Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1884, Image 5

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Cures Scrofula , Erysipelas ,
Pimples and Face Grubs ,
Blotches , Soils , Tumors , Fat
ter , Humors , Bali Rho'dm ,
Scald JEToad. Sores , Mercurial
Diseases , Female Weakness
nnd IfTosulnritlcs , Dizziness ,
Loss of Appetite , Juandico ,
Affections of the Liver , Indi
gestion , Biliousness , Dyspep
sia and General Debility
A count of Burdock Kl&od nllten will wthff tl)5
mo t tV.eptlc l tlut It Ic the tlrcitnt Ulcml I'utltct on
eartli. Sold bv metliclne ilrtlrrc everinthcre.
Ulrectloni In eleven Uniuieci. I'nicn , ,
FOSTER , MILBURN4CO. , Prep's ' , BuRa'o ' , N.Y
Exh uitod Vitality , Nervoiw and Phwlsal Debility
Pronuturo Decline in Min , K.roraof Youth , and the
untold inlsorlca rcBultln ) ; from IndlBcrotlona or ex.
coaaes. A book for ovi'rv man , young , mljillo npted ,
and olil. It contains 125 proscriptions for all ncuttf
and chronic disoaseii each ono of whtehU Invaluablq
So found by the Author , whoso experience for 2
years id nuoh nn probably never bcforo fell to the lo
of any physician SCO pages , bound In bcautlti
Freucu miiiltn om JO iBjco\or3 , full glltcmrMit cl
to bo a Oner wor/ n ovcry BOIIJO , mechanical , /It- /
orary anil professional , than any other work * ol < ID
this country for 82.50 , or the inonov will bo rcfutWod
In every Instijco. Price only 81.00 by mall , tel
pild. Illustrative s.implo n ccnU. Rend now. UoM
incdal awarded the author by the National HWIcal
Association , to the otllcors ot which ho refers. /
This book should be road by tno young for Instruc
tion , and by the afniotod for relief. It will Vonofll
nil. London Lancet. /
There is no member ot society to whom thli book
will not bo useful , whether youth , parent , giskrdian ,
Instructoror clorp-vman. ArROiiaut. /
Address the Poibody Stcdlcvxl Institute , or/Dr. / W.
II. Parker , Nn. 4 Bulflnch Htrcut , Boston Majis. , who
may bo consulted on nil diseases requiring fclll and
experience. Chronic undobjtinntodUo ascntliat ha\o
batted the skill of all other phjsIITJ I plans
A spcchtty. Such treated succo s-IICnL fully
without an tiistftao allure. TIIVCC
Erlancer , % /Bavaria. /
CHlmb'acher , iBavaria.
Pilsner Bohemian.
Kaiser . ' .Broaien.
Budweiser /-St. / Louis.
Anhanser , . . .St. Louis.
Bes s Milwaukee.
Schlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee.
Krue's Omaha.
Ale. Porter. Doraeslic and Rhine
Wine. ED. MAUKER ,
Nebraska Cornice
Iron Fencing ]
Croftinini , DaluntradM , Verandas , Office and Eanl
Uaillnga , Window and Cellar Guards , Etc.
PAISER. Manacer.
Bcl inu Boynl and U.S. Mall Steamers
ThtHhnrJermany { , Italy , ITMand and France
StafrnL'o OutnardC"0 ; Prepaid from Antwerp , J23 ;
Exctirs'on , SlU , IncluilluKbedilin ? , ctc.Zd Cabin , $35 ;
Kxcurslon , SlOO ; Saloon frora $50 to DO ; Excursion
$110 to J100.
jTjrl'iJter Wright & Sons , den. Agents. C5 Broad-
wcy a. V.
Culdwoll. Hamilton & Co. , Omahi. P. E. Hod
man & Co , 08 N. 1'Jth Street , Omaha ; 0. K. Kimball -
ball , Omaha Agents. m&a eod-lv
DR. f
( BKfOKKT ) ( AlTKIl. )
oil ArrtUNCES nro sent on W Days' Trial TO
MKN ONLY. YOUNO OH OLD , who nro suffer
ing from NEnvoua DEBIUTT. LOST Vmurv ,
\VABTINO WKAKHKSSES. and all inose dlieasea of n
NATBIUS. resulting from ALCBES and
OTUER. _ _ iis. fipocdy relief and complete
restoration to HEALTH , VIOOB and lUMioon
. Lend at once for Illustrated
Pamphlet frco. Addrcs *
VOLTAIC BELT CO. , Mnmiinll. Blleli.
Warranted absolutely pnr- '
Cocna , from which the OXM S o.
Oil liiubmi rimo\fil. It la > tf.rtt
tlinct tf itrenglh of Cocoi mlitd
with Slnrcj , Airowroolor Sugar ,
nuj It tbcreforo far more cconoml
col. It 1 < diluloui , nourlthlng ,
etrrngthcidnif , cailly digested , and
aJmlrabty adapted fur Invalids as
will oa for persons In health ,
Colil or Oroceri crcrrnhcrf ,
BAKER 5 pa * Dorcliesler. Mass.
