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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1884)
r THE UAILY BEE-OMAHA , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 21 , X884. THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA , Thursday Morning , Fobi 21 , Tlio Wontlicr. F.or the Upper Mississippi valloj Fair weather in the southern portior pirtly cloudy weather and light snow i the northern portion , winds shifting t Bouthwost and northwest , followed b rising barometer and falling tomport turo. turo.For the Missouri valley : General ! colder and fair weather , variable windi higher barometer in the southern poi tions , followed by falling barometer an rising temperature in the northern poi tions by Friday morning. LOOAL BREVITIES , Now crop clover and timothy BOO J for * al . Bhugart , Waite & Wlw , Council DlulTfl , lowi fS-lti John Aoil and Dotlef Cranbnch will c February 15th open nt Milliard the Mlllai houio nnd bar , which they liitoml to run ! fifst-cw ! etylo. fU-Ot The Thunton liosa company notice ! $1 ! from IU ball on lost Thitrsilny night. Kvcn Oouncllman Baiter's Ron hod btx hold up wbllo returning to hts homo In U early evening. Who neil ? Udwanl Coolt , n Union I'aclQc employ in the shopa , yestcrJny filed a complali against n dlsonlorly woman for Btcallng 3o.t from htm whllo under her roof. There was a wolf hnnt before Justli Wright yesterday. MM. Henry roplovcn < a tame wolf which had been ntolou from h and Bold to Innocent purtlos. SUe eocun her pot by ilofault. Clmrlen Klmball wai arrested ycatonli for complicity with Shnpaon In the theft of 1 A. liroivn'a horse on loot Sunday nigh Simpson claim ) that Klmball took the her from the stable and turned it over to him. Tllll Parker , the oxprosnmnn who fltolo ti Rack of coflco from in front of the Union Ti company's etoro Tueitday , WM aontcnced t75ct7 days' Imprisonment broad m water by Judge licuoko ywtorday morning. A very pleasant private party was give Tuesday at Mnthews' dancing ncadoni under the management of 0. 0. Stornsdoti About thirty-five couples wcra In nttondnnc nnd Irvlno'i ) orchiutra furnUhod the music. Jerome Fonteal , W. J. Coots , Wlllla Webb , William Oott and Will 0. Bryan , t members of the Thuratonhoso team , will lea' for Lincoln at noon to-day to attend the 1'lt goralJ.hoao company's ball In the Capital Cl this evening. Col. E. O. Maaon opoko t n goodly-nlzi audicnco In tbo Y. M. C. A. rooma Tuoiidi evening. In addition to the speaking , u vo ; pleating musical programme was alaorondero Jtr. Mason la a very pleasant speaker , ni was closely listened to. The fire department was called o Tuesday by an alarm from box 31 , Twontlo auc } lizard Btrooto. It was occasioned b > small blaze In the stroat car barns , which w apoodlly extinguished. The blaze Is sutjpo * to bo the result of upontanoous combustion. There will bo a temperance meeting he In the Tenth Street Mission , between Dot ! arid Capitol avenue , Tuu day evening , Jj'o ruary 21 t , at half past seven. All friends temperance are earnestly roquoatod to present at this mooting , as wo desire to foi a temperance organization. The wife of Hon. John I. lledklc w yostordfty adjudged loiano by the board of I sanity. Her hutband and her sister , Mi Swartzlandor , were nppo/nla / , ' } her legal ust dtans. She will not bo Jalcon to ii'O ' nsylut but will ba kindly care4 fqr by the 0 Id yljfl hand , the Jaw hMplacc er , fc t j t1 * * * * * \ * * The arrangomenu for the Emmet nut vowary colobratioa by the "K. M , A. " Omaha , are calculated to BurpnsH anythl ; IwUierto Introduced. Especial care lias be directed by the management to the BotcctI of appropriate Irish ruuelo and to the pi ducUon of the trial Boone In the trnge < wUch ended Ktnmet'B hopeful life , in whl Homo of our moat select local talent will r pear , Mr. E. A. O'Brien , of The Republlci representing Robert Kmmot. Anof'er I portaut and Interettlng fflaturo h the prcnoc of two brllllttnt and accomplished Bpoako Mr. Alexander Sullivan , of Chicago , prt dent of the IrUh National Loaguoof Ainorli and Col. MIehael Bolund , late ( listriot alt ney in Kentncky. To enable tlio patroru the colohraUou to aecure soaU , the box of ! will bo opened on tha 3rd and 4th of Man There will bo no extra charge for resorv feats. The general reputation of "The Ei mota" guarftntoes A dollchtful evening's onU talnmont , and no lover of Irish oratory , Irf muilo or Irleh right Bhouli ] be absent fro Boyd's opera houw on the evening of tl fourth of next March , when a choice inuglo and literary programme will bo present. Bucklou's Arnlua Salvo. TheBreatest medical wonder of the wyrl WananUdtoBpoodllycuro Burn , OuU. U cew. ttalt Uhoum , Ifover Sores , Cauccni , tile OhUlblalu. , Corns. Tetter , dhamwl lind ar.l Ml skin eruption , gatttnteed to cure vnnrmnunco , or money refunded. 