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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1884)
THE DAILY BEE OMAHA THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 14,1934. .UIOIURDS & CLARKE , W. A. OLA.IIKG Proprietors. Supurintcndiie rlcs U , P. iULAVAY 17TI1 & 1STII STREETS MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN AVATER WHEELS , ROLLERQMILLS , , ill ! and Grain Elevator Machinery MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth STEAM PUMPS , STEAM WATER AND GAS PIPE. BEASS G-OODB AHD FIFE FITTINGS , AltonITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. Sr * O { OKI LUKJ LUKJm o "We are prepared to t'umisli plans and estimates , and will contract foi the erection o Flouring Milla and Grain Elevators , or for changing Flouring Mills , HremStoue to the Roller System. i2 * 'Jbjpecial attention given iu furnishing Power Plants for any pur pose , and estimates made tor same. General machinery repairs attendee to promptly. Ad'lmss EICHA.RDS & CLA.W.T3 Omaha , Neb. a 403 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878 Catarrh , Deafness , Lung and Nervous Diseases Speedily and Permanently Cured. Pationta Cured at Homo. Write for "IJiiH MEDICAL-MISSIONARY , " for the People , Free. Consultation and Correspondence Grails. P. 0. Box 292. Telephone No. 226. CON. HIT-VARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , says : "Physician of Kea H.Dlnty arm Marked Success. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport , wrjroa : "An rxonorablo Man , .Fino Success , Wonderful Cures. " Hours. 8 to 5. 1409 and 1411 Dodge St. , I ° * OiViAHA. NEB irANUKAOTtJREU OF OF STUIOTLY'FinaT-CLABa AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. 1810 and 18iO Hamjy Street and 403 B. 18th Street. 1 f\Tvr A ET A lUuitrttcd Cataloirue ( uruUhtd tree upon application. f JjJU. * * H , H. , PEEPBCTION Heating and Baking In only attained by using OAK rV iLCS. . - - ? ; rW J Stoves and Ranges , lilJIIil WIRE GHUIE OVER DOOBl ( Uf-avlV Foi sale by MILTON ROGERS & SONS OMA.FIA. IIO\V AND AVHKN TO XISK Burdook Blood Bittors. IP YOtmArPETlTiisv : | ° r IIyour ill wtlnn I IT fcolite It jour tlccp In broken , ftnil you to do > ilati toJ Mill ile'i'omlent , try Ilimloek HloOil 11 tiers You will Iw dclljthtcil with the remit. TIIIP Mr.DK'INKliamiRnincentntietlent , gently IHIu mo\oillio bowel * , clonnin the MooJ nn.l 8ti\cs off | O\OM , flck licMlnchej , And bilious utticki , o pro alcntiliirlng tlio liotinontlis ; atut allays tor- ou.'ross ami ilcbility ai utll. HDW T0 USK nufllock Illo ( > l Illltor' ' ' ol > l ln < ) ' 1 lull \crj clearly on the label ncoompinj In jo\oh bottle. Thoiloscsllioi > ntlcitwlHryMlib ft lior ; ooil fcnso illcti\tc . No harmful effect * cnn po < l- > lo result from tlionsi of the medicine. We will uirantco npprcclnWohtncnt cncry time. UlirM TO VaK Uunlock Dloo.1 Hitters It Is mi- llllLll nerc ! nr } toUMe. AllumlcnUtiil whnt a iood U\AtUo anil btooil tonlo cm accomplMi , niul all \\licnthcyntmliiticli ( ami o intjht hi- crpohto AM/ need It t ono tlmo or another ) . As a ilcisrvnt experiment ami ( or iviUln rdlcf , trv liar- Jock IllooJ Illttors. Uy UrujglstJ. KOSTEU , MILUUUK & CO. , l'roi | > , llutlnlo , N. Y. % OTLS : OF a'nii KI.OOO. The Hartford City Coal nnd Salt com pany ostmmto their los at § 100,000 ; the Syracuse Coal nnd Salt company nearly as much. At the town of Rncino leO houses have been moved from their foundations nnd many have floated away. The relief committee of Philadelphia have telegraphed 8500 each to Ports mouth nn4 Athens , and 51000 to Oi.lti- polis. The people of Dayton have petitioned the legislature to nppiopriato $500,000 for the llooil sufferers. At Uiploy , Ohio , the river is four inches higher than over known nnd still rising. The supply of provisions is about ex hausted and much Buttering from want oi food. Twenty-six houses wore * wrecked Tuesday night , nnd eight swept down the river. Loss double that of last year. A ladv telegraph operator perched oil thereof roof of the house , remained nt her post till the wire ceased to work. Moro than two-thirds of the town is under wntor. The late heavy rains in Texas caused much damage to the property. Sheep nro sutt'oring greatly. The river came to n stand nt Catlotts- burg , Ky. , Tuesday noon. The town is almost destroyed. The