Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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    f * * tHtrftf * , , * r _ . „ „
'jy.l > .
_ 'L' -
i „ aid : EYZALARSA. .
' rrom the-so sniinva uriso tmeO'.ourths of
XUO < llaen. ° cs of the human nice. Tliooo
/Eymiitonisit\Ucatollinlcoxicncor.o / : ol
Appctllr , IlowrlD U'nClvc , Sick Mccil *
uclic , rulltiFM nflcr callnf' , Hvrrflioti 1o
tioitltm of lioilj' ov riliul , Ki'ticintlnn
of food , Irrllnliltltv of temper , Jn\v
ftlitrUn , A iVHInft ofhavlMK : iltcte\ |
nnmcOnty , l > t7xliicr.iriiitlriliiKA < llm
. /IcnrJ , Ditta libtoro tlio oyrrliluhlvcot
orcrt tJrtue , LOiYgTtPATlOlY , nnil de
mand tlio HSO of u remedy Hint nets tilt rot IV
im the Llvor. AsaLlvorniciltolnoTCTT'S
J'liir.H have io o-inal. Their action on t ho
IvItlncj-H iiiul Skin Is rtUo prompt ; removing
nil liupm-itlP ! ) UirouKh tliosotlirro 'scmr-
cnfrn-i at Uio nyntcni , " nrocluelnjr trwo-
tlloj.wmul illjiesUnn , ropulnr etooU , n , cliur
BlcliiaiuluvlnoroUbo,1y. ! ' 1'UTT'M I'itil.B
cause no nausea or jrlpluK not interfere
with daily vroilc nml nro u iiorfoct
o.aSe , OtlM ! > . .n Murray 3 t.N.Y.
GHAT HAirt me WinsKisns
Jtatitly to tv UtossY UIACK by
plication of I'.ils ) )7K. Sui'l ' by
or sent by oxm-uv ) on receipt or tl .
OIHoo , tl Jinrrny Street , New Trot" .
The ucoosslty for
. prompt and efficient
'household remedies
| ladnlly owlnKtnoro
Imparatlxo , and ol
thcso Hosteller's
Stomach Bitten Is
the chief In nilrlt and
the most popular.
Irregularity ot the
v.i- stomach and ban els ,
cs. malarial focrsliver
\ = r complaint , debility ,
1 ? rlicuinatlsm and
minor ailments , nro
thorouRhly conquer
and medicinal safe-
euard , and It is just
ly regarded as the
pnrcst and most coin
prehcnsho remedy
ot Its classy 1 For sale hy druB Ista and dealers
ef rx < ; ciit ! ,
ortl. euff . brrk. trrts aa < 1 Atue , ftnt til
lcti cfth * DicriUrti Orffcel. Afc * < ! FOI Imrttl delleioni f r r
flu * tif rlarouoc. | ftni t ftll l f r urinkt Try It. an j
* -"lni - -vunurfrlt * . A k * our rrvttr
ai jjiw iwrAY. if. y.
( BI.KOKK. ) ( AVTKII. )
_ lj ! ArrriAscES nro sent on l Days' Trial TO
HEN ONLY , YOUNQ OU OLD , who nro suffer
ing from NEtivous DEBILITY , LOST VrrAUTr ,
WASTIVO WKAKKESSES , and nil these diseases of n
PEBSOXAI. NATDUB , resultlnc from ABUSES mid
OniErt Ciusr-s. Speedy relief and complcto
restoration to JlrALTii , VIGOR nnd MAMIOOD
OITARANTERD. Send nt once for Illustrated
Pamphlet frco. Address
VOLTAIC BELT CO. . IBttfiiliall , Midi.
In tisoS ) yours. Each number the tpcclnl pro-
Ferfptlon of un onilncnt physician. 'Iho ouly
NlnipIiMJnfc and Sure Meillclues for the p'oplo
IJST rnmciPAi. ttos. cunns. nncE.
I. Fi-jcri , CongestionInllnra.ltloiH
y. U'orini , WoimJovcr. Worm Colic. . . , S.l
: i. Oyliu < / ' llcorTei'thliuof Infunts .2.1
I. Dlnrrlien of children or Adults 'in
fi. llrscntarr. Orlpin ? . llllllou" Colic , . . 415
( i. ( Miolr.-a Morlmomltlni ; .2,1
7. ( 'ousliH. Cold , llroncbltls 25
* < . I purnlifla , Toothncno. l-ncencho t5
f ) . lIunilDClics , blck HeadnchcH , Vertigo , 'J5
10. lv > ponnin. Illlllous btmnneh 2A
11. Humiremcd or I'ttlnTul IVrlod , U5
t'i.Vnllc4 , too 1'rofuso i'crlods , . 'in
lC. : Crniin. Cough , DllllcuU lircuthinK 31)
1 1. Hnlt Ulicniii , Kryslpelas , KrllutlotiJ , . J5
15. Hhennintl'4111 , Jtheunmtlo I'nlns. . . . . 'JS
Hi. Knicr nnd ARIIP. Chill , i'over , Agues , OI >
17 I'llrs , Illind or llleedlnir , Bit
III. Cni.irrh. ncuto or chronic : Influenza no
3D. Wliooplns CniiKli , vlolnntcoughs , . , .no
ai. ; ncrnl llcbilltv. Physical Weakness.nil
'J.7. KUnoy lllirniir nil
X * . rvrrvmii Dcbllltv l.OO
: iu. Urlnnry Wrnl < nr i , AVjcttlng the bed .no
34. llI u HunriliuIlenrt. Palpliatlon. l.OO
sold by tlruirgliu. or sent by the Caso.orsln-
Bio Vlif , frc of clmiRn , on receipt of prlco.
Scndfnrlr.lliimiilir v > rn < > iil ( n Dltfnou C\c.
( Ml imcul'.nlsci Itlimtrnled CntaloEiin JTHtJis.
. Adilri' 1 , IlniniilirevH' Iliiinunnuthln Alcu-
i : . . jO9 Fulton Street , ftuw Vorlt.
V111 c ro Ncrvousnws ,
Luinbnpn.lthcunmtlftn , 1'ar
P ! > his , Ntuiiilgi.i , htlittlca.
knn ! < yf Sptnu ant ) Liter
. . , Cataiili ,
. , , Imnutfiif ) ,
Only MTkntillaLI o >
. theI'k'ctrii'ity ninl niBf.-
oniihc U'CliarKi'iilnau In *
SI.000 Would Not Buy It.
