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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1884)
-"i * * * - * * - - " Hp * * ' LM K DAILY BEE-OMAHA THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 21 , 5 BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. WHAl IS IT ? A strictly vcgoUblo preparation , coin- posed of a choice mid skillful combina nr. tion of Nature's best remedies , Thu discoverer does not claim it a euro for nil the ills , but boldly warrants it cures every form of disease arising from a tor pid liver , impure blood , disordered kidney - noy , nnd wkero there is a broken down Condition of the system , requiring a prompt and permanent tonic , it never fails to restore the Buffer or. Such is BU11DOOK BLOOD BITTERS. Sold by all druggists , who are authorized by the manufacturers to refund the price to any purchaser who is not benefited by their use. Price , $1.00. POSTER , MILBUUN & CO. , Props. , Buffalo , N. Y. Imported Beer IN BOTTLES. Erlimger , Bnvnria. Culuibacner , Bnvnrin , Pilsner Bohemian. Kaiser Bremen. DOMESTIC. Bud weiser St. Louis. Aiihftusor St. Louis. Bes ; s _ . v . Milwaukee. Schlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee. Krue's Omaha. Ale. Porter. Domestic and Rhino Wine. ED. MAURER , 1214 Fariinm. A Tft"kf TITlTTTTnCurowltlloutmHl A. JrOSITI Iniolno.l'atontoaoo X3. A < tSM4.JL.Ki V " . tobor 10,70. Ono box No. 1 will cnro any case In four days or loss Sa 2 will euro the modt ouatlnoto caao no matter ot how long gtandtnR. Allan's Soluble Medicated Bougies No n&usooun doses ol lubobs , copabU , or oil of Ban dalwood , tn t ara oAln to produce dyspepsia hi dcstrojlng the coatings of the stomach. Prloo Sl.EO Sold by nil drugglsta , or mailed en rooelpt of price For further particulars Bond ( or I'rcuUr. r. O.B DISEASES OP THE J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , Until offices are repaired from result of fire , oflte with Dr. Varker , Hoom 6 , Crcighton B.ook , 1ft and Douglas streets. _ ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , Graham Paper Co. 217 nnd 210 North Mam Si , St. Louis. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ROOK , WRITING NEWS . , } PAPERS , { WRAPPINl KrYKLOr&SCARD BOARD AND PRINTER'S STOCK * yr ii paid for Rafts of all Western Cornice-Works , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING. 0 , SPEOHT , PROP. 1111 Douglas St. Omaha , Neb. MANUFACTURER OF Galvanizea Iron Cornices tyDormet Windows , Flnlals. Tin. Iron and 81a Roofing. Spooht's patent Metafile Skylight , Paten adJuBtod Ratchet liar and Bracket Bnelvlnp. I am ho conoral aeent Jor the above line 01 goodi. Ire nolng , Crostlngs , llaluatrades , Vcrandae , Iron Bui tnjs , Window blinds , Cellar Ouardm alao ron r * I forlenrflon& Hill t nt In W HUoit EUROPE' ' ai % 2lk | Into COOK'S GRAND EXCURSIONS Iea\o Now Yor In April , May and June , 1S34. 1'ASSAOE TICKCTH by all ATDA NTIO STKAM ERS. Special facillttwi fo scouring 0001) lEttTH3 TOUKIST TICKETS fo travclm In EUROl'E , by a1 ! routes , at reduced rate COOK'S EXCURSIONIST , "ith maps and full par tlculara , by mall 10 cents. Andre's tTIIOS. COOK & SON , 281 Broadway , W. Y. BiS&iuKui&tfiyrsuy uafarwuqiiiEBatPB A victim of curly Imprudence , causing nervous debil ity , it ro ( Iccay , etc. , iinvins tried In vain ercrj knniTD mtnuiy nis discoTired & simple meant of self sure , which ho will * nd I'lU'.JJ to lib iel low-sufteren. " . II. RLSVt S. 43 Cliutnun u. New York I Qsf OJIHIita W B When i MV i ura i or nut mean merely to .top tHem ( era a time and then hive them return again , I niesn a radi cal rare. I have randa the dlieme of UTS. " OTPALLINQBICKNJaS ! llf 10BB > tolJy. . remedy to cure the worst CAM * , llocauio others nava blled U uo renwn for not now receiving n care , tMMCI VDM for n trentlia ana Proa Hottlo of my Ittmnlx MuiMy. airo Eipres * anil Test Omco. It * * 'JIR for a trlul. snit I vflll rtire yu . Sddriise Dr. U. U. HOOT. Hirei The use of the term " Hhor Lino" In connection with tht SHORTS corporate name of n roat road , : conveys an Idea of tut what I IKIsT required by the traveling pub' I I HI L Uo Snort ' 'lno' 4ulck "mi I I i and the bast of uixouimoda- nsillViVsil tlons all ot which are furn ished by the greatest railway in America , CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE And St. Paul. It owns and operates over 4,600 miles of Northern Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa Dakota ; and as U main linen , branched andoonoec tlons roach all the great business centres of thi Northwest and Far West , It naturally answers tb. description of Short Line , and Bent Route between i Chicago , illlwaukuD , Ht , Taut and Minneapolis. HfChlcaifuMilwaukee , La Crosoeand WInona. i Chicago , Mllwauked , Aberdeen and KlloncUU Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Claire and BUllwater' Chicago , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill. Chicago , Milwaukee , Beaver Dam and Oshkosh. Chicago , Milwaukee , Wnukesha and Ooonomowoa Clilcaifo , Milwaukee , Madison and Fralrledu Chteo Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Falribault. Chicago , Holuit Janesvl'le ' and Mineral Point. * Chl&ign , KlL'ln , llockford and Dubuque. Chicago , Clinton , Rock Island and Cedar Rapl4s. Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha. Chicago. Slonx City , gloux Falls and Yankton Cbicairo , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain. Rock Island , Dubuque , St. Paul and Minneapolis Pavounort , Calmar , St. i'aul and Mlaneapolij. ruHman Sleepers and the Finuit DlulnCan In world are run on tlio mainlines of the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & 8T. PAUL nAlLWA'V and every attention u paid to plumpers by courti ous employe * ot the corojxuiy. i 1IEUKIIA A. V. H. OARPENTEK , Oeiil Manager. Gcnl Paw Azoo 4 CtAIlK , CEO U. Ouu'l itap INDIAN LIFE. he "Loyc Paint" ani Marriage of the Nez Forces , n liicltlont of President HitO.H' Visit Mtinw | and I'unpooso l'li > Divss , lUo. an I'rviclsco Uill. In their domestic lifo Iho Noz Percoa ndinns live in tonU made of poles and ovcrcd with cloth or buffalo robes. The outs arojoft open at the top , nnd ns the re is built in the centre the nmoko nat- rally goes out at the top. At night each idividual wraps his blanket around him nd lies down on the bare ground , with- ut any other covering. Bll their wealth pnsiata of horses , nnd they take rank so- ially nnd finnncinlly from the number nd grade of thoirhorscs. These ponies , s they are usually dubbed , nro n cross lotwecu the Mexican mustang nnd the Canadian pony , haying the endurance of no and _ the docile disuosition of the thor , while in size they resemble both , 'hero nro still largo bands of them run- iinvild in some portions of Idaho and Vashington territories. All those Indl- MIS are line riders , nnd men , women nnd hildreii , spend a great portion of heir time on horseback. 'Iho men iavo saddles made of wood nnd covered with buckskin , with a straight narrow aat of uniform size , nnd two high pom- nels , ono in front nnd the other behind , ' 'rom the top of each of those pommels n suspended n picco of buckskin covered olidly with beads. Thcso nro ornaments , ind are shnpod with iv letter V inverted , n travelling the women and children carry all the household effects. The men laving supreme ccntcmpt for a hoe han dle and its uses , are also too dignified to carry bundles. The women with charao- eristic meekness , accept nil the luggage , and may bo neon sitting sublimely nstrido of nn innumerable collection of household _ ood3 nnd miscellaneous possessionsthoir lirty bandanna handkerchiefs tied close y over their heads , nnd the extreme loint , as it is folded throo-cornorod , joins flip , flip , flip , as they ride in the novitablo dog trot The children are nil mounted , except infants , who are tied m a bonrd nnd carried by their mothers ugh above the clatter nnd commotion of the pots and cans and _ other : ) haraphornalia , ns . they come u sudden and unexpected contact I have soon little children nol nero than eighteen months old , tied on n tiorso astride , with sacks of flour or roll blankets on each side of them , their little bare heads bobbin ? up and down ii the hot sun , and their noses invuriabb needing to bo wiped ! All the lees horses , and those with small children 01 them , are driven by the women. Severn yards behind this caravan of women nru children como the men , without nn ; bundles , the ornaments of their saddle dangling in the air. Their faces ar painted a bright rod , and the chicken hawk feathers in their hatsand the whip made of the first joint of a dear's loj : with several holes bored in it , make up picture to bo soon frequently in the sum mer months , as they pass through th country/ between the different reservn tions. INVETE1UTK UEOOAllS. These Indians nro the most consum mate beggars I have over seen. Thos living on reservations go out in sma companies and work during the suramo months. The men dig potatoes and sa wood , and the women wash. Thcso pee pie are very indifferent workers , nnd on must possess their souls in patience i : order to make a bargain with thorn. I ; hiring a woman to wash I heard the fo' lowing pitiful story nnd give it ns a sam pie of many others : Ono morning , justa sunrise , _ I was preparing to light a fire and having occasion to go to the wood sued , I opened the kitchen door i found an Indian woman standing outside As early rising is habitual with thorn , . was not surprised at seeing her She looked at mo and grinned ( a Indian never smiles ) , and said : "Ca I wash for you ? " I replied in th adlrmativo. While I was showing ho the clothes she said : "I haven't any thini : to oat ; my husband is dead ; m children , are flick ; suppose you give m something. " By this time I had carefull laid out the wash and nsk her how muo she would charge to wash them for mo "Sitcum dolla" ( half dollar ) , said she. told her I would give her 25 