8 THE DAILY BJEE-OMAHA , MONDAY , MARCH 3 , THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA. Monday Morning , March 3 , Tlio Wontlicr. For the Missouri valley : Goncrall ; cold weather , northcily winds ; highc barometer during the day , followed b ; rising temperature with cast to sout winds Tuesday , followed by fallin baring barometer and generally fai weather. LOOAL BREVITIES , Now crop clover and ttmotliy seed for sal Shugart , Wnlto & Wloi , Council Bluffs , low ; f8-lr Frank Kellncr w.-xs the h ckman on Sal urday discharged by Judge Uonoko. Uov. Mr. Dotwller , of Cnrlhago collcg Illinois , was yesterday olcctod pwitor of tl ttngllnh Lutheran church In this city , ar will be horo'noxt Sunday and proacli his fir BOrmon. Tlio month of Jlarch entered Saturdi llko a lion , nnd it now remains to bo no whether or not It will lake 1U departure that meek nnd mild manner BO charactorist of the little snoop. Oak Chatham Is tlio name of n now ndi tbn to the city of Omaha , the map forwhli was filed on Saturday loot. It In sitimtod the northwest quitttor of the nouthwc < | iiartor of section 3 , township 1C , range cast. Tlio Inquest on tlio death of Wlllla : 1'lahcr , who suicided on Thursday night liu dying In the city jail , will bo hold this fet noon. A telegram has boon received from 1 : brother in Texas ordering a decent burial Jils exporso * i-Gon. O. O. Howard , U. S. A. , will le turo nt the Baptist church on Monday eve ing , March 2 , 1881 , hU subject being tl "JJattlo of Gottysburg. " Tickets nro sold ; 25 corits , reserved scats being HO cants nnd tl lecture for the benefit and under the aunpic of the Y. M. C. A. Tlio ICulghts nnd Lndloa of Honor hoi tlio first hop of a r.cilon of four Friday night i Mnsunlc hall , There were about ono hundrc couples present. It was ona of the most plop nnt nnd best managed par-tie * of the soajso having four Indies nnd four gentlemen Hoi managers , who worked llkoboavcra to make ploaiant for all. The next hop will bo ho on March lltlu - ! t > ollco court Saturdap there wo tbroo oscs for intoxication. Ono wax sent i for five days , ono was sentenced to ton da ; in the count ) ' jail on broad and water mid tl case njainxt tha third WJIH continued , Oi dlaturbur of tlio peace wan fined S. nud cot inlttcd. Ono vagrant was sentenced to ti days on broad nnd water , while the ca against a second vagrant was continued. Oi man arrested for committing n nulianco w held pending imoitlgation. 1'KltSUNAU A. H. BOWAII , of Hastings , is in town , J. Huuyasa 19 stopping at tin Mlllnrd. W. 15. Beach Is roistered nt the Millard. 7jlt. ( HoynoUlj U registered at tlio Millar H. K. liadon , of Blair , Is a gucxt of t Millard. B. II , Uonldtng , of Kearney , Is nt the Me lopolltan , F. Yogcl , 1'laltsmouth , is n guont of tl J'axton. Edward Snyder nnd A. ( , . M ooro , Kwin aio at tlio I'.xxton. * J. U. Blanohard , Loavonworth , ICas. , is i the Motropolltan , Win. Stradman und I. 1C , JSoalon nro to ] ping at the Metropolitan. F. C. Harrison nnd F. M. Million , Llncol are stopping nt the Faxton. Alex. Ooardand James Allen Boxtou , a Htopping nt the Metropolitan , Charles 1) , Smith nnd John Morrison , T.i coin , are reglitorcd nt the i'axton , F. J . Furnlia and W. Dykci , Tlattsmout ma stoppiDg at the Motropolltan , Bamuol Burns WOH n passenger on the tru from the east yesterday morning. J. T. Smltb , Cuiter , Dakota , nnd K. ' . 1) IYCH , nro at the Metropolitan. L. A. Ttorrlngtou aud F. H. IJluko , 1'latl ituiutli , are guests of the 1'ai'ton. N. S. Wycoff , Norfolk , nnd C. B. Hackn .and uifo , uroguojts of the Mlllnrd. M , A. D.\ugUtorty , editor of the Crc .Stindnrd , IH n gunst of the 1'uxton. W. C. Tillson , Koamey , and Aug. Dim aud wife nro stopping at the 1'tucton , , T. II. Burrows nnd J. W. Naebon , a among the guest ] of the Metropolitan. William Armstrong , J , W. IIulso and J , ] Whltmoro , Lincoln , are at the Millard. George W. Hinkle , Beatrice , nnd J. : Ilcvht and wife are stopping at the Paxton. 8. 1' . Aiulrov/4 and wife nnd Charles lUker aud wife are stopping at the Taxton. Bishop Clarkson has boon seriously ill wi congestion of the throat , but U now imprc ing. Jamoi Kelly , St Louis , and A. J. Kotl Cadar ltapldinrb , quartered at the Moiropa tan. tan.If If on. 8 , J. Alexander , Lincoln , and W ] Falrchllds , Aurora , are stopping at tha 1'j ton. ton.J. J. II , Buoitaff , Lincoln , and J. 11. Jo ! HOD , Crete , Nub , , are roglstorod at tha 1't ton , Wtaon I'lcVrcll , of I'lokroll , and Jc Ti. Stone nud wife are regUterod at the l'i ton. Oon. O. 0. Howard loavaa Omaha the I of this month fur a several montliV trip Kurope. W , B. Copeman , Ltacoln , and AI Bar Aud Chorloi Boruridgo , Frctuont , are at I R ? ' Mtllard. ChurlM L. Kill , U. S. y&rds , Chicago , n A. L , 1'ond , Lincoln , Nob. , nro among I guests of the Metropolitan. C , 0 , Lukens , leprritentlng Lowe's Meta I'Alnt company , of Chattanooga , Tonnoasi has apartment * at the Metropolitan , Vf , W. Drummoud aud wlfo , H. M. Bui neil and lady , Joiepli A. Conner and M Hayei , PJftttr.nouth are Ruesti at the Pi toil. toil.Mr. Mr. Gottlg , preildent of tha Uerman I < tlonal binlc of Sail VrancUco , and his fain pawed through thU city Saturday , en roi to Kuioj > 9. Hev , Mr. J. A. llultm&n of this city ' turued Saturday iiiornlng , In company with ] brother Uov , F , 0. Hultmuu , from their ea cm tour , having for tha last throa wee vWtod tbe principal cltliM east , where th bwn sl'nglug and pieachlug the goipel "AT DAWN. " A Mill of Ttirly-Tlircc Ronuds Yesterday Near Omaha , Smith , of Chicago , and Miller , o Omaha , the Pugilists , The Kl lit Closed by a Foul liy MIIIc and Smith Declared Ilio "Winner. Yesterday morning as the lampa woi from approaching dawn , a proco ton of fifteen or twonly carriages wi wending its way out of the northern pa of tins city. The carriages were fillt > y the nportint } fraternity of this ci and a few gentlemen who were on the way to n point near Florence cut-o whore n fight with bare knuckled , for mrso of $ : ! 