Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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- *
Eclectric Oil !
\ A Medicine with curative pro-
nerties as Impossible to counter
feit as the PYRAMIDS OF EGYP' '
and which is now having an en
ormous sale throughout the Uni
ted States and Canadas ,
Djrlni the | n < t two 1 was ba.llimulcted
JoAWlliaM. u cd bot1' ul h lltonchltU and an
of Dr. IhomaV Erjiclrlc aRcctloa ot tlio Ihro&t
Oil for rprulm , brulxM , Dr TharaaV | .jlcclrlo Oil
bum * , and Hhcu ciirud mo Oilier J. Belle
Mo , 23 Kait.MerrlmackSt.
M. U llUIr , AM. Killli
Ward , Soi.9 , 1S-3.
In ra cs of Crimp Tlioin As n remedy for Catarrh
> * ' lfcttlo Oil nt\tr Dr. Thnniai * Ecloottlc Oil
Hilstoctiro ltmirc < lnio it < nd atlhotci. | It euro I
ot atrv b d Ulcerated mo , nud 1 bollevc will i.ure
fioro Throit O. U. Hull , Klw.H Howloj
2i. W. ISth Street.
> . Ud ftll
ir JrlBlct Tr ; It , ud
fet t |
3. W. WUJPEBU4V1T ; DOLB , .
Cl B1WAUWAT * If. T. -
7n uant ol a rt-
liable dltuitloMhicli
uliilc actinp an it
iicjn , nclthcroxcltct
nor IrrltatoH thi'tn ,
ft l > IIf ( dlfOO Blip-
piled h > Hosti tier E
Stomach Bitters
Thlrt line medicine
cxtrtx thti rcqni'Ke
dcgrcoofstlmulAti n
upin thieo onan ,
Bithout ] ) todiiei i ;
Irritation , and H ,
thertfpro , far better
adapted for the pnr-
poio than unnii.ill.
cittd excitantH oft
en rosurttd to. D g <
pepnla , ( over ami
attno and klndrcfl
For sale y all dn ggists nnd
, aiiiniALLOS31
\OP MANLY VIOOK , Spermatorr
Sheen , etc , when all other reme
jfdles fall. A curt attaranttetl
r tl.50 a bottle , large Irattlo , foui
' times the quantity , f 5. By ox ,
PtcKS to any oddroua Sold bv
all druggist * . ENGLISH MEDI
INBTITOTE , Proprietors. 718 Olive Street , St.
J oula , Mo.
"I have sold Sir Astloy Cooper's Vital Roatoratm
or vearn. Every customer eponka highly of It. ]
Dnhositatloglycndanu-itaaarcmcdy of true merit.
"C. F. GOODMA , Drug f 'i
Omaha FcK 1 1083 vismieecu
Ilcl ; ; i nil lioyul nnd U H , TVInll Htcaincr"
Thettkint , Gtrni'twt , Italy , HMand and Franct
htedrauo Oituanli20 ( , Prepaid from Antnerp , 321 ,
Excursion , ? IO. includiuifbed llntf , etc , 2(1 Cabin , t't'i
Excursion , 4100 , baloou from § 50 to $ )0 ; Excursion
$110 to f 100.
teht & Sons , don. Agentf. 65 Brood
wayN. Y. ,
Caldnell. Haoilltcn b Co. , Omaha. P. K.
nnn & Co , 208 N. Kin Street , Omaha ; D. K. Kim ,
ball , OunalmAeeiitfl mio oed 1 j.s
The licst evidence In tlmworlil of the
purity aM cxrellrnco of lllackn eU'it Bull
Durham Hmol.lDi , ' Icliioco is f ouiullu the
fact that the f amo of this tel > acio IncruiMifl
fromicortoicar. Tuw rould uot bo the
cjute if U were icerUy " KOtU-u up to Ml ) , "
or had any dubious or dangerous iiiKrc-
dlenLs iu it. AincrUn- millions of u ers of
all uationalUleti , tturcly tome 0110 would
find nut if it nfru linpurc , Injurlouj or
nnpalatabie. Tor 18 jeain thin tolmrco lias
IK U aclcnonlcdKcd to be the brU in the
uarld , and every j ear the Bull Durham
brand prows more popular , the demand for
U Vldcr , mid einolicre
dellclouai > tural flavor.
Ath 50111- dealer for it
Oct tlm prnulno trodo-
mark of Uio BulL
ThM ls noinunbir f ( lone Tihcro
lJJacJ\veJl'o Bull Durham
BmntlngJL'obacco U utcd.
trarourud to wcvr longer.
laiia iiuittr , juul trjTO
Tartlou ti < u > nr other
tf tnarkkt , or prlco paid oil
St , Paul , Minneapolis am
Thtnert oocloiilcu of tbl * line faun WatoQeld n ;
UiroujhiCaueoid and CokrU e
SUiaches tlw best t ortiiu of the Plate. b'XJ | l ci
finloii ri'e * lut l\nt ivi eri over tbln line t'
yi ayne , No'Wi and llutlijgtcn , and iU UUIr to all
Trtfnt orer tit a. ht I' U. ft O. Utlltrar ia O w
Kgto i. Bloux Kr , Tdnca , itartlnzton , Waym ) And
Noilofe ,
. .
, Jx > ! ! , kcJ Uiroujh to V.I'
C Itlllr.
information ct < on
F B WHIIiJUr. UtnciaJ Ajte t ,
Sani i Call Jit ? . Cer. 10th and 1'trrum Sti ,
unata , Ktb.
cut tijtocurod at depot , corner lltb
' , r _ a"K.
