Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1884, Image 1
< r THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. THIRTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA ; NEB. WEDNESDAY MORNING , FEBRUARY 20 , im. NO. 208 , STORM AND FLOOD. The Flooiea Valleys Swept By a Ter rific Gale , Carrying Destruction and Death On Its Wings , The Northwest Blizzard and Its Viotims , Los Angeles a Heavy Sufferer By a Dam Giving Way , Krom Iho Flooded Vallcjh anil Storm Wrenched Ulllos. SKVKUH STOKMK. A TKIUtlilLE 1'ATE. CHICAGO , February 18. The Daily News' Louisville , Ky. , special says : The worst gale over known is sweeping this part of thn Ohio valley from end to end , carrying destruction nnd death with every blast. About 0 o'clock the pouring rain changed to a drizzling sleet. The wind is now blowing with a velocity of forty miles an hour. A party , just returned from a visit to the Hfo saving boat , in . company with a Courier- Journal reporter , saya the waves were surging and swelling to such an extent as to inako our transit in the yawl from the shore to the boat almost nn impossibility. Captain Dovan , ono of the most fearless , bravest , reliable officers in the aorvico is in charge of the life saving station. From him it was learned that the houses on the submerged portion of Louisville known as "The Point" nro falling by the scoro. The upper storjos of many of those houses , occupied nt least by two hundred und fifty people , nro in this Hooded portion. Captain Devan says : "It is impossible to roach any more of those people with the boats. Wo have already removed some but can taV o away no more. No boa ! can roach them. No boat could live tc roach thorn. They are surely doomed. I wouldn't venture ten cents on their os cape. Every packet on the Ohio rivei that cannot putin shore to-night is bound to die. Below Evansville there are miloi and miles of Hooded country when no steamar could possibly make the shoro. The timber skirting the bank : of the river is under wai or. To strike upon it in a calm moans death in this atage of water. There ia but ono fate foi any vessel loose upon the watorn of the Ohio to-night. ' 'A Hat boat which ven turcd out to take off some people on "Tho Point , " waa overturned by thi gale and part , if not all , of the occupant drowned. It ia impossible to learn any thing definite of the condition there to night. All submerged places mus bp inevitably swept from existence to night The loss of life is apprehended ti bo positively incalculable. CLIMBING TUBES KOll SAFETY. EVANSVILLE , February 1 ! ) . The gal continues at midnight. The farm hous and barn of Larkin Fitzgerald , acrns ; the river , were swept from their founda tiona and wrecked. The house of Charle Ware , in the bayou above the city am swept away with its three occupants wa wrecked against trees , by moans o which the occupants escaped. A boa manned by two men who won to their assistance was nls wrecked , its occupants also climbing trees. All were rescued after romainin two hours. Belief boats , ono for abov and one for below , will start at six in th morning to ascertain the damage an loss of life. The river came to a stand e six to-night , and is now falling slowly The fall last year began the same da and almost the aamo hour. EFFECTS AT EVANSVILLE. EVANSVILLK , Ind. , February 10. Th terrible wind storm all the afternoon an still blowing a gule , came out this aftoi no mi almost a hurricane from the nortl west. Not much damage to sliippin hero , but fears that news from the otil merged districts to-morrow will rop- t much loss of life from drowning amen those still in the second stories of sul merged hcuscs. It is growing very col and snowing , with no signs of the wim abating Relief boats will patrol up an down the river as early as they can stai in the morning to relieve the suffering WICKOK IN COUJMHUH , ( IA. COLOMHUS , Oa. , February 19. A s < voro wind atprm struck the eastern po : tion of the city at noon tday , causin much damage. The Baptist church nn county jail and the Columbus oil mill were unroofed. The round-house of th Central depot .was utterly demolished six engines badly damaged , two wrockc and many machinists narrowly escapee WllEOK AND DEATH IN ALABAMA. ROME , Georgia , February 10. A sc vero storm struck Amboraon and Ladigc Alabama , thia afternoon. Some 14 pei sona are reported killed. Houses vror blown over in largo numbers. Ever house in Amborson is reported down.A Cave Spring several houses were demo ished , and an old man named Gaillar killed. Captain Lapsloy's house we blown down , and his sister-in-law , it i supposed , was killed. Ton or 12 noigl boring houses were destroyed. Grei excitement prevails , and reliable infoi matioti is hard to get. SNOWING AND BLOWING. OHIOAQO , February 10. The Intel Ocean's Decatur (111 ( , ) special says : _ i terrific snow storm has boon provailin hero since early thia afternoon , accon panied by strong winds. Several iuclie of snow have fallen. A