Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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,00 * , . if.J. . V .V t _ _ >
\ . '
ffli.- . ' " ' .rm '
South lUlh Street , below Fnrnnm.
Kilbv Place
Just platted out in this addition nt
$325 to $350.
Per lot. First rtllotmeufc all taken
mainly by persona who will build
desirable residences in the spring.
This Addition
runs from Dorlge street to Daveu
port street , the most healthful ,
sightly and desirable
/ Near Cable , Belt and Cumins * street
Sold Forty-One Lots
in this addition iu January. Call
oflice. Will take you out and
back iu half an hour.
A Desirable Business Property
on Farnam Street. Rented to good
tenant. Pays ten per cent on in
vestment , net.
\ One of the Best
/ Business lots -on Tenth Street ;
' 60x132,810,500.
An Improved Farm ,
Near station in Douglas county , two
good houses and frame barn a fii st
class farm iu every respect. Will
sell or exchange for city property.
Desirable Lands
in Boone , Madison and Nance coun
ties , in quantities to nuit purchasers ,
58.00 per acre. Will take less for
; i quantity.
Fortv Acres
c ilrst-rliws land , improved , good
forg.iidenn and email fruit , within
three miles of postofllce , 850 per
full lot , Iwo story houae , metal
of , 8 rooms. Must be sold. Spe
cial terms at ollicc.
f Good Cottage ,
five rooms , UPW , ono hlock from
W' street caw , $ lGOl ) . Monthly pay
ft' incuts.
Fine Residence ,
near Twentieth and l/ass streets
Ua y paymeuts.
Residence Property
on ISfli street. Largo house , gooc
barn , full Iqt , uti-fet cars , 500.
Business IPropertv.
on Saunders street A good invest-
, iuent , Oall i'or particulars.
Several Good Lots
on very easy terms to those whc
wilt build.
Property Shown
on Application
Reports of Receipts aui Expciuliinm
and Other Items of Business ,
A Now I'lnimolal I'lun Adopted.
At the hut ro illar monthly mooting of
lie Homo of ihu Friendluss association ,
ho manager , Hev. J. G. Lemon , pro-
ontod the following flnancial report nf
ocoipU and expenditures since Januar >
G , 1834 , the date of hia last report :
Received in merchandise January IGth
< > February 1st : A. Culver , SI ; Llnys > t
Olonson , groceries , $0 ; John Evers , meiit ,
' 5 ; Jacob Appel , groceries , § 3 ; A friend ,
vood , § 7 ; Mrs. J T. Siowart , furniture ,
" 15. Total in January , S3 ! ) .
Received in merchandise , February 1st
o'Much 1st : S. S. 'Keller , provisions ,
> . " ) ; D. Moltby , groceries , $3 : II. 0. R.\y-
Kind , vegetables , $7 ; Josiah Folsotn ,
rood , $20 ; S. P. Hiinnan , books , $7 ;
oliu Uono , mnrchimlisu , S3 50. Total
ii February , $45.uO.
Received in merchandise , March 1st to
larch 12th : II. 0. Uiymond , vegetables ,
310. Total , § 10.
Grand total in murchindiso. SD4.r > 0.
Cash rccoiptaJanuary IGth to February
st : Balance on hand , as per last report ,
-4.37 ; J. D. E linundsoii , § 5 ; J. II. Bur
roughs , Henry Lisemin , § 5 ; llovvns
3uwman , $3 ; Poregoy it Moore , $10 ;
so in favor of the Homo , through Scott
Stewart , attorneys , $200. Total for
amnry , $234.37.
'jvjh receipts , February 1st to March
st ; John 0. Lee , $5 ; 0. H. Forson ,
1 ; Mra. Smith , SI ; N. W. Williams , $5 ;
! . Bonham , $5 ; not proceeds of the Mar-
m B. Baxter lecture , $43. Total for
'obruarv , $ GO.
