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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1884)
t < feV , * * < " sM ff l gmjarae : m f THE DAILY BKR-COUNOIL BLUFFS , RIDA\ , MARCH U , 1884. THE DAILY. BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. r Frisday Morning , March/14 , KATES : ! Br Oarrlei - 20 ocnt jwr week Br Ual - - f 10.00 | xr Year Ko. T rearl Street. Hoar Broadway. MINOB MENTION. Cheap railway tickota , 4 Pearl St. Additional local on lovonth page. Cheap tickota over nil roads at No , 4 Pearl street. Now spring goods just received at J. Roller's , the tailor , 310 Broadway. Charles Bennett waa yesterday fined 18.20 for being drunk. Justice Schurz has wedded Charles Turk to Beatrice Briggs. Sam'l of Poson drew a good crowd nt the opera house last night. The frame work of the roof of the now Masonic temple looms up big. This evening the Gongroqationalista hare a oocial at Airs. Otis' residence. Five free lodgers and ono plain drunk are the daily average at the city jail now. The Mountain Pink ia the entertain ment set for the opera house this even ing. ing.Work Work on the addition to Max Mohn's Creston house ia being pushed forward lively. Postmaster Armour has ton now mail boxoa to bo put in position on the atrcots. Mayor Vaughan , Alderman Mynotcr and Marshal Quanolla have filed their bonds. The Bavarian band has boon to Millard - lard , Nob. , playing for an entertainment there. There is a probability but not a certainty tainty of the Avoca court bill being de feated. The Y. M. 0. A. ia growing. A ba ker's dozen wore added to the member hip this week. The Omaha roller skaters are expected over this evening to go iu for a good time at the rink here. Leave to marry was yesterday given to J. H. Oaborn , of'Hazel Doll , and Lavinu Rosa , of this city. There are good prospects for the defeat of the bill by which Dos Moines necks to monopolize the supreme court. The old council is expected to moot to night , provided the mayor and absent aldermen return from Dos Moinca iu tfmo. There wore gome typographical errors la the report of the Homo of the Friend- lou yesterday. It appears this morning In bettor shape. There wore no services at the Episco pal church hero yesterday , and a number from this parish wont aorosn the river to attend Bishop OJarkson'a funeral. The fricnda of | Nazarinius who ia charged with an indecent assault upon Max Mohn'0 little girl , have arrived from the east and propose to make a strong fight in his favor. The case will prob ably come up next Tuesday. The next match of the Young Men's Shooting club will bo on the 24Ui. D. F. Stubba has already won two out of the throe contest ! necessary to win the gold modal , and much interest is felt as to whether ho will take the third. , March 17 , St. Patrlok'a day , in tin evening , ( a to bo observed by a grand bal to bo given by the Ancient Order of IIi borniaus. They purpose to uiuku it thu most enjoyable and successful aocial oront over given under their auspices. L. W. Tulloy'd residence had narrow escape from tiro. Oaa was leaking in the collar , and Mr. Tulloy going down to sou tlio causeof the peculiar smell , lighted u match whiuh oiused a blaze to flash like lightning , but it was epoodily suppressed , The Swedish Weekly Blade , of which fThoodoreHcssoU of this city is the editor , is a now addition to thu journalistio field of Council Bluffs and Omaha. It has u clean look , and starts out with an appa rently liberal patronage and good pros- pocta of succois. Those interested in the Union Consoli dated Mining company are joyous over the receipt of a very encouraging letter