\Vliota debility , uklmuilluu and primatura
ileciiyarocaaioiibyoicoiiuu , crroraof jouth , etc. .
are perfectrettored ! to r l > n t lieallh and
vlzoroua manhood by THE MARBlON
DOLUSi 'hoitomach druirirlna. TliUlreatineiit
iof Aei-viiaillubltly and I'bitlrul Jccny tt
uniformlr ( noc uful bxcauiM uarru on txiinn
illiiiruii Uiiew iiu direct MinlUniUaniUb-
rolute ihor < viiiltitr ii. boaled IrvatliMi fref-
U4RSTON nnMEDTCO-16 W.KthSt , New York. |
A Beautiful Tlioiifiht ,
The woarv mmvft < crnwllng
Down tlio Wo < t'ft cnmrlinia throat ,
The ovtiilnc ilaw w s falling ,
J.lko n promissory note ,
Wlillo froui the tlioninnd clmmbcrcil
l\t mloni of the burning West
Crlin ou splendors swoiit mid clftinlxrcil
Up the hoavoa'a throbbing breast.
Lc.tnoil ngitUnt tha window baw ,
And vntolled tha foaming flro ,
An it lo l ) ( > d ntnonp the st-irsj
Then ha Mltcd\VlmtU thnt yonder ? "
"AiiRoN , donr , " lili mother said
Ho looked tip In chlldlih wontlor ;
"Aro thp nnnuls' head nil red1
[ Drnko'a Travelers' Mngnxlno.
JfiB. Henry Ward BcochorN lii poor lio.iltti
nnd will piobably go South before the 1st of
March ,
The nflwost prayer booki nnd hymnnls nro
Innind iti brown or black alligator kkln , with
tlio monogram in vehut or tlher.
Lent tlili year is to bo very utrlctly kept by
cocicty girls , as It h tlio only setisou of tha
year when they c.m rest from noclal duties.
Dr. Unllamlet , uf St. AIIII'M church , Now
York , proaclioi frciiuontly to deaf mutos. Ho
uudoretands tholr silent language nnd takes
great care to mike lili moaning clear. Hots
greatly bolovcd by ft largo number of those
The llcv. Dr. Stark , of 1'ouKnoy , Vt. , is
one of tlio oldest preachers in the Methodist
Kpiscopil church. Hta dovonty-Gfth birthday
was recently celebrated. Dr. Stark is still in
vigorous health , nnd proachci occa.iioii.illy ,
Uo wni licenced to preach lu 1830 , and joined
n Methodist conference in the following year.
For sixteen } oirs ho WM n presiding older.
TLo Vandorbllt faintly nttoud SS. Uartholo-
movf's I'piscopal church on Fifth avenue , Now
York , Mr. Cornelius mid W. 1C , bilong to
the vestry nnd are both regular nttcniUuts
with their fanilllot. They occupy pewa In the
cmtro aisle , about half wiv 'IP. J-eilaVnu-
d rbilt , now Mrs. Soxvard Webb , was married
ia tha church n few years ago , and her little
jou was recently baptized in it.
The Hon. Hamilton Fish and family attend
church at Old St. Mark' * in Second avenue ,
tfew York. His family have boon members
of the church for many goneiations pist and
) OW8 in it are ov.-nod by the family for life.
Mrs. Hamilton Fish , Jr. , who also attends
lorvico there , always appoirs in voiy quiet
oilets , either of black silk or some dark , rich
Wlitio Cardinal M anntnc ii building a
cathedral at London which will cost millions ,
md the Duke of Norfolk , tha Marxuis of
Jute , and other milllonairu Itmnan Catholics
continue tn contribute to now churches inouti-
ncnts and endowments , the famous Oratory
tt 13rompton , where the greatest of HUng
loin an Catholics , Cardinal Newman , ru ! do9
s in an unfinished state and presents a barn-
iko appearance.
The Protestant communities In England
and Wales outside ' < f tlio established church
\iz : Baptist. Congregatioualisti , the various
nombers of tlio MothodiHt family ( six ) , the
[ "riends and the English I'roibyterians have
an nggregato of 8.U9G ministers in that division
) f tha country ; 12,000 places of worship , with
out allowing for defective returns ; nnd a total
of 1,500,000 members , which are estimated
; o represent -1,500,000 persons out of n total
wpulatiou of " 5OG7'JSti in England and
On May _ 21 of Iho present year it will be
iOO years since John Wycliff , the first of the
; reat English reformers , nnd hU doctrines
were condemned by the synod of divines as
sembled ut Gray friars Priory , London. Ar
rangements are being made in London for the
> roper celebration of tlio occasion , and the
presumption is that the day will ba honored
inoio or less all over the Protestant world.
Wycliff was born aear Richmond , Yorkshire ,
about 1324 ; tha exact date is not known. He
was the true father of the reformation.
It h stated by The Moniteur Unucrsolle
that the Marquess Tceng is a Chinese ox-
Jesuit. Ho was , it appuarn , educated by the
Jesuits at Kiau Niam and admitted to their
order. Afterwaid , however , he obtained his
secularization and returned to the world. It
is added that he was , indeed , bora a Ilonian
Catholic , and that when ho loft the Jesuit
society ho did not abjure bin faith. The
Mouiteur. however , is compelled to add that
although ho received the tonsure and the lessor
ser orders ho docs not affect to hold any roll-
gious belief whatever.
Of the rumor that General Sheiidan is a
Roman Catholic , The Catholic Euquiror nays :
' 'Our Protestant friends do not want Catholics
in the army now In times of peace. At an
earlier day , when war spreid its dark shadow
over the land , they weio not EO particular nnd
not a few of those who are now objecting to
Catholic inlluenco were only too happy to pay
Catholics to do that which they lacked the
courage to do fight for their country. The
ignorant Catholics went to the front and
fought for it ) institutions , which our separated
brethren claim our church desires to over
throw. The cultured Protestants stayed at
homo and kept grocery stores and made
money , "
A 1'roplicoy.
Soon the long haired vernal poet.
With bis manuscript in band ,
Will ascend the iron stairway
To the journalistic land.
