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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1884)
THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA. Thursday Morning , Pol ) , 14 , ' LOOAL BREVITIES , Now crop cloor and timothy sacd for nnlo. Shugart , Walto k WIo , Council Bluffs , Iowa. fS-lm. P. T. Nichols hnd party lolt for Lincoln by Hpccifil car yesterday. Three plain drunks ere put under the euro of City Jailor Gorman last night. Mr. Chas. Clopp , the foreman of The Herald job rooms , was Wednesday presented by his wlfo with n fine boy. The last of the series of parties of the Ruth Bebokab degree ledge , No. 1 , I. 0. O. F. , will begin this o\oninp , February Hth , At Masonic hall. Oyster supper and valentine soclablo nt North Presbyterian church to-night Oysters served from 0 until 10 p. m. Admis sion 30 cents , including supper. In the United States court at Lincoln yesterday Uio jury was discharged , The re mainder of the term Mill bo devoted to the hearing of motions and equity caics , Thomas L. Klmball and party loft for the west by special car yesterday. They will go as far as Ogden , where they will moot Sidney Dillon , who Is now on his return trip from the west. Ono of the now "Buffet" coaches , "Orrmis"won sent out on the Union 1'nclfic overland train yesterday. It Is undoubtedly the finest car over usoj by the company , and la fit for a king to occupy A very pleasant party was given by Mrs. Anna Segolko Wednesday , at her residence , cornorof Eleventh nnd 1'lorco streets. Only n few intlmnto friends were present and Inno cent amusements were Indulged In until milto a late hour. Wednesday afternoon little Miss Clara Eastman entertained a number of her friends nt her house on Cass street , In honor of her sixth birthday. A very pleasant tbno was enjoyed joyod , and they wished her many happy re. turns of the day. The Denver train frb-m the west over the Union Pacific yoitoday was n Httlo "olf. " The Denver section arrived in this city about ono hour late , but Iho Ogden section did not roach this city until 2 o'clock yesterday. Snow wan the causa of the delay , The first number of The Philharmonic , the journal of the I'htlhariuonlc tnoclotyx\vas published yesterday. It Is a neat and attrac tive publication of ton pages , printed on tinted paper and Illustrated with portraits of Thursby and Do Kontskl , and ( tiled with Interesting - torosting musical notes. A capo wns commcncod In the district court Wednesday by James Crolghton and Thomas J. Fitrmorrls , executors of the outato of M. W. Kennedy , deceased , against the heirs of mid estate. Owing to differences that have arisen between them , the petitioners pray that the court shall put the proper construc tion on the will. The Turn-Veroln society will glvo a man- qucrado ball on Thursday evening , February 21st , at G ermanla hall , on Harnoy street. The masfpuornda fever has struck the city in gen uine earnest. There has never before boon n season when so many masquerade halls were given as this season , and yet they all seem to bo wall patronized , Annie Dryer , arrived In this city yostei1- day from Council Bluffs , In seitrch of a friend named Mary Miller. The address given by her was No. 20 Farnam utroot. The police made a fruitless search for Mies Miller and dqslro information as to her whereabouts. In the meantime they will BOO that Miss Dryer IH properly cared for : , _ ' - CUM. . . Chief Clerk Stncoy yastorday received an order from the postodlco department at Wash ington transferring Postal Clerk Frank M. Moore from Uio B. & M. to the U. P , , to toke the place of J , B. Southard , resigned , and George A. Smlloy from the Missouri Pacific to the B. & M. , to thko the place of Moore , transferred. G. W. Lewis and K. II. McCarty came up from Papllllon yesterday to sign , the bond of Michael Kane , now In Douglas county jail , and hold as a witness in the case of the state njalnst McOarty , now out on boll for raurdor. The bond was nlgnod by these gcntloinonn but Kanowas not liberated , Judge No\lllo taking the matter under advisement. The evidence has all boon adduced and the legal arguments were made yesterday bo- forq Hon. James W. Savage , upoctal United States commissioner , In the coses of McLaln & Macnldor , against the Goa. Terry , Gmi. Meade , nnd Nollla Pock , boats now lying In the Missouri river , opposite Sioux City. This casohnti been referred to a special commis sioner by the United Ssatos circuit to which It baa been appealed , Despite the intense cold and the strong at traction nt the opera houao , a very brilliant audience assembled at the roller rink Wednes day o\cnlngto witness the first contest for the gold watch and chilli advertised to bo awarded to the most graceful lady akatet. Miss Georgia Shlpmau , escorted by John Hitch cock , Miss MabolBalcombo escorted by Harry Morford , and Miss Jennie House escorted by Charles G rat ton , were contestant * for the wfee. Mum Geotvla Shtpmnn received T , votes and waa declared to bo the auocessfu contestant , Tliouuanau Hay Bo. Mr. T. W. Atklim , GIrard , Kan. , writes "I net er hciltato to