Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1884, Image 7

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    Dr. Wagner's llcinovnl ,
Dr. Wagner has removed hli office from No. 313
Larimer to No. 333 I.arlmcr , where ho nil ) ho pleased
to MO hli friends The Doctor Is to be congratulated
on tlio comptoUncM ami clesnco ol lug now bnlU-
ng. Up one o ( the bmt In the city. ( Denver Uo-
publican , Jan. 37.h 1SSI.
Why you nhould try the celebrated Dr. It.
methods of cure :
1. "Ut. II. Woucr U n natural physician. "
O. H. FowtHR ,
The Greatest Living Phrcnologlnl.
"Fow con exco you as a doctor. "
Diu J. SIMMS ,
The World's Greatest Physiognomist.
"You are wonderfully proficient In your know )
edge Ot dlseaHO and moulclucs. "
4 , "Tno ainicted find ready relief In your pres
ence. " DR. J. SIHVB.
6. "Dr. II. Waffncr Is a regular enxduato from
Delltivuo Hospital , Now York city ; has had very ox.
t n h o hosplul practice , and U thoroughly jwle J on
all branches of Ills bolo\od eclouco , especially on
chronlo diseases. "
8. "Dr. It. Wagner has Immortalized himself b }
Ills wonderful illscbvcry of piicclfio remedies for pri
rate and sexual diseases. " Virginia City Chronicle.
7. "Thousands of Invalids flock to see him. " San
Francisco Chronicle.
8. "Tho Doctor's long experience ai ft specialist
thould render him very successful. " Rocky Moun
tain News.
Plain Facts Plainly Spoken ,
At one tlmo a discussion of the secret vlco wu en
tirely avoided by the profession , and medical works
but a few years ago uould hardly mention it.
To-day the physician is of a different opinion ; ho It
aware that It Is hit duty disagreeable though It
maybe to lundlo this matter without gloves and
rpoak plainly about It ; and Intelligent parents and
guardians will thank him for doing no.
The results attending this destructive vice wcro or.
mcrly not understood , or not projierly cstlinatotl ; and
uo impnrtanca being attached ton mibjcct which bj
Its nature does not Imlto close Investigation , It wa
willingly Ignored.
The habit Is generally contracted by the younp
nhllo attending school ; older companions through
their cxamplo , may In responsible for It , or It may be
acquired through accident. Tha excitement once ex.
pcrlcnccd , the practice will bo repeated again and
again , until at last the habit becomes firm and com
pletcly enslaves the victim. Mental and nervous af
dictions are usually tlio primary results of ficlf-almse
Among the Injurious effects may bo mentioned Uwl
ude , dejection or Irnw. . Ibillty of tcuijier mid general
debility. The boy seeks seclusion , and rarely Joint
In the sports ot Ins companions. If hu bo a young
man ho will bo little found in company \\lththoothoi
BOX , and U troubled with exceeding and annome
bashfulncsi In their presence. Lascivious dreams ,
emission ) ] and eruptions on the face , ota.aronlsr
prominent sj mptoms.
If the practice la violently persisted lnmoroscrlout
disturbances take place. Orcat palpitation of the
heart , or epileptic convulsions , are experienced , and
the sufferer may fall into a complete state of Idiocy be
fore , llnallj , death rcllov cs him.
To all thoao engaged In this dangerous , practice , !
would say , first of ail , stop It at oncem.iko ; evcrj
possible effort to do BO ; but if J ou fall , If } our uerv ous
system Is already too much shattctod , and consa
qucntly , your will-power broken , take some nerve
tonic to aid you In your eltort Having freed yourself
from the habit , I would further counsel jou to go
through a regular course of trc itment , for It U a great
mistake to umK > " that an.v ono may , for some tlmo ,
bo te\cryRi > mt'e git a himself nptothlsfascinatlnir
but dangerous exUteincnc without sutlerlng from its
evil consequences at.iomo luturo time , The numnor
of young men who are lucapachtetl to fill the duties
unjoined byvedlocl : ia alarmingly large , and In most
of ouch easel this unfortutmto condition nf things can
ha traced to the practice of self-abuse , which had been
abandonedynarj ago. Indeed , a fuw mouths' practice
of this habit la sulllcicnt to Induce upermatorrhoaa 1
later yearsand I hav o many of such cases under trojt ,
men at the present day.
Young Men
Who may bo Buffering from the effects of youthful
follies or Indiscretions w ill do well to avail thcmselt 09
of this , the greatest boon over laid at the altar of But-
crlng humanity. DR. WAQVKR will guarantee to for-
elt $500 for et cry casa of seminal weakness or private
disease of any kind anil character which bounder-
takes toaud falls to cure
Middle Aged Men.
