Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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    v * t j
Hy buby six months old broke out with ome Mml
rtl Ma honor , ami Alter bolnit treated flvo month *
by my family jihMciin , M itUen np to til * . The
drairfruttoeotntmnded Sw It'sSiwclllo , and theeffcct
wasMgrAtlfjInpas it WM tnlraculouj. My chtlil
teen get well , all trucci of the disei e li gone , And
he Is s ( at ai ag. \ . J , J. KlikUtuI ,
KlnJen , Husk County Texu.
I b T suffered for many } e r from ulcers on my
If JTS , often very lar earn ! ) vunful , during which time
I used Almost everything to effect A cure , Imtlti > aln.
I took 8 l't ' a s ] > eclflo by advice of a friend , nnil ln a
short time M iuro < 1 Bound and well.
Edwin J , Sillier , Ilcatimont , Texas.
I ho been aflVctcd wl'h ScrofuK ffir twclto jeans
anil have hid sorci on uie in Urjjo as a man's natal
for that length of time. t-w > t s nnnier I was go b d
off that I cuiild not w car clothing. 1 had jpci t him-
tlinls of doll rs In the elToit to bo enrol , but all to
noiHirpoM and hail Injured mv clt with Hrrcury
and 1'otMh. Your Swifts Spec do cured me promptly
and permtneutlyi and I hope eoy like sufferer will
tivkelt. 11.1Illtn ( ,
Uvkont , Ark ,
Our trcatlM on Blood and Skin Disoaios mailed
free MjVfcanu.TllKSWltT
Drawur 3 , Atlanta On.
V. Offline. IS9W.EM St. . Ixitwoon fith and Tth * " .
The UBO of the term " Shot
Line" In connection wlthtbi
corX > rate name of a proatroad ,
convcjs an Idea of list what
H KB B" required by the tmellngpub
I 1 ftl k lio-a 8hott Utlo > Q-ulck T1mi
I I r and the boat of accommoda
a I hi lions-all of which are fuin-
Ithod by the greatest railway In America.
And St. Paul.
II owns and operates over 4COO miles of
Northern Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa
Dakota ; and as U main lines , branches and connec
tions reach all the great business centres of the
Northwest and Far West , It naturally answers tbt
description of Short Line , and Dent Route between
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
ChicagoMilwaukee , La Criwso and Winoua.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Ellendala
Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Claire and Btlllwatef
f Chicago , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Dcavcr Dam and Oehkoeb.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Wankasha and Oconomowoo.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and Prairiedu Chltn
Chicago , Milwaukee , Ouatonna and Falrlbault.
Chicago , Belolt JancsvlMo and Mineral Point.
' Chicago , Elgin , llockford and Dubuquo.
{ Chicago , Clinton , Rnck Island and Cedar Rapids.
Chicago , Council DluOa and Omaha.
Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Yankton
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlaui.
Kock Island , Dubuque , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Davenport , Calmar , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Can In
world are run on the mainlines ofthe CHICAGO
and every attention Is paid to passengers by count
out employes of the company.
A. Y. H. CAUPSJ7E3 ,
_ d j'l Manager. Uen' IPaoa. Agent
Exhausted Vitality , Nervous and Physical Doblllly
Premature Decline In Man , K.roraof Youth , an h ,
untold miseries resulting from Indiscretions or ex
oeste * . A book for every man , young , middle aged
and old. It contains 125 prescriptions ( or all acut
and chronic diseases each one of which Is Invalaabl
So found by the Author , whoeo experience ( or
years la Buch an probably never before fell to the lo
of any physician SCO pages , bound In boautlrn
French muslin emjOBsedcovcra , full gilt , guaranteed
to bo n Oner wor * n every sen9e-mcchanlcal , lit
erary and professional , than any other work sold In
this country for 52.60 , or the money will be refunded
In every Instance. Price only $1.00 by mall , poet-
paid. Illustrative Biunple 6 cents. Send now. Gold
modal awarded the nutbor by tha National Modlca
Association , to the officers ol which he refers.