Cash receipts March 1st to March 12ch :
Ira. Smith , $1 ; G. A. King , E ox ,
owa , § 1 ; 0. II. Forson , § 1 ; 0. Boaon ,
! l : Fritz Bernhardt , 81 ; Albert Palm ,
! 1 ; Marshall Key , 82 ; boys at the Homo
utting wood for different parties , § 4 40 ;
ilrs. Cavonau h , $3 ; Girls Aid society ,
S3.G5. Total for March , $10 05.
Grand total of cash receipts , January
Gth to March 12th , $313 42.
Bills paid January 1G to Febrmry 1 :
An. Wright , CO cents ; Ochikovits , ! ) . "
outs ; faro for poor man , 50 cents ; to Mrs.
lough , moving , $3 ; Dr. Soybort in con-
ulUtion , B' ; groceries and dry goods.
$25 ; total , ? 34 95.
Bills paid February 1 to March 12 : To
> ayment on house and lot purchased foi
lome , gl50 ; J. E. Smith , carpenter
vork , $ .2.40 ; Mrs. Hough , 50 cents , to
levere house for lodgings , when homo
was crowded , $2 50 ; 'A. T. Lindsay ,
shoes , $2.25 ; Bushnoll & Bracket , school
woks for boys of homo , $4 ; to poor wo
man , 81.15 ; Mra. Rockafollow , matron ,
818 ; Mrs. Hough , ticket to Davenport ,
) f which the county pxid § 3.50 , leaving H
ralancu by mo of $1 25 ; cash and hack
fare , to Mrs. Hough , $2 50 ; groceries and
dry goods , $35 55 ; Airs. T. II. Brooks ,
sowing for homo , $10 ; W. H. Wallace ,
57 loads dirt , tilling up lot , $11.40 ; dis
patches during month , § 1 95 ; stationoiy
wd stamps , $1.80 ; to Mra. Cumpton ,
matron. § 11 ; to H. Wallace , 55 loids
dirt , fill ; Mr. T. R Brooks , services
815 : R. Aniv. hardware , $3.85 ; milk , $4
total , $293.10.
( ii.nut total of expenditures from Jan
uary 1G to March 12 , S328 05.
This leaves the treasury overdrawn ,
The abnvo report was , on motion , ro-
coiI'd and referred , to the standing corn-
mi Hco.
The committee reported as follows :
WH have curofully examined the above
report , compared it with the receipts ,
and find it correct. J. P. FiLuuitr ,
Auditing Committee
On motion , the report was approved
.ind ordered published , together with the
following statement :
Wo have tekon into the home during
the time covered by the report two boys ,
whom wo found hnmohm here , bcsiden
two buys , sons of Sport Miller , loft h'onm
less by the death of ihoir mother. We
nre rarinu nlno for a woman who is vurv
low with throat and lung troubles , und
her two children.
Our numbers-vary , iw
temporary ciwoo are disposed of. At
wo art ) caring fur L'l.
Wo are very thankful for the libora
support received , and crave u continu
mice thereof , no thus iilpno can wo canon \
on this work of .maintaining an orpluns
Spasmodic subscriptions are not to bo
rolled on , so wp < huvo decided to nak tilt
charitably inclined to subscribe to a list
agreeing to give to the Homo the sum o
one dollar per month. If wo can get a
hundred and fifty or two hundred who
will thus da , then wo will have n solit
basis to work upon , and larger subscrip
tions will como in to awoll the atnoun
and unable us to > buy more property aw
enlarge. We are liappy to say tlminear
ly forty citizens have already put theii
names to this list. All who aubacribo art
thereby members of the association unc
entitled to votp in its councils.
The following have been made lift
member * during fho month : Mr. Chaa
Koith. Dr. A. J. Cook , Mr. F. M G'ault
Mr. U. O. Raymond and Airs. Marion B
Baxter. W. 0. OAUMAN ,
Secretary ,
Ycmnsr lIenMid < lle Aged Men arid All Men
who Buffer from early Indiscretions will Cm
Allon'd llraJn Food , the most powerful liu'te
oraut over introduce < ] ; onto loutorcd by t
there fa no rclajnB , Try It ; It .never fails.