00 , was to take place botwo ( 3. II. Smith , of Chicago , and I'rof. 1 Miller , of this city , under the Police G Kotto rules. The party wont to the road house ko ay Sam Gardner , where they warm and wined themselves. The nitr.ht w very cold ono for this season of t yoir , and occasionally the snow foil ai was blown into the faces of the party tha wind , whoso velocity was noai thirty miles an hour. From the ro liouso the party followed up the track the Chicago , Minneapolis , St. Paul Omaha railway nearly two miles , wh the bottoms. were reached. IIore t procession ntoppod , and a twontyfo Foot ring was formed. Miller and Sini than alighted from their carriages in stripped bare to their vraisthands. Smi was seconded by William JlcCuno a ; Miller by Biby Barnos. Jock Caldwo sporting man of the city , wai chos referee. The men then entered the ring. Ko vroro in excellent physical condition a : determination was stamped upon t iountcnanco of each ono. Time was called and promptly at o'clock the iiiht began. In the socoi round Smith won the first blood fron .orrilio blow which landed directly ov Miller's loft oyo. TJiirty-thron roun were fought in all. During the win aattfo , which lasted an hour and twoii minutes , Miller forced the righting , being the tactics of Smith to act on t defensive and thereby exhaust his iintn onist. Whenever Smith found himsi cornered.or the light growing warm . ' would "go to grass , " and time would called. This strategy on the part Smith caused Miller to lese his temp several times ani Smith was struck 1 liim two or three times after time w called. Fouls were claimed by Smitl second but were disallowed by the i furco. Finally at the close of the thirl third round Miller struck his antagon , a blow on the fuco after lie had go : down and after time had boon c.ille McCnno claimed a foul which was a judged BO by the referee and the fig ended , Smith being declared the wi nor. Blankets wore thrown over t shoulders of the pugilists who were hi riod into their carriages and driven bate to Sam Gardnar'a where they were ru bed and dressed , and later in the d drove into the city. Between ono hun rod and ono hundred and twonty-11 witnessed the mill and the best ot ord prevailed throughout , and when the fo was allowed by the referee not a murm of dissent was hoard. Neither ono of tl men was terribly punished and go < eoling oeomod to oxiat between the : hrough nearly the whole light. Lat n the afternoon Smith was seen at Hi gins' restaurant , and with the oxcoptii of a ccuplo of bruises on his face , nothii of the mill could bo soon on him , t chough , it is said , ho was severely poun od about the chest. Miller , it la sat lias a face considerably scarred ai bruised and has black oyos. The co prevented the men from doing the wo they otherwise would have done , but tl fight , from beginning to end , vrna oxc ing. The all'air was kept very quiet u til nearly twelve o'clock Saturday nigl when it bucruno so generally known th the party , through fear of arrest , w forced to leave the city muoa earlier tin it had intended to , and so great was t haste that when the procession Imdnrriv at the cross roads just south of Fort Om ha , no ono know where the mill wou take placo. It was a grand sight f sporting men and was yesterday the tot of conversation in all classes. iJoforo t party had loft the scone of the conlli a challenge was sent Smith by o Donnelly , an Iowa man of local colobrit The challenge was accepted and d posit of money , $5 each , waa'placod McOuno'a hands. The fight will bo i a purse of $200 and the time and pin are to be determined on Monday next. This is the aocond prize fight win the sporting men have gone from tl city to witness. The other it will remembered took place between B Qogan and Tom Allen in November 187. ) and was fought near Pacific Jin tion , Iowa , about twenty miles down t river. It was fought for a purse $1,000. There were only three roun when the ropes were cut and pisU drawn. TJio'ivlTuir ended up in a gonoi row. A. man named Muldoon hold t stakes , and , taking advantage of oirou stances , ailontly stole away with t money and was never aeon afterward. Allen is now keeping a saloon in I Louis. Hogan afterwards reformed a became a zealous Christian. It was 01 a couple of winters ago that ho carri on a revival in this city. It never has been doubted that ho v meet honest in his convictions , and v working from the most sincere motiv When ho was hero carrying on his rol ous work.ho was approached by a brotl minuter , who is somewhat fond ot mat s | ort , who asked him what ho thought Allen's pugilistic abilities. Ilogan's o ) flashed Jiro. "I can whip him yet , " v his Laconic reply. Tliesu two mills are all that over tak place near Omaha. The Allen. Hoc tight was attended by a great many , I ( ho ono of yesterday was witnessed about only ono huntjrod persons , Mrs. Ncvlllo'H Death , The many friends of Mrs. Novil ( formerly Miss Mollie Keith and dau ; tor of Hon. M. C. Keith ) will bo pain to learn of tlwt lady'a death , which < currod at her homo in North Platte S urday morning at 4 o'clock. She had boon married scarcely mi j than a year Jo Mr. Neville , brother i Judge Neville , of this city , ani her you ifo went out just an oho had broughl nto this world a darling babo. It is indeed a sad blow to the mourn ng husband , and , as the family , win lave BO recently been called upon t < mourn , are again bathed in tears of ser OTT , they have the sympathy of a host o riends who knew the deceased but t < eye her. _ _ An 1C nil to HOMO Kurnplntr. Kdward Shepherd , of HrurUlmrg. Ill , , uriyi 'Having rocoU-d no inucli benefit from Kloc rlo Bitter * , I feel It my duty to let RtifTerln lumnntty know It. Hava had a running m > r on my lot ? for eight yearn ; my doctors told in ! would Imvo to have the Ixmo Bcrni > od or le amputated , I wed , lustoud , tlirco hottloi r Clcctrlo Hlttcra and Bovon Ixixos of Bucklon Arnica Salvo , and my leg is now sound au \\oll. oll.Kloctric liiltorn nro Bold at fifty conU a bol tloa , nnd liucklon'x Arnica Hnho at25c , pc ) ox by 0. F. Goodman. "JULIUS OJESAR , " A Wrntclicil I'rcHcnlatlon lly the Itni rcttTroupe nn Hatnrilay An audience of unusual size and cha : actor assembled at the opera house o Saturday evening to witness the subliin tragedy of "Julius Ciiisar , " and to judg of its treatment in the hands of the Ba : rott troupo. It is rather diflicult to spon of the manner in which it was put on an do justice to the subject. There woi many admirable points in the work < Mr. Barrett as Cassius , 6f Mr. James i Brutus , of Mr. Mosoloy as Marc Anton ; and of Mr. Rogers as Casca , but tlict were so much marred by the almost ric iculoui manner in which the other cha : actors were portrayed that they soome to have lost all their beauty. The got tlomon mentioned did magnificently , bi it required from thorn almost continue herculean exertion to keep the entii play from passing the border line of tl sublime into the field of the burlcequ The thorough weakness of Mr. Barrett support was not apparent in "Francesc : and "Hamlet , " and when it was ai nounccd in advertisements that "Julii Oiuaar" would bo put on with the sarr company that was with Mr. Barrett s the Cincinnati dramatic festival , the pul lie had reason to hope for something bo tor. An actor of loss established roputt tion than Mr. Barrett would scarcely hav dared to present a play like that of Sal urday evening without a powerful suj port , requiring , as it docs , a good actc in every part. Most people in th audience probably surmised that the mo of live people in the forum scene woi the usual supernumeraries picked up i Omaha ; this was not so , for all but one wo believe , belonged to the company and had oilier important speaking pan in the play. This mob , individually an collectively , was fearfully and wondei fully made ; in fact , of four of thorn : might bo said , relative to their undoi standings , thatwou'dit ' take awholoforoi of such legs to make a cord , and of on them that ho possessed the undorpinnin of a Colossus and the arms of a livin skeleton. It required constant effort o the part of the audience to suppress thoi laughter during the speeches of Brutt and Antony , aud wo really believe Mi Mosoly was called before the curtain r the end of the act as much from sympa thy as for commendation. The mannc in which Miss Manypenny came nen destroying the locket acono in "Ilamlol made discretion the bettor part , and e many broathcd easier Saturday ovonin when it was observed that her scene t Calphurnia with Cti'sar had been nut oui likewise when it became apparent tht the mob which ofliciatcd at the forui would not bo called on to person ate th armies toward the tragic climax. Th quarrel scene between Brutus and Uai BIUS elicited warm admiration ; likowis Miss Wninwright's too brief nppearanc a < > Portia ; and a beautiful picture thn will linger in many minds was the scon between the sleepy boy Lucius an Brutus just previous to the apparition c Cu'anr. And hero it may bo said thn not only as Lucius but in every charactc the little lady took during tlio season Mrs. Charles Plunkort did moro tha well. Mr. Otis Skinner , who no mor resembles the ideal Ciusnr than a aaty does Hyperion , was tvoaker than over be fore in the part. So of the prosontatio of the play , it may bo said that it was s hacked by this "company of unusual oa collonco" that it bore more gaping wound than did dead Ciusar's body. In conch sion it may bo said it was an insult t the intelligence of an Omaha audience t have the play presented as it was. Biiokloit's Arnica Salvo. Thogroittoat medical wonder of tha worli Warranted to speedily cure liurns , Cuts. U com , Walt Khmnn , Fever Soros. Cancers. Pile Ohillblnlns , Corns. Totter , Chapped hand n't nil akin eruption , garantood to cure ! very ( nutanco , or tuouoy refunded. 