" 5V V ' , THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 15,1934. Dr. CONNAUGHTON * 103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878-Cntarrh , Deafness , Lung and Nervous Diseases Speedily and Permanently Cured. Fiitionts Cured at Ilomo. Write for "Tun MEDIOA IISSIONAHY , " for the People , JVcc. UD9aniI 1411 Dodge St. . ' Catologuni in Application furnished , OMAHA , NEB IMPROVED SOFT ELASTIC SECTION Is wnrrantcil to vnr lanpor , fl the fnnn ncntir.niul irlio KU" ' . . ' fntlsfactlnn than iinycnlierC'or * j.i tlio murker , or pilco pntil will t fl rvfuniirtl , TholnJoranu'iitHot Chlcapro'a tKfct ] > hyclclnns. IIUPI any enoh Pornct. , Ile t Siit < ( .r .Tcnn , l'obU\ " ( fl ML AXK > oup int-rt Imnt forthrui. pli at. , JOHN DR. FELIXLh PRKVliNTIVE AND CURE. FOE EITHER SEX , The remedy bclnR Injected directly to the Boat ol the disease , required no change ot diet or nauseous , mercurial or poisonous medicine * to bo taken Inter nally. When uicd as a pre\cntho by cither POX , Ills Impossible to contract Miy private disease ; but In the caao ot thee already unfortunate ! ) allllcted uo K ar < antco three boxes to euro , or wow 111 refund the mon ey , rrico by inaU , postage paid$2. per box or three boxo9 lor $ j. j.NTOIXTEN CUAKANTKES esued by all authorized nt'cnts. Dr.FelixLoBrun&Co SOLE moriuETons. * * C , F. Oooduian , Urugflit , Solo Agent , for Omaha Neb. mie-wlv t. t.I JJii K. 0. Wnsr'j NcavE AND BRAIN TREAT. MtNT , ti guarantcctl epeciCo for HyBtcrin , Dizji- noes. Convulsioup , Fits , Nervous Neurnlcirx , Uradacho.NorTousProKtrntion caused by the uee ot alcohol or tobacco , Wnkrf alncf.8 , Jlcutul JJO- prossion , Boftennit ; of the Drain insulting in in p ; sanity ruid loadinpc to misery , docny aud dcuth , & * 1'reraoturo Old ARO , UniTcnnees , Loss of power in either BOX , Involuntary Losses nnd Hucrmat- orrhoca caused by uvor-cxortiou of. the brain , Belf- abuBO or ovor-indulgonco. Kach Ixjx conUiint ono month's trentmrut. $1.00 n box , or BIX boxes for$5.00Bontbymnil prep.iidon rucoipt of prlco WE IIAKAKTKE SIX BOXES To euro nny case. With each order received byni for six boxes , uccomponii'd thtli $5.0J , won pond thopurchnuerour vrritton Kunrontflo to re fund tlio money if the trcntmon t does not eliecl a euro. Ouorantoos jsauodonlvby O. F , GOODMAN Solo Atjcnt , Omaha , Neb. Ja&ies Meal Institute Chartered by theStotcof 1111- nois forthcexpresspurpose of rjlving Immediate relietln ell chronic , urinary and prl- vate diseases. Gonorrhoea , aieetandSyphilis In all their complicated forms , also nil diseases of tha Skin und Blood promptly relieved and permanently cured by reme- - _ _ , SpeclalJPractlce. Seminal Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on the FaceLost Manhoodpo ( ( /i/curt-/.TTierfl i no experimenting. The appropriate remedy i : at once used In cacti case. Consultations , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med. Iclnea sent by Mall and Express. No marks on package to Indicate contents or Bender. Address DR.JAMES.No.204WashlnglonSI.Chlca90llj. RED STAR LINEs Boynl nnd U.S. Mall Btoamcrs SAILING EVERY SATURDAY , BETWEEN NEW YORK AND ANTWERP , Thtlihiiu , Germany , Italy , Hdllawl and Franet Ktocrage Out ard,820 ; I'repa'd from Antwerp , 123 , Kxcun'on ' , $10 , Including bedding , etc , 2tl Cabin , ? ifi ; Excursion , ilOOr3aloou ; ( rom $5Uto (99 ; Excursion { 110 to $100. ffBTeter Wright J. Sons , Gen. Agonta. CQ Btoad- . Y. Caldwcll. Hamilton i. C . , Omaha. P. E. Klorl. < man & Co. , 208 N. 10th Strcot , Cmalia ; D. K. Kim. ball , Omalw Agents. m&teoMv s ? # . Imported Beer IN BOTTLES. ff C Erhmger , . Bavaria. Culinbacher , . Bavaria. " Pilsner . Bohemian. Kaiser. . . . . . . . . .Bremen. DOMESTIC. Budweiser . % St , Louis. Auhiiuser . , . St. Louis. $ i Be ? ; s. . . . . _ „ . Milwaukee. SehlHz-l'ilsner . Milwaukee. Kruir's . Oninha. Ale , Porter. Dnmestic and Rhine Wine. . ED. MAURER , 18UFaruam. _ SOAL23 - tr , flu. 810J , H . . Iti-mii Jtiox Inrluilrd a4oi"ARrficn1 iiu-'i.fi. . . 11-iiUiv . " . FORGES , TOOLS. &o. OMAHA Stove Repair Works , 109 South 14th St. Uke * spcoiarty ol lurnlshlag CMtlngi and repair ing elo M of > 11 duicrtptlon. wood stoves , cliangcd to born oral , rnlot , nrobaek , dumperi , fro. coniUctly ; on hjuxl Try oao ot OMT itoro p > - tbtlves SAC When sou como to thuik of It , It Is not odd that literary people prefer r.r > lpo tor , dtrnr. It In handler to enioLo when they are \\rlllnR. and e\cr no much cleaner. And then It phot them the true cubonco and fla\or of the tobacco. 