from D. W. Thoinai , who ia superintend ing their interest * in Utah. He writes that the tunnel is completed , and that a vem , which promises big , is ready foi working. The 0. & N. W. R. U. , will transport oru , for needing purposes only , between Pf ? , ny of iU stations in Iowa free , until June 1,1884. If the corn is consigned to dealers , they must guarantee that the iora will be sold for need only , nt an advance of not rnoro than 10 cents per bushel over cost. Prof. Gocdullwho manages the Omaha rink for Mr. Elliot , was over Wednesday evening and gave an exhibition at the roller rink and afterwards acted as urn. pire for the practice game of polo. He u very anxious for the Bluff * six to play the Omahu six a match game of polo , and Bays the Bluffs boys do remarkably well for the amount of practice they've had. There is considerable talk on tlu ire U as to , the .possibility of Walter * as chief/of tlu , . The friends of-WUert ; m vary eonftdwit , b'ut it BBemiTjHirdlj pmible that the city council will epoulj the ordlnwiw which iS ! clearly that the chid cannot bo removed except for cause. The attempt to sup plant him seems to bo based not on the claim that Wnllcrs is the bettor man of the two , but that ho worked at the polls for the democratic ticket. Tompleton is n democrat , but ns chief of the department - mont he is prevented from working ac tively at elections , and ought to bo. The Walters tnovo is simply a repetition of the attempt made in regard to the city schools , and ought to bo sat down on just KB cqtiarcly. If the fire department or the city schools are to bo treated hi mere political plunder , there will bo a lively protest on the part of the best citizonr. An Chief Tomploton has given perfect satisfaction , the council will hardly dare to override public sentiment and the law framed by themselves. Two pitiable cases came into promi nence yesterday allowing how John Bar leycorn will got men down. Ono man , Charloo Bennett , found himself locked up for several days , being unable to pay for his spree. A short time ago his wife applied to the overseer of the poor , she having no fire and but little food in the house , although her husband is hearty and husky enough to earn a good living were it not for the fact of his yielding to drink. The overseer sent the woman sumo coal , and the next morning wont to the house to see how they were getting along. There was n mongro meal on the breakfast table , but the head of the family was washing down his broad with draughts from a pint bottle of whisky. Another case was that of Jennings , a ono-armod veteran , who had to bo locked up yoatorday to got the whisky out of him. Ho is a single man , well liked by his comrades , and on his pension of § 30 a month ought to got along , but every time ho gets his pay ho goes on a big spree , spends his money , pawns hia clothes , borrows of friends , and gets clear down everyway. His old soldier acquaintances now propose to join together - gothor and prosecute the first oaloonist who sells him a drink. WINDOW SUAIIKS at coatl at BKAUU'S Wall Paper Store. THE CARNIVAL. The Hog Rink Crowded Last Night with Many Maskers , A Bloyulo Surprise. Last evening there was ono of the larg est crowds over gathered at the roller skating rink. Nona but those on masque were allowed on the floor. A number of Omaha skaters were present. Among thosti who took part were the following : Joe Smith , dude ; George Ferguson , olown ; Charles Palmer , 0. O. Mono , harlequin ; J. Ileiloy , Now York swell ; F. B. Montgomery , naval cadet ; Tommy Motcalf , domino ; Oharlcs Bray , base ball player ; Charles