THE DALLY BEE-OMAHA , MONDAY , FEBRUARY 11 , 1884. ' Maryland , My Maryland. Lovely "My farm lies in a rather low and miasmatic situation , and "My wifol" "Who ? " "Was a very pratty blondol" Twenty years ago , become "Shallowl" "Uollow-oyodl" "Withered and aged ! " Before her time , from "Malarial vapor * , though she made no particular complaint , not being of the crumpy kind , yet caused mo great uneas iness. "A short time ago I purchased your remedy for ono of the children , who had a very severe attack of biliousness , and it occurod to mo that the remedy might hplp my wife , as I found that our little girl upon recovery had "Lost ? " "Her aallownoss , and looked as fresh , as a now blown daisy. Well thot story is soon told. My wife to-day hosgainod her old time beauty with compound and is now as handsome amatron ( if I do say it mysplQascAn bo found in this coun ty , which is no ted for pretty women. And 1 have only Hop Bittora to thank for it. "Tho dear croaturojuatlookodovor my shoulder and says , I can flatter equal to the days of our courtship , and that re minds mo there might bo moro prctly wives if my brother farmers would do aw I have done. " Hoping you may long bo spared to do good , I thankfully remain , Moat truly yours , 0. L. JAMBS. BELTHVILLE. Prince George Co. , Md. . \ May 20th , 1883. / DR. FELIX U : BRUN'1 PREVENTIVE AND CUHH. "KWR S < JtuJL JL MiuAt The remedy liclng Injected directly to the sent ol the dlacaac , requires no cluiiKC ol diet or naiucoua , or polionoui medicine * to lie Ulion Inter nally. When Uicil M a jirovcnth o Iiy ilthcr BOX , Ul Impossible tu contract nyi > rliato dfsciuic ; hut iu the COM of thoio already unfortunately ( vlllljtecl wo yum- antco tlncoboxcB to euro , or wo will rclurul tliomon- cy. rrlcoliy tnnll , jiostiiKe | i IJfi ] icr box or tbroo boxes ( or f3. f3.WRITTEN WRITTEN OUAHANTEES B3utd by all authorized agcntn. Br.FelixLe Brun&Co. sorE rnoi'mnrons. fC , K. Ooodman , Druggltt , Hole Agent , lor Omaha Hch. luio-wly Dn IX O. Wear's Ncnvr. ASD IlnMM THKAT- UENT , n Btmnvntocd Bnooilic for HyBtcrin , lllizi- nods. ConvulsioiiB , IfiU , Norvouu NoiinilRin , llpadacho , NorratiH Prontrntlon caused bytlmuea ot alcohol or tobacco , Waknf ulnoEM , Sltmtul Uo- prcHBlun , BofUninB ol the llrnin rcmiUhicr in in- flanity nnd loiuling to misery , decay nnd dwith , 1'romnturo Old ARO , lirurcnnora , Losfl power in oithur BOX. Involuntary JJOSIPB nnil Hpormnr. orrhcca caused by ovor-oxertlon of Ilio brain , Bolt. abueoor OTor-inJulnonco. liich box contiiina ono month's traitmont , f 1.00 n box , or oiz boxot furJUBontbymall ( proimidon ruceipt of prlco. ttUAltAXTRi : IX JIOXEH To euro eny cneo. With cnoli onlor rocoivcxl byn for cix biues. iircompanivU with $5.O , wo mil send the purcunetV our written ifunrnnloo to rot - t and the money if tlio trmtinoutdooouotouocl a euro. GtmruutooH isEiicdoalyby 0. t' , OOODJfAN ; Sola Agunt , Omaha , Neb. PJpogmolElnglstuore<oDtof atobnoco. It is the regal way or tmoklnff. You got rnoro dlrecUy at Uio flavor and framracco. You taka the sraoko cooler , and tlio toala cloaallor and ufcr. llpo lanollng Is Emolclntr reduced to a itao ut. Tlio moro the question of adulterated tobacco forces Iteelt on the attention of emoken , the moro Ccclrtblo It bocomcs to know prodecly what you are mnoVluK. InBlackweU'iDullUurliam Hmoilnt ? To bacco you hsvo a nimrantco. always , that It ia Naturo'B ovrnunadulteratodrroduct Itu frwrorjcc , flaror , and unBurpaasodauallty.arodo. rlvod from tlio neil and lr. Try It , and you will bo > a I. < < /f / ' . Keno ifonulno with , out trada-m&rk ot the Dull. All luccrufnl Fishermen Mid flporta. men emoko IJUckweU'H Dull Durham Gmokliig Tobacco , uid Uwy enjoy It. Stove Repair Works , 109 South 14th St. luniUhhiK culhiKl and repair to oi ut all nesartptlon , wocxl itovoi , changed l ( burn coal , grater , BrcLock , dampen , to. coiibUntly ; en hand. Try ono ol our etovo f IK [ ) nlu.h on ant lothua dryer. miw OOLD HEDAI , PAEIB , 1870 BAKER'S Warranted absolutely jtur Cocon , from which the PXVOM o Oilluubeenmnou'J. HIiaiMN tltntt the iltcnglh of Cocoa mUi with Btnrcj , Arrowroot or riuirai and U thervforo fur moro ocouum cal , It U dclldoui , nourUhlni itrrnsthcnluK , canlly illjCMU'd , an