Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1884, Image 1
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. THIRTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. THURSDAY "AlORNtNG , MARCH a 1884. NO. 227 , DEVIL AND DEEP SEA. ' The Divided Democracy Finds Ml in a Jangling Juxtaposition , Kentucky Loaders Urging ia to Pass the Bonded Whisky B j\\ \ , Morrison Expects Kandall o Bit terly Fight His Tariff. Ml , The House on the P , 'd , I The Senate on Fitz J , eft n Porter , V. S. Marshals to I fof Around -flu Dynamlto-Eili ) tvafAa , " Forest llcsol at * ! ii. "WASHINGr < ON Tol'ICS. T10UHHON WHISKY ; ArTBll > 110OUDOX'DO& ' . . , OOKAOY. Special Dispatch fc. Tug UKE < WASHINOTOI f , March . Colonel'/ . erton , of Kou tuK-kyjohairnan of the state democratic c aniaittee , is hero making t personal ap , to ' the 'membera of tin democratic g < je of'tho house urging thoii support of .the 'bondedwhisky bill. Ho ii mooting * /nrthiiomor / BUCCCSB , and -is report ed as ho prfal , but/uort confident. Willii continu -confident , and says the bill ii gaining ; farosgth"daily. M'ctison to-day admitted , < ic convor satit A'thRt'ho ' > vcapectod Randall wouli do jll in his i power to defeat the taril bil j , .nnd < Jhafcho had little hope of it P' wsage. 'It ' in whisporod'horo that ovei f jwlialots weakening in the advocacy of i tBgorous tariff reform , having , it is said tueoii attaokod with the vice prosidoutin litdh , 'whiclr-makos him suddenly censer iTOCTOFFICIAL 8ALAUCKS. CongreRsman Davis made a successfu fight ia the 'house ' this afternoon agains the 'reduction of salaries of Chicago am other .postmasters , the < salaries of thes officers being retained at the presentrate ! AriEH THE DYNAMirEUS. IRogular Press Dispatches. WuisiHNOTON , March JL2. A circula has been sent to all United States attoi mays-end : marshala -Attorney Genera Biewstor , calling attention , by direetio : of President Arthur , to the report tha "cort-iiiiipersons are aiding in the pros ecu tion ref heinous crimes by shipping t 'foreign/ports explosives dangerous in th highest * -degree to life and property. Tho. circular says no proof -of the charge jhas been.adduced , and the president ca not believe its truth , but for the hone -of the nation ho instructs them to be di ! igent in their efforts to prevent the ol fenses deecribeci and .prosecute th 'offenderc. 'offenderc.PROTECTION PROTECTION FOU OCR PICS. The socito committee foreign roll tions to-day received an informal ropoi from the sub-committee oa the oxclusio of our moat products from foreign coui tries. The sub-committoo rccommon that a bill bo passed authorizing th ; president to retaliate upon countne which discriminate ) against the Unite . States by suspending imports from sue < countries in whole or iu part , and that h .ettablJKh a ay stem of inspection and cei tiiication of the quality of our meats a the ports of exportation ; alto nprovisipr if necessary , for the inspection of all irr rmrtud articles suspected of .adulteratior rNai-ction vtta taken to-day. FOilTY-ElGIlTH CoNGilESS. SENATE. March 12. On motio of Mr. Miller ( rep. , W. Y < ) the sonat i took up for consideration the houe iplouro-pnoun-.onia bill. 'Mr. Coko'dem. Tpx. ) spoke strongl against the bill in its present shape , a lit i included til communicable disease whatever , wliich ho said would place nl itho cattle of scuth Virginia at the mere ; .of tlio comniiasionor of agriculture. A .2 o'clock the plauro-pncumoiiuti bill wen . over. over.Mr. . Pugh ( dcm. , Ala ) , fromitho committee mitteo on education and labor , .reportei i favorably the bill to establish an educa tional fund , unC. apply a portion of th , proceeds of the aalo of public Jands t 'public.sducation , and to provide -for th nnorocomplete ocdowmont and -auppor i of colleges for the Advancement of , scion < tiGc and industrial oducatiou. .Calon ( 'dorod. Mr.USdmnnds ( uqp. , Vt. ) introduced i bill ta establish format reset vatiotuc at dli head waters of the Missouri river , and , A the -head waters audiOlark's Falls oftCol nmbia rivor. It provides that a tract eland land in Montana , embracing an uxa.u aboutiCnOO square uiilis , bo reaorvodant withdrawn from settlement , occupancy o ualo , and Jiot apart foiavcr as a natioiut forest reservation for the preservation. o natural formats , protoo&ig the tt-eac -waters and tributaries the Columbii and Missouri rivera. The senate committee to k up the btl for the relief of Fitz Johi Shorter. Mr. Sewol\rop. \ ( , N. J. ) addressed ttu .senate on the bill. Mr. S6wellrop. ; ( , N. J. ) Bf.oko of the purity of Porter's motives , and defended Mm as a nuu ud a soldier , Mr. Wilwn ' ( rop. , Ia ) followed , say. iiy it was not lus purpose to enter into t discussion of then/acts of the CAM. Thai which was plain to all was that an ordoi watt issued to Porter Dy his comneandinq officer which was not obeyed , TUo sup- portora of the