26 con Resolutions of Roupoct. The committee appoinlod by the He merian society to draft resolutloni respect touching the death of Judj ChadwJck , have made the following r pott which was adopted by the sociot WfiEUKAB , Jfor the second time wltbJnti tlrtory of our owmlzatlon we called utx to mourn the deth of ono of our member now , therefore , be It Jfc mJ , That In the death of Albert J Chad wick the Hermesloa society has boon b reft of pne of iu mott valued ana hotiort , a man \vho luul endeared hlmeelf I orft/Thatthli ( iodetydoM hereby e : preai th grief and orrow which hit Ioa lu oooMloasJiM wellM thodeeixwt vmr.ath lot the relatives and frisndi of the docowia In this the bnur of their bereavement , JtHolreJ , That these resolutions be Biirua upoa the r eord of the nodety and puUUhe iu the dally p [ > ers of the Uty , and that sepy of * e name be transmitted to the wldo' f Uie d6e * el. G. M. HITCHCOCK , ( JEO. W.TltLSOX W.l'.auiiutr , ' , , , Coromltteo. druu Ut lor lleddlug'n &fJv . Keap it lu the house lu cauu of ace 1'riee 'JCc. Ifn. May T. FoUom , who waa 01 to aodr 4w tke Indies of Omaha , i * * y. . f UM Y. M. 0. A rooms. Al Mia * Md NuwbM * M > eotdUlly invited % ( trdUr of UM MJW. L. Q , CHAKLTOK , IRELAND AND ITS WOES. P.J.SWau , Ilic Irish Agitator , Gins His View For toe Liberation of the Era&rald & Isle , at tlic Masonic Hall Last Night , Any Menus Fair , No Matter What , t Secure Its I'Yootlom. A good sized and exceedingly intollcc tual nudionco greeted the lion. P. J Sheridan , the Irish agitator , nt the Ma sonio hall last night. Both branches o the Ancient Order of nibornians in ful regalia , accompanied by the Iliborniai Rifles , escorted the speaker from th Paxton hotel to the hall. The spoccl was an able ono and well delivered , an ita appreciation was shown by frcqucn applauso. Mr. Sheridan spoke in aubstauco a follows : I como hero to speak not to your prejudices dices or your passions , But to your coc Boiiao nmf reasoning powers to invite yo with mo into the domain of thought thai benefiting by each other's counsel , w may devise the boat moans of freeing ou motherland of the blighting curse of Eiij. lish rule. Too long have wo boon wasting Urn and nerjiy on oratorical gushings nu poetic effusions as a moans of driving th English bmdittl from our door. Too Ion have whole-souled patriots languished i the expectation- "God-givon opporti nitics. Too tamely have wo submitted to th temporizing policy of "watch nud wait. Freedom is won by deeds , not by wordi " 'Who would bo free , themselves mu strike the blow I" The London Times once said : "It i quito time that nil the struggling nation alitica should clearly understand the freemen have no sympathy with men wh do nothing but howl and shriek in thoi fears. Liberty ia a serious game , as th Greek told the Persian , witli knives , an hatchets , and not with drawled epigram and soft petitions. " While precious time is being wasted our mother country bloods from over , poro. The garrotors hand ia on he throat. Can wo como to her roacuo will no moro manly moans than "drawled epigrams grams nnd soft petitions' ' ! " You must not understand mo as die paraging any man or body.of men wh try < to servo Ireland by other method than thoao of my choice. No , m ; friends ; my desire ia to BOO every organ ! zation of patriotic Irishmen in this Ian to prosper and to multiply their strongt auu resources. If I cannot aid them i their good worlc , I certainly will novo place an obstacle in their way. Ever enemy of British rule in Irolani is my friend and brother. I am prt pared to concede to every man the oam liberty of action which I ask for myaoll But 1 hero assort and imagine that n ] sane and earnest men who have studio the case of Ireland will agree with me that Ireland's independence must bo woi by other means and other methods thai these of the past. Neither moral fore nor armed revolution can ever accoin plish the work before us. The odds ar too great against us. Ireland with population of 5,000,000 without an army a navy or commisoriat , cannot hope t win her independence from the 30,000 , 000 of England , supported M they ar by the greatest navy in the world , nn effective foctivo army whoso strength can bo mul tfpliod at any time , nnd the best fillet treasury to-day in Europe. It therefor behooves patriotic Irishmen who earnest ly desire the freedom of Ireland to turi Jnoir attention to medorndisaovorioti am VlttltfH OP BCIKNTIPIO W AW AUK. If wo can Convince Englishmen that i will cost them moro to hold us a subjoc province thanto _ Allow us to manage ou own affairs , I imagine that half the dil ficulty will bo ovcruomo. This wo cai do by carrying the warfare into the heai of England where wo can inflict mot1 damage on her , pecuniarily than was in flictouon Franco , during the Franco Gorman war. At the eamo time wo ca teach British legislators who forgo th chains thnt bind our country in slaverj that thuy can no longer trample on th liberties of a people with impunity. ] is to them rather than to the army an navy of "England wo have got to diroc our attention in the future. Wo wi thus convince them that justice to Ire land is the best shield for their own pro tootion , For political reasons Englan will cling tenaciously to Ireland , know ing as she does that if an invading powc could find a friendly looting o : Irish soil England 8 very ox istcnce as a nation would b jeopardized ) By keeping up the spiri of revolt in Ireland and holding oursolve in readiness to assist any invading powc that may laud on our native shore wo wi make England fool the consequences c her barbarous treatment of our land , Tc day if