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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1884)
' ' . . i . r " " - * " * > vftir * ' ' " T p"JT' , * ' NPra ? f' * H - , . . . THE DAILY KKE-CmAIlA , FlUDAY , MAKOH U , 1881. 3 Council Bluffs Loan and Trust Company. First Mort Ke lywns NcRotlMod Oommercla Paper and all Oixxl Securities iloalt In. SB l'-t Itrcct , and 600 ttrt a\cnuo , Council Blurts. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FIN/VNCIATj . March in. Monay nt 1J@2 ; offered 1J per coat. Frlmt ) 1B per cent. Bills-Dull and weak nt 48CJ ; demand , ( 801. Itovornmonti Steady. StockxTlio stock market snowed signs of impmvrmnnt this afternoon. After li ! thn maikot cam > nearly to a standstill , both la rogarl to volume and tlio mo\ornont In priciM. In the laHt hour the markotwas mnro acttvo but lower , the decline being i to 1 per cent on the aclUo list. The market closed weak. The result of the day's trading was as follows : Out of thirty of the moat active * Blocks Bovonteon closed lower than last night and thirteen higher. The advancca are nil loss than 1 per cent. A soml-ruimml dtv ! ilond of 5JJ pt r cent was declared on tbo stock of Uio ] ) ubun.uo & Sioux City railroad , pay * ab FXprH 10th. The books will bo closed from March 31stuutil April 17th. UUOPONS 101 4Va Coupons. 113J 129 3TOOK8 AND BONDS , Atnorlcjui Express 98 Burl , Cedar Rapids & Northern 70 Contra ] Piicitio Ohlcago & Alton 135 do do § fd 145 Chi. , Burl. & Quln . 1233 Erie. 23 ? do pfd GO Fort Wayne & Chicago. . . . . . . 134 Hannibal & St. Joseph 38 H do do do pfd. . . . Illinois Contra ! . 131 Ind , , Uloom. & Woatorn 10 Kansas & Texas 201 Lake Shore & Michigan. So. . . ' G 'of Michigan Central illnnoauollB & St. Louis 1H ( do do do pfd. 32J Missouri Facific 111 2 Nacthorn I'acilic 21 do do pfd Nirtluvwtorn do pfd 141 Now York Central 119 Onto & Mississippi 22 ; do do pfd 90 Pcoria , Doc-itur i. Kvanavillo. 15 Hock lulatid St. PUT A Milwaukee Ul do Jo do pfd. . . . 1102 St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba. 03 3 St. 1'aulfc Omaha 30 do do pfd 30WJ Texas Pacifio WJ Union Pacifio 7M IVabaah , St. L. & Pacific , 'fil ' do do do pfd. . , Wiutarn Uiilou Telegraph. . . . 74 * Asked. OUA.1N AN1 > IMtOVISIONB. OHIOAOO ruonnoE. CHICAGO , March 13. Flour Dull nnd uncunnped : good to choice spring wheat flour , B 00@5 8 > ; soft spring wheat , 4 00@ 4 50 : Minnnsnti baker's , 4 ! > 05 25. Wheat Regular wheat quiet ; dull at tlrnea ; early in the dy prices declined Jo below - low opening figure * , liter they rallied about JfC , fluctuated , und finally closed jjo lower than yesterd iv : cash , 9liS92iu ( ! ; April 9Uo ; May , 9ijjjB9iJc ( ( ; July , 99 oj one hundred thousand" heK September delivery , sold nt 'JOJc ; winter wheat , dull at93c@l 01 ; Rpring , c.isior nt 9JJ. Corn Unsettled and easy ; opened firmer but quickly weakened ; daclininir { c , rallied Jc and linally closed about Jo highoi than yesterday ; c.ish 52 5lic : March , fi2J@D2ic ; May , 57ic ; July , 591 < ot59fc. rejected , 41 ® Oats In fair demand ; pricss''docllned \ < Q Sounder yesterday's closing ; cosh rlosed at 32@32UMarch ; , 3lc ; May , 35 @ 33io ; year , 2lHo. Kyu Firm at 59Jc. Barley Nominal at file. Timothy Fair to prime , 1 25@1 28 ; ' high grade to \ ery choice , 128@1 35. Flax Seed 1 59 on track ; 1 60 delivered. Pork Trading light nnd prices not mate rially changed ; cash , 17 80 17 5 ; March , 17 S0@17 8-'J ; May , 17 97J@18 00. Lard Steady ; prices averaged a trills higher : caih and March , 9 37Jfe9 10 ; May , 55 : July , 9 70. [ Hulk Me -Shoulders , 7'-5 ; short rib , 9 30 ; , 995. Unttor Kaxiir but nofc quotiblv changed ; choice creameiioa , 33@30c ; fancy dairies , Ii0uj ( " 8c : rolls cumiinm to choice , llifaJiOj. Cheese Stocks smidl but held firm ; clioico full cronm cheddnra , I'lOMi'c ; full cream r ilaU , l-l f l5c ; [ good cheddars nnd flats , 8@ lOJo. KegH-Stoacly at 20@21c. Hidiw Unchanu'cil ; green salt calf , 12 ® 12ic ; dry Baited , ll@lHo. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , country , 7c ; cake , 71 c. Whisky-Firm at ! 17. CAU < HoAtin. Wheiit April , May and July , Jo lower ; June , io lower ; Sales , 735 , . 000 busholx. Com Mny jjo lower : .Tuna and July , io lower. S le < . UilO.dllO bimhels. Oats Apiil , io higher. Sales , 100,000 bush , els. 1. Pork Juno , 2jc hi hnr. Sales , 1,500 bbls. 1 Lard April , UJo lower ; May , Sta higher. Sales , 3,000 tierces. ST. LOUIS. ST. Locis , Mnrch 13. Flour Market un changed. Wheat-Bull nnd lower ; No. 2 rod , 1 09i bid for cneh : 1 Oygftil 09J for Mi.r.h ; 1 llitf for May ; 1 Oilg@l t)9) ) ) | for June : 1 dig for July. .Curii Slow nn 1 oiHler : 484 o for cash ; 4'Jc for April ; 5lji@olgc foi Rlay52"i@521o ; " for Juno. Oats Very slow ; 32J@33Jo for cash358 ; } for May. Kyo Firmnr ; OOJa bid. Harley Quiet nt ) 55 ( < 80o. Butter Unch mged ; creamery , 30@31c ; dalrv. 