bill did not claim thai Porter had obeyed lilio lawful orders oi MB superior officer. They merely ad vanced a justification ifor his .failure to obey It was clear , therefore , that Uu duty of obedience wt in this case equarely confronted by a discretion to disobey. Whatever tha lawful ordoi that Porter received from Pope , it wae Jnsduty to obey in the mannar proscribed by the ninth article of war Strictly and with alacrity and good faith. " The pen. airy 'for not performing that duty wai death , or such other punishment us the court might impoae > There had been herd such disobedience as might have been pumahed with ifeath. If the nen- ate pas.od this bill , H elwuld , to bo con. fftl aistent , repeal the Oth article of war , 'f i II copgrew proposed to recogni ? Jbi jo t of " < liEflrotiou"exorcised by Porter 'ill Ihis enso , it shcftild teach West Point cr.dota thxs nnw 'doctrine of discretion instead of the eli law of obedience. If congress desired to invite widespread nsubordiuation in the army it had only o pass t iiia 'tilL ' * The p.ennio wont into executive wssion , after \vhich adjourned. IIOCSK. The morning hour was dispensed with , &ud the house , at 12:25 : , went into com- tniUro the whole on the f oatoflico np- propriation bill. Tlui committco of the wh < ilo , by n vote of T17 to ' 15 , struck out tha clause limit- ug'tho salaries of postmiiatvjrs to 534,000. The amendment offeree ! , by Mr. Herr rop. , Mich. ) , increaiing from $1,500,000 to § 12,250,000 , the nppropriation for compensation to postmasters , -was lost " 54 to 89. Mr. Herr moved to increase the appro priation for clerks in the postolliccs by § 125,000. The amendment was favored by Messrs. Cutcheonrop. ( ( , Mich. ) , Binghan [ rep. , Pa. ) and Herr , and opposed by Messrs Ilolman'ciH.i. | , Ind , ) and Towns- bond ( dom. , 1C' ) . Lost 77 to 111. Mr. Skinner ' ( rep. , N. Y. ) offered an amendment increasing by § 100,000 the appropriatioirfor the payment of letter carriers. Pending action the committee rose and the house adjourned. lovrivs Discus * an Insane Asylum Vor < < J Southwestern Part ol'tlio State I'anlonlnp ; a Btnrdcror 'AVoninn Suffrage Doubtful. DES MOINES , March 12. In the house this morning the discussion of the bill foi the erection of an additional asylum 'foi the insane was continued. The section adopted Tuesday , making Finkbino , Reynolds and Buchanan the commission ers to select a site for the hospital , wa ; reconsidered and lost , and the original section in the bill , leaving the appointing power in the hands of the governor , was adopted. No other alterations o ! groal consequence from the original bill wore made. The institution is to ho located somewhere in the southwestern parl of the state , and the governor , by and with the advice ant consent of the executive council is k select the site. When the section was reached appropriating § 200,000 for thi purpose , the house refused to accept it and4ho entire bill was sent to the appro priation committee with instructions tc report it at as early a day as practicable , The-ccnato concurrent resolution- recom mending the governor to pardon > E. J , Bruce , now serving a life sentence in thi FortMad'son ' penitentiary for the murder dor of McNamara at Kookukeight yean ago , was taken up and discussed the ro maicdor of the day without reaching i vote. Miller , of Lee , Carpenter , Gran1 and Bolter spoke in favor of the resolu tion , and McDaid , Head aad sMowrei agaicst it. Ia th senate woman ( suffrage -was dis cussed during the entire cession. Argu meats in favor of the amendment won made by Messrs. Hemenway , Slobinson Eastman , Logan and Donnan , and it opposition by Messrs. Bills , < Bloom Larrabco and Hall. The vote will'prob ablyio reached to-morrow. Sta fate ii the seriate is considered doubtful. Tfao Wool-Growers' Convention. DitKVEH , March 12. A largo .wumbe of delegates were present this mornm , at the opening of the wool-growers' convention vontion , representing Colorado , Kansas Minnesota , Now Mexico , Wyoming Idaho , Nebraska. To-day's sccsion wa consumed ia sponch making And organ ! zation. The fooling is unanimous tha the pnsago of the Morrison bill wil prove iatal to the wool industry of thi country. Important action is expoctei at to-morrow'a session. Seven and i half million sheep , or an annual praduc tion of ithirty-six million pounds ? f wool are represented in the convention. Tlioori Hums Itlystory. , 111. , March 12. Motesti mony was taken in the trial of > 0. < A Carpento.r for the murder of Zora Burns to-day , the court adjourning at the closi of the attorney's address for the dofonsu The attorney , in making his plea , aocusoc the prosecution of resorting to cvoiyiforn of purjurjt , falsehood and trickery it making up the case , and intimated tha if there wai blood on Carpenter' * driving lines after they loft the hands of the'fira expert who. examined them , it was jpu1 on