Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1884, Image 1

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We Co iifc Begirt on too Rejected
fOourse of the State Dopavt-
'iiioiitto ' bo Commended ,
Sorato Disdussing thof
eases of Oattlo ,
Twetfiy-two-Ponsion Ellis 2a8se8 ?
by ( ho House *
so Hills -ami UlITtt ft > r tlio fenlft Ol
March 1C. The
Committee of the liouw foreign
Committee , consisting Ourtir , J.ticc
and Eaton , to whom the Hiscoct ror tu-
tions oii'iho Laskor matter werccofo 'rred ,
atametting to-day offered - titrate
for the csolutions and prepared a report
to accompany tlio substltnte.t a moot'
ing of the full committee the suV-wtitute
resolutions and repocfc 6f thcraubcommit -
ted were laid before the moa .bor s , Oen.
sidercblo discussion folloiwd , t aid aftoi
suggesting a few l changes to tbo sub-
tBmrnittco , the full comntrWao a fljourncd ,
' The sentiments expressed in the roporl
' of-'iho committee , which -will , probablj
' reach the house'Mondan'aro : .
V'JTirst , That the house'had & rightt
' adopt and transmit to'the. ' Ge rrnan reieh-
f stag resolutions oxprenting its opiii-
on of the character aad ab ility of the
" deceased Gorman statesman , itaaymp&thj
-with the democratic idea ; on itertaiued by
' 'him ' and its condolence -with that party
oi Gorman politics tc wh ich they -bo'
longed , in the loaa'fchoy ' suffered ir. hi ;
Second , II would" < not bo a digc.
--tourao for the hoaea f.o indulge -it
* xxbuso of Bismarck fortwsoi jting his eight
'to ' say when the wsoltttionu reached Jiits
that they chould go 310 lurthor , o > th ;
"question of his right to assert thai
: authority is ono to-Jbo s ettlod betwees
' I him and the reiohctng.
Third , That tho-tciion of our stats
i department is' deaoiv ng of commenda
The resolution * which are to berre-
_ . ported as substitute for Hiscock's reao
lutions will notdiilur substantially frozji
the latter , except in the modification1 ol
iho language renpenling Bismarck's icon
- duct and in a&Utioc a commondatior.iol
t the courao of the , ettte department-Kit :
the matter. .
The house comnxitteo on comm ec <
- agreed to report favorably bills for brifigei
across the Missouri river near Knnsai
City and Leavenworth.
The house committee on Indian 'teSun
- i decided to make a 'favorable report * oi
i the bill for Bale -of tfco Indian rcacrvAtioni
\ > --In Nebraska and oTcnsas and for the ro
-jmovalof the tribe to Indian Terrctary
WAWiihorox , March 14. Mr. Bowes
rr\rop. , Col ; ) introdueed a bill to reduce
- tie ! postage on .mailablo matter ofh ;
cscond class. Roforred.
Mr. Plumb ( ron.Eas. ) called up the
. boint resolution appropriating § 25,000 fee
itjio eradication of-tho foot and meet ! :
'disease. Mr. Plonk said it was a very
serious disease , .and. did not effect the
istato of Kansas moxcly , but all statee.
iHc sent to the dotk cnd had road a die-
.patch from the govoiaior of Kansas , urg-
uug the importatKo of immediate action ,
illr. Sherman { ( rep. , O. ) moved tc
amend by striking out the clause which
provides that the money bo expended in
. .corporation with thoi&uthoritios of Kau-
taas , as the disease had also spread tc
oilier states , and atf'ocicd other animals.
VliOj people of Illinois. and other states
V4VC becoming alarmed at the spread oi
the disease and an appropriation should
notiVc conGned to Kansas.
Mr.-Cullom ( rep , 0.1) ) . ) thought tlw
nmouci should be $30 COO , and that the
rouiilation bo paseod at once.
Mw Williams ( dem.JIy. ) . ) thought it
would'/co better to take > up > the bill retch
ing toicoiitagioius diaeac9of cattle gea-
ernlha d HO treat the l4Eattcr M *
Mr. Jzmbrop. ( , Ki\a.caid ) his pnlj
objceiioc was that notiociad been giveu
of i > p-robietod debate on i that bill , and
it wat dorf oid loss aud daxiogo by delay
in the fa&n of urgent nocoacity for imme
diate act ico. Ho had uoobjoction to
Mr. Shidrnicn's atnondtnojjt.
Mr. Coljdora , Ter. ) mqvcd to strike
out the word "Kansas" aud insert the
v words "with itho consent of c ho state au-
* ihorities"BO , > AS to make it igonoral and
Callow ate-tcs f. croico in the matter if they
/issircd. Ha id not waat fo give iho
commissiauor , .cf agricultuce absolute
f Mr. BuOur ( ( iuii. , S. 0. ) rend a tek-
gjcf m to show thrt the govcrnonof a west
erp state had asked to have established
qufcantino gaintt Kansas caUlo , and
M oud ! probibly dq so. Ho inquired why
the ovcrnor of ICrnsaH could not # lo the
eamo.Mr Plumb cepliod that ho could , but
whatcort of a ipotkiclo would it } > J foi
the gpTernor of u .ntate to catabUnh a
( juarapiino agoirwt t&a entire cominarco
of catilo. It w&a not quarantining
against ottlo coming jtc Kansas to rcipcin
there , b it to their pasaipg through thow.