With a smile so calm and saintly
" For the editor he'll ask ,
And request with hesitation
Apersual of his task ,
Then the editor with trembling
Hands the mausctipt unties ,
" Tis on Spring ! " A look of horror
Quickly starts into his eyes.
With n biblical quotation ,
Ho ariacs from his ,
And * i that long haired poet
Ho alights with both his foot.
[ Boston Post.
Six ladles have graduated with honor from
the London College of Chemistry and propose
setting up as druggists.
Mrs. Julia 11 , Anagnos , eldest daughter of
Mr * . Julia NY ard Ilnwo , has established a now
philosophical club at her purloin in South
In a Philadelphia school for young ladies it
was found that of a class of forty-eight girls
ono could make broad , ono know how to fry
oysterB.and throe knew how to broil beefsteak ;
forty-eight could embroider and foity-sdven
could dance.
Mrs. Quiucy Shaw , of Boston , spends $50 , '
300 annually out of her private income in sup
port of thirty kindergartens and twenty nur
icrlos , uhich she has established In those parts
of tlio city where the roughest and moat Equal-
lid features reign. In addition to this she
spam ! * $200,000 a year in other charities.
Prof. T. 8. Pnrvin , of Iowa City , ono of
tlit oldest of Iowa educators as well as one of
the best Informed men in the historical details
of Iowa educational work , in an informal talk
with n Dos Molnca Keglster reporter , on the
28th inst. , gave the following reminiscences :
The professor was the first president of this
society , iti the year 1857 , and ogain in 18C8.
Ho 1ms u record ! n Jowa school work running
back to 1813 , when as a member of a school
board ho helped in building the first brick
school house In Iowa. Ho Hays It is a mistake
that the first nchool in Iowa wai taught in
Ia\cnportn ! 1838 , and that n lady , who Is
fctill living in Davenport , taught school lu
that place in 1C30 or 1837. He also aajs that
Mr. J , B. Stewart , now an esteemed citizen
of Das MtineK , Vterit to Bchonl in Burlinatun
in 1830 , and ha quote * Co ) , Parrott , of Keo
kuk , who wan it soldier at Fort Madison in
183 ; ! , as gujing that a school was taught there
in that year. The professor is now CG yaars
old. hut lie retains much of his old time vigor
and all of his life-long and inseparable genial
ity and good fellowship.
Arcliltccluiftl Monstrosities.
Now York state is spcndinK nearly $20-
000 , 000 on a capital which lisa no cloak
room in it big enough to hold the coats and
hats of its senators , and the room for the
court of appeals which the judges div
lil > o. Great Britain has spent $20,000-
000 on the no\7 foreign nnd colonial of. '
ficoi , whoso rooms have no ventilation
except by the windows , which are too
heavy to open and shut. About half this
um huabeeu spent on Iho now London
law courU , in which the nir isso bad thnt
no judge sits long without falling 111 , the
jury room so inclement thnt jurors ickon
m it , nnd n clock-tower built with no
place loft for weights. In Washington
910,0000,000 has been spent to put our
legislative- chambers on n wuul-swont
koll , but inn building no cased nnd constructed -
structod thnt no man breaths fresh nir
on the lloor.
llorflfonl'H Auld I'lionplml.o
Admirable Results In Fever.
Dr. J. J , Tlv.\N , St. Louis , Mo. says ;
"I invariably proscribe it in fevers ; niso
in convnlcsconsos from wasting nnd do
bHnting diseases , with ndmirablo results ,
1 also liud it n tonic to nn enfeebled con
ditiun of the genital organs. "
TlioHtont Tiitdy intlioCnr ,
Tnmohtnl from the French ot Loult Lcroy.
"Eighteen , ns pretty as n picture , with
n dowry of 5500,000 frnucs , " enid Paul Lo-
long to his friend Georges Iloryionx ,
"Mile. Clementine Perrncho will suit you
likoa clovojmado to measure. 1 know they
ire thinking of marrying her off. Say
the word nnd I will present you. "
"Whore ? lion ? "
"At the Opera Comiqur. I will give
; hcn a box ; yon shall know which onu ,
and from the orchestra yon can study nt
rour case the plnn , the cut nnd the style
) f the young lady. If she docs not real-
zo your idonl , you can remain in the
lack-ground nnd there will bo no harm
done. "
"Consider the mnltor settled. "
"At the theater , after the lirst entr'
acte , wo will meet in the foyer. "
"But this presentation may seem nm-
jiguous to Mile. Perrncho'a relatives ? "
"No ; wo can play the comedy with
, hom. They nro looking everywhere fern
n suitor. I Imvo oven promised to furn-
sh them ono. Yon shall bo the man. "
Things being thus nrrnngod , Georges
resolutely nwnitcd the summons.
Two weeks passed nnd ho received uo
vord. Wishing to kmw how tlio nlTnir
stood , ho took n street car of the couth-
orn line to go to Iho house of Lolongwho
ro ided upon the heights of the Arc < tc
It was raining fiercely thnt morning.
Dwico in succession the .vount { iiinn ,
seated in the interior of the car , had
; ivon his place to ladies standing on the
jlatform ; then some of the passengers
laving got out in front of the Church of
'nvalidcs , ho was able to seat himself
anew near the door. "This time 1 Trill
lot budge , " said ho to himself. "I nm
damp and chilled ; enough of sacrifices to
) olitcnoss ! "
At the station of the Ecolo Militairo , n
stout lady hastily got on tlio car and
strove to push into tlio interior. ' 'No
crowding on the plarforml"cried the con
ductor to her. She cast covetous looks
upon the occupied scats , and particularly
upon that of Georges , who was the only
ono of his sex in tlio midst of fifteen wo
men.Tho young man stiffened himself.
