Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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Omaha Ofllco , No. 010 Fnrnnm St.
Oortnoll ItlulT * 0TlcojNo. ( : 7 Ponrl
Street , Near Kromlwny.
Now York omccHoomO TrlOnno
PahlUhed every trornlnjr , except Sunday' tlio
eel ) Monduy rnotnlrB dally.
On * 7e r . ,110 00 1 Three Montht . ( t < 00
BlxUonini . * < M I Ono Month . 1.00
Per Week , So ConU.
TRI wi iT tn , rrjBtuniD ITSKT VIDXMDIT.
. ? One Tear . $2.00 1 Throe ifontru. . I to
t . . . SO
811 Months. . 1.00 | Duo Month
Amerletn Newi Oompany , Sola Agentr NewsJcat-
ert In the Unltad SUton.
A Communications rchtlnp to Newt and EdltorlM
nUttri ihunld bo nddresiod to the KDITOR or Tin
BUBiiiiM tirmita.
All Diulneu Tjttton and ttcmlttinoci thould 1 > o
allr J toTiu Ilm I'unuoiiiM ) CVmrAxr , nuAHA >
Orttto , Check * And Pottonico ordori to be tnada pny
blo to tbo order ol th company.
C R03EWATRK. Editor.
A. U. Fitch. Minugor Dally Circulation , 1 * . 0. Box
433 Omaha , Neb.
No MOIU : "aacrod concerts" on Sunday
night in Omaha ,
H :
Tin : next time that the Thontro
Gomiquo gives a Sunday night "sacred
concert" the polioowill know what it
Tin : city election thm yoarappropriate-
If cornea on the first tlf > y of April. There
will bo numorauj candidates fooled on
that day.
consin , has returned from Liverpool to
Milwaukee to unpack his presidential
boom , which ho imported duty free.
Tin ; mission to St , Petersburg is worth
§ 17,500 a year , and there are about
i - 1,7BO men in the United States who
think they can Till the place and ought to
have it
Mn. JOHN T. OAINB , the Mormon del
egate from Utah , ndmlta the right of the
government to punish polygamy as a
crime , if it desires to do so. This is n
big admission on the part of Mr. Caino.
THE registrars of the city should road
up as to their duties. They must ait
ten days before the election for the cor
rection of the registry lists , and they
must give seven days' notice of such
sitting. Various other duties also de
volve upon the registrars.
Tiia city election takes place only
three weeks from to-day , and it is im
portant that respectable citizens should
Boon bo stirring themselves in the matter -
tor of selecting suitable candidates for
the cUy council. The respectable people
nro certainly in the majority in Omaha ,
and can elect decent men to ofiico if they
will only interest themselves in politics
as much as the ward bummers and hood
lums do.
Tin : postmaster at Bonkloman , Ne
braska , is in trouble. Ho has telegraphed
to the authorities at Washington that n
desperado named Tom Hill has riddled
the pos ofiico with bullets , that his lifo is
in danger , and that the civil authorities
provide him no protection. The United
States army would do well to "cash in"
its poker chips and go to the terrified
postmaster's relief. Chicago Times.
Bonkloman is within the jurisdiction
of Congressman Laird , to whom the
above matter is icspoctfully referred. If
ho has any applicant for olllco , w'hom he
wishes to get rid of , wo suggest that ho
send him out to Bonkloman as post
Annum will not Jill the
vacancy existing in the St. Petersburg
mission until all the states havp been
hoard from. In boholf of Nebraska ,
THE BEE suggests that the name of Gun-
oral John M. Tliayer , who would fill tlio
place with honor to his country and to
himself. The appointment of General
Thayeras minister to Russia would loflect
credit upon the administration , nnd
would moot with hearty approval. Gen
eral Thayer has a brilla' t war record ,
Jias represented Nebraska in the United
States senate , and is a representative
western man. If thn west ntauds nny
show of getting such an important
foreign appointment , no hotter man can
bo found than GonoralNrhayor.
The death of Right Reverend Robert
It Olarkson , Bishop of the Episcopal
dioccso of Nebraska , will bo lamented by
'all classes of citizens in Omaha ant
thousanda of people in this state. Re
pooled and revered by all who know
him ho had boon especially endeared tc
the people of his own church , which he
had done so much to build up. Ne
western prelate enjoyed a higher repute
tion either on this or the pthor side of the
While ardently devoted to the churci
which had honored him , and to the
educational institutions with which tha
church U intimately associated , Bishoj
Olarkson was a man of broad and libera
ideas tolerant , genorouo , and patriotic
He waa pre-eminently a good Amoricac
itiaen , loyal to Wa country , joyaltohi
tele , and loyal to the city of his udop
tion in , all its interests. Omaha loses ic
Ilia death one of her most enterprising
Iilanthn pist8. She is indebted to hit
nSotia for ono of the raot beautifu
church edifices in the United SUtei
which will be ay enduring monument t <
J U devotion and practical piety. To him
wpre than to any other of her citi n
Omaha is indebted for an institution it
whloU gome of our beat women have beei
educated , and the hospital which aflprde
food and treatment for the eick
ol the poor , will forever com.
