Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1884, Page 7, Image 9

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    / ' V
One of the Best and largest Stocks in the United States
to select from.
103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878-Catnrrh ,
Deafness , Lung and Nervous Diseases Speedily and Permanently Cured. Putiont *
Ourod at Homo. Write for "Tm : MEIUOAL-MISSIOXAHY , " for the People , J rcc.
Consultation and Correspondence Gratis. P. 0. Box 292. Telephone No. 220.
HON. EDNVARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , says : "Physician ol
tvoa < vDluty mm Marknd Success. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY. Davenport ,
"An lAtinurnblo M.m , .Kino Success. Wonderful Curos. " TTnnrn. 8 to 5
Ull Dodge St. . ' Ca'nlogurs on Application. furnished > I OMAHA , NEB
Heating and Bakmg
To only attained by using
Stoves and Ranges ,
Fet sale by
1319 and 1820 liarnay atroet and 403 B. Uth'.Streel , >
IllnBtrated C&tiloirue furulahod free upon application. I
1301 AND 1303 FARM AM STREE7 nfifi. 1
A Texan Misses a tfl.UOO Pocket
Book Soon Attnr I.cavliiR the
The other day TJIE Her. received a
brief communication from n man named
Watcrhouso stating that ho had hie
pocket picked at the transfer. The fol
lowing tnd fuller particulars of lita loen
are given by The Leader man , who
gained them at. Malvern , whore the un
fortunate fellow stopped over ;
A man and two small children got oil'
the "cannon-ball1' ' nt this place lust Fri
day evening , and put up at Ben. Gar-
man's boarding house. Ho gave his
name as 0. N. Watorhouse , and evinced
considerable mental anxiety. Ho stated
that ho was eit route to Austin , Tex. ;
that ho bought through tickeU at Omaha
and had $ l ) in money left , which ho put
in hu pocket bciok , together with two
draft * , ono for 5 < 38 and the other for
$500 , and two nuUM , the whole amount
ing to about 81,200. After the traiji
loft Council Blulld ho discovi < rod that hu
pocket book with iu contuntH wan inian-
ing. Ho sensibly concluded that ho had
been robbed cither at Omaliu. or the
Union Pacific transfer ou this sidu. Upon
Btoopiug at this jihico ! ta made known
hia trouble to A. L Young , who telegraphed -
graphed tha b'anV.a ( o stop payment of
the drafUi. Jlr. Vouug then kindly ad
vanced the gentleman euiliuient expense
money to carry him through , lipldni os
security his trunk check and freight bill ,
and Wiiterhouso wont on his way rejoic
ing at the happy termination of what
had appeared to him a few hours before
bankrupting calamity.
Jeremiah Fo > m lias become so inter
ested in the Homo of the Kricndlcaa that
he has generously donated so con cords of
woodfor its use , and also given 25 cords
at a low price , so that the Ilomo will sull
this for its benefit. Those who want any
wood will find this an excellent chance
got it , and , in accomodating themselves
by getting good wood at a reasonable
price , will benefit the Homo. Mr. T.
K. Brooks will take orders for the wood ,
and these not seeing him can drop him n
postal card. Mr. Folsom's action in
doomed a very generous ono , and the
Home will doubtless have no difliculty in
3lling the 25 cords , eight cords being
sold yesterday at $5 , CO.
IVlint Are You Golnjrto do About It ?
To the Editor of Tim IJKK.
As there is A great deal of agitation in
the minds of our citizens at the present
time regarding the question of court
house bonds and the coining city olcc-
t'tona , would it not bo well for some of
our prominent men to answer the fol
lowing ( juestinno :
1st. Is it true there is at this moment
n hundred dollars in money belonging to
the city in the hands of a certain alder
man that should ho ia the city treasury ,
without Iwing inquired into by the or
ganization called the botrd of trade , sup
posed to ba composed o nearly all our
leading business men , wko are earnestly
favoring thu issuing of the caid bonds ?
2d. Is there not enough of manhood
in Council Blulfr that ut least will force a
public carrier to loep his oflico open , es-
paclally during this old weather , f < r
the accommodation of our ladies and
children in return for the forfy-two
thousand dollar "Union Avenue" given
away , moderately speaking ?
3d , Is there any head to our police
force , and if so why docs ho permit hi
subordinates to hang around gambling
dens nnd places of like diameter !
3d , Do our loading citizens know that
seine prominent men are keeping strang
ers from coining to this city on the plea
that lifo. property and character are in
danger oven in broad day light ? If those
( { uostions cannot bo answered satisfactor
ily wo certainly should not ask cur neigh-
bora otitsido to assist in oven such neces
sary improvements n/i / n now court house
and jail.
Being in favor ourselves of the build
ing of the now court house and jail , wo
would emphatically , in the language of
the lao "Boss" Tweed , nsk , in tlio event
of defeat nt thn polls , "what are you go
ing to do about it ? " Our advice would
bo to lot these opposed to tlio issuing of
county bonds understand that our board
of supervisors , who thus far have con
ducted our nflnirs in A manner to place
themselves before the pnoplo above reproach
preach , nro neb tlio same kind of men
who have for a year or moro manipulated
our city government. Thi matter in-
te'ligpntly sot bofote the voters of this
city , if posaiblo by the county supervis
ors , at a public mooting , to bo called nt
the court house or olsuwhoro , for such
purpose , would give moro weight in the
right direction than n trunk full of circu
lars issued by the board of trade , or ar
ticles sent out through the proas.
