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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1884)
THE UAILY BEE-OMAHA , FRIDAY , MARCH 14 , 1881. I. f * THE DAILY BEE. m "OMAHA , f Prlday Morning , March 14 , \Vnnioc1i ( A fitrong boy about 1G years old , who luia hnd eomo experience in the printing business. Apply to night foreman KKK office. _ Tlio Woixthcr. For the Missouri valley : Slightly warm er , generally fair winds nhifting to east erly , Diminishing preceded in southern p rt and increasing proeeuro in northern tOOAL BBEVITJES , crop clever nnd timothy seed tor sale. Shitgart , Wnlto & Wlo , CouncjlBluffs , low * . fS-lm. The county commissioners are Adrorttatng f or licatlcfj apparatus for the now court houao. The funeral of Iho Into .Tool T. Griffin CTM UrtfcJy attended yesterday. LTo was burled with Masonic honors. 40" . H. Ulcks , city editor of The Dispatch , yortonlay rocoh od the sal nowgof the death of /brother In California. , Mrs. Choc. .T. , Tohnson yesterday prc- eenlod her husband with a girl baby. This jnikoa four girls In the Johnson family now. In police court yesterday there were fire cases for the disturbances ot the poooo. They were each fined 85 nnd costs. Two pstd and the ether three were committed , There will bo n special mooting of Divl- Blonn No. 1 and 2 of Iho Ancient Order of 111- berniana , nl their hall on Friday evening at halt past Boron o'clock sharp , as busincKS of importance ia to bo transacted. By order of Iho 0. D. J. J. OAVANAUOII. The spiritualists will Uoldvthctr nnnlver- eary at Masonic hall in this city on the 29th and 30th lust. , to commemorate the ndvout of flplritual manifestations at Ilydosvillo , thirl- nix ycavu ago. Col , D. M. Fox and wife will conduct the proceedings. All are Invited. The Omaha oxprots , duo at Jollot , III. , on the Hock Island road , at 12:50 : yesterday afternoon , struck a broken roll three mlltvi from that city and seven coaches loft the track and overturned , butnoonawaaBoHoiuly injured. In dietrlct court yesterday , before Judge Wakoloy , the cose of Clapp against Miller . was on trial. Before Jud o Neville the suit of Sobroodor against Wallows occupied the at tention of tbo court until noon , at which time , out of respect to tbo late Bishop Clarknon , It L * adjourned to thin morning , Mr.J5. , A. Aycrst , ot Des Motnos , who e ' wlfo , u'former resident of Council llluffs , died a- few weeks ago , was in Omaha yesterday to secure the admission of , his six orphan chil dren Into the Acad my of the Sacred Ileart. Mr..Ayorut has considerable buslnesn in the Bluffs , and BO will bo near his children. - _ Alfred Uurt , bartender nt the United Santos hotel , fell from a burrol Wednesday , while engaged In taking nome boxen from the icebox , and WAS pierced In the left el do by nu ' lee pick. The instrument entered a distance ' o'f three inchoti , and then broke off. lr. ) Hoffman was called , extracted the iron , and reports the injured man as Improving. , During the first part of this week a mad dog mode ita * ppearanco on the premises of Itoolf Harincs , a farmer who lives near J'apll- lion. It bit the dog and cat of the farmer , and escaped before Mr. Harris could kill it , The dog and cat which were bitten were kill ed , but fears nro entertained in the neigh borhood that other animals may have boon made subjects of this dread deoano. The receipts at the Omaha port of cus toms yesterday on dutiable Importations amounted to $2,070.16. Thoao Importations consisted of cigars and dry goodn , the firvt of which came from Havana and the latter from Liverpool. The collector of the port , Mr. Campbell , Hays the receipts of yesterday were the Inrgcut over taken lu a uluglo day ulaco the , port was established. The street crossings Wednesday were just "Attful. " A stood youutr gentleman in tbo doorway contemplating the weather aud wishing that It would dry up , when ho uaw n very pretty youug lady about to attempt to cross Iho uluBk'floodod street. Ills natural gallantry prompted him to tender LU nesUt- anoo , aud stepping forward hosUd ; "Madam , Vlll you permit ina to obeervo " "OUiorvo If you like , " she Interrupted him ; "I'o got rubber boots on. " : BBOWUELL HALL , A BIccilnff ot tbo Truntccs Yebteruay ft" 'Tho board of trustpcs of Urownoll hall mot at Trinity'Cathertral yoatorduy mra ioVat 10 o'clock. N _ Uriof and louohlog addresses en the lifo and death of JJuhop Olarkson were made by Judo | DundyV Ounou 'Dougherty ' and Mayor Chaao. Upon motion a committee yrtM op- r.v pointed to draft resolutions touching iho 'death of tsiihop Olarluon. The committee is composed of the following gentlemen : Judge Dundy , Mr. Bopkini , of Fremont , Canon Dougherty and J. M. Woolworth. \ On motion the board then adjoutnud until It o'clock to-morrow afternoon , when they will moot in the Cathedral and hoar the ruanlutiona aa prepared by tbo committee and take action upon the same , There ia a , great deal , of talk at present about the high water in th $ MUaouri river in formertiraw. . Ooo 'gentleman yeeterdaywaa telling bow a Mr. Max * well , a former resident of this city , made a mark ono night before going to bed to uoortaiu in the morning mw high the' water bad risen during the night , llo * " . had a row boat fattened to the bank and he drove a nail Into the outaide of tlio boat , just at the water line. The river rote several inches during the * night but { ailed to i ho iv any