life IwevoJence.
r K nro
Tlio Inst spike in the Mexican Central
railroad was driven on last Saturday , und
hero is now direct railway connection
) otwcon the United States and the an
cient city of Mexico. The event is to
> o celebrated with great ceremony on the
rloxicnn national holiday , May 1st , on
which occasion President Arthur is ox-
peeled to join the president of the Mox-
can republic in congratulations lo bolh
mtions in the city of Mexico.
The Mexican Central railway , which
now connects the two American ropub-
ics , was organized in February , 1880 ,
under the general railroad laws of Masua-
ihuaolls. On April I ) , 1880 , the Mexican
, ; ornmont transferred to II. R. Symon
and his associates the charter of the old
lontral , granted December ft , 1874 , and
which covered the right of way from
iloxico city to Loon , The charter was
subsequently modified so an lo include
incs lo Paso del Norlo , Gaudalajara and
Jarodo. Shortly aflorward those parties
Tansforrod their rights lo tlio present
iompany , which tlio Mexican govern
ment lias recognized n.s a corpora
ion within its own limits , and to
which that tjovornmont lias granted
subsidy of § 15,000 per mile of road
built , tno right to import for fifteen
roars , duly free , all the material used in
.ho construction and operation of the
road , and has nxomplod it from all taxa-
.ion for fifty years from tlio completion
) f all the linos. The concession alio
authorizes the construction and operation
'or ninoty-nino years of a telegraph line
and of a standard guago railway from
Mexico to Paso del Norto , nnd from any
loint on that line through Guadalajara ,
oily of over 75,000 people , to the Pa
cific coast. The company has purchased
.ho Guanajuato railway , a narrow guago
oad running from Colayo to Trapuato ,
t dislanco of Ihirty-oovcn miles , the
price paid being S 128,000 ( Mexican
money ) , subject lo n deduction of $250-
000 for completing the line lo Loon. The
: ompany has also acquired various other
mportanl concessions , grants , charters
and subsidies.
The completion of Iho Mexican Con-
.ral railway is an event of moro than
ordinary importance. It opens lo Iho
merchants of tlio United Stales anew fielder
or trade , and lo Americans generally
t provides splendid opportunities for the
nvcstmont of capital in the development
of various enterprises that Mexico stands
n need of , and to which olio will give n
cordial reception and substantial encour
The republic of Mexico , consisting of
twonty-sovon dill'oront states , is , next lo
Iho United States , Iho moat populous and
woallhy counlry of Iho now world. The
Population is considerably over 10,000-
)00 ) , Bomo estimates placing it. at over
12,000,000. Mexico ia eminently a coun
try of mineral wealth , and itj production
of the precious metals wn for moro than
three centuries subsequent lo ita discov
ery greater thnn that of any other coun-
; ry. Ita silver mines to-day are among
, ho richest in the world. Silver early
> ocamo , and will ovoi remain , Iho staple
production of Mexico. The supply is
aid to bo practically unlimited. Though
many thousands of mines have boon
abandoned na unprofitable , Iho introduc-
ion of improved processes of extraction
ind roduolion , and of cheap Iraniporta-
ion by moans of railways , will augment
ho yield of silver to an indefinite extent ,
moro especially if supplies of coal and
[ uioksilvor should in any way become
cheap and abundant.
The long war of independence , from
L810 lo 1820 , ruined Iho mininq
nterosta of Mexico , which up lo Ihis
; lmo had boon very profitable. In 1825 ,
upon Iho oatabltnhment of the republican
government , a fever for the Mexican mines
pervaded Iho London money market , and
the most reckless investments wore made.
Oporalions wore carried on foryoara upon
bhomostlavish scale of expenditure , under
the direction of so-called mining engi
neers , who refused to learn anything
from Mexican sourcoi. Naturally , Iho
English companies nearly all collapsed
within a few years. The mining re
sources of Iho country are now almost
exclusively in the hands of Mexican capi
talists , and are gradually recovering their
prosperity. There are cloven mints ii
the republic , which coin on an average
$20,000,000 per annum , of which loss
Hum 81,000,000 is in gold. Tlio total
production of Mexican mines up to 1875
Is estimated at $1,300,000,000 , and the
total coinage for thosamo period is ataloc
at 83,003,000,008 , , of which nol moro
ihan 5 per cent was gold.
