Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1884, Page 8, Image 10

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Stain-day Morning , Pob , 16 ,
Now crop clover and timothy seed for sale
Bhugart , Wftlto & Wios , Council Bluffs , Iowa
John Anff and Dotlcf Cranbnch will 01
February IDth open nt Millord thoMlllan
houto and bar , which they Intend to run li
! k first-class stylo. fU-Ct
Nineteen ponlloss "iloepors" on thcl
way from St Paul , Minn. , to Florence "cu
off , " were accommodated ttlth lodging at th
city jail last night
All property owners that are Interested li
opening North Senontoonth street are re
quested to moot at Smith's shop , corner Sixteenth
toonth and Nicholas streets , Saturday oven
The gray wolf wht ch has caused so mud
trouble in northwest Omaha , was yesterda ;
$ < roplovlnod by Della Iloury from Henry M
Drown , on a wnt issued out of Justici
Wright's court.
A complaldt was yesterday filed In tin
pollco court by Adelbort D. Bishop ogalns
Major Newell , charging him with the oinboz
I J 7lomont of $1,000 from the Consolidated Tanl
Line compnuy on the 20th day of Juno , 1883
The case of the state against A. 1) . Bliss
htswlfo and G , W. Hyde , which cntno up ( o ;
hearing at ton o'clock yesterday , bofora Justice <
tico Brandoi , was taken on n change of vonui
to Justice Stornberjr , and continued to Mon
day next.
Yesterday afternoon Tom lUloy wai
very drunk and ho must also Imvo boon vorj
hungry for ho stele thrco rabbits from a lOtl
street provision dealer , for which net of In
discretion ho was nrrostod and Is now In tin
city jail.
J. K. O'Neal , the portrait painter , woi
presented with a beautiful Valentino by hi/ /
wife Thursday. It was In the sliapo of a llttlt
bit of humanity , weighing about nine pound/ /
Itwns a boy and its proud papa will seer
have help to daub on his colors ,
A suit in attachmoht was yesterday in
fltltutod in the district court against the firrr
of Manning & Hosa to recover the sum o !
84,803.21. This action was brought onnov.
cral notes not yet duo , and n somewhat un
common remedy is applied for although mi
thonrod by statute.
Win. Hull , the man arrested for stealing
Rome shoes from A. D , Morse , was triad bj
jury before Jud o Bonoko yesterday after
noon. Ho was found guilty and sentenced tc
twenty days imprisonment In the county jail
on broad and water and pay the costs of prose
cation , which amounted to 318.87.
At the mooting hold in the library v onu
last evening , a , committee of fire , consisting
of H. W. Simoral , II. D. Estabrook , A. O ,
Wnlcoly , G. M. Hitchcock and A. U. Troup ,
was appointed to draft appropriate resolution !
on tlia death of A. M , Ohadwick and to re
l > nrt to too district court as so soon as proctlo
able and convenient.
Two petitions were being circulated yes
tcrday among the prominent citfosns ol
Omaha and the bar of this county , to bo pro
flontocl to the county commissioners for the
K appointment of county judge. The asplrautt
: for this position of HO much importance to the
people of this county MO J. II. McCullocli
" and Ralph W. Urockluridgo. Mr. McCullocli
came hero about two and a hulf years ago ,
directly after his admission to the buinllll-
nolo , and has won fur himself a reputation for
integrity and Industry , nnd his appointment
to that office would insure the perfect per
formance ) of itn duties , ' '
Maunlo StrakoBch Is nguotit ot the Mil
F , 0. Iledaan , Fholps , ia a fruost of the
Joseph W. Wittmau , of Lincoln , In at the
K. 8. Harding , Nebraska City , Is n guest
of the Faxton.
Louis Hoyn , of the Grand Control gallery ,
has gene oast.
0. T , Taylor has returned from a buolnaia
trip to Colorado.
Misses Emma and Inn Thursby are stop
ping at the Mlllard.
31.1) . Welsh and wife , Fremont , nro rogls.
turod at tlio Faxton.
Forcival Lowell , general ticket agent left
for the easy yesterday.
J. Jlohort Williams and K. W , Wrlght.Davld
City , aru at the Mlllard.
O. N. Stem , Lena , and M. D. Welch ,
Lincoln , are at the Faxton.
Chovallor Antolao da KontakI , the planiat ,
Ia registered at the Millard.
J , V , Barnham , Ulk Creek , and Q. li
> Carodon ! and wife , ore at the Faxton ,
John Cox , Friend , and W. H , Jordan ,
Wuvoxly , are regUtorod at the Faxton.
a. W. Woff , of lalr , and L. W. Flank , of
Nebraska City , rvra at the Metropolitan ,
N. A. Ilalnvolt , Norfolk , and JII , 8IB -
few , Fremont , are stopping at the Faxton.
1' . F. Sherwood , Battle Creek , and S. C.
HmUoy , Lincoln , are reiibtored at the Mll
A. B. Nolan , of Lincoln , and L. 1) . Hub.
bird , ot Chicago , are itopplti ? at the Metro-
iwlltan ,
J. B. Mattoon , of Waukon , la. , and L. It.
' Hellos , of North Flatte , are pucsta of the
G. A , Joslyn , proprietor of the Metropoli
tan hotel , aud wife , left yesterday for Dea
Molnoe , IOWA.
AsilbUut Chlof Clerk F , O. Ilardluv , loft
ycwterday for Chicago , and will return on
Tu&nday next ,
J reil McCoiuioll , general agent for the Un
ion Fac-yio t Salt I ako , arrived in Omaha
yotUrdky morning.
Mr. Simpson , a prwmlneiit Jevtelcr of San
yraatlico , waa an cant bound passuuKer on the
Denver yoatorduy morning.
