Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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Mnrylnnd , Wly Maryland. ' ,
. . . " 'Pretty lu ( nd
Lovely lUujjhtcrs. "
"My farm lies in a rather low and
miasmatic situation , and
"My wifol"
"Who ? "
Was a very pretty blonde ! "
Twenty years ago , become
"Withered and agodl"
Before her time , from
"Malarial vapor * , though she made no
particular complaint , not being of the
grumpy kind , yet caused mo great unoas'
"A short time ago I purchased youi
remedy for one of the children , who had
a very severe attack of biliousness , and
it occurod to mo that the remedy mighl
help my wife , aa 1 found that our litth
girl upon recovery had
"Lost ? "
"Ilor sallownoss , and looked as frosl
as a now blown daisy. Well the story ii
soon told. Mywifoto-dayhasgainod noi
old time beauty with compound interest
and is now as handsome a matron ( if I d <
I say it myself ) as can bo found in this ooun
ty , which is noted for pretty women. Ant
have only Hop Bitters to thank for it.
"Tho dear croaturojustlookodover mj
shoulder and says , I can flatter equal t <
the days of our courtship , and that re
minds mo there might bo more prcttt
tvivcs if my brother fanners would do a
I have done. "
Hoping you may long bo spared to d <
good , I thankfully remain.
Most truly yours ,
0. L. JAMES.
BELTSVILLE , Prince George Oo. , Md. , 1
' May 2Cth. 1883. .1
.And your work is done for all tin
to time to come.
The Wuili
to produce a more durable mnterii
for street pnvemont than the
Sioux Falls Granite.
filled promptly. Samples sent ar
estimates given upon application
Sioux Fn.Ua. Dakota.
617 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , M
A UEQULAH OIIADUATE ol two medical coUej
_ TX hu boon enKurod longer la tha treatment
th n other phyilcUn In St Louis , M city paport > b
. od kll old residents know. Consultation free
inrltod. When It Is Inconvenient to vlilt thq city
treatment , medlclnoa can be tent by null or eipr
everywhere. Curable oue > cutri.nioodwherodO ; (
exists it Is Innkly ttftted. Call or write.
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and Phyil
Weakness , Mercurial and other affections ol Thro
tag , Hkb > Allectlons , Old Sorea and Uleen , Impe
rnentu to marriage , Kheumatlsm , I'llea. Bpcdal
ton tion to ca > from overworked brain. 8U11QKU
OAHEH receive special atuintlou. DUoaneB trial
from Imprudence , Kiceix-a , Indulgence * .
why , catisei , ooniequenooa'and euro. Utlltd foi S
pontage or Itunpi. MD
Graham Paper Go
SIT ud SIB North Main fit , St. Louli.
wiura :
rr h cald lor Ran nt all
box No , 1 will ca re any cue In ( our day * or Ion ]
! will cure tbt moat outtluaU caie no matter ol t
long iUuiltuK.
Allan's Soluble Medicated Bougi
No tuuiMOU * doMi ct ubeb * , oopabla , or oil ot
ddwood , that art ' . lu to produce dy > pep la
dntro/loir tbe 5o tlDg o ( the etomacb , Price II
flota by ail druireUU , or nulled en receipt ol pr
for further particular ! nod lor Circular.
P.O.BOX i.Mj nrrni
J.O. ALLAN 00. , GUH,1
, _ ,
M John IttrMt. New w * * * * * * *
It wurracted to e r longer ,
ittte form n tcr , end tire bt
'utktiKtlon ' thui njr olber Co.
.or tuicei p 14
. Flie mdorumwt
DanMch Conet f ri caitu' . Rot * Lot iwasi'iis !
jnfild , l.wv l tfprcii
4 T iM-
e * aaiwturwj , Siua ItlJ Kia
"Toiisy" Taylor Knocked DownFiflcon
Times by "Benny" Jones ,
Arthur Chambers Also Takes a
Hand aud Punishes James
Dawson .for Interfering !
limit itu1 Sutctitllli ; SlliKR > iiK.
I'liilfclclphU ITc-s 1'eli. 27th.