Unless ilo govurament took systemat-t
action iuwlculabio and i uavoidablo lozt
would rujult when thcac dressed c&tUe
t ere inatijt'jd. The duetto was spread-
ung throufihjUiany Btatra.
Mr. OuiJQm , ( rep. , Ill.y , speaking for
dUiuois , said tto people of tUr.t state had
, tkalt with cpntyioua ; diseasuajierotoforc
occurring within its limit * arid iad done
no tuccossfully. JIo was not , , therefore ,
asliiug anything specially for thctm ; but
the .diseases now /raging among Battle
were Dreading illfever tliu country and
involvcii largely the question f inter
ttute oeinmerce. 1JU believed if tue
government had takeu prompt incasurt ;
in the ctrly stages of itho epi/ootic , ii
would have caved many bullion dollan
lW *
nnd BufTorittg. CatUwore
passing in i\K l out of the states Rflbclod
and. nmny states trcto becoming Tapidly
Mr. Fjhsrmnn Riid the fooV nud mouth
disoasa tind eon > o from Kitopo nnd w .a
an exceedingly serious disease and
thrr/ntoncd t spread tvor Ui6 > Axilo
country nnd road alottor tirging suspon-
sion'of the importation of cattle 'fsr the
' present , ft was a national mid not a
local qucttion , enf4 Mr. Sherman , and
TifcoUld bo dealt with broadly. Ho
* tinted to wait fdr action on 'tho ' plouro
Maxoy ( dom. Toxai ) made the
point that theco was no pu > or for kil
ling diseased otittlo. The resolution was
Mr. Coke held that Clio resolution
would dolojnto to the Commissioner of
agriculture newer roaidrng exclusively in
the atntua themselves.
Mr. Infills ( rep. Kii ) referring to the
< | ucstion lf the Btatos right having boon
montioiM'l said ho was afraid that
ovontiial1'/ the aonsta would bp called
upon to make a lac&o appropriation to
oxtirpaia the foot nnd mouth diacmo
from the domocrciio party , for that
party inpvor opened its mouth without
putting its foot in "it. lie thought the
dangar now largdl under control bui
congress was not relieved of its duty in
the jvomises. . v/i largo number of cattle
in Itonsosyoro not owned by its people ,
t bein tranaitpry Lords and it would bo
obriously unjust to compel the people ol
Ktnsas to pay all the expense of stamp
ing out the disease that become wide
qproad among ' ach cattlo.
'Mr. ' Hoar ( rep. , Mass. ) moved to post-
grcno considorrtion of the resolution one
Mr. Ilarrte ( dom. , Tonn. ) moved , to
tpostpono it indefinitely.
Mr. Oongor ( rep. , Mich. ) did not won
der that a fooling of distrust was growing
wp among'fanners ' and stock owners whos
-overy bill for the protection of ngricul-
* ural interests was mot hero with sncorc
and frown - .
Mr.'Buynid ( dom. . Del. ) did not think
it within the power of the government to
enter a state , take the lives of disoai
cattle , and pay for such taking.
The vvoojprosident announced thet/'h.o
would be absent three days nest week ,
and designated Mr. Sherman to perform
the dtetiee of the chair , which wau'ca-
sontod to. Adjourned iill MoaOoy.
" The morning hour vr * dispensed -vith
on motion-of Mr , Townahonddom.HM. ) ,
who moved that the poatoflioo approjTna-
tionbill'ba taken up. The motion-was
The Biotno went into comatitteo oCtho
whole onti.'io public calendar. The 'bill
granting c. pension of $2,5uG ayear to
Septotacinr. fcT. llandolph Linltham , the
solo surviving grandchild of Thoa. vJoTer-
son , wan taken up , and afavoraWoreport
of the eoir.mitteo on pensions road.
The house committee on postofHcesand
post rocda was ordered to make adverse
roporte .en all bills providing for the
establishment of postal savings 'banks.
Several members of the committeuflavor
the Byotoia , but think it iu > t ozpediest at
An adverse report was nko orclared
on the bill prohibiting ( he trancmiosion
through the mails of newapa cors contain
ing lottery advertisements.
The toinority report oppoaod tha bill
the that hadino-con
S on guound congress -
stitutional authority to grant a oivil pension -
sion , JcfiTorson's services hftvicgi ueen
civil instead of military , and .aacorte that
it is "a dwjgraco to the people thatihis
good old Jady should bo in wanf , " but
that if thct pension is granted her it
would bo only a short time beforebCbrts
would bo dnado to pension the living
children and grand-children .alf ! , roai-
Mr. Robinson ( dem. , N. Y. oxulairood
that Mrs. Linkham was living > in a
humble dwelling in Georgetown that cost
but $20 perononth and she aadihor three
children were dependent for support on
the oxortioaa of her gifted and beautiful
After an extended debate Uie enacting
clause was stricken out 129 toiiiO. > Dho
committee then rose aud the fnouso rail-
1lod its action.