riao upon the beat , MM ! it took Maxwell uomo time to solve the1 paystery. IlonornrJ It Bfcems that aoino of Oinaha'a citizens , wke refHow aj Hbt Springs , Arlcanau , we acquiriog cou Id roble military prom- IBWICO. A fuwdaja aince m rkuu papore . from ( hut ci'ly were received in Oiu ha few a uumbsr w peraotip , announcing'the &k thut Coiwel d. Wittie , of OiSaha , fw ) the pity. Ywterdsy morniug other I1' , ' "r ' ' ' jHwrkwl 'pap0r from ( ho Miue place were x * w ived , aiftting that Major 0oteibAm ) - "i wwriniw ) , * prominentoliariwter of Omaha , feud concluded to renum another week at Out ' LIQUID LIGHT. A Talk Will General Manager Gibbs as to water Gas , About $1OO(10O to bo Kxpctulcil ' tlio Oontpntiy Ilia OoniliiK Ycnr Tlio Ailvntiln CH , Hnfetj- and Glicniini-sB of tlio Now Illuminator. Mr.V. . W. Oibbs , general tnanagor of the United One Improvement company , of Philadelphia , baa boon in the city for oovornl days past , and was visited by a BER chronicler in hit roomn at the Paxton - ton hotel. The object of an interview with this Rontloman was to learn what hia company , which now has a largo in terest in the ga manufacturing works of this city , proposes to do for Omaha and its people. It will bo remembered that in March , 1883 , A GIIAUTEU WAH CIUAHTK1) to the company , of which Mr. Oibbs ia manager , giving it authority and power to carry on the business of manufactur ing gas and furnishing it for lighting purposes to the people of this city. Deeming it for the highest advantage of both partion and iho city , the interests of the United Improvement company and the Omaha Gas Manufacturing com pany were consolidated in Juno , 1883. This consolidation took plnco and the work under it haa been carried on under the charter of the old company. Since Juno of last year this company han or ponded over $50,000 in the way of 5m [ ) rovomcnts , and in December manufac tured the first water gas over used in this city. Since thun the THICK OK OAB HAS BEEN UKDUCKD ? 1.00 per thousand , and the quality im proved. "How much will your company expend n the way ot improvements this sum mer ? " was asked of Mr. Oibbs. "Our contemplated improvements in volve the expenditure of $100,000 , but ; heir full bandits will not bo appreciated until nearly the close of the year. The reason for the delay in making those ad ditions is the necessity of keeping up a supply of gas. Consequently the old machinery cannot all bo replaced atonco. In all of those raorosBD IMI'UOVEMKNTS bho Omaha GOB company or parties in in terest have concurred fully , ank they are anxious to do everything possible to im prove the quality and lessen the cost for iho benefit of consumers. Assurance con bo given them that they will derive every possible advantage that could have been secured hod the now company built competing worka. The gas which the corrpuny proposes to fur nish the people of Omiihu is tucli as is now largely in use in Now York , Balti more aud cities of importance in the oast. " % THE HAVETV OF THE NKW OAS. "What ia the safety in the manufac ture and consumption of water gas nn compared with other illuminating gases ? " "In its consumption this now gas is as eufo in every particular as that madu Erom coal , ana the danger in manufac ture is loss , there being much less liabil ity to accidpnt awl explosion , and the people of this city will learn after using t that my statement is true. In a short. Lima gas will bo manufactured in such quantities that all demands can bo sup plied. The present contemplated im- irovomont , when comploto-,1 , will have i manufacturing capacity throe times that of the old works before the now company began to opoiato them. " THE QUALITY. "What is the quality of this now gas , and -what will ita ultiimito cost be ? " "Its quality ns wo now. ore manufac. turing it is as good as iho old and when our machinery is completed it will bo for euporior. In cost it will bo as aheap or cheaper than in any other city with an equal cost of material and mivnu- Faoturo. During this year wo contem plate the laying of over TEN MILES 01' WEW MAIN 1'II'Cif , and replacing those in tha main streets that are now too small so that when the streets nro once paved there will bo no iUOiuuUita from that snurco and the further necessity of tearing up the streets. The moans to inako these changes and improvements , will all como from 'ho east , and will make no small portion of the money expended in Omaha this summer. Ever since the new company has Ukon possession of tlio workri it haa been constantly making ihanges. The defects in our gas if any wo or uhould appear are duo only to hcso changes which uro going on con- -inually and will entirely disappear when 'ully completed" . ( US I'OU I'DEL. "Will gas bo furniihcd by your com > ) any for uny other than illuminating pur- ) OBC V "Gas will bo furnished by ui when our mproveraouts are fully made , in such quantities and in such a manner that it will make a cheaper and more satisfactory 'uel than any that cn bo uiou tare. ) ur company is now furnishing to Han Francisco 200,000 fcot daily fur this s&ma mrpnte , and Its demand in that city ia rapidly and , constantly increasing. Wo will auo furnish a AD i-os UOTIVE and intend that it shall bo able to sun- | ) laut all the small engines and boilers m iho city1 thereby removing all dangers of explosions from that source , and the ca pacity of our works will bo made with ; Uat object in , view. " AN AWWEll WANTED. 