25 ceu THE KArLEOADS. Slouplnu Curs Front Cli lo Douvcr PurRiinnt to agreement , the throug sloopora from Chicago to Denver con monco running Saturday night , the fin ono passing west on the overland trai that evening. The conductor of thcso cm will atop off in this city , but oa is cu tomary , the porters will stay with thoi cars nnd go clear through. The three roads which alternate i running the through slcopor east of th Missouri river , will begin as follows : Th first sleeper from Denver goes east eve the 0. , 11. [ . & P , railway , the next ovc tha 0. & N. W. railway , and tlio noj over the 0. , M. & St. Paul railway , n turning in the same way. If the plan is not changed , throug car from Chicago to San Francisco are t begin running April first. The regular Lincoln train which loavt this pity at 12:20 : p. in , , to-day bogii running through io Beatrice. 1'oriiiitn to 'Wen. The following marriage licenses wo issued last week : Denj , L. Benson to Annie Olson. Gharloa K , Ward lo Mum Powell. Christian Johnson to Christina Larso Frank Domko to Alvina Wilde. Andrew Nynron to MutiUlft .lolmsoi George Aschonbaoh to Mary Hoonn gor. William Mark man to Annie Tibko. Alexander St. Julion to Abbio Lorn mom. James Heiulor on to Eliza Boos. "HOUGH ON HATS. " Cleats out rats , mice , roaches , flic ' ( anU. bedbugs , skunks , chipmunk ! c'JjJhow. loa. Dra.aisU AN ACCIDENT. A Street Car Rnns Off tlie Track o ; St , Mars's ' AYGHDC , Several I'crsons Slightly Injured am nil Coimldcrnbly levelled. As street csr No. 3 was coming dow ; St. Mary's avenue yesterday morning , i ) ecamo unmanageable by reason of th cyconditicn of the rails , and startc down grade at a furious rate. The drive applied the brakes as best ho could bt was unable to check ita velocity. Th uirsos wore hitched to a tongue attache Lo the car , but were perfectly poivories against the car , which continually in creased in velocity. As it came onto the curve at the co : nor of Twentieth end St. Mary's avemi the horses were unable to kenp in th tracks , the car running by them , throv ing them down and dragging thorn soir distance , and finally stopped after boin thrown on its side. There wore thirty-four people in tli car , most of thorn ladies on their way I church , several of whom were consider ! bly injured. The occupants were unabl to got out of the door of the car , bi were helped out through the windov by those on the outside , whom the ace dent had called to the scone. All woi excited and some indulged in scream The injured were Mrs. WarronSwitzlo Mrs. Van Oatrom and another lady wh resides on Park avenue , but whoso nau could not bo learned. They were taken into the house of Mi B. E. B. Kennedy , close by , and care for there , and later in the day wont < their homos. The car was almost a tot wreck and one of the horses was so bai ly injured that ho died before the strei car barn was reached. The car driver says the track wi thoroughly salted and sanded yostordr morning and that all precautions woi taken by him to prevent the occurronci The accident was a most fortunate on and the wonder is that no moro were si riously hurt. hurt.A A KIDNAPPER. Gonsldcrnblu K\oltonioni in tlio 1)1 trlct Court Sattininy lorniii liy an Attempt , to Kidnap u Child. Since the opening of tlio Sinclair KU in the district court n little seven yor old daughter , a swetot little child , < Georgia Sinclair , has boon in attondanc nt court with her mother and grane mother daily. Whether it ia done to o : cite sympathy or what is the cause is IH known. Mrs. Sinclair has two children , a bo nnd a girl , the logimate fruits of her fir ; mnrringo with a man named August Dil bol. Ono year ago last fall Dibbol lo : the Sinclair woman and last Scptembi lie obtained a divorce from her in Cole rado nnd was given custody of the chi dron by the judge. Ho placed thorn i charge of Mrs. Sinclair's mother , bi since that time according to the woman story ho has provided but § 40 for the support. Soon after obtaining a divorce , ho w ; married and is DOW- living with hia wil at Fremont , in this state. Friday night the little girl above n 'orrcd to , spent the night in the count jail with her mother , and Saturdaj .11 . company with Deputy Hhorifl' Crowe ! wna on her way to the court room. Jus as the deputy sheriff , Mrs. Sinclair an lur child had reached the head of th stairs loading to the court room , this ma Oibbel appeared upon the sceneand rush tig past the woman , seized the child an itnrtod down the stairs on n run. The we nan nnd child both screamed nnd Mr. Orowel pursued th , vould-bp kidnapper nnd rescue 'roin his arms the child. The part .lien entered thu court room nnd Dibbc .old the court that it was his child an 10 vras not going to have her sit in coui 10 excite sympathy for nny such woma as her mother. Jndgo Neville informed the irat jontleman that there wns a proper wa to obtain possession of the child , an t'-nt ho must resort to that wayr ni n kidnapping would bo tolerated , uftc winch Dibbol loft the room. It created considerable excitement i thn court room for a time , but the alia was soon quieted and matters procoodc at usual. Itussln Salvo i unomirtllod f ohillilulus , cliniiiicil liuncla , hunt hitox , ut Try it. DISTKIOOOTJBT , The ConstUiitlonullty of Mechanic