THE DAIL7 BEE-SATORDAY , FEBRUARY , 0 1884. Dr. AVaxncr's Ilcmovnl. Dr. Wagner has rcmoveil lilj oflleo Irom No. SIS tarlmcr to No. 333 Larimer , where ho will bo plea cd to tea hi ] friends. The Doctor Is to bo congratulated on the completeness and cleganco o ( hit now bnlld- Ing. H ] s ono ol the best In the city. ( Dcmcr 1U > publkan , Jan. 37h , 1591. I it THE LEARNED H a 338 LARIMER STREET. Wiy you ho M try the colobralod Dr. II. Wagnoi'i -method ? ot euro ! 1. "Dr. H. Wnguor la a natural physician. " O. S. 1'OWT.HR , t The Greatest Living Phrenologist. "Fow can oxco jou na n doctor. " DR. J. SIMMS , The World's Greatest Pin slosnomls t. "You are wonderfully iiroflcleut Injuur know ) cdgo ol dlicaso and medicines. " DR. J. . 4. "Tho afflicted find ready relict In jour pros- cuco. " DR. J. SIMMS. 6. "Dr. II. Wnpncr Is n regular ( rraduato Irom BoUavuo Hospital , Now York city ; ha8h-ul\cry ot- tcnsh o hospital practice , and U thoroughly posted on all branches ol bid bdo\od scion tc , tspcclally on chronic dlacascs. " DRS. BROVXZLL fe n\nso. 0. "Dr. H. Wagner has Immortalized hlmsell by his wonderful dlsccn cry of ei > ocino remedies tor prl- vato and sexual dlsoiies. " Virginia City Chronicle. 7. "Thousands ol iuTOllds Hock to sco him. " San Francisco Chronicle. 8. "I'ho Doctor's long cxporlonco M a specialist ehouhl render him \cry successful. " Kockj Moun- talu No 'S. Plain Facts Plainly Spoken , At ouo time a discussion ot the secret \1co ma en tirely noldcd by the profession , and medical \\orka but a tow > cars ago \\ould hirdly mention it. To-day the phj slclan Is ol a different opinion ; ho It aware that It Is his duty Uisagrecablo though It way bo to handle this matter without glo\csand speak plainly nbout It ; and Intelligent parents and giiardhus will thank him lor doing so. Tlio results nttendlng this dcstructh \\ce wcro or- tncrly not understood , or not properly cstlmitod ; nnd no Importance being nttachcd to n subject which by Its nature does not 1m I to close ln\cstigatloult UKB willingly Ignored. The hibit Is generally contracted by the joung lillo attending school ; older companions through their example , may bi reiponslblo tor It , or It may be nciulrcd through accident. The excitement once ex- perlcnced , the practice will bo repeated again and again , until at lost the habit becomes flrm and com pletely oneli\ the \lctlm. Mental and nervous at lllctlons are usually the primary results ol sclt-abuso. Among the Injurious effects may bo mentioned lassi tude , dejection or Irrasdbllity ol temper and general debility. The boy seeks seclusion , and rarely Joins In the sports ol his companions. II ho bo a young man ho nlll bo little found In company 1th the other eox , nnd Is troubled uith exceeding and nnnojlng bashtulncas In their presence. La cl\iout dreams , omissions nnd eruptions on the face , etc , , are also prominent 83 mptoms. K the practice Is \ lolcntly persisted lnmoroscrloui disturbances take placo. Or cat palpitation ol the heart , or epileptic convulsions , are experienced , and the sulTcrer may fall Into n complete state ol Idiocy bo- lore , Anally , death relieves him. To all these engaged in this dangerous , practice , 1 would say , llrst ol all , stop it at once ; makoovcry posblblo effort to do so ; but It you fail , It j our ncrv ous 8stem Is already too much shattered , and consequently quently , jour will power broken , take some none tonic to aid you In J our effort. HaIng freed yourself train the habit , I would further counsel jou to go through a regular course ol treatment , for It Is a great mistake to stippoii that any ono may , lor some time , bo t c\ cry so lift' c glo himself up to this fascinating but dangerous cxUtcmcnt without suffering Irom its ovll consequences at some iuturo time , The nuraner ot young men nho are Incapacintcd to nil the duties enjoined by wedlock Is alarmingly largo , nnd In most ol such cases this unlortuuato condition ol things can bo traced to the practice ol sell-abuse , which had been abandoned years ago. Indeed , a tow months' practice ol this habit Is sufllcient to induce spcrmatorrhocal > J later } earsand I hao many ot such coses under treat mental the present day. Young Men Who may bo suffering from the effects of youthful follies or Indiscretions nil ! do ell to avail themselves of this , the greatest boon ever laid at the altar of suf- cring humanity. DR. WAONKB will guarantee to f or- eit $300 for u\ cry case ol seminal oaknoss or private disease ol any kind and character .which bounder- takes to and tails to euro. Middle Aged Men. There are many at the ago of SO to 00 who are troubled with too frequent evacuations of the blad der , often