river is five foot higher at Mays- villo , Ky. , than over before. Two thousand people Imvo boon driven from their homes at Lavrroncoburg , Ind. , nud hundreds of houses have been swept away. Indianapolis is moving vigorously and liberally to the relief of the suflercrs. Four thousand people are homeless at Jeftersonvillo , Ind. The stores are all closed and provision unobtainable. ALONO THE KANAWHA. CH.VULE TO.VV. . Va. , February 12. A government boat'and tow boat have re turned hero from distributing provisions to the Hood sufferers along the Knnnwha river yesterday gaud last night. Ono of the associated pressg reporters who nc- companicd the expedition took close ob servation of the damages ; also the cases of absolute necessity , and learned from those ho mot that no iuch suffering has over been caused by high water in the Kanawha river. At Buffalo half the town is submerged , but the people , as a general thing , are well supplied with food. At Leon , a place of 200 , the houses are under water and ns many people ple Buttering for food. At Point Pleasant , a town of 3,000 people , there is not n foot of ground which is not at least six foot under water. All houses are hid from the second story down by water. Fully 100 houses have been upset and washed away. The people ple are living on the docks of barges , in the court house , in tact , wherever they can got shelter. Many have gone to the hills for safety. This city has sent § 3,000 worth of provisions to the suiforors along the river. To-morrow the government boat will Ipavo here with the second lead of provisions for the river towns. The steamer Winona left hero to-day with a load of provisions for the towns along the Kanawha rivor. The whelp of the lower part of the Kanawha valley is overflowed. In many places the river is five miles wide. The people will have to bo fed for fully eight days yet. Many farmers have lost all their corn , wheat , hay and oats , also some stock along the Kanawha river qnd help is needed forthwith. A CAM. rou Corujniira , p. , Fob. 12. The follow ing proclamation wns issued this evening by Governor Uoadloy : To ( he People of Ohio. The distress existing along our sontli- orn border cannot bo exaggerated. Many thousands of our fellow citizens are with out shelter. The proas lias brought vividly to tlio ] attention of us all the de tails of the sorrow nnd Buffering which the present Hood liaa entailed upon our pooplo. The duty of the citizens of Ohio is to furnish relief , and that immediately. I urge upon every community * in the state to organize at once for the purpose of providing for the relief of their un fortunate follow citizens who live on the banks of tinOhio. . Everything is need ed and at every point along the state boundary , except Cincinnati , which is taking care of her Biifl'erera. Money , clothing , shelter nnd food must bo pro vided and speedily , or the loss of lifo will bo the result. No time should bo lost. What may bo given must bo forwarded - warded immediately. I appeal , there fore , to all good people to take steps without delay to assist the various roliuf committees in their efforts to stay the tide of distress which ia overwhelming the bordora of this atato. A Spiritual Fraud , VIENNA , February 13. An American Spiritualist named liastinn gave n Bcunco in the imperial palace at the invitation of Crown Prince Uudelph. When the al leged spirit appeared the crown prince cut off retreat , and proved it to bo Bas- tian himself. OHIOAOO , February 13 , The man Iks- tian axposod in spiritualistic materiulixa- tion at Vienna , was thoroughly exposed in his rooms in Chicago a few years ngo , when operating with a man named Tay lor , by a reporter for The Times. BlilloiiH iioruut * . CIUUACO , February 13. Reports to the associated progs indicate serious mo- toreplogicftl disturbances throughout the territory between Omaha and Pittsburg , Winnipeg and Memphis , and a general mixed up condition of things. At ono point reports show enow a few miles in ono direction , fog a like distance in another , and in still another alcot. At Sioux City at six o'clock last evening it was four below zero , while at DCS Moincs it was 18 above , A. 1'olltlcal Straw , , February 13. Twenty five hundred circulars were sent from Sacramento to democrats of the state , in- tjuirinn their preference