Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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Dr. Wanner has removal till onico from No. 34
Larimer to No. 333 Larimer , where ho will bo plcasci
to sco his friends. Tha Doctor Is to bo congratulate !
on the completeness and elcganeo of his now bnlld
nR. It ] s ono of the best In the city. [ Denxor He
publican , Jan. 37.h 1531.
> U 09 JUL JJ. H JLaJiai
ialist !
Why you should try the celebrated Dr. II. Wagner'
methods of euro :
1. "Dr. II. Wajnor Is a natural physician. "
0. 8. KOWMR ,
The Greatest U\tng 1'hrcnologlst.
"Fow can oxco you as a doctor. "
The World's Greatest I'hjsIognomlsU
"You MO wonderfully proficient Inour know !
edpo of dlscaro aud modlclucs. "
4. "The aflllctcd find ready relief In jour proa
cnco. " DR. J. SIMMS.
6. "Dr. It. Wagner Is a regular graduate Iron
Bcllcvuo Hospital , Now York city ; has had A cry ox
UmsKo hospital practice , and Is thoroughly posted ot
all branches of his bcloxod science , especially ot
chronic dinettes. "
DM. BctowxitUi ft Ewivo.
9. "Dr. II. Wagner has Immortalized himself bj
his wonderful dlscxn cry ot sjiocino remedies for prl
vato and sexual diseases. " Virginia City Chronicle.
7. "Thousand * of Invalids tlock to eco him. " Sat
I'nndsco Chronicle. '
8. "ITio Doctor's long experience as a Bpoclalls' '
should render him very successful. " Kocky Moun
tain News.
Plain Pacts Plainly Spoken ,
At ono time a discussion ot the secret vice was en
Urcly avoided by the profession , and medical vtorks
but a ( ow ycaru ago would hardly mention It
To-day the phjslclan Is ot a different opinion ; ho li
aware that It Is hia duty disagreeable though li
may bo to handle this matter without gloves aut !
epoak plainly about It ; and Intelligent parents ant
guardians will thank him ( or doing so.
The results attending this deslructh o * Ice were or
mcrly not understood , or not properly estimated ; and
no Importance being attached to a subject which bj
Its nature does not tnvlto close 1m ostlgatlou , It wai
willingly Ignored.
The habit U generally contracted by the youni
whllo attending school ; older companions througr
their example , may hi responsible ( or It , or It may be
acquired through accident. The excitement once ex
perlcnced , the practice will be repeated again anc
again , until at last the habit becomes firm and completely
pletoly enelnes the \lctlm. Mental and ncnous af
dictions are usually the primary results of seK-abuso
Among the Injurious effects may bo mentioned lassl
uilo , dejection or Irrasclblllty of temper nnd genera
debility. The boy seeks seclusion , and rarely Jolm
. In the sports o ( his companions. It ho bo a joutif
( ' V. ruin ho will bo htUo found In company with thoothci
v ) MX , and Is troubled with exceeding and annoyinf
/ baslilulucsa In their presence. Loach lous dreams
' emissions and eruptions on the ( ace , etc. , are alai
prominent symptoms.
K the practice la \ latently persisted In , moro eerloui
disturbances take place. Urcat palpitation of thi
heart , or cplleptlo convulsions , are experienced , auc
the sufferer may ( all into n complete state ol Idiocy be
( ere , finally , death relieves him.
To all these engaged In this dangerous , practice , J
would say , first of all , stop It at once ; make overj
possible effort to do so ; but if you ( all , K J our ncrvoui
system U already too much shattered , and cense
qucutly , } our u ill-power broken , take some neni
tonic to aid you In } our effort Having ( reed yourscl
( rom the habit , I would further counsel you to g <
through a regular course ot treatment , ( or It Is groa
mistake to supposn that any ono may , ( or some time
bo t every sohtt'e gliohtmsoK uptothlstasrlnatlui
but dangerous excitement n Ithout euQerlng from iti
evil cfcnsequonccs at some ( uturo timo. The nunuic :
ol jounu'men uhoaro Incapaclatcd to I'll the dutlci
en joined by wedlock la alarmingly large , anil In mos
ol euch cases this unfortunate condition ot things cai
bo traced to the practice of sill-abuse , n hlch had beet
Abandoned years ago. Indeed , a few months' practlo
ot thia habit Is sulllclcnt to Induce spermatorrhoea
later years , and I ha\ many of such coses under treat
men at the present day.
Young Men
Who may bo suflerlng ( rom the effects ol youthtu
follies or Indiscretions w 111 do well to avail themselve
of this , the greatest boon ever laid at the altar of suf
oring humanity. DR. WAONBR will guarantee to ( or
olt joOO ( or every case ol Remlnal weakness or prUat
disease ol any Kind and character which bounder
takes to and ( alls to euro
Middle Aged Men.
There ara many at the age of SO to 00 who or
troubled with too frequent evacuations of the blad
der , often accompanied by a slight smarting or burn
leg sensation , and a weakening ol tha system In
manner the patient cannot account ( or. On/oxnmln
tog the urinary deposits a ropy sudiment will often b
( ound , and sometimes small particles ot albumen wl
appear , or the color will bo of thin mllklsh hue , ugai
changing to adarkaudtorpldaiipearonco. Tberoar
many , many men who die of this dlmcultylgnorant c
the cause , n hlch la the second stage of scmlnal-ncali
ness. Dr. W. will guarantee a perfect cure In all case
and a healthy restoration of the goulto-urluary oi
Consultation free. Thorough examination and nc
M rice , $5.
All communications should bo addressed , Dr , Ilcnr
Henry Wanner , I' . 0. 2389 , Denver , Colorado.
The Young Man's Pocket Companion , by Dr. II
Wagner , Is north Its weight In gold to young mot ;
Prio a $1,25. Sent by mall to any address.