accompanied by a slight smarting or burnIng - Ing sensation , nnd a weakening of the system In a manner the patient cannot account for. On examin ing the urinary deposits a ropy sediment n ill often be found , and sometimes small particles of albumen will appear , or the color will bo of thin mllUsh hue , again changing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many , many men w ho die of this dlfllcultylgnoront of the cause , which Is the second etago ot seminal-weak ness. Dr \\lllguarintcoaperfcctcurolnall COBOS and a healthy restoration ol the gcnlto-urlnary or gans. Consultation free. Thorough examination and ad vice,85. All communications chould bo addressedDr. Henry Henry Wagner , I1.0.1303 , Denver , Colorado. The Young Mau's 1'ockot Companion , by Dr. II Wagner , Is north Its weL'ht In gold to young mou 1'rico 81,2fi. Sent by UIAU to any address. A FBIEETD TO ALL. One Who is Needed and Nobly Fills his Place. Denv iris more fortumto than she known In the -possession of Iho tnlcn's and energies of nman who lias given his time nnd thought not merely to the perfection ol his skill as a practitioner ol Ida pro- Josslon cl medicine , but to the study of those pro found things of scleiKo and nature w hlfh tend to the tuoro complete understMiding of tbo problem of Il/o / and of the lawi ol nv.uro arid the means of gaining ; the greatest practical goods to mankind from the in formation thua arqnlriM In the abstract. Such n man Is Dr. II. Wiigner , who la located at 813 Larimer struct. Dr. Wagner devoted muiy jcars to the no- cidisitlonol the knowledge iieccctaary to hla profes- fclon in a number ol the loading medical arhools of the most eminent and profound teacher * , such names ns Dr , dross nnd Dr. I'ancoast npposrlng nmong hU preceptors Nor ill i his studies end t'Cro. They continued In the field of the practicing family phUiclau and In the experiences of a man of exten- elve travel. Ha IIMuiteil every section ol the Uni ted States paying ntudlous attention to tbo different characteristic * ol thavarloui portions of the country , partlcuhrly with regard to their effect , cllmatlo and otherwise upon Health and the dlffo'cut forms of dU- easel. With the combined povterj of close study , ex temdrooh.crvathm nnd alines ! unllmted practice , Dr Wagner came to Denver three jcara ago equip ped as few have the right to claim to battle the too ol mankind , the dretdul enemy , disease. In order to render thegroatest good to society , Dr , rVairner deci ded to lay uIJo the general branches ot practice and bring nil liu r pekn iwled o and pn cr to bear up on the foe which among the army ol Insidious death agents Is the neatest. IIli v < Ida experience had taught Idaiuhat ueaponstouso nnd which to discard , nnd alter equipping himself ni bis trained Judgment vrti no well atilo to advise him he com * mcnoe I boldly and conlldently his attack. In eeti- mating the results nnd uncceaa achieved , It Is only necessary toknowthodoctir's pvltlonand ttandlng to-day. Whllo locite j Jin this city , hU practice U by 110 uitanufonflncd to its limlti nor this eictlon of country , lllscorroipomlencu and cxprtii boot a tes tify In black nnd white to hid IKIIM tu on ol a Held of pinctlce bMirclnl only by the llui ! which bound the ength and bicauthof the uountrv , n-id which haa laced hlui vvhero a man of hU Fdllf and Intellectual attainmentultisums to reand Jhoi Id tolu cnabhi htm to reach the hlglicit rpbura uf tiHfnlnrts to nut lerlng Iniuianltv the pluno ol HIIJI tj | Indvpcii demo. Dr. Winner has contributed of hit proipvrl- 'tyto the bubstantlal frnprovtiioo'it ot Denver In the ere tiou of aIIno bbvk on Jrmer ! atrrot , opposite IU present olllc , No. 211. It will bo ready lor occu pancy In a < fvv wevki , und U * n evidence that the doctor U to be numbered among the permanent and solid ci' Izeni ol the metropolis of the I liins ( Den > ver Tribune , DR. H. WAGNER & CO , , 333 primer' ; St. Addrosa Box 2389 , DENVER.2COL. A Story of Western Lilfo. From the San Frntidsco ( Conclusion. ) in. vtmv KATE. Tlio winler was unusually c.irly mid sovoro. The ho.ivy rains Imd just given place to the lira ! . snow falls , and the crook that babbled uvor its stotto so lazily in the summer months now rushed n tonmtng torrent carrying destruction in its \vny. It Imd been raining nil the November days with n slow nnd tedious insistence ; but ns the night gathered over the camp in the mountains the drops came faster and faster , until the quick putting descended innn unbroken monutonu upon the roof. "A right cheery place , I swan , " said Undo Tommy Majors , ns ho came into the lighted bar-room of the Golden Nugget , nnd n sight better than drpwsin' nlono