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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1884)
Psr * r ° r' "t HW S"Jt - M TJIH OAILY BEE OMAHA , MONDAY. FEBRUARY 18 , 1881. * THE DAILY BEE. Monday Morning , Pob , 18 , The Wontlicr. For the Upper > 'ississippi valley : Lo cal rains , partly cloudy weather , winds shitting to southerly , falling , preceded in the southern portions by a slight rise of barometer , slight fall , followed by rising temperature. For the Missouri valley : Warmer , partly cloudy weather , looal rains and snow in the northern portion , winds generally southeast to southwest and lower barometer. LOOAL BREVITIES , New crop clowsr nnd timothy scod for nalo. Shugart , Walto & Wlos , Council Bluffs , Iowa. fS-lm. John AofT nnd Dotlef Cranbach will on February loth upon at Mlllant the Mlllard house and bar , which they Intend to run In ilrst-closs stylo. f 14-Ot Therowill bo n upoctal mooting of tlio board of education this evening to hoar the report - port of the building committee. Mr. K. 1' . Vlnlng , whoso appointment an commissioner of the Western Trunk TJnos1 pool compels him to Iho In Chicago , lias sold his fine residence on California Btroot U Mr. Guy C. Barton. Ifaj. Newell nppoaroil In police court Sat < urday to answer to the charga of embez zlement. Tlio examination was continued wntll Tuesday next at 2 o'clock p. in. In the meantime ho Is under S700 bull. Mr. Burlco , foreman of the Grand Islam ! round house was In the city Saturday on his return turn from n two wooks" visit in tlio oast. 1I ( is an old omployo of the Union 1'acHto road ami broke tor Harry Gllmoro In 187C. The directors of the Union Pactflcathlotli association on last Saturday afternoon elected Charles M. Lord manager for the onnninf yoar. Arrangements nro bohiR jnndo to give the club n grand ball some time hi April , D. IL Stewart , a clerk In the employ ol Steele , Johnson & Co. , had hh horse Btolor Friday evening about 7 o'clock , from the cornoi of Fifteenth nnd Dodge Btroots. The antum ! wa n bay nnd weighed about 1,050. No clu ( to the thief. About noon Saturday two prostitutes won parading tack and forth before the windows o ! n house at the corner bf Tenth and Ifarno ] streets. The curtains were ralnod and tlu women were In an almost nude condition How long nro such things to bo tolornto'l ? An amendment to the articles of incorpo rutlon of the Nebraska and Iowa Insurauci company lias boon filed in the county clork'i office , providing that the Indebtedness or ha bIHty of the corporation , except In that o risk * of Insurance , shall not exceed two-third of the capital stock. Daring the present week Shtvorlcle wll give you n real bargain on any furniture yoi may roqulro , nnd especially on uovcral pat turns of chamber suits , which ho Is closing ou rogardloHS of cost. Don't fall to nvnll yoursol of these bargains If you will want any furnl turo soon. ni&o Preparations are being completed for th AUiical convention to be hold at Sprlngfloli this woek. Some of the members of tlio Phil harmonic society , of this city , will go down All parties who are contemplating attondloi d should procure their tickets prior to the 21st AS the solo of reduced tickets ceases at tha time. time.On On Friday evening , the 22nd I nut , , thcri will be a camp-firo on a grand scale at Sehuy ler , which a double quartftto of our GIooclul propose to attend. Those gentlemen will lii | some of thotr military nlrs in a manner to re vlre in the breasta of the veterans the d ya a old and at the tame time reflect credit upo : the organisation of which they are laembon The nro In Brown's building on the Oth c this month Is teaching its lesson. On 1'rldu u last Mr. John A. CrolRhton purchased 12 foot of hose whloh ha has put on n reel him la the third story of his building ndjoinln the iwtotfico. It U attached to the waU Works plpos and by simply turning a scro' water can bo conducted to any part of tl building. , . K. , J. llohrbou h , Esq. , father of Jlr Dr. 8. K. Spauldlng of this city , WM qull eoriqusly cut about the head and face and s Terely injured about his back In the rallroo ftcddout at Memphis , Mo , , on Friday in on I eg list. He was returning to Carthage , 111 from a visit to his daughter In Oinalm , bi was not so seriously disabled by the accidor ai not to bo taken to Ids home. The Burlington railroad will consolldul IU ticket oflicoi , taking the casou from tl B. & M. oflico , corner of Thirteenth nn 1'aruara streets , to tha oQlco on the corner < Fourteenth aud Farnam , so long preside -over by Harry Douol. The last named get tleraan will bo the ticket agent under tha net i o arrangement , and Andy Borden will bo tl passenger agent. A woman named Mn. J. M. Young who U on her return to Hondtreoa , Ko I tucky , from California , was In the city yoat * day with her four children. Sha iay that h t satchel , containing all of her money , abe $ (00 ( , and her tlckota , waa itolon on thti tr * west of Choyenno. The railway autliorltl liassed the children and the posaongers rols money to pay the mothor'a fare to Chlcaf tha money stolen was all the mother had the world , and was the remnant of some"10 kinds