Dn. HoitsR 1 nas a letcd with rhcumitlem and
cured by uilnp ; a belt. Tu any one nllllctcil with
that disease , I would y , buy Home's F.lectrlo licit
Any ono can confer vth mo by writing or calling
at my ttoru , 1420 Douglas street , Omaha Nch.
1IAIN OI'FJCIJ Ojijioslto poetolllce , room 4 1'rcn-
f iTKor rale at C. 1' . Ooodtaan' * Jtug store , UIO
Vanmtn St. , Onutm.
Crilerd Ullod O O D.
In April , May and Juno , 1RS4. PASSAGE TICKETS
by all ATLANTIC HTIIAMUIS. Special facilities ( or
tra\olerHin UUItOl'K , hr a'l routes , at reduced rates.
COOK'S KXUUK8IONI8T , with mapa and full par.
tloulara , by moll 10 centa. A < < rire > a
firilOS. COOK fc BON , 201 Broadway , N. Y.
lieu you como to thluk of it , It Ji not
odd that literary people prefer * pi | > o to a
cigar. It Is handler to emoko Mlien they
ere writing , and t > \ er no much cleaner.
And then It idrea them the true macaco
and flavor of Uio tobacco.
The juogt futldlous mnokcru amou ? all
nations and all clawe * of men atrrc that
the tobacco trrown on the Golden Tobacco
licit of North Carolina 1s tbo moxt delic
ious and reflned In the worliL Uithtcr
than TurkUh , more fragrant than Hat ana ,
freer from nitrates and nicotine than any
other , U Is Just what the connoisseur
pralso aad the habitual smoker demand * .
The vcrj choicest tobacco ( frown
on this licit U bought by Ulaek.
well's Durham Tobacco Co , and
pjiears In their celebrated. Dull
Durham BmoklnB Tobacco. It Is
known the world over.
Got the genutuowithlull
trade-mark , then yon will
be sure of bavlnx abso
lutely pure tobacco.
An Agreement to Hun Through Sleep
ers from Chicago to San Krnii-
( . IB to ,
iV San Francisco dispatch of Friday
nys thai n contract has boon signed bo-
wocn the Central 1'Acilio , Union Pacific ,
Cnicago Northwestern mid Pullman
oinnany for running through slcupors
ud parlor cars from S.ui Francisco to
Chicago , commencing April 1st ,
This i > a move which has not been gen-
rally looked for , it having been supppsed
> y ninny that the Union Pacific would
aver the Chicago , Milwnukvo it St.
? .ui1 , while otlurs were confident that
ho Ilock Island would bo first choice ,
The matter is now so arranged that in
aso of nny railroad war through trains
vill bo run from Chicago to San Fran-
3iaci > . This is undoubtedly the shortest -
est route to San Francisco and in all
irobabilily always will bo. The Central
I'acilio now hnvo no necessity for build-
ng u line to connect with the Sioux City
t Pacific at aoino point in Nebraska , as
tad been contemplated.
The Northern Pacific arc making ties-
lorato efforts to secure control ot the
Wisconsin Central and also the Chicago &
IHvanston , by which means they would
liavo direct connection with both Chicago
cage and Milwaukee. It remains to bo
soon how the little scheme will work.
sinxr.Y muo.v.
It is expected that Sidney Dillon will
irrivo iii this city to-morrow , and ho willie
io waited upon by a party of
gentlemen from Seward county , who desire -
sire a branch of the t nion Pacific built
across said county , and for which they
propose to oiler 875,000.
ABniiiiuct In an Onialia Journalist
ilust B.xclc l-'rnm Kitrope.
A number of the prominent citizens
of Omaha nro now perfecting arrange
incuts for a grand banquet to bo teir
clorcd Dr. Ooorgo L. Miller , of The
Herald , in recognition of his long nnd
faithful services in the interest of Omaha
nnd the ntato of which shu is the metrop
Dr. Miller hns just returned from the
old world bcnolittcd by hia trip nnd ready
; o go to work once more with hia uaual
vigor. The jcomplimont thus tendered
urn is ono that all who know him will
iocl ia deserved , and it will bo n pleasant
affair for all concerned. The Paxton
will bo the scone of the festive occasion.
Army Orders.
Ivecruit Frank C. Ferris , enlisted at
Fort Omaha , Neb. , is assigned to the
Fourth infantry.
Leave of absence for twenty days is
granted First Lieutenant Guy Howard ,
Twelfth infantry , A D. 0.
On the recommendation of his com
pany and post commanders , the unex-
pired portion of the sentence in the cato
of Corporal Cornelius Shea , company C ,
Fourteenth infantry , published in general -
oral court martial ovdors No. 85 , series
1883 , from these headquarters , is remit
general court martial is appointed to
meet at Fort MoKinnoy , Wyo. , on the
21st day of February , 1884 , or as soon
thereafter as practicable , for the trial oi
Private Fred. Turner , troop C , Fifth cav
alry , and such other prisoners as may bo
brought before it.
Captain Emil Adam , Fifth cavalry.
Captain Sanford C. Kellogg , Fifth cav
Captain Leonard Hay , Ninth infantry.
Captain William C. Forbush , Fifth
First Lieutenant Charles H. Kockwell ,
Fifth cavalry. *
First Lieutenant Charles D. P.irkhurst ,
Fifth cavalry.
Second Lieutenant Homer W. Wheeler ,
Fifth cavalry.
First Lieutenant James LIoB. Stomble ,
Ninth infantry , judge advocate.
A greater number of oflicora than those
named can not bo assembled without
manifest injury to the service.
lionnl ol' Trade Meet i riff.
The adjourned mooting of the bean !
will be hold on Monday evening , Feb
ruary 18th. The board of directors mcol
at U:30 : p. in. Tiios. GIUSON ,
l o Considered.
Thousands of men die ovpry duy who
could bo saved. Prejudice is mainly to
blame for this loss of lifpIf it were
believed that the sum of disease may cer
tainly bo reduced by physic , much would
bo gained. And yet the proposition is
very simple ; if you take nufc daily more
impurities than is daily generated , you
will soon bo rid of impurities. The
effect of this wise practice in soon scon in
Bilious , Liver and Kidney troubles. But
it is equally of value in head and brain af
fections ; in Pleurisy , Pneumonia , Apoplexy
plexy , and Paralysis.
In chronic and acute Rheumatism , and
in all affections of the bowels , this prin
cipal soon relieves and cures , when the
medicine used is BHANDUETU'K PILLS.