ud'uilralilndiiitvd fur Invulidi i well a * fur pcroni la health. Bold Orofcri eterjwlicr ff. BAKER & CO. . Dorciicstera Has ; Imported Beei * IN BOTTLES. Krlauger , Bararic Culmbachor , . .Bavarit Pilsner Boheniiau Kaiser. . . . , Bremen DOMESTIC. Budweiser. f , . . . , . , St , Louis Anhauser , St. Louis Bess Milwaukee 8chlitz-Pil8ner .Milwaukee Krue'i } . . . .Omaha Ale , Porter. D m Bticand Rhm ' Wine. ED. MAUHEH , lfn I Farnara. UTAH-LIZIHG THE "COLONEL. " Impressions of a Brief Visit to tbe Yonng Kingdom of Taylor , Ilio Ooni of IIio Mountains Dliiinicil by Doubling Up Local Notcw from Fairllcld , Nol ) . Correspondence of Tin Dm. FAIRFIEM ) , Nob. , February 8. Your correspondent returned yesterday from a business trip to Salt Lnko City , and would have given your readers a deaeriptivo letter - tor of that beautiful city situated , as it is , in ono of the most picturesque parts of America , had time permitted. During my stay there the weather wan grand , mid a very enthusiastic resident informed mo that they have inoro pleasant days in the year , than any other plnco in the United States southern California alone oxcoptcd. The nconory about Salt Lake City ia Biiblimn mid must bo aeon to bo appreciated. The territory is a natural sanitarium. Salt Lake in particular , with its many islands , pebbled shores , from which the mountains riao , with clomo-liko peaks ; the procopitous cliffs and beautiful valleys are the delight of the artist and tourist. The majority of the citizens of Salt Lake City are n hard working and peaceable class , but they love and cherish something else moro than they do their country they give to ono man as the head of a creed , the allegiance which should bo given to their country. This is what closes the door of statehood against Utah and drives men who would live there away. Except for this , long before now Utah would have boon a very gem of the mountains. During our sojourn there wo niiulo our homo with Mr. J. II. Van Horn , of the Walker House. The Walker House ia a commodious building ) containing about 100 rooms , neatly aim tastefully furnish ed throughout , and in situated on Main struct in the heart of the business portion of the city. Mr. Van Horn is a young man with largo hotel experience , alive to the wants of his guests , and makes the AValkor houeo-all that travelers could dosiro. The Pairflcld public schools , under the able piincipalahip of . S. Dotwilor and hia.ofliciont assistants , are in a flourish ing condition. The total number of pupils enrolled is 100 ; average daily at tendance , 145. Wo have a magnilicont school building , costing over $5,000 , which is ono of the finest in the stato. Ilov. 0. W. Merrill , of Lincoln , is preaching in this vicinity. Saturday evening ho preached in the congrega tional church , this city. 0. B. Qracoy arrived from Cheyenne , Monday , to make his family a visit. IIo contemplates moving to Choyonuo in the spring. ' Land is still on a boom , and it is a cold day vrhon some good farm don't pass oil to iv purchaser for higher figures than it was known to bo worth before. As March approaches , manyaro enquiring for farms , and much moving will BOOH bo the order of the day. The leap year party Riven by the ladies of the congregational church in Hooper's hall last week was a decided ouccoaa. The total receipts amounted to SCO. Ilov. 0. W. Merrill , of Lincoln , will dedicate anew now Congregational church Sunday , the 10th inst , at Spring llanoh , this county. Building is very active at present a forecast of what may bo expected when the building season fully seta in. Houses are always in demand , but those Ire only building who intend to occupy the houses themselves. Newcomers coming hero can find no empty houses , and in consequence - quonco have to go to work and build. Capitalists would find Nebraska a rich field for investment in thin respect and wo wonder moro of them do not coma to iur fast growing ntato. J. II. Conrad has boon in Iowa the at ton days buying a car load of horses. Ho succeed in purchasing some good ines , which will arrive next week. Farmers are getting very anxious about orn for seed , and some of thorn have .Iroady . laid in n supply at 81.00 per ushof. A uon was horn to Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Vuthony on Monday. A. A. llimdall , our next county super- ntondont of public instruction , is prov ng himself to bo the right man in the ight place ulivo to our educational in- or 03 U , courteous amt is vrell liked .hroughout the country. Ho is doing ; oed work in his now Hold of labor and iias the best wishes of his many friends as well as those of COLONEL JAMES , - - r gBBa " Latter Fro m a. "Well-Known Now Vorlt Auctioned- . 