Mr. Loirh. a prominent lumber merchant
of Honolulu , pawed through thld city yot-
t rdty ujunilnfe- Ida way to Chicago ,
B. J , O'Urleu , of Chicago ? J. F. Moore , of
Htidwn , Wis. ; and T. It. Bodey , of Itawllm ,
Wyo , , we ijuartored at the Metropolitan.
B notion's Arnica Balvp.
Tim < n . tttwtt . , mctdfcul wonder of the world ,
mtooBpMKyouro Hums , Cul , Ul'
Jialt Jtlftuui , i'ovw pws * . Cuucern.rilM ,
Ww , Quriui , a' tU , Chawwd lands.
l ( kin rui > uoiil g ranteed to cure In
y r fund d. 35 cents
The Host Successful MasQuerade of the
Entire Season ,
McrryJDnnccrs In Gorgcoua Costumes
Whiles tlio Ilftppy Hours Away ,
Thursday was the occasion of the sub
ocription masquerade ball , at Gcrmrmir
hall , under the auspices of the Concordir
singing society , of this city. The large
hall was decorated in a beautiful manner
festoons , of different colors being suspended
ponded from the center of the hall to the
walls on cither side , \rhilo numerous am
appropriate inscriptions were to bo seer
on every hand.
Jit an early hour the merry mailcorabo
gan to arrive , nnd by the time appointee
for the opening of the ball , the hall WBE
filled to overflowing by the maskers am
spectators. The cpmmittoo in charge
however , had anticipated just such i
crowd and had BO arranged things thai
every ono present was able to enjoy him
self. The music was furnished by the
Musical Union orchestra and was good.
It was evident that many of the mask
ers had taken considerably pains to costume
tumo themselves , and quite n number ol
the costumes were truly artistic , while
some wore of a most gorgeous character.
Taken as a whole the scene was a very
brilliant ono , and certainly it may bo
averred that it was the finostmasquorado
ball that the Concordia society has ever
given. There were also a fairly large
gathering of spectators , who watched
the mamuvres of the dancers with
animated interest. Several comical little
incidents occurred during the evening
which onlivoncd the affair and amusou
the children present immensely. A very
elegant repast was served up by Messrs.
Hesse A Uoppo , the well known caterers ,
and this part of the programme oyoryono
present took part in with great tjusto.
There wore twenty-eight .numbers danced
in all , and the party did not separate un
til nearly dawn.
It was the most successful masquerade
in every particular which has boon given
in this city this season , which fact it
largely duo to the oflbrts of the committee -
too who had the matter in charge.
Wlelo Awake Druggists.
C. P. Goodmnn is always alive in his bus !
ness and sparer no pains to secure the best o :
every article in his lino. Ho has nocurod the
agency for the celebrated Dr. King's Now
Discovery for Consumption. The only cer
tain euro known for Consumption , Coughs.
Colds , Hoarseness , Asthma. liny I'ovcr.Bron-
chills , or any direction of throat and lungs.
Bold on a positive fruarantoo , Trial bottloe
free. Rorular size 81
Donations Ilcccivod by the 'Wontou'fi
Christian Altl Association
Since January lot.
The Women's Christian Aid association
acknowledges the following donations re
ceived since January 1 , 1884 :
Mrs. Truman Buck , $10.00 ; Warren
Switzlor , Esq. , $10.00 ; B. W. Yatcs ,
president Fiwt National bank , § 10.00
John T. Boll , Esq. , 810.00 ; from the
ladies present at a union prayer mooting ,
$15.00 ; Mrs. S. H. H. Clark , 84.00 ; Mra.
Dr. Kuhn , $1.00 ; Messrs. Little & Wil-
Hams , $5.00'Mra. ; Cowin , the rent of the
association rooms for December , January
and February ; Mr. Bolton.for ono month
rent , $7.00 ; Mrs. Hills , § 2.00 ; Mr.Hunn ,
§ 1.50 ; Dr. Dwyer , drugs to the amount
of 85 00 ; clothing from Mrs. Croigh , Mrs.
Robert Purvis , Mrs. Dtckoy , Mrs. G. M.
Armstrong , Mra. Ijams , Mrs. Dr Graff ,
Mrs. J. G. Haines , Mrs. Gilmore , Mrs.
S. H. Bliss , Mrs. Roberts , Mrs. Martin
Sohult , Mrs. Tracoy , and from others ;
30 pounds of pork , Mrs. John Shelley ;
6 pounds of coffee , a friend ; 10 loaves of
-broad , Mr. John Huff ; a liberal donation
from the North school ; and wo now
ask for supplies from the Cass street
Medical services have boon donated by
several physicians.
The association has sent a poor colored
woman and child to their homo in the
south , nnd with the aid of $5 from the
county commissioners , procured a tickoi
for a poor Gorman woman to San Fran
Wo are liappy to announce that some
of the young girls who have been atroot-
beggora are now school girls.
Between fifty and so venty poor families
have boon visited by the ladies and aided
by the association. Work has boon found
for many , but not for all who desire it.
Wo have found so many wishing for em
ployment but do not know where to go
to got it. Wo know there are many per
sona in this city who have little jobs of
work to bo done and are often troubled
to find the right per pn to do the work.
An intelligence office Is now opened at
our rooms , and all desiring help will
plcnso call and thus nid us in helping tlio
poor to help themselves.
All those dosirino ; employment will also
inakoapplication , giving name and address
In full , and the kind of work they can do
If an office boy , a copiost , a kitchen
girl , a nurse girl , a seamstress , or oven a
chimney sweeper is wanted do not fail to
call at our rooms , corner of Sixteenth
and Farnarn streets. It is impossible for
our association to support all the poor in
thin city , nor is that our object. Mrs.