at the instance of the prosecution. Oolltere. March 12. The eoa miners' district convention roaasembloc this morning. Resolutions recommend ing an assessment of $1 n week on oacl miner for the support of atrikea mot with strong opposition It was finall\ decided to order an assessment of 11 cents per 100 bueliels of coal mined. A resolution was adapted ordering mea out vho are now wocking ot a reduction aui promising to pay them $1) a day while the strike lasted ; also to furnish thea provisions , bacon , -flour , coffee , etc. Fire At. Grand llupids. G.FANDRAVID8 , Marah 12. A fire to. day dosiroyed Stradon'a Woolen mills , the .Novelty Manufacturing company's work.1 ; , the Richmond box 'factory , Come. stock'asaw mill.Ol&ro&.Ocker's sash and door factory , Bissoll' * uiaininoth carpel Bweopor factory , Hejidljy'a belt factory and the olt boot company's works. Lose 8100,000. , The wind * M blowing a gale at the time. Cjrdono * Miss. , M > jeeh 12 The cyclone in this county yesterday de stroyed nearly every building at Stroet'e nillo. Many plantations Buffered Dorvoue oss. Mro. XJrior and daugliter and 3sian Gilleoiido were killed. The lots n the county is . $100,000. Boston , BOSTON , March 12. Meigs1 Elevated Rtilrood bill passed the legislature. It nominally permits tlio construction under certain restrictions of an elevated railway ander the Moigs systetn , through any towns or cities of the commonwealth , Hubjoct to the spproval of ( tic select mon DT aldermen , and spouiaUy aujtorizes the building of on exporiwntaJ jjof j/pn from Cambridge to Boston , GRIME'S ' COINCIDENCE , The Triple Tragetly in a Lone Slai State Variety Diye , Somewhat Similar iu Incident tc Omaha's Sunday Shooting , Two of the Worst Desperadoes ir Texas Killed in the OoE'fliot , Ben , Thompson , ' "The Pride o : Austin , " Shot Doadt Xlio Ctuiso of tlio Melee Also Mortall ; In tlic Iio . AT SAN ANTONIO. TH11EK TKXArf TOU011S IN" KTK11NITY. Special Dis | > atch tu TUB UKK. SAN ANTONIO , Tex. , March 12. Bon Thompson , the celebrated desperado , wai shot and instantly killed in the Vaudeville ville theatre last night by King Fisher , i deputy sheriff of Uvaldo county , and i desperado of the "first water" himself Tiaher was also killed in the melee , bit by whom it has not boon ascertained Fisher , in company with Thompson , entered torod the Vaudeville a short time bofor the difficulty. While there Thotnpsoi became involved in an altercation witl Joe 'Foster ' , who attempted to pacify him but without success. Fisher took u Foster's row. Thompson , as usual jerked out his six shooter , which wa immediately grasped by n policeman Foster also drew. Subsequent proceed ings -aro far from clear. Fisher am Thompson were surrounded by a crowi of excited and affrighted men. The ; were struggling violently on the flooi and five or six sharp reports followed , au when the smoke cleared away THE "riui > ] 3 or AUSTIN" WAS DKAD. Fisher , who was also dead , was lyiu across him , and Foster was shot througl the left leg just below the knee , shattm ing the bono and rendering amputatio necessary. " * Thompson was shot twic through the braiu , ono ball ontorin through his loft eye-brow and the othe ono a quarter of an inch above it. Bet holes might bo covered with a nickel Fisher was always a crack shot. Ho wn also shot through the brain , the ball or toring the loft eye. Thompson kille < Jack Harris , the proprietor of the Vai devillo theater , in the same buildin two years ago. Aftar the firing Thomj son's brother put in an appearance , bv was promptly arrested. The remains of th two victims were taken charge of by hosts c friends and obsequies have been ordorc on the grandest scale. Fisher an Thompson were probably TUB TWP MOST DKhPEHATlS and widely Known men in Texas , an have each killed a fabulous number c their fellow citizens. Thompson an Fisher had been drinking together , an entered the theatre in each others con pany. They mot Foster in the dref circle , and some words were exchangee bringing about a melee , during whic Thompson and Fisher were killed an Foster probably mortally wounded. Th circle was quickly cleared , the occupanl jumping into the parquet below an through the side windows into the street ! No ono seems to know who fired tn first shot or how many were engaged i the shooting. Before the theatre wz fairly cleared 1,500 people were clamoi ing at the closed 'loor for adtnittanci The jury was hastily impannelod and : was ascertained that Thompson receive four wounds , all mortal , and Fostc three , two of which would have occ ; stoned instant death. THE VEKIHCT. SAN ANTONIO , March 12. The con nor' jury found that Bon Thompson an King Fisher , the noted characters , woi shot at the Vaudeville theatre last nigh and that it was done by Joe Foster , wh is dangerously wounded , Ximms and 2 S. Coy , the first two the proprietors c the theatre , and the latter a policema in their