"No , no , " thought ho. "I will st y
where 1 ami I'd rather givoup riding in
.ho cars if , whenever its rainy and coldl
must always roranin outside. If she were
a pretty woman now I'd ' gain n word of
; hnnks or a smile , along with a cold in
, ho head , but with this lump of fat the
; amo isn't worth the candle. You needn't
ook at mo with n supplicating nirI ; don't
care whether you're warm or notl"
Gradually the stout lady's looks ceased
; o bo imploring ; they grow dark and con
temptuous ; she muttered broken sentenc
es between her tooth.
"Tho politeness of the day ! The re
spect duo to ace nnd soxl They leave n
weak woman exposed to all the inclemen
cy of the weather , and make themselves
comfortable without deigning to take pity
on her sufferings ! It's shameful , it's dis
gusting ! Ah ! wo live in n villainous
epoch ! "
Irritated by thrso attacks that could
not have boon inoro directly aimed at
! iim , Georges said :
"I have already given up myscattwico ,
madame ; your insinuations , therefore ,
liavo no effect upon mo ! "
"Not to do ono's duty to the end , " an
swered the stout lady , "is exactly as if
ono had done nothing at all ! "
"Tho persons I have obliged nro not of
that opinion. "
"Will you permit those you leave out
in the rain to differ from them ? "
"Certainly ; differ as much ns you want
to. "
"Thank you ! At at atchi ! Some
people would lot others strangle to
death without offering them n glass of
water ! "
Georges had the baseness to reply , with
a smile :
"At least I have the cohSolatioit of
knowing that whore you are you have no
lack of water ! "
"The executioner is mocking his vict
im ! "
' Enough , madame , enough ! "
"At at ! If I die , monsieur , I shall
ewe my death to you ! At atchi ! "
"This is growing monotonous ! "
"Strike mo , if you dare ! You
won't have much trouble to finish mo
you have begun too well for that ! Atl
at ! "
The stout lady's sneezing was lost in
tht nolso inado b ? closing the door.
Georges thus cut short this agreeable con
versation. But through the glass the nn-
iry woman's eyes did not cease to riddle
liiin with fierv glances until the last sta
tion was reached.
As ho made his way to Lelong's resi
dence Georges was still laughing nt the
exasperation of his stout enemy. There
lie learned that the conferences would
soon result in the desired interview ; lie
would see and bo coon. In short , the
following week ho was oummonod to at
tend n representation of "La Jnmo
Blanche. " Tlio letter gave him the num
ber of the box , together with a minute
description of Mile. Olomentino Perruoh'a
When she appeared ho leveled his opera
glass and saw that his friend , far from
having exaggerated the young lady's
beauty , had rather underrated it. Blonde
ulondor-waiatcd , bust moderately deve
loped , pearly teeth , graceful smilo. An
elderly lady , her mother , without doubt ,
placed beside her on the front row of the
box , frequently looked in the direction
of the orchestra. The haste with whicl
Georges came to moot Lolong , on his
entrance into the foyer , proved to the
latter that the fish had nibbled at the
delicious bait.
"Sho is charming , oxquiaito , divine ? '
"Thon you want mo to present you ?
"Immediately ! Come , como ! "
The oldeily lady and the youn girl received
coived the young man with smiling po
Jiteness. Ho vaguely comprehended tha
the first impression was favorable to him
His conversation mot with equal success
llllo. Clementine turned frequently , the
better to hoar and see him.
During the chat the elderly lady in
formed him that she was the young girl'e
"Ja madame , your mother , ill1 ? askcc
Georges of Clementine ,
"Sho has just been so , monsieur ; nn
atrocious cold ! The heat of the theater
having brought on a fit of coiighfnjr ,
she wont out for n little fresh air. Bui
eho will return before the curtail
Having ceased to , Madame Per-
radio , knowing whom she would find in
the box , entered with n smile upon her
lips. But it did not remain there long ,
for at thoju'ght of Georges her eyes in
stantly shot forth two sinstor Ihslios. Tlio
mother of her whom ho felt no much dis
posed to love was no other than the stoul
lady of the street car.
"My excellent friend , Moimiour
Georges Horvtcux , " said Lolong as ho
presented him to Madame Perrncho.
"Oh , I am acquainted with muniour ! '
replied she in n hissing voice. "I had
Iho pleasure of muoting nnd having n
long talk with him in n public convoy-
mice ! You remember if , do you notl'
said aho to Georges. " 1 nearly got mj
death from that conversation ! "
Tlio young man did not know what to
do or say ; iho rest glanced at each other
without in the least comprehending
Madtmo Perrncho'n bitterness. Then the
latter added with growing rage :
"You left mo outside the door the other
day. It's now my turn to put you out-
sida it ! Go , monsieur ! "
Georges bowed andquiltcdtho box will :
[ jolong.
"So you wore the hero of thnt stupid
ulvonturo , were you ? " asked the latter.