The house < took a recess tiil 7:80.jtlia
ayening , the session to be for .tho. ocr.-
: idoration of j-onsion bills.
The houeo at the evening session
ipassod twentytwo pension Wlla.and JsJL
jjournod until to-morrow.
Ji. Illot In 'Frlseo O er
Putti Tlckebc
j IN FUAAOEMCQ , March 14. ( Pc-dayi !
miot occurred -ovontito aalo of l atti'tickj
etc. The craivdll,500 strong , ibinat ita
of &e < Gcud opera iiooao am
smashed all i&o plants od jilctares
Thoic Jury was * a seot that a ooan.pialted .
op A cung boy codlfcurlod him thro gli
aoidadoor of iiUo .yantibule , TJiellbQjn
WSM ibAcJy hurt. Caaio .and drescea > wor (
several wonvn were
many ak ,3il. The < wo.\t .
threatened to tear the ( box office Aovia
aud gut i the whole bpUalng unless Abe
box oilioQ was opened. . iioculatorH y > -
peared wd cu'ered iiUckota for 61 $ ,
when Uu > i cowd threz iuiedvto tear Ihom
to pieces atihoy repeatfdithe olTor. They
smashed iixiho window at tus box oflice ,
but Uia agosi escaped cztd acctt for the
police. After a hard * teugglo. and many
C.rroats order was resisre . The on-
councoment , xras made that i to tickota
would bo colt at the box cflict ; , * nd that
purchasers woyld have to ctep Jato th <
offiso one at a time. Thd ox peratec
crorrd walked & swearing ZE/1 disgusted.
Maf Insoii waa Arrested and beokod gt the
city prison this if/ternoon for .yi ( Uting
llio fice ordinance in selling mcro tipteU
than ioata in tl 3 house. Ha
leasedvn bonds.
Innoosnt Ooln
Ky. , March 14. Frank
i < ! o , coitvicteu of murder in a camp
OQ.t/io mountains , uoJtfOumberlandFalls
hut year , of two men fiaraed Adair , was
hanged Bhortrly after oca o'clock to-day.
Iliaaca this norning cliowed a pictux
of agonizing dUtrcsa. 8til ! ho profcssei
conversion last sight , doi .ed ho did th <
murder , but saii ho saw It done am
shared tlue ( iroceefg. Ho M T.'d not tel
who w co hia aceompHcoji. JIo die <
without a etruRglo in five miiuitt Th
mother of the murderer was tlio only won
3 n who yHflCHfA We ) irr'ecutb ,
Boards Specially Dclailcl
The Foot and Mouth Disease in
Four States ,
Investigation by National and
State Authorities ,
Meagre but Startling Reports from
Affected Localities ,
Diseased Aiilmnls 'Found In T.oulsa
County , Iowa.
Spoclftl fDlHptktcli to Tlio BKK.
CBFCAOO , March w4. The markets io-
day generally displayed n firmer tone
and prices for nil commodities closed
liighor. .The wheat market during the
entity portion of the day ruled quiet nnd
tolerably steady , but about noon's ' Lot
to ; speculative demand sprang tip nnd
trading was fair. The mnrkot wae gov-
riiod principally by homo intluencos ,
A. shipment of 70,000 bushela of 'No. 2
Minnesota 'for export was anccuncod ,
and a largo consignment for the -cast was
induced by < the low freights . Scon after
the oponmg prices advanced \a \ nnd
closed hbout Jc higher than jrastordny.
was active on speculative ovcount , nnd a
good shipping business wan' transacted.
For lower-grades the market was some
what unsettled. Rocoipta "woro about
the same nt yesterday , and -24 per conl
contract -corn. A good -deal of buying
was reported on local account , nnd the
shorts -were covering. The mnrkol
opened a shade firmer , rclliod 'c for May
and j@ c for moro deferred futures , an <
closed JC o higher that ? yesterday. A
the opening there was a quiet and tame
speculative market for oats , and prices
receded , c. Later , when wheat and corn
took au upward start , the demand in
creased , prices reacted and ranged a
shade higher than yesterday. Inquir ;
for most , pork was moderately active , es
pociaUy for moro dcforrod deliveries
Prices advanced 1012&c , and the ad
vance vca well sustained. Lard was in
better demand and stronger. Prices ad
wheat aiilod firm and closed at 9ijj ( to
DGJc for &fay ( eel t ° 88jc | for Juno ; 99j
to y i'cifor July. Cora advanced ! 4 to Ac.
Oats , pork and lard nominally unchanged
Cattfo < idull and < lfc lower. Trade in
dreoeotl beef , shippers and export cattle
was lK3st lifeless. With fresh receipts
-thane trcro 0,000to 10,000 on sajo , a
large .per cent of which were fat cattle ,
.many-droves havisg been carried OVA
iroui .yesterday. < Batchers' slock wa
also filovr and oasiec , end there was a de
< cline < o ir 3 to 23c on old cows and poor
tulle. Qtockers and 'feeders were in fai
demand , but20t 4Qo lower than las
week ; ; ll < ,340 to l,5 0pound export grade ,
$ ( i.20 tot"4 > .7fi ; good. ( to choice shippiej
of J CO to 1,350. , pounds , $5.70 t
SG.IA ; ocaimon ta oiP-dium of 1,000 to
1,200 rounds , So.OS tc S5.0 ( ! ; fair oowo
? 2.25 tc * , 4.00.