"Bonny" Jones , wrestler , nnd "Topsy"
Taylor , pugilist , have for many moona
disliked each other. Their mutual dis
like culminated last night in a glove en
counter at Arthur Chamber's Champion's
Rest. The match was arranged some
weeks ago , and it was cgrood it should beef
of four rounds , throe minulcs oocli , as
provided for in the rules laid down by
that eminent fistic authority , the Marquis
of Quoonsborry. The mooting came oil
as agreed upon , and was witnessed by
200 spectators. Arthur Chambers acted
as second for Jones. James Dawson
acted as second for Taylor. Both men
filled their respective positions with grace
and dignity. Billy News was appointed
time-keeper. Ho gained the applause ol
the spectators for his mathematical acnur
acy. "Nitohio" Golden was selected ai
referee. Ho waa probably the wors
referee over called upon to decide sucl
contest , because , in endeavoring to hol (
favor with each combatant , ho gained fo
himself a reputation for being irresolut
and unwilling to proclaim a decisioi
which was a foregone conclusion fron
the beginning of tlio contest.
Jones and Taylor scowled at each othe
instead of smiling , when they shoo
hands a few moments before 11 o'clock
Active business was entered into imiuc
diatoly. Jones led off lightly with hi
loft , and followed with a woll-dirocto
right blow , which caused Taylor to shak
his head , or "screw his block" as a got :
tloman in the audience expressed it , an
endeavor to got in a retaliating blow. Ii
this ho was unsuccessful , and , aftc
twenty seconds' hard slugging , was ignc
miniously knocked elf his pins , and son
all of a heap on the stage. The specie
tors cheered themselves hearse with dc
light. Chambers danced around like
man with springs in his legs. Bill
Nown waited until ton soconos had oj
pirod , and then called upon Taylor t
got up. Taylor did so , and mot with
reception that sent him on his bac
again. No sooner was ho on his foi
than the export Jones toppled him ovi
for a third timo. Time was called , an
the combatants took their corners.
In the second round it was very ovidoi
that the staying powers of Jones were si
porior to 'those of Taylor. The lattc
person was knocked all over the rinj
and fell against the ropes so often tin
his back looked as if it had boon boate
with a cat-o'-nine-tails. Ho was knocko
down four times , and once when ho wor
down there were loud cries of "Foul ! "
claim , however , that waa not allowed.
The third round was particularly ii
toresting , inasmuch as it introduced a
entirely now feature. James Dawsp
had got a little too close to Taylor whil
fanning him , an action that Chamboi
objected to. Dawson attempted to n
monstrato , and immediately received
HciontiGo clip under the chin , which cause
him to sit down with a great deal of on
phasis. Dawson got up , looked arount
and , like a wise- man , began at once <
fan his man , who was vainly oudoavorin
to ward oil' the tolling blows of his oppi
nonts. In this round Taylor was knocke
down four times , and when time wi
called , evinced every evidence of oxhaui
The fourth and last round proved tht
Jones was more dodged and more porsii
tpnt thau Taylor. The last named pug
list was knocked about like a ball. H
back began to swell out in great wolti
his choolc bones wcro rodand swollenan
ho panted hard for breath. Jones , o
the contrary , was fairly fresh , and aeon
od well able to continue fighting a
night. Ho sent his opponent down foi
times more , and when Taylor got on h
feet , his blows were weak , badly aimei
and not put where they would do an
execution ,
When the three minutes had expire <
and the exhausted fighters had take
their corners , there were loud cries for
decision. "Nitchio , " twirling a , rod ham
kerchief in his hand , stopped forward ar
said he'd bo eternally blessed if ho didn
hate to ( five a decision. "Both men a !
friends of mine , " naid ho , "and I don
want their bad will. "
"Decision ! decision ! " yelled the ape
"Say what you think 1" shrieked Chan
"Well , " said Golden , after ho ha
boon coaxed and threatened for near !