I Modern Miracle Performed liy Faill
anil Prayer in CESS Connty ,
> Irs. Tiou Dorr Thrown Mrillclno ti
the 1) ( > K , ApnrnlR to Cod , nnd
Hcco\ct-8 Health.
To the tUltor nt Tim Um.
WKEMVO WATEH , CMI County , Nob. .
Match 11. DKMiSiu : 1 send you tin
account of my Jioalini ; in answer t <
priyor. If you think it would bo inter
eating to the nunyreidcra of your paper ,
I would bo very grateful to you if you
\rould publish it , hoping some poor tuf-
feror may see it nnd bo led to the "Oroal
Physician" for healing of soul nnd body.
Mus. Lee Douit.
I , Lee Barrett , dnughtor of Dr. Wil
liam Barrett ( deceased ) , of Mnlvorn ,
Town , now wife of Edmond Dorr , when
about fifteen yearn of ago was attacked
with rheumatic typhoid fever , which con
fined mo to my bed for ton weeks , nnd
L wan not expected to live. After n partial
rcco\ery I could scircoly stop. My
nusclos became so relaxed that my nnklo
raiics would frequently slip out of pi ice.
My joints were nil atfoctcd and very pain-
ill. My Bpinnl column was very sonsi-
ivo , nnd would craoklo on being moved ,
iroducing acute pain. This complication
if diseases , no organ in my body oscap-
ng , grow into a settled apinnl dilHuulty ,
nnd from the apino nnd nerves proceeded
& moat distressing hyper-acutonosa
called hyper nMthosia , extending to all
my larger joints. I auHerod intensely
with my huad ; the violent pain , the ter
rible senao of weight and the extreme
sensitiveness made a soft pillow fool like
a rock which was crushing my brains to
atoms. At times it seemed to mo that
all my norvea wore laid bare. The loaat
touch of the palms of my hands would
cause ng painful sensation through my
ttholo system. My hands and arms wore
laid on boards fitting to thorn so I could
not move my fingers , for the pain which
it caused mo seemed indescribably dread
ful. 1 was first taken in 1872. In 1877
[ got ao I could walk n little by the help
of braces , but could stand on my feet
only for n few minutes at a time
without reclining. After 'coming
to Nebraska , ton years ago ,
I grow worse , nnd gave up
nil hopoa of recovery from medical treat
ment aa I had tried the most learned
and skilled physicians in the country and
had been treated at the Hot Springa , nnd
spbut a summer in Colorado , but found
no permanent help. After having apont
a largo amount of money to no purpose
and being told by my physicians that
there waa no hope m my case , I began to
think of the great physician , who when
on earth healed all manner of discuses
I aaid , can hu not hoii\ now aa well on
then ? Although I had been an infidel
in sentiment , yet there seemed to be
something saying to me , " .Believe in the
Lord Jeaus Christ and you may bo nude
whole. " I inquired of one 'dear friend
if she thought 1 might be cured , but hei
anawer vras : "Tho day 'of miraclca If
past , " yet _ my faith gradually increased
In lobkintr in to God'a word I found
many pricioua promisee to encouragt
mo to believe that Christ was able and
willing to heal both ooul nnd body , ol
all those who would pl.ico themselves
wholly in his hands. While looking for
more light 1 saw n notice of ono who had
been healed in answer to the "prayer ol
bih. . " At.otico I wrote to Richard
Hoffman , of Bentlnyville , Pu. , who had
booh cured in answer to prayer , fet
aoiii-i advioe. IIo told mo to lay aside all
medicine which T did , also my bodily
supports , and trusted wholly in Cliiist
For my healing and they would maku my
ciso a special subject of prayer ,
December 11 , 1882 From that d.uo I
bennn to prow better gradually and on
February 1 , 1883 , united prayer waa
) fferoil .it Bentloysville nni Erie , P-t. ,
and Buffvlo , N. Y , and in our ( F. B )
church .it Contorvillo , Neb. The next
diy I sat up all day , the first time in
more than ton year ? . T had taken oil
my braces , which to .mo was like taking
my life , for I Imd wholly depended on
; hcm , to move a foot at all. I have no
'urthor use tor them , but am able to resume -
sumo my household duties aa wife and
mother. I lnvo a little daughter three
feara old who , until now , has never
uiown n mothrtr'a care. I-had not been
nsidu a church for almost ulovon 3 ears ,
jut now the church in my spiritual home
illmg my pltico in the houio of
the Lord from Sjhfcath t' > Sibbath.
where ' love to g i and tell wlmt the Lord
liaa done for mo. And more than thia ,
in anewor to prayer , my mother hu < j boo
brought to love the dear Savior , too ,
find I believe in answer to prayer my
husband , too , will Boon join us in pruisu
to Christ for his restoring power and
aaving love nnd mercy. LoirDonu ,
iTo all whom this may coocoru :
I , Kdwurd Hoot , pastor of the Free
will Baptist church at Cnutervillo , with
which Sister Doir holda connection , in
Cass county , Neb , , do positively declare
ihat the statement made by Bis'or Dorr
ia not nxagi rated , neither could il
wry well bo overdrawn , ' It ia ono ol
the moit wonderful cases of healing eoul
and body that-has bcon known oinoo tht
daya of the apostles , If any one wishoi
to .mako any inquiry about Wiis case thoj
can .address Mm. Lou Dorr , Weeping
Water , or the undersigned at Elm wood ,
Casa .county , Neb. , and wo can furnish
you with plontv of reliable tottimony D-
to the Uuthfqlncss of the nbovo stAt'o
ment , RKV , EUWAUD Uooit
Wantqd A. Few Theatres.
