Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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    j ?
Among the many symptoms of
Dyspepsia or indigestion the most
prominent nro : Vnriublo iippetite ;
fnint , gimwing feeling nt pit of the
stomach , with unsatisfied craving
orfoodjhenrtburnfeoling of weight
nml wind in the stonmchbadbrenth ,
bad tnste in the n.outh , low spirits
general prostration , headache mid
constipation. Ihere is no form of
disease more prevalent than dyspep
sia , and none so peculiar to the high-
living and rapid-enting American
people. Alchohol and tobncco pro
duce Dysocpsia ; also , bad air , rapid
eating , etc. BURDOCK BLOOD
BITTERS will cure the worst case ,
by regulating the bowels and toning
up the digestive organs. Sold every
where .
The beet evidence In tlio world of the
purity and excellence of Black * ell's Bull
Durham Bmoking Tobacco is found In the
fact that the fomo of this tobacco Increases
from year to year. This could not be the
care U it were merely " gotten up to ncll , "
or had any dubious or dangerous Ingre
dients In It Among millions of users of
all nationalities , surely eomo ono would
find out If it were Impure , Injurious or
unpalatable. ForlSj ears thlstobacco Las
been acknowledged to bo the bat < n ( A >
irorM , and every year the Bull Durham
brand grows more popular , the demand for
It vrider , and emokers
more enthusiastic over Ita
delirious natural flavor.
Ask your dealer for it
Get thn genuine trade
mark of the Bull.
I There u no mtochlef done w hero
Blackwell's Bull Durham
SmoHnc Tobacco la uood.
tiTlckots only $5. Shares injt
Lonisiina State Lottery Company ,
"We dfhertby certify that we supervise the ar-
rangcmentifor all the MantUyand Semi-Annual
Draunngi of the Louiiana ktate lattery Com
pany , and in person manage and control the
Drawings tJiemstlvts , and that the tame are con
ducted with honesty , fairncii , and in good faith
toward all parties , and we authorize the company
to vie thn certificate , with fac-timilcs of our sig
natures attached , in its advertisements. "
Incorporated In 1888 for 25 years by the legislature
lor educational and charitable purpotcs with a cap
ital ol 91,000,000 to which a reserve lund ol ovei
$660,000 has Blnce been added.
By an overwhelming poinlar vote IU franchise
wag made a part i f the present state constitution
adopted December 2d , A. D. 1879.
The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed -
' dorsod by the people of any State.
It never scales orpostpoues.
Ita granl | ainffle number drawinga take
place monthly.
A splendid opportunity to win a Fortune.
Fourtn ; Grand Drawing Class D , in the Acad
emy of Music , Now Orleans , Tuesday , April
8,1884 167th Monthly drawing.
CAPITAL PRIZE , 875,000.
100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Frac
tions , in Fifths in proportion.
1 CAPITAL PttIZE 875,000
1 do do 25,000
1 do do 10,000
5 do 2000 10,00(1 (
10 do 1000 10,000
20 do 600 10XX. (
100 do SOO 20,000
300 do 100 80,001
BOO do CO 25.000
1000 do 25 25.00C
AmumitATiox rmzxs.
9 Approximation prlzos of $760 0,750
B do do 600 4.60C
9 do do 250 2.25T
1967 Prizes , amounting to $205,6CX
Application for rato.a to clubs should be made on ) }
to toe otllce of the Company In Now Orleans.
For further Information write clearly giving lull
address. Make P. 0. Honey Order * payable and
address Registered I otters to
New Orleans , La.
Foatal Notes and ordinary letters by Mall or Ex
press ( all turns of $5 and upwards by Express at oui
uipense ) to
or M. A DAUPHIN , New Orleans , La.
607 Seventh St. , Washington , D. C.
Chicago , St. . Paul , Minneapolis m
The new extension of this line from Wakefleld uj
through Concord and Coleridge
TO 3EE- . IlTPHNrOToilNr ,
Reaches the best rortlon of the State , Special ex
curslon raes for lml toekers over this line t
' Wayna , Norfolk and Ilartlngton , and via Illalr to al
tt' principal po'i.U ' on the
Trilns over tht 0. , Ht. P. M. & O , Hallway ti Cov
ngton , Bloux v.lty , Ponca , Ilartlngton , Wayne am
Norfolk ,
For Fremont , Oakda/if fellgb , and through to V l
tffot rates an > l all Infarmatlon call on
F. B WHITNEY , General Arent.
Btraag I DulldUg , Cor. 10th and tarnam Sci ,
Omaha , N k
can oe secured at Utpot , corner Htl
James Medical Instituli
Chartered by UieStateof Illi
nois for theexprcaspurpos (
of clvmelmmedlatc reliellc
all chronic , urinary and prl
.vate diseases. Gonorrhoea
QleetandSyphtlls In all thcli
complicated forme , alto al
diseases of the Skin anc
Blood promptly relieved anc
rcrmanentlycured by reme <
dies.tcstedln al'Vrtj/l'eaiv
. Semlna
IRIU Lo ee by Dreams , Pimples ot
is no experiment/ < / The appropriate remed )
liatonce used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med-
iclnca sent by Malt and Express. No mark * oc
package to Indicate contents or tender. Addreu
PRJAMESHo.204Wa5hlnolonSt.ClicaflOlll !
anil Goyoraent land in Western -
ern Conn ics.