squandered by her husband , , PRESIDENT DILLON , Ho Arrives ivltU HU Family In Oil ) 1m Yesterday Morning. The Denver express yesterdtf > or ; ng brought in special cara nuab ° r ° d * and nine the Dilloa railro/Part7. C number two contained f > oral Superii tendentP. S. Nichols/ General Maiiagi Thomw L. ICimbaU 1"1 oOut railroa oftictala who Iiad6onoto Cheyenne I Dillon- " < ! ' President Dip" n e contatne Bidn y Di 'n KiPloy hla grandson , D P. B w6 t * on n-Jn ' Mrs. I jj * , w * off W > daughter , and Mil w .Aff , liia grand-daughter. This par ! ayU a month ago went by the souther /ute to California for the benont of JI ; Jillon'B health , which has been failin fijr some time. On their arrival i Omaha yesterday morning , they 1 turned atejy drove from the depot to the Millar hoiol , where * hey will sUy until to-ino : row uwrntog , at which time they wi Urt for New Tork. NORTH OMAHA , The Dulerainalioii of the People of That Portion of the City to Make PnblicMDroyeiiiciits , An Interesting McctluR of tlio Pro perty Owncra Held SnUir- dny Another meeting of the property own- ra of North Omaha , to consider the taaihility of opening Seventeenth street nd other needs of that part of the city , an hold in Smith's ' plnnjng mill on Forth Sixteenth street on Saturday eve- ing last. .1. 0. Corby was orary chairman , and M. M. Soars score- r. Nearly two hundred were present , who hold a very lively and animated nooting. For a long time the people of Norlli Imaha have boon trying to open Nortli ovontuonlh street , but have boon frua- rated in their attempt in a great degree y Mr. Ilorbach , who owns considerable f real estate abutting on the proposei xtonaion. The deed of Mr. Horbacl oloaaing and convoying to the city o Omaha such portions of his lots as an iccoaaary to innko the proposed oxton ion , but before which deed was record d , nearly five years after ita delivery ho whole property so convoyed wa nortgaacd , waa warmly diecuaaod. Mr. T. S. LIoRcall , councilman from tin jucond ward and chairman of the judi siary committee , waa present and statoi o the meeting that if the street couli lot bo opened by virtue of Ilorbach' deed , if a waiver of damages could bi secured of the owners of lots abuttiti ] on Seventeenth street , from Clark strco .o the north line of Ilorbach's addition .hat street would bo opened and extend ed from the south clear to said Olarl trcot , and pledged the administration o .ho city so to do. A committee of three consisting o Messrs. Marly , Brown and Ogbtirn , wa appointed to secure all waiver of dam ages necessary for the opening of Seven .couth street. A resolution was presented by Eric Peterson , and adopted , that the council men from the Fifth and Sixth wards b requested to urge upon the city counci : ho necessity of having Eighteen ! street , from Cumincr to the end of th car linn , put to giado. A committee of three , consisting of J t' . Wigman , T. 0. Brunnor and Jaco 3ounsraan , was appointed to confer , wit ! respect to the grade of Cnmiug street oaa of Twentieth , with the committee ap pointed February 0 , to determine th jrado necessary for west Cuming. A committee of three , consisting c Joseph Hodman , George Smith andM.M Scars , was appointed to confer with th county commissioners relative to th drainage of the slough at the foot o Grace street. The people of North Omaha scorn d < torminod to do something the comin summer in the way of public improve tnonts , and energetic men are at tli lioad of the movement , which already ir 'licateo that something will bo done , Bucklcu'H Arnica Salvo. The ffro/itoBt medical wonder of the worli Warranted to speedily euro Burnt ) , Outs , U cere , Unit llhoutn , 1'ovor Soroa , Cancers. Pile Ohlllblalns , Coma. Totter , Chapped hand ami nil skin eruption , garantcod to euro I tvnry Instance , or money refunded. 25 con BUBGLABOAUGHT , llarry 'WllllamB Arrostctl Sattmln NlRht With Goods Stolen from Mr. Itlngor's Store In HIM Possession. It has boon thought for aomo time tin Omaha was infested by a gang of thiovi and the opinion undoubtedly is corrcc The burglary of Mr. Ringer's notion nto : on last Wednesday night strongly for ! Ccd this opinion. Since that time tl ofliflort of the law have kept several su picious characters under surveillance ar on Saturday afternoon a young man w arroatod on suspicion that ho know som thing of the burglary. Ho was taken the city jail and being able to give good account of himself was discharge * Very nearly 12 o'clock Saturday nigl information was given to tha police tin a young man had boon making a tour < the disorderly houses oflbring hat plumes , itc. , for sale. Several polic mon started iu pursuit of him and shai owed him to his room on the aouthwo corner of Eleventh and Dodgo. Tw ofllcora went up to his , room at the others stood guard on thq ou side. By some means ho succeed * in goUing oub of the house , and w stopped by Ofllcor Hinohoy at the pot of a pistol. When arrested , ho had satchel in his hand filled with goo which Mr , Ringer haa identified n k- His room was searched , but no nero Mr. Ringor'a stolen prop"7 ° o d 1 found but a few i-nos of perfumer Ho was woatJ s ° very fine overcoat and