down to thu c.ibin , or wnlkiu1 nbout in this pestoriu' rain. " "How's the night , Undo Tommy ; any sign of a uloar up I" said some one from n corner. " 'Clear upl' ' Wall , I should say liotl Just hoar that creek , will yen boomin' and boomin' and boomin' . The bridge down the ravine hns pone clear to'Frisco , ind only heaven or 15111 Smithkins knows where else. The upper bridge is mighty shaky , too ; Jnck Morgan was n lookin1 at it an hour or so ago , and ho said 'twas his opinion it wasn't going to last till mid night. Mighty bad layout for Jim Wnrnor if ho comes down to-night ; the bridge wouldn't hold that heavy team up no liow. Ho want homo nt supper time and that wife of Ins'u paid she WHS inos' jure ho'd come. I didn't say nuthin' to lior about the bridge , 'twood only okecr the wits outcn her , nnd 'taint likely lio'll come , anyhow , who ho sees this storm. " Yuba Kato lispned from her place nt the card table with a slow gathering fear at her heart , but said nothing. After ill , she thought , what did it matter to lior ? She liar ) not spoken to Jim siuco the night before his wedding. And striv ing thus to keep her anxiety under chock 'or nn hour or so , she could stand it no longer nnd saying with a brief ynwn , "I nm tiredJohnnio ; piny my hand forino , " she arose , nnd hurriedly put on her wraps , and went out. Once outside the door , nil her pent up emotion gave way , nnd the restraint that she had imposed upon herself while inside the saloon was no longer nt her command. "Jim in dnngor , she thought , with n shudder , "with r.o one to warn him ! " She hardly mow until now how much she cared for iiim. "Jim , Jim , I'd V died for youl" she cried with a sob that would come , and unconsciously using the same words that had risen to her lips the night of their partiii ! ; . She walked on through the steady rain , hardly knowing or earing whore she wont. It would be hours before fore Jim came , if indeed ho came at all. Unaware whither her footsteps wore lend ing her , she took the way to Jim's cubin. As shouamo insight of the house n gleam of light fell across the rain. A sudden thonght came to her ; she would tell Nan of her husband's peril. His wife could easily persuade some of the men to watch at the bridge by turns to warn him if ho came , whereas they would lauijh nt her if she mentioned such n thing. She passed nearer and reached the door ; at the same time she heard the low tones of a gentle voice singing. She walked around to the window and looked in. There was no light save that of the fire on the hearth and the room wns filled with quaint shadows. In front of the fire rocking to and fro , Nan was sitting ; her golden hair wns nil unfastened , nnd the look upon her face wns ono that an angel might havp worn. Kato watched her with a feeling of jealousy , but much of awo. No wonder that Jim loved horshe thought ; oho was as beautiful as an angel and looked like ono too. The sweet voice on singing : There is a land of pure delight. Where saints immortal reign ; Eternal day excludes the night , And pleasures banish pain. The rapt look upon her face deepened with the words , until it seemed to the outcast , peering through the window , as though she must bo looking clear into that land , nnd that some of its beauty was reshadowcd on her saintly faca. "I used to sing that hymn once , " Kite whispered to hoi-self almost fiercely. " 1 cannot speak to her ; I would not want her to know that there was such as I in the world if I could help it. 0 , Jim , Jim ! I will eave you alono. " And taking her white face from the pane she left the little figure hinging in the firelight , nnd started for the bridgo. But above the clamor of the rain and the whistling of the winds , she hoard n fragment of the hymn : j 5"Greon fields boyondthoswollin'flood. " The bridge was only a inilo above the camp , but to poor Kuto stumbling ever rocks , slipping on the wet , rain-soaked earth , .md stopping frequently to rest , it seemed hours before she reached it. It was 10 o'clock before she loft the village , and she thought the four could not bo Jar from midnight now. lloaching for the hand rail of the bridge she stepped out on the slender structure , and cautiously fooling her way along she sought the fur ther side , and there she took her station nnd began the lonely watch. The storm had already broken , the skioi losing their heavy darkness ; but the tomultuons roar of the torrent never ceased ; the water rising nearly up to the bridgo. It would not come any high er , she thought , because the rain had ceased. She leaned upon t'.o railing and looked up into the sky. It was a peril ous nnd lonely vigil , and oho saw with a feeling of