cents , know ing how it would bo before the wnshin was done. She said : "No , " indignantly and turned the clothes all over and eai she didn't want to wash. I told her t go , and wont into thn houco and bogn preparing breakfast. In a few moment she opened llio door , nnd , bouing th boiler on the etovo lillud it with water A TltUJ , OF I'ATIHJiOE. When this wns done hhe wont nn loaned against the door-cising with he back toward mo , Baying nothing , bu giving nu occasional sniff that mean volumes. After she had breakfasted sh took the clothes nnd began washing The work progromcd until the ulothu were nil wet , when eho came In my roon nnd said she would not finish the wnshiu unless I would give her ono of my drcssci I offered her ono , but she discovered tha one of the Benraa was rippud , and throw it upon the floor and naid she would no have it. Then she told her pitiful story again. I finally succeeded in porsuadin her to take the dress , nnd the wnshin was resumed. By 10 o'clock she ap pcarod again , and said she was hungry While I was giving nor some food she repeated poatod the story. At 2 o'clock the wash ing was finished , and when I came to paj her uho had the handkerchief eh were on her head filled with apples , am the iikirt of the dress I had given ho nearly filled with potatoes she lind fouin in the washroom. She asked mo to giv her "those , " showing some decaying one at the toj ) , and saying they were nl "poor. " I gave them to her and thoi she wanted some Hour. This 1 refusoi her , nnd i ( i I wont into the house , th last words I heard were , "Nica wak muckamuckj" ( "I haven't anything t eat. " ) Although the Nez Forces ar great beggars , they seldom , if over , stea anything. I have seen them lift up sack of flour being weighed out to them to make it weigh light , nncl nftor it wn weighed press it down nt the top , nn ask for more ; but do not think they nr generally dishonest. IlKEHS. The first tnterchanRo bot-.voon stranp nations , or between the different races i almost invariably articles of wearin npparul , generally ornaments to begi with , but us the two peoples become mor familiar with each other , there follows nioro general exchange1 commodities This 13 true of civilized as well as barbar ous people , The first step taken b aboni-iiies toward civilization is castin off nil or n part of their peculiar dro nnd substituting it with modern dress As n rule the greater the change in dress the nearer the tastes nnd habits approac the civilised ; bunco the dress it ujuall n Index to individual development. The ndinns of this coast have nearly nil dig- udcd thois peculiar dress , nnd wi-nr old id now styled civilized dros * in n do- dodly Indian fn > hion. Among the oz PercM is seldom scon nn cntiro ndian costume. Sometimes , how- ver , ono is forcibly reminded of the mrody : I * ) , the poor Indian , who'o untutored mhul Venn nil liU clothes In front nnd none bo- Wnd. " By seeing a bravo with the traditional tripoi of blanket carefully wrapped rom the tup of the moccasin at the ankle o tlio waist , cnch limb with a dittorcnt olor. After these stripes nro taken rom the ends of the blnnkot , the reminder - minder is folded ncross the contro , nnd ith n piece of hair rope is tied around lie waist. Ono-hnlf is brought up over lie shoulder , and the remainder allowed ohang in closely gnthored folds in the aok. In front n bright colored shawl oos duty as n sort of npron , nnd is nlso impended from the wnist. The shirt worn s usually made from n piece of blanket. ? ho hair is worn long , except the foro- ock , which ia parted off on each aide and ut rnthor short. Over each oar nro lireo braids , with feathers or other orn. - louts. The back hair is braided in ono eng strand , nnd , usually has a fox or oyoto tail tied to the end of it. The ace , nock nnd parts in the hair are paint- d n bright rod. In the oars are worn luge earrings , while around the nock mid wnsta nro strands of wampum bonds in iiany colors. The women wear onia- nonta the same ns the men. and also have uoccasins. The otrips of bknkota worn lythcm extend only to thokneesandsorvo s hose. The dross is made short and vith long nock. The material is generally nd calico and is trimmed with strips of iluo or yellow , sometimes both. There ro only two scams in the dress , and hose nro under the arms. A picco of alice is wound nround the wnist for n olt. The sloovoa extend to the elbows nnd nro simply straight strips of cloth owed int9 the arm hole nnd loft open on op of the nrm. The women have their urms tattooed in various designs , nnd in .ddition . to the beads wear several narrow > raos bracelets of different sizes. The tair is parted from the forehead to the nape of the neck nnd braided in two trauds. A bright-colored bandana hand- corchief , folded three-cornered nnd put over the head nnd tied under the chin completes the costume. "LOVK TAINT" AND MAIUUAOI ; . When n young bravo has made up hi- mind to take a wife ho puts on his "lovos