for n presidential candidate , arid 1,000 answers have boon received giving 800 for Tildcn , 195 for Thurmnn , and 5 for Field. L NOTKS. Tour roglmonti tif 1lrllt < li trooin lm\o boon ordered from Alexandria nml Cairo to StmUm , \\lilchplnco they expect to icnch In n weak. Dr. Uoo. II. Mntthnll , chnrRed with attempting - tempting to blnckinnll Mnry Audorionm acquitted In the United State * dhttlct point nt rlttabm-K. . Ono hundred nnd fifty cltl/etn celebrated with nbnniuot the nnnlxcrnnry of the birth day of Ahrnhnm Lincoln Tuesday ul ht nt Jersey City. A majority of the HrltUh cabinet nro lit fn > vornf uRoroui notion in l''gypt , whllo ( Und- otono nnd GranviHo oppose nn Incroaio of KiiKlnnd's responsibility. Tlio tolcBrnph * or\ Ice wa * moro completely crippled throughout the ontlro country this morning than nt nny prexloii * limo during the present winter. The \\lro * have belm borne down by frozen slcot in almost every direction , nnd the only favoring feature is that the break * , though numorou * , wcro not \\ldoln extent ns hi * boon the c.vio under olimlnr con ditions In former instances. Fninoun ISIilo Ono of the attractions of the February Century , is a thrilling account of the turning-point in the battle of Winchester : "Sheridan had so devastated the valley tlmt it could furnish him no supplies , nud lie was iHty miles from n bnsu. llo there fore continued his retrograde movement as far as Cedar Crook. From this point , on the ID th of October , ho was summoned by the fjovoimnont to Washington for consultation , and during his nbsonco Earlydelormined once morn to attack the national army. The plan wns well con ceived. The enemy ndvnnccd in the night , nnd before dawn aurprisud nnd attacked - tacked the nntionnl forces , still in camp. The army was driven back , portions of it in great disorder , six or SCTOU miles. Eighteen guns wore captured , and nearly o. thousand prisoners ; n largo part of the infantry not preserving even n company org.uiization. "Shoridan had loft Washington on the 18th , and alppt at Winchester , twenty miles from his command. Artillery tiring was roportoa early on the 19th , but it wasaupposed to proceed from a reconnois- sanco , and at nine o'clock Sheridan rode out of Winchester , nil unconscious of the danger to his army. Soon , however , the sound of heavy battle was unmistakable , and half a milo from the town the fugi tives came in sight with appalling rapiili- ty. llo nt once ordered the trains halted nnd parked , nnd stretched n brigade of his troops at Winchester across the country to stop the stragglers. Then , with nn escort of twenty men , ho pushed to the front. Tlio ottect of his presence waa ploctrical. llo rode hot haste , swinging his hnt , ami shouting as he passed , 'Face the other wny , boys ! face the other way ! ' And hundreds of the men turned nt once nnd followed him with cheers. "After reaching the army ho gave some hurried directions , nnd returned to collect the fugitives. Ho was in major-general's uniform , mounted on a magnificent horse , man and boast covered with dust and foam ; and as ho rose in his stirrups , waving his hnt and his sword by turns , ho cried again and again : 'If I had boon here , this never would have happened. \Vo are going back. Face the other way , boys ! face the other way1 ! The scattered soldiers recognized their general , and took up the cry : 'Paco the other way ! ' It passed along from ono to another , rising and falling like a wave of the sea , and the men returned in crowds , falling into ranks as they camo. They follow ed him to the front , and many who had lied , panting nnd panic-stricken , in the morning , under Sheridan's lead had covered themselves with the glory of hcrops long before night. Such a re-onforccmont may ono man bo to an army. "A few dispositions , and the bnttlo began afresh. But no wall was changed. The enemy advanced , it. is true , but were at once repelled , and the national line , in its turn , bpcamo the assailant. Sheri dan l d a brigade in person , and the oneiny everywhere gave way. Their officers found it impossible to rally them ; u terror of the national cavalry had seized them. The captured guns were all retaken , and twenty-four pieces of artillery besides. Sixteen hundred pris oners were brought in , and Early report- cd eighteen hundred luled and