HOWUNIJ UL1ZZAUD. CHICAGO , February 10. The Intel Ocean's Mattoon ( III. ) apocal nays ; . howling blizzard is upon us. There ia furious wind , accompanied by a hoav fall of snow and sleet. Thothermometc ia rapidly falling. , o , , DAMAGED. CosiiocroN , O. , February 19. A toi rilio wind and rain storm atruck th place to-night , doing great damage t trees and buddings. It is feared tin much damage has been done through th country. A 8EIUOUH V1HITAT10N. SAN FiiANCibuo , February 10. OK ing to thn heavy rain storm telegraph communication ha been interrupt * with Southern California sinceSuuda ; Los Angeles dispatches received thia ev nig , via Dealing and Ogden atate that tl am nt Los Angeles river broke Sunday voning , producing the most disastrous oods over experienced. The lower por- on of the city waa completely inundat- eland a hundred famillies obliged to lloo o the hills. Forty buildings were wnah- d awny. The loss amounts to $150,000. "nndreds of miles of railway nro washed way and travel in nil Directions sus- ended. It will bo two months before ommunication ia properly ro-osU bliahod. loporta from San Joaquin vnlloy nn- ounce the heaviest Hoods over known. rKUlSHF.I ) IX THE IILI/7.A111I. MINNEAPOLIS February 1'J. The 'ribuno'a ' special says : Three out of our singes duo in Lamowro , Dak , , yes- erdny have not been hoard from , and it ) believed the drivers nnd passengers oriahcd in the bliz/ard. The Ellendnlo onch was found half way between La- mowio and Ynnkton , turned bottom side p , and the driver was found in a house wo miles distant badly frozen. Ho hade o passengers M. J. Sanderson started itn a lady passenger from Lamowro bout the same time as this coach , and toy have not since been heard from. _ lt s beliovpd both perished. Search parties ro looking for them in all directions. To tidings have been received from 10 Jamestown coach , and the worst ia oared. MINNEAPOLIS , February 10. ATrib- no special reports all roads in Southern Iinncsota and Dakota blockaded. The ; orm hua generally subsided. It is G ogreos below thia evening and growing older. HAD WOUK AT CAIRO. CAIIIO , 111. , February 111. The riyoi 3-night ia 51 feet 1 inches and rising lowly. A heavy rain this afternoon waa ccompanied by n gale , which will Drove aovoro strain upon the now levee. A orco of men are watching and placing ami-bags in washed places. It lacks n oot of last year's Hood. Bulkheads nru > oing built at Mound City. ASKING ASSISTANCE. AI.IIVNV , Ind. , February 1 ! ) . 'ho citizen * hero ask for money to ro- iovo the sufferings of their follow mon. ANOTIIEU MSE. CINCINNATI , February 1 ! > . It is rain , ng hard hero and at points above. Aftoi ailing to 50 feet 9 inches the river com. noticed rising and rose a quarter of an nch between 8 and ! ) to-night. CRIME AND OlllM.lNAti9. MUS. LARSON'S GUEEU. MnsiCEooN , Mich. , February 10. Mrs , vorun Larson , charged with poisoning Tohn Guild , was found guilty of murdoi n the first degree this morning , llei luaband awaits trial on the same charge 3uild was 00 years old , and deeded hii 'arm to Mrs. Larson on condition tha iho should furnish him a homo durin ; lis life. He died suddenly August 1st and a post mortem disclosed that deatl was occasioned by a dose of "Rough 01 [ lats , " and the crime was imputed to th < Larsons. DEM'KBATK FIGHT WITH IIOUKF. THIEVES 'DEADWOOII , February 19. Informa tion from Stoneville says horse thieve tiad a fight with Deputy Sheriff AVel lard's posse. They killed Cunningham who was a bystander. The body of 'Jacl Campbell , ono of the outlaws , waa fount five miles from the scene of the encounter ter , perforated by fifteen bullets. Tuttle wounded outlaw , ia not expected fa live. Axelbee , their leader , escaped severely voroly wounded. Deputy Willard am nine others are in pursuit. Jesse Pruden the prisoner over whoso arrest the trag edy occurred , has been safely jailed. AN ESCAPED MUUDEBEK CAUGHT. CHICAGO , February 10. Luke Phippt the eacaped wife murderer from Wine ser , Canada , was arrested at Pullmar 111. , this evening. Ho killed his wife o a ferry-boat between Detroit and Wine ser in August , 1883 , and broke jail c Windsor. THE PULASKI MUUDKIt. ST. Louis , February 19. It has tram pircd to-night that J. H. Hall , ai rested hero last Saturday night , ia ono c the murderers of Charles McMahon , wealthy farmer living five miles from Mi Pulaaki , 111 , and his two farm handi Robert Matheny and John Carloch , i August , 1882. The arrest was made b the Pinkortons , who started with th prisoner to-night for Lincoln , III They also had in custody , but whothc under arrest or not could not bo learnet a man named David Long. The raurde was peculiarly atrocious , and created ir tense excitement at the time. The bor ics wore found inMcMahon's housowi > their feet hobbled and months gaggoc The crimp was evidently committed fc robbery , it being believed that McMaho had a largo sum of money in the houac Two or throe other persons will soon b