Fuller has the same work oho has had for
years , and needs the same amount of
support. The county commissioners also
have their work. Wo desire to give aid
and protection ( not support ) to all desti
tute womnn and children until permanent
liomoa and moans of support can bo
secured , The demands upon the relief
department of our association luvo boon
very great , and , although wo Imvo received
much wo need more money , or provisions
will bo gratefully received. Will the
ward committee please send all applicants
for relief to tlio rooms on Tesdays and
Fridays only ? The treasurer's loport for
Lhu mouths of December , January nnd
February will bo given next month.
i'horo will bo u meeting of the board and
ward committee on Tuesday , February
I'.hb , at 3UO : p. in. , in association rooms.
N-A R , HAINKS , Seo'y.
Another At t nek ,
Muthlas Now called at THE BKK oflico
'tstorday and etutod that ho had been
added by some unknown man on the
railroad track , between the Union clova-
or and gaswork , Thuroduy nightaboutll
Ho it a bartender for R. Rasmusaon ,
ind clocoa hit labora about 11 o'clock , and
was ou hia way to lia | homo , corner Soy
otjUi nnd Loavonworth atrovls , As ho
was walking along the track n mail -with
a red Iwudkerehiof ever his ftioo jumped
out from behind seine cars and grabbot
him by the shoulder , at the same time
demanding his money. Ho told the fol
1 tw ho had no money , and drew a revolver
vor from his pocket , at the sight of whicl
the foot pad lot go his hold andwalkcc
The reporter asked Mr. New why ho
did not use his revolver after ho had i
out , and ho said that ho was so btvdl ;
frightened nnd trembled so that ho could
scarcely hold the weapon in his hands
and that his hair stood on ends. Mr
Now was advised to procure a wagon
load of sand and cat a pock every da ;
until ho recovers from his nervousness.
Two Verdicts for I'lnlntlfTrj Hcturncel
At the opening of the district cour
yesterday morning two juries were wait
ing to return their verdicts. In the caao
of House against Wright , which hae
boon on trial for three days , the jury re
turned a verdict for $131.08 for plaintiff
A motion was filed for a now trial , am
and should it bo overruled the case \ril
then bo tnkon to the supreme court.
In the case of Gallagher against Dow
the jury returned a verdict of ? 88.'JO for
The criminal docket will not probably
bo taken up before the latter part o
next wook. To-day being Saturday no
assignment of cases was made by the
judges for to-day.
A motion was made that n bar mooting
bo hold last evening , to moot in the
library rooms on Douglas street , to drafi
appropriate resolutions on the death o ;
County Judge Chadwick. The court nt
10 a. in. , out of respect for his memory ,
Tlio JJcap Year Party ur Masonlo Hall
The ladies of the Homo Circle club lost
evening gave an old fashioned leap year
party at the Mosonio hall. About seven
ty.fivo couples -wore in attendance , who
for the time laid aside business and care
and lot fun and mirth rule the hour
The hall won elegantly decorated ant
festooned for the occasion. The gentle
men were well cared for by their female
escorts , who paid all the bills. At eleven
o'clock a lunch that would tickle the
palate of the veriest epicure was sorvee
in the dining hall. At 11:30 : the dance
was resumed and continued until early
The ladies and the Homo Circle are to
bo congratulated upon the able manner
in which last night's entertainment was
conducted , and it is no more than reason
able to presume that the gentlemen
who were present , hope that it will bo
| JTho committees doaorvo especial men
tion for their efforts to make the affair
pleasant and agreeable to all present
The following were the committees :
Reception committee Mrs. William
Brown , Mrs. Horace Barnum , Ada M
Wirth , Anna Lane.
Floor committee Mrs. Nathnn Elliott
Mrs. Goo. Shields , Ida A. Truckpy , Amy
B. Pickena.
A School AVhoro Telegraphy ivlll Be
Taught to Bo Opened Soon
in This City.
A now institution is about to bo estab
lished in Omaha , which will be ono stop
more towards making her a metropolitan
city. Within the next three weeks a
school will bo opened in the city where
telegraphy will bo taught in all its
branches. The gentleman who has origi
nated this idea is Mr. L. M. Rhom , a
gentleman well known in telegraphic cir
cles hero , and by nearly o very body in the
city. Upon inquiry it was learned that
bo will not have personal charge of tlio
school , but has secured the services ol
Mr. E. O. Waite , of Lincoln , Nebraska ,
an old Western Union operator , who
once had charge of a similar school in
Clinton , Iowa. The location of the
school has not yet been determined , but
it will be somewhere near the center oi
the city. The object of this institution
is not for the purpose of making money ,
but to sijnply the constantly increaBing
demand tor operators.
Mr. Hli cm says that the construction
of so many miles of railroad in the west ,
within the lost year or so , has ox-
lausted the supply of efficient operators ,
and this institution will bo run to aup-
ily , in port at least , the demand con-
itantly made for persons skilled in this
; rado. The school will start out with
> no teacher only , but arrangements will
10 made by which the force can bo in
creased when tlio number of pupils will
The doors of this institution will bo
open to both male and female , and the
school will bo hold at molt hours that all
vho wish may attend. This will be the
irst toleOraph school ever opened in this
state , and will no doubt supply many de
mands for this kind of ( .killed labor.
Keml K t to Transfer * .
The following deeds were filed for
record in the county clerk's office Febru
ary 14 , reported for THK BEE by Ames'
eal oalato agency :
Vaclar Potriok , unmarried , and Mary
'etrick , widow , to Joseph Michal , w d ,
11 of lot 10 , block 4 , Kountzo's 3rd odd. '
William F. Hoins and wife to Francis
3. Bailey and Ole Olson , w d , lot 8 ,
> leek 2 , Isaacs & Soldon'a add , , § 500.
John F. Kolb and wife to Fritz Har
der , w d , nej of BOO 2i , 15,11 o , § 3,750.
Italph E. Gay lord ot al to the Mor-
hauls' National bank of Omaha , o c , lot
Jacob A. White and wife to Pinkos
Chaiktn , w d , lot 13 , block 3 , in Arbor
'lace , $300.