recommend your Elec tric Bittern to my customers , they glvo ontlro sathfuctlouund nro rapid Bollera. Electric Bitten are the purest and bout jnodicini known and will positively euro Kidney ant IJver complaint * . Purify the blood and rog- ulatothe bowels. Mo family can ntfurd to Ui without them. They w 111 eave hundreds ol dollars in doctor' * bills every year. Boldtnt CO conUn bottle by O , F. Goodman , 'JL'he Holt Uluvo Uontoat , Thofioftglovo fight which was billed to como off at Uio Theatre Comlquo , between - twoen 0. II. Smith of Chicago , and Prof. Miller of this city , last night , was looked upon by a great many as a rune simply to draw a crowd , but in that they were greatly mistaken. At about 11 o'clock the men appeared on the stage and A J51r , Qrceno , burtondor firM A. Ilij- ins , was appointed roferoo. The men had never noon ono another before and oaoh apparently thought he would wawly make way with his antagonist. Hie men fought twenty-two rounds , lasting - ing forty-five niinutcs , when nfluirs be- 01:10 diwidodly warm and looked ua if thay wore fighting in earnest , when Qfll- OMrfl 'Knigbt end A rmoi i who happened itt b pront ordered them to atop the oo t * t. Manager Nugent objected , bul were firm an a draw was BOLD BURGLARY. R , A. Ringer's ' Millcry Store BnrElar- izeflLastNiglit , Five Hundred Dollars AVortli of GcodH Tnkon niul no Ohio to tlioHoblicrs. "Iay ) unto day uttoroth fipooch , " and night after night the thieves and crooks got in their work without any apparent difficulty. Every morning somebody has a story to toll of having boon knocked down and robbed , or else their residence or place of business has been burglarized and it really scorns as if the thing was to continue without any abatement , an not ono of Iho follows committing these crimes have boon arrested and convicted. The gang which is working Omaha is a decidedly slick one , far they do not hesi tate to tackle man or woman at any hour and in almost any place , and will outer a building in the very business center of the cityand yet not a .single ono of thcso follows have over run across a policeman to take thorn into the jail. If this thing is to continue a larger po lice force will bo required for not only is property unsafe but likewise life , for these villians will not stop at anything. Wednesday night the store of C. A. llingor on Fifteenth strnot was entered by burglars and between four and five hundred dollars worth of millinery goods were stolon. The thieves entered through n broken window into the collar , and from there up into the store. They then opened the roar door of the store room and there took their time to sort out such goods as they wanted , after which they took they departure. No clue has buon found to the robbers. PKKSONAIi. W. T. Scott , of York , Is a guest of the Mil- lard. lard.T. T. S. Cameron , of IJIMr , Nab. , IH at the I'nxton. W. G. Colin , of Grand Island , la a guest nt the Piucton , John J. Kucha and wife , of Ncllgh , are at the 1'Axton. E. M. Webb and wife , Dakota territory , are at the JMIllard. ] ' . L , Cnmcroii , BUtr , and II. A. Gould , Uoatrice , are at the Mutropolitau. MM. T. T. Gcro , of Sioux City , is visiting MM. 11. Willis , of North Oinnlin. Mrs. O. D. Drown , of Sioux City , isIslt - fng Mrs. C. S. Soulo , of North Omnha. " C. L. Ilazoltnn , St. Louis , and T. Bishop , Denver , nro registered a' the Metropolitan. ] , . A. Moore , I'lattsmouth , and S. IM- wards , of Wilbur , nro stopping at the Millnrd. 1' . II. Matthews , of Albion , and Klmor T. Thompson , of I'lillcrton , nro stopping nt the 1'axton. W. If. Taylor , of Krlond , and W. If. Cuuhlng , of I'lattunouth , nro registered at the Fax ton , Clilof Clerk Stacy returned yesterday from 1'eorln , 111. , whcro ho had boon on a visit to Ills friends. C. A. Dickinson and wlfo , Fremont , and W. C. Hudson , Wlntorsot , Iowa , are quests of the Metropolitan. Grant Jomilngc , Admah , J. T. Dower , Dow Lodge , Mont , , E. Mondsen , Chicago , nnd A. Woflsoy , Anhlnuil , Win. , nro stopping at tto Metropolitan. K. O. Italian , of Afton , N. Y. , In In the city \lsttng ! his brother , D. O. IVeomnn , the gentlemanly telegraph operator in the ofllco of Andy Botden. "VVltlo Awnko Drugglsta. C. F. Goodman is always ahvo In liin busi ness and uparos no imtns to Bccuro the best of every article In his lino. Ho has secured the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's Now Ulscovory for Consumption. The only cer tain cure known for Consumption , Coughs. Colds , Hoarseness , Asthma , liny Fovor.Bron- chitlu , or nnyallectton of throat and lungs. Sold on a positive cunrautoo. Trial bottles free. llepular size Si MAKU1KD. WILLITX-rOHTKK. At the Flint M. 13. church in this city , Wednesday , February 13th , by the pastor , llov. Charles W. Sav- hlgo. " \ \ illlnin 0. WllUtz and Simla 0.1'or- tor , both of I'lnttsmoutli. 