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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1884)
' \ i THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , FRIDAY , FEB11UARV 14 , 1881. 1 I THE DAIL.Y BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Priday Morning , ! obi 15 , RATES : By Carrier -20 cents pot wcel By Mai - - (10.00 per Yeai OFFICE : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION , Additional local on seventh page. Cheap railroad tickets nt Bushnoll's. To-night is the "music night" at th < rink. rink.Tho The Catholic Knights of America gav < % dance lost night. Council Blufts should support at leas ono good militia company. Remember the noonday prayer moot ing at the Y. M. 0. A. Rooms. Union revival moot ings every of tornooi nt 4 o'clock in the Presbyterian Church "Schipod town" now shows on tbo po lice records how ono prisoner was dis posed of. The Episcopal social was hold las ovcning at D. 0. Bloomer's residence 01 Bancroft street. Two follows were arrested yostorda ; on suspicion of not bonofttting the cit ; any by loafing about it , The latest matrimonial license is issuoi to Otto Kochlor , of Macedonia , am Minnie E. Dote , of Carson. County Superintendent Matthews i ono of the latest victims of slipper walks , and is laid up temporarily by fall. There will bo a regular' ' , in i f Fi d'elity council , No. 150. R. A. , thi ( Friday ) evening. A full attendance i desired. The exhibition by Bordio Bliss at th roller skating rink last night was oquall ; a success with the first night. Ho is in deed a wonder. The citizens of Garner township wor to moot last evening at the Grange hall at Park's mill , to discuss the now cour house project. The funeral of Miss Emma Nousius who was burned at the Bluffs house fire will take place at 0 o'clock this morning leather MoMonomy officiating. A freight train on the Milwaukee roai jumped the track near Undorwoo Wednesday night and several cars wcr piled up , but nobody injured. In the cose of Duncan against Milet in which plaintiff sought $100 damage because the latter killed a dog , the jur returned a verdict giving plaintiff § 2 and costa. Peter Bastian , whose house was burn cd Tuesday night , and who was himsol injured , is getting along much botto than was expected , and hopes soon to b around again. There was little done in the circui ooitirt yesterday , the bottom falling out o t cases assigned for the day , and adjournment V t journmont vras taken about noon unti this morning. Sheriff Dan Farrell has been off on an other successful trip. This time it wa to Kansas , where ho arrested a folloi named Sykos , who was wanted for rap and burglary , There is not so much business at th now city jail as at the old. The polic forgot to put up a sign on tlio old built ing tolling the crooks and drunks whei they had moved tq. . Invitations are but for the married L dies' bal masque , to bo given at the 0 ( don house on the evening of the 21st , an which promises to bo ono of the great a < cioty events of the season. Mrs. R. S , Cole was thrown from & ! sleigh at the corner of Bancroft an f Dodge streets Wednesday evening , on : hcr collar bone broken. She is gottir along m comfortably as could bo o : pectod , B. 8. Fofrington , of Avoca , ono of tl . jurymen in the circuit court , has bee / called homo by the sad news of the deal of his little child , who had only boon i few days , and who was considered be improving when ho loft home. The Young Men's Shooting club is tl name of a now organization which la have a shoot for n gold modal at U driving park on the 23nd. The raembe hip Li limited to twenty-five , and the are now tweniy enrolled. The medal be shot for by members only , A short time ago N. W. Williams ai Mrs. Wall MoFadden visited their age audlCatie