"You were the monster of the street car ,
oh ? "
"I was , nlas ! "
"Mamma Perrncho is a fury I"
"So I see. How unfortunate ! Her
laughter charmed mo. "
"And the marriage ? "
"Has gone to the dogs ! "
"Oh , nol Itismoroly delayed. "
"Whatl Do believe it
you still possi-
" 1 believe it certain ! She has avenged
icrsolf , and is oven with you , Besides ,
know her ; eho has moro to say to you
et , and to make you tnsto the rest she
mist have yon for her son-in-law ! "
AVcl Wo Mover.
i't Is now undisputed tlmlVol Po Moy-
r'.s Oiitnrrh , Cure Is the only treatment
hat will nb olutidv euro Catarrh fresh erIn
In iinic , "Very oflicaciotis , Sauil. Gould ,
Veoping Water , Nob. " Ono box cured mo ,
UIH. Alary Koiiyou , Dismark , Dakota. " "It
oatorodmu to the pulpit , Kov. Goo. K. Hois ,
3oblovillo N. Y. " "Ono box radically cured
iiJ , ] tov. 0. H. Taylor , 110 Noble street ,
Brooklyn. " "A perfect cmo after ! IO years
nirciit'g.T. D. McDonald , 710 Uroadwny , N.
Y. , c.&c. Thousands of testimonials nro
cceivod from all parts of the world. lolv- ) !
red , 81.00. Dr. Wcl Do Moyor's HluHtrn-
ed Treatise , " with statements by the cured
tailed froo. D. U. Dewey & Co. , 182 Fulton
treot , N. Y. tuos-tlmr&sat-m&o-Sm
Ollj ON FIUI3.
A Scene on Iionjj Isltvml.
LONG ISLAND Cuv , L. 1. , February 8.
This afternoon n large distillate tank
at the Standard Oil Works , foot of Tenth
troot , exploded with terrific force. The
explosion was followed by n burst of
liuno which noon enveloped the tank. In
| uick succession there were seven other
explosions f naptha , tar nnd distilled
oil becoming mnsscsof flame in n minute
afterwards. Eight tanks in all , each
containing from 1,500 to 3,000 barrels
of lluid , were destroyed. The fire was
; nt under control at GiO : ! this morning ,
k'sidea the tanks and oil , a largo store-
to use , having n frontage of 200
cot on East river , containing 1,500
mrrola of oil , 2,000 empty barrels ,
also about 700 feet of wharf , with sev
eral small buildings , were burned. The
lames from tank No. ( i , which first ox-
ilodcd , communicating the ilamos to the
varohouso , twenty feet distant , vessels
ending at the wharf were towed away or
cut adrift. Several firemen were se
verely burned. The total loss , ns near
as can bo ascertained , is $73,000 ; partial
nsuranco. The shock of the explosion
was felt several miles away , many win-
lows being broken in houses two miles
distant. On Blackwcll's island n great
nany windows were broken. The works
will bo rebuilt.
Closing up iho Mills.
PiTTSUUno , February 8. Judgment
was entered and executions aggregating
384,000 issue dthis afternoon against A.
C. & 0. H. Kloaan , lessees under the
recover of the > Manchester Iron & Stool
Mills. The ezedUors include the Olovo-
land Iron and Mining Co. , Wampun Iron
Co. , ( limited ) , Wheeler Iron Co. , Hillard
it Storritt , Spang Steel and Iron Co , find
n number sf
Sherman on I'rntectlnn.
CLKVKLAND , 0. , February 8. Senator
Sherman has written a letter to The
Iron Trade Review \tyon tlio moyomvnt
originating ! icrd Alid culminating in the
organization in Now York of an associa
tion of capitalist ! ) to secure reciprocity
with Canada in the matter of the rcdnc-
ion of duty on coal and iron ore. Ho
writes : "Tho subject of the treaty of re
ciprocity with Canada in respect
to coal and iron ere hns not
joon1 brought to ny attention ,
but my first view is entirely against such
treaty. Wo have plenty of coal and iron
ere in this country now protected with a
comparatively low rate of duty , and I
BOO no reason for disturbing it. Indeed
the whole protective system is now in
moro danger from its fjionds than its en
emies. The manufacturing interests are
joginning to regard coal , iron ere , pig
ron , wool and other articles of domestic
production ns raw articles , not to bo pro-
; ected by duty. If this now doctrine
ihould got n foothold it would destroy
ho whole protective policy of the govern
nnt. The rule of protection must extend
, o all labor alike , to tha labor of the
'armor on producing wool , to the labor of
the minor in digging coal and if it in du.
lircl to the fanner and miner it cannot
Vfho vrrnat glossy , luxuriant
antl wavy tresses or abundant ,
licanlii'ul Hair must nso
decant , cheap article always
maljes Uio Hair wow freely
and fust , keeps it from fulling
out , arrests and cures gray-
UCBS , reuiores dandruff and
i'chlng ' , mnkos the Hair
D rong , glvliiff It a curling
tendency and keeping It Jn
ni/y / desired position. Beau-
< ifiil , lieiiltliy Hair Is tlio sure
result oi' using Huthairon.
justly bo maintained in favor of the man
ufncturcr. It is labor that ii to bo protected
tectod , nnd not capital. It is intlcct
moro important to dovolopo the natural
resources of the country in production
and mnnufnuturo of such articles ns won ] ,
iron nnd coil , than to protect higher
forms oi production whore cheap labor is
indispensable. "
Baby's warning ,
When l > - liy KM luilnn nt dead
ilotlior In it Irlxht. IMIicr In a | > ll
When wornu il bile , Imliy must cry ,
II fiver nets In , Inliy may i > lo.
II croupy palm kill l < connrA ,
In tint IIOIMO tlicro'n no CAiToUIA ,
rorinotlitri earn nlthouxlrUy ,
CAbTOIUA cures by nU'lit nn.l lUy
Tlio Utah Iiettlslnturo.