1)1131) . N15LSON In this city , Wednesdny.Fobruary 13th , at 3:30 a. in. , O , F. Nelson , aged 30 yoara. > Funorol will t ko place Thursday , February 14th , at 10 o'clock a. in. , from his late real donee , corner of Twenty-third and Lnavon worth atreotH. FrloiulH itnltuil , POLICE COURT , Xho UHiinl Grist Vuttud by 11 \Vlio Narrowly ICscniietl liiK in Florence. In police court yoatorday the man Qua Stop , who was arrested by Ofllcor Desmond WodiiCHday for Btcnllnp two overcoats and a pair of pants from Hurl- burt the Eleventh street dyer , wns called before his lionor nnd asked what ho had to say to the charge "Well , " ho says , "I haven't much to say , but I aln guilty. " Ho was a hard looking customer , and the judge had very little to say. but the burden of his remarks was , "IVonty-ftvo days in the county jail on bread and water. Mike Kelly was before his honor cliargod with vagrancy. Upon examina tion it was found that ho was a steam fitter and that ho had endeavored to se cure employment in this city. lie was sent to the county jail for a few days , not on a sentencebut for lodging until his case could bo more thoroughly investi gated. Richard Burns was charged with vag rancy. Ho said ho was * guilty , and hud not done any work in n number ot jears. Ho had a hard-looking face. ' Ono eye was as black as the stove and badly swol len , Ho was given fifteen duyn in the county jail on broad and water. Ho said that he wns up in Florence a few days since , and while there got pretty full with the boys , and during the spree they all ( 'ot mixed up in a bar-room tight. Ho left tljo place and started for Omaha , but a gang of the Florence men followed him and overtaking him , began kicking aud beating him in u moat brutal manner , and that is how ho accounts for his black 'eye. After thumping him Hi-omul for awhile , they produced a rope which they fastened around his neck and threatened to hang him. They did go so far as to stretch him up n little but ho finally escaped from tiioir clutches and made for tnis city. It will bo innny a day before ho returns again to the little town of Florence. There is one thing very peculiar about nil the vagrants nnd trnmps arraigned in police court in this city. In answer to the question , "whcro nro you from ? " they invnrinblyjroply [ "St. Paul. " Now the reporter is unable to explain why this should bo so unless they haven pccnlinrlik- ingforthonamo"St. Paul. " Certain itis if all thcso follows really do como from St. Paul there will bo a terrible falling oil' in the number of its inhnbiunU at the time of taking the next census. DISTBIO ? OOUET , The Grmul .lury to l > o To-Ony. In the district court yesterday , before Judge Neville , the coso of Ilous against Wright \vas on trial all day. The evidence - donco in the case was all introduced and two arguments by counsel made to the jury.Ueforo Ueforo Judge Wakoloy , the case of Rob inson against Clifton was given to the jury , which up to a late hour this morn- 'tier had not agreed. The case of Galla gher against Dew was then taken up and is now before the court. The grand jury made no presentments yesterday but will return the remainder of indictments found this term to-day and bo discharged. The case of the state against Jackson has boon certified to the diatrict court and his case will bo invest igated thiib morning. The following is the assignment of cases for to-day : Before Judge Wakoloy Gallagher vs. Dow ; on trial. Gaylord vs. The City of Omaha. Horbach vs. Kandall ot al. Strict/ . Sedgwick. Before Judge Neville Ilous vs. Wright ; on trial. Samuel vs. Short. Baker vs. Pritchott. North vs. IIouscl et al. Clark vs. Armstrong. Gallagher vs. Finn. Patrick vs. Guy. Biioklon'H Arnica Salvo. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to spoodlly euro Burns , Cuts , Ul cers. Salt llhoutn , Fever Sores , Cancers. Plies , Chillblalus , Corns. Totter , Chapped hands , and all skin eruption , gnrantood to euro in uvery Instance , or motioy refunded. 25 cants o w box. rFALOONEE'S FALOONEE'S ' BALL , l Evening ol' 1'lcnsuro nnd Enjoy ment Spent by Tlioeo Present. Ono of the most enjoyable paries of the winter wna the itmsqucrado ball of last evening , hold in N. B. Falconer's hall. This ball wns given by the oin- ployos of Mr. Falconer , and was under the management of N. T. Anderson , A. G. Itachnnan , T. P. Cartwright , 0. A. Yost and A. MoKyizio , of > vhom not too much can bo said of the < able and elegant manner in which it was conducted. It was ono of these old-fashioned parties where formality is dispensed with and where every ono is present for fun and enjoyment. The participants in the fes tivities of the ovcnini ; were the employers nnd employes of the various stores in the city , nnd the rela tion of owner nnd clerk scorned for the time forgotten. The hall was most brilliantly lighted and decorated for this festive occasion , and is ono of the finest in the city for n party of the kind given last night. Right over the dancing hall is another ono in the third story , in which a most elegant supper was served for all in attendance. The young and old present last night , were these of whom both'omyloyor and employers may well feel proud. The party was ono which was entirely relieved and free from those whoso presence in such place is not desired. Mr. Falconer was everywhere - where