Paul GosaiuBim and wife to Otto
Frlooni , q o , lot 7 , Hurbach'a 1st add , $1.
JtoiKlluK'a Itiuwla Suhe , but family halve in
the Morlil , uml excellent for Ht.tlilu .wo. 'J5cU
Omalm Fire Department ,
All members of the department are re-
rmcstcd to attend K meeting of the
IJraatm Fire Department , to bo held at
Pit omen's hall , February 17th , at2p ,
in. , to complete the necessary nrnmgo-
iiieiita for the tournament , to take place
In this city next Juno. A good atteu-
w aesireo : .
0. PsNTZut , Si > o'y. i
The Philharmonic Concert IiaRtKvcn
Injr , Assisted I > y Miss Erntiia
The Grat concert'of the Omaha Phil
hnrmonio society was given at Boyd'i
opera house last evening. A good aizee
nudionco was present to listen to the excellent
cellont programme rendered.
The curtain rose promptly at 8 o'clocl
and showed the members of the society
nil seated upon the stage , and iinmcdi
ntoly Chevalier Do Kontski , the pianist
stepped forward and took his scat nt th (
piano. His selection was Gounod'i
"Grand Fantasia Aias ' '
on from 'Fnust,1'
and it was a masterpiece in every sense
of the word. Ho carried the audience
with him , and as the lost strains of the
grand instrument died away , there was o
moment's silence , and than a loud and
prolonged applause , to which the per
former responded with a graceful bow.
"Tho Crusaders , " by Pinsuti , and the
"Night Song , " by Rhcinborgor , wore
then sung in a most acceptable mannot
by the Philharmonic chorus. The chorus ,
which was composed of about seventy-
five voices , among which were some of
Omaha's best singers , was thoroughly
drilled , and wore completely under the
control of Mr. Blakoly's biton. Both
selections were loudly applauded.
The choruses were followed by Miss
Emma Thuraby , vrho sang "Lo Chant du
Misoli. " by Folicion David. Miaa Thurs-
by captivated her hearers at the start
and became a great favorite. Although
she had taken a slight cold yet slio was
in excellent voice , and her upper regis
ter , ( which , by the way , was away up ) ,
was clear and sweet , while her tones were
all round and full. She is an exquisite
singer and will over bo accorded n hearty
reception by the music loving people of
Another chorus followed Miss Thursby ,
alter which Mr. Russell Glover sang
"Over Again , " by Sullivan. Mr. Glover
is favored with a clear , sweet tenor , but
in the little light aria which ho rendered ,
ho did not have an oppoitunity to do
himself justice. This selection was the
most coolly received of any number on
the programme.
Mendelssohn's " 0 , for the Wings of a
Dove , " with on obhgato solo , was then
given. Miss Thursby waa down for the
solo , but by her roquett she was excused ,
and Miss Minnie Maul was substituted.
Miss Maul sang the solo in a very beauti
ful manner , and was loudly applauded.
Chevalier Do Kontski again electrified
the audience with "Tho Awakening of the
Lion , " a selection of his own composi
tion. Ho was encored , and answered
with a beautiful selection.
Two selections were then rendered by
the chorus , the last of which , "Song ot
the Nilon , " was encored and responded
to with a ropotition.
Miss Thursby then sang "Song of the
Bells , " and responded to an encore with
a very pleasing selection.
The sextette and chorus , "What from
Vengeance , " by Donizetti , closed the
programme. The soxtotto was composed
of Mrs. Squires and Mrs. Estabrook , and
Messrs. Breckenridge , Wilking , Thayer ,
and Estabrook.
The first concert of the Philharmonic
was indeed a flattering success , and it is
to bo hoped that more of the same maj
Thousands Say So.
Mr. T. W. Atkins , Glrard , Kaiu , writes :
"I never hesitate to recommend your Elec
tric Bittern to my customers , they give entire
satisfaction and ore rapid Boilers. " Electric
Bitters are the purest and boat medicine
without them. They will save hundreds of
dollars in doctor's bills every year. Sold at
60 cents a bottle by 0. K Goodman.
The Funeral Service or the Deceased
and His Keinalns Taken East
for Interment.
A short service was hold at the late
residence of the deceased , on Park avenue -
nuo at 1:30 : ycatordsy , after which
; ho remains were taken to the depot , and
in charge of Mra. Chadwick and her
brothot-in-law , W. J. Connell , were
started for St. Johnsburg , Vermont ,
( vnero they will bo interred.
The funeral service , which was conJ -
J icted by Rev. Willard Scott , was very
it is fitting that the remains of Albert
M. Ohadwick , whose sudden doiniso
: nn cd euch universal sorrow , should bo
: ukon to St. Johnsburg , the place of his
jirth , tor burial.
Oounty ofiices were closed yesterday aft
ernoon and the counry officers were pres
ent at the funeral services.
Don't ho Faint Hearted.
If you are In trouble look up , hold nng ! > e the
} Iuc good by. If you nro in pain , lm\o a
amenuas , have an aclio of any kind , go to the
Inifccbt and oak for ThuHia. ? J.cltct ie Oil. It
vlll do you good every timo.
"Wife Bcutlujr.
Patrick Rockbud was yesterday son-
, oncod by Judge Bonoko to the city jail
or thirty dayu for beating his wifo.
Wife beating is looked upon by goodciti-
ons 03 barbarism , but ono who frequent-
y visits the police court of this city will
to surprised to BOO the number of won
barged with this oifense. The uaao of
ostorduy showed nioro than ordinary
rutality in the defendant. The ewm-
lainaut , his wife , after she had testified
o his brutal treatment of her in the way
f pounding , striking and cursing her ,
nd after she had been corroborated by
or 10-yoar.olil son , said she would con-
ono his past acts if ho would agree to dee
o no moro. Judge Doupko asked if ho
rould make such a promise , and offered
dm his liberty in case ho would , and ho
nutteringly replied that ho would not.