SAI.TLAKK , February 8. The Utah
legislature , composed exclusively ol
monogamist Mormons , has been in era-
fiion fo r weeks and passed two unimpor
tant bills. Being elected under the Kd-
munds law , the Utah commissioners anticipated -
ticipated that the Icgialatmo would en
act laws in accord with the government ,
but it is now conceded the monagnmist
legislators wo ns subservient to the
church ns polynnmists. nnd bound to do
the bidding of the leaders. Governor
llnniBoy nnd Judge Cnrlton , the only
mombera of the government commission
hero , nre observing the situation. They
will roccommond n legislative commission
in place of the present legislature :
Trouble Anticipated ,
VANCOUVKW , W. T. , February 8.
Chief Moses , in accordance witli nn
agreement mndo with the secretary of tlio
Interior has moved his people on the
Dolovillo reservation , nnd tnken the tip-
Innd. It is believed there will bo trouble
f congress refuses to confirm the agree
n Klm.
ST. Louis.Fobruary 8. Win. O.Dinos ,
member of the firm of Hill , Nail & CK ,
manufacturers of nt-avcs , heading , etc. ,
nppliod to the circuit court yesterday for
dissolution of partnership , nnd appoint-
nont of n receiver. The court this morn-
ng appointed Archer N. Crnig , receiver ,
with n bond of § 100,000.
Thn Canadian I'liclllo ,
OTTAWA , February 8. It is under
stood thnt the government hns received nn
oiler from n syndicate of Now York capi-
alists to take the Canadian Pacific r.ul-
vny and complete it. without further gov
ernment nid. They also agreed to give
ip the monopoly privilege nnd pay duty
upon their material.
Collapse ol' a llnllroiul.
ST. Louis , February 8. Judge Trent ,
of the United States court , appointed
ecoivor of the St. Louis , Hannibal &
vookuk railroad. A bond wa furnished
or $100,900 , John I Blair of Blairstown ,
tf. J. , going security.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , February 8. Pit-
cington it Co , proprietors of the St.
' : uil agricultural warehouse , made an
issignment yesterday. Liabilities , § 75-
000 ; assets estimated fully , $35,000.
Nov.'Hpnpcr at Auction.
CHICAGO , February 8. The Daily
? ows' Joliet (111. ( ) special says : The
Foliot Daily News was closed by the shor-
II' this morning to satisfy the claims of
creditors. Liabilities , § 0,000 ; assets ,
A. Water 1'rcss.
BALTIMOUH , February 8. The Illinois
Press association loaves to-night for
Washington , whore they will remain
until it is safe to leave- for homo.
"Is tlio curl paper editor int" nsknd n golden
mi rod maiden punning timidly on the thresh-
lold of the sanctum. "Tho whatl" "Tlio
editor who cuts tlio papcrx and makes tlio BO-
notion of poetry ! " ' 'i ' am ho. " "Will you
bo kind onoiu'h to toll mo when 'Uotsy nud I
Are Out , ' wni written ! " "I don't remember
the exact date , but it was just after n big jail
" " " and the vision .
delivery. "Olil" lovely vir.
AS A SPUING MHDICINi : , Blood Purifier , Diuret
ic and Aperient , no other to called blood purl
Ilur or Baroinatllli compound Is for n moment tu liu
compared the Cutlcura KcsiHent. H combines
tour great properties in ono incdfdrH , acting nt once
upon tlioilur cllvo organs , Moo1 , kMnojsnnd Imw-
els. For tl'OBo who Hake with bl'k H'adixchc , Fur
KtStcd conditions requiring a sncody , uciitlo nndinfo
nuorlent and diuretic , nothing In modluliio can po |
efbly equal It.
The Heritage of Woe.
MISr.HY. bhainu and a ony , < ftcn bcnucathed as
a solo legacy tu children b.v | > nrints \ neiloctod
crC''ib , Tockanso the Mocxl of this herudltary
loisou , aniJ ! hiwr uio\o the moat prolific cause of
iiiinansulTcrln , to clear the skin uf Ji IUurInf ( Hn-
or , Itclilni ; Tortures , Hiunlllatliig Kruptlona and
iMuthsonio Horos caused by It , ta jiurlfy and
icautlly the uklii , nnd rcsloroj the hair no that
o trace of illxoasa remain , C'utlcura Itcsulvcnt , the
e\v blooil 1'iitlllcr , dlurollo and aperient , ud Cntl-
lira and C'utlcura Hoaii , the great Hkin Cures and
Icantincra , nro Infulliblo.
I Had Salt Rheum
n tlio most agirra\atod form for uljht years. No
cind of treat i cut , mcdlclno or doctors did mo any
imminent L'ood , My friends In Maiden know hon I
ulfcrtil. When I began the use of Cutlcura Itcniu-
His my Ilinlm wirosorawand tender that I could
t hoar my Height on them without the akin crock-
K anil bleoaliiK , nnd wan obliged to 150 about on
Clutches. Utffd the Cutlcura Uemedlei Iho months ,
and Vi an completely nnd permanently curod.
llltS. H. A , llllOWN. Maiden , Maw.
Kefcrcncca : Any dtlzcn of Maiden , ila s.
Copper Colored.
I have been nlHictod with troublesnmu skin dls
ease , covering alinout oomploUly the upj > cr part of
ny l > ody , cnuslnx inr skin to otnumo a copi > er-c ( > I-
orcd hue. It cuuld bo rubbed ell lllo dandrull , and
at time * oauning intolerable Itching and the most In-
cnio buffering. I ha > o u ed bloo < I piirlllcru , pills
and other adtertltod remodlon , but experienced no
relief until I prouurod the Cutluura Iteniedles.whlch ,
although carclcsaly and Irreinilarly , cured mo , allay.
ng that terrible Itthlng , and nmtorini ; my skin to
ts natural color. I am HHntf to niaku an ullldaUt
, o the truth of this utatouient.
