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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1884)
THE BAIL'S BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS THURSDAY , FEBRUARY , 21 1884. THE DAILY BEE. COUNOILBLUFFS. { Fob. 21 * Thursday Morning , . isunscnirnoff Ry Carrier -f.--- -.lM wills per wack Bjr Mai - - - - - - - - no.00 pet Year orncE : Ko. 7 Foatl Street , Near Broadway. MINOB MENTION , Are you registered ? Additional local on seventh pago. Cheap railroad tickets nt BushnoH'e. Hoviral meetings continue nt the Presbyterian church. Concordia Lodge , K. of P. , will give dance nt Bloom & Nixon's hall onKriday night.Wear Wear your rubber boots to-day , for there is to bo another teat of the water works. Probate business occupied the atten tion of Judge Gregory in thd circuit court yesterday. J. W. and E. L. Squire decorated their building yesterday with two now signs painted by Goo. It. Beard. The police have arrested a colored fol low named Frank Owen for being con cerned in the sneak thieving from David son's store. Another rumpus in Ida Storey's houao has led to complaints being filed against J. Frank Brownal and Lliko Moore for disturbing the peace. Last night a young man vras HCOU run ning up Broadway , and was overhauled by thn police. Ho was nrroatcd on sus picion , and a diamond ring found in Inn possession. It vtill nnt bo long before three or four of our young lady roller skaters will bo up to the Omaha Indies in their skating. There seems to bo considerable rivalry botwnon them. If a little "sugar" could bo run through the hydrants of the water works the teats might seem moro satisfactory to some. Swuotoncd water is moro to the liking of some tastes. John Thompson's "Around the World1 company did not seem to please , and oven those who wont in on "comps" howl about seeing the show ovun'at that price. It must have boon Dad indeed. There is to bo a grand camp-flro Satur day night at the G. A. 11. hall. Bring your family. Bring no fancy fixings , no pics or cakes , but regular army rations. Bring brown Abroad. Bring beans , and report promptly. The sidewalks nnd crossings of the city are in a horrible condition every thawing day. A little attention to cleaning out the culvorta and gutters , scraping elf the snow and ice , and cleaning off the crosswalks - - walks would bo a great help. Mary Roan , a'fovr days ago , filed com plaint in Justice Schurz'a court charging Mrs. Roberta with assault and battery , and Mrs , Roberta now returns the com plaint and lias Airs. Roan complained of. The cases will bo heard next Saturday. Through courtesy , if no othnr reason , our ladies and gentleman should take the rear of tbo line in the grand march at tlin roller rink when visitors from ad joining cities are present. Wo hope this will receive the attention of our young friends. L. M. Aylcsworlh , who filed a complaint - plaint before Justice Abbott charging Frank Sadowski with malicious trespass , in cutting timber off his lands , found out that ho had made a mistake , and that it was nnnthor man ho wanted entirely , and o withdrew the complaint. The teachers in the public schools find on getting their pay that the board 1ms docked" thorn for * 70 diys when the achools were lot out by oiuur of .ho board. They do not propose to stand such little ness , nnd are preparing to make a howl unless the board do the oquaro thing by them , i J. M. Phillips , who is too old and troll-known a citizen to need any sub "J tantUtion for his simple word , stputly Tisserta that Goioiiol lunsnmu when start ing out for the war clearly and explicitly reued th wish to him g ? that in cose of death ho should bo buried hero. The colonel was in Mr. Phillips' store making a purchase , and in doing so remarked tiiftt bo intended to ko do bis duty aa to try to ivot higher honors than these with