Bpodal iDltratch to tux 3E.
GffiUMMp , March ilA , Ohiof Ve ( rin-
: iriaa Salmcn , of the department of agri
icuUmso. at 'Washington , passed through
this city today on , hie way to Kan
Baa , viliorc , iio has boon ordorott by th
govenamont io oxamiae > tiio cattle disease
roportail in < * that stito jw the fooi ani
mouth anally. Soosttary John IJ
Rauch , .of . .the UlinoaB tate board o
health , taocqmjianiod htm as far as Cni
cago. Or , i X'ch fouuntV ° n roachin ,
hero , a .nuaumuu to repair to
KirtssaoAH aA3C' ( iujfiiKwi L.n > COUNTIES
in Illinois , Wibco it is tljgv.ghtthe fee
and inottih.i'.ucaja lias oJso broken out
'Dr. Raudi , , Tidp3Kored -persuade Dr
Calraon ta .nwaippiny Jiim ite Ellingliam ,
but the Lvti&r M c d that. Lc must go A
cnco to Icaws. uEauch triU , , however
tor Spi'i ' iAold to-night lfJahnon ro
from Axiz ijlonsas trip , ono wee
IK tCrtWS , < . .0 NTV ,
. _ i and JSclmou . .called at 4ho oflico
ofxEtnders , of The Dreaders Gazette , bo-
fofcvfalmoa lofi t nopn ind lotfDf. < l from
SAnders , that be Jud. rqccivcd a letter to-
h\yfrom Louiaa , AQuniy , , Iowa , . , saying
dho dreaded diswwc ivas atcong the cattle
March JU.f
to-day are to the c l'ect hat the foot
tnd.rnqiiih diocato Jiaa .appeared uear
\7ijQia ! , Louisa county , jlwra. N th
itig. additional has been learnoi re ardvif ,
the .witwgtCon near EiEiijjhq ; ; ! , III. , U'
tlu ) .tato'.ytterinary surgeon and oxpcrca
have / the scene &ud arc expected
to report to-morrqw.
Kas. , Mwch-W. Ex
citeinonti-olatv'o to the caUlo plague is
subsiding , antl U is reported 4 hut some
persons &ro dvttegarding the quarantine
People gcoerally do not beltew ) , the dis
enso so highly contagious as the xurgoons
report it. Tlio l } ( ltli. Burgeone flay tlo
4iscaio niani estSjit3elf within about /our
days at the longest f tor exposure. The
( juarantino committee held a meeting ,
anil resolved on o tra measures to invuie
for their roguli tions.
, III , Mavh 14.In vioor
ol the el&rm regarding ths .cattlo disean
itlia following dispatch signal by a largo
number of cattle men was uoni to Sena
Logan jd Gullom this oveniiiv :
TJbp iwsLvj ? nod c itla bresdcr ?
ontrallllinois respectively urge upon
on iho importance of the passage of the
niniftl industry till na it comes from the
ntionnl cattle breeders convontiiiii and
rgontly request you to work Wr the
tassngu of thn Baino ns introduced by
Senator Miller. The house nmondmonta
radically destroy the utility of the
ncasuro nnd prevent notion in cases of
mergoncy such ns now exists in Kansas.
Si < HtNnriKt.i > , 111. , March M. Thpro
s no positive knowledge here concerning
Iio alleged nppoarnncn of the foot and
iiouth disease in Ellingliam county.
State Attorney llcssah , of EflhiRhnm ,
olcgrnphs the state board of health that
ho disease is confined to thirty head on
wo farms in the northwestern part of the
ountry. The state board of health are
ully prepared to take action na soon no it
can bo definitely learned that it is really
ho foot nnd mouth plaguo. . Unhss cattle
invo lately boon imported from England
o this country , it is thought the disease
oca not oxist. Positive information is
murly oxpcctod. Dr. Pnrroiij atato vot-
riuarinn , is on guard , nnd will make n
hdrough investigation. Iho state con-
titution ompowois boards of health to
make and enforce rules and regulations
.ending to chock the spread of contagious
KAHHAS CITV , March 14. The Timoa1
olfurson Oity special eays Statu Auditor
Walker has received n letter < ? ntcd yes *
orday , from Thomas 0. Cavipbnll , of
virksvillo , Adair county , ix northeast
ern Missouri , stating that 'tho foot and
mouth disease has appeared ainong the
cattle in that vicinity nnd asking what
noasuros should bo taken. The auditor
replied urging careful investigation
and nctivo measures on the part of the
citizens for the suppression of the di
Ifulll Not bo Extmtloil to the
Island'or NurthwoBtarn.
Special Dispatch'to IIE DEB.
CuiCAiio , Mardhl14. Postmaster "Son- "
oral Grealism , Araistant Postmastcrilion-
oral Hatton , 'Superintendent W. B.
Thompson , arid other momoora 6 the
northwestern fast mail party , returned tc
Chicago at 11:30 o'clock this morning.