This hook should be read by the young ( or Instrno
tlon.and bythe afflicted ( or relief. It will benefit
all London Lancet
There Is no member of society K > whom this book
will not bo useful , whether youth , parent , guardian ,
Instructoror clergyman. Argonaut.
Addresa the Peabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W.
H. Parker , No. 4 BulOnch Street , Boston Mass. , who
may bo consulted on all diseases requiring skill and
exoo tenoe. Chranloondobstlnatedlsoasesthat have
bafflsd th skill of all other phys-liri I clans
1 special/ . Such treated suocoss-ntHL fully
without an Inetano allnrej VOCIC
mek *
617 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo.
A BEODLAR GRADUATE of two medical college !
XJL has been engaged longer In the treatment o :
fit - than other physician In St. Louis , aa city papers show
and all old residents know. Consultation free
Invited. When It Is Inconvenient to vlalt the dty
treatment , medicines can be sent by mall or espies
everywhere. Curable cases guaranteed ; where don
exlits It Is frankly elated. Call or write.
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and Physio
Weakness , Mercurial and other affections of Throat
tog , Skip Affections , Old Sores and Ulcers , Impedl
ments to marriage , Rheumatism , files. Special at
tentlon to cases from overworked brain. flUHQIOAL
CASES receive special attention. Diseases arlatnj
from Imprudence , Excesses , Indulgences.
rewlpts ; who mai
OSr l _ ) X3D33. marrywhomayno
why , CAUaei , consequences and cure. Mailed for 26c
postage or U > mw vn 91 ic
DR. < j 5
LWES | | | [ I
* 'vwi in u Buiiii uji " Ajjuym Trial TO
W ONLY. YO UNO on OLD , who are suffer-
" ' "KAUHEBSEB , and all these dlieasea of a
PKBBOIUL M A TIT " W IP , resulting from ABUSES and
OiHiaCiuSKfl. "Speedy relief and complete
restoration to IIULTII , Vjaon ana iUxuooo
OABA'TD- ' ' " * onw tot niuitrated
Pamphlet free. Address
VOLTAIC HKI/P CO. . Mar hall. Mich.
S. H. AT'WOOD. '
Plattsraouth , - - - - Neb
OrYoanirjitook for mix. Oo > r Dnndenoe ftollnU/irl.
. . ben 1 1 > > m r i ur nut w n iu r Ir toTtop lEim lut
a time and td n Ii ttwm r tnrii aztln. I m >
c l core. I b T mul > ttit d MM r PITS.
rPALUNOIilUXNItrViailbloDCdidr.W TII
remedy to cure the wont OUM. ! kcbi otborc IUT *
failed Ii no reuon fat not now rteilt lag car * , luwtca
I M lot tnnttM and a fro * Uottl * r ray T r- i
OT | ItiproM and fit Otnc * . It WM MB
tf for a IrlAl , end I will f ur ; . . .
AildreM Vr. II O HOOT lureirlSt.Mtfl
A victim of early imprudence , cauilng nerroiu
lability , premature decay , etc. . bavin ? tried la
lnorery known reroedpaa discovered a ilmpla
peinsofKlf-cnre , which lie will Mail 1'BUU to
blatellow-futferen. Addrru.
J. U. UKUVES. Chatham BU New York
ITutlvu UrKonit
a/iDai'JTaWOf tUANCr I'romin urauflUOlt. .
" -St. .ukiIt , - .
Bur ; n > oo ( t-aajpUotm.
I/ootbourow Holds Court In n
Hallway Oar He t ween Olon-
\vooil mill Kcil Unk ,
The securing of nn injunction by the
Vvocn attorneys has caused aomo talk ,
> ut appears to have little or no practical
effect. The injunction restrains the
county board nnd auditor from issuing
jontis for the erection of n now court
louse nnd jail , hut no ono had any idea
hat the board or auditor would attempt
any such move under the circumstances.