arrested. The Dusted McQIimls , * NEW YORK , February 19. It ia nt nouncod no statement of McGinnia Broi & Foaring'a affairs will bo made for som days as some of their customers are cloi ing up their contracts. It is undorstoo more than half of the firm's liabilities ar due to three creditors who have oxpresso themselves aa willing to grant the fin any extension ot time desired. It he boon proposed that a trustee bo appointe to take charge of the firm'a aaaeta in o : dor to save the expenses usually a1 tending assignments " ' " ! * The Weather. For the Upper Mississippi vallo' Clearing and fair weather , con oral ! colder , north to west winua , higher bi rometor , followed by slowly riafng ton peraturo , variable winds and falling bi rometor. For the Missouri valley : Generally fa weather , variable winds and nearly ati tionary followed by falling barompto : and by Thursday morning with risin temperature. A Devilish ] > t > cd , CosiiooroN , 0.February 19. Awrec occurred thia morning at Trenton oil tl : Pan Handle whereby three tramps woi killed and ono fatally injured , the eng neer , conductor and two brakemen baal injured. Two enginoa and twenty on freight cars were demolished. The aeon of the mishap is at the foot of a Ion tirade , down which the first section < a freight was running at a high rate ( opeed. At the foot of the hill is a litt tation and aide tracks. Some dovila i human form had moved the switch will out disturbing the signal light and tl engine crashed into two cars atanding c the aiding. Before the flagman cou got far enough back to warn tlio section following it came crashing into the first piling the cars nnd engine in a masi of undiatinguiahnblo debris. OKNBIlAIj VOKEIGN NEWS. THK CHOLERA nKUM. BKULIN , February 10. The Gorman aniUry commission , sent to Egypt nnd idia by the imperial board of health , to tudy the nature , causes , etc , , of cholera , ms forwarded n report from Calcutta , 'ho commission discovered n cholera ( arm in a water tank nt Calcutta , and bund , in n certain village where cholera nado its appearance , the same micros- opio organism which had boon discovered n the lower intestines of cholera victims i Egypt. A MASSACRE FEARED. 0iito , February 19. The British ro- iof force will reach Stiakim Sunday next nd advance on Toknr Tuesday. Rein- brcomonta were hurriedly dispatched rom Gibraltar and Malta underpressure , 'hero is danger of an Egyptian revolt nd a massacre of Europeans if news of io British chocks arrives nnd Cairo and loxandria are denuded of English oops. nRADLAUOH RE-ELECTED. LONDON , February 19. Bradlaugh was 'O-oloctcd ' by a majority of seventy-six , 10 largest ho over had. NOT CENSURED. LONDON , February 19. The debate in lie commons on censuring the govern- nont for its Egyptian policy was conclud- id , nnd on n division defeated , Oil to 02. The Irish party throw their whole oto ( lit ) on the side of the conservatives , oc the government obtained a majority f 49 in the house numbering 073 , Both idea brought every available man to the 'ivisiou. DNIMA'S THIIEAT. SUAKIM , February 19. Osman Digma , in a letter to Admiral Hewitt , saya ns eon ns ho has finished Tokar , ho will roat the English the same ns hu has roated the Egyptians. General Gordon , dviscs thnt the tribes bo assembled for \ < conference. THE BULL-HEADED DUTCH. PARIS , February 19. The Nowa pub- ishes intelligence from Berlin which asserts that naturalized Gcrmnn-Amcri- : an citizens who return to Germany , nio ngnin being rigorously subjected to mili tary duty , and that the German foreign ce ignores United States Minister Sar- cant and conducts negotiations directly with Washington. A SUCCESSFUL SORTIE. SUAKIM , February 19. Advices from Tokar state that two hundred of the garrison risen made , a sortie attacking the enemy , killing and wounding several of them , also capturing a number of cattle and camels. THE ARMY OK OCCUPATION. LONDON , February 19. In compliance with the request of Sir Evlyn Barring , the British representative at Cairo , the government has decided to reinforce the British army of occupation. THE RAID ON HUMBERT. ROME , February 19. Two versions are given of the attack on the railway train containing King Humbert. Ac cording to ono , it was nn attempt to take the kinf's life ; the other makes it an act of brigandage to secure booty. RELIEVING TOKUt. LONDON , Fob. 19. Orders governing the expedition for the relief of Tokar have boon issued. Troops will take pro visions sufficient to last two weeks. They will bivouac on the line of march , each man carrying seventy rounds of ammu nition , and there will bn a rescue supply of 250 rounds per man. THE PARNELLITES. LONDON , February 19. After the vote upon Stafford Northcoto's motion censur ing the government's Egyptian policy , Parncll vri'l ' go to Cork to assist John Deasy , candidate for parliament of the Irish National league. Ho trill probably address the clectora upon the general pol'cy of the government. A mooting of Pnrnollito