I. . I ( i THJU DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 1,1 , 1884. THE BAILX JBEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Thursday laoming , Pob , 14 , 1 sunscmraoN IIATKS : By Carrier . . . . . . .20 ecnta ptf week By Mat - . . . . . . . $10.00 i > cr Year OFFICE : No. 7 Pearl Street , Hear Broadway. MINOR MENTION , Additional local on seventh page. Cheap railroad tickets a Bushnoll's. Remember the noonday prayer moot ing at the Y. M. 0. A. Rooms. Union revival meetings every afternoon at 4 o'clock { a the Presbyterian Church. Leave to wed was yesterday given I. N. Empio and Josie Ilidpath , both of this city. Bertie Bliss , the boy wonder , will give another exhibition at the roller skating rink this evening. In the circuit court yesterday , the case of Duncan vs. Miles was on trial , it being n claim for damages for a dog killed by Miles. The now Scandinavian paper , of which Theodore IIcssol is to bo the editor , will make its first bow to the punlic this week. The police force is being reduced in nnmbors. Hayes has resigned , and Officer Cusick is now suspended until further orders. Messrs. Schneider & Bock have cleared out their first floor and it will hereafter bo entirely devoted to their wholesale liquor business. Ono Omaha man was over hero yoator- day wanting 150,000 brick. Council Bluffs is short on brick , and has a good deal of building of its own on hand. The first "club night" at the roller skating rink Will bo next Monday oven- oning , and it is now planned to give a gold modal to the most graceful skator. Marion B. Baxter spoke to crowded houses in this city. On the rostrum she is bright and interesting , speaking with great ease and fluency. Her lecture was full of pathos nnd tenderness. Hillsdale Business. The policn picked up a black pony on Pearl street , but it was soon ascertained that it belonged to Deputy Sheriff Clat- torbuck , who had loft the pony standing while hu wont about some business on foot. . Of the talented lady -who is to appear at Dohany's now opera house , Monday night , the 18th , for the benefit of the Homo of the Friendless , the Kalamazoo ( Mich. ) Tolegiaph says : "Marion B. Baxter delivered the most interesting lecture of the soason. As an orator , few surpass her in eloquence and power. " There was a close call for a fire on Upper Broadway yesterday , in a little house above the Woaton house , occupied by a man named Vogt. Some paper near the stove caught fire in some way , but the blaxo was discovered in time to be suppressed before any great damage was done. The work done by the department at the Bluffs house fire showed that the boys , from chief down , are about as plucky a sot as any city can show up. It was a hard aiogo , and the boys were nearly frozen , but covered with ice they kept at their posts , and some of them took big chances in trying to save the propoity. Attention is called to the card of J.H. Armstrong , the civil engineer , which appears in another column ; Mr Arm strong is a novr-comor hero , but is by no means , n stranger in his profession. Ho has opened an oflico in the now opera Hr" house block , and will give his attention to all kinds of engineering , land survey ing , etc , The exhibition of fancy roller skating given by Bertie Bliss last evening at the rink was very pleasing , and was heartily enjoyed by a largo gathering. Tlio little follow is almost as skillful as Dan iel , and , considering his ago , is moro of a wondor. The lookers-oil were very en thusiastic at the many fancy movements made by him , nnd the grace and case If with which ho executed them. fe Somd to the object building of a now court house because the , crops were so poor last year that they cannot bear the burden of extra tax. nn If it shall pass there will bo no extra tax this year , nnd none in five years except to pay the in terest. The Qxtra tax for five years on a quarter section of improved land will only bo a few cents , and there arq very few farmers who will have to pay to ox- * cecd ono dollar extra any year. The noon day prayer mooting still con tinues nt the rooms of the Y. M. 0. A. , No. 12 North Main street. All arc invited to attend. Business and profes sional men will find it a pleasant place Jo spend a few moments. t The