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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1884)
MnT-iWfraaaB , . j iin inir j , i Y. . I . .Jjjs " w. .i. . . J : y.\ . J..1 V - Hl * * * , * 1 * r * " --r 8 FHE OMAHA DAILY BEE. 4- , YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. THURSDAY ATOJINTNG , FEBRUARY 21 , 188-1. NO. 201) ) , . . _ . ECHOES OF THE STORM. Us Tcrriflc Effects In the South ani Oliio Valley , Several Towns Blown Entirely Out of Existouoo. , Hot a Splinter Loft to Mark Thoi Sites , People Killed sad Otlion Cruelly Mangfed , of Devastation Tlmt Simpl ; Inscription. rnn STORM. DETAILS. Ala. , February 20. * cyclone swept through the Cohaba vallo ; yesterday noon , It is reported that thir teen were injured in one community. A Leeds the cyclone uwopt away the eoctio house of the railrcad , killing three nc grooa , and an old white cottplo iiamei Bass wcro seriously injured. Three mile south of Leads the house of John Pool wat blown away , hia son , daughter am child instantly killed , Poole , his wife an four other children being very baflly in jured. The residence and promises o Dr. W. F , Wright , a railroad contractor worodomolishod. Thobodyof Dr. Wright' ' mother was found a hundred yards fron the house , fearfully mangled. Fiv children ofDr. . Wright have arms or leg broken. ( Harriet HcCrew , 'cook , l\n killed. 'OfUJ4 carts , two wagons an three houses on the place nothing n niaius'but ' the carcass nf ono horsu. Th house occupied by } M. Mclaughlin wt blown away and Mclaughlin badly hurl Hio | neighbors , J. P. Laudrul , wife an daughter , nil had logs broken. Th house rff o man named Kerr took fire an was blown away. Mrs. Kerr was fatal ! injured. ( Latorintelligonco but adds to the ho : OTS of the woeful story. William Wcssoi aged 'Li , was killed , nnd George Davis , % oyon the Poole place , was killei Tililea of forest in the Cchaba valley wei Hoveled by the storm. The bodies i cows are found around creeks. In man .places the ground is cleared of stones i nf'carefully swept. The stumps of trci 'boar marks of Hying rocks. Absolute ! 'nothing indicates whore Dr. Wright iresidenco and outhouses stood. 8IIA\TJ.'EKTOWi -Al'l-KAt. . fiiiAWWEETOWN , 111. , 'February ' 20.- 'Tho following appeal is made to the pul lie : "Again wo are compelled to appo to the public for aid for our suflerir I pooplo. Wo had hoped -until yesterdt that our people would not bo loft entire ! homeless , or even to the extent of la year , but , alas , wo are doomed to disa ] pointment. Yesterday at 4 p. m. , a to rifle- storm swept over.our city carryir destruction and desolation in its patl 'Hundreds of houses 'that were delude to > their roofs and < tottering on the i foundations were swept away and dash < . ' to pieces , leaving hundreds of familii without houses -shelter of any kit : till after tie flood -subsides , which is hoped for event -ctill in the dai ( future as the iriver has no i passed the Hood height of la > yenr and is still slowlyi rising , and whi height it will reach > wo cannot knov Many of our citizena'havo ' worked hen i ically since our last year's calamity ; rebuild and refit their little homes fi iJiabitation and had enjoyed the poi privilege of living in them but a fe months until submerged again. The itiiootorni with all iiji terrors came to ac i untold misery. Woarodoins ; all in 01 I power to relieve immediate wants in tl way of food , but whet these people w ; itnost need when the { flood subsides icnoney to replace 'their house ] . M therefore appeal to the generous publ l in their behalf. Any contributions cs bo forwarded to the undersigned or ' 'tho First National Ibank of Shawno town , and will bo faithfully applied for which it is asked. " J. A , MruMi'AUou , Mayor. l UNl'AIULELLED ? " Ind. , iFobruary 20. U im1 i are coming in of great destructic Ihy wind and storm yesterday afternoc and last night. The destruction < 'houses is unparololled years. Hard ! a 'house is left standing in the flood ( districts between Owonaboro and M Tornon. But ono loss , of Iifo < is roportc iso far , a young lady drowned on Stai borryl * ra. February 26 , The storm i did no damage 'hero , althoug the velocity of the winfl .was at one tin 00 miles an hour. At Metropolis it bio down about 40 housea , linoluding or ckurch , ati'i injuring sovwral people , bi BO farioo Jmown none' fatally. Ilopori are ery moagro. It waa reported tin several potions were suppcsod to bo lei frotUtskitTd and boats , but the report : not ( substantiated. At Peducah the < x bac o worohouso of Bucktver , & Co. , en OheftcCorloy's oil warehouse are the ocl houneo reported .destroyed. No dama _ is reported at Mound City. The river i Dl feetCilnchos , and rising tUxwly. OAibo , 111. , iTobruary 0. The rivi is 51 fact :8 : "inches " and rising rery elowl ; Bulk heads have boon erected to-do from 14 Ui to 4th fitreota on the Ohi levee , ton.rovont > iho waves from makin any abrasion in the levee. The woathi is clear and cool and everything is ea ( hero for the night No doubt is e : pressed but that Oiiro will pull t&iroug all right Mound Ciiiy is still out an pull through , A Metropolis tole Km reports Froii covered with debris fro-.n demo tidied iiotiies caused by yesterday oUrm , Tito Ions nt Moiropolii is eaid t be nearly 8 100.000. A't Paducah tli fiitnelion is very bad. M/tTHoroi.iK , III , , February 20. TJi Jamajro by a lor in on Front and Fin ftreeto in this city , the only streets sul merged , I5 variously estimated at froi 835,000 to 875,000. JAMEsjoxyw , Dak. , Februtry 20.