Jo woa then given the above sentence by
ho court , and warned by the judge that
f ho over appeared there again ho would
, ot the full penalty of the law on bread
nd water. For a man to utriko a woman
s shameful , to slnko hia wife is moro BO ,
nit after huvinj done so to feel no
winges of conacicnco shows a depth of
opravity that ia seldom met with nuy-
Non li Onuha's Committee ,
A mooting of the committee appointed
y the cituoiu of Noith Omaha to dr-
ulato a petition to bo presented to the
Nebraska delegation in congress to BC <
cure an appropriation for the paving of f
street from North Omaha to Forl
Omaha , waa hold in the Millard hotel
last evening. M. S. Martinowich was
appointed a committee of ono to have
printed fifty copies of the petition and
to give each member of the committee
one for circulation and to distribute the
rom&indnr in the various public places in
the city for the signatures of the people
of Omaha. The mooting then adjourned ,
An Irish Demonstration.
The reception and lecture of Mr. P. J.
Sheridan , the distinguished Irish nation
alist , which will take place at Masonic
hall , Wednesday evening , February 20 ,
promises to bo the grandest Irish demon
stration over held in this city. It will
bo hold under the auspices of the Irish
citizens of Omaha. Both branches of
the Ancient Order of Iliborians will
take a loading part in the demonstrations ,
that organization has within iU folds
hero several hundred prominent , active
and patriotic Irish men , the success of
Mr. Sheridan's visit is assured in ad
vance. NOH. 1 and 2 of the A. 0. H. .
and the celebrated A. 0. H. band will
turn out in full regalia , and escort the
distinguished viator from the hotel to
the hall on the night of the lecture. Mr.
Sheridan's effort in behalf of Ireland
certainly entitles him to the warm recep
tion which ho will undoubedly receive.
His rank as an Irishmen can bo judged
from the fact that the English govern
ment made desperate cllbrta a year ago
to have him extradited. Mr. Sheridan
has already delivered successful lectures
to laro ( audiences in Now York , Phila
delphia , Chicago , La Salle , Peoria , St.
Louis , Kansas City and Topeka. Ho in
tends to go as far as San Francisco , and
nt the conclusion of his tour through the
United States , ho intends to settle down
in the west. Ho will arrive in Omaha
next Monday.
The itwth llelicknh Ball.
lluth Ilebokah Lodge , No. 1 , gave
their closing ball for this season Thurs
day night at Masonic hall.
The organization has boon in existence
in thia city but a short time , and yet its
numbers have increased very rapidly and
a largo dbncourso was present last ovoa-
2g to engage ia the festivities.
Irvino'a orchestra was in attendance ,
and was directed by Prof. Irvine , and
the music rendered waa fully up to the high
standard of this notable banel of musi
The success of the party waa largely
duo to the efforts of the following gen
tlemen who composed the various com
mittees :
Master oi Ceremonies Mr. John
Ticket Committee R. E. Live oy , F :
M. Woolly , A. Thorspeckcn.
Floor Managers E. L. Armstrong ,
Goo. A. Bennett , J. B. Woat , F. M. Fester -
tor , Edwin Davis , J. J. Toms , J. W.
With Old Time Kcsulnrity
The 104th Monthly Drawing of The Louisiana
State Lottery took place on January IBth ,
The Commissioners , Gcn'ls Larly andJJoiiure-
gnrd , obtained the fullowlnc result : Ticket
No. 31,9113 drew tkolst Capital of § 75.000 ,
sold in fifths coating each § 1 ; ono was sold to
n ( jontloman in Now York city , another ton
newspaper man in PotereburK , Va. , the others
scattered erywhere as usual. Ticket No.
20,01)0 ) drew the 2d prize of 325,000 , sold in
fifths also ; ono in Chicago , 111. , another in
Washington , D. C. , to a government em
ployee , probably who does not suek publicity.
Ticket No. 83,170 drew the 3d Capital prize
of $10,000 , sold in fifths also ; one each held
by Henry Munk , No. " 70 G rat lot ave. , and
Air. Snmuol Levy , well known citizens of De
troit , Mich. Nos. 12,144 and 01,253 , 3d Cap-
itnl prizes , drew each 80,000 , sold in fifths ;
among others to W. M. Lakoy , of Bell's Gray-
son Co. , Texas , through Merchant and Plan
ters Bank , of Sherman , Texa * . Many win
ners seek to conceal the fact of their having
drawn j prize. But lot every ono try for him
self on Tuesday , March 11 , 1834 , when the
IGCith Grand Monthly Distribution will occur ,
and -uhichM. . A. Dauphin at Now Orleans ,
Ln. , will fully Inform you on application.
SHOKMAKKK In this city , February lltb ,
Annie B. Shoemaker , aged 1 ! years- ! months
nnd 10 days.
Funeral will take place 1'ebruory ICth , at
10 o'clock n. m. , from the residence , 2412
Charles street.
At the regular weekly meeting of the
Emmett Monument AfRnciation , held at
their hall Thursday overling , November
14th , the following resolutions wore of
fered ntid unanimously adopted :
WHEIIKAS , Dhlno iirmiileiice him issued its
decree und Wendell rlilllipa , one of Heaven's
groateat ambassador * tu man , hax been recall
ed to Ills eternal homo : bo it , thorofo o ,
Ituulial , That in hia dent ! o oratory has
lost an accomplished and dazzling exponent ,
liberty u true and pou ertul mlvocuto , Ireland
a warm and uncoinpromluiiijt friend , and the
lowly mien of earth a rnowt fearles * a ad most
able cliambiou : that , noble anil exalted in bis
public career , ho wan worthy of emulation ID
the celestial virtues that lend an enrapturing
beauty to the private character of man.
