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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1884)
8 Tilt , UAJLL5T BEE OMAHA , FBIDAY , FEBRUARY 15 , 1.881. THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA. Friday Morning , Fob 15 LOOAL BEEVITJES , I'riro fighte nnd orcrytlilng goes tnOmnlia at present. Now crop clover and timothy seed for sale. Sliugart , W lto k Wlea , Council Bluffs , Iowa. fS-lm. Sam Williams has a fondness for ' hts wife , .Tudgo Voncko will tnqulro into it this nttornooru Mlko Mah-in , who had a badly battered toco , was gtvon three days In the county Jail to rocuporatc. John Stanton alias Dee , was nont up for twonty-fn o days on broad and water yostcr Jay , for stealing a patr of drawers and nliirt , The break In the North Omnlm sewer U nowcnK | > sod adlfitanco of sovontyfcot , This will bo repaired M noon as the weather will l > cnnt. ! The lcm or section of the overland train Arrived In thia city on time yesterday , but the Ogden section did not roach here until noon. , lohn Aofland Dotlef Oranbach will on 1'elmiary ICth open nt Mlllnrd thoMIllard houfo and bar , nhlch they Intend to run In first-class Btylo. (14-Gt Patrick Hockbud amueos hlmflolf by thumping his wife , throwing lamps at her nnd RO on. Ho wns hold until thin afternoon by Judge Benoko for trial. Mr. 1C. J. McGinn entertained n number of bis friends Wednesday , at hla residence , 814 Ifoward street. A nice supper was served nnd a pleasant evening won passed. Dr. C. J. Chambers has discovered that the man who mysteriously disappeared from hln employ a few days ago , took with him quito tv lot of valuable property. The ladles of tha "Homo Circle" club have inado arrangements to give a leap year Hatty at Masonic hall this evening. The * jinmo of the club is n sufficient 'guarautcoo [ tlio high order of the party. Mr. James J. Osnnoll , who was killed nt Lyons , Nob.on Jan , 4th last , had his life innurod for $1,500 , % vlth his mother , Mrs. Hannah Corrigan , of this city , ns beneficiary. This lady , through her attorney , Gon.O'JJrIon , I received the full uinount of the policy yester day. ( liinmaNeisini , n Gorman girl , was burned to death in the Bastlau house fire , in Council Bluffs , Wednesday morning , She wns Bleeping in the room with Mrs. Bastlitn , when the fire broke out , nnd uho was unable to guin the out- dido. A coronor's jury wns empanelled and rondoiod a verdict of death by burning. Ii. W. IMxon , who wns spoken of n few weeks since in TUB .Boo , has opened bin Kan Glnira lumber yard at the corner of Eighteenth and Nicholas streets. Mr. Dlxon is an old lumber man nnd thoroughly understands lib bushiest ) , and will doubtless do n thriving bus- IneM nt his new aland. His family will be removed - moved to this city in n short time , and will bo A valuable addition to the Bociaf world , as Mr. DIxou li to tlio business world. The looturo of Col. 23. li. Mason , which waste to have boon delivered at the Y. M. C. A. hall I * on next Ifrlday evening , bos boon postponed until Tuesday evening , February 19. The Bubject of the lecture is "Tlio Spirit of Chiv alry. " The lecture will bo accompanied by an interesting musical prelude , nnd all who at tend will no doubt spB > ; < i an enjoyable et en- ing. This is the Or.t of a series of free ice- tiirea to bo delivered during the remainder of the winter , PEHSONAI ) , O. W. Howe , Falrfield , is at the Millard. John Glllejple , Lincoln , is at the Paxton. W. P. Plowman , Tokamah , is a guest of the Mlllanl. W. II. B. Btout , Lincoln , is registered nt " * the Millard. , * J. M. Thacker , Vort NIobraA , id'stopping nt the Paxton. . , ' / * Jftuioa B. Hartwoll' , of Hosting ' * , is n guest of the Paxton. , Augustus Kountze , of New } fork city , or- rrlvod In Omaha yesterday morning. O. 0. Ktnkoad , Lincoln , and U A. Stewart , Norlh Platte , are registered at the Paxton. D. Morris Sullivan , John Chrysler and * Charllu Kaul , Madison , are at the Metro- olltan. A. P. Spencer , agent and' adjuster "the Qneou Insurance Co. , Kansas City , Mo , Is nt the Millard. JSdwin A. Storey , Now Jersey , N. J , , of the Thompson-Houston Electric company , iSontoii , Mass. , ia in tha city. /C. 1' . Staoey , brother of ex-Chlaf Clorfc Ktocoy , has boon in tha city on a fraternal i lilt , wid started lout night for Poorla , 111 , , homo , James E , White , uuporlntendent of the HUth division of the railway moll service , ar rived In Omaha yesterday morning and left Jan for Chicago , Mm. A , 8. Hobble left yesterday afterorf fer Syracuse , N , Y. , called there by A dlsr * " tba't Her dauchter , Mrs. A. P. Pottfl WM very HI. She was accompanied by ) l 8on' CUM. W. Iloobble. F , M. Molynenx , WakeBold , ' peater , Fullerton , II. V. McNov BwU , Ind. , Krod If. llall , > : v Mich. , T , BlsUop , Denver , i Mctro- tUer , Alton , III. , are rue $ ' ' - jioUtan. . of A"1 " tn William M. Shaw , - town. William U the ttf * ? l tor tlio ( treat I. , H. ltdio for the 0. , B , n , waara f , Urt coll' orably with the AIO worn Jewett , wid h s ooni/ui' / h ° m look a the mo lag * of ICiuuiaJi CItyto tropolli. * pry Instance , or money II- nrtmont. O.nt h All raemVers of tl/epartmcnt / mn. ft ! > quwted to attend/ / meeting of the > * " Omiiha Kiro Deparf nt > w uo wd nt # . ip : . Q'i' imll. wnwry 17th. ivt 2 n. * to eompleU jVW fW . * " , wwUs for'tho Ku/'nen\tor ) / tate place jil'lhl * city rifxty6' J B00 * t * ' ' t , Seo'y. A SUDDEN DEATH. Jndgo A , M , Mml Drops Dead In the Street , Tlio Ijlfc of a Bright anil Talonicd Young Sinn Brought to n Mont Sudden Termination. Seldom , if ever , has there bcon a death in this city which has caused such gen eral surprise and sorrow as that of Judge A. M. Ohadwick yesterday morning. The wedding bolls were pealing and Judge Chadwick was on his way to Trin ity Cathedral to witness the wedding. IIo had reached the corner of Seventeenth - teonth street and Capitol avenue when those who were near him , saw him stag- gcr for a second , and without any appar ent warning , fall backwards upon the sidewalk , dead. Miss Brigga and Miss Fees were very near him and the former lady shouted tea a passing expressman but ho evidently did not hear her and passed on up the street. Several gentlemen then arrived upon the scone , and picked up tlio form of tlio prostrate man and carried him across the road to the skating rink , where ho wan laid upon the floor. Dr. Leisen- ring waa summoned , and upon his arrival there was still a pulse , but very faint , and the doomed man did not breathe titter falling. The doctor bled him in the nock and arm , but without any ef fect , and the tystandors were informed that Judge Chadwick was dead. The causa of his death wan duo to ap- poploxy. IIo had bcon complaining of his houd for some little timo. At tlio time of his death , his wife was in Trinity cathedral to witness the wed ding , and was awaiting the arrival of her husband , who waa to join her there but ho never camo. The lady was called from the church and informed of her irrepar able loss , and was convoyed to her resi dence , which she had loft with a light heart but a few short momenta before , but which now is decked with the habili ments of mourning. Judge Ohadwick has tried his last case and has gene to atand before the last Great Judgo. The deceased was about 30 years of ago , and had boon a resident of this city for about seven yoara. Ho studied law with his brother , and was admitted to the b r a few yean since. At the time of the resignation of Judge Bartholomew , A. M. Chadwick was ap pointed to fill the unoxpircd term of the gentleman who had defeated him at the ballot box. At the close of his term ho was elected for a term of two years. Last fall ho was again elected to servo an other term of two years , unanimously , no other candidate being in the field. About a year and a half ago Judge Ohadwi7 < was married to lady in the east , who still survives him. There are very few men in Omaha to day , who enjoyed so largo a circle of friends , and warm ones , as did the late Judge Ohadwick. Ho was extremely popular with all classes , and not without cause , for a moro genial , whole Boulod man was not to bo found in the whole city. His futaro was an unusually bright ono , and it so ms sad that ho was not permitted to enjoy what there was in otorq for him. His sudden death has thrown a gloom , not only over the legal fraternity by whom ho waa very highly respected and loyed , but ever the community in general , and his liorrow stricken wife has the heartfelt sympathy of every person in Omaha. Tlio body of the dead judge was taken from the rink to hia residence. The district court this afternoon ad journed on account of Judge Chad wick's death. Thousands Say Bo. Mr. T. W. Atkins , Glrard , Kan. , writes : "I never hoiltnto to recommend your Kloc- trio IMttors to my customers , they give ontiru satisfaction and are rapid sailors. " Electric Bitters are the purest and boat medicine known and will positively euro Kidney mil7 Liver complaints. Purify the blood and rcj * ulato tha bowels. No family can afford to t > o without them. They will save hundred ; ol dollars In doctor's bills every year. SoU ( at 60 cents a bottle by O. If. Goodman. Joined for Ufa , Lost ovenint ; at 0:30 : Mr. Wi m Bel- don was married to Miss UW Brady at St. Barnabas , by Rov. Jo ) < * Williams. Those two young people h'vo l ° nK ° eon well known in this city / " < * have hosts of friends. They lo' last mhltor ( ? Salt Lake , Utah , wl they will visit Mr. 0. W. Lyman , p resident of Omaha in former times * an undo of Mr. Boldon. Hpcolllo I. entirely 9 vegetable preparation , and should not be fUfou'idod with tlio various m- Itatlons , iionfl 0.Vmm.k''S ' ' < > ( "Suecut Alter , una " etc. a'u * which cither contain Morcnry and' Potash or are composed of old romrdlM which hav * onB since boon discarded as of no value In'10 treatment of Blood JJIsoiww , und nnnn n'thom contain a elncla artlclo w liich enters410 ! lll ° composition of tJwlft's Specific. Tlior'8 ot > ly ono Swift's Specific (8. ( B. S. ) 'i.ioro ( nothing In thaorld like it. Jio BUr' ° 80 * the gemilua , Send for Tieatlio on niud and Skin Diseases , free. fiK SWIFT SPKCIKIO Co. , Drawer 3 , At- , Junta , G . CHIEF CLKIUC BTACEY UKSIGNS. The Jjoss of n Most Valuable Man to tlio Hallway Mall Service. Another important change , which af fucta not only this city but the atato at largo , took place in the postal service dopaitmout yesterday. Mr. James D. Stacey , whd came hero from Pcoria , 111. , about a year ago to accept the situation of chief clerk in the railway mail service , resigned on Monday last. Thia news was most unoxopootod by every ono , as it was known by all that Mr. Stacey was fulfilling his duties in the moat satisfac tory manner to the public , The cause of Mr , Jatacuy's resignation is the mca'gro si'nry which the government pays to this ofllco. When this gentleman accepted thin oOlco it was understood that ho Biiould receive § 1,800 per joar , but the go\ eminent allowed him only § 1,400 for his servicof , a paltry emu for men who huvo the ability and energy that Mr , fitaccy has. On Monday morning last ho telegraphed his resignation from Pcoria , 111 , , to General Superintendent Thomp son , at Washington. Mr , Jamoa E White , superintendent of the Sixth division of the railway mail sen-ice , whoso oflicu ia in Chicago , and under irhosa jurisdiction the chief cleric in this pjly jfl , waa notified and started at once Mr Omaha io fill the vacancy caused by th nr < > * ignutionj II9 orrivud in Oumha jeiterdaynnd appointed A. W. Qriflln to tucced Mr. Stacey in the chief clerk ship hero. Mr. Griffin is an old. Omaha nan and n veteran in the postal service , having served in it ever since 18C8. By Mr. Stacoy's resignation the postal aorv- ice has lost ono of its most _ of- iiciont , onorgotio and industrious men. This gentleman has boon for years recognized by his superiors in the service na such and the business men of this city who have become ac quainted with his work hero sincerely regret hio loss to the department. Mr. Stacey loft yesterday forhis former homo , E'ooria , 111 , , where ho has accepted n utuation in a wholesale house , as travel ing salesman at a much bettor salary than ho received from the government. Assistant Chief Clerk Harding will re tain his present position and will bo a valuable nid to Mr. Griflon in the begin ning of his now duties. LOVE'S LINGO , The Day of all the Year When Little Missives of Love Are Exchanged , The Feet of the Letter Carrier " \Vonry With Much Walking nnd Hla Ilond Bursting From Much Thinking. > Bo hold the sign ! 'Tia Cupid's valontlnol For every bachelor and mode it maid Who of love's darts has never bcon afraid , The pn < ? o of every missive 'twill adorn , And bo as rosy as the over radiant inorn Oh , heart , that's not In search of pelf , And sponkoat only for thyself , Lot each fond boat now toll The ono thoti lovoat well , That thou and thine Art ov rinoru her Only V a 1 o n Tine. The above is a fitting emblem of ycstor day , St. Valentino's , when found one loving hearts exchanged tender missives the beauty and grandeur of which were ac cording to the size of the pocket-book. Over sixteen hundred years ago the custom of exchanging valentines was established tablishod and instead of diminishing , itia each year increasing , and the mail car rior's foot in this city , and in fact , in al most all cities in the civilized world , are kept busy on St. Valentino's day , and a night as they stretch their vraarr limbs upon their cots , they inwardly offer uj thanks that the day comes around bu once a year. "Tho delightful fashion of sending thcso messages of friendship and tender sentiment , " said a well-known dealer in valentines yesterday to a BEE reporter or , ' 'is every year being olovatcd to a higher plane of thought and act. What , for instance , could bo moro charming than this reproduction of F. 8. Church's painting called 'Tho Lion in Love" ? Orpheus phous charmed the boasts with his lute but the harmony of the girl's beauty hero depicted has conquered this brute and she leads him by chains of roses The lines painted on the satin ribbon that circles the picture are in keeping with it : "Stronger than tempest , than the tameless sea , Stronger tban time , than lite or death may bo Id tender love and neck of droadost powers She bendoth gently with a chain of flowers. "How pretty is this figure of a gir who , robed in white , kneels as she plucks a hutublo daisy and thus apostrophizes trophizos it , her mind intent upon her lover's fealty or falseness : "Now , pretty daisy , if ho loves me true As vou shall truly tell , I'll think na rosebud half so sweet aa you I'll guard and tend you well , lint , crutil daisy , If ho loves mo not , Oh , If you toll mo nay , I'll seek , seek HOIIIO dreary and deaorted apol And fling you for away. And so on , an innumerable pile of ali c'esigns , and so worded , as to fit every condition of mankind. There ia without doubt § 1,000,000 worth of valentines sold annually in these United States. Even as wo write , a swoot-Bcontcd en velope , of snowy whiteness , is laid before us by