'I ho moot fafitldiourt BiuoUcrn amonB all nations aud all clanhCH of men apreo that tlio tobacco Rrown on the Golden Tobacco Bolt of North Carolina Is the inont dello- IOUH and refined in tbo world. Lighter tliau Turkish , more f nwrrant than Havana , freer from nitrates anil nlcotino Uuin any other , it Is Just what the connoisseur praises and the habitual cmolier demands 'I ho > ory chotccxt tobacco irrown on this Bolt IR bought by Ulack. well'ii nurliam Tobacco Co , and appears In their celebrated Dull Durham Smoking Tobacco. Ills known the world over. Get the penulne.withlull ) trade-mark , then you will bo vuro of bavinx abso lutely ] > uro tobacco. Patent Dried Fruit Lifter. H. C. CLARK. SOLE PROPRIETOR. - OMAHA , NEW. WITH . And j'our work is done for/all / fcira to time to come./ WE JCHALLENGE The World to produce a more durable mntorin for Htreet pavement than the Sioux Falls -Granite. | FOH ANY AMOUNT OP . ORr- ' Blled promptly. Samples sent nui estimates given upon application. WM.lUoIJAIN&CO. . Sioux Falla , Dakota DUFRENE & MEMELWHN , X2-KK lOVKO'lO OUAIIA NATIOHAL DiN * - STATE JOTTINOB. About 100 persons are dependent upon Uio larityof tlio city. Two prominent cltlronsof Lincoln , formerly nttnorn In btwltiCRS , hnd n street tlglit on S t- inlay. .T. 1) . iR er , for n dozen JO.IM city editor f Tlio .Touriml , 1ms been tout to the IIISAIIO asylum -comtnixtloncd wjitownrd by U ocrnor ) .l\\0fl , 1'Alroiifl of the iKJstolflco pny for 4R1 boxes 150 cents per inontli : 1U7 boxes ixt ifi conw > or mouth ; thlity drnwon ntSl per month , nil five drawers nt § 1.M ) per month. A female patlout who escaped from tlio In- ixno hospital , WAS caught by ft farmer three niles fnim tlio hospital. She hnil nctthrr hut , liawl uor otlxcr > vn\pi , nnil wns nearly frorcn. I'l-ATTSMOCTII. Kx.Soiiator Tlptou lectures on "l.lfo In Yofhlngtnn , " were poorly attended. A Bpecial election has boon called for the 4th of Mntx.li to > oto on the proposition to rofniul ho high school bonds. The ladles who intunffcd the lonp ydnr party nstweok will devote the surplus funds .to lolplng the poor of the city , The ladles of St. Lukn's Oiilld RI \ o nu on- ojublo inailt bull nt Vitr.Rer.ilil hall lust o\ua- ng. It wan largely ntiondcd ami the coi- \imo3 aa Mirtod n rntubow IIIIM. Tim Herald says 11. k M. freight tratllo Is argoly on the Increase nnd the frelglit crows nro kept bmy oiiongh tliao days. 'Ilio IJon. or ftcluhts nro now run on fast tlmo , through rains , Ka\lngtwniity-li\o miles an hour union ) , nd malting Lincoln two hours after JcaUug Flattsmouth. Ono of the bad bojH of the town , Johnny 'hrnty. was found In the poitullico on boinu' liciiod , n few ilajs agj , with hU pockets Iill6il vith candy , pontlls , tobacco , oto. Ho Is an rpliau boy , 12 years of njjo , and hntl a coed lomo with n family In thm city. Ho will go * > tlio reform ( school. T1IK BTATK IN OkNKUAL. There nro fourteen lVnnbytorlan church or- anlzattoii In tlio new county of Unit. Crclghton's t" ! . A. H. post contomplntos roctliifr n largo hall in the near future. Tlio schools of Mlndon nro o\orcrowdoil and now and commodious building is nocdod. The jx oplo of Sidney will soon docldo by oto tha vovuttous qucAtlau f n free or toll jtidgo over the 1'l.Uto. A Btito bank , with n capital of $25,000 , ha * men orgnnirnd and will BOOH commence busl- osH In the new town of Castor , Tlmycr county. A young man namoil Anton l3cklvinp ! ! near Sclmylcir , died the other day from the olTccta f a pint of whbky and a half pint of alcohol , hlch ho ilrnnk wfiilo driiiiR homo. Ho wna S yonrp ) of age. The robbera of the rosldonco of Mr. AlborU at Ashland linvo been run down nnd omo of lie prc.petty rccovcicil. The robbery took ilaco Christmas eve nnd $1,000 in money and nluablos papers bikon. Tlio ] pay roll of the Chicago , llurlington & . Quincr railway shows that 4,059 mon were emplojod iu the mechanical department of .ho road , nnd the aggregate of the pay roll of this department for 1883 was $2,050,01)3. ) A creamery is earnestly talked of nt Water- -oo , Douglas county. Au Institution of that and would bo n most profitable ono , having Omulm as n permanent m rket for its pro ducts within a few hours' rltlo by wagon. Two Fnlrburinns quarrelled lu a cattle car over the best way to load out the calves. They came to blows , nnd during the melee ; ho jo-iing cattle stampeded , knocked down jotli iiugiltsta and -used them up fo badly hat Uie services of n physician wore needed. The three dining-room girla of the Metro- > olitan hotel at Sidney packed their trunks rad sllontly deiartod leaving n letter. Tlio otter disclosed that they were dissatisfied vith the pay ; that they had heard a rumor hat their places were to bo filled by negroes , and tli.it they thought It real mom that they could not ha\o then : compauy in the parlor. Mlsa Augusta Rudolph , a seventeen year ild dir-ncstio in Grand Island had a paittuu if her jaw nnd cheek removed the otlior day. -t was a most difficult and dangerous case ol dental surgery , but w.w sucooaef ully perf ormei' jy DITI. Muller and Stevenson The operation cansist ed in cutting the lloshon the left cheek Aiming it back to the loft , the 11090 and upper ip to 'tho right BO ns to expose the bones in ihnt uido of the face , a saw was iiifortei throurh tlio nostrils into the mouth aud the ma\lllnry or upper jnw bone sawed into two then A trnnsverao cut below the orbit of the eye , Bttvcrlntr that Dart , the whole of the up per jt.w was removed and with it thn tumor which , was of a hard subsUnco , and nbou two und one-half inches in diameter. Th parts of the face were replaced , sowed anc the plitiont is doing nicely. INDUSTRIAL IIE3IB. ViiiCtmnes , Ind. , manufactures 80,000 t < 90,004) butter dishes daily. A factory at Bay City , Mich. , turns ou 2,400 washboards every day. Mexican manufacturers are making pape from the fibers of the cactus. A Dresden artist has made a watch ontlrol of paper , which keeps good time. Twenty-one tile factories are In active ojvora tlon in Champaign county , Illinois. It is said that 2,450 watches nro manufac tured In this country every working day in th year. \ The iron trade everywhere Is working on about three-fifths production , with the pros pect of a good increase. At Grand Kapids a factory is soon \o b started In which will bo made paper board ana paper from straw. . Tim bakers will try , by united action I Now York , Jersey City and Brooklyn , to go niorci pny and fewer hours after April 10. Tlio Michigan state assembly , Knight * o Labor , was recently held in Detroit. Th political or party tide of the movement wai severely discountenanced. The workmen have lost about about S25,0 ( in wivgcs by the ( ( hutting down of tnilla on th 1'onobscot from the drought. The lumber pro duct was cut down over 10,000 foot. Tbo example of the Boston and Alban railroad in reducing wagon 2"i per umt by reduction of hours from ten to eight In u filiop ? , and the dlamlaial of 5 per cent of thol bando , will , It U feared , bo followed elsewhere The glass workers's lock-out at 1'ittsbuig ei courages the business olsawhoro , Several ne factories have started at Redmond , N , Y nellalro , Ohio ; I3ridgoton , Alto , Klmoro. N J , : Tftcon v , I'a. A general revival of businei la looked for. An Ingenious Improvement In locomotiv head lights has recently boon patented , b which the engineer , through a rod near h hand , can turn tha headlight in any dlroctloi from front to roar , on a sliding platform wlilc Is an wide as tbo locomotive at Its broadest. An enterprise ia on foot for the erection of large cotton mill In Cincinnati. Tbo capita -ttoclc is placed nt $500,000. and It U belt ) tukeu up bv Homo of the loading business moi It is expected that within a week the prelim iuarlA.1 will have eventuated into aomethhi dcnnlto. , 'i'h eastern nailers are In trouble over a no tie * of 15 per cent reduction. Thuy regard as unjust , as they .have already submitted I throO reductions , believing it nete * uuy to ot idle 4ha mills to run In competition with th irontfrn mills. The Pittxbutv mills are shu dowp by order of tbn NVeitexn u-kocintlon riie'BOductlon of wages thin attemjte < l i < lu tothu competition of the two unsoclat < on , ' St el Leltlog i , according to report , now bo Ingxuade In * Germany , Tlio bolts me mac oxclseivcly of steel vtiro , and am HO conktruu ed tlut tiny nro flexible , uakily fautrnoi ] , an may bo tightened at pleasure , The pulle ujwn which the beltlug nina muut \ > o cot ere with leather or other miiubla mutoilal fur curing thu neooiHary .ini'Mjnt of tidhurian. Ti belting h well adapted fur heavy work , It claimed , and is not uflectod by dampnotJ or change of tciiiperAtiirf. iwt le'itlior. roicKii poirrrs. "Johnfj. Siillhaii'l ayH tlio Ifolona ( M n tana ) Herald , "lost $8OOU iu pjker during hi , tay Ju Uulttj City , " Tbo JVhmaelUcs mutt linvo boon a raw ) o p > liar.pby rii. It la oalj of them that thd "listnds wcro sgaiust uycry man's hnhJ. " They do gay that th' ) nhotograpli of n Cole rtklo ricnatorgot mlxod lu a pack of cardi f u j In a piikcr gama at > ViuuIn2tou an osn't noticed for elpht liMidi , evctjbody Ujlng It for the jack of pado . And now It in proposed to Ux the pAmo ot xikor. It la proposed that the rnovo almii the ho np ody nbollnhmont of the congroulcnal > rnyor.rnootlng i nt Washington. At a hotel In a neighboring town recently- icro was qnlto ft rumpus In n room to M hlch poker party hnd retired , Iloforo the din- urbanco ceased three men were knocked on o- ofif , two table * nnd ix mirror broken , a door unshod In. and the fire detiartmout called ut , while nil the guotls filled the lull nnd the miles ncreamcdjinimlor. After it wo * nil over peaceful enoro was hoard Issuing from an id joining room. Somoof thn o present who inl cnrlonlty to luo who could sleep through leh n u l o , poiiuilrd tin thu ilnor until thuy > xti-ACtod n * loopy."tlollol" ftnd n nlghtcapped io d noon appealed at the door , and thaotco " ' wanted ' The ttnched Inquired ! "What's ? ituiUinn was explained , nnd the otrangrr ro lled ! " 1 Icon n row , cht Well , I don't mtml uch llttlo affairs. I was brought upltu * w- ego town nnd boarded next door to n thoolog- cal ecmlnary. " Card-playlni : In ow York , nays The Drook- vn 1'aglo , gniws moro iwpulnr every tiny. Ivorybody plays , Including VMIII nn. In fact omen have more to do with linking It fmh- onnblo than men. "A llttlo game of draw rlth cupper" In the ino t welcome iuv Italian lie majority of mon roceho nowaday * . Din- era and dances fclnk into InrlgnlUcaucoboiildn tu Invitation ( or pokur. As u rule women in Now York piny n small game , the m.ij'irltv ' ot going hlghor than n dollar limit , which iako.1 It possible for oven the moit Impociml- us of society men to play vlthout mnnliig 10 rltk of losing much. liesidon there Is al- vayx thu poisiblllty thnt they may win. Tliure re nlflo many ponuy.nnto pirtlca ; these nro uuch affected by women , With mon the gniuo OWH higher every yonr. I have forgotten who .wnHtlut raid Ainorlcim were n tuition of ; nmblcrs. It ntiiko.1 mo ni bolug the truth , unvovir , The Donvc'r News tolU the following story ! ) octor Tulloy , owner of the celebrated horse yetor , will reich his home in Denver to-day , 'tor a month rpent at Hot Spilngs , Ark. 