Jletolttil , That , while recognizing In tills
great IMS which Immunity hat * sustained , the
hand of u jiut ( Jed , and while bowing most
reverently to Ills will , > vo , members of the
Einmett Monument association , confess
the denp" Borrow bv which we we moved at
tlio death of Wendell Phillip , ur.'tn great iu
all the attributes of true greatueM ; mid , be It
Jteiolietl , That tlioao resolutions be epteaJ
upon the records of this aanociatiun and that
the i > re g bo furnished it copy.
Absolutely Pure.
Thl'fywdcr nvrt-r larui. A luanc ] ol purt
trot eh ftuil wholwwu ct H More icnumlcallhtt
be oJlOBiy Huilj.irol un cbi oU in a lopetltlou
Itb tudtuUltutit ol lc tul , ibitt vtUl t , luuio
ih. > ih > t i o itr . Scld only la can > . I pyal I3ak
\ , lo i l reet Wow J'orV.
Bjtor *
.Infants and Children
Withoni Morphia o or Nnrootino.
What Blrcs our Children rosy checks ,
, What cures their fevers , makes them sleep }
f 'Tin Cnntorliu
When Babies fret , and cry by turn * ,
What cures their colic , kflls their worms.
lint Cmtorlri.
I What quickly cure * Constipation ,
; Sour Stomach , Colds , iDdlgwtlou :
jj Hut rrulorla.
Farewell then to Morphine Syrups ,
Castor OH and Paregoric , anil
IInll Cfistorln.
ContourLiniment. An at -
elute euro for Rlionmntisxn ,
Sprains , Barns , Galls , &c. , and ax
Initontanoona Foliurollovor.
fiTBpoclals 'will Positively not bolnsortoc
unless paid in advance.
TO LOAN-Monov.
MONKY TO LOAN In sums of $500 nnd mm
at 0) ) i > or annum , CM Douglas county farm ) .
drcsa U. U. Patterson li Co. , 1104 r'arimm S' .
TO LOAN The lowest rltoa ol Interes
MONEY * Loan Agency , 16th & Douglas 23MI
TIT ONEY TO LOAN In ums of 1300. nd upward
iVi O. F. Da\U anil Co. , Heal Estate and LOKI
Agcntii , 1C05 Farnam St. 893-tf
TTTANTFD A good giti to n h iiishcs. Apjiiy
\ \ Scandina\lau Hottl , llth stact. 44010 }
YX ANTED Imuicdbteb , a girl at the Occident *
V > hotel. 4lh-
_ _
QUEEN lady a onts for this new ruubcrundcrRa for laflles. Address v , Ith stamps , Undergar
inent Co , D south iliy St. , Ulilcano 180-lun
Fl'Bt clws feraalo jnstrj cook at 111
WANTED ItcbUurant , 1215 Douglas street.
TA7ANTED A I'ood girl , German preferred , 181
YV Fttmam * tuot. 43710
ATfANTED- Agents In eier ) towiishlp In Ncltras
V I ka , for ono of the best scllIiiR articcac\cr Intro
duccd. Ecll t sight. Call or v rlto to the
439 tf 109 H. 14th Street , Omaha.
TT7-ANTED-Twenty teams.
YV 432-151 II. MANNWEILER , SOT llth St.
ANTED : Good steady man to n oik. Apply t
WANT Potter , Florence , Neb. 431-13'
An experienced dalesman to call n
WrANTED ) men only , with a specialty. Call a
208 K. 10th street , and sea us In regard to It.
'ANTED A good girl lor general housework
Appli : at SU4 North ISth strest. 411-185
7ANTED A peed gill for general homework
W 411 south 10th street. 414 209
TT7ANTED Olrl for Kencral house work In a snml
VV family. Call at 1415 north 18th St. 421-tI
OR YOUNO MhN In city or country to
LADIES ' , light and pleasant work at their o\v :
homes ; $2 to $5 a day easily and quietly made ; n orl
sent by mill , no canvassing" no stamp fur reply
Please address Reliable ManrgCo.Philadelphia t'a.
drawer Tf. S07-lmt
One hundred teams and ono liundrci
WANTKD for Hall road work. HtCOY & MOHAN
OanHeld IIouso , Ninth and Kaniam Sts , Oaaha. ;
TT7"ANTKD Two ulrlscook and second girl. Best
VY ofwjgcs. Apply 8. E. corner 20th and Call
tornla Sts. 878-tf
WANTED Servant frills of all kinds in need o
emploj mcnt , to call at our olllcw , opposite post-
Dltlco , between :30 and 0 p. m.
CANNON , JONES & CO , Frcnzcr Block.
YXrANTED A German dining room kitchen girl
YV Ilcsse and Uoppe , 418 B. 13th St. , between
llarnev and Howard. 685 tf
TIT'ANUEU Immediatelyfiy nianiinu > lfe " "nice
W ftirniehml room with board , with a strictly ru
ipcctab'o private fmnllj , where thtro are no otlifi
boarders. Must have good reference. Address with
all particulars. "P. I ) . " this cilice. 44oi5I
WANTED-A situation by a dniwUt ( fora fihor
time , with some drug firm that wished to s I
out ; with the new ol purchasing the stock. Mils
be In some Ihe town. Address It. J. YanPetten
Chllllrothe.l'eorla Co. . llllnol. . 08-16
"tTtTANTKD A reliable jounpnmn wants a phc
VY to work , board and go to school. "S , A. W.1
Boo office 333-tt
TTITANlED Situations for first ula.4 < Uomcsllcs
TT Call at our office from 4-30to0 p. in. Saturdajs
1 to 0 p. m. CANNO.V , JONES & CO. , Opp. P. O.
TTTANTED A few poreons to Instruct in book
TT kcqihiK. As there is a demand for competent
: > ook-kc 'i ru , I will learn a lew and wait for half of
pay until situations ara furnlthud.