Among Iho principal vogolabloproduots
of Mexico ore Indian corn , swootpotatoos
wheat , barley , rice , sugar cane , lobacco
cotlon and cofteo. Tropical fruils in
great abundance and varioly are producec
in Mexico , such as oranges , lemons
olives , mangoes , bananas , pineapples am
Itrapos. There are over 100 species o
Umber Iroes and cabinet woods" , 17 oil
bearing planla and Ircoa , 12 kinds of dye
woods , 8 kinds of gum trees , and over 0 (
varlolies of medicinal planls. It is
a wonderfully rich country in
agricultural resources , and agriculluro ia
Iho occupalion of the moss of Iho abori
ginal population , whether in jtha tillage
of their own small ploU of ground or in
Iho cullivalJou of the great plantations
It U certainly an Intoroaling and iijvitin ( ,
country in many rppocts.
Tjio historic city of Mexico , the capita
of the republic contains
, a population o
over 275,000. The ether principal cilios
of Iho republic range in populalion from
10,000 lo 85,000 , there boin twenty-two
cilies with a population of over 10,000.
The Mexican railway will bo ot great
mulual benefit to the United States and
the Mexican republic , While wo shall
find ready market for a great variety
of our manufactured article * , Mexico will
Bccure in the United Stales a market for
or numerous products , and particularly
or her abundance of tropical frulls.which
an bo transported in rofrigoratar
ars in midwinter lo Iho most remote
mints nf our counlry in n very few days.
Jndor Ihcso [ circumstances a liberal re
ciprocity Ircafy should bo onlorod inlo
> olwoon the two republics. There is a re
ciprocity troalynowundorconsidoralion by
congress , and 51 should bo ralificd wilh-
out unreasonable delay , and Iho indicv
lions are that iU ratification will take
> lace within a few days.
Special to tlio Kama * City Journal.
WASIIINCITOX , March 8. Goo. W. E.
Dorsey , chairman of the Nebraska state
epublican committee , is hero. lie says
.hat Nebraska is for Blaine for provident ,
and Logan as second choice Hint the
nominee of Iho republican parly , who
ever ho may bo .will bo elected. Ho
claims that the contiguous slates of lown
and Kansas nro also for Blaino. Mr.
Arthur , ho says , has made a good presi
dent , giving satisfaction to Iho business
men of the counlry , but that ho was
made such by accident and placed upon
the republican ticket for vice president
tgainst the wishes of many of Iho party
oadors , would hardly make him the
iropor man to nominate lo carry the
sounlry at Ihis limo.
Nebraska has been a Blaine state , nnd
f James G. Blaine wore to-day , a ciuull-
date for Iho presidency , ho would un
doubtedly bo Iho choice of a great major
ity of Iho party , but Mr. Dorsoy has shot
vrldo of the mark , when ho says thai
General Logan is Iho second choice of
Nebraska republicans. General Logan
'ias ' many friends in this state , and so
mvoSenator George F. Edmunds , Gen
eral Sherman , Bon Harrison , John
Sherman and last but not least Cheater
A. Arlhur. The assumption that General
oral Arlhur is barred from becoming Iho
next nominee for the presidency because
! io was not Iho choice of some
delegates at Iho Chicago conventionwhen
lie was nominated for vice president , and
especially because ho was made president
of Iho United Stales by accident is , lo
say Iho least , decidedly preposterous. If
it is Iruo , as Mr. Dorsoy admits , thai
"Arthur has made a good president , giv
ing satisfaclion lo Iho business men of
Lhe counlry"whyshould Iho republican
parly commit itself against hia ronoini-
nalion ? Suppose General Garfield had
lived out his term , had made a good
president , and given general satisfac
tion lo Iho people by his administration ,
would any man of good sense have op-
.losod his ronominalion because 30G
oul of about 720 delegates had opposed
lis nomination , which was a sheer acci
iVgain , suppose that President Arthur
should bo removed by deathaccidental or
otherwise , and Senator Edmunds , who is
now vico-prosidonl , should become presi
dent for the unoxpired term , would re
publicans who acknwledgo his eminent
llnoss for Iho place , rule him out be
cause ho became president by accident ?
If Arthur has agreeably disappointed
; hose who were opposed to him for the
vice-presidency and made n good prcsi-
dontjor throe years , why would ho not
make a good president for four years
longer ?