Mueller , newspaper cos tume ; W. W. Nmon , prince ; Burt Tos- tovin , lieutenant ; Augustus Cobalt , Son * n tor O'Brien ; James Bonn , jockey ; Jas. Palmer , "a lawyer , and my naino is Marks ; " I. C. Lindsay , prince ; M. F. Hudson , liuzzar ; Claude , "Sir WillotiKhby1' ; Barrett , clown ; F. P. Sewoll , Boston scholar ; Mrs. Na- son , huntrp&sj'Miss Eva Nason , queen of bolls ; Mita Amy , nihilist ; Morris /AM- vonahsen , Turk ; F. Colwoll , clown ; H. Allen , minatrol end man ; Frank Lung , of Omaha , a well an unusually good mask and coatumo ; Eugene Shaw , th devil ; Harry Ilardin , firemanF. ; Cobalt , liroiuan ; Frank Andurson , Bailer ; Addio Sherman , fairy ; Miss Canfiold , winter ; .1. O. Hitchcock , jockey suit ( very fine ) ; Miss Mayno , peasant girl ; Miss llohso , suowfl. ko ; W.'S. Hitloy , dude ; J. Ep- uruetter , school boy ; . Lloyd , . French marquise ; FrankJHart , Mexican ; Walter Vuughan , song und dauco man ; J. W. Haven , clown ; U. 0. Frantin , soldier ; OaoAr Epornotter , Swiss boy ; W. F , Wright , Swede lass ; Angio Evann , Mother Hubbard'a put ; George Wulkor , English oflieer ; George Henry Pickard , traveling man : Mrs. B. Hicks , peasant jrjrl ; Mrs. Hall , evening ; Edward L Lquire , English lord ; Miss Do Haven , English maid ; EJdio Mueller , orchestra Irador ; Burt Evans , court junior ; Lilian | t Urowstor , flower girl ; Ij. Gray , in Italian evening dresn ; Miss Whitney , fancy cos- tuino ; Miss Lu Smith , dolly vardun. The grand march was led by Mr. Hen- fry , of Omaha , t nd Miss Whitney , of this city. Mr. Chapman , the manager , .iprung . n pk'UMint surprise upon those drosent.Vilinot and Sewoll , the won derful Boston bicyclers , were introduced to the attendance. They had chanced to bo pasting through hero on their way to Denver , and were induced to remain here for lait evening and tu-night. They cor- taiuly are wonderful in their double acrobatic bicycle riding. They begin ( heir riding where other bioyolora leave off , and crtatod.a great deal of enthus < I n last night , By ono flying iump from the floor , Sowell alighted on Wil mot'n shuulders , and while in this pnsl turn they spinncd around a circle on tlu front wheel , the rear wheel being entire ly off the floor. As a finish to the ox hibitiou , Wilniot took off everything ox oept the big wheel , the handles and treadles , and rode several times around the room on that , the smaller wheel bo ing entirely detached. They will remain hero this evening to give another exhibi tion , and will then proceed directly tc Denver , thence to San Francisco , and or their roturu may stop oil'at Omaha. Hen ) Kstuto TranHfor * The following doetU were filed for record cord In the recorder's ofllco , Marcli 13 , reported for TiiR BEK by P. J. Mo Mahon , real estate agent : Sheriff to William H. Sard , lot 7 , block D , and 'lot 8 , block 23 , Avoca , $037.85. William H. Sard to W. JI. Benjamin , I * > 17 , hloik D , and lot8 , block23 , Avoca & 2.000. Eaton M. Miller to Lewis E. Miller * l i , 7 , 74 , 39 , 83,000. Win. OlHflin to 0. Lanzdorfer , loti 2 ( and 21 , block 82 , Railroad add , $40. Hannah Boal to Elizabeth Clark , par lot 28. original plat , 31,200. Lucy J. Bigelow to J , B. Johanneen nj nw > , 4 , 77. 