'rlvtto Information received yoaturduy utatod mt during his stay nt the Springs the gonlal Dor. " got intu n little gnmo of five cent dr.iw dollar limit with a number of bloods from 10 Houtb and oast. After n while one of the ooila cot n hand thn < .ho > comod tnthcr proud ' .for ho ctoodp.it on it and uudcitook to rive the quietman from Ionvor out. "Doe. " lad n pretty clover ImiidhiniBolf. mid ho would tot bo driven. After several raUna back nnd orwnrd only Tullv and the Now York mil- onatre rumnlnod in the game. ' 'I vrUh the Imlt were "pon instead of u dollar.1 nilil th-j blood , "You can't tnko the Inidla oil too nick for mo , " said tlio owner of Lystor. Then I'll rai o you § 3,000 , " wan the prompt nplv. "And I'll raiio you back ? 5.00i ) , " said 10 Dcnv or doctor. The last bet W.H called nd Tally showed n ten full ngninnt nn nco- in ; Hush held by his opponent nnd rolled In 10 pot. With part of the money ho bought n rotting horHu called tha Arkansas Wonder hlch In ) intends to drive to polo with his old nvorlto Lygtor. "K PLUHI1JU8 UNIIM. " low tlio Motto Cntno to bo IMncctl on Iluril Money. Wtilo circulation has boon given to n itatcmant that the use of the words 1E Pluribus Unum , " which apnonr on ho United States coins , including the itandard dollar , were uovcr authorized to 10 placed thorn by law. Whou tlio nttou- ion of Colonel A. Louden Suowdou , su- > crintoiidoiil of the mint , was called to ho allegation , ho aaid that it was clearly i mistake BO far as the trade- dollar and ho 5 cent piece , issued in 1883 , wcro concerned , and , by inference , the stand- .rd dollar. "Tho uae of the motto , " ho continued , 'first appears under the authority of the lovcrnment ou the great oeal of Uio Jnitcd States. Tlio coinage acts of 1702 and 183U , in naming the dovicoa aud in scriptions of coins , did not include , nor did they excludes the uau of the motto , 'J3 Fluribus Unum. ' The motto was jlaccd on the eagle of 1707 , arid con- : inuod tlioro up tu 1804. It was on the imlf cn lo from 1793 to 1831 ; the quar ter caglo from 1790 to 1834 ; the rilvor dollar from 1798 to 1804 ; the quarter dwl- larfrom 1804 to 1828 , and the dimes from 1798 to 183 ? . "Tho coinage act of 1873 specially dos. ignatoa the motto 'K Pluribus Unum1 among the inscriptions to bo placed upon the coinage of the United States. The devices of the 5-cont pinco , which wore changed last year , were therefore in con formity with this act. The trade dollar , which was isaUed under the act of 1873 , was made in its dovicoa , inscription , etc. , stirictly to conform to the law , including the motto 'E Pluribus Unum. ' The acl of 1877 , authorizing the issue of the atan- dard dollar requiring that the devices and inscriptions should conform to the act ol 1837. As the act of 1837 did not ex clude the motto , and the general coinage ago act of 1837 requiring the wordn 'I Pluribus Unum' to bo placed on all thi coin , it was BO placed , making this coit conform to all the others ifmued since that act. "Tho motto is doubtless taken fron the expression of Horace where ho usei the pliraao , 'do pluribus una , ' or fron the 102d line in Virgil's 'Morotum , where the expression 'Color cat o pluri bus unus' is usod. It is understood tha the motto on the great seal , which wai discussed and approved ton years befon Uio tint coinage act was passed , wai tin suggestion of Mr. VV. Burton , a dnaigne : and engraver , of Philadelphia. Many o the devices on the cents issued by thi different states previous to the nationa coinage act are evidently the outgrowtl of Uio disousKion and reports in commit tee nnd in congress on Uio mottoes , in Bcriptious and devices of the great seal.1 Mr. Miffln'a Torribio Gun , Nor alk ( Conn. ) Hour , 'On the floor in ono of the rooms a the Norwalk Iron Work company ia long , heavy cylinder. IU length i about twenty-eight feet and the diamoto of the bore about four inches. In anotho department mon are at work construct ing au air-compressor , When the lutto is completed it will bo connected witl the tube mentioned above , and what thi inventor confidently believes will bo most trninondoiw engine of vrar will b completed and ready for trial. 8overa years ago , while in Washington , a gentle man from OJiio hoard a naval oflicor sa ; that if a gun could bo constructed tha would throw dynamit it would thorough ly -revolutionizo modern warfare. Mr Miflln that was the gentleman's nam proceoeded at onoo to invent such i gun , and ho h&s reason to believe liovo that it will bo a perfect success It would not do to USD powder as a propelling polling power.for its sudden action wouli explode tlio dynamite cartridge at th start and blow the gun to atoms. Com pressed air at a pressure of about SOl pounds to the square inch will take thi place of powder , _ and the gun now ii couth Nortvalk ii expected to tlirbw I tliruu pound'cartridge u distance t > f twi miles. Imagine thu uflbct of a rartridgi of , oven so small n weight striking thi side or deck of a voeael ur the rampart of a fort. The explosion would bo turri bio in its results. If the gun is a success others of u tmo suQJccut to