cutibfaction that a star did not seem BO much alone after that. In a while more came , nnd more , until finally the whole heaven sparkled with a mil lion , tender far-seeing eyes. Such they wcro to her , nnd kneeling nun-drenched on the swaying bridge , with the mad furies of the waters beneath - neath her , nnd the splendor of the star Lt arch above , her mind went buck through the years that had boon with an unuttorcd feeling of loathing and regret. The record of the years was a foul and Bin-stained ono ; but even in the lifo of such as she there uro moments when the angel side that is a part of every woman is uppermost , and thin is ono of them. Perhaps in her softened mood it was na tural that her thoughts should return to the gentle face of Jim's wife. Thu wo man who watched her rocking nlono before fore the fire , had never hoard her voice , nor felt the touch of her kindly hand , but oho know by n subtle intuition that the tones of that voice would bo just as sweet for her ns if she had not boon n wanderer from righteous ways and that gentlohand quickly extended to help and comfort the erring , For there wag nothing of a Fhameo about Nan , j The dark waters came high and higher , , but aha know it not. She only know that the roir scorned louder In her can with ovorymomcntj and when she lookoc up into the sky ngain there were BO many stin that it was all light , nnd vnguol ) wondering why it was she lost nil con sciousness of time nnd place , of peril ant of death. Her last waking thought in this world wns of Nnn ; what her first was in the other world wo cannot toll , bo- cnuso an nngol presence guards the door way , nnd beyond tlu portals wo may not see. The morrow's day dawned cloudless nnd clear. The swollen waters of the crock danced on their way , and foaming eddies sparkled nnd glistened very fair in the sunshine. On through the hcatt of the pine forest ; beneath the purple hills that cast n flickering shade upon the rushing wave ; through the level stretch es of the foothill meadow ; past places where in nftor years fair settlements would rise , and stately cities ; where the laughing mirth of children would break the silence , now only stirred by the whir of bird wings , and the most tuneful of nature's voices. But over upon the rest less tide floated that still white fnco. Onward through the gladness of the per fect day ; on through the scarlet flush of rv sunset that warmed it into lifo nnd beauty save for the quiet of the closed eyes Onward through the cool gray of the evening , nnd onward into the shadows of the night. IV. OIIUISTMAS MOllNINfl. Before .light had followed that drond- ful morning nftor Nan's waiting , nho was lying in unconscious delirium , nnd Jim's worst apprehensions were realised when Lho doctor pronounced her illness brain Fever. From that time until Christmas lior lucid moments were few nnd in these brief weeks her over-burdened mind told its whole sad story. It wns pitiful to hoar her. Now she wns wait ing for him , and it was late and dark out side ; again she was hurrying through the night to meet him , but ho came not to lier. In fancy , she was once more in the bar-room of the Golden Nugget , with the dead face of the murdered man be fore her ; she heard ngain the fearful anguish of the woman's cry. Then she would beg in piteous tones for him to take her away , to take her homo. But the memory , always uppermost in her mind , was of the terrible night that pre ceded her illness , for from every ( light of fancy she came back to the dark and cold room where she had waited alone , nnd , weeping bitterly , she would cry thnt Jim Eiad loft her. Sometimes her ravings were of more peaceful things the homo in the valley of the Mississippi her homo and Jim's ; where they were so happy to gether before ho had sought the distant El Dorado of the Pacific. Thus passed the anxious days and lonely nights , dur ing which Jim scarcely left her side. On Christmas morning she nwoko with a clear mind and spoke to him. An hour or so nftor daybreak there came n timid rap at the door , and when Jim opened it Matt Goodwin , the young est minor in the camp , stood there with a beautiful bunch of Christmas holly in his hand. "Is aho bolter ? " was the eager inquiry. On being told that she was conscious ho smiled delightedly and said shyly : ' 'Maybe sho'd like this holly. 1 wont miles down the creek for it and the tops"of the branches are just peeping ever the snow. 