a messenger boy. With trembling hands and palpitating heart wo break the a pal , when , " Sweet sjnrit , hoar us swear , " it ia a trick ; done up in a wrapper which spoke of love and happiness was a heathenish - onish looking thing , with words which spo&o not of "sweet love , " but rather ol contempt , sarcasm and scorn. Greai heavens , wo were unprepared for this ! Will somebody please "aeo that our grave ia kept green. ' ' Real Estnto Transient. The following floods were filed for record In the county clerk's ' office Febru ary 13 , reported for TUB BEX by Amos' real oslato agency : Ira F. Weaver and wife to Charles H. Friday , w d , block 144 , in Elkhoru , § 150. Edward Ainscow and Rachel Ainscow to Henry L. Schiver , w d , uj of wjj of lot 30 and w 45 feet of wi of lot 31 , in Hartraan's add , 81,300. Peter O'Jtoquo ' and wife to Jennie Shields , q o d , vrj of lot 7 , block 27 , in Omaha. Cornelia F. Ham and Jamoa M. , her huaband , to John P. Hoc , w d , the undi vided 4 of lota 11 and 12 in Godfrey's sub-division of block D , in Shinn's add , $700. Jacob 0. Dcniso and wife to John P. Roe , w d , the undivided A of lots 11 and 12 in Godfrey's sub-division of block D , in Bhinn's add , $700. Ciirrie'Shinn and Moses F Shinn , her husband , to Erik Rismmsen , w d , n. 52 foot und. U inches of lot 17 , block 1 , in Armstrong's add , § 375. Erick luismusson and wife U > Carrie Shinn.'q o , s 7 feet , 117 , b 1 in Arm * tron } ; a first addition. $1 , _ Lyman Richardson nnd wife to Charles H. Hhool , wd.110 , b3 , in West End addition. $850. Samuel Lippiucott and wife to Fred. W. Gray , w U , n hf of 130 in Hartnun'a addition. $1,050. Fred , Dresol and wife to William Mark , w d , nw qr and w hf of no qr of aoc. 35,1C , , 13 , containing 20 acres. $000. Jhnbratderlce , lowest jirlvea , at Qarralrant A Cole's. 2'/io Cheapest at Qarralirant & Colo's. 10 Ibs. Fresh Oofloo for 81 00. GRA.ND UNION TKA. CO. , RKI > FKOXT , Douglai bet. 14th and loth Btreets. HOWARD PLA.OE. Lots in this addition command a fmo view , fronting east and west , two and a half block 1 from Faruam street extension ; Bold ou monthly payments by Bell A Bhuver , BESiSilLUIBB111' ' " ' * THE JOHN M. THURSTONS. They Gic a Splcnflid Ball io Cronoiic's ' Hall Last Night , Mrs , Tliurstou 1'rcnontH Them with n Bplcmlltl Dnuncr. The first ball of the John M. Thuraton Hose company was hold in Crnunso'a hall last night. Nearly ono hundred and fifty couples were in attendance and the party was ono not soon to bo forgotton. The dancing was not all done by the young , occasionally n gray hoiul boi soon in the sea of dancers. The John M. Thuratons have long looked forward to laat night , when they were to bo pre sented with a gift in token of their victo ry at the state contest last fall , Tin's gift was a beautiful purple banner , hung on a brazen standard , about six foot high surmounted with the American eagle with outstretched wings. This banner is wholly the work of Mrs. Thurston. Upon ono side ara the words , "John M. Thurston Hose Co. , Omaha , Champions , ' and the reverse is covered with line noodle work , the whole , border being trimmed with filagree. The presenta tion speech was made by Mr. Thurston for his wife and was overflowing with wit. Said ho in conclusion , "I have boon jealous of you for quito a while ii : the past , for my wife has taken n\ \ the _ time she had to spare , after keeping the babies qniot , in work ing for you and she lias done moro for you than she would bo willing to do for mo. My wife should have properly inado this speech , but when she and J entered into n partnership some years ngo wo made an agreement that she waste to do all the talking at homo and I when away from homo. " Ho then presentee thorn with the banner saying , "Never lot it trail in the dust or the man tha carries it bo caught. " Colonel Smytho responded for the company with very fitting remarks at tlio conclusion of which ho presented Mr. Thurston with two elegantly gantly framed photographs of the com pany , ono represents the boys in a group and the second the hose team just ready to start in the championship race at Lin coln last fall. The dancing continued until 12 o'clock when an excellent sup per was served below. The programme whioUwas fully carried out , included twentytwowoll selected dances. Much praise is duo Mr. Pentzol , master of ceremonies , for the nblo manner in which the ball was conducted. Below are the committees : Floor Managers John Curry , Samue. Crowley , John Roach , William Webb , George Blake , William Coots , George Stoelo. James Cormick. C. W. Mitchell. Reception Committee J. M. Thurs- tonf 0. S. Chase , 0. R. Ilodiok , J. H. Butler , J. H. Griffin , D. T. Mount , J F. Coata , S. F. Woodbridge , John Ton > plot on. Committee of Arrangements Charles A. Salter , F. S. Malcolm , W. P. Ses- siena , P. Noonan , Joseph Vanderford , James Traynor , T. Collins , John Simp son , James O'Brien , George Cott , Will iam Cott , James Donnelly. The whole affair was an entire success , and it is hoped by the lovers nf dancing in this city that after next summer's statu contest there may be an occasion { or its being repeated. "Wide Awake Druggists. 