Woodworth , in Warren , I Now comes tbe sad news that she is dea She had reached the ago of 90 years , ui vras troubled with a cancer , so that t event was not unlocked for. The old court house is leaking agai the water dropping through the coilii into the court room itself , The roof h been lately patched up. This /act / is i pectfully referred to those who are ct ing out against a now court house , a : who say "patch up the old one. " On Saturday morning last Depu Sheriff Talbott arrested Julius Hock ai Charles Perkins , on the charge of co epiraoy , an information having been fil by Misa Mary , eldest daughter of D , ] Solomon , of Dec ; Creek township , T men und r arrest were In the employ Mr. Solomon , and , Jlyt specific charg against them , we are informed , are ve erioua. They were taken before Juit ! gUykw , of Solomon , when they waiv xaininttion. The preliminary trial w * t lor Friday , and the prisoners a spending the interim in the county ja -Iffilveru Lender. DEALING WITH A DUDE. A Lire Specimen of that Species Cap- tared on South Main Street , Us Plans for MnfcltiR a Fortune of Western Farmers. There have boon Boon here norno pooi mitatlona of dudes , and a fovr on tin alf shell , but the first genuine , blue loodocl , feather > tipped , satin-fringed rocndcd , hnnd-paintcci one a dudi worthy to bo pronounced with a "j" udo appeared here yesterday. Ho wn fresh , hand-picked importation fron .ho oaot , aunt forth by a fond father win ad filled the young man's pockets , bu orgotton to line his head. His cut-awa ; lung clonoly to a body which aoomci nly n sort of horao-lmir connootinj ink between a quiz-glass and a pair o atont loathors. The "judo" suoccodoi in mounting the stops to David Bradlo ; & Co.'s great agricultural machinor. warehouse , without even starting i loam , and ho tossed his gilt jdged card onto Mr. Loomis * desk with i don't-oxcito-mo ' about-a-million-or-ao-ait That gentleman , as usual was busy , um imply glanced about to BCD where h could got a silver salver on which to pan liim over to someone else , yrhon lit lorriam came alongside , looking GUI ! ously to see how it , the , the whatovo t was could stand alone. To him th dude drawled out hin autobiography i ! liealth advice of physician to go wes and rough it thought ho could make 'ortuno at same time got biff stock fart machinery settle in some little villag iko Omalia sell machinery take note , nd mortgages put in liands of a lawyc sit down , draw big interest , and gobbl up farms on foreclosures. Tuc DEI : society reporter was in th ) fiico getting some pointers from Wiloj .ho bookkeeper , about a Prosbytoria social , and Merriam , with a bcst-two-it , wink turned t hroo-go-as-you-ploaso , him , and introduced the dude , saying- This is our Mr. Jones , who will she you around. Make your selections , an wo will make prices to suit. Wo alwaj do that. As the judo and the society roportc tyiuntcrod out of the office onto the tin floor they found themselves in a bowildoi mont of farm machinery of every coi coivnblo sort. The judo feebly asked fc 1 guide book , and being supplied with .hick . catalogue , Boomed satisfied tlu with the Aid of this and his companion h could make the rounds. The sound of locomotives and cars , t < gothor with the vast extent of the placi led the dude to inquire if there was n elevated railway on which they could g around , and seemed disheartened o learning that the engines and cars vroi simply carrying freight to and from th big warehouse , the tracks being on tw sides of the huge building. Ho at lai bravely settled down to the task < tramping it. On reaching the great carriage roon where scores of different vehicles are dii played , ho was all broken up. H thought there was nothing but cow-boj and struggling settlers in the