Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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Will cure Nu. . . . . . . . .
T.umbiim,1lhPnrnatli > m , I
lT l , NruralRlA , Mclntlcn ,
Kldnry , Pptno * nd I.lrrr
' , OowM
, , . , , ,
iff * Illl I ) IIC | > BT "I1MJH IIVJ
Dumb Aciio , rrf > l p u Ulfrl. f * . Only * rlrntlflaKln >
trlaltaltln AmMlcn that WMditlmElwfrlrUy and mmr-
nrtlmn IhrotiRh lh body. Mid canb rvchargrd In an lir
SLOpojWoultliNot Buvit.
M " - ilonin' I w i ii IcteJ with rheumttl m And
cured by mini a belt. To anr one Afflicted with
thkt dU M , f would Y , b'iy llorno' * F.lcctrlo Iklt
Any one c.\n confer with me by writing or ciklllnK
At mytton , 1420DouglA9itrcct , OmAhA Neb.
MAIN OFFICE Opposite po tolllco , room i Fren-
tSTorriloitC. F. Ooodmaa'a DrugC torctlllO
kmAtn St. , OmAhA.
Irifi-M nitad O O .J
t TTMrontfd to c r lonftrr. M
. lb tarm nmltr , and ( TTO | bctt"
IhAn nny other Cortt ,
the miirkot.or rnco paid wll
reriindrd. TholndonumcnUot
ChlcaKo'i l > it phnlclant , accom
Vlrc , ilMt H.lfrn J n , l > oeUe <
rourmirrhtint forthehk
1 tot muol Kilt , * ia. ( TOI , fin.
- Itritnt Hoi Inriu < l < Ml
. . . llfit. . Jimcctnm M/SAof/jfifh
FORGES , TOOLS , fto ,
MST ronoit iiiDk ron LIOIIT Vuca. < it
40 111. Anvil a
tt = < m
Imported Beer
Erlnngor , Bavarin ,
Pilsner > . .i. , . . Bobominn ,
Kaiser - * .Bremon.
Budweiscr St , Louis.
Anlmnsor „ Sb. Louis.
Best B Mihvaukop ,
Sclilvtz-Pilsner Milwaukee ,
Erne's Omiiha.
Ale. Porter , Domestic and Rhine
Wine. ED. MAUKER ,
Stove Repair Works
109 South 14th St.
3fiko tpeolaiJy of fumUhlnt : OAntlniri and rcp
IDZ to M of All description , wood ntoroo , changed
bum ooal , rratof , nreback , damport , &o. oonstanll ?
on hand. Try cno o our stove p'n 1tlvc AIR
root ,
And your work is done { or all time
to time to come.
The World
< to produce a more durable material
for Btreet pavement than the
Sioux Falls Granite.
1 >
filled promptly. Samples sent and
estimates given upon application.
WM.MOBAIN & co. .
SJOUY FallB. Dakota
J , T. ARMSTRONG , H. D. ,
OotLXllMf U .xxdL LtvrliMt.
Until oflScw * MB repaired from rtxult of flte. oQ
with Or , barker , ttoon e , Ciel bton lUock 1M1
aou Pouxt KrecML
Graham Paper Co. ,
1T Md 219 Nortli fcftln 6t , Bt toult ,
J -0li raid ( or Riff * ol U *
Nntiiro'H TrcnRiircs ,
IICi | < Uln J&ct , the I'oct Scout.l
Deep within her brcn t doth Nftluro hltlo
ilcr tirotlons ores her Mher anil her gold.
'Wnllo rough , uncouth upon the mountain
[ R found the tempting floAt a tnlo untold ,
The Imrdy pioneer with onRor eye
Sennit every boulder wltli a wistful Rlnnco ,
And tho'ahundred times ho fftll , will try
Another trip there's ntlll nnothor chnnco ,
With hopeful licnrt In NotureV nolltudo ,
In proflpocti hill nnd gulch , nnd every night
In hl nbodo uncouth perchance and rude ,
[ to droamn of homo and wife , nnd prospects
btlht. (
And 11 mo rolls on , hU form la bonding low ,
The fire tins gone from out tlioso bright blue
eyes ,
HI.i cliotnut 1mr ! hiu turned us whlto M
nnow ,
And yet , Imlt blind ho finds a wealthy prizo.
And what In wealth , or what in Influence
[ f Ufa luui Bcarco nn hour for haupy tho'tghtt
Would n&turo'a vnulU dlscloBod , half rocom *
Tlio rnvdfTM that cnro and loll have wrought ?