lileu Iiitw Argiictl on Satur day Imst. In the district court on Saturday tl forooon was consumed by the trial < Georgia Sinclair before Judge Novill At noon further trial of the coso wi [ Mwtponod until this morning. The d fondant was on the witnosa stand durin a greater 'part of Urn forenoon tostifyii : in her own behalf. The attention of the court , with bol iudgos on the bench , was occupied du ng the afternoon by an argument on tli constitutionality of a section of the nn chanics' lion statute. Thin quostic arises out of the case of Ballou again ; Whitmoro , tried laat week , and in whic a verdict of special finding unfavorable < tlio defendant was returned. This qua tion created considerable interest amou attorneys , and nearly all the members e the bar were present to hear the orgi ments pro and con. The suit of Ballow against Whitmni involved the validity of a material man lien , and Hon. J. 0. Cowin , who file the motion to have the statute declare unconstitutional , made the point that material man's lion is not a mechanic lion , aud therefore , as they both com under the title of "Mochanici1 Lions , the statute is unconstitutional , as havin a subject foreign to the ono mentiono m the titlo. R. S. Hall , Esq. , and A. 0. Wakolc argued th t the liens had become tli same from custom , aud if the atatuto wi to be construed strictly by its title , th common laborer could not have a lion , the ho IB not A mechanic. Tno poaltion uken by General Covi a a novel ono , and was a surprise lo joncli nnd bar. The following is the assignment of casca for to-day : 1IEFOIIK .IODOE WAKKI.EV. Goldman vs. Brown. Worthington vs. Murry. Flint va. Hadspith. Spocht vs , Hillcko. Omaha Barb Wire Co. VB. Omaha , Bcn/.on vs. B. & M. lv. II. Co. in Ne braska. Merchants' National bank of Omahn vs. Krollo ot ai , Litaon vs. Woodworth. Chindbery vs. Smith. Stein ot nl. vs.Voolf. . Field ot al. vs. Gotthcimor. Brash vs. JMillor. I1KFOHE JUIIOI ! NEVILLE. Trial of criminal castes. A GOOD WOEK , Full lt < ! | ionof tlio CanvnsH nntl ply ol' the Destitute In the City of Oiimhn. with the Illulc , AVlitch wan Completed Fob. 1(1,1HHI. Fully persuaded that the facU in the following report will bo interesting to the renders ot your paper , 1 cheerfully transcribe cribo them for your use : Days of service rendered 174) ) Number of families \isltcd 5211 Number of families destitute ofliihlcs. . 7-K Number of destitute families supplied 37' Numbers of dextituto individuals sup. pllnd 11- Number of Bibles sold -KM Number of Bibles donated li ! ) Number of Testaments sold l2f ! Number of Testaments donated SI Portions of Bibles eold -11 Number of books received from Blblo homo 12K Cash value of books sold $237,0 ! Cash value of books donated D7.UI Cash value of books received from Blblo houao 379.7 ( Ca h value of books on hands of colp. ! M.7i Collections received from 10 churches § 13.0 ! ! Collections received from lit persons. . 23.5 ; Total amount of collections S1C2.D ! Compensation for services $300.r > ! Freight bills 2.VI Other expenses , postage , otc 3,21 Cash Bent to Bible house 70.31 Kxponso of the work in excess of col lections 2C.1.3 ! WILLIAM MKOAXIILIMI , Colp. American Bible Society. A Startling Dinuovery. Mr. Win. Johnson , of Huron. Dak. , writoi thnt his wife had boon troubled with acute Bronchitis for many years , and that nil remedies dies tried gave no permanent relief , until IK piocured a bottle of Dr. Kwy's Now Discov cry for Consumption. Coughs , and Colds which had n mngical olTect , and produced i permanent euro. It is guaranteed to euro al Diseases of Throat , Lungs , or Bronchia Tubes. Trial bottles Free at C. F. Goodman's Druf Store. Laryo size 81,00. AN ASSIGNEE APPOINTEE For tlio Creditors ori'icrcyitBi-atlfort ! t > ytlio County Court. A mooting of the creditors of Piercj & Bradford , stove dealers , who inrido an assignment a couple of weeks ago , was hold in the county court room on Satur day last. Of the forty-eight creditors of this firm holding claims amounting tc § 11,07-1.74. nineteen were present , rop- rosunting S10,2o < i. The assets of the firm as appraised amount to § 11,235. J. II. Manny was unanimously elected assignee by tin creditors and possession of the goodi will bo given him by Sharif ! ' Miller , wh ( under the law 1ms had them in custody Absolutely Pure. Thli powder never T n i./A marvel of purl Btrenehnd wholesomenai * Moro rimomical tl'a the calniry Ulnda , nnd Ufuci bo sold In comptituan wltu tbemultltude of low tea : , abort welel t alum o phi.phate powders. Sold only In cum. Hey l 151 Bif Ihiwdnr On in * u ir t NI > W York. SPECIAL NOTICES TO LOAH-Monev. MONKY TO LOAN In sumu ol $100 and upward at &i per Minuiu , cu Uouitlas roiuity laiinj. Address dross 11.0.1'atiunou li Co. , la-Jl Kaniam St. MONKY TO LOAN-The lowest rates of Intorej llenxla' Txxm Agency. Uth & DonirlM S34-tf TMTONBYTO LOAN In sums of . - u. and upwurd JlTl O. F. Yls and Co. , Heal Katito md Lo i Agents , 1604 Farnam St. 893-tl _ _ WANTKO-uiri. liiiilfro | Urn. N. J. riiholni. ciU-7 W/LNTKU-- and K'lrh f pluutuut addrci are makliijt roen'ii wigo * , 1SI3 Capltulccue. . "AlMNTEU-Jhles and female j of jrood aJdresj I tBcliers or nthcrs of some bnjlneis ability , whc woultllketi ) become * acquainted with a piotitabli huslneiu. w 11 do well to t-ll at 1213 Capitol avenue. 