MSt 1M8 Douglas Street.
V\7"ANTED Table boarders. Also man and wl/e / ,
> * or two men taku furnlelied room with board , &l
1007 south llth ktrect , tw o blocks from depot.
WANTRU-Tablo boarders at 117 N. 14t street
bctnernCapjtol avenue and Dodge streets i.
414 27 } *
V\r ANTED To buy n stock of clothing , drygoods ,
T boots and sboea or groceries for spot cosh at a
> rlco. Address lock box 1 Blair Neb. 416 18
WANTKD-Book keeping , a set of bonks to post
up evenings or a few hours rooh day and also
ook after collections. Address "X. L. " Bee ofllca
lest ot referenda given. ill tf
WANTED Parties wishing boarders and those
st-arih of board In prhato houses , with or wit
lut room , to roll at our oflico ( rira 4 3d to 0 p. in
CANNON , JONES & CO. , Opposite IMatofllce.
_ FOB BBMT--Hou eB ana lots.
P Ft RENT Furnished room 10J1 Capitol avo.
372l ! l |
rQR KENT Two lurnUhed roomj llth and No.
L' CU2 Uodg strtet. J37-UI
17(011 LUAfE 0 bustntss lots 10th street , between
L1 Da\enport and Capitol avenue , vast ride , for a
ermoftar . AMKS ,
11J07 Faniain otreet
FOU IlENT-Furalshed roonu at 1819 Farnam.
ITIOU IlENT-Small hou&o. Inaulio of A. Murphy ,
D4.0S. Ulhitresi. 4SS-16) )
F HKNT A few umtknicn can to accomodated
with furnished rooms Apply 1818 Faruam St.
4Utl )
FOR HUNT- New home with ilx roomr , baj wldi
dow. HIS Manou a rcut. Clone tu depot.
SS3 15 $
FOU UKNT-Nlcely lurnlslicd roouu with or with
out heard 1016 Uodgo St. 100 IB |
7 < OIl HKNT A bvrinent with three rooms lor
J 1 light IIOUM ) keeiilni ; l013 llcnlfe tit. 101101
FOIl KENT 5 ruora house on Wobatcr w t ol
10th St. a. T. 1'etemn. real c tate esent , } 6th
nj UouglM. 873 tl-liuu *
FOU KENT New 0 room duelling , bath room ,
city mid cistern water , hot Mater , tlioruuliout
oed cellar. ( J F
FOK HKN1 Utora ruom vlth bawmeit lu U
iluep , 1511 r'atuam 6t. 1'AULSE.V le , CO. , lioy
arnam htrcct. sn U
mull HKNT FurnUhed room 18J1 Capitol \e.
7011 RENT Sever * good house * , aUo ono 0 room
[ daeJr lumUhi'U houso. John K. Kdwards , 1111
bt 355-tl
beaUd Sti N. ISHh.
7\OK IlKNT FuruUhed room with or without
? board. Klncit locatbu In ilio city. Also lour
.lilo buanlcr * wauted.N.V. . UT , litb tuid Karcaio.
163 U
Foil RENT Large new , two itory dculla IITRM ,
Shlnn's addition Sult&bla lor two limllloi ot
boarding homo. Inquire Room U , Omaha National
Bank Dulldlup. 9-tl
Oll IlENT FttrnlJl wl room lor ( fBntlom n , l o
. two lor llglit homo keeping ikomeri block ,
corner Eighth and Howard Bt tHO tl
HUNT Furnished roome on the noithwei
FOR . ISIh nd Cspltol avenue , formerly Crelghton
noii e. ISD-tl
Troll 11KNT nooim lu Mobr ka Nutlona ftnk
J ? Bulldliiff. Mcnt deilratle olllccn In tha city
Bupnltcd with hydraulic elo'ator and heated b
team. Apply at Bank. ( MB-U
BALK CHEAP Complete rot ol now he > y
FOIl tool * lor boilng oil or attoflin writ * . N. 0 ,
I-ukciuCo. , McConnolliflllo , 0. 418-15.
SALE-A IZ.eWO pounda 1' I bank' * Hay
FOIl . Will hold both wafton ami lior o , It la
nearly new and tll to bold at halt price. Apply to
433 20 , T. C. BllUN.NKK.
SALE 42 acrc > , houno , itoblo , abnndanco o'
FOU , near church and schoiil , Bmllca from rail *
rend , 10 rnlle < trom Omaha , $1KO. (
lloautlful rcildflico ) ropcrtjr , 100x423 feet , thado
and linlttrcei , houto and bam , $3WX > .
SALG-Onool Vf. K. Vcrnotin iteam bca nut
FOIl In iiod running order clio p. Adilreis
"confectioner" care Omaha lloe. 4111S5
" 17(011 ( SALE The furniture ol the rcsldooco N. Vf.
JU coruerOthand Hamoy. Apply on the premises.
403 101
SAI.K-IH acres , S mtloi from Omaba , now
FOIl 10.XS4 feetstable.etc. ; limy naterand tlm-
her , ? 2OCO. CMHltY It .10NKS. Heal Kdlato aoents ,
WOOj Hatlify street , Orralia , 3iO-15"