Clio petition filed is n lengthy ono , and
when robbed of legal technicalities it
nmounts to simply n statement of
ho vote cast , the injunction
served restraining the canvass of the
votes of certain townships , that this in
unction was based on false claims , and
.hat the board had declared that with
hcso townships thrown out there was n
najority in favor of the now court house
, nd jail ; that the county board was
Uncling in with these who got out the
iijunclion , and unless restrained the
xmds would bo iaauod.
It appears from the petition that
Fudge Lootbourow was to have hoard the
case at Glonwood Thursday afternoon
ho entry being as follows :
"Tho foregoing petition being present
ed to mo it is ordered that the same bo
act down for a hearing at Glonwood on
.ho 13th inst. , at 1 o'clock p. m , , and on
.wo days notice in writing to defendants
accompanied by n copy of said petition. "
0. F. LooFuouuow , Judge.
March 11 , 1884.
The county attorney hnd just returned
rom a trip to Dos Moines , and being
unable to got down to Glonwood was to
send his partner , Air. Adams , but it ap
pears that oven if ho had boon nt Glon-
vrood at 1 o'clock , it would have done no
; ood. It is claimed that Judge Loof-
Dourow adjourned court in the morning
and started on the train for homo , and
while on the train between Glenwood
and Red Oak , the Avoca attorneys pre
sented their case , and the judge with n
load pencil wrote down as best n man
could while whirling over the rails , nn
order for a temporary injunction. The
county attorney is quite hot about the
injunction being thus granted , not be
cause it makes any practical difference ,
but because of its being issued , as he un
derstands it , without any chance being
ivon for a hearing , and before the time
sot for the hearing and at n different
place than that announced.
\Vci DoDIoycr.
It IB now undisputed that Wol Do Mey
er's Catarrh Cure Is the only treatment
; hat will nbsolutnly cure Catarrh fresh or
: hronlc. "Very efficacious , Saml. Gould ,
Weeping Water , Nob. " Ono box cured me ,
Mrs. Mary Konyon , Bisuiark , Dakota. " "It
restored mo to the pulpit , llev. Goo. E. Heis ,
CoblevilloN. Y. " "Oue box radically cured
mo , Kov. 0. H. Taylor , 140 Noble street ,
Brooklyn. " "A perfect euro after 30 years
Buffering J. D. McDonald , 710 Broadway , N.
Y , , &c. , &c. Thousands of testimonials are
received from all parts of the world. Deliv
ered , § 1.00. Dr. vVel Do Meyer's IllUHtra-
tcd rreatlsiV wish statements by the euros
mailed froo. D. B. Dovroy & Co. , 182 Fulton
street , N. Y. tues-thur&sat-m&o-Sin
Jo. Matlock , of Crescent , WAS in the city
A. J. Man del and II. Friedman will leave
to-morrow evening over the "Q" onapurchas
ing trip ,
II. G. Myers , of the Harrison County Cou
rier , Logan , waa in the city yesterday , lie is
ono of the liveliest newspaper raon on the
J. H. Corso , who represents an extensive
coal firm , of Ferry , Iowa , was in the city on
business yesterday.
N. C. Blanchard , of Uardln township , was
in town yesterday.
O. W. Stock , of 1'rinceton , III. , Is in the
city , making further arrangements for the
starting of a largo sash , door nnd blind fac
tory horo.
Henry Altshnler , a well known Missouri
Valley merchant , was nt Bechtole'a yester
E. A. Babcock , of Avoca , was in the city
A. Richards and daughters , of Lanark ,
Iowa , were in the city yoatorday , and at the
Nick Wack , who Is connected with Dons &
Co. , has a new buy at hln houso.
F. A. Alexander , of St. Louis , It at the
F. 0. Robertson , of Miles City , M. T. , ar
rived at the Ogden yesterday.
Thos. W. Jones , who was formerly with
Linder & Kiel , and who is now with a St.