110 & 118 EAST MTH SriincT , NEW YOUK , May 18th , 1883.f I have boon troubled with an Irritation - tion of the Throat and a Cough for some time. I am alas a martyr to Dyspepsia , By the adviao of a very learned physfciai I applied two ALLCOGK'H Poiioos PLAH TEIIS to my chest , and ono on the pit ol my stomach. In three days my Couul was cured and my Throat was well. ] have now worn the Plasters two weeks and my appetite and digestion hayi much improved. I am confident that ii another week my Dysponsio will bo entirely tiroly removed. I have never used si pleasant and ayrccaMe a remedy in m ; life. THOS. MATHKWS. "Allcock's" is the only ponuino Porou Plaster ; nil other so-called Porous Plaa tors nto imitations. It Wat * 1'iiHt from the Detroit 1'ree Trail , There was a suit before a justice of th peace the the day , in which a citizen o of the suburbs attempted to nmko ou that ho had been swindled in a horn trade. The defendant had warrantci the horse "reasonably sound for a boas of his ago , " and the ago was given at li years. "Din you give the animal's ago at 181 was asked of the defendant. "I uavo it as about 18. " "What did you moan by reasonably sound for his ago ? " "I meant that ho had ono log on whiol there were no ringbones or spavins , am ho could BOO pretty well out of om eyo. " "How old do you believe the horse ti bo ? " "Not ever 10 , but I'll leave tliat to hi honor and the jury , " It was agreed to odjourn to the allo ; anil inspect the boast. They found tin beast loaning up against the wall , huai down and eyes full of tears , and his hone nut the ago down at 21. Each cf tin jurymen had a look at the horso'i teeth and eyes and foot , and the ; were firm in their figures , which rangoi from 12 to 45 years of oge. When th sounscl for the plaintiff discovered this 10 said : "Your honor , I dcsiro to withdraw 'rom record everything rotating to the iorso' ago. " "Why ? " "Because , when a man like your honor iin't toll whether a horse is fifteen or a ntndrod years old , and a jury of intolli- ont citizens can't distinguish a ringbono rom n spavin , the defendant can't bo jlamcd for throwing in a sere back and ) oll-ovil free gralisl" "Very well , sir. " "And wo rest our caao solely upon the act that wo were drunk when wo made ho trade , and that the defendant know t and took advantage of us. " The jury found for the defendant , of nurso. " Pnlfioncd ivllli Potash and Mercury In the tale of n largo percentage of hick poo- ilo In the world ; nucli a largo number , In fact , hat It li hnrtl to toll wliothnr there are not as many victims to thin mineral poisoning M o ( llKonxcn of Ilio blood nnd skin , "I took notrnli , " mid ono , "and whllo It lartlnlly dried u | > the eruption temporarily , t CMHO new drying my vitality for nil tlmo. t drove the liiftcaio in in > Ryatom , only to : nut ogaln on Bomo other part of my > oJv. " T such Swift's Specific U the remedy vlilcli Ii worth moro than nil the world bo- Idea , It drives out the poison of tlio blood nlut , ollmlnatoi ) thin mineral poison , and mtldfl up the general health , Ilo Hiiro to got the genuine , nnd send for mattes on Blood and Hkln Dljcaios , froo. THE SWIFT Si'Kcino Co. , Drawer a , Atlan ta , Oa. 1'IIEOOOIOUS PUTS. V Oat Marvel Poetry ly a Parrot Anllc.s oriMlrtliful Monkeys. few York Journal. A little boy in this city owns a Maltese at that can open the kitchen door by toolf. The door shuts with an old-fash- onod latch , and that cat jumps on the able , puts out its paw , and lifts the atch. Thpn she jumps down and opens ho door with her nose. The same cat mod to live in the country and slept in ho dairy , never touching a bit of the milk or croam. A gentleman in Brooklyn owns a par- ot who can say the alphabet backwards ind bless himself. This same parrot ii end of milk