a b < 'u"ul Boal8'Jln can when ca turrJ. Ho has always told hia landlai taat ho waa a printer , and worki nights. At the jail ho said ho had bei in the city about two montha , and h done nothing since ho came hero. Sir. Ringer says ho has no idea he Xiuch haa boon taken from hia store , as ] recovered some goods yesterday that ] had not miaaod. Harry Williams , tl man arrcatod Saturday night , undoubto ly haa confederates , but the police are the opinion that they have crossed tl river on the ice and are now in tl Ulufla. o TlioiiHamlu Hny 80. Mr. T. W. Atkitw , 0 Irani , Kaa , write "I never hailtuto U recommend your Kit trio Hitters to my customers , they give entl nutlefactlon uiul are rapid eelleru.1' Klocti Hitters are tha purest and bout moillcl known and will positively euro Kidney ai Liver complaint * . I'urify the blood and re ulate tha bowob. No family can aifurd to 1 without them. They will nave hundreds dollariu doctor' * billa every year. Bold * W ccnU a bottle liy O. 1' . Uoodman. 15 THE NKW UVILUING , A. School to bo Opened In Ii To-mo row K n To-mormw morning school will I i- opened in the now school building on tl i cornorjof Seventeenth and Leavotwortl This fine structure , although not cou ilctod , tr be taken poueuion of by tl chool diitr t under K contract with Mi Potvin , who constructed it , to tlio effect that the board of education shall not wnivo the right of finally accepting or rejecting the building. Under the orig inal contrrct , Mr. Potvin should have finished it by December 1 , 188. ! , but being unable to do so , the building com mittee of the board extended the time. The interior of the building la fully com- plotcd under the contract , and but liltlo remains to be done on the outside. The contractor was to receive $17COO for furnishing the material and constructing it , and , with the extra work to bo done , will make the total cost $18,000. Miss Nellie Wood will bo principal of Iho school , which , for the present , will have onlv four or live rooms. A LOVELY PLACE , A Delightful Ride to Hawthorne Ec hini a Cracking Span , Tlio IIcnutlcH nnd Advantages ofThle Now Addition "Which Is Now At tracting HO Much Attention. For weeks past a reporter of Tun BKH has overheard various men earnestly con versing about a now addition to the citj of Omaha , called "Hawthorne. " Having heard so much about the place , ho became curious to know more about it , and tc gaze upon it with the naked eye , so he called upon on old newspaper man , "one who is always glad to grasp the hand of r scribe , no matter how humble ho may bo , and inquired if there was not oomo waj by which oven a reporter might look ai "Hawthorne. " A. 11. Souer , for ho was the man visit ed , kindly volunteered to drive us out t < the now addition , and the oiler was glad ly accepted. Seated in ti fine sleigh , behind hind a cracking team and warmly wrapped pod in buffalo robes , wo sot out at a fortj gate up Dcdgo stroot. A five minutes drive brought us to th < property , which is located ten blocki west of the school house , between Dodgi and Caas streets. As wo stood and looked upon the min aturo garden of Eden , wo becam < thoroughly convinced that the half hac never boon told , and wo will not attomp to toll in this fi-oblo sketch. The land id beautiful and rolling while an abundance of natural trees ar < scattered about so profusely that i would bo difficult to erect a rosidonci _ without first cutting away some of tin monarchs of the forest. The trees an all largo and arp oak , hickory , ash am elm , and oven in the winter they presented sontod a grand and majestic appearance which spoke of happy houra in summer f time spent beneath their fur reaching branches. The streets through the addition havi boon hid out and tlio lots staked off am they are now being sold very rapidly. On the south of "Hawthorne" is \ \ hit noy's palatial residence , and the nortl sulo i thickly built up. It is in the mos beautiful portion of the city nnd is undoubtedly doubtodly the most desirable land upoi the market to-day , as it is the nearest t the city of any property now offered fo sale. sale.Three Three weeks ago the plat of "Haw thorno" was accepted by the city council Davenport street , which runs throng' this addition , has boon partially grodei and will bo completed as soon as th weather will permit. The cable atrce railway , which will probably bo bull next season , will * run out Davonpot street , while the now school house to b built on Douglas street , will bo but fou blocks from this property. Lota and streets in "Hawthorne" wi require less grading than any other poir in the hills , and because of this and vt\ri \ ous other things , it cannot fail to bo tli most desirable residence property in o around the city , and Bedford & Souc were extremely fortunUo in securing i The lots are sold so cheap and upo such easy terms that even a uowspapc ro reporter might buy one ( if ho had tJ : money. ) There is no doubt that these beautifi 10 Iota will all be sold before spring open ; and that elegant residences will bo oroc id od upon many of them during the comin sunnier , is Wldo Awnko Druggists. C. F. Goodman is always ahva ( n his bus