Groslmtn and Hatton vroro both vorj
much fatigued , nnd repaired imiecdiatolj
to their rooms , where a reporter found
them. General Gresham said the fan
mail appeared to give the greatest satin
fiction -everywhere.
The reporter- inquired , " \Vfll the fasl
mail aervka end with the Chicago , Bur
lmgton. & ' < Quincy and the Chicago , Milwaukee
waukoo , fc St. Paul ? "
"Wo ibavo finished , so fur as wo nrc
concerned. 'Wo have ma o contraota
with those two roads , and will not make
any others at present. "
"Then the Chicagd & , HTorthwostori
and thes'Rock Island will not run fas
mails also ? "
"Nob.unloss they put tljom on thorn
eelves . 'and also pay the expenses , .
shocld gcdgo. "
Hatton also said that no other arrange
mcnta were on foot and that tifl , fas
mail -flcrvico would probable stop1 when
3 a regard to politics Gicsham said , "
bolicv of Indiana will goccopublican. ' .
am very well satisfied in < my own mini
thsd-it-mll. "
Gkmeral Grcsham loft for Indianapoli
to-nightvc.nd Hatton audVIhompson fo
-ontl n Few -t > f tlio
AVoIooicvo 801110 InniluulbloB .lime
Over from
SpoclriJ IDI.p-.tcU to TIIK BEif.
JNKNYoiK , March 14A largo nutn
her of ( Trial : sympathizers , > British dotoc
tivcs nndA oroign concUb aaaomblod A
the Franchdock to-day , 'to receive tli
steamer fit. Lawront , on board of whicl
> half a doom dynamitere .TJCTO expected
from Hnvc9 , < but none camo. O'Doniic
van Roc a/y ; id they w roiriot expected
iQno of tiio'S'instructod" dyjistnitora , win
.into . naiKorJLiverpool Saturday , oxhil )
tied the Litest dynamite machines. On
eras fashioned like a cig r , and was smol
enough toibo crriod in tiioost jiockot h
v/liilo the 'iiihir was x , brain thing no )
unlike a facioct. It is learned tiiat Goorg
Blown , M ! tO'J' onovau said /osoph Cat
sue. throe jitoetago { lueeiifjors , landc <
and were neeiroU ; ' received bytiossn , an
that they were uimong tha most active i
the recent . ( English rairoad < alow-upo
I'oow refused to- talk about the men.
ftto iK.-r-CoiiKMw * 'iun anil lately Ii
Oflice at. Nortk Yttcxto ,
March 14.floe. . Join
Taffe died .t 10 o'clock this mooting
Mr. ffplfc represented NcbraaUr. ii
ngrfiiBifpr three .tarnia. At dioiim
his dca iijio * rns receuer of the Nortl
Platte lend ofllco. Iio .wai born inirn
dianapolu , rlwj o 30 , 3. 7 , and wuc i
resident at Nebraska 01000 * 185G.
NEW YOEX , March -0'Donovai
LVosea was inLocviowcd List Aght regard
iog the oxplusiQii t Ft\lhs i , England
aud declared Uiatjie/cnow" Ujroodays m >
thtt the oxplocion wac to take plaou , and
said ho could tell when tUo .next oni
woad ! take plico , bui wo.lli . ot do si
to-dty. The fact cowos d-oic. Londoi ,
that the Fulliam outrage was singly tin
oxplo n of u toy belongiog tv f. child
Much eaiusemunt wan thereby , < reatot
over the pretensions of Tlosw.
Uurlud Alive.
, Ohio , March 14.- John Mp
shall and Joluj Itoutzong while digging
a deep ditch saar the city yesterday
wore buried under twenty foot of oartl
by the caving of ti # bank , and the
The Awful Force of tlio Explosion in
the Ptaonlas Hides ,
Windows Shattered in Houses
Two Miles Awayi
A Father's ' Frantib Search for His
Missing Son ,
The Mine Takes Fire and is
Sealed Up ,
Itorrtltlo HlRlita ltc\calcd Dy Hrlof
ithin the 1'lery
PESEUSIIUHO , Vn. , March 11. Thou
sands of people have been awnrming to
the scene of the mine disaster nil day.
Trees on the mountain sides that have
withstood the tempests of ngon were
shriven tmd torn nnd brancliea scattered
in ovoiy direction. Portions of the wreck
were blown over the mountain ridge
froutvng the approach to the ruins nnd
picked up moro than a milo distant. Coal
dv.ot was blown over the mountain nnd
covers the earth on the opposite side tea
a depth of half nn inch , ' and the black
ened and rent overcoat of one of the
dead minors was picked up in n gulch
nearly half a milo away. So terrific was
the force of the explosion that the windows
dews in the house of a fanner two miles
away were shivered. PpcahonUis mines
embrace an area of 25 miles. There are
five entrances every ono of which Boom
ed to bo an exit for
The entrances are filled with foul air nnd
every attempt to enter the mines has
been attended with a bad result , in sev
eral instances the men barely escaped
dying from the overpowering gas. The
furthest entry olVoctcd was by n Hun
garian whoso son was buried in the
mines. Nearly crn/od by grief ho cauld
not bo restrained nnd penetrated to n
considerable distance but \\as forced to
retire. Ho reported Booing n number oi
bodies in ono chamber torn and mangled
beyond a sombjanco of recognition. One
was of a youth , aged 13 , employed as n
door boy , who was the pot of the minimi
camp. The little follow had just entered
the mines when the oxploiion occurred ,
as tlio only means of suppressing tlu
fire , which is still burning. It is fun
coal at the bottom of the mine which ii
on fire. The mines will remain scale *
for at least two weeks , and when oponec
tlxsro must bo extensive repairs bofor <
the resumption ct work. Ono of tin
yoang men killed was the only son of t
widow whoso husband perished in th
mines several weeks , ago.