W < 3 are anxiously waiting fur going sen
tibte man to build -theater. . We beliovi
wo do not exaggerate when wo say thai
what UIM country wauts ia mrro tlicatori
and fewer opera homes. Every IHtlt from P.idunk to i'oseyvillo has iU
opura liouao , To bo , no opera evoi
intrudes upon the euloinn ninctily ol
these pi AC * * , but that ia not the fault ol
Podunk or Poseyville- o opera housi
io there , and if the opera does not come
itia certainly thu-fiiitt of the opera ! _ \V\
ull amila wiicn wo read tbout Smith'c
Gruid opera house at Pawpaw , or Jones' '
Graud opera houatt nt Kankakco , und wu
sneer derisively wh'on we hear about
Drowii'flGraiidiipera houto at JC lav wzoo ,
for we knonr that the bust nterUinmfi > t
vor giv n in those grand opera Jwuseaii
a negro nu'natrel show or a brn-storni 2j
performarvttt by BOUIO theatrical tivtby-
.uight. Whit is thwro in the name ol
opera houta that it should BO catch and
tickle the ear and the fancy p/
And why should orory hall nnd theater
that ia fitted up nowndaya bo called nn
oprrn house ? \Vo hoar of the Armory
opera house , the Masonic Hall oncrn
house , the Postofllco opera house , nnd up
hi ono Michigan town there ia a Market
House opera house. What strnngo no
tions souip people have ! Why , out in
Kansas City people never talk about
going to the theater , or going to see thin
company or that troupe , or Mich a stnr ot
mich ft combination. They call ovory-
fling "tho opry , " nnd v < lioiynu hont
somebody say : ' I'm going to the opry
this ovcninir , " you are nt liberty to sur
mise whether "tho pry" is a negro-
minstrel show or Tom Keenoin "Richard
HI , "
Ovci' inoiiUoH Ijnat In n Virginia Conl
0\iit : A 1IUNDKED MEN
Lvjiciiunua , Va. , March 1J ! A apccial
from Pociihouttis this morniug enyfCj'An '
explosion occurred in the coal mines bore
la-it night nt 12:3 : * nnd from 12V to ICO
minorawero killid.
1 p. m. No further particulars yet re
coiled of the explosion in the mines nt
Pocnhontas , Ya. Great confusion pre
vails there , nnd accurate information can
not bo had before ooning. . A special train
with surgeons on board left this rity err
the sccno of the explosion nt 10:15 : this
PETBKsntnin. Vn. , March 13. Intelli
gence just rocuved contirma the story of
i terrible explosion in the coil mines of
thu South\\cst Virginia improvement
company , nt Pocnhontas , Tarounll coun
ty , this state , it occurred nt 1 o'clock
this morning Particulars nro very
meagre , nothing has been learned aa to
how it occurred. Over ono hundred men
aroknonn ( o bo killed. These miiiea
are owned by n joint utock company com
posed mostly of northern capitalists.
Further i'it olligenco from Pof bontns
roprosenta the work of destruction nt the
coal mines as
There were ono hundred nud fifty men
in the mine at the time of the explosion ,
and not ono is believed to have escaped.
Those not killul outright by the terrible
explosion have most likely polished from
> iftor-damp. The cause of the explosion
ia not yet definitely ascertained , na the
entries to the mine are nil full of bad air ,
but the presumption ia that ono of
the miners struck n fissure of pas ,
Severn ! parties ventured into the mines
this morning , but could not stand the at
wore discovered horribly mangled , some
of them with the heads torn from tlio
trunka , othora with limbs ull Rene , pre
senting nn appalling spectacle. The
work of destruction is not confined nn
tircly to the interior of the mines , but
houses 200 nnd 300 feet removed
from the mines are overturned , and
several instances entirely demolished.
The largo ventilator of the Southwest
Improvement company wna blown to
atoms , nnd the mines cannot be entered
until another ia constructed for the pur
pose of freeing tlio ntmo phero of the
suffocatim ; fumes. This work ia now
progressing speedily. A largo force is
engaged in perfecting arrangements for
the interment of the dead miners , most
of whom were foreigners.
The latest intelligence is thnt nn ex
ploring party that entered the mines a
short distance brought out six bodies in n
frightfully mutilated condition. .There
is no hope that any will bo loacuod alive.
Herr I bio Trout miint of : i Child.
NOUWAUC , Ohio , March 13. Sirs.
Bltnzly was yesterday nrioatod nnd j.ulcd
to await trial on a charge of cruelty to an
adopted child , Maggie Montgomery. It
is said the woman used n hot poker in
punishing the child , who skull was frac
tured and mulp loose , na though from
hair pulling. Her foot were frozen like
wise. Neighbors threaten to lynch the
entire Bliuzly family.
The Funny Alan's 1'Yiond.
DKTitoir , March 13 Mrs. Colonel
Hunt came to Detroit to-day and re
tained lawyers to contest Colonel Hunt's
will bequeathing § 5,0t'0 ' each to "Josh
Billings , " "lUi Perkins" nnd 'Arteraus
War I'M" mother. The legatees have riot
mudo claims.
Xora liuriin' I < o\cr.