iicxH and xpnroti no iinina to secure the boat < every article in his lino. Ho has secured tl aeoncy fur tlio celebrated Dr. King's No Discovery for Consumption , The only co tain euro known for * Consumption , Cough Colds , Hoarseness , Asthma , liny Povor.liroi chltla , or nny direction of throut and lung Bold un a i > onlUvo guarantee. Trial bottli froo. lleyular size 81. . Oliltuury. The funeral of Lizzie , oldest daughtc of Major George L. nnd Magdolena Dei nis , occurred at the family residence o Dodge street yesterday , llev. Shirro officiating. Th1"0 were several beautiful lion tributes from friends of the deceased re aiding in the city among them a pillow a croia , and a star. Few young people possess so beautifi a disposition as did this young lady , an few are so deeply beloved as she. B her death the stricken parents lose a lei ing and dutiful daughter , her survivin lister and brother their heart's idol , an her young friends the sympathy of a pur and generous heart. There are several peculiarly sad fet turoa connected with her uncxpeoto death. She had been for several month with her aged grandmother in Pougli keopsio , N , Y. , and about three week ago returned homo , hur father doforriiij his departure for Now York on abusinoa trip to welcome her homo again. H had been in Now York little More than week , when he received a telegram an nouncing her dangerous illness ; and n Cleveland , on hia hurried return , a dij natch was put in his hand announcin her death. For a week the deceased had been expecting pocting the arrival of the young man t whom eho was betrothed , and almost o the eve of his setting out to visit her th telegraph briefly informed him that ah wfts dead. The grief of those so suddenly berel is beyond words , and thomany _ tokens c sympathy they have received can hirdl remove its keen edge. * NOTICE. The Herraesian this evening will I given up to memorial exorcises in hone of the late Judge A , M. Chadwick. . 0 full attendance is requested , r. I II. W. BRECKBMIHXJK , President. WYOMING WEALTH. isseclieg Her Silvery Rilis anfl Ex tracting the Virgin Lucre , 'lie ' Saernmciito nml Huntiln Water Districts nml the Now North ern Knttrond. > Col. Z. Swarongona well known miner torn \ VyoininjjVM in this city Thurs- ay on his return from tlio oast. Ho is alf owner in two important mines in lie Sacromento district , Liramio county , 10 miloa north of Choyonno. Tlio mines ro known us the Star of the East and ho Grand Prizo. The ere from these iold 08 ounces of silver , ? 10 gold and 8 icr cent , copper to the ton. The wealth if the district is scarcely known nn the liggings have only boon worked with ho moat primitive machinery. The Jolonol'a trip to the cast was mainly to ntorcst capitalists in the | inincn and Re- cure first-class machinery to work them .horoughly and systematically. In both if these ho has been successful and sev eral thousand dollars worth of machinery s now on the way to Wyoming. It is ox pooled that the several mineral districts in the central portions of the territory will bo pretty thoroughly de veloped the present year. The llunuing Water mines shows up quart/ assaying rom § 2,000 to 33,000 to the ton. Nearly eighty tons of machinery have arrived hero , and is being put in order for ipring work. Another important industry will bo added to the territory's wealth in a few months the development of the oil lelds. The cream of the oil district is iwncd by the company represented by \Io9srs. \ Rogers & Graft' , of Omaha. A syn dicate of Cheyenne capitalists started to contest the rights of the Omahans some weeks ngobut their schomowas nipped in ; ho bud , the general land oflico refusing a tearing. The Oil company is making every preparation for active work in the spring , nnd expect before the end of 1884 to give the Standard Oil company a ivoly tussle in the markets of the west. Ono of the moat important and vital aids to the development of central and northern Wyoming will bo the construc tion this year of 100 miles of the Chey enne , Black Hills & Pacific railroad. All preliminary arrangements have been ; nado and ground will bo broken for the tics within two weeks , if the weather continues moderate. All things considered our neighboring territory seems to bo on the threshold of licr prosperity , and Omaha will continue lupplying her with all the solid and liquid luxuries of lifo. FOUND DEAD , JoJiu KHHcr Ijlcfl Down In iho I'arlore ol the Fanners' Hotel , and la Found liil'olcBS Several Hours Altcrwnrd. A telephone message was sent in from the Checkered barn to the coroner's of ficers last evening about C o'clock , stat ing that a man had been found dead in the Farmers' hotel on Fourteenth street near Harnoy. The dead man proved tc bo John Essor , who for some time pas I had boon at work for Hcnrickson & Can' nou , who keep a livery stable on six < toonth. It seems that the deceased one John Goisehnan started out early yesterday day morning about the city , and indulgoc very freely in drink all forenoon. About noon they wont into the Fanners hotel and Essor took several drinka more When dinner was ready ho was asked i ho wanted nny , and replied that hi did not. Ho