Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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The Injunction case of Marshall Ko ;
versus the city has boon transferred from
the circuit court to the district court
> which moots in May. The delay ia to
bo rogrottcd by these who liaivo to pass
along that part of Broadway , I'whoro thi
oidowalk is loft , unfilled during the pen
dency of the suit.
Remember the lecture of Marion Bax
ter at the opera hoUse noxtMonday even
ing. Subject , "llamlwriting on the
Wall. " She contra hero with the reputa
tion of being a very fine speaker , and as
the entire receipts of to the Homo of the
Friendless , by the generosity of the
speaker and of Sir. Dohanoy , the house
shall bo filled.
Ono of the lookors-on nt the roller
skating rink suggests that a balcony or
gallery should bo built for such as want
to sso but not to skate , so thai the raised
platform could bo used by skaters to
rest , and lookers-on would bo better ac
commodated also. The rink is proving
moro of a success than was expected , and
there nro larger crowds than wore looked
A man who claims to bo n gentleman
has boon seen taking papora from the
door of business houses in the morning ,
before they are open. If this person
does not wish to see his nauio in print in
connection with this article ho will hereafter -
after not take papers belonging to others.
By calling at Tan BER oOico , No. 7 Pearl
street , wo will allow him to road the
news gratis , if ho is too poor to have it
delivered by carrier nt his residence for
twenty cents per wook.
' Some are trying to make out that the
old jail isn't so very bad after all because
Jailor Schontz lives there , and if it was
so terribly unhealthy and bad , he would
choose some other habitation. Where
could the jailer live except at the jail ?
Especially is his presence needed there
day and night in view of the fact' that
this jail is so old and rickety , and as is
well known had not Jailor Schontz and
his family been right there ,
occasions been'1-- '
there would have - Igon-
cral jail delivery. :
Jailor Mettaz had a drunken printer
on his hands who was unable to jiay his
fine , and who wanted to go down
of the newspaper oflices and got a chance
to work it out. Davy accommodatocfhim
by going down , and while talking ! with
the foreman the printer slipped up ptairs
with the protest of seeing if ho cou/d'nt
raise money , enough among the bojis to
pay the fino. He slipped away ontifroly ,
and now Davy says , "I shoot first su n of
gun who take ono step too fast.1'
settles it.
Ed. Allison , the other evening , loJit n
vest and pantaloons oil'tho clothes-lints at
'his residence. Ed. says ho knows ( the
fellow who stole thorn , and will fjivo
.him a short time to return the same jbo-
fore'he pref ors charges against him. W.
- T. Brown also lost a pair of trousers I in
the rear of his houso. Wtih TUB REE
man's shirt , which was taken last weqk ,
this clothes-lino thief now must mako'a '
very respectable appearance. In fact , he
would have the appearonco of a real
dude , could he "catch on" to The Glolje
man's neck-tie , and The Nonpareil man
The row at the Saturday night danc
at Golden's house , near the Wabash de
pot , will probably bo hushed up , ttioug
it ought not to bo. The charge of dis
orderly conduct preferred against Croob
was dismissed , and ono of assault and
battery entered. Then that was dia- '
missed and the case against Phillips , !
who is charged with stabbing Crooks in
five or six places , wast continued thirty
days. It appears that the participants
in the affair being related by marriage ,
i t is a family muss , which they acorn dis
posed to settle among themselves. This
is the second row in which they have
.boon concerned , and this second ono is
much moro serious than the first , as it is
said sling shots and knives were used.
Phillips was battered and Crooks was
stabbed. It ia claimed that Crooks with
Dome comrades came to the house to raise
a row , and assaulted Phillips who in turn
used a knife to defend himself. Crooks
claims that Phillips is the party to blamo.
It seems as if so serious a matter ought
to bo sifted to the bottom , and whoever
is at fault punished , for if a tjiird row
occurs and ia as much moro serious than
the second , as the second is than the
first , there will bo a homicide.
THe Tests To-Day.
The postponed official teats of the
water works are to take place to-day if
the weather is favorable. The committees - ,
tees , already named in TUB BJJK are to
moot at the city building at 10 o'clock
this morning , and the test will bo as
soon after that hour as the nrrongoinenta
can bo conveniently made.
Heal Batata Transfers
The following deedj wore Clod for , re
cord in the rocorder'a office , February
14 , reported for the BEE by P. J. Mo-
Mahon , real estate agent :
Christian Peterson to Alfred Taylor ,
part wi nwi30 , 70 , 43 ; S300.
L. W. Ross to Mary W. Siodontopf ,
lot 7 , block 7 , Beers sub ; 842.