wounded Two thousand made their way to the mountains , and for miles the line of retreat - treat was strewn with the debris of a beaten army. Early himself escaped under covov of darkness to Nowmarkot , * * * "Sheridan was made a major-genotfll in tlio fc'jular army , as ho was informed , in Lincoln's own words , 'for the personal gallantry , military skill , and just confid ence in the courage and gallantry of your troops , displayed by you on the 19th dny of October , nt Cedar Ilun , whereby , under the blessing of Providence , your routed nimy was reorg ni/.ed , n great national disaster averted , and n hcilliant victory achieved over the rebels for the third time in pitchol battle within thirty days. ' "It was just eleven weeks since Sheri dan had assumed command in the Valloy. In that time ho had taken thirteen thou sand prisoners , foi ty-nino battle flags , and sixty guns , besides recapturing eigh teen cannon nt Cedar Crook. Ho must besides have killed nnd wounded at least nine thousand men , BO that ho destroyed for the enemy twenty-two thousand soldiers. 'Turning what bid fair to bo disaster into glorious victory stamps Sheridan , ' said Grant , 'what I have always thought him , ono of the ablest of generals. ' " _ _ Ifor Huinji of Curiosity. IMroIt Krco I'rtu ) "Anything I con show you to-dayj' asked the jeweller. "Woll ahem yes , " replied the yount , lady , as she placed a package on tlio counter. "Did these earringg como from horo'/ / " " ' " "Yos'in. "Did they cost 845 ? " "Urn ! " "And are they solid gold , and rea pearls ? " "Um ! " "They were a Christmas present , you see. " "Ah ! " And the jeweler retires to the rear of the store and whiaporinuly inquires : "Joo , who bought thesof' "A young dude who in probably that girl's beau. " "What the " was price ! "Ton dollars. " "And , what were wo to say if aho cal- " vo solid gold real pearls.1 "You ahem you know , " Bays the jeweler , as lie returns to the counter "happy to inform you that the origins price was 87H , but as the purchaser In out of our best ciutomers wo lot thorn go tot $45. Bring 'ein in any time you want 4(71 ( iu cash. " Exit young lady looking tickled tc death. A MODERN RESURRECTION , V Mirnelo thm Took 1'lnco Itt Our MlilM Unknown to tlin I'ltli- lie Tlin Dctnllft In Full. > ottolt Kr > l'r . Ono of tlio iniwt roninrkatito occiu onccs over ; ! \ on to tlio public , \\lilcli took | > l co hero In itir mhM , jtiftt coino to our kmm ledge mid \ III undoubtedly nwnkou IM much nurnl | o unl nttrnct M ( trout ixttcntlon IM It iianlrc.iily n newspaper cfrrlrn. Tlio fnct < nro , brlclly , ni follow * ! Mr. William A. Oromblo.n young nnti formerly rcxUIng nt lllrmlnnliimi , n nnb- irb of Detroit , nml now living nt 1ST ! Mlcbl. 'nn AVOIUIO. In thU city , can truthfully Rny lint ho lins looked Into tlin future worM ami ot voturwil to tilt * . A roprccontntho of llili mpcr Imi Inturv ! o\vcit him upon till * Impor- nntftubjrct nml his oxpcrloticoi nro ghcii to ho vnbllo for tlio first timo. llo tn\At \ " 1 hiul boon having most ppciillnr xcnsn- loin for n long \vhtlo , My head felt dull nml njavyj my oyoMRlit illd not scorn so clour as ormurly ! my n\\\ \ \ \ etltoni itncortnln nml I vm unnccomitithly llrod. It WM nn olfort to irisii In the mnrntm' nnd jot I routd not * lcop nt nltjht. My mouth truilcd Kvlly. nnd 1 hid n ntutnlt-oiioiiuuiiittniiliillioi ( > ltotiiiyfitomnch hnt food did not sntlsfyhilo my hands nnd cot felt cold nml cliunmy. I win norvom nnd rrltnblo , nnd la-it nil otithiulnMii. At times ny licnd would xcom to whirl nnd my hunrt tftltiltntcd torrlbly , 1 luul no energy , no run- iltlon , nnd 1 sooniod Imlltreront of the pres ent nml thonahtlo.19 for the futmo. 1 tried to hnko the fooling elf nml piirmmda mjnolf It vn.i simply n cold or n Httlo nmlntln. lint It vould not RO. 1 wiw determined not to give in , nnd so ttmo pv : < ied along nnd nil the vhilo 1VM 1 OttlnK worso. U wnt nbout thin line thnt I notlcad 1 had bciguu to bloat four- ully. My limb * \\oro swollen BO thnt by irossliiR my flngorM upon thorn deep duproi- ilonsoiilit bo mndc. My fnco ixlio bcgixu to onlixrgo , nml continued to until I could icnrcoly BOO out ol my ojcs. Ono of my ilomli , describing my nppo.iinnca nt thnt imo ld : 'It U nn nnlnmtodjroimlAiiii ; , but I himldhka to know what. In tliln condition ! pissed : B0\ornl WOOM of the greatest ngony. " "Kin illy , uno Snturdnv night , the misery MilnitimttHl. Nature could omluro no more. bocnmo Irrntlonnl nnd apparently Insoiinlble. Jolil gnthciod on my ; my oym locnmo ph'ed And my thront rattled. I earned to bo in nnothornphure nmlitli other nrromuUiigH. 