meeting is very informal , and any person can como in or go out at any time ho desires , with out interfering in the least with tlio ex orcises. The necessity for the immediate locat ing of a hosy cart on Lower Main street was made very apparent at the Blufli house firo. Had there bcon such a hose cart thus located it could have been at the fire in time to bare thrown streams from the hydrants in time , probably , to 1iavo saved much of the building and it would probably have saved at least one life. The first five minute * at-a fiso is worth an hour's work after that. It is hoped that the city eouneil will not delay longer in giving that part of the city bettor fire pro- tftftUoa , wpoclally when it can be given so Mily. IHORRIBLE HOLOCAUST The BnrnGu Bofly of a Girl Found in IDC Ruins of the Blnffs House Fire , t'ctcr nnstlan , tlio Proprietor , Also Bcrlotiflly Injured. The burning of tlio Blufla house , which occurred yesterday morning between 12 nnd 1 o'clock , proves to have bcon moro terrible affair than was at Aral thought. Tlioro wore in the houao nbout lightoon pennons , boarders nnd all , and , ho building burned BO rapidly thatit was with dlflicully that the inmates , all of ivhom wore asleep , escaped. When the building was -xll in flamoa , it was wliis pored about that there wns ono gir ! missing , nnd that slio must bo still in the building , but there seemed no certainty is to this until the fire had bcon so subdued duod that the building could bo entered It was then found that the fcnr was well bunded , for there upon the lloor of ono of the chambers , in the lower part of th [ louse , was the dead body of a girl. Sh wns removed to D. M. Connell" " undertaking establishment , and there the remains were cared for. The on , ire body was horribly roasted , and presented too sickening a sight to at tempt to describe in detail. It oppoarj that the girl's nnmo was Emma Neisins ! 3ho was sleeping in the same room wit Mrs. Kantian , and , when the flro brok out , both started to run out in thoi : night robes , the mnolto being then stilling that they could hardly breath Mrs. Bastion thought of her little grand child , and turned back to save'tho child and , getting it in her arms , with difficult ; make her way out of the burning build1 ing , and in doing so thought the girl wat ahead of her , but it seems that soon af to starting she must have fainted or bee overcome with the suffocating smoke an foil to the floor , there lying in an uncon scions and helpless condition an eas ; victim to the devouring flames. The girl was about 20 years of ago , o Gorman birth , and rather proposscssin in appearance. Her old homo was ii the same part of Germany as that which Mr. Bastian came from and , with her family , came t this country but a few yearn ago , the' settling in .Chicago. Her father an mother both died there. She has younger sister and brother , who tire no living in Crown Point , Ind , While i Chicago , it is said that she became bo trothcd to an onginor on ono of the rail ways , and ho being transferred to thi part of the line , she concluded to comi hero where she could bo nearer to liim and at the same time have a plcnsan homo with the worthy couple at tlv Bluffs house. It was not until the excitement of th flro had somowhnt subsided that it wa realized how badly Mr. * Bastian himscl was injured. The alarm wns given by on of the girls in the house nnd ou bein. aroused Mr. Bastian jumped up , lightoc a lamp and stiu ted through the house The light wont out and in the darkncs ho stumbled and foil. lie was noarl ; suffocated but the fresh air at the bottom of the room revived him enough so that h got strength enough to crawl to the win dow , whore ho was helped out by Mr , Mikosoll and Mr. Pierces. lie not onlj had a narrow'oscapo from being burned the hair on ono side being crisped , but i nppcara that ho must have boon scaldei inside by hot steam and injured by th smoko. Ho was yesterday confined i his bed , nnd suflering greatly , beside being very despondent over his losses Ho is about ( ID years old , nnd to moo with such rovorcBcs at that ago , and sucl a shock , is hard of itself , while his in juries are of such a nature na may provi fatal. lie has built up a nice little bus ! ness there , his house