Yes , when all other means and medicine -
cine have failed to relieve from pain ,
those pills have cured , by taking impur
ities from the bowels and blood , and
thousands of men and woman now place
BuAuimF.Ta'H PILLS among the blowings
of mankind.
The Oril Standard has star tad n series ol
political Illustrations , tlm first ropresontlng
tlm rMurrootlou of the "iiutcrrlfied democ
racy. " It la hoped the Kiobrara vigilantes
will got hold of n copy.
1' ter Jtotila will tale notice , that on the Ot'i clay
of JaLiury , ] < 8I , Henry Kcl-v , n justice 'f iho
iicace , ot Mill-mi 1'ruclnct , DoiiK'ni counlj , Ne
braska 1-Buednncrdercf atta-lmiuitJor the nun cf
one hundred and Giguty the clol'ara lafan action Is
pendliKivf'rv him uhcreln John Ilium Id plaintiff
ami 1'cwr HoliiU ilclcnd&ir , that tbo prorcrtv con-
Hutu l ( ! ( > > bu hcl rf corn In the car , tnu brown
mure , Ojcan old , t o while fora feet , 'i taMuii , 6
clmlrg , Z two loinicdi , 1 foun r , 1 Ij'auroiU.Y Mle ,
1 btove , iMuf Mid fuiiiituiu , 1 lookiniMjlahi , 1 No
Inmkn nUte map , 1 churn , 1 Krlndstor e , 1 w eh tub
2 water ImcktU , ! 6 | > ounds ui talt , 4 1 unhclj ol J'.t -
t"rs , tlihlckcnr , tS hofti , 1 ec op siovil , 1 c rii
iliu k-r , 3 loin ol luy , 1 reaper , 1 h > y raki , 1 lumber
n' blo and lumU'r around hay yard , 1 cultivator , 1
plow , 1 garden rake , one tiorno , 1 tprli K real ,
1 two her > o corn planter aril ha been attached "
dirwld ordir , raldcauiu vaicrntlnued to lie 3rd
day cf March , lfc)4 ) , all o'cVlk.Juil.f
Juil.f llWti , I'lalutlO :
Millar. ! , Jao. 11 , IbSt.
Feb. l-t8-25-m-e.l
Notice U hereby RUen that tbo partncreblti here
loforoexlsting betue'ii William r * . llannlit ; am
Geo. ] f. Heat uwJur the flrtu name ol Manoli'lf ' &
Hem , U tliU day dlmoUcd.
Thi li to l > e further notice that I will not bo re
( punalble lor any debit contracted by my jxruon In
our Ute trm uame , nor will I | > ay t-ny attornov'
feet or coeU to rarry on any litigation of any de
cili-tlon aualniit any ol Lh creditor ! ot the luta firm
of lUuulnx * ll u. tud llie UMI of my uarno to carry
on auy tu li litigation l < unbutliorltcd br me ,
Oinat-a , Keb. , Feb. 16 1K3I ,
Feb. ld-11. WILLIAM f ,
ri.ATT VOl'Tll.
Tlio U. & M. U roplftclnfr the old box-car
cnboosos with tiow Monitor wny-cnra.
Jtuny of the well fixed b Ino mon are In-
c.ithig in the stock of the canning factory ,
A utrfttipor , In attempting to bonnl a inov
HR train , Thuriilay , imrrowly cHcapinl clpAth.
Consldcrnblo Iowa oorn Is bolng fold hnro ,
ho formers coming illrect ta town over the
CO.Tho C. , 11. feJ. coiiipany Imi adopted Jtho
low RAfety coupler for freight cam , and all
arslll bo stippliotl with thorn tin quickly as
There arc ? U tltvorco cases docketed for the
ouiing term of the l.nnciutor county illatrlct
A youncnian n.iineil Drown lini skipped the
own , Uklng ? 1''A which was font by drntl to
lis loom iimto. Itrown U onld to lia\o forged
lie outlorscinont and cu hctl tlio draft ,
t the recant enlo of Uio l.onnnrd Hroi. '
ril of CJnllowftV ! 30 hond liroueht a totnl of
$10,715 , nvemglng 8 : < 53.1M ( cnch. Of tlio o 18
vcro bulU , averaging $3L'l.ili ( each , nml 13
COWH , avorugingSIM , The nnla wai Inrgoly
ttciuloil anil prices very roanotmblo.
Tlio young Intllos of tlio Palladium society
f Uio university have orgnnlrod a doujxtlng
society "whofco serious \vill bn profnnoil by
.ho presence of no nmlo being * . " The otllccrs
> f the soclnty for tl-o llrst term nro n follows :
L'reiidont , AlUa Snuiulern ; vlco president ,
MIssTilbot ; Focrotary , Miiry .Tones ; Irons-
liter , Miss 1'iahor ; crltio , Mary Campboll.
Uncle Johnny Moyors fell on n slippery
eiilowalk , ami now utrrioa hU arm In a filing ,
The third nnmml charity ball , Irmt week ,
wns n nplomlld nodal nml finuncial cuccoss.
The attendance wns largo and the costumes
costly anil elegant.
The G. A. 15. will cclobrato Washington's
birthJny ntinivcnnry with a lecture by ( Sen-
oral 0. 0. Howard , on the campaign niul bottle -
tlo of Gottyshurg , to bo fullowail by .1 Biipper.
The "Jlirror of Iroland'1 draiuatiu troupe
etranilcil hero. It li H.n'ul that many Irishmen
who were raised within u Btcmo's throw of the
Hconcs rellectod could not rccognir.o the pic
The Doaumont bevy ot "forty innMenR fresh
[ roni the seminaries of the I'ncific coast. " of-
torod to play hero for the bonelit of the Y. M.
0. A. , but the association doclined. Ituouhl
liavo boon n appropriate ICve-angclical enter -
The Uoatrico plnntnjf mill is crowded with
A Inrgo party of U. T. onicials tnnpoctoil
, hu now branch road between l.liuoln anil
Beatrice lust week.
Tim "Kobbers Koost" In tloscrtod. Two of
.ho indict pullers will go to the reform echool
and four to the county jail.
The opening of the U. 1 * . branch to ] 5ontrlco
las forced the ] ! . & M. to reilncu the faro to
Lincoln from 8J to $1.00 That is just four
cents a mllo.
Over 81 BOCOO worth of now building * are
already planned in liAntrico ; and tlioy con
sider this pretty good for a March a'arter In a
town of 5,000 pooplo.