ton minutes , "I think this man , " poin
ing to Jones , "has had the best of tl
Cglit. "
"Thon he gets the receipts of the hou
and this modal , " said Chambers , produ
in a gold badge , and handing it to tl
As the men shook hands , Taylor o
served to his opponent : "I'll fight tin
throe weeks from now , an * if I doan'tl'
a bloomin1 bloke ; "
I.ndlra ! 1'liiHicluiis nnd chcmUU luiva 11111
yr.i'il I'dfzoni'H iiicillcntuil cuii\iloxliii ] [ Htwil
iiiul rccoiiunoiul itn 111-0 to their wIveHinul lu >
li'luiulK. AVIuit butter could l > o hiilil of it ,
"Tlmt whiter hkin n [ liom tlinn HIKIU ,
Anil Hiuixith IXM inuuuinuiital Mulianicr , "
nu nctpitroj by iwhitf 1'ozzonl'n
tllcatcil coui | > luxiun I'uwtlur ,
10 A DalcotuVoiimn. .
Mi Cynthia Eloiao Clovclaud on jo ;
the distinction of being the first ladv ai
mltted to the bar of Dakota. She
rather stout , of ruddy complexion ,
pleasant talker , and apparently able '
hold her own against any number of t !
sterner sex. She has boon president
the Women's ChristainTomporanco uuio :
and while holding this position d
fended n woman who was charged wil
selling liquor without A license. Thief
of course , brought her name before tl
people of section , especially as it was hi
nrst case. 'It may seem strange that
should do such a thing , " she said to
Washington reporter , "but I wasassigm
to the case by the judge who admittc
mo , aud it was my duty io accent. B
sidea she was a woman and I thought
woman ought to bo defended by
woman. "
"Have women bolter chances of succoi
in Dakota than in tha east ! " asked tli
I reporter.
' , There is a large field for them i
r every way. < There was a time , in tl
rarly days of the territory , when womc
were reverenced because they wore scare
la the last two years the emigration hi
Si been of the true aristocracy of this coui
101 try , the tniddlo-clus mon , who ai
intelligent , enterprising and industriou
These have brought out their f ami lie
and consequently women are not BO rar
Ttiu admiration ( or them , however , ti
remains. Mon like to too them succeed
and help thorn to success. "
"Was there any public projudicongainst
your admission to the bar. "
"Not in the Inast. Women ore invited
to enter every path which leads to nn
honorable income. They have land ; 1
own -180 acres myself. Many intelligent
and respectable ladies of my acquaintance
have pre-empted land nnd arc working
it successfully. They hire their help for
the heavier duties , but manage nil the
affairs of the homestead , complying with
the law so far as residence is concerned.
There are n number of lady physicians in
the territory , although 1 am the only
lady lawyer. When 1 loft homo to como
cast I had n strong idea that I would
organize a bank , There is no reason
why 1 should not and many why i
should. In settling land cases money haste
to ho borrowed to bo used to collect
proof , and why should it not bo loaned
through my bank first handed , instead of
being obtained elsewhere at a larger in
terest ? Vet the first man hero in the
east to whom I spoke about it , said ;
'My dear madam , that is net woman's
sphoro. ' Out west they would applaud
my determination , and admire im
pluck. "
"But the women don't ' vote yot. "
"No , although there is a sentiment ir
favor of woman suffrage. I never fell
called upon to agitate the question , am
personally I am adverse to women's vet
A mail Htilloriiig fr m debility and los
of appetite ; took two bottles of Hood'
Saraaparilla , gained ton pounds and go
Under ( lie Old Liberty Hell A Wed
dlni ; that Will Form : i Purl ,
of tlio Nation's
( History.
, Fob. 28. Samuel Jacl
away , nf Manayunk , who was sent t
prison on a charge of breach of promle
of marriage preferred by his housokoopoi
Mary Owens , sent word to Judge Hat
a fovr days ago that ho was ready an
willing to marry. Ho was brought up t
the court of quarter sessions , where th
bride-elect was there to moot him. The
were both on the shady side of : > 0. Tli
court-room waa crowded. The grooi
was willing that the wedding should tnk
place right there , but the bride blushc
and begged for a little mo'ro privacy
"Oomp with mo , " said Father Horitagi
the prison agent. "I'll bringyou to a plat
that will make your marriage historic ,
placo. to which the holiest sentiments <
the nation cling. A "
"NVoll , go on then , " interrupted tr
phlegmatic groom , "and don't bo tixlkii
all day. "
"And have you n clergyman ! " inquire
the brido.