38 , $2,408. Maiuarot Ohnrchjll to J. B. Johnnsan lot 0 , Iti'Keluw'a add to Walnut , I , Total lalot , $9,450.8C > . HARD ON LABOR. Tlic WorWnpicn Got Bnt Little Profit Out of the Street Wort. Cnno. There liavo boon ninny facts shown up by TUB BER as to the wny in which the present work of otrcot filling is being dono. Contracts are lot at prices from thirty to sixty per cent higher than usual , and ono would naturally think that nome share of thoao extra prices would bo given the men of inusclo who do the work. It scorns not , though. The city council claims to let to the lowest bidder , and hence relieves itself of bliimo. The con tractors claim that they havn to bid high , and niako a margin to cover the trouble and the doubt as to where and when they are to got paid. The laboring men , however over , have not capital to carry on law suits , or to live while all thcso cotnpli catod questions are being settled by the dreary rounds of the court. Ono illustration will auflico to show in what condition many of the laboring men are placed. A German who has been in this country for about two years and who has lived in this city for about a year , status as his experience , that ho nought work and was ivon tt , nhnvoling dirt at ono of the Bluffs. The man un derstands but little English , and under- nlood that lie was to receive 81.00 a day. Ho worked on , and when it became ne cessary to have money to pay his board , he asked for sonio that wan duo him. He then found that ho could got no caali.bui must take hia pay in orders on stores ii town. On finishing up ho got as his pay the following order : $10.25 COUNCIL BtUKfsJan , 20 , ' 84. John Mono k Company : Pay to S. Keller nineteen dollars and twenty-five cents , and charge to account of ItllH'ATI ! & HOOTKN. No. 24. The Gorman is a single man and has no use for so much grocorica or drygoods , and learned that tlna was all that would bo given on the order. IIo tried to sell it for cash , and nt a discount , but no ono aoomod willing to discount it. After holding the erdor for some time , and try ing to dispose of it , ho says ho yesterday thought ho would got some , goods on the order , and then sell the goods , but on inquiry wan informed that the firm would not honor the order , they having ceased doing so two or three weeks ago. At the best this way of paying off workingmen - men makes the wages not much more than a dollar to a dollar and a half a day , by the time any cash is realized on the orders. The council should take some stops to insure the payment of theao workingmen , who are doing honest work on the streets , and nuch workers should bo protected from being subjected to such shaves and perplexities as now arise daily. Roller skates , the best yet in the mar ket at J. Mueller's. FOUND GUILTY. AVatHon Ocolarcd llio Mur- tloror M ! Old Man Sholloy. The trial of Thomas Watson for the murder of old man Shelley near Malvorn , has come to an end , the jury yesterday morning about 1 o'clock bringing in a verdict/of guilty and fixing the penalty at imprisonment for Hfo. The victim of the murder was n rather peculiar old man , vrho lived in a peculiar way a short distance from Malvorn , He had a little house or shanty , where ho lived and where ho kept on sale u few little articles , such as canned goods , tobacco , etc. One morning ho was found lying on the flocr brutally murdered and it wa almost im possible at first to got rtny clue to the murderer or to his motive. It was at last ascertained that Watoon , who walked for a neighboring fanner , had the old man's revolver and watch , and this led to the nrrnat. Hia explana tion as to hovr ho in poeeeaaion of those articles were contradictory and he also made other otutemeutti'which ' counted against him strongly in the trial. The attorneys for the defense wuro finally forced to set op. the plea of inmtnity as the only ono to stem the irresistible tide of testimony , but it was of no iivuil. Thu jury on retiring wuro all convinced of Watson's guilt , but they hung several hours on the question of hanging , Two would not vote for capital punnhmcnt , and after staying out from G o'clock on Wednesday evening until 1 o'clock yes terday morning , an agreement woa reach ed on confinement for lifo. The property got of the old man waa worth but a- few dollars at the most , and with so little gain in that direction , and no personal malice- being apparent , it still seems a mystery that the youni ? man should have any motive in so brutal and bloody a d ed- Samnrttan Iferi'inc , the grcatr nerve eonquuror , is guaranteed to gtvo satis- fact m , or money refunded. G , at < DrimgisU 91 50. Samaritan Acrvfncrured ru ? daugh ter's lifo long epilepsy. " Rev. P. P Shirley' Chicago , 111. Artists' Material of overjr kind k BKAHD'H , next door to postolUw. For cut flowers , plants , etc. , go to W. H. Foster , the Harrison street florist. Iowa Seed Corn i FOll HAT.K 11V J. Y , FULLER , Commission Merchant , No. S ) P atl ttrcut , . . . . . Cocxciu llLvrni. JACOB B1M8. E. P.CAUWELL 8IMSAOADWELL , Attorneys-at-Law 5 COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , ORlce , Ualn Street. Iloonu 1 and Bhugart & Uc Mahoo > BliXik. Will prMtlw In mate and > t * Miiri * N. SOHURZ ! Justice of the Peace OFFICE OVEU AtlKUICAN EXl'UESS. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA LADIES ! WE AEE RECEIVING- SOME VERY FINE Shoes and Slippers. Gentlemen OUR FINE BOOTS AND SHOES For Sprin Wear are arriving daily. Please call and see our New Stock. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. . 412 Broadway , Council Blufl's , ) TnwA iu w A' West Side Square , Clanndn , f ' MATNE & PALMER , DKAtKRSnt Hard and Soft Goal , AND WOOD , DULK.'AND BARREI. LIME , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND OEUENT . , UICmOAN PLASTER , DAIK AND SEWER FIP1 No , 030 Broadway , - . . . COUNCIL BLUFFd , IOWA. SMITH & TOILER. , LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS , Just Soring Goods Received. 7 and 9 Main otrcot , . . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. European Hotel. The only Hotel in this City on the European plan of "PAY ONLY FOR WHAT. YOU GET. " New Building New Furnishings. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS CENTK ALLY LOCATED. Fine Sample Rooms Elegant Restaurant. PETER BECHTELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. MS 3ESLOOH , Merchant Tailoring , REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. 805 South Main Street , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS M. GALLAGHER. Gr IFL O O 3E3 JE * I New Store , Frooh Cloods.Iiow Prices and Polite Attendant ! . First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } M18KroS ? . . tlVKTO KVT. EATTOIlIYE. RESTAURANT AND CAFE , . . Oivtoi-or . . Etl. O.lunn { . 40t lrodw ! y , . ( Moils at all Hcr.iro. . &ef il'culslno | Council DlurTo. ( rartlcsuSiwixilty. KELLEY , i 1 B 34 N , MAIN ST , , . OOTO03L BLUFFS , DBA'LER IN ALL TH 1 IiATEST DESIGNS OF 3 mPAPfifl Mil AWT1 WlWTIflW flfllilJUw oflAJMi ? ! ! Interior Decoration ® . 13 S. Pearl Street arm 20 N. Main dtreot , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. HEATING STOVES AT COST FOR A SBORT TIME ONLY. CIRPEHTER'S ' TOOLS II Granite and Tinware. Latest Novelties in i Fancy Nurd waaa A larp line of exti nordinary Fine Carvers. DeVOL & WRIGHT,504 POSITIVELY THE LABGEST AND CIOIttEST STOCK Ever shown west of Chicago , now being received by GASADY , ORCUTT & FRENCH , Carpets from 25o to $3 50 per Yard , Also TURCOMAN , MADRAS , LACK AND SILK CURTAINS 502 Broadway , Council Bluift. | CAS AD Y , OUCUTT & FRENCH ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) TO LOAN 01 BEAL ESTATE ! Confute Abstracts of Title to nil Lots and Lauds in the Goiuity. Empkie Hardware C 109 and 111 S. Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. WHOLESALE DKALKUS IN HATSOAPS BUCKGLOVES , J42 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , All kinds of T. 33C. ROOM 6 , NEW OPERA HOUSE , COdL BLUFFS , IOWA , taVcto. AIT Orders by Mall Promptly Attended TO. WHY DON'T YOU OETBDME OF FITCH BROTHERS' ' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? Ferliict Flttlnp , Doit and ChcapostBJFIno Mnon Collars tnl Cairn. No. 715 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER ! MetaliG Caskets and Wootlin Coffins of all Kinds. TELEGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT INTo. 3.-0,1ST. OVCaixL St. , CJoixxL il 3SCl-u. Ti3. GRESTON H&USE. Nos. 2 17 and 219 R. Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Railway Time Table. . COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are the times of the turhal anil de parture of trains by central standard time , at the locil depots. Trains Icavo transfer depot ten ruin- earlier nd arrho ten nhiutcs later. CHICAGO , BUKLmorOif AND QOIXCT. Lit AMI. ARKIVn. r:40nm : Clilrano Express D : 0 ura 0:46 : a m Fast Mall. 7:00 : p ' KA1.8AB CITT , ST. JOB AND CODIiCIIi BLOTFS. 10:10 : a m Hall and Express , 6:45 : p in 8:25 : p m PoUtlc Expreaa , 0:35 : p m CHICAGO , MILWAUKRH AMD ST. PAUI * 6:25 : p m Kxpn s > , 0:40 : a tu DM a m Express , 0:35 : p m CHICAGO , BOCK IHLAKD AMD PACIFIC. 520pm Atlmtlc Kxp < eb8 , 0:40nm : ! KVam Day hxprtM , 6:50 : pm 7:15am "Des Uobirg AuxmuicxUtioD , 4:40pm : At local depot < JD ) > . "WABAS1I , ST. LOU1H AN > > AriFIC. 0:5Snm : Mall , 4:45 : pm 4:50) : > m Cannon L'all , llilGain "At Traiurerwily. CIIICAOO and NoimiWKifjnax. G:30 : p m Kxprt B , 0f.O : p m 0:15 : am Paciflic Express , 9ifiam : SIODX CITT AND PACIP10. 7:40 : p n > St. Paul E\ptfss , UO : ) a m 7:20 : a m Accomtuodatlnn , 0:50 : p m UNION PACIFIC. 7:59 : p m Western Express , 8:30 : a m 11:44 : am 1'aclfic Ereist 4:34 : p in 7:49 : n in Local Kx | ices , 6M : a m 12:14 : a m Lincoln Kxprc'W , * AtTran'feronly. TXTUHT TIAI.Sg TO Oil UIAv Leave P:2W:24-10-24-ll:24 : : : . m. 1:21-2:24-8:31- : 4:24-B:21- : : < J:24-74 : and 11:0-1 : p , m k8iuday , 8:24- : 10:24 : a. m. l-a4-3i4-5:24-7Ol : ! : : and lltttp. m. At- rlto So uilnutvs before luaUuj ; time. ADMINISTRATOR'S. SALE The undersigned will offer for sale on. March 15,10 O'ClockA. M. PUBLIC OUTCRY IN. HARDIN TCIWNSlHf , Pottawattamie Co. , Iowa , 140 > Steers , 11 Uor. < e.s , COWS , HOGS , COIIN , OA-TS , AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS TERMS 'IVn montlm1 time , at ten per cent intercut , with approved security on all sums over ten dollars All sums of t n dollars or under , ciiih. Five per cent discount for cash on nil mimf over ten dollars. CAROLINBERAND , R. Rice M. D. or other tuiuora removed without thu knife or drawlix ol blood. CHRONIC' DISEASES ° " "nd"wty. . Over thlity yean practical experience Office No 6 I'earl tro , Council Uluff /UTCorwuiUtlnn free At the woll-lnioutn Estiiblihluneut op J. P. FILBERT , 20J ) Upper Broauwny , the PIONEER GASH 01 Coucdl lllufli. Notice i.ur rcJu.ea IMce Ll.t IDpoumllK traORu/ar fi > r . . . . , . . , . , . . $1 00 II pound * Uranula'cU ' rtuirar , , , uo 21 ( xiuiuU ( IIi4' < i ( l.tinetl. . . , uoU i6 iiuumU Navy lUuua , 2diMinilaaiiulkHlArh : CO I2 | iinail < ar'.lliu ' KICK COu Hi flal > So ii uo KUr L koTr'lit , ir I'Miii'l ' i. . , , . l < 9 ClioU-wMlrui Moiti | > r IKIUIII ! . . , , I'l 1 iliaun Moikt'iul . . , . . . , , , Ifi