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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1884)
* * HBi 1 m3PpMv-r , | , . . rj * * * * " * * * 4t THE DAILY BEE OMAHA , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 21 , 1884. 3 I h ' i Council Bluffs LOD.'A and Trust Company. First Mortgage Loans Nfftuttatcd Commercial rupor and all ( load. Securities dcilt In. 89 Pcatl ttroa , and i 0 llrst a nuc , I'ouncU lllufh. FINANCE AHD COMMERCE , KINANOIAli Money Knsy nt 1J@2 per cent , closed ol * t rcd nt 1J per cent. Prime Paper l fij per cent , Kxclmngo Iltlls-Strong at 4 SO ; demand , 1 891. Governments Firm/ Stocks -Firm. The result of to-tiny'a trad ing w M tlmt out of thirty-two lending active twenty-eight clotctl higher than last Of thcto six wcro 1 per cent nnd over hilt * . Thcro vvui upcciftl activity In Union Pacific nnd St. Paul. The J'ott ' nndo'Ktamls tlmt the assistant treasurer of the United States hns addressed the clo.iting house asso- elation inquiring the probable effect of the government pnj ing its clearing homo bal ances in silver in cnso it ( the government ) should bo forced to do BO , nnd that subject is now under advisement. It miy bo romoui- bo ti that shortly before specie payments were resumed , the ) i.Hor part of 1878 , the clearing house paf ed resolutions making nil balances between bhnks payable In gold or legal tender note * , only except under special contract when silver might ho received , The sub-treasury became n member of the clearing tbuso under this rule and it requires thirty da } s notice to chntigo the rulo. UUOrUMi 8 a UO Iji's Coupons 1H ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' pacific Vs oY 'Vs. . . . . . . . . . . . ! . . ! . ! ! isa" BTOOKa AND DO.NUH , American iCxpro ? * ill ) 3url , , Cedar Hapids & Northern 75 Central Pauittc (12 ( Chicago & Alton 134J do do iifcl 1-45 Chi. , Burl. & Quincy 127i Erlo 20 do pfd GO Fort Wnyno & Chicago 131 ! Hannibal & St. Joseph 38 do do do pfd * 88 Illinois Central 133 Ind. , Bloom. & Western 17 Kansas & Toxaa 2lij Lake Shore & Michigan So lOIlf Michigan Central 93 Minneapolis & St. Louis 17 do do do pfd 34 MlssouiiPaclfic < j3j NMthorn Pacific 21 } do do pfJ , 47 N irthwostorn 121 do pfd 140J Naw York Central 117 Onio& Mississippi 21J do do pfd 90 Peoria , D c.vtur Jc JJvansvillo 15 lloclv Inland 124\ \ St. Paid & Milwaukee 92 , do do do pfd 117 St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba 93i St. Paul & Omaha 32i do do pfd. 91 Toim Pacific. . 2ft , "Uuion Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 "Wabasb , St. L. & Pacific. . . . / do do do pfd. L'8 f Western Union Telegrapn. . . * Asked. QUA IN ANJU ntO VISIONS. anioAoo FBODUOK. CniCjtoo , February 20.IHour Qniet ; un changed ; peed ; to choice winter wheat flour , } 00@5 83 ; spring. 4 00@4 CO ; Minnesota ba ker's. 4 oO@n 25. Wheat Regular , fairly active , unsettled and lower ; opened easy , declined j5@lc , rallied Jc , then tiecanio easy , and closed Igc under yesterdayj'O-WffiOSo for cash ; 9.'ic tor Febru- iry ; 92icfor Alarth ; 836' J3Jc for A-pril ; OKJo "or May ; 1 OOJ for June ; No. 2 Bprinp 92J@ )3c ) : Xo. 4 ! spring 82@834c ; No. 2 rod winter , j ( ll@l 02. Corn Good speculative business ; lower ; jpened { j@ < fa lower , rallied 3o , became \\eak , and closed jjc under yobterday ; 53J@53c for ish ; 52Jc for February ; 53J@C3 c for March ; 53c for April ; fiSJ@5JJgc tor May ; 5SJe for iTuno ; ( i jfc for July ; rejected , 43c. Oats Dull and easy : 32V@33c for cash ; 324c 'or February ; 32j@82Rc for March ; S22c for Ipril ; 3Ci@30.ic for May. llyo Dull at 08c. Barley Dull at C2@G3c. Fjax Seed Nominal at 1 51 on track. Timothy Steady ; good to choice , 1 24J@ P30 ; Rood prime sned , 1 25@1 20. Moss Pork Fair trade ; opened 10@15c ver , receded 124@15o , additional , rallied 25 30c , receded 10@15c. and Closed steady ot i 30@17 Sofor caah ; 17 3017 SL'Hor Feb. ruiry and March ; 17 401742V for April ; 17 5.'i@17 55 for May ; 17 < 15 ( ) I7 C7J for Juno. tf ! Lard ( J'liot and nominally unchanged ; 9 D5 @ 9 fi7A for cash , February atid March ; 9 G5fS ) 11 07i for Anril ; 1) 75@9 77i for May ; S ) 80 @ 9 b2J for Juno. Uoxed MoiU In fair demand ; shoulders , 7 35 ; Bhort rlbg. 9 05 ; nliort clear , 9 5C. Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 23@31c : rtairy , 2025c. Egg * 2t@22c. Whisky Higher ; 1 17. CAT.I. BoAMi ) . Wheat , sales , 1,750,000 , bush els , at Je lower to c higher. Corn -Sales , 3-15,000 bushels , ntJo lower. Oati Jo lower to Jc higher. 1'ork Sales , r > ,7fX ) barrels , unchanffod. vrd Sales , 275tiorcos , at 5c lower to 2fa or. ha board of trade and call board will ihold , j Reunion on Friday ( Woshington'B birthday ) , and the banks will aUo close. i NKW YOEK. NEW YORK , F-ebruary 20. 