"Yes , indeed , I'vo got everything no
ossary , ' replied Father Heritage , m
minding the interruption of the groom.
"Thoro is the minister. Ho is tr
Rov. Mr. Frambos , nt your service. " Tl
Ilov. Mr. Frambos bowed so low that h
yellow curls nearly touched the bride
breast. Ho soils coats at Wanamakor'
but ho is a regularly ordained ministo
"Como , now , lot us bo off. " Fatlu
Heritage , followed by the bride and ha
a dozen women who had overheard tl
conversationhurried out the doorwayct
through the square , and wont into indi
pondonco hall by the back way. "Hoi
wo oro"criod ! Father Heritage. "Horu
a place to make your eyes blink. Indi
pendonco hall ; think of it ! "
"You don't want us to bo married i
this public place , do you ? " inquired tl
groom. "I don't give a d ; that is ,
makes no difference , but she mightn
like it. "
We'll go up-stairs to the first lam
ing , " said Father Heritage. "We'll 1
out of the way thoro. "
The party tipped up. The bride ar
groom stood with their backs to a wii
dow. Father Heritage and Clerk Gooc
> I and the deputy sheriff arranged then
11 selves beside the groom , while the womc
who had como up with the others stoc
up in a row near the brido. The mil
istor took out a book , tossed back h
curia , and cleared his throat ; the brie
and groom joined hands , and BO the
were married. Father Heritage ha
brought n pen and a bottle of ink wit
him , and the certificate was signed i
once. "Now , look hero , " ho said , poin
ing up at a big black object hanging by
chain ; "do you BOO that thing ? It is tl :
old cracked liberty boll. It rang 01
freedom to all our people moro than on
hundred years ago. It looks down c
you to-day n.s you are free from prisoi
Remember. "
"I'll not forgot it , " hastily put in tli
now husband , as ho thrust aomothir
into Father Horritago's hand and hurrie
over to his brido. "Thoro it is nov
trivo it to the minister. I didn't moo
that. "
"Don't mention it. Good-by. " "M
Frambos , § 10 for you , " snid Fathi
Heritage. A moment afterward an om
nous sound came up from below. Fatlu
Heritage , with a startled look in his eye
10 leaned over the Kaluatrado and saw tl
bride apparently in the act of freeing ho
self from the arms of the man who he
just made her husband. "Hollo , there
cried Father Heritage , "what has 1
boon doing to you ? "
"A-kisaTng mo , sir , " she said.
Another "Safest Part nf a Oar. "
MercliantTraulor ,
A party of merchant travelers in a pa
songor coach were talking over their tnv
cling experience and the danger of ace
dents , and finally the question arose i
to the safest part of the car. Finally , I
sottlu the question among thomsolvo
they called up the conductor and one <
them said to him :
"Conductor , wo have been discusain
the matter of the safest part of the ca :
f and want to know your opinion. "
1 "Want to know the safest part , ehi
' replied the conductor.
"Yos , that's it. "
"Woll , " continued the conductor , boi
rowing a chew of tobacco , and lookin
disappointed because ho didn't got a c
gar , "I'vo boon on the road for fiftoo
years , and have been turned over en
bankmonts , busted up in tunnels , duin ]
od off bridges , telescoped in collision !
blown off the track by cyclones , run int
open/switches , and had other ploasai
incidental divertisementa of kindred ni
turo , and I should say , gentlemen , tin
the safest part of the car was that pai
of the car which happened to bo in tl
shop for repairs at the time of the ace
dent. Bloo m h unl Change cai
for Chic a a mu go and Nor uin-
un ah eat. "
The finoat alterative and auti-billioi
medicine * n earth , ia Samaritan ATc
I vine , 81.00.