aint" nnd seeks the father of the object > f his affections for the purpose of buy- ng the girl for a wifo. The price paid [ or a clutchiman ( woman ) is an Ameri can horse or § 100 in coin. As a com promise for cither of the above com modities , throe Indian ponies are often substituted. The girl is not consulted in the matter , and , as n rule , has no idea for whom this love-paint is donned "Love-paint" is made by burning i species of clay , nnd is of n brownish rcc color. A streak of this paint is won across the forehead , n Inrgo round ape under each eye and another street acroa ; the chin. This paint is worn by th < bravo intending to buy a wife , nnd ns it i the first indication of tender feelings on his part , naturally creates quite a sensa tion among the women. After the trad is concluded , the young Indian buaie himself in preparing an illiheo ( tent ) fo himself nnd wife. At night the girl i told by her father that she is sold , and to whom. There nro no demonstration of ou either side ; the girl tjuiotly trilli up her few trinkets , moccasins , etc. , am goes alone to the brave's tent. Whil she stands at the door , the Indian fold a blanket and lays it down on the floor There is not a word opokon by eitho party , and as she enters the tent and sit down on the blanket she becomes hi wife , according to their customs. MIEHIDKNT UAYfi'S 11ECE1TIOX. One of the features of the rccoptioi given to President Hayes and partywhen they visited Walla Walla in 1880 , was procession of Indians from the Umatillr reservation. As soon as they hoard from the agent that the great chief was comin they made great preparations to go am sea him. All the Indian mon in Um section joined in the proocwion. The military at Walla Walla wna notified of tho'r ' intention , and a party of tialdiers was sent out to moot them. When llloy found the Indians they were marching two by two , the columns being headed by their war chief Ho carried n banner and flag combined , which was an undressed cowhide , with hieroglyphics on the raw side , painted in their favorite red. The polo was unusually long , from the ton of which hung the cow's tail. Its Indian bearer were an immense Hornbrero , pro fusely decorated with hawk feathers , bnt was otherwise entirely nude. The poor soldier * were in n dilemma , but finally succeeded in persuading the Indiiin to put on h a clothen. A foiv hours 1 iter hu wns presented to the prciidimt in koloum dignity , painted and druauud in the high- cu Indian style. FilONAE. W.UT. Disowned HerKatliiM- . Erie , N. Y. , Specinl : .A. sensational scene took place in tlio criminal court , just before adjournment , hist uvuning. Mrs. Ora Aknm , a nnatly dressed and demure little lady in her ICth yonr , ap. poarod before Judge Galbraith nnd prayed - ed to bo protected from the protection of her father , Robert Akam , nn opulent fanner , who had never seen her face until last Saturday. She naked the court to apnoint Mr , Frank Hulbort the guar dian of her person and estate. The prayer was nbout to be granted when a gentleman from Oorry arose and excitedly protested against such guardianship. Ilo said that the person selected by the young lady was her step father , a young man whom her thrice married mid twice divorced mother had wedded and loft a widower ; that the people plo of Corry were indignant at the younj ; man requiring the girl to live in the house alone with him , and at her refusal to ac cept the home with her own father. In support of the prayer for n guardian the court was informed that the girl was born when her mother was no longer her father's wife , she having boon divorced in the Erie court. Sh had married , re married , boon divorced again , nnd after uniting herself to young Hurlbort , she died. In all the sixteen years of Miss Akam's life , her father never soon her face , although ho lived in the adjoining township. Hearing of the talk about Hurlbert and his daughter , ho decided to go to Corry and claim her. The young lady mot him and repudiated his claims , stating that ho was a perfect stranger. Ho begged her to believe that lie washer own father , but ahe colly informed him that if such wns actually the fact , it would only increase her desire to bo rid of him , as o parent whs , living a few miles away , would allow sixteen years to pass without seeking to look upon the face of his chih\ \ forfeited all right to love nnd obedience , Judge Galbiuith refused to allow the pe tition. _ _ Hrown'H ISronuiiiul M'rooties will ro Have Bronchitis , Astlmn , Catiurb , CouHurup- tlve nnd Thrnnt DUiuxei. They are alaiyt i fi ( tcith yyxJl Htccai. THE STELLAH HEAVENS , lu > FuRlttona nl' the Viral Mnunltmlc Stars mid the Plunctn at tlio I'rOiontTlinc. To any one interested in the stellar orld ho present appearance of the icivvons , during the availing hours , is > oautiful beyond description , It is not often in a lifetime that so lany planets nnd stars of the first inng- itudo can bo soon at the same moment , ml