1 know nothing of what oc- mrrcd nrimnd mo. although 1 Imvo nlnco o.irnod It Wiw connldorod an donth by thoio vho stood by. U\\as to mo n iNtiot state , nml yet ono of great ngony. 1 was holplesi , lopoloiiB niul pain was my only compnnlon. 1 omombor trying to see what wns beyond mo jut the mitt before my eyes W B too great. T , rtcd to mason , but T Imu lost all power. I 'olt that it wns donth , nnd realized how tor- rthlo itns. . At last the Htrnin upon my mind ( i\o wny nnd nil wni n blnnk. How long this : ontlnuod 1 do not know , but nt lust I real- zed tlio presence nf friends and iccognirod my mother. 1 then thought It wna earth , but was not certain. 1 gradually regained con sciousness , however , and the pain lessoned. I found that my filumls hid , during my uncon sciousness , boon giving mo n preparation I hud nn\or taken before , mid the next day , under the Ir.lUicncn of thU ticatmcnt. the lilonting to disappear mid from that tlmo on 1 steadily improved , until to-day 1 nm ni well as o\or hoforo in my life , htyo no trnco.1 of the toniblo ncuto HrlKht'rtdieoiuo , which no nearly killed mo , nnd nil through the wonderful in- atrumontnlity of Wnrnor Snfo Cure , the iom- cdy that brought mo to llfo uftor II was \Irtu- nlly in nnothcr world , " "You have had an unnsnnl oxnerlonco , Mr. Oromblo"isitd the writer , \vlio had hconbronth- ccslv listening to the recital , "Yes , I think I ha\o , " was the reply , "nnd than been n valuable lessen to mo. I nm certain , though , there nro thousands of mon nml women nt this very moment who Imvo the B.itno nilmont which cnma so near killing mo , and they do not know It. I believe kidney dlscnso Is the most deceptive tronWn in the world. It comes Hlto n thlof In the night. It lini no certain Hymptoms , but scorns to attnck each ono dilForontly. It is < iuiet , treacherous , nnd all the inoro dangerous. It is killing moro people , to-day , than nny other ono com | ) lnint. If I had the power , I would wnrn the entire world against it , and urge them to remove it from the system bcforo it U too Into. " Ono of the members of the firm of White- lioad & Mitchell , proprietors of the lilrmlng- liam Jtccciitnc , puld n fratorunlisit to this ollico yesterday , nnd In the courto of convcr- ntion , Mr. Cromblo's name wnH mentioned' "I know about his skktiOBi , " saidtho editor , "nnd his remarkable recovery , I hnd his obituary nil in typo and announced In The Kccontric thnt he could not llvo until its next issue. It wna certainly u most wonderful casa. " Kov. A. It. Bartlett , formerly flistdf of the M. It. Church , nt Birmingham , and now of 3chnolcraft , i\Itcli. \ , In response to n telegram , replied : "Atr. W. A. Cromblo , was n member of my congregation at the time of hix aiukness , The pray era of the church \vcro requested for him un two dllfcront nccasloni. 1 was with him the day ho wan reported by his physlclnna as dying , and consider hln iccovory nlniost n mlriiclo. " Nut ono person In a million over cnmos an near death as did Mr. Cromblo and then recover - cover , but tlio man and women who aio driftIng - Ing toward the name cud mo legion. To note the slightest symptoms , to realize tholr sl > nificanco nnd to meet thorn in tlmo by the remedy which IIOH been shown to bo most olli- ciont , is a duty from which there can bo no ca- capo , They nro fortunnta who do this ; they are on the sure road todoathwho neglect it , PITTHIIUWI , February 13. Tlio West ern Nail association to-day reduced tliu curd ratO from $3AO to $2,00. Stocka nro ropniitd light and trade unsutiafag- tory. Owing tor tho' Hood but few fac tories resumed on Urolith ins t. , when the HX ! weeks shut down expired , An Old Cliar o Exploded. Sr. Lpyi.s , February 1J. ! Tom Allen , the pugilist has boon discharged by thu criminal court on tlio ground of un old charge of fighting n prize fight in Ken tucky iu 1870 , made for tlio purpose of collecting n debt. Sullivan , Cr.KViiANi ) , February 13. Duncan 0. lloss , a vroll known athlete , issues a challenge to match Morvmo Thompson for 