031001(11 ( firmly held ; optiaua o ( > cned strong and ad- vanood 4@ ci but declined 2@ljo , closing ibaroly steady ; ungraded red , 87cail 22 ; No. 3 red , 1 Oltf ; No. Urid , 1 10J@1 UJc. Corn Cash hinder ; options opened 'better but decllnod Wic closing dull and lieiwy ; ungraded , SJ@Mic ( ; No. 2 , 02i@CSo. Outs J@lo lower ; tni ed western , J0@ -J2r ; ivhito. 4l@4Gc. s Western fresh .dull and lower at JMiJ " ork Dull ; new uiew , 1775. Lard Steady ; prime BtoJin , 9 90. Butter -Dull. 1ULT1UOHE. UALTIMOHR , February 'JO. Wheat SteaJy but etailng dull ; No. 2 wlutcr red and cash , Oora lirmerand dull ; to/iod cash , C1J ® ' llVKKt-OOL. February 20. J3roadstuffs Dull. Dull.Wheat Wheat Winter , 8s 2d@ 5dflDriuc. 7u lOd 1.2'I Corn Jfew , Bs 2d. KANHAS CITV. KANSAS OtTT , February 20 , Wheat Weak ! KIJo bid for cash ; 85ic for Jfiuci ; 88JO for May , Corn Lower : 41i'o bid fur caKt ; 43o foi April ; 45l@451o for May. Oats Steady at 30\c bid. illLWADKKE. MlLWAOKiUB. February 20. Wheat Dull , No. 2 93Jcj February , IL'flo ; Warcb , I)2gc , May , ( WJ. Corn Dull nnj nominal ; No , 2 , We. Oats Scnrca aivl wanted ; ' No , 2 , SliJc , Itye-FirnijNo , 2,69ie. ilarleyStoudy aud in fair demand ; No , 2 OIKOJKNATI. Vobruarir 20. Wheat-Scarce ml firm ; N . 2 red , 1 ( Ml@l 07. Corn Quiet ; mixed , tt'to. Oata ulet ; N . 2 mixed 39c. Rye.rong ; No. 2 , . 7Io. PorV Caller ; mess. 17 75. Lard V eaker ; 9 tfS&'J 40. Bulk nats Ciulet and unchanged. Whii Active , firm and higher at 1 1C. TOLEDO , Tour February 0. Wheat-Dull ; No. ' . rad cat I 00i@l 05. Corailet ; No. 2 cash and February , W } 0&t < Dull ; No , 2 cash nnd Tcbruary , 3Cc aekcd. TKontA rnonucr l EoniA , IVoruary 20. Corn Stoadv ; now mixed , 4SCS ISic ; rejcctods 4 ( We. Oats Steady ; now No. 1 ! white. &SiJ ( > Sle. Whhky Finn nud hifihor at $1 17. ST. LOUIS riiont'CK. ST. Ix > Cl % February SiX-Wlient Dull ) N . ' - ' rod , 10CS@1 11 ( or cult , 108 ( or March. 1 10i ( or MayNo. ; 3 rod , 9ic. ! Corn Uonorally lower ; t > 03@r > OJa ( or cash , EOJ@50je ( or February , S'JJc ( or Mny. O U- Slow ; 3lj@Mlo ) tor cash ; 33Jo ( erA A ) > ril , 3f > ilo ( or May. IJarloy Uiiclmnged. lluttor llniyj croauiory , ,1031c ; dairy , 20 @ 37o. l frgs 18c. liny Firmer ; prairie , S8 6010 fiO ; iim- othy , 810 OOWlfi 00. ] JranAt 81@8ac. Corn Meal At 2 02. DoAitn. Wheat ( Julctj 1 07J ; March , 1 105 . Corn HlRlicr ; f)03 ( or February , 51. } ( or March , GUKVilIi'Jga ( or May. Oats Lower ; SJjo ( or April , 3fljo ( or M'ay. STOCK. LIVE STOCK. Giltc.vno , February 20. The Drovers' .Tour- tal ropoitfl this atcrnoon IM ( ollovvn ; llnga M arket dull , nnd 10H15o ( lower ; rough packing , 0 10@U 85 ; packing imd ship ping , 085@7 ; Itfiht , 0 25(0,0 ( 85 ; ( .kips , 451) ( 0 20 ; 20,000 unsold. Cattle Market active and drone ; ex- > ortx , C 5Ujy" ( 30 ; good to choice shipping , > UOfcG 40 ; common to mpdium , 5 20 < y,5 SO ; ncrior to ( air cows , 250@100 ; medium to peed , 4 25@4 75 ; Btockors , 3 75@4 90 ; ccilorR , 500@540. Sheep M arkot gtondy ; inferior to ( air , 3 25 ( p14 50 per cut ; inciHuin to good , I 755 50 ; choice to extra , 5 40@i ( 10. KANSAS CITV LIVK 8TOBK. KANSAS CITV , February 20. The Doily In- licator reports ! Cattle Common weak nud lower ; Rood Btoady ; natives , 5 0(5 ( 32J ; feeders , 1 75@ C 00 ; cows , 3 40@4 3K Hogs Market weak , BlowandlO@15clonor at G 40@0 75. Sheep- Steady ; u-vtlvos dull. 8T. LOUIS LIVK STOCK. Sr. T.OUia , February 20. Cattle In ( air loumml and generally steady ; good grade * inn ; exporters , 0 25@C 75 ; good to choice 5 75@0 25 ; ( air to medium , 5 00@5 50 ; com- uon , 4 504 75 ; com ( od To\ana , 5 00@5 70 ; atockora nnd feeders , 3 75@5 26. Sheep Good grades firm ; common dull ; ancy , 5 50@0 00 ; good to choice , 4 50@5 23 ; common to medium , 3 00I 25. XKAVF1O. rtoou AND a RAIN. OuiOAdO , February 20. Koceipti and shlp- monta of flour and grain ( or the post 24 hours mvo been as follows : Roceipta. 8hip'ta. i"lour , bbls 22,000 8,000 Wheat , bushels 29,000 15.000 Corn , bushela 242,000 120,000 ) ata , bushels 124,000 03,000 lye , bushels 7,000 19,000 Barley , bushels (29,000 ( 191,000 NEW YOBK , February 20. llocolpts nnd hipmontso ( flour and grain for the past 21 hours lave been oa follows : Receipts SUp'ta. Wheat , bushels 1,000 10,000 2orn , bushels 30.0CO 32,000 Oats , busliols 30,000 1,300 LIVE STOCK. ClIlOAQO , February 20. Receipt * and ship- mcntE of live stock for the past 24 hours have > eon as foil OWE ; Rocoipta. Bhip'ta. Cattle 5,500 Hojw 4,000 Sheep 5,300 KANSAS CITT , February 20. Receipts and shipments of live stock for the past 24 hours Live been oa follows : Rocoipta. Ship'ta. Cattle 1,400 Hogs 1,500 Sheep 3,500 ST. Louis.February 20. Receipts nd ship- uiouts of live stock for the post 24 turara have loou as follows : Receipts. Sklp'ti. Cattle l.GOU tCOO Sheep 3.100 tt.OOO OMAHA. MARKETS. Wholesale JL'ricea , Omoc or THE OMAHA BKE. I Wednesday Evening , Febracw 0. J The following prices are charged retailers jy jobbers , wholesalers and commiooion mer chants , with the exception of ipr te , which Is juotod at the prices furnished by the elevators end other local buyers : * Grain. WHEAT Cash No. 2. 