HUTCHISON. KAN. , March 13. A
brother of y.orn Burnt pissed through
hoio yesterday with 1'owd Cubbage , the
lover that/ ira expected to marry bore ,
had she lived five days longer. Cul'bnge '
is expected to ajivo important toatimojiy.
A Smi lo rlio l-'ut lior.
N , Vt. , March 13. George
Tillany , twenty years old , mm of the at > -
scondmg postmaster , has been arrested
and confessed to stealing government
money. Ho ifl implicated in his father's
The VjtBt Mjitl to Nl. 1'atil.
LAC-UOSHK , Wia , March 13 , Tno new
special fast mail train between Chicago
nnd Minncapoiin arrived in Lacrosse nt
10:53 : , and departed nt 10:58 : , twelve
minutes bcforo schedule time. Tlio trip
to tins point is without nccidentor delay.
Tllden Llcud.
HUDSON , N. Y. March 13. Henry A.
Tildwi. the youngest brother of Samuel
J. Tildon , died at New Lebanon , last
night , aged G3.
Heal Ettato Xrtmtifera. *
The following deeda were filed foi
record in .tho county olerk'a office March
18 , reported for THB BBB by AmeV real
estate agency ;
John A. Horbach and wife to Paul
Nelson , w d , lot 21 , in Horbach's 1st
odd. , 8000.
Fuyetto A. Jenkins and wife to Jame
CofT , w d. lota 1 and 2 , block 252 , in
Omaha , 8800.
Byron Jloed und wife to Harry Frost ,
w d , lot 4 , block 10 , in ilood'a 1st ndd. ,
John T. Baldwin and wifn to Joseph
Darker , rc-d | , lot 4 , block 448 , lota 1 ,
12 , 1 . 11 and 15 , block 42 , lot 13 ,
block 47 and lot U , block 484 , iu Q nd.
George Aroiiirong and wife to Henry
Loud , w d , Jot It , block S , Arntronsa
1st add. , $ i ; 00.
John A. Jlorbach and wife to Henry
Daephold , w d , ni of lot 10 , block 0 , iu
Horbach' * 2 < i add , * 3 5
Ttirreuco Boyle mid wife < o Kdward
Whitman , w d , eh f > ( lota H and J2 ,
block 2 iu Hantoom Place , § 850.
TUe death of the JJ iroue H Llnnel do KotU .
cUUu U announced Aho was tbi d u8hkr nf
JIarpu CliArlea do HothiiLlld , of S
wan mwilod to tor wu ii > | q J8 JO ,
Prince Bismarck Explains His Action
to the Gorman Reichstag
In a Spoooh of Considerable Fool
ing and Evident Mortification ,
Assorts His Friendship for Ainor-
ioa asd Congress ,
And Tells Why Ho Could Not bo
"His Enemy's ' Postman , "
Portions of His Spoooh Greeted
with Cries of "Shauio ! "
Opinions ol' licmlliJK American IIx-
Mtnlstorfl on tlio
BKUI.IN , MnrcUlil. tiisirmrck appeared
n the roiiliBingtO'dny and iniulo napcorh
in justification of liis course in rofusingto
rausmit the Liskor resolution to the
roichstog. Ho said ho hiul reoognirod
.ho Rood intentions of the American con
gress , but \vai uimblo to harness himself
0 the car of the opposition , llismnrck
continued : "I should have rofrninod
Tom mentioning this ninltcr except for
the innnnur in which the roichatnu has
discussed it , mill for thu charge of inter-
'crpnco iimdo by Herr llichtor. The ro-
liitiona of Germany with Ainoricnlmvo al
ways born good. The government has
constantly tried to cultUnto them. Even
since thoru hnvo boon ministerial roll-
lions the relations of tlio two countries
IMVO been satisfactory. After the nnr
with Austria in 18UH , und again aftur the
Franco Prussmn war , America g\o nu
morons proofs of sympathy , iiot only with
the prosperity of the empire , but also
with tho' person of the chancel or.
Nothing has occurred to disturb thoiu
good relations. From the outsat I re-
is an expression of the good fooling of
the American congress towurda Germany
iv good fouling which has been promot
ed and cultivated by myself. 1 would
Imvo presented the resolution to the
roichstng had I not bcon prevented by
its form. It was not confined to ngonornl
ixprceaion of sympathy , but it ox pressed
Lho conviction that Looker's labors had
boon very useful to Germany. This
clause yrtia directed against iho policy
which , hi the emporor'a name , I had been
pursuing and which Lixskor had opposed
for years. Now , the question arises
whether Laskor was right. If ho was ,
then the omperor'.s policy my policy
was wrong. Laskor belonged to the op
position group , who made immense capl-
cal out of Linker's merits.
CHUM or "SHAME ! "
by the loft ] Bismarck advanced indig
nantly toward the loft. Ho shouted :
The cry of "shame" ia an insult to mo
and demands for mo the protection of
the president. 1 hope the anonymous
lihollora will give their names. They
ahould have cried "ahamo" on these who
carried on the political intrigues at L is-
Itci'tt gravo. As chancellor 1 can do
no.thiug of course without the cmporor'a
approval. And I could not bo oxpectoil
to ask hii permission to present such a
resolution to the rpichstug. L.isker in-
troJuccd himself in America as the
champ ! n of German freedom against a
government of despotic tendencies , im
personated in its chancellor. Am I to
make myself
Even on the assumption that the Ameri
cans are not intimately acquainted with
our circumstances ? The American min
ister at Berlin , or soinu other olliciul who
possessed aufliciont knowledge , might
Imvo Bent a warning against conferring on
mo the post of postman. This wan not
done. Therefore I instructed Kison-
decltor , the Gorman minister at Wash
ington , that I could not possibly forward
the resolution. Tlio resolution , more
over , did not emanate from congrnaa but
only from the house of representatives.