punch and liko.1 to play go ng on asproo. iiorocitea"IIohonlindon , " fith a verso from ' 'Mother Qooso" in jotwcon every stanza. An old woman living near Greenwood comotrjr owns an old white geese who ivory night after all the fowls are asleep walks across to the cometry and remains .hero . until midnight. She then comes jack , making a straight line for the louse , flaps her wings three times and joes to bed. The old woman has always ) onn afraid to follow her and is afraid to kill her. An old maid , living on Twpnty-sixth- t.who believes in the Darwinian theory , ms three pot monkeys that she lias .rained to act like-human beings. They valk on their hind legs with the aid of a cane. Two of them are dressed like men and the other like a young lady. They each have a bedroom and oat at the table with forks and knives. Their owner .hinka she can civilize them and believes .hoy have souls. She has family prayers every evening , utwhich they are irosont. A litto black Spits dog , owned by a 'ontlomnn in this city , can smoke n cigar , nix any kind of a drink to order and ilay a fair game of dominooa. Ho was Tamed in a Texas inn. Compare the dose and quantity of Hood's Sarsaparilla and you have conclusive proof > f its superior strength and cheapness. Try it. Coins of Thought , The truly great man is ho who doea not ooso his child heart. [ Moncius , Chi nese. nese.To To indulge a consciousness of goodness s the way to loose it. [ Sacred oook of ho Chinese. To enjoy the benefits of Providence is visdom ; to enable no to an joy them ia irturo. [ Persian. God is glad when any ono honors father md mother and grandmother worn down by ago. [ Plato. I am a man , and nothing that concerns miiiaii beings is indifferent to mo. [ Terrence - ronco , Roman , 101 B. 0. Of friends , hpwoyor humble , scorn not ono ; small service is true service whila it "asto. [ William Wordsworth. They who remember the benefits be stowed by parents are too grateful to remember - member their faults. [ Chinese. Nature made us just , that wo might share our goods with each other , and sup ply each other's wants. [ Cicero. The liberal man who cats and bestows is better than the pious man who fasts and hoards. [ Persian , 1175 A. 0. Among these who live for future hap piness ho is greatest who lives well in his own household. [ Manu , Hindoo. Ono ought to forgot ut once what ho has given , and the other ought never to forgot what ho has received. [ Seneca. The most popular ncrvlno tonic in the world is Dr. Richmond's Samaritan Wervtnc. $1.50. "Fits rendered my daughter deaf , dumb and paralyzed , Samaritan JVcr- vine cured her. Potpr Ross , Spring- water , Wis. At Druggists. Tlio Fate ofulaiuky Man. New York World. "I'm in luokl" exclaimed a rathoi "loud" young man ashoatnppod up to an old gentleman in Brooklyn , near the bridge , yesterday. "I just picked it up , " ho said. "Why it isn't a pocket-book ; I thought it was though.1 The farmer's attention had boon at tracted. ' It's a a a pair of kida , " said the lucky man as ho uurolledtwoglovoa"au ( ] I'll bo hanged if , there isn't a ring in tliii linger , " and ho hold up the left-hand glove to remove it. "I guess it is a ring , " ejaculated tin old man as the glove was being turned wrong side out , "Certain ; and you're in luck , too , TOJ friend , " said the young clm > , as he pullet out an exceedingly heavy plain gold ring "You were along with mo when I founc 'em , and I'll do the square thing. Wo'l go halves on it. " "I'll take it , " said the old farmer , am ho placed the ring and the gloros in hi breeches pocket. "I'm kinder short o money just at the present time , but conic down hero and I'll ' borrow it from in ; son-in-law , " But how much have you gotwitl you now ? " asked the sharper , unoasi ly. ly."Oh mind that. son-in-lay "Oh , noTur . My - - U a sergeant down at the lockup , nut hu'll lend mo the full amount , " ropliei tlio fanner. The luoky man disappeared , A XBIlUIIUjW 11IDI3. Dcsorlpllon of Kd , Slicnr- cr'R Trl } > on a Knit. Vicksuurg Herald , January 22. Yesterday morning liopo was revived n the breast of this community that Sim Joates , the engineer of the ill-fated loco- hotivo that fell through the Bayou ierro bridge , might still bo alive , but an ' , ho