which ho went into the army , and if he lived ho should como back to Council : BluUs and identify himself again with its interests , And if ho should die his body would be brought back hero , so that liv ing or dead ho should consider himself always identified with Council Blull'n. To-Daj-'u Test , The [ city council hoi decided to hove , another waterworks test to-day , Some of the aldermen ai well as the city on- qineer seem to stand in mortal dread mof being subjected to the critlofcmof "tho kickers"as they are known , of whom there are now only a fow. There nouns no doubt of the ability of the company teen meet the test , but some of the uldormon claim that there shall first bo spread on the minutes a favorable report from the city engineer before they indorse heed teat , and ho was yesterday not prepared to make any report. The test to-day Merus to be for the special benefit of tfaoae who do not want waterworks , cu if tkey oan throw streams three ed f et high. It is intended , if possible , to remove every possible chance for a kick , It was believed that this was done the other day , but the cjty engineer , for some r0aon , ttloee not care it say so , or does > not think to , and eomo of the aldermen , , thovgh' . tUfied , want somothiug like an ( Mguiittr'a report to lean on , It is to be j hopedthat the throwing of water about * * # # < ! for the purpose of making ' t * ti will coke to an * ad with to- THE COUNCIL Some Important TalXAliont Street Im- pYcments , The Water Works to Bo Tested Again This Morniugi Sat foiled , Yet Not Hnllsflccl. An adjourned meeting of the city coun cil WAS hold yosUrday afternoon , the mayor presiding and nil the members being - ing present , except Alderman J times. A petition of 0. 0. Itico , for rebate of taxes wna received and referred. City Attorney JInyno made a report on certain matters roforrnd to him , ono of which was the paving matter , llo reported that the proceedings in regard lopaving , letting the contracts , otc.wcro thus far nil right and legal , So far as the grading questions were concerned , ho had boon informed that a bill was now pending in the legislature , nnd would probably pass , curing nil defects , and in view of that fact ho doomed it inadvisa ble for the city council to pass any ordinance about the matter nt present , but wait until the bill was dis posed of. In regard to 0. R. Scott's amendment , passed at the last mooting , the city attorney gave it as his opinion that it wan incomplete , and that it ought not to bo published , as it would not hold in n legal contest. Attorney Mayno also called attention to the question of hovr the assessment for street improvements should bo mado. Ho' believed that in stead of assessing up to each lot the net- ual amount of work done , but the pro portionate amount of the cost of Improv ing the entire street , divided according to the number of front foot. The mayor called attention to the need of culvorta on Fifth nvonuo to prevent overflow of water. Alderman Siodontopf moved that city engineer and committee on streets con struct culvorta wherever necessary an the streets running cast and west and recently - contly filled up. Carried. A number of bills for filling up streets were presented. The council concluded not to certify any moro Assessments nt present against the abutting property , until the expected legislation can bo so- cured. These who had done the work were anxious to got these certificates , as some of thorn were sub contractars , and others laborers , but all that the council would do was to ordcn- warrants issued for the payment of the filling of the intersections - sections of the streets. The talk over thcso bills brought to the surface the fact that in most cases the city has been getting the intersections filled at n much less rate than the private property owners on the uama street , because there is no doubt about the city having to pay for the intersections , while there is doubt about the liability of the property ownor. Alderman Siudontopf made a lively kick on discovering that by some slip in ono of the contracts the filling of the inter sections were charged up at 35 cents a cubic yard ) while the name filling could bo had for 20 cents a yard. The dift'or- oncn on this ono bill alone amounted to $75 that much virtually thrown away. 