present and seemed to bo entirely rejuvenated. Inyin's orchestra furnish ed the music and a select programme of dances was gene thrugh with. The dancers tarried until early morning when tired of enjoyment they wont to their homos. It was an ovoniug long to bo remembered , and of which the managers nnd participants have just cause to fool proud. THE MOST UHETOL HOOK EXCEPT TUB liim.i : Is a dhuy of every day personal life. J. F. Bishop , of Afton , Iowa , 1ms just copy- lighted a 1)1 ) imk ( ruled ) boolc , containing 3(15 ( pages , every papo spaced for tliroo clays ixiul arranged with printed headings , to liow OH follows : Employment , llonlth , Weather , Bought , Sold , ItxcnivKi ) , PAID and "Other Memoranda. " It is entitled , The Six O'Clock llocord of n Lifetime : Bound in fiuo morocco , with loop nnd pencil , it will bo Hont to any Canvasser or Agent for SI. 60. Jt ii a taking look. look.A A Sad Jcnth. Last evening nt 7:20 : Miss Lizzie Dennis - nis died at the residence of her parents in this city. Miss Dennis had boon only a short time in Omaha , but had won the respect nnd love of all who know hor. Her illness was of only two weeks dura tion , nnd until Tuosdiy morning last her relatives nnd friends had every hopn of her recovery. At that time her disease assumed alarming symptoms , and her father , Mayor George L. Donnts , well- known in this city , then in Poughkoopsio , N. Y. , was telegraphed , but as yet has not returned. The notice of funeral will bo given hereafter. Poughkcopsio , N , Y. , papers please copy. rt Itussln Salvo is an iinnhmblo for Inflamed nnd tioro joints , 1'rlto i5c. ! OITY TAXES , A Flattering Sliowlnir From the City Treasurer. As will bo soon by the following , the collection of city taxes for the years of 1881 and 1882 are very close and it is indeed a very Haltering showing , and a great deal of credit is duo City Treasurer Buck for the live manner in which ho conducts the all'uira of the ollico , thus gathering in the shekels duo the city for taxes. It also speaks loudly for the prosperity and worth of Omaha thnt BO small a de linquent tnx is to bo recorded. In the months of December and Janu ary last , City Treasurer Buck disbursed 8235,000 , and received for taxiw nbout the same amount. This shows that the city is transacting some business. Of the 1881 tax levy there remains un paid only 2 per cent. Of the 1882 tax levy there remains un paid now leas than II per cent. Of the 1883 tax levy 70 per cent is al ready paid. Notwithstanding the change of time when taxes bocoino do * linquent , as largo a percentage as usual has boon paid this year before taxes be came delinquent. RAILROAD RATES , Xtio AVcntcrrt Joint Classification Meeting llolnfc Held In the 1'nxton Hotel , The freight and traffic mtinngers of the various western roads hold a mooting in the Paxton hotel yesterday. This moot ing is called in railroad circles the joint western classification mooting , and iU object in to determine and fix freight rates botwcon the various points along the dif ferent roads. This mooting is of consul , crablo importance to the shippers IUK patrons of these roads , as the frcighl rates agreed upon at this titno by the representatives of the different railways will effect thorn for the coming three months. Only these roads whoso lines lie botwcon Chicago and Utah tire inter ested in those proceedings , and these word all represented. The following gentlemen and officials of these roads were present : S. P. Brown , commissioner of Traflic association , of St. Louis. n. C. Barlow , general freight agent ol the Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe. A. S. Hughes , general freight agent ol the Denver & llio Grando. J. T. Hlploy , assistant general froighl agent of the Wabash. D. B. Kcolor , general agent of Union Pacific nt Denver. L. N. Iglohart , a prominent railroad ollicial. W. S. Molten , chairman of the joint western transportation committee , and general freight agent of the Chicago & Northwestern. jJJE. P. Vining , pool commissioner. P. P. Shelby , general freight agent ol the Union Pacific. \V. Sago , general freight agent of the Itock Island. J. M. Hannafordgpncral freight agonl of the Northern Pacific. Paul Morton , assistant general froighl fxtjont of the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy. G. II. Daniels , commissioner of the Colorado Traffic association. Nothing of importance was done by these officials yesterday other than or ganization. They will elect their officers for the ensuing term , and transact the business of their mooting to-day , and probably adjourn this evening. ' LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN , The Bi-otliorliood Hold a Brilliant Flrst'Annunl Ball. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire men gave their first annual ball at Ma sonic hall Wednesday. The attendance far exceeded the expectation of the management , and indeed the hall was so full the guests had to await their turn to danco. The decorations exceeded anything ol the kind scon this season , and must have occasioned considerable outlay. Upon entering the hall the beautiful inscrip tion "Welcome" was first seen. Above the door wns suspended a "horse shoo , ' indicative of the wish that good luck would accompany the firemen in their * perilous dashes across the country. Around the pillars were interwoven the national colors , and festoons of evergreen and ( lowers were suspended from the chande liers to cither side of the hall. Upon the stapo occupied by the orchestra was erected a locomotive , a "fac simile" of the ideal ono that traverses the plains , The number 123 indicated the number ol the order to which the firemen belonged. Suspended immediately in front of the locomotive were the inscriptions : " " " " and "Indus "Friendship , "Sobriety" try. " * Ii'viuo's orchestra furnished the music and the prompting of Professor Matthews was an especial feature. The full pro gramme of thirty numbers wns danced and the morning wns well encroached upon before completion. Below are the committees ; Floor Committee G. T. Anderson , linll director ; T. D. Kinney , J. C. Shoo- hey.R. Gontlomari.G. 0. FnirW. Burke , P"Ganuiuo. Oommitteo of Arrangements W. H. Bay , G. T. Anderson , T. D. Kinney , M. A. Higgins , J. II. Burke. Committee of Invitation Lou Sunder- land , W. E. Johnson , M. E. Parr , J. Sto- vonson. Reception Committee M. A. Higgins , II. G. Andrews , J. Basoy , 0. O. Steven son , W. Kceshon. Decorative Committee 0. J. Fulmcr , J. McQuado , H. Honny , J. C. Shoehoy , W. H. Bay , G. T. Anderson. The Xhursby-oDoKomslci Concert. It ia predicted that that the pleasant roiaombranco of" thn Philharmonic's Thursby-DoKontski concert , to como oil Friday evening at the 'opera house , will linger long in the memories of our music loving people. MIBS Thursby completely captivated her audience , which was _ the largest ol the season , at Minneapolis , Wednesday. Her beautifully clear , and nuto-liko notes were listened to with close atten tion , and at the end of ( each song ap plauded to the echo , and u re-appearance wns insisted on each timo. DoKontaki also fairly carried his hear ers by storm , although the Minneapolis papers say that it is rare that a pianistno , matter how skillful , is enabled to arouse much enthusiasm in a Minneapolis audi ence. ence.Tho Philharmonic chorus will also hive an important part in the concert and will do iUoIf credit , and nivo a fresh and pointed illustration of what can bo done by our singers when they go heartily nnd unitedly at work , Oninlin Flro Department. All'members of the department are re quested to attend a mooting of the Omaha Fire Department , to bo hold nt Firemen's hall , February 17th , at 7 p. m. , to complete the necessary arrange ments for the tournament , to take place in this city next Juno. A good atten dance is desired. JEIIOME 0. PENTZEL , Soo'y. The lload lloiibc. Major Croft was in the city this morn ing to make complaint against a party who visited his houao on Saturday morn ing last , about 4 o'clock , and upon bis refusing them admittance they utovo in the windows and tried to bnnk down his door. door.Uo Uo says that Iho party was headed by quite a prominent young man of this city , and that several vario y actresses were among the number. The major say ho has not had his house open since the Suoll tragedy , and ondeavo'ed to impress upon tlioreporter's mind that ho had always kept a very re spectable house. The grand jury being in session may ham something to do with closing of the road house , but many days will not elnpso after the grnnd jury adjourn until the ranch win havp its doors wide open to anybody who visit tlio place. llcnl Katruo TrntiBfcrfl. The following deeds were 'filed for record in the county clerk's ofllco Febru ary 12 , reported for THE BEE by Amos' real estate agency : George B.irkor nnd wife to Johan Liibbo , w d let 10 , ih Barker's nllotmonl and addition to Omaha. § G2G. Jo&iah S. McCormack and wife to Goo. T. Mills q o w 31 feet of 1 77 , b 120 , in Omaha. § 1. 11. W. Day nnd wife to Thomas G. Walaco , w d w i of n w | and w A of B w 18,10 , 13 o , w 10 [ 10-lOOths acres s o of n w nnd w 20 CO-lOOths ncres o A of s w ] . § 12,000. " GEUNEBAUM BROS , Grand Silk Bargain , Owing to the bad weather of the past wcok wo have been unable to dispose of the amount of silks that wns necessary to enable us to make enforced changes ; not withstanding , wo have sold hundreds ol yards since they were placed on sale , but knowing that there nro still a great many ladies that will tnko advantage of this good silk odor , wflo were kept * indoors on account of the bad weather , wo will therefore , regardless of loss to ourselves , continue our grand offer of these BLACK SILKS AT $1.25. This great bargain is composed of silks worth from § 1.00 to § 2.00 , and without doubt is the best silk bargain over offered nt the price , nnd will bo taken advantage of by all who know what a good bargain is , so profit by this and don't ' delay your coming , but come at onco. GRUNEBAUM BROS. , 1309 Farnam street. FIEE ! FIBEII FIRE ! i I GREAT SALVAGE SALE. BARGAINS ! JIAKOAINS ! BARGAI > S ! Lidies' Suits , Ladies' Cloaks , Ladies' and Misses' Muslin and Flannel Under wear , Corsets , Ties , Lace % Fringes , Dross Trimmings , Camel's Hnir , Beaver and Broches. Stock more or less dam aged by water and moving. Must close out the entire stock , draw what they will , to make room for spring goods. Sale will commence to-morrow ( Thursday ) nt 3 p. m. Como early and secure bargains. . MCDONALD'S ' EMPORIUM , 1-108 Fnrnam st. , opp. Paxton Hotel. Wo say the American Fire Insurance company , of Newark , N. J. , was the first and certainly the best on record , Smith & Salmon , being the agents , for wo took out a policy Friday at 4 p. m. . Saturday at 2 p. m. the fire came , and Tuesday a check was handed us for the full amount before we had paid the premium. 