1" " , ! r OMAHA DAILY BEE. THIRTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. MONDAY MORNING , FEBRUARY Jl , 1884. NO. 201 , IN PITIABLE PLIGHT. Rayages of the Rnshiug waters in the Ohio Valley , Wheeling Streets Piled Pull of V. Wrecked Buildings , Tfee Situation in Cincinnati Ex tremely Critical , ; J \ 'Descriptions of the Devastation. I V in Other Citietv , Measures The Sl nnl Hcrvtce \Heller its AVortlilossTarnlnc8. . THB VIiGODEYVIXSTtUOIS. K " > February 10. The of 1832 was surpassedithia morning , end the river'has teen rising all day. There is hocily a thadowof doubt that the mark of .IraA . yoarj will bo reached and paswi within the next thirty hours , as the river 'has ' been-clsing at points above witA tho'continuous ' rain. People 'have losi faithuti the signal service reports. Ttfioo'tho ' whito'f-ag ' has boon raked to donate tv cold wave coming. The first tisno'tlro'tomporf.turo ' rose inatead'of fall- iteg.nnd the second time there < waa a Blight'full , followed now by rain , nnd the iiighcat-water hero must bo postponed sovontl days if the present conditions continue.Street lamps are uiilightod , andigasiis burning in very few places. Tho'tables of the Western Union opera tors' room nro supplied with candles. Theatres -are running with electric and calcium -lights. The opera festival "building'is ' supplied with .gas 'from the 'Cincinnati hospital , nad 'Conducted in spines-supported on trestloo. 'On the out- leido of the hall an electric light will bo 'used to illuminate the streets. The at tendance on this , the opening'night , was mecosaarily diminished. The number of iporsons needing relief increases daily , but 'tho.-city is determined to caro'forherown ' rpeoplo. In anticipation of proffered as- tsistanco the relief committee'in ' this city 'has authorized the following : JIbitJie Public. Tlio relief committee of the Cincinnati Chamber of commerce end common council - cil , in view of the steadily ad vancing floods iit adjacent cities and towns and along much of the upper Ohio , where great sufloring and destitution are being .outailed , begs to as sure the outside public that any contri butions made for , oUfierers will bo ox- iponded for the relief of the distressed in other localities with the same diligence .and . care which are osorcised in _ relieving the afilicted here , < qpon whom it is pur posed hy the committee to bestow only such contributions as may bo made in 'Cincinnati. ' Signed ( Urner , chairman. Additional railroads have been disabled to-day , and one , tho.iBaltiinoro , Wash- lington & Cincinnati , opened to Parkersburg - burg , and througk trains will bo resumed in the morning. At'.0 o'clock , to-night the water was 05 .feet.2. inches , the high- 'Ost last year beingidG feet'4 inches. Midnight. The iriver is now leas than .one . foot below lest year's high water mark , and a brisk rain is falling. Only < ono pumping engine can work at thin stage of the fleod.and a'foot ' and a half .nioro will stop that. The reservoir > : on- tain five days' supply , of water. CINCINNATI , February 11. The rain estopped at 1 a. m. , but the douds are ' threatening still. At:2 a. m. the river was rising half an'inch an hour , ana is .non-10 | inches below last year's high water. Till ! WHEKLINO , W. Wa. , February 10. iTho river has receded moro slowly than i . -expected , though the inhabited portion of the city is moctly above water now. \Vs the waters go down , a disheartening i sight is exposed to view. Hugo rocks , board piles , drift wood and houses ob- .struct many streets , and hundreds of ! largo houses and bcrns are gathered at points where the vatorwas obstructed. IFifty houses are jammed together upon and against each oilier at the south end > of the city. Buildings and drift had to ibo pulled to piecec fey-engines in order ta clour the railroad tracks. ( The first mail isinco Wednesday arcived to-day. Every blanket in the city Jias boon distributed ito the homeless cuffering. Probably itwenty thousand poaplo are to bo fed and clothed between Wellsburg and Mounds- svillo. The farmers are doing their ut- jnost to supply the needy with provisions. People are going bask into their homes do-day , and the streets .are beinc cleaned and disinfected , it&oy premature births were caused by excitement and exposure. Aibottlo was found to-day containing the names of four young ladies , said to bo drowning at the time they were written. Nobody recognizes the names , but it ia believed to bo a hoac. It is reported tlLat-aomo persons have been reduced to the .extremity of eating the meat of drorned animals. The Ohio River iroad is alaaoat mined by washouts. A Leavy steady ruin commenced at 1C p. nt. to add to the misery of the home less , l.ppoala for aid are sent out by private parties. Ton thousand dollars have been raised hero but all has been spent. jUAUM AT VICKStCUO. VIUKKMOIO , February 10. The rapie rise of the river is causing much alarm The United States engineer of this dis trict says ho fears the loveea will bo nor iously threatened , that all cLa gaps ir the Louisiana levees , from Ashton ti Vicksburg * are closed , except cue foui mile * below Lake Providence. Iloro t "run around" is being built by the state Opossum Fork levee , tor Arkaiuco , lack ! 