was seen to bo very drunk and was taken into the parlor , which , a ; it had not had fire in it for several days waa very cold. When taken into tin room ho lay down on the loungo. Mr Smith , the landlord , wont in to wako hin when supper was ready , and found hin dead. Ho must hiwo been died sovora hours before , as his body WJM perfectly cold when found. The remains won taken to Drexel & Maul'n undertaking rooms , where the qircumstances of hi death will bo inquired into to-day. Tin deceased was aboat 60 years of ago am was unmarried. Ho has no relations ii the city , but brother lives iu Dubuque Iowa. I'EIlSONAIj. lion. .T. 0. Santee , of Nlolirara , is iu town H. 0. Hull , Fremont , is a guest of th MilM. 0. M , Uailoy , of Now York city , ia at th Metropolitan , Hon. K. .T. Alexander , of Lincoln , Is a gueb ol thu Puxton , Phil. D. Miller , of The Brooder' * Gazette is nt the MHI rd. C. O. Haller , agent of "Nobody'H Claim , ' Is at the Millard. A. II. McKlnney , of Ogden , In stopping a the Metropolitan. IA "VY. Faubllor , Arapnhoo ; B. V. Croaliy Hula , are guosta of the Paxton , John Hamlln , Nebraska City , and J. ! ' Ultchart , Ashlaml , are at the Millard. J. M. Breckonridgo and O. M. Ulcharda Kansas City , ere guoats of the Metropolitan K. S. Ilood , wife and sister , W. L. Von Al styne , II. P. Morimdlng , Lincoln , westopiiinj at the PAX tou. , lion. Isaac Powera. Jr. , was at the Paxtot yasterday , having coiuo down fr m Dakott City Saturday. Fred. Itenner , Hastlnga ; John Ci , Dohra , BpringfieW , and B. C. Yeomans. Weeping Water , are at tha Metropolitan. 11. II , Jamw , Plum Creek ; A. II. Swan aud Ilobert Urtmhart , Cheyenne ; Xack Thain < asou. OgalalU ; 1) . It. Font aud J. K , Ellison , Texan , cattle letup * , are at tha Paxton. Mr. Leonard Whitnman , formerlv of Bur lington , has accepted a position with the Union Pacific general freight department ae itenographer , and will no doubt prove a valu able acquisition , M Va cornea with tha best and klghoat rocomuioadatlonu. Henry Alwyu und friend , Chicago ; Jamee Lodwick , NVlllierj N. 0. B. GlllUher , St. Loulsj Joaeph Witttnan , Lincoln ; B. Smith , Milwaukee ; J , N. Parker and wlfo , Hurling , ton , and F. (5. Sweat , Stanberry , Mo. , arc topping at the Metropolitan. FlHh CoinuilBslou. lions. U. U. LJvingstono , of PlatU mouth. Lew May , of Frouiont and B. E , B , Kennedy , , of tbia city , composing tin etato board of fi h commissioners , held i [ meeting in Ouviha Saturdayafternoon. . the chief purpose of which was to ar range for the distribution of the 150,000 brook trout , now in process of hatching out at the hatcheries near South Bond. This distribution will take place some time next month after the proper streams are opon. The hatcheries are reported by the commissioners to bo in first-class shape nnd promising to bo of greater benefit with each succeeding year of their expe rience. DISTEIOT OOUKT , The Criminal Docket to ho Tnlccn up on NcxlSAVcrtncsdny. In the district court , on Saturkay , the notion for a new trial in the case of Pol- ack against Davis , was argued and taken ndor advisement by the judges. Ar- angomonts were made between District Utorncy Goodwin and the council for hose indicted , by which the criminal locket will bo taken up on Wednesday icxt. The cases of Tom George , for robbery , Georgia Sinclair , for enticing girls under eighteen years of ngo to dis- irdorly houses for purposes of proititu- ion , two cases , nnd William Snoll , for murder in the seconddegree , will bo tried 'n the order named. Tlio following is the assignment of cases for to-day : IIEFOKK .lUDOE WAKELISV. Gaylord , administrator , vs. Omaha. Wolf , ot al vs. Edgartou. Thomas vs. Hitter. Brown ot al vs. Murphy ot al. , lledick vs. O. S. W. II. It. Co. . Foster et al va. Dohlo ot al. I1KKORK .lUDOK NBVILU : . Clark vs. Armstrong. Melius va. Manning. Troughton vs. Uico & Weaver. Ballon ot al vs. Whltmoro. Hitchcock , administrator vs. Paddock. Fischer vs Flor. THE APPOINTMENT , T. EC. aicGallocli to Servo the "Unc.v- plrcil Term of A. M. Clmtl- ivick , Deceased. The county commissioners on Saturday est appointed J. II. McCulloch , to serve lie unuxpirod term of County Judge Chadwick , recently deceased. There veto many applicants for the place , and it was given to him only after mature deliberation. Air. McCulloch is com- laratively unknown to the great mass of : ) coplo in this city , having boon in Omaha anly two and a half years. His native state is Illinois , whcro ho lived until ho came to this city. Ho has boon known to the bar and his acquaintances hero as a man of sterling merit , honest and indus trious , and the honesty and efficiency with which ho will perform the duties of the oflico will reflect the good judgment of the county commissioners in appoint ing him. Homo Failures. Bradstreet reported to the trade Satur day morning that Bramble , Minor & Co. , wholesale grocers of Yankton , Dakota , had failed. D. T. Bramble the senior member of this firm is also "of D. T. TJramblo & Co. , Caldwell , Idaho , and it is feared that the Caldwell business will bo involved. The agency also had on its sheets Satur day two failures in