When wo say this wo" do not express
preference for Arthur over all other can
didates , nor would wo advocate a pledged
or instructed delegation from this state
'or any candidate. This paper h.a < 3 sup
ported James G. Blaine with all the
vigor and ability at ils command during
successive campaigns. It would dose
so again if ho were before the country as
a candidate , but wo do not believe it to
30 just In Iho administration of Presi
dent Arlhur nor good policy for Iho re
publican parly lo commit Ihis state
against Arthur in advance , by unreason
able and senseless presumptions , based
on factional prejudices and prccoedonU
which do not in the least boar upon his
case. Mr. Arthur has neither Tylorizod
nor Johnsonizud. Ho has remained loyal
to the party that nominated him , and
hence precedents like those which Mr.
Dorsoy recalls , inferentially , should in
no way ofl'oct him.
That a murder should bo committed in
the variety dive known as the Thoalro
Comiquo ought not to surprise any ono
who is aware of the character of the place.
It has long boon a notorious resort for
persons of bad charaolor. Wlml surprises
us is that murder has not been committed
there long before this. Although the
Ihoalro was running in full blast in con-
nootion with the bar , in open violation of
law , it being Sunday night , such a crime
waa just as liable to bo committed on any
other night of the week , yet the authori
ties are lo blame for allowing Iho place
lo bo open on Sunday. How comes il
lliat the police allowed this violation of
law , in view of the fact lhat Iho mayor
and marshal recently ordered all saloons
lo bo closed on Sunday , and it was supposed -
posed by some pnoplo lhat Iho order was
being strictly enforced ? As a matter of
fact the Thoalro Comiquo is a disgraceful -
ful and dangerous place , and should bo
suppressed. That it was permitted lo bo
open on Sunday evening , under the ad
vertised pretext of giving a "sacred concert -
cert , " was an insult to the morals , to the
decency , and to the .intelligence
of this community. It is high time thai
such bra/on laced impudoneo should
cease lo bo tolerated in Omaha. That it
has been tolerated so long ii duo to the
inefficiency of Iho polino , who , jf strictly
performing their duty , would have closed
the Theatre Comiquo for being a disor
derly house * and a place dangerous to the
public welfare. It remains to bo seen
whether the authorities , with the awful
lesson of the Sunday night tragedy before.
thum , will awake to. a reulisatijn of ,
their duty , and lh important
relations they bear to the public.
Can the authorities , who ore supposed
lo bo Iho guardians of Iho public welfare ,
ongcr afford lo pcrmil affairs coming
under police regulation lo conlinuo in
the loose condition which lias prevailed
for the last year ? In the tragic death of
lis brother Iho propriolor of Iho Theatre
Comiquo hashadtho , character of hisbusi-
ness brought homo lo him , and , if ho is
not a man Ihoroughljr hardened in vice
and sin , ho would never again open Iho
doors of his variety dive , bul would en
deavor lo alone for Iho injury ho has
done lo Iho community , by seeking some
ether occupalion , and leading a moro
loncst and decent lifo.
Tin : Republican asks us why THE BEE
did not i.ubliah four columns of testimony
before the senate postofUoo committee.
The testimony was simply a statement
relating lo press dispatcher made by Wil
liam Henry Smith. Why didn't Iho
Republican publish at least four lines
about Senator Mnndcrson's bridge bill
before the committee on commerce ? That
subject was of general intcroal lo Iho
citizens of Omaha and Iho people of Iho
state. Mr. Smith's testimony was of
interest lo publishers nlono.
To the Kdltor of tlio Bco.
Giuxi ) IHLANW , Nob. , March 9. Tlio
enclosed communication explains itself.
A'ery ropectfully ,
GitNFiur , .JoitxM. TIIAVFR , Columbus , Ne
Sut : My attonlion was called yesterday
to an article in the Omaha Bco in Dela
tion lo Corydou F. Millard , who it is al
leged , was representing himself as Iho
chaplain of Iho Soldiers' Homo in Mil
waukee and was collecting money on such
representation. Your name was men-
Honed and 1 wrolo lo you forinformation.
I desire lo take aclion in Millard's case ,
so lhat a slop may bo put lo his plunder
ing , as ho is a member of Ihis home.
Yours respectfully ,
Tlio ltc\cnucs and AVho Pay Them ,
St. Louis Republican.
The imports to the United Stales for
Iho calendar year 1883 , free of duty , were
of Iho value of § 205,114,304 against
8214,030,390 for the year 1882 a falling
off of § 8,022,080. Tins largo amount of
imports free of duty came under _ about
sixty headings , but is made up mainly of
the following :
Articles , the growlh or man
ufacture of the United
States , returned ? G,874-110
Crude lartar or argal dust. 2,930,277
Indigo 3,337,017
Nitralo of soda 2,409,013
Sulphur of Limestone 2,177,212
Cotteo 43,379,018
Eggs 2,520,811
Undressed furs and fur
skina 2,215,002
Hides and skins , ether
Ihan furs 23,140,522
Crude India rubber and
gultn percha 14,786,329
Raga , plhor than \s eel 3,780,401
Raw silk or a ? reeled fiom
cocoons 13,122,049
Tea 15,310,009
Tin in many forms 0,105,351
Wood , unmanufactuicd. . . . 4,003,422
Brown sugar 7,051,009
Tolal 8 153,392,837
These sixteen headings embrace three-
fourths inalflo of the goods broughl
inlo the country free of duty.