Oattlo Bnngos Broken Up and the
Long Horn Herds Scattered
to the Four Winds.
Tame Grasses Bouncing llio liufTalo
OlilTimers nt North IMntto-Tho
Crush nt
Corrospontlonco to Till ! BKB.
OOAIALLA , Nob. , Mnrch 14 , 1881.
cruise about hnro tlirough Keith and
Cheyenne counties shows n great stale of
excitement among nil classes. An un
precedented boom has sot in hereabouts ,
and land-hunters flock in by every train.
They como from nil parts of our own
state and from all other states cast of us.
Homesteads and timber-claims are being
taken at a lively rate ; not nu i\cro of land
in either county "will bo loft by Septem
ber. The railroad lands nro going like
hot cakes and will bo all sold by the first
of Hay.
THE son.
up hero is rich beyond expectation and is
much better thnu most of that in the
eastern part of the state. Between Ogn-
lal'n ' and Sidney lies a stretch of country
75 miles long and from 0 to 30 miles
wide a beautiful table-land which for
richness of soil cannot bo surpassed any
where , and it is now open to sottlomunt
the government sections ate being rap
idly taken up by homesteaders and tim
ber claims. 'Tho marketing of the rail
road lands has scattered the herds of
long-horns to the four winds ;
many of the stock men have sold
their cattle to cattle men north and west ;
others , desiring to continue in the busi
ness , are buying railroad land and fenc
ing in section after section and
are preparing to cut hay
and raise grain on other
sections for the purpose of feeding their
stock hereafter. In fact feeding has become
como nocpssary for several reasons. First ,
because the increased rain-fall , which
travels further west each year , having
reached here , produces the blue stem
and other prairie grasses that are now
auon in eastern Nebraska , and which is
fast rooting out the Buffalo grass of old.
Those now grasses are not adapted to
winter grazing , like Buffalo grass , and
after a tew frosts bleach out ( by ram and
snow ) and are of no value , being insuf-
hcieut to sustain cattle through the long
winter. And again those same rains ,
falling heavier and oftener than in
years gone by , wash much of the sub
stance from the remaining bunches of
the good old Buffalo grass and wo find
it to bo not half so mutritious as when
the rain fall was loss.
At North Platte , where the land hunter
after government lands must go to make
his entries , are crowed , daily , after plats ;
but unfortunately there is no business
done , beyond filing the necessary papers ,
the severe illness of Judge Taflb , the re
ceiver , making it impossible to do more.
The filing of applications , which secures
the land to the party making the appli
cation when business is resumed , goes on
at a lively rate. The nomination of
Judge Church for register vice Dr.
Duckworth whose term has just expired ,
at Washington , and whilst Mr. Church
and his friends talk loud about Church's
confirmation being a "sure thing" their
beclouded countenances show plainly
that they are not resting BO easy as they
would have us believo.
the old postmaster , has hung out his
shingle , just opposite the depot , and is
doing a "land office business" in the way
of making out homestead and timber
claim parties , and is just as much an an
ti-railroad man as over. Your correspon
dent mot Dr. Goodwill , Maj. North , the
noted commander of the famous Pawnee
scouts , Con Gronor , the ox sheriff and
many othorn whose faces have graced
chat section for so long. Goodwill is as
Denial as ho was fifteen years ago and is
. "still after the railroad striker" up there.
Maj. North , poor fellow , is suffering
from asthma und is a misery to himself.
An inquiry after "Buffalo Bill" brought
L smillo of satisfaction to his face , but a
moment before wrinkled with misery
/ver his throat troubles , whilst ho man
aged to wheeze out his thanks that "Bill
ill be hero in u few days. " There were
many things about North Platte which
your correspondent would gladly have
visited had the weather been pleasant ,
among them "Buffalo Bill's" rancUo , near
town where herds of elk , buffilo and
tezas ponies are kept awaiting the re
turn ot sprint ; ana the remanthng of his
show "The Great West. " Another time
[ shall take it in.
wo found the hotels full and the strug
gling mass of eager land hunters that
struggled from the crowded train found
poor comfort in the suggestion of the
hotel-keepers that "may bo some of them
will go away on the next train from the
west. " The town is booming. New life
has been infused by the marketing of the
railroad lands last month and now prom
ises to make on extraordinary growth thii
year.Banks , lumber yards , newspapers , etc.