"Clio Dead Ijlno. "
Mnny old soMtora lotncmbcr the "ilondllno"
at Amloignnvlllo. It xvnn n infality dangerous
noibbirliiHcl. | ; D spciwln , bllioiHii and
liver niul kidney iH'ousen nru full of perils for
the sick , but Jlnnlock Illwl Jlittcrit nro a cer
tain remedy. Hold ov cry whore.
.V Narrow ICnoni > ( ! Ironi Iimtunt
Ycstordny inornitig n laborer named
Boyington , wlio wtis nt work shoveling
: it a blull' , wna tuddcnly caught under n
big slide of dirt , aomo thirty or more
wagon loads , nnd buried beneath tlio
dirt , his head nlono being uncovered.
Ho was gotten out as soon as possible nnd
taken to his home , No. 1102 Eighth avo-
nuo. There ncotnnd to bo no bones
broken , the most serious injury being
about the thigh , ami the squeeze that
the heavy weight of dirt gavu him. The
land-slide struck avig < m also , breaking
the spindle oil'onoheol , sharing * HOIUO-
what the torco and weight of the falling
dirt. It was a narrow escape from an
instant death. The injuries are not
thought to b.o such as will probably re
sult fatally.
Horsloril's Aclil Phosphate.
Well Pleased.
Dr. 0. Roberta , Winchester , 111. , says :
' 1 have used it with entire satisfaction
in cases of debility from ago or overwork ,
nnd in inebriates and dyspeptics , nnd nm
well pleased with its oflects. "
AVatcr "Works to 1 > o Tested To-
There is much interest felt in the test
of the water works , and many were out
yesterday expecting to see the streams
put on , but the woither was unpropitious -
tious at least so far as wind was concern
ed , and it was thought best by Mayor
Bowman that it go over until to-day nt
10 o'clock , when they will bo made sub
ject to the same conditions of favorable
weather and no wind.
tin ) "World.
This is what H. C. Hobermuu , n druggist of
Murion , Ohio , says : "Tlunnaf Kdcctric Oil
beats the world. Sold nlno bottles yesterday
and to-day. Ono man cured of Roro thruut
of eight years standing. la eploiuliil for
rheumntlsm. "
I'KttSONAI ; .
Mr. O. D. Jicovcs , of "Hoosier Drill" fame ,
is at the Pacific , whcro ho will remain over
"Baby" Barnes , of pugilistic fame , was in
this city yesterday.
D. S. Mitchell , assistant engineer of the
Omaha fire department , and of the "Bee
Hive" photographic gallery , was in the city to
eeo the waterworks tests , but on account of
the postponement of the name returned on
the 2 p. in. dummy ,
GusF. Brown , of Fort Madison , visited the
Bluffs yesterday.
W. II. Bulllngt'm an.l fl. II. Smith , of St.
Joe , worn nt the Ogden yesterday.
John II. AdiuiiH , of St. Louis , anil J. M.
Hilton , of Chicago , both prominent lu insur
ance circle ? , were registered nt the Ogilcn yes
W. II. Smith , of Chicago , la stopping nt the
W. T. Artlmr arrived nt the Pacific yostir-
( ) y from Denver.
" " '
Ucal Estate Trnnhliirs
The following doccLj were filed for record -
cord in the recorder's ollino , February
15 , reported for the Bun by 1' . J. ilc-
Mahnn , real estate agent :
William J , Goodwin to Horace Ever
ett , nA tie ] 10 , 77 , 4a 81,000 ,
Jr. Keating to J. B. Mullock , part nw I
ncl 17 , 70 , 44-825 ,
J. P. Cusady to F , ul. Richey. lots 15 ,
1(5 ( and 17 , block 0 , Williams' first addition -
tion § 2.000.
Fred Kobs to 0. Diedorich , n.nw ] 8 ,
and part swj swj 5 , 7H , 30 § 1,000.
L. F. Potter to John L. Caldwell , w.\ \
no ] 4 , nnd nef no ] 28 , 70 , 3'J $1,200. "
John L. Caldxroll to L. F. Potter , lot
2 and part of lot 4 , in block 4 , Oakland
$100. ! !
T. W. McDermott to Danief McDor-
inott , ej sw - B , 72 , 42 $2,400.
Jonathan 0. Fslier to Joseph Mack-
land , part soj sej 27 , 77 , 43 § 0,000.
William Gates , guardian , to Daniel II.
Morrison , aoj swj 12 , 75 , 40 § 100.
Total sales , $13,225.
For Throat DlHnnsrs and COII ! IH ,
BHOWN'U BIIOKCHMI. TuociiKf * . like nil ircuUy
yowl thing * , ore frutiuently Imitated. 'J'lic
/jtnvine we iM only ii iuxei ,
{ SThero is goinf , ' up a great howl for re
form in city aflUirB. Of course it in n cur
ing election time and some of those who
howl most lustily are meet anxious < o
got BOUIO of the loaves and fishes. Thu
only tnon who really have a very patient
hearing in the cry for reform nro the
ones who /mvo / teen insisting on reform
for many months past. That Council
Blufl * need * reform in jnauy way * is cer
tain , but it needs ii" moro now than it
has for the past year. This reform howl
comes every year just before election.