1 Can anyone brlna us a case of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Klectrlo Bitten will not our l Wo B y they canuot an thousands of CAMS already ixirtnanUy cured and who are Jailrooonienulurf F.loetrto Uttent , will prove , BrigUf * DNawj , PUbotU , Weak llack , or any urinary complaint quickly cured. Every bot- Je guuautoed. Kor vale at COc. aboUIo by 0. V , Coodumn I A Coliiulilimoe. Ouo word more about "the horsu that disappeared from irj front of the doctor's door , " bub is now at homo all right. The inimul belonged to Uichard Carpenter , Who died Sunday night nt 012 North Six. tcenth street , at the same time Hia hop UhrkBon diod. The sick and poor com loittoo of Trinity brotherhood lisa been uidiny tha family of Into the agtd father uud otben being sick und in need , and a dcocut burial was given the young man on tlio brotliurhood lot. There is a strik ing coincidcjicu in the fact that tlio soul i of the beuvfftctor auxl that of a beneficiary I should have taken their flight at exact ) } the same moment. A word more. The horse with a wngor is the only property Ipft to the younp wlfo and child < f the dcccaicd , nnd $4 ( are still to bo paid on the outfit which If the mainstay of the family. The chari lably disposed could do much good bj aiding to pay the balance duo , by sending or leaving their contributions to thonura bnr above indicated. * nncklcn'n Arnlun Solve. The greatest medical wontlor of the world Wfurftntod to upocdlly euro Hums , Cut * . Ul' ' com. MMt llhmtra , Kovor Sores. Cftncora. I'JlM , ( IhilllilMns , Cornn. Tetter , Cfaarnxxl bftnda , a nn till Kkln eruption , gorantoou to euro Ir tTerjr tnntnnco , nr money refunded. 25 conk PKUHUNAIi. W. W. Wolla , of Schnyler , IB at the MIL lard. lard.Jay Jay 1C. Wlilto , Urand Inland , Is at tlio TAX. ton. . 0. H. Dottoy returned from Call /ornln. A. W , Cox , of llaatlogs , is n pTicst of the Pax ton. A , U. Cramer and wife , of IlMtlngs , are at the Faxton. W. H. Spencer , of Norfolk , Is stopping at the Par ton. 0. Brian , of Chicago , la registered at the Metropolitan , U. T. Crow , of Nebraska City , l at the Metropolitan , II. B'ltolcr , of Loulavlllo , ICy. , Is at the Metropolitan , F. K. UlloH , of Fremont , is a iruofit of the Metropolitan. J. IL Flynn , of Duburjac , lit. , In at the Metropolitan. T. 8 , Rogers , of Philadelphia , Is at the Metropolitan. iT.W. Paddock , Fort Robinson , is quartered at the Paxton. Stnto Treasurer P. D. Sturdovant Is a guest of the I'nxton. Jomci A. Da\i , of Kanaiw City , Jfo. , the Metropolitan , O. K. Miller , of Clinton , Ia. , ia a ( rnest of the Metropolitan , J. A. llolllns , wlfo and family are guests of the Metropolitan , 1' . L. FOPS anil .T. II. Johnson , Crete , are are at the Mlllard. 0. C. May , of Olonwood , Iowa , Is stopping at the Metropolitan. Chan. W. Itcttlg , of St. Joe , U in the city at tho'Motmpolltan. Thos. Htvau , of Choycnno , was A weat-beund pataongor yesterday. Samuel Clark , of Detroit , Mich. , Is in the city at the Metropolitan. T. F. McKoy , of Jan-csvllle , N. J. , is a Ruoat of the Metropolitan. G. K. Woinjrart , of Hastings , Neb. , Ia in the city at the Metropolitan. J. W. Ourroll , of Rochester , W. Y , Is stopping at the Metropolitan. * Lieut. Guy Howard nnd hia brldo have ro- turnud from their wedding tour. ' , Canon Dougherty has boon confined to his room for a week past by Illness. ilolmG. Molr , wlfo aud family , of Canada , are guoaU of the Metropolitan. K. A , Katon nnd wife , of Boston , MOBS. , are guest * .of the Metropolitan , Rov. J. P. Wright and K. P. Child , Lin- L'oln , are guests of the Millurd , S. D. Tltrhlo , ot Weeping Water , und John Stcon , ot Wahoo , nro at the Paxton. W. S. Oral ? , 0 eo. M. Walsh nnd M. U. Bosaiims , Lincoln , are guesti of the Mlllard. Itev. A. J. Uraham , Urand Island , and Charles II. May , ate registered at tlio Pax- ton. Jnmos Boll , David City , and C. F. Bow. man , Raymond , ore registered at the Mil- lard. II. R.Faulkner , Plum Crook , und J. W. Hoilroa , Lincoln , are rcqlstered at the Mil- lard. lard.John John A , MaoMurpliy , of PlattBtnouth , and K. Sparks , of Valentino , ate rcclalerod at the I'axton. Mr. D. Gmnobaum , of the firm of 3 rune- bauui Bros. , returned ycbterdny morning from tba oast. P. J. Nichols und O. B , Havens went out uvor the Houtrlco extension yesterday , in Mr. NlchoU' private car. lnn and BUlv Shull returned from Now Orleans ywtorday. The boya had n glorious time in nnd about that city , J. W. Stone , M. D , , roprtwontlnp Purko , Daxls & Co. , manufacturing chemists , Do- ; rolt , in u guiMt ( if the Mlllard. W. K. Andrews and wife , of Doa Molnca , : nuni.gor of the Western Union Newspaper , aioat the Motroiolltau. | Sam lUfluirdi , R. lluynea , J. II. Mo- tfumnra , L. M. Gunlon aud M. J. Smith , of 3hL-ago , are at the Metropolitan. Jolm HockitrRSBor , agent for J. M , Bruns. .vlck&llulko Co. , at thli place , wont over n to Iowa yesterday morning on buniuosa , Mrs. J. 0 , Cowln Is reported an much 1m- .irovedln health , which announcement will J9 hailed with joy by that lady'ii frloudi. Kx-Governnr Furnan , of Browavllle , and S [ j. D , II. Wheeler , of PiatUmoutb , won ia Jie city yesterday and in do TUB BEB a call. John Wlthnell nud hU daughters Blanche md Alllfl , returned yoetorday morning from a lellghtivl tilp to New Orleans abdthrouphthe louth , K , ArmoretU , the Monts Cbrlsto of