500,000 cubic yards to complete the worl to & foot above Uio high water of lasl year. For want of means it cannot b < put iu condition iu time for the eominj jiood. The main gp , however , wUl bi closed. The lovooa in the Second His flissippi district are in bettor conditior than ever bofore. The head of Yasoc river in the upper district is still open It will bo teveral days , however , _ bofon any damage can bo done , a the rise wil not roach the upper Mississippi distric before that timo. A GLOOMY OUTLOOK. OATrtBT-SBUiuj , Ky. , February 10. The rise of the river has increased fron oue inch lost night to two inches an houi thin morning. At J p. in. it ws threi . . . higher than last year. A liiht $ rain 'oogan atI p. m. , aaCl the outlook is most gloomy. The Big Sandy river is rising throo-quarters of nn inch an hour. At Richardson and Ripley the outlook is gloomj * . It hca boon raining since 3 p. i. , and many houses that stood last oar's llood yore swept away. The water two foot higher than last year. To- , cco banning in low land houses is rcatly damaged. TITE TOKTSMOUTU IXU.VDATIOS. OOIAJMIUS , 0. , February 10. An cu- 53noor of the Scioto Valley railroad aded 'out to Portsmouth this morning nd tolsgraphs from Pikoton , twonty.four liloa tiorth , that the water is five foot itgTior in that city than last year. The kenrcor Bonanza is lying afloat over the idovalk and people are entering the iol l through the second story windows. When ho left the city three houses were turning which the engines could not oach. niUVEN TO THE HIGH C.HOUXDS. jALLtimiH , February 10 , The river rising throe quarters of an inch an lour , and it is raining heavily. The rater is now seven foot above last yoar's 'iijjh water. Point Pleasant is completely sub- iiergcd , and a steamer has gene to the eliof of the inhabitants who are on the iigh grounds. Cheshire , Addison and thcr small towns are suffering the same vay. THE IlED CUORS AT WOKK. WASIIINOTON- , February 10. Mios Clara Barton and Dr. Ilubboil of the National Association of the Jlod Cross cave to-morrow for the scones of the vcatorn floods , beginning at Pittsburg nd following the Ohio river down. The led Cross societies north are requested or the present to end supplies to Cin- innati at the central point of distribu- ion. WATUIl. EVAXSVILLT , Ind , February 10. It is aining hard. The river rose live inches n twenty-four hours. The whole couu .ry is covered with water. HOTEa. AuitouA , Ind. , February 10. The rtator is still rising. Only one drug store cumins out of water. It is raining this evening. MADISON , Ind. , February 10. The river is rising half an inch an hour , and "t is raining. LOUISVIIXR , Ky. , February 10. The river has risen two inches since 2 p. m. It has boon raining steadily all day. , Ind. , February 10. The rain fall hero since Monday noon is nearly six and one-half inches ; of this ialf an inch since two o'clock. CAIKO , 111.February 10. The river s rising steadily. A light rain has boon 'ailing all day. The railroads ao not yet interfered with. THE CHICAGO BlAUlCBTS. The Bulls Occupy the Ground. Ci i Ano , ! I11. , February j ) . The mar ket onChange to-day was in the hands of the bulls. Continued reports of dam aged crops , an estimated decrease of 1,400,000 'bushels in the next statement of the visible wheat supply , light receipts of corn , only'23 per cent of which graded contract , and extensive manipulation by Armour , Singer , Kent and the other heavy houses were the influences at work. Wheat went'UD l.Jl c ; corn advanced about Jc , a reported inr.reaso in the visi ble supplv tending to chock the buoy ancy. Oats sold up ! @fjc ; pork closed 12Jeloc ; lar.-i gained 12A@lCc ; short ribs wont up ! T7l@20c. Only 0,000 hogs wore received at the yards , against 10,7 < 57 yes terday. THE WEEK OPENED with , worthing in the provision list strong and higher , and grains steady in sympa thy. Ilocoipts of hogs at the yards were small and of poor quality , peculators bid tgainst packers and shippers for their possessions , carrying prices up 334Dc. ( For iiho first two days pork wont skyward at the rntO'of-47A(255c ( per day , with Ar mour and his crowd buying with all their might. JXat. Jones , after , soiling some large blocks , and finding that it failed to scare the longs , turned bull himself , and became one of the most anxioui buyers. Wheat started off steady at $ @Jc higher than the closing figures of last week. Business did not reach a very ho ivy volume , but all of the influences surrounding the pit were favorable to the bull side of the deal. The buoyancy and strength in other speculative lines also helped to strengthen values , and there saeinod a gradual but steady change of sentiment to the long side. Armour , Kent and Baker bought heavily , and more expcecsions of real confidence in the future of the cereal than for a loou time past. TllEiCOHN 1'IT was dull and neglected. Ilocoipts were fair and about 'M per cent succeeded in passing iaspaction. The market wet somewhat depressed by the rumor that western railroad companies were contem plating a reduction of freight rates of some 4o per bushel , to run for thirty days , in the hope of moving the poor corn in low ? , and other states , . which might not be merchantable if hold ovoi till spring. As the result of such n movement would probably bo a largo in crease in the offerings , especially of low grades , buyers hold off , and the market would probably have declined but for the strength in other articles. Later in tlio week the grain bulls recovered all their courage end the bears were hard to find. Wheat was excited , and values rose lJ 2Je , the May option .touching . § 101. From cables , stormj weather and increased speculation caused Uio sharp advance. The anxious sliorti rushed to cover , fearing that the cold sncp prevailing in Kansas and Missouri and the floods in other sections -would au guiaent reports of damage to gjrowinj crops and , further advance prices. Corn was by no moans slow in respond , ing to the improved condition in wheat , moving up lio. Receipts were light , ant the amount inspecting contract less. Ad vices from the country , indicate ligh' ' movement in future , and many sectioni reported the corn spoiling and unfit foi use. I'UOVISIOKH WKHE lUUEflCLAlt , and lower. Receipts of hogs vrcn larger and several heavy holders of pro ducts sold freely. Jt was rumored tha tha most urgent shorts were covered , ant buying by speculators for an advanci ivn alow. Towards the close of the week it up peared there were too nwny holders a wheat satisfied with a clean profit of 2c to admit of n continuance of the boom i that article. Quotations were watched ith the greatest of carp , nnd on the rst indications of a decline , largo quan- ilios of wheat vroro thrown on the narkot , which , although promptly taken ' ) y a crowd who consider the lay options very low , had the fleet of keeping values _ nearly lo iclow former figures. Had it not been or a decrease of moro than 1,000,000 ushcls , so much realizing on long wheat ii so short a time would have imdoubl- idly resulted in a considerable break , "ho big provision men wcro conspicuous i the wheat crowd , and it is said thnt , wo or thrco of them profited so well hero that they have gotten entirely rid f their stuff. Of those vho absorbed iio loads of stuff thrown overboard , N. t. Ream was reported to stand head and ihouldors above them all , taking over 100,000 bushels. "Thoy can't put wheat 'own much , " ho remarked. inn viHinr.K SUITI.Y jfr s decreasing very fast and there are indi cations that quite a brisk export demand - ill soon spring up. Thou if moro bad oathor comes that will hulp wheat ilong , too. You see , this wo.Uhor quoa- ion has a good deal of weight this year , 'or the reason that the prospects for the low crop -winter wheat was particular- y encouraging last fall , and it could not onio out looking bettor than it started , ny way. So if bad weather seta in , of a laturo likely to injure the crop , the re- nit cannot bo other than Ir'ghor prices 'or the present stock. In spite of aii increase in the visible mpply , amounting to over 1,100,000 mshols , that article continued strong and .ctivo. There are reports that in the outli largo losses are likely to result hrough inundations of bottom lauds , rhoro whole Held * of corn remain yet un- .arvcstod , not to speak of the danger : hat menaces corn in crib from n like cause. However much these reports ' aye to do with maintaining present rices , it ia at any rate apparent that the ullneaa usually resulting from increased lupply is not a feature of the present sit- : ation in corn. Provisions seemed to bo getting top oavy. Pork went down o7lc , al- hough a strong oftbrt was made by Fewer < or Bros , to sustain values. Tlio Iowa DBS MOINES , February 9. In thehpuso petition was presented from the minis terial association of Des Moines asking 'or an amendment to the divorce laws , so .hat the guilty party divorced shall not 30 at liberty to marry again while the in nocent party is unmarried. Among the important bills introduced arc these : To prevent the adulteration of food ordruRB , to provide for the establishment anin- sane asylum at. Fort Dodge , to prohibit free transportation ot public officers over railroads of the state , to reimburse Lieu tenant Goodonough for services to the state in 1861 , making an appropriation for the Bartholdi statute , -creating a board of school-book commissioners and to es tablish a uniform system of text books. The bill to divide the fourth judicial dis trict bite two judicial circuits passed , and the house adjourned till Monday after noon. In the senate bills were introduced to create the offieo of superintendent of public buildings , to make a uniform sys tem of school books , to amend the law fixing the fees of court clerks , to pro tect stock breeder.to appoint inspect ors of county treasurers. Donnan's bill to repeal the wine and beer clause was made a special order for Wednesday. The bill to increase salaries of diutrict and'cirouit judges to § S,000 was defeated but the fight will bo renewed Monday by .a motion to reconsider. Adjourned. Wrecked by o ffifew YOJIK , February 10. The steam ship State of Nebraska arrived from Glasgow , having on boaid Captain Ben nett and crow of the steamship Notting- hill , London for Now York , which foundered - dorod at flea. Captain Bennett states that 'ho 'left London January HO , with a general cargo and