A gain' of seed swindlers are operating in
this vicinity. They soil a man a "now varie
ty of poetl oats" at $10 a bushel , and contract
to buy all that is raised from It at tlio same
price next fall. They are perfectly snfo tu
the guarantee , as tlio teed will not pan out.
Hall county has developed a prominent can
didate for the proiidoney ot thoVForty JJaro"
Ho sails under the name of Dicdrick Hoop
onheiser. Ho writes to The Independent
that Gottlieb Schmidt suffered for years with
cancer in the ptomach. A doctor from Illi
nois contracted to euro him. "llainado an inci
sion through the abdominal walls , romovcil
the stomach from its attachment and prompt
ly replaced it with the Htuin.ich of : t Hhcep ,
neatly connecting it with the cardiac ex
tremity of the throat , with wire sutures , nnd
likewise with the duodenum below , This
stoniich thus far works well. Schmidt siys
ho is all C ) . K. with the exception of a ' 'hank
ering" after hay and corn , and a longing for
the return of apiinjf , with plenty of grafs. "
Mr. Win. KlelFol Intends to build a fine
residence on Kifth street next summer.
The Sioux City it Pacific railroad company-
is making Improvements in its stock yards
here , to facilitate the handling of increased
The subject of water supply is Ktill upper
most in the minds of the cidzjiw. The "drivo
well" plan is suggested 03 the cheapest to ex
periment with.
Miss Viola Sidors , of Mapla Greek , DoJgo
county , took an ovor-loso of morphine last
Monday , and was buried in Fremont the fol
lowing Wednesday.
Rev. and Mrs. , f. W. Osborno colohratod
the ' 10th anniversary of their marriage Thurs
day evening. A largo mimbjr of friends and
relative * participated , and a pursa of $73 was
among tlio substantial mementoes of the
Chas. Bermley , of Scribnor , lost his hand
in a corn t > hollor.
Kulo landlords are uiiablo In uupply the de
mand for vacant IIOUSCH.
A satisfactory Hyntom of water works will
cost Wont Point § 15,000.
Franklin wautN a briukmakor , to whom a
yoar'a work will bogiurnnteod.
Ninety men aio digging for coal in the Hen
dprjon inino , within nix. milt'.j of I'awnou city.
Aurora hns ilutermined on a fire depart
ment , and will build a two-story engine
"Littlo Tismarck" has been locked up at
West 1'oint to provuat him from burning the
G. S. Merrill , an attorney of Fairlmry , has
akipjicd the town v/ith gr > 00 of other poojilo'ii
inonoy. A warrant and a sheriff ute uft-r
A free fight of tha hums of David City ro-
suited in tlm airent of ten of the pugiiiuts.
They contril'it3l 330 and costs to the school
Table llock IB raising a fund to put down
an artesian well for the purpose of cither
securing a supply of water or staking a coal
vfin ,
fcYriio citizens of llutnbolilt are seconding the
alfortu of Mm. ] ilnm to establish a free library
in tbo town. They have Biibscriljod abuut
S500 already.
M . 1 * . Webster , a new comer from Frank
lin county , had thrco ribs broken by a kick
from a home in Kenrnoy , It will lay him up
lu Nebraska Cltv last Monday Clara Wat
kliia , a 10-year-old girl , unrkinK for
Sands , allot , ami killed herself. Whut her wo-
tlvo was U not illiicloKod.
The pollen nf Nebraska City should bo
awarded medals. They caused tlio arrest of
four men last week fur using profane and vul
gar language on the streets ,
The pushing husliicM men of Ainsworth ,
lirown county , are driving n lively trade ) In
nock-tlo Buuvenlrs. IJlta of the roho btrotclod
by tlio Kid sell like taWy on a iitlck.
The crack hunter * of Tocmnsoh will turn
out en masse and chn'io the wily wolf from hlii
lair on the L'-M. Moulded klllini ! elf a nuUance
tlie county paya $1 for oacli doalp.
A Kearney policeman , vho won beaten lu a
game of pool , arrested hid opponent on the
charge of ranting nn ollicer , anil had him
fined $50 and costs. He\onge U sweet.
A few nights ago a gang of railroaders took
possession of Odoil , and pandemonium reigned -
od us long as whisky and beer lasted. A few
nights afterwards the citizens expressed their
opinion of the aaloon by knocking the win
The poetofliuo department has refused to
sanction the name of Castor for a now town
on ono of the branches of the ] t , & M , , be
cause It would be confused with Ouster. This
will rob TobiaH of several grains of Iiniuor
tallty ,
TtoIJ.fc M. railroad company has purchased -
chased a tract of land half way between raw.
noa City and Ilurclmrd , and ulll put in 11
switch ut th t point and erect a depot. The
now elation will bo called Butler , lu honor ol
David ,
Thu people at Central City are feeling j-ill.
nut over the fact that the It. , V M , aro. as
; hey bollovn , making preparations to utilize
.ho old Mirroy from that plnco up through Iho
Unipo country to the Nlobma , and the U. 1 * .
olk.s are feeling rory uncomfortable ) about the
T. M. Klrloy , janitor of tlm lllalr lilph
chool , had his face and neck ludly burned by
a Ktuldou Hash from a lamp vlilch ho was
rimmliii ; . His fnco was burned i > n that lu
rjinp to oxtlngiiish the firodia rubbed the
ikln all off , and lih winkers nnd halrvera
mdly bnrnoj ,
Geo. 1 * . Drown , who was wcrctiry of the
on a to at the last session of thn hyi.ilaturo , is
low pastor of Iho "Church of David City. "
ml Is imbllshlng a pai or called The Shining
Vay , to iidvocnto the peculiar tonrts of his
reed. The p.tpor stolen that Its editor be-
levea lu "full R.ilvatiou anil frco trndo. "
Tlio number of ncrcsof lalilnx' < rvs < iodlii Holt
utility in 1883 wan -tri.OOO , and the uuinbor of
cros patented during ISSil wa I'J.Tl.'O ' , making
> grand total of 8r > ,71)0 ) acres to bo n c > Mcd
hit year , Axhlch howoxor , Is only a llttla over
J par cent of all the lands In tlio county.
ho total number of acres in the county is
Thu editor of the Nnw Yoik Times Is mix-
oils to hond an expedition to annihilate the
igilauto * of thn north , ' 'lllood , Horatio.