Wyoru. off , who has been lu the city for several da > s , eft lost evening on the Denver train for Lan < lor * In that territory , Governor Diwes , ot Lincoln , and C , II. jiere , editor of the Lincoln Journal , came up re terd y morning to attend the funeral el Uluhop OUrksoa ycatorday afternoon. A Lawjrcr'a Opinion of lutoreat to All J , II. Tawney , Kaq , A leading attorney of VVinoua , Minn. , writes ! ' 'After using It for moro than threu yean , I take neat pleaauro In atatlng that I regurd Dr. Kfug'n Now Din- xivery fur Cenaumptlon , a * the best remedy In ihe world for Coughs and Colds. It haa never failed to cure the moat uevera cold * [ have iuul , And invariably relict ea the pain In the . Trial Bottloii for this sure cure for all Throat uirJ Lung DtHeMoa may ba had Fr o at O. K. Qoodmau's Drug Stw . l ige blie , $1,00. IUI2I ) . fIBK-At HU Jostph'ii honplt l , thU city , Wednesday , Marih 1' . ' , at 7i30 p. ui. , Chw. E. Pi k , iod 53 yoaw. Mr. Flak was a printer by trade , and has cftded In thU city for a number > f j ears. He md tuccecdail in auiatslug ooutlderable prt > p- ) rty , Hp It well known at the varloifr itewn. taper offices o { the city. 1IU feiualuu were ; nken to Itiirket'H undertaking ruouii , and his 'rlundi ' In Maasuclixuett telegraphed. ItKUOiho'aRuKla Salvo tnoeU with wonder. ul kuccoM In all ciutco of ikin dlMsase , 'IVy it. "HE GIVETH HIS BELOVED SLEEP' Ttc Body of Bishop Clarkson Laid in the Silent Tomb , A Number or Hlnhorm In Attcndnncc Ortlcr of IIxcrvlacB. Tha last sad rites were performed eve the body of the late Bishop Clarkson yesterday afternoon. At 11 o'clock yesterday forenoon holy communion was celebrated , at the cathedral , Ilov. Bishop Vail , of Kansas , ofliciating. At 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon the funeral precession sion left the house in the following order The procession was headed by Mayor Chase ; members of city council vestries of churches not ol this city ; the vestries ot St. Barnabas , St. Mark's and cathedral churches ; the lay members of the cathedral chapter ; the visiting clergy ; the diocesan clergy ; the cathedral clorgy. The casket con taining the remains was carried upon the shoulders of eight strong men , workmen who helped ts construct the cathedral. The casket was of red cedar , covered with black broadcloth. It wat perfectly plain , and long black bar handles , trimmed with gold , wore upon the aides and ends of the case , while the inside was trimmed with plain ( .roam colored satin. The casket was covered with a purple pall on which was a largo white cross. Following tno remains were carriages containing the family and friends. Reaching the cathedral door , the casket was placed upon a bier , and was carried in front of the altar by Rov. Dr. Me- Namara , Ilov. Dr. Goodalo , Ilov. Dr. Oliver , Ilov. Mr. Shaw , Oen. Mead , Mr. H. G. Clark , Judge Wakoloy , J. M. Woolworth.Eaq. Bishop McLaren , of Chicago , Hare , of Southern Dakota , Spalding , of Col orado , Brown , of ITon du Lac , Vail , ol Kansas , Ilobortson of Missouri , and Walker of Northern Dakota , were pres ent nnd took part in the obsequies. After the services the burial took place on the south side of the church. "ROUGH ON RATS. " Clears out rats , mice , roaches , flies , ants , bedbugs , skunks , chipmunks , gophers. 15c. Drucciata THE FAST MAIL , 'Jho ThrouRh West Mall Hereafter to bo Taken Out of Omaha on the Denver. An important order , by which points along the Union Pacific rnad will have the benefit of the fast mail from New York , was yesterday received , by Chief Clerk Griffon. Hereafter the postal car of the Denver train will run through direct to Ogden instead of Denver. From J ulesburg the mail for Denver carried on this train will bn taken to that city by express. The postal car of the overland train instead of going to Ogden , will in the future go to Denver. It will be seen from this that the past order of things has boon exactly reversed. The former Denver mail car going to Ogden and the former Ogden mail car going to Denver. If this change wore not made , all through western mail would lie in Omaha from 8 p. m of ono day to noon of the next. It is claimed by those in the pos tal service that this change shortens the mail carrying time between New York and San Francisco 33 hours , but the exact nature of this calculation cannot be fully comprehended. This action on the part of the postoffico dopactmont will mako'a call for additions to "the" force which , it is claimed , is' now too small , but as yet no appointments have boon made. The Oregon Short Line has made ar rangements to make connections with this postal car over the U. P. so that the mail for all points northwest of Granger will arrive at its destination 24 hours earlier than heretofore. ANOTHER WHOLESALE ESTAB LISHMENT. , , , , FAY & Co , form.orly of Minneapolis , Miun..wil | open a wholesale coutpciVm ; ery , cigar nnd fruit business , in a few weeks , at thu old stand ot' Picrcoy & Bradford on Farnam struct. " A Saloon-Keupcr'H View ol Trufllu. I-MIlor Omaha Dally UKES In your Tuesday's issue you presented a very readable article in regard to enforcing - forcing the restrictions on the liquor trailio against "disorderly resorts , dens and low di\cs. " While I aa a saloon- deeper speak only for myself , I believe I voice the sentiment of all the better class of mon in this business in our city wlicn [ substantially endorse