, ire all the talk whilst town lota wortli
$5 each , last year , are now -wearing cy
phers attached to their former price
mark. A bridge is to bo built across the
I'latto hero which will open up a way foi
residents on the south side and help the
town immensely. Good reports come
from Big Springs , Denver Junction ,
Lodge Polo , in Cheyenne county west ol
us. Homesteads and timber claims arc
I being taken daily and raiiroad lands an
I molting away from railroad hands like
I now before u J uly sun. Great tliingi
will be done up bore this year ,
M. 0. J.
Ilcsolutlons of Ilcspect.
The following resolutionii were pusec
by the Enimot Monument association al
their regular mooting Thursday evening
WimtiAH , In the death of Brother Fatrlcl
I ) . Foley this association has lost one of It !
eldest and most faithful members ; Ireland i
true and loyal son , ever ready to aestst her liner
nor gtrurales'wlth the oppretnor ; the republli
A K ° od , Industrious , patrljtlo citizen , worth ]
of the freedom it KUVB ; the afflicted wife i
faithful and loving hushund : hii Borrowioj
children & kind und thoiightful father , uve
, Ills country and his family
therefore , be It
Ke oh-edt That we flnoerely mourn his loei
and th c we heartily ynii > ithlza with his be
rcaved family , and that a copy of thoae retc
lutlonn bo sent to his porrowtrlckeu wifeand
that they bo puMIMind In the datlv l > p r .
. O'Unitv ,
0. B. Troadnoll , North Bond , Is nt the Pax.
ton ,
W. P. llyixn , of Chicago , Is ftt the Metro-
K Dick , of Sowanl , Is stopping nt the
M. S. lluyott , of St. .loo , is n guest of the
Mrs. M. Randall , Xuics\lllo ; , Ohio , IB at
tlio Molropolltnn.
E. W. Murphy. North Plalto , Is in the city ,
nt the Metropolitan.
C. L. Burke , ot Qrand Island , U roistered
nt the Metropolitan ,
Chnrloa M. Mnynnrd and M. 1 * . Lytlo , Anil-
land , nro nt Mlllnrd ,
W. II. Clark , Waterloo , Nob. , Ia registered
nt tlio Metropolitan ,
It. W. Johnson , KronlsN illo , Wis. , is n
guest of the Metropolitan ,
Thomas A. Lnck and A , Coonor , o [ Poorla ,
111 , , nro nc the otropolitan.
W. K. iiler : and wife , of Philadelphia , are
gnosta of the Metropolitan.
Vrtd. llomnn anil P. J. Hanson , Plaits-
mouth , are stopping nt the Mtllard.
Chas. Chandler and Mary Clinndlor , Whlto
Cloud , Kaa. , are at the Metropolitan.
Chas. Maynard and M. T. Lytlo , of Ash
land , Nob. , is stopping nt the Metropolitan.
lion. Isaac 1'oworn , of Dakota City , nnd
Hon. TJ. W. Osborn , IMalr , nro puosta nt the
T ) . Plilby , Ksq. , general suporlntondent of
the Philby Coal company , Brazlllo , Iowa ,
called nt THE BEE oltico to-day.
A. K Sn\vyor nnd wife , ] lov , IL O. Dowltt ,
wife nud four children , and Mrs. Huff , of
Canandalgua , N. Y. , nro nt the Metropolitan ,
Gon. C. 0. Augur , formerly commander of
the department of the Platte , was In this city
Thursday to attend the funeral of Bishop
Mrs. Qoorgo Ballanco and Mrs. WHHam
Ballanco , both of Plattamouth , vero in
Omaha Thursday to attend the funeral of
Bishop Clarkson.
Arnold Thoonomnu , cousin of the late Doc
tor Stolliog , ia in this city ou nlsit to the
family of the doctor. lie la an oxtonatvo
jobber in silks , in Berlin , Germany , nnd ia on
his return trip from a visit to Australia.
Ch&rlea Iloao , Man in Griffith , Jousio
Illnea , Trod Hight , Kdgar L. Davenport ,
George Dovln , J. L. Morgan , and Miss Josie
Wilmoro , of the M. B. Curtis company , are
stopping at the Metropolitan.
The State Stongrnplicrs Association
Hold a Big Meeting Last Night.
The Nebraska State Stenographers
Association hold a very important moot
ing last night , in the oifico of Boll ft
Shriver , and polished oil considerable
Mr. B. 0. Wakely presided and Mr.
H. G. Stripe performed the secretarial
duties. Among those present were 0.