The amount of dutiable imports for the
calendar year 1883 ; was 8481,900,362 ,
against § 538,807,117 in 1882 a I ailing
oil'of $50,840.745. The total decrease
of free and dutiable imports for the year
was 805,708,831 , comparison being with
1882. Tlio dutiable articles imported
came under one hundred and twenty-nine
headings , of which the following are the
Live animals S 3,513,029
Barley 0,288,341
Butlons and button material 3,599,323
Crude opium 3,931,278
Watches and watch mate
rials 2,221,703
Coal , bituminous 2,210,200
Cotton cloths 2,538,871
Cotton knit goods 7,941,381
Clothing and other cotton
goods 23,808,930
Earthen , ttono nnd china
ware. 0,909,923
Fancy articles , poifumuries ,
etc ' 7,402,856
Hemp and substitutes for. . 4,570,324 ,
Jute and sisal grass 5,720,995
Manufactures of flux , jute , r >
olc 24,133,992
Fruils and nuts 17,407,807
Furs dressed on okina 5,325,133
Fig iron 5,745,999
Tin plates or taggers tin. . . 18,075,814
Vnrioua nmuufacturesof iron 13,875,003
Precious fstonos 8,550,818 ,
Leather 7,228,109
Gloves , kid and Joalhor. . . . 3,589,053
Silk , dress and piece goods. 10,821,411
Silk clothing , ribbons , etc. . 18,280,471
Brandy 2,210,520
Molasses 0 980,210
Sugar , Dutch stand , in color 87,774,898 ,
Leaf tobacco 8,312,913
Uigurs , cigarettes , cheroots. . 3,055,770
Wino in casks 3,112,977
Wino in bottles.- . . . . , . 5,207,345
Lumber 7,433,989 ,
Wool , unmanufactured 11,813,025
Woolen cloth 12,922,521
Women's and children's
woolen goods 17,095,209
Woolen goods unspecified. . 8,430,558
Total § 390,150,721
These thirty-si * headings embrate moro
than Ihruo-fourlha of the dutiable com
modities brought into this country. It
will bo observed tliat by far the greater
portion are articles of prime necessity.
Sugar , cotton goods and colton clothing ,
woolen goods and woolen clothing , man
ufactures of fiux , tin and manufactures
of tin , iron and manufactures of iron ,
make up much thu larger part of the
goods upon which duties are imposed ,
those aio articles indispensable in every
household in the Jand. These enter into
the life of e\ory human croature. The
duty onthesa articles is from 40 to DO
per cent. It is 'not stating the case too
strpuRly to say that on the nix
articles we have just named , tlio
laboring clatsos pay anually over
8100,010,0(0 tax to the government , or
two dollars to each person and t-ou to
each family. This , of course , takes no
account of the amount they pay to pro-
loot homo industries whiph does not go
J into Iho treasury. This amount i * indofi-
mte , but u variously estimated to reach
i M , iUmos the uin , or more .than ii
IS ii , Bovornment ; that is to say , BIX
I dojlars to each person and thirty to each
I family in the United States. If thU tax
wore levied direct on the people the pres
ent tiriff would not stand a month. It
falls on them none the less surely and is
much leas equitably distributed Ihan nro
direct laics , but so disgn'scd ' as ( o oxcilo
no general protest. It is only by discus
sion that the truth can bo brought
to the people who bear Iho burdens.
Tlio republican elector * of the fttata of Ne
braska are Invited to send delegates from the
several countlci to moot In cotuontion at Lin-
eojta , Thursday , itny l t , 1861 , at 7:30 : o'clock ,
p. m , for the pnrposo of electing four (4) ( ) ilclo-
gate * nt la-pa to the national republican con-
\ontloncaHod to moot nt Chicago , Juno 3d ,
1881 , for the purpoto of placing In nomination
candidates for president and \lca president of
tha United State * .
The o\ oral counties tire entitled to roprc-
Bontition as follows being based upon the
vote cast for < T. M. Hlatt , regent of tlio uni-
\orslty , giving ono delegate at largo aril ono
for every ono hundred and fifty \otc ! > and the
major fraction thereof.
Counties. DcllCounttts. Dd.