the main features of your article. Saloon-koopjng is certainly A legitimate business , and , if properly conducted , nhould bo na respectable as any othor. A necoEnity for well-regulated institu- tiona of this character seems to exist in lociory , and is found among the high as well as its lower atratums. It i * a branch of butineab that has reached immense iroportlons , and needs the guardianship , direction aud protection of the law a docs tha society , without the patronage of which tha society could not wdat. I lollovo that saloon keepers are human beings , and that the voice of nature com mands them ns well aa all other iodivid- uls to rest ono'dny in seven and spend t with their fainijtea in social aud relig- oun intercourse. ' I lelievo they should clo o their placra of business , and they aud thnir clerks and their patrons also should go to bed every night in the week at least at 12 o'clock sharp ; and that the > f co , good order aad the gon- ml welfare of a ciety re- mire that those rules should ) o strictly and leligioualy enforced > y the strong arm of the law , and that no partiality should be shown in its ad ministration. This would bo worsp than 10 law and would bo placing in the innds of the low and disreputable u uvcrago over those who are law-loving md law-abiding. They have a high iuento to pay towards thd support of the ! vcrmnont and schools art ) under heavy jonds and restrictions , which in uiauj cases amount to prohibition ; his lifo islet lot an easy onu , and his hours , of labor iroloni ; and assiduous. Ho comes in oon- act with the world if its otf-houra , in its lours of relaxation. When thu social amcuitius aud busiucjs re straints flro laid aside , will mon of every character and disposition , and when , if ever , they are disposed tobr. a little wayward , lie , like nil othura , if engaged in the great atrupglo of lifo foi on existence , and as far ostho law goes , has at least a right to claim protection , equality , and on impartial administra < tion. tion.Tho The law regulating iho trnllic is very severe at best , but if it has lodacd any discretionary power with the authorities , I believe that Mapor Uojd WAS right in giving it a liberal construction , E. D. 1'iiWT. AFTER HER MAN , \Voniau Olvlni : Ohiixo to Ilcrldtn- n\\iiy lliihlmrul , At the Union Pacific depot yesterday noon was a little woman with dark hair and oyos. She was neatly but plainly dressed , and , by her actions , attracted the attention of a DUE reporter and it was evident that she had a history which would bo of interest to many. Upon being approached she was per fectly willing to talk , and said that away back in the cast she had accepted the at tentions of a young man , and , at lost , married him , much against the wishes of dor friends and relatives , bccauio she luvcd him and had reason to bo'iovo ' that tie loved her , but alas , her happiness was mart lived , for they had been married but a short time tvhoii ho tired of her , nnd ono day loft for parts unknown. After much inquiry she ascertained that iio had came to Nebraska , and later learned that ho was teaching school at or near Millard. She determined to como out and taco liim and demand an explanation of his conduct. Her parents walited to send out a man with a shotgun to hunt up the monster , but the little woman preferred to moot him herself. At the depot in this city she was joined by a constable and a lawyer of this place and they tried to persuade her to remain m Omaha while tfioy wont to Millard and brought the man to this city , but no. She said , "Ivailt to face him where he is , " and from the glow of her dark eyes it wa < i probably a very unhealthy after noon for the man who promised to love , cherish and protect her through life , and deserted her. They departed on the noon train and and will probably return in the morning. A Now Law Firm. Hon. S. B. Galoy , Seymour G. Wilcox and 0. F. Harrison hnvo formed a co partnership in the practice of the law , under the firm name of Galoy , Wilcox & Harrison , and have taken oH'ices in the Omaha National Bank building. Those who are acquainted with these gontlpmcn need not bo told that the firm combines talents and professional qualifi cations of a high order , and that law business entrusted to them will be promptly and satisf-ctorily transacted. Mr. Galoy has won mi enviable reputa tion throughout the state as an able and successful lawyer , having practiced many years at the stale capital. Mr. Wilcox came into the state three or four years ago from Rochester , New York , where ho had followed his profes sion , bearing high testimonials Irani emi nent mon of that state , and located in Olay county , where ho was speedily accorded - corded a position in the front rank of the bast lawyers of that section of Nebraska. Desiring a field affording greater activity in his profession , ho concluded to locate hero. hero.Mr. Mr. Harrison pursued the study of the law for a considerable time with Hon. John S. Woclson , of Mi. Pleasant , Iowa , and completed hero his course of study preparatory to his admission to the bar. Ho is a young man nf sterling qualities of head and heart , possesses u line well-cultured legal miud , and no pre diction would have greater prospect of BulUllmont than does that which we now make that hewill at no distant day be recognized as an able lawyer and aa ono of the strong mon of tha state. MAKKIKn. All01IIAU > * -AKtHIBAIVD-7i this city , March llth. at the rosuleiiro of Dr. Arm strong , lly Rev. Dlnney , Kvort A.A Archi bald mid Llzzlo Archibald. * POWDER Absolutely Pure. ' chandwholeoonienM. * ! " ! * . " ' aanrej'of pcrlt Uore i-momicaftl-at Ztaary kind , , and OMIOI b told lu oompetuum J mulu-1 * > o . short welal t eYnra or ; j21 ? " " < toi l oa W . llr | N. VotW/ SPECIAL JNOT1CEJS. TO LOAW-Mouav. \f0NK"pLOANTh.lowMl ratM ot inUmt ' * U BtnU'Loan Agehey , I6lh * DougU SM-tf I Iniunuof 1800. and upward WAWTKU. W T 7 * ? ° d " " " * 8' ' I 'o/ifeneral house uorkloua . KM. lutialtB ot Wm. Uxvl- mann , ttu Pleasant Mteet . . 