There are many at the ago of SO to 80 who tie
troubled with too frequent evacuations of the blad
der , often accompanied by a slight smarting or burn
ing ecnsatloii , and a vieakciiing of the ejstcui In a
manner the patient cannot account for. On oxaraln
Ing the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often bt
found , and sometimes small particles of albumen wit
appear , or the color will IMS of thin inllklsh hue , again
changing to a dark andtorpld appearance. There are
many , many men u ho die nf thin difficultyIgnorant o
the cause , which Is thoaecond stage of seminal-weak ,
nous. DrV . will guirantoo a perfect euro In all casor
and a healthy restoration of the genlto-urinary or
Consultation freo. Thorough examination and ad
> leo , 85.
All communications should bo addressed , Dr. Ilcnr )
Henry Wo/iiur , 1 . 0. 23S9 , Denver , Colorado.
Tlio Young Man's rocket Comianlon , by Dr. II
Wagner , is worth Its weight In gold to young moil
I'rlo < > $1,25. Sent by mall to any addreaH.
Ono Who is Needed and Nobly Fills his
Denver Is nviro fnrtunito than ( the knows In the
' ot the talerra and energies of a man who
Rojjoss'on hli tlmo and thought not merely to the
perfection of hU skill as a practitioner of bin pro-
leitlon n ( malirmo , but toth ) btiidy of tliono pro
found things ot ueieii- and naturu u hli h tend to the
mare compieto underfcUndln ; , ' of thu problem of lite
and of the Uwiiot nvuroAiid tlm nunni of gaining
the greatest practical gondi to mankind from the In-
fornatlo'i tlun aniulreil In tbo abstract. Huch a
man Is Dr U.Vagner , who is located at 3M I-atlmcr
Btro"t \Vagiicrdevotedm ny jcars to the no-
iiui ltlon of the Kii'jwlc < lo nojceinary to lila protec
tion In a number oftliu luadliu medical n-liooU of
the moitt eminent and profound teachers , such
names in Dr. Urons and Dr. 1'anooast appearing
among hU preceptors Nor ill hU studies end noro.
Ther contluuuo. In the Held nf the practicing famll )
phUlclauaudlnthooxjierlenons ol a man t cxten.
l\o trivcl. IIo 1m vsited ( every ecctlon of Iho Unl
tad StatcHjaylngNtudloiij attention to tliu ulflcrcnl
rluracteriuloa of tlK-v.irluui . | iortlona ol tno country ,
partlculirly with regard to their effect , clinutlo anc
ocheiwlBU upon Health'and the dllfo cut forms of din
uasej. With the combined | K > M er < ot clew study ,
tensiveolrtrvat nn.ind almost unllmtud pracllee ,
Dr Wagner came to Denver three jeais ago equip
l > eU as low have too rlglit to clal.u to l.attlo tbo foe
ut mankind , the ilru.Ucd oiumy , disea'e. In onler to
render the greatentguod to society , Dr , 4 gner < lcci
led to lay mlde tlio general br inches of practice am
nrlng all liit r po kn 'wlede" and j uvcr to bear up
an hu f > > < * which am 'hg the army of Ins'illo'in '
loatli tyenti U tne trcatejt. Ill ) wide oxi > otl iioa
had taught hi uwlut weapons to use and which to
dieeard , and after equipping himself a , hli trained
judgment win no well aolo to advUo him lie com
uienood boldly and conlldently his attack. In cell
mating the ruatilU and success achieved , It U enl
niTOMary to know the iloct > r' pillion nd standlu
to-dav , While located In this city , his practice is.
no means confined to tin llinltl nor this section o
country. 111 * correspondence ami cxprc4 boots tea
tllj In black and hlttt bU I H em on ol afield o
Piactlce lioun ltd only by the line * hkh bound the
cnjtli and bivauthof the country , a > d whloh ha
laced him where a nun of Ills sulll and Intelleitiia
attalniiiBiiUiltiMiriea to re.and slioild to bo tiuabli
him to reach the hlKliett sphere of usufulneim to suf
ferlng humanitytha piano of financial liule ] > eii
ilcnce. Dr. Wagner hat contributed of his prixperl
ty to the substantial Improvement of Denver in tb
I'ro.tluii of a line bl ICK on Larimer str et , upponltu
hi * present ollle , No. SI I. It will be ready for occu
| iocy In a lew week * , and It an ivldenco that th
doctor 1 to be uuniborwl union.- the permanent am
kcllddtixenii of the metropolis uf the iilalns. ID u
\ r Tribune. " " ' " !
DR. H , WAGNER & CO. ,
8 ( Larimer : ; St. Addrcs lBox.2389
Tlio experience In the treatment ol Cancer with
! lft's Specific ( S S H. ) would tccni to warrant m
n KM Ing that Itvlll cum thl mum dreaded sfourgo.