The in nor leaven his Imppy homo nnd wife
To Rhnro Ills lo\o with fwhion'a yellow God ,
And some 1'vo known , nnd nharod their toll
nnd strife ,
In Chloride , now , lie Bleeping noath the nod.
They came for gold , but those wore early
days ,
When bonsta of prey , in shape of Honda , ran
wild ;
When "noblo rod's" were sung In minstrel
lays ,
And none were noble nnvo the jirnlrlo child.
Oh ! Nnturo , if thoit didst concolvo
And boar such olTorltig ns they clnlm for you
Disclose thy treasure , nnd wlillo you grlovo.
Thy breast will notion with thy tours of dew.
Ohl if wo only know , nnd knowing cared ,
To nil or o thoio precious goina in nature's
The child of wnnt nnd woo would then bo
In love nnd peace nnd none would bo din
trossod ,
lint" not until her breast is torn apart
With cruel blows and giant's powerful blast
Will disclose the socroU of her breast ,
And then monopoly will hold them font ,
A curse bo on the men who hoard their
store )
Whllo wnnt nnd woo nnd heavy hearts repine ,
And bogging but a crust at their bnck doors ,
Hoar Rounds of rorolry nnd poppingwine ;
Dut Ignorance is bliss and thuso poor nouls
Deformities of want nnd woo , and hamo ,
In blissful ignornnco nnd flowing bowls
Attempt to drown their sorrows who's [ to
blame !
God knows I B onk''tho itruth when I do-
I would not change 'my heart for wealth ol
Gould ,
For If I tried to climb the Rolilan stair
Some honest eoul would toll mo I was fool'd.
If Cod ! is good , and Buroly ho must bo ,
I'll take my chances with the poor and meek
And if our hills will share their wealth with
mo ,
I'll fight monopoly assist the weak.
And , if whan nil earth' * weary work for mo
la coded , and I lay mo down to die ,
A thousand caro-worn faces I shall BOO
Made happy when tuny coma to say peed by
And thou , if up the golden stair I clluib ,
When Gabriel toots rll whUpor through his
I acattorod gold and sunahtnn down below
You hot , old God will uld mo waltz right in ,
Prelate purple is announced.
Paris ladies now wear blue glovos.
Heliotrope shades will bo in high vogue
next season.
Immense and dlmlnutlvo collars are alike
Spanish girdles of embroidered velvet are
exceedingly stylish.
The Newmarket bonnet bids fair to have a
long run of popularity.
Back curls madn of short , natural curly hal
are In favor with the ladles at present.
Klaborato brandobourgs and fouroRon fastoi
and docornto the now spring jackets nnd waist
coats.Many spring suits are to bo of "anamltc.1
This is a now coarao woolen matoiiol in many
colon ) .
Wlfon the dear women complain of swollen
gainful foot it is ton to one that their shoo
are too tightly laced.
The f itshlonable shade of pink , known as
topaz , which has a delicate sheen of gold in it
la very becoming both to dark nnd fair coin-
Whlto toilets of all kinds appear to bo more
than over the rage In the fashionable world
cream , snowdrop and ivory being generally
preferred to the very trylne bluish or pearl-
white ( hades.
As a drug clerk the fernalo is not a brilliant
success , when you wink at her ncross n soda
fountain she doemi't know whether to put n
little Calm of G Hood in your soda or to hanp
her head and blush.
Miss Pha'bo Couzlns' subject when she ad
dressed the National Woman's Suffrage as
sociation in Washington , the other day , wns ,
"What Answot ? " That is a question thai
doesn't generally bother the ladles much.
Pretty Mrs. Wiso.of Virginia , says : "When
my husband was elected to congress I Bald ]
would not go to Washington , a I had nothing
to wear. My friends wrote to mo to got 0111
the family laces aud cover my old droatua. So
hero I am , na you BOO , with mv grandmother's
laces over my old gowns. " These laces liavo
boon the ouvy of nil beholders ,
Gloves , shoos , Btocklngs nnd undortrarmonts
show no symptoms nf change , neither are there
any novelties to signalize yet in the way ol
jewelry. lu morocco goods , including belli ,
moucliolr pouchoscaril-caiio8 and ] K > ckot-bookt
are stamped portraits of modlioval personages
very faintly colored , on pale dove or silver
ijray backgrounds. These nrticloa nro fimsheil
with mountings of solid alh or.
Some of the spring bonnets nro trimmed
with ottoman or plain rlbbona with a bright
contrasting color on the rovorsotido. Uosidon
their use as strings they are found very use
ful for the rose tulfett employed on man ; bun-
noU for general wear in the place of flowers
and feathers. The colors of the two ldes of
the ribbon must harmonize well , however , or
the effect Is far from agreeable.