throw JLOl pounds of dynamite ten mills will bo con atructod. The gun loaded with sand in stead of dynamitewill bo tested in b'outl Nurvvulk ut an early day in the preecnui of naval ollicore , scientific man , am others. FROM FOREIGN LANDS , Gladstone Attacked While Walling to tut Commons , Ho Coolly Shakos off Hia Assail ant and Gees on , The American Hog Makes Bis- mark Squoal. Nubar Pasha's ' Sound Advioo to Gordon , Viirlims Mill tern of Note From Over tlio Sen , li'OUKIGN NI8WS. A HQUKAI. PHOM OKHMANY. February 14. Tlio Nerd Deutsche Xoituug nays editorially : "The bill in regard to hog products now be fore the American congress is calculated to painfully allVot Germans who have national interests at heart. Tha utility oi the bill is palpably directed against Ger many alone. Germany has always main tained a friendly disposition toward America and does everything possible to show her friendship. This sudden anti- Gorman nttitudo on the nart of America excites in us regret and astonishment. \Vo don't asutuo that American states men are disposed to entertain the opin ion that Germany can bo induced by threats to rescind u measure enforced in the interests of the public health. An independent government can only reply to any attempt at intimidation by coun ter reprisals consisting of increased cus toms duHos and affecting the intercourse of the two countries. ( ItAimOXB ATTAOKP.n IK TUB bTllEETS. LONDON , February 1-1. Gladstone wai the subject of an unpleasant experience its afternoon. Ho was walking inliond root , unattended , on the way to thu oiiso of commons , when suddenly a man oizcd him by the collar and brought him o a standstill. Gladstone , with seine illiculty , shook oh his assailant hnd con- nued on foot to his destination. It is ssertcd that the man made the attack n a wager. WOOD is iticmx. OAIIIO , February 14 An oflicial do- roe is promulgated suppressing the coun- ilof state. General wood declares if the hodivo's troops are thought unfit to ght alongside British troops they hod letter bo disbanded. A DIHASTUOU3 WATEKHPOUT. LIMA , Peru , February 14. A water- pout has caused immense damage in requipa and environs. Loss , BOL',000 olea. Several persons were drowned. A CHOICE IN THE 8AVK. LONDON , February 14. Gou. Gordon's arting words to Nubar Pasha were : "I rill nave the honor of Egypt. " Nubar 'asha replied : "Never mind Egypt , eave lie women and children. " MSAVIrfQ SUAlvIM. OAIIIO , February 14. The rebels have bandoncd their position ton miles from 'imhim. HIE QUEEN'S UIAKY. LONDON , February 14. Tnn thousand opies of the first edition of the queen's .iary wore sold the first day , The second dition will bo ready by the end of the nonth. Matthew Arnold will publish his im- iroEsions of America along with the lee- ures ho delivered while in ( the United States. SPAIN AND TUB UNITED HTATEH. MADitiuFobruaryl4. The Oorrospon- doncia says the commercial convention with the United Status was signed last evening. It takes effect March 1st , ex cept certain clauses deferred to the moot- 'ng of the cartes. THU 11E1IEI.S DISPKHSIMI. SUAKIM , February 14. The news oi iho dispatch of the British forces ii spreading rapidly , and the rebels are dis pereing. A KANKKIl'8 DOWNPAIiIi. Tlio Story of a IloahcHtcr , N. Y. , IJanl Canlilnr Now Porter lu a Slioi- hyvlllo , Intl. , Hoto ) , f Cliicliiuatl Knijulrer , Ono cold night this winter the write found himself in the oflico of the enl ; hotel in Sholbyvillo , Ind. As ho BII there by a roaring lire wondering how hi should pasa the long evening a little short , fat man , with brown eyes tha deemed to search your inmns thoughts , came in. With th humble air of a menial ho stirred rod the Cro and swept the hearth. Tlioi ho commenced polishing a row of lamp that were for the use of the guests , turned and asked the gentleman onp < ail mo , quietly mnoking a cigar , who thi peculiar person was , Well , " the stranger began , "that m has a history. For the past < few years h has bcori employed as porter in this he tol. Ho is finely educated , speakin French and Gorman like a native. Aboi : five years ago ho resided in Rochestoi N. Y. , and hold the trustworthy positio of cashier in ono of the loading banks ( that city , Ho was the happy posscssc at a beautiful homo and a rich and d < voted wife ; ho was courted by the bci society and looked upon aa a brilliant an model man. But , like all the restOBI ! uncertain world , ho was not content wit what was well enough. Ho rushed reel lessly into speculation , and lost hoavilj Ono day it came to the knowlodu of the bank authorities Ilk a thunderbolt that their tried and trustp cashier had forged the name of his wif to a draft for a largo amount , and , be SKINHUMOE My baby ilx months old broke out with fomo kin n | skin humor , and after being trea'ert live month by my lamll/phMclan , wan given up to illo. Th ilrutrgutrccouinundod Hwllt'uHpjcllla , and theeffec wonasgritlfylugas It w > s mlraculout , lly chll MOOII get vvuli , all tr cM l thu dimaw In gone , an ha Is as fat si a pig. J. J. Klrkhni ) , Ulnden , Huik- County Tuxav. I have nuffcred fur many Joan from ulocm on in ; > v < a , 'fttn very Ur.eand painful , during which ttm I uurd aliucutovtrUUngtaclfoctacure , lutln > ln