0 for S5.
rolluoman Iii-onurd I'o
, juuHter Ar
inoiir und Oilier Good
Conlldenoecl liy n Uojr ,
An old cnnfidenco game hia boot
worked nucccesfully for several evening
past. Olflcor Luonard wai walking u |
ftlaiu street the other evening , wlieii lie
cmno across n srnall boy who was cryiji ]
liwtilf , and hU sympathy boinx cxcitw
ho ailccd the lad wlmt wa the matter.
The boy blubbered out that ho had lost a
( juartor which hU mother had Riven him
0 go up town and cot something with ,
'hero ' was a warm heart beneath thobluo
oat , ni'd after getting n lantern and
uniting in vain for the missing silver , ho
oplacvd it by n quirtor out of his own
ticket , whereat the boy wont , on , his way
L'juicing. The suno boy was afterwards
cen further north on Main street. This
imo ho had lost a half dollar ,
, nd wns crying , of course , twice M
incrgotically as on his loss of a quarter.
1 ho attention of some pnssurs-by was nt
racted and ono contributed 25 cents ,
mlf of the loss. The boy oeamod satis-
inl. The next evening or a J Postmaster
Vrinoiir hnd his heart touched by the
ight of n sobbing boy on Pearl street ,
[ 'ho postmaster was innncvtii happier
ramo of mind than usuul , because that
evening thu first fast mail train had
cached Council Ulutls. Ho heard the
) lubb rin story of the boy who hud
est the quarter , which his mother hnd
ivun him with which to buy meat. The
ny'e tears were dried by an application
if silver from the hand 01 the post mas-
nastor , and started out for some froah
A Sjilondld lU'incilj fur liun Dls- '
Dr. Uobt. Kowtnn. Hto 1'rosiiloiit of tlio
lultctiiu ColloKouf tlio City uf Now York ,
ml formerly of C'liicimmti , Ohio. , nxod Dli.
W\i. HAII/S ItAttAMury o\tonsi\oly lu liii
iractlce , n ninny of hit * j > itiouti , now living ,
ind rottoroil to lioilth by the tine of tills in-
.iluuble medicine , cnn nniply testify. Ilo
ilxvn a xnUl thnt HII KOIK ! n retupily iiu lit not
ii bo cunxltlertxt niriuly AH it putunt inulidno ,
> nt that it ought to ho proscribed freely by
iihy.ilcluu iu u soviii'ol ii rumoily in nil
scn of IjtiiiK ilisaisos. It U n BUFO euro foi
iiii9iniiptiunimJ him no i > qiml fur nil poctornl
ouiplainU. _
K ( > llli\uei''H Llninicnr ,
Wo dcsiro to call the nttnntliin of the pub
iu to Ki'llliitr' l.tiilmont , ono of the bust
ireimratioiisoxor put up for nil eouorul pur-
io-os for uhith iv Hniinnuc In u ua. Applloil
> tha hctil It rulloviv * hoiul.tcho inul pnitnts
' nt.
IMgtr L. Davenport , of Now York , Is at
C. 8. Davis , of 1'ittiburg , ii ono of 15och-
elo's guoats.
Tom McGno , ono of the bast known young
non in thu city , has gene to Muaaillon , Ohio ,
.o enter the shops of the Jluisell nmnnfiictur-
ng company.
J. M , Wolf , of Chicago , arrived at the Og-
on yoatorday.
Orin Leonard , represented Kuck Island at
bo O/don yesterday ,
Altjii Chbiu h. of Attooni , P.v , ii at the
Simon ] 'isoimn has returned from the oaat ,
wharo he li s boon after goods.
John E. Sellcck , of Onawa , ia ot tlio Pa-
Dr. .F. Whittomoro , of Porclovlllo , 5s
topping at the Pacific.