A. Potter , G. Shepard , James Wilson ,
H. H. Windsor , Leonard Whitman , T.
A. McGrath , I. L. Richards and T. P.
The minutes of the previous mooting
were read and approved. The minutes
of the banquet proceedings proved highly
interesting and amusing , being written
in a very facetious and witty stylo. Five
new applicants wore admitted as mom-
bora of the fratorinity. The abort-band
ers are an energetic set and they propose
to make their association ono of the big
gest institutions in the west , and if well
directed efforts and intelligent cooperation
tion will do it , they will assuredly suc
ceed. It ranks among ita membcra some
of the most useful members of this
growing community , who perform their
important duties in ouch n quiet and un
obtrusive manner that the general public
know little or nothing of their great util
ity , but lot the little army bo prevented
from some cause or the other from per
forming their duties for ono day , thei
their real worth would bo thoroughly
felt , The next mpotin will bo duly an
nounced by thp secretary.
Omaha Fire Department.
All members of the fire department are
requested to meet at fireman a hall , Sun
day afternon at 2 o'clock p. in. , for the
transaction of important business 'con
nected with the state tournament , which
is to bo held in this city July next.
I'Janrt Ijoclgo No.1 , 1C. of I' .
OMAHA , March 10,1884.
Your committee appointed to report
rosolutiono in reference to the death of
our late brother , Past Chancellor John
Miller , offer the following resolutions nnd
nsk that a copy ho f uniishod to the daily
papora for publication :
Jttiolrctl. That In the recent death of our be
loved brother nnd past chancellor , John Mil
ler , we have lost ono whose lone labor with us
aa a member of our order , and whose good and
lovable qualities M a man have greatly en-
cleared him to us.
Jiesoli'etl ' , That while we bow In humble nub-
mission to the irreat giver of all life , wo mourn
over the lees of our beloved brother. ' '
Jluoliixl , That wo.oxtend to the family ol
our deceased brother our sincere sympathy In
their deep lows , and that a copy of these ro o
lutioni bo transmitted to them and that the
same be also spread upon the record of thii
Committee ,
Army Orders.
Recruit Hubert Hall , enlisted at Ton
Douglas , Utah , ia assigned to the Sixtl
{ pfantry.
Recruit John Laipple , enlisted at For
P. A. Russell , Wyo , , ia assigned to com
pony K , Fourteenth infantry.
Recruits Edward Williams and Edwarc
A. Brownenlbtcd at Fort DouglasUtah
are taiigned to company A , Sixth infan
Leave of absence for one month , witf
permission to apply to headquarters divi
( ion of the Missouri for an extension o
ono month , is granted Colonel A. 3IcD
McCook , Sixth infantry.
An Expiring AHgoclatlon.
PIIIOAOO , March 14. The opinion pra
vails in railroad circles that the North
; wet tern Traffic association , which in
eludes the North woo torn , Rock Island
and Milwaukee & St. Paul roads ot
bo maintained after to-morrow , the to
on which the agreement expires , A
lending official of ono of these roncls ttaid
to-day that ho expected to see freight
rates oo to pieces Monday , and that before -
fore tlio end of the \reok first-class
freight , which now pajs 75 cents , would
bo taken for 25 cents.
PIISTII , March 14 , The police to-day
niaclo a raid upon the haunts of the
anarchisU They arrested editors
Hukunft and Slopsz.twa and thrity other
OTTAWA , March 14. A delegation of
brewers waited on the governor to-day
and anid the trade was generally handi
capped by existing legislation and they
detirnd that the government should
amend the Scott toninoranco act so as to
grant power to sell light wines in all the
counties that adopted the act. This
would help to decrease the uao of Ardent
liquora and promote sobriety.
LONHON , March 14. General Graha-
Imm telegraphs that the ihoika are more
peaceable since Daman's defeat and ho
expected the road to Berber to bo clear
within 10 days.
LONDON' , March 14. Brndlaugh , while
delivering a lecture at Bridgewater last
night agninst perpetual pensions , vras
attacked by roughs and driven from the
platform by showers of ratten cggo and
liroworks. The roughs afterwards
wrecked the chairman's house.
Charles Brodlaugh pleads not guilty in
the action against him for voting in the
house of commons.
j March 14. DogriutF , a Rus
sian nihilist , believed to have boon the
loader of the party that murdered Col.
Sudoikin , arrived in England recently
and has departed for America.
BKUUN , March 14. Trichinosis , engendered -
gendered by eating Gorman bred pork
and duo , in no wise to the American
product , is raging in various parts of
LYONS , March 14. The chamber of
commerce protest B against the embargo
on American pork.
