauroa to blinnltanooualy
pass upon the public , especially In tbo cities
of the south and west , counterfeit $20 silver
certltlcutos. A fair Bumpla of the urao has
just boon received at the olllco of the secrel
gorvlcet department. The IIKUO U n Hcr'ca ' o
1880 , .Tames Ullfillan , troanurer of Uio Unltoc
Stated. Tbo pupor IK thick , greasy and stiff
and thu note Is ono-olghth of an Inch shorter
than the genuine ,
At Wahoo , on the , at 3 o'clock In tbo
morning , a tire was discovered In a htilldlni
on Broadway , midway between/ Fourth one
Fifth strontH. The 11 ro company turned ou
promptly , and although the whole upper tor ;
WBH in flames , soon had tin ) lira under con
trol , The tlllnoss ftl the air was favorable
other who oven a slight breeze would have In
volved other buildings , The building wai no
cnplod by Qlllonpio a a butcher shop , The
upper story was empty. Loan on the build
ing probably 9200 , The stock was domage <
by wutor. No Insuranco.
JlradKtroot'ji mercantllo agency has made a
hat of losses to business men from 1'omcroy
Ohio , to Madison , Ind. , uccaslonod by the reemit
emit Hoods. Thu estimate ID con tl nod to mat
chaudUo and mauufuctorluH. The work it
Cinclnnutl In not complete. The estlmato fo
ClnoUinatl Is 8200,000. .Tho IOODBH of th
Ohio river towns foot up 83K5,000. The larg
eat Ion BBH are ; Irouton , 875,000i 1'omeroy
$43,000 : 1'ortBinouth , 8170,000. The leases ft
Kentucky river towns U $110,000. The largo *
louses are : ( > awroncobnrg , $ .1.4.000 ; Auguita
35.000. Lonlmlllo and Cincinnati are no
Incmdud in tbo totals.
Thu pillco , on re < pilBlUori from the govcrno
of Ohio , made an Important arrest at Waynei
bora Uuturday. Buverul yeara agu an ox ton
xivu embezzlement ocuurrnd In Ohio , anil fo
years tlm fugitive has been uniuoceesfull ,
M-archod foriuitlll'Vlduy last , whun lie was dli
covered , as alleged , In the pcrvou of A. JL
Finch , depot agent at Wuynixibro. It la Hall
that 1 Inch was discovered by aw old a | ualnt
anco who happened to paiui through Wuyncs.
j bore , and wlr < notltlod thu Ohio authoritlcn.
, It la Iwlloved that the money embezzled l
necroted somewhere near the tcono of the
| trantactlon. Finch will bo taken to Ohio.
rAniMMnrch 15. Wnddington , French
tmbassndor nt London , has telegraphed
IVimo Minister Ferry thnt Tson ? , Ohi-
nc o ambassador , has nskoi Earl (5rnn- (
villo. English foreign socrotnry , to modi-
nto between China nnd Franco. The
Tournnl Dos DobnU says : "Tho army has
> orformod task in Tonnuin. The tirao
imo hns now arrived for diplomacy. "
LONDON , March IB. Suakim advices
tnto n panic occurred last night nmong
ho Egyptian troops under Baker Pnshn ,
vho nro still in camp nt Saribn. They
; ot n notion thnt the rebels were approaching
preaching , bocamn friihtoncd ; , and their
ears were allayed only when tire men ,
erroneously supposed to bo rebels , were
dllcd. Troops returning to Suakim
cheered greatly the personal heroism of
\dams Fraror , the largest man of the
Mack Watch regiment. Twelve Arabs
roro Inid low by his single bayonet.
) rummond of the snmo rcgimmit ,
) ayonottod Osmnn Digim's nophow. Fifty
non left Uhnlhnm to till vacancies in the
Mack Watch regiment.
Oenoml Graham telegraphs that 0 of-
icors nnd 80 men were killed nnd 8 of-
iccrs nnd 103 men wounded , nnd li ) men
nr missing. The rebels numuorod from
10,000 to 12,000. Three officers nnd
' men wore killed nt the guns. Over
2,000 rebels were killed. The rebels
ihnrgod rcgardlcsof their great loss. They
oft ( iOO dead nt ono point of the square.
Titn occur.VNOY OK HAO.NINH.
The Paris correspondent of The Times
says the occupancy of lincninh ends in
lothing. The rainy season begins iu a
'ortnignt , nnd will postpone operations
six months The delta of the Red rivoc
s handed over to pillage nnd anarchy.
The French government will
shortly nsk for a credit of 25,000,000
rancs nnd eventually for 100,000,000 ,
vhich the chamber Trill certainly refuse.
rho expedition will require sixty-three
hips nnd 400,000 men , The end to bo
; aiuod is out of all proportion to Uio out-
Grcnt in Crime.