members of the house o ! cpmmona waa hold this morning , and de cided to vote against the government upon Sir Stafford Northcoto'a motion ol censure. Kolmburni. . * ; Distillers , CHICAGO , February 19. The Western Export association mot to-day for the purpose of reimbursing such distillers nu have accumulated product in providing for cattle attached to the distillery. The pool allows running to the extent only of thirty nor cent of their capacity , but more ia required to care for cattle. The surplusage was adjusted. Distilleries in and around Cincinnati have been unable to run for fifteen days , and their capacity amounts to 100,000 bushels of grain. It was agreed that they bo paid 880,000 therefor , additional to the 800,000 sot aside to take care of the surplusage. The price of high wines was advanced from 11 to 15 cents , the Cincinnati basis , Another advance ia probable in a abort time. The Bnttiu )7"cold Harbor. TOLEDO , Ohio , February 10.- The Blade has received another communica tion from General Grant in relation tc the controversy over the battle of. Cole ilarbor aa follows : "In further reply to youra of the Slat ult. , in relation to the battle of Hold Ilarbor , since writing you on the 7tli inat. I have thought about it , and have n sort of indistinct recollection that I did issue orders for another attack , but came to the conclusion , myself , and without consultation , that it would prove R fail ] uro and have no compensating result1 , and I simply aent worU verbally to tin corpa commander before the time ordered for that attack to suspend , and thei made my arrangements for a final lofl flank movement north of the Jamoi. " Fourth In Command , ST. Louis , February 10. Colonel A. A Talmage. general transportation manage : of th Missouri Pacific railway system has been appointed fourth vice preaidon of that ayatem , with jurisdiction extend inijovor the entire Wabash lino. Oolone Andrews becomes consulting engineer. A Hallway I'utallly. PITTHBURQ , February 19. A paaeen gor train on the Cleveland & Pittsburi railroad ran into a handcar-load of track men , and the following were Boriounl hurt : John Marrion , probably fatally Patnck MoDonough and John McDou ough. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. FnrlherTeslifflonylatlieDanyilleRiot Investigation , Our Brother In Blnok Prosonta a Dark Pioturo , Unused Military Reservations To Bo Disposed of , The Closing Soonos of the All Night House HowL Various Mutters or imprest llrlelly Noted. ritOU WASHINGTON. THK IIANVILLK JIIOT. WASHINGTON , February 19. In the Dauvillo investigation to-day , W. P. Graves ( white ) , a commission merchant of Danville , testified thnt ho WAS armed on the day of the riotand fired four shots into the crowd of colored pooplo. The colored men fired in liia direction , and ho returned the tiro. Ho did not , however , nee any pistols in the hands of < ? olorod mon. There was no conspiracy on the part of the whites to bring on a riot , but on the contrary the inllucnco of the whites was exerted to the utmost to prevent - vent a collision. A letter had boon in- tarcoptcd convoying the information that if lighting took p'.aco down town the women and children in the borders of the town would bo murdered in their houses. Adams ( colored ) testified that after ho was Bubna'iiaed to Washington ho was approached by Darksd.ilo , Uiitchor , Lea nnd others , who told him ho had butter know "damned little" about the riot when ho wont to Washington. Charles Adams ( colored ) testified that raves , thn first witness , shot him on ho day of the riot. lie rolled up his ilcovot and showed the scar of the .rounds. Adams , a colored policeman , said that wo months before the riot the grand ury indicted the whole force , and some thors , white and bluck , for carrying oneealed weapons. The colored people ivoro poor aim could not pay their lines , nd the white people \voro ublo to pay. The outcome wus that the colored people eatcd carrying arms nnd the whites con < imitd Jefferson Ilubbard ( colored ) witnessed ; ho riot. Ho thought three hundred [ Hstols went off , "just like a pack ol icmibs. " The whites then commenced callin' , "Heah ! hoah ! heah ! Kill 'em ell 'em ! kill 'em ! just like dot. " Hi ; aw Captain OJravcs " id a big , long pis- ol , " which Graves discharged at wit less. The colored people having rur ivory which way , the whites came froir ivory direction with shot guns. Other witnesses added nothing now tc .ho information of the committee. Adjourned. U3ELESSMILITAHY IlEHKHVATIOXH. The bill reported from the conimUtoi on military atl'uirs for the disposition ol abandoned and useless military roj'Jrvu , ions , provides that land included within any reservation which has or may becomt useless for military purposes shall bt placed under control of the secretary o the intotior for appraisal and public sale such lands not to bo subject to location by warrant of any description , and no subject to the homestead , pre-emption