El Irahdihimaolf should land an in vauiiig force on Irish soil the Irish poopl would march shoulder to shoulder am foot to foot with him against. England' forces. With this spirit kept alive am a vigorous warfare proooutod Bgains England in the heart of her cities , thi Irish representatives who are citho treated lomomiiiioualy or kicked fron ' the houso'of commons , will bo listened to respectfully and regarded as mediator between the outraged Irish people anc the barbarous government of England. It is hardly necessary to demonstrati to any Irish audience that Ireland ha nothing to expect from England's sousi af justice. Any concession raado to Ire land from the union , down to our owi time was wrung from England's fears. Catholic omancipationwas granted onl' when Daniel O'Connell informed tlii British parliament that ono million met worn awaiting an &nnwor ou the hill sidci > f Ireland. Then it was that the duke o Wellington thought well to advise thai 'mancipation ' bo conceded to Ireland , Jladstono admitted that the Fenian ro- jollion ot ' 05 produced the land act ol .870. The disondowmont of the oetab Uhod church followed the blowing down of the Olerkonwell prison , and the Phtu' ' itx park executions have only to bo fol < owed up to bring back the Irish parliu < went to College Green. * It has liaen objected thrt the advocate : of sciontitio warture do not wait to cou < idor between the innocent and Uiogulltj u the application of it. It is not their > urposo to war airainst an innocent and moiTending community as England dooa 11 Ireland , but , as I have already stated , gainst British interests and the govern. raent every wlur > In the meantime bo thought that indi < idual members of every orjjaniicatlorj tere should give material aid to acUvti orcM at homo to tha campaign now be' ' ng inaugurated against the Britiih gor ornment and British , interests every whoro. OLARA MORRIS , Hlio Hns Won tlio Ilciuia of tin Oiiinlm People by Her Pow- crftil Acting. The amusement loving people of thi city have boon all expectancy over sine the announcement that the great emotional tional actress , Clara Morris , would pi a ; an engagement in this city. She lias played the first night of ho engagement , and it has only tended t increase the desire of her auditors fo moro , and none who sat within the rang of her voice last night will over forgo her. her.Tho The audience last night was u larg ono , every seat in the balcony , parquo circle and parquet , oven to the orchcatr rail , being occupied. The gallery wa but lightly patronized , the prize figh evidently being of moro interest to th gallery gods. The play , "Article 47 , " while it dii not give Miss Morris full scope for ho emotional powers , which have won fo her a world-wide reputation , presented sonted an opportunity for some superl acting , and it was fully improved. From the hrst moment of her appearance anco , the lady entered into the heart and feelings of her audicnco. and carrioi them with her as only Clara Morris i capable of doing. Her acting is very lif iUolf , and in the last act , where througl agony of mind her reason is dethrone ! and she becomes a raving manaicthotcar streamed down the cheeks of her listen era , and they forgot all else but her It is useless to attempt to give an ac curate description of her acting. She wa in the best of spirits and that , for her means everything. Ilor loading support was good , Mr Gustavua Lovick sustaining the part o "Goorgo Duhamol" in a very ac ccptablo manner. The minor parts wor well presented. Miss Morris' costumes were of the mos magnificent character , and her diamond and other precious stones would dohono to a queen. There was only ono thing to mar th evening's entertainment , and that wa the fact that between the acts the usher allowed the hall doors to remain open allowing a cold breeze to blow throng ] the house and upon the audience , thu endangering the health of thoao so ex posed. These Are Solid Facts. The best blood purifier and system regulnto over placed within the reach of suilorln humanity , truly In Kloctrlo Bitters. Inacth Ity of the Liver , IMlioumiosH , Jaundice , Con Rtlpatlon , Weak Kidneys , or any disease o the urinary organs , or whoever requires nu nr potlzor , tonic or mild stimulant , will alway Hnd JJIoctrfp Bitten ) the best and only cortali euro known. They act euroly nnd iiulcklj every bottle puarantood to cfvo cntlro uatls faction or money refunded. Sold at lift conta a bottle by 0. i ? . Goodman. PERSONA ! * L. Krygor , of Lyons , is a gucRt at the Mil lard. lard.C. C. 0. ( luunoll , of Strorasburg , In nt th Mlllard. The Clara Morri * troupe nro at the Metro nolltan. W. U. W. James , U. S. A. , la a guest o the Paxtou. J. P. Ilyraos , Pf Holdrepro , Is stopping n the Mlllard. D. Audenon and K. Kmcrson , Columbus are at tha Metropolitan , 0. B. HolmoH , of The Hotel Gazette , No , yorle , h ftt the MtUard. Frank Aiken and W. H. Puirlriont , Blair ar/j gueuts cf the Millard. J. G. Wadaworth , Blair , and A. S. Chapln Wayne , are at the Paxton. E. A. Sperry , of the Kloctrlo Light com pany , is a guest of the Millard. George A Pritohard ami W. W. Tucker , o Boston , are at the Metropolitan. J. A. Bennett , Herman , nnd W. U. Sum tnor , Schuylcr , are guests of the Millard. Grorgell , Thomas , Bchuyler , ixnd Georg S. Wedgawood , Lincoln , ore at the Mlllard. W. IL Clark , Waterloo , nnd K. A. Pollock Grand Island , are guests of tlw Metropolitan 0. 