Nebraska. King & Cusick of Crowoll , Dodge county , who have been attached by Meyer & Schur- man of ; Fropmont , for a debt of § 1,004. King & Cusick had previously given a real estate mortgage for $1,300 arid a chattle mortgage for § 1,300 to James ( j. Smith of Freomonf , who it is claimed they owed but § 1,200. Woodward Bros. , general store at Weatervillo , Custer county , are also re ported failed , and have been BO kind as to address each of thojr Omaha creditors with the invitation to como up and settle at what they can get. Wo also BOO that ono of our Omaha implement houses , Manning & Hess have been attached for $4,803.24 by Alex Caldwell , claiming the partners were disposing of their property with intent to defraud creditors , Fob. 8th. They mort gaged city real estate and also lots in Springfield , Nebraska , to Mr. Caldwell to secure six notes amounting to § 381C and February 14th they mortgaged their oflico furniture itc. for § 500 to F. H. Pugh. IMPOHTANT TO BUSINESS MEN. It has lately boon decided , as reported by Bradstreet'a Journal , that in a suit against a mercantile agency for libel , the plaintiff may bo compelled co declare thi names of the persons to whom the allegoc libelous communication has boon made. This is the rule of practice in such cases , as settled by recent adjudication of the Now York supreme court. This will prove a very inconvenient rule for per- aoni who are in the habit of communicat ing to others information of a confidential nature , and which they specially agree to in the contract .with their mercantile agency , < n writing , not to disclose. Tlio business of the Bradstreet agency is be coming so necessary to business men thai they are recognized as a power in the land that is caining in strength and im portance each year , and the courts are continually throwing around them their protecting caro. An agency well managed , doing a legitimate business , is ahnoal indispensable to any firm doing a wholesale - sale trade of any amount. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tixl powder novtr TaHl.rA rraml of purl itreurh and wholciomcBH * . More iconomlcaftha the odlutry kladi , and cwufil be Bold Iu ooinpeluon with tbcmullHud * of low tt , ihort weight diun or nbxxpbat * powder * . Bold only ID cam. Itoykl Bale 198 A for Infants and Children. CnstorlRproinor.osl > lg < 1sr.i < m vnmtplvcs our Children rosvchf > cfci ! , ' Wliat cures Uielr fuvcrs , makps them Mccp ; find ovcrcomua i'latuloucy , Uousti ] > ii- 'Tli ' tion Sour Stomach Diarrhoea nnd , , , Wlicn bahlei fret And cry liy turns , Foverialmcsg. It insures health nnd What cures thulr colic , kills their worms , natural sleep , without morphine. Hut Ciiitorliu AVliat quickly cun-s ConKtlpixtlon , Sour Stomach , ( 'old.M , lidlustlon ] ; ; , " Cnitorln. la RO ivcll nrlnpbnl to Children tlnxt Hut Cn n-coinnictid ItnssnpiTlortnnnyprtscriptlon Fnrcvvpll then to JIon > line ! Syrups , . " 11. . 3L U. A. AHCIIKH nown to inc. , , Castor OH niul 1'nregorio , uuil 83 VorUaml Avo. , Brooldyn , N. Y. IlnllCnfitnrlnl CENTAUR LINIMENT nn absolute euro for lllionma- tlsin , Sprains , Burns , Gully , &c. The most Powerful nntl Penetrating - trating Pain-rulioviiu ; and Healing Itemeriy known to man. SPECIAL NOTICES. A rSpoclals twill I'osltlvolyiiot bo Inserted uuicso paid m advance. TO LOAK-Monev. MONKY TO LOAN In sums of SCOO ami upwards at 0 } per annum , CM Douglas county farms ) . Ail- drcsi It. ( J. 1'aUiinon & Co. , 1401 Farnam St.MOlm. MO-lm. TO LOAN The lowest tfttoa of Inrcrcet MONEY ' Loan Agency , 16th & Douglas EU-tl TO LOAN In sutno of (300. ( &nd umv ard. MONKY Davis ami Co. , Real Katnto aud Loun Agenta , 1605 Farnam St. 303-tt WAHTIW. tfANTUD A ( 'oojgirl for general house work. > Apply at 1014 lizard St. 400 IHt \\/AN TiD : Immc.l'.utcH , n first class white bar- \ \ her , stcsily vmiilojinunt , nhil § 13 per week per- i.iiuicnt. Aiklrcsa or tvlcgrnph to Loula Bayer , North riatto.Noh. 450-20 ! WANTKD OooJ solicitors "acquainted vv Ith thu serial hook trade. Nn nthera ucud apply. Call at rooniH G and 7 , Lvcrott'a block , Council BlnfTj , Iowa. 4C2-22 ANTID : A teed ; woman to KO to Fort Nlohra- ra. Fare paid. Wages j'2'2 per month. Bin- Tiiovincnt olllcc , 217 N. 10th street. 470-105 A T 7ANTh.ll Illrl for Rcnoral tinnnttinrl.Ainlv . WANlbU O. II. Fitchctt , Virginia avenue , brail of St. Mary's av enue. 473-lflt WANTED A good glil to wash dishca. Apply at Scandinavian Hotel , llth Btrtet. 449.ll ) } Wi PANTED Immediately , a girl at thu Occidental hotel. 41b-tl I'UOTECTOH-Unprcccdentedlnduccnients wvj offered lady agents for this now rubber underfrar incut for ladles. Address \ \ it h ; n'.amp § , Undergar ment Co , U iouth May St. , Chicago. 180-lnn. WANTKD First class female pastry cook at the Arcade Itustaurant , 1216 Duuglaa street. 443-10) ) Y\7ANTLD A I'ood girl , Gorman preferred , 1010 V V Farnam street. 437 IB WANTED- Agents In e\erytownshlp In Nebras ka , for ono of the best Belling artlcesocr Intro duced. Sell at Bight. Call or write to the 01IA1IA STOVE RKl'AIH WORKS , 430-tt 109 S. 14th Street , Omaha. WANTED In experienced palcsmin to call on business men only , \\lth a specialty. Cill at 200 N. 10th etrcot , and eco U9 In regardo li. 434-20 } " \\TANTED A good girl lor general hcuncwork. VV Apply at 224 North Ibth otreet. 