The lost Trench extravagance In hosiery is
a tinted lace stocking In colon of polo rose ,
mauve , cameo , black , llfht blue aud pale
ulmonil. These Blockings are In copy of the
moat delicate and intricate patterns of point ,
duchosso and other rich laces , and are to b
worn ovnr a socxmd pair of npun-sllk hose ,
tinted a delicate llosh color. With them
dainty stockings are to bo worn very low-cut
Itomau sandttls , made of satin exactly matchIng -
Ing the Bludo of the lace stocking. 'Iheso
sandals ha\obut one utrap , which Is fastened
by a Jewt I d slii'o or buckle
Very lady-like and becoming are the now
and elegant pelisses made for spring wear ,
and composed of brouado In medium elzed
patterns of many different dark-toned shade *
lo match the nhfrt underneath which Isory
plain , needing only a tiny knife pleating.
which poops from beneath the lung , full
pelisse. One of the latest models IB made to
tit quite snugly , and li perfectly plain down
the front , with the exception of the elaborate
brandebourgi aud bilk jxmdauti which form
the fastenings. In the back there are two
full box-pleating * which give the required
fulness to the skirts over the toumuro. A
wide satin ribbons Is fastened at the throat
and another at the belt.
In spring dress fabrics are displayed many
self-colored material , which arorumaik Lly
handsome , all founded ou the old prisuuttlo ,
but under new grades , variations , aud title *
often perplexing to comprehend. Others ,
howo\ , are easily recognized. Among these
the very beautiful tints of Persian pink ,
pinky dove hues , Neapolitan velvet , ,
and golden brown , golden fawn , a rich shade
of dntke'a utck blue , and isge , olive , laurel ,
and willow greens. It promises that green ,
aa in the season past , will be one of the lead
ing shades for spring in self-colored nnd
figured goods , particularly in pUlded fabrics ,
the dark or vUlblo groous as they are termed ,
seeming to suit every complexion and age.
During the mild days with the chainoli
under vent , ahouliler-caiw * of fur , otter plu h ,
velvet brocade , and velvet , have boon counld.
end sutUdotlt covering for out-door wew. All
the newest * f the e worn by well-dresiod
women are detoid of th unsightly humps on
tba shoulder * which are now couildered a
thing of the pantos far aafatUon li coocerned.
HiCfio shouldcr-capoJi and mall pclennes have
est nouo of their populerlt.v ; on the contrary ,
hey nro more than o or In vogue abroad ,
ormlngan addition to almost e * cry RtyllMi
iromonado contutno ! some nf them having the
old-fftdhlonod "atole" frontc , n style certain to
tbtaln nmch fa hlonftblo favor In many var -
los of the coming Reason's mantels nnd pel-
critics , and becoming to many figures for
which the plain round capo la un ultnble.
A Precious ConHolntlon ,
It Is pleasant to remember
That spring will soon bo hero ,
It IR sweet to know December
Cannot last forever , dear.
[ Chicago Sun.
Joseph Murphy Is having n very successful
a\\r In Canada.
Kvn Kmcrson was married lost week to Ho-
vlllo , the magician , in Brooklyn.
Ij < ) tta lion Reciirod the rights of "Neil
Gwynno , " In the United Htatcs.
Sam Sanford , the votaran minstrel , la doing
n panorama of ' 'Undo ' Tom'a Cabin. "
1,11 ford Arthur will in an ago Uandmnnn'a
tour beginning Mnrch 23 , at Milwaukee , Wis.
Miss Lena MorclioiiBO Is playing soubrette
parts with Klocktori's Mylng Dutchman Com-
Lillian UuiKoll is playlnir In "Lilloo Taylor"
n Toulon , Franco , under Solomon's manage
1'tfortH are being made to secure Oscar
Wilde nnd his bride for a theatrical HOMOQ In
this country.
"i'alkn , " the now comio opera , inndo a do-
cldod hit at Hnvorly's Theater , PhllndolpbJa ,
l > y the McCnull opera company.
Tlioro nro between -lUO nnd COO young lady
hoarders at the Conenrvatory of Music in Bos
ton , nnd there nro about 200 pianos under the
A monument to I'lotow's memory will bo setup
up next month ntDaimstndt. April Ub'lh h
the oxnct date , that day beinptho anniversary
of Flotow's birth.
Fanny Davonport'a business with "Fedora"
through Michigan ( notoriously poor theatrical
territory ) has boon the largest played over its
circuit for many yearn.