755)7ill' ) ( ! . BABLKT Cosh No. 2 , 48@5Je. RYE Cosh No. 8 , 44c. COEN No. 2 , 40Jc. OATS No. 2. 22c. lllTO StOClC. KAT STEERS 1 r > orar , oo. WAT Cows 3 OOO4 00. Hoes C 00 ( 0 hO. SHEKP 3 50' < J4 00. OALVES-O 00@i ( CO. Flour and Mlllfttnt'a. WiNTErt WHEAT Best nuoHty. .patoAt/at 825@340. BEOOND QnALrry 2 753 ( 25. SPKINO WHEAT Bent nualKn , .patent. S25@3,10. SEOONU QoAMTt 2 B0@3 25. BnAN 05o per cwt. CHOPPED FEED Per 100 Ibo. 8fc. iGoKj M EAL 100@110 per ewt BOUEKHINQ < 55@75o per cwt General Produce. BOTTBII Fancy creamery. 3S < § B5c ; cold storofio creamery , 25@27c ; choice dairy , 20 @ )24o'be ) ; t country , nolld packed , 1215cj best country , roll , 10@18c ; inferior inradea. JO@Uc. iRocolptmnra small and tka 'demand MBATH-JIama , 13Jo ; breakfast I clear alde'bacon ' , short , llgcj clear elfa 'bacon ' , long , flic.dry salt short , lOJc ; dry eaVtilong , tOjc ; shoulders , 8c ; dried boot , 14e ; turd , re- fino.l , lOc. EOOB Market unsettled ; sale * to-dxy at 24 ® 25c ; rooejpta good. , AprtK& Fancy Jonathans , 84 505 ! 00 ; fnnoy Bon Davis , 83 G0@4 00 ; fancy .Tenet , 83 00@3 60 ; fnnoy Willowtwlg , $3 ! 45@S75. Demand good. CHEESE Wow York State full cream , late September make , 14c ; New York Stat * full cream , 10 husn lots , 13Jo ; do full cream , GO beep lota , IBjc ; Wisconsin , full cream , In UJK , He ; Young Aiaericas , strictly full cream , 14c ; full cream12c ; full cream 10 hoop lota , llAe- full eroara llatn , 121c ; full cream flat * , ll c ; lancy brick cheese , 100 Ib cases , 16ic ; Ltin- burger 13c ; gonulno old Swiss , 1'Jc. POTATOBS llocoipta small and prices zood. Consignments of ttrictly choice , lurgo sized , ntrailit potatoes are eolllnu from 45 to 48c ; nilxod can 10 to 42o and light demand ; peadblowa , COe. SWKFT I'OTATOKS Choice yellow , none. ONIONS No demand ; market overstocked. BEAKH Hand plckod natives , 82 25@2 60 ] hand picked mocliuuio , 91 75@2 00 , lio- cciptH lartte. OAMB Prairie chickc w , per doz. , $3 00 t 3 25 ; snipa. 81 60 to 1 75 ; ducks , Mrtllard , pai doz , 2 00@2 60 ; mlxeil , $1 60 to 2 00. Be careful that your game couioa to market in nice condition. Ytutau OYBTKKa SelecU , 40c ; aUndarda , 35c ; inedluma , 25c. CBlKnr 5Dc. DATES Block Arabian , per Ib. , S9e\ \ quarter crate * , lOc. Fioa-25 Ib , kega , per Ib. , 12jc ; 10 Ih. box , nyur , per Ib. , ICc ; small ovals net Ib. , ISc. COCOANUTH Extra line , per 100 , 8 00. CinKR Pure weet cider , 22 gal kez , ? 0 00 : . fe P. clarified , 10 gal keg , 84 76 ; M. & P. clarified. 82 gal keg , 88 00. Pie FEIT , f MM , KTO. PJga feet , 16 It klt , 81 Ifi : Pigs 40 Ib qr bbl , $2 25 : plg feet , BO Ib half bbl , 84 00 ; tHjK > , 15 Ih iciuf 115 tripe , 40 Ib qribl , VI 25j tripe , 80 Ib lialf bbl , 84 00) ) plgg tSngues , 15 Ib klU , 82 W ; plgi tontrno-t , 40 Ib or bbl , $0 00. Iiamlw1 tonpuw , lo Ib kite , $2 G5 ; 40 Ib qr bbl , $0 25. MINCR MKAT Atmoro'fl , 18lb buckoU ( buckpt e.'ic ) PC ; 371b bucket * ( bucket 40o ) , Oc , ! lOOlb Up * , He : half Imrioln , Sjc. AssoiiTEn-IKLW 2-lb sionejnr * ! 12 in cao , per dor. , $2 25 ; tumbler , per dor , 81 J)5i ) schooner , per dozen , 53 10 ; I-lb tin cam , 4 doz. in Ov5o , $1 402-lb ; tin ,2 dor. in csao , 54 50. BULK .TELLIES Gun ant. 30-lb woodpalN , i > or Ib , 7Jc ; strawberry , 3-lb ( ) wood palli per Ib , 7Jc ; raspberry , SOlbaoA palls tier Ib , 7i'c ; blackberry. BO-lb ui > nd paiU per Ib , "Jo ; crab npplo , SO-lb wood i Mil pnr Ib , 7Jc. Airi.K BurrKn35lb wooden Is , porlb , Sc ; 5-lb wooden palls , G in ci > n per car > , $3 BO I'KACII BirrTRii 2. > lb wooden pailiporlb , $11 00 ; 5-lb wooden pail , 0 In rwj , per c.wo , 54 25. J'nKasnvxa { Tn 20-lb wooden palls ) R n- berry , 15o ; btrawborry , quince , Itc ; pencil , 14c ; cherry , 14e ; tomatoes , 14c : plum , lie ; assorted , 5-lb wooden buckets , 0 in cose , per CASO , 84 75 ; assorted , 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz hi caso. per ca o , § 6 50 l'OULTitY--Ll\o chickont , per dor , 1750 200 ; full dressed chJckonsper Ib , 10jftl2c ( ; tur. Itoys , per Ib. , 15@17r ; ducks , 10@12j gcocn , vs Kxtra fancy bar lemons , $00(1 ( ; fancy M'ecUna loinons , pur box , S5 25 ; B box lots , Medina lemons , ? i > 00 ; 10 box lots do. , ? 