- Search is eUll being made for JefToruo Smith and wife , who loft Jamestow with a team Monday. It ia believe they perished , KVANSVJLLK , February 20. - A relit boat from below repo.ts nn awful scon of desolation a the result of yeiterday' ' Btorm but no Ion of life It repartee Within fifteen miJet of Evannville fi/t or more houses were washed away. The own of Fairplay , containing fittest ! louses , was swept ovit of existence. The > oat took many pOftple from trees nnd lills , some badly frozen. ' POMKHOY , Ohio , Fobrunry 20. The original plan of the XJnito.1 States roliol steamer Stookdnlo to proceed direct fron luntington , W , Va. , to suflorors in i'omoroy has been altered on account ol signs of distrcos and signals for aid thai not the steamer on every hand. As she , ook her course up stream yesterday morning men and women came out and waved signals from the banks. The so- roritics of the flood nro felt more now linn over. Even people with money saj they cannot buy , for there is nothing ti [ mrchaso. 11AVAOKS IX CALIFORNIA. Los ANOKLHS , Gal. , February 20. The recent rainstorm was the grcatesl einco 1875 , nnd the Hoods terribly disas Irons. They carried destruction or over } ' hand and there is great dintrosa ii : sootinns bordering on the Santa Ann am San Gabriel rivers. Southern Pacific officials hope to have the road in temporary porary running order in five days. Tlu greatest disaster was the breaking of tilt Tehujn dam , devastating n vast area ol country. It ia impossible to le.irn 01 estimate the damage. Ballona creek near Santa Monsua , burst into the laki and Drs , Jnffroys and Cwok were washcc out to sea. TKiiocHAi'i.Cal. , February 20. Then liavo been land slides on five Southori Pacific tunnels between and Sai Carter. The ground is too wet to work A thousand men will bo required to re p.vir the damage. San Fernando tunno is reported caved at both ends. It iril bo a week before the road is open to Lei Angel 03. TUUCKEE , Cnl. , February 0. A terri bio storm ; trains all delayed by fallin ; ' snow sheds. Largo gangs of men ar' working to keep the tracks clear. Stil storming. SAN FKAXCISOO , February 20. Tolo ; raphio and mail facilities in the southern orn counties are still interrupted. Th only communication is via Kansas Cit ; and Doming. It is not expected tha tha lines will bo in working order befor Friday. No further particulars hav been received ! of loss of life or property The heavy rains and floods are confine , to southern sections of the state. Avrrai , HA.VOO IN TUB SOUTH. AUGUSTA , Georgia , February 20. Yei terday's storm was the severest since th cyclone of 18TC. In Hancock county th storm overturned outhousosand unrojfo dwollingsat _ Harlem , besides the dan ago done in the interior. The plantatio of George Granabo is ruined , the house demolished and timber carried off. 0 , the plantation of Dr. lloeso a negro we killed , and Mrs. V. M. Wade , wife of th overseer , was seriously wounded. Th town of Bradley , S. 0. , was nearly blow away. The -residence of Dr. Logon wa blown down and his wife badly injuroc At Ninety-Six , S. 0. , a house we wrecked nnd a child killed. The res : denco of W. H. Slattworth , of Edgofiol county , South Carolina , was blown dowt and the ruins taking fire , a little daugl ter perished. The dwelling house of J C. liankinaon and store of J. S. Boj-c at Jackson , S. C. , were blown down , an throe ucproes killed. The town of Millo was nearly destroyed. TJHLLA-DE A , Ala. , February 20. . destructive cyclone yesterday pause through the suburbs of Cave Springi Ga. , killing five men and wounding BO * ertl others. It-a wept the town of house and everything in its path. The das age is great. OnwKiiOTM : , 'N. vC. , February 20.- Twentyfive houses were levelled by ti cyclone. The bodies of three white ntc and eleven negroes have been rocovcrec Scorch is making for others believed t be killed. At Pioneer Mills six house were blown down , and ono man kilted At Woodward's two were killed. A Winsboroifour killod. At Palkton at killed. RoawraoiiAM , U.lC. , February 20.- The cyclone destroyed fifteen houses o the outskirts , killing twenty-throe poop ] ani wounding many more. Several wet also killed on the 'Pedeo ' river. Noa Wilmington six persons were killed. CoiiHiniA , S. 0. , February 20. Spi cialn indicatethat the storm throughw the oiato was severe. 