o : timber culture laws. The table accom panying the bill shows 170 such roiorva turns , with an aggregate of nearly 3,000 , 000 acre . BTOUK ANI > MEAT INSPEOriON. Senator Logan introduced in the senate ate to-day , by request , a bill to provid for the appointment by the president o ono inspector of live stock , dressed moa and hog products for foreign shipment It provides that it shall bo the duly o the inspector , on application to inspoc stock , hog products or dressed moat submitted for his examination , and upoi payment to him by the person applyinj for his services reasonable foes nnc charges , to furnish written certificates o such inspection , setting forth the tim and place of examination , and the condi ion and quality of uuch article exam ined. Kl'.LIKP WOltK. The secretary of war continues to receive coivo numerous telegrams showing satie factory progress in the relief of the llooi sufferers of the Ohio river and tributu : ios. The general tenor of the telegram is that the supplies already distribute are amply uufliciont to moot all proson needs. There remains yet unoxpondoi 8100,000 of the § 500,000 appropriated. NOTKH. The British government lias tondoroi the United States the use of the atcamc Alert for the Orooloy relief expedition She vras built especially for the Arcti seas , and will bo used as a supply alii ; nnd follow it ) the wako of the other vuc sols. sols.Tho president has nominated 0. t Palmer , of Vermont , for associate justic of the supreme court of Dakota. The department of ateto haa rpcoive information confirming the report of tli danaetoua illness of Minister Hunt. Washington Cockle lias been continnc as postmaster at Peoiiu , 111. The body of General Ord id orpocto to arrive hero the 27th hist. The gain in coin circulation since Jul l.t , 1883 , is : gold , § 15,542,820 ; alive : $141,020.65. _ _ _ _ FOHTY-ISiailXU CONGKES9. HENATE. WASHINGTON , D. 0. . February 10.- Mr. lawes ) ( rep. Mass , ) from the con mittoo on Indian ufluira reported favo ably a bill providing for the punishmei of trespasson on Indian lands by in prisomnont for ono year or a fine i 500 , or both. Ho said the action of the commit was upon recommendation of the eecr tary of the interior and especially ii tended to keep Payne and his followoi oil' the Oklahoma landa. The bill to provide for the issue circulation to national banks waa take up and Mr. Bayard ( doin. Del.addreasi ) thu senate in opuoailiouito Mr , Pluml ( rep. Kaa ) amendment. After further ducusuiou by Messi Maioy ( dein , , Tex. ) , Bock ( dom. , R | and Pugh ( dem. , Ala. ) , Mr. Morg ( dom. , Ala. ) said ho proposed to offer nn amendment to the amendment of the Senator from Kansas to provide that "whenever any portion of the circulation of a national bank shall bo surrendered in consequence of n call nnd payment of bonds by the United States government , an equal amount f treasury notes shall bo issued by the government in lieu thereof so M to prevent a shrinkage of circulation. " The dolmto WAS lengthy , and was par ticipated in by Messrs. Bayard , MoPhur- son ( dom. , N.J. ) , Plumb ( rep. , Ks , ) , Yost ( dom. , Mo. ) . Allison ( rop. , la. ) and Mitchell ( rep , Pa. ) _ Messrs. Bayard nnd Allison's opposi tion to Mr. Plumb's amendments , was based lupon other things than upon the fundamental charges which those propo sitions would involve in the character of our government. Mr. Plumb withdrew his modification of yesterday to the amendment for pro posed modification , provided thnt the true intent nnd meaning was thnt the volume of paper money outstanding , ox. clusivo of gold nnd silver certilicntes , should remain na now existing. The senate wont into executive session and soon after adjourned. HOOHK. WASHINGTON , February 10. In the house during the onrly hours this morning there was n scene of great confusion nnd excitement. Hiscock attempted to have the Mexican pension bill read , nnd the democrats objected with great emphasis. Hiscock was atanding full in front of the speaker's desk whore ho was surrounded by an excited crowd of adherent * mid opponents nnd finally the disorder became - came ao great that the services of the sorgeant-ut-arms wore required to restore some decree of order. Tucker npuronching to within n couple of feet of lliscoek addressed him directly and called him to otcler. "Tho gentleman calls mo to order ! " exclaimed Iliscock excitedly , "because his side is unwilling to have advertised to the country a bill which they attempt to force on this house. " Iliscock ntono point in the debate understood Morrison to say that Bovonty-fivo democrats had boon hero and skulked away. Ho was proceeding to make a strong point on this under standing of the case when Morrison in terrupted to say that such assumption WHB untrue. Mutual explanations followed nnd the homo again settled down into a state ol comparative quiet At 0 o'clock n motion \\asugrocd to revoking all leaves of ab- Rimcu granted for'thia legislative day. At 8:15 : _ n quorum was obtained and Hewitt's motion making the Mexican pension bill the special order for the -Isl lust. , was seconded 105 to 1. The resolution elution was then ndopted ; yeas 175 , nayi S5. The announcement of the result wai received with applause on the democratic side nnd tit 8:55 : the house adjourned un til Wednesday. Another St. LOUIH Myn cry. ST. LOUIIH , February 111. Miss Grace Koixn , a young lady aged about 20 years , daughter of a Now York carriage manufacturer facturor , who has boon visiting her sister Mr. Charles E. Norton , of this city , tin pant two months , went out to do some shopping yesterday afternoon , nnd hat not since been scon or heard of Tin family are in great distress , and ovcrj effort , with the aid of the police , is boim " " - - "w- made to find her. Miss Koan has returned to her sistor'i home , who has given out that the younj lady simply spent the night at a friend' house , but relatives are extremely roli cent regarding the matter. A Train Wrecked. CHICAGO , February 10. The Inter Ocean's Keokuk ( la. ) special soya Early this morning a train on the Wa bash , St. Louis & Pacific , known as th < east-bound "cannon ball , " was wreckoi near Glonwood , Mo. The rear coaol was thrown from the track by'a broker rail , overturned and hurled a distance ol a hundred yards and completely domol ishod. The passengers were all more o : less bruised and shaken up and six won badly injured. Ono had his collar-bom broken , an old lady had her side and hips injured , two mon were internal ! ; injured two seriously hurt and Con ductor Williams had his hand smashed Note > 4 I'Yom SN FiiANCisco , February , 111. It i stated that a syndicate of prominon California capitalists , backed by a wealth ; Gorman house , has completed contract with Hawaiian sugar planters for thoii sugar crop , instead of building an im menno sugar refinery in this city in com petition with Glaus Sprockets. ' The world's fair committee have prepared pared a memorial to congress , asking ai appropriation of 82,000,000. A com munication has boon sent all governor of states and territories , requesting then to appoint commissioners to the fair. olXiriiln Shipping t'ontruiilM. GUICAOO , February 10 , The direct" ! of the board of trade , in session to-nigh ! heard the well known default case of th Allen Steamship line against the firm c Killam , | McGregor & Peterson , the 01 portora who defaulted on four grain ahij ping contracts in 1H82. Judgment wu rendered in favor of the steamship con pany for $2,000 and interest , being th full claim , The case has Attracted th general attention of shippers of the Ui itod States , Canada and Europe , Unjoining the Nlukol Pinto. CLEVELAND , February 10. G. E , Ba : tor , of the United States circuit cour this morning issued an order restrainiii the Nickel Plato railway company froi preventing the Ba'timoro A ; Ohio toll graph company to operate the lines of tl National Telegraph company until tl hearing in Cincinnati , March 10th , of tl : motion for a perpetual injunction againi the Nickel Plato. Unpaid JUillroiul TUXCH. , SAN FIIANCISCO , February 1 ! ) . It announced thisovoningthat the govenu has decided to call an extra session of tl > f legialaturo to tnko action on the matti of unpaid atato and county taxes from tl Central Pacific for the years 1880 , 188 nnd 1882 , which , with interest and pei , amount to 81,074,000. Llnuoln'M HtocU Yards Conuiany. LINCOLN , Neb. , February 10. Tl Nebraska Stock Yards company , of Li coln.jvtts organized to-day with a capil of $1,000,000 Articles of incorporatii will be filed to morrow. Loading Li coin capitalists are Intoreatod. mid N < in York , Boston and Pittaburg signify intention of investing. Succosi is as sured. The Tcll-Tnlc U'llrr. SAV FHVNOISCO , February 10. The Chronicle has secured possession of the confidential loiter which accompanied the circular announced yesterday ns issued by John Liungston , president of the llflilway Shareholders' nssociation , of Now York. It is addressed to nn officer of the California rend , who promptly re mitted $150 on demand. It is positively known thnt ono other shareholder nlso remitted the Amount nskod by President Livingston. A passage ( confidential ) , which is largely composed of commenda tory extracts from prominent railway ofllcials , stntca thnt the association is designed signed to work secretly , nnd nllow the mnnngors of largo railroads to keep in the background. Under no circum stances will tlio names of the contribu tors bo divulged except they consent. It ndds that supporters of the movement will bo supplied with particulars of nil transaction ; , and furnished with full statement , duly audited , of iU expendi tures. lVmt8. > l\miin Municipal KlrHlntm. PiTTsnuiui , February 10. An unusu ally largo vote was polled in the munici pal elections to-day. Andrew Fulton , republican candidate for mayor , defeated Hon. Robert Liddlo by 7,000 majority. In Allegheny City ,1. (5. ( Wynmn , repub