1 75 ; M alogtv lemons , fnnoy , $1 CO ; do 6 box lots , $4 25. OUANOKS Vnloncias , 0 50 ; Moiiluas , 3 75 , BAN-ANAS Nono. CKANHKimiES Bnll and ouglo , $12 00 ; bell md cherry , 9 50@10 60. Above ( [ uotntiona ror choice. NEBRASKA Covn HONEY 2-lb ( ramos , 2Mb CAIOT , per Ib. 18c. HAY Baled , 8 00@10 00 per ton ; In bulk , OOOQ70Dpor ton. Grocovti Iitnt. CANNED Goons Oysters tStandardJpor caxo , T 85@3 90 ; strawberries , 2 It ) , per case , 2 00 ® 2 10 ; raspberries , 2 lt > , per case , 2 00) ) Bnrtlett icare , per case , 2 40 ; whortleberries , i > or case , > 00 ; opg pltiTs , 2 Ib , per cose , 2 90 ; green ; % gcs , 2 Ib , per case , 2 00 ; piuo apples , 2 Ib lor cane. 4 80@5 50. ROPE Slaal 4 inch nnd larger , 9c } , i Inch , 9Jciinch , lOjc. CANDLES Boxes , 40 lb . IGs , 16Jc ; 8s , IDJc ; ) exes 40 Ibs , 1G oz. , 6s , IBJc. AlAroilES Per caddie , Soc ; round , coaoa , 2 55 ; square cases , 1 70. SUGARS Powdered , 9c ; cut loaf , 9c ; rranulatod , 8Jo ; confectioners' A , 80 ; Stand ard oxtrn C , 7jJc ; extra 0 , 7ic ; medium yol- ow , 7c ; dark yellow , GJc. COFKEES Ordinary grades , 12@12Jc ; Wr 13 3H3Jc ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@15io ; cholco. G@17c ; fancy green andyollowll16icoUi ) ; rovcrnmont Java , 20@2Gc ; Lovorlng's roasted , 8c : Arbucklo's roobted , ISJc ; McLuuglJin'p XXXX roasted , 18ic ; mitation Java , 1CJ RICE Louisiana prime to choice , 7c ; fair ijc ; Patma , GJe. FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brla. , 800 ; No. . mackerel , iilts , 1 15 ; family mackerel , half jrls. , 000 ; family mackerel , kits , 95c ; No. 1 white fish , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits. 1 05. Srnor Standard Com. , 32c , bols ; Standard lo , 4i gallon koga 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon cora 1 50 SODA In Ib papers , 3 SO per cose ; keg per Ib , 2Jc.PICKLES PICKLES Medium , In barrels , 7 50 ; do n half barrels , 4 25 ; small , in barrels , 8 fit ) ; do n half barrels , 4 75 ; gherkins * in barrels , 9 50 ; do in half barrels. 5 25. TEAS Gunpowder , peed , 45@55c ; choice GO 5 > 75c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , GO@G5e ; JTounfj IlyBon , good , SG@50c ; choice , > 5c@l 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 35c ; Japan , choice , 60@75c ; Oolong , good,35@40c ; Oolong , choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 85@40c ; choice , 3545c. WOODENWAIHI Two hoop pails , 1 85 ; three hoop pails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer neer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crowu 2 90 ; Wollbucket * . 3 85. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's satinet , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's white Russian , 525 ; Kirk's eutoca , 215 ; Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's magnolia , doz. ' * POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , in case , 1 35 ; Babbltt.s ball 2 doz. In case , 1 90 ; Anchor jail , 2 doz. in coao , 1 50. CANDY French mixed , In 30 Ib. pails , 18c ; American mixod. in 30 Hi pails , 14o ; Brilliant mixed , in 30 Ib pails , 13c ; Nobby mixed , in 30 b pails , 13c : Competition mixed , in 30 Ib pails , 12c ; Excelsior stick , 80 Ib palls , 12c ; double refined , 30 Ib pails , 13c ; Crystal mixed 30 Ib pails , 15c ; Old Time , mixed , 30 Ib paila , 14c ; Tip Top , mixed , 30 Ib nulls , 13o ; Flirt mixed , 30 Ib paih , H4c ; Kllrt , stick , 30 Ib paila , Hie ; Tip Top , stick , SO Ib pails , 12c. VINEQ A New York apple lOo ; Ohio ap ple. ISc. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 80 ; Ashtoa , in sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 6s , S 30. STAHCII Pearl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , 9c ; Com 3tarch , 9c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7Jc ; Corn , 80. SPIOES Popper , 17c ; allspice , 15c ; clovoa 10 : cassia ISc. LTE American , 8 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 ; Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Ixnvia'Jye 4 65Jewell ; lye , 275 Drv Goods. BHOWN SIIKKTINGS Atlantic A , c ; Atlan tic P , Gc ; Atlantic LL ; 5Jc ; Brunswick , 7io ; Beaver Dam LL , Gc ; Lawrence LJ./lc ! ; Paci fic H , 7c ; Royal Standard , Fc. FINK BiuftVN SiiPKtiXBs Argjdo , 7 c ; Pop- poroll R , G c ; Salinbuvy II , Gc. liLEACiii.i ) Conuxs Ballon 4-4 , iGJc ; Bal lon 7-8 , i la ; Cumberland 4-4 , 6n ; K.woll 3)D , 8c ; Fairmount , 4Jc ; Fmit of tha Loom 4-4 , f\c ; Glory of the West. S > " cGoldcn'Gato , 8Jc ; Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4. ! ) c ; "Lonadalo , 8Jc ; Now York Mills , llic : Wamsutta , ll c. DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , llio ; Bos ton , 10 ez. , 14jc ; Boston , 'li w. . , llo ; Fall River , SJc. DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz , , He ; West Point , 11 oz. , He ; Boston Boar , 8 oz. , lie. AttHtsboau , 143c ; Continental Fancy , Ofc ; Cordis , lOj'c ' ; 1'ewl aiivor , lljc ; York , 12jc ; Hamleton Awmuga , 12Ac. DKNISIS Amo8ko g , 14c ; Boavnr AA. 12c ; 12Jc ; Warren BB ( brown ) , 1 % ; Warren CO ( brown ) , lOJc , CAMIIIUQS Fifth * venuo'govo ! 