wild weal and it was only with much effort that h was persuaded to take abaroucho and dog cart jnat to try. In wagons , too , ho Boomed to hare gc posted enough to know that they are sc on wheels and go on all fours. A mour tain pile of wheels by themselves rathe throw him off the track and horantc to know , "Mygrawcious , my doah sirral : what in the name of the great Jove d they doah with such heavy velocipedes 1 Un being assured that all the countr roads wore not pavpd-yot , ho was brougl back to the subject of wagons , an especially referred to "tho old roliabl Peter Schuttlor wagon. " Ho was an ; ious to know how old Peter vras , an now reliable , and being told that at tli time of his death Peter was roosonabl old and that ho was reliable to the o : tent of a few millions , all made by givir people the best wagons to bo had , 1 Boomed satisfied , "These am the waj on , " eloquently urged the salesman pi torn , "in which the early settlers recover ever these virgin prairies , crossed tl dreary plains and westward brought tl : star of empire. " The dude broke dow under this burst and remarked that wa ( ons tliat could stand all this and yi lock just as good as now , were the kin for him and ho wanted some. "Now , there's another wagon , tli Fish wagon. J. I , Oaso u behind thi wagon wtth about ton million dollars , The dude kept stretching his neck an peering around the corner , and askoi "Why , where , is ho ? I dontspohim , "Well , perhaps you don't see him , butt is there just the same , and they say he going to stay there and back up th ; wagon right along. " Leaving the trul to trickle into the dude's head gradual ! the society salesman sot him down for grow of Fish wagons , knowing thi would suit anyway. Just then a queer-looking machii caught the eye behind the quiz-glass. . looked as if it wont on bob-tails in f roi and wheels behind. The society report caught the words , "Pooria Advance Ou tivator and Chock Rower. " He couldti tell what it wu all about , but convinc * the dude that when planting in the wii ter time they used the "runners , and summertime it went on wheels. Tl dude thought this WM &s handy in a commodaUng itself to the weather i Yonnor's predictions are , and concludt to take a bunch or twc. Ho noticed tl little hoppers or boxes filled with cor and thought they had batter send alont ; few extra ones , so that the machiu wouldn't have to bo sent back to the fa tory to bo refilled. The beauty of Aultman & Co.'s thros or took his eyo. Thinking of the mat accidents of the threshing season , the r porter remarked that "there's A muij box that plays the dead march once in while. " The dude evidently didii catch on , and stood gaping until ho aski ho r many other tunes it could play , ai the attempted joke being explained , tl quiz glass was sighted at the straw carri and his face lit with ' up a why-didn't- ihink-of that-beforo-eiuiloaa heremarke "And there's the stretcher all ready carry elF the wounded and dying , Thai thoughtful but sad , very s&a , sirrah and in a minor tone ho suggested that i putting him down for some threshers - he arse had bettor be added to theord a j for a barouche anddog-crt."How roar { threshers are in a case ? Don't kno\ B S Well , put me down n couple of > case ( aud don't forget the hoarse. J ; The Bradley bsy rake , he thought , wi 10 queerest sulky ho ever saw , but coined satisfied when ho came to under- land that it was for breaking colts , and lint the juvenile steed when too frisky , ould bo steadied down by letting the prings drag on the ground. The "self- , ump , " by which the driver was lifted out of his seat , when in too great danger , was also brought to boar on him as n fur- her inducement for ordering half a lor-on , assorted ages. The tonguoloss cultivator was a puz zler. In