'Houses ' were blow down or damaged at many points. Ou plaiitioii'in Nowberry county 100 acrosc original iforest were swept away. Chat pell's fetation was swept away. Not house is loft ; om killed , and seven wounded. At Bozeman , ono killed aa a number injured. At Anderson , thre persons are reported killed. In the lowc part of Clarendon county two are killeii At Darlington , two whites and two nc qroes w rokilled. ( Six are known to b killed aad 115 wounded tin the count ] Serious loan of life and property are re ported in the vicinity of < Williamsbur CLAUKKV-CDIE , Tenn. , Kebruary 20.- Yesterday two destructive cyclones about two hours apart swept through th central part of the city , leveling man houses and doing much damage t hundreds of buildings. Mnny poraon were serioudy injured in ithe fallin houses. The -damago will bovory large VicKKiiuiio , February 20. * Olicers ( o the steamer , KuMo of Momph roporto the weather on rtho river yettorday th severest exporieuced for yccca. Th boat was blown to'hard against itho ban at Lomond lauding that the wheel hate to bo dug out. The steamer ( ceagren was struck by U.e storm at filioplun landing , chimneyjc vrero carried nry an one wheel badly damaged. MACON , Ga. , Febntary 20. Thie cit viia visited yesterday afternoon and lae night by a tremendacc storm. Huitoi of death and destruction in the surrousd ing Bounties are flying ihick. A snecii AMaifita telegram reports fifty killed noH of thti city. A special from Columbt : roporte several killed and wounded. WiLWtXUTO.v , N. 0. , February 10. i Star special eays ; A terrible cyclon passed tuiar Rockin hum Icit night , kill ing from fifteen to thirty people am wounding . qroat number. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , February 20. Special cial telegrams that have been rent to th effect that the storm lf t night rosultei in loss _ of lifo are without foundation The wind blew down old houses on th river front nothing more. FJUVKLIN , Ky. , February 20. Thi town waa visited by a tornado yentorda afternoon. A Urge tobacco factor ] owned by New York parties was blow : down. Ths Boicean hotel , opera Iiouu iwd another building were unroofed. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. TuOKclfcr-Boyiitoii Roast Sizzling Oi the IiiYGsiigatiOu Fire , Sdoro Sputtering Thau Ooookiug Done So Far , A Secretary Who Assumes aDtiu- gerous Power , , A Plumb That Will Suit Mr Loriug Well , Tlu > IlnslncRs Traiifiautcd lly tin Ilousonntl Scnntc. WASHINGTON , TUB KBIFKR-UO1NTOX SQUALL. WASHINGTON , February 20. The committee mittoo investigating the Koifpr-Boyntoi charges resumed its session this morning After some delay Koifer took the stand and said ho had known Buynton novel years. Their relations had boon friondl ; intil March 1 last. Ho did not recollec -Imt Boynton had spoken to him special ! * about the passage of nt'y bill. On thi 27th day of July ho received n note fron Boynton about the McUarrahan bill which had been published. About twi days after that date Boynton caino to th ipeakor's room and asked witness in i low tone of voice whether ho wouli recognize Dunnoll. J. G. White , clerk wa in the speaker's room at the time and loft the room when Boynton said h desired to speak about a private matter Witness then detailed the alleged con Torsation in the same manner as ho dc tailed it on the lloor of congress. Tli sooaker expressed surprise that Boyntoi should como to him with a corrupt propo aition. Boynton immediately left th room , and witness had not spoken to hiti sinco. Witness was asked as to whothc ho had spoken of the intorvi w short ! after it took place. The chair hold tli question not competent , and it wn waived for the time. Chairman Hopkins and Mr. Adnm asked General Koifor a number of quoe tions , their chief object boinij to ascei tain why the ex-speakor listened so Ion ; to Boynton's alleged corrupt" propositio without rebuking him and to have hit fix the time of the interview. Koifc said he did not wish to bo hasty w ith man who had been a friend for years. The exact time of the convoro ! tion ho was unable to fix. Keifor fui thcr said that Representative Dunm desired to bo recognized for the MoGarrr han bill but ho told him no ono woul bo recognized to put the bill through Boynton then cross-examined Koiferwh affirmed the truthfulness of his spcec on the floor nf thu house but said ho di not consider improper General Boynton letter asking him in behalf of McG&rn han io recognize some ono for his foil Efe received a largo number of BUC communications. It was only who taken in connection with the subseouer proposition that the letter bacamo * ini portant. Boynton endeavored to have wilnei definitely fix the time when ho called t ask that Dunnell bo recognized but Keifer would not fix the day. Eoyi ton made the point that such applicntio would have boon unreasonable , bocaua the tariil' bill ant1 five appropriation bil ! wore pending and no earthly chance 02 istcd for passing the McGnrrahaii bill. J. Guilford White , clerk of the apcal or'-a table , testified that he saw Bownto in the peakor's room about the time e the allegcd'talk. Boynton in n low ton 'indicated ' that ho wanted a pnvato dutoi view. Witness leffc. Ho heard tli speaker say that Dunnell had cJrcad been recognized once. Buyntau held ibilldn ono hand. When he weut bac