M-o-o-dl" ho exclaims. "Lot it
- - - nut bo Raid
hat the citizen * of Nebraska will Bit calmly
> y and xco initro than a xcoro of mon hung on
usptclon of theft , and allow a gang of inur-
iorors go unscathed , "
Five of our laidiug citizens , uhoso line
arms are all almost within hail , lu this coun-
y , who were playmates in Illinois , mossinntps
n the army , null privnto-s in the llrst ( Ho of
coDipauy K , Sovcnth Illinois infantry , and
vhoso avorngo height is over nix feet , left
Ulnlr last Wednesday to partlclpttn In the
Avoiitv-Bocoml anniversary of tlio battle of
' 'ort Donaldson , It will 1m an occa lon of
; roat interest to them. They will return in
ibout two weokd. They nro A. M. and 1\
llovoo , 1 * . .T. . , l lf. ami A. M. Gossan ! .
Hlalr llepubllciiu ,
Judge Tucker saj's that ho IMS discovered
hat Tits OMAHA Bri : Is a liar. This utato-
nont entitles the colouol to great credit for
ieiiotr.itinc and oxhaiisttvo rcsonrch. lint
von't r. Wesley have rcawin t < i call on "tho
ockn and mountains to fall on him and hhlo
lim from the wrath to como" whou IJosy ad-
tists his Bpcctnclcs to the proper focus for a
oyngo of discovery Into the colonol'H nutccs-
louts. It will ha\o a tendency to make our
) ortly fitond'H bowels yearn worse than wlion
10 wa hauled over the coals at. tbo Union
laptlst church of this city. [ Hlair Hopubll-
can ,
\ftcr a patient has been dosed with corro
sive Hubllmnto untll _ his teeth are loose , his
noutli sore , his hair nil gene his limbs all
Irawn with rheumatism , ho is put on lodldo
if Potash , ono of tlio strongest mineral protia-
rations in the uholo list. This soon takes
away the little ajipolito loft him by the mer
cury disorders his stomach , unusrs pain in
ho bowels , nauso.i , dries up the gastric juices ,
mil food is rejected , wastes him away to a
skeleton , nnd ho is noon a mibjout for the mi-
lertnkcr. To all Mich Swift's Spociliu is a
won worth more than itn weight in din-
noiidit. It builds up tbo waste , roots out these
ninoral poisons , and brings help nnd hnppi-
loss. Soiul for a copy of TioatUo on lilood
anil Skiu Diseases , free.
Tun SWIFT Si'GciFio Co. ,
y , Atlanta , Ga.
ircat DcHtltiulon at 1'oplar Oicck
TOUT IJyi-oui ) , D. T. , February 15.
Clio condition of the Indians at tlio Pop-
ar Crook and Wolf Point agencies is so
doulorablo that unless epoucly relief is
ad'ordod many of thorn will die from
starvation. The allowance is so meager
, hat it is not suflicicnt in itself to keep
hoin alive , llcrotuforo- game has been
ilcntiful in the regions along the Mis-
louri and Mills rivers , and the In
dians were nblo , with the lit-
; lo assistance they received from
the government , to live with com-
laratiyo comfort , but now the
; amo is all destroyed , and the question
las resolved itself to this. They must
either bo fed by the government or
starve. Of the 30,000 dogs in the pos
session of the Indians at Wolf Point ono
, 'onr ago not ono is now loft. In addi-
; ion to the dogs many of the ponioa have
joon oaten and many traded elF for food.
Much the EiniiQ statn of things exists at
; ho Poplar Crock agency. It is a com
mon thing to see mothers of young girls
? oing about after nightfall offering theme
: o any one who will furnish
.hem with the means of keeping
.hciusolvca from starvation. Mr. Snyder -
dor , the 'agent , in doing everything
in his power to relieve their distress , but
Ills supplies arc so limited that ho can debut
but littlo. Mon who were strong and
vigorous n few months ago are BO reduced
by hunger that they are scarcely able to
walk. Women nnd children are gaunt
and holtaw-oyed from starvation. Ono
small scoop of Hour each week and n few
pounds of beef each month comprise the
issue to them , and they are so hungry
Lhat when the issue is made to thorn they
cat it all in a day or two. Several of
them have boon found dead between
their lodges at the agency , being BO
reduced by hunger as to bo unable to ro-
8ia ! ; the recent cold weather. Succor
should bo provided , and speedily , if they
\ro to bo rescued from n terrible fate.
Thcso are facts. Thrco hundred Ions of
buy for the public animals at Port Bu-
ford , gathered by tlio labor of the troops ,
were burned by im incendiary on the
night of February 4 , leaving the post al
most entirely -without hay. The deed
, vaa prompted no doubt by a douiro on
; lie part of sonic ono to soil hay tu the
jovenmient at high prices.
Tlio Fa to ol n I'aHsongcr tvlio Refused
to I'uy lllh Faro.
Detroit I'rco I'msi.
Probably every railroad line of any con
sequence in the country has its "spotters"
, o v/nlch and But traps for conductors ,
nnd if iho public haa any feolini ; either
way it is for the latter ollicials , This was
shown a few days ago on a. line running
out of Detroit. A medium-Bitted , fairly
dressed passenger sot up the plea that
lie had been robbed , and bogged the
conductor to pass him froo. The onicial
looked him over carefully nnd replied :
"Your faro , or off you go ! "
The man whined und bogged but whim
lie found that it was ono or the other
lie produced a five-dollar bill to pay his
"Counterfoil ! " said the conductor , aa
lie handed it back.
'Why , man , that's ns true a greenback
aa was ever made ! "
"Can't take it , air ! Your faro
please ! "
"But that's all the inonoy 1 have ! "
"Then off you go ! "
"But , air but ! "
The train was stopped bet vreon Btallona
and the passenger backed elF with many
a muttered "sass word. " When the con
ductor entered the car half a dozui
passengers tackled him with , inditjnan
protests , and two or throe almost abus
cd him for his rigid observance of th
rulca ,
"fiontlomon , ho was a spot ter 1" wa
the unawor to the storm of indignation
and in ton seconds everybody in the ca
was applauding.
Closing out nil our Tiea and Scarfa a
75o all rounrt , Many of them are wort
§ 2. Come nnd take thorn. Wo want t <
make room for an entirely new Block i
this department.
flS-3t N. B. FALCONRU ,
Revenue Bureau , the Vinegar Fac
tories and New Money , '
kofolicH ( il'Soclolyltiiro nt tlio Capital
1'orxoiml N'otcx orNolirnnknns.
Jorrojpomlonco of TilR HKK.