'Jho council , after some talk , concluded to insuo the certificates of assessment in accordance with the bills. The matter of the test of the water works waif brought up , and Hon. Goo. F. Wright appeared for the company. Ho presented a now Buhedulo of rules for putting in sewer pipes , making spe cial rates for pipes ordered between now and Marsh 1st , nnd fixing It thereafter at $15 on' Broadway and $13 an other streets. Ho desired the council to pass a resolution stating that the test was satisfactory. Aid. Keating desired to hoar the report - port of Engineer Foaso read. Aid. Wood wanted to know where the report of Oily Engineer Tostovin was. Aid. Tostovin had not prepared n re port. Ho thought that it was not fair to wk the company to throw streams In the face of n gftlo. Ho bqlioved- that eo long as some citizens who judged by their cyo alone had distrust about the height of ' 'tho streams arrangements ohall bo made so that when u fair day was had another test might bo. Alderman Siodontopf did not think there was any doubt about the com pany's ability to throw six such streams , but doubted whether they had done GO. Aldonnan Keating behoved Miat the six streamn as required were thrown , and urgodtho council to pass a resolution endorsing them. Tlio report of Charles Foapo , the en gineer or Omaha/who measured the streams , was road. Ho stated that the niCivJuromont was not taken to the very last drop of water or spray , and ill most cases thft walor wont In spray ton fcot or moro above the measurement. Ho gave the heights aa lollows : Foot Broadway mul UhioU ftvcuufl 101 Sixth street 102 Seventh itroot , , . , . 101 Eighth street , 11'8 Boott itroot . , . , , . 110 Mala itroot > . , . , . . 100 Bancroft street. . , . . . . , . . . | CO Broadway Methodist church , . . , 140 Kouth tffrat street P'J City Engineer Tostovin would make no official report , the city attorney ad vising him that under the circumstances ho could not. Ho expressed hi * opinion , however , that the company could ot the teat , but that it was open to to whether it had boon dono. Ho thought the nix streams the other day amount ed to six hundred foot in all , but wheth er each was over ono hundred at the same moment , ho was not prepared toed atato. Alderman Eioher paid ho was satisfied that the water works are superior to what tlio city had a right to expect under the contract. Herns willing to accept t"io works but wanted a written agree ment between the city council nud Mr. Wiight , fixing rates of aorvico pipes and that two of the pipes on Olon avcnuo ho moved to somo'pthor main as the liy- diauta were too thick ou the street. Mr. WHght enid that they would ( } o that if the two hydrants were placed on Bomo of the mains eight indies or less. Oa motion of Aid. Siodontolf , the reso lution prepared by Mr. Wright , cstab. Hailing tbo priro of putting in service pipes from main to curbstones at 815 , on Broadway and other streets At $13 , was adopted. The following resolution was presented and iti adoption moved by Aldormun Keating : , That the official test of the Council Bluffs City Waterworks company's ! ? works , had on February 10,1884 , be and the same is hereby declared satisfactory , and according to the requirements of the jntrnct with said company , Alderman Wood oftbrcd the following substitute , which was adopted : Jtcsolucd , That it is