'finish , 5Jc ; Keystone glove finish , file. COIWKT JEANS Amory , TJc ; Hancock , 8oj Kear ayer , 8ic ; Itoekport , 74c. _ PlUNTrt Ailona , Sc ; American , Gc ; Arnolds , fijc ; CochAco , Gic ; Harmony , .Tio ; Indigo , fie : Indigo 7-H , 1 lie ; Indigo 412ic. . PltlNlri SiiKbTiKUHAmerican , 5c ; Cochoco , Be ; Gloucester , 6c ; Southbridge , So ; Wavorlys , IJc. GlNaiiAMH-Amoekoag Bta lm , K.c | : iBatot staples , 8c ; Lancustor Btvi > 1onto ; Plnnket plaldH , lOu ; Hudson checki ) , 7-f.c. DHKSI GooDd Atlantic iJjmnca , 'Die ' ; iPer eiane caahnter , 2ic ; Uanileton caOiuiero , Kijc ; Hamletou Kaucus , ll e ; liumloton'bro cades , 15c. IiumDer. WIIOr.KSALK. We fjuoto lumber , lath and shlcfloa on oan at Omaha at the following price * : JOIST AND SoANTLiNa 1C It. and undoi 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50. TIMBEMJ 10 feet and under , 22 00. TlMBEit NI ) JOIST 18 ft , 23 60 ; 20 ft , 8 60 ; 22 ft , 20 60 ; 24 ft , 20 60. FENCING No. 1. 4 and 0 111. , 24 00 ; No. 2 , 2200. SHEETING No. l(2d ( common boardx " 0 00 : No. 2 , 1800. LJME Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk jior biwhol1 S5ci ceinont. bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl. 2 IX ) ; ludi porbu. 50cl' ; r > od felt , 100 it , 350irtrnw ; boor J , 3 60 , Wool. Uerino nnwatliod , light. ll@lCc ; hfiavy , lK@l5c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c ; vraihod , choice , S2a ; fair , SOo ; tub and wa hed , 2Se ; turry , black and cottod wool , 2@Go 'IMS Tobaccos PWKI TOBACCO -Climax , 50oj Bullion 60o Horeesltoo , 60c ; Star , 60cj Ruddy. 46c ; Uer Boy' * , 40c ; Block , 88@40c. FINK Cor Common , 20@80cs good , 45S 60c ; ROM Loaf , 70cj Premium , C5c ; Diamond Crown , B&s ; Sweet Sixteen , 47c. SUOKIW O. H. , 22c ; HeoreckAuin. 30c ; Dnr ham , 8 oz. , 65o ; Durham , 4 oz. . 67o ; Durharr 2 oz. , 65c ; Beal of North Carolina. 8 oz. , 65c Seal of Nortii Carolina , 4 oz. , C7c ; Seal o ! North i OoroHiu , 2 oz. , COc ; O. Kfl Durham , ! oz. , 28c ; O. 1C Pny , . , Ned , J'ii 25c ; T < r ' ' 'f ! > 3o. P lntaOlU and \nrnlatio * . 0l.Jr110 ° c hon , per gallon , 1 % ; 150 ° headlight , per gallon , 14 Jc ; 176 headlight per galloB , J8c ; 160 ° water whlto , J7c ; Hi oed , rnw , ; pr callpn.r'Bc ; llimcod , boiled , per gallon , 58oljird ( , winter tr'd , l > er gnllon , 80c : No. 1 , 70cNo. ; 2 , COc ; cantor , XXX. per pal Ion , 1 COi No. 3 , 1 35 : n\veot , j * r Rallou 1 00 perm \v 15. , jxsrr-ftllon , ICO ; fifth , Vr , 11 , , licrgnUon , OiVs ncatiftxit extra , i > ftr gallon , 90cj No. 1 , 75e ; lubricating , roro , per gallon , 30o ininmor , 15c ; golden machlno , No. 1 , j > cr pal. Ion , 35o ; No. 2 , 25c : sponn , signal , jxir gallon , 80c ; turjioiitlno , per gallon , 4Sc ; unpthn 71 ° , pot gallon , IGo. PAINTS IN Ua-Whlto lead , OmMia P. P , Oc ; white toad , .St. l.ouK pure , 0e ; Mnnjeillw groeu 1 to 5 lh cans , 20c : Froncli zinc , prcon teal , 12cs French riuc , rod seal , lie ; Froneh rinc , In viunWi oAnt'Oo : Fionch r.tnc. In oil ast , Ific ; raw and bunit timber , 1 Ib can , IPc ; raw nud burnt Sienna , 10c ; vandyke brown , lc ! ? ; rotinod lampblnclt , 12c ; coach black , atul Ivory black , ICc ; ilron black , ICc ; Pnuwian liluo , 30c ; ultr.xmarino blue , 18c ; chronio green li. M. & D , , ICc ; blind and nhuttor green , It M. & ! ) . , ICc ; Paris trrcen , ISc ; Indian red , I5c ; Venetian rod. PC ; Tuscan rod , 22c ; Amcrl. can Vormlllion. I. & P. , 18cchromo ; yellow Ti. M . , O. & 1 > . 0. , 18c ; yellow ochre , PC ; joldon ochre , IGc , patent dryer , 8c ; graining xilors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , cii > Miut aud ash 15c. Heavy tirmlwnro Iron , rntos , 2 50 ; jlow utool spoclal cast , Gs cmclblo , 7c ; Bpecial or Gorman , * cs cast too ; lo , 15 ( 20 ; wngon spokes , tot , 2 25(33 ( 00 ; lml tor sot , 1 25 ; follooa sawed dry , 1 40 ; tonguoa , > ach , 7085c ; sxlos each , 75c ; Kquaio nuts per l > , 7@llc : Avashora or Ib , 818c ; rivuts , i > or 1 > , llo ; cell clmltv per tt > , C@12o ; malleable , 80 rim wedges , Co : crowbars , Gc ; harrow tooth Ic ; Biirlng tool , 7@8c ; Burden's horsohoew 70 3ur on's muhnhoM 5 70. lUnnBi ) WniK In car lots , -IJo per 100. NAltil-Rativ , 10 to GO , 2 90. SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; oriental mwdor , kegs , 0 10 ; do. , half kcga , a 48 ; do. , luaiter koff * , 1 88 ; blasting , kegti , 3 35 ; fiiro , ler 100 foot 50o. LKAD Bar , 1 65. COAU Cumberland blacknmltli , 10 00 ; Mor- Is run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Whltobroait lump ) 6 00 ; Wliltobrenat nut , 5 00 ; lown lump , 5 00 lawn nut , B 00 ; Rock Spring , 700 ; Anthra cite , 11 25@ll 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton Oak Hole , 38c@l.'o ; hemlock solo 28c@35o ; unlock kin , bOo'tol 00 ; runner G5oto 80c ; larr.Iockcalt , 85c to 1 CO ; hemlock upper , 22c .0 . 