emnloy. The jury further foun that the killing was justifiable and don in.self-defense. XJio Crime ol tlio CrotiolicF. JACKHON , Midi. , March 12. Tli Crouch examination this morning wu oicitinf. Detective Harm testified i toillolcomb admitting owning a 38-cal bro revolver ; that ho lost it in a lake u north. When admitted this witness we greatly agitated. Ho called for watci Witness and Fray.iordefondant'a counso iuxLo/tilt.about a witness being tampore with. Witness said Fraziur was the on lie thought did the tampering. Frazie called him a liar. Sheriff Wunnoy coi roborated Harris' statement ; that the tiiiitedbousing , but could not find whet Holcomb bought the revolver. The coi ouor and two jurymen at the inquof swore that Holcomb aworo that ho neve had a 38-calibro revolver. Nottio Snj der , a sorvint. testified that no hou won gulled at iTIol comb's for seven week previous to the murder ; this latter poi tains to the bloody clothing. Kust'St , IioulH J > rckacil Uoof. ST. LCUIH , Mo. , March .12. John E Dutchor , D , H. JSherman , and uovera other oactern capitalists , vrho own ol beef canning eetubciahmonU in East 81 Louis , arrived hero to-day and arrange to turn their property into largo slaugli tering concorno , from which they wil soon send great quantities of dressei beef to New York and the east ia refrigerator orator caw. Thu Kciror-lioynUm Wraiiflo , WAHHINOTOV , March 12 In th Keifer-Boyntoii Investigation to-do ; Judge .Morrick appeared as counsel fo Doynton , Congressmen Blackburn am Mdtuidly were examined as to tiio rule of the iioue on points of order , A man ber of [ Joyntou'H published dhtjutchc were offered in evidence , ohowinK hi bitterness toward Kuifer a * early n March 3,1883 , arid before any dillicult ; the odinuaion ? of outsider * t < .ho pro s galioty "had occurred. A number of wunouoAWCYO examined as to the , : h rnctor of ntncsscs Elder and Charles $ . Oarfiold. ' Captain Brooks , chief of Jio soccottarvico , nworo that Oarliold was on tha books of his department ns ft dealer in counterfeit money. The record ot Brooks' ollico concerning Oarfiold was declared incompetent by the committee. There was other unimportant testimony. Adjourned until Friday. nml District Itoprcscntntlon , Special Dispatch to THE lr.E. OniUAOo , March 12 , The members of the republican county central committee , are in session this afternoon. The Lo- janites are rod-hot for a district repre sentation. The anti-Loganitos , headed by Jesto Spaldine , want the delegates elected by the state convention. The Loianites claim that the first , second and fourth districts want district repre sentation and will have it , while the third district will probably have their delegates appointed by the state conven tion. That Alleged BuccUl Ulnp.'Ucli to Tin Him. AiNS\\oiiTU , Nob. , February 12. The report of Richardson being lynched is clonied. SHAUON'S SUAMK. III1I TcRtlllcH How the Kcnatoi Dill Ills Woolnic-A Mys terious Ituby. SAN _ FKANCISCO , March 12. In the Sharon divorce case to-day Frank Rod ney , a cousin of the plaintiff , testified that the evening before Sharon's arrest , in September last , ho accompanied Mise Hill to the Palace hotel , and hoard her say to Sharon , "You know , senator , I am your lawful wedded lifo , although you have tolc1 some of tlio best people in the city that I'm only your mistress , " and that the senator d mod the accusation. Witness swore the marriage contract was the same document he had soon Decem ber , 1883. Miss Hiil , the plaintiff , testi fied in her own behalf : I first c6n- versed with Senator Sharon in the spring of 1880 , when ho said ho heard I was a stock speculator , and that if I would come to his office ho would give mo some points. I gave him $2,500 to invest. Ho always taked love to mo when I visited his office. Ho said ho wanted mo to love him ; that ho would ivo me $1,000 a month and a house. 1 told him ho mistook the woman. I told him millions could not buy mo. Ho said he was only teasing mo ; that ho loved mo bettor than any ono since his wife died ; ho proposed n secret raarriupo but I resented the proposition. Ho told me about a woman with a baby , in Philadel phia , and said ho didn't ' think the babj was his , but ho sent money to the mothoi to atop her making trouble. THE CAT'l'MS CONTAGION. The AVorlt of Volunteer ( Quarantine UelnK KncrKOtienlly Prosecuted In'KansaB ' The Dlsciine Brought Over from Scotland. NSOSIIA FAILS , KB. , March li. Tlio quarantine committee appointed by the mass convention yesterday hold a meeting - ing last night and have taken all possible precautions to ston the infliction ofhorde and promises. Infected herds have boon placed under strict quarantine. Ono now herd is reported infected ted - d ay. It is thought the committee will bo able to enforce strict compliance witli their regulations for a few days , but as it Ins no legal authority thu situation cannot bo long