'erson * MTllctod tir Invited to correipoml with us.
t bclloveS iff' 8 * cin It SMVCilmy llto. I had
Irtmllly lost the tuo of the upper l rf of ny Ixxly
ndmv arms irnm fho | H > Uonoui clTccts of n largo
ran'cr on my neck , from wh cli 1 h. d nuffcrd for M
cam. H. P. 8. has rolled niuol all rorrnou , and
he potam H being f arceil out of my J item. I n 111
loon bo w ell.
VT. n. Nosiiov , Datistoro , On.
Two months ngn my attention WM called to the
> fo of n woman allllcto I with n r-viror nn her sho-il-
01 at left live Indict In circumference angry , i > aln-
til , and wl Init tlio patient re tert day or night lor
Ix month' . 1 obtained i nipply of rtw Ill's Specific
or foi nor. Hho has taken nAo uoltlo , and tlio u ivr
i entirely healed up , only a xory uniall scab rcnuln-
OR and her health l b tur than for flvo jcArs pott }
eemi to IK ) i > oifcctly cured.
HKV. ( UvrnHLb , Columbii" , Oa.
1 har spcn rcmarkalilo results from use of Swift's
pccifio an n canci-r Aouiu m n hero hM been
111 ! ted flvojc r with the Hunt angry looking fat-
tig rancrrs I ever saw and wa4i.oirlj iloul The ( list
mttlo 11 a < lo a wonderful change , ami after fl\o' > ol-
Icsxvcro taken , ho la nearly nrqultoncll , It Is truly
Jt. K. Cnfvt.KV , St. 1) . , Ogtcthoric | , Cla.
( Jnrtrcntlw ) on Blood and Skin Diseases mnlletl
tea ta i , , V.aiiti.
Drawer 3 , Atlatita Ox
V. Olllco , 169W.2AI St. . between Oth and 7lh Am ,
Ttio nio ot tno terra " Hhot
Mno" In connection wlththi
coqxirato nama of a groatrood
: com cya an Idea of list n hat
A iI ff * required by the traveling ] > ub
1 B AI B > "c a 8nnrt Uno > ( iulck "m <
I | and the best of nccommodk
a I IV ! tlona all of which are ( urt >
shod by tha groatrot railway In America.
And St. Paul.
It own ! and operates over 4,500 miles of
I'orthcrn Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa
lakota ; and as tn main lluci , branches and oounrc *
on a roach all the great Imnlncs * centres ol tht
North\\o8tand Far West , It naturally answers th <
encrlptlon of Short Line , and Dc t Honto between
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul and .Mlnnc.ipolls.
ChicagoMllwi\ukec , La Crnsso and Wlnona.
Chicago , Milwaukee , AbotJccn and K.llond.Ma
Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Claire and StllhvaUr'
r Chicago , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Reaver Dun and Oahkosh.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukcsha and Oconomnwoc.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and 1'rairlodu Chlvn
Chicago , Milwaukee , Ouatonna and Falrlhault.
Chicago , liclolt Janosviilo and Mineral I'olnt.
Chicago , Klgln , Ilockfnrd anil Dubuquo.
Chicago , Clinton , Hock Island and Cedar Ilapldi
Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Yanhton
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
1lock Island , Dubuque , St. Vaul and Mlnncai > < > ll4
Da\cnport , Caluiar , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Cars In
orldaro run on the mainlines of the CHICAGO
nd otcry attention is paid to passengers by courtc
us employes of the company.
S. ri. ilBURTuu , A. V. H. L
Ocn'l Manager. Un-
.J. r.u.iUK. OEO II. DtAFFOUD.
< J.\
in ii.mva.
n April , May und June , 1S3 . I'ASHAan TIOKF.TS
V a 1 ATLANTIC SfKAMKIlS Special facllitie * for
ravelf rain Kl.'HOl'K. bv a'l routiif , at rcdncoil latcs.
COOIC'S E.\CUUdIONI3T , with roans and full par-
IcularH. by mail 10 cents. A'Mre's
LT110S. COOK & SON , 201 Drovlway , K. Y.
fi3tx-oe tr
Plattsmouth , - . . . Neb
3TYoung stock for salo. Correspondence solicited.
James Medical Institulo
Chartered by thcStatcof Illi
nois for theexprcsspurrjose
of glvincimmcdiatc relletln
all chronic , urinary and pri
vate diseases. Gonorrhoea ,
Gleet andSyphilis in all their
complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
permanentlycured by reme >
dicatestedln al' * r/j'l'cnr
_ HjirctaU'ractlce. Seminal
Weakness. Nirnt Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the Kace.Lost Manhood , imilttvflu run d.Tlivre
ifinorxi > frii 'iitln < i. The appropriate remedy
u at once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , r.acrcdly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mriland Exprcis. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or Gender. Address
617 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo ,
A RKdULAIl OUADUATKuf two medical collegm
XX has bcou engaged longer In the treatment ol
than other physician In Rt. Louuascitypapenf dbnvv
and all old residents Know. Consultation free
invited. When It Is Inconvenient to v lait the city
treatment , medicines can bo tout by mail or exprcs
everywhere. Curablocoxoa guarantcedwhorodou ;
exists it IB frankly stated. Call or write.