0. Ohraan , PilRer , aud II. P. Wicka Chicago , are registered t the Metropolitan Hon. Isaac Powers , Jr. , Dakota City , am Hon. A. ( ! . Kendall uro in the city at th Millard. A. S. Stohmnu , Lancaster , Pa. , and Kobt J. Kruguo , Pueblo , Colorado , are gnosta o the Metropolitan. W. 11 , Turner , J'.lkhorn City } T. Bnacli Milwaukee , and O. L. Looker , [ Denver , ar guosti at the Metropolitan. Charles 15. Baker , H. W. Parker , J. K Hill , 0. G. Dorsey aud Q. W. HInkle , Beat rice , are registered ut the Paxton. K. A. IHchardson nud J. L. Wntrowt Clarka , Frank H.NIchoIson nnd Prof. Saiiiue Augliey , Lincoln , are guoiti of the Millard. E. L. Hicki , Dakota City ) 0. M. Btead man , Scnuylor ; B. O. Howard , Grand Island and M. Palmer , Bchuyler , art registered a the Mlllud. A Cunl uf Thanks. The undersigned desires to extend hei sincere thanks to P. J. Quealoy , Jamoi Gilbert , Patrick Foley , the Emmet Mon ument association , Mrs. P. J. Quoaloy , Lizzie Quealey , Mrs. Pratt , Mrs. Scott , Misses Kelson , Mrs. Cox , Mrs. Wiig , Mrs. Alexander , Mrs. Bwobo , Mrs. Mc- Oluro , Mrs. Tratf , Mrs. Inghram , and all others , and especially Mrs. Kurtz , for a beautiful cross , for their many octa of kindness during the recent illness and death of hur beloved husband , John Keating , and would beg leave to Bay that their conduct will always bo cherished in Fond remembrance. MAHV A. KKATINO , Having purchased the entire stock of Dry Goods , Boots and Shoes and Milli nery of the Boston Store , wo will in a Jay or two reopen the establishment , vhoro wo will ofl'or to the public- the on- ire Block at prices heretofore unknown in Omaha. WHO & WESTBEKG , For tlio Flood Sufferers , Garrabrant & Oolo , 1307 Famara street , have forwarded clothing , &ot 'rom the following parties : A. Pollack , 3rand Union Tea company. J. P. Lund , & . II. Gladstone , J. MoVUtio , Garra- jrant & Cole , W. 0. Morgan , Bishop .Jlarkaou , Mrs. Tunier and Mrs. W. Wilde. They will coutlnuu to forward wlmtovor may bo sent in doing the pro- mt week. A PLEASANT RECEPTION , Tendered Doctor George L , Mille Tlmt Gentleman's I-'rlontiH to tli Number of Ono Hundred and FinyGAthcr Aroumllho Kosttvo Honril. Tuesday was the evening sot apai for a reception to bo tendered DocU George L. Miller , cditor-in-chinf of Tli Ilorald , upon his return from a si month's visit through England and El rope , and accordingly about ono hundro and fifty of the gentlemen friends of thr gentleman gathered in the parlors of th Paxton hotel , at ! ) o'clock , to do liir honor. The assembly was composed of in fluential business men , professional gentlemen tlomen and capitalists , and seldom it i that such a vast array of mind and capita in gathered together in Omaha. Tin Musical Union orchestra , under the di rection of Julius Moyur , was present am stationed in the main parlor , where the ; sent forth awrot strains at stated inter vals. vals.At At 10 o'clock the orchestra retired ti the rotunda of the hovso , and immedi atcly began Bach's beautiful march "Welcome , " ind the guests filed dowi the stairway and into the banquet hall. The dining room of the Paxton was ar rayed in a beautiful manner. The loiij tables were laid in the shnpo of a lotto A , with the apex at the least end of th room and the oxtremotics terminating ii either corner in the west end of the room The room was filled with tropical plrnt and flowers , while many of the trees re aomblcd the tree of lifo , inasmuch a every conceivable kind of fruit wai fastened to their branches. Bcautifu calln lilies wore placed upon the table and produced a very pleasing effect , whil the napkin in front of each guest vras ai ranged in auch a manner as to quito faith fully represent a calla lily. Doctor Miller lor occupied the head of the table wit ! James K. Boyd on his loft and Judg Wakoloy on his right. The menu was of a fine character , am the tables were filled with all the daintic and delicacies of the season , includin various varieties of fruits. All ovoniiij long the sharp pop of the champagn cork could bo plainly hoard above th rattle of dishes and the hum of inorr voices. An hour or more was spent in wrostlin ; with the festive bivalve and discussin the excellent feast , when the guest pushed back from the now dilapidated looking tablesandaf tor the choice Ha van cigars had boon lighted , Mr. James li Boyd arose , and after calling the moot ing to order , stated that ho desired t say but a iow words , and wished to express press his thanks for the honor conforrei upon him in being called upon to prcsid on such an occasion. Ho stated tha when ho first came to Omaha twenty seven years ago , Doctor Miller went hi surety for the faithful performance of th contract for building the Congregationa church , and ho was proud to bo numbered bored as ono of Doctor Miller's friends Ho then introduced the Hon. James W Savage , who made the address of we ! como. Judge Savage said ho looked upon tin duty imposed upon him an an agroeabl ono. Ho stated that the guest of th evening hod done moro