Louis haute , has been looking after the trade
in Omaha and this city for a day or two.
N. Richard * , of Loolora , proprietor of the
hotel tlioro which bears bli name , was In the
city yesterday , and making his headquarters
at Bechtola'0. llh daughter ban been attend
ing St. Francis * ac&domy here.
T. 8. Rogers of Philadelphia , arrived at th >
Pacific yesterday.
K. L Maxwell and J.A. Duraont , of Rock
ford , ara at the Pacific.
Phaunwy F. Bpwen , of New York , the oro.
bldent of tha Pilchor electric light company ,
i at the Pacific accompanied by h's ' wife ,
W , J. Anderson , of IlilUdale , IOWA , WM al
the Pad Co yesterday.
In another column will be found the an-
ouncement of Mesur * . THOS. COOK & SON ,
ourlut Agenti , 261 Broadway , New York ,
relative to the very complete arrangementi
they have made for tours In Europe th
coming Spring and Suramur. "Cook's Kicur-
sloulit , " containing tnups and full particular * ,
will be mailed to any addros * on receipt of 1C
Mrs. John Waldhorff , wife of a Bur
lington butcher , found $ GOO on the floor
( 'f ' her husband's mt-at market a few days
ago and advertised for the loser.
A Happy Family.
fulled f mm the breut , oqureied ( rom the bottle ,
t-toroarhi will tour all milk 111 curdle ;
Baby lullel ihnd 'hUnljf t ,
Ilou > < hold bumping bcds In awful fright.
I > o 'tdenjr.'twutLuiwitliVlcrorU.
Nljf t vra < I Idonn * without ( Vtorla ;
WhenraJloItf Iforpcao ful ulumbtr ,
All uald their piKjroi and ale t tike tbuoduc.
It waa au odd nnmo for ft girl Sncrv
So iho girl honolf thought ns she stooped
down beside a spring nt Uio foot of n cot-
on-wood tree and Inzily dropped her pail
nto the wntor.
'It ought to hnvo boou given to n boy ,
f it was a fit name to give anybody , " she
ii id. iuito aloud. "But I'm moro boy
than girl , anyway. "
This fact was added rather bitterly , ns
ho looked nt her brown , rough hands and
mro her bare ankles , and thought of the
'boy's work" she had to do.
And it was hard to believe that this
vas the best kind of n lifo for n young
irl like Sacramento. llcro aho lived
alone , for her father was down nt the
nouth of the canon nil day. The garden
work she was obliged to do , and the care
of the cattle foil upon her. It was not
often that oho saw any person but her
nthor , although now and then , in
apito of herself , she came in contact with
tlio rude men of the mining camp up
Yet Sacramento had her dream , ono
hat aho "scarcely dared to own , " but it
cnmo to her often ns she wont about her
She know that down nt Santa Barbara
and in the towns alone the coast , and
'nr , far nway acioss w'ido stretches of
continent to the gront east there wore
; irls who lived very different from her
ifo , and she dreamed of such a Ufa for
"Ohif I "
, couldonlygonwnyfromhorol"
she cried out , nlmost ns ono cries out for
iclp. "If I could only go down to Sau
Francisco and go to school there for n single -
glo yoarl All , if I only had five hundred
dollars ! "
Suddenly there was n stop not of a
jnan , but a horse on the bank behind
icr , and then BOIUO ono spoko. She know
ho voice without looking up. It was
L'oto Larrnboo , n follow who lived down
on Hnhnomaun's plantation , two miles
along the trail. Ho sometimes roda by.
[ Ie had not heard her last words at nil ;
ot strangely enough his own were n re
petition of them.
"Fivo hundred dollars , Sac , " said ho.
Five hundred dollars in goldl D'yownnt
or earn it ? Thor's yor ciianco , " and ho
throw down to her n bit of paper crumpled
nto n ball.
She picked it up , and , slowly unfolding
t , ran her eye over its contents :
§ 600 REWARD.