Norvoui Prostration , Debility , Mental and Phytlet
Wcakneia , .Mercurial and other uKectlons of Throat
ing. Skin Affections , Old Bores and Ulcera , Impedl
menta to marriage , Khomuatlfin , I'll31. aDcolal at
tcntlonto coses from overworked brain. BUHOIOAL.
OAH1I8 riicolvo special attention. Dlseages arising
Irom Imprudence , Knce eg , Indulgcnoos.
< 5rTT3uD3E ] . marry .who m y not
hycause ) , conscquenoes and cure. il l | < I lor Ut ;
or ittmiis * n f tvit
VVbtn I i y iuro i ur i.ui me n luoreir to .top lUni ( Or
Atlmeaod thenhiT0themretura aj aln. I mean arvl.-
Cll euro. I litre inada tlio dlieua of UTS. tflLKfar
or FIXING BICKNE83 1U8 long * udy. fvarrutot
remedy to euro tlio worit ciuei. llicaiiio other * li r *
fwlle4 ! no rraton for iidt un v recelThig a cor * . MonAca
one * * for * treatlM and a Free Uottle at inr trrr
Hiuudy. Qlre Uipnn and Tint Onlc . H MM * ff *
li ulugroriitrlU , > ndI wlllrura } ' ( . ; .
Sddrtu Ur. U. U , KOOT. iui > ear > 8t. . > l f > "
Who e ilulilllly. u.liuu lluii ami | irematur
t Icviiy nro cautrd 117 1 xcmeii , c-rrora of > outli , utc .
era perfectly rvvtorod to rultii t liruicti And
ylfi"WA" " > " > ' * i } > r THE rvjAnsTON
IIOLU8. olltomllcll drurrlne. TuUlnatment
Jt Acrtnii * Debility and l'hj lal Iteviiyii
luiifnriiilti'.c"e , ful iH-caima tmrni on i > ftn-c
iiuam l > , m-\viiti < t
IttANCK. 1' umt.rVIOOlL
cue7"aeOJ'ulii.ntlt. 'n 'vgli
Conductors on ihc Pan-Handlo-A Gen
eral Order Compels the Train
men to Play the Spy on
Pullman Gars ,
Const cnmt ton AIIIOIIK the Iiruly 1'ns-
Bciiftcrs Ait Outrage.
Jhlon go New K ,
Tlio train conductors of tlio Cliicngo'
St. Louis' Pitttburg rnilrnnd syfltcin ,
ropularly known ns the Pati-Handlo , now
, raw the curtaina of stooping-car
> orth , find throwing the full rays of tlicir
aiitorns into the apartments , inspect
liuir occupants. Tliorc is n loud clamorer
or the repeal of tlio ordor. The patrons
of the road are indignant bpcauao so little
cspoct is shown tor their rights nnd com-
Last Friday evening a Daily News ro-
inrtor got aboard the night express , leay-
ng the Union depot at 8:1)0 : ) o'clock in
.ho evening. There wcro iiino cars in
.ho train. Tlioyvoro lightly loaded ,
'ho alooping-car conductors , pursuant to
.ho . orders of tlicir managers , collected
ho tickets and fares of tlicir passengers
or the train conductors. The train
cached Loganapart about 1 o'clock in
ho morning. It was divided into thrco
actions for thrco dilloront routes , and
wonty-ttvo minutes afterward all had
cpartcd. Before Kokomo was reached
ho train conductor entered the sleepers ,
t was the first time ho had boon in them
.uring . the trip. IIo took the tickets and
ares from the [ slooping-car conductors ,
nd after looking at the diagram of births
> ccnpiod started on through the cars In
urn ho drew nsido the curtains hold his
( intern on the inside and carefully gazed
it the occupants. There wore one or two
aint screams from ladies and emphatic
irotosts Iroiu geiitlomou.
"What do you moan by this kind of
onduct ? " inquired an irate passonior as
lie rays of the conductor's lamp shone in
jpon the berth , while the trainman
ookod about leisurely.
"I'm inspecting the berths , sir , " the
onductor replied.
"You ought to have your skull
racked , " suggested the passenger.
"I'm only obeying my orders , sir , and
f you do not like it you will have to
lake a complaint at the general ollieo , "
lie conductor replied , as ho wont on to
thcr berths.