'Tis n good bit of color , nnd , being Christmas , 1 thought 'twould bo nice for her to have somo. " When ho had gene Nan lifted her face from the pillow and asked : "la it Chiist- mas , Jimj" "Yes , Nannie. " "I'vo boon sick n long time , haven't I ? " Then , as she caught sight of the bunch of BCiirlet bsrries , olio gave a cry of delight , and eagerly stretched out her hand , but the poor , weak hand would not hold them , so she laid thorn on the bed beside her. She wandered away a little after that , and told how red and bright the holly was at homo , occasional ly repeating , with the gleeful manner of a child , that it was "Christmas morn- ing. " "See here , Nannio , " said Jim , unroll ing a bundle , thereby disclosing a silk dross of nzuro hue. "Look at your Chiistmas present ; I sent clear to "Frisco for it. " Ho throw the gay folds over the bed , making the pallor of her face moro ghostlike than ovor. She looked at it for a minute , and something like a shud der passed ever her. Ho saw it and read ita meaning at once. "Nannio , did you think I would buy a yard of it with that money ? No , it was honest gold , panned there at the creek , that paid for it , and I want you to brighten up and got well quick so that you can wear it. It's blue , Nannie , and just your color ; why you'll bo the pretti est girl in the diggings when you get thnt dress on. " "Oh , Jim , dear Jim , I shall never wear it ! " It was nil she said. "Why , Nannio , not nftor what I'vo told you ? " "It's not that , Jim. " Then a little slower , b cause eveiy word was mi effort in her fcoblo state : "I nm not going to livo. " She spoke so very gently for fear of grieving him. Ho knelt down by the bed uud clasped her hands in both hio own. own."Nannio , " ho whispered , "I'm afraid what you nro saying is true ; you were al ways ton good for this plr.ce , nnd for mo , nnd you'ro ' very weak ; but , Nannio , my poor neglected child , I want you to Bay , 'Jim , I forgive you , ' only once , 1 don't see how you can , but won't you try ? " Ah , how quiet it was for a moment. "Something tolls mo , " ho wont on hope fully , "that you will bo spared to mo. I cannot lot you go without showing you how I love you. " His broken utterance ondfld in n sob. But higher wisdom than Jim's had not ordained it so , "Jim , " she cried , "yon were always kind to mo ; there is nothing to forgive ; but I I cannot die ! Keep mo , Jim ; hold mo fast ! " Poor child , notwithstand ing all her suflorings she was not ready to go. Wo never aro. She was quito exhausted and lay with closed eyes. Suddenly ever the thin features a dreadful change came , and oven Jim could not mistake its awful meaning. Ho called aloud in his an guish and the sound of his voice called her back a little , "Lift mo higher , Jim , " oho said , as there came upon her face a look of un earthly beauty , "higher and to the She turned with a lost supreme effort and flung her arms about hiu neck. Then M ho raised her up , her pure spirit found the light of a fairer day than this And 'twas Christmas morning. How the birds Bang ! How the eun ( sparkled and shone upon the snow ! The tender blue of the sky was dappled with masses ot fleecy clouds , and the heaven above was like Juno. It seemed as though the flowers must bo blooming under foot , but there was nothing there but enow ; snow as far as the eye could BOO ; ever hill and ravine ; above the grass clods and upon the pine bouglu. And when * ho women had robed Nan in her ono white dress , and placed younf , Mail's cpray of holly in the Ihin fingers the beautiful liguro upon the little bed seemed n part of the sncrcd stillness o ! the place. "I'oor dear , " omo ono says with n sob , "how peaceful sholooks , nnd rested , " "So young , tooj"saya another , "and of n Christmas morning. " But the sweet , dead fnco on the pillow were its placid smile of repose through it nil. For somowhorc in the far away skies the morning of nn eternal Christ mas had dawned for Nan. Mlt. KUKNl'VS HT Some of the FlycrH .Tlint Will Unco During the Coining Sonuon. New York Herald. On n day when charily itself would have Buttoned nnd strapped nn ulster over its pockets n Herald onorter visited the plnco to learn something of the coin ing wondora of the turf said to bo in keep ing in Mr. Koono'a stables. Mr. Dlngrnvo , who hns charge of Mr. Ivocno's horses , was full of enthusiasm nnd talked nbout his four-footed charges nnd showed ono nftor another of them .vitli great pride.A . A PINE STUD. Maid of Athol was the first to bo scon. She is n four-yoar.old by Olanrolnnddam \ly Nannio O , n bay , with white heels and the blar.o on the face so charictoris- AC of Blair Athol's stock. She is a grand coking mare and ought to come back to lor two-year-old form now thnt she is lound ngain , She gave Mr , Blagravo n great deal of trouble owing to Iho habit ho had of kicking herself , "out of , " as 10 expressed it , "pure cussedncss " Her ompor