133-31 WANTED-fllrls at WllUo's IMptr Uox I'nctory ilSHouthHthsireet. OKI.-3 * \\7ANTKn-dood girl for gcacral housework a TT 1729 Cans street. 819-SS WAMKD-l'ifty nun forrallro.d ork. Appl ] from 0 to 12 Sunday at 'Ml llth street. eijC-lt H. MAXNWKILKII. "IWAMTKD A capillo girl to do kecond work ant TT a I.t In taking car i of children , Calat krrl reildenco , corner of lltb and Pierce streets MHS. 1) . S. llAUIUaKI- \ \ rANTEI > A nurse girl , Iiupjlre 1U23 Dodue St. > > cor. tiOth. ftis.jj \T7ANTED-A training salesman to sell /oods 01 TT lomuuifloii to the icrootry trade In the tate : and territories lay ng went Mill * outhc tof Omahi and Kama * city Ono iKWhur. * ! ! KtaluUhed ruuu In seme otbrr nuilueti prefurud Aniuers mUs ) fl\e ad paitlaulars as to pre > en < liuslmw , rtfertncef ter Itory Ao. AdilrtiNS "S. at Co. , " c.rti of Unltot States AailJoal llink , Omaha , h'eb. 010-1 * Ttl/ANlT.U-Ooo-laHhe woman to du chim'-ti > T work. Wujc $ t. ji r week. Apply at 911 \\7ANTKU Iy dl ser \ouuf men W taku nlct > T iileafuit work at llalr oun homo ; S io S5 / i , oully made : work sent bv if all ; uo raiA iiug , A.J U M t' * KtoM & Co. , U'W UT Dubuiuie lowt. t.rj-luiol Br.far.ts and Children Without Morpldno or Nnrootino. ( 'What Rives our Children roir check * , k AVTiat cures their fevers , makes them sloop ; ftl 'Tli Ciinlnrln : . I When Babies fret , and cry Intnrni , 5 'What cures their colic , kills their omit. % Hut Omtorln. I What quickly ; cure1 ? Constipation , 1 8our Stomach , Colds , Indlgritlon : I Hut Cnilorln , Knrrwell then to Morphine Syrups , Castor Oil nod 1'nrcBorlc , nnd ItnllCnfttnrin. Contour Llnimont. Anni- solnto euro for RUouniatium , Sprains , Burns , Galls , &o. , nnd ax Instantaneous Pain-rollover. ( 'lrl In a Innilly of two , inintlio n ; ; oo oiok and good l.Mimlrejs , 110 S5tli St. S 003-3 } Hey to Kin errands. Address Icttct WANTED olllco work. Addrc33''U.Sc Olllco In o n ha'i'l writing. " 30 tl WAN IKD A itoud boy to ulr a Uclnury wagoi Apply 1013 Hnrnoy street , ' 025 tl N. W. MIMIUIU , . ANTED-A lr ! t-class barber at Pton Hot < W barber shop 315.00 per w ek. 020-lg WANTED Competent ! ? lrl far housework , 210 Dodge street. 027-1 } "WANTED Two girls at Pae.fi ] House , Kill an Da.cii"ort. 010-18 TIT'ANTED An experienced Clsir filesnwn. It > > iltilro at Oorrabrai.tA. Uolc' ? , ISO" Kornani St. V\TANTEt ; > Girl tor pcnora' houio work. Mrs , 1 ! S. Smith , S.V. . corner nth and Charlrs bt. , t Omaha , 1 block cast uf red barn , on luth St. St.6S7.lt 6S7.lt TVTANTED A good woman cool ; at tlio Emmcl TT IIou'-c ' , No roan need apply. 571-SS "VVfANTKD Drcfsniakcr's apprentice. Ono wh TT would alolut in housework for berboml , pn ferrcd. alra. Corbet , 11113 Howard street. 57Z-1 * I'llOTECTOH-Umueccdcntediuduccnient QUEEN lady agents for tn's new rubber undergo meat for ladies. Address wlthjrtamps , Undergoi mcnt Co , tl south Jtiv > i I'hiuv.'O IbO-lm : Ono hundred teams and ono hundre WANTED laborers for Uallroad work. McCOY & MOHAN Canlleld House , Ninth and Farnam Sis , Oixaha. ' 403-lin T AUIES Oil YoU.VO MhN In cltj or country t < JLJ tike ni-e , light and ] > lca9)nt M oik at their ow liomca ; 82 to ! ; 1 a day casilv nud quietly invJe ; wor Bcntbymail , no cainasjln ; nu starp for replj Plcaae address Hcllablu Slanl g Co..Philadelphia la , drawer IT. 3'J7-lmt WANTED A Uerman dlninif room kitchen gh ; Uc3so nnd lloppo , 418 S. 13th SI , betwcc Harncv and Howard. B35 tf 7ANTKH CO solicitors , jjood pay to light inci > Aildrttn M\v .V Mono w , IJ air , Neb. 333t. . SITUATIONS WANTED. D llynjimng Aitierican wonituiVfitu ; tion as hoiidokLCper. Addrtsj "A. N. " a o i Ieoolllcs. ! ; ( ! 3T-U TT/ANTED-Sltuation in city or adjoining towni.li i man and wile , who can do Hrtt-cla 8 cooking 1 hotel or icstauram. Address "O. L. N. " Bee oitlu 60J-1 WANTED By a jouug lady , a position as cop ; 1st , or to write In. an otlicc. Can opor.ito th tjpc-\\riterhaihad ; experience with legal papcn tloo'l ' icfcrenced gl\cn. Addrcts "Miss C , " E.'jO Fal view Strict , City. ( J23-71 TXT'ANTED A situation by n practical tlnnci T i ountrj job preferred. Aildrusa Box 81 , Ilia Nebraska. Si319 A rella'ilo joung man wants n plac to work , boaid and go to school. "S , A W. Dee olllco 338-tl W1SCELLANEOD3 WANTS. WANTEU To rent , a house with 3 or 4 roon for a family of two within 10 or 12 blocks t tnoPost office. Sure pay but not over $12. per nn Address "E. N. " Boo otlice. 640-3S A > TEn Two unlurnlsliod rooina toman an W v > llowi'hln tlx blocks of U. P. thops. Appl 110 S. 13th St. T II. TUHNKH. "TtJANTUD To rent , rno room to gentleman an wife with beard 1011 Wcb tcr St. 8.2-tf i ) Two unfurnished room for dreei makincry Slarch 10th. Location between 1SI and 15th and Fariiam and Davenport. Address "i S. B. " postolllco. flll-lS "VXT ANTED Aentlemaiilca ( > lni { shortly Vor Lei TT don'lid Paris , well known to capitalists an financiers In both cities , would like to cnrrcspoc direct with parties Imvlnfflaijro ranches or tracts i land , with rv \ lew to a ealu of same , Address 'Kuroii I1. 