0. F. Goodman is ntways ahvo In hla bus ! ness and spares no pains to scgure the best o every article In his line. Ho has secured tha agency for the celebrated Dr. King's Now .Discovery for Consumption. The only certain tain euro known for Consumption , Coughs. Colds , Hoarseness , Asthma. Hay Fevor.Bron- chltia , or anyaifecUon of throat and lungs. Hold on a positive guarantee. Trial buttles froe. Rcpular size SI THE KAILROADS , An Acljoiirniiiont of Their Meeting at the Pnxton Hotel Last Night. The meeting of the last two tlays al the Paxton hotel of the freight and traffic managers of the various roads run ning west from Chicago adjourned last evening. The mooting hold hero was the regular quarterly meeting of this associa tion , but others are frequently called as Ui6 pressure of business demand thorn. In this Western Joint Traffic association thvro are twenty-seven difl'oront roada , alt running west of Chicago , and it ia the lorjost combination in the United States. Nothing was dono'at the meeting other than to classify the various liindit of fioight , making ono hind of goods the same class of freight ever all the -twenty- seven roads , thus facilitating tho'settle ment of their mutual accounts. This is the first m no ting of the kind ever hold here , and upon inquiry from n prominent'official it was lo.-xrncd that it was hold hero out of Courtesy to the roads west of the Missouri rivoJ. : STEIOT OOUET , Tlio Crank Jury BIt kc8 Its Final lrc- Hentinonta a ml is Disoliargeil. In the district court yesterday , before Judge Wakeloy , the case of Gallagher against Dow was submitted to the jury. Before Judge Neville the cano of llnua against Wright , at 3 p. in. , was given to ho jury , which returned a scaled verdict ate in the evening. The grand jury yesterday afternoon nadu its final presentments and was dis charged. Ouly ono indictment was ro- urncd , that of the atato against Lou Heorgo for robbery. At this terra of court four indictments only were found. Oito against Snoll for murder in the second .degree , two ngainst Ooorfiia Sinclair for untieing girls untUr eighteen jear 'of ago to disorderly muses for purposes of prostitution , and he one montlono'l ' above. The grand jury inspected the jail , ns iroyided by statute , and inado tno fol- owing report : To the Honorable District Court for Douglas Comity , Nebraska : Thogwnd jury of the Pobruary , 1884 , term of the district court , for Douglas county , in pursuance to tie instructions of eaid court for the purpose of making in examination of iliu jmmo a to its itato and condition , tlio disolpline and treatment of the prisoners therein con tained j their habits , diet and acconuno- datiorw , and have * the honor to report that the caid jail is in all respects kept * - and managed according to alt require ments of ho law. SAMUEL ILiwvKit , Foronnn of Grand Jury. At 3 p. m. , on motion of 0. U. lied- ick , Esq. , the court adjourned out ol respect to the memory of A. M. Chad wick , who came to sosad a death yester day. The following is the assignment of cases for to-day. Before Judge Wnkoly Gallagher vs. Dow ; submitted to jury. Gaylord vs. The City of Omaha. Uorbach vs. llandall ot al. Strict ? vs. Sodgwiok. Before Judge JSTovillo Ilous vs. Wright ; submitted to jury. Samuel vs. Short. Baker vs. Pritchott. North vs. Ilousel et al. Clark vs. Armstrong. Gallagher vs. Pitin. Patrick vs. Guy. HOWARD-WOOLWORTH , . A Grand Wedding at Trinity Rathe- flral Yesterday , Mr. Guy Howard anil BIIwH .leannlo AVimUvorth the Contract in VartlcH. Ono of the most brilliant events which has transpired in this city was the wed ding yesterday , of LioutonantGuy Howard to Miss Jcannio Woolworth , which waa consummated nt Trinity Cathedral at 12:30 : p. m. For weeks , in fact over since the liar- risou-Saundera wedding , this event has been the topic of conversation in the so cial world.and it has been looked forward to with a great deal of pleasure by nil. By twelve o'clock the cathedral wns quito well filled with the elite of the city and at every sound at the outer door the largo audience would turn in their seats , expecting to BOO the bridal party enter. It was a little prompt of the time stated when the wedding party entered the vestibule of the church , and the cur tains ere drawn while the ladies re moved their wraps. .At 12:20 : the great organ pealed forth its strains , when the curtain swung back and the bridal party moved up the nislo in the following or der : Lieut. Treat , Lieut. Collin , Lieut. DoDrusey , Lieut. Grobblo , Miss Miller of Brooklyn , Misses Ross , lUchardsou and Millard , followed by the bride , loaning upon the arm of her father. They walked with alow and measured tread within the chancel rail , when the groom elect advanced from the right , and offered his arm to the bride that waa to bo. bo.Tho The imposing ritual of the Episcopal church was then pronounced by Bishop Clarkson , assisted by Dean Millspaugh , and was quito lengthy , the contracting parties answering all questions with u line and clear voice. At the close of the ceremony the organ again penled fortl- and the bride and groom , followed by the balance of the party , marched down the uislo and into their carriages , when they were driven to the residence of * the bride's parents , Mr..and Mrs. J. M. Woolworth , where a reception waa tendered. A din ner waa aorvod , and to aay that it was elegant would not half express it. . _ The bridesmaids were beautifully at tired in white , trimmed with swan's down. The bride was elegantly arrayed in white satin trimmed with tulle. The groom waa dressed in full dress uniform of his rank and the groomsmen were at- tped in like manner. . 