into the room the speaker was Icokin for Boynton's letter , which ho euid Ii would , proservo. Ho thought the into : view occurred in the morning. On cros examination the witness became ifjuil 'nervous , and admitted having taken n intercut > in and helped Koifor prepujortl present case. Adjourned. ffillK iDEUOUKATIO OA17CUH. At the caucus of democratic membo : of the house , hold this afternoon , lisle , ILtandaU. Morrison , Eaton , Heagai Barbour , A. S Hewitt , Thompson an Cobbworo unpointed a committee to coi for -with the committee of the eoual democrats relative to the organization i the democratic campaign committee , an report at a joint caucus next Wednesday The chairman of the caucus , S. S. Coi was instructed to apnoint a committee i < eic to co-operate with the sorgoant-o arms in scouring the prompt attendant of members when a call of the house w < ordered. The following resolution wi udoptod , 'it object being to prevent repetition.of ( proceedings similar to thoi of Monday night : ftosolvuff , That it is the sense of th caucus that no democrat should abaci , liimaalf from the house without leave. OlIItB | 1)AN VILLE lUIOT. Tke Danville investigation procoodi to-day , The first witnesces were Cap Grav j id W. H. Barksdale , ( coloret neither of whom offered aujthing now. MM on ftcott , colored ) messenger i internd revenue office at Ban vill d , to ] the fauiiliar story of the riot. Ho heat Hatcher toll the whites to sUnd up wit him and Uiey would bill the lost ono c them ; hated < JoJ. Sims toll Dr. JJarksdi if anyone wan offended by hin rjjeaoh li would go with him to South Oirolim moaning that ho would accept ttihallcnfj to fight south of the state liiuj. At jouined. A.V AMVMINO 4ECUKTAHJT. Senators Vest and Oockroll , Hpcaki Carlis'o andlleprcsentatives Springer an Morrison received a tulo ram from Bull V , New Moiici ) , to-day , naying ; "Tho secretary of Now Mexico refuw to administer thu oath of odico to the li Rally elected mambors of the torritorii legUlaturo , and awumos to decide tl election qualification ! of members againi the vote of the majority holding logi certificates of election. " It is signed by a majority of the couti cil , composed of both political pirties. m-KllS 'JO JIB HEATKD. The house committee on election after hearing thoi arguments in behalf tWeed Wood in the JCatuaa contested oluctio cue pf Wood Vfl , Peters , decided bJl I 1 lo report in f'xvor of the right of Peters tors , the sitting member , to hid scat , NOTE * . Senator IMumb reported to-day fron the committee on ncuiculturo n bill tc itrovido for the erection of the depart montof ngricnUuro into nn executive do [ > artmont. nnd for making the clue jllicor of thixt dopnrtmoont n cnbliic olllcor with thu title of secretary of ngn culture. , The treasury department has b'sci iiotifiod that the president of Mexico hni issued n docrcu imposing nn nddiUona duty of five per cent on all articles itn > ortod into Mexico , commencing the 1511 of May nuxt. FOUTY-KlOItTH CoNOltlJSS. SKNATK. WASHINOTON , D. 0.FobriiRrj' 20. Tin ionnto took up and passed without do .mto the bill increasing the minim amount to pro\ido arms nnd equipment for tlie militia from S20.000 to $50,000 The following resolution wan agreed to Jtt.8olicilt That the secretary of the In : orior inform the senate when and IIOM ininy acres of indemnity lands wfiro cer tified or patented to railroad corporation ! n lown , to whom grants of public land : wcro donated ; also whether any sucl ; oads are now claiming moro indomnit ] nnds , nnd what quantities. On motion of Mr. Allison ( rep. , Iowa ] iho senate passed a bill fixing the tinu 'or holding terms of the circuit and dis < trict courts of the United States in tin northern district of Iowa. It fixes the time for terms as follows At Dubuque , first Tuesday in April am thiid Tuesday in November of each year nt Fort Dodge , third Tuesday in Jntiuarj Hid Juno ; nt Sioux City , second Tuesday in May and second Tuesday in October Mr. Sow ell's ( rep. , N. J. ) bill appro printing $000,000 per nunum for the mil itin passed. Tlio senate then took up the bill t < provide circulation for national banks An amendment was proposed by Mr Pugh ( dem , , Ala. ) to the amendment o Mr. Plumb ( rep. , Ivas.V nnd accepted b ; the latter , which would permit the isiu' of treasury notes provided for in Mr Plumb's amendment in cue the bank ; deposited legal tender notes for redemji tion of their circulation. Another amendment ot Mr. Pugh1 was accented by Mr. Plumb to take th place of the clause yesterday withdraw ! by the latter. The clause yostorda ; withdrawn defined the true intent an meaning of the section to bo that th volume of paper money outstanding ( exclusive clusivo of gold nnd silver certificates should remain as now existing Mr. Push's amendment , ofibred an accepted by Mr. Plumb , dulure the intent and meaning to b that such volume should not bo diinin ialied , and also excepts the v"ncipt and interest of the public debt from tin oblications of thu United States whic ] might bo paid by such troasu.rynotos. The debate was