24o ; oak upper , 24c ; alllcator , 4 00 to 5 50 ; calf kid , 32@3i ! ! Grflison Itid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , SOo to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip , 1 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ros- eta , 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 8 50 ; top. ) ingn , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , 30o to 35c ; nibble O. D. Morocco , SJc ; stmon,2 50 to 3 OP , HARNESS No. 1 star oak , 38o ; No 2 do , 35c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , SCc ; No. 2 do , 3z ; No. 1 Milwaukee 35c : No 2 do 33e . IJrv Paint * . Whto ( load , 8c ; French rlno , lOc ; Paris whiting , L'io ; whiting gilders , IJc ; whiting com'l lie ; lampblack , Germantown , Me ; ampbloclc , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , Bfic ; iltramarlno , 18c ; vaudyko , brown , 8c ; umber , mrnt , 4c ; umbor. raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; ionna , ru'i' , 4c ; Paris grcon , genuine , 25c ; 'aria green , commonl20cchromo ; green , N.Y. , Oc ; chrome green , K. , l-'c ; vonmllion , 1'ng. , Oc ; vormlllion , American , 18c ; ludiau red , Oc ; rose pink , 14c ; VoncUnii rod , Cokmoss , ? c ; Vonoti.\u rod , American , IJc ; riU lend , 5c ; chrome yellow , genuine , ViOc ; chrome yol > ow , 1C. , 12c : ochre , rochollo.Sc ; ochre , French , ! jc ; ochra , American , 2c ; Winter's , IJc ; lohlifh brown , 24c ; Spanish brown , 2ic ; . 'rinco's mineral , 3c. AhB Barrels , par gallon : Fund .uro , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , SI ; coach , extra , SI10 ; coach , No. 1 , ? 1 20 ; Damar , oxtrit , $1 75 ; Japan , 70casphaltum , extra , 85c ; hollac , 3 60 ; hard oil finish , $1 50. ) all , and woik ; gronu butchers , G@Gc ; green ailed 74 )7i'c ) ; dry flint , 12@13c ; dry Bait , OOllu ; damngod hides , two-thirds prlco , TAI.IXDW G@7o PiLTa 25c@l 00. ALCOHOL 188 proof , 2 25 per wine gallon dxtra CalKornla spirits , 188 proo ( , 1 2S per irnof gallon ; triple lofinod spirits , 187 nroof , . 23 per proof gallon ; re-distilled whiskies 1 001 50 ; line blended , 1 50@2 50 : Ken- , ucky bourbons , 2 00@7 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00. BBANDIEB imported , G 00@li ( 00 ; domestic 140 ® 100. GINS Imported , 4 60@G 00 ; domestic , 1 40 @ 300. RUMS Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; New England , 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 GO. PEACH AND BRANDY ! 75@4 00. CHAJIPAONFS Imported per case , 2800 ® 11 00 ; American , par can. 12 W CCHED MEATS AND IJABD In tierces lOc n pails He. Hams , 14 c ; breakfast bacon 13154c ; smoked Bides , 9 @ 10c ; salt Bides , 8J@9c. GutEN FHUIT AND PRODUCE Potatoes , 55 ® i5o per 100 ixmnds ; onions , per 100 pounds , SI 50@2 00 ; turnips , per 100 Hi , C0@80c ; Col- inido cabbage , new , per 100 , B5c@l 00 ; ilvo chickens , old , per doz , S4 00 ® 425 ; prairie chickens jxudoz , ? 3 75@400 ; oggL , fresh , per doz , 32@35c ; butter , fair qual ity creamery , finsat jwr Ib , 38@ 12 ; creamery , Siiod , per Ib , 2S@31c ; KauRaa and Nebraska airy , per Ib , 3745ccook5iigl12@ficchoeao , full cream , per Ib , Ui@17c ; applea per bbl , eastern , $5 00 ( 0 50 ; grapes , per Ib , 7g)10e ( ) ; California pears per Ib , 710c ; Messina lemons , extra per ox , 57 00 @ 8 00 ; oranges , § 12 0018 00 ; Colorado * rhoat , per 100 Ib , SI 3j@l 38 ; flour , fair quality , 810 OOglO 60 per barrel flqur. Uraham , per 100 Ib 82 00@2 50 ; flour , rye , p > r 100 Ib , $2 50@2 70 ; flour , buckwheat , par Lbl , 810 0@10 60 ; cornlSmoal per 100 Ibs , 31 G3@l 85 ; corn , per 100 Ibs , 81 30 ® 1 35 ; com chop , per 100 Ibs , $1 S0@l 33 ; nov/ oats , per 100 Ibs , $1 35@1 45 ; oatn , Nebraska , mixed , per JX ( ) Ib , SI 3a@l 8fiwheat ; , per 100 Ibs , 81 35@1 45 ; barley , per 100 Ibs , SI 50 ® ® 1 75 ; mixed chop , per , 100 Ibs , $133(9 1 40 ; bran , per ton , 517 0019 00 ; hay , per ton S12 001G 00 ; bulod second bottom , S10 00@li ! 00 ; baled upland , § 14 00@17 00 ; straw , per ton. S' < On9 00. J. H. OAMI'IlKTJ-j. | 8.6. OAMPUELIi. Campbell & Co. , i ruoDucn. ritovisioHB , FIIUITS , inv. 10.1 South UtliBtrott , l > < o ii luu U anil IJoJgo OMAHA , JJK.IJ. lUfuicnoca Ktmt Nations. ! liank , Btoelu , Johnson & Co. , OnuLlki ; Dank of Caou County , i'lattunioulli Neb. COKHIONHP TS .SOUC3TOU. IHTTUIINS MADI ! Ww w f $ * * ? *' ' ' " * \ . ( I- , inn ? 'M' k wlSTr-SK "jV t i H mint UN I m Vl ii.iM vi4i ii l > n.-.l i Ill' " with l.lictll > - oiUrrltriilt'i inn- nil li liorn IIPMII u , lo It H h orili Tiiji li.1 ! uliiir Ivliw mf'iriiitiliiMjmhiii * * t United States Depository B OF OMAUA Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts The Oldect Banking Establishmon in Omaha , TO KOUNTZK organUea la 1808 , Organized oa A National Bank in . 9200.00L AND PROFITS . * 1GOOOC omcxu puwrrou lInutM Eotmm , IVwldent. I JOUM A. CaiioiiTOi , Vloc I'lenldenL A 8CBIUB KocvTzy , td Vloa I'renIJeul. A , ) . forrurrof. F. II. DAVU , Oublor VV K. UEOOUIIU. AmUtixnt Ckiblar. Titnucti a gen r lunklugiulotta. \ . luneattui oertlUcaUj bwrlu ntcrett. ] ) i w drift * en 8 Kranciyoo will iirlnof ttl rltks In the Uoltod * LooJ'D bublln , Udlaburiftl Md U > 0 prluclw tilt uttitla 3t dt Koto * . Eailway Time Table , u. p. n nM\m USE. LKAVK. Aumn AtUntlo Kxyrowi7S : ir ffcutctn KIITOM 8 00 pin \VctctnRl > roM. ,1.