81,000 to $5,000 ngainat John L. Sullivan , champion , for a hard glove light to a finish , ring rules. The glove light botwnen heavy weight * Captain . T. 0. Daly umU I. II. Stoddard , In Now York Inst night , ( jnoensbiiry mlofl , wa n very hot oncnuntor. In the third rouni Stoddard cllnchod his antagonist and hurlei him from the platform. The pollen thoi stopped the fight , Gentle Women Who want glossy , luxuriant nndrnvy tresses of abundant , bcuutliul linir must nso LYON'S KATHAIltON. TMa elegant , cheap article always makes tlio llu'r wovr ft-eely and fast , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cures gray- WCB8 , removes dandruff and i' ' ching , mnkos tlio Hair filrong , giving it a curling ttrndeucy and uqoplng it in av.y desired position. Beau- Will , lioulthy Hair is tlio sure result of usiug Kutliuirou. MICHIGAN'S MUItDRIt SIV8TIOHY. The IiiitCHt I'luifcn of tlioOrouoli Trn- Tlio mystoty of the Crouch murder in Micliignn , it suoms , is likely to bo solved inly by some atipplomontnl tragedy. Nn : rmo ! thnt has buon porpotrntcd in yonra ins been involved in so miioli mystery or nttondcd by such fltartling nnd significnnt ncidunts cnlcnlntod to heighten thu pub ic horror ni thin. Jt is very atrnngo that n cnao nbomidini ! BO in supplemental rimc8midmgnific.mtdavolopmontanhould lot long ngo Imvo boon probed to the lotlom niul its imvnrdncsa laid baro. The irat trngody wns enacted Nov. 21. Tlio ild in nu Crouch , his daughter nnd ipr huabnud , Henry White , nnd n man mined Policy , were nil nuirdorcd n their beds nt the Crouch homestead on ho night of thnt dny. A coroner's in- litest rmcalcd nothing. The nuthoritios olFurcd n rownrd for the discovery of the nurdorcra , but the Crouch hoira nhowod n roluutnnco to join with them. Tlio old imn hnd four children Mra. Whito.who rns killed ; I\lra \ , Lloloomb , > ufo of Dan lolcomb , whom thu father hnd hnlf sup- lortcd ; Caplnin llyron L. Crouch , of 'ex us , nnd .Judd Crouch , \vorthlosa , no- iccount kind of boy , vrho hnd nhvuys ivcd with the Holcomb.i. Crouch , the uirdorcd man , wna ivorlh moro than n nillion , nnd it wns not atrnugo thnt his loira should como under the keen acru- iny of the public oyo. Uut whoever did lie foul dend covered their trncka woll. \ot n clue could bo got to fnnton the : ritno on nnybody , out the doloctivua topt nt work. The next phnso of the mystery wna the uddcn dcnth of Mrs. Dan IJolcomb She > ns strickrii down the dny nftor tlio mur- or , nnd died n few WOOKR nftonvnrd , nn t VTM thought nt the time , by her own inud. It wna shown , however , tlmt flho lied from natural causes , though the litcct cnuao waa the shock of the nwful rngedy. iMeaulimo both Dan 1 lolcomb nu Sudd Crouch were kept unknown o thomselvcH , purhnpa under strict aur- oillnnco. Nothing now wna developed mtil nbout n week ngo , when Jnmca 'oy , a hiied man of Dan Ilolcomb's , riod to kill n man ut Union City , nnd niliug in thnt blow his own brains out. tut few doubted tht > n that Fey know nil nbout the murder , if ho hnd not pnrticj- ) atcd in the doed. These startling inci- , ents only nddud fresh xeal to the cf- orta of the authorities to unravel the nyatory. . Ko > y dotoctivcs were employed , nud the koouoa't operatives in that art voro act to work. Dotcctivo Thomas wns ono who hod boon especially active nnd rho wna believed to Imvo got on n'pocu- iarly hot trail. 'SVliilo riding on the end nbout two miles from the Crouch lomcatciid night before Inat ho wns mot > y two mon in n vy-agon. They stopped urn nnd nskod him his nnmo. Bob" old , ono of them quickly pulled a pistol and fired. The ball struck tlio detective ind ho foil. The two , believing ho was tilled , drove oil' in hasto. But the man vns not killed. Though severely wounded 10 managed to crawl to shelter , and is in a fair wny to recovery. llo ia confident Imt the man who shot him is Judd Crouch , who has boon nrrestod and ro- onsod on S5.000 bail. After this last incident few people will doubt thnt the gront mystery IB on the eve of solution. llo Wants to bo a lilcutcnnnt. _ 'jiilndolilin ) ! liccord. Sergeant Jorgpiison , of the army , wauls to bo u lieutenant. Jorgonscn , who hnd boon nn olliccr in the Oonnai irmy , sought an appointment years ago In the army of the United States. Ho applied at n time when there were no vacancies in the