for the up-build ing of Omaha as a city , and Nebraska a a state , than any other living man. " 1 is as natural , " eaid Mr. Savage , "jfor sue ! a man , under these circumstances , to ba come an oaitor. a ? for ft grub to turn int < a butterfly. " "A good editor , like a good wife , cometh oth from the Lord , " continued the speaker or , "but where the bad editors come fron or where they go to , it is perhaps no within the province of this meeting t inquire. " The honorable gentleman apoko in touching manner of Doctor Miller's fail ing health before his journey abroad , am was rejoiced that the trip had in over ; way improved and reinvigorated that gen tleman. His speech throughout was in a mos happy strain , and in his delivery ho wa many times interrupted by loud applause Doctor Miller then arose from his seat and with a ho.irt filled with emotion a this honor conferred upon him , thankei the gentlemen assembled for the mark o respect and esteem thus shown him. H gave a very interesting account of hi travels , and although ho spoke for nearl ; two hours , yet his manner and tone wa so interesting that all listened earnestly This closed the festivities of the evening and the assembly dispersed. A REMARKABLE ESCAPE. Mr * . Mary A. Dmloy , of Tunkhannock , Pa , WM aflllctoa for six yearn with Aflihmnau Bronchitis , during which time the boat i > hysl clans could give no relief. Her llfo was de ipairod of , until In last October she procure a Bottla of Dr. King's Now Discovery , who immediate relief was felt , and by oontlnuin its use for a short time BUD wag complete ! cured , gaining in floah f > 0 pounds , in a fei months. Free Trial Bottlca of this certain euro of al Throat and Lung Ulneusos at 0 , V. Good " r'n .Drutc Store. Larpo Bottles $1.00. THE RING AND THE GLOVE riio | roat Klauoo of the Miller HnUtli Salt GIovo Fl l't t the Academy ut' Muulo Last Quite a largo crowd was present lost light at the academy of imutn to BOB the toft glove contest between Prof. Miller if this city , and 0. H. Smith of Chicago , 'twas expected by moat of thoao who vent to witness the fight that something vorth spending their time , at least , vould be aeon. It wai given out that ho contest would begin at 8 o'clock , but t was within a few moments of 9 before imo was called. At that hour the xmtoatanta appeared upon the stage in sloso fitting pants and titrippod to their mists , Miller seconded by Lon George ind Smith | , by Doughtery with Robert 3roono aa referee , who aUted to the ipectatoM that the fight would bo con- luctod under The Police Gazoote rules md that the result of the contest would * wolvo itself into a question of en- lurance , as both men intended to win , md the Cit would be 'on the square. C-oU were cast for choice of corner , Miller mnlng. Twenty-elght roundB were ought , lasting ftbout two hours. At the ! lo e of the lait round , Smith was driven lB n t the fiont ropes , and time was ailed by the referee BO loud that it could bo hoard nil over the homo. Millc looted his hold nnd waa Roing to his coi tier , when Smith followed hirrvand deal his nntngonist two blows from behind. . foul vrns called by Georgoand Miller wf declared the winner by the referee. And thus ended vrhat waa given out f n fight "to the bitter end. " The Bpectj tors said but little , nnd n few hissci Taking it all in all , it was sin ply a schema to draw a houi and the project was a fair suczcss. Tli fight of last Thursday night at the The tro Coiniijuo and its sudden torminatic by police tt ) nt that time , were sought' ' bo utilized for the purpoao of makit money. The sot-to between Smith ar Miller was neb superior in thd "man art , " nnd was inferior in energy nnd d termination to the ono batwccn Doug' orty and Baldwin earlier in the oveniti | The performance as a whole was simp n ruse to rcliovo each spectator of 01 dollar , the price of admission to the lot or part of tlio house , without giving hi any return for his money. THE SPERRY LIGHT , The Company v'l'nkca Actlvo Jfosurc liiy Artnruoon , and Will tie Heady for llufllnoss lld'orc Sixty Dajn. From the action of the Sperry Eloctri Light company yesterday , it looks as i Omaha would soon have some moans b ; which the city may bo illuminated i there is an excellency in the light. Th < dircctros of the company mot in the Mil lard hotel yesterday afternoon and tool the first active stop * towards going ti business. Instead of buying a lot 01 Dodge atrcat , as stated in yesterday' BEK , it was leased for ton years only Their place of business will bo on tha street , between Eleventh and Twelfth where the old broom factory was. A the meeting yesterday a building com mitttco , consisting of James E. Boyd Andre tv Simpson nnd Mr. Pratt , aocre tary of ho company , was appointed. I is the determination of the company t put up a fine structure for their machin cry and oflico. Two now engines o forty-horse power and ono boilsr wor ordered from a company in Chicago. Th incorporates think that within the nox sixty days thuy will bo ready to furnis lighta to all wanting them. A now ligh of the Sperry patent waa put into th Millard hotel last night and was equal t all expectations. DISTEIOT OOUET , The I'mcccilingH Before Unit Trlbimn In the district court before