-20p m 0. IlAn < UM9 . . . ,4.30p in 0. Iihnd I'ws. 11:10am : Ei. , . . .12.00 pin Unoolu Kx . . . .12:55pm : DUMMY" , : 7io : , , IDA , itoo n : m- I TO , J CO , S Of , 4 00 , 8.W , B.OO. 10:10 : ) > . w. On Sun- < l < iy : 7:10,0:0 : : lloo : a. m j JCW : , 4 00,000 , 10:10 : u , way ilf pot , Council Hindu , TO Inlnutcs htor lictvu Council lllulta , Itrovlnay depot , 8-00 , 9-00 , If : PO , 11:00 : a m ; 12 in. ; t,00 , S:00 : , 3:00,4.00R:00R'40 : : , louop.m On8miilft ) ; 8oo. : loco it. m.ism2 ; ; oo , 5.00 , 0:10 : , 10:40 : p , in. Atitvo Transfer depot , lOinln- utoshtcr. Iuo ! Council niulT * Triuintcf depot ! 8:5f : , 0,25 , , : ; ! > mjljJS , SiJS.S:0. : ' ) . 4S : , S.J.1 , 0:26 : , : Airlto Dinah * iOinlmitrohlor. MiivnomiiA. i RAT * COUNCIL mum. u * No. 2 , . Paw , No. 9 , , ,1'Mm 11 No. 10. . . . . SUS pro No. : m " No. t - No . S-SOtun S..llVOftin : " No. 8 SMr.m : " No. l .7:16 p m . " No. 1. . . TSSpm " No. BO..CMnni : | /tifTlio / aliouiu Oiiulm Tliiio.jIFJ ? Hlniiihrd tlmo Is 21 minute * tatter tlun loo\1 IllllO. D. felt. UAIUlOADTIMKTAM.i : CKNT. TIM I1. HKVVril VMRMJ , t ll l'M\ * .111 | 111 MO kill 0 SO j m (1.10 ( mil AtltlMul. . P.S4 jmi 11:11 : nin 4US pin ; :4)nin : Um-ohi , 10 JO nni 12M : | nn S.Ol ) ( .111 1:19 : mil ( "rtto. . . . . . ! ! ! ! inn 1W : pm Sit ; pm C:40nm : IIiMlrtcti , . Mtfinm ( > :0oi : > m 11:31 : nm lo:30 : pm llol Cloud. S 00 nm 0M : pm Hi.OJivn 8-00 1111 McCook 1P:5V : Bin 10 31 pm t > 'M pm ,1.40 pm Akriin , . . . 3:41 : pm tMinin OI,1 nm ll:4n pm DI.IIMT. , . 7i5 : pm R .f > nm 0:2.1iiii : 7:33 : Mil MI.3SOUUI rACiriO-STANDAUl ) T1MI1 ,00am | a 15 pin K. 0. . MF JOB & C. H. 1I. STANDARD TIME. KM ilally . O.lin m I Kxiuow , ihlly Ijprcsi , tlnlly 1 f\ptpt .Von- orcpl Httur : I ilnCn. . . . . , .0:2,1 : i\m ilAfl. . . . 7:45p : m I Mitll , ilftllr. . , , .OMpiu 0. , St. 1' . M. f. O. 8TANl > Al\l ) TIMr. . ( Depot 14th anil Wulntcr Htii. No. 2ml\cil 7:4.1 : nm No. 1 inlx.'il. , . . r. Op m 2:50 : p in Freight . . . . , .ll41am ; i\ii : ; i4Upm ; Atlnntlo l\li : . . D.lSnm AtlintlcUnll , 7:4.'m : m . , Atlantic Mnll. . . 7 : Op in K > iry day. ( I'mnsfc r Doput , Council HlulTt. ) WAIlASlKtST. LOUIS. 7f)0a : in I Arrho lO.SSnm Uavo , (1.50pm ( | Arrho 4-OSpm 0. , D & 0 H. U.-STANDA11I ) 11MR U ll * . . . TttOftm I Kxprcw ) . . , . , , ,10:10A : ru Kirrosa ' 8:60 : p m | llttll' ,7:25 : p m 'Siiiulajs c\coptcil. C. , H. H& 1' . U. 11.-STANDAUD TI.MK. 1111' 7M : K m I Kiprisj. in oop in Eiprorta 3.60 p m | Mall' T-'jum HllllU)8 C\CC | > tCl. C. , M. & St. P-STAN1)AHD TIVIK. LKAV K AUIIU K. UMl&Ex * . . . 8.00 ft m I Pnoino Kx D:2C : B m itl ntcKx'.S.60pm ! | M ll&Ei' .7:00pm : Siimlajscxreritod 0. &N. W. U. K.-srANDAlU'IIMH Utll * 7:60 : it m I Kxprcn ) 10.00 tr.i Bxprcra 8:50 : p m | Mall * , . . . 7v6pm : " .Sunila\ cxccptotl , . S. O. ft P. 11. K. STANDAUU TIMK. Hull' 0.00a m I Kinross 1000am Kiprcm 0.00pm | Mall * 7:25pm : Suntlava executed. Opening ana Cloalncof UaUa , KOUTI , OrBM , CLORl. .iu. p.m. k.ui. p.m. 0 * i N" . W.,0. , It. I. Al',0. I ) . &Q.Strnul& Sioux City. 11:00 : 0:00 : 6:40 : D:1B : a , M.ftS.l',8 U & t' . In Iowa 0:00 : 6:10 : Wnba < < h Kxprcag 12M S:15 : \Valmalilocftl 0:00 6:40 : K. C' . , St , Joe S , 0 , 0.00 0:00 6:40 : flM : Missouri 1'aclflo 7:80 : 6:40 : a , St I' . M. & 0 6:00 7:20 Union Vaclllo , o\orland B.OO 11:36 : Union I'.icll'.c , Doiucr rx. . . , 1:00 : 7:30 : 0. & Republican Valley. . . 1:80 11:35 : n. AM. KxpriKj 7:00 7 ! U. & M. for PlatLsniouth , S. lirnil , Aslilan.l . anil Lincoln.11:00 : 7:30 : C Idea open bunJaj * from 12.00 in. to 1-00 p. in. , 0 1C. COUTANT , I'catnift.tcr. 617 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo. A HEQULAH OIlADUATKol two medical coUoRM -iJLhiwboen ontrnirod longer In the treatment ol CIIHONIC , NKllVOUS , SKIN AM ) DLOOU Disease * halt other l > h ) slclan In tit. Lotus , as city papers ebon ml all old residents know. Consultation ( TOO nvltod. When It Is in coin cnlont to visit the city reatuicnt , incillcliiua can be cent by mall or oiprog \erywhcro. Curable c ivies Kuaraiuccdwherodm ; xlsts it la frankly stated. Call or M lito. NorvouB Prostration , Debility , Mental and'Phyilo n , Mercurial and other allectlons ol Throat UB , 8kp | ACootloiiB , Old Mores and Ulcers , linpedl icnta to marrlaKo , Kheumatlnn , fling. apeclal at cntlonto CMOS from overworked brain. HUUO1UAL- ! A8E8 reculio epeclal attention. Dlsi.aso arlalng rom luiprmlence , Kxcuaaca , Indulttcncoa. _ ts. W10 mcy G -"O"H > IEI marry , whoir ynm why , cnmo , oonsoquenoog and cure , lulled f or 26c ; lOHtaco or ( tamps. " wl r ilclilllty.huuKlliiu unit iirvmnturo tlccnv nrocautietlhycixcpMbCKrrrorsof > outhetc . nro pcrfoctly rcslorod to r lni t l > t'"l'.JLIVl ' iKiii-riui miinlioiiil liy THEM/\nSTON