Twenty-six years ago , in Glasgow , Mr.
Irving played n small part In "Tho Jibbenai-
nonny , which Mr. Proctor waa presenting
during n stc.r engagement ,
Henry B. Abbey had engaged Herr Joaclilm
for n tour of this country the coming season ,
but ho has wisely canceled the engagement by
paying Joachim a largo forfeit.
The Frohmans are to have a burlesque com
pany on the road next season. Lydla Thomp
son is to select the members of the company in
England , and will send them over.
The Cincinnati Collcgo of Music Is to have
a theatre built adjoining tbo college. It wil
have a seating ; capacity for 1,000 irarsons. am
the stage will bo sixty feet wide by thirty
dnep ,
The following notice boa boon posted up in
the stage entrance to one of the Now York
theatres : "Persons who smoke cigars hero
will bo ordered out ; those who smoke cigarettes
ottos will bo killed by the etjgo carpenter. "
New York , satisfied with the attempt to
stpport two first-class opera companies at thi
same time , will have but ono next season , am
that will bo at the now Metropolitan. It la
believed that Gyo , of London , will bo the
new manager.
An Incorrect statement has been circulate !
in newspapers to the effect that Mr. Barrett's
proposed English trip will occupy the whole
of tno next theatrical year , Mr. Barrett , ii
fact , la under engagement to Mr. Abbey , to
act at the Lyceum Theatre , in London , fo
BOVOII weeks , beginning on the 14th of April
and ending on the 31st of May. This wll
terminate Mr. Abbey's loaio of the Londoi
Lyceum , and on Juno 1 , Mr. Irvine ; resumes
his place upon that stage and makoa his reap
penranco before the Loudon public.
On February 10 Rublnitom'H best opera
"Nero , " was performed for the first time , b ;
the Italian troupe , in the Marie Theatre at St.
Petersburg , the orchestra being under the
direction of the famous composer himself. The
theatre was densely crowded , and Rubinstein
who formed the chief attraction , was most on
thuslastically applauded several times during
the evening. After the second act all the in
torurotera of tho. piece , including Moanioun
Cotogni and Silva , and Mosdarros Durand
liepotto , and Stahl , came forward on th
ntago , and through M. Ylzentlni procntei
Rubinstein with a silver wreath amid th
deafening applause of the audience. The rep
ronontation waa generally regarded as a mag
nlficont success
Full soon will come the gentlt spring ,
Then nature will bo green ,
Like kitchen maids who strive to bring
Quick flumes with kerosene.
Full soon the little grosses will
Push upward to the sun.
Full soon will como the ancient bill
From likewise ancient dun.
Then will your wife gayly take ,
From Its accustomed place ,
Your winter suit , and bargain make
For n painted China vase.
[ Washington Hatchet.
Pastor Wnnder'8 Lutheran church in Chicago
cage has sent out nine swarms aud is stil
thrifty and strong.
The Columbus Avenue Baptist church o
Boston , lost Sunday raised the entire amouui
of its debt , $55.000.
Plymouth church , Chicago , now has four
Sabbath schools , one homo , MM throe mlsnioi
schools , n free dispensary , and two mission-
arlcs are about to go to the foreign field.
The American branch of the Evangcltca
Alliance hns accepted the invitation of the
Swedish branch tuhold the next branch of the
World's cunforonca In Stockholm , in Augual
A Protestant Kpiscopal cathedral Is to bo
built at Albany , N. Y. ' , under the supervisor
of Bit-hop Doano , at the estimated cost o !
3I50OCO. . Itsdlmem-ions will bo IMxUSfeot ,
with spires 203 feet high.
The chapel of the First Baptist church ,
Wont Philadelphia , will bo enlarged duiimi
the coming summer and other improvements
will bo made to the property. Subset Iptlon
amounting to $1-4,000 have already been secured -
cured fur this work.
The king of Sweden haa nanctiiuied tlio re
vised translation of the New Testament lu
that language. It will now bo used iu the
churches ami itchnola throughout tUn kingdom.
The version displaced was oho of tha best ol
the reformation translations.
The Rev J. Hyatt Smith , whey nlthouKh a
Baptist , has been acting pantorof tlu K * t
Congregational church of Brooklyn since tlio
close of his congressional labors , lias become a
regular member of tbo Congregational church
mid will soon bo Installed over hi * piciout
Plymouth Congregational churcb.Saa Fran-
ctfco , Rev. K. Nttblu , D. I ) , , puaUir , received
fifty-eight members lut year , makinir tha
present number 487. It raised nearly $20,000
lor home work and charities. Three Sunday-
schools , with an nggirgateatienclaucoof near
ly 1,000 scholen are sustained.