in such close proximity to each thor. About 8 o'clock in the evening Venus is novoral degrees above the west- rn horizon , align from C.xstor to Pol- us in the constellation , the Twin * , nd eight or ten degrees further , a lit- o to the east of the zjnith is Jupiter , 10 largest of the planets , and , next to 'onus , the brightest object in the even- tig sky. About ten degrees northeast rom Jupiter in the constellation C.xncor , s the planet Mars , with its red light , shininc ; with a brilliancy equal to any of lie First magnitude stars. Saturn is near lie Pleiades , about half way between that > cautiful nnd interesting cluster , and the llyados , in'which the famous star Aide- jornn shines rcsplondant. Orion , the Brightest and grandest of the constolla- ions , appears a little to the south nnd nst of the zenith. Dotol ucmo , in the boulder of Orion , Procyon is Canis Miler - lor , and Sirius in Canis Major , stars of ho first magnitude , form a magnificent rianglo between Orion and Cancer , nnd ligolund _ Capolln , nlso stars of the first nagnitudo , ndd their glories to the grand lisplny. Polaris and ita ancient rival , Thuban , which , four thousand years ago , > ccupiod the position of the polo star , arc mghtly visible as lessor lights , but no ess renowned. IlotBlVml'H Aolil As a Brain Food , Du. S. F. NBVSCOMKR , OroonfioUl , O. , nrty : 'In uftsoi of Ronornl debility nnd torpor of the ulml nnd body , It Jooa exceedingly well. " 1'resuloiit Arthur'M Position. Wauhtnuton Special to the St. Louis Olob Demo crat , Up to this time President Arthur has remained silent regarding his own candi dacy for the nest nomination. Ho has jocn proDaed occasionally by his friends ind his supporters to ivo them some sign of his wishcn , and to suggest snmo ; ) lan upon vrhicli tlioy might inaugurate a boom for him with some show of autho rity nnd approval. The president has refused to consider the matter , adroitly turning aside with the remark that "if the people wanted him they would know where ho was to bo found. " Ho would invariably nay that the men will sot out to seek the presidency almost invariably fail. To-day , however , ho wont further , and explained to those who were pushing him to a declaration , that ho was very well satisfied the way matters were shaping themselves , and gave his reasons for refusing to allow his name to bo actively brought forward at this time , or indeed at any time before the convention , In the first there are throe prominent candidates Logan , Sherman and Elaine and each hud a very strong following. They would co into the convention with their full strength , and each had enough to prevent either from succeeding. There would bo a dead-lock between them. Now , the president feels assured that ho is the second choice of the majority of these followers. If ho should do as ho is urged , and enter actively into the contest as a Presidential candidate , ho would simply attract some of each man's strength and merely divide their chances into four in stead of three Consequently , Mr. Arthur prefers to hold what lie has , and occupy the undisputed ground of second choice , This would make such nomination a reasonable certainty , should such a con test arise as was precipitated in the last convention. Secondly , President Arthur desires an indorsement of his administration by the convention ; and this ondorsoinont is very dear to him , Ho regards it next to a ro- nominaUon. fo secure this , ho thinks it unadvisable to antagonize the Logan , Blaine nnd Sherman people by entering the lists against them , If ono of them should got the presidential plum hn would at least receive the cordial approbation of the convention , nnd his course would command the respect of the country , The president is thcraforo in the tiold in n negative WHV. The president hao boon assured by hid Now York frior. I that that ntnto , while it could not be'counted as solid for his nomin itipn would present n fair front for him. Ilia political opponents in Now York conceod that Arthur could carry th-j 6ato ( if nominated All that is ncc- < "iiary to secure the nomination for him is to ku > | > the hands of the oflico-holdera ou" , and to ( jo in ; i ith n , fair support from New York , awl a reasonable nsuranco dt ho ciin c rry it if ho secures the nomination , AVel Do Jloyor. It ! < now undisputed tlmtAVcl Io Woy- fir'H Gniiiii'li Care U the only treatment thiit will ubaolutnly euro Catarrh fresh or chronic. "Very elfiiucioua , Suml , Gould , Wcojilng Water , Neb. " Ono box cured mo , Mrs , Mury Kenyan , Jilnmnrk , Dakota. " "It restored mo to the pulpit , Kov , Goo. K. Koln. Coblovillo N. Y. " "Ono box radically cured m , Ilov. O. II. Taylor , J-JO Noble street , Urooklyn. " "A perfect euro after HO yonra uulTorli-g J. D. McDonald , 710 llroadway , N. Y , , &C.