20 07 , , Kjrga Steady ot ICJc , Flax Seed-Quiet ; 1 CO. liny .itoauy ; timothy , 81100@1C 00 ; prni- rla. 89 5041l 50. J ran NtiMdi at83c. Cora Meal Quiet at J2 50. Whinkv rttoady ut I li. ( Pork Jiibhlng. quiet t 18 00. Lard Nominal at 9 25. GLOBING BoAitn Wheat 1093 bid for April ; 1 10J for M iy ; 1 09j@l ; 094 for Juno. Corn Lower ; 4UJo for April ; 51o for May ; B2lc fur Juno. Oat > Nothing dono. TOLEDO. ToLKno , March 13. Wheat Market dull ; No. 2 ra J caih and March , 1 OL. Corn-Quiet and stoadyj high mixed , 55c ; No. 2 ca h , M\a bid. Oats Dull and nominal ; No. 2 cash , 3C@ 50o. OIKOINHATI. | iiwoivM TT , March 13. Wheat-In good demand ; No. 2 rod , 1 OSfoll f > 7. Oorn 8trongj inlxml. Bl@52o. Data Ki Ier ; No , 2 mlieil , 3U@37c. ( Kyo Quitt and unchanged ; No. 2 , Olo. I'ork Quiet and firm ; mess , 17 76fffil8 00 K Lard Higher : prlmu steam , U 2ifaj9 ) 25. JJnlk MiiaU - Ptroi.ger. VllUky ( Julet and steady at 115. U1LWADKKK. MILWAHKM , March 13Vheat Steady No. 2. Jllful3j.M | ; rch , 8'Jjc ; April , Ooj May , OSJo : .luun. 03a Corn Firm ; No. 2 , BlfflfilJc ; OaU-Qul-t and stnadv No. ; . 2,32c. Itye-Stendy ; No 2 ( ijo. Barley Steady ; No. 2 03c. MCW OHLKANa. NBW OULKANH , March 1 'i Corn Good de inaud ; mixed , higher at ii.rC7c. Oil * Hood demand but scarce and hlglie at H > ® 40ic r < irn Moul Dull and Inwcr at 2 8fl. I'ork Quiet ftad firmer at 18 2S. Ij ) > nl Steady ; tierce , refined , S9f-0 ; keg ? 1000. Bulk Mw -Quiet , Whisky Steady and unchanged. rKontA rnnn-K. PKOHIA , March 13. - Corn -Firm ) now mix- e.1. 40 ® GJo now rejected , 43@44c. Outs-85Jc. llyo-TSJc. NSW TOBK. NEW YonK. 'March 13. Whoat-Optlonn opened n trillo bettor , dpcllnod J lc , cloning stonily : ungraded red , HViMKiJc ; No. Jl rod , 1 ( > 3J ; No. 2 red 1 OSgfdJl d8j , Corn C "h jwyo lower and hoivy ; options opened n shnilo better , declined JffflKO , cli ) np steady ; ungraded , BlgC'Jlc ; No. 2 , l2@G4o ! Oats -Trillo tatter ; mixed nostorn , 40 ® 41c ; white. 43 ® IGc. JiggsWcnU'rn froMi firmer. L'orK Quiet nnd stoadlly hold. Lard Strong ; prime steam , 8 "u. Butter Demand fair and market firm. llALTtMOllt BALTIMORE , March 13.Vhoat Western , steady and clo-ing dull ; No. 2 winter rod , cash , 1 OSJ@1 OSS Com wo tcrn steady and active , closlnp ( | iilot ; mixed cosh , fiSc bid. Gate Steady and quiet ; western whlto , 43 @ 4 Ic ; mixed. 42@43c. Hyo-70O72o. Kigs 17@18c. Butter Steady ; western packed , 10@22c ; creamery , 25'3)Wc. ) ; Whisky-Quiet and steady nt 119@1 19J. uvEitrooL. LIVERPOOL , March 13 Wheat Winter , 8s 3d(5) ( ) < is Od : spring , 7s 10d@S . Corn Market qulot ; now , Is lOld ; old , fa 2id. KANHAH CITt. KANSAS CITT. March 13. Wheat Lower : 8Gj bid for cosh ; 87@87i < 5 for April ; 8Pc bid for May. Corn Steady ; 41 ln ( > 41go for cosh ; 42 0 for April ! l4i@44leforMny. Oats Dull and nominal nt 29a bid. STOCK. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK , CHICAGO , March 13. The Drovem' Jour- n l rnnorta thN utte.iioon as follows : HOBS \\oak : prices 10@15o lower ; rough packing. G lO'Sifi ' GO ; parking nnd shipping , G."ra7 30 ; light , 5 SU@ll til ) : skips , 4 00@ 575. 575.Cuttle Cuttle Market dull nud lOffllGc lower ; export grades , G25@G8.1 ; good to choice xhipping , 6,70 ( < $ C 10 ; common to medium , U0a ( > r CO ; inferior to fair cows , 2 30@3 90 ; medium to good , 4 00@4 85 ; stackers , 3 25 ® ( 7" : foodnrs , 4 S0@5 20 Sheep Market slow and w oak , nnd 15@ * > c lower ; Inferior to fair , 3 25@1 50 per cwt ; mndinm to good , 4 75@5 25 ; choice to Dxtra , n 00@G 00 , ST. LOUIS LIVE STOCK. ST. Louis , March 13. Cattle Demand lais urgent ; prices easier , but not quotably lower ; exporters , G 25iG ( 75 ; good to choice shipping , 5 80@G 10 ; common to medium , 5 00 @ 5 75 ; stackers and feeders , 4 00@5 20 ; corn fed Tflvnns , 5 00@G 00. Sheep Market firm ; common to fair , 3 25@ "f > ; medium to good , 4 005 25 ; choice to fancy , o GO@G 00 ; Toxnns , 3 00@5 00. x KASSAS , CITY LIVE BTOGK. KANSAS , GITT , March 13. The Daily In. Jicutor' reports : Cattle Afarkot slow nnd weak , nnd 15c lower ; trading limited , with no established Hogs Weak nnd lower at G 25@G 75. Sheep- Steady ; natives , 4 20. 