vain the society scribe tried to nako him believe that it was especially adapted for the women who work in the iolus , and need no tongues , or furnish heir own. Ho didn't want io bo joked ffith , BO the reporter was compelled to ell the truth , that there being no tongue .hero was always room for n cool draft ) otvvHon the horses during the sweltering days of the heated term. Tins induced tim to order a couple of pairs , but il spoiled the aalo of any cultivators with .onguos , as the frcsfi salesman was too , X30 frcshy to make a tongue in ono caac an advantage , aftd in the other a dotri mont. The Furst & Bradley plows standing n great piles led him to inquire about why tlioy sold plow shares , and whothoi , ho stock was watered , and whether thi shares were assessable. Ho had boot reading up in the catalogue and couldn't quito understand. Ho would take OIK or two piles if ho could control the shares , But by this time , the fifth flooi was reached , and the dude was exhaust cd. Ho gaspingly asked how many more floors , and on being told there were enl ) three more , sank down in a limp spot on the great freight olovatpr. The reporter porter thought ho would kindly send hin lown on thu , but pulling the wrong ca bio the elevator wont up , stopping undoi the roofwhoro it could go no furtherthui Imprisoning the fain ted dude in high ail with too short a climb and too long a fall Not daring to touch the cable again , lea the elevator would go spinning into thi basement the society reporter hurrioc down to the office , tossed the followinj unfinished order onto the nearest desk hurriedly told them to shove the price up to the roof where they would find tin dude , and skipped out to report n kettle drum , which ho had forgotten about : Ono barouche. Ono dog cart. Some Schuttlor wagons. Ono gross Fish wagons. A bundle or two of Peoria Advonc cornplantors. Two coses Aultman threshers. Ono dozen Bradley self-dump rakes. Two pairs tongueloas'cultivators. . Two piles Furst & Bradley plown. PEKSONATj. L. A. Walker , of Bradford , Iowa , was a tlio Pacific yesterday. II. L. McWllllams and Jno. P. Organ , o Neola , were In tlio city yesterday nttondln court. court.Will Will J. Trotter , the Avoca attorney , is I the city. irrnnk Mayo is at tlio Ogdcn. Samuel J. Smith , a wholesale tobacco ma from Philadelphia , arrived at the Ogden yw tordny. Wm. Ward , of Beatrice , Neb. , wasinth city yesterday mi route for Chicago. On hi return ho is to bring Ills horses , seven In nun : bor , to the driving park , and place them 1 training hero. Her. Mr. Flak has returned from his trip t Now Orleans. Constable Edgorton , of Omaha , was on th hunt on thla side of the waters yesterday. Perry Heed was In the city yesterday. Glvo UB a Bridge. Kdltor Council Bluffs Boo. BLOOMER TOWNSHIP , February 13. had my fooling aroused by reading ai article in The Nonpareil , criticising thi "Pusoy bridge bill , " across the river. ! dare anybody to oppose the building o this bridge and ever attempt to run fo an office in Pottawattamio county or dis trict. The farmers would defeat him 01 masso. Money and time was spent ii securing the transfer , and for ono I cai see no benefit from it. The men win work at the transfer cab and sloop ii Omaha. The cattle are shipped to Omali aitd transferred back to Council Bluffs a the transfer for feeding. Lot mo bog o you to use your influence to secure us ; bridge between the two great twin sie tors , that commerce may not bo rntardod The entire country wants it. I can rais hundreds of dollars from the farmers a their part to build tbo bridge. Yours respectfully , Z. GOODWIN. Iilvcly Lawyers. On Monday Major Woods , thoO. , E & Q. adjuster , and Low Genung engage in a lively spat in the court of Esquir Pursoll , at Hastings. The cause was suit tor damages , which Gonung ha brought against the railroad company Gonung accused Woods of swearing to lie and they were both fined for con tempt of court for the war of word which followed. After the case wa over Gonung had Woods arrested am bound ever in , bonds of $200 to appos before the grand jury to answer for pei jury. Quite a good deal of oxcitemen and fun was made and if all the blowin that has been done since counts for anj thing there is more fun yet to follow. Painting done to order and lesson sivou by S. D. Rohso. Studio 12 Nort Main street. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTJCB. Spoolal adrortliements , itch as Los Found , To Loan , For Sail , To Rent , Wants , Bom In ; , etc. , will ba Inserted In tills column at the lo rate ot TEN CENTO PEU LING ( or the first Insertlc and FIVE CENTB FEU LINE ( or each ubseq.uent I ertlon. Leave adrertlsemenU at our office , No , Tear ! Street , near Broadwav WANTS. \ir ANTED-Every l * ly W Council Bluffs to tal VV TliiBiB. Pulhtred by carrier at only twonl cents a week. A. good home. In nlco location , ll WANTED ( our roouuj. AdditiM box No. 8 , Bi ottloe. OLD I'APEHS-r'or tale at Bis ottlce , at S5 cen ' ' ' a i hundred. OH UKM' One or tuo furnuhed rooms. U. V If 1 corner Ninth Bt. and Third avenue. Foil KENT KJe.-ttitly furulihoJ appartuieuts houiowltli private family. lUIeivnws e changed. Address II. W. J. lloe offico. SALE 01 acres ft inllei trout Ouuha , lie FOK 19x21 ft , stable &r ; llmv water Mid tlinb 92 (00. EMEUV if JONES , Heal EsUte ak'vnti. , IS UarneySt. . Omaha. 359-HI TTIOU BALK A first-class ret of liar fixtures ai A ? pool uUe , cheap. 8. Goldttcln , CIO BioadHS Council lUuOt louo. FOll KENT a large nicely ( uriiUlod room wl hard coal flra. Inijulro 82 iflr * t aenue , t * blocks trota l'o t Offloe , A GENTS Ladlei and ifentlemen can make fit xl lus u t.-ei by Mllluu the 4lChamplou litvo Btrtcthei ) and Ironing Board. " IteUlls at 1.C Any lady can do vus > fine shirt Uhqu a wrlnk and iflcxj Ii as ulcelysjujthebesyaundrlescan. Addrc tot paiticulai * C. B , a. & L Co. , I n oQloe , ( or o : won In. Wholesale We hnvo the following goods in quantities to suit purchasers : Sheep Skin Slippers , Kid Sock Protectors , Magnetic Insoles , Cork and Imitation Cork Soles , Shoe Dressing , "T. M. 70" Blacking , Heaton Button Fastners , Shoe Laces , Shoe Brushes , Shoe Hooks , Etc. , Etc , As WQbuy above goods of Manufacturers in large quantities for Spot Cash , we are euahlea to sell them low enough to suit competition. Ordeis promptly attended to. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO , Broadway , Council Bluffs , Towa. MAYNE & PALMER , . DBA' Hard and AND WOOD , BULK ; AND BARREL LIME , LOUISVILLE AND VOKTLAND CEMENT , MICHIGAN PLASTER , HAIR AND SEWER PIPE , No , B39 Broadwa ? , - . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & TOILER. Spring Goods LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS , Just Received. 7 and 0 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . . IOWA. .TOTT'Kr W "RATRTl ATTORNEY AT LAW. MANAGER OF POTTAWAITAMIE COUN- mj-U-lN Wi JDjA-LJtU > TV COLLECTION A O KNOT. Ollico corner Broadway and Main treet. "RPTflTI Xr HO GENERAL MERCHANDISE. JjJjlNU OS UU. , IS Main atmot and 17 Va rl etront. M A " 5T TV ! OTTTG" CRESTON HOUSE. 1YI A lYi.UH.lN , . n t uotoi 217 and 219 Main street. JL/Il. J , , WJaULljUt Corner Main and Fifth np.utalre. Uesld'encc. 609 Willow ael me. "W QHRTTR1 ? JUSTICE OF THE PEACn , JUl KjUJLL U J-\LJ , Ollico < m > r American Express ' LIVERY AND FEED. i TYja.VTi.iJUJ.ViWill WAfTrvTP'R I contract for lu'iorali at reasonable rates. ' 22 Fourth Btroo t. J. M. ST. JOHN & OO..OASH BUTEES , 15 Draft by return malt 148 Broadway. 