ranks of pllicors , BO ho entered the army as a private upon the understanding he should have a chance In the next competitive examination fern n lieutenancy. Wliilo ho waited for his chance a fire broke out at the frontioi ; > ott in which ho was nerving his adopted jountry faithfully , if humbly as n private soldier. By degrees the ilnmcs approach ed the mngii'.ino. The officer in comniunt wanted the mngiKino cleared. Jorgonaon darted in nt once , and while the fire ap preached nearer and nearer ho was carry ng out the packages. The flames caugh the building before ho hnd finished. Un daunted , ho complctsd his work , some o the catridgca in his arms bursting ns he carried thorn out. Ho was made a ser geant lor thin gallantry , and compliment d highly besides. Ho felt cortuiu of hi lieutenancy. But when his chance canu to go up for examination for the lioutcn nucy ho wan six weeks beyond the litni of ago , nnd , being honest ; , gave his age truly and accurately , although ho know that ho thus lout his clmnco of piomotion Ilia captain nnd others of his urmy friend nro trying now to got a bill through con groaa excepting Sergeant Jorgonuon fron the legal requirements as to the ago o applicants for lioutonancios. It will prob nbly go through , llo is certainly of tin Htutl' from which good ollicors are made Ilia promotion -would make n vacancy ii the ranks that would fob soon bo filled. Hon. J. J } . Davfo , a member of * tLo Texas legislature , during iv lit of tlio jlui jimiri , c cajicd from thu hotul at Wlchltu , ICns , , nnt wan fro/.en to death. inii > ; iiiciNi < j/i. TRADE MARK " " Oll AT "U < | nn.JE MARX . LIHII llXMXDT. An ' ' -A unfailing cure for - Seminal Weak. lieuu , Biicrmatorr- hcoa , Impotonoy , and all IMiuisco that follow an a eequonca of Doll. Alicino ; aaloeiiof' Memory. Unlver * . -SORE TAKma. aiu Jtudo.i-ttin AFTER TAKING In the Hark , Dimness ol Vision , I'ronmturc Old Aw and .nany other dUwaeoii that loaul tolnoaulty or Con tiinptl'in and a I'rcnuturo Oravo. UKWARII ol adrcrtlwinonts to rcluuJ money , whei sit from whom the modldno l bought ito no ' , but rttvr you to the minufacturers , and thi . . . _ . . -menU are buch that they are nelilom , if ever compiled wltlu tioo their wrlttun BUaranteo , Atrlu of ono elnulo package ol Ora/s Bpoclda will iximlna the moat ( keptlcal of IU real morlU. On account ol oountoi/oltor ) , we have adoplod tin Yellow Wrapper ; the only Kenuluo. " " mrtlculars In our pamphlet , which . wode ilro to iJln o by mall to every ono. tJTIho Sj > o : lflo Media Ino u sold by all druggUU at 81 per piu.k ige , ot lx | mck 2cu lor 5 , or will be ncut Ireo b mall on the receipt ol the money , by atldretslni ; TUB aKAYMKUIClNEUO. , Jlutlalo , N , Y , Hold In Omaha by O. F ( loodman. HOPP'S Malt Extract , NOUUHIIU3 TUB Ai'BAKEST , BTHEKflTIIBNS TUB KKKHUai , ANI ) I1UII.DS I'lTHi : _ BVhTKSI 11V KNAUS I.INd DKUOATi : I' \ , 'riKNTJTOAhHIMILAlB KOOO. JHut ba [ nit In thl ntyli ) lottlu , and bear on label tlio name uf TAKUANT i 00. , Solo AKOiitu ( or the Uul led butin , 278 ( li ukliHt.NuM York. I'pr ealu l'riccM.00 Cures Scrofula , Erysipelas , PJmplos and Face Grabs , Dlotchos , Boils , Tumors , Potter - tor , Humors , Salt Rlionm , Scald Head , Sores , Mercurial Diseases , FoniAlo Weakness and Irregularities. Dizziness , Loss ci Appetite , Jnandico , Affections ol tlio Liver , Jndi- Eostion , Biliousness , Dyspep sia and GonaralDebility A covtrie of Burdock B1c * ! Ibtteri will nxtUfy th * mo.l Ikrpllnl Hut It U the l.rcMrtt lltowl 1'ulifirr an eutli. Sold hv mcillcino U > Alert ererjnvhi re Direction * In cleren UnguAt-e * . VHICK , ) t ) . FOSltR , MILBURN&CO. , Prop'i , Buffalo , N.Y , 0OO.OOO fox- O J. l _ REaULAllMONTIIIA- - - ' L I I ing will take place in Covington , ty- > Thursday February 28th , 1884. rmrteml by the Icitlslaturo ol Ky. , nnd tw Ice ueclar- I Icit&l by the hlffliost court In t"-e Male lloml > on to llonry County In the s\im ol (100,000 lor the > rom ] < t payment ct nil rrlzca wild. February Bchorne. 10,000 1 Vrlio , . 5,00(1 ( 2 1'rlioi , $ J,500onch . . . . . . fi.OOO 6 Vrlio , 1,000 each . 6,000 Prize * , COOimch . 10,000 100 Prizes , lOOcucli. . . . . . . 10,000 500 I'rlica , CO each . , . 10,000 COO Prizes , SO each . 10,000 1000 Prize * , 10 each . 