0. J. Barber , resident ad justor. A. D. MOUSE. OUR GREAT 81'KCIALTIES. "Gold Medal Coffee" and "Purity Tea. " J. B. FRENCH & Co. OUR GREAT SPECIALTIES. "Gold Medal Coffee " and "Purity Tea. " J. B. FRENCH & Co. Army Orders. Recruit Josaph Marsollus , enlisted at Fort Douglas , Utah , is assigned to com pany H , Cth infantry. Recruit George II. Kidwoll , enlisted at Fort Douglas , Utah , is assigned to company B , Cth infantry. Private Richard Dillon , Recruits Wil liam Forsyth and Guy Norton , enlisted at Fort Omaha , Neb , , arogassigncd as follows : Private Dillon to the 9th infantry. Recruit Forsyth to company F , Oth in fantry , and Recruit Norton to the 4th infantry. Private Dillon nnd Recruit Forsyth will bo sent to the station of their regi ment on the first favorable opportunity. The medical officer at Fort D. A. Rus sell , Wyoming , having reported that "tho physical condition of Military Con vict Frederick Plitt is such that , in his opinion , ho will never bo able to undergo punishment in n military prison , " so much of the unoxpircd portion of Plitt's sentence ( General Court Martial Orders No. 42 , . of July 2 , 1883 , headquarters department of the Platte , ) as provides for confinement nt hard labor , is re mitted and ho will bo sot at liberty. Absolutely Pis ire. . ' A cnnil ot pur't ' Thh i'0 ilcr novcr T II tioni'h r.nd whoIoomeuM * Mora icom mlcal til tt h cSlnnty Undi. nU c n be K > IJ In cdnputttlaa * Ub tbeuiultltud * ol low : , short iUI t , al mo , ho Db tui > o Jeni. ScU culylo c n . } ojtj buk lug fswdtr Co.,108 Wnllmt How Vcrl. * ' " " ff'"f V : . CASTORIA 01 Infants and Children Without Mnrphino or TTnrootino. I What Rives our Children row checks , W hat cures their re\ers , mutes them deeps W 'Tin Punlorliu j When Bahlcs fret , and cry by lurnq , I VThat cures their colic , kflls their w onrm. 1 . Hut Cnnlorm. I What quickly curei Conpflpntlon. . Sour Stomach , Colds , Indlgi-stlon : J Hut Cmlnrlg , rixrcwell then to Morplilno Syrups , Ciistor Oil and Paregoric , andHnll Hnll Canlorln. Centaur Llnlmont. An no- solnto euro for Rkoumntism , Sprains , Bums , Galls , &o. , nnd an Instantaneous Pain-rollover. SPECIAL NOTICES. "will I'osltlvolynot bo Inserted unless paid in advance , TO LOAN-Monov. MONKY TO LOAN In sumi of ? 500 and upnards at 01 per annum , on Dounlas county firms. Ad dress U. U. Patterson & CD. , 14011'arii.ini St. liDO-lm. 1O LOAN ino lowest rutuB ol interest MONHY Bcinia' Loan Aeunoy. Ifith k Dou 231-11 MONEY TO LOAN Insums ot (300. nnd upward , O. F. Da\ls tind Co. , Heal Estate and Loan Agents , 1602 r main St. 303 tl HELP WANTBO. WAN1i ] : - Agents in o\ cry township In Nebras ka * , for ono of the bout 3ollliiiiirtici o\cr Intro duced. Sell t ( , 'plit. ' Cell or write 1o the O.\ AHA HTOVn IIIU'AIR WOItKS , 43D 'f ' 109S. Htli btitct , Omaha. - teams WANTED-Twcnty 432-151 H. ilANNWEILEtl , 307 lllh St. ANTED Good stead- man to uork. Apply to W J. 1' . Potter , Florence , Neb. 431-15" WANTED A boy In an lusurajicu olllcu. Ono who can write u fair hand. MustlUoulth li < 9 parents and booll rccommcnclod. Address In rmn naudnritln , "Clerk , " care ol Omaha Bee. 430-13) ) WANTED An experienced salesman to call en business men only , nlih a specialty. Call at iOO N. 10th etrcct , and tea us In regard to U. 43I-C05 A good Bohemian falcsumn for dry goods store. Inqulru 01S S. 13th street. 430-14t W 'ANTED A Rood | > lrl lor general licuscworK. Apply : nt 221 North Ibth street. 411-185 TT7ANTED A competent girl. Must Lo a ooil V t cook. Good uagcs Mill bo mid , Iniiulrn at 003 south llthstrcck 416-149 ATfANTKD A girl to do housework. Good wages to the right girl. Inquire at ! US s uth 10th S 412-tf O. F. ELSAS3EH. good gltl for general homework , 411 south 10th street. 414-205 WANTED Printer. I nanta good prmtsr. per manent "tit" to right nmn. L. F. Hilton. Blair Nch. 422 IS WANTED A ultl to do Kcncral house work In a small family bt bo. 1700 Burt St. 123-13 $ T\7ANTED A good girl fet general housework In Tt a small family. Uoodungca. Applvat Atkln- BOD'S Millinery cstabllihtrent Crclghton Block near P. 0. 