I Ono Who ia Needed and Nobly Filla.hi
iV Place.
Denver Ia more fortunito than she Knows In th
po es3on ; of the talen's and energies of a man wh
lias given his time and thought not merely to th
perfection of hia skill na a practitioner of hi * prc
femlon o ( medicine , but to the study of tlioso jirc
found things of a'ono ' and nature uhlrh tend toth
more ixiraplcto underntindlnir of the problem of hi
ando ( Iho lawd of nv.ura iml the uoanii of galnln ;
the greatest practical iood9 to mankind ( rom the li
formation thax nrqulroJ In the abstract. Such
man 19 Ur , II. Wanner , whu id located at 313 Lar I me
street Dr. Wayner devoted m < ny } eara to the at
ii Haitian ol the knowledge nocconsary to hl proc-
bion hi a number of the leading medical -lioolj c
the most eminent aud profound touchers , uuc
names as Dr , Oronn and Dr. 1'ancoast ai ] > orln
amonf liU preceptoru Nordl his studies end
They continued In the field ol the practicing famll
phiaiclan aud In the oxperienceu of a man < ( exten
live travel. lIohii > Ulted oery section of the Unl
tdd Statea paying studious attcotlon to the .liiloren
cluracterliticaof thavarlou | iortloiiaotliooounir ( )
? r- inrtloularly with regard to thelt effect , climatlo an
otherwise upon ncalth and the dlffo out ( arms of dh
cues. With the combined power * of close study , K :
tensive ob.ervat on and ahuos' unllin ted practlct
Dr Woiftier came to Denver thrco jears aifo equip
ped as few ha\o the right to claim to battle the Iu
nf mankind , the dreided eri'my , dlseaie. In ordort
render the greatest good to society , Dr. < t airncr dec :
Jed to lay aslJo tire Kcnerul branches of practice an
ortiu : all hits rpekn led ; ; and power to bearui
4 an Iho foe which ainoni ; the army of Inu'diou '
lenth agents U tne urea test. Hli uideoxperlenc
4k had taught hl > n what weapons to u > o and which t
discard , and alter C'lulpplntf himself at liU tralne
judgment wn so well a'llo to advice him tie con
tneuced boldly and confidently his attack. In est
mating ; the results and success achieved , It U enl
nenessary to know the doctor's p Dillon and standm
to-dy. While located In this city , hl practtco Is i
no means conllnod to its llmlti nor this section (
country , Ills correspondence and uipruss hooks tei
tlfy InbUck and wlilia t his ix > s-c8i on of a field <
piacflce bounded only by the lines whIUi I th
enjth and biewth of the conntrv. and uhkh ha
laced him where a man nf hit 8111 and IntelkUiu
sUalninents deserves to iu , andsho Id to ho o.iob
him to retch the hlghcit xphure of usefulness ti tu
( erliij : humanltr the piano of financial iiulcpoi
ilenro. Dr. Wagner hat contributed of his prosper
tj to the substantial Improvement ol Di'iu or In nl
uie tlou of a flue block on Larimer street , opposlt
hU prckcut olllc , No. SI i. It will ho ready ( or occi
pancy in a iew weeks , und i * an etldenco that tl
doctor Is to bu numbered aroon. , ; the pcrraanunt an
l ollddtizeneof the motropolU ol the plain" . Ulei
" " " "
fe 233 J
MiMTlH DlfllMIHROH (111)
( Inn ofWliluli OirlNtlmilty ivlll
1'rovo to 1)0.
Yesterday morning the Urondwnj
\Iothodist \ church was filled with n con-
grcqatiou curious to sco aud anxious tc
icnr Bishop Merrill , of Chicago , who
wns announced to apeak. The curiosity
of Bcoing the man wua sattefiud by the
view of n plainly dressed , unassuming
well proportioned man of a little more
han ordinary size , with n cluan shaven
rank looking face. As n speaker he
showed himself to bo deliberate , weigh-
ng hia words carefully , and carrying
with his utterances a conviction that he
at least believed thorn to bo the truth.
Do chose as his text Isaiah xlii:4 : : "He
hall not fail or bo discouraged , till ho
mvo sut judgement in the earth. " lie
poke of the clearness and distinctness
vhich characterized Isaiah's prophecies
oncoming Christ , BO clear < md dis-
inct , in fact , that men had boon
ed to claim that the words
mist have been * written after Christ's
> irth , but this claim was done away with
> y the well established facts showing
.hat Isaiah must have lived GOO yours bo-
ere Christ. The words of the text must
ofcr to Christ , but. instead of dwelling
ipon the poraorvurnnco and courage of
Christ , the speaker chose to consider the
[ Uostion , rather , as to whether the pro
> hccy would como true that Christianity
ihould bo established throughout the
vorld. Many , in looking about them ,
bit that Christianity was losing grouun ,
and were troubled with the doubt as to
vhothor it would not after a time provo
a failure. To such ho offered some
Jioughts for their consideration. One of
ho questions which como to the mind
with depressing effect was , why has it
taken so long to accomplish what has been
lone ? Centuries have passed and yet
Christianity is in the minority.
Ono of the difficulties which rendered
irayers slow , was the fact that God gov-
irnodtho moral world by different moans
han the physical world. Force wai
used and must bo used in the material
world. The pulpit by which the speaker
teed could not bo reasoned or persuad
ed into moving , mon by force had to lift
t on ot off thu platform. Mind spirit , on
, ho other hand , could not bj governed
> y force. It must bo governed by per-
uosion. If God could govern the moral
world by force ho could by ono sweep of
omnipitonco drive sin from vho world , or
ould have prevented its entrance into
he world , but there was a free will ,
which must bo persuaded or touched by
motives. This took time and patience.