In the morning when the guests arose
lie slooping-car conductor received the
iomplaints of his passengers. A lonely
ady far advanced in the stages of con-
umption said"T thought when I gave
ou my train ticket that J was placed in
rour keeping ; that I should enjoy in the
> erth which I had purchased privacy ,
ospoct , and rest. I had just got to sloop
yhon the conductor , a stranger to mo ,
udely throw open my berth and.gnzod lit
no. I do not know how long ho had
> eon looking before 1 saw htm , and 1 do
lot know what ho may have done before
was awakened. I am an invalid and
haractor of my aflliction is such that I
nust sloop under as little clothing as is
> ossiblo. I shall avoid such an insult
loroaftcr by finding out in advance what
ailroad companies treat lady passengers
with civility. "
"Tlio next man that puts his head into
berth where my wife or I am sleeping
ill get a bullet in his heart , " angrily
exclaimed a young husUand , who had
lot known of the incident of travel until
nformed by his wife , who said that she
wd been the cynosure of the conductor's
A lady in delicate health said : "I be
came very sick after experiencing the
ihock of being so outrageously treated
ay the man whom I supposed I should
.ook for kindness and protection. "
" \Vhat did ho do ? " was asked.
"I do not know. I was asleep when
some sort of sensation seized ino , and on
waking I was blinded by the bright rays
jf the conductor's lamp. Then I saw his
'aco. I was tempted to scream , but re
sisted , and after ho had gene by I be
came so oick that I would have called for
a physician if I had thought ono was in
Mio car. "
"Why do you permit such auuses of
your company's guests ? " was asked of the
slooping-car , conductor.
"I can't help it , " ho replied. "If I
resist the train conductor's efforts ho will
iut mo off the train. "
At Indianapolis the reporter obtained
i little history of the now method. About
'our weeks ago a oloeping-car conductor
on nn eastern division of the Pan-Handle
aystuin was found holding back fan-H Jin
nado a confession which implicated
others. Gunoral ManagerMcCrca issued
an ordoi that the car conductors should
show their dinginmB. Soon afterward
that order gave way to another which
reads about us follows :
To CoNiiuoroitu E < ich conductor shall
look through the berths nud find by
ictual count how many iiiumenu'crrt nro in
the sleeping-car. In case any sleeping-
cir conductor shall refuse to show his
diagram or object to j.m looking through
the norths you njiall MKJI ut tlio first uti-
tiou and jiut him til' the train. Any
failure to comply with this order shall
result in inunudiilo
General Manager , Columbus , O.
The Pan.IIatrtllo system embraces the
lines of the Pomisylvania company bo-
twecn this city and Pittsburg , by way
nf Logansport ; the lines to Cincinnati ,
Madison , LDiiiavilJo , Indianapolis , and
the Vandalia between St. Louis and Pitts-
"Thero is no excuse for such conduct , "
said a passenger' agent of the KunkaUco
line "The company ought to BOO that
the sleeping-car conductors are men in
whom they can place at least an ordinary
amount of confidence. If they cannot do
that their own conductors should take up
the /ares of the slooping-car
before they retire. It is ridiculous that
a conductor should not get through a
train until five hours after its time of departure
parturo , as is the ca o withthuPan-IIan-
dlo leaving Chicago at 80 : ! { and being in-
spooled out of Lognnsport. "
"Wo had not heard of it , " gaidCJonoral
Manager Urown , of the Pullman Palace
Car company , jeaterday , in answorto the
< juestion , "What are you going to do to
protect your patrons1 ?
"I will look into thothing"thogeneral
manager continued , as an expression o !
oi ) er bocarne visible on his countenance ) .
" 1 suppose , Jiowovor , it is only an oflbrt
of the company to protect itself. If the
conductors do the work quietly not much
harm can como from it. "
"In such matters how many men , who
have been promoted from freight train
brakemen , are to bo trusted ? "
"That's 0 I didn't advance the sug-
Bestion a * an arKument in favor of the
syatorn. Our contracts with the compa
nies inako our men subordinate to those
of the railroad. Wo have our conductor *
collect the fares , and the train men liavo
the right to sco that the collections are
[ iroperly returned. "
"Do you not have your men collect the
; arcs so that the passengers may on joy
quietude , privacy and unbroken rest1' ?
"Wo do. "
"Aro such ends attained by the present
method of the Pan Handle ? "
"No , they are not. "
Mr. VandiiBcn , the chief local repre
sentative of the Pan-Hnndlo system , was
lot at the ollieo when a report or called to
; eo him. Other men connected with iho
ino said that the now rttlo had caused a
; rcat deal of just dissatisfaction , and 0110
of them ventured the remark that "if
itiy conductor would put hia head
n where I or iny wife WAS slopping I
rould break it for him. 1 think the
order will como down. "
A Coed ThliiR.