crow of ninety-two men. February id at .2 p. m. ho fell in with .a field of ioo and at 11:55 : p. m. the ship going dead slow was struck by an iceberg on the port fiido near the bridge. The berg rebounding struck again near the cngino room staving two big holes into which the water poured rapidly , putting out the fires. Canvass was put over the hole ; to stop the loaics and the vessel drifted. The steamer got out of the ice Sunday , February Ud. Tho. same day a largo otoamor passed and although signals of distress were Hying she wont by without taking any notice , On the Oth ho was fallen in with by the steam ship State of Nebraska , which laid by until all put off in l > oats. There was eighteen foot of water in the hold when the crow abandoned the vessel. An Indian Masnacrc * . GALVKSTOJT , February 10. Houuton papers this morning publish an account purporting to come by telegraph from Mattamoras , Mexico , giving an account of an alleged uprising of Indians. At Omitlay , near Tuxiepec , state of Oajac , Mexico. It ia said stores and private dwellings wcro plundered , seven mer chants killed and a number wounded , ; that the corpses of the murdered men wore dragged through tko streets and subjected to all man tier of indignities. The authorities of Titxtepec , it is said , hare attacked the mob with a force of a hundred men , but wore defeated , with five killed. The special further says tliat several thousand troops are being conoeutrated in the states of Pueblo and Oajac. _ _ _ February 10 , The Atchi' eon , Topeka & Santa Fo Railway com. pany has iusuod a circular announcing that it will transport through California freight , in connection with the Kouthon : Pacific , from Kansas City , Atchison 01 Denver , wjthout breaking the bulk , Owing to the close relations of the Atchison , Topkoa & Santa Fo with the Burlington , it is thought the latter com pany will bo included in the through cat torvico by the fiouthorn route , as op posed to the Uniou Pacific and its toui Omaha allies. The presence of the Mexi con Central officials in this city gives risi to the statement that close relations an being arranged Iwtwoen the Burlington Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fe and thi Mexican Central roads for the Mexicai traflio. A Milwaukee telegraph operator , namei St. Arnold , yesterday uliot mil killed hi sweetheart ami then killed hluwdf , J3ho re fused to wisrry him. BLOODY BUTCHERY. A Sunday Harder in "Tlic Land of Steady Mils , " An Athlete Coolly Shoots Do\vu His "Brother , " Three Brothers Murdered by Hot Springs Q-amblors , Preparing for a Mexican Raid Into Texas , Inspired tlio Butcli- crs' Aut. CIUMI3 AND CRIMINALS. TIllir.R nnOTHKIlS SHOT. UOT Swims , Ark. , February 10. A urriblu tragedy was unacted on ourinniu ' , root Saturday morning. Three broth- : a , Frank , Jack and William Flynn , cro proceeding homo in a hack when a arty of sovcn men , armed with double- arrolod shotguns and Winchester rifles , .eppcd out from the door of a saloon ml opened firo. The Flynns wore .riiiod , but the attack was totally unox- cctod. Jack was shot through the fore- .pad by a ball from a Winchester and ied in a few minutes. William Flynn was allot through the brcaat with A Win- "tester , a probably _ fatal 'wound. Frank lynn received a shot through the hand , , illicting a alight wound. Frank Ilall , river of the hack , was shot through the ack of the neck and mortally rounded. Robert Hargreavo , n lystandcr , was shot through the Toast and \vill probably die. J. H. raig , u prominent lumberman , received chargo' of buckshot through the iack and his condition is consul- rod precarious. The didiculty ori iimt- d some weeks ago on account of Frank i'lynn endeavoring to prevent Dorn from polling a gambling house , and cuhninat- id at the time in Dorn making a coward- y attempt to assassinate Flynn , failing n which ho fled the city. llo returned ecrotly a few nights ago. Flynn was nawaro of his presence in the city till lie fatal volley opened on him. The assailants , Asa Dorn , David and lobert Pruitt , Harry Lamming , Ed liowell , J. Lucius and John Allison wore laced in jail lust night. The citizens , ro loud in condemnation of the murdor- U3 and cowardly act. Judge Wood has oou telegraphed to by loading citizens , sking him to adjourn court at Malvorn nd return hero and hold n special sos- lion to try the murderers. If ho con- onts the law will probably bo allowed to ; ako its course , if not. the citizens boldly hrcatcn to burn the jail and hang the risonors. THE MUUDEll OF THE FttANKrouT , Ky. , February 10. All ho evidence obtainable shows clearly hat the murderer of John Ponnin tou and wife , is a tramp hired by Penning- an on the day the crime was committed. ? ho body pf the murdered man was ound lying in the barn , where ho had > pen at work , with two bullet holes in lis head , while his wife , who had ovi- lontly caino to his rescue after hearing .ho fatal shots , was lying in a mangled leap some thirty yards away from her msbana , in a dilapidated cowshed. ? ho ghoul shot her in the face , but that not killing her , ho soiled a spade ana > eat her brains out and then dragged her a the shed , where she was found wither or clothing torn to shreds. The