SALU Cheap , a flno ShoiiirKorcruan nearly
FOU \ . Fifteen stom. I.ltt prlcu 3SM. Call at
1810 N. 18'hHt. m-cond door uoitli ot Sherman St.
Call alter 5 o'clock. 375 ID'
SALE-Cheap , ono six toot aud ono tlirco
FOIl show case at L } oil's 0 gar Store , S07 South
15th St. Kl tl
SALK A bargain. llou oot 7 rooms , 9th
FOIl Bancroft St. notlilc. Will bul't ' , barn &c. ,
only 81.BOO 11 sold \\ithln 00 dftjs. SliAHS Si K03-
AltDvrilains Block. 203 tl
House ol B roonu In 1'arker'a addition
FOUSALE $20 000 echool hou o tion. A cheap
place on cany tonn8.-tl.7oa SKA11S & BOSARl ) ,
WllllamB Block. 209 tl
poll SALK A splendid homo til 10 rooms in
I 1 Fhlnn's nd' Itlon. li sold within S. ) do ) only
{ 3.700. SU.U.S & BOSAi'.D , corner 15ihanu Dodico
210 tl
TT OIl SALE Fatra 3 miles train city. ot
J ? Mrs. Mejcr , o > erllo dcr'8 Drug store , 10 h and
Webster. 872 U
TTtOIl SALK T o counters and Illty feet ol good
JL1 shehlng , choip , at 1503 Uodso St. . 168 tl
( Oil SALE Two largo Nonna nstalllon * . AddruM
F O. D. Blrdsall , Walnut , loua. ! S4-lm *
SALE A good two storj store \ronertjr In
FOIl , Waj no couatj , Nob. Address0.1 > . Bird-
Sill , Walnut , Iowa. 155-lmt
SALK OH TRADE A Rood span ot mules ,
harness and wagon. Inquire Alex O. Charltoa ,
at McC'aguo Bros. SSO tt
1011 SALU Uwo open second haud uugjilea and
P one delivery wagon , clicip , at 1310 Ilarnoy St.
TTIOIl SALE-Colorodo coal. Tills coal U as frco from
JD soot and as clean as Uock Spring.
BALE Two portable boilers , 10 horse nawo
CeS-tY 218 South 15th Et.
'OR ' SALE A small Moflcr , Bihman & .CO , , flre
Fi ] proof safe , almost now , at thU'oulco. tf
SALE My two story brick residence , 10th
FOR St. Mary's avenue. Large barn , out-house ,
water vtor s , well nrrangcd. Lot 50x200. Pilca
97.500. Best Bargalu In Omaha Call at K. Toft's
People's Bink. 277-t
SALE 12 lots one block west of Park ave
FOR . LotsCOxlDO. Will sell the whole ti ( infer
for § 7,100 , If cold before January 1st , 1SS1. Real es
t\te owucrablil this bargain , U jou call at People
Bank , 278-11
SALE Choice business property , three lots
FOR . Sauudcrs nnd Charles Street. It will pay } CUte
to Investlgato this oUor. Cell at People's Bank.
278 tf
R SALE Improved property , which will p y
the buyer 20 per cent on the Investment. Rents
for ? 1,920 per ) car. All occupied by first class ten-
ante. Will sell for 10,500 , If Bold soon. All or onu-
half cash , balance , ono to five years. The above In
vestment Is worth Investigation. Call at the Peoplo'4
Bwk. 280-tf
I OH SALE Ola newspaper * m lar e and small
F quantities at this otflco. tj
An Eaitem lady of refinement and ex
perience , would like as tuition as Hotel HOIIHU-
keeper , or In wldnner's family. References gl\en ,
If required. Address " W. S. " Sprlngfl.ld , Mass . 145
Union btreot. 430-15'
rpo WIIOSI IT MAY CONCFRN I wl.h the party
JL that picked up the Span el pupry on 14th street
will drop hi n I ken hot potato In the lot M'J 14th
street , and Bare trouble. W. M. FLEMINU.
SPECIALTIES for those out if eroplojment to
n make monny with. Call on M. L Smith , 200
N. 16th ttreot , and Fee samples. 433 1m
* T * OST 1873 , two discharges fiom the nrmv ho-
JL/ lunging to Maurlct It. Barnes from 1880 to 1863.
lilg reward paid for the return ef tame ut Bee ofllca.
/ 1 ASH PAID For second hand clothes , crJorsbj
\J letters r portals promptly attoiulcd to Aa-
dresnilr. or Mrs , DroilerlthUiasoinlilOtli.St Omaha.
T AHQKl'stof ruiini ) , with or without beardIn
l.J prUa'ofamilies f irnl'hcd Jroo of charge at our
offlco , oppositepodtotllcu. Caunuii , Jonoj li < ' < - . , 4U10
to B p. in. . 843-lm
rpAKENUP-Cn my premises on Dea lli. 1S83 , In
JLvtcst Omaha , nn froum Colored Pony. Bmal
white spot in forchcuIiiuMJun' ) tall n little darker
than the bodj. JAU E VANUERCOOK.
825-6t Inwkj
AU8T. 303 Tenth street , between Farnam and Bar
ney , will , with tlio old of guardlaa spirits , obtaining
anj ouo glaace of tb pint and protect , and the
certain conditions In the future. Boots and shooi
mile order. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed.
Office No , 210 N , Sixteenth Street ,
HOURS , 9 TO 12 A. M.
IlCBldcucc Cor. Centre anil 17th Sta. ,
Dr , Amelia Burroughs ,
1617 Dodge St , , - Omnhn.
TEtiEl'HONK No 14 .
Ottlce Hours From 0 to 10 . m. and.2 to B p. in ,
I. N. WAITE , M , D.
( formerly ol Mercy Hospital , Chicago )
Tor the treatment ol Ncnoui Dlsctsca , Chronic & > i
Surgical Uiscists , and DUeasoa ol too Eye
hut ,
OKFlCE-Od < l Kcllow i Block , N. W. cor. < h ss
Jodse SU , Omaha , Neb. Otflcehoung tali a ui
to 4 M I 7 to H p. m aum'ajjlu ' to IV ! u in. mil ,
Practical Horse Shoerr
M ken a peclalty ol lload tori and ItnJmlcot lior.
BOS. Shop , Dode | ktitU txtwtbn 1UI ( ua I2th ,
Copying ou ihort notice Ixfo ) work ft ip -
Initiuotlongutu In ihoit b id auj iu yri
r irg itawu. * ! : . JUsLUuc * Ho
ACr ,