1 never intended to nunoy America or
disturb our relations. 1 am simply un
able to make the opinion of Lasker ,
adopted by the American house of rupto-
mmtutiv oa , my own. Bimnurck cloned :
My desire is that the good relations
which have suosintod between the two
countries for a century mdy ntill con
tinue. My action was
by the abuse to which I was subjected
hero at homo ai n consequence of thu
vote of the honro of representatives.
Prussia withstood all temptations from
other power * to interfere in tlio atFuira of
America , und lo iccogriizo the eouthern
states. Indued , I'rutuia might claim thu
merit of having prevented such rooog-
nition by the behuvolont attitude which
she maintained. Dr. liiionul , a leading
spirit among the progrctsistB , and whu
took a prominent part in the debate
apropos tlio Linker aiUir , BOIIIO days ago ,
eiiid : "It JH a matter of profound regret
that Bismarck should have uttered no
single word of praise for Laakor , and
people are accustomed to reserve reprool
for the living , and
The oiaiico'for retorted that ho had
not at in judgment on the dead , but
these who Hud tried to glorify the do-
ccMcd had done ao. Linker had con.
siatently and persistently opposed him.
Dumarck said Dr. Huonul , if ho pleased ,
could introduce n motion conveying the
thinks of the reichatag to the house ol
representatives for its oiprcaaion ol
sympathy , Tlio apppirancu of Bis.
marek in the roiehstng ia generally attri
buted to his desire to maintain friend ,
ship with America
WAHiiiNOHur , fllaroh 13. Bismarck1 !
epoech on thu Laskor rtsolution was road
with interest this afternoon by the uona <
torn and representatives.
chairman of the foreign fTuira commit
tee of the house and ex-minister to Itua
sia , commouUng on Bismurk , sa'd : "A
great big statesman made a great bi (
mistake. When such a man makes t
mistake it ia apt to bo u big one. Th (
diplomacy of our etato department ir
thu connection is very commendable am
wo ahull probably Buy no in our repor
to-morrow , "
ex-minister to Auttria , aaid : "Priuci
Bumarck evidently regarded the refusa
to forward our resolution aa purely an in
German quoetion , and nims U
> liovr th-vt ho was governed oxcliuiVolybj
oontiderntioiis ol inuniml policy , nd no
by any fccllnjf ng hi t our Ihxly or 0111
country. In tliii country wo do no
qnnrrol over thn culou-y dulirorod nt tin
Kravo of nil enemy. It is time for praUi
nnd not for cminuro , and the mouth o
criticism is closed by tuoli n scone. "
< ON HIKSSMAX luu. ,
cx > M. ii lant secretary of state under Jlr
Blaine , s'vid : "Bismarck's speech showi
his embarrassment nnrt consciousness o
the dilllcultics of the position in whicl
he hta placed himself.
Congressman Ochiltreo , thn author o
the L-xflkor resolution , said1 "It is i
complete hedtjo. If Bismarck would in
strn t his minister to return that rcsolu
tion to him , 1 think this whole nll'uir , ir
consideration of what lie ban raid , would
drop. "
bcuttor , also a member ot the committee -
too t n foreign nfl'uirs , nnd n representa
tive Ootmaii , oxprctsed himself ai being
highly pleAsed with the speech.
S S. Cox said : "Tho uttcrnncca of
Btsmark are nonsonncal. ! "
Abrnm Ilonltt characterized the
speech aa a good nnturcd attempt by
liiamarek to relieve hlnuolf from the un-
'avor.xblo comment caused by his action.
"Tho position li ) mnrck takes , " tnid
Ilowitt , "i eimply absurd. "
uourni ) .
SUAKIM , March 1 ! ) . The robola opened
ire on ( ion. Grahnin'a.forcoi . at 1 o'clock
hia morning. Thu British forces nt once
brmod. to reptil thu charge , but no attack
came. The men were thereupon ordered
o lie down ngain. The tire of the robeli
continued all night , but the Biitish did
lot reply. Oiin ofliuor nnd two meiCwora
rounded , nnd onu man killed. Fighting
began at daybreak. The infantry and
trtillery completely routed the enemy
from their pita nnd trenches. .Tho'batllo
in ! not lasted more' than half an hour
vhon uctory for the British was mnda
mciNA's noirr.
LONDON , Maich 1 ! ) . A dispatch from
General Gordon , dated Osman Dlgna'a
ctnip , March lilth , 11:40 n. m. , aay& :
'Tho camp of the enemy has boon talon
tfter hard lighting ainco 8 o'clock this
morning. Oror 70 British killed , 100
Later dispatches says the bivouac last
light waa exceedingly unpleasant. The
Arabs kept up a persistent fuailado till
ust before daybreak. The bright moon-
ight rendered objects distinctly visible nt
eng distance , but prevented the
enumy attempting n sudden
m sot. The rebels directed their
ire especially towards hospital wagons
which were conspicuous in the moonlight.
flio surgtiona nnd Gen. Urahnin'a 8 la IV
ollicors had
At Bunriao the gar diner gun and a nine
> ounder were turned against tlio robola ,
vho wore within thirteen hundred yards
of the British position and afforded n most
excellent target. The Arabs were soon
compelled to retire to their main ponition
tear the Tamai wclla. Col. Stewart's
cavalry arrived at half tmst six and took
nisition on the British left so as to turn
, ho enemy's right.