Adatm 0 Kearney. 0
Antelope G Keith 1
Boone OKnox 0
lirown 5 Lancaster 21
Buffalo OLlncoln 3
Uutlor KLoup 1
Hurt OMadlBon 0
Cass. ISMcrrlck fi
Cedar 2 Nnnuj. 4
Choyomio JJ Nomolia 11
Cherry , 1 Nuckolls
Cloy DOtoo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Coif ax. 1'nwnob 8
Cumlng 4
Ouster 4 I'lorc'o. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Dakota -1 1'IattO 7
DawBou 4 I'olk G
DIxon C KocnVillov 4
Dodtfo lOIUchanhon 13
Douglftii lOSallno 11
Fillinoro OSarny 5
Franklin , . . BSanutlors 2
rrontier L'Sow.-xrd il
Kurnas , 5 Sherman 3
Gage 17Stanton 3
Gospcr Thayer fi
Grooloy 3 Vnlfoy C
Hall \yashinpton 10
Hamilton. ftVii
Ilnrlnn . . . . . 5 Webster . . 8
Ultchoock Wheeler 3
Holt York H
Howard C
iTolforson 7 ToUIs 144
Johmon U
It i roconunondod by tlio coinmittoo that
separata com ontiona bo hold within each con-
Rrosslonnl district for the purpose of electing
the two district delegates. In case of the fail
ure of the electors of any district to elect the
dologatoa to which they nra entitled , and in
conformity to call of the national committee ,
the delegitoH elected to tnto concation from
such district will bo authoriiod to meet in
Hoparate convention and olcct said delegates.
It is recommended that in such counties us
ha\o changed their political subdivisions by
the organization of new precincts , or the adop
tion of township organization since the last
election , that the apportionment of delegates
to the county convention bo made in accord
ance with the old precinct boundaries.
It is recommended that no proxies bo ad
mitted to the convention , except such as are
hold by persons residing in the counties from
which proxies ore given.
OMAHA , Neb. , Feb. 27,1884.
S. 13. COLSO.V , Secretary.
unfailing cure for
Seminal Weak
ness , Spermatorr
hoea , Impptency ,
and all Diseases
that follow as a
pequenco of Self
, . . , Abu8e : as loss of
- - -
Memory , Unl\er- = * - s * * * *
T3RETAKIrQ.salLa8studoPaln ! ! AFTER TARIrlQ ,
In the Hark , Dimness of VIblon , 1'romatvro Old Age
and Tiany other diseases that lead to Insanity or Con
sumption and a Premature Grave.
USWARK of advertisements to refund money , ivhen
druggists from whom tha medicine la bought do not
refund , but refer you to the manufacturers , and the
requirements are such that they are I'ldomf ever ,
complied ith. See their u rltten guarantee , A triil
ot one single package ot Oraj's Spcciflc will com lore
the mcbt skeptical ot Iti real merits.
On account of aounteztelten , wo have adopted the
Yellow Wrapper ; the only genuine.
jGTFull partlcuUre In our jumphlct , which w cde-
sire to send free by mail to every one. * 3The Spo
ClUe Mcdiolno is sold by all druggists at SI per package -
ago , or six packages for $5 , or will ba scut free by
mall on the receipt of the money , by addressing
Sold n Omaha 1 * * * '
Proiiosals 1'or Army Transport.itiou.
i-vriTiirM or nit PLITTB , )
OFlllKlfQl" RTFllJU8TK , [ '
Oil AM x NBII. , March 1,1881 , J
CEALEDIIIOP03VLS , in triplicate , subject to the
0 usual conditions mil bo iccchol at this olllco
1 ntil 12 o'clock , noon , Tuesday , the 1st dar of April ,
\88lorat anne hour , ( alloiiiag'or d ffctcnco In
ttni" , ) at the cilices of thu Aisl tsnt Quarlirmastcrs
at Cliejcnuo Dcpnt , Wjomlng , and Ogdcn , Utah , at
which time and placts thij will bo opened In presence
once of bidders for i\agon transportathn an the fol.
lo Ing described r utot , during the fistaljcar com-
tncnc n/ July 1st , 1SSI :
1. BetHCtn bldney , Neb , and Port Roblnnon , Neb.
2. lietwo'jn Chijcnne Dcpt/t , W. T. and 1'orta Lar-
amlo and McKliincy , W. T.
3 BttHO-n Hock C'rfck btatlcn , U. P. Ity. and
1' rt McKinney , W. T.
Between KawllnsSta'loii , U. P. Ily. and Fort
Washakle , W. T.
Hot * COT C rter Station , CJ. P. Hy. and Tort
rtr Brldger , W. T.
0. Between Cuatcr Station , Northern P. Ily , and
Fort McKlune > , W.T.
7. Between Omalia Depot or ony point In Omaha
City to Tort Omaha Noh.