There was prayers being made , ho bo-
ievcd. Ho compared the condition of
ifty years ago with the present , and pro-
ented many interesting facts showing
ho changes and how Christianity had
pread at homo and abroad.
Ho believed that there should bo on-
nuragemont on considering the difficulty
of the world and the prayers made and
10 firmly believed that the prophecj
vould como true and Christianity would
not provo a failure.
Compare the dose and quantity of Hood's
Sarsaparilla and you have conclusive prool
of its superior strength and cheapness.
Try it.
Joe Spaulding was on duty again yestordoj
at hia delivery window iu the postofllco.
C. I1 , llaldano , a well known attorney cl
Carroll , and who formerly managed the Ogdei
louse , in its early years , was in the city Sat
Col. Abbott , of St. Joe , who in to take
choree of the driving park hero , arrived yes-
; erday.
D. A , Starrett , of Chicago , who is ono of
; he boat posted man in lumber in the weatwo !
at the Pacific yesterday.
W. T. liraur is as happy aaa man can be
ft is a girl.
It. G , Murphy , of Topaka , Kns. , is at tin
District Attorney Connor , of Denison , wai
n the city yesterday ,
George 0. 1'arker , of Valentine , Neb.
diued at the Oqdau yesterday.
Hon. W. P. Hepburn , of Clarinda , arrlvei
at the Ogden yoiterUay.
Judge Ixiotbourrow and wife upont Sunda ;
at the Ogdon.
Dr. W. C. Welch , of Naw Votk , arrived a
, ho Ogden Saturday.
W. 1 * . Kepper , agent of the Bertha Welbj
company , spent Sunday in the city ,
8 , A. Holies , collection iigent for Davli
3radloy & Co. , was hero over Sunday.
Win. G , Nuaon atartH to-morrow morning
'or a month's trip t > San Antonio , Texas ,
tartly on account of health , and partly ot :
justness , ho having land interests there. Ho
las not taken a vacation before In eleven
Charles G. Hnedcr and Sidney W. Smith ,
of Cedar 'liaplds , tarried at the Pacific ovoi
June ] ay.
W. G , Kune , Milwaukee ; at the Pacific.
WM. . Moore , the Duburjuo lumber man ,
was at the Pacific yesterday.
C. M , Slelth , a D s Monies commercial
.ourlst , Suudayed at the Pacific.
J. C. McAdains , of Muuiatlao , Iowa , wat
at the Pacific yesterday.
Mark L. Drown , who ia zealous on the roac
'or a St. Jo house , stopped at the Pacific eve :
Joseph GraHson has returned from the SI
loam apringa , where he has been wonderful ! ;
liolpocl in health by the waters , after havini
) eon assured by phyulcians that they couli
do nothing for him. He has certainly me
with a marvelous change and he tolls of B'lin
other wonderful cures performed there , whicl
would seem almost incredible wore it not tha
ha ia known as a roan .of . strict truthfullness.
The glory ot a man is Ins strength. Jf yo
are weakened down tlirough excensivo stud )
or by early Indiscretion , .Allen's JJraln Voo
will permanently restore till lost > Igor , an
strengthen all the inunclos of Brain and Boil )
31OforS5.All ; ilrucci
Itovoko Tliolr Olinrtor.
The people of Council BlulD , wh
have occasion to viait Omaha , cither o
business week daya or on pleasure Bur
days , are continually nonplussed in ri
gard to the running of dummy traini
especially on Sunday , They lea\
here at certain hours , on I
I * , atroot cars , with a view ol
catching a train for Omnhn , bul
inly roach either the Broadway or Union
depot to learn that ' 'there will bo IK
lummy to Omaha for an hour and n half. '
When the council granted the Union
I'acifio the right of way up Union ave <
mo , it was with the understanding tha !
.hero should bo regular half-hour run :
) otwoon the two cities. Is this contract ,
upon the p.irt of the Union Pacific , bcinu
strictly carried out , mid if BO , why an
ho citizens continually complaining about
ho delays and inconveniences incident
o a trip from Council Blutl'j to Omahi.
In another column will l > o found the an.
ouncomniit of Mf * n.TltOS. COOK&SON ,
mirlst Agents , "f > l Broadway , Now York ,
olativo to the very complete mrmigomcnta
hey have made for tonni In Kuro/ } tin
coining Spring and Summer. "Cook'a Etcur-
loutst , " containing maps and lull partlculm * ,
vlll IHI mailed to any nddross on receipt of It
\n Oakland Ynuiift Mnn SlinotH lllni-
Helf In tliu I'rcHcnco ol' Ills
Oakland was given a sensational shock
i"rittay night by the announcement that
2nos Morris , a well-known young man ,
lad killed himself. It appears that for a
'ear ' past ho had boon paying his ad
dresses to Miss Belle Walker , daughter
f Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Walker. The
laronts a few days ago gave their consent
o his marrying their daughter , and Fri-
ay evening ho called on her , and for an
lour or moro cosily visited , the chief
homo being as to when the marriage
hould take place. ITo was anxious fern
n early date , and she wanted two vrooks
n which to decide upon the date , at the
amo time giving him assurance of her
eve _ and expectation of marry-
ng him. Ho seemed to bo pro-
eked about any delay , and on
lor insisting on waiting , ho pulled a re
volver , nnd placing the barrel to his
lend , fired. The ball , which was a 38
alibre , entered the skull in the middle
of the forehead just below the hair , and
msoed downward and nearly through
ho head. The report of the shot brought
Hr. Walker and his wife into the room ,
ogother with some others who were vis-
biug at the house , and they found the
ouug man on the floor gasping his last.
Toting Morris was about 21 years of ago ,
of good habits aud highly respected. Ho
vai a son of Reuben Morris. The shock
o Miss Walker was so great that at last
ccounts she was lying in a very pros-
rate and unconscious condition , and hot
rionds felt great anxiety as to the final
Many cosmutics for the completion has
rom time to time bcun put upon the market.