Why not keep it up Iho year around un
til the evils needing correcting are tjot
out of the vr&y'i
I > vlJ Lowry In The Chicago Current.
Among nil my acquaintance none scorn
ed happier than Eugene F 1 named
him Fortune's Favorite. Ho had n beautiful -
tiful and liighly accomplished wiTc ; his
children wore the prettiest and best man-
norcd 1 have over mot. AH the wonjon
considered Mrs , F ns near perfection
as mortals can achieve ; all the men voted
Kimono F as clever ft man s one
could desire to claim fellowship with. Ho
was rich in associations , in the integrity
of a name that commanded the respect of
four generations. How few aspiring
Americans can say as much. Ho posses
sed the advantages a liberal education
givoa ; his place was assured as well as it
is possible to assure nny thing in a country
whcro the wheel of fortune obliterates
the accumulations and reputations of
generations and lifts men and women out
of obscurity in u day. That is to say , the
company that employed him was the
oldest , most reliable awl the richest organization -
ganization of its kind in the country.
Finally , in addition to ft salary of S30UO
ft year. Eugene had good reason to count
upon an inheritance in the near future
that would render him independent.
The noteworthy trait fellowship vrith
Eugene F revealed was his equable
spirits , born , ns ho assorted , of content
ment. Up was satisfied with his place ,
his belongings and enjoyments. No man
had more to make him happy _ , ho said.
No man enjoyed lifo moro philosophical *
ly , or fretted himself less over the big or
little things beyond his control. It was
his equipoise , and , doubtless , his ignor
ance of the trials and bitter experiences
of loss favored pooplu that rendered
Eugene F indilfercnt when the mis
fortunes and temptations of the poor wore
discuosod. Gonurous to n fnult , howas _
unnblo to comprehend the dire necessities
that diivo tha unfortunates to despera
tion and death. Ho was severe could
with dilliculty find language strong enough
to express his contempt of the average
A Door man who sought employment
and failed to liud it , weary with fruitless
ollbrt , despairing under the world's rebuild -
build , plunged recklessly into the un
known The means employed empha
sized the poverty of the wretched creature.
The newspapers made much of it. It
was the item of the day , and proved n
base for cohinuiR. 1 dropped in on
Eugene one day when his hour's work
was done. Ho > > ad a newspaper in his
hand. Ho throw it down impatiently ,
migrly , as ho handed mo a cigar , and
pushed mo into a scat , saying : "I am
disgusted with you newspaper men. Why
do you give so much prominence and
space to that horrible suicide ? By all
accounts the fellow did all that was loft
for him to do. If ho had only displayed
common sense when ho was about it and
adopted easier moans 1 If a man must
kill himself why does ho disfigure him
self or impose unnecessary and horrible
agonies such as this poor wretch inflicted
upon himsclfi"
Aside from the fact that I have no
patience witli the speculation and theory
that cuts ground from under every Chris
tian's feet , 1 was tired. Eugene worked
un hour every day. I worked on an
average 12 at least , and did moro in one
hour than Eugene did in three. Since it
was cluar to mo that ho received at least
10 times moro for his mental toil than I
did 1 could Biiord to permit him to in
dulge himself in a prolonged dissertion
of the "survival of the fittest. " It pleased
him and amused mo.
"Now , " ho said , at the end of a chap
ter , "tell mo why a man who chooses to
kill himself , let ua say with a rat poison ,
should bo regarded as much above a rat.
Here is another account in this morning's
paper of a woman who held her head in
a tub of water until she drowned. Toll
me a woman who does that is entitled to
Iho bonelita uf the I'.Hh century ? Why ,
if such people wore fairly balanced on the
fence round heaven they would h ng
with their heads downward of course.
Human tad poles , all of them ! "
Eugene had a horror of death ; cemete
ries vrero his special aversion. Ho won
never known to attend a funeral. Ho
could not bring himself to witness tha
ceremonies in the house or at the grave.
Ho hud a prejudice against burial.
"Why can't avery body have vaults , with
nice , pleasing colors on the walls liavo
the interior as wo'l as the exterior orna
mented and made so attractive thai pou-
plo going into them would fool us they do
when they enter an attractive chamber
with a bed in it ? "
"Do you mean the dead ? "
"You know well enough I refer to
visitors to the living. "
"I am afraid , " I could not help saying ,
gravely , "you have yet to lo < trn , Eu
gene , that not all the religion , all the
learning nnd all the philosophy in the
world can over make death other than
death. "
"But that is no reason why everybody
should make death so horrible and
grisly. They make it ghastly , and in the
eamo bru.itli toll you it is the way to
heaven. The wuy to heaven ought to bo
beautiful. "
" 'Havo ' ' Pro-
you forgotten 'Pilgrim'a -
"A piece of rank plagiarism. The idea
is thousands of yours old ! "
"Why cio juu introduce discords in
music ) ' '
"Nonsenco ! I'll ' name you u thousand
pieces famous compositions without a
discord , " Eugene answered. "Tho fact
is the world doesn't believe what it pro
fesses. "
"Why don't you advocate'cremation ? "
I retorted. "If your theory is correct ,
burn 'oin all up ; bum the whole world
and carry 20 generations in a watch-
charm. "
A friend called upon Eugene F
and solicited his counsel and services in
a business matter. It was a responsible
trust. The friend was going abroad to
remain for years , perhaps permanently.