"I Hometiiucs wWi I could take hold of the
snlo of TAutfM * ' hcJcctic Vtl for 1 toll you it U
i grnml thing , and I am conscientious ! n any-
tiff 1 could do peed work. " llov. K. V , Crnuo ,
Jerry , 1'n.
Klectrlc Oil cured this goutlomnn of quinsy
of ninny years xtamUtiij.
There wore G52 births in Dubuque for
the year ending February 28.
A tire in Fairlioldon the SJOth ult. re
sulted in al"ss of § 5,000 to § 10,000.
Porterhouse steak sells for 20 cents n
) ound in Ottumwa , and hay for $5 n ton.
Glonwood put up the saloon liconno to
$1,000 , and that closed out all of the
Elijah Hatch , aged 'JOycara , 0 months
and ll'dnya , dio-,1 in Kossuth county on
the 14th ult.
Frank Parber , of Dallas county , was
nstantly killed last Thursday by being
.hrown from hi * wa ou.
Six hundred dollars has been raised ut
tlondamin toward the erection of a
tlothodist church building hero.
James Doyle , of Dubuque , was badly
nutilatod on the IMHh ult. by the acci
dental explosion of a keg of powdor.
Lotta Josonhine , who , as near na can bo
ascertained , is 130 years old , and her
daughter , Mahala llobbins , 85 years of
igo , both widows , live in Kookuk , andre
ro very poor.
The shortage of D. W. Blackburn , c-
.reasurer of Leo county , is found to bo
U,4a0.53. ! ) Of this § .1,4.10.8(5 ( is in the
i'ort Madison accounts , and the remainder -
dor is chargeable to the Kookuk ollieo.
Ida Ilosccrans , a school girl of sixteen
roars , who made her homo in the family
of John Iluir , at Mitquokota , has disap-
> oarcd , and her friends believe that she
nxs boon kidnapped by evil-disposed per
A couple of Cedar Falls boys found
shoes tor their sleds in some strap-iron
m a wagon. The owner of the wagon
ottlcd with the boys by their replacing
ho iron and sawing a cord of wood for
The hotel men say that the spring
.rado has begun in earnest. The num-
) or of traveling men on the road is un
usually largo , and the hotels in the
irincipal cities of the state are full every
Specifications have boon filed in the
jftico of the county clerk of L'oweshiok
county , charging Anton Nowotny , n
wealthy fanner , with the publication of
an article dofuming the character and
uoort name of 0. S. Bennett , agent of the
Oskaloosa , Cedar Falls & St. Paul rail
way , and naking for damages in the sum
of § 20,000 and costs. The objectionable
article charged Bennett with getting the
Farmer's name to n contract for land
through misrepresentation , Nowotny being -
ing unable to road English.
AVIiat wo AVnnt.
Give lloinoopath Ills pellets , Allopath his
lillujbut for rhcuinutlsm.for nchea.for pains and
Hprains , Thoinai' Alcctric Oil Is Inellably su
perior to either. J.t haa boi ofittod n many
looplo aa U lias purchasers. All driigglntH
soil It.
liong in Ilio Ijand.
Luther Holdonof Waterford , Conn. , is
102 years old.
Ithoda Howard of Owingavillo , Ky. , is
112 years old.
Amos Dennis died recently at Ridge-
villo , S. C.jn his 108th year.
Mrs. Martha Crockett of Liberty , Mo. ,
lias just died in her 184th year.
John ] Jiley of Frederick county , Va. ,
was 107 years old on the 25th of Janu
Charles Kioldor , a farmer of Clinton ,
5. C , iins lived 103 years. IIo is a bache
Barber of Btaton Island , proto -
to bo 10G years old. IIo has s son
ugul 80.
Nicholas Bu'r-v ' , .1 pensioner of the war
nf ngcd , iihjd i cci.tly HC Boone , Ky. , in
100th year.
A hello in Washington seventy years
ago was Mm. Jo'inn McGco , who has
just died in Illinois , .isod 101.
Every communion Sunday Mrs. Annie
Gordon of BluHton , S. C. , walks four
miles to church. She is 111.
Christian Cooper , who lives in the
roaidonoodf Hobort Fulton in Livingston ,
N. Y. , is 110 years of ago.
Mrs. Daniel Buck of Woathorslield ,
Vt. and Mrs. CJoorgo Travis of Canistoo ,
N. V. , have just celebrated their liun-
droth birthdays.
At lilythowood , eighteen miles fron
Columbia , 6. 0. , Andrew MoClolliin.ogei
112 , recently married Martha Wilson a
widow of 27.