Jut none have stood the test as hits Pozzoni's
ncdicatod complexion powder. It is an abso-
ulc curatire for blotches , discolorations , freck-
es , etc. For halo by drnggista.
Mueller ou Miin street sells neb only
the lowest , but giv s a present with oacli
purchase of ono dollar. Go and sea him
first. '
Koal Estate Transfers
The following doocu were iilod for re
cord in the recorder's office , March
1 , reported for THE BEB by P. J. Mo-
Mahnn , real cstato agent :
Fritz Niowald to Fred Sperling , sw ]
of ae , and no-of ae , 30,74,43 , anil
awjof nw.J , 30 , 74 , 42 ; § 4,000.
J. D , Edmnndson to Israel Duncan ,
i , sej , 20. 77 , 43 ; § 040.
Abnor Martin to Fitz Niowald , nej ,
nn . and part of acl , nof. 19 , 74 , 42) )
John Mason to Joseph McCoid , part of
noBO. . } , 20 , and nwl , swi , 21 , 77 , 43.
Fannie M. Randall to Margaret J.
Rates , part of nwj , no ] , 13 , 75 , 40 ; § 1-
L. M. Arnold to O. H. Hcsa , si , aw ] ,
8 , and nA , nej , and no ] , nwj > 17 , 75 , 3 ! )
§ 0,300.
Benjamin Ashnr to Wm. Lewis , wj ,
se | , and part ae | , ael30. . 74 , 39 ; § 2 , '
M. 0. Darno'l to Patrick Burke , pan
lot 4 , block 2 , Lodges' add. to Walnut
Total Bales , § 23,271.
Wheat No. 2 spring , 70e ; No. 8 , OOj ; rejected
jectod , 50c ; good dnmanil.
Corn l/oaJerg are paying 33o for old eon
and 28o for new.
Data In good demand at 22c.
Hay i 00@C 00 nor ton : COo per balo.
Uyo 10@45o.
Corn Meal 125 per 100 pounds.
Wood Good supply ; pricoa lit yards , 0 00(2 (
Coal Delivered , hurd , 11 CO per ton ; aoft
5 00 per ton
Lard Kairbank's , wholotaling at lie.
IfJour City dour , 1 lVic'3d \ \ ,
Brooms 2 i ) . " > @ 3 00 per doz.
Livit STOCK.
Oattlo 3 00@3 50j calves , 5 00(5)7 ) 60.
Hops Local iiKikor nro Inning now am
thorois a cooil dinnand for nil ttnvdei ; cliolci
pocking , 0 35@5 K \ mixed , 1 Tu S U.
Quotations by J. M. St. Jolm & Co. , com
mission merchants , MG Ilroa way.
Butter Plenty and in fair demand at 15(5 (
20c : creamery , 35c.
JCgga Scarce at 20@22o pe dozen.
l'ouitry lleady gale ; chickens , drosaod , 12c
live , 8c ; turkeys , ( iressod , 15oj live , lie
ducks , dressed , l'-'c ; live , 8c.
Oranges 3 C0@4 00 per box.
Lemons i 00 per box.
Bananas 3 50@4 00 per bushel
Vegetables Potatoes , 40 ; onions , 40c ; cab.
bage , none in the market ; apples , ready aali
Mra. G. Durreo , No. 828 , Avenue A
corner Ninth street , bought last wool
ono dollar's worth of eheet music a
Mueller's and received a present of i
eoventy-fivo dollar organ.
the County ,
It was prodictoa during the late cour
liouso contest that the east end wa :
bound to vote down the propositions a
a preliminary atop to dividing the county
Some of these in the center of th
county and west end were warned e
this and of the consequences , but th
oast-sidors assured them they were no
after a division. On Saturday , howovei
a committee for the east end were hoi
interviewing preminont citizens in r <
gard to dividing the county , thus goin
back on their campaign pretenses. It i
understood that tinea the defeat of th
court house xproposition a number c
Council Bluffs" citizens , and prominori
ones too , are now iu favor of u divisioi
They say that the east on
will continue to fight nil count
improvements , and o they had boltorgo
out by themselves , leaving the rest o
the county to go ahead and maku sucl
improvements as are noodod. They as
scrt { hat with the east end lopped ol
there will bo no dilllculty in goint ; nhcat
with nocdod improvementsand that thoj
need improvements more than they noei
the 0,1 st end. If this division results ai
the outcome of the rejection of the cour
liouso project , there will bo many in tin
central and western part of the count ;
who will regret that they did not ftiippor
ho court liouso measure moro lustilyi\m
Iui3 settle the division question
Council Bluffs has heretofore opposed tin
livision , but if it now turns about niu
'avors it the county will probably bi
divided nt onco.
I'lio Tcrrllilo Crlnio of a HenutllAt
AVoniim A
Icn. 1'ctlur 1'ooro In Boston Uuilgct.
Among other stories of real lifo which
iavo hoard told at the capital , ono of th
strangest was of a widow in Virginia , wh
was loft with several children , ninon ;
; hem n very beautiful daughter abou
iftoon years of ago. The widow findin :
tersolf embarrassed , opened a boarding
louto at the county site , and among he
joardors was a Mr. W , , n wealthy merchant
chant over forty years of ago , but a vor ;
mo-looking man. This gentleman wa
.ho prop and stay of the family ; gavu em
iloymcnt to the BOIIS , educated th
daughter at a "fashionable academy,1
and , very naturally , on her return tel
desperately in love with her , when hi
should have preferred the mother. Ill
irosaod his suit with perseverance , bu
ho beautiful Mildred resisted his np
> eals , and the importunities of all he :
rionds. Finally , however , after twi
ars of assiduity and delicate gallantry
in the part of Mr. W. , and the combinoi
ears , threats , and persecutions of hoi
umily , the fair girl reluctantly atooc
xjforo the alter and became hia wife
L'ho next evening a large part ]
ras given them , but in the midst of ii
Mr. W. , being attacked with vertigo anc
ick headache , was compelled to with. .