Judge Neville villo it was iatondcd to take up the crini inal docket yesterday morning , but owin to the fact that 0. R. Iledick , Esq , cout ocl for Lon Georpo and Georgia Sinclair whoso caacs were to bo tried first , wa unable to attend court , the trial of thos cases was continued over to Monday noxl No court was held before Judge Neville as no civil cases ceuld bo found ready c trial. trial.Before Before Judge Wakoly , the counsel i the suit of Gaylord , adminbtrator against the city of Omaha , conclude their arguments , and the case was the given to the jury , which late in the aftei noon returned a verdict for defendant. The following is the assignment c cases for to-day : BEFOllK JUDOB WAKELKr. Wolf , et al. vs. Edgerton. Gerber vs. Vincent E tabrook vs. Thomas. Christianaan vs. Jensen. Boraick vs. Swobodo. Horpster vs. Woplf. Mercer vs. Mcalio. Omaha Foundry & Hachino Co. VE Worth. BEFORE JUDGE NBVILLK. Ballou vs. Farmer. Ballou vs. Forsytho. Goodman vs. Freeman. o Page vs. Steolo. Mercer vo. Edgerton. Gaslin vs. O'Brien. Gaslin vs. North. Gaalin vs. Bartlott. A Illf ; Deal. D. R. Font , of Goliad , Texas , wh lias been engaged for many years in driv ing cattle through from Texas to Ne braska , has just closed the largest sal of Texan cattle which has over takci place in this section of the country. H has sold to Alexander Swan 22,000 heai of Texas cattle , the price being near ! ; $400.000. The cattle are to bo deliverci at Ogalulla , between the 15th of Ma and the 15th oE. July , 1881. Mr. Fnnt bus as many moro cattle o the same kind which ho would like t sell in the same manner. DIED. STURGK3 February IMth. of poraJysie Mrs. Kathor Stugee , aged 77 years , Short service at the residence of her son , II X Stupes , No. Ill South 18th street , Thure day , at 1:30 o'clock. The remains of decease. . will he removed toVossar , Mich. , forlntoi meat POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thi * powder cater nitil.EBt cam ! o | purl treogb mJ wholeson-cDM * t > ro < o nt rnlcal th i he odla ry > l ds , Mi etMOt be told In ccnpetuo | : tlth tbcinuftituJe ol lew MII ihort wcizl t tlum o > h < > spb > t powdvnu Bi Id only la c n . KojU Jl k | { T kMwder Oa , 160 M lOlnel M w Yoik. CASTORIA Infants and Children Without Morphine or Wnrcottno. * What jrlvos our Children roiyclierki , . What cures their levers , nmkes tlicm sleep } § 'TIs ! n \Vhcn Babtca fret , find cry by turni , AVhat cures their colic , kills llicir wonin. Hilt Cmlorm. What quickly ctirr-i Constipation , Sour Btoinoch , Colds , Indlgi" > tlon : lint Cnntorlo. Farewell then to Morphine Syrup * , Castor OU and rurrgoric , anil ] IallCnrorlru Centaur Llnlmont. Annti- Bolato euro for Rheumatism , Sprains , Bnrns , Galls , &o. , nnd ar Instnntauooun Faia-roUovor. SPECIAL NOTICES fiTSpoclala will PODltlvolynot bo Insertt unless palrt in advance. _ TO LOAH-Monev. TO LOAN In sums of $ . ' ,00 and upwati MONKY annum , C'i Douglas rounty ( arm ; . A droN U .K. Puttiraou & Co. , 1221 Karnam tit. 390-lm. _ TO LOAN-Tha lowest rate * of Intore MONEY ' t/inn Agency. IBth fc IVnulai 531-1 f . * "i\i iiUAft lucuuu ut ( Sou. ana upuan MU.NK F. Davis and Co. , Heal Estate and Lai Agents , 1EOC Farnaui St. K)3-tf ) BOI.P WArXTBU. blnd ry.H. 14th St. 503 SI - and cook at the S aten Hous WANTKD-Glrls 513 32 § TJITAKTIID A good girl for house work , hlghe : IT wagespald. Inquire at 6008.14th St. 616-225 Olrl forgeneralhousa norksmall lai WANTED 1215 north 10th bt 514.225 A first-class taker. Address at one WANITD S. UIIUACIT , North 1'lattc , Nob. 403-21 " \TITANTF.D Cnambonnaldii and laundry glrlc. I VV quire at oliko ol Millard lUtcl. 494-21 WANTED A girl to do general houfcwork at ! I ) . Galej's residence , 2d liouec south Date port , on nest sido22d utrret. Milt \\7ANTKD-Oood girl. MRS. W. M. BUSHMA1 M 1612 Houard street. itil-tf TT7ANTED , GIRLS Wo want IS girls lorgencr W housework , to apply at once to CANNON , JONES & CO , OIHce Frenzur Block.OfllLO hours from 8:30 to U p.i D40-lm WAITED At Fort ildncy , Neb , a woman to < general house' ork for * family of two. GDI cook , washer and Ironcr. Wages paid according ! Address Lieut. Patterson , Fort Sidney , Neb. ISO 2 A girl , German preferred , 1004 Fa WANTED . 476 tt WANTED Adilry h nd. Inquire at tbo Roc Spring Dairy Wagon. 418-20 * WANTED Girl for general homework , fctcai work and good ) tay. Inquire nt 101 south ICi street. 470-20 WANTED Inin > ely , a flrstclass white la ber , steady jrjment , ahd ? 18 per eok pc manent. Address or ttlegiapb. to Louis Bajcr , Nun riatto.Nib. 4S9-20I WANTKD-Oood solicitors acquainted with tl serial book trade. No others need apply C : nt rooms C and 7 , Kterett's block , Council Blufl Iowa. 402-22 PROTECTOR-Unprecedentcd'Educeiuen ' QUEEN lady agents for this new rubber undcrg ; ment for ladles. Address with Clamps , Undergo ment Co , & south MayH-i Chicago. 