8C7 841-13 - fc.lili''r ' Mineral houne wurf , < n , ' ' W U ° * " 6" " ' * h " ° " t > > 8 Idool Har H o ar , ok at Duck. io l-4t MarVrt , lun a..u llaron Hrete , to og nitat hiiife oK | 817-M It I ! mcd app'y , 1012 y nnm No , tfet VV A1 * \ " -I" f' > i lor occur nry , 01 or IH lore M-y I t , huu .ibt.r0nwn. . .Ithallin.xlurn nveultni . r , In > ilil.l4a I , at ) , n bo"h V.t JMUof . loii i-ie'trrej. Will | fa ufor * a Uru. ol ar ll MtUfMliyjrttr k oflue ' . llt city rffer' ! > < * itUeii. AiUiu.e witi lull varticularitX. . K. ' uutg U erlllc * wJ8 ojuuiut kiu hcrTglrl atlBlTChi- kiT tf CASTORIA Infants and Children Without Morplitno of TJtxrcotlno , JVhat RlvM our Children rosy chocks , , what cures their foyers , makes them sleep ; jj. "Tl ruMm-liC. When Rabies fret , and cry by turns , What cures their colic , kftl their worm * . - Hut CiMtorlrt. What quickly curea Constipation , Sour Stomach , Colds , Indirection : Hut Oinlnrliu Farewell then to Morphine Syrups , Castor Oil and Paregoric , amiHnllCiwtnrln. HnllCiwtnrln. Contour Linlmont. An nti- Bolnto onro for Rhonmntiam , Sprain * , Bnrns , Gall * , &o. , and an Ins ton tone ou > Pain-rollover. TtfANTRD-At once , SO or moro men no drh on V ) Mriorn at U'Ksller.t ev.nmi. W RUS gluj li r itaj , board a'nl lodging. Atiply to i. W. LOUNS l 1BH lougla. StOtt _ ANTKl ) Col ar Makers , Cutter , Stitcher ant W Unifier. None but Rood tnrohanlca uanUd. Ohc references an I ditrcM the Dvnrtr Manxttctur < Itiff Co. , Dcin or , I ol. 82MS " \ArANTKD A csr'ful Orcrnan , one who has ei- ucrloncoith boiler. . Inquire at the Mlllartl Hotel. tSO-13 txrANrKD Olrl In a family ol Ho , for ccneral VV-h"U e ork , UOBO-ithSSth llrect B34.1II \\7A 1hlJ tllri for gi'lliral liuui < u ur . aumt V > family , U15 north IQtlutrcot. _ 8J6-UI OK YOltttO JIHN In city or CMintrr ti LAUIfS co light anil | ilea < > ant work at their oni homes ; 82 or$5 a day easily aud iUictlj | nrulo ; tori Bei.t by tnallno ; CAMMinslujr ; no etnmiB lor rcjily I'lcoto rulorcbi ) ItcIIablc Man'f'gCo. , 1'hlladclphln , 1 a drawer , TT. U.e-lrco " \\7AN I KU A man competent to run wood work W Initmachintr } . Addrew "K. O. " St. John Fremont Neb. 816-17 _ \TrANTKI > -A dlnlnjrroom girl at the Rmmtt VV house , lltli St. bt-tweon tainain and Harney 816 17 } " \\rANTEU \ ( food RtcaJy inUlllijent boy. Ap \ > pi } at Schrutcr i B clit' . 8H-1J ANTKD Dlnlmtroom girl. AUoa nureo clr W 10i : > llarnuy ttnet. 790 tf WW opcrwrii to mstrurt In ni > ok- W keo | > lnc ; . Hituation furniahcJ IBld UoUKlaa Bt 7D3. li J. li. fcMlTH. VlfANTDD A nurse K'rl. ' Airily Slrtjiorth 2ntl T T Klrect , betwo.n I'.iu-nport anil Chlcafro ntrcetv /AUEEN PUOTECTOIl-DDproooilenttdlLduccmcnti \J. i Cored laJy apor.ta for this now rubberundcrjra mJlit fur laulea. Addraia with stamps. Ladles' Un dergarnxmt Co , 0 south May St. , Ctncouo. 8-1-ln ANTKD-A Hist class Hiker III all klndu o laklnjf , a > JU'.OO ' i > cr wick and b-ianl. Wll cHetttau } t mploymunt. AOiliewU.I , . WAIjliACE Kearney , Ntb. Su5 I4t AT7ANTED A ( 'lrl lor | t neral hon e ork. N. N W EDWAUDS , 1111 Farnam St TOO tf Girlswo ! want 15 lr1 for genera WANTED -Aorli , to ppl > at once to Cannon II i o'f and Co. Opponlte I * . O. No chnige 741 U Ladlts or young men to Uko nla WANTED work at their ow n honx(2 to S5 day. easily made : ork sent bv mall ; no cauraaiiig Auilrosa F. Itldd & Co. , box 167 Dubuque Iowa. tr-'C-lmot ATITANTED A Gorman dining room kitctau girl V > Uraao and IIcppc , 418 S. 13th St. , betwecr Harnev and Ho lard. 665 tf SITUATIONS WANTED. V7"ANTED By cenlleman one good sized aud TV well lurnlniicil runiu in u reeptetaUo family. Addiess "X. X- " Eke office. bol-lSH \\'ANTKU Situation In privrto boanilnj ; house PI ? rc&taurant by a yonng nurrhd Muiuaiv wlicr < litishini ) cut board , Addrecs"A. J. 13. " care Due. 82J-14 } WANTED A rellaulo joun man uants a place to H oik , board and go to school. " 8. A , W. ' Bee - STANTKH Elevator or bujr y hoist gcarlit ; . Ad dress U. ULAAIt , Ulalr Kcb. 847-lt WANTED Tc buy cheap , alow phaiton with car jUgotoji "X. Y. ' Hi e offleo. 