[ raw. His young wife hung over him in
hi ) silent watches of thn night , apparent
y in deep distress , and insisted on giving
dm a potion ; she poured out a wineglass
ull of laudanum , and ho swallowed it ,
unconscious of its nature. It acted as in
initic , but loft him stupid aud wander-
ng. His souses reeled. Ono mcmon !
iti lay motionless , as if on the brink ol
.ho . spirit wnrld , and the next ho would
cap up convulsively , a strong man in hit
igony. Mrs. W. denied all ndmisaioi
nto his chamber. At length ho foil intc
a deep sloop. She then stooped for o
uomont over the smouldering embers
approached the bed , gazed at her sloop
ng husband , and holding a heated ladh
n her hand attempted to pour a stroan
of molted load in his carl She trembled
and the hissing liquid , intended to scalt
.ho brain and thus kill without n trace
'ell upon his chook. ' lie shrieked in excruciating
cruciating torture , and the revelers it
the adjoining saloon rushed into tin
There writhed the still stupid husband
; ho lead rivitod deep into his cheek , am
; here stood the fiond-wifo , her bridal filets
ots yet upon her brow , the instrumpn
of death in her hand and an empty vial
abeled laudanum , lying on the floor
The fearful realities of the case flasho
upon every ono , and , in the confusioi
of the moment , she was hurried awa ;
and taken to a distant state. On search
ng the apartments , an old magazine wa
lound containing the confession of a worn
an who had murdered five husbands b ;
jouring lead into their ears. The laud'
xnum and the lead , it was ascertained
she procured from the store of Mr. W. i
'ow days before the marriage , and tin
adlo was n part of his wedding gift
The grand jury next morning found i
jill against the fugitive , and the legisla
; uro , b ing in session , forthwith decrouc
an absolute divorce. What rondoroi
this caao moro extraordinary
was that Miss T. was provorbin
for the blandness of her manners am
uniform sweetness of disposition. Th >
sequel of this romance is yet moro singu
lar. Years rolled away , and W. continue !
a wretched and solitary man ; but tin
spoil of the enchantress was still upoi
liis soul. IIo closed his store , sold hi
estates , collected his ample moans am
traced her to her distant retreat , to uiuk
a now oiler of his hand. She had jus
married a gentleman of high standing
acquainted with all the details of ho
career , shuddering at the tragedy , bu
incapable of resisting her charms. Pee
\V. 1 Then , indeed , did the iron onto
hia soul. "Tho deadly arrow quivoroe
in Iria side. " Ilia parly love , his ifuctu
uting courtship , his marriage and th
catastrophe , the flight , the divorce , hi
vcars of misery , tho'now birth of his pae
siou and now his disappointment , tint
and forever , came crushing over him IU
an iceberg in the tide of bitter inemorioi
and he prayed fur duuth.
Knod ilclorin.
Am Icon Grocer end Dr/ Goods Chronicle.
A society has boon recently formed i
London to advocate I'IH ' improvement an
cheapening of the dmr , ono of its mui
objects buing to show that n ) l"Bh diet :
much moro costly tltua a vcgotablu oni
and less nourishing. A number of onto :
tainments have boon given under th
auspices of the National Food Ilofori
society , of which the following supper ;
a specimen :
Ono hundred and fifty persons , for th
most part belonging to the working clai
SOB , sat down to a bill of faro consistin
of Scotch broth with .slices of who ]
meal or Graham broad , grcon pea pi
with potatoes , the pie-crust being mad
with cotton seed oil , and for desert BWCO
encd semolina or ffcrina pudding wit
stowed prunes.
Mr. 1' . P. Doromus , secretary ot th
society , addressed these present after tli
cloth had been removed , and eaid the
had all oparcntly enjoyed their euppc
they might , especially the mothers an
heads of families , like to know somothii
about its ingredients and proportions. I
making the soup , or broth , there wi
used for every gallon of water 4 ounci
of pearl barley 1 turnip , 1 carrot ,
ounces of groan , or oatmeal , frith pej
per , salt , &a , , to season. In the greoi
pea pie the contents were dried proe
peas boiled tender , a hard boiled egg ,
iittlo tapioca and mint to flavor. F <
the dessert ono pound of semolina <
farina to u gallon of water , wit
sugar to sweeten and eorvi
with stowed prunes. After o :
hibiting some colored diagrams to ulio.
graphically the relative quantities of w
tor , muscle-forming , bono-forming , ni
heat-giving constituents of bread , ou
meal and bocf , he remarked that ; tin
would BOO by the difference in the propo
lions of thuso substances that in a poiu
of butcher'fl meat 12 ounces represent !
the water present , for which they wo
paying at the rate of 0 pence to 1 shillii
(18 ( to 25 cents ) per pound , while in t
dried pear , coating 4 to 0 cents a poun
ho water wns a very nnll part of the
whole , they getting 14 or 15 ounces ol
olid food instead of Uio 4 uncts con-
niuod in the pound" of incut they luul
o p.iy 25 cents for. Mr. Uorcmus
tatod Unit the members of the National
food Iloform society themselves practiced
rhat they preached , llo instanced hia
icrsonrl experience of four or five years
n favor of the sufllcionoy , wholesomonpss
ml superiority of A diet into which
irat , bird or fish hnd not entered. Dr.