maintained. The United States votinary surgeons are busily engaged - gaged and will give the committee all the aid in their power. WAHIIINOTON , March 12. The treasu ry department is in receipt of a telegram from-J. H. Sandord , secretary and treas urer of the cattle commission , dated Chicago cage , the llth , stating that ho has information mation that the cattle disease now pro vailiug in Kansas was carried there in tlu clothing of two Scotchman direct from ui : infected herd in Scotland. DALIAH , Tox. , March 12. The Northwestern - western Texas Cattle Raisers' ussociatior to-day appointed twonty-fiva delegates tc the national stock convention at St.Louis November d2th. LONOON , March 12 , Baron Carlin ford , the lord of the privy seal , gave audience ienco this morning to a deputation whicl sought to learn the attituoo of the gov ornmctit ' toward the amendment adoptee by the lords relative to contagious diseases oases of animals bill of .1878. The b trot utatoi1 that 'the government hopes to re sist the passage of the bill by the com. mons. Ho said , however , that the gpy. eminent would prohibit the importatioi of foreign cattle when a necessity shoiilc arise , oven in tho.caso of thd foot sue mouth disease , but ho was anxious thai this measure should bo resorted to enl } when positively necessary. The contag ioua diseases of animals bill of 18,78 wai directed more especially against the catth plague and plouro pneumonia , and it had boon deemed unwise to resort to the same extreme measures in the case of tlu milder foot and mouth disease. A 1'oUUcal Upheaval. FRANKLIN , N , H. , March 12. Town elections yesterday resulted in a complete overturn of the township. It has beer under domocratio rule for nine yr.ara.und is again republican by a largo majority. NKWAUK , N. J. , March 12. Esuei county elect freeholders republicans 2U , democrats 17 , a not republican gain of 2 , LONG BuANCir , N. J , , March 12. Tlu republicans made a very general gain ir the county elections yesterday. The Out I lo Kaa. , March 12. Ate mooting cf prominent stock raisero of thii city last night resolutions were pas/iec / favoring trict quarantine in thedistric infected vrith foot and mouth disease in Woodaon county ; that thegovernor slioult use every means in his power to stami out the disease ; that the citi/.eua of lliluj county favor tlio prompt action of tlu governor and other state oflicera in thuii efforts to stop the epread of the diiouse also , ono nikiug our senators and repre sentatives to favor Mich action M wil ! place funds at the disposition of the com missioner of a rioulturo to bo used ir nth emergencies ; 'HE RULERS OF THE RAIL , The Fast Mail Service ExIccdCu Om the Milwaite Roafl , St , Paul and Minneapolis Put on tlio Same Footing as Omaha , Only Forty-oiglit Hours Botwooc Now York City and St , Paul , TIi9 Milwaukee Eoad and tlie Sioux Reservation in Dakota , Fink Denies that the Pennsylvania and Erie Drew Out of the Pool , The Sleepy DM UllnolH Central AVakoi Up in IjlortlMrratnrN. TU.\ClCTAIjK. KITllNDINO TlIK FAST MAIL NKUV10K. CHIOAOO , March 12. The faat mai ! service is to bo extended to the north west as far as Minneapolis and St. Paul Postmaster-General Groslmm In-day entering toring into n contract with the Chicago Milwaukee it St. Paul road to that end The first train loaves hero at 3 o'chcl to-morrovr morning , reaching St. Paul a ! ) :30 : to-morrow afternoon and Minneapolis lis at 4 o'clock , connecting with the nigh1 trains out of those cities. This bringi the through mail service from Now Yorl to St. Paul iuaido of forty-eight hours and shortens the running time botwoot Chicago and St. Paul five and one-hall hours , and shortens the throng ] eastern mail service about lif teen hours. The contract botwoei the postal authorities and the railway company runs for ono year. Owing the < ( ho fact that the arrangement was 011)3 ) consummated this nftornoon , the railway officials have not outlined the details foi the running of the train beyond the liini tation of time between Chicago and Min uoapolia. Tlio train ia to consist of an engine and two postal cars , and only imperative stops are to bo made. General Greaham Assistant General Manager Miller of tin St. Paul road , Mr. Uattou and a numboi of other nest olltco officials wil bo tiboan the train on its initial run , and will gc through to St. Paul. A atatomont hav ing boon matlo that the Chicago & North western would put on another fast trail between this city and St Paul , the olliu- ials of the latter road deny the report. THE MILWAUKEE IN DAKOTA , Special Dispatch to TllK BIB. 