3 TRAFFIC. FLODU AND DBA IN. OaiOAQO , March 13. Receipts nnd ship- manta of flour and grain for the past 24 hours auvo been as follows : Kecelpta. Ship'ts. Klonr , bbla 20,000 22,000 Wheat , bushels , 29,000 13,000 Com , bushels 214,000 IC.1,000 Dots , bushels 58,000 71,000 Rye. bushels 3,000 4,000 Barley , bushels 33,000 15,000 NEW YonK , March 13. Receipts and thipmentsof ( lour and grain for the past 2 i h'oura 2 have been na follows : Receipts Ship'tx. Wheat , bushels 11,000 11,700 4 Oorn , bushels 131,000 43,000 Oats , bushels 22,000 . . . . [ LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , March 13. Receipts nnd ship ments of live stock for tbo past 24 hours have been as follows ; Receipts. Shlp'ts. Cattle 91,000 Hogs 13,000 Sheep 5,400 . . . . KANSAS Oixr , March 13. Receipts and shipments of live stock for the past 21 hours iavo boon as follow * : Receipts. Bhlp'ts. Cattle 2,000 Hogs 4,200 Sheep 450 . . . . ST. Louis , March 13. Receipts and ship ments of live stock for the past 24 hours have boon as follows : Receipts. Ship'ts. Cattle 2.SOO 300 Hogs Sheep 3,500 1,100 OMAHA MARKETS , ( Wholesale i'rlcoa , OmoK or THE OMAHA licit , I Thursday Evening , March 13. f The following prices are charged retailers by Jobbers , wholesaler and commission mer chants , with the exception of grain , which Is quoted at the prices furnished by the elevators and other local buyers : Grain. WHEAT Cash No. 2 , 7Jfi 745o. TCAKLFT Oah No. 2. 45@51c. KTB Cosh No. 3 , 43io. UUKNfto. . 2 , 37 J c. OAiB-Diill ; No. 2. 28@lic. Mv ( Stoclt. WAT Snatns 4 50WB 25. Vw Cows 3 OOfS)4 ) 00.1 Hoas-0 00G 2f > . SHEEP 3 50@4 50. OALVhB 6 OO'ajO 50. Flonr nd Mlllstnfli , WINTER WHEAT Best quality , patentJ t OoAtmr 2 75@3 25. HI-BINQ WHEAT quality , patent , 8W@340. SEOOND QOALITT 2 50@3 25 BRAN 70o per cwt OIIOFFED FEED Per 100 Iba. BOa , Cons MEAL 100@110 per owt. HCIUENINO 4S5@75o per cwt General Prodaco. BOTTEB Fancy creamery. 33@35cj cold storage creamery , 25@27c ; choice dairy , 20 § 24c ; boat country , solid packed , 12@15c ; > cat country , roll , lC@18c ; inferior gradon , .0@14c. RecoipU are small and the demand ; ood. i MEATS Hams , 13Jc ; breakfast bacon , 12c } ; Joar Hide bacon , short , ll c ; clear aldo bacon , eng , lie ; dry salt abort , 10Jc : dry salt long , OJc : ehouldow , 8Jc ; dried beef , 14c ; lard , re- "nod , lOo. Enoa Market nnsettlod ; sales to-day at L7C < Hl8c ; receipts good. APH.ES Fum-y Bon Davi , 83 G0@4 00 fancy Jenet , S3 00@3 rX ) ; fancy Wlllowtwig , * 3 253 ( 75. Demand good. -Kl Ib half bbl , 81 00 ; trjpe , 15 Hi kits , 81 If' cripo , 40 Ib qr bbl , 82 25 ; tripe , W ) Ib half bbl J4 00 ; pigs tongues , 16 Ib kit * , 82 M ) ; plK tongues , 40 Ib qr bbl , § 0 ( X ) . Lambs' ton/nc * 15 Ib kits , 82 G5 ; 40 Ib qr bbl , $0 25. MINOR MEAT Atnioro'g , 181b bucket ImckeU 25c ) 9c ; 371b buckets ( bucket 40c ) la : lOolb ker , lie ; half barrels , BJc. AHOOnTKuJKLLT 2-lb stone Jam : 12 In coin tMjr doz , 82 25 ; tumbler , per doz , $1 9. ) mhooner , per dozen , $3 10 ; Mb tin cannJ loz. in cjae , 81 40 ; 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz lu coxa 34 60. BCLK JKLUM Currant , fiO-lb wood poll iur Ib , 7 o ; truwliorry , 30-lL wood palU pr Ib , 7j ? } wipberry , SO-lb wood paiU per Ib * 7Jc ; blockbcrry. 3fl-lh OK ! palls | > or Ib , 7Jc ; crab apple , 80-ln wood r dl < iwr Ib. 7Jo. Arn.K BUTTEn 3.VIU wpo-liu n U , , 8c ; fi-lb wooden pails , 0 In CM" per aue , PEACH BtTTTRn Oo-lb wooden pnll p < * r Ib , $11 00 ; C-lb wooden palU , G lu case , per case , $425. PRK3KnvK9 ( In 20-lb wooden palls ) IU | i- berry , I5c ; strawberry , quince , I4c ; poacii , 14c ; cherry. I4c ; tomatoes , He : plum , lie ; assorted , fi-lb wixxlon buckets , G In ca o , i > or cafe , 84 75 : otwnrtod , 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz In case , per caia , 88 r > 0 POOLTHT Lho chickens , i > or doz , 175 ® 200 ; full drcwaodchlckoimporlb , 10(3)12o ( ) ; tur- toy * , per Ib. , 15@17o ; ducks , 1012 ; goo o , ll@13c. Le o.V8 Kxtra fancy bar lomuM , 80 00 ; 'ancy Mtwilna lemons , per box , 85 26 ; fi IH ots , Moi lna lomonn , 85 00 ; 10 ( MIX lots do. , M 75 ; Malaga lemons , fancy , 84 50 ; do 5 box ot , 84 2 > . ORAXOKS Valencia ? , G 50 ; Moislnos , 375. BANANAS None. CiiANBKnntiw Boll and ouglo * , $12 00 ; bell mil cherry , 8950@10r > 0. Above quotations or cholre. NEDRASKA Costn HONET 2-lb framed , 24-lb cases , per Ib , 18c. ' HAY Baled , 8 00@10 00 per ton ; In bulk , G 00@7 00 per ton. Grocorn Iilst. OANNin Goons Oysters ( Btandordper ) cano , 3 85@3 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case. 2 00 ® 2 10 ; rasplwrrlos , 2 Ib , per cane , 2 90 ; Bartlctt wars , per case , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per cao , : 00 ; egg pluxR , 2 Ib. per case , 2 90 ; green gages , 2 Ib , per cose , 2 90 ; pine apples , 2 Ib wr case. 4 80@5 50. HOPE Sisal 4 inch and larger , 9 c , 8 Inch , Olc ; i inch , lOJc. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs. 1G , 15ic ; 8s , lf > io ; > exes 40 11)3 ) , 1R ot. , Gs , Ifijc. MATCHES Per caddlo , 85c ; round , canes , 2 55 ; square canes , 1 70. SUOABS Powdered , Do ; cut loaf , 9c ; Tonulatod , 8Jn ; confoctlonora1 A , 8c ; Stand ard extra C , 71c ; extra C , 7c ; medium yol ow , 7c : dark yellow , GJc. COFFEES Ordinary grades , 12ffll21c | fair IS i)13Jc ) ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@15c | ; choice , G@17c ; fancy green and yellow , 1l161c ) ; old rovommont Java , 20@2 ( > c ; I ovortng'a roiutod. 