has now much improved nnd she s perfectly docile nnd quiet , though vhothcr she will remain so when again tut in training remains to be scon. This nnro is very speedy , and will , if she comes to the post , force the pace for at east nix furlongs , having boon proved nero than once already to bo a clinker nt hat distance. Fandango is n bay filly throe years old , > y Wild Oats , dam Torchlight , standing .5 : J , with white snip on foreheadu game ooking head , short back , g od loins , and rioy looking all ovor. She did not show nuy great speed last season , but ran nfli- ciontly fast nt Joronio Pnrk to show thnt ho wns coming into form. She was suf oring from sore shins in tin early part of ho year , ao that it was not until the fall lor trainer could send her fairly along , nnd ho ia confident that aho will yet pay icr way. Sinaloa is a throo-year-old bay filly by fen Breock , dam Janet , and is therforo of American parentage on both sides. It s claimed that this filly hns thickened and improved in the most extraordinary degree and is nearly as widn again ns she vas last spring. She is certainly a beau- .ifully shaped ono , and her coat , like satin , most plainly showed brilliancy of loalth nnd the evidences of great care and attention. Mr. Blagravo is very fond of , his filly , but had no time last season on account of her sere shins to find out nny- .hing nbout hor. If make and shape are good foundations for prediction aho ought ; o bo hoard of ns a winner moro than once text summer. "llETTEH THAN TUB AVEIUOU. " Dutch Roller , threo-yoars old , by Dutch Skater , dam Constantinople , is n bay- jrown coltstanding 15:1. : with rare limbs , uid has filled out considerably since ho won the Great Eastern Handicap last year. "From his nppearnnco , " said his ; rainor , "I shall bo much disappointed if 10 docs not create another surpviso bo- : ere the end of the , coming season. His ength of back , perhaps , prevents him Tom being a weight carrier , but there is 10 doubt that ho can travel fast with n ight weight on him , and ho has shewn uoro than once something better than average timo. " Burgomaster , thruo years , by Dutch Skater , dam Bombazine , is a brown colt standinglD:2 : and perhaps ono of the finest ; oppod race horses in Amer'co. Ho was unfortunately kicked in the near hock when a yearling , and it was at ono time thought Impossible to train him , Mr. LJ'agrovo ' , however , operated on the in jured part successfully enough to fairly send him along last October , and ho thinks nid hopes ho may stand work during tlio ClUvting Mason. The result of the accident , liowovjjr , is still plainly. ' , apparent. If his trafcior can bring him'11 .o the post ho will dcscrvo a great deal of credit. A bay filly by Wanderer , dam Philliu , * n grand ono , standing now over 11.3. Her dam , it will perhaps bo romomboied , : o k first prize nt the horse show in Now York last fall , nnd the youngster has many of the good points of her much ad mired dam. As she is ono of the grow ing sort and wants time , her trainer has been very lenient with hor. IIo thinks she will nlipw better as a thrco-ycnr-old than she did last season , her lormo frame evidently requiring time to mature. A filly , by Wanderer , dam Phoebe Mayflower , was the first of the two-year- olds. She is n chestnut , with white heels and n snip on her forehead , very pretty in form nnd evidently a great pot. She would hardly got up when called upon to do BO , but niado friends with every ono in the box on rising from her recumbent position. "I can toll you but little about this filly , " said Mr. Blagravo , "as she wns suffering from some complaint when eho came from Kvutuckyaml 1 have boon very easy with hor. She may do good some of these days , but it is oarly'to give nu opinion. " TWO GOOD ritOMIHliUH. The brown colt by Ten lirocck , dam Bombazine , is a neat little follow. Ho has very much the appearance Iroquis presented when a yearling , though do vsid of the quality , to a certain degree , of that good looking honso. Both this colt and the ono in the next box were put to work last fall , ami thoroughly sat isfied their twiner that they wore worth Mr. Keono's keeping. The lost horse nhovrn was the bay two- year-old coli by King Alfonso , dam Janot. "I nay wi'hout fear of contradiction , " said Mr. Dlagravo , witn great enthusi asm , "that this is ono of the grandest colts in America or any other country. With atroiig nock ' , good shoulders , mid best of fore limbs' , ho combines strength of back , grand loins , and yreat length from hip to hock in fact , ho is a reco liorso all ever , " This colt ia engaged in the Knglish Derby , two thousand gui- neaa , St. Lcgor end