The above amount will bo paid for in
formation loading to the arrest dead or
alive , of Walter Homers , who has worked
'or some time past on Maxwell's ranch.
Said Somors is about 18 years old and 5J
foot high , rather good-looking , with light ,
curly hair , blue eyes and n light must-
ncho. When last soon ho had on a
jlack slouch hat , gray business suit ,
with blue flannel shirt , nnd boots with
rod tops marked with the maker's namo.
The name of the county sheriff was
signed at the bottom of the bill. Sacra
mento , having glanced it through , looked
up."Ho'a boon a stoalin' horses , " orclaim-
od Pete. ' 'Got off lost night with four of
Maxwell's best somowhorcs. Thot reward
won't do much good , though. The llogu
atora'll laaao him and string him up long
fore the law'll git started. They're
liovin' a mootin' now up at the Gulch. I
toll yo they arc mad. They'll make
quick work of they ketch him. Yor
father's there. Yo needn't look fur him
he mo afore night , much. "
Then , after a word or twd more , the
man rode on , and on , and presently
Sacramento took up her pail , and with
the sheriffs bill still in her hand , wont
slowly up the hank and across the trail
toward the house , thinking very seriously
about the $500 all the while.
It was some hours after this , and the
afternoon sun was going down behind the
tops of the mountains , that Sacramento ,
having finished her housework , was pre
paring to sit down on the porch to do her
sowing , when she was met in the doorway
by a young man she had never soon be
fore. And yet ho was no stranger. The
girl know him instantly , although the
slouch hat was pulled down over the
flaxen hair and blue eyes , and the gray
pants , torn and muddy , had been drawn
out of the boot-legs so as to no longer
allow the red tops of the boots with the
maker's name to bo seen. It was the
horse thief.
She did not , however , express any sur
prise as she saw him. She was accus
tomed to the sight of rough , evil men ;
and at the first glance she had felt ihat
this ono could not bo either very wickeder
or very dangerous. Howas not much
moro than u lad , and had an uir of gen
tleness and good brooding about him that
six months of western life , and the
miserable plight ho was in at the
moment , had by no moans destroyed.
Ho seemed to bo short for breath too ,
and was trembling as if ho had been run
ning. ,
Instinctively ho raised his hand toward
his hat and then , bethinking himself ,
dropped it again.
"Could you glvo mo something to eat
and drink ? " ho asked , in a hesitating
voice. "Anything will do. I nm very
hungry. I I hare had nothing to oat
since last night. "
"Come 111 , " said Sacramento , gravely.
In her voice there was neither kindness
or unkindnosB , aho trying to realize the
situation she was in. "Oomo in and sit
Then she wont into the closet near by
and began taking down from the shelves
milk and bread and moat , as aha slowly
did so turning over the matter in her
mind. Here was this man "who had boon
stealing horses and for whoso capture $500
was offered in her own kitchen. Irivo
hundred dollars I Exactly the sum oho
had boon wishing for thosum that would
take her down to San Francisco to school
and help her make a lady of herself.
And this sum may bo hers if she could in
some way secure this stronger , or somehow -
how keep him in the house until help
arrived Help ? Why , she hardly needed
help , Ho was weak and exhausted , and
in the drawer of the kitchen table there
was a loaded revolver which the well
know how to use.
She came out presently and set the
things before him , bringing also a teapol
from the steve and pouring for htm a cup
of tea. Then she went and sat down by
the window and watched him furtively as
he ate.
In spite of his caution , ho bed taken off '
his hat while ho was eating. She could
better sea what ho was liko. It was an
almost boyish face , worn , but not wicked ,
with the curling hair lying in damn clus
ters upon his palo brow. In the hands ,
small and woll-shapen , and in all his
motions and manner , she felt that she
could read somothiug of hia story. She
had heard before this how young kds in
the east , fillud with romantic notions
about western llfo and adventure , sotno- t
Umoa loft their luxurious homes and
found their way out to the ranches of the
1'Aciflo. Perhaps ho wan ono of thcso.