8c ; Arbucklo's roasted , 18c ; McLftUgh XXXX roosted , 18Jc ; mitatinn Java , RICK Louisiana prmio to choice , 7c ; fair OJc ; Patina , Gfc. FISH No. 1 tnackorol , half brls. , 8 50 ; No. 1 mackerel , xlts , 1 15 ; family mnckerol , 1mlf brls. , 7 00 ; family mnckerol , kits , 95c ; No , 1 whlto fish , half brls. , 8 75 ; No. 1 kits , 115. SYRUP Standard Com. , B2c , buls ; Standard do , 4 } gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon keen 150 SODA In tt > papers , S 30 per cano ; keg per Ib , 24c. PICKLES Medium , In barrels , 7 50 ; do In half barrels , 4 25 ; small , lu barrels , 8 t.O ; do In half bnrroU , 4 75 ; gherkins * In barrels , 9 50 ; do In half barrels. 5 25. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice GO @ 76c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , 60@G5c ; Young Hyson , good , 3G@COc ; choice , 65c@l 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 35c ; Japan , choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , good , 85@40c ; Oolong , choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 35@40c ; choice , 35@45c. WOODENWAHB Two hoop palls , 185 ; throe hoop nails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; PIoneer - neor washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; Wollbuckets , 3 85. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's satinet , SCO ; Kirk's standard , 375 ; Kirk's whlto Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk's outoca , 215 ; Kirk's Prairie Qnoon , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's magnolia , doz. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In cane , 35 ; Babbitt,8 ball 2 doz. Incase , 1 90 ; Anchor ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 50. OANDT French mixed , In SO Ib. palls. 17c ; American mixed , in 30 Ib pall ? , ISe : Brilliant mixed , in 30 Ib palls , 12ic ; Nobby mixed , In 30 Ib pails , 13c ; Competition mixed , in 30 Ib Sails , 12Jc ; Excelsior stick , 30 Ib palls , lie ; oublo refined , 30 Ib palls , 12c ; Crystal n.ixed 30 Ib pails , 15c ; Old Time , mixed , 30 Ib palls , 14c ; Tip Top , mixed , 30 Ib palls , 13o ; Flirt mixed , 30 Ib palls , lljc ; Flirt , stick , 30 Ib palls , lljc ; Tip Top , stick , 30 Ib palls , 12c. VINEOAB New VorK apple IGc ; Ohio ap ple , ISc. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 180 ; Ashton , In Hacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 5s , 3 30. STARCH Pearl , 4 c ; Silver Gloss , 9c ; Com Starch , 9c ; Excelsior Gloss , 71c ; Corn , Ho. SPICES Pepper , 17c ; allspice , 15c ; cloves , > c ; cassia Inc. LYE American. 3 40 ; Greenwich , 3 40 ; Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; LowU' lye , 65 ; Jewoll lye , 2 75 Hrr Goods. BKO\\N SIIEETINXIH Atlantic A , 8c ; Atlan tic P , Gc ; Atlantic LL ; 5Jc ; Brunswick , 7Jc ; Beaver Darn LL , Gc ; Lawrence LL , Gc ; Paci fic II , 7''c ; Royal Standard , 8c. FINK BROWN SUKCTINOS Argyle , 74c ; Pop- peroll It , Gjc ; S.ilifbury 11. Gc. BLKACIIKD COTTONS -Ballon 4-4 , GJc : Bal- Ion 7-8 , 6'fc ; Cumberland 4-1. 8c ; Dav7.ll DD , 8fc ; Fairmount , 4Jc ; Fruit of the Loom 4-1 , 8tc ; Glory of the West , 8ic ; Golilrn Gate , 8Jc ; Hill 7-8. 8c ; Hill 4-1. 9c ; Loiwlnlo. 8jc , ; Now York Mills. H4c , ; Wamsutta , 114c. DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , llic : Ros- ton , 10 oz. , 14 Ic ; Boston , 9 or. , lie ; Fall River , 8Jc. DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ; West Point , 11 oz. , He ; Boston Bear , 8 07 , lie. 1 TICKINGS Amoaknng , 14Jc ; Continental 1 Fancy , 9fc ; Cordin , lOfc ; Pnarl River , HVc ; York , 12tc ; Humlotou Awnings , l2Ac. DKNIJIS Amorfkeag , lie ; Boaviir AA. 12c ; Beaver BB , lie ; Heaver CO , 10 ; f Itvinakorii , 1 8c ; .lallroy D & T , 12Ve ; JaiTioy XXX. V a : Pearl River , lie : Warren AX A ( briiwn ) , 12Jc ; Warren BB ( brown ) , llic ; Wiirron CO brown ) , lOjol 2 GAMiiuicd 'Fifth avonno glove finish , fijc ; KovBtonoglnvn finish , fiju. CoiisKT.JKANd Amory , Tic ; Hancock , 8c ; Ko irnayor , 81c ; Ruckport , i Jo. PlllNTH Ailnns , Go ; American , Go ; Arnnldx. file ; Cochpoo , Gjc : Harmony , l > j ; Indigo , 8o ; Indigo 7-8 , lljc ; Imllgo 4-1 , I2JC. PlllNTS SlIEKTINQH American , fie ; Coclipco , fie ; Gloucester , 5cSouthbrldgo ; , fie ; Wavorlyf , 4Jo. GlNOlIAMH-Amoskoagpta les , 8 0 : Bates staples , 8c | ; Lancaxter Ktaples , 8u ; Plnnket plulds , lOc ; HudBon checks , 7 a ( DIIEHS Goons Atluntia ulpuces , 9&c & ; IVr- hlftiio cashmor , 2lc ; Hamletoii cjuliinero , Kile ; Hamloton Fancies , llic ; Hamlctou bro cades , 15c , 4 Immbcr. % WIIOL SALlf. We quota lumber , lath and shlngloa.on oar at Omaha at the following prices ! JOIST AND SOANTLINO 16 ft. and nndor 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50. . TiUDEBS 1G feet and nnder , 22 00. TIMDKU AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ; 22 ft , 26 50 ; 24 ft , 20 50. FENCING No. 1 , 4 nnd 6 In. , 24 00 ; No. 2 , ( 2200. SHEETING No. l(2d"common ( boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2,1800. STOCK BOAlius-A , 45 00 ; B.40 00 ; C. 31 00. 