LONDON , March 14. Further details
of the desperate battle yesterday between
Graham's forces and the rebels near the
Tamai Wells , continue to arrive. Dur
ing the confusion which ensued when
the Arabs made their wild rush upon the
British lines und caused them to retreat ,
newspaper reporters and other noncombatants
batants took part in the fray and used
their revolvers freely and with deadly of-
feet against the enomy. After
the battle , Osman's camp and
three villages were bumod. Among
the trophies , Osman's standard was taken
and Towfik Boy's recaptured. The Brit-
isb loss is considerably heavier than first
reported. The number killed
roach 100 , wounded 150. General
Graham's forces are returning to
Suakim. Oaman Digna lied to the hills.
The Arabs retired before tlio English
slowly and sullenly. They -wore do
touted , but not put to rout. They
walked away as if sauntering through a
bazaar with arms folded or swinging nt
their sides. Many were shot down , but
this did not hasten their companions'
speed. Judges of native character think
the Arabs are so allied by family tics that
the great loss of lifp will appall them and
break their faith in Mahdi and their
It was impossible to take prisoners.
The wounded Arabs would Ho motionless
without uttering a single cry or moan ,
and yatch their chance to stab the ad
vancing British with a knife or sabro.
The victims walked among the wounded
as among so many vipers. A wounded
Arab killed a British marine during the
night , and another attempted to stab
Col , Stewart while his aid-do-camp was
giving the wounded man water. Adtnlra
Hewitt to-day sent out a fresh circular to
the tribes warning thorn that if they do
not obey the summons to submit , thi
futo of the Arabs who fell at Tob anc
Tamai Wells will overtake them.
COPENHAGEN , March 14. A mochani
named Jens Noilson , has been imprisonoc
for life for arson. Ho confessed to hay
sot fire to Victoria Dock. London , in
ST. PETEIISIIOEU , March 14. Col. Do
bunski has boon appointed successor t
Col. Sudoikin as chief of the dopartmon
in military governorship of St. I'otors
burg , for preservation of order , and
largo secret fund has boon placed at hi
A Ilrolccri Ijcvcc.
BATON ROUGE , La. , March 14. The
U'overnbr received a telegram frorr
Bayou Sara toight reporting the Grand
levee nil gone. The levee protected
probably the richest sugar producing
Ncction of the itato. It was built by tht
state last year at a cost of $07,000. If the
whole levee is gone , as reported , the vol.
urao of water a milo wide and ton feel
deep will pour out of the Mississippi al
that point.
Forced to Do night ,
SALINA , KM. . March 14. The rcgis-
for of the United States land ollico here
ro-day certified to clerks of counties com
( irising this land district 290,100 acres if
and for which tlio Union Pacifio Rail }
* ay company has paid the fee. Thii
iction of the railway is largely due t ; <
Congressman Anderson of this state , whc
'IBS boon very active in efforts to compe
rho company to secure patents for al
'heir lands along the line of their roai
tnat they may become taxable.
Destination of Drugs ,
KANBAH CITY , March 14. The whole
sale drug store of Woodware , Faxon 0id
Co , , Union avenua , West Kansas , burnec
at G o'clock this morning. Estimated IDS
on stock $75,000 , insurance $70,000
On the four-story building , which wa
valued at $40,000 , owned by Leach on <
Olmstead , $20,000. The firm was carry
ing a stock of $125,000 , a portion of whicl
was stored in an adjoining building am
ia uninjured. A young man naraei
Abernathy , sleeping in the buildin
jumped from the fourth story window
and his injuries are thought to ba fatal
E tto Xraiuiera.
The following deeds were filed fc
record In the county clerk's offloo Marc
14 for TUB BKB '
, reported by Ames' roi
estate agency ;
John A. Horbach and wife to Andre
Lund , w d , 1 0 , b 8 , in Parker's adc
- August Faust and wife to Hem
- Rolkos , w d , sej of BOCS 35 , 10 , 11. <
. $4.000. '
, Frank Murphy , single to Peter Pei
ner , q o , 1 U , part ne BO 10,15,13. $
Julia A. Armatrong , wife of Georj
kTmstrong , to Peter Ponnor , q t , 9 , nt
o so 10 , 15 , 13. 81.
Aaron Wontro and wife to Johr , II ,
Levy , w d , sj of awj sees ff , 15 , 12 , j ,
outlining 80 acres. $2,400.
The Steady Grnuth or Hliclton , Hufia-
lo County Nntttrnl AtU'ttntn >
KCB bucked by llnlcr-
l > rlnlMR Men.
Corro * { > ondonco of the IKK. !