0. box 34 , Urookljn , N. Y. 695-11 WANTED-3,000 jards'.of illit , at or n-aroi block wcstcf thu Com cut on St.'JIary's n\ nue. 8. It JOHNSON , GSl-tf of Sto lo , Joliusi.ii .1.1.0. WANTED 600 pil\y > aults. tlnks and cosapnn to clean with sanitary cleaner. Satlsfa.tlc guaranteed. J. jr. SMITH , D90.lmoS Lock box 422,0maha. FOit liaHT--liounc-a aua _ , otu. OH HENT Furnished roonu , 103 North 181 F 650-71 FFOU FOU IlENT A now , Urird house , milt iblo for t families , 13J. " > IHa and Wilaou bt. 012,3 j POH ItENf KurnUhed room at (5.00 per montl 1015 Chicago street. OJ7-3t FOU HKNT Corner storu on Dodge ono bloi from 1'ost otllio. McOAeiL'E , ppposito P. O. 053-tf I0tt REtT HOUMJ x roonu porner iSd mi X1 Dodgo. HcUAUUK , opposite 1' . 0. 054 W K.VUUANeiK Wecklyneuspiper outfit an IiiUll 1 two btory houiu In lint clasj Iowa town ; nho { acres land to exchange for Omaha property. - DKI. & sum VEIL TjlOH HKNI1 A nlco cottagool IHo rooms at 17 ( JL' Hurt Htiuet. House lurnlsticil and tor rent I 1-irtles ho want to buy furniture. Oil lot liouso I afternoon , until Much 4th , or address "Kennedy , 1800 Douglas street. Oi9 15 T7IOII HKNT I'lcannt furnhhcd room 1021 Karnai JP etrsct. 022-tf FOR IlEXT-Itoouu , with or without board. Ala afowdiy boardern , 1KH Davci jiortiitieet. IjlOK KKNT Fiirnlilinl loouu , warmed. 17i J ? Douglas tr t , K-.OO. 017-tf EOllllKNT Suit of rooms , nicely fiirnl.licd. In iulro | 1816 Cans ttrcrt. 010-1 } IilOHUENr FuroUhiid rooms , 1B17 Dcd 08treci CIS if FOll UKNT furnlnhed rooms , ISIBDodiroSt. S1B-1' _ FOll HKNT-Furnlahod roomn at 1B19 Karu m. 4d'l I FOH HENT Nicely furnUhcd rooms with orvitt out board 1016 Dodge St. 190-1 1 I poll HE.VT Nicely furnlahod rooms , 2200 Dodir 1 ttrt-ct. _ S76. FOll IlENT-New Cottajo ; , 6 roonu. thruo block from utroet nn. lUimcoru PUou , i500.1)AHKii ) : & MAYNE. N. i : . cor. 13th ana Farnam. 550 tf FOll HKNT Ji'lco'y furnished roams , 1003 I'arn i vtrect. 603-tl 'I70H LEASH 0 builiKU lots Iflth street , bttweei J" UnoujKirt and Utpltol atenue , vast lJo , for i ttirmof ) ean. AMES , SO-t l.W Farn.m street. 171011 RENT A ftw gentlemen can lie accamodatei 1 ? with furnished rooms. Apply 1813 I'arnaui T7011 HKNT btore room with basement tu 1 * deep , 1511 Karnwii St. 1'AULSEN & CO. , IBOi Karuambtreot. SIH-ti FOHUENT Sown good houses , ilo ono B roon finely lurnMwl houM. John E. Edwards , 111 t'unun bt 355-tl T7011 KENTPutokhed room with or wlthou 13 board. Finest location In the city. Also fov uble boarder * anted , N. W. cor. ISth aud r'arniui JIM-tf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KKNT-lloomi to NebruU Nation * Iul Buildlug. llMt deilr-tlo offloei tn the cltj wltn hydt-ulio l ' toi ml b ted ti Apply U Bmi. Kt-U Ion RKNT Furnlihcd rooms wi the northwei 1 1 F cor. ISth anilCapltolaveuue , formerly Crclznton \l Him. _ _ _ _ 189-tf \ TUHN1SHED room heated 221 N , IJtn. Ji 97S-H " ' FOltB ALE. _ jvj HSALK - > KAT HAHOAIN , two adioininjtiou J.4 I 1 one a corner , the choicest lot * In Shlnns' First f\ addition at bargain , npi ly to J , M , CI.IRKK. / " " 027 3 "IJWH SALE Homo ol 5 rooo : , I lot , one block A" from street earn $1,500. Home and full lot 81iOO. : Homo and } lot , ? IV ' , 0. Homo and lot , monfly pijinciiH , $1,7(0. Homo and J lot , ho f block from street cars , 81H50. Lot 4,1i1ock3Hhlnn's addition , $ > )00. ) l.oton chatlts street , near SunJcrs , J 1,2JO. Lot on Panndcrs Sttoct , SI.BOfl. Corner lot , Armstrongs addition , $1,00) . Lota In Illu.uaaiun'4 I'laco , tliO" . Ileautlfnl cast , trontiRc , In llin com 1'Ucc , $0000 each , Four Ints. " front HR nn t'arniun street three hou8cs3t,00. . itcCAOUK. C3MI Opp. Postolllco. ) HAL 1STATE for oilo by John L. McCajiio , real lli cstato njrent , oppoiltc p.istolllco , OJl-tf SALE Fine residence between Doduo and FOH . Gallon McCAOUE , opposite I1. O. OH SALK Lot on Hedge Btrcit. McCAOUK , F dow n stairs , opposite I' . U. GOC-tl SALE 132 foot eqiuio on corner. Itetldence 1 Property t mile N. W. of 1'ost oluce ; McOAOUB , opposite 1 * . O. OSS-tf SALE Full lot on Harnoy stievt. GUxU2 at FOll . . McCAQUi : , opposltel * . O. OW-tl SALU A bouitlfnl rcsldincoi situ , 24th St. * , /M 171011 Dvxlfe. East front , line > lew , rcr.x itesha * it-Ill b'e. McCAtlUK , opposite 1' . 0. 5lMI if ( / SALE SlHiilendl I lot In llanscom p'ace at i I/UK lurgalu. HELL * , .SIIHIVnit. 071-7 * SALF.-Lnt ] In went Cuminir at (175. to $250 , j FOH o sy tcrmn , loo. thly p.ijmuutd. JOAN L. , JIcCAHUE , opposite P. 0. C 4-lf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - and lot nn Capitol Hill at31CO , / FOUPALK-ltouse ' . 0. 1,0211 | , SALE HiiautUul icsldcncoloton l'arka\c. , / j corner ZOO feet cast fronting well divide. v : McCAOUE , opposite P. 0. OR3-K Tf ? OH SALi : Lots In Haw thorno addition. 8350. * X 1 toSU.O. uach EJ V terms. McUjdUi : , opp.- J site 1' . 0. Call at odlco for Plat tiflS tf . OIISALE-A rolots iu IHnllcId only 41U > . to $ eoO I. per acre. McUAOUU , opposlto 1' . 