Mlinson' , a prominent member of the so
lely , al o stated that for nearly twc
cars ln < had taken no meat at all ; that
lis food cost him li'tlo ' moro than 1'J
outs a day ; that ho could do his work as
u ell or better without meat and that he
mquuntly worked sixteen hours out ol
Tlmro cn bo no doubt but that then
B great scope for discretion in choosit.g f
lint , inul that moro farinaceous food
night bo consumed with profit both tc
icalth and the purse : but it is an onor-
nous task to radically change the tastes
mil habits of thn public , nnd wo fear that
.ho . National Food lloform society will
urow old in their very morilorius work ,
iho tiold for such effort is much more
iromieing in this country than in Kug-
and , becausu of the largo variety and
ino quality of our fruit anil vegetable
> roductions. In farinaceous goods oopcei.
lly much progress has boon niado durinu
ho last ftsw years in preparing them in
an attractive and convenient manner ; in
ddttion to the old-timo hominy , samp ,
oatmeal , cranked wheat , etc. , wo have
low n largo variety of steam-cooked
orcnls , which are afterward kiln-dried ,
aud will then keep indefinitely. Those
an ho ro-cookod in n few minutes , anil
omo of these preparations are as doliciow
s they are wholesome and convenient.
Vo commend this subject to our readers ,
nd to our contemporaries , as being
worthy of attention.
Iom >
"Hall Fellow Well Blot , " in [ Vo\an.
Lord Aylosford , the late husband ol
lie lady who secured alimony in the Lou-
on divorce court Tuesday , is now living
t Big Springs , Texas , wnoro ho owns n
anch of U7,000 acres , which is , however ,
nstockud , owing to the impecunious con-
it ion of his lordship. Aylosford , it is
aid , was led from the straight path by
10 Prince of Wales , of whom ho was a
riond and bocn companion. When Al
ert Edward visited India the young lord
ccompaniod him , and his conduct was
nything but proper. In the spree which
> ogau at that time , and which lasted
or several years ho lost ; $10,000.000 it
s claimed. IIo hall to give
p his estate to trustees , who are trying
o pay off the mortgages. They allow him
01110 850,000 a year , it is said. IIo is
waiting for his next stipend to stock hia
ow farm. Lady Aylosford'u conduct
vith the Marquis of BUndford , now the
) uko of Marl borough , is also reported to
iavo boon highly improper , and , though
lie had no difficulty in procuring a di-
orco from her husband , she could not
irocuro consent to marry again , Neither
ould Marlborough when his wife procur-
d a divorce from that worthy. The histo-
y of thn two cases hasboon onoof the nasti-
st knovrn oven among thoEnglishnobili-
y. The Duke of Maryborough's divorced
wife , however , came through the trial
vith unblemished reputation , winning
ho sympathy of all who followed the
irocoodings. Lord Aylesford is vorj
> opular with the Texas cowboys , groas-
rs , and the natives of Big Springs gen-
rally. IIo rides , shoots , and plays card *
with them , and is sot down as n "boat
1 ow. " Ho studiously avoids all inter-
uurao with the feminine portion of the
oinmunity. novpr recognizing any of the
ox by word or sign. Mr. Jay ( Jould hue
akon considerable interest in him , and
s credited with "carrying" his ranch foi
lim at the present timo.
lodldo of Potassium IB ono of the utronRcet of the
mineral ! ) used In medicine , and ha < produced much
uffcrlng In the \\iirld. Tukon lor a long tlmti und
11 lariro doacj , it drlei up the ( jnstrlo jultun , Itnpalrt
locution , the Ktomach icufnca ( joj , an ) the iiillent
clitics In health and weight. 1'crBon" ult'i lllood
r Blcln DlBL'UBCB ehould lie careful how they take
houo mineral polBOiiR , as In most instances the cITccI
f thorn lo to almost prcinaucntly Impair the con Hi
ullon. Qo take the placooftlueo pol onn wo ollci
ou a Kale , euro , prompt and pcrmanunt relict Iron :
our troubles. H II t' Kperlfln Is entirely a vcRttn.
lo ) ) rcaration , and It U cosy to coinlnco jou of Iti
1 hte cured permanently Dlooil T lnt In the thlrt
'enuratlon by the uuc of Hwlfl'd 8.cclllo | 'ifter I liai
lost nlguall ) falloJ with Mercury und I'otanh.
K , A. looiiKii , II. 1) , , I'orry , Oa.
A joiinir man rciiicjts | mo to thank jou ( or hls cun
D ( Iltood I'olson by the mo cf jour Sjicclfla after al
tlier troatmcut had ( alicd.
JOH JAIOIIH , DriiKulit , Athoni , On.
Ourfrmtlni ) on niood anil Hkln Diseases mallei
MtoliliUUlllCB. .
Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Go.
Y. Olllro , 160 W.23 < 1 St. . but cen Oth and Vth A i
in llwrdi t glut of tli.intttuc. tu4 W ftll luiun.r arikk * Trjr II. ibil
ut rffttuoUcVu. Ak .our tt rrr r dnicitit fur UitluulM
4IlkU , i. iiuu/tlit/uiriiwi.nT ; : : ( 8o.Mi.
HI 11UUAWAY. If. Y ,
Tha noioBilty I
prom.t ud oiilcloc
IiouBcliOld rcmeiUi
Imparatlrii , and (
these I ! oi totter
Htomach Ull ten ) I
tha most iionulai
Irrrgularlty ol th
mslarlal ( everallv <
complaint , debllltj
rheumatism a n
minor alluicnti , ai
thoroughly couquc
and medicinal md
iruard , fcnd It l Ju *
ly ni/arded as th
jiure i and mo t of'i
jirchcnulvq reine-1
ollUcl BS.ia"l Vo r ile by dru gI U and dealei
Plnttamouth , - - - -
mnir Htnnk far lule , nnrreiixmilenra nollolUi
| * lsiV30RPHNE ! HABIT
SrtS'il- ' : " " ' KAM' , vl UK IhUulnrtr
One of the Beat and largest Stocks in the United States
to select from.