4S.O tf 17ANTED Olrl for ccncral hou \iork in a email V Iftinlly. Call at 1415 north 18th St. 421-tf W ANTED Girl forgcntral housework , also nurse girl , S. E. corner r miam and 20th St. 410 14 T ADIES OH YOUNG Ml.N In city or country to JLtiKonl'c , light nnd iilcasjnt work at thtlruun homes ; 52 to § 1 a day easily and quietly made ; ork eeiit by mall , no camaMlng ; no stamp for reply. Please address Reliable Mauf'g Co.Philadelphia 1'tv , drawer TT. 3U7-lmf WANTED A first clasdlnlng room girl at the City Hotel , loth and Hartley St , 407-138 TTTANTEU An experienced gardener who under * > Y Elands hot beds , cam C. Honcll , at 217 S. 14th St. 405-18 s'TED A goad joung German girl at J. h 10th St. SjO-131 \TTANTED-Inimediately , a girl at Baliomli'i 1SOS VV Chicago St. 4U9 188 \X7ANTED-Ono hundred teams end ono hundred VV laborers for Railroad work. McCOY & MOHAN , Canfleld House , Ninth and Karnam tits , Oiraha. 403-lm WANTED i huroughly competent u onu'i torgcn cral houaeuurk In afatnlh of two. Uouluavcs. S. W. cor. 24thand Dodge Sts. 4uMJ' WANTED Tno f IrUcook and eccnnd girl. Dest of wages. Apply H. U. corner 20th mid Cali fornia Sts. t78-tf WANTED Girl for general house.\ork at corner 6th and Carles fttiet. If Servant gills ol a'l Kinds in rued of WANTED , to call at our otllco , opposite post- olllcv , between :30andOp. m. CANNON , JONES & CO , Frcnzcr Block. 040-lm WANTED A German dining room kitchen girl. Hesso and Hoppe , 118 S. 13th St. , Lctncon Harncy and Howard. 665 tf SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED A situation by a druggi.t fora uliort timo. with tome drug linn that \\ishea to H II out ; with the new of purchasing the btxick. Must ho In some live town. Address n. J , Vanl'ettui , ChllUcotho.Peorla Co. . Illlnul . 833-10 WANTED A rclhi'lejoung man wants a place towork , board and go to school. "S , A. W. " Due otllce 88 tf T\7ANTED-BUu tlon for flrtt ulanj domestic * , T Call at o > ir olllc.iifrDii4'31to ] 0 p.m. Saturday 1 to 9 p. m. CANNON , JONES & CO. , Opp. P. O. M1SOELLANEODS WANTS. WANTED Party with small capital to estalllfh a good pa ) Ing bunhuss In Uuiaha. A grand clivico otloieu. Call at Planters Hotel from D to 11 , and 2 to 4 p. in. 117.13 } "V\7ANTED To huy a stock of clothing , drj goods , > boot * and shots or groceries for tpot cash at a l > rlt--c , Addreui lock box 1 lililr Neb. 410-18 WANTED Two roonu furnished or uiifurnbhij for light huuN kicplng. Addrtsj r. " this otllce. 893-131 T17 ANTEU-Ilook kecpliiz , a set ol Looks to uit It uo eu'iilogs cr ( e houra rach day and uU. look alter collodions. Addrtea "X. L. " lice olllcc Destof rcfeuiiceajjltcn , J3tl TTT7ANTED I'artlci wUhliirt.oardcMand ( thoeo > ! chol board In jirhate houue , with 01 wit out room , to rail at our Ircm-l so to o 11. m CANKOK , JO KE8 & CO. , Oimo Ito llottolHcc. OJB-ltu FOR RBHT Housea ana Lots , FOH KENT furbished rooiui at 1619 Fiirii&in. 424-191 11ENT lloom and buard to one or two gentlemen FOIl tlemen , 322 S. IGtb and Harnoy &t . 427.14 ] FOIlllENT Suiallhousu , Inuul'oufA ' Murphy , 410 S. Uihatren . 423.151 ITlOIt IIEKT A lt guiitltmeii can loaccomuJated JL ? wltli furnUhvd room * Ajijily 1813 1'arnani bt , T7WK KENTNew - houeo with six room * , bay wld jj dow , MIS MatHtu it reec. Clone to depot. FOR HEKT Nicely ( urtiUhod roonu with or Ml th en ; board 1018 Dodge bt. 180 10 | KENT A batcmeiit with three roorru lor light houco keeping 1013 IJodfO bt. 191 16 } KENT G rcom house on Webster went ol FOH 18th bt. a T. 1'eterecn , real estatu egent , Utb and Uouglu. S73 tt-ltuo * HENT New 0 room dwelling , lath room , FOH city &nj i Intern water , hot water , Ihorughout good ecllar O F WUUCOI.L3 0 lU Olt HUM btura room with Uttineit 1 > ft I 4 dteii , 1511 Farnsm St. 1'AUIAEX * CO. . IKow Kanjarubtreet. SSI U Ir\0n 1 \ lUUVT-Fumlshtd room K21 Capitol vo , 872 US * FOH IIENT Bc\crn good houscj , alsfl ono 9 room flnclj furnished liou'o. John E. Edttardi , 1111 355-tf poll IIENT Fiirutshcd room with or without I 1 board. Kindt locallsn In the city. Al n few laMe hoMtlcri wantcd.N. W , cor. lEtli and Fnrnam. 101-tt F UIINISHKD room heated 21 K , 10th. 87Mf 17011 HUNT Tjvrgo novi- , two story ilcuUo liouso , I ? Shlnn'8 addition Miltahlo for two families or boarding house. Inquire lloom 4 , Omalia National Hank II u Nil i tig. IpOH HUNT Kurnlsl cd room for Kcntlcman , also 1 two lor light linvo keeping Deducts block , cotncr Klghth and Howard St 003-tf HUNT Furolihrd room ? nu the notthwcs FOH cor. 18th and CapltolnTcnuo , formerly Crilshton Hnu o. 18MI ! Ij'OK HKNT ttoouu in ttatioim Dank JL' Iliilldliur. Most dcglratlo olllccs In the city Supplied Tilth hjdraullo clc-atot and heated b team. Apply at Bank. CSfl-tl rOR HAJ.K FOIl SAM : 12 nrrc ? , house , stable , ahiindanco o * fruit , ncir rhntUi and school , h miles from rail * road , 20 miles front Onmhfi , ? 1OCO. llcautllul rcsldcnra property' , 10 x423 fcctthndC' Mid finlttiuss , lioit'O and barn , i .liuo. 43I-23 DKU , ftSIIUIVKIi , FOH S VM5 - duo of W. K. Vernons ( taatn pea nut roi lets In K od tunning order chop. Address "confectioner" caru Omaha lice. 41D-1SS I poll SAtK-Tli Inrnlturo of the rcsldeoco N. WV 1 cpn crOth nnd Harncy. Apph on the prrmNes. 498-103 1011 HAM3 01 acres , 8 rnlloi from Onmha , now homo 1BvM f t , stiiblo ute ; llmv At > and tlin- , S2.0CO. UMnitY .t JOSD ) . Uoil i : < tate n.ent ? , 133dilninc.Vktrcct ! , Oanlia. Sid-li , ' I poll BALE -Cheap , a Hue Shonipger < rgan nearly 1 ion. riltccn stopi. Met price S3DO. Call at 1SION. ISthSt. rccond door north of Shcrmin St. Call alter C o'clock. 