P. H. Orcatt , of Cawily , Orcutt & French ,
ins returned from the east , where ho In *
made oxtousivo purchaies for that establish
E. K. Johnson and Fremont Young , of At-
antic , were at the Pacific yeiterclay.
S. II. Losaello and vvifo , of I'anora , Iowa ,
Mted tlia DlulVa yostorilay.
\V. K. j\rmon \ , of t'reileiicksburg , Va. ,
oachod the Ogilun ycstortlny.
1'hll. Bott , formerly of tlia IJosttio team ,
wlio haa boon spoiiding Uiointcr iu Minno-
otj , and tlio far north , ii here un'ain greeting
nd buing grcetjd by the boys.
Chris. Schwongor is lapidly rocovoriug from
lia illness.
JnatitoScliurzhaH not fully recovered yet ,
mt IH ublo to ba at his cflico attondlng to nec
essary business.
Are you Millions ? Try tlio remedy tluU
cured Mrs. Clement of Fi.inklyn , N. II
HOod's Sarsap.irilla , made in Tjow
A\oca'H Attempt to En.loln the Coun
ty Jtoard Aiiioiiiits to Nothing.
Avoca lias boon greatly excited over
the injunction served on the county
board preventing the count of aovoral
townshipa , and ia tryinq to gotfloino uon
of rodresa or rovongo. With the vote of
tlioau townsLipa cast out , the court houeo
and jail propusitiona wuro really carried.
Thia caused alarm , and Attorneys Led
wick and Benjamin , nt tlio iimUnco of
their folloxv citizeiiB nt Avoca , applied
Jud o L Jdfhourow lor nu injuiipLion ro
atruiiiini , ' thu count } boari from issuing
bouda fur thu now court house .and jail
Thu judge rtifused the potuioa on the
ground that sumo time nuiat bo uut tnr
thu hearing of the application. The
move is of ro account either w y , for no
ono "ho knows the inomborM of the pros
out county board would believe for .a
moment tliut thuy would issue tny Vondu
under the circumetancu or take any aotioi
toward building a court house and jtii
until the courts have passed -upon the
action ulroady taken.
Wliest-No. 2 ovrlug , 70c ; No. E , COc ; to-
Jectod , fide ; food demand. ,
Corn l/ealere uro paying 3Io for. old corn
and 28(3 for n v7.
Ojita In Rood demand at 22o.
Huy-4 00@J ( 00 per ton ; 60o per tola.
Kyo 4Q@iA > a ,
Corn Meal 1-20 i > or 100 pounds.
\Vood Good * upply ; prices at ya ( 0 00 ®
Coal Delivered , hard , 11 CO per tou : soft
5 00 per bm
Lard Kalrbaiifu. wlioloaallutr at 11 = .
Flour-CHy Hour , 1 iXJ@3 30.
Broomg 205@8 00 per doz.
Cattlo-3 S0@4 00 ; calves , 5 50@7 60.
Hwa-Localj > Mjkers are buylnjf ucw an
there Ii a Kood demund for all gradon ; okoico
pack ) np , 0 25 ; mixed , fi 25.
Quotattoos by J. M. St. John & Co. , com
jnlailon merchants , 38 Uroadway.
Butter-Plentv und la fair demand at 15 ®
20c : creamery , 35c ,
KKKa-lr > J IW do/on. Prospect of lowe
I'-uiltry-lloady aleclilcl ; sn , dreMed1 12ic
Ive. 8c ; turk vn , drea ed , 15c ; lire lie
ucko , drwsed , l iej live , 8c. '
00@4 25 per bor.
jeinniw i 00 per bux.