"The doctors said my child must d
i , . with spasme , Samaritan Nervine cun
. | him. ' Win. E. Tanner , Dayton Ohi
11 At druggist * .
lie KciTot ol' Their UiiUHunl Vl or
i\l : > lnlniMl mid How it Can
IK ; Acquired.
There wni uninothliiR about the sturdy vigor
: former ( fonorixtlons that challongca tlio ad-
Irntton of every tnnti , woman and child ,
hey wcro no epicures those ancient fnthorn.
hey llvod niinjily , and nuccoaaftilly mot and
vorcomo dlfllcultle.i that would Imvo tils-
ouraqcd this a o and generation. The rigor *
: the frontier were nupplomontod by the nav
KOHJ wild bonstn thrnatcnod tholr.ontorpriso
id jworty wan a common companion. Yet
toy bravely encountered and resisted nil
uiso things and laid the fountain ! ) of a land
hoi o blcHsltiRS wo now enjoy. Tlioir con-
itntlotu were Rtrotig ; their hcaltli utisur-
ossod nnd yet they ware forced to oxposa
loiimolvcs continually. There certainly must
ave boon Homo peed nnd adequate canto for
,1 this and for the physical Biiperiorlty nf that
ioo\or the iirosont.
It In well : nown to everyone conversant
itn the hlntory of tliat tlmo that certain
onio compmimU of Btronjjthonlnf ? ( ( unlitlos
/era used almost universally by those pla
cers. Tlio malarial evils and o.xinsures to
vhich they were nub joetod iicconsitatod thii ,
Vhcii their bodies bccomo chilled by cold or
obllitatod by tlia damp mists of n now coiin-
ry , tliey were forced , to counteract it by the
go of antidotes. Mo'dlclnoa ware few In those
InyH , and doctors ulmuat unknown , llcncc
ho preparations , above referred to , J'roin
Miionr the number , all of which were conv
mimiloil upon the same Ronoml principle , one
vas found to bo more elli ciont and hence fai
nero popular than all tlio rest , It was wel !
cno\vn th.ough the midillo and western statot
ind wan acknowledged ax the best proparatlor
or malarial disorders nnd general dcbllltj
lion known , Tlio rocelpo for compounding
MB vnhiublo article was handed down fron
mo family and generation to another , woi
cnown to the Harrison family and Is used m
, ho best nnd general formula for the proson
'Tippocanoo. ' , the nnmo belnR migRosted ID ;
the battle In which General Harrison was on
ragod. The manufacturers have thorough ! ;
nvoatigatod this subject in itn minutest do
.ails , and are certain that for rrinlasslniilatioi
) f food , dyspepsia , tired toollngH , general dc
jllity prostrations , malarial dlsoidcrn nm
uiinorH tti the blood , nothing can exceed I
value "Tippocanoe , " which was the modlcin
of our forefathers nnd scorns destined to b
tlio moat popular preparation of the day.
"Tippecanoe'1 In prepared and given to th
mblic by Messrs. H. II. Warner & Go.c
tochostur , N. Y. , proprietors of the famou
Warnor'8 Safe Cure , which Is now the mot
extensively used of any American inodicini
The well known standing of this house is
HuHiciont guarantee of the purity and power c
thin preparation which socks to banish ono c
tho'Fcreatost banes of the nineteenth c'ntury-
mal-aH3iinllatiin ot food. Any ono who o.i
pericncCH trouble of digestion ; wlio feels les
vigor than formerly ; whoso system boa unquoi
tionably "run down" and who realized tb
nocosnity of seine strongthonlng tonlo cannc
nlford to permit such symptoms to continue
If the farmer finds that his thrashing inachin
does not separata the grain from the straw h
realizes that something is wrong and tries t
repair the machine. When the food does nc
sustain the Ufa ; wl'on It fails to make blooi
when it causes the uncrgy to depart nnd amb
tion to die , it la u certain sign that spmotliin
Id wrong nnd that the human machine nooi
repairing. It la not n question of choice ; it i
n matter of duty. You must attend to yoi
health or your sukneis and nothing will sooni
overcome these evils than "Tippocanoo , " tl
modiclno of the past a safe guard ( or the pre
cut and a guarantee of health for the fntur
An Old Bran's Komiinuc.