'Ao groom is a lieutenant on his fath er s autf nnd ia a young man of sterling worth. The bride is the daughter of Hon. J. M. Woolworth , and ia a youn lady beloved by all. The young couple are 'both favorites in society , and atari out upon the voyage of lifo with bright proapecta and the fond wishes of all their friends. NEW PAWN BROKER. Money loaned on Clothing , , Jewelry , Watches , and Diamonds. A. SMITH , 2C-tf 620 South 10th street. A HAPPY KETURN , Julius Tttoycr , n Prince of Good Fel lows , lltturncil from Accompanied by Ills Mother. Yesterday's train brought back to this city ono who has been sadly mitisi4 < and at whoso return there is great rejoic ing. Julius Meyer was that ono , and ho lias boon kept very busy receiving the con gratulations and hearty welcomes of Ha host of friends in this city. About four months ago , it will bo remembered tha\ \ ho loft for Paris , having in charge a party of Winnobago Indians , for exhibition at the world's fair at Paris , The contract for their appearance was made with Mr. Ttloyor by Count DoLagrango , n notable sporting man , and also a government agent , Mr. Mover was well repaid for his trouble , and has had n very enjoyable time , in 3t of which has been Paris. Ho brought yith him his mother , which now makes the Mover family complete and also completely happy. Absolutely Pure. Thli fi > il r reT r \ > tn , * A narvtl of purl' UtM.tjb nud ubUtiom n n M rv lumtcaf th t douiry lli.Ji. Bndriivft li > M in ecu petition kith Dun ultituuo < > ! ' ) t : , lit t wd. It , alum noj rnly A rn- . Mtl'r tt Vtf Vir for Infants and Children. Cnstorln.promotc's Digestion nnd overcomes I-'latuloncy , Couslipa- tion , Sour Stomach , Dinrrhcea , nntl Fovorishncss. It insures health anil natural sleep , without morphine. " Costorlft h so well mlnptal to fhlldron that I recommend It ns suiiorlor to nny prescription known to mo. " 1L A. Ancnsn , M. D. , 83 fortland Avo. , Brooklyn , N. Y. 'Wlmt glres onr Children roiy checks , What cures t'.icir f overs , tnaltrc thorn w < v > n $ 'Tin CMttirln. TVlicn bnlilot f rvt nnd cry by turns , What cured their colic , tills their worms , Hut Cixtorln. AVlmt quickly curon Constipation , Sour Stomacli , Colds , ludlgcetlon , Hut Cmtorliw rnrowcll then to Morphine Syrups , Castor Oil end Paregoric , and HnllCnutorlnl CENTAUR LINIMENT nn absolute euro for Illiounm- tism , Sprains , Burns , Galls , c. The most Poworiul and Pene trating Pain-rcliovlng and Healing Remedy known to man. SPECIAL NOTICES. firspoelals 'will Fosltlvolynot bo Inserted unless paid in advance. TO LOAN-Monov. MONHY 10 LOAN In sums of $500 and upwards nt Oinor annum , en Uouila ; count } farms. Ad dress H. 0. Patterson & Co. , 1404 I'anmm St. St.90lm. 90-lm. ax ) 1.OAN Tbo lowest t to of interest MONKY Dcmls' Lo&n Agency. IBth & Doxiglaa 2Stf MONEY TO I/JAN In sums of tSOO. , nd upward. O. F. Davis and Co. , llcal Kutato and Loan Agents , 1505 Farnam St. 393-K HELP WANTED. "VT7ANTED An experienced gltl for Rcncral house- \\orklnfatnllyoflour. . Apply MO north 10th ftlrcot. 412-H5 TX7ANTiU : Fl'st clais fonmlu pastry cook at the T I Arcade , 1215 Uouglis street. 4J3-1KD . WANT Kl ) A rood girl , German preferred , 1010 1'nrnatu street. 13710 WAJfTEK-A ents In e\ery township In Xcbras- kn , for ono cf the beat Hellituartlceaoxcr Intro duced. 8tll t sight. Call or write to the Oil AHA STOVE REPAIR \\OI1KS , 4SO If 109 S. 14th Street , Omaha. \TTANTED [ Twcntteams. . V > 432-15J H. MANNWhlLKn , SOT llth St. \T7 ANTED Coed stead ; man to work. Apply to VV J. F. Potter , Florence , Neb. 431-15' WANTED * n experienced salesman to call en busincti men only , with a upeclalty. Gill at 200 N. 10th street , nnd MO us In regard to It. 43420 } \\7'AN1'ED A good iiohcinlan wiesman for dry V\ goods ttorc. lniUlro | U18 S. 13th street. 430 14t TTTAN1 ED A Rood ulrl lor goncral licusework. VV Apply at 221 North isth street. 411-183 " TT7ANTED A competent girl. Must bo a good M cook. Coed wagon \\ill be inld , iLinilru at 90 ! ) eouth llthstriet. 