day were on to night the last spark ) f what might bo termed liopo vras lost md Coatcs was given up for dead. Sun day evening a negro man reached Port Gibson and spread what proved to bo au mfoundod and cruel rururr that Mr. Ooatcs had bscn found by a while woman on n annd bar in the Mis sissippi river in an almost dying condition. Capt. Bollingor , the conduct or of the train , immediately dispatched non in skiffs to the sand bar mentioned > y the negro man , to ooo if Ilia atory waa .ruo , anil telegraphed the information ho mil received to this city. The news spread like wildfire , but toward noon word came ever the wires that the skilla lad returned to Port Gibson without inding any tracoa of the missing ongi- loer. It was then nnd only then that .ho officials of the Louisville , Now Or- cans & Toxis railroad gave up hope and abandoned their efforts to find the man vho had so faithfully nerved them dur- ng the time ho was in their employ. Mr. Ed. Shearer , who waa on the on- ino at the time It fell through the iridSo , reached this city Sunday oven- ng , and gave the following thrilling ac count of tlio accident to a lie raid re porter : "Wo loft Vicksburg Friday evening , ind everything wont aa usual until wo itruck the bridge. The train was slowed in , and was running only about five miles nn hour when the engine struck the tior. I was in the cab at tlio time stand- , ; with my back to the boilor-hcad , vhon suddenly , and without a moment's earning , the engine crushed through the > ridge , and wo were plunged into the valor. At first I thought it was all tip vith mo , but the cab had boon knocked ) lf by what I think must have boon a > ridge timber , and I arose to the surface Jtor having boon , what accmcd to mo an igo , under water. When I got my head nit of the water I saw Coatca clinging to i log about thirty or forty yards from mo. ! then scrambled on top of some 'imbor , and waa awiftly carried down tream and out of sight of the bridge. 3oatoa was in sight of mo all ho .way down the bayou , to the place vhoro I loft my raft and awam aahoro. . ' talked to him and told , him to got on .op of his log , but ho said ho could not. I then asked him if ho was hurt and ho aaid "no , but I cannot awim. " I told am that 1 was hurt and could not help ! iim. Soon after getting on my raft a negro boy about 12 or 1-1 years of ago swam to it , and I helped him on it. Ilo and I then floated down the bayou until wo saw a chance to jump off and awini ishoro. The last worda Coates said to mo joforo 1 loft my raft were , "Ed , I BOO a ; oed wiclo plank , muat 1 got on it ? " 1 laid " 1'os , for God'a pake got on it if you can and paddle it to the ahort. " After reaching the bank I found that the un- dorbush waa too- thick to admit of my following the atream to render Coatoa assistance , so I gave it up and atarto'd ; o Port Gibson. Aflor waiding through water and briara for about a milo I came to an old field and found a negro cabin. The negro boy who was with mo on the raft atopped at the house , and I , with one of the negroca who lived there as a guido , started for Port Gibsonwhich ; > lace I reached after having boon lost in icano-brako for several hours. Before leaving the hut I told tbo negro man I would guarantee him 8100 if ho would rescue Gates. Ilo started for his skiff , and I have not scon or heard of him since. I have boon in many railroad ac- cidonto during my railroad career , but I tiavo never bnforo had such a narrow escape - capo as the ono I experienced last Fri day. " Beside being a 'little used up , Mr. Shearer waa over his injuries yesterday. Mr. Shearer saya that Mr. Bollingor did everything possible to rescue himself and 3oates , and that the good people of Port Gibson were kindness itself. Nothing jthor than what was done could have jcon thought of by any ono to save the men who were in the wreck. Unless you use I'ozzoni'n medicated com- iloxiou ponder , which icstoros freshness to , ho skin , and imparts a durable HofLno .i equalled by nemo other. ] [ 'XwlBtcU Her Tall. Now York Tribune. It was n cow , with mild brown eyes , auburn ban s , ttnd n tail with a loose lock m the end , that nwitched the nir and mocked imaginary Hies into the hereafter with u snap. She was being led