being full over } night , and his business scorning prosper ous. To offset his loss of § 3,000 there Ii an insurance on the building of $1,500 and § 500 on the clothing , furniture , etc. The origin of the fire is still a mys tory. The barking of the dog rousoi' ono of the girls , who on awakonin , rushed through the houao sounding th alarm. The fire originated in the o" used for a kitchen , and spread so rapidl that it was scarcely ton minutes bofor" the whole building was in Humes , Coroner Connell yesterday impanolloi a jury consisting of F. B. Patton , T. E Bradenstoin and Ed Pierce. The ov" ilonca brought put little- that wns no beyond what is stated above , and th jury brought in a simple voidict that th jirl came to her death by being burned Chief Tomploton and Mr. Pierce wori the first to find the body. The chief be ing anxious to got out a trunk whie ! contained money and valuable papers b < longing to Mr. Bastian , nnd aa lie ento : od the room where the trunk was , af to the fire had boon subdued enough to al low of entrance ho was horrified at find ing the body of the girl lying on the lloor near the door of the room. It seems that she must have falien there in a faint , nnd if it had boon known that she was in that room she could have boon rescued doubtless , as the room was on the first floor , a small room , and aho lay not . over eight feet from the outside win- dow. THE GANNON GOES OFF , The Bhcrltr of foinplils Takes His I'rluonorf , ( ho "loctor , " Uuolc to 'JTonncsbco. Yesterday morning Sheriff Cannon , of Memphis , Tonn. , took the two pris oners , "Dootora" Hooves nnd Turner , back to Tonnes oo , they having con. eluded not to fight with any more habeas corpus proceedings , it being evident that they saw moro troublu ahead in case they resisted further. Sheriff Cannon has had u hard struggle to got those men and a harder otrugglu to got them through , Ho stopped over night hero , thinking it better to take the morning train , as that went right through , for by taking the evening train ho would have to lay all day in Kansas City. He accordingly loft the prisoners at the jail in care of Sheriff Ouittar , and'when ho ailed for them in the evening was in. formed that Sheriff Guittar could not jfivo them up , as a writ of habeas corpus had been nerved on him , Ono of the questions for the court to decide waa whether the prisoners were in Sheriff Ouittar'a hands or Sheriff CUnnon's. If in the hnndn of the local sheriff , then the court could inquire further into the matter on n writ of habeas corpus , but if in the hftnds of Sheriff Cannon , then the in quiry could go no further than to ascer tain whether ho really wan the ngonl of the utato of Tennessee and armed with a genuine warrant issued by the governor of Nebraska. The Nc- Vra ka olllciala have bcon especially in- sroited in watching the proceedings for tioy had aomo curiosity to know whether ny Iowa court would foci that it lind , ho authority to interfere with the action if the governor of Nebraska in response o the demand of the governor of Ton- Oftsce. It is unfortunate that the case ran not pressed to a decision to satisfy ho curiosity at least , "tho doctors polling it all by concluding to go along oluntarily. FACTS AND FIGUEES , POP Kvcry Voter on tlio Court House nmlJnll Proposition * ) . The day is fast drawing near when this xmnty will have to decide whether it will ave a now court houao and jail or not. tVhat the voters need is facts not . . moro howl and the following , taken 'rom the county treasurer's books , will o , or should bo , perused carefully and lioughtfully : The. county bonds will bo all paid by unc , 1881 , when the county will bo on- , iroly out of debt. * The * state of Iowa levied one-half mill ixtrn tax to pay the balance on old war find defense bonds , and to assist in com pleting the capitol , nnd the tax of 1882 and 1883 pays that debt , thus taking off ono more half mill. The present valuation of the county is nearly cloven millions , and ono mill on the dollar on that sum makes eleven thousand dollars. Eleven thousand dollars will pay the ntorcst at 5i per cent on two hundred thousand dollars. The one-half mill bond , and ono-lialf mill ntnto tax off after Juno 1881 , now being paid , will pay the 'n tores