415-119 TT/'ANTt D A girl to do houscw ork. Good ages II to the right sir ! . Inquire at 318 south 10th M. 412-tf G. r. ELSAS3EH. TITANTED A good gfrl for general homework , VV 411 south loth street 414-205 WANTED A good girl lot general howenoik in small family. Uood nan'es. Applvnt Atkin son's Millinery establishment Crulghton Block near P. O. AN1ED Olrl for general liousu work in a small family. Call at 1415 north ISth bt. 421-tf W ANTED Olrl forgentral housework , also nurse girl , S. K. corner I'jrn un and 20th St. 411) 14 T ADIE8 OH YUUNO MbN in cify or country to JLj take nl'e , light and rlcamnt norkat their own homes ; $2 to 83 a daj easily and ijulotly made ; \vorK sent by mall , no canvassing : no sta'cp for reply. Please address Reliable Man'Co.Philadelphia ! To. , drawer TT. SU7-lmt WANTED One hundred teams and one hundred laborers for Railroad work. McCOY & 1IORAN , Caufleld Houae , Ninth and I'unmra Hts , Omaha. - 4031m TXf ANTED T o i iris cook and second girl. Host TI of wages. Apply 8 , E. coruer 20th and Cali fornia Stt * . bVS-tf TTITANTED Scrtant gliln of all kinds in reed of > V employment , to call at our office , opposite post- office , bLt n :30 an J 0 p. m. CANMO , JOSlKd & CO , Frcnzer Block , Oia-lm "ITf/AHTED A German dinln ? room Idtch.n girl. V > Ucsso and Hoppo , 418 S. 13th St. , between Htrnov nud Howard. 565 tf SITUATIONS -V7A.NT3U. T ? furnl hd room with lunrd , with a strictly respectable - spoctablo private fimlly , heru thtre are uo othfr Imarders. Must h o good re'cronco. A ddrcss with all partlc ilnrs. "P. U. " this ofllco. 4JoiSt TXrAITIED - \ Bltuitlon bv a druggist fora short tl time wlthsouioiliugtlrmthat wishes to s II nut ; ith the \ie of purchasing the stock. Mu t be In some ll\e town. Addrtzs R. J. VanPottui , Clilllif othe. Pcoria Co. . Illinol' . 808-10 WANfED A rellahle } oungman wants a place to wort , board and go to school. "S , A. W. " Bee ottJeo 388-tf TTTANTED-Sltuatlonj for" first elasi orocbcs. T ? Call At our ofllco from 431 to 0 p m. Baturdava 1 to 0 p. m. t'ANNO N , J ONES ft CO. j Opp , P. O. rtrANTEH-Tollent , plainly furnished room jr V mairciitly , wltli or without move. Will fu Ii > h coil. JHu t not c ( xoil ? 0 < J'1 ' per month. Fortixgla man. Audrosn "F. " care Lock Box 811. < clty. WANTFU-TaUg boarders at 117 N. Ut tlreet bct crnC'aiiltol axnucand J > odRO Mtreoti-U 4 < 4 279 T\7 ANTED to fjuj a stock of clothing , dry goods , r V boots and ehotia or ( 'rocfrlc * for spot cull at n trim. Address l ck ' > ox 1 BUIr Hub. 410 18 niANTED-Uonk-kocpini ; , a Set ofbonUto post W.UD sienlngslor low hours each day and also ook after collections. Addrosa < ijl. 1,7'Boo ulllcu De tclicftionccsgl > cn. . Ultf WANTED Parties wUiilni ; hoarders aul thoeo search of board In private holies , w Ikft or wit out room , io call at our oilico Ir Jin 4.3 J to 0 p. in. CANNON , JONES A CO. , Opposite iMstofHcc. 015-lm FOB BEHT HOUBeir and Z to. FOR RENT Two ( urnUhed room * 1HH anil .No. 5C2 Hedge trf et , , 437.UI IUAbE rD buslncs-i lots lUli street , bcUtea POU and Capitol a > cnue , east ilda , for a tcrrfiot jufw. . AMK.S , 439-if ild'TKarnaniktrut. FOR RKNT-Kurclshod rooms at 1619 fttniaia. 423-191 FOR KENT llooia and hoard to one or tuo geo. tlt uen , Sii H. ItitH and lluney bts. J.HI FOR Itn.NT-hmnll homo , Inqulio of A. Murphy , 4:0 S. nthstrou : . 423-UI 1OK RENT A can bo raomo > latod JJ with furnUhud roomy Apjily 131d farnam tit. _ FOR RK.Y1New house wlihtlx loom- , bay IJ. diiw , 1C1S llatoa a nvi. Ciobo to iti ut. 883 UJ FOR RUNT-Mctl } fi rnlrhcd rooms with or with. out board 1016 Dadga ( it. 190 1 | FOR REM A IIA uncnt vlth three ruouin lor lljht t mad kt'cplng i013 I > od ) > e bt. 191 1C ] HKNT-T-6 noui homo ou Wt.l > Ur wt t of FOR ISUi St. H. T. 1'eUibon , real rutata ivent , 15th and UoilglM. 873 tt-luio IOR [ RENT New 0 mom dwulllng , hath room , ' city and clilem water , hot water , thomghout good collar U K C1U4COI.L. SSd H | RENT Stow room with basemeit ltd | FOK Jeep , 1511 1'aruaiu St. 1M.UL3EN li CO. . ] 6au ( 'uniauhtrfet , S4 tf JJM > iv IthNT FurnUhed room 1021 Capitol avo. 1 872 tlj _ _ FOHIIENT B - > er gcod IIOUMO , tUi one Oroora floe ! ) IiuulshM hoiua. Joliii E. EdwarJj , | lu t'arnvm bt 3S5-K heated iN , 1 W It TJ10K RENT Furnlehod room with or without J ? board. Kim t location In the city. AIsi few table boarders wantedN. W , cor. 18th and IVnani. 169-tt FOR RENT Largo new , two torv itmblo hou o , Bhinn's addition Miltablo for tno fanilllcs or boarding house. Inquire Room 24 , Omaha National Bank Bulldlug. ISS-tf FOR RENT Funilshod room for gentleman , nlco tno for light houao keeping Bcemors block , corner Eighth and Howard St 803 tf RKNT Furnished rooms on the northwca FOR oor. 13th and Capltolavenuo , formerly Crelghton Homo. 183-tl1 "iroil RENT Itouuu In Nation * Oitnx J ? Building. Meet deslratlo otflcca in tha city Supplied with hydraulic clo'ntr.r nnd hcatod b steam. Apply at Bank. < J2f-tf ! ? OR HALK FOR SAM : OHKAP-Complolo not of new heavy rope tools for boring oil or aitcsionwf lli. ( N. O. LukcnsCo. , McConncIls\llle. 0. 