A subterranean Coptic church of the fifth
century , with many Inscriptions , was recently
discovered by the French archtul glc l rcholar
Masnoro.the director of tha museum utllulak ,
on the. slta of the ancient Thebes , Theae In ,
serlptlons are written on white stones with
red Ink. and ore mostly well preserved. The
largest la one of 300 lines agalnit the Mono-
physIUu , written iu theTheblan dialect. Au-
other ooutalnu u declaration of Cyril , of Alex-
audrla , itgalnst Nesbuiius. The whole luta-
rlor ia covered with nddrotsea to dlffereiit
saints in tha Coptic , Greek and Syrian Uu-
guagea. , ,
By a now law la Arkansas no saloon can be
built within & 40 rod * of a church. But tha
uativea tlodge this law by building the saloon
iret. Then they erect the church , lir.tacrwi
( bo road ,
Good men continue to get Into trouble. A
Connecticut man bos had Sl.OjO wo/th of
live stock driven off by a uhenU on u mil fur
an $800 aubjcriptlon to raise a church debt.
Qu da Smith aooouipanlwl by Ml a Birdla
McllenueiJu hem from church a few Sun
days ego. Blnlle ld : "I do alw y llku to
tit "hers I can look nt tha inluuter ; don't
you , Mr. da Soiltht'1 " 0 , I'm not ito i > wtl.
cnlar about that , " replied GIUI "but I do n-
ways like to It where I can looV nt the clock. "
"My dear , " Implored a husbcnd , "will yon
> o kind enough to sow eome buttons on my
vorcontt They nro nearly nl off , " "I am
cry son y , " replied the wife , vlth a look of
sal rrgrit as she fastened her bonnet on , "but
ho heathen are suffering and I kuvo not a mo
ment to spare. I am Into for Uio BOH ing so
ciety o It Is. " Philadelphia Call.
The minister of ono cf the most prominent
hurchcs at Columbus , O. , who was catochls-
ng the Sunday school scholars on Sunday
iwt , was Romowhat "broken up" when , In an *
wer to n question ns to the place where a cor
al n pataago ml lit bo found , a smsll bny In
ho front seat promptly replied : "In Paul's
Cplstlo to the Hhcenlci. " The mlnlator Im
mediately gave out a hymn to bo sung ,
A preacher out wot.t , Mr. H. , was n good
nan. but very rough in Ills ways , nnd very
nucli given lo chow ing tobacco. Ono day ho
was riding on horseback through the country
when thcro came up n ohowor. Riding up to n
cabin ho hastily hitched hU horse nnd knocked
at the door. A sharp-looking old lady an
swered the summons , rhoprca'hor asked for
holler. "I don't take In strangers ; I don't
enow yon , " replied the old lady suspiciously.
'But you know what the Bible Rays , " said the
trencher , "Bo ,1101 forgetful to entertain
strangers , for thereby some have entertained
angola unnware . " "You needn't quuto
lilblo. " Raid the old lady quickly ; "no angel
would comedown from Heaven with n mild
> f tobacco in his mouth , as you havo. " The
leer was shut , nnd the preacher unhitched his
loreo nnd rode nway in the rain.
TlioOjcl AVay.
Tlio wrntch condemned with life to part
Still , still on liono relies ,
And every pan ? that rends his heart
Bids expectation rise.
Hope , llko the gloaming taper's light ,
Adorns and cheers his way.
And still , as darker grows tno night ,
limits n darker day.
[ Oliver Goldsmith.
The Now "Way.
The wretch condemned with life to part
Docs not on IU > IK > rely ,
Dut actri in jail the idiot H part ,
And feigns insanity.
Than ol proceedings In tha case
The lawyers got a stay.
Thai murderers live to plague the rnco
And kill some other day.
[ Somervlllo ( Mass. ) Journal.
Tlio NutmiHka Way.
The wretch condemned with Ufa to part
No counsel need employ ,
But wait his time for stringing up ,
With no'er a thought but joy.
For when his doom lias been pronounced ,
The judges , ns wo ceo.
Request our weak-kneed governor
To use hit clomoncy.
A parrot in n 1'ulton street , New York
restaurant screams : "Don't tip the waiters. '
Whllo out trapping near Bridgman , Mich.
William Williams caught an eagle that mean
ured nine feet from tip to tip of ita wings.