lJrtiianM-3 r.l4 M par bimcli
Ve otaUVw Potat-.e * . 40 ; , , nloiwlOc ; oib
e < > l he mrk' , t "PI'lw , ready al
rltiio to"k ,
Tha radu Jng chiH. at. the Wishing
ton h\xh Bchocl
commencement the othur
evening numbered tenty.fivp , and only
one boy in the whole lot. The Prtusiaya
' 'ho looked M Jonelv no Hy in t jar of f
houoy. '
The 014 and the New Spirit of tiie
( lily of Homes ,
> cvout Ancestors \Voi lill > a 'JcBt of
riiiladolphia la a peculiar city in more
han ono respect , writes n correspondent
f TAO Cincinnati Enquirer. Its citizens
ro proud of the title of "Tho City of
Ionics , " mid in former letters I hav u
liown how much claim it IMS to thu
mme , winch its cheap routs , hmuuhold
onvonioncoa , ua o of ncquiring property ,
nd its grunt pleasure ground containing
bout four and three quarter Kqiuro m lea
f diversified surface. Its vast extent
Hews a largo range of choice in selecting
place of residence , and its varied manu >
acturca no \ employment to nil class of
neolmnics. But it is sometimes rather
Aill to ono raiat d in the more liberal
west. The old Quaker meeting houses
i id burial grounds , are all aurnmndctt
) y brick walls ton foot high ,
ecm to typify the spirit of the
ity in n meinuro in shutting out
ho inlluenco of modern democincy , u
kmiocracy which , like the founder of
] hristianity hunaelf , can notsoo why one
lay of the week should bo any moro
acred than another. The Sabbiturianism
f this city died hard. There was a time
vhen chains were druw ucroan the streets
n the vicinity of churches during services
0 prevent carriages driving pant. A few
rooks ago the park commissioners adopt-
id n rule forbidding professional or
nmteur photographers ticking pictures
n the park on Sunday , although ono
number , the well known George 11.
laker , earnestly protested against jt.
L'ho drug stores in the center of the city
uive aigna i" their windows road ing
hna : "Open for business only. The
vnrlaro o\er the running of Btreot earn on
Sunday has boon forgotten , and the S ib-
uith association , in petitioning r.ulroad
companies to cut down their business to
v minimum on Sunday , condescends to
emporal argument , and urges this atop
or the reason that the employes will got
nero rest and bo better servanti thoiefor.
? ho nonapapora long resisted the modern
nnovation of Sunday issues , and tbo ro-
ult was a swarm of papers published ex-
iluaivoly on Sundays , and more or leas
veak in the matter of nowa. The moro
ri < { oroua dailies finally progressed to the
mint of issuing on Sunday , but a relic of
ho old idea remains in the habit of treat-
ng the Sunday issue as n separate paper ,
ts 1 found when I subscribed for two of
hoao papers , and yet found myself on
Sunday morning with nothing to
cad. The Sunday edition is
the price of that of the
jocular days. The progress of modern
doas , whether it bo for good or evil , ia
rrcsistiblo , and slowly the Quaker city
'bids to the current. The Quaker
oloraont , which , though the supreme
uowor was broken in the revolution , yet
colored every department of local life
intil after the war , is still powerful
enough to chock the growth of liberalism.
1 is not powerful by force of numbers ,
> ut by force of wealth and social power
and tradition. It is a purist element ,
refining upon moral paints to insubstantiality -
tiality , and as narrow and restricted in
ts views as am the meoting-houaea , the
schools , and the churoh-yarda it ia so fond
of inclosing in those high walla of black
glazed brick.