411-185 " \TTANTED A good girl lor general homework , V > 411 south 10th itrcot 414 20i fc _ _ _ _ _ TT7ANTED Olrl for general homo work In a small VV family. Call at 1416 north mil St. 421-tf T AD1ES Oil YOUNO MKNIncltyor country to J-J take nice , light and pleasant work at their o\ui loines ; $2 to $5 a day easily and quietly made ; work gent by mail , no can\asfng ; no Btatnp for reply. 'lease address Reliable. Matif'tCo.Philadelphia ; 1'a. , drawer TT. 307-lmt TXTANTKD One hundred teams and ono hundred VV laborers for Hallroad work. McCOY & MOHAN , Canfleld llouso , Ninth and Farnam SIB , Omaha. _ 403-lm T\7NTED Two ( tlrlscoolc and second girl. Host TT of w ( je . Apply S. E. corner 20th nd Cali fornia Sis. 878-tt TTTAJfTED Servant Riils of all klndB in need of T T employment , to call at our offioo , opposite poet- office , between :30 and 9 p. m. CANNON , JONES & CO , Frcnzor Block. 040-lm TTTANTED A Ocrman dining room kitchen girl. YV Uc3so and lloppe , (18 8. 13th St. , between llarncy and Howard. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED , SITUATION > oung , sober man du- nlre a situation an salesman In Clothing or Pry Goods business. Han had euvcral > ear 'oxpcr. lence , Is a good stock-keeper , speaks Kngllih , Ger man and French fluently , and wllllnir to work for moderato salrry to eUrt on , Beet o ; reference * given. Address "M. M. " Bee olllce. 481-181 WANTKD A situation by a drugultt fora short time , with some drug firm that wUhoj to "ill out ; with the view of purchaelng the stock. Must bo in some lUe town. Addruss R. J. Vanl'otteu , Chllllcotho.reoria Co. . Illinois 303-10 WANTED A reliaxlo young man wants a place to w ork , board and go to school. "S , A. W. " Bee olllco 3SS-tf TX7ANTED BltuttUiDi for first ulasa domcatlcn. Y V Call at our office from 430to D p. m. Saturdays CANNON , J ONES & CO. , Opp. I1. 0. MI80HLLAMEOU8 WANTS. W 'ANTED To Bell mall stock of cigars confec tionary and notions. Inquire 2210 Cumlni ; Kt 463 2. "VT7"ANTED A few persons to ln truct in book- T I keejilni ; , As there Is a dcrcand for couipetenc book-keiperu , I will learn a few and wait for hall of pay until tltuatlons are furnlshid. J. B. SMITH , 45MS. UiaDomrlas Street , -Tahle boarders at 117 N. 14t street VV bctwcrnCapitolavcnuuand Dodge streets. , 444271 \\7ANTED-To buy a stock of clothing , dry poodj , VV boot * and ehoe or groceries for spot casliata price. Address lock box 7 Bltlr Neb. 410-18 nrjANTKD-Book keeping , aaet of bonks to post VV uo evenings or a few hours each day and alto look < Jt r collection ! . Address "X. L. " Bea ollicol Beet of referenced given. 131-tl WANTKD Parties wlshini ; boarders and those search of board In private IUUMS , with or wit out room , to call at our ortlce turn 4 SO to 0 p. ra CANNON , JONES & CO. , Oppoalte 1'ojtolllce. 04C-lm FOB UENT-nouses and Lots. Wll KKNT-Fumiehwl room ) , 1U5 North 18th FOK RENT Three unfurniahed roomn , pleoBantlr located. Inquire at Clark utrcct , bth houne north ot Bt. Mar ) ' avenue , 403-lOf RENT A furnl.nod front room In btltk FOR home , with board. Inquire SOU nnrth 17th Ht. poll HENT-FurnUhud ruom 1BJ1 Capitol a\ . 1 a72-21 | LKAcE Dbuiliifiis lota 16th Btreet , between FOR | > ortand Cpltol avenue , eait Bide , for a Urtnol jean. AMES , 4S9-U 16)7 Farnam utrect. 10U RENT nircUhed rooms at 1819 Karoim. F 429-101 RENT A few K ntli > m n can beoccomodated H10R lumlilicd roomi. Apply 1818 i'aruatn ht. 400 tf RENT-Nloely funiUlwd roouu with or with , FOR board 1615 IJodtfe Bt. 100 1 Bl T710R RENT A bo ement with threa rooms for I1 light homo keeping XC1S Dodpe Bt. . 101-16 } RENT B room home on Webster west of FOR Bt. S. T. I'uUrnen , real enUte cgtint , 16th nod Doujflas. 878 tMiuo * RUNT Store room with banemeot Ito ft IriOH 1 . 1511 rarnam St. 1'AULSENi CO. . lfio Komauibtteet. ifit-U RENI * SBVBI * good houwn , ale ooe 9 room FOR furcIUitd bout * . John E. Ed rd . l U1 Karcuo St. ) ll Itr.NT FuniUhed room 1821 Capitol nvc. 372218 heated 2.J S. I f 7ft tf FOK KENT Furnished room with or wlthont board , Finest lorotbn In the city. .M o few table boardcra wantcd.N. W. cor. 18th and Farnaiu. ICI-tf I poll REN P Lar o new , two story dcublo huust1 , 1 Shlnn's addition MilUblo for two familka or lioardlnff houjo. ImiulroUoom 21 , Oniahi UntlonaJ Bank liolldlug. IMj-tf I poll ItKXT ruriitl.uil room for ccntleman.also 1 to for 1l1it | ; homo keeping UuemorB block , corner Eljjhth and Howard St 3l'3-tf RENT Furnlihwl rooma on the ncrlhwcs FOR cor. 18th and Capltolarenuc , formerly Crelghton ITou e. 12.1.1 f TT'OR RENT Rooms In Kcbiaoli * fatten ( Sank X1 Bulidlncr. Moat dcslmllo offices In the city Supplied with hjdraullc flo-ator and heated u Btoam. Apply at Bank. 020-tt FOR SALS FOK SALE Handsome eottazo , cast front , mirth Omaha , 81,7t \ Desirable resldince , iouth 10th s'.rcct. cant front , $ lWO BCLIi a SIIKIVKK. 