As she looked nt him , fancying all this ,
nnd realizing the terrible strait ha WAS in ,
and the probable dark , fnto that was bn-
fore him , her heart ycnrnod with true
womanly sympathy ; nnd her feeling found
expression before she wai able to restrain
"Oh , how could you do it ? llow
could you do it ! " aho suddenly exclaimed -
claimed , her voice quite full of what she
Ho looked up nt her in wonder ; but AS
his eyes mot hers ho undoritood hor.
" 1 did not do it. Upon my honor 1
did notl" ho said. "It was that man
Dennis. "
Sacramento brontliod n gront sigh of re
lief. Horse stealing was hold in that
section to bo n crime worse than murder ;
nnd she was by no moans free from the
popular estimate of its grave naturo.
"Oh , I nm glad of thntl" cried sho.
"But" she hoshntod , nud then wont on
doubtfully. "But , then , how was it ?
Why did they say it waa you I And why
did you run nway ? "
"It was Donms' doings , their laying it
to mo. llo did that to clear himself.
rVnd nftor that , you know as well as 1 do
there would hnvo boon no UBO in trying
to prove myself innocent. They always
hnng n horse thief first nnd then consider
liis guilt afterwards. I had to run to save
my lifo. "
' 'Do you know that there is u reward
offered for your capture ? "
"I know that the Regulators are after
mo , " answered the young follow , sulloli-
ly. "They came pretty near catching
mo , too , this noon. I just escaped thorn
and came down the canyon by the moun
tain trail. I hnvo had n hard run for it ,
and what with no sloop or food for twonn-
ty.four hours , I am about used up. I fool
ns though I could not go another stop
when I saw your houso. You you have
boon very good to mo. I shall never for
got "
"But what are you going to do now ! "
interrupted Sacramento. "You are not
safe horo. "
"I know it. ' But I throw them off the
track this noon , nnd I do not think they
are within five mile of mo. Now I have
had something to oat. I vrill take to the
woods again. I hope I may got clear
away. If I don't , " his voice trembled
and tears came to his oyos. "If I don't I
shall got a hanging , I suppose. Ohwhat
a fool I wai not to prefer homo to this
sort of a thing ! And yet , I wouldn't
cnro so much either , if it wasn't for my
father and mother. " And the poor fol
low fairly broke down.
"Hark I" Sacramento exclaimed. She
had boon crying , too ; she could not help
They both listened. In n moment
they hoard plainly the sound of homos
coming down the trail. The girl turned
with instaut self-possession.
"Gointhorol Quick ! Quick ! There
is not a moment to loose ! Here , take
your hat ! "
And handing his hat to him , she half
pushed him across the room and into her
own littlp room that led off from it Then
she hurridly cleared the table again , barely -
ly finishing the task as the horsemen
halted at the door.
There were throe of them. Ono was
her father. Sacramento know the other
two men by night. They were rough , but
of the bettor sort of these who made up
the dwellers in Kelly Gulch. The facon
of all three -wore stern and forbidding ,
and they evidently had been riding hard.
They dismounted together.
"Sac , " began her father , as ho entered
the door , "hev yo aeon anything of a
young chap , afoot or a horseback , com
ing the way ? "
Sacramento had expected the question
and vras ready for it. And she meant , if
it were possible , to answer it without a
' A young chap , about eighteen years'
of ago and five feet and a half'highrathor
and with boots on1"
good-looking , red-top ?
replied she.
"Yos ! ! That's him "
yes ! cried ono ol
the men eagerly. "Have you soon him ?
Has ho boon hcro"j ?
"I was only quoting from this hand
bill , " said Sacramento , taking the paper
from the shelf where she had laid it.
"Then you hain't seen him at all1 ?
asked her father.
"I have boon right here all day , nnd
nobody has gone by except Pete Larabco.