SUAKIM , March 13. The losa of lh-
nan Dignn'a forces wai 2 , (00. (
LONDON , March ID. GonorUl Graham
ins taken quarters for thu present in the
camp from which Ojimm Digna nnd the
rebel hosts were driven. The enemy
'ought most utubboruly. The b.ittlo was
nuch heavier than the engagement nt
Pob. Tliu sailors , the Black Watch regi-
nont and the York and Lancaster rcgt-
nont ouflered the heaviest lormos.
The nowspapora accuse Sargent of in-
.imaoy with Herr Bundon , nil onu'lny of
LJiamarok. The members of the diplo-
natic corpa are indignant at the brutal
nttncka the proas have been making upon
llUl'OUTEn I'AMi 01' JIAONlXIt.
PAHIK , Mnroh 13. The Gauloia pub.
ishos a .telegram profcusitif ; to give nil
account of the fall of Bacninli.
ST. PETnnfiiunin , , March 13. The
chief of police h i-j received a letter from
lihiliats threatening with death nny one
who informs n jainst UcGaielT , who wan
.ho loader of the four nihiliuto that mur
dered Col. Sudoikin Documbnr 12.
TUB VIIKNOH vitrrouv.
PAIIIH , March 14. The French on-
, oreu Bucninh at ( t o'clock Wudnusdn >
evening. The Ohineae wore demoralized
nnd lied in the direction of Thuinghuin.
The French ) nd 70 wounded. The Chi'
noio loss is heavy. A Krupp butter )
nnd much ammunition were found in the
lr. Xm\ man Mint Stop Out.
Nnw YOHK , March 13. The commit
tee of five appointed by tlio Cnngrega
ttoiml council to report on thu case of Dr
Newman Bubmittud their flndinga to day ,
It declares that the church la n C'ongregu
tionnl church by its doctrines unc
manual , and Dr. Newman admitted tin
same. It ilnds Dr. Newman is ntill i
Methodist pastor nnd amenable totholoca
M. E church. Ho is simply acting pan
tor of hu Congregational church , who-u
term can bo ondeuat any time the churcl
so desires. The report concludes bj
praying that the warring factions ma ;
unite in peace , forgive ulldiQeienccs an <
work together for the benefit of tin
Lord. The church report waa unani
moualy adopted by thu council. ,
Tlio Vuluo of IllluolB' Crop.
CUIUAOO. March l.'t , Daily NOW/I /
Special : The State .Board of Agriculture
turo reports the value of the crop an <
live stock products of Illinois for 188li t <
be $250,570,000 or a decrease- 807 ,
101,000 oa compared with the proviou
year , duu largely to depreciation of th
value of farm crops and failure of winte
vrhrat nild corn crop ,
1'ln uo in
.s. , March IS. A meet
ing of business and stock men of Uii
vicinity waa hold hero last night to con
aider ttio cattle disease in Woodaon ant
other counties of the atato. Ilonolutiou
were adopted , endorsing the notion o
Governor Glick so far taken and urginj
them to employ every ppsaiblu mean
stamp outthodiaoasu.pludgi'ig him heart ;
aupport in any action ho may deem no
congary to uccompliah that object.
ant ( \Vlilslcy.
, March 13 TJjo UOUBO has defeated
foated thu bill extending municipal nuf
frago to women , und ilia senate rofuaci
to repeal the law prohibiting the sale o
liquor * within -100 feet of u school house
Caplnrc at Milwatte of Tiller , the
St , Lenis Bank Rote ,
Eighty Thousand Dollars Recov
ered of the $100,000 , Stolen ,
His Pal , MoFadden , Taking His
Trial Down in Texas ,
The Singular Oirounistances that
led to Tiller's ' Arrest ,
lie Act Very .lolly , nml AVnntn lo
lift Coiitn n UlliniiHo to
Sou Him.
MIIAVAUKFK , March 13. Prentios
Tiller , the Pacific Exprosn compnny'o
ngcnt at St. Louis , who decamped with
nearly $100,000 n few weeks ago , was
nrrcntod nt 10 o'clock this morning by a
Milwaukee detective nnd $80,000 of the
money recovered. A young man looking
like n tramp with small mustaoho , brown
imir , slight build , nnd 1115 pounds weight ,
bought a trunk nl the store of Cnrpoles ,
Schram & Co. , Tuesday , and nskcd
to ha\o it shipped to G. H ,
Pachonlf , Detroit , Mich. Tie loft n vnllf o
which he naked to have placed inside the
; runk to save him thu trouble of carrying
t. When about to put the > aline in tlio
: runk the clerk druppcd it mid the clasps
burnt nsundor , the contonta rollinij out
upon the floor. On gnthoring up the
bundles ho found them wrapped in Pa
cific express company labels , nnd n closer
examination difclosed that
: lie total amounting to nearly ninety
ihausnnd dollars. The polices ere notillid
nul with n diiecription of thn mun traced
lim to n cheep boarding house
iu the third ward , Tmt h
waa not at homo. They found
hia trunk nnd aoiml it , na the boarding
[ loopjo aaitl the man wna frequently out
ill night , The police continued- search
ing tlio city , thinking ho was bo * on n
spree. Thja morning ho returned to the
trunk store to ask about the vnliso , nnd
arrested him. IloJina boon nt thoThird ,
ward boarding house sfnco March 8 , but
it is not known whether" orilot ho boarded
nnywhoro else before that. ' Besides the
money there waa a largo amount of valu
able jewelry in * the Valise. The money
was placed , in the Merchnuts''Exclmugo
AhuvAUKKU , March J3. The arrest of
Prontiea Tiller caused ft ircnt ; crowd to
{ nthor nt the Central police station , but
.ho prinoner , carefully guarded , could be
ntorviowed only very briefly. Ho was
oud in aaying { hat he hud no accom
plices , but at the name time nddud thai it
romainurl for the company to prove that
10 atolo the money. * ,
UK WA8.VC11Y HAl'l'y , , *
nnd proponed tiat ) the jiOliin aliquirl oloso
the outer door nnd clurgo the orowd nil
ndinisalon'prico to nee him na n curiosity.