1' IN UBTJLir/ .
The night relief wont into the inineo n
the usual hour last night , 150 strong. Alii
ila after midnight thpro was a report tha
sounded like-a rumbling earthquake , fol
lowed by n clap of thunder. A messenger
gor from the -mines , throe quarters of i
mile away , raoon brought information o
iho explosion. The superintendent on <
others wont immediately to the mines
fflio entrnneo io the main shaft was entirely
tiroly torn out and aluitercd for hun
of ifoot. The cars were taken u ]
bodily and torn in twain and thoi
iron wheels , broken and shivered
hurled four < hundred Foot. A suarohin
it .party . found , a pair of shoes and
on top of a ridge six hundred fee
.away , qnposito Um drift. Th
second entrance to the inin
presented ai-similar appearance to th
ilirat. At the entrance to the fan tunnc
stood the company's largo veutilutoi
which , with'tho house Around it , wa
i wspt entirely away. Every object nea
was demolished. Several workmen in th
ahps were seriously injured , and th
sluips , as weU as the locomotive ) house
were levelled to the ground Of the Ifi1
men in the miao at the time of the oxplc
sioa , not ono has returned to the surfac
'to ' toll the story of the cakmity. There i
o noprobabilitythat a single soul ountivo ;
U Parties who ventured ii.te the minoithi
morning found several
one/of which was identified no that of M
I ; . [ Hampton , itho night fatoman , wh
loaves a wife and n Inrg
family. The < carpontern And laborer
after much labsring and ciokncsa , sue
eoocdod this evening in erecting a if an
andiit is hoped < iho removal of iho duai
can begin some ttimo to-ni ht , thoiwl
thoamell from tlic.jnino is stUl ( uckonini
and airlTocating.
tLo ( Victims. Tiuiiihors are colored inei
aud white miners a' this state AUU I'enn
iyU' nk. The conclusion is that the ox
nloaton was cauaod by the fixe damp
Tlio chu9ahes and iiojsea of Pueahouta
in laouuning. Busineas is entirely tua
ponded. _ _ _ _
Manitoba Aturdcrcrs.
Wrwutiu J , March J i , The ox utioi
of the fituvansons at Eogina haa booi
furthet pcstponed till April 3. Tin
death warrctit had beau received aud al
the preparations for hating completed
when oa order stayiii .execution ar
rived. Man/ Indiana iiivo gather <
about Ilcgiiic. It is reported tJio ;
threaten to raid the town it the Steven
aons are executed. TJiomtUaritios , how
ever , do not /oar. John .StovoiiBoi
rl allowed great eoc&iess , aiidaslMd for m
I - W'tra supply of Jobacco. His brothu :
u .Uoorgo is terribly excited and begs fo ;
a nmwy. TJio people of llugfiia are do
. tornvnod the exicut&ona shall ultunato )
come OH' .
q _ _
Hatliiiuil Coiivciiilon Kupretiuul/ULtoii
NJB\V yoiiK , March It , A circular wai
issued totduy by the independent repub
licau couforenco committee showing tin
republLcau rote in cadi tu ( in the Jan
presidential election , and th * number ol
delegate ) to the national convention t <
which oich ctaio is entitled. It ; ippoar <
that in the stutea of Now Yoilf , f liio
PeiiUBylvanla and Indiana there i * oni
* ' - to every 7,155 , while m , " ' - - -
sippi , Toxna , Georgia and Louisiana the
representation wns throo. The conven
tion will bo asked ta provide that in
future the national convention represen
tation bo proportioned to the republican
votes of the states and congressional dis
tricts respectively.
IlCHin\to \ of IOXMI'H l.cRlslnttiro'fl 1'm-
DES Moixia , In. , March 14. In the
senate to-day the four constitutional
nmondmonta telegraphed yesterday were
.greed to. The pardon of Finis Allen ,
rving n lifo sentence for the murder of
ohn Long , in Fremont county , in Janu
ry , 1870 , wna discussed during the re
minder of the session. Pardon wns
iworod by Chambers , Colton , Hall ,
Unrk niul Swoonoy , nnd opposed by
The house to-day passed the following
ills : To mnko further provision for the
are of the insane ; McCall's bill to roor-
; anizo the board of' trustees of the ngri-
ultural college ; to regulate the lines of
tudy in the state agricultural college ; notions against railroad coin-
lanioa to bo brought in the name of the
tnto ; authorizing the railroad comuiis-
ionors to decide cases brought before
thorn on complaint ngninst railway coin-
ios nnd proscribing n method for on-
prcing their dicisions. The question of
nnl adjournment was taken , nnd post-
onod untii next Thursday. The Bolter
lohool bill wns then taken up nnd con-
lumod the rumaiudor of the day until
lulf past Gvo , when the bill was finally
rdorod to its third reading and then
KEOKUK , Iowa , March 14. The ice
jlookado broke in the Mississippi this
oronoon. The rivnr is now filled with
running ico. Navigation opens in , a
"ow daya.