Ho owned , jointly with his sister , a piece
of property near the great oil bolt. It
ininht bo worthless , and it might prove
very valuable. What the friend required
was honest dealing. For himself ho did
not care. Ho had great wealth , but his
invalid sister was entitled to all that
could bo realized from her half of the
land It was for Eugene F . to dis
cover the value of the land , and to cxor-
ciso his judgment in disposing of it. Ho
undertook the task with ill-concealed
icpugnanco. Ho disliked traveling ; hnd
a horror of unaired beds and pot-luck. Ho
wont to the oil regions in a bad humor ,
When he returned u great change was no
ticed in hia manner. A month had worked
wonder ; .
' Just think of it , " ho eaid to me ,
when ho dropped in to shako hands in
his cheery , nearly way ; "L thought
those GOO acre.i worn worth about ? 5 an
aero. At the end of u week I won ottered
$10,000 ; in unothor wuok it jumped up
to t > 100COO , and finally I let it go for
$100,000. half ewJj , balance in three
Itstiuckus all as a surprising streak
of luck , and everybody put it thut way ;
but Eugene , who was a convert to the
"belt" theory , held it wai simply a mat-
tor of rnnnngoment and business oxpori-
unco and sagacity. He assorted there
was abundance of oil territory undovcl
oped , and his friends wcr surprised
bayoud expression when ho announced
hisrosoho to demonstrate the correct
ness of his conclusions. Ho undertook
iho task of developing , and , like many
another who started out on the "bolt
theory , ho ended "wild-eating. " In
other words , ho assumed extraordinary
risks. His ollorts were attended with
varying success. Ho experienced down
right bnd luck , and rare good fortune ,
In a year loss time hia old friends
scarcely know Eugonn P . Ho was
cneryiHicconfident , positive and decisive ;
n voiy f.iir specimen of thoroughgoing
American bushmss man. His ventures
proved profitable in the main , and then ,
nil nt once , accident tilled his pockets
ono ni ht while ho slept. Ho was the
possessor of half a million. Ho was in
the middle of the current , n prominent
craft in the stream that allured thou
sands , floating n fraction into safe harbor ,
and stranded a great Majority.
I noldom mot Eugene now. Wo were
in dilloront channels. Chance brought
us face to ftico ono dny in ( rout of The
Era ofllco.
"How are you , Ned ? Had dinner ?
Como with mo. I want company. No
refusal now. "
"Mako it to-night , at home , and I'll bo
on Imiid. "
ul wish I could ; but the truth is , 1 am
so seldom at homo now I don't know
when 1'vo spent night , or raU'or ' an
evening at homo. "
And this was my bookish friend who , a
yonrngocould not bo induce : ! to leave IHA
snug library , or cosy living-roam , where
his wife and children were his chief com-
Half an hour's conversation proved tome
mo that my friend the man 1 had re
spected and loved was as dead as the
Pharaos. In hia place 1 found a man
who 'scorned a bundle of nerves lie hud
lost the repose of my old friend , and
vrith it his grace. While it was impossi
ble for Eugene F to become either
co.irso or brusque , his positive manner
and tones , his decision , gave him an an
gularity than was less to bo admired
than his former ease and urbanity.
"Now you have made your pile , Eu
gene , I suppose you will bo oil' to Europe
gome of these days. Possibly wo may
loose you altogether. "
He looked at mo with undiguisod as
tonishment. "What makes you nay
that ? "
"They say you are worth nearly o mil
lion. "
"Seo here this is confidence. Ned
they say a great deal that isn't truo. But
in this instance they are not far wrong.
But why should I quit on n million ?
Have some moro musliroons. This is the
only place I can get a decent steak in
"I've seen the time you would have
boon content with aquaitcrof a mil
lion. "
"Yos ; in the long ago. Do you know
I was a fool in these days. Nature never
intended a man should bo content. Ho
ought to bo just as eager to make his 10th
yes , his 100th million for that matter
as his first. For my part but mind you
don't lot your hive know it ; T don't ' care
to get thorn after mo I've no intention
of quitting till I'vo made five millions. "
"You have only 'another step to take
and you will establish your claim to all
the privileges enjoyed by the aristo
crats. Ho laughed.
"No , I am too sensible for that , " ho
replied , "although , for that mittar ,
I always hold nature had made its divis
ions. There will be hnwerti of wood and
drawers of water as long us grass grows
or water runs. "
"I nior.nt thorp is dango that ono day
you will look with contempt on n man
with less than ton thousand a year. "
< "Don't blame mo , my boy , " ho replied ,
in a patronizing manner I immediately
I'oBontcd ' , "if 1'vo set my peg for five mil
lions. "
"I'vp seen the time you were as well
off , enjoyed the world , literature , arttho
society of your friends , and above all , the
companionship of your wife and children ,
and all on less than 3000 a year , for I
happen to know you gave liberally and
lent freely. "
"I can only repeat five million is my
figure. And I'yo only made the first
notch on that Rtick. "
"How if yon fail ? You never know
when the sec-saw will bump you on the
ground. "
The next day Eugene F lost § 100-
000. A > vouk later ho was not worth $10.
There came out of n contest , such as was
npvor witnessed before nor since between
oil operators , moro wrecks of men men
tally and morally , physically and financi
ally , chief among whom was Eugene F
The tarantula's bite had poisoned his
life's blood. Ho was no longer the
brisk , neat , scrupulously dressed , quite
mannered gentleman. Ho was unshaven
half the timo. His eyes wcro shifting ,
never steady , and partly discolored.