Thouioot the term " Rhoi
HORT Uno" In connection with tbi
corjwroto iinmo otn Ktoixtrokd ,
; ronvo ) * an Moa ol u t what
fl I &D I required by the traveling pub'
D I H | L 1'0-n Short Mnc , Quick Tlmi
I 1 nV * "il tlio boat ol accnntmoiU
BxBUIlUa tions-nll ot which ro lnrv <
IshoJ by the Rroatcit railway In America.
And St. Paul.
It own i mill opcnlra over 1,500 nillrfl ot'
Northern Illinois , Wlflcoimln , MliinonoU , lout
Dakota ; ami M is main llncbrancheii ami onnnoc <
tloni icscli all tha crrat liuglnrsn control ol tbi
Nurthuontaiul KnrWcst , It naturally Kim\cra thi
tlotcrlptlou ot Short I.lnc , ami Hoot Houto bctwoim
ChlcARO , Mllnaukco , Ht. I'aulaml Mlimonriolli.
ChIcnK < ) , illl aukoo , IA Crongo nnil Wlncnx
OlilcaRO , Mthraukoo , Abonlcrn ami KllomlMo
ClilcAco , Mll aukoo , Knu Clalro anil Stllhrntot'
Chicago , Jllluatikro , WHIHAU ami Merrill.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Ioa\or ) l\m ami Oahkoah.
Chlcasjo , Mlhvaukro , \\'aukoha anil Oooiiomowoa
Chicago , llllnaukoo , Madison anil PrMrlotlu Ohlon
UhlcaKO , Mlhikco , Owatonnn anil Fnlrlbnult.
' " ' o , Ilololt JanastiUo anil Mineral Point.
Chicago , Kldn , llockfonl and Dubuquo.
Chicago , Clinton , Hock Inland anil Cedar Rapid * .
Chicago , Council DUitTn and Omaha.
Chicago , Hloux City , Slnux Kails and Yankton
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
Hook Inland , Dubuque , St. 1'aul and Mlnnraiiollt
l > avoui > ort , Calmnr , Bt. Taul nnd Minneapolis.
Pullman Blccpen ) and the Finest Dining Cars In
world arorun on the innlnllnca nfthoCHICACO
and o\ery attention li | < atd to passengers by court *
oui cmploj ca ol the company.
8. B. HKUHtr.u , A. v.
tlcn'l Manager. UecMPa a.
4OP MANLY V1UOK , Bpormatorr
jlifca , etc. , when all other rcmcv
< 4tllcs fall. A. cure guaranteed.
' 7.$1.60 a bottle , largo liottlo.V toin
times the quantity , $5. By ex-
prctm to any ailurcuit. Sold by
all ilrURRlBts. KNQUHII MKDI >
OAt , INSTITUTE , Proprlctoni , 718 Ollvo Street , 8t
"I hava tuM Sir Astloy Cooper's Vital ncstorativt
or vcars. K\cry customer Bpoaks hlchly ot It 1
uihoalUtlnglycniloreo It us a remedy ol true merit
.n h F V 1 1RRR
Belgian Boynl ixnilU B , BlallStonincrH
Tlic2ihincQermany , Italy , Holland and t'raiict
Steerage Outward20 ; Prepaid from Antwerp , (21
Excursion , $10 , Includlngboddlng , otc,2d Cabin , JSfj
Kxcurslon , 8100 ; Saloon Irom 860 to 109 ; Excursion
{ 110 to $100.
/tirl'ctor / Wright & Sons , Gen. Agents. 65 III end
way N. Y.
ICaldwcll. Hamilton & Cf . , Ornalm. P. K. ( llod
man & Co. , 203 N. ICth Street , Omaha ; D. K. Kim.
: > all * OmalmAuontn. w& *
Will euro Nfit oiiitnrptf , ) , 1'itr
nlyolH , 'lurulglA , Mlntlcn ,
Ktilnty , Hplnu nntl l.lvri
ill nn.nloM.Aitlnni\.Henri !
dltlOAKU , ! > } FH. | IPln , COIIXM
pitllon , r.r > lielB | , Catnrili.
/l\T rllc . Epllriwr. lliliioUiu'j ,
JuntbAKue. I'lolnpsim Utoil.itr. Only BoleiitlllcKU'C'
nil lleltln Anlt'rltn tlmt in niU tlu < I'.k'CliIclty nnil mnf
utlmn tliruiiKli ll body , untl paiibuit'tharHi'dln uu ln <
elaitt by thu patient.
SI.OOO Would Not'Bir < : it.
Dn. HoiiNB I wan a Ictod with rhonmatUm and
cured by uilng a belt. To aiiv ono allllcteil with
that disease , I would y , buy Homo's Klectrlc Kelt
Any ono can confer with mo by writing or call 11 g
at my ( tore , H2U Douglas street , Omaha Nob.
MAIN 01T1CK Opposite pOBtoIHco , room 4 I'rcn.
zcr block ,
jtHTKor rale atC. P. Goodman's Drug'etorc , 11IIC.
"tnarn Bt. , Omaha ,
gifdorn flllod 0 O D.
( > iTriat
nitLT and other KLEcrma
AriTUNCKS nro sent on U ) Days' Trial TO
EN ONLY. YOUNO Oil OLD , vho are suffer.
IIB from Ntiivooa VrniUTT. LOST VITAUTV.
ASTIHO Wr.iKNKBSEfl. nnil all Ihoso dl on ca of a
I'CIISONXI. NATUUK , ri'snlilnB from ABUSES nnd
OTHBII CADBIM. Hnocily relief ana complcto
Irstoratlnn to HEALTH. Viaon nnil JIAICIIOOD
UDAitiNTRPD. Bund at once for Illuitrated
rnmphlet froo. Addrcsa
VOI.TAIO HI-.1.T < ; O. . ninr linll. Mlcli.