&C. Tliousiuulu of testimonials nru received ( rom all tmrts of the world. Deliv ered , 81.00. Dr. Wei Do Meyer's Illumra- ted i'reiulsc , " wisIiHtatomoiitfl by the cmcd innilod froo. D. II. Dewey & Co , , 182 Fulton utroot , N , Y , tuoB-thiint ut-iiiite-3m How anil "VVliut. Currcupondouco Colorado 1'nrincr. The manner in which we often sou trooB hacked and cut , with long stubs lo/t at the bsso of the branches cut oil' , and strips of bark pooled down from the place where they were removed , indi cates a lack of intelligence or cure , or both , on the part of the operator. The man who han the care of ah orchard from the start can give no valid excuse for having badly shaped trees , go far as pruning can control them. A fruiter should bo able , as he stands by his young tree , to look into his future and mentally BOO that tree when grown to largo size , and to judge of the effect that every branch ho leaves on it will have on the shape and balance of the head. Every limb not needed to complete the symmetry and balance of the hood should bo rubbed off with the hand as soon as it appears. A forked tree should not bo Buffered to livo. It is an ituuflbrablo nuisance if ono branch cannot bo cut off and the other used for the stem of the tree , then lot both bo removed nnd a vigorous sprout bo selected from thoio that start and trained for a trunk forming a head at the proper height. But trees are often required to bo ) pruned after having reached a co idow- bio size. _ tn that case two or throe i pncrnl principles should bo kept in viow. One is that n perfect balance should always bo maintained in number , weight and extent of the branches over the base of the trunk of the tree. An other is that the center of the head should always bo kept open and free to access of both nir and sunlight. Fruit that grows entirely in the shade is neither so highly colored norse so finely flavored as that which liar had the benefit of tli.i sun light. In pruning n largo tree the operator rater should begin nt the center nnd prune outward. All branches not needed to makn n well-balanced ho-ul , with branches evenly distributed , must o. The branches loft should bo so far npart that oven when grown largo they may not interfere by rubbing oi chalUig. The style of growth of n tree is to be taken into account in pruning , no that the shape of the tree may bo properly regu lated and controlled. If the tree is a spreading grower , the lower and outside branches should bo cut in preference to the upper or inside branches ; but if it lie n very upright grower , then the reverse course is to be followed. Wherever gaps or vacancies occur , the surrounding branches may bo cut back to buds or branches pointing in the direction of such vacancy. By giv ing attention to these principles , it is not difficult to so control the form of the tree ns to have n well-balanced , shapely tree that will carry heavy crops without the danger of splitting to pieces or tunv bling out by the roots , ns is too frequent ly the case with ill-shaped nnd badly' balanced trow. Noliranka Monnonltcn. Chicago Horftld. "Can farmers out in Nebraska make any money } " I inquired of n returning visitor to the west. "Well , some of thorn can , " ho replied. "Now , there's the Monnonitcn you know they are from the eouthorn part of Russia. They come over here in droves to escape military service in the Uussian tinny , which is contrary to their religion. They fill up a good sharu of two or three counties , and though they had to buy their farms instead of homesteading 'em , they are getting rich. They nru hard workers , and good farm ers ; and when it comes to economy they are right there early and late. What can't bo sold ou * their farms they food to the pigs , nnd what the pigs won't eat they cat themselves. I know n family ol father , mother , five children and one grown relative , eight of 'em in all , and their grocery bill doesn't nvorago DO cents a week. And why should it ? They don' use sugar , nor tea , nor baking powder nor anything of that kind. They make their own butter , and use browned barlo } for colfeo. They go to bed nightly sooi nftor sun-down to save oil , and never bu ] any coal , but make the children carr ; in corn-stalks nnd ouch things to burn Everything they buy harness , tools lumber , etc , is bought at wholesale ii Chicago and then parceled out around n cost. Most of the time they ship the ! grain to Chicago themselves. Oh , the > know how to look out for the pennies Why , with my own eyes I saw the thre of 'em go into n saloon in n little towi called Sutton ; ono called for whiskey nnd laid down 10 cents. lie filled tin glass to the top nnd drank nbout n thin of it himself. Then another Ilussini stopped up nnd got away with half of th romaindornnd the third ono finished it What occurred next ? Well , the saloon keeper just kicked 'urn out the fron door. " toFiul Out " \Vlmt. K\crj botlj Kno\\H. Now York KvenlnK Post , The inquiry is really , nftor all , only nn attempt to ascertain whether they really murder n man in Mississippi because they did not like his politics. We fool bound to say tlm } it is ridiculous to send