Ciumdltiii 1'olltlcH.
Spodnl ] ) If < imtch to THK BKK.
TOUONTO , Canada , March 14. Thorn-
cent action of the dominion parliatnont
of Ottawa , central government of Can
ada , in assuming the control of the rail
ways running in the different provinces ,
, nd not nfl'octing moro than ono particu
lar province , threatens the downfall of
McDonald's government ,
ST. Louis , March 14. It tran
spired very late last night tha
Frederick J. Doitrich , teller in the La
cledo bank of this city was a defaulter t
the amount of about $30,000. It appear
Dei t rich loft thn city two weeks ago o :
leave of absence. Two or tiiroo day
later the defalcation was discovered , bu
hu boon kept quint .
ST. Loins , March 14. The Laclod
bauk will loose nothing by the dofalcr
tion of Doitrich , , as the Fidelity & Cast
alty company is on his bond for twont
thousand , and ho had given personal ban
for the same amount. The omboz/lc
mont was accomplished in lean than tw
months , the money having boon take
between January 1st and February 2'k
when ho started for Hot Springs , Arkai
sas , on a sick leave , nnd what ho did wit
the money isnot known1. Ho is S3 yeai
old , has a wife and child , and has boo
teller of the bank twelve years. Ho i
highly connected. Bis whereabouts i
not known , and neither the bank nor th
( Fidelity company have yet taken an
otops for his arrest.
Sr. LOUJH , March 14. J. F. Diotricl
teller of the Lacledo bank , \rho ombo ;
vied $30,000 , was arrested this aftornooi
His whereabouts were discovered by
Ppstpispatch > reporter , who notified tl
"Fidelity & Casualty company's ropr
sontativo. A search-warrant was pr
cured and the loporter guided the dopul
sheriff to hia brother's houao on Franl
lin nvonuo , vrhcro the embezzler In
boon concealed for a week past.
ST. LOUIH , March 11. Prentice Tilk
the Pacific express robber , arrived he
this morning in charge of a detective , ai
was driven immediately to the Lindi
hotel where General Manager Morsmi
of the Pacific oxprosR , nnd Assistant Go
oral Marnier Shepherd , of the Uniti
States oxprossworo in Availing. All toe
breakfuit together in n private root :
Tlio morning passed questioning Tilli
and comparing the company's book :
When this is finished Tiller will bo give
over to the police.
The Fll/.loliiH'ortor HIM.
Si'iiiNni'iKU ) , 111. , March 14. J. (
Power , custodian of the Lincoln mom
tnunt nt Springfield , telegraphed Pies
dent Arthur to-day , as follows : "If ya
dpsiro to make your name luminous i
history , 'in the name of the martyre
commander inchiof and the hundrot
of thousands of union soldiers , who wei
down t their graves because they oboye
orders , veto the Fits John Porter bill.
Tardy .liiHtluo to a Darky ,
ST. LOKIH , March 14. Matt. Lowii
.colored , was hanged here early this mon
ing , for the murder of his wife in 0 <
tobor , 1870. Lowia quarreled with hi
wife , cut her throat in iv fit of jealous
and wj.iped , but wuu arrested nearly
year afterwards. Ho Ima been in ja
Devon years , during which ho had lou
trials. Ho wan sentenced to hang Ser
tembor Cth , 1878 , was again convicted o
HovoniberiiOth , ISO'J and .February lit !
U582 , but got u now trial each timo. II
was convicted tlio last time Februar
14th , J8c3 , on which conviction ho wa
hanged to-day , after an appeal in vain t
both the .supremo court und governor
Lewis passed a quiet night AnU was at
tt-ndud thii * morning by Rov. Smit
Claiborne , colored , of the Xion churcli
The execution was without event. Aftc
the pottmorton tlio body was turned eve
to fviendi , nnd the publiofunoral aorvlcc
held in Olttiborno'a church.
Destructive Hnoiv Slide.
DKNNUU , Col. , Maroli 14. The Aepci
stage , which arrived from Lcadvillo a
midnight last night , brought the nows.o
a. fatal snow alido which occurred 01
A pen mountain last Monday night
Tbrao employes of Yallejo mine Geoff
MarcLall , VVillinm O'Drion nnd Join
McQinnity were killed. MikeHiggina
, i iniseing.
The Recent Ranch Inyestat oflicr- '
soil and Alley ,
Scoured from Ex-Senator Dorsoy
for His Star Eouto Defense ,
No Foot and Mouth Disease There
And Little in Kansas ,
Now Mexicans Taking Very Little
Interest in Polities ,
Alloy ThlnlCM Dorsoy In Not Working
for tlio First U. S. HoniUoralilp.
Special Dlnpntch to Tim BKK.