down West atroot , near the Cortlnndt street iorry , by a ferocious-looking Jersey man , whoso complexion , owing to the cold weather and hot whisk } ' , was red as n meteoric sunset. Suddenly , with what wao apparently unnecessary cruelty , the Jcrsoyman struckpio cow across the flank with a club , swung his arms ever his icad , danced n maddening Uoublo-shufllo in the atroot , and sat down with strange rnpMity upon n car rail. The cow looked ever her shoulder approvingly , nnd stood in her tracks. The Jorsnyman arose From the impression ho had made upon thu ice , smoothed his coat tails caress ingly , and started townrd the cow. Ilo rapped her once , spat on his hands , rapped her twiceput his shoulder against lior side all to move her out of the track of U > o draya but to no avail. A crowd assembled. Tlio Jorsoyman got lota of sympathy but no assistance. Ono man suggested that she had frozen fast ; another that oho was undecided about the policy of the now board of aldermen ; a tliird that sjio was ono of II. O. T.'s unbalanced bids nnd was afraid of Jer sey justico. The owner wont a few yards ahead , grinned a ghastly grin , and shak ing his club behind him iu a suppressed fury , pleaded iu porsuosivo tones : "Come , Mooly como Mooly Mooly. " But Mooly saw the club. At last from the crowd stopped a lank and unshaven specimen of a 'Jpugahoro- man. Ho was gifted with a wisdom bo- yondhis kind. Ho drew the owner of the cow aaido , aud whispered in his oar : "Twist her tail- " The Jerooynian shook his head. Then , as though bidding for the support of the multitude , the 'long shoreman raised hia'aim and , making a sweeping gesture , exclaimed : ' . 'Gents , I says twist her tail. " "Twist it yerfelf , " was the answer. A glance of s < jorn upon the crowd , and the 'lougehoronmi bared his brawny arm and stepped un | o the cow. Ilo took the love-lock iu hi hand ; run his fingers through it , nud , clinched them , grasped the middle of tie tail with his left hand , and tried to ii } a knot. Au agonizing siltmco , which nus brok n by a groan and dottrd with a bjoad-brimmed hut , a pair of Buspendora , otid the arms and legs of a 'lonjjshoromaij doing calisthenics in the frosty air , Thq battered remains o [ the 'longshoreman ere carried away inutter- ing blnsphfmy , The cowoftec elie had replaced her hind hoof on the ground was led on to the ferry by the Jersoyman , who observed ni ho paid his fare : "Takes moro'n a Yorker to loam mo lessons. " Ilorsfonl'H Acid 1'linsplinto Admirable Results in Fever. Dr. J. J , RYAN , St. Louis , Mo. nays ; "I invariably prescribe it in fevers ; also in convnlosccnsos from wasting and do- bilntmg diseases , with admirable results. I also lind it n tonic to an enfeebled con dition of the genital organs. " ItlltATjFVS' NI3W TJIEA.THI2. The Magnificent Tcmplo for ttlnr IMnj'H which Is Hoou to Adorn Now York. Ono of the Kiralfy brothers , speaking of their now theatre in Now York said : ' Our now house , Kirnlfy's Theatre , will bo built on Fourth-nvo. , between Eighteenth and Nineteenth eta. The front will bo of stone , of rciuissanco design - sign and exceedingly ornamental. Wo ahnll devote our theatre principally to spectacular nnd scomo melodramatic pro ductions. The lower lloor is expected to liold about 800 people , the balcony GOO nnd the gallery about 1,200 , making alto gether seating capacity for 2,000 , not counting the boxes. The depth of the atago will bo eoventy-four feet , or twen ty-four feet , or twenty-four feet deeper than Niblo's Garden , nnd in case of emergency wo can use twenty additional foot in the rear. The width of the aiago will bo sovonty-oight foot , the height 85 feet , and the space under the otago twenty-four feet. Wo have leased the ground for the term of forty-two years , with the privilege of renewal for twenty- ono years longer. The columns support ing the galleries and stngp will bo con structed of iron. Gas will not bo used under any circumstances , as wo have made nrrangemonta to supply the house , footlights and nil , with the incandescent electric light. The theatre will cost $225,000 , and will bo opened September 15 next , with the latest Parisian spectac ular success , 'Sioba , ' now being produced at the Eden Theatre , Paris. Angostura