8. Bctnioii any paints within Omahi Cltlimlta. .
0 Ilctw on Va'cnttne ' SUtlon , H. C. and Paclllo It.
It. and Fort Nlnbrara. N b
10. Iletwccn ChBjcime City ani Chejenno Dep t
and K rt D. A Hiu > ci | , W. T.
11. Between f-'nlt Lake City and fort DougUs , Utah.
tn i OoMjromcnt reserves the rl ht to reject an >
or all propocala.
Blank pro.o | K ] > , form ) ot contracts and printed
circulars imlnj full Informa Inn as to manner of
I Idrtlng , terms of contract and payment , will be fur
nished on application to thin olllco otto tbeoilUcs
ot the AMI tint Qjartira alters at Chejcnno and
Km olopa ( aontalo In ? Proposals should bo raarkc J
"P/oiosals for wagon Transportation between
and- . " O. B DANDV.
inarOi 1 ui iflt Chief i uarteruiattor.
Proposals lor Sulihtateiico Stores.
OrtltR UlllKf UoUMtHMIlt Of SUBtMTHNCK , V
Omaha , Neb , February 16th. 1S31. )
Sealed proposals In duplicate , marked "Proposal )
( or SubsUtuicoStorot , " ami aldrtssod to the under-
slgncil , will bt ) rcccl < d , tuujoct to the ustal con-
d thiu otrlcQ until 12 u clock noon , March 10 ,
183L at which tin o and place they wdlbeopepcd In
the presence of blddo i lor furnishing and delivery
at the Bu'elitcnco Utorchouto or such other pUo In
the < ltv of Omaha as may ba designated.
ISO Barrel ) 1'ork , light mew.
Blank | roposals ind InlorraaMon as to the manner
cf bidding and terms of payment , will bo fur" lined
on application t thU olllco. The tight U reicnud
to r ject any or all bids.
mar l-3t Major and U. 8.
Otlico Chief Comtnloary of Subibtence. V
Miu , , Ftibruiry m 1831 . )
Acting Commissar ) of bubiltt no at each of
TUB following Posts , > U : Vorts llrldger , lioug.
lai , iJtrainlu , Blohinne } . Nlobrara , Oui li , Kubln-
non. D. A. Uuwcll , Sidney , Fred SUcle , Wasbakle ,
Uhoyeneo Dep' > t and Oniaba Depot , will rcrolvo
sealed proimsals until II M. , the 21st day of April ,
1884 , at hl h tlnio they will > o opened In tlio pret
enou of I Id iM for the turuliMrg ai.d da ( very of
Frcob Ueef from tb block , for Iwuc , anJ choice cut *
for tale * to oHlcurf , that may be roqulro.1 by the Sub-
lstnce Deparlinoi't , V , S. Arm > , at thrlr reejxctho
IKUt * during the tl-cal ) ear oonuucuo < ng Jul ) I , Jgs-i ,
U'ank ' prr > l > o < al * and Instructions to blddiri giving
info'inatlon a to conditions to obtcncd by bidders ,
terms of coiilrait nod 1 atmciit , will lu furnlihed on
application to thU olllco or to the Commlwarlcd at
the IHIBH ruuied. Proi at HI not bo cunsldurcd
union Accompanied bv the "liutructlons to bidders"
oboit ) referred to. Tlio right Is retervat to reject
iny or ail bl I. . JOHN P. UAKINS \ ,
irar 6 uietft U fhltt U , &
Notice U hereby given that tbo partntnhlp hire.
toforenxUttog between William F. Manning aud
( leo U. I fees under lh flrmuauia of Miunlni ; A ,
HCM. U thl * day dUsohwl. . . . , , _
This Is to irhe further notice that I will not be re
sponsible for any l lt contracted by nj jwrwn In
our late flrm name , nor will I pay any attorney.
f.MorcvaUtocarryunany " ' 'if1..0' ' y
iLiintl against any. of tha creditor ! of the Ut firm
i > ( lannUiu * Ho * . and the uw of ray name to carry
ou any .a.
Osnah * . Neb. ftb. , IB , JtWt. /eb. 18-
Sanford's ' Radical Cure
Prom a 'Simple HCold to Catarrhal Consumption.
That pure wc t , ( afo , and cfToctlrn American dl > . |
lalUn of Witch-Hud , Amcrltnn Pine , CaniuU Fir ,
arlKOlJ , and Clovor-nioisom , called SAtrORU'a HAD-
Ab CCRK ( or Catarrh , with one box CATARRIIAL SOL-
KM ami ono SUsronD'8 lMmo\Kn ISIIALTKH , kll In
onep ck frem y nowlro hvl of all ilru xlttn ( cr Jl.CO
Auk of SA.xroKu'H ItAbicAb CURB.