'WASHINGTON , March 12. The housi committee on Indian affairs will , at th < next session , take up the bill granting thi Chicago , Milwaukee & St.Paulroadrigh of way through the Sioux Indian rcserva tian in western Dakota. The indication are that the committee will makoa favor able report on the bill , as it yostorda ; 'reported the bill granting the Pakoti Central that privilege. THE TKUNK LINK 1'OOL. Hcgular Press Dispatcher Nisw YOUK , March 12. Commissionoi Fink officially denies the report recoivoc to-day from Chicago to the effect that i was probable that the Pennsylvania am Erie roads would withdraw from tin trunk line pool. Pink says the associa tion was never in a bettor condition 01 working more harmoniously than al present. 111B ILLINOIS UKNTHVL. OHIOACIO , March 12. At the anmu meeting of the atockholdors of the 111 ! nois Central railroad the following directors tors were elected : Walter Luttgon , Sid nny Webster , Rocort Godot , S. Vai Iloncaolaor Crugor , ulltof Now York Each received I'M ,958' votes , being nl these cast. I'lli : 01IIOAl0 AND ( IRANI ) Tl.U.NK , The stockholders of the Chicago c1 Grand Trunk railroad ro-eloeled the eli board of directors this afternoon , who ii turn elected the following officers : Joseph soph Aickson , president ; L. J. Sargont vice proaidont ; Charles Purser , nocrotar ; and treasurer. THE BL1/XAH ! ) IthOCKADK , I'nrtlciiUrs of tlio Fierce AV'lnd nn Bnoxv Kloriu to tlio North of UH - 'I'lio Kloppaxo of Train ' .Travel. MINNKAPOLIH , March 12. The tlotit nal'a specials from various points brin accounts of the widespread storm of yce torday along the St. Paul , Minnonpoli & Manitoba line , the storm oxtendin over the entire line. Deep drifts formed ono near Attwater 00 rods long ti fee deep , and ono on the Brockouridg division. All trains have boon abacdonod but the passengers started out thi morning with snow plows before thorn On the Minneapolis & St. Louis linotin , storm was by far the worst of the season and ono drift is ten feet deep , The North ern Pacific sent out two passenger train this morning , but is making slow prc gross. The Furgo di/ision is hopeless ! ; blockaded. Storm signals now indicate clea weather , BOIIIO wind and slight drifting On the II. & D , division of the Milwaukee koo road the Btorm raged with great fur ; all night , and the wind blew a gain From Gloncoo to Milbonk the cuts rapid lyMod with four to eight fi-ot of Know while from Milbank to Aberdeen there i from five to fifteen foot in the cuts. 'Jin wind ubated about 7 o'clock this morniii | and the snow plows eUrted out all olonj the Hnob. Tlio river division of tliu Mil ivaukoo road did not suffer BO muchastln other divisions , Trainu are now gettiti | through on slew time. MONIUEAI/ , March 12 The Oanadim Pasifio train from Ottawa , Saturday , ur rived , The nuow is 20 feet do ] in parts. or. iJAt'i , , March 12 , Asgpciatci Press dunatclies from thirty points ii Minnesota , Dakota , and Wisconsin shov that thu eU nu ii over and trains an ruuniiiK again , moat of them lato. BUAJ.VAIIO , Minn. , March 12. Thi roat olorm Is breaking away. The snov is drifting badly. To-night ia clear niu cold. Tlio blockade is practically raised , A rASTOU'S 1-HKlUCAMK.Vr. AltonllcHiiltliiK IVoni n Motlindisl'i irnOoii I'nlplt. NKW YOUK , March 12. In the Congregational grogational council to-day , Deacon Fester tor , an adherent of Hov. Dr. Kowman spoke at great length. His atntomen was atrongly in favor of Dr. Newman lie denounced as false nbout all the atntoinonts mndo by the various person ! composing tho' faction in the church whc are opposing Nowman. The couuci called Newman to the pulpit , from whlcl ho made an address declaring that hi could only look with sadness upon thi injury this church hai sustained by recent cent events and ho should always rogro having boon even the occasion of such ro suits. II o stated that during his t\v < years' pastorate , ho never spoke an nn kind word of any man in the church Newman closed solemnly declaring will his hand on a Bible , that ho had nuvo thought of , spoken of or suggested i change in the church to Methodism II o was not dependent on his salary a the church but would reaiatn vrith BOIU members of the church as long as h lived. The council then wont into executive ocutivo session. Southern NASHVILLE , March 12. The Southori Immigration association mot to-day Governor Bate delivered the wolcomiiij address and npoko eloquently of the re sources of the nouth , and invited th mon of the north to help develop th south. Letters wcro road from Govern ors Ilubbnrd of Texas , Proctor Knott o Kentucky , and Jarvis of North Carolina Ex-Governor Brown and others. Governor ornor Crittondon of Missouri , dolivoroi an ofloctivo speech. Ho said there wa nothing political in the movement. Ii twenty years the south would bo , tln greatest manufacturing section of thi whole country. The west would job hands with i ho south in this great work Governor Hooker , of Mississippi , alai spoke in glowing terms of the dcstin ; of the south. Mnr < | uh TrsoiiR has nrrlved In Lomlon. TIio Arkansas dontocratio Htato comoiitlo will l > a lielcl nt Llttlo Hock .Tuna 20. O. , T. Houok , of La S.illo , III. , n ilry peed doaluriia \ failed ; liabilities 820,000 ; adiat unlcnuwi ) , A fire on the bark John Boyil , for Hrc daiuogoil 2,000 baloa of cotton valued at SDH 000 ; UiHiirud. Two freight tratiiH came In colllnlon noa uirurim , N. Y. , yesterday. Ton earn of rt lined oil were burnod. A WllUoaliarro ( Pa. ) dispatch says : Kiv laborers were Injurad and 0110 Idllod to-day b falling coal In au Avondale Bhaft. At Socor , 111. , yostordny , foxtr buslnn1 IIOUHOH and ono dxvulllii ( ; were burred ; lot 515,000 ; Insurances light. At Worcester , Mass. , on the night of tli llth , the wool Htori ) of Krodorlck SlincsU burnod. Loss , $10,000 ; Insurance , S 10,000. At the Sacramento ( Ciila. ) munlclual elei tlon the full rninibllciui ticket way oloctoi cxccjit that il. O. Brown , democrat , wi elected mayor. A duel with swords was fought at Liulni Spain , the morning of the 12th , between Vit count Itobedo and Major Sorpn 1'into. Tli former rocolveil five wounds. The cumtnandor of the French ( loot nt Tor ( ( iiln atmnunroH that ho hiiR dlupatuhod tli war vesnol Villa to Shanghai and the Tr : umtihanto and two othoru to Amoy andnortl em ports. The failures of 11. Khott and .f. A. 1'attoi eon were announced at the Now York Mlnin and I'etroloum exthanga yoBterday. Hliel wax ehort 58,000 barrels and Tattoiaon 00,00 barrels of oil. General Badoau , Unttoil States coniul got oral nt Harvard , yesterday proecntod Ja ( loulil to Captain Uonernl CaBtlllo. The later tor with hlavlfo nftorwurds paid a vinlt i Uould'a yacht. The doniocratlo treasurer of Kile , Pi j.Tolm lioylo ) , IH inlBalng eluco Monday ovoi ing. Ilia accounts are short $5,000. It mipponod the money wan lined lu trying I keep hlniflolf iu odico. YoBtorday morning Frederic Vlorks , a Ge man 85 youra of ago , wax found dead near barn in tha town of T.indVls. . HH | nku wai crtwhod by n inallot. No trace ot tl murderer. Vlerka wai wealthy. The Pllloy ( Missouri ) republican state coi mitteo mot again ynatorday lu Kt. Loula an IHHUOI ! a call for a utato convention to bo ho ] at Somalia April lltli. This is the very tin and p ace the regular republican ( or Yarhon Htato committee had named for the state co \ontioii at their mooting bovoral weeks ago. 1'iro broke out yestonlay In Holfmau'a gri eery etoro at Alfegan , Michigau. and uurut twelve stores on that Rldo of the etrcot , ii ( .Indlntc I'ack'H bank. Tha Clmfco houi escaped. It nno burned eleven Htorcn on tl opposite ) Hide of tha street , including the She ; man liouso mid the nowapapor ollicoi. Til loss will perhaps roach a quarter of a inlllloi A high wind was blowing at the time , rendui lug the fire imlto unnianagoablo. It Is alleged that detectives working on tl Pailfioxxprora robbery caao , lia\o obtaluc miffii'lont clue to tliu whoroaboutH of Tiller < one of IIH ! confederated to justify Noiullng' Binall siiodal train with olIlcerH tu ennio poll In southern Texan with a view to a raid 1 pro unit the fugitive entering Mexico , ThJH doi.Icd . by olllclah of the oxprosH coinpauv i Ht. Jjouli , but other apparently wqll-lnforiue partlex auHcrt It ti > be true , and developmen1 are awaited with great Interest , The democrat * of Jiutli , Mo , , elected the mayor by 17U majority. President Arthur has recognlrnd Thcodo Olson an vlco consul for Denmark , at Ouiah The Olla river at Yuma , Arizona , han eve flowed and inundated half the town. Ot hundred families are deatltuto , The ii on nioiiUlcrs union of Qnincy , 111 linvo urilerod u HtiiKu aaliet a rnductlon of J per cent ; 300 member * will go out , Onmau Dcgna sent hU women , chlldrc and baKgagu to the hills , Hln men am oapi to light. Itobol rclnforcomontMaroeontluuai : arriving. The ropubllcans made a clean sweep 1 Camdoii. N. J. , by electing all of their cuuJ datoH. The democrats have a majority lu tl present council. Johnny O'ltrlen hiu boon elected beta of tl Now York county republicans , which IH coi uldored n victory for the working clement i the party. Solomon Shapora , who recently attomptf tu neil Iti Kngland n forirod manuscript of tl book of the Pentateuch , killed himself yertu day lu a hotel at Rotterdam. The convention of the Bupiomo lodge of tli Kcfchor yiml liarzel , at Cleveland , elected o : tlcori for thu cmmilng * lx ytard and ndjourno to meet \Vanhliift-U ; in 18'JO. At Morning Bun , Iowa , the llth , J. Btorrutt am' Wnde Oiinpliell , rchool boyi aged 10 , tjuarrelled , when SUrrott drew n n vohor aiuUhot OainubcH through the hear ! Mho boyn belout ; to good fatnlliou , Tutwday moridiiK ( ialluti L'ggenbereer , leading citizen uf Odoll , 111 , wai found den oi : ttio ritllroud track \\lth two bullet holeo i hlHhead. The murderers wo unknown , Tli citizens olfer a reward of $ T > 00 for their caj tutc. TRAFFIC TOPICS , The Chicago Markets Reported Firmer and More Active , Lively Times and Better Prioos for Both Oorn and OatSi Pork and Lard Also Stronger and Transactions Frotuont , Oattle Still Only Hold