the sense of this council that the waterworks are capable of throwing six streams one hundred feet high.Aldermen Aldermen McMnhon and Keating voted against the nubstitutc , these voting for it. being Aldermen Sicdcntopf , Kicher and Wood. Mr. Wright preferred that the council taka noaction than to make such a move na this. There was no doubt as to the opinion of the alderman on the ability of the works. What wan wanted was the statement of whether the teat was made satisfactory. Alderman Keating moved that the substitute - stituto offered by Ulr. Wood bo reconsid ered. Ruled out of order , as Mr. Keat ing did not vote in the aflinnntivo on iti carrying. Alderman Siedontopf moved that the city engineer bo instructed to prepare ap paratus to measure six ntrcams on Broad way nt 10tO : ! o'clock this morn ing , and that the water works company bo naked to keep the streams going for twenty minutes. Carried. The chief of the fire department was authorized to secure what additional men were needed to handle the pipes. The hydrants to bo used to-day are : ] . Broadway nnd Bancroft. 2. Main strcot and Broadway. ! l. Sixth atroet and Broadway , 4. Seventh street and Broadway. fi. Eighth ntreot and Broadway. 0. Union avenue and Brondway. Chief Engineer Templuten was in structed to siavo the hydrants counted , and make u formal report , eo that the record rniyht show that there was the ro- quircd 200. Adjournment was then taken until 2 o'clock this afternoon. MAKING THE" BLIND SEE , One of Dr. 1'atton'n CUSCH ami ItH Cure. i About four weeks ago the attention of ono of THE BEK force was called to a young lady , aged about 20 years , who had arrived from Atlantic about n week before , having boon brought hero by a friend to receive treatment for her eyes , at the hands of Dr. W. L. Patton , whoso reputation in an occulist had reached their earn. When THE BEK man sow the young lady she waa perfectly blind , . and the eyelids looked na rod as raw I bcof. In consultation with her it was learned that aho had boon try ing in vain at the hands of several physicians to got some relief from the mtunsu pain she had boon suffering , and some restoration , if possible , of the use of these to important organs. In stead of getting relief , her eyes grow worse and the pain greater , but two days after she had placed herself under Dr. Patton's care all pain had ilod a * though touched by magic , nnd she could feel that there was hope of sight restored. Yesterday THE BED representative saw the young lady again. She was prepar ing to return to her friends , and waa happy and hopeful enough. Her oycs , no longer closed and painful , were once more able to perform their functionsand though their strength was not wholly re stored , yet she had for a week past been able road a little every day , and that morning had written a long letter to her sister , tolling her of tho' wonderful res toration of her sight. In talking to Dr. Patton about the case , it was learned that the technical name of the disease which had thus made her blind was "granular opthahnia , " commonly known as granulation of the lining membrane of the oycjlids. He said it was ono of the most difficult cases ho had handled out of the 375 cases which his books showed ho had treated during the past two years , ho being usually able to remove Buch troubles in much leas time. Incidentally it was learned that Dr. Patton - ton keeps a record , numbering each case , this case for instance being No. 37 > l , giving the details of each case quite ful ly and his old iccord allowing seven or eight hundred. Ho saya that there are hardly any two exactly alike , and when asked what were the peculiarities of the treatment which brought about such astonishing results , ho timply re plied that ho believed in simply helping nature , letting nature do the real work. Ho did not