NKW YOUK , March 1C. Robert Pin-
: orton says G. A. Vincent , the man un-
lor nrrost in St. Louis for attempting to
> ass forged chocks , ia a burglar and for
ger known to the police of two homi-
porcs under various aliases. Ho wna ono
it' the party concerned in the extensive
lend forgeries of 1872 , when upwards of
11,000,000 of Buffalo , Now York and
Crio , Now York Central , North-
vestorn nnd ether forged bonds
were put on the market , and _ which
osultod in the fniluro of thrco different
ranking houses. In ' 70 ho was sentenced
to lift eon yonrs in states prison , but es
caped six months later during a fire start-
id by convicts. In October last his term
n prison in England expired , nnd ho
vent to Canada , thence to Now York and
St. Louis.
A AVIIkeslmrro SI I no on Fire.
WILKKSIIAUKK , Pa. , March 1C. Great
volumes of smoke are issuing out of the
7onyngham air shaft nt 1 o'clock this
afternoon , indicating a lira raging in the
nino. Daniel Evans , the/ire boss , with
our men , collected all the hose at hand ,
lurried ly wont down the shaft , and soon
earned that a piano in the mine was on
ire. An explosion is liable to occur any
uomont. Up to the timp of the dis
covery there was no ono in the mine.
tfo explosion yet.
LATI-.H. Another party wont down ,
nnd co-operating with those already en
gaged iu fighting the fire , have succeeded ,
iftor a fight of eight hours , in extin
guishing the tinmen.
Vaultlc OoiiRt Oarsman
SAN FUANOIKOO , March 10. A rowing
match this afternoon , inilo and a half
.urn , tor $500 a side and the champion
ship of thu Pacific coast Peterson against
Leo was won by the former by fifteen
ongtlis. Thomas Flynn , a prominent
amateur oarsman of this city , has arrang
ed a match between Peterson and Han-
.an , prior to the lattor'a .departure for
Australia , for $1,000 a side and the
championship of the world , to bo rowed
east , the date to bo fixed on Ilanlan's
A Slothcr Murders Her Daughter.
DAYTON , Ohio , , March 10. A young
man named Kots , on his death bed here ,
yesterday confessed thnt in 1807 his own
mother murdered her daughter Christina ,
a pretty girl of 18 yonrs. She entirely
eluded suspicion , nnd the murder ro- .
maincd unknown till yesterday. Tho'
deed was done in a lit uf passion. The
murderess on her death bed , several
years ago , confessed the crime to her sou.
The Overflow In
j March 1C , From Sharkoy
and Greenwood , a distance of 100 miles ,
the water is over all places except a few
mounds BUllioicnt for stock to stand on.
No loss of life or stock haubeen reported.
The planters nrp in good , spirits and ba-
liovo the worut is over.
CanaUlanQI Varsof Dynainlio.
OTTAWA , Out , March 10. The apeak-
era of the commons and of the senate ,
who have apartments in the capital , have
left their quarters and the guards have
been increased on rumors of a dynamite-
plot to blow up the buildings ,
A Itlniflmmpton Itankruptuy.
BINOUAMITON , N. Y. , March 1C. J.
E. Oooko & Co. , of Morris , IS , Y , , have
assigned ; liabilities , 970,000 ; assets un
A dugle dose of Banford'o Radical Onro iu-
tantly rcllerootho most vlulont fnoezlng or Head
Colda , cV.trt the bead u by maglo , itoui watery dl -
cliarKuu fieut tbe Nolo and Kyus , prcvtnU llliigiuic
NoUiix ) Iu the hood , Curoj Kurvout Headache and
lubduea CtilUi and Fever. In Chronlo Cttarrb , U
cleauwi the nasal iiasiiagvii of foul uiuciii , luatoron
bu BVII O of smell , tatte and licarlnif when nffootc J ,
Irceu the liuad , throat and bronUiial tubcj of offcu-
ilvu matter , twcetons oud purtflea tha bruhtb , topn
the cough and orruoU tb piogreu of Catarrh to
ward * Uiinsuoptlau.
Ono bottla Uadlcal Cure , ono box Catarrhil Sol.
vent and Bunford'e Inhaler , all In ono iiacia o , ol ul
druggUU for fl , Atk ( or Bi > roKu' UADICUI Ccu.
l'oiT K DHUO Ann CunMiCiL Co. , Uootoa
Collliu1 Volt&l KlectrlaPliato *
instantly oOeoU tba Nervous
BvkUui and banlahet Pala A
erfect Klcctrio ISatterv coin-
luud wtn I'orous -
o IITI in - ) a 1-uuttor 107
ISTIIIICBl sswuU HumilhUilM nun.
TlUU WwJc and Worn li
ParU.Ktrooirthni Tiled Mui ,
dod , prevent tUlioaM , and 'in nioro In ono-ludi Oat
time than auy other pU < toot\icriJ , tola