Bold by nil ( IruifiilBts. I'rlco : Cutlcura , Uctt ;
UHolvent. 9i ; Boan.M nts. J jmuOHBU ANoOu
CAI > 0" , Jii.aWn , Alans.
Bond tor "How to Curn Hkln Dlsaasos. "
n A'D'TTror inikntlli nd lllrtli Humors and
D-ttD 1 ( Bum rncinUnos. use Outlcuia tioau.a
dtllclously pertunud Hkln Jloautlllcr , auU T-ll t
lath and Nur rv H nlllv
Y YEATlfl jlumnhri-yr Homeo.
\ir I'uimdilvls cnl frco ou appllcaUou
10U 1'ultun blrvcl , I\ow Vorti ,
Ijtboninxtruucota- . > .
ful retriedIuowu. . I'rlco SI PIT Tlul. orl vials
J r oViol of powder for ' , Bi'it ; licit fr uo
, ' , ,
ifpoMirl ! ( niH.
UlAJt , CaU'J. > Eua.'a .J I0l > I'ultuu tit. < rt.
Three thousand shipbuilders ntUolfnst , Ire
land , lima struck.
The Ice carnival nt Montreal closed hat
night with a grand ball ,
The statue of Oonnral llobort K , Leo wil
bo tmvolhd in New Orleans on the 'JJd.
Wholesale nrresti of persons merely HM
peeled of socialism are being made in KnsMa.
Tlio London Times this morning nnorgoti-
cilly nlttcka the government's Kgyptlan pol
A movement N on foot in Chicago to have a
grand operatic festival during the season of
The president has approved Iho bill nppro *
priallng 8100,000 for the boneflt of destitute
The licenses of 1,100 Now York city liquor
dealers were revoked yesterday for > ioliuion
of the excite law.
Tlio Northern I'aclflo denied the roK > rt that
its t ml us are delayed by mow. All trains nro
miming on tliuo.
Two delegates Rent to 1'okln from 1'aria
have returned iultn | umlocohed in regard lo
tlio Intentions of China.
The 1'roncli criiNor Inferno , ban been or
dered to assist in ( o defense of Suakiin in
c so of an attack by totals.
A Ktmlan military tilbunal has oontunco.l
Col , 1'iiorcir , coimnisplnr.'vt olllcor , nnd n man
named Aurebacli , n traii > i > ort contractor , to
Siberia for fraud.
The London Daily News dUto.1 that tlio re
port that Kngland nnd franco are nrgotlat-
Ing for n joint occupation of Kgypt la totally
without foundation.
Mr. Donahue , n Now York assemblyman ,
Ims boon arrested nt Montreal , wlioro bo was
attending the carnival. Ho was identified
with the Vonlan raid Into Canada in 18GO.
Doprodatirmn in the oyster beds In Chesa
peake bay IHNO been renewed , A steamer
imd sloop arinuitlth illlo-i midrovnlverHlmvo
boon ordered to proceed agatmt the thieves.
Very elaborate preparations are making in
Chicago for the military ball next Thurmlay
night Hutlth permitting , it la expected that
don. Shoriniu will attend. l'ie sure Is Vclng
made upon General Ghoridnu nnd Secretary
Lincoln to attend.
The Erltldisyndioatn'H roprcroutntho , who
came to Texan for the purp > KO of invostint ; n
million pouiuls Rtorllng , Ins lotuinod to I'll-
rope , and owing to tha failurn of the legisla
ture to take notion regarding fence rutting ,
will recommend that the syndicate make no
investment , .
All virtue * grow from n compassionate
eve of mankind. [ Haddhist Scripture ,
The path of duty is near , ynt men sock
t nfar oil' . Go liomo and seek it und you
will not lack tcnohors. [ Mencius , Chi
Maintain n love of linrmony , tliat
hrnugh tlio family the conunon speech
ilmll bo , "Lot us help on another. "
Sacred Edict , Chinese.
Never nllow yoursolt to do wrong because -
cause it seems trilling , nor neglect doing
a good notion because it scorns to bo
amnll. [ Ohineso Maxim.
All thinking boinga have been mtulo
onu far the other ; they ewe patience ono
award another. The Rood man romom-
> era that every rational being ia hiu kins
man. [ Marcus Auvolius.
tiBii Au
tmfalllni ; otiro ( or
Seminal Weak-
liCDt > , Impolcnoy ,
nnil all Disotwcs
that follow aa A
eoqucnco ot Sell
Abumi ; an loia ol
lomon'i UnI\orL
. -flRETARIHQ. ftHAi Bltu < io.i'ain ArTEn TAEISn.
In ( ho Dark , Dimness ol Vision , 1'rcmaturo Olil AKD
and Jinny other illBcaoon that load to Insanity orCon-
tuinptlon and a I'rouuturo ( ) r .v .
tlitwAni ol mlTortlsonionta to relund money , wlicn
dtugjisU from whom Iho medicine ia bought no not
rtlm'I , hut rctor you to the mauutacturura , nud tin
roqulrcmontn are nuclt that tliuy are eeMom , if tvtr.
ccmpllcd with. Hoe tliclrwrittentrimruntun , A trial
cl ono nlndo | < acknro | of Qray'sHiwoldo will conxlnc *
the most Bluiitlcal of ItH nx.l incrlte.