seem to think the case re cited above was any very remarkable ono. "Why , " said the doctor , "I have frequently such cases as that. That isn't anything worth writing up. Just wait until I get some more sensational case. I have plenty of them , and I will lot you know the next ono that comes. " But TJIK BKK concluded not to wait , bull give 1U readers the benefit of the present ( ] I ne. I W. W. Chapman , the ! Qutorpr inB manager of the rink . , yestor.lAy want to Dos Molnos to makoarrsngo onta for nn exhibition horenoxt wo6kVl ) JM | NeiHo ii-uHor and Master Bortto Mr , Harry Morgan , postmaster at Bartlctt , Iowa , was In the city ycntorday and returned hcmo lait evening , Hiof. A , Kllfin , oC Omaha , formerly a partner of A. J. Maudel , was tu our city yesterday. COMMKKOIATj , COUNCIL ; BLUFFS UA11KKT , Wheat No , 2 spring , 70o ; No , S , COo ; re jected , 60oj good domoml. Ooru L/ooleni wo paying 35o for old corn and 28o for n < > w. Oats In peed demand at 22o. Hay 1 00@0 00 per tun ; 60o per bale. llyo 10@4fio. Ooru Meal 125 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prlcoa at yiutls. 0 00@ 700. 700.Coal Delivered , hard , 11 CO per ton ; soft , 6 00 per ton Butter Plenty niid in fair demand at 20 ® 12c : qroamoiy , 35a KgK Plenty nt 20o iwr dozen , Lard Kulrbnuk'u , wholesaling at lie. Poultry J toady nalo ; dcnlora ore paying for chicken * lie ; turkeys , Ut , VegotabloJ I'oUtooa10o , ; onions , 40o ; cab bage , noue In the nmrktit ; applca , roacty nalo at 3 00@3 M for prime xtock. Flour-City Hour , 1 603 30. Brooma-li U5@3 00 per doz. LIVE STOCK. Cattlo-3 00@3 M ) ; calves , 5 007 CO. lion Local packer * are buying now ami there Is a RIMH ! uemaml for all ( fr.idoa ; cholco I packing , C S5@5 65 ; mixed , 4 75@0 23. JACOB 8I1I8. E. 1' . CADWKLL , 8IMS&CADWELL , I Attorneys -at-Law f , COUNCILBturra. . IOWA Office , Vila BUiwt. Itoonu 1 ind tihunit ft Wo- 05k' W'NP'MUooto ' BUU Md r. ) I WurU Jilt , * . WE ARE RECEIVING SOME VERY FINE OFR FINE For Sprin Wear are arriving daily , Please call and see our New Stock. Z. T. LBBtfDSEY < & CO. , 412 Hrondwnj' , Council Bluffs , ) THW \ West f1U w A > Side Square , Clnrmdn , AND WOOD , BULK . 'AND IJAIUIKL LIME , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND OE1IENT , MICHIGAN PLASTER , HAIR AND BEWER PIPE. Mo , 039 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & Spring Goods LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS , Just Received , 7 and 9 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFrs , . . . . IOWA. . OOTTOXTOIXJ TOTTAT W "R A TR"n ATTORNEY AT LAW. MANAGER OF T-OTTAWATTAMIK COUN- UUHIN VV. JP illliJ , TY COLLECTION AGENCY. OHlco conur Hroad oyan > lM > ln itreet. JOHN BENO & 00. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. . . IB Main street and 17 Pearl Btrcnt CBESTON HOUSE. MAX MOHN. . Hotel. 217 and 210 Main street. T -P WTTTTP OFFICE , i U , J , VV JJJLJ.JJ ) Comer Main end Fifth up-atalre. Kealdonco , 809 WUlow avenue. N SOHTJRZ JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , , , Ofllco over American Express. SO UVEUY AND FEED , . JJ- Will contract for tunerali at reasonable ratea. 12 Fourth ptreei J. M , ST. JOHN & CQ..CASE BUYERS , Draft liy return mall. 148 Broadway. n p ct n/iTrriTT CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , CTi J. KjI'lJLXJJLi Corner 7th and Broadway. Plana and BpoclOcatlonB furnished. MERCHANT TAILOR. JAMES FRANEY.MERCHANT . Artlatlo Work and reasonable charges. 872 Broadway. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. LINDT & HART _ , Practice In etato and federal courts. O A ATTT A * D 1 TT1\/T \ / And batn house , 421 and 423 Broadway. L. Sovereign , Prop. P. 3. Mont- AiN 11B.IU I U M O comory. M. I > . 1'liyelclan. PTYTOTNT T JUSTICE OK THE PEACE , JjJL/VVHN U. Notary Public and General Cnnvojanccr. 