Ann Llowelln , of Pottsville , ia a vroodor
logged woman the widow of a wooden leggoi
man and the mother of a wooden logged man
A horse in Sayrevillo , Pa. , has to haul sixty
Gvo loads of clay and ono load of coal dus
every day. Ho receives no orders , yet neve
fail * to go exactly the num\x > r of times to th
clay pit , and then to the coal heap on th
pier. Ho has hia own idea of how much oac
loud ought to bo , and rears and kicks if to
much is put on his cart.
The tattooed baby turns out to bo a produc
of art and not a freak of nature. Wo breath
n High of relief over this for the ako of th
human race , much as it tends to shako ono'
fuith In the frankness of showmen. If it ha
been true , the prospects of n tattooed rac
would have been alarming. People with blu
lions and red r.-oea scattered over their facei
would bo soon so common that they would at
tract no uotico from the Bunnells an
Mr. Barton Grindrod , the great olephan
dealer , nays that In 1871 cloven elephant *
woio shipped in thoNehemlah Gibson for Nev
York , of whom ton arrived safely nnd on
died on the passage to New York. Tno ens
of the eleven in elephant land was S2,77C
The highest price p-id was SW for a fomul
elephant , Hobo , which gave birth , to a youn
Yankee over hero. Rujah and Mundrio , ruoi
tied , cost $300 each. Ou their arrival at th
dock Barnuin offered $ 20,000 each for them
which won refused. He agrees with Pro
Lankester and other experts in pronouncln
the white elephant a mockery , a delusion an
a snare.
Mr. J. L. Brasington , of Camden , S. C
has n curiosity in the shape of a cat-rabbit o
a rabbit-cat , being ono half cat and tha othe
half .rabbit. The head and shoulders are tUtw
of a cat , while the hindquarters are tboso of
rabbit , the legs and feet also being shaped pro
dsely like those of a rabbit. The tall ia ale
short and white like a rabbit's. In movln
about it jumps and squats like a rabbit , nu
has often boon chased from the street becaus
it was taken for one. It cannot climb tre <
because only the forepaws have claws on then :
It will devour anything that a cat or rabbi
will oat. The monstrosity ia now about si
montlis old and is very uocilo in Its habits
Au old cat ia the mother of this curiosity
Only ono other kitten was born at the time
and it ia a full-blooded , perfectly formed cal
Indian Poetry.
Ono of tha little Indian airls at the Carlisl
school lias tried her hand ab rhyming , wit
this result :
A bird flow fem n nest
After a dark night's rest ,
' She flow for a fut worm ,
Her heart was on the littlo-oiios firm.
She WM dressed > ory gay
For it wan n nice day.
Another tried it , with loss success , asfo !
I saw a girl had map
Upon her lap ,
And walked about
The room aud put
Her foot on stool ;
Sat down on mud and spoil
Her dress , and got
Potatoes and put them in pot ;
And shut the door
And swept tbo iioc r
And stood up look
And smile and took
Ho up ,
You Can Dcpond On It.
"For severe toothache nnd Nouralglo.of the
head I used 'fhomat' / clcctrio UU , This is oar
talnly the bent thing I ovur know for relief u
iiaiu of any kind. The house ia never wlthuul
It. " Mm. A. M. Frank , 177 W. Tuppei
street , Buffalo , N. Y.
A monster has been captured In Chostei
county , H. 0 , , which bos the head of a HAD
and the body of a goat. It waa cnutured by
i pai ty of coon , hunters , but not until it hat
illled five doga
ore uned with advantage to alleviate Coughs
Sore Throut , and Bronchial affections. Holt
only in taw.
BpriuR Is Coining.
A genial warmth is in the B ilar rayo ,
And now the HUOWH melt font wha > 'ar they
fall ,
Tha livery won begin to store thela sleighs.
The boys are bunting up tha butiand boll.
The snow and lee will quickly pss away ,
The bude will noon boglu to deck the troev ,
The little boy * with glea begin t > play
At marbloj , and wear out lhair trousers-
knees ,
[ SorocrvdUo Journal.
A riootjunt Acknowledgment.
' Had sour stomach and nlaerabla appetltt
or mouthi , and Krew thin ev ry day. I used
JluvJofk lllood llUttri with Uio modt marvelou *
retulti ; fael splendid. " Mrs. Joa ph Johnson *
PitUburjr , Pa.
Mrs. M. L , Latttaui aud Mrs. J. L.
WUoon , of Doa Moinoa , woman euCfrag-
> ts , bought out Tiu > Free Proas at C'odur
Llapids , imagining they hail purchtt "d
the good will o ( tbo pupor with it , and
intuiiding to clvingo the . The
Weekly Tnuuoript Hardly had they
published tha ilrat uumbor when Uio man
of whom they had bought waa on the
ground with now niateril , ou which ho
| has rijioo begun the publication of a pa *
( per. utukrtliu nainu h vwid before.