Unrest and the fovcr of speculation loft
their traces stamped I should say
branded him as an unsuccosefnl man.
I once hoard a man ( and ho belonged
to my own guild , moro's the pity ) , nay
that all labor was degrading. Ho cited
our great manufacturing centers point
ed to the homes of the workern wlioao
products are very pillars of the earth , so
far as its commercial , moneyed and many
of its social institutions are concerned ,
and proved to his own satisfaction that
the tendency of all labor was to brutal
ize , to harden ; to destroy the sousibill-
itios. lie made the too common mistake
of confounding ell'eces with causes. I
wonder what this student would nay if
somebody should cite to him the case
of Eugene F It might pur/Jo him to
define the precise value of the patent of
nobility ho derived through tvro year's
intercourse with the men wliocovorn the
world's marts and represent the rumilkd
interests of the trade ,
Eu cm was ruih'ng ' ho never wall el
as other men walked now- past mo ono
day , when I caught his arm.
"Hollo ! Howd'y , old boy , " . '
"That's precisely the question I have
determined to atk you. Como in here
and have a glass of wine. " As I led him
into a litllo snuggery few frequented , ho
answered , "permit mo to nominate bran
dy or whisky for mine. "
"Tho battle has gone against you. "
"Yos , I haven't a dollar to my name ,
Nod. "
1 was amazed. I thought there WAS
something left that ho could turn into
cash , and 1 could 1191 help expressing my
"No , nal Nothing of the sort. I
could have in fact I thould have man-
uged diilorontly , and put aside something
n little bit in real cstnto.or a few bonds
but I didn't. "
"What nuxt ? "
"What next ? " ho repeated dreamily
and drearily. "Oh ! 1'vo not made up
my mind. "
"Eugono , " I said briskly , "go buck
and ask for your old place I believe ita
there for the asking , And in six mouths
you will look back on your experiences
in oil as a bad dream. "
"You are right , Ned. I always thought
you n slow goorbut you are right 0 times
out of 10. I'll act on your advice ; nnd I
tlmnk you from the bottom of my soul
for the interest you manifest in mo.
Ho was as good as hia word , But be
fore the month was out ho joined forces
with another clerk and made $150 on a
turn in oil. Ho was _ bobbing up beside
the dashing operators inside of a month.
A month later there was a battle royal
lasting three days , in which the bulls
and bears were so thoroughly blended
that it was with extreme dilliculty the
best informed observers could determine
the rotative posUions of the horned and
clawed competitors. Immense sums
were made and lost. On the first day it
wan reported that Huge no F cleared
§ 10,000. On the third day it was rumored -
morod ho had accumulated § 250,000. ,
At noon , in the presence of a throng of
men whose frantic actions and loverish
fi\cos oxibitid every phase \ > ( a gambler's
experience , Eugene announced himself
"ahead of the game $300,000 , " at 2
o'clock ho hnd not enough money to pay
for his lodgings ,
1 was coming out of Iho Era ofllco
about 2 o'clock the next morning. Some
body telephoned from n livery stable
there was a good "Horn" in Slado's building -
ing , n locality well known to the police
and press gang , The last were disgusted
with iho sameness of these "items" the
promises furnished , and concertedly
called for strenuous action on the part of
the authoiities. The morning was wet
and chilly ono of those sleety , dismal
mornings that diives man and beast into
hasty common ehelter. I refused to stir
at first , then something 1 have never
boim able to explain to myself ( certainly
it was not fear that our contemporaries
would aocuro an item the renders of the
Era would bp deprived ol ) caused mo to
change my mind , 1 mndo my way to the
notorious premises indicated , nnd stum
bling into the hallway ran against a
"Ilo's had an awful time , poor devil.
I never saw anybody stiller so much. It
was awful awful. " "Hero's what's thu
mutter , I guess , " said another policeman ,
as ho picked up a small label marked rat
poison. Tha wretch at my foot suddenly
drew up his knees , groaned in a
horrible manner , and turned fairly upon
his back , looking straight upward with
an expression so ghastly that wo were
awe-stricken as hU aeul took its llii.'ht.
It was the face of my friend , Eugene
Violent ,
Coiroslvu Hubltmato is the usual form of
cury given fur blood and skin illsousos , ntul it
I * ono of the inont active and violent pnUloim.
A case 1 on record of the ilo.ith uf u child
tiDin tha elloclH uf corrosive Biihlimnto
sprinkled on nu oxcotiatod mirfnca. Taken In
kinall doioa for a length uf time , it gradually
Buttloi in the tissues and bones producing
mercurial rheumatism and other discascm
equally an painful , 1'erwona who have boon
poisoned In thin wav , or who Buffer from any
blood complaint or skin humor , should by all
intuiw take n course of Swift's Specific , which
nil ! eliminate this poison from the Hyptom.
Send for n copy of Tronttno un Jilood nnd
HUin DiBonscs.lreo.
Tin : SWIKT Si'Ecmo Co. , Drawer 3 , Allan-
tic , Gn.