WAHHINOTON , February 12. lion ,
( 'alter Evans , the commissioner of in-
ornal revonno hns addressed a letter to
onator Mnndoraon in reply to ono ad-
ising the commissioner that sovoial
holosiilo grocers and n vinegar factory
i Omaha had petitioned against the ro-
iml of the act of March 1 , 187H , allow
i { ? vinegar makers to condense alcoholic
, ipora , The commissioner was naked to
ivo his views upon Iho subject. Ho
aya ho has not boon informed tlmt there
as boon nny decline in the price of vino-
nr. Ho favors such modification of the
aw as shall subject this manufacturing
itorcst to the control aud auporvisiou of
hu revenue olllco.
Distillers nro under the strictest no- '
omit , while the manufacturer of viiu'gnr
> y the vapoming process who mashes ,
erments and distills his grain in the eamo
tanner , except that the alcoholic vapors
s condensed iiMvator and not separately ,
as no supervision. With this apparatus
10 easily suits the strength of hi i product
o his own noeda , nnd with a ready np-
lication of it can produce proof spirits ,
. 'hu occasional visits of a revenue olllcer
eave to these establishments every op-
ortunily that the criminally inclined
eed to produce and carry nway illicit
[ lirits.
When iho western man arrives in
Vnshinglon , no matter from what part of
hat , vnst territory known ns "tho west"
10 may come , his pocket-book , if ho hns
no , will bu filled wiU the muddy nnd
jlnpidntcd rags which circulate out there
s United States currency. But the time
10 has been in this city n few days his
nirso will begin to till up , in change ,
vith n kind of money to which ho ia quito
infnmiliar , but in which hia soul takes
ninicdiato delight ; crisp , fresh bills , just
Hilled from the presses of Uncle Sam , ro-
eiiling on their glncod aurfaco the clcar-
ut lines of the engraver and the won-
rous , niaxy , network of the eccentric
\tho in all the exactness of modern nrt.
'ho strniif er immediately wonders what
jeconies of nil the old money and is in-
ormcd that it is redeemed daily nt the
ronsury by the bnnka and citi/.ons hero ,
or some of whom it ia just a stop across
ho street ; nnd in the cash-room uf tlio
reasury itself , where the inonoy ia
ountod in the evening , evening bill that
s in the least soiled or crumpled or torn
a laid nsido and an entirely now bill
> ut in ita place. Washington people have
IRIS become BO particular about paper
iionuy that n dollar bill that would bu
onsidored highly respectable nnd clean
n Omaha or Denver , ia put nsido by the
nitidious Washingtonian to bu exchanged
t bank or treasury for n picture of Pocn-
ontns Burroundod by dollar uigns , which
rould bo framed as a rare engraving if it
ould reach "Iho west" untarnished.
This causes the inquiry , why cannot
lie currency bo good nil over the conti-
icnt ? And I have an answer from nn ox-
lorienccd employe of the treasury , who
ays tlmt banks would bo glad to have
lie soiled currency redeemed nt regular
ntervals is it wero. not for the cxprcsa
liargea te Washington nnd return. If
ho government would p.ty this , or if
> ackages of mutilated nnd dirty green
backs would bo taken back by the roads ,
ho circulating medium of our people
vould bo of a much inoro pleasant kind
o handle ; less sticky , loss rat ud , less
OKNEllAI , ( Ml'UON ,
The Japanese legation hero occupies
lie largo house built by General Capron
onio years ago on N street , nnd it wns
ipro n tow weeks ainco tlmt 1 mot this
.intlnguishcd traveler , who wns the first
a give the American idea to the Jap-
int-aa , nnd upon whom they have con-
orrcd so many honors , the latest being
ho Second order of tlio Rising Sun , a
listinclion which had never before been
; rantoJ to a foreigner. The parlors of
his embassy nro supplied with much
rnpaneso furniture that is odd nnd bean-
if ul , including n sec of chairs carved in
, lie most deceptive imitation of bamboo.
On the walls of the parlors hang many
good picturcH , the most striking being nn
011 painting by nn American artist of the
toly mountain in Japan , the ono which
ippcara no constantly on their fanu and
lecoratod articles , nprmging up 8,000
cot from n Hat ntreteh of land all around ,
ind capped with snow. Another picture
iy n Japajcao artist , ondcnviJrs to ropro-
resent the antics of n fish ns viewed be-
icath the water. It is very realistic.
Probably the rcnidcnco 'of Count Carl
.loovcnhnupt , the minister of Sweden
nd Norway , ia ns pleasant n
) lace to cull as any. The first thing
0 attract attention in the modcntly
nrnibhod parlors is n painting of a very
> eautiful woman , which hangs opposite
ho door. It ia'tho Countess Loevonhnupt ,
ind she herself will presently enter und
entertain you until the arrival of her
lusbnnd , while her two boys romp about
lor. Tlio lady ia no lees pretty than her
( ortrnit , nnd her manner is ao vivacious ,
lor English BO neatly accented , her qucs-
, iona about those parts of America
which alii ) has not seen ao nnivo , that one
B immediately charmed and interested ,
A The Count Loovonhnupt is not so much
1 stranger in the land , 1 believe. IIo
jeara himself with great dignity and ia a
ino looking man especially in courl
Tlio Missiasippi river iinprovomont
convention brought into town last week
a largo number of Nebraska pooplo.
Ex-Senator nnd Mrs , Saundora are in
thia city for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Ilua-
aol Harrison are nt Senator Harrison's ,
whore they will remain for about u month.
Mr. Jesse Lowe , who ia in the Troy
Polytechnic Institute , wna at Willardfa
last wook.
Sam Chapman hold a full card for
Plattsmouth at the river convention.
Jno. A. llorbach is still hero will
both eyes on the Omaha bridge bill.
Hon. J. 0 , llobberta and Hon. Oharle
Manderson are expected in Wnshingtoi
this week.
General Benjamin Alvord haa can
tributod an article to Tlio Bulletin of th
American Geographical society on "Win
tor Grazing in the Ilooky mountains , " ii
which ho attributes the diai-overy of it t
the late Edward Croighton , of Omnlin
whoso animals were loft to graze in th
elevated pastures of the llockies on
winter and woru found in splendid ordo
in the spring. This fact , utilized by Mr ,
Croh/hton , wna the foundation of hii
largo fortune.
I Omaha people need not bo greatlj
.Inrmnd . nt cracks in asphalt pavement ,
inlcaa they nro worse than those in the
Vnshington pavements , some of which
ro quite wide , but aoom to disturb no-
A Heavy ( Jnlc.