other important races in England , besides having nome valuable engagements hero as a two- year-old. Ho stands now ever fifteen lianda high , and will bo sixteen hands nl four years old. All of the horses doomed in oxcollonl health and condition , each getting , the trainer Raid , two hours' exercise every day on the covered track. If nothing u hoard of the stable this your it vrill nol bo for lack of pains and endeavor , Boino BtroiiK Minded Women Can regulate thotr huiibamlu amazingly fast should they nut do their duty. JlurJuek lllwx Jtittfri nro a Kood regulator of the circulation They are exclusively a blood toulo , and come ( jueutly ttriU at the ruot ol many serious all Ktolcod Out. How many people thcro rxro who filing to i ! o In tills world tlint nro kicked down and out by onIrmi rlvnK Tliomat' IMtttnf Oil iiovor "klckoil out" Us li.itroin. It Ifl true bluo. 1'or tltront nlToctlom. aitlimn , nnd eft- tatrh It l.i n certain nnil rnpld euro , "You Into to-dnv " pftld the nro - , city cilltnr to n now roxttor ( "You , sirs but thorn wixa A cow on tlio olovnlod truck thN morning , nnd wo were dolnvcd , sir. " "This In no liuiRlihig mutter.1' ' "Thnt In what tlio cow thought , sir , " [ Now York Orniilile. Cancer for Klvo Years. Tlio Intorostd of Immrmtty foom to dctnnml llio publication of tlio following fuels : Two inoiit n ago my attention wo * cnllod to tlm cnno of n poor woman M ho wiw unld to bo nf- Illctod with n cancer. I found liorlthnn ulcer on lior shoulder nt Iflnst flx o Inchoft In clr- : vmiferoi\co , nngry , pMnful , mulch Ing the jm- Lieut no rwt Uy or iilfjlit for MM month * . I obtained n mipply of S ! ( t' * Specific , which I penuiiulcd her to try. Slio Imn tnkon llvn liot- , lps , tiio result ofUiIch is thnt the ulctr U on .irnly lioalcdup , nothing ninmiiiliiglnitnpiiinl ci > b , not lixrcor olio's finger irnll , nnd hrr jcuornl lunUh U bettor tlinn for llvo yonrs init. She fooins to l > o perfectly cured. 1 consider Its cITccU wondoriul nlinott mlr.acul- nn. nn.KKV. . JKSHR 11. OAMIMIKI.I. , Columlmj , On. Mnnynn tlio lntn < ttnny wrapi nro of the cir cular form , Inntond of doing mmlo ulth alcoves ) f any kind , tlio dee | > ci\pa bolng moro civilly nit on nml oil. A very beautiful ono just iponod Is mndo of pott lirocmlod wlitto ratln , ho designs being liny Momomn In raised \ cl ot llowors nnd In natural hues. Tlio circular n lined with pnlo blue fixlin , The wlitto intin tend In lined with p.tla blun velvet , ixncl tlm \holo giuinont U bordered \\lth uhlto ostrich ontlior trimming tipped with pnlo bluo. "Ilrown'H Itrunoltlnl Troches" nro vcollont for tlio relief of irorsonois or Sere 'liront. They nro exceedingly oiroctUo. " Jhrtitian irprrf..oiirf < iii. hng. Shot anting uC dark plmilos nro novel ma- orliils for afternoon toilrtx , l < ooi > s , lo.\ven ml blossoms mndo of velvet nnd chenille nro lie trimming to which leather nnd copper- olorcd Incoa nro nddod. I'lgurcd nhot Bntius n used for tlio bodlco , with n blonsoe tof Iniiipntin. The plnltod skill is plain , nnd lie figured ovuinMrt Is plaited nil nnmnd , mid pan down on ono ftido lU onttro length , mid rdorod will ) chenille nnd velvet. Tlio experience In the treatment ol Citncar ultli ia' SicvllloS. | S H. ) uoulilrccm to warrant ui i RAJ lug that It \ \ III euro this inucli ilrovlctl scourge , "crsona nllllctuit ar Imltnl In corn'jpoiul Ith u . ultl's Hocclfli Ins nmcil my lifo. I Imil Irtuillly lott the use ol tlio upnor jmt ot my liixly lid nu' nrma Ironi ( lie | > olaonout clloctfl nl a largo -ini-cr on my nrck , ( rnm wh'ch I hut lullcnl Ipr 80 L'.irn. H. S. 8. IIIM rollc\pil inu ot all eomic , nml ic ) iot nn IH belli ) ; foructl out of my n ) tcm. I nlll ,1011 bo oil. \V. It. IioiiiHOV , D.-uUUoro , Oiu Tuo month * ppo my attention was otlivil to the MOO ! \\om.tii allltctoil with n rancor on horslioul- or nt least lit olnclivHln c'rcinnlorunco ' angry , fulfi ll , niul wUliiir tlio patient no tout tin } or iiiKttt lor x months. I olitalntil a eupply ot bnlft'n Kpeclllo or lor IHT. Hlio Ims llvo hottlo , aiul thu liicor t entirely liealud up , only n Miry Einill trail rcmiln- ig nml tier hcnlth l bvttir than ( or Iho jcnru piut ; < .tmi ) tu bo pcrtoetly enreil. UKV.jMtRRUAVi'iir.u , Columliii' , an. n romnrKnhlo rcsulU tram use ol 8v\ttts o on n cnncor. Aauni ; mtn hero lias bcin Illictoil Iho jcura with tlio most nngry looking cnt- ngcnncrra 1 o\or iiwniut\\RHi oirlj tleail The 111Bt nttloi'inilononilorlul thungv , nnd alter flto'.iot- Ics ucro UUen , ho lanoirly oriultowell. | U U truly uomk'rlul. M. F. CrtUHtur , M. I ) . , OBlethorne , Oa. Our trcntlso on IllooJ nml Skin UUenscs innlloil rco to npiillcauU. Tiicswjn si'Kcirio co. . 