A Cuiio Not. noyond Help ,
Dr. M , 11. Hlnsdulo , Konawoo , 111. , advises
us of a remarkable cure of consumption. Hu
nay : "A iieiKhhour'H wife wax attacked wit !
violent hmir dl eaKO , and pronounced beyoui
lioli from ( /nick Conmipmtlon. AM a last 10
nmt the fuinllyviui pernuiuled to try Dll.WM
To tliu lutonlnhniont of nil , by the tlmo eho
had used ono half dozen bottles uho won abou
tlio IIOUHO doing her own work. I Haw her a
her worst and had no Idea eho could recover. '
"WutMin'H N
Thin U one of the be t romodloa for Neural
gla over Invented , It is not a llnlmont , but I
a modlclno to be taken Internally , ami cure
by going right to till ) rout of the dUeago , A
lady who tried many other tiling * , without rn
lief , triad Neuralgia KIntf , and was iminodl
utfjly cured. Wo guarautea It In all ca e whci
u on accordliiK ti > dlrartlniiH _
The translation of the recently discovered
erod inscription of Nebuchadnezzar th
great has jiut boon completed , Amont
othur thing * it doscribus the restoratiot
of the famous Toiuplo of Bolus , wliic !
was made "bright us the beauty of hoa
yen" with gold , silver and precious stones.
The roof of "the house nf the oracle" was
if cwlar wood plated with gold. The
: ing records the restoration of many
ithor public buildings and ftacrcd edifices ,
.nd . mnoni ; others the tnworui uoraippa ,
mown oa the Bovver of B bol. In con-
hiding the inscription the king com-
lends hia pious worka to the keeping of
'Mcrclnch , king of Heaven and K rth , "
nd prays him to grant him long life ,
ulnoss of dory ana a wide spread do-
iiinion. _
Trill It Crudlicd to Karlh
s iKinml t < > rl. o. Crowd down and mnothor
li tntth iw you may concornliiR 7'AoiimV / f
ccnVil ( < jot the fi\cts will rlio up thnt It U
no of the unit roinedlo.1 for achoo , Kpralim.aud
> ntui tlmt tlmt IIM over yet loom Infontod ,
'lie Singular Dcliihliiu ol' a NY\v ilcr-
AVoninn Splrltunl
unit llaliy.
lev York Times.
A Woman giving her name M Mrs.
VBrion Lutrell , living at Stony road ,
'rttorson , N. J. , was before the recorder
if that city yesterday to invoke his assist-
nco in teliuving her from a peculiar
fliiction. She says tnoro is a society of
nun who have the' power of taking away
ho souls of people and subjecting those
ouls to all sorts of unpleasant treatment ,
oturning thoin to their owners when
hrout'h with them , Her soul has boon
htm taken away at times , and she wants
his sort of thing stopped. About two
oars ago her spirit waa taken away from
\iluraon to India ono night , and there
vos dragged into a chapel and united in
uarriago to a British colonel. She is
low the mother of a spiritual boy , one
car old , who is a tine , healthy little f fl
ow but she is not permitted to bring him
nto the realistic world , much as she do-
ires to do so , to show him to her
The woman , who is represented as in
ther respects perfectly sane and kind
nd nll'uctionnto , thus lives n strange
oublo existence , ono phase of which is
o her as real as the other. It is incon-
oniunt at times , for some days ago she
ont for a physician , to whom she related
low she had boon cruelly assaulted and
eaten , so that she was sere all over her
orson. lie found her bandaged from
load to foot , and on making a careful
lamination found not a sign of injury ,
t then occurred to her that the assault
ad been committed by the spirits , and
liat , of course , ho could not lind on her
latural body any signs of their bad treat-
lent on her spiritual body , but .sho felt
inch p in nevertheless. She is a single
. 'onmn , but uses on all occasions the
iamo of the British colonel to whom she
loliovoB herself united spiritually. The
ecorder told her that ho could not issue
rarrants for the arrest of the rengleadern
f the society who interfered with her
oul , and ho did not believe any power
liort of the supreme court of the United
states could all'ord her relief in the
remises. She deferentially agreed with
iim , and says she will bring the mat
er to the attention of that august trib-
The "Exposition Unlvoroello do 1'art Cull
tiiro" awarded the hlgnost honora to AimoH
lira Illtim'H iw the must ullluaulout xthnu
nit to oxclto the nppotlto and to koup the ill
oitlvoorpins in good oidur , AH ) : forthoou |
ino article , m.inufnuturi'd only by Dr. < ! . ( !
! . Biogort & SOIIH , and huwnro of imitations
Iowa has fi,41U Hoyal Arch Masons ,
nd Ohio 10,085.
The Grand Lodge of Oregon has abol-
shed atllliation fees.
Over 3,000 active members are on the
Grand Lodge roll of Colorado this year.
The money ( $30,000) ) has boon raised
or the construction of a Masonic temple
t Fall river.
A site for the Masonic temple at Tron-
.on . , N. J. , . has boon selected and the
> lans partially drawn.
By a recent fire in Xonia , 0. , the Ma-
tons lost their ledge room , entailing a
damage of $3,500 , with only § 1,000 worth
of insurance.