I took Utti't special by advice of a friend , and In i bhorttluio WAS iiiroiUouiid and well. r/jwln J , lllllor , Ileaumout , Toxai > , I have been anilctod-wl'h Scrofula for tntlio year tuid have had sores on u.e a * l rge as a man/ ham for that length o tlm . I ait summer 1 was nu bn It that I ouiilJ not w ear clothing. I had jrwi t him .ulsofdollirsintlierirott to be enroli but all ti nu purpc.ee . , and ha < l Injgrwl inyelf wllh Mrrcur ; tll'otuh. YourHwift Hiicollacur.dmaproiutli | and permanently , ajU I hope \ ry like tuflcr r nil takolt. fIj'ltn. . , Ukonl . , Atk. Our IroaiUo on Clxxl and HI In Dtsvitu uitttx | raijpijCPj0 | C ( , _ Drawer 3. AlUnU , Go , H. Y , I hnd n ipropriatod a largo sum of money belonging to the bunk , and , like the Arab , in tlio dead of night , hnd folded his tent nnd ntolcn oilontly nwny. It WAS nftonrnrds aacortninod that when ho found the ( lihmtinn growing too 'Wftrm for his comfort , in n moment of desperation , ho forged his wife's nnino , obtained the money nnd then fled for safety. It wat at lint buliovcd ho had sought refuge in Cnnnda , but after a fruitless search nil hopes of finding him were abandoned. About ono year ngo , " continued the stranger , "I chnncod to stop over at this _ town , and vrns astonished to see in this very same hotel that same man. lo instantly realized thathowns rjco nizsd as the bank dt f nil tor wnntcd iu llodioitor. During'tho day ho sought mo out nnd his nervous ngitation wai ter rible. Ho seemed to imagine himself al ready a captive , and most pittously" beg ged mo to Bftvo him. I very quiclcly as sured him I had no thought of doing him harm , but , on tlio contrary , would bo the lust pornon to causa him trouble. Ho eagerly inquired after his wife. I hesi tated to toil him the truthand yet 1 con * sldorod it best that bo should know all , So I told him how his wife had made an Application for a divorce , and only a per- snnnl service on him would bo required , nnd the law would make her free. Without - out any outward surprise or emotion hu said her wish should bo cratificd , oven nt the peril of his own liberty. If the man haa suffered ho has done on in the mo.it splendid oil- cnco. But what a wonderful change lias como over him in the past year. His hair , then black as tbo raven , is now almost white. And his wholu appearance indicatna sad resignation , " When the stranger had finished his story , I arose to thank him , nnd as I turned I saw the subject of our conversation quietly but earnestly regarding us His face Boomed to have grown graver nnd pnler , nnd as our eyes mot for ono moment , nil the stern , haughty look of pride ncoincd to die away , and tliero canio an expression over his countenance of the moat hope less and holploes despair. Hero sooniod a perfect example of a "ruined life. " I. L. _ Tlio Upper Klkhorn. , To the IMItor of Tin 11 nt. So much has been done in the way of advertising this portion of our good state that n general knowledge of tbo famous Elkhorn valley is possessed by almost every one. And yet its growth in so continuous that a fresh record of iU progress - gross of affairs in that locality may bo made every few weeks without nny tire some repetition. Even in mid winter , whilst agricultural activity IB at n stand still , the people are pushing forward the various enterprises which are building up the country. Tlio erection of new bouses , ' the expansion of business and tlio intro duction of now branches of industry , bespeak - speak the confidence which the people f eel in this attractive valley. At O'Neill City , county seat of Holt county , on last Sabbath the now Presbyterian church was formally dedicated with appropriate services according to the customa of this denomination. Several clergymen of thin name were present on the eventful occa sion , the dedicatory sermon being preached by the superintendent of mis sions in iNoLnxskn , Rev. Goo. T. Criss. man. The church is n. neat structure and is a pleasant testimonial to the enterpris ing people who have had a hand in build ing it. On the evening of the same da } at Atkinson , 20 miles further wont on the Sioux City & Pacific railroad , similai services were hold by Rev. Orissman ir dedicating the Presbyterian church ol that young and prosperous town. Mucl praise is duo the people in the fine taste displayed in the construction of their now house of won-hipi It iq pleasant to note the rapidity witli which this now county of Holt is wheel ing into line in all iU improvement ! which build up substantially thoao re cently Bottled points. School houtea churches , business blocks wnll atockcc with goods comfortable residences nnc improved farms , are favorable exponent to the homo-seeker as ho comou from thi east to prospect for a bettor lay of thing F than Is nfiordod cast ? of the great rivera Just now the vigilantes nro having a livol ; time ridding the country of the boistei ous and lawless characters which to long have infested and annoyo its inhabitants , who are too bus to bo molested. Laxity in the oxocutio of law against criminals has provoke this resort to mob violence , and no on can toll the end of all this uprising , ur loss the courts and jury fortify themselves solves with a stronger courage to frow upon