1) rawer 3 , Atlanta Un. N' . Y. Olllco , 153 W. 23J St , bct ecu fcth ( mil 7th As twa The uio ol the term " Hhoi H I.lno" In connection ultlithi M corporntonamoolngroatroiul B com oj a nil IJea ol tint what required by the travelingnub _ lie ft Short IJnc , Quick limt mid the best ot nccommoiU tlona nil ol which nro ( HID licit by tbo grcatcet rnilwny lu America. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE And St. Paul. Itowna anil operate 6v6r Jto6 inc36l ! ! * Northern Illinois , Wlaconaln , lllnnoaota , lowaan > akotaandas ; ts main lines , branches nndoonuoo- Ions roach nil the urcnt biulnoss contros ot the lorthwcst and Far West , It naturally answers thf description ot Short Line , and Dost llouto between Chicago , Milwaukee , Ht. 1'anland Mlnnoapolls. ChicagoMllnaukco , La Croeso and Wlnoua. Chica u , Milwaukee , Aberdeen nnd Kllondalo Clilcnuo , Milwaukee , Eau Claire nnd Stlllwatoi' U Chicago , Sllluaukco , Wausau and Merrill. Chicago , Milwaukee , Beaver Dam and Oshkosh. Chicago , Milnaukco , Wankeulm and Ooonomouoa Chicago , Milwaukee , Mftdlitsn nml I'rnlri du Chlor. Chicago , MiI aiiAOO , Owatonim and Fulrlbaulk. Chicago , Ilclolt Janom Via nil J Mineral Point. Chicago , Elgin , llocktord and DulilUltio. Chicago , Clinton , Hock Island nml Cedar Itnpldi Chicago , Council lilults nnd Omaha. Chicago , Bloiix City , Sioux Fallu nnd Yanklon Chicago , Mlluaukeo , Mltclic.ll and Chamberlain. Kock JWand , Dulm'juo , St. I'uul anil Mlnncapollg l.i\enport , Caluiar , St. I'aul nnd Miuncapolig. Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Cara In ivorldaronm on the main lines ol the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY and o\ery attcntlnu In paid to pai&ungirs by court * iU8 cmi > lojcu ol Iho coinjwiy. S. ri. MHIIUILT , , A. V. W. OARPKNTKH , n'l llaiiagcr , ( Icn'l Pain. OKO II. 1IEAFFOUI ) , Patent Dried Fruit Lifter , AS USEFUL NO DEALER III A I IH GROCERY Groceries STOKE CAN A1TOUO TO Ell AS A FAIR OS * Without It. ' COUNTER SCALES. * .C.CLARK , SOLE PROPRIETOR. &IAHA , NEW. A victim of rorlf ImpraJenoo. camlnjf oervoai debit * tjr , prematuru decay , c to. . ; i vlni ( tried ID v ln ercr rnownremtdy ti ellnplo petntnf If. , ou , Hhlcli ho will end I'llKK lo hU < llo ua > ran. Adrtrm. J. If. JHCtVBI ilOlnthamUt. . Nuw Vorlr BE. WHITTIER 617 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo. A BED ULAIl 0 HADUATK of two medical college * khulwcn enicaKod lonuir In the treatment of ClIdONIU , NKIIVOUM , BKfN AND DLOOD DUewtt than other physician In ( St. citypapenshow and all old rcuIdcntB know , Comultatlon free invited. When It U Inconvenient to visit the city treatment , wodlolnw can Lo oiit by mall or exprsi everywhere. Curable ca e Buaraatoodwher ; dou exhU it U frankly itatcd. Call or write , KerYOUiTroitraUon DebllltyMental md rhyilo Throat IUK. ! " " Afflictions. U1J Korea and Ulcen , Inipodl menu to marrUgeTTthounutism , I'llM. Special * t iuntloiitocnMiB'froni overworked brain. BUUUIOAt- rcoulvu attention. Dlieasei from IJniiruJeiice. B cnn eiii - . in rrywhom yno whr.cnutei , oci eiuuuoc | and cure. Mtllod for ut or l-dwji ITU One of Iho Boat and largest Stocks in the United States to select from. NO STAIRS TO OLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR , run GALLOWAS AND ABERDEEN ANGUS , Consisting of Bulls Every nniuml of nnd Hoifurs one , good individual to throe yonra old. merit , pure bred Every Heifer in nnd registered in calf by Llord Book of Bulls. Great Britiaiii At Lincoln , Neb , , Friday February 15,1884 Tuli Is ouo ui the best lots ol Polled Cattle o > cr oUcroi at publloulolh the uost , havlnj boon eoclccto < l out ol SOO head ( mported by 111 durliif ithu past season * LEONARD BROTHERS , JIT. LKONAUD , EO. Kor liuthor Intoruutlon or c-vtilou0'o. nddrojj U. M. Druso , Nebraska Fnrmor , Lincoln , Neb. TKIIMK OF HALF.-llMh , or fonr monlhshadk note , 8 par oont Interest. I'O-O UANUFAOTOnEB OF Off STRICTLY I AND TWO WHEEL CARTS , 1311) and IBM llarnoy btroot and < OJ B. 13th Street. T. TJIZTf llustratcd Calaloirao furulsbod free upon application. [ > UaUt UD90nd 14 ! I Dodge St. . J \ OMAHA. NEB ItANOl'ACTUIlER OF FINE ssr wm 'QO 150 K/lUpoiltory oniUnlly Hilodn-Jth a'soloetjntock. Best Workminihip swranteeil. Office uno Factory S , W. Cawr / / ? / / ; and Capital Rvanm Qmaha * Heating and Baking In only attainedby using j r . Stoves and Ranges , ISplii WIRE GAUZE OVER OOORS Foi Bale by MILTOH ROG13RS & SONS OMAHA- j. o. pREsooTi'i N. P. OUBTK > EV < J50. PSESOOTT CO , , & ORGANS ! Music , Musical Instruments of all Descriptions. CHEAPEST AID MOST RELIABLE EQUSi Xax tlxo AND EXAMINE OUfv 8TOOK OH SEND FOB PRICES , * * * , - * -4-V tmauiiiifii