Ho was iduntiflnd by the Chicago nnd St ,
Tjouis ngonta who were in the city , having1
Iwen called up from Chicago lait night
when the money WAS found yesterday.
DmnoiT , March 13 , The directory
shown no such person in thia city na "G.
IT. Pnchon , " to whom Tiller , the fugitive
St. Luuia exprens clerk , directed the
trunk shipped from Milwaukee. The
presumption hoio ii that it is nn nsiumed
nume fur Tiller himaolf , nnd that he in
tended to call for the trunk hero under
that name. Inquiries nt the express
oflice allow that no call for anything in
that name lies bden made na yet.
" "
* ST , Louis , March 13. Inquiry of the
Pacific uxpresa company ofllcmla regard
ing the 'arrunt of the man ut Milwaukee
thin morning , supposed to bo Prentisa
; f illor , thriiwa very little light on the
matter. TJioy nre very rotiwint , nnd
little information ia to bo obtiiinud. It
may bo oaid , however , that the oflloiala
nnd detectives hero believe that nftor thn
robbery Tiller's aucomplico took change
of the plunder , which , he biting
atrangor , waa easily tuken out of the
city , The arrangement evidently was
that the accomplice ahonld divide the
spoils and solid Tiller's pordou. to him by
express to Milwaukee , addressing him of
course in an nsaumed namo. Tillei
reached Milwaukee on the morning of
the 8th , but there made the troublesome
discovery that
IIB it AD roiuiorrBN TUB HAWK
ho was to ausumo in inquiring for
packages. In this emergency lie
telegraphed McFnddon nt Sher
man , Tox. , asking vrhnt wna the
name thu vnlir.e waa to boar. The
telegram waa intercepted , und McFad-
den , who had already been located , was
carefully watched to dotonnino whether
ho Bunt nn ntiswer. lie did not und
hia nrrest occurred a few houra Inter.
Meanwhile the express authorities here
vrero notiliod'and on Tuesday evening n
detcctivo started from here for Milwau
kee. It would appear that Tiller HUO-
ceedcd in recalling the name ho wna to
assume and got possession of the vnlino
bofoio the detective arrived , but met
which occurred at the time v/hen , it ia
naid , the whole detective force of Mil
waukee were looking for him , knowing
him to bo in town , The express oiliuiule
hero will not acknowledge or deny that
the arrested man is Tiller , A dispatch
from Sherman , Tex , , nays , MoFuddun
wan taken before court this morning ,
when hia counsel moved to quash tin
procoo'liiigH , and the case was continued
till after noon , Btopn have boon taken
to obtain n requisition from the govcrnoj
for MoFuddcn , nnd thu papers will pro
bably go down this evening.
of the ( i and Kanlda FIre
RAPID * , Mich. , March 18. In
the lire yesterday morning , it ia now na-
curtuined , W. Ferdinand Schuolllor nud
u lad named William D nvoyur wort
burned to death , being cut on" from
etcapn from the sixth atory of the carpet
sweeper factory by flutnoa and omoke
Schuttller was a married man , the fathut
of several children , The remaifi-i uro
Buppoaod to be deeply burieil in Uio de-
Klmron'H Hlinme ,
Siw FitANOisco , March 13t-ilij the
Sharon diyo co to-day thu , celebrated
nfnrriago colitroc.1 i/as.iiffejo'djnJevid Ji'oc
to provp , dtifondant no'd rjltrintifl' to bii
mail and wifu. H. L. Well , of ( Santa
Cruztf stifled ho hoard Sharon , in Ati.
u t , 1881 , introduce the plaintiiP to n
friend of witness as "Mro. fcilmron. "
Epilepsy ,
Bpoftns , Convnl-
elons , falling
Dance ,
itm , Opium Kat-
Ing , tlypfillUt ,
Scrofula , Kiri/ji
Evil , Ugly Dlood
Diseases , Dippc ] * ,
* ' " Nervousness ,
ft'enovt UVobim , Brain Worry , JtlocA
HIllonptiMfl , Costiifnesi , Nervous I'roKtrntlon ,
Klilriry Trotibla anil Irretjuhrilla. $ l.tXX
Hnmplo TcMlmontnl * . .
" 84m rltnn Nortlno In rlolng wonders. "
Dr. J , O. Mrl.rtnoln. Alcinndcr City , Ala.
"I feel Itmr thily to rccommcnil It. "
Dr. I ) , 1 % I/knghlln , Chdc , KnnBM ,
"Jtcnrca where phjrslcUtis fallnl/ '
CT. J. A. Edle , ncnvrr , P .
Kf t } orrcpmii1cnbo frcIr nnnircreil
I > t tCKtlmoutnln na eirrilUn tend um . \
The Or. S. A. Richmond Mcd. Co. , SI. Joteph. Mo , '
Soli ! titr nil Utnralntf.