A Mnlc nnd tlio Olnnt jTowdct.
rooVI/n K gl .
"Jn regard to mules , " observed the
lontnna man , who had been a patient
atoncr , "in regard to mnlca , 1 mind
vhon wo opened the Pistol Pocket mine
n 78. The ground was froze a hundred
sot on a lorel , nnd wo had to blast out
10 quartz and dirt with anything wo
ould got. Ono day n mule o' mine oat
l > all the giant powder catridgca wo had ,
nd aa tvo waa 300 miles from a store , wo
ere stumped. "
"Know what tht.t means , " murmured
forty-niner. "Boon out o' whisky in
lie same conditions. "
"All our money was into the mine , and
TO couldn't qot nowliar till the dirt
> egan to pan. I wanted to kill the mule
traight out , but my parda said not ,
nd ono of 'em , Sway back Foeloy ; know
"You hot ! Mo and SwAyback cut a
lolo a milo long into the Comstock
ovol and- would have made a million
inly a grizzly b'ar clum into our condjo'
hoholu , nndjwo had to como out through
ho Comstock shaft and give ourselves
up. "
"Ho told mo about that. 'Well ; this
same Swayback allowed as the mule had
> at the catridgcs , he'd got to do the
jlaatin , ' so ho tied some stones up in the
oats and fed 'em into the mulo. His
dee was that when the digestion of the
mule , boiu" filled with stones , kotched
onto the fulminatin' ccnd o' them
cartridges , thpro would bo a hnistin' o'
dirt. So ho tied the mule over vrhcro wo
was workin' and wo wont oif a bit to see
.hings commence. " *
' Very clover , " nodded the Californian
approvingly. "Swayback had a head. I
remember once when ho was goin' across
lead Man's Desert , in Arizona , ho filled
liinaolf up with timothy seed , and then
put in carrots , and turnips , aud straw-
Worries , and lettuce , and radishes. The
timothy growed and the rest a' the seeds
book root in it , so all ho had to do was to
walk along and digest fresh vegetables.
Ho was the only man that over walked
across that desert alivo. "
"Ho told mo about it , " continued the
Montana man , a little dazod. "Well , wo
watched for a couple o' hours and then
the proceedin's opened. Why , sir , that
dirt ilow a thousand feet in the air.
Every time a cartridge wont off the mule
would get in his work , and for seven daye
wo war dodgin' bowlders and try in' to gil
him out. At the end 'o that time ho must
ha * boon a milo under ground , cause he
struck water , and the water poured uj
highor'n wojcould see ! "
"That so ? " said the Californian , witl
an expression of pain.
"You bet , but it ap'iled the mine
Swayback and mo never seen no yollo
outeu that hole. "
"Didn't on ! Lost money ? "
"Mado monoy. Never made as mucl
money bcfdro or since. Wo sold it to i
tenderfoot bank president for a geyser
and got out noforo the mule died. I novel
heard what the tenderfoot did with it. '
"Stranger , " whispered the California !
confidentially , "did Swayback got any o ;
the purchase money ? "
"Got it all , " whispered the Montam
man , with his hand to his mouth.
"That's Swayback. Same man. Stranger <
gor , lot's liquorl"
SCROFULA. A modicmo that destroy ;
the germs of Scrofula and has the powo :
to root it out is appreciated by the af
ilictcd. The remarkaUo cures of men
women and children as described by tcs
timonials , prove Hood's Sarsaparilla a re
liable medicine containing romedia agent
which eradicate Scrofula from the blooe
100 do. * , , , § 1.00. Sold by all dealers. (
I. Hood & Oo. , Lowell. , Mass.
Tell Him It's Lent.
If any coarse , unfeeling feller
Asks- for the loan of your umbrellor ,
Tell him it's Lent.
If any tramp presumes to feller
And. begs the loan of half a dollar
Tell him it's Lent.
And so tell all who come to borrow
Some treasured article to-morrow
Tell 'em it's Lent.