Complete Treatment , $1OO-
Complete , Local , ami Constltunul Treatment lor
every form of Catarrh , from Simple Cold or Influenza
to Lees of Smell , Tivstc , ami Hearing , Cough Bron
chitis , and CAUnrhal Consumption , In over ; pack-
' Wo sell mnro of the lUmcAL CURX than all other
cataarh remedies put together , and I hmo jctto
hear of a caio that It dan not gen \ the moit com
plete satlBlaUlon. " S. W. Qlfford , Oskaloosa , Ion a.
Sneeze , Bticozc , Sneeze ,
Until ) our head seems ready tody off : until jour ncao
BtNlcjcsdlsclmrsrocxecsslxo quantities of thin , Irri
tating , watery llulJj until jour head aches , kmouth
and throat parched , and hlood at focr heat. Thin
Is anActito Cataarh , and Imtantly relieve J liy a
single dose , and la pormixnontly cured by i110 liottlo
" The only absolute sncclfla wo know of for sneer-
\ng \ , simllllntr , and choklne catarrh , or hold colds ,
Is SAVTOIU/B lUmcAt , CuRit" Medical Times.
"After a long struggle w Ith Cataarh j our B U > IcAti
Ctnr. conquered. " Uov. 8. W. Monroe ,
CaUnhM Conph , Bronchitis , Droppings In the
Throat , WotratU not the Nanal PIUUHKCS , Peblllty ,
I/osso ! Gtrongth , Flesh and Sleep cured In the ma *
Jorl'yof CMC * .
"nio curooffecUd Inmy cftsobySAxronn'g lUmrAb
CURH n as BO remarkable tnat It seemed to those nho
ha < t suflenxl without rcl'ol ' frem any of the nraal
remedies that It could not bo true. I therefore made
afflda\lt toll before SothJ Thomas , EM | . , Justloo ot
the Peace , Hoiton. " Oco. F. Dlnimoro , Druggist ,
Worchoter , MaM.
Accumnlitlons are dhlcdfrod , the nasM passage ,
cleansed , Ulslnfcctod , and he lcd , breath sweetened ,
smell , t > ctean't hearing restored , and constitutional
tendency checked fcy BAIKORD'I CORK.
"SAM-ORD'nIUDicAfcCoRHfrlvcs universal satl l -
tlon. I ha\e not found a case that It did not rcllei8
at cnco , and In many caeca n cure Is pciformod by
the use of one bottle. " Andrew Lee , Druggist , Man
chester , Mass.
And Publlo Speakers , without number , ewe their
prc'cnt utcfulncsi and tuctcss to SANFOIID'B UABICAU
CORK for Catarrh.
Hov. Dr. WlftRln 6A\a : "Onoof the best remedies
for Catarrh , nay. the host remedy o ha\o found In a
llfotlrao ot BuHiriiifT , Is SAfWRb'g KABICAD Cimn. It
clears the liuul and throat -o thoroughly that , taken
each morning on rising , there are no unp caiant se
cretions and no disagreeable hanking during the entire -
tire day , but an unprecedented clearness ofolco and
respiratory organs
Sold by oil piug-gUts. Price , $1.00.
Potter Dmi * and Chemical Co. , Boston. .
COT.UNSMOLTAJO KT'-TT"IO I'LASTE.l . Instantly affnotn the F ous S\ - 11
and banishes pain. ApcrlaU KdEOlIUO IIATTKIIY COllBINtDw 10 a FUl.uja
PLASTKlUor E5 ( Vnts. It on dhllatoa pain , \ltallzca f-tf\T T TXTCO
Weak uml Worn Out Partn , Strengthoiisllred Muscles , ft it I 5 11 ml Ft ft
prevents Disease , absorbs Poisons from the Blood , and mm * m iw
IS TJli : OBX docs more In loss tlmo than any other plaster In
or A the world. Sold by all druggists. By mall 25 cults ,
SUffERIHa HtRVE Address V. V. & C. Co , Boston.
H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lock vood & Draper ) Chicago , oiTau-
ager of tlio Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full line of
nil grades of above ; also pipes and smokers' articles carried in
.stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open
orders intrusted to ua shall receive our careful attention
Satisfaction Guaranteed. ,
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , ? Bolting , Hoie , Brass and Iron Fittings'
Steam Pnokin ? at wholesale and retail. HALLAJDAY Y/INDJ.HLL ? , C11UUCH
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Heb.
JA .
Union Pacific Depot , -
U/ll I UA A
Willimaiitic Spool Cotton is entirely the product of Home Industry ,
and ia pronounced by exports to be the best sewing machine thread in the
for su'.o by HENLEY , HAYNES & VAN ARSDEL ,
m&e Omaha , Neb.
Paint * . Oils. Class.