SA.V FIIAN.NUISCO , February 17. The
oavio'it ' gn'o nnd rnin storm of the sea-
oil occurred last night. Three him-
red yards of the Northern Pacific wns
vashod away north of Nowhnll. Tele-
raph linen north nnd south were proa-
rnted. No marine casualties are ro-
llanlon , the oarsman , will sail for Sid-
oy , Australia , to-night.
Jlf ! Imhl Ut'NOft.
an 1'ranclico Pout.
The other day when old Punglcup , the
rain merchant , went homo to lunch hu
raa surprised to Hud nn unusual number
f wet umbrellas on the rack , ao ho aa-
ended to his wifo'.s room nnd said :
"Anybody in the parlor my dcnrl"
"Yos , dearest , " replied hia bottor-hnlf ,
ho wna putting the finishing touches to
n elaborate toilet. "Yos , dearest quito
lot of people , Tlioro's the doctor , nn
xprcssman , n hackman , a grocery clerk ,
telegraph roimiror , mid nine measongcra
i the parlor. "
"What on earth are they here for ?
"Well , you see , lovoy , my now plush
nd rep princcaso anne homo five dnys
. ; o , nnd it hns been doing nothing but
\in ever sinco. 1'vo stood it just ns
ing ns 1 could , nnd ao when it rained
jnin to-day I just for everybody on
10 telegraph indicator , so 1 could hnvo
imobody to show it to. Isn't it too
ivoly for anything ] " and with an oxpoct-
nt amilo , oho rustled down-staira.
Epilepsy ,
SputiM , Convul
sions , F'all ' tug
Dance , AlcoJiol-
ism , Opium HatIng -
Ing ,
Scrofula ,
Evil , Ugly lllood
Diseases , Dyspep
tic , Nervousness ,
fjllicumntism ,
JVOWIM llVaAwsi , Ilraln Worry , Mood Ssrx ,
Illlo\i6iirss ! , Gostivtntn , Nervous 1'rofftration ,
JKlitntji Trouble * anil IrrrffularittM. $1.DO.
. Huinnlo Tt'Ntt'moiilnlH.
"Samnrltan NcrrlnoIn ilolaR wonders. "
llr. .1. O. MrLcmoln , Alexander City , Ala.
"I feel It iny duly tn recommend It. "
} > r. I ) . K. Lnnghlln. Clyde , Kansas.
"It cured wlioro phynlclatm fnlleil. "
licv. J. jIMIe , Beaver , Pa.
ay Correspondence freely iinim-crcd.'gS
19r testimonials and circulars rend sUrnrf.
The Or. S.fl. Richmond Mod. Co. . St. Joseph , Mo ,
Ixird , StoutonliurRli & Co , ARcntii , Clilcuso , 111.
and U S , IVfall Steamers
'licRliinc , Germany , Italy , JMlnnd and France
Ktorrnu'o Ontunnl.i'.O ; l'rciilil | : from Antwerp , 13" ;
xc'iirslnn , SIO , lnoluilliil ) > cilillni ; , etc , .M Caliln , $35 ;
x".in el'in ' , JlOt ) ; H.vloou from $5uto $ lt ) > i IXcurslon
110 to 8IUO.
itirlV'tcr Wright & Sons , CJon. Agontl. [ 5 Ilroad-
y N. V.
tialdnoll. Hamilton & Co. , Omaha. 1' . U , Tlod.
inn & Co. , ! ! U3 N. lath Strwt , Cin.ih.i ; I ) . R Kim-
nil. OmahaAicuiitH. in. 'i coil-lv
OP MANIA' VIOOH , Siiormatorr
licua , etc. , when nil other rcino-
illcn ( nil. A cure guaranteed.
$1.00 n hottlo , lixrio liottlo , loin
tlrnca the quantity. $5. By ox.
prcBj ( a any Bold bv
nil JruKglEts. KNOLIS1I HEnf.
AIi INSTITUTE , Proprietor * , 718 Olive Street , St.
Louis , IIo. -
"I have sold Sir Antloy Coopor'a VI Ul Hcnlor.-Uivc
orvoars. Kvcry ouatomcr sjwaliH liluhly ot It 1
ounfBltatlnglj-cndornolt fwa ronicdy ol true merit
" 0. V. GOODIUN , Unifc'xUt.
Osnaha KoV. 1 1B33. via-rute-codly
Jarass Medical Insliluto
Chartered by IhcStateorilll-
noln foi-thccxprcanpurposo
oTglvlnclmmcdlatc rellelln
all chronic , urinary nnd prl-
, .votc dlecasca. Qonorrhcea ,
W Gleet andSyplnlls In nil their
fj * complicated forms , also all
illmcBes of the Shin and
L'lood promptly relieved and
pcrmancntlycuredUy reme-
cliCBteatcdinn/iir//3"i'iirj (
tll > erlall'rttrltce , bcmlnal
I.ossca by Dreams , Pimples on
he I'aseLost Manhood , j f/ < i'i'lnimTicro '
'NiiofM-jit-rfmriifiiii/ ' appropriate remedy
: it once lined In cuch case. ConanltatloiiB , pcr-
onal or by letter , cacredly conlldentlal. Mcd-
cincn sent by Mall und Express. No marks on
lacUagc to Indicate contents or Bender. Address
Dn. JAM ES.No. 204WashInrjlon SI.ChcaflOlll. ;
1111 UoitKlM St. Oinnlui , Nob.
Galvamzea Iraq Cornices
tWnormot Windows , Flnlalo , Tin , Iron nnd State
Roollnir , Kpeclit's patent JIcUlllo Hlillrht , Paten1
ailjustod Ilatcnet liar and Draoknt Hnelvlni' , I urn
u'unoral nuent for tna itnoro line 01 | 'i ji . Iron
clnx , Crobtini : . Ualustradcn , Verandau , lion lun
tnz * . Window llllmla , Cellar Ouarili : nUo
forPoorsonfc Hill M-nt ln'1'1" ' > ' " '
tvmrmm nmut XLT TLJI ij * tt M MI * + M *
A Tlctlm of inrly imprirt nc . ctu liw rorroiu liebiU
ty. uroQUuia doety. cto. . ; iu lnff trlfd lu TIID enri
nonuiomsiiy him diiroT < * rnt f. thnpla ra au of > alf
ute , tvhlch ho will c nd I'JIDH to hlnllonr. / . uf7ercri.