participated in b Messrs. Pugh , Plumb , McPherson ( domi N. .T. ) and Morgan ( dem. , Ala. ) Mr. Plumb's and Mr. Merrill's ( rep. Vt. ) amendments were rejected. Mr. Merrill moved separately ni amendment relating to what ho termiM "tho jjold banks , " and which had jue boon disagreed to. Mr. Morgan introduced an aineudmon suggested by him some days ago. After an executive session the scnat adjourned. I1OU8K. A report was agreed to calling on ill postmaster general for heretofore unpul Itshed reports of special agents with rcl eronco to the star route investigation. Reports were submitted as follows : from the public lands committee n bill to forfeit the land grant of th Oregon Central. Foreign affairs A resolution request ing the president , not to deliver t the Spaninh government , Bcnor Carle Aguero , hold for oxtrudition at Ko West , until it is ascertained whnthor th chargea against him are true and that h is not hold for political purposes. A joint resolution appropriating $1CO , 000 toward the education of Indian passed. The military academy bill wasdiscusso but without action the house adjournct The democrats hold a joint caucus thi evening. ( > > nl Mining KtrJk-et- . CANTON , O. , February 20. About DC minors employed in the mines along Cot notion valley railway are out on a atrik tinco the 15th inat. against u reduction < ton cents a ton then mado. The Saline ; ville district operators reduced Januai Ifith and no strike occurred. The No York & Ohio Coal company followed Itu wcok nnd the miners are out as statot These reductions have boon wade in ant cirmtion of the annual reductions in otlu districts nnd the strike isagiinot reducii before March 1st , when the Hockit valley minus which commonly sot tl standard of wages of most of the Oh districts will reduce wages 15 or 20 .eon a ton , what is known in Ute trade isutnmor rates. No serious strike is : peeled then , as the change of ruto la a. cording to custom Capture nt'lllKtiwuy IU l nk. PiTTHUUiid , February 20. Unioutowi Pa , , people living in the mounUinoi rc joiis of Fayutto county , have been to. . rorized by a band of highway robbers n burglars who jrmdo their headquuetow i tlio mountaine and sullied forth at nigl aitd frequently in broad daylight , plui denng. Two months Ago Fairchanco post eli ( ( wan robbed and the United States ii Dpoctors nave sitico been on thu look 01 for the thieves. Early yesterday raori ing the members of the band were su rounded while attempting u > rob a lioui n > id iu the light wliich ensued Bhoridc Montietli was fatally shot. The otiio escaped. From Montioth information wi obtained which led to the discovery of tl mountain hiding place uud will result i the capture of the others. Tlio IUN i Hml NKW YOBK , February 20. The bodi ot DaLoug and comrades of the ill.futi Jeanette arrived to-day. Tiiay are n perfectly preserved , and will not bo o posed to public view. The bodies are I charge of an undertaker , and will 1 gutrded upon the pier until Friday inon ing , and them escorted to the Brooklv navy yard , Da L < tug will bo buried i Woudltivn cemetery. Dr. Ambler will I taken to Phihdelphit , and Boyd. tl seaman , to Virginia. Two funeral ovi thu romediit will be held ot Holy Tnnii church. THE DEADLY FIRE DAMP. A Terriflc Explosion In a Peonsylvaulf Coal Mine , pnotoou Minors Moot a Horrible t Death , rraphio Description By the Sole Survivor , The Fearful and Hopeless Strug gle for Life , Tlio Force ol" the Implosion Almost llcjoml Itcllof. A MINI : iiouttou. FIIllMIAMI' r.XllLOSION. COXMU.SVILUI : Pa , Fobrunry 20. \.t R o'clock this morning 0110 of thn most orrifio explosions over known in this vicinity occurred at west Loisonring .shaft , a few miles west from hero , resulting in rightful loss of life. Particulars are so noagro that nothing definite is known aa o what caused the disaster. The latest oport , rocoivoi hero at noon , is to the lloct that some Boveijty-llvo persons wore at work in the mine nt the tune of the txplosion , and that out of that numboi wonty-nino nro known to have mot tlioii loath. Many bodies have already been Alton out. Twelve were rescued , several of whom are so badly injured that thej vill die. Every effort is being made k get at thoio who are yet in the mine , nni ! 0 learn the full extent of the frightful accident. It is thought that at least lift ) are killed or so badly injured they will dio. A HURVIV01U OllAriUU ACCOUNT. UNION-TOWN , February 20. The litth nining village of West Loisonring , foui miles north of hero , was this mornjiif ho BCOIIO of the most torrifio oxploaioi over known in the coke region. The Conncllsvillo Coal & Iron company him coke ovens lioro which give omploymonl ; o about 100 men. The coal n obtainee > y moans of a shaft which roaches the mine at a distance of 400 feet from tin suifaey. This mornim ; a part of the force , who had worked all night loft thi mines a little niter 3 o'clock and seventy others took their places , making tht usual morning shift. About 0:30 : o'clock while the nun were digging and withou1 warning an explosion occurred that con vnlaed the