Coluftido Flour , \\iiittr \ , | Msr ot. . , 2 03 T. T. T. All vradu , accord'nif ' ioqualltj , 15a to S'.o | > cr Wu ul i entry a full line ol Men' ' , ItulloV anil 0 1 Uri'ii' * One Sln > v ami iltii' Fine lloou at my 1 > ( r ) irlo . Alu * lull Una ol lluwiro uud gckvul iiiCrclnutlM' , tall on utiud bocmnlucvU Ilia yuu utii t\\au tiney 1 > | iltallon Itli tii. ( JvKiJ * Utlli erttl firuluant lttcf the .it y. U * wind. ar lioinij to Kll ainl tauUni'lu ovuii niltlvu In tliu ni'ii.t * , J , I1. VI 1.11 BUT ' SILOAiYS : MINERAL SPRINGS. Wo guarantee the cure ol the followinc named dls- Beascs , or no nay : Hhcnmatism , Scrcfula , Ulcers , Catarrh , a'l Blood andtkindiscaies , DniKnelaLl > er Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Dlsctws. Oout , Neu ralgia and Astlima , ' Thcsu Springs are the favorite resort ot tlie tired an J dobiKutad , and ro the FEEBLE LADIH3 BKST FUJENI ) , Oood hotel , Ihery and bathirg accomndittlon both winter and summer. Locality hlnhlj picturesque and healthy. Arectslblo by Wabjun rallnay , * Evonaor C. , B. 4s O. , at Albant. ( . 'om > iotiuerjd BollcHed , REV. H. H. Albany , Slloam Sprmca , [ Gentry Co. , Uo. ANALYSIS. Spo i9o Gravity 1.002 Reaction Neutra Carbonic Acid Oas , .28 Inuper gallon Carbonate Calcium 35,121 Grains Carbonate Iron , Tf4l Sulphuric Uagncala . , 3 ; ; > 0 Sulpbais t'alcl"m 1,148 Chloride Sodium 7,280 Sillies i,5M Alumina . . . .0,018 Oricanioand Volatile matter and loss . . .il , 9 Total Bollda pir gallun 87,174 WKIOIIT& tlKiiHiLC.Cliomltta THE DOOM OF THE UNSAVED ! "Tho wicked shall be turned into hell , arid the nations that forgot God , And the name shall drink of the -wine of the wrath ef God , which is poured out with out mixture into thp cup of indignation , and ha shall bo tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and i' > the presence ot the Lamb. BLD&E. W , R. VAU&HABS. Justice of the Peace. Uniana and Council Blnft'r. Real eaiate collcc ion agen- : l KoUov .lo O < crsavng8 ban- ruoa. orricit , 11. M. PUBSI. OFFICER & PUSSY BANKERS. Council Bluffs - . Ift. Established - - 7856 Doalura In Foreign and cnieftlp Exchange and CORNER PEARL W , AND FIFTH AVL Open luiCOo. rn. , 2 : " p. m biid730p. ; rn. , lion cay. Wtxlnced ) and Pjrlday cvtuU ( ; oxavidltcly ! tliu lyOmpIo Club. CdTMiulc on Tueadtj anil Thunday ovtnlngg. ADMISSION , . ' 2i CSNTC , No objectionable characters v. Ill becJmltted , CPTAPMANit MAUTfNH. . . PUOI'IOETOllS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. S | ci J advertlflcmcnts , web aa Lost , Pound , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent. Wants , Board' lug , etc. , will be Inserted In this ccfamn at the low- rate ot TEN CK.HT3 I'KH LINE ( or tiu > flrat Insertion and FIVE CENTS PKIl UNE ( or each lutocquect n > Mrtlon. Lea > advertlseroenta at our office , No. Pearl Street , near Broadway WANTS. ITANTED-AlhflboyMltli jiony - > carry rouAu l.rll t 011 at Count /HulTa 1 ! K ( JlI'lCO. -tTTANTKl-E\ory body m Council Blultii to YV Tu DM. Dcllrered by carrier at only twmtj- oenta a vntk. OLD PAHERS-For sale at BEI olllco , at aJjuudred. FOHHENT-Elcjf&itly lurnlslii l ap | rtmtf.U In hou > o with | rh.ito f a.lly lU-cicnc d ex. chanued. AddrwijII. W. J.Ileeoffl-c , AOKNT3 ladloaand get tleinev can make firet clam wage * by ncUlui ; llio "Champion Bv-bom htnclhir auil Ironli * < UiurJ. " lUUllit at SI W Any 1 1) cuaaouiiu rlne thlit utlhuut a r'-nlo ettlauulrlencan.AdJriM ' ' 'or ' " " " Mrs BJ Hilton H.D. , , , , . . , PflYSICIAfT & STOQlEON , fl27 Mlrtdlo Kro'-lT-v. OoutjoU BJufla. EDWIN J. ABBOTT ! Justice oftlie Peace. , , 415 DHOADWAV , . COUNCIL BLUFIB ,