Wheat No. 2 spring , 70e ; No. 3 , GOc : re
jected , TiUc ; good dumnnd.
Corn boaters are paying 35o for old corn
nnd 28o for n w ,
Ontn In good demand at 2L'c.
Hny J 00@G 00 per ton ; GOo per bnlo.
Uyo I0-lr o.
Corn Mcrd 125 per 100 pounds.
Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , C 0l@ (
Coal Delivered , hnrd , 11 50 per ton ; noft ,
5 00 par ton
Butter Plenty nud hi fair demand nt 20e ;
creamery , 35c ,
EgRH In peed demand ntfie per dozen.
Lard Italrbank'n , wholosallnf ut lieu
1'onltry Itoadysnlo ; dcnlcrx nro paying for
chickens lie ; turkeys , 1-Jc.
Vegetables 1'otntocalOc ; onionii , 40oj eivb-
bago , none In the market ; apples , rcndy fjilo
at 00@3 M for prime Htock.
Flour City Hour , 1 ( J0gi ( : 30.
Brooms a 05@3 00 per doz.
Cnttlo 3 00@3 CO ; calve * , f > 00@7 CO.
Uoga Local packers nro bui ing now nnd
there Is a good demand for all grades ; choice
packing , 5 35@5 fiD ; mixed , 4 7 ! > @ 0 25.
When Liszt , the great composer , was u lad
Ills father hesitated about allowing him to be-
coma a musician. lie told the boy that It
would bo an "unoottled , wandering , nnd pre
carious existence. '
Baby's warning.
When lialiy lini iialna at dcul
Mother In n ( rlitlit. father In n pll
When \\ormn iluliltu , liatiy must cry ,
If Mor Beta In. Imljy nmy pic.
If croupy pains Kill Jeonnra ,
In tlmlioueo there' * no OAiTOUIi ,
Fur mothers r&ru wltliouH deity ,
UAbTOlUA cimwDv nlifht n I iliy
My Imliy l\ month * oM broke out with romc Uml
rfikln humor , ami alter living ; trcu'ud ! l\o months
by my family phlildiin , wa * Kin \ up to < Uo. The
ilrUKpttrwoiijiiiandoil Hw.u'aKpacllIu. mill tt.uofTuct
wan an L-r tl.ylic ( 08 16 "n iii'rauuloim. ' My clilKl
soon get ell , all traces ef the < 1 | case U ionu , and
heh us fat ui a pi ; ; . J. J , ,
Mlndon , Husk Comity To\nu.
Il)0 ) > o buffered for many \ cart from ulccrx on my
teen , dftcii very lar o am ! painful , during Ii'fli ' tlino
I U8ul almont mcrvthltii ; to elicit a cure , bmliM.xIn.
1 took Hwl'tsBpocmj l > y wlvicu uf n irlcml , and In a
thcrt time wai ( urO'ltouml and well.
IMwIn J , Miller , llcatirront , Texas.
I lia\u hecn allllctuil wl'li fjcrnfuln f ir t\\cl \ > o jean )
tu J huvo lisil coin on ao a larvu as a min'a huml
for that k'Mfftliu ! tlino. Ia8tnimmor I wag Kabul
( jfl that I could not weir clothing ? . I had t > pci t hun-
UieiU of JoUira In the effort to bo cured , but a ) ) tone
no purpose , nnd had Injured inwtlf with Mercury
and I'oUsli. YourKwIft sKjicc llocuri lmat > ron > pth
nnd permanently , und I Iw.ia v\e y Ill < o tnfler r will
take It. II. U Illxn ,
Lakoul , Ark.
OnrtrcHtlno on llluod and Hllri Dluoaacu nmllod
free to applicants.
TJIK swirr ai'KciFio co.
Drawer ! > . Atlanta , ( la.
N. T. Oillcc , 169W.2.14 RU , lictwoeii Ctli and 7ih > " (
Th mo of the term " Hlioi
SHO ! il Lino" lu connection with tui
: corporate name of n great rood
convoys an Idea of uit
M I A B" romilrcd by the traveling put. '
B I Rl JL Ho-r. Bliurt Uno , Quick Tioii
I B 1 and the bast of accoinmod *
UiB tloni all of which wo luiu
Ithed by the greatest ralluay lu America.
And St. Paul.
It owns and operates over 4,500 mile * of
Northern Illinois , Wltconidn , lllnnunoU , Iowa ,
Dakota ; and as ts main lines , tranches and oonneo
tlons reach all thu urout Imdntta centre * of tin
Nui thu ust and I'ar WVst , II naturally answers tht
dewrlptlon nt Uhort Mnu , Aud llcst Ilouto butwoou
Clilcaifo , JIH nuktebt , 1'atiland Minneapolis ,
ChicauMllHankcu | , La Crouso and Wlnoiia.
Chicago , MlhvauUoo , Aberdeen and Kljcndab
, MIlHuubtti , Kau Clalro and HlllHvutcr'
, illhvuukce , Wamauand llcnlll.
, Milwaukee , lleavtr Dam and 0 < hko h.
Chicago , MlUaukco , Waukcuha and Oconomowoa
Chicago , Jlllwaulau , Madison and 1'rairledu Chlun
ChlcaKO , Mllwaultee , Unatonna uid Falrlbault.