mine in every apartment ant ; hrow the men into the utmost counter nation. The scone of the explosion was ti ono of the apartments fully 80 ( ; eot distant from the bottom of tin shaft and abeut 1,200 foot from the sur ; ace opening , yet the report was hearten on the outaido for a considerable distnncc and caused such a jar that the top of i derrick 100 feet high was knocked ofl Two mules were standing at the botton of the shaft , 800 foot from the explosion ind the rush of air blow ono of then through tno wooden cage shattering ii -jo pieces. An awful scone ensued among the terror ror stricken miners as all their lamp were blown out and they were loft u darkness and oonfuiion. They had no time to recover from the shock unti they found themselves unable to breathe as the explosion of fire damp left thi mine without oxygon. The men hpvcroc near the bottom , but oven here did no long find relief. Of all thi men who were in the hoadiui when the explosion occurred Diet Balsoly alone escaped to toll the awfu story. When the explosion came and al the lights were blown out , Balsoly had jutt changed clothes. Ho at once vroum 1 part of his clothes tightly around hii face and mouth to keep the foul air fron choking him , and gave the rest of hi garment ! * to a companion with instruo lions to take the same precautions. Hi then started for the entrance bidding his companion follow. The ; ran over the bodies of men and eve shattered wagons. They could BOO noth ing , but could hoar the groans of dyiiij men. Presently Balsoly's companion protested that they were not going ii the ( right direction , and turned bock Like Lot's wife , ho perished. Da'.aob pushed on until finally ho oaw light , an < was taken out. His escape is rugardvt as must marvelous. Ho says sotnoof th men kept their heads under water a long as thny could , and would have ti change from the water to the after-dam ; until finally they gave up the uncquii struggle. When news of _ the explosion flashoi around the families of the men gathoro about the shaft crn/.y with suspense Bitlsuloy's story gave thorn little groum for hope that any could bo got out alive It was fully two hours before any volunteers toors could enter the mine though man ; were ready to make a search but wor unable to do so until hope of rescuin the unfortunates alive quite lied. It wn about 8 o'clock when the first body wa brought out which was that of Miclwc Rikhs , whoso wife and two little one were waiting at the shaft. There were in marks of violence. Ho had evident1 ! died of suffocation. The work of rcscu ing now went on rapidly. At noon 1 bodies had been carried out. The com pany's books were then examined , th roll called , and it was announced that al the men were accounted for. Thobodio were taken to their homos near by an laid out , Coroner Bat ton , of this place with many others , wont from hero , am the inques began this afternoon , N tflotimpny was taken , except that whic identified tlw dead , a list of whom is a follows ; Michael Holforn , leaves a wit and nix children ; John Buckley , unmat ried ; Patrick Kennedy , unmarried , th only child of a widow ; James Tracy , single glo ; James Baker , leaves a wife and t\v children ; David Lloyd , single ; Williat Davw , single ; Thomas McGaruy , lo.ivc a wife and three children ; John Harty single ; Martin Jtihks , leaves wife and two children ; Georg W. Oullis , leaves a wife ; Davi Buekner leaves a wifu nnd two children John Murray leave * a wife and child Peter WftUjrc , single ; William Feurln loaves u wifa and four cluldrwi ; Jo Barks loaves a wifu ; II. Warmers , singK Albau N. Hackney , wife and ono child Garoy E Mace , unknown relations. Mokt of the above had died of iullbcs tion , and their fiwiN generally wore vtr black. The last man taken out alive wn Henry Wilion , who managed to nubaii t > n ir In the very bottom until rescued Ho TM\S almost gone. Manyofthos who wcro in other parts of the mine su { forod terribly. _ _ Tlio I onn Dus MOINK-S February 20. In tin senate to-day a bill was passed rciuirin | | town and city councils to puss annual ap [ iroprialion ordinances for current ex wises and to limit expenditures Bloom's bill to prohibit bucket shop came up and a long debate ensued as ti whether the bill would interfere with lo Ritimato operations of boards of trado. I was referred tack to the judiciary com nitteo and made a special order for nox Tuesday. Adjourned. In the house the afternoon wasdovotci to eulogies of the late Mr. Holbrook , do censed member from Delaware. Addrossc wcro mndo by Messrs. Carpenter , Hum ) hrcy , Babb and Lyons , and Senator Swcenry , Donan and others. TEMCGHAril Hun ; , Uio l.ontf lulnmt tii'tnlcrar , who OK cApcd from thn ( noou'n county ] M Hinuluy \\aii cipturod jostcnlny. J. W , Hull niul ] ) uld liong , miipoml | ( ti jotl'oMt. I'ulivukl imirilorarg. UOTO up for i prolimlimry ItU'uliifnt Lincoln , 111 , , yosUr di > y. but the ho. rliiR WIVH iKittpoiiod \ \ \ \ WOOKH , The luisomMy piunod a 1)111 jc tcrdnynst up iibviluto ninioiutlii ) ; pouor in the nmjo > f Now York. A collision of