Sur.t.To.v , Dudtilo county Nob. , March
3. The rapid growth and enlargement
f moat of our Nebraska towns make it
iflicnlt to avoid a sameness In our do-
cription of their several interests. Shol-
on , however , onjoycs superior advantn-
os in its location , The beautiful and
ortilo valley of the far fnmod Platlo has
iven to this place all that could bo do-
rod in vastness of extent and wealth of
oil , while the near proximity of the
Vood River valley which , is known
a a join of beauty , has added to
10 attractiveness of the whole country
round Sholton. Hero , as in other
laces , men of business and enterprise
ave opened their trades and avocations
nd nro fast gathering the rewards of in-
ustry and skill. Stores well filled with
lioico selections of goods. Hotels , oleva-
ors , livery barns , in fact everything that
western town needs and will have , im >
ross you with the thought that the
whole iiold of personal activity has boon
agorly entered upon. The indisponsa-
lo and universally prized school house
nd church are hero also and the full pat-
onngo at both indicate the pleasure the
ooplo take in these delightful features
f Nebraska tosto and enterprise.
The quality of the soil around Shelton
in barely bo surpassed in nny county in
10 state , and the yield of corn during
lie past year is simply enormous. To
lie Illinois and Iowa farmer the long
'no of woll-ullod cribs and the almost
umborloss teams drawing this staple arti-
lo to market nro cheering evidences of
lio.capabilities of the county. It is said
hat the Mormons a few years ago
esignatod this place as desirable by nmk-
ng their encampment hero. Some of the
ilmbitants hero have braved all the hard-
liips and discouragements of drought
nd grasshopper raids mid are now rich
i the material substance gathered about
liom. Fine horses and cattle , and choice
reeds of hogs and sheep suggest a still
argor expansion of the wealth of this
arden spot of Nebraska ,
Your correspondent noticed during the
ast year in traveling over the state , the
oat crops of all kinds in the bolt of
ountry lying between Wood river and
libbon , and of which Shelton is the
lappy centre. The llouring mill , under
ho direction of the experienced Miller
Burrows , is doing a good work for this
oction of the country. J. D. Gilbert is
> usy at work furnishing brick for the
nero substantial buildings which the
> ooplo will no doubt bo desirous of put-
ing up [ tin place of the inflammable
wooden structures which are the nocos-
ity of all newly built towns. Running
lose by the town is the small yet beauti-
ul Wood river , whoso banks are fringed
with a natural growth of box alder ,
whnh in summer time lends a refreshing
charm to the whole country , winding as
t docs back and forth as if to spread its
lenofits at far as possible. Land is ad
vancing rapidly in price , and evidently
iho day of "cheap lands" is a thing of
bo past in this locality.
Mr. Oliver , ono of the loading mnr
chants of the place , whose stay in the
country dates back to the thrilhncr scenes
and incidents connected with Indian raids
and depredations , has steadily buildod up
a handsome business , and is at present
erecting ono of the most imposing private
residences which is found in thii portion
of Nebraska. With the continued rapid
growth of town and country , the expan
sion of business , and the pushing forwarc
of church and school advantages , there-
is no reason why Shelton may not expect
to claim a sonorous share of the immense
emigration which is now pouring inlo
this state. During the past year two
largo capitalists , Hedges and Junk , have
como in from Fairfax , Iowa , and are
looked upon as important factors in _ the
prosperity of the town of their adoption
Others will como and they who com
first will evidently bo best served.
* Y. Z.
Poalltvd Otlft ) for Every form of
Skin and MlbWl Diseases , from
flmplca to tibrttjula ,
Blood Purifiers and Skin
T\I8FIOURINO IIUMOllH , Uchlni ? and Uurnli/fi
L/ Tortures , , Paluful Kruptlons , tjalt Hheum or
CMMUM , 1'sotlaals , Build Ilond , Infantile or Illrth
Iiimors , and e\ery ( ami of Ilth ng , Hcily , Plinnly
Sorotuloui , Inher led Contagious , nnd Coiiier-U < < lord
. d Dlauaeou ol the lllood , Hkin at U Healp , with I.OHI
f Hair , are positively cured by Cutloura Remedies.
Cutlcura Iloooltout , the newbloodpurlfler.cluuiitef
ho blood and pornplratlon oMinimrlilos and polion
ion elements , and thus removes tha cause , whllt
3utcura ! , the great Skin Cure , Instantly allays Itch
ner and Inflammation , clears the Hkfn aiiil Seal ; ,
ls the Ulcers and 8oro , and llci oiostho Hair
0 Cutlcura Soap , an exquisite Skin Uoautlfler and
'ollet RequUlto , prepared from Cutlcura , Is Indls
Minnablo In trcatlug rikln Dlxoases , Uaby Humors
: ikln lilcmlahos , and Hough , Ohapped , r Oily Skin
Cutlcura Remedies * re absolutely pure , ouil the enl )
' eal Blood J'urltleis and Bkln UeiuilUera.