1 A POP TTnnTT MERCHANT TAILOR. U JLUUJD JXUU.LL ) Stock Complete. Suite made at reasonable prices. No. 805 Main SI.I Q ( VTTTTT CONTKACTOR.AND BUILDER , &P i JC > QIYIJLJ.jU. Corner 7th and Breath * ay. Plans and speclflcatlona furnished. " MERCHANT TAILOR. PTA"KTPV IAMPQ J. JLU LLMJD X t Attla'.lo Work and reasonable charges. S72Iiroad ay T TWTYP Xr TT A "R T ATTORNEYS AT LAW , JJ11NJJ ± OS Hxl lX < Jamea Block. Practice Instate and federal court ! . Cl A "WPP A "RITTIW And Latn l" > n Bi 421 and423Broadway. L. Sovereign , Prop. P. J. \ ImO \ - O J3.1.N JLXxl-U ; L U XVI gomery , M. D. Prpslelan. < ' " JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , PTlWT'Nr T A "RPflTT JlJUVVJJN U. jfeLD-DU 1 J. , Notary Publloand general Conveyancer. 416 Broadway. TTfYTTQP SMITH & NORTON , UU U iJjjj Broadway opposite New Opera House. Refitted tl , $1.50 pec day All kinds i of/ OT. ROOM 6 ra OPERA HOUSE > COdL BLUFFS , IOWA , etc. , etc. \ _ All Orders by Mall Promptly Attended To. A LA11GE STOCK OF STOVES AND FUENITUE1S , At VERY LOW FIGURES. Don't forgot I pay the highest prlca for ISIIEIID IRAG-S ! I As I oin compelled to buy to fill coiitrccts. S. GOLDSTEIN , 538 Broadway. . GALLAGHER. C3r J = L O G ES OB-t Z New Store , Fresh Ooods , Low I'rtcoa and 1'ollto AtUndanti. fit * * Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } AS AN ECONOMICAL INSURANCE , THE EQUITABLE MUTUAL LIFE AND ENDOWMENT ASSOCIATION OF WATERLOO , fOWA , Is considered the best (2.500 In case of death , and 91 000 endowment at the expiration of ten yciri. Asson- menU pa\able according toage. Mr . Ollvo Fillcy the ogent\ call and explain the jjan ujwn your ro- quest. Direct your cooimuulcatlons to SU Vine St. Council Bluffs lona. LIVE TO EAT. KATTOL1VE. RESTAURANT AND CAFE , to Tlxo Ed. Olison 1 Broadway , ( Metis at all Hours. Chef U'culilno ( Council Bluffs. I Parties a SM | > clalty , DEALER IN ALL TH ! LATEST DESIGNS OF mi PAPER m Interior Decorations. 13 S. Pearl Street and 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. HEATING STOVES AT COST FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. CARPEBTEFSTOOLSAIBAIMBE ! Granite and Tinware. Latest Novelties in Fancy Hardware. A large line of extiaordinary Fine Carvers. DeVOL & WRIGHT,504 HY DON'T YOU OETSJIIEOF FITCH BROTHER'S CUSTOM SHIRTS ? Perfect Fitting , Best and CheapestRFlne Linen Collars aud Cuffs. No. 715 Fourth Strett Council Bluffs , Iowa , Empkie Hardware C o 10D nnd 111S. [ Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 342 and 3-14 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The only Hotel in this City on the European plnn of "PAY ONLY FOR WHAT Y9U GET. " New Building New Furnishings. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS CENTKALLY LOCATED. Fine Sample Rooms-Elegant Restaurant , PETER BECHTELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos , 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. dfc ? ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) TO LOAN i ML ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to nil Lots and Lands in the County. COAL GIVEN AWAY ! Every one who buys a ton of the celebrated Centervil'e ' coal o Platte Overtoil , office 501 First avenue , yard 80A Main street , Council Bluffs. is entitled to a chance in the drawing for one ton of coal , to be given away March 1st. You may thus get _ A Ton of Goal for Nothing. _ FROM NOW UNTIL FEB. 1 , WE WILL GIVE In all our Bocts a"ud Shoes , regardless o Quality. Don't miss tliis chance. S. A. PIERCE , 100 Main Street. CASADY , ORCUTT & FRENCH , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL And Oeneral House Furnishings ! MAIL ORDERS FILLED CAREFULLY.W 602 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are the times of the arrival mid de parture of trains by central standard time , at the local depots. Trains lea\ transfer depot ten rain- earlier add arrh e ten minutes later. CHICAGO. KUJU.lMjrO.V AXD QCIXCY. ARRIVE. 