, Btontcii > ) iirili ! , V Co. , Ao it - < -f
Imported Beer
Brlangor , , . . . ' BnvaritJ
3ulrabacliorf Bavnria.
LMlsunr , v. . .oBohemian > i
Kaiser. . . . . . . , . . . , i.Bremen.
BiulwoiBor St. Louis. "
Anhanacr _ . . . . .St. Louis.
Boat ; s. . . . MibvaukofO
Sclilitz-lManor Milwaukde.j
KrueVj Omul\a.
Ale , Portor. Domestic and Rliill'o.
Wino. ED. MAUKEIC - 4 >
The remedy Letup ; Injected directly to the Boat dl
no dltciwc , roqultofi na chirigo of diet or nauicou- * .
mercarlal or palioaoai medicine , to bo talon Intcr-l
n\lly. Whan u-cd ao a | ir vtutlvo by cither BOX , It Is
tniiooclblfl tfi contract any prhato ilfsoaecbut ; Ui thol
CMC ol tlioso already unfortuimU'b allllctod wo guar.
anton tin 03 boxen to curd , or wo will i ef und the mod-
DJ . Trice by mall , postaso jiald , ti. pot box or three 1
boi > cs for ffi. ' '
mud by nil authorized agents. ,
Or EeljxJLe Br
BOLI : pRoruiETons.
O , F , Goodman , Druggltt , Bolo Aecnt ,
Noh J. wlv
DII i : . C. Wcar'n NEIIVB ANP HIUIH .
MI-ti , n nitunint.vxl unocilio for Jljstcrin , Dim.
nvR. ( 'onvuLalons , Vitn , Norvotio Kournluiu ,
llrnilacho.Norvmis Front rntloncuusea Ijythoiibo
> f nlcohol or tobacco , WnkntnlnoBs , ilcntiU va-r
iri'Mion , HotlonliiK of tlio Ilrnlu roaultinrjin in-
'unity ' nnd IpmliiiK to iniRcry , dcony ntul dcnth. ' .
; 'romntnro Old Ago , HnXTCimuBH , JLons of powet
n either ooi , Involuntary Losses niid Bormnt >
orrlitcn ciiUHOd byovor-oxortina of tlioumin.BolC- i
nbneoor ovor-liuliiiRonco. 'IJich boz'contalna
inn indntli'o trofttmnttt. 31 ( X ) box , or six bpxo\
. receipt of prlcxj. ' '
forS.ooBontlynittU propniiton
ivr. VAIIAXTCUix (
To cum nny caaaVih ( cnoli order rooohod bynSr
for nix l.'iisrM. accompanied with $3.00 , wo vnu i
Bond the jmreliusflr our vmjtoa ituartutoo to ro-J
f ntul tlio mimey if Uio trratmoqtUuoauotiuIocI
ocuro. ( jiiiirnntoos iBaucacutyw , a
0. F. OOODMAN' A ent , Omaha Nob.
' ,
Will euro NinrouL
T.'itubapi.llhcumatlum , far
. nlyrlD , NiurnlKla , Hclullcn.
1 Kldmy , bplnu and < r
n illneaxfH.nout.Anthma.lleart
) aiirue , DyrijTinlo , Con ll-i
Imtli n. rrytipilait. Catarrtt , I
'llm. yiueiwy * linrolency ,
Inimh liruu' , ) rnlaiMiii Uteri , * tn Only McntlnCUec.
liltiuillln Amiilc-j Hint iH-na < thoEleitrlclty and mile ;
nt il-in tiirouKH the liuily. and can be ixcharged Iu u > lu- >
hfjlllt ItV ( Illl tkltll l\t. I
SI.OOO Would3NotBi4 Clt.
Da. nonsn-1 v/n a fated with rliaum tl9m and J
enrol by mine a bolt. To any ona afflicted wltli
thai ulaoagd , I notiH y , bay Homo's fcloctrio B lt '
Any ono can confer willi mo by wrltlnp or caUlnif.
at my Btoro , HAl Doupiaj etrcct , Omaha Kob.
IAIN OKKJCE-Oppoeito portofflce , room * Frtn-
tjot hlonV. ,
tf-jrTorraloatO. F , Ooodmao's Druj tore,11110
Fwnam St. , Omiho. ,
n i.r ( ill/wl o n 7 .
" ' '
' " ' ,
Nebraska Cornice
Iron Fencing !
Creitlngi , Balustrade , Verandas , Offlco ami Bukt
lUilluja , Window anJ Collar < JuardKto. . >
flOll. 0 , AHDMi BTHEK1' , LINCOLN NK1J.
. Ua'nae'er.
Hotioe to Cattle
UOO WATTLE FOP. S ' * * , V1
I'O Head of Btocn llirto Yeara did.
200 . v- T 4 ' ! j > ' ' ' . < l
'Mi " ilol'en , Two < ( ' .
150 ttepru. One ' ' o * < ) x./ ,
WO I' " Hdfsrs , Oiia " , j
'na above dcualb/d cattla are all well broJ Iowa1
cattle. itr4K > ) tand rtnoultiHTbrie cattle will bo ,
cold lir loti 10 Stilt tuichvSn , and at reaaooablo
prkci. rfurthir partiailars , ci\ll.cKi nraHd iea i
M. V , I'ATTON ,
Wajorly. Bro&ier Op .invtf.
P. MioyoungraJoil ; bulls. m . mo 3twlt
, :
H , (
put wltbqa raedj