lican , was elected mayor over John Swan , democrat , by (100 ( majority. The repub licans liavo n majority of the councils of both cities. February 1 ! ) . Smith , republican , was elected mayor by about 11,000 najority , nnd Warwick , republi can , city solicitor , by about 1,000 ! ! ma jority. Hunter , for receiver , had no o - ganizcd opposition. The select council , with the 111 embers chosen to day , will bo composed of nbout 111 republicans and 12 democrats. The common council will bo overwhelmingly republican , with fewer members classed as reformers than nro in the present body. The Livingston Olrciilnr. Nr.w YOUK , February 10. Inquiry was nmdo hero to-day nnont the "con fidential circular issued by the llailroad Shareholders' association nnd signed John Livingston , president , Now York. " Railroad men R < iy the circulars which Livingston has aprond broadcast over the land receive no attention. The Cen tral Pacific railroad officials nnd his com pany took no stock in nny of Livington'e schemes. .Thn Railroad Shareholders' ' association is presumably composed ol Livingston who plays the part of presi dent of the board of directors , secretary nnd treasurer. The Control Pacific ii not identified with certain eastern rail roads or other lines in raising funds tc defeat legislation. The city directory gives the otlico of Livingston as Tompli Court. In that building n reporter wai informed that Livingston had never oc cupicd nny ollico and had never ongagoc ono. Helped Out By tionld. NEW lYoiiK , February1 11) ) . MeGlnnii Bros. & Fearing , whoso suspension wa announced yesterday , effected a satis factory sottlomant to day [ with the ! principal creditor. Now no serious ob sticlo hinders their resumption. * Thui liabilliieBjro $100,000' assets , estimated $2oiDDO ) or § 30"0,006' . ' Gould is BiJia't. . have sent a check to-day to the housi for an amount more than enough to moo the present and immediate demands. A .Itccnptlon. CIIIUAUO , February ll. ! Archbishoj Foohan was tendered a reception tp-nigh by the Catholio clergy and societies , i teaturo was the presentation of costl ; vestments. _ _ _ IH THIS KinD'TUlO/VHUHIC ? Sllvor VcHBols , Sword IIlite. Coins , art ) A Box of Gold Discovered. BitiuriEroiiT , Conn. , February 15.- The residents of the hamlet of Berkshire two miles north of this city , are excite over the reported discovery of hiddo : treasure by a gang of Italians who hav been excavating for the Olmstend parnl lol railroad near the head of I'oquonnoc' river. There was once a aomowha famous ship yard at the spot. Close b ia the shallow brook in which nine years ago , was found the dead bed ; of Helen Lucas , for whoso murder Jnmc E. Latin was sent to the state prison fo life. Ono of the gangs of workmen hai boon working nt night time. None a the people could understand their dialect but they noticed that aomo of thomactui quoorly. One of them , the story goes struck his pick into a crovlcu between th rocks nnd turned out * n powder hori tipped with silver and covered with hie roglyphics. In it were a few old Knglinl coins , a Spanish doubloon , and a pieoo o parchment. The horn ia now in th possession of a Bridgeport gentleman who HocuVod it from the overseers of th laborers. According to the Borkahir fclka a number of silver vessels hav eineoboen dug i p , together with ol coins , sword hills and an iron box aaid t contain gold. Some of the inquisitiv neighbors visited the barracks occupie by the Italians on Thursday nnd made search. Nothing was > found , the labproi having decamped with all their ofl'ucti The Dorkshiro people are confident thu the Italians discovered ono of the pirat Captain Kidd's treasure boxes , and thu they have gone off with the contents. Several years ago great exciteinon prevailed in Trumbull , aeveral mile north of Boikahire , over a rumor the Copt. Kidd'a possessions wore hiddu there. Prospecting parties came froi near and far , and an immense oxcavt tion was made , but nothing was fount Black Rock , a short distance west < Bridgeport , is another place whore tl : bucc&neor'a treasure has been repeated ! sought. _ Al'oKtmuHter Ucinoicd. MilL'HELL , Dak. , February 10. An result of the uxaminatipn of the oflic the postmaster iioro was removed by tl postal inspector and the ollico placed charge of his bondsmen. The Flood , E VANH vi LIE , Ind. , February 10. Nee The river rosu ono quarter of a inch fro midnight to ( In , m. , was stationary t 11 a. in. , when it foil ono quarter ol Inch to noon , It ia now 48 feet on t , It commenced , falling the sat gauge * * r T w hour this year as last and the tano def of the month. It lacka three feet going into Water street stores. OVER THE RIVER. . The Iowa Senate Passes Donan's ' Pro hibitory Limr Law , ' The Provisions of the Act and the Vote On It , A Loud Voioo Kaisod for High License , Coal Minors Oomo Up for Higher Tin * IVImir In ) . | | tN ( . | , > slpoin > d till l-'rldny. OVEU IN IOWA. THE LKniSLATUUE. Dr.s MOINEH , February