This is the ultra respectablethe Knick
erbocker , the governing olomont. Yet
the city , with its moro than eight hun
dred thousand of people in the last cen
sus , is largely made up of portions of for
eign birth and parentage. There are
jtrmaus enough hero to make a large
city , and Irishmen enough to carry oveiy
3orman out of town and yet leave enough
sons of the Eiiioiald lulu to found a now
iolony , and there are of Italians alone
on thousand souls. Even Arabia and
Syria have contributed to the population
ot thia city. Yet the circles of nuciety
open tardily and with much grating of
tnngcs to the man wno has not had a
grandfather. I question whether wealth
itself would bo a good passport to social
Romidoration among the old families to
the man who can or decs not care to boast
of his grandfather. I am sure that brains
and uultuio would not be , although I
never tried it for lack of a good
Htiilo : | article of either. . I am not refer
ring to Judge Touigoo , who took his
Continent to Now Yoik in a put and de
clared that a man of brains could not live
in Philadelphia ; thin came back ono day
to address a laige audieiuo at the Acade
my of Music , and after scolding a while
at things in general in hia heavy way ,
uith much lumbering attempt at wit ,
proceeded finally to execute a savage
dance on all the sorest corns Philadelphia
possuasea. Judge Tourgoo should have
tried the experiment by inducing a nmi
of brains to move to Philadelphia am
observing the result. The subject alnmh
not have been from New York , for
the Oothumito wears a-Gonklingish sneer
when ho talks of any other town on tin
Bctiboaid , and , beaidcn , it is a breach o :
good manners to mention Now York will
commendation ia a circle of Philudol
phi ana.
There is a certain firm of banker *
which make a specialty of dealing with
the old "Knickerbocker" IMiiludolphians
and it keeps the deposits of a great iiuin
bor of old people of respectable antecedents
cedonts , whoso ancestors Here so oblig
ing as to como over to this country before
fore the reign of the 'Georges. ' 1 have
forgotten the name of tUo firm at this
writing , but it is not a material point
( n the ofiico of the linn may bo found a
npry old man who suoms to have no par
ticular business. Lut ono of the old
cii8tomersof the firm come in when the
teller or cashier iiavo no time to attem
to his or her particular wants immediate
ly. The old servitor may bo seen to si
down by that aged customer , and a cha
beguiles the time , oo that the waiting do
.positor takes no note of itspftasago. , He
is talking to the depositor of the latter'
grandfather and graudunclos and the !
coun ctions , and their courses througl
wliich the family of that particular aeposi
tor became related to some other grea
ifamily. That's his busine a ; lib is pni <
for liia knowledge of the old mniilos o
thia city , and his ability to servo it out in
proper shape and doses. It is catculatci
that his knowledge is worth thousand
aiinu Jly to the firm that employ * him
This story was told mo by a trustworthy
hunine'a man who complained to me tlia *
h often had business in too counting
room of a newspaper wliich relies upo
its popularity among the old-O'mo Phila
delp/imns / , and the case with wliich j
eliminates such words an "cock-fight
from its local rather than its eoterpm
to secure its circulation and that lie a !
most invariably had to wait whila th
head of the oatablismont finished a con
vcnsAtion on somobdoy's grandfather , am
whom that grandfather married , befor
he could sncure an audience , I am not
pointing to any particular nowspapsr , for
the story oppltiw to icvpral of thoin.
There are 411 convicts in the state
lson al Fort Madiion.
P ibuqiio now has thirty-three and
no-half miles of improved streets and
lloj s.
Mri. Nrcr , ft prominent lady of Ana
nosi , "iiiciiled by taking poison last
uiuhv night ,
Oikaloosa is enjoying n revival under
10 lead of "John Henry Douglas , the
tinker evangelist" ,
The Burlington llawkoye suggostn thai
A case Pottawattamio county is divided ,
mt the nnmo bo divided also.
In the Congregational church at Grin-
mil , a pow lias been named for Wendell
> hilhp3 , and is set apart for colored peo-
.1 .1rncs Hughes , who shot and wounded
Dffijor Welch in Clinton last October ,
im been aontcnced to ton years in the
> onitontiary.
Mr. Wm. Wobhor , the Herman editor
F The Davenport Democrathas recently
nheritud S700 from the cstito of Ins
nuloin Germany.
Twenty-four comities Iiavo petitioned
10 state .legislature to authorize ) touching
i the school of the physiological bad
Jl'ects of thu use of alcohol.