Erlaugor , . Bavaria
Culinlmclior , . . . . . . Bnvnrin
Pileuer . . . . , . Boh'ominn
Kaiser . Bremen
Budwciscr . St. Louis
Anlmusor . St. Louis
DOS : s . Milwaukee
SehlitK-Pilsner . . . . .Milwaukee
Knur's . . . . , . . . . Omaha
Ale. Porter. DinifsUcimd Rhine
Wine. ED. MAUltEH ,
1214 Farnam.
When 1 tuy turu i ur iit inonn jutroiy t tap tuviu fur
Uluioimiltfieulrivethoni return tunlii , I m un a nut.-
C > 1 euro. I Imre laiuta Ilia UUunio ul PITS. KVllJtear
orfALLINQNIVKMIHSnlUuloiiKi uilj. Iw rrmny
remedy to euro Ilia wor t roioi. llieuaio otneri tiara
fHlletl Uuorouum for ii'it ' now r0cotvlu f rar .
( iniu , fur a trtntiUa anil n Proo Uollli * of nir
rajr , Glvo K pru ami rnm UOlce. It
wtului ; fur a trial , mid I will rum jv. ; .
IiWrcio Dr. IL U. liuur. 1M PsttrlBt.Wsa * "
\\houo dulillliy. uxliuiikilun uniii > rcmaturo
tluiuyprocaunedlijroiceiuoii , erroraof > outli , etc. ,
tro iinfcctly reBtorKl ( o roliint lirultli nml
ylK''r 'ii iiuinliooil ty THE MAR8TOH
UOLUf3 IvnHtomncli drtifrHnc. ThlMlrtiatment
otAei-viMlo l > ulillly laid I'lil 1 . | < 1 l > ftliyU
Uniformly gucciiiwul | jf < rmi o UAHU on itrfepi
u.iilrllii lilli-ivuilil ill reel niiihniUnil | b >
nnu ) < hiirui > ulir.c , hfilul 'J rtulika frco.
fZ"VPm ft W A * ir * %
J T. ARMSmOIIO , M , ft.
Oo-u.Xi.istt : /
Until olllces are repaired from ii'Bult ol ( Ire , ulH
with Dr , 1'irker , Kuom 6 , Cteighlou lliock , 1ft
uid Doui'laa ttrccts.
KthaufttM Vitality , Nervous ami I'hvelcal Debility
Premature Decline In Man , Kirorsot Youth , and thn
untold miseries resulting from Inductions or ox.
ccaecs. A book tor every man , vounp , middle-aged.
nd old. ItrnntAlns ISA prescriptions ( oral ! ncut
and chrmilo dlwascs each ono ot which Is Invatnabl
So found by Iho Author , whoso experience for
yimn la itieh asprobnlily never bcloro fell to the lo
ol any phmlcUn SOO ptRca , l > ouml In bcautlfu
Kronenmuslin omjossodcoNors , full Kllt.fruarantccd
to boa fluur uorx n every sense , mechanical , lit.
orary and professional , than any other work nold In
thin country for , or the money w111 bo refunded
In mcry Inat-vneo. I'rlcoonly $1,00 by mall , postpaid -
paid , illustrative sample R cents. Rend now. Gold
medal awarded the author by the National Medical
Association , to the officers oi which ho refers.
lilts book should bo read by the young for Instruc
tion , nnd by the allllotcd ( or relief. U will benefit
ill. London Inncct.
ThereIn no member ot society to whom this book
lll not bo usctul , whether youth , parent , guardian.
Instructor or clcrgman. . Areonnut.
Address the Peabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W.
II. Tarker , No. 4 lluinnch Street , Boston Masa. , vlio
may bo consulted on all diseases requiring sllll and
oipo'tonco. Chronic andobstluatodlsoasosthat lituo
liatlled the skill of all otherphys-lirftl clans
a specialty. Such treated Bucorss-llUHL fully
without an Instano allure ,
Patent Dried Fruit Lifter.
TO ni3
A rAm or
Without It.
3-atla. IHltx-oot ; ,
Nebraska Cornice
Iron Fencing !
Cresting * , Balnstradca , Verandas , Office and Barb
llalllngg , Window and Cellar Guards , Etc ,
non , o. ANoeto BTnitu'- , LINCOLN NIU. :
nA.IHKR. Manauer ,
Chicago. . Si. . Paul , Minneapolis and
Tbo new extension o ( this line from Wakefiold uiv-
through Conooid and ColerlJgo
Kuoohes tb best fortlon o ( thu State. Bpecltl ex-
curalon ra'os ( or Und lookers over thin line to
W yp , Norfolk and Ilartlugton , and \ la llltlr to alt
principal po'/.ts ' on the
Tnlni ouV tht 0. , bt. V , M , & O , Hallway ti Car
Inxtnn , Bloux city , 1'onci , llaitlngtoa , Wajne and
Norfolk ,
. C3oia.aa.oot , t *
For Frcmout , Oakdale , Nollgb , and through to Val
entine ,
tjjTl'or rites and all Information call on WH1UNKV , aenernl Agoi t ,
Pti > ; t HuilJIcg , for , 10th and Farnam Sti ,
< 3TTint < i iiii ne secured at depot , cointr 14th
Ja Myrrtntod to wear longer , 01
tno form iitati-r , nnj Kh Kit"
'fatlttactlon tbauunyiHlierCvn ;
In tli market , or prlcu paU tll )
uuiy I'Jrli Conct. I'm1 , iu t KHt
i rpaul , ai 611. jfttk Yuuriiunbiu
woruBtiJiii.u. J KII- : ,
i Cuu'fDj S J &iJ iUuid Ttit.iiil eo.