oxcito- nont is growing moro intense. Over GOO nan are now at the scene of the tragedy , nd others are scouring the country in carcrt of the assissin. It is certain that F the murderer is captured Judge Lynch vill officiate. A MEXICAN JUIft FEAItEM. SAN ANTOXIO , Tex. , Feb. 10. The horifF of Woollick county has boon in ecrot consultation with Governor Iro- and. Enough is learned to warrant the sscrtion that thn sheriff anticipates a aid from the Mexican side of the Rio jrando , and wants reinforcements. Cap- ain Shirley , of the Texas rangers , has > aon telegraphed for all the troops at his lisposal. UuitodStates Marshal Gasling vill also bo asked for assistance. The raid is understood to bo for the capture if two suspected criminals held at Eagle ? ass , whom the American extradition agent refuses to surrender in view > f the recent ruling of Secretory Fro- inghuyson in Uio case of the alleged train rubbers. The prisoners being hold are accused by the Mexican authorities of murdering Manuel Rodriqucz at Sin Agora , Mexico , on the 7th inst. The nurdorors were trailed to Piedras No- gras , where they crossed into Texas , itodriqucz was a merchant and an influ ential citizen. His friends are do- .onninod to bring the offenders to jus- .ico by force of arms if necessary. Mar shal Gosling leaves by the first trainer or Eagle Pass to prepare to raceiva : ho invaders with ball and buckshot if -hoy cross with an armed force for the purpose of taking away the prisoners. A DKLIIIKIUTB MUIIUEU , NOKWIOH , Conn. , February 10 , Al fred McClollan , a professional uthloto , who traveled with Edmund Rico , pf Now York , under the name of "Rico Broth- era , " was shot and killed by F. V. Conant this afternoon. The cause al leged is that the dead man was intimate with Conant's wife before marriage , sev eral years ago , and it is said Conant has boon waiting an opportunity over since to shoot him. The men were together most of the day , and acted in the most friendly manner , After the shooting , Conant walked to the church where his wife was , and with the utmost coolness called her out and told her what ho had done , A Great Fire at Helen * . February 10. A. fire al Helena , Ark. , late last night , burned Jacks & Co. , wholesale drugyatu one ! liquor dealeru , und a. number pf othoi business houses. Total loss § 75.000 ; in- durance gCO.OOO , _ The Mexican Knglncorii GALVKSTON , February 10 , A Larodi special says : The locomotive c iftineor ; of the Mexican National botwce Larcdi and Soltillo , Mexico , have orgaiuzed us i body and will present to the soinpan' ' their resignations en marge , unljss eom' prelection in cunrAntccd them ngninst arrest and imlofinito imprisonment in Mexico , when , in the discharge of duty , they inadvertently run over and kill n Mexican. They cite several cases. OENKH.UJ KOUBION XKWS. SOCIALIST VI.OT3. VIKXNA , February 10. During the debate in the louver house of the ruichs- rath , OA exceptional measures for sup pression of socialistic documents , a meas ure will bo offered showing that plota ox- istcd which threatened the liven of the highest personages of the realm. OOIUIO.N'S MOVEMENTS AND 1'OWEUH. CAIUO , February 10. The khedive has appointed British Admiral Hewitt commander at Suakim at the request of the British government. A loss gloomy view is now taken of lho situation at Tokar and Sinkat. It is reported that a convoy of provisions has entered Sinkat. The first brigade of Egyptian battalions commanded by English olllcors proceeds to the first cataract "f the Nile as BOOH as quarters ore ready. The movement is made on account of the threatening atti tude of the Bedouins between Knoha and the Egyptian coaat of the Rod Sea. The report of General Gordou'n arrival at Berber is premature , The report arises from a telegram trom Berber signed by Gordon , forwarded in advance by fast camels. It is expected that ho will arrive at Berber Tuesday. The Arabs which Gordon mot after leav ing Korosko were friendly. The nloma of Khartoum have sent messages tovcl - como Gordon at Berber and accompany him on the remainder of his journey in order to show the populacojtlmt Moslems are not inimical to Gordon's mission. Gordon expects to roach Khartoum by utoa'nwr from Borbor. The government , i advising Gordon of Baker Pasha's re- out defeat , loaves him full power to racuatp or retain Khartoum , as hu links fit. MINISTim HUNT ILL. Sr. PETEKSIIIJUO , February 10. Hunt , 'nitod States minister , is quite ill. Tin : KiiciHvi : s riuu. CAIUO , Fobrurary 10. The khedive ppeara to bo in a deplorable condition , lie labors under the delusion that there a plot to poison him and sends hin wife the kitchen daily to inspect his food. MISMATIU ) HOVAI.TV. BEKUN , February 10. The emperor renewing his efforts to ctlect a rocon- liation iiotween Prince Frederick harlcs and wife , has appointed Count omitx on behalf of the priuco to moot en. Blumonthal in behalf of the princess o arrange a basis of reconciliation. WATKIltXa A DliSKHT. PAUIS , February 10. At a banquet to 10 leading member * of the Scientific 'rcsa ' , DoLossops stated that the sqliomo or creating n sea in the Desert of Sahara ill shortly bo re-leased. Roudairo , the ronch hydrographer , who conceived the reject of cutting