Hitters are endorsed by all the leading physicians nud chemists , for their purity and wliolesomenoss. Uownro of coun terfeits , nnd nsk your grocer or druggist or the genuine article , [ iropared by Dr. d. G. B. Sons. Facts About the Flyers. The Duke of Hamilton's stables in clude fifty race horses , of which twenty- two are two-year-olds. Lord llosnbory has twenty-two racers. In Franco Duke do Castries hna forty-nine head , Count do Quigno and d'Arcnborg forty-seven and Baron G. do Rothschild thirty-eight. Mr. P. Lorillard'a two horses , Mnssa- soit and Victrix , were aold at Taltorsall's , in London , for § 105 npicco , while Nito- cris brought only § 85 , a price at which they could nlfoid to put him on an ash cart. cart.Lord Lord Falmouth waa ono of the most successful horsemen on the English turf. lie twice won the Derby , the Queen'a \raso , the Great Yorkshire Stakes , the Criterion Stakes and the Jockey Club Cup. Ho won the Cloarwell stakes nine times. Ho was four times the winner of the 1,000 Guineas , the Gaks , the Chca- terfield Stakes , and the Richmond Stakes. Ho carried off the 2,000 Guineas , the Prince of Wales Stakes , the Champagne Stakes , the St. Logor Stakes and the Dowhurst Plato three times. The Great Challenge Stakes , the Woodcoto Stakes , the Champion Stakes and many others hung at his bolt. It is said that Mr. Fred. Gobhard paid $12,000 for Eolito , Eolo'a three-year-old brother , which ho recently bought at the Ellorslio farm in Virginia. Racing at Saratoga Springs began in 18U4 , when the moot lasted four days nnd S8.850 were given in premiums. In 1870 there was twelve daya' racing , and § 30,725 waa divided among winners in thirty-six races. In 1880 142 races came off in thirty-four days , and the stakes were $91,000. The villnpro had its great est racing summer in 1882 , when there were forty daya of racing , 142 "events , " and the purses amounted to $113,000. In twenty ycara there have been 038 daya' racing , 1,25G races an-1 51,093,408 in stakes. Mr. S. G. Barnard , of Bloomfield , Conn. , has a horse thirty-night year old. Ho has ploughed with him for the past twenty years. The animal can go at i thrco-minuto gait with n 2,200-pound load. load.Maud Maud S. , Jny-Eyo-Soe , Trinket , Phal- las , Lucille , Golddiist , Director , Lady Thorno and thirty other great trotters , with a record of 2:20 : and better , were bred in Kentucky. An Undoubted Blessing. About thirty yearn IIRO , n prominent Phy- slcinn by the name of Ir William Hull ilia- covered , or produced after long rceoarcli , a remedy for diseases of the throat , chest mid limps , which waa of such wonderful otlicncy that it noon gained a wide reputation iu tliin country. Tlianamo of the medicine is mi. WAI. HALL'S BALSAM 1'OU THE LUNGS , and may bo safuly rolled on < w a Hpcody and positive cure for coughs , colds , sore throat. &c. Sold by nil Druggist' ) . Darno'B Catiirrh Siuill' . Uhh well known remedy tor Catarrh fitill maintains its well earned popularity. K. A , Savage , of Geneva , Kansas writea March 4 , 1830. I have used DUHIO'H Cutarrh Snulf , nud it is the only thing that does 1110 nuy good. It always nlfccts ; v cure. " Sold by druggists everywhere. Townsly'a Toothache Anodyne curca iu- stnutly. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'XI 10 Civil Sorvloo Iiaw lilitoly TO Stand , Nouark Advertiser [ Itoji. ] The democrats , seeking oflico and recognizing - cognizing ofliot ) as the great isauo of the campaign , will readily sou that tlio civil service act is the stone wall in front of corn-field. it bu- the - They must repeal - forp they can get their oavoted position. This congress will not repeal it or modify it. With our largo ospuriunco in demo cratic blunders us an element of republi can success , wo iiro not yet convinced that the democratic liousa will take any long steps in that dangerous direction and avow themselves against a l.w which wrongs no man and promotes peace in all communities. The pivotal idea of thai law is to lot well enough alono. The law will stand the racket and will bo in foicti when the next president comes in , Babys Warning. When Vftby hi ! t > iln t Jcul Mothot Iu a fr ! nt. lather In u pll Whim woriiu do mta , baby mutt cry , 1 ( favor 8tt * tu , Uxby nuy pie. It rjoupy p luj kill Leonora , 111 tint IIUUM tlicto' * uo UAaTollI A , Fur mothw < varu without delay , CA&TU1UA cur03by nU'it ' ami d y Hmv the Church Will Get $75 , Sargeut County lDik.J Iteui. Lisbon merchants have struck a now scheme for helping the church. Three of thorn "aworo oil'1 smoking on Now Year's and will forfeit 825 each to the church upon again indulging iu the weed. Has the Largest Stookiia Qmalia Lowest Prioos. f Purchasers should nvnil themselves of the opportunity now offered to huy at Low Prices by taking advantage o the great inducements ? ot out by BLBVATOS " 1200,1203 ml 1210 FarunmSt To All Floors. . OMAHA. NEB. 4O R3o > GALLOWAX AND ABERDEEN ANGUS , Consisting of Bulls Every animal of and Heifers one , good individual to three years old. merit , pure bred Every Heifer in and registered in calf by imported Herd Book of Bulls. Great Britian. At Lincoln , Neb. , Friday February 15,1884 Tills U ono ct the best lots ol Tolled Cattle ever offered at public sale In the wojt , having boon selected out of 800 head Imported by us durlnr itho past season ; LEO.NAED BROTHERS , irr. tnoNARD , MO. For further Inlormatlon or ciUlou 0. addrosi 0. If. DrusorNebraska Tarnicr , Lincoln ) Nobi TEU1IS OP SALE-Cash , or four months bank note , S per cent Interest. 1T3-0 a v r v&ja 'va a 3 a * * i& & K ES ba HM ra 103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878 Catarrh , Deafness , Lung and Nervous Diseases Speedily and Permanently Qurod. Patients Cured at Homo. Write for "TiiE MEDicAL-MisszoyAuv , " for the People , Free. Consultation and Correspondence Gratis. P. 0. Box i92. ! Telephone No. 220. HON. LD'tVARD. JJUSSELL , Poatmastor , Davenport , says : "Physician of Kcal Ability and NfAM Success. " CONGRESSMAN ] VTURPHY , Davenport , wrifos ; "AII lionofaiiia jlan , Fine Success , Wonderful Cures. " Hours. 8 rn 5. M. HELLMAN fa GaO. , t& 730 J AND 1303 FAR NAM STHEE1 CQR. 137k OMAHA. 'BURLINGTON ' ROUTE" ( Chicago , Burlington & Quincy Railroad. ) GOING EAST AND WEST. GOKiC NORTH AMD SOUTH. Elepant tny ) Coaches , Parlor Cars , with Soliil Train1) of Elegant Daj Coichei and IiiI- ) ( nK Cnalra ( scats free ) , Smokln-r Cars , with Ko- mim 1'aUco Slrepins Cars mrfrunOnlly to nin > e rolrlng Chairs. IiUlman P.V.ico Sleeping Cars and from St Louis , via Ilunnibal , Oulnvy , KeokukJ .ho famous G. Ji. & Q. Dining Cars run daily to and Hnrllngton. Cedar llapidsnnd Albert Loa to St , Paul -Minneapolis : I'arlorCarswith Hecllnlv Chairs to and fromSt LcuU aud 1'oorlnnnd' nnd from St Louis nnd Ottumwa. Oiily ou. , w'ceh Chlcoco , I.laeoln & Denver. ThrouRh cars chance of cars between 8t , Ix > uls nnu V : xHvcen Indhinapolis & Council Bluffs \i& j'uoria. JMoIr.os , lowa , Liucoin , ncomEiua , audDenvC. All connucllons madu In Union I > crota. U is Colorado. known as the irrcatTHUOUGJI CAH LXNK. It is universally1 a zultie < 3 tu be th Rnoot Equipped Railroad In thf > IVorld for ail Clruisoa o ? Travel. T. J. VOTi'BIt.Sd Vlco-XTfo'tanrtOen'i ManViaor. fKUCK'/XJi rOW ! .7 , ( Jan. I.1J * . Ac'i ; . CJ THE CHEAPEST PLAGE IN OMAHA TO BUY QF At the Wholesale and Rotnil Jeweiry Store of Holiday Goods in in great abundance nnd an Elegant line of Ladies aud Gents' Gold WatuhuH aud beautiful stouk o Solid ipilver Ware Diamoiuls , Jewelry nnd Spectacles. We would call special attention o the best aud most RELIABLE EAILEOAB WATGH Eve placed on the Market , namely , the celebrated Quick Traijt , Colura bus , Ohio , Watch. It is superior to all others. _ _ 4Vf " C > ' ' < kX.a. .JU. n n . - f t Jf , We have the Agency tor tlio above renowned rmiio , which is second o none. Also the Iiiudeman & Sou's Pianos , and have also the famous Hardman Piano on sale. Wo also carry full lines o best Organs and Sheet Music. _ Wo warrant oiu goods the best in the market. An inspec- tiouwill convince the most skeptical. 'OUR TWO STORES Are located as below : Jewelry Store , Corner 15th and Dodge , opposite Postoffice. Piano Wareroomand Music Parlor , Crounse's Block , 10th street near Capitol Avenue. , Please call and inspect our goods at both of our stores. Pianos and Organs sold on monthly payments. EDHOLM & SRICKSON , THE JEWELEKy , Suoth-east Corner Dodge , aud Itith , none Capitol Aveuua. OmnHa.