0. dJO tf poll bALr. Lois in UenNo s addition on Saundem I 1 street and S2il St * . Only Four blocks from St. car , 8500. to S70H. each , llirfialn. McCAOUII , " ] - posilo P. O.down snUs. CiJT-t 1HEAL ESTATE If joii are Intercetol In real es- IV tate it will | ay } uu to watch lids column for Ibo oUcrings of McCAUUK. oupailtu 1' . O. 035-lf | ? OH SALE Largo house near Hamcom I'firk , 3 Jl1 front , \erychcap. McCAOUE , opposlto P. O. 052-tf SALIC Oroccrv business established 10 ) ears FOH anniul tract of o\cr J/.tOOO , Location flnc > t In the city of Omaha , stonk and llxtuics will linolce aliont iT.OOO. Liberal tcrnn on stock and leaf 0011 buildim9to rc ponslllo parties , Add rest J "Grocer * this ollicc. CU-tf iOH SALE Cow nnd Calf , cheap , 1335 M'ilson St. F 011-3 $ FFOU SALE cnr.A.1'IJoirdin Honsa bushiest and FOU l-.urc. Address Urn. "A. U. O. " 1'ostolllce. Oil 1 < FOR SALE-Splcndld bargain 10 acic ; , home. barn , sludo and fruit trees. Ranch on Platte HUir. Stuck and Ranch on Hi-publican K'uer. U12 5 BELL & blHUVEIl. FOll SALU T\\o fine inockinRbIrc'P8ingor- ! a great bargain. A. J. Manuel. 325 Bioatlway Council HluIsr ( li. it , FOR SALE- Large Sorrel horse. 1200 pom d * , . gen tle and Hound , 1JKO. A , J.Mand.lj5 Broadway , Council Blurt * , In. it. \ It SALE Three good houses and lots In Shlnn's IrIt ' Ut addition , $200 and & 0ii cash , balancu $20 per month. Near street cars. Rare bargain. 1 inc house ami lot near 22d and Da\cnport Sts. , cheap. Coed G room homo in Hanscnui Place , nnir street car , at a bargain. IIU.V&M01TEK , S.V. . comer 10th nd rrnam. _ 69-tl ! ) FOll S VLB Positively the best pajlng grocery business In Oinaln. Satlslactory icasona gi\en for sellinif. Address Lock BJX No. 307 , Omaha , Ne. braska. ftJO-10 - SKLU-Uir.AT I'AUOAIN ' T cnty aero IpOlSKLUUir.AT tract of lind , good improvement i rind plenty of ( rule tree ) . Ihrco nd one-quarter irilca from post- \Villdi\idointo2lor5acro lutH , near Belt Hailroad line and projected street car lino. Apply to T. C. IJruiicr or L. V. Morao , cor. 15th and Capitol a\enue. K.9-1J FOll SALE For Sl.OOO , n residence property on south 12th fctrcct , that will rent for.y25.00 pir innnth. 31 list be sold at once. 001 tf BAHKEIl & WAYNE. FOR SALE Nice 4 room lx > ue , good barn , full lot , south 12th street , ? l.oc . llasy tci > m . Houao 6 rooms , largo lot , brn , etc. , north Orcaha , $ lVoO. 'fn o room house , quarter ac-o ground , Hurt St. , $500. Monthly paj merits. ItAUKKit .t MAYNE , N. E. cor , llith and fatnam. f.Hl-tf SALE -Nlco aero lot tn'bouth ISthfitreet , IpOR on long time. OAllKF.lt 4. ilAYNK lj Cootf FOR HALE 1J acrcpic'cu in West Omaha , at $1,300 on long time. Tins U a rtro rhanro for specu lation. B.UIICGK & MAYNE. 002 tf FOR SALE -Elcgani cottajo or > Convent street , Good kirn. i'to. I.otfilxlSO. 83,200. Sno cash , balance in monthly pa > mcnli > . S52-tf UABKElli..MAY > E. I pCIl SLK-25acr < ; s cf beautiful g-ound. . north 1 Omaha , onW * lt,0 , ( ) . DAi.KEll A. MAYNB , N. E. cur. jSth und Faniauu 551-tf FOR SALK 1 acre lot on California 8tre t , H miles Ircmiicatonicc , 1 room houw , barn , well , cistern , etc , 31,700. SOdown , Iwlaucu ? 15 00 per month , Alsu , nlio , new 5 room cottiro , full lot , cistern , c-llar. pantrjs , closets , bay window nnd. e\erjthlii | { In iiood order , li u t es from poitoillcu , ? l,5fO ftOO down , balaiico SID icr month. DAHKKK i JU YNE , N. E. Cor IKthand 1 ainam. OU3 tl T71011 SALE B room cottage , hall lot w-11 locate " ncartowu , c\er\thhr ; hi goat shaivj. I'm- 131.550 If sold soon. J. W. LOUhSlJUHY , 1514 Don ' FOll SAl.K-rrtbh milch LOWJ. Henry Deal , cor- ncrUtli and Doao ; Sid. 634 41 poll SALE Allrst-cU.ss Voso * KOII Piano , at a I 'bargain. ' Inquire KclColms Erlcksui > ' . 621 tf I poll SALE 1 vlrgarit residence lot opposlto thu 1 Poor Claire Loinunt on lUmlltcn and Charle * streets. If > uu wait a tlt ! edeo ; hullaiii ) ; site , so and scu thoai. ( (050.00 ( each. 004.U DVHKKB&MAYNK. "Ij OHSAI.E rour thow castM xry clieap , limulro -I ? atEdholiu Erliksn. 6U9.tf ' ; OH IHADE A good span of mules , . „ _ and wagon. Apply to Alex O. Uharlton . . . , ot Mc-Cmua Urna. 17011 HALE Farm S miles Irani city. Inquire of JL' Mrs. Meyer , over Ilotder'a Vrng store , IB.i and Webster. 872-tf "T71OII SALE Two counters and fifty cot of good JL' ulielviinr , cheip , t 1508 Dode | St. 183-tl FOll SALE Two large Norm.usUlllons. Address O. D. lllrdaall. Walnut , low . 164-lDi' FOH SALE A good two story store property In Wajne , Wayne county , Neb. Address 0.1) . Ulrd- sail , Walnut , Iowa. 156.in { TT OH HALE Two ojien nerond-liand buggies and J1 on deihtry wngon , chop , at 1319 llarncy St. 339 tf " 17 > 0n SALE-Uolorailo coal. This coal Is as free ( rom X1 soot aud as clean aa Hock Spring , 9-tf JKKR W. PRDFOUD i TOH SALE Two portable boilers. 10 horse oowe * ' D. FITZPATHICK - - A.PPly - , B83-t' 218 South 16th Bt. rOHSALE-A small Moslor , B hman 4 Co. , flre proof soft. almost new , at lids nlllce. 'tf EOK SALK Ola uswapapers lo large and im.lt qr antlttM at this otBce. MIBCELLANEOtJS. 0 , ladles | . freu. ' tSJ-7J ( cil A HT NEUDLEWpllK-JIIts Klla Qraharn. an ex" \-pcricncud needle-woman , ha - - ? opened rooms tn teach nuj work In her line , bhe has also a g , , , , . , > f materials pn hands. Ladles arc Imlted to call . c ( " " " " " " " "I 1'leecn. > oomi ttrtel. - SPECIALTIES lor tnostr cut . f -J 7 emploj ment to J ! . ! uk.e mon y"lt1'C , 0" M. LVnlth" 208 N. 16th btrecl , and sc rampl . - 433 lui USIIVAlD For second hand clothes , orden bj- letters oriwetals promptly attended to Ad. essilr. or Mrs , UroderlcheiBtouthlothSt Omaha EDWARD KUEHL , aer. will , with tbe aid of guardian iplrltj , obulaln. inj one giaacswio pa and preieni. ud thi satUla coudltlOBi In thi luture. 1 1 "ti iij .how sulc