1S Broadway. "RPTTPTJP TTnTTQIP SMITH & NORTON , IlrXl V JjUJj HU U Oil , Broadway opposite Now Opera IIouso. Roflttod f 1 , J1.60 per day All kinds of jr. 30 : . Kutilncerlng Land Sur- 235S . . ) ROOM .6 , JEW OPERA HOUSE , COURCIL BLUFFS , , IOWA , etc. , etc. All Orders by Mall Promptly Attended To. . GALLAGHER. C3r 3E . C3 > C Ea 3Ft Z El Now Store , Freeh Goods , Low Prices and I'olito Altondacta. i s * { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , . } AS AN ECONOJnOAL INSURANCE , THE EQUITABLE MUTUAL LIFE AND ENDOWMENT ASSOCIATION OF WATERLOO , IOWA , la considered the beat (2.000 In of death , and endowment . cano 91 000 at tlio expiration often yearn. A ? < ? cf > 3- mcnts paj able according to aee. Mr . Olive Filloyiho agent will call ind explain the plan upon jour re quest. Direct your coamumcatlong to 241 Vine tit. Council Bluffs leva. LIVE TO HAT. EAT TO LIVE. BESTAtTR/L2T / AND CAFE , Of.torox to Tlio Bd. Oluon 1 4M Ilroadnay , Meili at all Hours. Chef d'cultlno f Council Bluffs. I'artles aSpccIalty. O. DEALER IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS OF fALL PAPER Interior Decorations. 13 S. Pearl Strccb nnd 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. HEATING STOVES AT COST FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. CARPENTER'S ' TOOLS AD HARflfARE ! Granite nnd Tinware. Latest Novelties in Fnitcy Hardware. A Inrgo line of oxti norcHnnry Fine Carvers. DeVOL & WRIGHT,504 CASADY , ORCUTT & FRENCH , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . And General House Furnishings ! MAIL ORDERS TILLED CAREFULLY.w 602 Broadway , Council Blufl'j. | OA8ADY. OriCUTT & FRENCH. ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lots end Lands in the County. Empkie Hardware C J ifyWiSii G. &J 109 and lll'S. ' Main Strcot , * ss&J COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. riet33s ss WHOLESALE DEALIMIS IK 3 342 and 344 Hrnndway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Tlio only Ilotoi in this City nn the European plnn of "PAY ONLY FOE \VHAT YOU STow Building New Furnishings. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS CENT It ALLY LOCATED. Fine Sample Rooms Elegant Restaurant. Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. COAL GIVEN AWAY ! Everj' one who buys u ton of the celebrated Centervil'e coat oE Plnttc Overtoil , oflice 601 First nvenue , yard 801- Main street , Council B lull's , is ontiHcd to n cliance in the drawing for ono ton o coal , to be given invny March 1st. You may thus gcb A Ton of Coal for REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. 805 South Main Street , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. Perfect Fitting , Best and Chcapcst.S2Flne Linen Collars at , J CulTa. Ho.1 715 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are the times ot the arrhal and do- urturo of trains by central standard time , at the local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten ruin- : arllcr and arrive ten minutes later. CHICAGO , nurtLi ! > orox AND QUIXCT , LEAYII. ARR1VH. 6so : p m Council BtulTd Express , 0.30 a m 6:40 : p m Chicago Express 0:40 : a in 0:45 : a m JIail. 7:00 : pn ? &AS3AS C1TT , ST. JOB AS.D CXJUNC1L RUJIT8. .0:10 : a m Hall nnd Express , 0:15 : p 111 8:25 : p m 1'aclflc Express , f > :35 : p ni CHICAGO , MILWAUKK8 AND ST. 1'AUL. B:25 : p m Express , DUO n m OM5 a m Express , Bt : Up in CIIICAOO , ROCK IBLAXU AND PACIFIC. f.:30 : p m Athntlc Express , 0:40 : n m 0:50 : a m Day Express , BM : p in 7:15 : n m "Dcs Jfolnta Accommodation , 1:41) : p m * At local depot only. 'WABA3II , ST. LOUIS AKPrACiriC. * 0:55 : a m Mall , 4:45 : p m 4:50 : pm Cannon Ball , 11:15 : nm At Trantferonly. CIIICAOO and NOUTHWKSTKR.N. r > :30pm : Express , 0.50 p in 0:15 : a m l'acinioExi > rc8 , 0:15 : am Sioux cnr AND rAcmc. 7:40 : p m St. I'aul Express , & m 7:20 a in Accommodation , 6:50 : p m traiox rAcirio. 