A nummoth roller skating rink is to
o built at Dos Moinoi , 80 by 220 feet in
ri'ii. It n ill bo constructed to liken ise
ccommodate largo state , musical and
thor comentions.
ALkkoCity clergyman , upon ono ot
lu coldest days of the last week in Fob-
nxry , walked four and one-half miles
ortlieastorly to marry a couple , and did
ot got a penny for it , not oven thanks.
Dubuque satoon-koepoM titko dilloront
ion a of the probable ullectof the jirohib-
< ory law. One has sold hia ice bux under
lie impression that he will be driven out
f business , and another is enlarging hia
co box under the impression that his
uainesa will bo larger than ever.
The news has boon received of the
oath at Atlanta , Georgia , March 5th , of
tev. T. U. Robert , formerly of the fac-
Ity of thu Burlington college. The de-
oused has been president of the Atlanta
taptist seminary for a number of yonra.
lis remains will bo taken to Dayton , O. ,
or burial.
J. R' Pates , who was convicted in the
iatrlct court of Green county , May term ,
883of grand larceny , and gave Louder
or an appeal , and then skipped for part *
nknown to his bondsmen , was brought
ack to Jefferson a few days ago by Dop-
fy Sheriff Day , who had captured him
n Indian territory.
From The Hnwkoyo : It is absolutely
nsafe for moneyed men to venture out
pan the streets of Burlington until after
ark. They como in contact with a church
eliciting committee on every corner ,
' 'hey ' are largely composed of ladies whoever
over accept a negative reply in response
> their appeals for aid , for their totm-
ous qualities are unuqualod.
A dispatch to a Chicago paper says
Irs. Florence Miller , secretary of thn
owa W. 0. T. U. , says that while that
rganization will hardly resort to the
icthods of the crusade to enforce the
ow prohibitory law , there will bo an
ctivo , continuous effort to keep it vital ,
" 'ho ' union has its machinery ready , and
vhilo the members will not be informers
lomaolvca , they will strive to keep
thor teniporanco niganizations onthusir
atio to enforce the law. Mrs , Miller
ays the ladies of the union will BOO to it
liat ample funds shall bo provided to re-
innerato additional attorneys well for
lieir services.
The Now York Mirror tolls how the
uileless theatrical agent fooled a Dim
rloincs theater manager named Moore ,
, s to Lillian Spencer. It will be romeni-
lered it was necessary to drop that lady
rom the company bearing her name on
tccount of illness , and Miss Edith Iloua-
on was substituted. The Den Moines
nan insisted that Mlas Spencer should
> lay , and so Miss Houston feigned ill-
less and was brought before him in u
eommgly weak state , being introduced
as Minn Silencer. She oubmiUod to bo
) orsuadod to play , and the aituto man
ager opened his house with the assurance
hat the "airy , fairy Lillian" was herself
in his boards.
My baby tlx inontln nM broku out with tome Mm !
t akin Iminur , ami alter bouirf truaUiil live luontha
iy my famll ) | ilil-lclan , was nlvun up to ilto. Tlia
rUKK'stiui on mondial Kwllt'nHa'Clllu. | unil thoeftuct
wu an Kr 11 If } I"tr us It WUH inlraciiUma. My tlillil
orn get Hull , all truces rt tlioillnou" ) In irinu , und
lu Ii uRt m pig. J J KltfcUii'l ' ,
Mludon , llu k Ouuit > Texas.
11 asulfercil for many jt-arn fruni ulccKin mj
CK , i ( tin vvrlar.uanil pilntul , iluriiiK whx i time
iia d almost ovi n thlnt ; la a kiiro , Imi In vain.
took Hl t | KjJllo by mlilco nf it Irk-iul , and In a
5)1 ) rt tlmu wiuKUiclmumi nml well.
Kilulu J , Jllllir , Ikuuiijciiit.Tcxai.