81U-16 : ' - ' I Ih to locataas Her W'ANIED-LOOATK'N clmnt Tailor lu a tew and thrlviufr to n In No braaka or Dakota. Am H Orat-clatis cutter aa < l tailor anil charge fair prices Am a married man will : family. Whuovcr knows of agood t n will srcitlj favor nio corrcspuudltu whh . ' 1 L , VHKD VOLtKNWElDER , 823-13 ] Larumlo City , \ -xiulii- ( , - . V\"ANTK1) Tobny a liouae aa'l lot In peed loca IT tlon , price not to meted ifJ.OO / , or would ren inththo iruilfgo of Lujiug. ( live oxict Uxntlui and > cry IOAIBI iirico , iiiidurma , Addiois for f ui " da8"M. > V. a" " care of lieu offlee _ S2J-16J " \VTANrED By April or Ma1st , homo of abou T T nLxrouiiHM-niciiiontt'i buslnu s portion vf city AdJreaa U W. CanScLl , 1102 and 1101 Dounlai bt. 812-171 _ _ _ WANTED btotlc of Dry flood * , etc. , to th < amount of ( f-,0u to * lu,00ti. Will five a gout 40 j acre W.scons n Lirra In uxchnngi ) . AuJioss fo pattlcularj , Itoll nun , enrc of llee utttco 795tt WANTED To rent , 0110 room to Kentlernau ant l'e with board 1914 Wcb ttr - < t. Bi2 tl WANTED 3,000 jards.o ! diit at or n-aroui blocK went ol tbu Coavtut 011 SI. ilarj'o kvo uue. a. K. JOUNBOK , ' Ml tl of bte .lu , Juhuaon WANTED 500 piUy vau.ta. sinks and ctsapooli to clean with etnitury di.oi.vr. Suilsla tlui guoranttxM. J. JJ. RMI1II. 6W.luiu5 Lock , box 4r2umaba. FOltjHENT Peslrablo < uuv8h d or unfurnished Irout mum , Ifliil Cap tel ay nue. 850-16 } rpo KENT loouu or two grntcuien , flte Iar6c JL furbubed rojiii , oaotaiu eou'li Iro. t. U ol bath , naif block frcin at. cars. Apuiy after l > : Zi u , u. mb3J rliwtntm. frl-l > Tr\01l \ UENT tloute 8 rooua , Ctn St. , 1512 fith JL ? at. J. I'HU't'd UUtt. 81 Mt | 7\01l BUNT Furnithed or unfurnished room , ! > 22 X ? Bouiliwest corntr Izaid out ) IHth street. * F OK KENT ffurnlshc j rooa , , 1819 tVrnaln utreet. B2J-16J Fen IttNT A luruUhed room , fronting outh ami eat bay nluow , bet und cold vtat r vitb UBU of bathnoiuruljulniix. hultuble lur la ly aud g a- tlouiau , crt o f , ' mei > , with or ltnom boaid. AUi uniller room adjulnluK , i 14 Oouglaattrevt. LtOK KENT-Mctlv furnished room * wth or with- X1 out boud , T Ii'e boarder * accumruoti tad 1816 DodgoSt. F OH KEKr-Boieral small d elllnKi wth | brick Oi liar and hydrant wutor. K.E t4bruuk' HUB I 7OH ntNT-Frrnhhcil room suliaholartK ! ! ut > A me < j. laqulra MM aide 18th at. between DoJ e I7 OR KtWT-Furnliibel room 19.1 Chicago.T19 T19 tf , INT Dcdgo utrver , ola-tf F ( lKfr-Mlcoy ! furuUhed toouu.1903 Tarn rtrcet. boa- _ YTVOil LKAhb-B huiln M lot * Itkh afreet , etween JL' Uaveriporc and Unpltul avenue , eut klde. for B tnrmuf ) rarg. AMtCii. _ ; _ 7 Farn m ttreet. ipOH UIUiT Itoutila itore r wui and bawinout. ne of tne t * t locatloui In i hu i tty for r ry goou * .1 fancy KroccjUa. McOAQUE , ojiji. | > ortomc . f I7IOR KENT Cornet tore on Dodge ooo blocL JJ from t'oat ffloe. McUAQUf , opposiU V. O. 17011 KENT A few nouUumon can baaccuioodated r ltu furnished rouuw. Apuly laii Ir'arnam St. Ufltf IT'OK KKNT Uounu lo NebruU Kttlouk I r tiulldlnUo > t do iratle ollk In the dti > upU d with hfdrauita lo'at r and btitt.l L Ittani. Appl ) at Bauk , 820-11 F Olt HUNT PnroUhtd toomi on tha nor | kw oor. 18tr auilU pltulaVftuiii > , turiudrl ) Ctcljrntoo tuiUd Wi K. I ty tt J:0 : v crvilMliabla loU lu Har cnm oniA 0. V , FOU 8ALB toll In ! x-Mw * < irth tmaor , t3an ra.h , only S | r pen. ' fiflh , litltneo Icnz time JIonlMy | .ijmerit * . IHh'7 fcMOTTKH.a W coimr IMIiandrrn _ _ m , 813-21 " " K 8AI.BVery nlw four room Mtt-Vf , full l t , 1 mcrvtlilnK In hne > h ps , south IKSkMreet , ) , Cc Kwy tcim . BAHHKII& JlAYNS , K. It. tor. ! Sth and farnarn , H4 IP T7 OU BALK A doren p | trie lst Mt 1" tlantcou JP l'i ce , on i Mack iff street r.r line Win b soM tut lew than hall the ) ir r s asked * r adjoining lots. IIAKKHU'MAYNK , N , K. cor. ISthanuFarnam. n -II SALhsjaciol IK In lulliv r for MiO lacti . n monthly p Miif nt . Thlth the nlee r aiuUtican- ctt acra property to Ms lad. & MAYNK. BALK'S but iotsiti I'Ulnrlcw MlfrolnMni FOH blunders 81 , at bviitln. IIAI.KKH & MAYNK. b 0 10 " null HAI.K- tot In Iho i burn place nt l-intlinn 1 h ilf t1 e price a i e I for 'lot neuly double the distance ( rum the ImilntM portion it the city , 1'nnthburR place front H on I cavoiiwutth strctt , which nill he rrnncd tl.lmf rln ? , li the lft lrcct miming out ot Onwlia Thoticll line will ctoxd tlio corner of I hornbnrfr. an I th i-trr t car II u * 1 1 tea witliln two hi ckSiOl tills ttau Ifnl addition. If Ju want to Imylotn , fmr < tlRte | ! , umljcu wU ho sstliDo-i that Thornbuw I'lacc I ts nrc choaicr | Mi ) othcri ( Tercel. WohuoplacO'l ( life lei nn tha nmrki t at JI55t > $205e ch NiMlj nno hilt of them hare been raid. The prl < e will Le ad\anctd vlicn wo ha\o Bold half the lot * 8BS-I4 10011 SALE Ehfftint residence pr prrtv , brut li- 1 cation In Iho city. Full lot , Rood tmn. llou * fl rooms loll modem Improvement * , ffflK)0. ( ) llnm on hall the amount It do-lred. BAUKEIUV 11ANK. . 853-10 Foil RA1.K Mco r > room rrttagr , full lot mite and half frum P. o. Jir.50 f2Vj ilon baUnci 8U > . perm nth IIAUKKU & MAYNK. 8'M4 ! FOlt SALE 18CO yards illrt near llrow ndl Hull , on 17th St. Inquire IIAUKKU & JIAY.SK , N. E. oorner ISth and Fmnam. , 857-tf TVIUK SAtK'AT ' A BAUd A1N Half a block ncnr Bt , X1 Mar } ' * mount' , only tl\o blocks from Cunt Home. Jl-'nutllul tiKMcnt lots or suitable for ten ant houses. Will aub-dltlde. Aildre 10MKIN8 , O.M Fatnam etreet. . - - | j > OH SAI.K Ono tIttht foot * hnw case. Apply to _ I ? J. U. l'o intaln. ( rroccr , turccescr to Oeo KO V. Crawford 1521 Uodgc aticjt. ' 810-13 TWO GHEAT UMUlAINS-Impromt jropttty , C9\CU f < ! 't , corner of paved ttrcctn , brick nlock , tliref ttur'B. IMelthely tt Splendid Intestment aiij clurtpost bus'iiwB iiropcrty In Oiiiahn. Tunthlrda of actual Miluo will buy It. Alto MI In } > roeel'J'1 ' aero tract , 31 nillud Irora po-tolllrt , ntar bolt Hueat half price Apply loT. U , UKUNKU or L. V. HOUSE , cur. Uith and CAillola [ < ennc. TJ > 0 SALR One KKckhawk Cultly&tor. 1 Violins JL Mt'nliiv riour , 1 Harrow and Utuner. All ticnf on taiytfrnic , at joflr o n price. * JOUN K. EDWAUD ? . 