t on the two hundred thousand. Every tax-payer can see on the back of his receipt just whit ho is payingtaxes ) for. Ho can see that the whole amount for state , county , state school , poor , bridge , county bond , and insane , amount to n total sum of 141 mills on the dollar , or 814.DO on § 1,000"valuation. Ho can sop also that all the remainder of his tax is purely a local tax , and is made by each local school district , town and city authorities. Such tax : docs not affect in any way n tax for this two hun dred thousand. The only place this bond tax can ap pear will bo in the tax levied by the board of supervisors , which will take the place of the present one-half mill state , or one-half mill bond tax. Now , conceding the above facts , the tax .as levied by the board of supervisors need not bo increased for the next five years , if the county valuation does not increase ono cent in that timo. Then at the end of five years , when wo do begin to pay a part of the princi pal , is it not fair to expect that the valu ation of the county will bo increased enough so that the tax-levy for principal and interest need not bo much moro than the ono mill levy ? Council Bluffs has during the last fourteen - teen years paid an average of 30 per cent of the whole tax of the county. Cannot wo expect that in five ycais from now its increase , aided by accumulating railroad property in her limits , will pay fully one- half of the whole county tax ? Now wo would ask the farmers , in the face of the fact that Council Bluffs citi zens almost unanimously are willing to vote the tax , if it is not fair and right that they should bo willing to boar their proportion to build a building that will for all time make the records of their prop erty perfectly secure ? and n jail strong enough to hold n criminal nftor ho is caught ? And any candid man will admit , if ho will take the trouble to examine , that neither the court house or jail are in any way secure. Painting done to order and lessons civou by S. D. Ilehso. Studio 12 North Main street. It was scrub day at the now jail yes terday. The lecture of Marian B. Baxter , to bo given at the now opera house , on "Tho Handwriting on the Wall , " will doubtless draw n crowd , not only because of the merit of the onterlailimont , but because of the fact that all the rocopts jo to the benefit of the Homo of the Friendless , the lecturer charging nothing for her services and Mr. Dohany generously - erously donating the hall. PERSONAL. Mr. H. J. Mail ! ! , the popular "con" who runs outlio Union 1'acifio between Omaha and Crnud Inland , and Ills fnmlly were visitors In tills city yesterday. E , A. Stevens nnd 1K. . IfJomminpr , of the Dan Morrla-Siillivan company , are at the Ogilon. 11. SlmmoiiH , of Cleveland , O. , wa among yesterday's Ogden honso arrivals. Art Little , of Oskaloosn , waa In the city yesterday , F. 0. Kobortson and wife , of Minneapolis , were at Hoclitolo'a yesterday , Da > Id Campbell , of Auburn , Neb. , Is nt Jlochtolo'a hotel. s i a. 8'f 1 3 s 31 s S 5S 1 § 5 h 3 I We have the following goods in quantities to suit purchasers : Sheep Skin Slippers , Kid Sock Protectors , Magnetic Insoles , Cork and Imitation Cork Soles , - Shoe Dressing , "T. M. 70" Blacking , ' Heaton Button Fastners , Shoe Laces , Shoe Brushes , Shoe Hooks , Etc. , Etc , As vfo buy above goods of Mmiufncturers in large quantities for Spot Cash , wo are enabled to sell them low enough to suit competition. Ordeis promptly attended to. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO , 412 Broadway. Council Bluffs , Iowa. MAYNE & PALMER , AND WOOD , , BULK ; AND BAIUIEI. IJME , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND CEMENT , MICHIGAN PLASTEH , nAin AND SKWEK PIPE. No , C39 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & Spring Goods LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS , Just Received. 7 and 0 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - IOWA. , OOXJOXTOIXJ W ATTORNEY AT LAW. MANAGER OP POTTAWATTAMIE COUN VV. TV COLLFCTION AGENCY. OUIco corner Broailwaj- Main atrcot JOHN BENO & 00 GENERAL MERCHANDISE. , , IS Main street and 17 Pearl etrent MAX MOM CUESTON HOUSE. , Hotel. 