183-lui T7ANTKDAgents in even-township In Nebra T T ka , for one i > f the best selling artlccseter Intr ducod. Sell kt sight. Ckllor write to tlio OilAlIA STOVK KKPAIR WOI1KS , 430 tf 109 S. 14th Street , Omaha. " \T7ANTKD-4u experienced salesman to call c TT business men only , with a specialty. ( Jill : SCO N. 10th street , and see us In regard to U. 434.208 " \T17ANTED Ono hundred trams and one hunilrf VV laborers for lUilroad work. UcCOV & MOIIA1 CanfleM llouse , Mnth and Farnam Sis , On aha. ; WANTED A good girl for general houi en orl 411 south lOth'BtrceU 414 20 § T ADIE3 OR YOUNO MbNIn city or country t JLv take nl'e , light and t > lcas > nt work at their ow homes ; $2 to 1-5 a day easily and quietly made ; woi sent by mall , no cantassing ; nu stamp for rcpl I'leaso address Itcliiiblo Manl"gCa.rhUadclihia ] 1'a drawer TT. 897-lmt 'TIT'ANTED Two ulrls cook and second girl. Dei TT of wages. App.y 8. E. corner 20th and * Cai f ornla fits. 878-tl " 1X7ANTED A Oerman dining room kitchen gir T V Uesse and lloppe , 418 8. IBth St. , be twee Harney and Howard. ECS tf SITPATIOHB WAKTBD. WANTED Situation by a joung man in town c In the county. Additus "W. S. " JJte odire. 608 21 i ED Job Printer and 1'rensinan nan WAN steidy situat'on ' , lOjearaexiKricnco. Addrci H. " care of Dee. 405-201 WANTr.D-Sltuatbn In city or adjoining towns.l man and wile , who can do first class cooking i hotel or restaurant Address " 0. L. N."Bco ottla 60U 2S WANfED A rellaMejoungman wants a plac to work , board and go to school. "S , A. W , Bee oBloa SSS-tl YVANlED-SltuUlonj for first class domestic T T Call at our oflico from 4'SOto B p. m. Baturdaj 1 to 0 p. in. OANNOH , JONES S CO. , Opp. P. 0. 047.1m HIBOELLANEOD8 WANTS. ANIED by a single gentleman. Aildrcis "W. F. " 33 Bee olllce. . Cos 2CJ ' 'ANfEU To buy a small butcher business In live town. Would be willing to go Into par nerihlp with a good raan.Address "J.R. " Bee arrln 607-S55 RELIABLE men looking for profitable enplo ] ment , apply to P. F. Collier , publish ! r f > 7 Bai ker Block. 612 J j TTT'ANTKD lly a vlnyle gentleman , on or bofot TT March Itt , a comfortably furnUhid room , i Ittlngroom with mall bfd rooru attacheil , In trlctry pihate laml y. with or without board , whei t ere art no snail children aud no other boarder xxiailon central and In pleaiant neighborhood At Iresn , tatlnt'teim and full initlculars , "J. A. R. Bee office. 402 21 ( riMNTKD.BOARDEllS-Larsallrtol rooms , wit TT or without beard , In prltate lamilles furulilie ree ol charge at i ur oillcc , opi o He poetofflce. Cai non , Jones it Co. , 4. SO to B p , m. 013-liu loeell small stock ut cigars confei WANTED and notions. Inquire 2210 Cuming s _ 4M 221 Table boanUrs at 117 N , Ut iitrie WANTKD Capitol n enue and Dotfgo itreetu.1 4 4 271 _ - > artl < u wbhlrKUait'crsand thcti WANTED- In private huuio , with cr wi out room , to i all at our o tl'.co trcin 4 SO to 0 1 > . ui. CANNON , JONES & CO. , OppotJte Postot&cc 94o-lra _ _ " " f OK tjT"HouB | > 8 and Lots. RENT Nlce'y turnltbed rooms , 1KW ( FaiiKi FOR . Wi-tf _ BENT rutnUhed roouu , 1816 Dodge St. FOR 618-28' _ RENT-FuroUhed room * &t 1010 t'&niam. FOR 420-251 RENT FurnUhjJ room with beard , 6r an FOR , tor ouo or two gentlemen , 3X2 a. 16th > tr e cor. Harney , RENT Nicely laruUhed rooms with or will FOR board 1816 Lkxlgo bt. 1 WM | | 7tOR RENT A Uaiement with thivc room * Ic L1 light houi keeping 1813 Vodgi HU 161 23 1 nKNT Furnished rooms , IOJ North 18th FOR . 487-121 IpOR Hh.N t Small huuse , Inuulio vt A. Murptij , ttO S. 14th street. 4SS-20I I Furnished room 1021 Capitol are. JL1 r,72-5ii " 17(011 LKVSE B buahVM lot * 10th street , between JL Datonport and Capitol avcnup , o st tide , for it tprm of jtais. 480 tf 1517 FAm m street. . " < i ITAOR RKNT A few gentlemen can be ircomoJatod L with furnished rooms. Apply 1318 Farnam St. 400 tt _ RENT Store room lth ba cmoit Itoi IflOR 1 , 1611 Farnam St. I'AULSEtf &CO. , IWu Famam Street. 3S4-U TTtOR RENT Sevcra Rood houses , aln ono Droom L' BiHl ) furnUliod hcuoo. John I ! . Edwards , 1111 Farnim bt 351-11 RENT Furul hoJ room 1021 Capitol nte. IIAOil 1 UHNISHKD room heated KU N. 16th. F D7&1 ! KENT Furolshod room lth or without FOU . Fluent location In the city. < M < o low tuMo Iwarvlcr.i anted , N. W. cor. 18th aud Firniun. IlENT t rnlsl.ed room lor Rontlcman , nlfo FOH ( or light housa keonlng Itcomura block , corner Eighth and HowarJ h't. 003-tf P OHUENT lAiRonew. twoctory dcublo houw , JL ; Bhlnn'8 aitdltlon Hultablo ( or two families or bonnllni ; Iiouto. Inqnlro Iloom 24 , Omaha national Dank Dullilln ) ' . . 168-tl oil KENT I' ifijluhcd rooms on th northwet F oor. ISlh fUiJCopltoUvenuo , ( ormcrly Crelghton. 189-tt IfUM UfcWl wouuni iu nul/iuski. AKUUU. bank 4 JJ Dtilldlntr. Most ilcalrallo oinoon In tlio city Supplied ntth h.Mlraullo elo'ator find bcatol x * ; > toam. Apply at Ilnnk. FOR BALE. SAI.i : Two hovped tuul lot on irrct mr line. FOR tcidlly , ? 'OiO. AUKS , 1K01 Farnain. Dll-Ui FOHSALK Four tliov CASOery clicnp. Inquire ntKdholm&ErlcU-n. BOO U SALE Ono counter cliean. luqulru a * . Ed- helm & Erlcknon. MO-24 T OH SALC A rare bargain In a bmlncs * property 1 } on ISth street , north of In paving 10 | icr ecu tun ln\cf > tment. Corner , cnsy Urm . TAo good houses and lot" In Shlnn's 1st addition , $20(1 to $400 cash , balance $15 to 20 per month. Choice residences and residence lots In Ilancom'a I'la e , and all other additions In the city. IUBY & UOTTKU. Agtnts , 49S-tf S. W. Cor. 16th and Faruam St . "T OKSALE line thoroughbred Jersey Bull calf. JL1 good iwdigrce. S. J. UIICEM , 4W-203 IOCS South Ate. Uuh lJ Cholco Timothy Reed raised In Innfl Mills county , lava , fur ualo by L. W. Itus- sell , Gknuood , ( owa. 473-2i ) I OR SALE The furnlturo of the residence N. W. F corner Oth and Ilarnoy. Apply on the premises. 