Prioaa Bo- oauBO of Small Supply. Heavy nml Olioleo Stock In Dninniul Others Xc > ; lcctc l. CHICAGO MAKIU5T8. A FIKM Special Dispatch to TUB BEE. OiuoAno , March 12. The markets arc nil firm to-day. Corn is especially so , and all are marked by a very considerable trading activity. In wheat a largo aggre gate of business was transacted within a moderate range of prices. The market opened easier , and declined about | e , then rallied Jo , fluctuated somewhat , recoding - coding jo ngain , advanced , and finally closed about Jo higher than yesterday. The colder -weather , with reports of damage to growing winter wheat , induced free buying. The day'o trading was marked by an increased number of out side orders. TllAPINO IN COUN was more active than for many days past , with prices ruling higher. The market opened at about the closing prices of yes terday , but a sharp demand soon devel oped , and with the "shorts" coveting freely , prices andvancod IJo above inside figures. At nn advance of l s sellers bo- camu more numerous and prices declined io , but again advanced n trifle and iimilly closed Jo higher than the closing on 'change yesterday. A HVECULATIVK MARKET I'Oll OATH opened with quite lively trading for May delivery and u modurato trade in June , and there waa an advance of about § c. Later in the session a more quiet feeling prevailed , and there was a alight reaction , but the market still closed slightly batter. I'OUIC AND I.AUU. Trading was moderately ativo for mess pork and prices ranged 10 to 15 cents higher. The fooling in lard was stronger and with fair trading was active. ON ( 'AI.I. , BOAUI > . "Wheat ruled linn ; April declined Jo , and July advanced o ; other options wore unchanged at the close ; April corn declined c ; May and Juno advanced jo ; July advanced Jo. April oats advanced jo May ; Juno pork advanced 2Ao ; lard , no trading. CATTJ.K wore moderately active and prices a shade firmer , but it is only on account of light receipts that there is any strength in prices. Dressed beef dealers are not buy ing half the number they did last week , and shipments are only about half the number of last week. Both shippers and dressed beef dealers aocm to look upon the nent future demand for moat as doubtful , both holding oil'in the hope that business may improve at home and abroad. Butchers' stock holds its own , and there is an improved demand for heavy stackers ) a choice feeders , but light , lean stock and calves nro yet neglected. Prices on all descriptions of ( itoekers and feeders were 25(2500 lower than last -week ; 1,3001DOO His export grades , SG.40a7.00 ( : good to choice ship ping , 1,200@1,350 11)3 , § 5.80(30.30 ( ; common - mon to medium , 1,0001,200 Ibj. ? 6.1G0 5.00. A Mioliltfiiti Vlllufro Sadly Soorohed. KALAMAKOO , Mich. , March 12. A fire started at noon to-duy in the west side of the business qunrtcr of the village of Allognn , twonty-fivo miles northwest of here. Every brick stoic building in the- pin cu was burned except the Clmll'io hotel and 1'cck'a bank building. The- aggregate loss is near f 41)0,000 ) ; insurance about $1,00,000. Aid was sent from Kal- umnKoo , Muskegon and Holland , but. offing to the high wind the fire ran ita courses in two liouru , Among the busi ness pbeea burned are the Sherman house , the Firat National bank , three nnnspapur offices , viz : Journal , Gazette and Democrat , and S. II. Boodior'a gro cery ; loan on thu latter , $3,500 ; insur ance , $2,000. lie was on the way from thu insuranceofllou with a piliey < rncu < . the alarm was sound C'd , Knoi-moiiH NKW YOHK , March 13.Tho Western Union executive committee to-day de clared a quarterly dividend of 1 | percent payablu April IGth. The not revenues for the quarter ondud Moron 31 t , ( March business is estimated ) were ? liuO,000. ( After payment of the dividend the quar ter's business will IMVO increased the sur plus 812-1,000 , making the in went surplus - plus $4.0 ! ) 1.710. DYSPEPSIA now not get well of lUeU | It requires careful , per- tlstent ntttntloa ana n remedy ttat will wai t nature to throw oil the KIIIKJ nrul loiio U | > the dleustho. creana till they pcrfprm their tlutha willingly. Mra. Uwwortli , cf Atnlieret , X. II. , after trying nuny. ' urn cum" wlUiouttenclU , found Oat Jlood's Sarsayarilla tlt'tht nail on the heart ami restored her to health. , Among tbo agunloa eipcrienceil by the dyspeptic , uro. fiUtrrn before or after caUnr , tea * of appetite , Jrrcgu * Itrlly of tnu trawls , wind or gag and pain In the * ( toinacli , ln--irt-turu , sour ctoirwh , Ac. , causing ; mental dciutssUM , HC.JYOUS IrritabUity and doeplcs- HCJB. IfoaatuiUscouraicdU > ofgoodclieerandU7 JIiKXl's ausapartlLi. It liai cured hundreds , Jt will tura you If you clvo It a fair clumce. UlSSI'.S. C. I. IlOOD .t CO. prow. . She U now UkuiE the fonriu FK > H IKUUt yand d's fti SVOltniAi _ l-rvparedbjC.I.JKXIldjCo. J/wUlMtij. 1-rku- 8r ! * . ) ,