down n committee of congress to find this out It is notorius tllnt murder is very common in'Mississlppland that they murder there without regard to race , color or creed , and murder for all sorts of reasons , from u dispute nlout n glass of milk up to a dispute nbout the immortality of the soul ; and murder in all sorts of places , fiuldfl , dwelling-houses , taverns , churches , nnd schools ; nnd with nil sorts of weapons , shotguns , rifles , pistols , knivof , hoes , spades , pickaxes , nnd pokers. Who traiit glossy , luxuriant ; nnd vmvy tresses of abnndimt , beautiful Hair must user ICON'S KATUAIItON. Tuitf decant , cheap articlealyrayg makes tlio Jlo'r crow freely and last , Iccep.s it from falling , out , nrrcsls and euros gray- ; pcfls , removes dandruff and- i'tiling ' , makes the Ilnir fiiJong , giving it a curling tendency and keeping it in nv/y desired position. Beau- tjfiil , healthy Hair is tlio sure result of using Kutualroit H , K , BTJBKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBAUER , 111 North 19th Street , Ouuh * , DREXEL & MAUL , anOOE830Ilfl TO JOHN 0. JACOBS ) UNDERTAKERS , at the old stand 1417 Fsrnam stre < L Ord by UI. rirrauh solloltnn ' | ) ro iptly attide < l fo. R. RISDON , t REPRESENTS ) phcsrdx ABSuraooo Ca , ol touifon , Oath * . , . . . . , . , , teHcsttr.N Y. , Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . ,000,000.0 * * > kferchants , of Newt k , N 3 , Capitol lnB,000.00 dlrard Fits. Pl-Uadelphta , Capital , . . . 1.2CO X .Oo iFlreiaon't Fund. Capita ! . . . . . . , . , . . , l.t29J16.0C I OFFfCaH'ui 1R nuu.ii. .NiUona Raik Uullil l T 1-fliur.e.So SU -'M U > ARK'M TRAOB K ARK n IIRIIAT MW- JB MARK n lUvuni , An nnfalllng cure for HeinlnM Weak- nc , SpormntoTr- \\trM \ , linpotoncy , and all IHnavn ) th\t follow an ft dontn AFTER TAKINC. n tlio n.vk , Dlmncm of VMIon , Promiturn Old AK nd .tuny otlicrillsovH.1 that lead to I nun It y or Con- unptlon and n Pnnutur Ori\\f. UnwARn of fulrertUcmcnts to relnnd money , when iffKUt f rom tt horn the meillctnv l bought tin not und , lint refer ) on to Uio manufacturer ) , and the cqulrcmrnts ara Mich that they are tflitom , ( f ever. implied n Ith. HcothclrurlttcnRiiamntM , A trial ! oiio ittnglo paekago of ( I ray's HpootQc will eon > inca te most kcptlrnl of IU ) teal merit * . On aooount of conntciroltcn , no ha < o adopted the clliiw Wrapper ; the only genuine. ( VFull iMtrtlouhra In OUT pamphlet , which wnlo- ro to fciui free by mall to every one. fjTThB Bpo- iflo Mcillolno It nold by all driigglit * at 81 perpack- KC. or nix | cV Tc < tor ) , or nlll bo Kent trro by tall on the receipt of the money , by aildrciwlng THK GRAY MKDIC1NKCO. , lluHnlo , N. Y. Mil In Omaha by 0. F. Goodman. jy 10tufa Patent Dried Fruit Lifter. AS USEFUL NO DEALER IN A IN GROCERY Groceries STOKE CAX AFroill ) TO n n AS A rAUl OV COUNTKR SCALES.1' Wltliout It. .C.CLARK. SOLE PROPRIETOR. Analynl-1 by Dr. A. Voclckcr. V. II. R , Con- RUltliiR C'licinlst , lioyol Agrtcuiturnl Hoclotj- , KiiL'lanil , Btinna only a tntco ot lUtrntca in llliickwcll'H Hull llurlmm Tobacco. The BOH ot tlin ( lolilun Doltot Nortli Cnrollnn , In which thin tobacco la grown , tion'tBiipnlynltrntcHto thoU'nr. That is tlio Bccrct of iw Uollcloua mlldncta. NotUlnK no pure anil luxurious tor Hinokliiir. Don't forget Uiounxnd. Nonogcn- ulnu without the tradoiuarl ; ot tuo llulL All Ucalcra luiro It. It.Wicn Wicn fcllno concerts drtvoaway nlwp.your Iwat Holaco U found In ] llar > uctrilull r > ur , Auin Smoking James Medical Instituta Chartered by tlicStateof Illi nois for thecxpresa purpose OfclVlnElmmedlato rellelln all chronicimrmrynnd prl- veM dttcaees. Oonorrhcea , ( J. < ft ndSyphills In all their CQKiR.'ICAtcd forms , nlso oil distance of tha Skin and Blood promptly relieved and permanentlycured by reme- diestestedln t FurluVcnrt HliertaU'rarHce. Seminal Weakness , NiRht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on the Fnce.Lost ManhoodfiosfMec/i/rum/ lsnorxcHmr > i < l > i < 7. The appropriate remedy 13 at once used In each case. Consultations , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines aent by Mall and ExpresH , Mo marks on package to Indicate contcntu or sender. Address On.JAIVlESHo.204WashlnotonGl.ClilcaflOljl. IN HOT WATER , toe toN o Sick Headache re N H c a < * Cured ! > 3 > aH o $ H * O IN ' ' ' THK HIIORI'F-sl' - l'OSSIWE H | 44 TIMK RV Tllia AailUEABLK , 44O y POTENT , WUr.L.lRliiRK3I : KDV TAICI2S' . A TKR. IMPROVED SOFT ELASTIC SECTION r } warranted to wear longer , ill jtne forrn ne U r , and ulro MOTIIHOIIln. JONhl-JI ACC. . kunutacluririi , 81U < S ill J Uttuuuli > iriit.rciilcairo , LKOMANN. OMAHA Stove Repair Works , 109 South 14th St. tfako ipeclalty of furnishing outings and repalr- inic > tuvi > uf all noMrlptlon , wood stoves , changed tel l > urn ooal , ratcf , tiroliaok , dampers , &n oonsUntl ; ! on hand. Try one o our steve V"ii rtve ) | and lotnuii drvnr. m DRJORNE'S ELECTRIC BELT Wl 11 cu ro Nervouu m'i K , ruiiibatfn.UhfuiiiialMii.rur it ) > tif. lll llKlA | iScliitlift , KlUntr , Uiiliut miJ Lhtr " " * * * 1UA tllvHri , ComI * iiatlou. n < ilu.'Catsrrli , J'llix , Fi"ifrMiy | , Iiniwlincy , UuinliAituv. l'rulawu | < UU-rl , ija only nclciitmo We o. irliilkltln .Mnurlui Hint wmlilhuKUrlrklty und iiinir- lu lUni tin uiiuli Iliv body. And cut ) be rwlmrifi'il lu an m rtwit by tilt * imtlrnt. CSI.OOO Would Not Buy It. _ _ _ DR. HOUSK I wai a Ictod with rheumatUrn an cured by tiling a belt. To anyone allllcfed * lth that disease , I would y , buy Homo's Eluctrlo Belt Any one can confer with ino by writing or calllcK at my store , 1 liU Douglas street , Omaha Neb. WILLIAM LYONS. MAIN OFWCK-Oi'i'Culte ' postolllco , room 4 Fren lui Mock , fir for rale at C. Y. Goodman' * Drug store , 1110 Farnam Ht. . Omalia. Crden 11111 U O 0. DUFREIIE ( MEhHELIOHH , W tj(9-RKSIOVF.D'10 OMAHA NATIONAL THE MEROHAKTS O3 ? Authorized Capital , - $1,000,000 Pniil-up Capital , - - 100,000. Siu-plua Fund , - - - 70,000. HANK1KO OFFICK I If. W. Cor , Farnam ana 13th St. OFFICFRS : FRAVH Jtnnrur , rronMcnt. I SAM LB. Rofltna , V-Pres. Uiw. 0. WOOD , Cashier. | tornm Diana , A. Cash DIRECTORS : Frank Murphy. Samuel K. Roger * , Bon. B.Wood , viulcsC. Iloutel , Alt. J ) . Jones , Luther Drnko. Transact A General Bunking Business. All who lava any UMiklnR Imnlncn t trantoct &m Invited to .11. Nomattfr nowlarira or mnall the transaction , will rocclro our careful attention , and we promise .ways courteoiu treatment. V.iw particular attention to biislnow for parties rsldlna outside the cltjr. Kxohangd oil all the prln > inl cltloi of the United BtAton at very lowest rate * . Accounts of Uiuika anil Bankers rscclvcd on favor- ilo terms. IMUM Cortlfleato of Deposit bearing 6 per cent itcrest. lujntinit Belli Foreign Kxehange , Ctmnty , City d Government MeurltliM. Dr. . Amelia Burroughs , . OFKIOK AND KK3IDKNC1 : , 1617 St. - Omaha Dodge . , , Tr.t.KI'HONE No Hi. Ofllcn Hour * Vmup to IQn. m. nndS to B | i. m. BE. ANNA BENSON , ! il AND CHILDREN. Oinco 218 North 10th Street. llosUonce South 17 itid Centre Btroota t ? . DR , M. EMILY PAGELSEN , Dfflcr > No , 210 N , Sixteenth Street , nOURS , 9 TO 12 A. M. llcsltlcnco Cor. Contro nmllTtliSta. , OMAHA. NEB. John D. Peabody , M. D. PHYSICIAN & SUKGEON. OFFIOK 1100US , 3 and B l&OI KAENA1L ) l tlonn | 714 Dntiflwt Btrtok P. SCHEUEBMANNM U&2UTJUI Homeopathic Physician. SPECIALIST OF WOITUN , CHILDREN & CHRONIC DISEASES. Houra-At Residence , No. 14438. 10th Street , till 10 ft. m. , nnd after a p. in. Hours At ottlce , No. 103 and 105 8. 1 6th St. Hoom 7 , from 10 n. ra. , to 3p.m. The Tape worm will bo rumovcU , without ilftunr. In tJmn of from S to 3 hour * JAS. BECKETT , M. D. Physician & Surgeon , ( LATE OF NEW YORK CITY. ) Residence 1404 North ISth Btreot , Cor. of Clark. Ofllco Hours 8 to 10 ft. m. , 1 to 3 p. m. and S to 7 p. m. _ Pioneer Drug Store ! H. K. COR. MTU AND JONU3 SIS. DR. F. S LEWIS ' . . , - Prop'r , AQENT FOR Ohio Oil Co.'s West Virginia , Cylinder otlinr Oil * , cnrmtantly nn Imnd. E , A. KELLEY , M , D. C. A. WILSON M. D. . . , . . , Physii and Surgeons L OFFICES-BOYD'S OPF.RA HOUSE. IE ) , S , I , MATTICE , InduaU of McOlU University , Itout cal , and [ loyal Oolloge of rhjuldann , London , Eng. Late London and Edinburgh general hoipltala , of London Throat Hospital and UubUn Hospital tor * omen. Office oppcwlto P. O. 16th street. Residence 2324 3t llarv'B avenue. Hours 0 to 11 a. ui. , x to 3 and to 8 Ik m. OftlrT il iihonoMA _ UNITED STATES OMAHA , Capital , - 55100,000.00 O. W. HAMILTON , Pros't. S. S. CALDWELL , V. Proo't. M. T. QARLOW. Cash lor , DIRECTORS : S. S. OALDWilt/ B. P. 0. vr. HAMILTON , At T. 0. WILL Accounts solloltod and kept sub loot to sight chock. Oortlfloatoa of Deposit Isouod pay able In 3,0 and 12 months , honrlng- Interest , or on demand without In- toroot. Advancoa made to oustomorson approved socuritlos at mnrKot rate of intorost. The Interests of Oustomoro are closely guarded and every facility compatible with principles of sound banking freely extended. Draw sight drafts on Englandre- ! land , Scotland , and all parts of Eu rope. Sail European Passa " Tlcketu C. > ln.iions : Promptly Maae. WAITE , M. D. n _ ( Formerly ol Mercy lloipltal , Chicago ) IS J ? o oia. For the treatment of Nervous Diseases , Chronlo an Surgical PIsuatcK , and Diseases of toe Ejt taut Kar. Consultation and exainiuatlon free. OFFICE Odd Follow a Block , N , W , cor. liih to * DodgaSts.OmahA , Neb. OlHcehours p to 12 a. m iiil7 to Ham. Bum'avs 10 to 12 a. in. only. F.B. YOUNGHDSBAND , 1503 Varraui Street , room 3,0inaha , Neb. Collections solicited Monthly or otherwise ; both la city and country , and on all lines of lUUroads. Se curity procured for debts not promptly { aid. Books kept and balanced weekly and monthly. A Rineral udltlnz business done. CommUuions c ( all Unas rutnptlj sttouacd to. U B N. U ok vi'l > H * o eferenauuhcn. MCCARTHY & BUBKB , UNDERTAKERS ) 818 UTll STREET , BJKT. ' NTi