Eastrn State Joimial.
Edward P. Whaites , of Springdali
Conn. , aged 84 years , surprised h
neighbors the other day by bringing hou
with him from Now Rocholl , aa his brid
a young woman 19 years old. When M
Whaites was a young man ho wooc
Sarah Ann Treadwoll , of East Chcsto
N. Y. Her family objected to their ma
riago , and the engagement was broke
olF. Mr. Whaitos engaged in business i
Now York City and other parts of tl
country. Returning to the scones of h
youth fifty years afterward , a widower , !
found Miss Troadwoll still unmarriei
The old passion revived , and their ma
riago took place. The couple came to r
side in Spriugdalo , and for five , yea
their lifo was like a honeymoon. Aft
her death a year ago , the bereaved hu
band refused to bo comforted. He wro
a poem in her praise and -widely circula
ed it , and his grief was so great that h
relations feared lie would loose his re ;
son. His recent marriage is , thorofor
the more surprising.
Angostura Blttors are the best rcinci
for removing indigestion and all diseases ori
mutiny from the digestive organs. Beware
counterfeits Ask your grocer or druggist f
the genuine article , manufactured by Dr. .
U. B , Siegert & Sons.
The I'lou oft IK ; P.urlicr.
Memphis Appeal.
It is astonishing the number of poop !
who are discussing the barber questioi
The council has discussed it twice at coi
sidcr blo length , without having arrive
at a conclusion , over 1,000 people lm\
signed petitions , it has formed the their
of ono or more pulpit discourses , and no
the streets have boon filled with dodger
gotten out by an enterprising bnrbor wl
docs not desire to work on Sunday , an
has taken this means of enlisting publ
sympathy. The dodgers read as follow
Do you over got tired. So does tl
Do you over want to rest ? So doea tl
Do you like tb rest at homo vrith yoi
family ) So does the barber.
Does a father like to bo acquaintc
with his wife and children ? So does'tl
Do single men want time for the refit
ing inlluonco of ladies'society } So do
the bachelor barber.
Doea your family like to have you i
homo on SundaySo / does the barber'
Do you fool better for a rest on Sunda ;
So does the barber.
JVould you like your customers to r
quire Sunday work of you ? Why work tl
barber ?
Do you think Sunday work luuieeossi
ry to you or your customers ? So thint
the barber.
Do you think you can got tlvrougjv yet
business in six days ? Why can not tli
barber ?
Do you want to act the part of a goo
citizen ? So does the barber.
Do you think it wmng to break th
law and set a bad example ? So does th
Do you think there is any profit i
breaking the law of God and man ) Nc
thinks the barber.
Do you think the Sunday law a goo
thing for working'mon'i It is , aaith th
Do you go to church yourself'Wh / ;
prevent the harbor ?
Have you a soul to .bo saved ? Hoi
about the barber ?
Are you a Christian ] Helping or hind
ering the barber ?
' 'Remember the Sabbath day an
keep it holy ! " Does it include the bai
her ?
Don't you think it looks a trillo inconsistent
sistont for you to ask a Sunday rot
for yourself , and ask anyone else t
work on your account ? Tt looks so to th
Do you think you should ask anyone t
do what you will not do ? If you do , is i
not imposing on the barber ?
Did you ever think that -with th
machinery now used in the world raori
Roods havn been manufactured than oai
be consumed ! If so , why not rest 01
Sunday ?
Do you uct , think that the inachinor
in farms and in factories might be slop
ed on Saturday afternoon production
hus reduced , goods sold for better prices ,
nd thu.s the lalorers and employers bot-
or paid/ /
If ono rnanttfacturer required seven
ays' work , would not others bo forced to
ork seven days or quit business ]
Would it not bo better for all to work
n hours for six days than by seven
ays' work to come to starvation prices ?
llath not a turbcr eyes ? Hath not a
arbor hands , organs , senses , dimensions ,
Elections , passions ? Fnd with the same
0(1 , hurt with the same woaponssubjcct
i the same diseases , healed by the same
cans , warmed and cooled by the snmo
ummer nnd winter as a Christian { If
pu prick us , do wo not bleed ? If you
icklo us , do wo not laugh ? And if you
us , dn wn not die ?