375 16 SAIiK Houceanillotln Shlnn's ' add. Price IpOH 1 § 1.600 , $300 cash , balance $10. per month vntll paid. i.MiKY.t : JONES , llcal estate nccnti , 1800 Harnoy bt. 337-Ht J71011 8A1.E Cheap , one six foot aud ono tliroo 1 footihow case at Lj oil's Cigar Store , 207 South 15th SI. 224 tf SA1.K A bnrialti. House of 7 rooms , Olh FOU and Bancroft St. ( rothScS'cll built , barn &c. , onlv 81-SflO II sold Ithln 81) ) daj u. Sii\U8 & 110S- AIIDVlllani3 \ Blocl : . 20S-tf House of 5 rooms In Parker's addition FOKSALK near the f20 000 ochool house new. A tlieap place on ovy terms. U.700 , SEAU8 & BOSAUD , Williams Block. 2ofl-tf SALK A eptcndid housu of 10 rooms In FOH Shlnn's ad itlon. If sold within 30 daxs only { 3.700. bEAhS & BOSAUD , corner 15ihann Dodge iIO-tt ! TT > OIl SAI.U Farm 3 miles Irom citj. ot JL1 Mrs , Jle cr , o\cr Koedcr's Drug etoro. 10th and Webster. 872-tf "TTIOIISALE To counters and fifty fet of good JL1 shclUng , che p , at 1603 Dodge St. 188-tf I OB SALK Two largo Normnnttallions. Address Fi O. . Blrdsall. Walnut , Iowa. 154-lm * FiFOIl FOIl SAMI A ( coed two story store rropcrty I" Waj nc , Vr"aj no county , Ntb. Address 0. b. Bird- gall , Walnut , Ion a 115-lmt FOIl SALE Oil TI5A11K A good 'span of muics , harnubB and u agon. Inquire Alex 0. Clmrlton , nt McCnguo Bros. FOIl SALE Splenilld rlglilenco lot near rar line , corner , SI. 000. IIEI.L&SHHIVKlt. 347-13 FOIl SALK T o open second-liand bugfics nnd ono delhiryagon , dictp , at 1319 Harnej St. 330 tt _ T OKijALK-Uolorado ccal. This coal Is aa free Irom JJ soot and as clean 03 Rock Spring. 834 If JEIF.Y. . BEDKOUD. Foil CALK Tn o portable hollers , 10 horse nowo Apply at 1) . rmPATIUCK , Oflg-t ( _ 218 gonth Uth ht. FORSALi : A small Moilcr , B&hmin i.Co. , flro proof sal ( , almost new , at this olllcc. tf FOUSAI.E 3Iy tno story brick residence , 18th nnd St. Mary's ncnuo. . Large barn , out-hnn c , water wor s , well arranged. Lot Ox OU. Pitco ST.fiOO. Best Bargain in Omaha Call at 1 ! . Toft'fl l'eoi lB' Bank. _ 277-t 17011 SALE 12 lots ono block Most of Park n\o- J ? nuocars. LotsEOxlSO. Will Fell \\holotrao for $7,100 , If sold before January 1st , 18S1. Re&lej tate owners bid this bargain , U joucall at People Pack. _ 278-tf TTIOK SALE Choice business property , thiee lot ) JD oor. Sauriders and Charles Sir cot. It will pay 5 cute to In\e9tlgato this offer. Call at People's Bank. 2-Btf _ _ _ TTIOIl SALE Improved property , which will pay JD the buyer 20 per cent on the Im cstrneut. Rente for $1,020 per jcar. All occupied by flrat class ten ants. Will sell for 410,500 , If sold soon. All or one- half each , balance , one to five jenrs. The olio ; e In- veatineut la worth investigation. Call at the People's Bank. 280-tf "TOOK SALE Old newspapers In Urge and Email JP qnantttles at this office. tt _ nnscELiAnsoua. _ j " 7 SPECIALTIES for thnse out rf emplojment to 1 I make monaytlth. . Gallon II. L. Smith , 208 N. 10th street , and sea samples. 433 1m T OST 1873 , 'two discharges from the nnnv be- JL/ lunging to Mauriui U , Harries from 1830 to 1FOJ. Big reward paid for the return ef sam-i at lite ofllce. 424-1611 / 1 ASK PAID For sefond hand clothes , order ! by V7 letters or postals promjitly attended to Ad- drissilr. or Mrs , llrodtrlch BIB south 10th St. Omaha. iCO-lmol PnOTECTOlt-Unprccedentedlnducemcnts QUEEN lady agents for this new rnbberundergar uiuiit for laolea Address with Jbtamps , UmUrgnr- inent Co , U south May St. , Chicago. IKO-lm- ) . T AHOEI'etof rooim , with or without boord.ln JLJ prhatefamlllea furnlthcd frco of charge ntr.ur ofllco , opposite pOBtotllco. Cannon , Jones & , t'n. , 4:30 : to B p , in. OlS-lrn premises on Dec. 15. IBM , In JLwcst Omaha , ono Cream Colored I'ouy , Sinai white fpot In forehead , iimno and tallullttio darker than the body. JA3. K. VANDEUCOOK. EDWARD EOEHL. 11AOISTER OF PALUYSTEUY AND COND1TJON. ALIST. 803 Tenth street , between Faniwn and II r- ney , will , with the aid ot guardlau spirits , cbtalMng nj one gUnce ot tb past and present , aud the certain conditions In the future. Boots and shoes mi.le order. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. UNITED STATES OF OMAHA. ' - $100,000,00 Capital , - , , C. W. HAMILTON , Pros't. S. S. CALDWELL , V. Pros't. M. T. BARLOW. Cnsnloi DIRECTORS : I S. S. OALDWELI , B. F. SMITH , 0. W. HAMILTON , BL T. BAKLOW , . 0. WILL HAMILTON. Accounts sollcltod and koptsub Jootto sight chock. Cortlflcntosof Poposlt Isauod pay able In 3 , 6 and 12 menthe , boarlng. Interest , or on demand wlthbutln- torost. Advances mndoto customoraon approved socurltloo at market rate of Intorost. The Interosto of Customers are cloBoly guarded and every facility compatlblo with principles of sound banking freely oxtondod. Draw sight drafts on England , Iro. land , Scotland , and all parts of Eu- ropo. Soil European Pnasnpo Tlckoto Promptly Maoe. E A KELLEY M. , , , , . D. -AND- 0. A. WILSON , M. D , , Physicians and Surgeons ! ! OFFICES-BOYD'a OI'ERA HOUSE.