Spain has a Grand Orient , 14 consisto
rics , 4l ! chapters , 20 ! ) lodges and 12,000
Masons A. fpw years ago Masonry was
.hero prohibited.
The first known lodge-room built in
York state was in Orange county , in
L712 , on the property of Henry Wiloman ,
who hold the ancient patent for 3,000
acres of trround.
The Grand Orient of Franco bases its
appeal for the re-establishment of frator
ml relations with all the other
jodicB of the world on the plea of universal
sal brotherhood.
John S. Perry of Troy , N. V , was ono
of the charter members of Apollo Com
mandory , No. 15. Of tho' dozen knights
who banded to join the organization in
L83 ! ) ho is the only ono now living.
A Coiiflii Cold , in * SIM it Throat nhouli'
not bo iiogloctuu. llliow.s'rt HIIONCIIIAL
THOCHAX are a Nlmplo rumody , and iivo
prompt relief. ' - " > ctx. a liox
An Ailrnollvo ISiill-Kooiii CoHtiimo.
t/iulOi Tx'ttcr 111 lbsloiCourier. .
Chocolate a la cremo was well carriot
out ut a recent dres.i ball under Mrs.
Gladatouu'q patronagii. 'J'ho bodice wus
of chocolate plush with paniers of choc
lants satin and rnll' , lined with croan
satin and edged with pearl i. Oyorskiri
of chocolate plush , .with fan-plaited insertions
sortions of cream satin. Satchel and fan ,
with various devices of chocolate ban
bans , Powdered hair.
In another column will lie found tlio an
ouiiooinout of Me HrB. THOS. COOK & SON
ourlut AgontH , 261 Broadway , New York
rolutlvo to the very complete arratigeinonti
they have made tor toura in Kur p4 ths
comlug Spring nd Hunnnor. "Cook'u Kteur
elonlHt , " contalnlug mopn and full partluulur *
will bo mailed to any addrono on receipt of K
A TO.VON View of
From tlio Handera ( Tox. ) llugtc- ,
The cloak of religion is very convoni
out when it allows you to steal your
neighbor's cow.
A Happy Family.
fulled ( rain the treatt , iuccze | < l ( ruin the bottle ,
Htoinacln will vour all inllk nil ) cunllo ;
Oaby hallelujah and ( hat iiltfl t ,
llouxthold liuiniilni ; livotU In nuful ( rljjlit.
llno't Uitny.'tHat tliiu lth Vkturh ,
NlK-Mwanlililtoiu without Cu > torU ;
Hhcn cello lei Jfur imtotliiUliimUr ,
All wld their piaCraniUli.t ) | lltu thunder.
John Smith , of Galva township , Ida
county , lost his house by ( ire the other
day , The building was uncompleted ,
being at the time in the hands of the
plasterer , and had cost over 81aOO , No
Painful nervous maladies can bo cured.
Road "Tho Science of Life ; or , Self-
Preservation , " if you wish to bo on the
right road. Prioo , $1. Contain * 125
proscriptions "only ono cent apiece. "
> 1 Advertised in this paper.
l T i I ft
One of the Best and largest Stocks in the United States
to select from.
I Carpets !
Mats and Mattings ,
O TT IB T _ . I 1ST S , , ,
1024 North Eighteenth Street , Omaliii , on Street Car Lino.
Lulier , Lie , Latl , Doors , 1
r r f w *
Gradi'8 and prices us good and low is any -'n ti | city. ° S' ( ) try me.
1403 . 14' Dodge St. , J * OMAHA. NEB
JOS BRADY ST. , DA.VKNP011T , IOWA , U. S. A. Eatablialicd 1878 Catarrh ,
DcafncsH , Lung und Norvoua DinuuauaSpccxlilynndPormniioiitly Cured. I'ationtt
Ourod tit Homo. Write for "Tiiu MKDioAii-lIismoNAUY , " for the People , Free ,
Onimultatinn and CorroHtinmloncu Gratia. P. 0 , Box li)2. ! ) Tulophono No. 220 V < _
HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , Postmnotor , Davonort ; : , Bayo : "Pliyaiciim o A'
aim Marlcwl SUCOOBB. " CONGRESSMAN AtURPnY , Davenport
An ! \ . J'iiio KIICCCHB. Wnndnrful Cnrnii. " llnnri" . 8 t" 5
uu or JI B
'an '
MriH pc4ltory onxUntly filled with wlaot meek. Bmt Workniaiialdp gumBJouO.
Ufftca fff"W. Ca nftf Itilh unft " .a . xanun Qwika Neb
4 1J19 and 1U20 Ilaraoy Utreet and 403 B. 1 W ll
i IlluitrtteJ Cataloifuo lurulabid fteo upon oppllcat'o * 1J JhC .