1 FLOOIIINH No , 1,4000 ; No. 2 , S'iOO ; No. 3,2500 ' SIDINQ , clear-27 00 ; No. 2 , 2.103 ; No. 3 , 2000. UEILIKO2 , 37 00 ; 8 , 25 00. SIIIMILKH , best 4 50 ; standard , 3 CO. LATH 3 25 per M. LIMB Per barrel , 125bulk ; jier bushel , 8. , / cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 60 ; hah nor bu. 60e ; T rred felt , 100 fb , 8SOBtrnv ; * ward , 8 50 , Ptuo TOBACCO Climax , 50c : Bullion Crown , 5Sc ; Sweet Sixteen , 47r , BiiOKNO-O.8.,22eiMeerbdiituui,30cliir ! | ham , 8 oz. , 55o ; Durham , 1 oz. . file ; Diirhair 2oz. , 65o : Heal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , l > ' Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , 57c ; Seal o North Carolina , 2 or. , line ; O. K. Durham , 4 CHKEHE New York ritato full cream , lut. Sontember make , 14c ; New York Htatf fill cream , 10 hitop liita , 13Jo ; do full cream , ft hoop loU,13c\VUoimiiln. } ; full cruatn , In Im 14c ; Young Amnnoas , utrlctly full crnain. 15" full cream , I2o ; full cream 10 hoop loin , IUi < full cream flatii , I2jo ; full cream llatu , llic lancy brick choeno , 100 Ib oaww , Ifijc ; Mm ourger 13lo ; genuine old Swlnu , I''e. ' ' POTATOES-Receipt * mnull nnd jiriwi ( nxid , ConaignmnntH n ( Htrlttly clinic * largo Mzod , straight pi > Utool are sellliiu , from 45 to 48c ; mi d oars 40 to 4"o Riif11 light demand ; pn.'vchblowM , MUi. I SWKFT POTATOES ihoice ynllww , ixmo. i ONIONS Good dunuud ) Hales , CJU)7Dc. f " * BKANS-ltand plcke l native * , fc52fi@2 0j hand plcknl inCHllunin , 81 75@2 00. . Jn- { rollitn Iftrvn. GAME- Ducks , Mallard , | x > r doz , 2 OO 2 N ) ; mixed , 81 M to 2 W. He caroti that your ptmo comes to market in nice condition. . . , Fnmn OYRTEIIS SolocU , 40o standard * , 3bc * HATKH lllack Arabian , per Ib. , fi@ic ! : quarter crates , lOe. Fins -2ft Ib. kega , t > or Ib. , 124c ; 10 Hi. box , yor , per Hi. , It ; ; Htnall ovaU iior Hi. , 18o. COCOANCTS Kxtra flue , | or IIKI , 8 00. ClDKn Pure sweet elder , 22 gal keg , $0 00 ; M. & P. clarlfir-d , 10 pal keg , 8 75 ; 7\t. \ A P , clarified. 32 gal keg , 88 1X1 1'iim FFKT , Tmric , KTO. Pigs fpot , IB Ib klU , SI 15 : plpn 40 Ib qr bbl , $2 25 ; pigs foot , oz. , 28c ; O. K Duthnm , 2 oz. , SO ; Undo Nod , j'a 25c ; Tom and .lorry , fe. PAllltH.OIlH lllUlRrillHllOH. . OILS 110 ° carbon , par gallon , 13jo ; 150 ° headlight , per gallon , I4ic ; 17ft6 headlight , per gallon , 18c ; 150 ° water white , 17c ; lin Bood , raw , ; pr gallon.55c ; llnsood , lulled , per ? allou , 58oLard , ntor utr'd , norrallon , 85c : No. 1 , 75oNo. ; 2 , 05oj castor , AXX. jwr gal Ion , 1 fil ; No. 3 , 1 40 : sweet , l-r gallon. 1 00 sperm \V.B. , iiorghllim , 1 110 ; fish , W. . , l > orgallon , G5o ; noaufwit extra , Dor gallon , 90o ; No. 1 , 75o ; lubricating , ren ) , per gallon , ROc ; iiimmor , 15c ; golden machine , No , 1 , per galen - on , 35o ; No. 2 , 25c ; uponii , signal , per gallon , ? 0c ; turpoutino , per gallon , 48c ; naptlm 74 ° , l ) r gallon , IGo. I'AINTS IN OIL White load , Omnha P. P. ' Gcvhi ; to load , St. l/oul . pure , 0cMar ; oilltv < rrocti 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; Froncn ilnq. green seal , 12c ; French zinc , rod seal , lie ; French line , In varnish osst , 20c : Fioncli zinc. In oil osst , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; Vandyke brown , 13c ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , and very black , IGc ; drop block , IGo ; Prussian jluo. SOcj nltramarlno blue , 18c ; cluromo green \i. \ M. & D. , IGc ; blind and shutter green , L M. ft D. , IGc ; Paris green , 18c : Indian rod , I5c ; Vonotlan rod. PC ; Tuscan rotl , 22c ; Amor ) . can Vonnlllion. I. & P. . 18c ; chrome yellow I , . M. , O. & D. O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , IGc , patent dryer , 8c ; graining colon , light oak , dark oak , walnut , ch taut aud ash 15a. Heavy Hnrclwnro Ijlst. Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow steel upocial , Gc. cmclblo , 7o ; special or Gorman , r'c ; cast too ; lo , 15@20 ; wagon spokes , sot , 2 25(33 ( 00 ; hubs > or set , 1 25 ; folloos sawed dry , 1 40 ; tnnguoH , ioch , 70@85c ; uzloa each , 75c ; Hcpiaro miU | > or b , 7@llc ; washers or Ib. 818c ; rivets , port t > , He ; cell chair , per Ib , A12c ; malleable , 80 ron wedges , Gc : crowbars , Gc ; harrow tooth c ; siirlng tool , 7@Sc ; BurdouV liornohom , 4 70 inrilon's nudoHhoos 5 70. BAltnED WiitE In car lots , 4Jo per 100. NAILS Rotes , 10 to GO , 2 90. SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; oriental powder , kegs , G 40 ; do. , half kegs , 348 ; do. , ] uartor kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse , per 100 foot 60c. LEAD Bar , I G5. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor is run BloKsburg , 1000 ; Whltobroast lump ; 00 ; Whitobroaat nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 owa nut , 5 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthrn cite , 11 25@ll 60 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton Ijontlicr. Oak riolo , 38c@tZc ; hemlock Hole 28c@35c ; lumlock kip , 80o to 1 00 ; runner G5o to 80o ; lemlock calf , 85c to TOO ; hemlock upper , 22o o 24o ; ouk upper , 24o ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ; alf kid , 32@3fi : Grolson kid , 2 60 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80o to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip , 1 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; resets - ots , 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 6 00 to 8 50 ; top. pings , 9 00 to 10 60 ; B. L. Morocco , SOo to 35c ; lebblo O. D. Morocco , 35c ; slmon , 2 50 to 3 00. HAHNESS-NO. 1 star oak , 38c ; No 2 do , 5c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 3Gc ; No. 2 do , 83c ; No. Milwaukee 8Ro : No 2 do 33c . No. I Pitts oak bar , 38c ; No. B 1'itU oak mr , 35c. Irr I' * nu. i Whlto load , 8c ; French zinc , lOc ; Paris whiting , 2jc ; whiting gilders , U'c ; whiting am'l lie ; lampblack , Gorman town , Me ; ampblaulr , ordinury , lOc ; Pru siau blue , 55c ; iltramarino , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber , mrnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; glenua , burnt , 4c ; ionna , ru-r , 4c ; Paris g Oc ; rose pink , 14c ; Vonotlan rod , Cookson'H , ! c ; Venetian rod , American , IJc ; rod lead , c ; chrome yellow , genuine , -Oc ; chrome yol- ow , K. , I2c ; ochre , rochollo.Sc ; ocliro , French , jfo ; oclu-e , American , 2c ; Wlntor'a iniuoral , tc ; lehiifh brown. 2Jc ; Spanish brown , 2c ; 'rinco's mineral , 3c , VARNISHES Barrels , per gallon : Furni uro , extra , 8110 ; furniture , No. 1. 81 ; coach , xtra , 81 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 8120 ; Damar , xtra , 8175 ; Japan , 70cusphaltum ; , extra , 8oc ; hellac , 83 50 ; hard oil finish , 8150. Hides. Steady ; preen butchers , G@GJc ; green altod 7J tSD7ic ; dry Hint , 12@13c ; dry aalt , ( ) ® llc ; damaged hides , two-thirds price , TALLOW G@GJc1 SHEEP PILTS 25c@l 00. Liquors. ALCOHOL 188 proof , 2 2G per wlno gallon extra California spirits , 188 proof , 1 'M per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits , 187 proof , 25 per proof gallon ; re-distilled whiskies , OOfojl 50 ; line blended , 1 fiO2 50 ; Ken tucky bourbon * ) , 2 00@7 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00fn)7 ) 00. SHANDIES Imported , 6 00@U ) 00 ; domostlcl 40@4 00. GINS Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; domestic , 140 @ 300. RUMS Imported , 4 50@0 00 ; Now England , 00@1 110 ; domestic , 1 50@3 50. PEACH AND AITLE BIIANDT 175@4 00. CilAMl'AONES Imported per case. 2800 ® J4 00 ; AmeTlrani ; > er ( wn , 12 (101G ( 00. DENVER MAU1CBT. Conrn MEATS AND IMBD In tlorcos lOo in palls lie. JlimiHj I4jc ; broakfant bacon 13@15tc ; mnoked sides , UMlOc ; ealt sldoa , 8J@lc. ! ( JliEKN FllUlT AND PltonuoE Potatoes , 55@ ir > c per 100 pounds ; onions , tier 100 [ > ounds , 411 50@2 00 ; turnips , per 100 Ib , G0@80o ; Col- erode cabbage , now , per 100 , 85c@l 00 ; llvo chickens , old , per doz , 81 00 ® 25 ; ( prairie chickeru per doz , $3 75@400 ; L , Inwli , pur doi , Wai.lH : ; butter , fair riial | > Full cream , per lu , ll17c ! ; oppfea per bbl , eastern , 85 00@G 50 ; graioai. | per Ib , 710c ; California pears per lb , 7@10c ; .Moisina lemons , extra per ox , 87 00 00 ; ormiKiw , $12 00tt)13 ) 00 ; Colorado heat , per 100 Ib , 313r@l 88 ; flour , fair juiillty , 810 00@10 60 per barrel Hour. 'ruham , per 100 Ib 82 00@2 60 ; flour , rye , pnr 100 Ib , 82 602 70 ; flour , buckwheat , per tbl , 10 00@10 50 ; corn { [ meal i > er 100 Ibs , 81 M@l 89 ; corn , per 100 Ibs , 81 30 ® 31 ; corn chop , per 100 Ibn , 81 80 ® 1 33 ; nou oats , tier 100 Ibs , 8135@1 45 ; oats , Nebraska , mixed , per 100 Ib , 81 33@1 35 ; wheat , per 100 Ibs , 81 85@1 15 ; barley , per 100 Ibs , 81 60 ® rgl ) 75 ; mixed chop , jicr < 100 lb , 81 M ( ? 1 10 ; bran , per ton , 817 0019 00 ; bay per ton 812 0010 00 ; baled second liottom , jlOOO@1200 ; baled upland , 814 00@17 00 ; < traw , per ton , 88 ( ) © ! 