this murdering spirit which is bic ding defiance to law and order. Tu Dm : has spoken out firmly nnd decided ] on this question , and a reform is loudl called for. X. V. / . TORPID BOWELS , BOSORDERED LIVER * _ nnd MALARIA. From thuao Boiircco ailAothruu-lourthaof I'm diseases of Uio human rucu. Tlioso qymptomsindicato their oziHtonooiInsol Appetite. Huvrcla costive , 8lcc IlemU iiclie , fiillnrs * afler eating , aversion to txcrtlcm of body or itiEutl , Rructutlon of food * Irritability of temper , jCow spirits. A fcclliiR of having iiejilectecl mine duty , J > Izzliici > , Fluttering at tha tfenrt.Ilota before tlio eyeiIilcliIycol- > orcd Urine , CONSTIPATION ? and do. uutnd tlio use ofa romndy that acts directly on tbo Mvor. ABaLivcrmoiUcluoTDTT'S l Iljl,8 imvo no o > iual. Their action on tlio KtdnoyH mid Skin IB also prompt ) removing all Impurities through these tUroo" oav entfurs of I lie y t m , " producing tfnpo. tlta , sound digestion , rc ulitr stools , a clear cuuso no nausea or ( rlplng not Interfere with dally work aud aio u perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. BoldoTfrj-wljfre.Uflo. -e.miun y8t..N.Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. ( iiuf Him on WiiiBitKiis ctmngou in- Itantly toaUwsar Hiacu byaalncla np. plication of tills l > ru. Bold by UrusgUta , ar Bent liy flxrn oss on rooolpt or silt Oilloo , 41 Jlurray Btreet , New Yorl' . CUH'R MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPT& E. VOLKMEYER , THE PIONEER MEAT DEALEI OP OMAHA. lilt many friends are Invited to tn\l \ at hit ne imAt inarl.rt , 2013 Cowing BU vthtre thar will llm as of joro , all tr.o cholco cuU lu Uocl , Mutton au Pork , at lowtrt mirk PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Koolilnnoo , Ao. HOJonvs St. Ollloe , fio.JWS Ft ; nnmstrcrt. Office houn , 12 in. to I n. iu. , inJ Ttlqiho'ie I or ofllc , 87 , Hetulvmc DREXEL & MAUL SUCCESSORS TO JOHN G. JACOBS ) UNDERTAKERS , the old tUnd W7 J-aruun itrttt. flidn tj U -1 * < ( rayli lollUUu aH iirowjitly atttoded to , 1 > r , WriKiicr'fl'ltciiinvnl. Ir. ) Wagner IIM retnnrcit hH olHco from K . SIS tArlmcr to Mo , ,1.181/vrlmcr , where be will be plcaidt to MO hln ( rlcntli. The Doctor In to bo congratulated on tliocornploUnftM ami elegance of hi * new bnlM- Ing. It H one ot the b tt In the city , [ Denver Ite puWI'.an , Jsn. 37li , 1 LARIMER STREET. Why you nhouU try the celebrated Dr. IL Wagner * * mothcxln ot cum : 1. "Ir. II. Wftgner U a natural physician. " O. H. Fowwrn , The Greatest Living Phrenologist "Few cut exco j ou as ft doctor. " DR. J. Sim : , Tha World' * Greatest Physiognomist , "You arc wonderfully rroflcIonUnjour knowl edge ot ilboaeo ami medicines. " DR. J. iUmnres. 4. "The umidtil find ready relict In your pro > tnco. " DR. J. Sinus. 6. "Dr. II. Wwrncr la a regular grodimto Irora Ilcllevuo Hospital , Now York city ; has hml very ox- tcnnU o lu i > IlAl riniotlco , anil Is thoroughly posted on ill hranchcit ot till bctovevl sclonco , especially on chronic diseases. " UR . BBOWNEU. & Kwixo. 8. "Dr. II. Wapicr has Immortalized hltiuolf by \\omlortulill-KXH cry of miodflo remcdlca for pri vate and rroxual dlseasm. " VlrglntA City Chronicle. 7. "Thnnianita cl Invalids Cock to BOO him. " Son Fruiclnco Chronicle. 8. "Tho Doctor's lonjr experience as a cpodallit thouU rcudor him very nuocesalul. " llocky Mono- tain Ncwa. Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At one tlmo n discussion ot the secret rice WM en. Urely avolJ l by the profession , and medical works but n few yearn ago would hardly mention It. To-iUy the phjslclrui la ol a dlfluront opinion ; ha h & \voro tliat It la hlfl duty Jleagrecablo though It maybe U > handle thla matter without Rlo > caiuid tpcak plainly about It ; and Intolllgunt parents and guanlhns v , ill thank him tor iloini ; BO. The results attending this dc8lructl\o vice wcro or * The ( inblt Is generally contrectod by. the young while attending school ; older companions thronrb their example , may In responsible ( or It , or it may bo acquired through accident. The oxcltemont once a- pcrloncoil , the practice will bo repeated agnlu and again , until at hut the habit becomes firm and com * plctcly enslaves the victim. Ucntol and nervous at frictions are usu&Uy the primary results ot sell abuia. Among tha Injurious offoctB may bo mentioned lassi tude , daJeeUon or Irrasdblllty ol temper and general debility , The boy seeks seclusion , and rare ) ; Joins In the gports ol his companions , II ho bo a young man Iio will bo llttlo found In company with the other sex , and la troubled vith exceeding and annoying baamulncss In their presence. Lascivious droama , emissions and eruption * ou tha face , etc. , are also prominent symptoms. It the practice Is violently persisted In , moro serious disturbances take place. Great palpitation ol the heart , or epUoptla convulsions , are experienced , and the sufferer may ( all into a complete state ot Idiocy be fore , Iliially , death relieves him. To all these engaged In tlda dangerous , practice , I would nay , llrat ot all , stop It at once ; make every posnlblo effort to do so ; but It YOU lull , If your ncrvoua system U already too much shattered , and consequently quently , vour wllljiowor broken , lake seine ncrto toulo to afd you In jour effort. Having ( reed yourself ( romtho habit , Inould further counsel you to go through a regular cuiino of truitment. ( or It la a great mletalcotoeupixunlhatany one may , tor eonio time , be t every ttolitt'r ph o hlm clf up to this ( irdnatlni ? but dangerous oxuitcment without suffering from Its ev II conmtquenci'ii at WNIIO future tlmo. The number ol joiuipmoii whnaro incajiacLitcd to (111 the duties enjoined by * rdlock U alarmingly Urge , and hi most nt uuch canes this unfortunate condition ot things coo bo traced to the practice ot eelf-r.buo , n hlch hail boon tbaudoncd years ago. Indeed , a law mouths' practice ft this habit la ntllclcnt to Induce opormatorrhuca I later J varsand I hav o many ol such cones under treat , mmitatthepresont day. Young Men Who may be suffurlng from tha rflccts of youthful ( ollloi or InJlscrctlona w111 do ell to avail thoouelvea ol this , the greatest boon ever laid at the altar ol sul * erlng humanity. DR. WiUKRH will guarantee to ( or * olt (600 for every case ot seminal uoakneaa or prlrata disease ot any kind and character .which he under takes to uid tails to cure. Middle Aged Men. There an many at the age ot SO to CO who are troubled with too frequent evacuations of tha blad. deroften aoamnpalilodby aellght smarting or bora * Ing sensation , and n weakening ot tha svittm In nianner the patient cannot account lor. On examin ing tha urinary deposits a ropy sediment will oltcn be found , and Koinctlinos ( mall particles ol albumen will appear , or the color will l > o ot thin mUklsh hue , again changing to a dark amltorpldsjppcarenco. There are many , many men who dl < > ol thfe Oltllculty.Ignorant ol the cauno , which U the iccond etttgo ol Dcmlnat-wcak. ncns. Dr. W. will guarantee a perfect euro iu all caaca and a healthy restoration of the genitourinary or gan a , ConiultnUon tree. Thorough cxamluatlou and ad- vtco , ( & . All communications should ho addronaed , Dr. Henry Henry Wnguor , I * . O. 2380. Denver , Colorado. The Yuung Man's Tockct Comiianloii , by Dr. n. Wagner , Is worth IU weight In gold to young men ) Price 81,2i. Bent by mail to any address. A FRIEND TO ALL. Ono Who is Needed and Nobly Place. Denver Is moro lortumto than the knows In tha KJUKJHH onol the talout sand energies ot a man who has git en his tlmo and thought not merely to the perfection ol bin skill as a practitioner ot hli pro- lofulcin fit medicine , hut to thj study ol thoao pro * found things ol science and ntture which tend to the moro compToto underttandlni ; ol the problem ot lira and ot the laws ol natura and the means ot gaining ? the greatut practical goods to mankind from thopi- fuimatlon thus acquired in the abstract , fniob a man It Dr. II. Wagner , who Is located at 343 Larimer street Dr. Wagner devoted irony yearn to the to- munition of tlio Knowledge neccvwary to his proteg- lion Iu a number of tha leading medical B-booli of the most eminent and profound teachers , Biioh names us Dr. Ores * and Dr. I'anooast appearing among his preceptors Nordti bis studies end raers. They oontuiuod In the Held ol the practicing family phMclan anil In the experiences of a man < > t cxten- tlre travel Ho h i vbltcd every icctlon ol the Uol- ted HUUn pa ) hig studious attention to the different characterised ol thovulouj jortlons ol the oounlry , pirtlculnrly with regard to their effect , dlmatio and otherwise upon health and the dlfloient forms ol dis eases. With the combined powers ol close ttudy , * x tensive obcervatlun and almost uulimted praotltc , Dr Wagner came to Denver three years ( go equip , ped u law have the right to claim to battle the lee ol mankind , the dre4U d entmy , dlttOFo , In order to render the greatest Rood to society , Dr. Wagner deci ded to lay uldo the general trinities ol practice Rod bring all hsii r'iM ' > knowledg and power to bear up on thu lee wliluh among the army ol Insldioua dcatlmgenU It tbo greatest III ] wlJo eiporlenco had taught him whit weapons to u < a and which to discard , and tfter equipping himself ai hit trained Judgmunt was so well al > lt ) to advUe him ho com- inencod boldly and oontldcntly his attack. Iu eatl > mating the muIU and success aclilevcd , It is only neccswry to know tha docUr'i nltlou and stoudlu to-day , While locaUd In this city , hit practice U i no moans confined to IU limit ] uor thi * section oi country , HUoorrenpoiidencoand express books to- tlfy In black and t Into to his itoatciu'on ol a field of piactlco bounded only by the lines which bound the ougthand bieautbol tlio country , and which hu liced him wh ro a man of liU Bklll and intellcctnal attainment * ileBcrvcs to ie.mi4thonld to be eaablu him to roach the lilghett sphure ol usefulness to sul ferlnjf humanity the piano , 'o ( financial Indepen dcnco. Dr. W gn r has contributed ol his proj/erl- ty to the aubttantlal Improvement ol Deuvertu ibg ero.tlon ot a line block ou Larimer strut , oppoaitu Mi prcnent olllw , No. it J. U will bo ready for occu , paucy In a lew weeks , and U au o > tdeuoo that the doctor la to bo numburod amoin" the peroionvnt ad lolldcltUoniolthometropolUol the plains. lthn ) ver Tribune , DR , H. WAGNER & CO. , 338 ILarimeri ; St. Addresa Bor 2389 , DENVER , COL.