It was ho who gave mo the bill. Are you
sure that ho came this way , the the
horse-thief ? "
"No ; but wo didn't know but ho
mlghtor. The chances ia thot ho is sloped
off to the mountains , meanin' to go
through S tovopipo pass. They'll git him ,
though , afore sundown. "
"Its sundown now , " observed Sacra
"Then they've got him now , " was the
contentious response. "And wo should
bo too late for tlio hangin' , of wo sh'd go
back. Leastways" this was added to
his companions "you'd bettor come in
and have a bite afore you go. "
So presently the three men Bat down
to tho.suppor that the young girl quickly
prepared for them And while they wore
eating , she herself , at her father's bid
ding , wont out to take the saddle off Buo-
no , his horse , and giro him food. As uho
approached the door once moro , a few
minutes later , she heard words which
caused her to atop and listen.
"I don't like tor say anything against
thot kid o' yourn , neighbor , " ono of the
men was saying , "but it hoz kinder
spomed tor mo all ther whiles' though she
sorter hod somo'at on her mind liko. Yo
don't 'apnso she knows anything 'bou
thot young feller arter all ) "
Sacramento's father laughed at this as
though it was too absurd to bo conoid
The other , however , was not too bo
laughed out of his suspicions.
"Fur all we know , persisted ho , "sho
may hov hid him somewhere on the prom-
mysis. "
"Ita easy enough to BOO , " returned the
proprietor of the said "proraraysis , " test
ily. "Whore d'ye think sho'n hid him *
In her bedroom ? "
As ho said this , Sacramento , who was
now near enough to see into the kitchen ,
saw her father rise from his chair and
step to the door of the room where she
had concealed the fu 'itvio. Her heart
almost stopped boating as she saw him
push open the door and jmtor the room ,
followed by his companion.
"We'll make a clus search of it while
we're about it , " she heard bim aay
And then eho stood there fin terrible
suspense upon the poarch , expecting
ev ry instant to hoar the shout Urn
would follow tlio discovery of the fugi >
But no such thout was heard ; and in
stead of it , a moment after , the two met
came out again , her father still laughing
at his frioiicl.
What could it mean ? Had the younj
man been aolo to conceal himself In tin
room and so evade their search ? Thai
WM not possible. Then aho thought OL
tlio window. Could ho have escapee
from the room by that ? The window was
10 small ( the could scarcely believe thu
10 could hnvo rropt through it. And yet
10 must hare dona so.
She wont hurridly to the back of the
iiso and then down beyond the homo *
hods , No ino could bo soon. She
altcd n moment under n live-oak trco
list nt the edge of tlio garden , Tlio
veiling was very calm and still , and the
willght shadows were deepening fast.
Ynalt the rustling of the wind in the
roughs overhead that caught her car ?
ho listened ,
"llistl I am hero in the troo. "
Tlio words cnmo in a distinct whisper
ram directly above her ,
She stood and thought a single moment
cforo icplying. Thou she said , "You
mist got nnrny from hero nt once , " in nu
ngor whisper. "Ono of the men BUS-
) ecU something , nnd they may nt any
nomont mnko a search of the place. I
m going into the houto n minuto. Got
[ own nt once nnd go through the gnnlon
nnd across the trnil to n spring thnt you
vill find thoro. I la nt the foot of n big
cottonwood troo. Stay right there until
' . como. "
Turn she wont hurriedly to the house.
Hie three men were itill sitting nt tlio
able , and Snoromonto felt rut her than
aw that ono of thorn still regarded her
suspiciously ns she cnmo in , She did not
sneak to them at nil , but wont directly
iirough the kitchen to her own roomand
n a moment moro cnmo out , wont about
lor work in the kitchen , nnd took up u
tail apparently to go to the spring for
Ton minutes later , standing in the
ihndow of the cottoiwoid , young Somom
icard n stop , and then Sncrnmonto , lead-
iuciio nil saddled and bridled , appeared.
Jo started foward.