10,000 0 Prize * , SOO oftchApproxlmatlon Prize ) , 2,700 0 Prizes , SOD " i SOO D Pilzcs , 100 each " " BOO ,875 Pilzca. 110,400 Hiolo Tickets , $2. Half Tlckota , 1 27 Tickets , BB Tickets , $100. Remit money or Postal Koto Dank Draft la Letter , r nonil ti ) Express. Orders ol $5 and upnaril by xprciM , cnn bo lent at our expense. Aucrmu all rilcru to J. J. UOUOT.AB , CoUngton , Ky. il'UuJ lit 3 em-w 1M vv em. 266T11 EDITION , PRICE $1.00 BY MAIL POSTPAID. KNOW THYSEI.FJ A GREAT MEDICAL WOIIIC Oftl BV8Aft9B-9OOD I Exhausted Vitality , Nervous and Vh > sIcAl Debility 'ronmturo Decline In Man , Krrorg ol Youth , and the untold miseries resulting from Indlscrctlona or ex- CCBBCB. A book lor every man , young , middlo-agcd , and old. It contains 12ft prescriptions ( or all acuta and rhronlc diseases each ono ol which la Invaluable io found by the Author , whoso experience ( or 2 yearn l such asprohably ncncr before ( ell to the la } ( any phjdclnn 800 pages , bound In bcautlhi frcncn runtlln oin josseJoo\ , full gilt.Ruarantcod to bo a Oner worx I n every sense , michanlml , lit erary nnd profceslonal , than any other work ( old In this country { or ( T2.BO. or the money will bo refunded In every Instance. 1'rlcoonly Jl.ijo by mall , post- paid. Illustrative gampla 8 cents. Send now. Qold modal awarded the author by the National Medical Association , to the o Ulcers oi which ho refers. Tills book should bo read by the young for Instraa- Uon , and by the afflicted for relief. It will benefit 11 toidon Lancet. There Is no member of aoclety to whom this boolc Mil not bo uicful , whether youth , parent , guardUn , Inbtructc t or clergyman. Argonaut. Address the Toabody Ifcdlcal Institute , or Dr. W. II. Parker. No. 4 Uulflnch Street , Boston Mass. , Vtha may bo consulted on all diseases requiring uklll and CTpoilonce. Chronicaudobstlnatodlso asesthat have batllud ths skill of. ' all other phys-1r 11 clana ( pcclalty. Such 'treated eucccss-ntAL fully without an Instano allure , THYSELFfully Chartered by thcStateof Illi nois for the express purpose of clvlnclmmedlatc rclietln all chronic , urinary and prl > Vata diseases. Gonorrhoea , Oleet ar.dSy philli la all their complicated forms , also alt diseases of the Skin and Dlood promptly relieved and permanently cured by remc- diestestedlnal"orfi/lVara . , . , hjicclaU'raence. Seminal Weakness , N ( Rht Lossea by Dreams , Pimples on the Fnce.Lost Manhood , jioalltvelictired.Xlicra iaitorxi > crlinenHn < i > The appropriate remedy i ; .nonce uceil in each case , Consultations , per- Zonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med > Iclnea oenr by. Malt and Express. No marks on package to Indicate contents or sender. Address Dn.JAMESNo.20WashlnglonSt.Chlcagolll. COOK'S OI1AND EXCUnSIONS Jua\e New York III April. May . .id Juno , I8S4. TASSAOi : TICKUTH by a I ATI ASTIO STIIASllIUS. Hptclal facilities for fccurlntrOOOI ) IlKllTIIt ] , TOUItl.ST IICKEIU for tr.-uel'rxln Kl'ltOI'K , by a'l routes , at reduced rates. COOK'S KXCUltSIONIST. vtlth map and lull par- tlculaiH , by mull 10 cc'iit.s. A'Mu' a . COOKS BON , Ml Droadwa.v , N. Y. 10-w.2-ta-w.wi' . When you oomo to think of It , U In not odd that literary people iireier \4po to a clirar , It la handler to emoie when they are wrltlutr , and ever no much clouier. Aud then It ( riven them the true ee once ami flavor of the tobacco. The moat fastidious einoiQra among all nations and all claaeoa of men airroo that tbo tobacco irrown on the Golden Tobacco Holt of North Carolina la the rapat delic ious and refined in the world. Uttutcr Uiau Turkish , more f rotrrant than Havana , from nltntca and nicotine than any other , It li Just what tbo connoisseur pra'.sts and the habitual unoker demands. The very choicest tobacco RTOWH on this Ilelt U bought by IJUck- well'n Durham Tobacco Co. , and ni > i > ears In their celebrated Bull DurhamBruokluirTobacco. ItU kuown the world over , ( let the Keaulno.wlthUull trade-mark , then you will bo sure of having abso lutely pure tobacco. HENNING8 IMPROVED SOFT ELASTIC SECTION DORSET If w&rruiteil to wear longer , tit ithe form neattr. and vivo UU" ' ? faU r ctlon than unyutnorCon. * In tbo market , or fried paid will t * refuntk < ii 7hu IcdonomeiiU ut Chlcuiro pent rilinlciini. < uxoat j ny tach Corttt. rilco , I " ' I"041 ? 'i " -J ? * * ! * wp < U' ' . (5l . . ; -.4A-Yo l- - - - ( ; ; TllbCniLII t EHMANN.