John A. Matzor to Andrew Schwanson ,
sw.f ne ] and ne | nvrj , 28 , 77 , 42 j § 2,000. ,
Hans Dotlofs to J.-B. Joliannson , BO ] ,
13. 77 , 3'Jj 3,500.
C , 1) . & Q. ft. 11. Co. to Solomon
Dillard , si uwj , 7. 74 , 88 ; $1,120.
Total Bjilcs , § 0,002.
In another column will bo found the ann -
n ouuoeroent of MtKH.rii.THOS. COOK & 80N ,
T ourist AgenU , 201 Broadway , New York ,
relative to the very complete arrangements
they have uiade lor tours in Europe 'the
coming Spring and Summer. "Cook'i Kxcur-
KionUt , " containing jnana and full particulars ,
will be nulled to any ruMreai on receipt of 10
M " W MM i BB B iM Mu MM
and Co. .
Hearst , Dunn & Go's Peoria Advance Corn Planters and Check-Rowers.
And a. Full Line of
x * i o u 1 tu x * a , 1 I IXL 33 T e TXT e > M. t
Y ?
Nos. 1100 to 1116 South Main Street , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA.
% i5 = 5 KsiS fcS i * ? i - -
Peoria Advance Corn Planter'and Check Bower ,
< 3I * = Ci.i. gfK *
* iS3 ig& & ! t * * - ' ' *
Old Eeliable Peter Schuttler Wagon.
Fish Bro's &Co's Celebrated Wagon.
= -
- qtdiAjA ' - * - = I TI IF i * 1 - *
_ - - f i _ j _ j 1v 1
_ _ _
We carry a complete line of buggies and can iurnisl
nnything from bent to chcHpest.
Call qn us at our Mammoth Warehouse , and see I'he
fineat display of vehicles on the Missouri river or writ < <
for catalogues.
L , . . . * ' . . . V
ftfif * - * ( * * * * - " i :
Peoria RotarfDnPlaflter
1. Lightness of draft and easejof hand
2. Combination of hand and foot levqrs
is such that Planter can be made rigid or
flexible , at will oi'opeerator. .
IJ. Hand lever is in centre of machine ,
one lunner cannot go deeper than the
other n fault common to all planters with
lever on aide of machine.
t. Made of A No. 1 stock and substan
tial in over particular.
5. Painted with the beat Oriental Vermillion -
lion , elaborately striped and varnished ,
making it very handsome and attractive.
0. Warranted to do first cla s work in
any soil. The check rower is very simple
and warranted to do first-i'lass work if prop
erly handled.
Old Reliable
> vord o praise from us. H
isknownall over the United States , and
where the very best wagon is wanted , yon
can always sell a Schnttler. . A sample set
up in your Warehouse will convince you
hat fanners will buy the Schuttler at
Schnttlor prices.
Owing to the fact that we brought the
into this trade one year ago'and ' sold in
twelve months S10I,000 ) worth of them ,
many of our competitors have been repre
senting to the trade , because of the financial
difliculties of the Fish Bros. , that-wo would
* iot bo able to supply them , hence we wish
to assure dealers that we have arranged for
the sale of this celebrated wagon , and call
.their attention to the fact that the wagon
must be nearly perfect , if that is all the
fault our competitors can h'nd with it. Fa
vor us with nn order for any number and
we will convince you by a prompt slnpmonl
hhat wo are able to supply- the large nnd
over increasing demand.
f yougwant Corn Shellers , write to
i ; Feoria Planters , ! ( write to H
Stalk Cutters , onejor two rows , write toJ O
Bakes and Harrows , write to [ S
23 .
Feed Mills , writeftto
Fish Bro's Farm Wagon , write to
Peter Schuttlei'sfsWagon , writelJto O
Barnes' or Royal Check Rows , write to EHO
Peoria Check Ro ws , write to OTa
Bradley's Tongueless Cultivator , write to OTo
Fish Bro's & Co , , Spring Wagon , write to o H . -
o o
Cheaper Spring Wagon , write to z
Buggies or Carriages , write to
u Anything in the Implement or-Vehicle line
write to
Tlio Furst & Bradley Plow is BO favorably known to every farmer
west of the Alleghany mountains , that it is not necessary for us to
recommend it.
The Bradley Iron Beam Spring Cultivator has been well and favor
ably known to fanners and dealers for years , and we are bound to main
tain its enviable reputation in the trade.
This is our secoi , | . ycar with the Bradley Tongueless Cultivator and
are guaranteed to bo hCj all implements manufactured by Furst & Brad
ley Manufacturing Co.-first-cins8 in every particular.
The Bradley Rakes are first-class. We makofiem ] either hand or
self dump , for one or two horse ? . , \
This Thresher is manufacture3 by C. Aultmaa & Cotton , 0. , anil
with their new power or Traction engine ia all that can
but threshers ,