463.22 iT Uuinfsu rTfiTv1 Al > lii ; vvu oiler five [ amtten acre JC tracts southwest of city. Only 2t > minutes drhu from P. O Now la the time tu secure a heiutlful home. Call before March 1st , as prices vvilladvance. PECK'S IlIIAI , ESTATE AGENCY , 400 22 * Opp. P. O. , Omaha. FOR SAL1I At a barpiln , a good two coated car ryall , Kiiltnblo for < no horbu. Inquire at A. J. Simpson's Cmlaue Factory , Dodge St. 472-211 FOR SALE A 12,000 pounds K < 1 bank's Hny Scale. Will hold hath wagon and home' , It Is nearly new and will be toUl at halt price. Apply to 433-20 .T. C. BHON.SEK. FOR SAM : 42 acres , house , stable , abundance o fruit , near church and school , Gmik'S from rail road , 20 miles from Omaha , SI,6W. Beautiful residence property , 100x423 feet , fhtulo and fruit ttucs , home and barn , 9.1,000. 135-23 BELL&SHRIVER , FOIl SALE -One of W. E. Vernon * steam pea nut matters in giod running ordtr clieip. Address "confectioner" care Omaha lice. 410-1 § SALE The furniture of the residence N. W. FOR Oth and llarncy. Apply on the premises. 408-101 FOR SALE Cheap , ono six foot aud ono three foot show caw at Lyoii'd C gir Store , i.07 onth 16th St. 224 tf FOR SALE A bargain. House of 7 rn s , Bin and Bancroft Bt. Kothlc. Well built , barn 6c , only 81.8-10 if sold vv ithin 80 days. S HARS & BOS- ARD , Wl'Ilaina ' Block. 03-tf T71ORSALE House of 6 rooms ill I'arker's addition J1 near the $ M 000 school houee new. A cheap place on cosy terms. 41.700. bEAliS & BOSAIID , Williams Block. E09-U FOR SALE A splendid houxe of 10 rooms in Shinn'sadcition. If sola within 80 cayi > only $3.700. SEAhS & B03ARI ) , corner Uihanu Dntlpo 210-tf FOR SALE Farm 3 miles from city. of lira , llojer , over Hotdcr'a Ih-uKttoro , 10 > ' and Webster. S72-U SALE Twocounteisanit fifty feet of good FOR - , cheip , at 1 OS DodKO St. IBS U riOIl SALE Two largo Norrnuniitallloiir. Addrtba 1 O. D. BlrdBall , Walnut , Iowa. IM-lm- SALK A good two story store f roperty in Wayne , Wayne county , Neb. Address 0.1) . Bird- Bill , Walnut , Io a. 165-lmt SALE OR TRADE A good epan of mulw , harness and \\agon. Inquire Alex U. Charltou , nt McCugua Bros. 050-tf SAL ! ; Two open ncrond-liand buggies Mid FOR del U try uagou , cheap , at 1319 Harnej St. 339 tf T70n SALE-Colorado coal. Thin coal la an free from J ? Boot and as Uoan u Hock Spring. 034-tf JKl'k W. iOK SALK Two portable bollorn , 10 her e ooa F Apply at 1) . riTZPATIUCK , s-tf SIS South 15th St. SALK A Hnall MoMer , Utliman iCu. , tire FOR nalt , almost new , at this oillce. tf SALE My t o Btory brick residence , 10th FOR St. Mary's avenue. Larre barn , out-house , water worAS , well arranged. Lot 60x200. 1'iico $7.600. Heat Bargain In Omaba Call nt M. Tolt'e People's Bank. 277-t SALK 12 lots ono block went ot Park are FOR curs. Lota 60x150. Will Hell the whole tt r for $7,100 , if Bold before January 1st , 1834. I'rful 63 tito owners bid tills bargain , If } ou call at People Bank. 27Mf 17011 BALE Choice builnona property , three ) ot JD oor. Saundere tnd Charles Htrcot. It will par yea to InvostlKAte this offer. Call at Fuople'e Bank. 27fl-tf TjiOR BALE Improved projwrty , which lll p y J ? the buyer 20 per cent ou the Investment. Ileuti for $1,920 per year. All occupied by first claw ten ants. Will sell for $10,500 , If sold BOOH. All or one- halt c.ith , balance , one to five years. Ihn above Investment - vestment le worth Invtttlpitlon , Call at the 1'coplt'i Bank. /80-II OU SALE Ola newvpapera m l\tf aud iuUl F quantities it thin uflloc U MIBCELLANEOOB. 8TOLKN Friday evening at STIlAVUDOll tlm telegra ] > h | xt oj > i > OHltv j olficc , ab y hurM of medium fhe , twteu yuin old , has a BiuuM lump on front knee. Any information leading to his recovery will bo rewarded hy lea at 1811 CiilcujfO utreet , and no questions asked. 469 let 1) . II. STEWA / 1 00 IIOOM AND BOAHD at 8 < .50 per vvttk , or Of ( IE ) OU iwr month , at 1'aclllc Ilouie. 4Ul-2tt ! TUAYhl ) u HlOLhn Una tmall rwl bruvvri S eow , any-one knowing ot her whereabouU ill iilease bend or leave word at No. 410 S. lath tt. Om - lit. Neb. 450-10 $ y OHT Oil STOLEN A white oow , 6 jcatsolJ.nlth. SJ out any inarki , except thu horns Cowed down- on o a HUIc inoro than the other. Wulght about l.Ho | > oundi. tlO.O ) reward otfercd ( or an > on honuy dell ) cr the animal to the Ktglo Houte. TO W1IO IT MAY CONCF11N-I v ih the party tint picked up the Span ol pupny on 14th ttrm will drop hloi 1 Ke liqt | > elate In the lot fH Hth , II. FLC11INO. 1 7SPKCIALTIKSfortho > out f euiplojment to 1 I make money with. Call on M. L. Bmlth , Soft N. 16th btrtet , and nco tarople . _ 4 S3 1m L03T-lb73 , two dtoharKCB fiom the armv U. luuelui ; to Mauric * R. Barnes fiom 1860 to 1666. Big reward paid lor the return of tame ut Bee onice. _ 4il-ltH _ _ CAK11 1'AIDKor becoud hand clothei , orders IT letter * or postal * promptly * ttended to Ad- drebdllr , orilH , BrodvriciiOlSBOutlilOthHt. Omaha. _ . _ _ _ 4C0.1mollH LAUaBI'ttol roorm , with or without bcard.ln private fwuillci fumlthed Irco of charge at our otttce , opposite poetoUicw. Conuou , Jonea & Co , , VW to 9 p. in. WS-lta . AND CONPITIOH. . 803 Tenth Itrewl , betweea FMDMU ind Hu. n y , will , with U > a aid of Riurdkn plrlt , obUdnlnz wjone ( liaoeottb put nd uecwt , ndU certAlu coudlUona In tte rutuw. Booti m < J d nuJe crdtr. Pwfect eatl f cUoo iru r tt * < l.