tr.iiiu uoir Valimrnlso yuslcr Iny kllloil three iieu.ina and \\ounilail KOM > rn others. Mr , Ilnlly , ft proinlnont liuly o [ Suit tot nuil county. Tnmnim , wna dnunotl In th Jooil liut DlRlit. The ilnmngo nt Mrultson , Indlaim , by th wind , \\ivt vury heavy. A eiiwmlll bollor oxplodoil nt West CnnUU O , , yoatordny , kllUur two inon At Now Orlonno , last night , tha utonmlion Clinton Imrntod n ntoiiiu jilpo. fntnlly ncnUlln Uoorgo 1'lorjo nnd 1'ntrlckMurphy. Au Icojumlinn 1ms CRUnod n Hood nt Lai don , Out , , nonrly nn Iioavy as tlmt of lai .Tnly. llonry Wnrd llernhor , lUnory Stonii ( Ch cnyo ) , .Icliu U. JtcKonrlo anil Chief JiutU NoahDnNls , wora BponkorR Iftst night nt profit ninfR mootlnp In Brooklyn mnro atrlngont oxctso bill. Tlio l/ovcjoy Dcfniilt. Li.voouv , Nub. , February 20. Th United States to-day Ucgan a suit on tli bond of Howard S. Lovejoy , late r < ceivor of the Niobrara land olfico , to n cover $12U15 ! duo ainco October 138 ! Lovojpy defaulted and disappeared t that timo. Cor n If o\var < l. UOIIIFOUI ; > , 111. , February 'JO. Th family of the Flomikon Kirl , drownc Saturday , has offered § 100 reward f < the recovery of the body. A hundrc men nro still drugging the river. Colliijiso of a LKBCiinuun , Pa. , Fobrunry 20. TI wire bridge spanning the Kiskaminoti river at Apollo , parted the wire cabli istordny , immediately over the pioi' i the middle of the river and wont don with a crash. Wm. Henderson and Ha ry Gonkins crossing with a load of she iron were thrown in the rivor. Hondo son escaped with a cold bath , butGonkii and two horses were drowned. United In Drnilt. MILWAUKEE , Wis. , February 20. ] 0. Bradley and wife , an aged couple , die a natural death this morning nt the homo. They wore found in each othe : arms. Ho was formerly n wealthy rai mad contractor but lost his inonc through fraud on the part of others , ar has of latu yearn boon employed in U United States engineer's otlicu. Calllornlu Wheat Crop. SAN FJIANCIHOO , February 20. TI prospects for an excellent wheat crop ; the great grain producing sections of tl state were never hotter. The Lomviu.E , February 20 The rive falling slowly , is 43 foot nnd 8 inches. ! , storm last night was fearful to Hood' ' property. The tow boat John A. Wood lost three boats of coal , Cook & HofV 01 barge of coal , Dully lose none , but i barges and boats are leaking sotno. KvAN vn.TK , Ind , February 20. Ti river is strowu with the wreck of hous swept away lust night by the galo. I ) lief boats have boon sent above nnd b low to renew such assistance as is poai bio in rescuing the people and roliovii the distress , and will not return bofo Homo time this afternoon. Many rumors are afloat of loss of Jif but no definite information is obtainabli but there is no doubt it was heavy. Newburg has just telephoned lor a bo to go to the assistance of people to 1 Kuan in distress oppomto that town wliii is 15 miles above hero. Weather nc calm. Cmt'Aoo , February 2Q. The storm the vicinity of nnd west of St Paul nt south through Iowa , cattorn Dakota , at Miwionri , played havoo with the telegra { wires and the service in these diroctioi is merit or loss imparod. The same true in Texas nnd the southwest , nnd i a tueanuro cast and south east of Oincii nati. TinTlieator Ocrcont , Washington Kepubllcan. ' "Why is it , " aakod u lady , "that goi tlemon no , men persist in wearit their ovcr.'uats to their scats in theater and then ml ; lug thorn off to the irnmoni discomfort of at least four people thoi on each side and tliojo boforonnd bohin him ? A man with a good vigorous swin to his arms usually manages to disbd the bonnet from the head of the lady b side him , and the most careful action ca not save that of the l > idy in front of hin To bo this lady in front is to have an o : poriunco unpanillod in its annoyance. sudden _ blow on the back of tl bonnet is the first imitation you will n ceivo that the man behind is about I uncase himself. Before you recover blow on the side of the head assures yc that ono sleeve has yielded up its coi tents in a somewhat sudden nnnnir ; ui less you tire unusually quick motione you do not avoid a blow on ( ho otlu side whou ho pulls the coat oil' from th othur nrm ; nil this , however , might b borne , but jour discomfit nro is camplot when , liu turns iquaro around to han the ciftt upon tint ! > aok of his chair , thu giving tha unfortunate bonnet unotlu blow tlut doatroys your good humor fo the uveMug , Talk of largo hats ! The are bubtjus of vanity btsiUo the nuisnnc of n inanNwith an overcoat. \ FROM FOREIGN LANDS. Why Bisniarcfc PlncMtlie Tail of Am erica's ' Frond Bill Text of His 'Letter Eoturniug the ] Laakor Eosolutions , O'Connor ' Power Denounces the Land Leaguoi A Prince Edward J Island Town Burning Upi 'ho ' Movement ol Troops to Save Toknr. GKNHKAIi rOHKION NEWS. IIISMAKCK'S JICASONH. BKUUN , February 20 The official 3azotto publishes n communication from haniarclc to Eisondcckor , directing him oturn to thu house of representatives its resolution of contlolonco at the death of lorr L link or. Following is the text of lie communication , which is dated Fob- uary I ) : "Any recognition in a foreign country , f the personal qualities of a Gorman , specially when mndo by so important a > ody as the house of representatives , is gratifying to our national feelings. 