Mr , Charles Frohman has arranged witl
Mr. Theodore MOBS to take the company fron
Wallook's Theatre on an extended tour wit ]
"Lady Clare. " going an- far as SMI Francisco
The tour will begin after the closi
lar sfloson at Wailack's Theatre ,
A. Splendid Remedy Tor liung Die-
Dr. llobt. Newton , late President of thi
JEcleotrlo College of the City of New York
nnd formerly of Cincinnati , Ohio. , used Dn
WM. HALL'S BA.LHAM very extensively in hii
practice , aa many of his patients , now living-
and restored to health by the use of this in
valuable medicine , can amply testify. Hi
always said that so good a remedy ought no !
to be considered meiely as a patent medicine
but that it ought to bo prescribed freely b ]
every physician as a sovereign remedy in af
cases of Lung diseases. It is a sure cure foi
Cousumptionand lias no equal for all pectora
complaints. _
ICoHlDf-cr'a Jjlnimoiir ,
Wo deniro to call the attention of the pub
He to Kc Uln er'a Liniment , ono of the DOS !
preparations over p it up for all pcnoiyU pur.
poxes for which Hnimenc Is used. Applied
to the head it relieves headache and pitienti
tin fiair from falling i vt ,
Feather uigrutls in tu hair are more wore
lit Par la than flowers this winter. If flowen
are preferred , they are mounted en aigrette ,
The favorite Idea is n tuft of three or four lib
t.'o ' feather tips , gracefully curled with true
Parisian art , and thou the slender filament
springing upward from their midst.
"Oiuilt It Out. "
The above Is an old saw as savage as. it if
neeleN ) . You can't "grunt out' dyspepsia ,
iior liver complaint , nor nervousness if they
once got a good hold. They dou't remove
in that way , The taking- few
noses of Jlunkek Moat Bitten is better , than
' grunting it out " What we can euro let's act
The Third UnlveraulUt church , which , re-
miily sold their edifice on Bleoker stroet.Now
York , have at last been gathered Into , their
new church , building on WeJst Eleventh street ,
mrcha > ei ! from the Presbyterians for $ 3,600.
rho now congregation entered upon its occu
pancy oi its uew home without ono , cant of
[ snicaihlug to be nvoldtid. Cables with
xilds , babies with croup , babies with scalds.
jtirns , bitw , achei , npruln or calniare bound
M become noisy toni.nts oi the household. Dr ,
f J-.ctKtric UU will cure all thesa com-
llooaon for
'Mother may I go out to aliop ! "
"No , my darling daughtw ;
I haven't yet roconclUd wllh your pop
Yet the bill ol the previous quarter. "
[ BurllngVm Free 1'roej.
Tlie IUHurrocilin of Lianpos
Wa a miraculous operation. No. one thinks
of ralslnx the de d these , times , though some
denperutoly close to deuih'd door h vt > buen
completely restored by Hunlock JllcxJ Mitten
to gnauine and ls > tiog health.
Camel-rearing it not aa important an ludua-
Ty iu Uxjssla nowadays a It wan in yean ROBQ
jy , the goat rauchew having supersoiletl it.
riiero re only atout'J'iO 000 cuiuols there now ,
whlli there are over ono.OnO goats. The Ut-
tur U now tUo principle occupaUun in tbe
mountainous portions nf tha Guuoiwu. " , and it
brought in over 8400COO , to too powla Ou-
The largest Stock in Omaha , and Makes the Lowest Prices ,
Just received nn assortment far surpassing anything in this market , comprising
the latest nnd most tasty designs manufactured for this pring'a trade and covering \f
R range of prices from the Cheapest to the most Expensive. ;
Parlor Goods Draperies.
Now ready for the inspection of cus Complete stock of nil the Inteat
tomers , the newest noveltus in styles in Turcoman. Madras nnd
Suits nnd Odd Pieces. Lnco Curtains , Etc. , Etc.
Elegant Passenger Elevator to all Floors.
I20G , 1208 nnd 1210 Farimm Street , - - - - OMAHA , NEB ,
Office and Yard , 6th and Douglas Sts. ,
Henley , Haynes & Van Arsdel ,
1106 Farnam Street , - - - OMAHA , NE&
Heating and Baking
In only attained by using
Stoves and Ranges ,
Fct solo by
M , BELLMAN & 00. ,
Wholesale Clothiers !
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE7 COR. 13Th
IBID cod ISW llaraoy btreet and 403 B. lSth8traet. ; ) TUT . A TX A .
nk trt d Cataloirue tumUhMl frr < unnn anpllnt'no v fAM.n
1024 ITorfch Eighteenth Street , Omahay on Street Car Line. .
Lumber , Lime , La | Doors , Ii
Grodea and price * a < good and low nq nnv ' ' * ! * ; ho citv. trv-mn.
ouUotly filled iwlth a eelectctoea | ! > Bert Workminthlp goannww.
f / > " "jCn * " * * 16lh Otlff Ran * * * ' 4vanno Qvinha
Hall's Safe and Lock Campy
Wholesale Druggists !
Paints. Oil . \ \