217 and 21D Stain struct. DR. J. F. WHITE , Corner ifftln nnd Fifth up-stalra. OFFICE Residence , , 809 Willow arenas. SOHURZ JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , , , 0fllce o\er Ameri SO TTtT A O.ATP'R LIVERY AND FEED , . . OYY JO.VJ1-N JjJ.b ) Will contract tor funcrala nt reasonable rates. 22 Fourth street. J , M ; ST. JOHN & OO..OASH BUYEKS , * , & * * - * $ & * . Draft by return mull. 140 Broadway. MERCHANT TAILOH , Stock Complete. Suits made nt reasonable prices. No. 805 Main St. ' G. F SMITH CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , . , , Corner 7th and Broad ay. Plans and gpcclllcatlona furnished. JAMES FRANEY MERCHANT TAILOR. , , Artistic Work and reasonable charges. 872 Broadway. LINDT & HART ATTORNEYS AT LAW , , Practice In etato and federal courts. Q A "NTTTP A Andbatn li ° , C1 . . . . . TITT 1WT o and423Broadway. L. So\ercign , Prop. P. J. llont KJJlliJ.JL aJAilU J.YJ. gomery.M. T ) . PlijBlclan. PTlA1 \ / NT T JUSTICE OF TUB PEACE , Jjl/VVliN U. Notary I'ulllo nnd General Com ( Cancer. 415 Broadway. PPTTPPP TTnTTSTF SMITH & NORTON , JLbJU V JLlXlJj HU U QJDj Broadway opposite New Opera Uouge. Refitted $1 , $1.60 per day All kinds of , JT. ZBSi. Engineering Land Siir- \oiln.eaitn ( < . quantities calculated , ROOM 6 , NEW OPERA HOUSE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , etc. , etc. All Orders by Mall Promptly Attended To. A LA.IIGE STOCK OF TOV At VEUY LOW PIGUJIES. Don't forget I pay the highest price for As I am compelled to buy to fill contracts , S. GOLDSTEIN , 538 Broadway. M. CALLAGS ER. Now Store , Fresh Goods , Low Prices and Polite Attendants. Door east ° f Metropolitan Hotel , } AS AN ECONOMICAL INSURANCE , THE EQUITABLE MUTUAL LIFE AND. ENDOWMENT ASSOCIATION OF WATERLOO , IOWA , IB considered the licit 92.600 In caeo of death , and $1 000 endowment at the expiration ol ten years. Aseo' menta pajaDlo according to OKC. llrr. Olive Kllloy the agent ulll call and explain the plan uponjour re quest. Direct your communications to 2ii Vine bt. Council Dlulls leva. LIVE 1O EAT. EAT TO LIVE. RESTAURANT AMD GAFE , to "Mro I'ta.lolio. Ed. 0lUnn 401 Broadway , ( Metis at all Hours. Chef d'cultlno Council lllults. \ Parties a Suctlalty. O. DEALER IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS OF ML PAPER IJ Interior Decorations. 1ft S. Pearl Street nnu 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special ul\ertUoinciit > , luch M Loat , Found , To Loan , For Bale , To Kent , Wants , Board- lnfetc. | , will be Ineortod In thli column t tbo low rite of TEN CENTS I'EH LINK ( or the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS mi LINK tor each subsequent n- Mrtlon. Lea > o idxcrtlsements at our olflee , No. I'earlStreet , near HroaJ av WANTS. ANTElJ-K > ery bouyui Council llluffsto take Dellrc"aV ! rritr t only twenty A VA.PEU .A 'ooj nol' ' e. I" "Ico location , with ctllce Vt r ° 01" * ' AMve > box NoVl * ' ' "A""t'CJaM * < " SALE IIouco No. 721 Harrison street am FOK i KM. Hall ruli. FOH HENT A larire nlwly ( urnUbod room wit liard coal fire. Iu < | ulro 02U ltnt avenue , two blocks from I'ott Otllco , FOH HENT A Urifo nicely lurnUliod room ult ha il coal fire. Iiuiuire 6JD Kimt aqmuo tw blocVsfrom jwat ottlcv. CORNER PEARL ST , AND FIFTH AVE , CHAPMAN & MAIITE.N8 , . I'UOI'RIETOKS Morning hour * . . . . . . . . . . .10 to 1 AtU-rnoou . . . . . . . 2:3UtoJ:30 : : K\eiilu 7SUtola Cotruiutatlou ticltn good ( or twenty uduuuloui $ X W , W. CUAI'MAN , - - Manager No obJ cUonaUechaiactcr Klll teadialtteJ. Empkie Hardware Co 100 and IUS. [ Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. WHOLESALE DEALEKS IN ? A ETTBffl ffQ A * 2TN T > fl 'BUTT'S1 xMTFT * " " " " < ifTfl /Tv"S"S"B < l L ATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES 142 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , The only Hotel in this City on the European plan of "PAY ONLY FOR WHAT YOU GET. " A 3tfew Building---fcT6 ! < w Furnishings. \ A.LL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS CENTUAILY LOCATED. Fine Sample Rooms Elegant Restaurant. Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. ( OPPOSITE COUET HOUSE. ) TO Complete Abstracts of Title to nil Lots nnd Lands in the County. COAL GIVEN AWAY ! Every one who buys n ton of the celebrated Centervil e coal of Plattc Dverton , oilice 501 First avenue , yard SH ( Main street , Council Bluffs , is entitled to n chance in the drawing for one ton o coal , to be given away March 1st. You may thus get A Ton of Goal for Nothing1. AT COST FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. : s TOOLS Granite and Tinware. Latest Novelties in Fancy Hardware. A largo hue of extinordinary Fine Carvers. 504 Broadway , and 10 and 12 Main Street , WHIT DOKPT "VOTT wW J.JL JL Ju vMiAj.\l > & JL \ > w GETSDME OP Per Fitting , Best nnd Chcapest.3iFine Linen Collars and Cuffs. No. 715 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. FROM NOW UNTIL FEB. 1 , WE WILL GIVE In allourBocts and Shoes , regardless o Quality. Don't miss this chance. S. A. PIERCE , 100 Main Street. GASADY , OECUTT & FRENCH , WHOLESALE AND 11ETAIL eneral House Furnishins ! MAIL ORDERS FILLED CAREFULLY. 502 Broadway , Council BlulR | CASADY , OilOUTT & .FRENCH. E. Rice M. D. ft A TJiTDCJ M other tumors rcmoted without the uilfllmilU , knife or droning of hloou. CHRONIC DISEASES O > cr thirty j cars practical experience. Office No G Pearl struct , Council Blufla /jjTContultatton free JACOB SIMS. E. P. CADWELL. SIMS& CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL RMJFKS , IOWA Office , Main Street , Rooms 1 and Bhugart & Me- Mohon's Ulosk. Will practice In State and udml oourU Mrs H j Ultra M. D. , , , , . . , PEYSICIAtf & SUEOxEON , 322 Middle Urr > i < lv > .y. Council Bluffs , Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The follow Ing are the times of tbo arrival and de parture of train * by coutral standard time , it tlio local dcpota. Trains leave transfer depot tun inln * earlier nd nrrhe ten minutes later. CIIICAUO , BUUUMiro.s AND quixcr. 5:20 : p in Council Hindi Exprcta , 0.30 a in 6:10 : p in L'lilcnxo Express Uio : a in 0:15 : a in Mall. KANSAS CITV , KT , JOB ANL COUNCIL ULUfFB. 10:10 : a in Mall and Exprcu , 0.45 p m 8-5 ; p in Pacltla Exuruss , 5:35 : p in cniCAUO , WILWAUKKK AND ST. fAfL. 6:25 : p m Kxprc , n.to a m Hli ; a in Etpriii ? , _ 6 ; fi p m dllCAdO , ROCK ISLAXU AND TACiriO. 6:30 : pm Atlintlo Hxpieta , 0,40am 0,60am Day Kxprebd , O.iilptii 7:15 : am "DosMolntl Anoanmoditlon , 41J ; inn At local depot only. WABifcll , 8T , LOCIS ANV'PACiriC. 0:66 : a in Mall , 4:41 : pin 4CUpm : Cannon ifall , 11:15 : am At TranJeronly , CHICAGO and t-OKTmitsienx. 5:30 : pm Kxpren , 6.60 pin plliaui 1'acllilo i\prcis : , Ul5ain : * sioux CITY AND rAcinc , 7 : < 0 p in St. Pul Express , 0:00 : t m 7:20 ft m Accommodation , C.iO pin 7 : 9 p m Wetteru ExprcM , h 39 a m 11:44 : it in 1 'id tic E > prc , 434plu 7:19 : am Local Expntt , 0 U a m 12:14 : a ui Lincoln Expreit , At Trail fur only , I'l'MSn TIUIN8TOOMAIU. Lee S4-0:24-10-24-ll:34 : : : u. m. l.4-2J S.SI- 1-24 5:2l-0'S : : 4audll.0t p , ui faui day , t t\ 10.-J4 a. m. 1.24-3 : l-J:24-7Oi : : aud 11:01 : p to Ar- ihe 30 minute * bckre leaimj ; time. JOSEPH AND Corner Main etrcetand Eighth Mount , Blufla. S3rLav.net rates and prompt ilclhery SILOAM CURE OR NO PAY Wo irua'antei ) tlio cute of the following named ilia. season , or no pay : Rheumatism , Scrulub , Ulcers , Catarrh , a 1 Illooil and.klndUtiucn , Dv > ip U , Lher Complaint , Klilm-y anil Bladder Discuses , ( iout , Ncn * raljla and Abthnia , The 3 Springs are the fa\orlto ruort ol the tlrud an. ! diullltatailfuml are the FEE11LE LADU8 BIJ3T FRIEND. Good hotel , Ihery and Latlilnf acconiodntlon lo'h winter and Bimiimr , Locality highly plfturdxiuo and healthy Atc.enll.lo . by Wabteh railway , i Evona , orC.,1) . & Q. , at Albany. Corrui.onuttiC . solicited , KEY. U. M. THOMPSON. Manager. Slloam Springs , Oara. P. 0.Ctutry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. Specific Oratity , . . . 1.0023 Reaction , , , , Neut Carbonic Acid Gas , . , . . . . . , . . 20 In. r > erpillor > Carbonate Calcium , . , 85,021 Cirulna Carbonate Iron , , . , . , , , ,7m BulphatoMaencfla , , . . , , . . . , . .3t 6 Sulphate Calcl im , . , , . . 1,140 Chloride Sodium 7i > tmilca. Alumina , , , , . . ,0,016 Organlcand Volatile matter and loss , . . .1,4(9 Total sclida per tra'lon ' 67,174 " WJIIOUT& MBBHII.IChemlcts. . Tuoa. orricuB , a. M. rctir , OFFICER & PUSEY BACKERS. Council Eludi - la. Estabiishea - - JS56 W.R.VAUCHAW. Justice oi the Peace. Omaha ana Council Bluffr ,