7:59 : p m Western Kxprefs , 8:33 : a m 1:44 : a m I'aclflo Kiproe , : piu 7:49 : a m Local PZxpres" , 0.54 a m 2:14 : a m Lincoln Kxirc8i [ , * At Trau for only. UDWMV TRAINS TOOa.UIA. -ll:24 n. m. l4- : :21-6:24-4J:24-7V4 : : : and 11:04 : p , m i Sur day , 8 : 1- .0.24 n. m. l:24-3:24-S:24-7Ol : : : : and 11:04 : p. ui , Ar rlxeSO minutes hcfurolcmlug time. c n o " a Sf e -ei 3 2 I . 3 g a O P S S 5 0 § S * Sll tl 3o o , 0 S § 0ai S § u ra * C2 U 11 P a .cS * i S * o3 B ej SPECIAL NOTICES.- KOTICE. Special advertUemcnU , > uofa u Lost Found , To Loan , For BAle , To Kent , Wants , Board In ; , eta , will be Inserted In this column at the low rate of TEX CKNT8 I'KH LINE for the Bret Insertion and FIVE CKNT3 I'KH LINE for each Butoequeat n ( tortlon. U-a\o adtvrtlnemenU at our office , No. I'earl Street , near Hroad av WANTS , NTE1 > A fit'l lorRPiicral lieu c urk , W. L 7th 'rect. WANTED Every l > o < iy in Council Bluffs fo tak TurllKK. DtllvcrcJ by carrier at only twenty rants a week. WANTED A good licu o. In nlco location , vltli ( breti ur four rounm. AdOuej box Vo. 0 , lit oflice. I'ArEHS-For ule ut Bui otflcu , at 25 cento OLD ft hundred. HKKT One or two furnished rooms. S corner Ninth bt. mid Third atenue. 11E.VTKlcfi' tly luroishtd appartuicLtii In FOIl liouaoulth I rivito family. Iluluicucei ex. chanired. Addroii II. W. J. Bee tifflcc. BALK A nrtt-claM ret of bar futures anii FOH table , cheap H. Goldstein , 540 llioodwiy Council Bluffs Iowa. T7 > OU I1HNT a large nicely lurnltLoj room lth JL' hard coal fire. Imjulre 63JFlrdt avenue , tire blooVifrom 1'oitOHlce , - and Kcntlcincn can make first \GENTS-IadlM sellloe the "Champlou U tow btricthei | and Ironlnir Hoard. " IUtall < at * l 00. Any lady candouos , fine > hlrt without a wrlnkh tnil glow 11 a nicely ajjtho bcttbundrtescau. Addreu foriitlcular C. I ) . S. 4 I. Co. , B K office , for un mouth" JOSEPH AND Corner Main street and Eighth avenue , C'oua Bluffs. v , cst rates and prompt delivery DUREORNOPAY Wo trua-antco thocuie of the following named dls- ' cases , or no nay : Rheumatism , Scrofula , Ulcers , Jatarrh , al Dlood and iliindlscajcs , Diipepsia , Liver Uomplilnt , Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Gout , Ken- ol la and Asthmn , TlicKO Springs are the f merits cvort of the tired nn.l ilcbilltatAd , and are the FEEULELADUS BEST FRIEND , Ocod hotel , livery and bathing accomodntlon both Inter and summer. Locality highly picturesque nd healthy. Accessible by Wauaen railway , p 2vona , or C. , B. & Q. , at Albany. Ccrrcf ) onuer.c lollcitcd , IlEV. II. M. 'THOMPSON. Manager. Sllo&in Springs , Care , P , O.Gentry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. pcciflo Gravity 1.002 teactlon Neutra Carbonic Acid Caa 6 in. per gallon Carbonate Calcium S5.21 Urulna Carbonate Iron 741 ! ' | Sulphate Magnesia 3 , 6 " Sulphate Calcl'im ' 1,118 " Chloride Sodium 7,260 Sillica l.SOa Alumina . . . .0,010 Orgranioand Volatile matter and loss . . . .1,459 Total schds per gallon 07,174 tnos. orndna , u. M. OFFICER < Ss FUSET Council Bluffu . . It. Established - - 1858 Dealers In Foreign Ind circttlc Exchange and Howa Rl-C'iritl COMER PEARL ST.A1ID FIFTH AVI. .,8fOp.m : : and7iSOp. m. , Mon' j , Wednesday and Friday evenligs exclunlvrlv for the lydinplo Club. ; . , , , < arliusloouTuesdij andTlmrtday evcnliiKB. ADMISSION , . . 85 CENTS. No objectionable characters will be admitted. CHAPMAN & MA11TENS , . . . FKOPlllKTORS. Mrs , H , J , HfltOD , M. IL PRYSIOLAN & SUEB'EOK 222 Middle Bro -lT-.v. Council lufl . E. Rice M. D. CANCERS , CHRONIC DISEASES fjrCoiwultatlnn free AN APPOINTMENT [ That Must Be Met. j.wk el life wai out Injo th l.Le of fire. F'e ' | , ° If } ouwcrutodleto-nl.'lithuw ouldlt btultbyour A. ovtivrofr. W. R. VAUGHANT I Justice of the Peace. Omalm ana Council BlufiV