Chas. Houghton , Kwi , lawjcr.iMHUtostrcut i , Jlos
o on. reports a case of Halt llhoiim under bis obser
vatlonfor ten jears. which covered the patlent'i
> ody and limbs , ud to wMch all known methods ol
reatmcnt had been applied without benefit , wlilct
was completely cured soltly by the Cutlcura Remedies
dies , leatlng and healthy skin ,
F. U , Drake , Esq. , Detroit Mich. , sufTercd untnlc
.ortures from a Bkm Disease , wblch appeared 01 till
lands , head aud face , a' d nearly destroyed his ryei
after the most careful do < taring and A consultatlor
- of physicians failed to relieve him , he used th Cu
& Jciiraleruedlesand was cuit-d , and has remalnou
so to date : '
. Chu. Eayro IllnHo , Jeriey City HilKliU , N. J. , I
0.OS ul of 12 years , who , for eight years , was one matu
OS of Scabs and Humors , and upon whoj > all kniwu
remedies and cures went tried In vain , was complete
ly cured by Cutlcura jteuiedlel. ,
Sold by all druggists. Cutlcura. 60 cents ; Resol
h vent , fi ; Soap , & centsronia Dwa AMD CUIMI
id o. , lloston , Mass.
3d Bend for -'How to Cure Skin Disease * "
or Homeopathic
Ilourt At Residence , No. 1413 S. IOth Hired , tt
10 a. m. , and afUr 8 p. ra. Hour * At ortloe , No , K
aw and 103 B. UtbUt , Room 7from , 10 a. ts.tolp. a
Id. N.U. The Tape Worm will be removed , wltbou
f nr r In tlm of from S to S hour-
KtoMeice No. MU Joae * St , ulQee , No. 1M
rnno street , Olfire hnun 12 u. to 1 p. to. , au
rge .Utll'eut
rR.on MARK nitirm ! * . „ - * S MARK
L n RKMIDT. An " * -
unftlllnir curator
Seminal Weak.
rvii , Bptrmatorr *
hn , Impotcnoy ,
anil all nlmatoa
that follow M a
oflquwice of Self.
AlAwej ailossol
, . . . ,7Memor ? , Whiter. " * '
rORETAKItlPwviiA'wliiJoi'ftin AFTER TAIINO ,
i the lUok. IMrnnMa of V/'lon , Premature Ago
ul jmnj olhorillnVHS thntlciul to Insanity crOon.
unptlon and a Premature OraMi.
jJuwARft of adTorttocments to rcfnnd money , vhcn
mitfitsU from whom the medicine In IxniRht Ao not
tmil , but refer J ott to the tnnnufAcatrcn , ai 7 the
equlremcnta are such that they are ttldom , ( f emr.
wmplled with. Hco their written Rimranloo , A titol
1 ono slnele VAokago of Gray's Hpoclu'c will convince
le mo t skeptical of It * roM merit * .
On account of countoiloltors , wo have adopted tha
ollow Wrapper ; the only Rotiulno.
< VFull particulars In our pamphlet , witch wede-
re to semi free by mail toemv one. CiTThoSpe
( la Mcdlolno i > nold by alt dnifrgliU at f I per pack-
( C . or six j ckaies for $3 , or will be ont frca bl
malt on the receipt of the money , by ftddnwlne
TIIK ( JIIAYMKD1C1N13CO. , UuffaoN. ! V.
old n Omaha I ' *
The ronn-d.v being Injcctoil directly to the mat ot
ho disease , rcqulrtM no change of diet or naunoous ,
ercurlnl or iHiUonous mixIclnc ) * to bo tuVcn Intr r-
ally.hon uiwl an n pretontUo by either ox , Itli
ipomilble tu contract unyprlXAto df oaiiobut ; In the
cam ) ul thoie alrcml ) unfurtunntvl ) adllcted wo gnur
nteo tlnoo boxes to euro , or n o will refund the man
. I'rlco by mall , postage paid,82. per box or threi
Qios tor fi.
iticd by all authorised agents.
sotK riioruiETona
0 , F. Goodman , Druggltt , Bole Ag nt , r Omaha
ck. J-wlr
Health is Wealth !
EKl , a Runrntitood onocilio for Ilystprin , Dicil-
088 , C'onvulsloiiR , Fitu , Norvnun NournlRln ,
pad ohoNonroua rrontrnUon cnuectl bytho uee
! nlcohol or tubnccu , Wnkofulnoss , MonUil Jo-
roraioii , BoftoiiiiiK of the Drain ronultingin in-
nnity nncl lemlhiK to mi ory , Uecny nntl dcnth ,
roranturo Old ARA , DnTronni'BB , I/OFB nt power
n cither BOX , InvolunUiry IJOSBOH nud tiuormnt-
rrhreo cnunotl byuror-oxortuut of tliolirnin , aolf.