"Hush ! " nho said ; "they may como out
i any moment. Listen to what I sny.
Your lifo depends on it , You must ride
traight'down the trnil for n quarter of n
nilo. Then , close by n big cottonwood ,
list like this , you will strike n path to
eft. Buono will know it , once you got
lim in it. It will bring you out , half n
nile on , nt n corauroy rend that crosses
ho swamp. This end of the corduroy
tas got out of order and there are some
ogs laid. Lead Buono across and then
lull the logs nway. If you can do thnt ,
t will make trouble for those who follow
, 'ou. Beyond the swamp is n big plain.
Strike straight across it , keeping the
moon equate on your right the moon
will bo up by that time and three hours'
riding will bring you to the now railroad.
After that God help you to got safe
away I"
Sacramento paused nnd put out her
land. "Can you remember ? " she ) de
"I can ; but I nan never forgot "
"Never mind that. Here , take this.
[ t is a little money. You will need it.
tfow mount and ndp slowly n little way ,
and then for your lifo. "
The young man still had hold of her
land. The tears came into his eyes. The
text moment ho was gono.
The next morning Sacramento told her
athor the story and coaxed him into for-
; iving hor. And the next afternoon n
nnn brought Buono over from the rail
road town ; nnd then she know that the
ugitivo was safe.
Six weeks later n lawyer from Santa
Barbara appeared with a letter from Wal-
er Somors. He was with his friends in
Sfcnv York. Ho begged Sacramento to
accept , as n gift of gratitude , at least the
nuount of the reward that had boon of
And so it was that she wont down to
San Francisco to school that winter , af
ter all.
The Washington , Iowa & Dakota is the
name of a now railroad projected from
The how city directory shows there are
11,850 families in Dos Moines or nearly
two-thirds as many as the Omaha directory
tory allows.
Albion Johnson , who has boon an em
ploye of thoChicago , Burlington&Quinoy
railway for the past twenty-two or three
years as clerk in the freight house died a
few days since at Burlington.
Alexander Harrison , first cousin to
President Harrison , died in Dubuque n
few daya ago. Ho had been a residwiit
of that city for fifty years. His illness
was occasioned by a fall some weeks ago ,
which culminated in blood poisoning
His ago was about sixty years.
The passage of a bill in the Donate to
impose a tax on all schoels other than
public schools in the state , has oxcitcd the
Catholics to the greatest degree. They
fool thnt it in a blow at their schools , and
they are preparing to protest in the most
earnest manner against the adoption of
the bill by the house. A mooting was
hold at the residence of Bishop Hennesy ,
at Dubuque a few evenings since , which
was largely attended by Catholics. The
meeting wus addressed by Bishop Hen-
nosy , who stated that the Catholics of
that city alone pay § 2,810 yearly in sup
port of public schools , and as much to
carry on their own nchools betides. A
mass mooting was called for to take steps
to defeat the bill in the house , and peti
tions protesting against its passage will
bo circulated. The bill affects other de
nominations as well as the OatholicB ,
A special to the Chicago Tribune , from
Scrantun , Pa. , says : "A sensation was
produced here to-day by the suicide ol
Andrew J , Weaver , agou 43 , of Green
ville , a small village live miles from this
city. The deceased , who was a brother
of ox-Congressman Weaver , of Iowa , was
awakened by his daughter at 7 o'clock.
At the breakfast table ho manifested sul-
lontiuss and ata little , and then ho as
sailed his daughter. Eventually ho pro
duced a revolver and threatened to shool
her. She eluded him and ho began to
demolish the furniture. His son , wheat
at work in the vicinity , went to the house
and pacified him. The father then laiii
upon the lounge for about half an hour ,
when ho arose , wont to another roou
and shot himself. Ho was dead when
his children entered the room. Tlio ball
took t'ffdct in hia right temple , passed
through his head and came out in his led
chock. For the last two weeks Weaver
has shown symptoms of insanity. "
A. F. GROSS & UU. .
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