4IMS. FOR SALE A 12,000 pound * IVIrbtnl. . ' * Hay Scalo. Will hold both wagon and horse' , It l nearly i evr and will Lo told at half price. Apolv to 433-20 , T. C. llRUNNEil. FOlt SALE 42 ucroi , IIOUBO , stable , abumlanoo o' fruit , near churcli nud ochool , 6 miles from railroad - road , 20 miles from Omnha , Sl.OCO. Hcautlful residence property , 100x423 feet , ehado and fiult tries , house and barn , 83OuO. FOR SALE -Ono of W. K. Vcrnons ttcam pea nut routers In giod runtilnff order cheap. AdJrots "confcctloncr"j tare Omahi Hee. 413-165 R SALE -Tlia furniture of the reddenco N. W. corner OUj and Harnoy. Apply on the premises. 1 403-101 FOR hou e lOx her , S2.0CO 130SHainev FOR SAM -Cheap , n line Shoningor organ nearlv new. I , ftceu stopi. List price S390. Call at 1310 N. ISth/it. second dour noitli of Shertron bt. Call ntter 5 il'cluck. 375 15 ' OR SALF House and lot In Shinn's add. Prloo dl.eop , I SOOjcash , $16. per month until pild. EMlfUY & JO.NHS , Heal cstato agtnts , 1 00 Harney ! st. | 357-14 1 _ _ IjOR S l'.n ' Cheap , one six foot and ono throa 1 fooUh'uw ' ciso at Lj OII'B C.gar btore , 07 South ISth St. ) 224 tf _ FOIl SAiLE A bargain. House of 7 rooms , Oib. end BHncroft St. gothlc. Well built , barn to. , only $1.80 * if sold within 00 dijs. SiiAUS & B0i- ARD , m plains Block. , 203 tf FORS/1JLE House of 6 rooms in Parker's addition noarltbo. 820 000 school houee new. A cheap place ou < asy terms. S1.700. EEARS & BOSARD , Williams [ Block. _ 209 tt OR HALE A eplcndltt hou u of ID rooms in Milnjn's addition , if S'ld within S < J < JaM > only ? 3.700. ikCAUS & BOSARD , corner 15ihami'Dodu ; _ _ _ _ 210 tt f OR BjVLE Farm 3 miles from city. of MM. pioytr , over Rotder's Drug btoro , eib and Wobsur S72-tf _ F I Oil tJALK Two countcis and Hfty feet of good shewing , ohu p , at 1503 Dodge St. 168 tf Fi I OR SALE Two largo Normti nstallloni. Address O. IX Blrdsall. Walnut , Iowa. IM-lm * BALE A good tw o story Btoro property in FOR , Waj no county , Neb. Address 0.1) . Bird- sail , Walnut , low n. 155 Imt FOR I SALE OR TRADE A good span of mules , hajrncss and wagon. Inquire Alex G. Charlton , at McC'jagua Bros. 930-tf FORI SALE Two open Fecond-hand hugeics and on i delivery wagon , chop , at 1319 Haruoy St. 830 Iff TTlOlt SALE-Colorado coal. 1 his coal la as free liora JL1 soot and aa clean as Rock Spring. P . W. BKDFORD. FOB SALE Two portable boilers , 10 horeo nowo ( Apply at D. FITZPATOICK , eostti SIR South IGth St. F : OJ18ALK A email Mo < der , Dnhman it Co. , Bra proof safe , almost now , nt thin otllco. tf TjlORSALE My two story brick residence , 19th JL enl | St. Mary's avenue. Large barn , out-house , water wor.s , well arranged. Lot S0200. Piice * 7.5C 0. BtBt Bargain in Omaha. Cell at M. Toft'i PooIon Bink. S77-t F 'iJiRSALE ' 12 lota one block west of Park nve- .10 COM. Lots uOxUO. Will soil the whola trao for 37 ,100 , II sold bcforo January 1st , 1884. Reolei tote OWTIOM bhl this bargain , if joucall at People Ban 27tf TTIOR SALE Cholco business property , three lott JJ oor. SaundcrB and Charles Strirjt. H will piy vcu tojnxestigatothls ofler. Call at People's Bank. "TJ10R HALE-Improved proimrty , which will pay J ? tha bnj'jr 'Ju per cent on tlie luvojitment. Rest ! for 31 , KU per year. All occupied bv first elms ten. antd. Will sell tor $10,500 , if sold Boon. All or one. half coth , balance , one to th e } ears. The aboi e In- vo.itnif nt U worth innatlfatlon. Call at the People' * Bauk. _ 280 tf FOR SALK Ola newspapers in Urge and small quantities at thli office. | r I 7 BI'EOJAtiTJES for those out if employment to I I make money with. Call on M. I , . Smith , 208 N. Ifltli ttrtet , and see tample . _ 4331m LOST-lS73two ! discharges fiom the armv be. longing to Maurice R. Barned from 1S6U to 1 803. lUn tcward paid for the return et same at Bee ofllco. . 424-1B } _ _ /1ASII PAID For second hand clothes , orders by \J letters or postals promptly attcnripd to Ad- druuMr. or Mrs , BrodericJitilttcouthlOthSt Omaha. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40Q.lrnolR | | PROTECTOR-Uupreewlciitcd'i ' ducemcnta QUEEN lady agooU for this new rubberunderurar uiuit for laaics. Addreo Mltli'manii * ) , men * Co , I ) south MiySt , Chicaifo. IKMnu. T AROKI'Htol roomi , with or without bcard.Iii Jpriale famlllta f iruuhtd free of charge at cmr olllcc , uprosltepojtolflc * . Cannon , Jonu & o. , 4.80 to 0 P. m. P43-lm N Ul'-Cn my premise * on PBO. 15 , 1883 , in JLwost Omaha , ono Cream Colored Pony. 8mal white ipot In forthcad.mane and tall a little darker than tha bodv. JAS. E VANDERCOOK. EDWARD KDEHL , UAOJ8TJ5B OF PALUYhTERY AND CONDITION. At.iyr. 803 Tenth tr J , between Paruain and liar- noy , will , with the tU of guajdbu piit ! , obtalalokr an ) one gUneeofth put "nd praient , and thj certain condition ! In the future. Boots and ho i mala order. Perfect MtMaetlon iruarantt-od. F.B. YOUKGHOSBANJDT 1S03 rarnara Btrcot , room S.Omeha , Nth. Collections jollciled Month' ) or othcrwlte , lath in city and country , and ou all lines of llaijrcadj. be. rurllj procured for ilebU r.o mutnrtly paid. Booki lept aud bi auccd e l.lyandinomlify , A general udltlug bu liic s done. CommLinoni of tfl itaai romptlj atteuueJ to. U U .N , U ukt1 J n John D. Peabody , M , D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , OFFICE ROOMS , Sand 61WJ