V Iuiniiio Suit DiiHcd Upon Peculiar
[ owYork .Special.
A case that is likely to prove of some
ntcreat has boon begun in Brooklyn
kgainat John Stetson. Mr. W. A. Hog-
irs , of No. 265 Ilcmson street , clainiE
320,000 damages for a shock to his wife
: auaod by reading n telegraphic advertise'
inent sent out by Stetson , nnd relating tc
a play called "Confusion" at the Par !
theater , Brooklyn. About two week :
ago Mrs. Rogers' daughter , J5 years old
, taken with a light attack of scarlo
[ over. Aa Mrs. Rogers was in an inter
eating condition , it was thought bettor t <
take the child to its annt's , No. ' 2 Wes
Twenty-seventh street , Now York. Af
fairs in both families were goin
on smoothly , the little gi >
was improving , and Mrs. Roger
was "as well aa could bo expected , " unti
last Thursday evening. Just before Mi
Rogers returned from business the dooi
boll rang and a messenger handed th
tjirl who answered a telegraph envelop
for Mrs. Rogers. She took it into th
library , whore the lady waa reclining o
a scfa. She toro oil' the envelope , an
after a hasty glance at the message spran
to her feet and started toward the dooi
She had hardly taken a stop before ah
throw up her arms , and with a wil
scream of "My baby 1 Oh ! my darlingl
she fell to the tloor fainting. Restore
lives were applied and Dr. McPhail
the family physician , was sent for n
once. In the meantime the husban
entered , and , seeing his wife in hystoi
ice , his eye toll upon the telegram. Upo
examining it ho discovered its charactoi
It road : "Come to town at once ; you
baby is worse. " Mrs. Rogers , not stoj
ping to examine the paper , which was a
almost identical imitation of a Wester
Union blank , had read these words , an
supposed they referred to her sick daugl
tor in Now York. The physician attonc
ing Mrs. Rogers says that the shock
OHO of the worst ho has mot in the coiin
of his practice. An order of arrest wi
bo served on Mr.Stotson to-morrow. M :
Rogers , who is a man of wealth , says h
will prosecute the case to the bitter one
The clerk of the American District Toll
graph company , which delivered th
messages , said that at least a dozen othi
complaints had boon made at the ollic
about the matter. At about 1 o'clock t <
day Mrs. Rogers was still in a semi-coin ;
lose condition , having taken no nourisl
ment since Tuesday.
Opinion or Dr. Motr , Imto Govcri
inont Chemist , on Allcouk's Porous
ous Plaster.
My investigation of ALLCOCK'H Pouoi
PLASTKR shows it to contain valuab
and essential ingredient * not present i
any other Plaster. These ingrodion
are so perfectly proportioned that tf
Au&ouicV * Pouous PLASTEH will m
cause JJlistcra or Excessive Irritatioi
and I find it nuporior to and more eflicioi
than any other Plaster.
HENRY A. MOTT , Jit. , Ph.D. , F. 0. S
Professor ot CliemUtry , N. Y. Med. Col.cgo , etc.
JDo not ivaslc your money buying ii
forior articles. Toll your Druggist yc
want ALLCOUK'S Poiions PI ASTKUM , an
do not take others made to sell on the r >
putation of the genuine article.
"Kurnol" Smith's Hoarly "Welcome
Detroit Free I > re89.
There was u party of four of us 01
from Chonoyvillo , La. , to look over
sugar plantation , and wo had dismounts
by the roadaido to drink at a spring an
rest a bit under the shade , when alor
came n native OH a mulo. As ho drew v
and looked us over , wo saw that ho wi
armed with shot-gun , revolver and knif
and thofeycs _ under his old hat had a b
"I reckon you gents hain't bound ovi
to Kurnol Smith's placet" ho said , as 1
surveyed us.
"Reckon wo just ar' that , " answcn
our spokesman.