nOLUS. > OBlnmnrh dnipelnir. TliUtrnttmonl urNcrvoH.llulilllly anil lMi lcul HCCIIJT U uniformly cucceKflful upr-niiBO uaw a on jiiriepi tiiiiuii'Kln.liciviiiiil tllrrrt nivlhoiliontlao- Pnlnlo IhDroiitiliiii-i' . Urtled TroallBa fro * . MARSTON REMEDYC0..4GW.l < UJ KUU6ttYMf . PRINCIPAL LINE GlfICAGOPBOIMA & ST. LOU IS iiv WAV or OlIAHA AND LIHOOLN TO DENVER , lt VIA KANSAS CITY AND ATCHIS01T to DENVEE In Union Depots lit ICiniHiiH Oily Onmlmiiiul Denver tvltli lliiuu li tmlnu lot1 And nil jioliitnlii IlinOicnt Went. CiiniRulliif ; In Ci-nuU Union Depot lit Ulilcugi with Ilironuli tuilim Tor NJ2 W Y OllK , IfO fi T O JV , And nil Kiuimn CltlcK. ACI'corl'ivvlth tliniuuli Imlnx torlnilliinni ollH , Ulnulniuitl , UiiliimliuB , and nil pnlntH 1 tluiHoiitli.lCiist. At HI. l.iniU Ith llnoiij ; tniliiH fur nil iiulnln HoiitJi. iiiiiiit ) Day OiMuhit ) , I'm lor ( 'IU-M , with lit dining ( ; iiiiliHHoiiU ( liiM > ) , hinikliiuCins wit Kovolvlnn Uluilrf , I'lillmnii 1'nliico Hlicpln CIII-H and tlio fitmuim a It. .tQ. Dining Car run dully tiiund ft HIM Clili 41150 mid lumens ( Jit j OlilciiKouml Council llluiu : Clilcnt , ' " and Hi JMolncH , ( Jlilcw-ffj , si , .Josi'pli , AUIilNon iim Topitlm Avllluiiit cliuigo. : only tluoiiKli iln iiinnlng tliolr iiwn tinlnx livtwcon Olilciii | ; Lincoln and Denver , mid Ulilva ( > , liniihii c'lty mid Denver. Tlnouijli can buiwuiu Imllniiiiolln | mid Council Illiiilx , via l-ioiln ilOINO A'OKllI AN7 SOUTH. Bollil Tmlim tit liUumit Duy Ci'iiulicM nni J'nllinmi l'iiliiciBluuiiiiK | < 'uiHiiioiiiii daily I mid lioin hi. J.uulHi via Ilaiinlbiil ; ( ) iilnc > Krol.iilr , JliiillllKtoii , Cedar lluplilH nnd .Mlii'l J ' 4iloHt , 1'nul and MliinviiKllH | ; 1'ailorCm- Itccllnlim ( Jliulis to mid Horn M. l.unl and I'ncii'lii. ( ) iiyoiini'lmiiK | < > < > rrm In Ivvt-iu St. lunUmid ! ) ! MulncH , louii , Lincoln , .Nil liniulni.iiiul Dunvcr , Cnlunidti , It iMiilsu thuonly 'J"HOUJ | { | ! I.lni ) licl L' < in ST. LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL It U ktionn IIH tlui TIIIKH'lill OAI J.lNi : ( i | Anioilcii , mid H iinlvei > nlly inliult ' " 'I to Im thu Finest Equipped Railroad in the World fo all classes of Travel. TliniiiKh TltltnlH vln UiU HUD lor mlc nt ! H. II. coupon Ik'kut olllcct I" tlio L'litlcilSIiitc unit ( 'uiiiuln. T. J. I'OTTKK , l'KllOK\V\MXWiiI : , , Vkr > l'm. 4 Gta. JUi jir ' / u ! ' AR i t'l lc | ! ' Omaha Real Estate is a safe investment for both local and foreign cap- tnl , and there is no property , in or around thu city , but what will bring mrchnscrs good returns in the near future. We have property for sale 11 all parts f the city , and also Surrounding the city , all of which .we'gladly show to partias who feel interested. _ m Wo arc often asked winch is the best part of tlio city for an invest- . , uont" ? Wo always advise patrons to buy what is called ] y this is meant property not nioro than one and a half miles from the I'ostollico , and the nearer the center the better the investment. While outside property will steadily advance in price , inside property will ad- auce much greater in proportion. The now addition to the city kuown as s located one mile from the postollice , west , only nine blocks from the ligh School , and these lots arc being sold at less than half the price sited for lots same distance in nnyother direction , and A.8 these lots will , in a short time , be advanced to correspond to prices ots surrounding llawthorne. The conlract.has been let for grading Davenport street through thia wldition. Work has been commenced and will bo finished early in the summer. Purchasers of lots in Hawthorne will not have to bear any expense for the grading. This is a decided advantage. Prices for regu- ar si'/e lots . 8350 TO $575 : , Wo have also some double lots in this addition at from $ GOO tojiGSO. . This part of the city is being built up with the best class of "residences. Near business , near High School , anddesirnblo in every particular. Wo have nicw ; lota left in this addition , which we will sell nt lowec additions. The lots beautifully pricestlwn can be had in surrounding are ly located nnd larger than than those in adjoining additions , and will'be inld on terms to suit purchasers. TT % [ I INI ALL PARTS OP THE CiTY. "TT1 _ C r In Douglns County nnd all parts of tlr * State. SB5 "CJ J3DTJ H. IB A. 3XT ! ' A. fine tract of land three and ono-httl miles from Omaha at § 40 per acre. Also a tract four miles from the bily at $30 per acre. Lots injhis addition will bo sold on motnhly paymcnts ; 10 per cent- caali and 5 per cent , per mouth. HI _ A. T EC O El 3 1 0 nil the lota wo havo.for ] sale , wo thiuV HiU isjthi most desirable either for a homo or tor investment , as it is near business nicely located and at preont once * is the cheapest Jpropsrty in the market , aud firsfc buyers hnvo choire of lotw. Mpl 213'tSouth 14th Street , between Farnam and Douglas , ) S s