OIIIUAOO , March 14. Ex-Congrcssman
Alloy , of Boston , who is part owner with
Colonel Ingorsoll , of the Dorsoy ranch
in Now Mexico , returned this morning
from n trip which ho nnd Colonel Ingor-
sell made a few weeks ago , with Ex-Sen
ator Dorsny , to their now property. Son-
ntor Dorsoy was left on his ranch , nnd
Alloy thinks , that ho will not bo cost
ngnin for a long timo. , The Boston cap
italist expressed. . himself as very
much pleased with his purchase , nnd
said that ho found the ranch in even
better shape than had * boon represented.
"You do not regret your purchase ,
then ? " ho was askod.
"Not at nil , " ho replied.
were both delighted with it. There is
money in forty thousand head of cattle
Uioro , nnd the land is the finest in the ,
southwest. The ranch had not rundown , I
as was charged by semo persons. It is
in excellent condition. The property is
well drained , and the cattle nro entirely
free from any disease. "
"Thoro is none of the foot and mouth
trouble there complained of in Kansas ? "
"Nono at nil , nnd from what ,1 learned
in Kansas the extent of the disease
among the stock there lias boon very
much exaggerated. It has only boon
discovered in one or two cases , and the
owners nro confident that they can stamp
It out. "
Alloy said ho hoard of no politicians
while west , and that in New Mexico the
people were very little concerned about
"Is it true that Doraoy is working to
become the first senator from Now Mexico
ice when that territory shall bo admit
ted ? " Mr. Alloy was asked.
"I don't believe it , " ho answered.
"Dorsoy is disgusted with politics , and it
will take him many years to overcome his
hatred of politicians , engendered by hia
recent experiences. Still ho may bo like
nn old war horse ho may prick up his
ears and respond to the familiar buglo-
call. I haven't much faith myself in the
repentance of politicians. Once they got
n taste of the excitement and political
rewards , it is hard to keep them out of
the . "
_ _
zn. - The Copyright BUI.
n.a WAHIIIMOTON , March 14. Henry Wnt-
iio torson appeared before the joint committee -
too on library this morning nnd made an
0o - argument in support of the newspaper
oy copyright bill. In answer to inquirico
le ! by members of the committee , "VVattorp.on
lend said n misapprehension with regard-to the
scope of the bill had grown out of the
fact that the original draft provided for
exslusivonocs in published matter for
a period of 48 hours , which time
ire was subsequently reduced to 24
nd hours , itoth forms were impracticable ' Tj
ell and unnecessary , Watterson said
an granting a copyright for eight hours was
in- nil that was sought by the promoters of
inod thp measure , Its object was to prevent
odk pirating of news and concurrent publica
n. tion. lie illustrated the purpose of the
n.or bill and the evil it was designed to cor
e. rect by numerous examples , iio said it did not net ns a bar to reproduction by
afternoon papo < s of matter which appear 1
ed in the morning papers , und could not ,
in Iho remotest degrco affect what ia
known as the "country press.
lor tlio Plague.
WASHINGTON , March 14. In tlio son-
nto to-day a resolution was offered by
Plumb of Kansas , appropriating $25,000.
to bo used in eradicating the foot and
mouth disease in Kansas. An amend
ment was adopted making the sum
§ r > 0,000 , to bo used in any stnto or ter
ritory whorg the disease appears , and the
resolution pawed.
Athletic Education
NEW HAVEN March 14. Oliver Dyer ,
the Yale sophomore , who was roughly
hammered by a classmate in the college
nthlotio games , the eighth instant , died
this morning from injuries received ,
I * a carefully prepared eitract of the but remedle *
ct the vegetable Unedoro known to medical set-
tnca M Alterative * , niood I'urtikrs , Diuretic * nnd
Tonics , > ui.h ns BarsaparUla , Yellow Dock , Stilltafiia ,
Dandelion , Juniper lltrrtcs , Mandrake , Wild Cherry
Ilarkandolherselected rooti , barks aud herbs. A
jncdioine , like Anything el , can be fairly judged
only by 1U results.Vo point with satisfaction to the
filortoui record Hood's EartaparllU Una entered tor
Itaelf upon the heart * of thousand * of people la New
jnslind\i : ho lu > o personally or Indhsctly been re
lieved o ( terrible luKerlniswhlcli all olhermucdks
lolled to reaiu. f ,
. Ucwn.0,1. IfoalACo. ! Oenlf riwua send ua cxprew ( wo LqiUcs ll -i s "SpTuiUa luTd few
Coolcliooks for ULiUllmUon. Yont preraralion JuS
vorked wonden In tlu ) COM or my wffo , who bu
been troubled with side hcadoclto and biiiousneM for
ZS571 , . , ? " - 'r ' loolc ° , ? S'b rivayejom ! tuupoonlul at adoM. .
undlLUuptU-cusowellfor now. fehe
found Uuit within a week uf t r USlnult she fell very
muchbctWr.nudJSnow eotlrelyfreSinaathosati '
vcru headai lies. 8h las not taken iiwof anrao- \
roimt sTiico Wt fprinp , and LaTuuIe slie had Irtent
to do other * cocxl ; unit ire ruuit luvo It Ui Hie hoube ! II. KiSlI , HiMleld" ilSiiT
I * "lBi
8SW | 0A *