408231 F OK SALE Handsome cottage , cast front , north Omaha , $1,700. Desirable rceldincv , south 10th street , cut front. 81 , JO BULL & SIUUVEIU 485.22 Pr.U ACHE wo offer flvc and ten acre ' tracts southwest of city. Only 35 minutes drive from 1' . O Now U the time to secure a beautiful home. Call before March 1st , as prlccu will adanot. . PECK'S REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 400 22 * Opp. P. O. , Omabii. SALE At a bargain , a good two seated carryall - L FOll , cuitablo fnr < no horbu. Inquire at A. J. A Simpson's Csrriago Factory , Dodjto St.172 2U vL FOR SALE A 12,000 pounds Falibank'e Hay Scale. Will hold bath w agon aud horse" , It U neatly new and will be told at half price. Apoly to 43320 , T. C. BRUNNER. TOR SALE 42 acres , house , utable , abundance o J ? fruit , near church and tchool , Smiles from rail road , 20 rnllca from Omaba , Sl.6i.-0. Beautiful residence | roperty , 100x423 feet , ehade and fiulttrecs , huuse and barn , 2OuO. 435-23 ' BELL &SIIRIVER , FOR SALE Cheat * , ono six foot aud one three foot show case at Ljou'sC gar Store , 07 South 15th bt. 224 tt H SALE A bargain. Ilonse of 7 rooms , Wh > nd Bancroft St. gothlc. Well built , barn ia , only $1.800 if sold within CO davs. SEARS & BOS- ARD , Wt'llams Block. 203 t T7\ORSALE House of 6 rooms In 1'arker's addition f' near tbo $20 000 school house new. A cheap place on cany terms. H.700 , SEARS & BOSARD , Williams Block. 200 U SALE A eplendld house of 10 rooms In FOH thlnn'aodrltion. if gold within P. ) ( tajn only (3.700. BEAhS & COSAUD , corner ISihana Dodge SALE Farm 3 miles ( rom city. Inquire ul FOIl . Jlejcr. over Koeder'a Drug ttorc , It ) i and Webator. 87Z-U TJtOU SALE Two counters and fifty leet o ( good JL1 thdrinj , ' . chetp , at 1 DOS DodRO Ht. 1SS-U I OR SALE Two large Nortnunbtallloni. Address F O. D. Birdsall , Walnut , Iowa. ! B4-lui * SALE A good two story store rropirty in FOR , Waj no county , Neb. Address 0.1 * . Bird- sail , Walnut , Iowa. 156-lmt SALE OR TRA good span of mules , FOR and wagon. , AlexO. Charlton , at HcCague Bros. OSO-U SALE Two open second-hand bugilea and FOR delivery wagou , chetp , at 1319 Harney St. 839 tt T70K SALE-Colorado coal. Tills coal is as fire from JD soot and as clean as Rock binrlng. 934-tf JEIF. W , BKDFORn. SALE Two portabliTboller" . 10 horse nowe FOR at D. riTZl'ATRICK , 633-tt 218 South 1Mb Bt. SALE A small Mo.iler , Bihman U.Co.&n FOR soft , almost new , at this ofllce. U SALE My two story brick residence , 19th FOR St. Mary's avenue. Laigo barn , out-bouse , water wors , well arranged. Lot 60x200. I'ilc 87.000. Best Bargain in Omaha. Call at M. Toft's People's Bank. 277-t TT10R SALE 12 lots one block west ot Park ave J ? nua cars. Luta 60x160. Will cell tha whole tran for $7,100 , if sold before January 1st , 1884. Real es tate owners bid this bargain , U you call U 1'iople Bank. 278-tt BALE Choice business property , three lot * FOR . Baunders and Charles Street. It will pay yen to Int eatlgato this offer. Call at People's Bank. 278-tf T.10R SALE Improved property , which will pay JD the buyer 20 per cent on the Investment. RenM for 81,920 per year. All occupied by fint class ton. ants. Will sell for 910,300 , If sold soon. All or ono. half cub , balance , one to lit e years. The above In. vestment is worth investigation. Call at the People Bank. 280-tJ T7IOR SALE Old newspapers in largo and small J quantities at this oflW U HIBCELLAKEOTJB. : \ A BcalsUn glove. Owner can obtain I\OUtiD 1 by calling at this otflce and pa ) lug for this adtertlttmetit. , 6W.22 Pair of epcctatlcs on Howard , bctHoen 9th IChT 14th st.eeiv. IxaTe at this ofllce for reward. 189 211 A ved cow , pror In condition. Finder' STRAYED Si 00 by returning her to 101D Idaho street. Mrs. Hat tie 4tr7-Sa ( /-I OOD ROOM AND HOARD at 4.50 per neek , or UT I1BCO pur mouth , at Padflu Houtc. 4G3-20J | f SPECIALTIES for those out if employment to 1 I make money with. Gallon U. L. Smith , 20G N. 10th ttreet , aud see camples. 433 1m CASH PAID For eerond bend clothen , urdersby Inter * or poetal * promptly attended to Aa- dress Mr. or Mrs , UrcdcrlchelUbOUtblOthSt Oraarik , 400.1moJ ' . " / UAG1STER OP PAIAreSTERr AND CONDITIOH. ALI3T,803 Tenthitrett , between Farnam and liar , coy , will , with the aid ol guardian splrlti , obUlnlnK KB ) ono giaace PI to past nd prepcnt , od thg cartilu conditions In thn future , liiota wi-1 ho i mils nid4r. I'M 1 wet Mllftfactla cutranteii. NOTICE. Notice It hereby glien that the rartnen > hip hetf. toforeexUtlng b Ucn William V , Mannlig and Ceo , H. If CM under i he firm name ol llannuit : & lleui. U thU day dUaolud. ThU U to & | M : ( urthtr notice that I will not be rt- [ oiuibloforauy debtcontracted by iny | Mron lu our late nn name , nor x HI I pay any attorney's f w or co u ti carry en any litlgitlon ol any d - irnptlon against any of tha creditor * of the late firm of Manning a Hew , and the ute ol my came to carry ou any * u h litigation Unauthorized bv m , Uical'O. K b.t Feb. 18 1(64. ( Feb. | 8 U , WlllUil F. 1U0. .