I ) ia\o1 > eon allllctoil nlMiHorofiila fortuclvo jcnn
aid hate Imd HgriHon moftiUrgu Aia mui'H iiviil
'or ' tlmt UiiKtliol tlmu I obt n .iiiiimf I wan Bubul
ulltliat I ouiil 1 no' carilotliliik' . I li& > ! | > utt liun
Itdlx ctiln | ir In tliuilTurt tJ > Iw O'lrul. but all ti
iiu nnrpoflo niRl liail Injiirixl invtcK with Mi rniry
! uc [ 1'otmh , V urbwllthK | > cclllucurciiii9 | | > roiiilli ) ]
and pcruianciitly , and I luiiu ovury like xurftri.r wll
takolt. U. U Ill/ii ,
] j > k'uil , Ark.
Ourtriatlw on lllooJ and Hkln Dlwues mailed
fri'atc. . , , icauu
I > rawir 8 , Atlanta Ox
Y. Olllcc. UOW.2.1il HI. . Itftnunn Dtil unil 7lh A' "
The u a ol tlio tonu " HIlO
Lluo" In connection with th
corjiorato name ui a irrvatroatt
I uunveys n Mca ul list what
IMIB * required by the trivvclliig iiuli
I I M L , " - Short Line , Quick tin.
I I r " "I the bout of accommrxU
! * tloiull of whlib uru ( nrr
bed by tbo grcitcit railway lu America.
And St. Paul.
HOWDI and oporntcl over 4M > 0 inline ol
Northern Illinois , Wiiwonrin , lllnncaota , low *
Dakota ; and ai U main Ilaco , branches Aiiilounaec.
tloui reach all the trreat Inulncua centre * ol tb
Northwont aud Far Wet , It naturally aimweri tfct
deacriptlon ul Hhort Line , and Beat Itouto ltwei > r ,
Ghlcago , Milwaukee , St. Paul and MlinicaKilla. |
Oliluiifo.Mlluaulico , Ij Crniue and Wiuuna.
Cblcago , MBtvaukoo , Alxirdoon wnl l lendall
Chicago , UHwaUkw , Kau Clalro anil Btlllwater'
Chicago , Milwaukee , Waunau and Morrlll.
Chloaui | Ulli/aukee , Heaver Dam and Oihkonh.
Ohlottfu , llllwaukM ) , Waukesha and Ooonninowoo.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Madltion and I'rairludu UhUa
Olilnico Mllutukue , Ouatoima aud FalrlUauH.
Chicago , llelolt JanoavI'lo ' and Mineral Point
Chicago , KUIn , lluckfurd and lluliuquo.
Chicago , Clinton , llnck Island and Cular Ilapldi.
Chicago , Council IlluHt and Omalia.
Chicago Hluux ( ity , Kloiu KalU and Vanktoa
Chicago , MUuaukue , MltclieJI wiJCtuinUrlala.
lUwk lalincl , Dubsriuo , Ht. IHiul and Mlxineaiwlb.
Davonixirt , Caliuar , ht. I'aul and Mlontnx | > ltf.
world are run ou the uululluc * of the OHIO AGO
and every attention W jtld to pawiiDfiiri by court *
oui cniploytM ol the co'ui [ > auy ,
a d. BKliaiLS , A. V. II. < U I-K TEB ,
' 111 " " > ' ' " , ' n. u.gmur. ,
I Ii.
( j
u i
One of the 'Best and largest Stocks in the United States
to select from.
Proprietors. Suporintondno
Omaha Iron Works
learn Engines , Boilers
Mill and Grain [ Elevator Machinery
Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth
I o
H ?
TVo are prepared Lo furnish pinna nnd estimates , and will contract for
tin ; erection of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing
Flouring Mills , i'remStone to the Roller System.
33gr"Eepecial att ntion given to furnishing Power Plants for any pur
pose , and estimates made for same. Ocneral machinery repair attended
.0 promptly. Addnms
Tsejji' H
Carpets !
Mats and Mattings ,
GTT . F ? . HP , j - A T t S
3Vr S
- -