buBoor OTOr-indulKonco. IZaoU buz contnint
no month's trnntmont , $1W n boxer nix lioxoj
ur$3.XBOntbyiunil propnidon receipt of price
o euro nny cnso. With -noh order rrcoivml bytu
or ix bcixra. ncoompnnlMi with (5.00 , wo wu >
end the purchaser our vritton Runrnntoo to ro
und tlio monry if the trontraont doca notuffocl
euro. OuQniutoca iimuouoniyny
O. P. GOODMAN Hot A ont. Omaha Nob.
Seltzer Aperient
Have established themselves In Omaha to tianiao
a general brokerage and business. Wo will buy al
clauses ol poods at wholesale or retail , and iruar ntcu
jcrfect satlnlactlon In prices , as wa can buy chrapu
than yrurich os. You can BOO the advantage of huv
ing your goods bought by one who will work fo
your Interest and not trart to a merchant who lia
sou othlng hols anxious to bo rid ol. We will also
gl\a prompt attention to soiling anything imtruste
to us , and gookH consigned to us will bo carofull
baked to. Correspondence sollcitml. M"/
talleliironcc3-0raaha NatlouM Bank , MrCaRU
Ilio'D Hank. Address 111 8. ICth Ht.
In April , May and Juno , JR31. PASSAGE TICKET
by o/l ATI ANT10 STKAIIEIW. Bnotlal facilitlci lo
. . ) n.vlVM rtrnrn i 'mTS fl'AHIITftT 1 TfllTf. * I'i ' ( /
, .g uu unmtli. .ou YY ,
travelfrsln EUROPE , by a'l routes. Uioducoilratos
COOK'S EXCURSIONIST , with map * and lull pi r-
tlculars , by mall 10 wnU. A'i < tro S
TH03.000msHON'Ti : OtOitdttoy , H. Y.
' t a-w-w& .
Nebraska Cornice
Iron Fencing !
Crestlns , Balustrades , Verandas , Office and Bart
lulling * , Window and Cellar Guards , Ktc.
OAIRKR. Uanactr.
Notice to Cattle Hen
IfO Head of Stwrs Thre'o Years Old.
200 ' < " Two "
20J ' " Heifers , Two "
150 " ' hteers , One
Tbe above uYcrlurd cattle are all well bred lows
cattle , straight and smooth. These cattle will b <
old In loU to tult purchasers , and at reasonabli
prices , for further ' > artlciilars , call on oraddirss
Wavtrly , Bremcr Co , Iowa.
V , 8. Also youn ? gradul bulls. mT- line Stwlt
Cun without ined
A POSITIVE lclne.I'atentedOo
tobflr,8(7a Ou (
box No. 1 will cure any case la four days or leu No
i will cure the most olwtlnate case uornatUrot hov
'CUB standing .
Allan's Soluble Medicated Bougiet
No nauiaous doses ct lubebs , copabla , or oil of san
dolwnod , thst -.aluto produce dyspepsia b' '
destroying the eoatlngsof the stomach. Frlos tl.Si
* 4d byal drugelits , or walled ou receipt ol prlo
Kor further particulars aesd ( or Cirrultr.
Mom .fctWi > Bi > r IUu Iy
outh 13th Street , below r
Kilbv Place
ust platted out in this addition nt
3325 to S350. K-VJ
\ 1
* or lot. First allotment all takou
nainly by persons who will build
esirablo residences in the spring.
This Addition
tins from Dodge street to Daven
ort street , the most healthful ,
ightlyand desirable
Cable , Belt nud Cumins : street
Sold Forty-One Lots
nthis addition'in January. Call
office. Will take you out and
back in half an hour.
A Desirable Business Property
on Farnam Street. Eented to good
tenant. Pays ton per cent on in
vestment , net.
One of 'the Best
Business lota on Tenth Street ;
An Improved Farm.
Near station in Douglas county , two
f oed houses and frame barn a first
class farm in every respect. Will
soil or exchange for city property.
Desirable Lands
in Boone , Madison nnd Nance coun-
tioa , in quantities to suit purchasers ,
$8.00 per acre. Vf"tl.He \ : less fop.-
o quantity ,
Forty Acres
cf first-class land , improved , good
for gardens and small fruit , within
three miles of poatofllce , 850 per
full lot , two story house , metal
of , 8 rooms. Must be sold. Spe
cial office.
Good Cottage ,
fire rooms , now , one block ' from
street cars , $1,600. Monthly pay
Fine Residence ,
near Twentieth and Uass streets.
IlJasy payments.
Residence Property
on 18tli street. Largo house , good
barn , full lot , street cars , $3,500. "
Business ( Property.
on Saunders street. A good invest
ment. Gall tor particulars.
Several Good Lots
on very easy terms to those who
will build.
Property Shown
on Application.