IS ) . In the house , bills were introduced to define resistance to officers in certain cases ; to authorize relatives of insane patients in hospitals to visit them. Henderson introduced n resolution re questing the railway committee to inquire - quire into the alleged abuses of the people plo by reason of discriminations in rates of freight nnd passenger tariffs. Head introduced a concurrent resolu tion for a committee ot five , three from the housp nnd throe from the senate , to confer with the national board of manag ers of the house for disabled volunteer soldiers , with a view to securing the es tablishment of a branch homo in Iowa. Bills passed , authorizing the appoint ment of an agent to select certain lands along the line of the railroad from Mc Gregor to Sheldon ; to provide for selling , leasing and patenting lands belonging to the lown State Agriculturnl collcco nnd farm ; to nmond section 4,062 of the cede in relation to Canada thistles , reducing the penalty foV violating from $ .r > 00 to § L'5 ; to legalize the incorporation of the town of Oxford Junction ; to authorize the trustees of the Iowa hospital for the insane , nt Independence , to purchase land. land.Consideration Consideration of the prohibition bill , made n special order for 2:30 : this after noon , was postponed till Friday at 2)0. : ! ) In the senate , debate continued throughout the day on senate file No. 1. Speeches for the bill were made by Clark , Eastman and Button , and against it by Ball nnd Bills. Three amendments were offered by the enemies of the bill , ' ono to punish n man for buying liquors prohibited by the act the same ns the Bollor , another to allow the manufacture * of ale , wino and beer tor export , and the third to provide for reimbursing brewers for losses sustained by reason of the act. All were rejected. At G o'clock a vote waa taken on the bill nnd it passed as ' 'follows : Senate file No. 1 as amended by Don- nan , ' A bill for nn not to repeal section 1555 of chapter C of title Si of the code , and to enact a substitute therefor i elating to' intoxicating liqunr. Bo it enacted by the general assembly , of the Htato of Iowa. , , * & * * 'n-JS tioliit Thatioction 1555 ; chapter 0 , title 2 , of the cede bo and the same ia hereby repealed , and the following is in serted in lion thereof : Section 1,555 Wherever the words in toxicating liquors occur in this chapter , the same ehnll bo construed to moan al cohol , ale , wino , boor , spirituous * vinous and malt liquors , and all intoxicating liquors whatever ; and no person shall manufacture for sale or sell , or keep for aalo aa a beverage , any intoxicating liquors whatever , including ale , wino , and bqcr , and the same provisions and penalties of law now in force relating to intoxicating liquors shall in like manner bo held ana construed to apply to viola tions of this act , and to the manufacture , Bale , or keeping for sale , or keeping with intent to sell , or keeping or oatab- l Hshing a place for the sale of ale , wine and boor , nnd all other intoxicating liquors whatever. Section 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with thia act nro hereby re pealed. The final vote on passage stood 35 forte to l.'i against , Baker , Graves , Rothort and Bill , republicana , voting with the democrats nguinat it. Gnult , democrat , voted with the republican ! ) for the bill. Svvonoy , republican , and Johnson , dem ocrat , were absent. COAL MINERS' HTIUKE. DEH MOINES , February 1 ! ) ' new " > coal exchange of thia city i-ui uo < > wholesale rates , 501110 owners ' mines in thia part of the state have l > utm obliged to reduce the price paid miners for Dig ging , and strikes wcro inaugurated to day at the IOWA Central mine at Bwnn , Ford mine , Luighton mine nnd Elvira mine nt Knoxvillo. All the men are out. IIIOII LICENSE KKD011HH1I. COUNCIL BLUFFS , February 1 ! > . A largo and enthusiastic meeting of leading citizens waa hold this evening to consider the Clayton high license bill. After a careful examination of ita provisions , it vi as unanimously endorsed , und ita final passage by the legislature urged , with tie exception of a proposed amendment to the tilFect that all proceeds thurufrom should bo appropriated to the localachool fund. This action of the citiama waa strongly endorsed by the board of trade by iho adoption ot appropriate resolu tions. A Good Xhtnjr. DKOATUII , 111. . February 10.-r-Tho Knights of Pythias dedicated a "New Castle hall" hero to-niyht. James B.f Hicks , of Taylorvillo , grand prelate , de livered the oration. DR. DYES ! 'RO-VOtTAIO UELT nd olhoi J'j " " " Arrtim-u r "ient on "sTDaytf trial"TI MEN ONLY. YOUNQ OU OLD , who u Ing from Nmroua DKMLITT. Ifff YiriLmr WiSTida Wiu.KHK8ttS9 , nj all tnoao i ea& of & PutaoMAi. NATUHC. rewltlDg ( row Atuku fQ4 OTUKIt OACWO. BpMidjr relict Wkd roinsiota rMVoratloa to HU.LTB. Viooj and MiiAoou OiuuiKTEHJ. . Semi at caw tor IUuMr t4 fampultt free. Adilreu TOLTAIU HKL.T CO. . Bfarahall. MUfc.