1 hould have gratefully accepted the com- nunication made by Minister Sargcant , Mid should have asked the emperor to itnpower inn to present it to the Reich- itag , if the resolution had not contained \n opinion regarding the object and effect f Laskor's political activity which was opposed to my convictions. According 'o my experience ofitho political ml economic development of the Gor man people , I cannot recognize the opin- on as 0110 which events 1 have witnoaso-l would justify. I should not venture to oppose my judgment to the opinion of such an illustrious body n the houseof representatives if I had not by more than 10 years' participation in Germany's in ternal policy aincd an Cxporionco which , justified mo in attaching a certain value ; o my judgment in the ( iiieation of homo affairs. I cannot determine to ask the ompcror for the necessary power to com- mmicato the resolution to the roicbstng. because 1 should have otllcially to advo cate before the emperor an opinion uhich 1 cannot recognize as correct. " In conclusion , Bis.narck requests the Germrm miniatur at Washington to send Lho communication to Secretary Freling- luiyBon and return him the house resolu tion , Till ! HEI.IKK OK TOKAll. OAIUO , February 20 Troops nro ar riving ut Suaktm so rapidly that an ad vance on Tokarwill probably bo made on Saturday. To-morrow 2,000 men will muster at Trinkitat , Admiral Hewitt will niako a simutlancoua movement from Suakim , while General Graham will ad vance by the hill road from Trinkitat on. Tokar , Scouts report Ostnan Digmawith 7,000 robots guarding thu defiles of the hill road , leaving 3,000 of the tribe of Iladdoudowas to watch Suakim. A OUKAT FIKK IIAOIUO. ST. JOHNS , N. B. , February 20. A fire at Charlcstown , Priuco Edward's island , this morning , destroyed all the business places on the south side of Queen's square , the postoflico and cus tom house. The loss is placed at § 250- 000 ; insurance , $100,000. LATER Another tire has started on. the south aide of Kent street. rOWEll's BENHATIOK. LONDON , February 20. In the com- m"iis to-day John O'Connor Poworhomo ruler , formerly of thu Rirnollito party , created a sensation by a bitter and sting ing arraignment of the land league , which ho charged witli having greatly damaged the Irish cause. TO ASIC niBMAHCK TO I Xl'LAIN. BKIIMN , February 20 The action of Bismarck in returning the resolution of sympathy at the death of Herr L ask or continues to ozcito much comment. Friends of the deceased statesman in the rcichstag propose to demand from Bis- . murck an explanation of his course. dOKDON AT KIIAllTOUJf. KiiAiiTora , February 20. General Gordon hold levee and the to-day a poor est Arab was admitted. Ho has opened ollicos at the palace to hoar grievances. The government books containing record * from time immemorial of the debts of the people , the whip and bastinadoes have been publicly burned. A council of Arab notables was formed. The prison , in which were 200 wrotchcn loaded with chains , has been found , and ordered to bo demolished. The negroes hold great rejoicing. The Europeans aaroo that Gordon's ' proclamation was tha only moans of saving themselves and the garrison risen , LONDON , February 20 The recent fight between whites and natives of Mo- culla arose through the auont of the Dutch factory employing Kroobojs to which natives objected. Eight hun dred natives attacked the factory , which was defended with cannon and armed men. During the flcht , a num ber of natives took shelter behind n powder magazine. The defenders - fenders < f the factory tired into the magazine , which exploded , killing many natives. The fight continued several hours , when the natives withdrew , loav- iim forty dead. ARSAPARLIA Ii a carefully prepared rxtract of tb best remedies of the vegetable kingdom Ir.ovra to medical Kl- tnco AI Alteratives , Wood 1'urifkn , Diuretic * and Tonic * , * n * SarMpartlla , Yellow Dock , SUllliiKb , Jlandelloii , Jimli > erllenle , ManUroU , Wild Cherry Bark And other ( clecusl rooU.bark * nj hcrU. JL mcdWue , like miytUnu eL , can bo fairly Jud ed only by It * utulti.'a iwliil\vlUi aUiaeUou to the gloriom record Hood' * ganapartlla ha * entered ( or ItKlt upon tha heart * of llioiuunds of peoplu lit Savr J-UigUndwliolmopereonallyor IndlreUly Ueurv Uevulof terrible tiulcrliiicuhlch all other remedies failed to reaiJi. , Mnil ln by t xiiriH two bet ml a few Cook JiooU ( or JutilbuUon. Your piejwrad M * ' 4i Mwnvtt ti * Vltll l4cl llC illiltlltt ItOtl l i4luU5ti ( or JtOff. blia only took oiie-lulr tuispoouJul ut u imllunnotUejiM\ullur mcrcarniu nowM > fouiklHintwlllilnn veekinterUUut-Hi ) . Irllv r luiuIiUlWr.aiiii hnuir eutlrtlylruo IrumthoM < vtraUadai-licn. him luu not ukrn any of nuy no- count iliiLe lit Mirlntr , and n lint llulo li luut Itli. lit. V&SSSBFSS ? * i wtMi T > - ' I