Clilcat'O , lloloit Janest I'lu ' and Jllucril I'olct ,
ChlcaK ° i 1-lKlii , lUicl.forj and Dubiitjiio.
Ohlcago , Clinton , Hocklalund and CuJar lUpidi
Chli-aKO , Council lllulld and Omuho.
Chicago , Blutu City , Hioux Falls and Yankton
, MltcbillandChainUrlktn.
Jlook inland , UubU'juu , fit. 1'aul ami Ulnncauo
Divuuport , Calmar , bt. Taul and illnnoapolu.
Ihillman Bloepen and tha Finest Dining Can In
world are run on the main lines of tha CHIQ AOO
and every attcutlou U paid to paaaeuifu/j l > y court !
ouj omployeu of the company ,
& UKUKILt , A. V , It
Ucul ilauagcr. Ocn'l Paia. Aeenl.
. Ueu'l Hup'L
Dr. Wagner ha remortd hli olllco from No. 31"
Larimer to No. 3.13 Larimer , whoto he will tie plowed
to ito his friends. The Doctor U to bo congratulated
on the coroplcttnc * * and elegance of his new bnlld-
nK. it \ one ot the licit In tha city. ( Denver Ke
pnbll'.an , Jan. 37h 1S34.
.a 11 j.JitiJXfljJiJLe.i |
ist !
\Vhy J on ihouM try the celebrated Dr. 1L Wognei'i
oicthoila of euro :
1. "Dr. II. Wagner li a natural physlcl-an. "
Tha Orcdtest U\\ng \ Threnologlet.
"FewcAiioxco j on as a doctor. "
Vn. 3. Sums ,
Tlio World'n Orcateit rhj-slognomlet.
"Ymi are wonderfully proficient In your knowl
lga of dlMaaa and mo < lldncic"
4 , "Tho aflUclctl find ready toilet In lour pres
ence. " DR. J. SIMU5.
E. "Dr. H. Wagnur I * n roirulikr crwluato from
Dcllovno Ito < iilUIIow York city ; hai had very ox-
leiuh o ho pluvl practice , ands \ thoroughly poitcd on
Ml briuichcn ol his beloved ( olonro , cipecially on
. s Immortalized himself by
hl8 ondcrfnldlHco\ory of pocfla ! remedies for ptl-
rate and sexual dlrciuc * . " vlrguiln City Chronicle.
7. "Thousand * of In\nll0.i flock to BOO him. " San
Frinclfco Clironlclo.
The Doctor's lone experience as a specialist
thflul 1 render tilm > ery euoceesful. " llocky Uoun-
Plain Facts Plainly Spoken.
At ono time ft discus-Ion ol the eccret vlco was on *
; lrcly avoided by the profession , and medical work *
lut n low ) oars ago vv ouM hardly uicntlou It.
To-day the phjelclan It of a different opinion ; ha li
avaro that It h Ills July illaagrccablo though It
may bo to Imnillo this matter without gloves and
pcalc plainly about It ; and Intelligent parent * and
{ uanllans will thank him for doing BO.
Tlio results attending thin destructive vice n ere or-
metly not understood , or not properly estimated ; and
no importance being attached to a subject which by
' nature does not tnvllo close Investigation , It WM
Illlnply Ignored.
The tialilt la generally contracted by the young
hllo atUjmllng scliool ; older companions through
their example , may rosponiilblo for It , or It may bo
uxiulrod through accident. The excitement enc ex
perienced , the practice "III ba repeated again and
again , until at hut tha habit becomes firm and com *
lately enslaves the victim. Mental and nervous at
lotions are usually the primary results of scll-almso.
Among the Injurious cQccU may bo mentioned lassl-
tuilo , dejection or Irrasclblllty of temper and general
Icblllty , The boy seeks seclusion , and rarely joins
In the sports of his companions. If ho bo a young
man ho will ho litllo found In company vv Ith the other
iox. and Is troubled with exceeding and annoIng
Msiifiilncus In their presence. Lascivious droanu ,
omUiIonii and eruptions ou the Uco , cto.aroalao
troinlncntsynitini9. | *
If tha proctlco la \ latently persisted In , mora serious
dleturbonccs take place. Uroat { AlplLttlon of tbo
ticart , or opUeptloconvulsions , aio experienced , and
the ruffcrer may fall Into a complete state of Idiocy be
fore , Dually , death rollev cs him.
To all those engaged In this dangerous , pmctlco , I
Mould Biy , lint f all , stop It at once ; make avery
passlMa ellort to do o ; but If ) ou fall , If your nervous
system Is already lee much shattered , ami coneo-
qucntly , jour vvill-poner broken , take eoniinervn
tonlotoafd you In } our ( .ffoit. Ituvtn freed > nursclf
from tha habit , Ivvould further counsel you to go
through a regular course of treatment , for It U r. great
mistake to Duiiposn that any one may , lor some time ,
bo t every solftt'c gUohlmselt up to this fascinating
but dangerous oxilteineni w ithout suffering from Ita
ovll coi c < | uciieci at some future time. The numocr
of joiinirmcnlioaro IncapactnteU to fill the duties
cnjulnedby vvrdluck Is alarmingly largo , and In moet
of mich cases this unfortunatu condition of things can
ba traced to the practice of tolf-abutf , n htcli bail been
abandoned VOOTH ngo. Indeed , a few months' practlco
of this habit latmfllclcnt to Induce spermatorrhota J
Inter ) earsand I have many of euch crises r.nilcr treat
mcntatthoprcccijt day.