through the dunes rhich separate the Mediterranean sea rom the Desert of Sahara in order to .ransform the arid sands into n fertile ountry , is about to start for Tunis with lie necessary firman from the sultan to icgin operations. TSENG'S OUUEUS. LONIIOX , February 10. Tso"g , Chi- cso ambasador , denies that ho IB going o Paris to resume negotiations with the < 'rench government on the Tonquin _ ueation. The last advices from Pokin nstructed him to remain in England ntil further orders. THE ADIIIHAL'K COJI'PLAINT. PAUIS , February 10. Admiral Courbot ittorly complains of being Buporccdcd iy General Millat at Tonquin , just as ho as about to attack Bacninh. Ho saya /ho reinforcements ho demanded in Oc- obor reached him too late , and , his force ven now is inadequate. A KEVOLT IK C'KETE. CONSTANIINOI-M : , February 10. A re- olt broke out in Crete and tlio porto ; ont orders to Smyrna and Salomon to "ispatch to Crete at least 00,000 soldiers. L'ho porto is sending troops to El IIcciaz ( , 'irabia , where omissarics of the falsa irophet are fomenting disturbances. AI10UT HUAKIN. SUAKIM , February 10. A body of Xp- lohr Rassa's black troops , showing signs f mutiny , weroaurroundedbySoudancso roops , who soon cowed them. J'uring ho recent battle the garrison at Tokar , in hearing the Egyptian guns inaao a . { allant sortie against the rebels , but were compelled to fight ihoir way back. The obols are reported within six miles of 'uakim. Egyptian troops are reconnoi- oring , and the British ships are prepared to receive the rebels. 1INOMHH I'JIOTECTIO.Y. CAIUO , February 10. The proclama- ion investigating Admiral Hewitt , with iommand at Buakim , concludes : "Tho nhabitant need have no further fear , us ho British government has promised to trotect Suakim , which is now perfectly afo. " AN AK8AHHIN UONFK8HKH. VIENNA , February 10. Still'machor , , ho assassin of Detective Bloch , hus con < 'oeaed that ho murdered Klubock. He says Eyuort , the money louder , was muC' durod and robbed by uocialists in ordoi to got funds for socialistic agitation , fitillrnan was implicated in the plol against the emperor of Germany. Factional FJgliiinK Among Indian ? Four SMITH , Ark. , February 10. / aotional fight occurred among the Orcol Indians , forty miles west , last Tuesday n which Yohola was killed and sovora others wounded. Thnro are fears o rurthor bloodshed. The cause of tin trouble is not stated. A Denial , OITV , February 10. A Topeka poka special says officials of the Atchi son , Topeka & Santa Fo deny the roper : that a combination has been formed 01 through business between their road am Burlington. A IJOBH of $100,000. _ OrtWKao , N , Y. . February 10. Fit m the village of Wtdcott destroyed man , 1'9UB08. Loss § 100,000 ; insurance § 50 , 000. Urlnclug lu Uio Kodn , TOMIWTONK , Arizona , February 10.- aornnimo's bands have surrendered t Captain Raiiorty at Sau Bernardino , un are now en route to San Carlos. CoimiiouliiirA Nci8slnation. ' Yo K , February 10. The Inte notional Working Pooplo'n nisocialion to-day commended the assassination of Detectives Bloch and Klubock , in Vionnn. Tlmo Sliortcncd , ST. Louis. February 11. The Missouri - souri Pacific to-day ihortonod its through sleeper service , to San Fransisco , six hours , via the Iron Mountain , Texas Pacific and Southern Pacific. XOXK9. M\nmt Jvtna is in attnta ot oruptton. ( ioucrnl ( turdou hna nriivcd at Berber. Admiral 1lo\vtt ! hiu boon Invented \vlth cl\ll niul military coiumniul at Siiaklin , SK couvlcl' , live colnrod niul < ma wlilto , wort ) whlpi'od nt Now Cftntlo , Md. , Frldny morning , II. II. Wnrnor oltoM n 8200 prlzo for every ( lc.icory of nou' coiuntt nuilo during 18S3 lu Urn United State1 ! niul Cnnailn. The directors of the Mexican Central mil- \vnyli-\\ovolocltolncro.iso tlio capital stock fnmi SJiS.OCO.OOO to ? 2i,500,000. ) Not n vc ligu roinalns of Cocliransvlllo , U , , a Biimll vlllnso ( n Momoo county , bctnt' on- tlrolyvlpod nwny by the HooJ. Ailmlral Seymour hai licon onlnroil , by the IlrltlMi cnblnot , to linUl hlniiiilf lu road'invxH to.iot out for Kgypt at nu liour's notlco. 1) . W. Knapp , nu olil Wottarn Union ni > n- rntor , w.it arrested nt S.iu Kratici co Hatnr- day for divulging tlio coutonU uf n The ship Andrew .Tncksonj from Cardld for Coquliilt. h bsllovotl to ba lost vllh nil on board. The cnptnln lnul hlu wife uiul two clilldronlthliiui. . The lioii-o of the Us3t8slpii | Irgtnlnturo Ima passoil n bill allowing the a.tlo of llitmrnt0x- ] xoril , the seat of tlio MmlRslppIinlvornlty. . Thta action cnusc hiuch coiiinianl. The creditors of the lilglir'f ulmlar Iron coin- IIMIJIClgln , 111. , orgftiilr.oil for the ninnuf.xc- turo of oloctrlo light towcm , have uikoil for n receiver. LlahllltloK , 31 ,000 ; nNsuti , gmall. Drntllnugh'a npponl nRnlnnt tlio pci eint-nt- nrma for roinovtng him from the ho'iso of com- moiip , or not permitting him to outer , Imiboen disallowed by the court ot the ( | uodu' banch. lly n collision between two freight trains on tlio Chicago , Uurlliigton & Ijnlnoy rnl'roud ' on n brlclgo nonr llawthorno. IOUM , 8.