Addrvuu J. II. UKKVS 41fihiilri'"n 'H. ' . Nnw Ym\
When i ay mru t ur nut inetn merely I ; iop ttom lot
timesni thenIrtto them inlurn K l'J''JuSll1tVJ ! ?
c lcoro. I h > tu inado tlm UItteie of HVS. KFlLSttt
It wrMNOHICKHK8S llfo loug.tndy. f w rr J
rtmvdy to euro the wor.t caiei. Uocouw otbori i.i.
Ixlltd U no ruwnn for noV now rscelfln j i. coifc , 'JJJ' J *
meo ( or trenllio na a Free UoitK or ; ny tnlmuaw
y. Hire Kiprem nd l'o t OBlct. It * ! *
iir for u trial , mid I will cur yoa.
Jiilr "to IJr. It U. HOOT. Ill IV rl St. Vat > * *
t . , „ , lawiN WMU : , < io , Hu.
l Toil HMMIriiui * H 1lu < 'a
up. % - - " - - , - ,
. . , 'B 80ALEB3.
fl/.HME *
p4pl. I " , r ? iT Jt
' . . " 'a' . timSlu. R
' llV. ' ' " !
tooo'i ! iltu'Mzijircli iiii.V'J'HUB LIST t litit
POBG-J3S , TOOLS , &o.
rnsT ium'K Mini tin ; MUif vouu. BI ,
w , No. HO/ Jones St UHlco , ho , 1608 Kai
nam trutt. OHce houw , 1 in. tu I p. to. , tud
( ronH Wip n 'Woiihone lor olllce , Of , lle ideno > !
Sanford'a ' Radical Cure ,
Hi ml Co1 < K Watery Dhchar es from the Nosn anil
: > es , Hltifjlnc Nolws In the Head , Nervous Html *
clio and Kovrr Instantly relieved ,
Choking mucus dModffd , mcmhrnno clcaniol ind
oa1c < t , lircath swcoleno I , nmoll , taste and
estoreil , and \uoschcckcd. .
< ! oiiKh' , Ilronchltls , Iiropplnpi Into the Tliroat ,
Hint In the Chest , Dyspepsia , NVantlnjr of SlrciiRth
lid Flo li. IxiK nf Sleep , eta , , cured.
Ono boitla Itadlcnl ( Jure , ono lmCnUrrhal Sol *
ent nihl ono lr. ) Snnford's Inhaler , In ono paftkago ,
f ( ill ilrnsnr.lut' ) , tor 81 , Ask for SAxront)1 lUnioAL
URrnpuro ill'llllAtlon of Witch Hazel , Am. Pine ,
. I'lr , Marigold , Clover lIloMotus , etc. Porritu
Rl'll ASDClUUIC.U.CO. . llostOll.
W \i' I C'olllns1 Volfatc Klecttlo riuter
n Wi liiflanlly arfecU the Nervous
Sj8t.tnnndbanishes 1'nla. A
icrfoct itP : trlo Hattcry com.
ncdwlth * Poroxn I'l&ntor tor
id conti UuinlMUttH f tn.
\llnlUo Wn\k and Worn dm
p.irti , ttrni'tlmn 'nrcd Jilui.
en , pro\cnt twliffiwio , Rinl-'itHimroln tb
ma tlmn ax > other r > lai ' .no word. | ! < niri
The remedy being Injocteil directly to the seat ot
10 ill.waic , roiUlruj ] no chanzo ot diet or nauscoua ,
lercurlal or polminoiii mcillcliic" to bo tnKen Inte r-
ally. When \\i ? < [ an a preventive by cjther BOX , Ills
ni > cwll > lo to contract iy prhnto disease ; but in tbo
SO of those alrrady untortunatcly nllllctcil wo Ruar-
ntco tbiuoboxoii to euro , or w ow 111 refund the men-
y. Vrlco by mall , ix > staio paid , fi per box or thrco
oxoa lor ? , ' > .
wucd by nil nulhorlzeil ajcntB.
Dr.Felix Le Brun&Go.
C , lr. ( looclnmn , Druggist , Solo Agent , for Omaha
fob. ra&o-wly
IKNT , n Rtinrnntoctl Pimcilio for llyetcrin , Dizzv
PPB. C invulBioiiB , 1'iUf , NorvoUB Ncurnlgin ,
Icnilncho , Nervous Prcmt ration cnuBCd bythouto
[ nlqohol or tobacco , WnkofulttoBs , Mental Do-
roBsion , Botonn ! oc tlm Drain reuniting in in-
nnity niul Irndinc to inieory , Uocny nmt Ucnth ,
'romntnro Old ABO , Unrrcnncm , Looa nf. power
n either BOX , Involuntary lxsoea nml Hpcrinnt.
rrliccn cnuxoil by ovor-oxurtion ot the brnm , solf-
buaoor ovcr-iuihilsonco. 1'Jich box contnino
no month's trcntmcmt. $1.CX ) n box , or six bcxo.f
< ir.r.00Bontbymail itropaidon receipt ot prlco.
AVI : ouAitANTr.i : six noxis
_ 'o euro nny cnso. With each onlor received byn
or six IHIXCB. nccomimnled with f5.00 , wo will
end the imrcimsor our wmtrn Kunranti > o to ro.
undUio uumpy if the treatment uooa not ctloct
ucuro. Quiirnutooa Uouodonb/by
O. P. OOOD5IAN Sole A ent , Omaha , Neb.
Is Trnrronted to wear longer , fit
Itho form ntntiT , nnd Rlvo bettf-
faalltrarflon than nny other Corse :
In tha market , or rrlco paid IU
L > o refunded. The uidarst-mcnta ol
u ? Chlcago'ii bcflt i > hyclclantf , nccont.
lany each Corset. Trlco , Jlot Nnlrrn Jtiin , IV > t3ge
irvpald , Sl.MiAiu vourmurchant for them ,
fioTiisuiiiLn , josicni A c-c. .
hiwr mlo to-
Patent Dried Fruit Lifter.
lit A I w
GROCERY Groceries
TO 1)29
AO A rAm or
' Without It.
Erlnnger , liavarin.
Gulmhachor , Bavaria.
Pilnner Bohemian.
Kniser Brocncn.
Budwoisor St , Louis.
Anhiiusor St. Louis.
Bos' s Milwaukee.
Schlitz-Pilsnor Milwaukee.
Kruc'a Oinalia.
Ale. Porter , D niestic and Rhino
Wine. ED. MA.UHER ,
Stove Repair Works ,
109 South 14th St.
IfakoAiuvcialtvol ( urnUhlm ; castings knd repair
ing fiottn of all description , wood nUnes , chuigvd to
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