Who may 1 > Buffering from tha effects ot youthful
folIlcH or Inrllsorutloiu n 111 do n ell to aval ) IhrimUvea
uf thin , thu KrcttUnt boon ever laid al the altar nf mif-
orlnir humanity. UR. WAONER will guarantee to for-
nit SSOO for every caaa of scnilual weakness or prlrato
dlteasa of any kind and diameter which lie under
take ! to and falld to cure.
Middle Aged Men.
There are many at the ago of SO to DA n ha are
troubled with too frequent evacuations of the Uad.
ilcroUn ! accompanies J by n slight smarting or liuru-
Ing eonsatlpn , and \\eakcnltijf of the oysttni In D
inanuor tlio patlintuonnot account for. On oxamln-
li.i ; the urinary deposit * a ropy uodlment will nltcn bo
found , und 8oiMcUmu in.ill particles of albumen will
ivj > pear , or tha color will ba of thin mllklah hue , again
cfntifliin to a dark and torpid ivppcaniiico. There are
icany , many men who dip f tin * dlr'iltuUyJenoraiit of
the CUUKO , " In the Kcc-ond tls > # o of Bennnal-woak-
no * ) . Dt W. vvtll truaranteu n porfu t euro In all cases
and a healthy icstoriUon ol the t'rnltcvurlnory or-
gong. *
UoiiBultatlou free. Thorough examination raid td-
vlcc , ? 5.
All communications ehoulcl bu adjrcsmjDr. llenry
Itctiry Waunor , P. O. KS9. Denver , Colorado.
Tlio Young Mail's I'ocket Comtianlou , by Dr. n
Wagner , U worth ltd weight In gold to young men
t'rlco 1V1. Seut by laoil to any address.
One Who is Needed and Nobly Filh his
Denver I ) more fortunate than she Knows la the
PLXCCSH on of the talents and energies of a man who
lias given hl time and thought not merely to the
pcrfu.tlnn of Ida skill an a practitioner of his pro
fession t.i medicine , but to tha ntudy of tliofo profound -
found UihiKS of ficleiico and nature which tend to the
nioru complete undcretandlng of the problem c f Ufa
and of thu lavvd ot nature And the means of gaining
the greatest practical uooda to mankind from the In-
foruatloh thus acqulrotl In tha alntract. Such a
man Is Dr. It. Wagner , who la located at 813 Larimer
etroct. Dr. Wagner devoted uimy joais to tboac-
iiuisltlon ol the Knowledge noccckBury to his profei-
iiiinln a numlHir of the leadlnit medical ichools of
the mutt eminent and profound teacliora , suoli
nanim at Dr. Orosa and Dr , 1'ancoatt appearing
among his preceptors Nordli hlsstuUkn end here ,
'llicv continued In the field of the practlclilg family
phmclan tud lutlio ejperloncee of a man f cxten *
hu travel. He hai v Isl ted o very sect Ion of the Uni
ted Htotca paying tudloui attention to the different
characterises ot thovAtlnu. portions of the country ,
lurtlcuUrly w Ith regard to thcU ellect , cllmntla and
othcivvUauion Health and the diiroicnt forms of dls-
catos. Wltn the cumblnod power * of clcwo ttudy , ex
tcuslio obiorvatlon and olniom uiillmted practice ,
Dt Wagner came to Dcnv cr thrco years ugo equip *
| il as few have the right to claim to battle the foe
uf mankind , tha draiUed enf my , dlsevv. In order to
render the greatest good to society , Dr. ff agnor ileci-
Jed to lay aside tlio general branchca of practice anil
orlng all IISM ripe knowledy * and pnwcr to bear up
on tno foe which among the army of Insidious
lentil flfc'uits In the greatest. 1IU wide experlenco
had taught 1dm what weapons to use and which to
dlucard , and oftor omlpplng himself a < hU trained
Judgmuit won o well alle to advise him ho com-
inuiceJ boldly and eonlldcntly lib attack. In toll-
uiatlnjc tlio results and success achieved , It I * only
ncmeary to know the doctir'i petition and sUndin
to-dar. Whllo located in thU city , bin practlco la i
no means confined to ls ! limit ) nor tlila section ot
cnuntry , Ills correspondence and express book * tes
tify In black and whltu to his IKWCBJ'OM ' of a Held of
piactlce bounded only by tha lines which bound thu
ongthand bieautli of tlio country , aud width IIM
Uccd him whore a man of his nUUand Intellectual
attalninuntsilBsorvta to Ic.anJ BliouM to be eoablii
him to rtadi the hlghott tphcrtf of uwfulncss to ul
frrlng humanity the piano of financial Indcpeii
deiuu. Dr. Wagner has contributed of till prosper ! *
ty to the Bubstaullal Improvement of Denser In the
vr tlon of aflnollock on Lirlmer atroet , opponlto
his present otllai , No. SJJ. H will ba ready for oocu <
paucy InaiewuceLs , audit an ovldcnco that the
doctor U to bo numbered among the peruiMittut anil
ollddiiicni of tlio metropolis of thu plains. lUeu-
338 JLarimer"J3t. Address Box 2389 ,