\turdny , Conductor CninmlugH killed and Knglnoor Kounoily severely Injured. The Bankers' and Morclmntn' Telegraph comimny nnnounco the purcliavonf the lines of the 1'nciflo Mutual company , which extend from St. Lciiii * teSt , .loo , Lonvonworth , Kan- BUR City , Atchlson , niul.othoi' western points. The court-nmrdal of the imvul c.idoU involved - volvod la the h.izlngRcrnpo begun ut Annnpo- Us Saturday. Cadet If'rod 1'nrkor , of the third class , plead guilty. CiuloU Jostromnkl , ISlnxoy. MclJonti and IJusli , nil of the fin > t class , nro on trial. A Sunklm dtapntnh to the London Standard says : "Wo do not know how the BulforlngBof tlio poor followH and thouannds of women and children lit S'nkat clTooti the lirki h public , lint hero they oxrtlo foolingd of pity and hu miliation Impossible to describe. An nrmod force on Friday night attacked the Sun JII.MI , Aigontlno llcpublle , pollco bnrraclca and tlio lo-tdoiuta of Deputy Mnllnr. The governor Is reported killed and Bovoral persona woumlod. The body of Senator ( Jotticz waa found iu the bruim , inurdorod. Troopn ( niollod the dlaturbunca. The dlroctors of the YollowUono Nntlonnl Pfttlc Iinprovomont company Imvo appointed a commtttco for the purpoio of proparlng nnd Hubmlttlng to tha iliroctoro n plan by which the financial dllliculllcs of the company can bo satisfactorily timxnirod. So far § 125,000 have boon oxpoudod in improvements. Choong Woo Ts'xng , n natlvo of China , but educated nud long a rouldwut of Connecticut , applied to ba admitted to cltlznnehlp. The clorlc decided tlyt no relief could bo given him , iu comuMrmmca of the act , of May 0,1882 , which providea""tlmf horoaf tor' no'Stuto iSrurt , or court of the United States , shall admit Chinese to citizenship. " Socrotarv Folgor linn decided that inonl and small rlco broken Into Hiimll particles In pro- COSH of cloaulng nro nubjoct to a duty of only 20 per cent ndvuhrom , instead of"j ! conti per pound , ns charged upon clo-niod rlco Thin in n iiuostlon of great Import&uvo to brewers , as this Binall rlco hoa , In the ) ia t few yoaru , on- tared largely Into thy manufacture of the best grades of boor. The house commlttco on pofttofflcos nnd iioat riiada Imvo ngrocd to report favorably the bill providing th.it loiter curriers be employed in every city containing 50,00' ) , and may bo employed In places containing not less than -,000 , and pioduclng n gross pontal revenue of i.t least $2.000 per aiinimi , The commlttco also agieoa to report n nubstituto for the bill to Hocuro n npeody delivery of letters. It pro vides for the IHHUO of n micclal iitnmp , to cost 10 cents , which , when iillixod to letters , will iiiHiuo their Immodlnto delivery nt any free delivery nflico botvvcon the hours of 7 a , in. and 12 midnight. A O.ircl. OMAHA , February 9 , 188J. To the Ktlltor of THK UBI : : Seine members of the Omaha police force are as far from being gentlemen as they can well bo. A party of young ladioa and gentlemen , who were coasting on Dodge street I.nnt evening , were gross ly insulted by n certain very tall member of the force , accompanied by one of his eager Batilitoa. The street was utterly vacant of vehicles of all kinds and the hour wan late enough to preclude the pos sibility of a collision , and the party with thrco four "traverses" or were enjoying the sport of coasting quietly nnd with no danger to unyono and in total ignorance that there was an ordinance against coast ing in this manner , although they know that the sport on the sidewalks and in daylight had been und should have boon abolished. Those so-called "protectors of the people" rushed frantically up to the ladies of the party arid shaking their clubs in the ladies faces ordered thorn , in the moat insulting language , to go homo and ' 'wash the dishes1' ' or ho would run t the whole party into jail. A police ofilcor is supposed to have at least a little decency and a very few of the attributes of a gentle man about him , and had these "police respectable uniforms told the party that it was against the city law and requested thorn to stop , thuro would bo no ill-feeling A man of small brains and n big star , clothed with n little au thority , la as dangerous as a dog with hydrophobia. During the winter season of coasting , u hill should bo eot aside for the use of the coasters , where it does not intorfcro.with travel , us is done in all It largo cities. Yours respectfully , t ONE or THK PAUTV. n d. A Suggestion to tlio Fnlr OSCEOLA , NED. , February 0 , J88J. To the IMItor of THK USES In the interest of the Nebraska horu < y brooders , permit mo to call the attontioi . of the managers of our state fair to tin importance of giving a liberal purse to bi competed for by Nebraska stallion in the state , and breeders would bo ghu to to see them brought together in a con id test of Oiia kind , so they ma ; estimate their good qualities. Thia wouh give K. stitmi us to the breeding inti-re/.t and the public would know where to nut the beit , A Bjim > Et ] , r THE NATIONAL CAPITAL The Measures Congress will Consider this Wed A Slim Show for Passage of the Naval Bill , Morrison's Tariff Bill to Hang Fire Several Weeks ( An Appeal for Aid from the Flooded States , Seine Urullunl ClmngcH In tlio Postal l > cpnrtmont Suggested. FUO.M WASHINGTON. THE 11IU.S HKFOKR COXdUE.Sa. WAHIIIXUTON , February 10. Over 1,500 bills , mostly of a private nature , have been introduced in the house dur ing the present session. Less than 200 have boon reported back from commit tees. Moro will probably bo introduced to-morrow. Randall will call up the naval appropriation bill Tuesday. Tlio bill to prevent the spread of contagious diseases among cattle will probably como up the latter part of the week and it is barely possible the committee of the whole will roach the shipping bill Thurs day. Friends of the naval bill are afraid it will not pass. The bill provid ing for the retirement of General Alfred I'limtantoii will bo considered Friday. It is believed it will pass. The house committees have a number of important matters for consideration , this week. The ways and means will hear arguments of business men on pro posed tariff legislation. It ia believed by the members that Morrison's bill will not bo reported to the house lor three or four weeks. The public lands committee ex pects to act this week on bills forfeiting portions of land grants of the Northern Pacific and Atlantic & Pacific roads. The coinage weights and measures com mittee will probably report a bill providing - viding for tlio withdrawal of the trade dollar from circulation. The question of reference of the correspondence received from the state department last week , relative to the prohibition of American pork , it being claimed by two or thrco committees , will probably cause a lively obato. VOSTAL RECOMMENDATIONS. James G. Smith , of the poatofllco do- artmont , detailed to examine the postal nothods of foreign countries , has pro- ontod hia report. Of the 41,500 pont- mstors now collecting revenue from stamps only and retaining salary and ex- > cnso3 therefrom , ho would recommend ho discontinuance of direct accounting vilh thorn , but supply them with a Hin ted stock of stamps on credit , and require - quire them , to purchase at designated money order offices in the vicinity , all required thereafter. At such supply offices they would receive their compen sation and authorized expenditure. The _ rnmoining 0COO postmasters , who1 do ' i 'nioife'y" order "Tjusiness should account monthly direct to { his- oflico with a quarterly accounting. The lostmastor general cannot : bo informed > f the receipts and disbursements'for the irst half of the fiscal year until the last quarter has commenced , and the liabili- ies under his control for the entire year , , .horcforc , have been incurred. With n monthly accounting ho could bo advised of the revenues and expenditures within thirty days from expiration of each month. The work of postint * and stating , ho general postofllco accounts , now re quiring thirty-throe clerks , could bo dis- lonsod with when the accounts under ; ho present system were closed. Ho luggcats fixed salaries in oven dollars , to ) o raised orlowercd as business increased or docaoasod. Ho thinks the ben efits of the money order sys- oin can bo partially extended to the 11,500 smaller poatollicos by furnishing n't ntumpa are furnished a fractional note ) f convenient denominations , less than $1 , payable at face value at any money order oflico thirty days after the date * stamped thereon when sold , after such data to bo redoomublo at Washington at. i fixed diacu.uifor . to bo absolutely void liua kcupint , ' it out of general circulu- .ion , this note to bo issued without fee , > oing simply a substitute for stamps ia remitting. AITEAI.S KOIl AID. WASHINGTON , February 10. A meet- ng of congressmen from OhioKentucky mid West Virginia , was hold to-day to like steps to secure an immediate uppro- iriation for the relief of sufferers by the lood in the Ohio valley. Tolegrama ajldng government aid wcro read from ho governor of West Virginia , mayor ot iVhooling , citizens of Martin's Ferry , tfow Martinsvillo and Marietta. It was decided to ask congress to strike out the vord § 100,000 in the resolution which ) ttssod _ the house Friday last , and insert ? 250,000 , for the purpose of securing mmediato aid. A meeting of the appro bations committee of the house will bo called to-morrow. A Rumor Denied , ' To the Editor ol The Bee AVOCA , Nob. , February 9. I notice in , 'our editorial this morning a notice of a rumor relating to myself and the citizens of Weeping Water , so absurdly at vari- with the facts as to call for some comment from mo. The tiuth is , 1 .did visit the town of Weeping Water , partly for the purpose of hearing "Eli Perkins' ' " lecture , which I proceeded to do. ' As to THE BEK' opinion that any man who would croes the stioet to hear that indi vidual lecture , it BO nearly coincides with Mr. ' . 'Perkins' " advertisement ; of himself that I do not feel called upon to dispute * ' it. The faleo part of the "rumor" ' ia that I was "drummed out1' of town as a o-j punishment for the parti had taken in the kto county seat contest , and that I propose to bring ouit for § 5,000 damage I therefor. " It ia simple justice to Weop- j { { \\nter \ to say that nothing of the kimi was attempted , and simple justice to myself to tny thittif it had been tlmro would luvoboen on even ( banco for Homebody oleo to Imvo brought * uit for damages. Nothing occurred that day ox e , t u rather warm dUmalon , in which I do i ot consider thai' I itceirlil 'any V