6:20 : p m Council Blufld Express , 0:30 : am 6:40 : p m Chicago K\prcs3 0:40 : a m 9:15 : a m Mall. 7:00 : p n ? KANSAS C1TT , ST. JOB AND COUNCIL BLUFFS. 10:10 : am Mall and E\press , 0:45 : p in 8:25 : p m 1'aclfto Express , 5:35 p in CHICAGO , U1LWAUKBH AND 8T. VAUL. f > :25 p m Express , 0:40 : a m 0:16 : a m Express , 0.S p m CHICAGO , ROCK 18LAKD AND PACIFIC. .1:30 : p ni AtUntlc Express , 0:40 : a m 9:50 a m Day Express , 6:54 p m 7:1 ! ) am * DcsMoluis Aocuntnodttlaq , 4:40 : p m * At local depot only. "WAIU8II , ST. LOUIS AND'rACIflC. 0.r : > .ri a m Mall , 4:45 : p m 4Mpm : Cannon Ball , 11:15 : run * Al Irantfcronly , CHICAGO and NORTUWESTKHN. .1:30 : p m Exprcsx , 0.5(1 ( p in 9:4 : i am _ I'aciflloExprces , 0:45 : am BIOUX CUT AND PACIFIC. 7:40 : p m St. Paul Express , a m 7:20 a in Accommodation , 8:50 p m PNIOX PACIFIC. 7:59 : p m Western Express , 8:39 : a m 11:44 : am Pacific Ilxprefn , 4:31 : put 7:19 : a m , Local Express , 0:51 : a m 12:14 : am . , Lincoln Express , ' * At Tran for only. fJUlIMV TUtlNB TO OMAHA. Leave 8:24-9:24-10-21-11:24 : : u. m. Itl-2:2f-S.3J- : : 4:24-5:2t-fl:21-7 : : : : < 4 and 11:04 : p. m , Sunday , 8:21- : 10.24a.m. l:24-3t4-f:24-7:0t : : : : and 11:04 p. m. .Ar- rlvo ! )0 ) minutes hcturo lemjng time. . \ i I ' 2 g K - u E u v ) fi U B f. t ) a 3 s a § g a 5 s & 3 a u aa s ? * 0 o 3 H4 C3 JACOB K. r. OADWELL. SIIVI3&CADWELL , Attorneys-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA ' Office , Vain Street. Kooms 1 and Sbncrart & Vc- Uahon'slilock. Will practlo * lo StaU and edrrt ] eourtj Tlil > riKLT < ! Kivcn.-m. tor 1 * iiuuiv . vnitMii for Iliriuiviil ilrrtiiKriiifiiii of irrncnllfK uryon * . Thov Ii n < > inlaioVn alwut IliU liutnmit-ut , ihH m- r i > .rii . ( .Mi { i I he Ii lit * ir..i t > < li'tittil til ion lk > not ( smliniid lluMil1 ! Urclrle l 'n ' 'U In un > ll u * , lioli , Ii' . . r CASADY , OitCUTT & FRENCH. JOSEPH AND COAL Corner Main street and Eighth rueuue , Coaa Bluffs. rates and prompt delivery WINTER.REStJRT. . _ SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. CURE OR NO PAY Wo Guarantee the euro of the follow Ins named dis- scases , or no pay : llhcumatlsm , Scrofula , Ulcers , Catarrh , a 1 Blood and Uln dlacaies , Dytpepsla , Liver Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Gout , Neu ralgia and Asthma , These Springs are the favorlto resort of the tired an.l dehllltatad , and are the FEE11LE LADIkS BEST FRIEND. ' Good hotel , livery and bathing accomodatlon both u Inter and summer. Locality highly picturesque and healthy. Accessible by Wauash railway , a Evona , or 0. , B. & Q. , at Albany. Correspouueno solicited , KEY. M. M. TlIOSll'SON. Manager. Slloam Springs , Qara , P. 0.Gentry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. Specific 0 rarity 1.002 .Ueactloii Neutra Caibonlo Acid Cos 20 In. p r gallon Carbonate Calcium 38,021 drains Carbonate Iron 7,041 Sulphate Magnesia 3bO Sulphate Calcium. 1,148 Chloride Sodium 7,260 Bllllca 1,568 Alumina . , . .0,018 Organlcand Volatile matter and loss . , . .1,459 Total sclldi per gallon 07,174 WRIOIII & MKKBILL , CheuiUts. TUOS , Orric , n. n. rus > T. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council BluB Estab/ishea 1856 Dealers In Foreign and omestlo Exchanga 0i UOBM Ser-mtt W. R. VAUGHAN. Justice oi the Peace. Omaha nnd. Council Bluff ; . Real estate calico ion g ency. Odd Feilou s block tf CORNER PEARL ST , AND FIFTH AVL CHAl'MAN 4 MAUTENS , . . . mOl'KIETOllS fBJOUW ' ! ! ; I ° tol2 Commutation WkVtYjfood ior'tw inty sdnilsSouj E W.W. CHAPMAN Hanajor. No objectionable characters IU be admitted. Mrs , HJ , , 11103,1.0. , , PHYSICIAN & SURGkON , 223 MiiJille "Urai'liM. ? . Catin'-n mnp i