00. J. It. CAMl'JIKUu | 8. B. OAMPJIEL.Ii. Campbell & Co. . n , i-novisioNs , gnuirs , irro. 105 South Htli riircut , U.lttn-n loti'laJi ) ( and OHAIIA , NK1 ! . ItifcioncuKlrit Kutiniuxl Dunk , HtOila , Johnson k ( io. , Oiiialu ; lUnk oj CM * Countj , rUttumoulli NVh. CO.S'SIUNbll'.NTS KOMCITKD. llimniNS MADK I'KOIIITI.Y , OMAHA Steve Eepair Works 101) ) SonUi 14th Bt. UtVoHtttv ukitvof furnUhlnir ouUiigs Hud rep l i\a > ( .ivfn " < all > iui < ditl'ii ! , woo. ! tovc , ohuiK 4 uii imli'r ier , nr < MLaiivti \ , fin couiUntl ) u lunii , 'Iri OLO v our vt6uft I'Jilvtw r/l I Railway Time Table , u. r. n n. , MAIM LINK. IIU * . ( Bl Cwlflo RiT < rtiiA.12OA | > in Atlantic Wwtrtn K > pfM R 00 pin Wc t rnKxin | > m. jtitop m U. InUmllira , . . .4ROp : m ( I. InUtul IVt * . 11:40 : n Lincoln Kx 12.10ptn Unonln Kx . . . .IS.6ftpin DUMMY TRAtNs-imiuni : DIVISION. Learn Om hv 7:10,8'OO.P.OO : , 10:00 , lee | ; > in..12 m 1:00 : , S oo , s oo , 4.00 , BW , fl.po , loto : p. m. On Sum iUy : 7ln , Po : 11:00 : K. m ; S oo , 4oo : , fl.-oo , | 0IO : p. in. Arrlro nttrnniifrrilcpotVO mlmitrslntor ; IlromV iiy depot , Council ninth , SO minutes Utor. foiMo Council llliitln , Ilrn d\r \ ilrpot , 8:00 : , 10.00 , 11:00 : n.m. ; 12 m ; 1:00 : , 2x0 , 8-00.4:00,6:00 : : , < Mo ; 10:40 : ii. m On SumUyn : 8:00,10.W : n in. ; IS in ; s-oo , 6:00 : , e.4o,10:40 : p. m. Arrive Trennfor il | iot , II ) niln- ut * htcr. lxo Council Illilir * Trenntor ilfjKit : H:2/l : / , O.M , 7U : , 10.M ) ! . in. ' Atrlio OnuiliA VO minute * f t 'r. ' LHAV * OHAIIA LHAVR mniint , M.urrs ! ' Xo. S. , , . ; : M m PUM. No. 0. 7:5,1 : m No. 10 , A'4) ) > p m ' No. 16. 11:45 : " No. 4 > S.M j < m " No S. nso : m | " No.8 .8 WAlll " No. M. 7:15 : ti m " Nil. I , 7 5pm No. 60..n:50Mn : | jUrTlio al > ot c u Omalm Tline..ajr tliuo l 2 1 inlimtcs fiwtcr tliw local tlnia. U. & r. UAII.HOAl ) TIltB TAllt.K CKNT. TIMK. vrwiT noiivn. l.K l ( . Onmlm. . . 73ijm B nmn O.SO | in n.40nm ArliUnd. . . n.v4 | im Kill nm 48 : p n 7:4 i am l.liK-cln. . tn.M nm 12:54 : pm soiim l:4Anm : I'rclo. llMim : lKOim : 2:17 : | im s:4o : nm lla-tliRii. . ftilftkin riM : | > m llUmn : : lnio : put Itisl Until ) . 8.iK > nm 6 M | m > liltir R.oo . . . . McOook.,10.Ainm lO.Vijim f > : o pm 3.41 pm Akron. . . . : l:4'ipin : . < iSAim : 01 .f , m 11:40 : pm Dcin cr. . , . 7(1 : ( pm 8 S Mil 0.2.1 pin 7:3.1 : in MISSOtllU VACIFlO-HTANDAlin TIMK. 1WART. I ARHUR. 7.-00 m | o,4'ipm K. 0 . JOK * . . HT. 0. D.-B.-HTANMAUH TIMK. M ll Hilly 0:16 : m I Knun % , dixlly Kipri'M , ilixlly I rxccpl Jlon- om'pt Katilr : I ilnCii 0.2nnm iU } 7:45i : | m | Mull , il lly O.s : > | im 0. , St. P. M. A O STANDAKl ) TIMK. ( Depot Utli nml Wclister Sis. * ' No Smlxrd 7:41111 : No. Imlic l. . . . BSO : p in Athntlu i\n : , , . . .1Up ; m Athntlii KAII. . " . O.'lSrtm AthntlaMnll . ,7:1.1nm : Atlantic Mull . . 7oopm : K\ery ihy. ( rmiisti-r Depot , Council llluH * . ) WAI1A8U&ST. LOUIS. ! if\\o 7Mn : 1111 Arrho. . . 10M : > am Ua\a O.f > 0pni | Arrho. 4u6pm : 0. , II &V It. U.-STANDA1ID TIMK Mill' 7fo : in I Kxpruw. . . , . . 10.00 ru Kturrm ! 8:60pin : | Mall' 7.U5 pn 'Hiimlajfl oxcoptccl. 0. , lU | i & P. 11. II.-8TANL'AI1D TIMK. H11' 7:60 : ft ml Kjprodu. " 10.00 pm Kxpro-w 8.60'p m | M ll" 7:2Stn : Sinulnj r\ccitnl. | C. , M. * 8k I'-HTANDAUD TIME. I.KAMC AHRI\X. MalliKi * , SOOftni : I PnolAo hx 9:2C : nm Vtl ntlnKxf.8Mi | > ui ( Mail ft Kx' 7:00 : pm "Snnilaj o\ccitcd | 0. & N. W. U. K.-SrAN-rAUl > TIMK. W ll 7r.o : m | hiiiroM. . . , | . . .looo m Kiprcn 8M : p m | Mull" 7i5pm : ! a. Q. A P. U. U. HTANDAUD TIME. Uttl" . fl.-OOaml K prcM . 10.00 KOI ICxprran. . , . , . . .fl.OOp m | Mall" . 7:25 : pm Sunilaya OXPO tod. opening and Closing of Mallei , BOUTI. orxit. cLosm. am. p.m. a.m. p.m. o & N. w. , o. , ii. i. a P. , o. u. ftQ.SM aul&Sloux City. 11:00 : 0:00 : 6:40 : 8:15 : U.H.&S.I'.S C.1' . In Iowa 6:40 : Wabuh KxproM . . . _ . 12JO Waluahloial 9:00 : 6:40 : K. o. , st. Joe & o. ooa : 0:00 : 6:40 : flw : > Missouri Paclfla 7:30 6:40 : O. , St. f. M. tO ( .00 7.K ) Union 1'aelflc , o.ciltnO 13.00 11:16 : Union Paciflo , Denver Kx. . . . 4:00 : 7:30 : O. ft llepubllcnn Valleys. 1:3011:36 : : . Il.&M. Exprcn 7:00 7:40 U. & M. ( or 1'latUmoiith , S. Bonil , Aihlnnil omlMnooln.11:00 : 7:30 : Ulllco open hunJajs from 12.UOin. to 1:00p. : m. O. K. OOUTAN P. I'ontniMtor. Western Cornice-Works , IKON AND SLATK HOOKING. 0. SPECHT , PROP. 1111 Dougloa St. , Nob. HANUFAOTUIIEII OF Galvanized Iron Cornices fyrVormn Windows , Klnlala , Tin , Iron and Slate ol ni { , Sjiccht'a latent Mutafllo Htqlli'lit , I'ntonl ui toil Itatcnot liar and Ir oUct Htirivlnr. I km tj neral air on t ( or tlio BDIIVO line ot Iron cm K , UrontliiEH , Itnluitrmlco , Veramlu , Iran ttia * i' u , Window Ullnds , Collar UimrJn : ls nornnnA Mill ' "nt In-l'l" HH THIS lir- tor U inailu ixprcwjly for thoutro of ilcranKcinonta of the Kununtlvo "nran . 