802 tf iil KamamJH tiMJll S VLE Itraldenco , 7.50J will bay t-ktr at V reol.lenco 20th anil Ciws. BOQClSJiHlLU 773-19 "IjVJK HALE Two stated surry agon nearly new , JP a'ao ' set douul * harness for Mla'cheap. \\ebUrat. 8Ct FOlt 8ALK Grocery store , BUSINESS tlou In Onians , JOIIIR an annual bUilncM Hf5 / , - 00) Long ICUBO and cneap runt to tha iiurchiwir. Stock willlnolce J7.000o * 8W . Address"yjtot' , " Bee cllloi. " 7fle-tf IOH SALK -TwoBCcond handorcans cheap. In- F Coire [ Edliclm li EilckBOH. ' 769-16 TIWB FAIE-18HX1M feet on Capitol jnlll , must b * JU cold HMD. Mo UAGUK , opposite I'oiit > Office. ' 765 tf HALE Lot 60 fict front on south 13th St. FOR J-rlce < 1000. McCAGUK , opposite Po.t oHlcti. 786 tf J. Fll S\LE One of the I K pt anil beat lrnpro\ed ! 1 ( arms In Dounlas cD'inty. Any person T imsons wl-liln 'o erir ( : o in Farming a4 a business , or In s ock ralatr-jr. will consult tnttr Interests hy calllngr urwriting ( < > r full jiartlculmiroueorning thlsmn- trr McUAOIJK , Opp. peitollicu. 78/tl A Small stock of Oru a and Dru ; < r-8ti' I'Uturea for solo In tne lite town of Wah < rlix > , Nebraska. A Kood npenlne fir a iiln oiclan. Addreea J ' B. ML- VKll , Elfchoru stitlon , ; > eb. 7S9-W FOll SALE A good t > ht blised Keyl'acKlrif : bus- Inuss. I'aiilitiot for packing a d ptckllii ) ; Su to 100,000 dozens write fur full partltuifa. A'lOresa "O. r. C. " Bee oilier , Ou.alm , Neb 7Z9-tf TOV. SALK-Hnu nf 6 rooiim , t ot one .blooK X1 from meet cars-lGOO. Hou c and full lot $1,300. Hou-e and i lot , iV50. House nnd K > t , niuntvly piymcnt' , $1,7(0. ( Hou e-and i lot , 1-iJt block tn.m ntrc t eui , 1,050 , Lot 4 , block 3 , ShltmV addltinn , 900 L ton Clnrl'Hstictt , near .Snuii.lers , ? J,200. Lot on Maunders Street , 9lCU'l. ( onitr lor , Armstrong's aadition , ? IOOJ. Lots in lll.iu laiih'n'ri 1'Iaoe , itxv. Beautiful eiit frontage , In llauscom Facc , $900 each. t our lot * . 3 fronting on Farniun street three houses JS.OOUi JlcCAQUE. C51-U Opp. PootolUce. TJOIl SALE Lot 132Jiii : on south ISthfcicct wltli P ( jood In procments , nt fci.Oix. ThU l < only open lor 30 days Call on KcCAUUE , opposite piwtctuoo. 7IB tf T7lOHSAI.E-I.ot 132x330 , Bouth mhstroot , house Jf two room , b rn , train. I'riu $1,700. O othrcl cash. Call and sco Md'AGUE , opp. V. O. 710 tf > EAL K5TATE for tale by John L. MeCfwuc. real t ist-itu ajtcnt , oppoaito pottolrlco , 831-tf ft 11 SALE i'tna rculdenco between Dndze and Farnain. Cftlltm iicCAUUK , oniios to I' . O. > OR SALK-Lot on Perfno ctre < t. 1 down fctalrs , o ] ponlto I.O. OfiO-tf T7IOK SALK 1S2 feet ttquiio on comer. Itcrlileuce J1 Property } mll Jf. W. cf Post orlkej JWAUUU , opposite 1' . O. 638 tf F IOH SALE Kull lot on Hirney El ret t. 1X1x1112 ai 3.B ) . KbCAQUU , opposite l0. . 057-tf FOR SALELotsaitet \ ruminp at * irs. to $250 , each , ousy term * monthly payment * . JOHN L. McCAGUK , oppusito P. 0. . fiC4-t E -Uoiwo and lot on Capltol-IIlll at JMOO. JlcCAOUU.ODpositol1. 0. If OR RALK BeaulUul rcslJerjcoloton Park ave , , I1 corner 20/ffot fronting east , will nil Iclo McCAGUK , opposite P. O. , B83-U I poll HMiB-LoU In Uaw thorne addition ! ' to tir.O. fili-h. BiBVti > riiH. SU-C' OCE , opnu. ol. V , o Call at olflra for I'lU " - FOUSALE Acwlots in IlonlU-kLonlj- . poracra UeUAGUU , opputlu Tf. 0. 080 tf. FOlt bALb lo'i In Dcnlsu v addition i.n h'aui anil 22d btreet" . Only Four UocKsfrom btv car , $ 00. to 7H > , each , litr aln. McCAGl'K ' , np- . U.downstalir. 637-11 BAL G-TATK-II jou are InUrettol in rtal. ec- i late It will i a > > ou to witch thU ooljujn for thtr ruiSBOj .McCAOUtoiporlig P. O. 5 tl IpUK HALtt l.arKO hoin-e mitr Hamcou t r . ; 1 front , \ ery cficap. McCAGUK , cp | < oeltu V : O For. SALE A first-dust * Vet A > on PIaJt3. tt a. barr ) ln. Inquira Ivdnoha * . Krlck on' > . F OK8ALK Four show cik3s\ cry cheap. W9-U FOH BALE.Oa.IHAnH-A good span ol urule * , liMn a and wagon. &Hy \ to A3 x O. Chnrlton , at UcUutue Bros. KfO-tf OU SALE Farm 8 mltea from city , Inquire ct 1 ? Um Meyer , over Ilcuter * * Drue btore , ID and W > b ter. . f 7i-tf KOIl BA jK 'Two ' op n Mxond-liuid oae delivery vraKOO , chetp , at 18I : > Buney t. ' CWlt BALK Two portable boilers , 1 torwio Jv Apply l 1) . FITarATBICK atMt 11 * youth nth n SALK A email Mosder , B&hiuan iiCo. , Ur proof tat- , almost new , at tliti oQiec. U T7K > U UALK Um umnit ) ien in Uru > nod uuj J ? qcantltlu at thlf office. ( f MlOCBLLAflCUUU , WO OKNTI.EMEN caniroou.f. ennellent t * M an room h > addreadnir"A. b."ilils oClce. UTKAV * Oil IJLLS TIMI rua'l ' hnr o , oie Obaj- with wl.lte ton he d , ous bruwn with ruall \h to spot In fo ehtad A iluiral riwjrd Hill be iald to any ow utu niig : tal i her > ( § ro n e 0.11. JJUOUKIlhlK , 837.HI aru I'taica St. _ SK Ueikird will b paia for the return of a. ptlr t of breast straps htl ujjlnit t'ia Unulleut of harness pMtnt li I Mack L tt on 3 lnit > i u 1'iiiinm 01 Hairiov twtHcen I'llianauth Str u' . JAWtS K MOKTON , Union bl > k. BIS-UI Mrs. FCfIRODKIttbaiu > irni.tlcrualiruasi turn , ( daudi. he l'iis ' t olckat 16.1 liavtnJo t bt. , hlween 10th uud 7th fit 7Wln | . , Jtporionced ii- hfc * outoul rootni i tiach wiy work to her line. hh ha * iJ-o a wiuDly ot uiatetuU OH han.lj. . M0 lrivltedl , ' ? ? ( th'i ! dbfly G < at IBIS lud ft itrCBt. tm > Mouc f eiuik > ucbt to , cUcjn " k Bu4th , to * , and tea uui.plw. J Iru ? .ll * owjr , wiu , w.ui IBB aid of iruAtOlaa tplrlti. uurttic ooadttl d 1/4 ( AQ future.