"How soonL"
"Right away. "
"Say , ginoral , will you do mo a f
vor ? "
"I reckon. "
"Sot hero fur about half an hour , ar
then don't hurry. The kurnel and
havo-liad a leetlu furso , and I am goii
to git the drop on him. Reckon yc
don't care to mix in ? "
"Reckon not , and if thcao gents
agreed we'll give you thuo. "
_ Wo didn't raiao any particular objoi
tion , and the wayfarer passed on at a ga
lop. Uy and by vro followed tit a slo
pace , but made no discovery until v
reached Smith's placo. The "kurnol
waa at the gate with a riilo loaning again :
the fence , and as ho came out and shoo
hands our guide asked :
"Keen any furso around hero , ku :
"Npthin' to speak of , thank ye. "
"Didn't see a follow on u mewl core
this way ? "
"Well , somebody did come along ai
fill that 'ore gate post full o1
I sent n bullet through his ole hat to teac
him not to bo so keorlets ; but git off you
bosses an * come in como right in ai
make yorselves to hum. "
Jtomurkahlc Kscupe ,
Jabn.Kulm , of Lafayette , Ind. , had a > er
narrow escape from death. This ii hlg ow
story. "One year ago I was In tha last sta e
of consumption. Our beat physician * R V
my case up , I finally got BO luw that our doi
tor laid I could not lire twenty-four hours
My friemli then purchased a bottle of Diy
\y i. HAU.'H UAI-SAM coit TUB Lv.vos , tvhlc
benefitted me. I continued until I took nlu
bottles. I am now In perfect health , havin
mad no other medicine ,
Dr. Honors' Vesetnule Worni Kyru ;
Instantly destroys wormi , and reinovea th
lecrutlous that uauta thoin.
Henri's Curbollo Kulvo ,
Tha BUST SATiVK m the world for Cuti
Iiruii03 , Hon.Uloeia , Halt Rheuni , Tettei
Chapped Hands , Chilblain * , Corna , and a'
klud of 8kl Kruptlons etc. fiot HKNUY'
CA11110LIO SALVE all other * are bn
Imlutlont. rrice ' 'i cout * .
Has the Laro-est Stock in Omaha and Makes the
Lowest ; Prices.
"i 4"n i
T * d
11 ULi U.
Purchasers should nvnil themselves of the opportunity now ottered to
uy at Low Prices by taking advantage o the great inducements set out
1206 , 1208 nd 1210 FnrnamSt
To All Floors. OMAHA. NEB.
Proprietors. Superintends
Omaha Iron Works
team Engines C !
ill and Grain [ Elevator Machinery
Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth ]
O t- *
"We are prepared to t'urnish plans and estimates , and will contract for
the erection of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing
Flouring Mills , fremStone to the Roller System.
U2p ljgpocial attention given to furnishing Power Plants for any pur
pose , and estimates made for same. ( General machinery repairs attended
to promptly. Add rpss
"Willimantic Spool Cotton is entirely the product of Home Industry ,
and is pronounced by experts to be the best sewinc machine thread in the
for sale by HUNLEY , HAYNES & VAN ARSDEL ,
m&e Omaha , Neb.
. ,
103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 187&-Catarrh ,
Deafness , Lung and Nervous Diseases Speedily and Permanently Cured. Patient *
Ourod at Homo , Write for "Tiis MJSDICAL-MJSSJOSAUY , " for the People , Free.
'Vmsultation and Correspondence Gratia. P. O. Box 292. Telephone No. 226.
HON. EDVVA11D RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , says : "Physioian o )
uea At > imy aim TVIarkod , Succesa. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport ,
T-'tjw ! "An t.-iniirablo MAO. .Pino aiicconH. Wonderful Glims. " Honrn. S tn 5
Henley , Haynes & Van Arsdel ,
1106 Farnam Street , - - - OMAHA , NEB ,
Uf..P- x1'0'T oneUuUjr Oiled with Mltat ttook. & * t Woikw n hlp KU t nU-l.
factor/ , tV. Uoraei' Jtith atm /WM < ft > n < it C 4m Keb