'lli"Hi U no inlMnku about llilH Instruu out , tlio con- tlnuiiiid htrcntn of I'.I.I'.O- TiKIOITY InormcalhiB tliv iiart * must rc * tore them tii nralthv action Do not cxinfouiul ttila with _ . _ _ iUctrleIIUtiadUTtl : edto euro ull Ilia fruni hcail t too. It Is for the ONI : Illo | iurn o. I'or. clrmUiH uMnK ' "U information , aiUlriwi UheoMir l.loctrlc licit Co. ; 10JVa hliiKtc > n HI. , Clilcagn III. _ PEINCIPAL LINE I ItOM iiv WAV or OMAHA AND LINCOLN TO DENVES , Oil VIA ANSAS OITY AND ATOHISON to DENVER , 'oniicctliiK ' III Union IIIKH | | nt KiinnnnCUy , Uiiiiilinniul Dcnvurwllli tlnoiigliti-uliiM for Andiill jKilntHln 1 1 id ( ! i cut West. Conncctliii ; In ( iiiind Union Domitut Clilcngo NEW YORK , ItOSTON , Ana nil Kiisictrn (1111(18. At 1'i'orli with llnoiiu'li tiiiliiH lor Imlltumn illH , Ulnoliinntl , ColiuiilniM , mid nil iiolntx 11 lKihoiith.Kust. At MI. Imi I Is with ' for nil points Hoiith. iifKiiut : Day Ciulicn : , I'm lor Ciiin , with lt < cllnlniClmli-aKuatH ( ficcHinoklii ) CiirH with HdVolviim Cliali-H , I'nlliiiiiii 1'uliuu Hlconlnt ; Carn and the IIUIIOIIH U. II. & ( J. Dlnlim Curd rnndally tonnd from ChlriiKO "nd Kunwiri ( Illy , ( JhlaiKU mid Council IlliillH : OlilciiK' ) mid DIM Moliu-H , UhlciiKu , hi. Josi'jili , Atrlilwm and Toioku | without ulmiiK * ' . Only thionxli Itnu iiiiinliiK tlmlr < iw tuilim bi'twtuii UhlciiKd , Lincoln und Dunvci. nnd ChluiiKo , Kunsim Oltv und Denver. ThioiiKli cum between Ifid'luiiiiiiolUuiid Council Illnira , via ruoijj. , , , OOINO IVOUTU AND HOUTII. Solid TniliM ot moonlit imy UtwoliM nud 1'iilliimii I'liliiuoSluojiliiK Otih nre run dully to und Horn hi. J.oulsj Uu Ilunnllml ; Oifluoy/ KcoUtlk. ItillllliKtcil , rVurHniilU ( | iina Allicit l.cjitoKt , I'uul mid Mliilieoixilli ; I'm lor Cam with Kccllnlni , ' Chairs to und fiwio fil. I < oul * d I'coilii. only OHO clwi > B of rare brtwiiun . j.onUiuid lic Wolnc ! ) , lowu , lancoln , No. Mkn , mill Denver , Ralonulii. . . . . It IsiUno the only TlitiiUKlil.Inn bctuoon , ST , LOVIS , MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL.1 'It U known as Jim limit THUOUUII O\lt TINi ; of Ameilcu , unil U unlvcwilly mlmlt. 11 I to IHI tllu 1'iaest Equipped Railroad In the World fox all classej of . .Travel , ' [ hrougU Tlckun via till * line far win at > U ! U. W. txuhiun ticket unices lu tbo UiiltcdStdtm untrCuikuiiaa . US1' I SAFE INVESTMENTS Oinnhn Heal Estnto is n safe investment for both locnl nnd foreign cap- itul , nnd there is no property , in or around tlio city , but what will bring purchasers good returns in the near future. We have property for sale it > ail pr.its f the city , and also H " "s Surrounding the city , nil of wlucli'tvrojglndly show to partiss who feel interested. Wo nro often asked which is tlio best part of the city for nn invest ment" ? Wo always advise patrons to buy what is called Inside Property By this is meant property not more than one and a half miles from the Postoflico , and the nearer the center the bettor the investment. While outside property will steadily advance in price , inside property will ad vance much greater in'proportiou. The now addition to the city known as HAWTHORN ia"locateti ono milo from the postoffice , west , only nine blocks from the Uigh School , nnd these lots are beiug sold at less than half the price ' 1 uuked for lots same distance in any other direction , and NOW IS THE TIME Til BUY3 Asitheso lots will , in a short time , befadvanced to correspond to prices lots surrounding Hawthorne. The contracthasbeen _ let for grading Davenport street through , this addition. Work has been commenced and will bo finished early in tlie summer. Purchasers of lots in Hawthorne will not have to bear any expense for the grading. This is a decided ndvantcge. Prices for regu- ' ar size lots S35O TO 85T5 , No have also some double lots in tins addition at from GOO to § 650 : his part of the city is being built up with the best class of residences [ ear business , near High School , nnd desirable in every particular. Wo have a 3ow lotsMeftiin this addition , which we will 'sell nt lowec iricesthan can bo had in surrounding additions. The lots are benutiful- y located andjarger.tlum thangthosejin.udjoining ndditions/and .will be old on terms toljmiljpurchasors. IN ALL PARTS OP THE CITY. JtJ" 2L. jExs Jj jL P In Douglas County and all parts of tl-o State. /l / TJ 3O TJ H. 3S5L KT J T- A. fine tract of hind three and one-half miles from Omnhn at $4 ( > par acre. Also a tract four miles from the bity nt $30 per acj-fev , ots in this addition will bo sold on mouthlypaymouts ; 1 | > j > 3f cnn cash and-5Jpercont ] | , per month. ; ' t 131 j ifWYr IBC O / v Of nil the lots we have f or Isale , [ we think Has is UieaJpst desirable uither for a home or lor investment , as it is near business uicely locatad md'at prcHont imces is the cheapest propesky fin the market , and tlrst , buyers have choice of lots. BEDFORD 13 South X4th Street , "betwaea Faru'am