Onnouount of cmmtoi/cllors , wo hftvoi\JoitcJ ] the
Yolluw Wrai > per ; the only iroiiulno.
fWKulI iwrtlcularo lu our pamphlet , which - t-di > .
lira tu Kcinl free by mall to every one. l&Tho Sjio-
Ma Jlciiic Ino is sold by all ( IrucRlsU ) at 91 per psoic
ago , or six packagca for ? 5 , cr Hill bo noot [ : oo by
aiall on tlio rooolpt cf the money , liy odJroeelne
Solil In Omaha by O. F. Qo"ir.W. jv IHin.ti-
OF MANLY VIUO , Sfonnatorr
jhoja , etc. , when all other rotae
dies fall. A. cure uaratif f < l.
81.60 a bottle , largo bottle , lout
times the quantity. (6. lly ox
\neta to any ndilroM. So'd ' h }
OALIN8TlTUTK1rroprlctoriil718 Ollvp'tt ot , Bt
Louta , Mo ,
" 1 have sold Sir Aatloy Cooper's ' Vital iWdUliU
or-yoart. Every customer upoaks highly ol It. 1
onitcsltntlriglyondorBoltaaarcmcdy of true uioxIL
"C. F , GOODMAN , Drugglit.
ra h KoV.l JB83. vl8-m&o-eodly
In wurnntod ta wear longer , HI
Itbo form ncntrr , and KTO ! lull/1
'fntlxractlon than any other Corse
In the niiirket , or iirlcc paid wli
IKI ipfuiidf * ) ) . Tiiaindornuineiituui
James Hdical In stiiulo
Clmrtcred by theStnteof 1111-
nola for thccxprcaspurposo
of civlnclmniedlnto relfclln
all chronic , unnnry and pri-
yato dUcases. Qonorrhcta ,
aiectDndSyphilUinall their
complicated forms , olco oil
dlscasca of tha Kliln and
Clood promptly relieved and
permanently cured by rcme-
_ til > eelall'rafHce , bemlnal
Weakness , ctit Lcecca by Drea mi , Pimples on
he Kace.I.ost Manhood , < u H lotty onri < 1. 'Jlicro
laiiucri > erlnu-ittl > i < i. The anproprlnta remedy
; stance u d in each case. Consultations , per-
icnal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Mcd-
clnca cent by Mell and Express. No marks on
) acUaio ; to Indlccto contents or vender. Address
Dfl.JAMES.No. 204Washlnglon SI.Clilcagollj.
> ox No , 1 wlllcnra any casaln four dajs or less No.
! will curt the most obstinate CMO no matter of how
eng standing.
Allan's Soluble Medicatdd Bougies
No nauseous doses ot lubobs , oopabla , or oil of san
dal wood , tkutv . ilu to produoo dyspepsia by
UstroyliiKtbecoatli'esof thostomacli. Prloo J1.60
lold by all dniii ltti , or mailed en receipt of ( irloo
'ut further particulars send for circular.
P , O.Box
Will euro Kervouria-M ,
, '
nlyili , ulnl lll , KcUllcn ,
Kldiuy , Hplnu and ll er
lllMn lluutAktlilualli.uit (
dUcun' , I > ) > M | lu , Ouliu'l.
i > i
. v. tniiiotino ,
iiiliAffuv , Yiulaiwiii Utfil.fUOnly liiitllloKli-i >
llVlUii Xiiu'rlio Mint Miiailhol.lifrlilly na limu-
SI.OOO V/ould Not Duy It
UK HOKSK I xtasa .Ictudwlth rheumatism , and
oiiri'd by utliiit a bi-lt. To any ono allllcUd with
that dUusc , I would y , buy llorne's tloctrlo licit.
Any ono can cooler th me by
at my itoiu ,
tIAIN On'ICi : - Onpotltenastolllco , room 4 , '
c r blooV ,
jtiT'orralDatC. r' . UooJmin ; Uruj tt ie , 1119
Ftrnaiii St. , Oiniha.
OrtkM ( UlvJ U 0 D.
- * M
Burdock Blood Bitters.
IP YOtmArrETJTniirioor-HyoTir
11 fcoblo If your Bleep la broken , and yon ro do
bllatntod and dcipondcnt , try llurdock Wood Bitters
You will bo delighted with the mutt.
Til 10 linDtCINHli A magnificent aperient , gently
I nlO moveilhn bowelj , clcnnsca the blood nil
( tavcj ( ift lo\cr , rick hc&dach(8 , ind bilious Attack * ,
protatcnt during the liot months ; ( vndtllajs ncr-
louwois and debility M Well.
II nW TO U3i : Himlock Blood Cittern la oxpUlneJ
11 u 11 \ Cfy oictrly on the label accompanying o ch
tle , Thodosm thopatlcnt will vary < u hh or her
K od ecnjo dletatcf. Ko h&rmful ttlccU can fO i.
'lo ' rc ult from the 1194 of the mcdlctno. Wor.llt .
rntrantoo appreciable benefit otcry time ,
Mil CM TO USi : Ilardock Hloo.1 Hitters It l un.
II nccoiinry to t lo. All undtrttind what
peed la\atl\o and blood tonlo c'n accompllith , nnd
all know \vhon they no3d such ( and wo mlffht In-
orpoUto ALIjiicedlt at ono tlmo or another ) . Aia
ilcmnt experiment nnd for cottftln nllot , trr Ilur *
lock Itlood Hitter ; , lly DruRglste.
FOSTKIl , 11ILDUUN & CO. , lYon'f , BulTilo , N. Y.
Curoa Dlsoanos by Building p Iho System.
" 31ilp another dozen
of tcur Malt Extract
IfoftV , as before. Hlias
ilonomy wlfo ( iruat Brood ,
and li the only ti'lnfrsho take with an ngrco-
ab'o citect. It ] trcigth- (
Ing pournaio wonderful.
"J O. or.D.NKU.
' Augusta Ox
"April , issa. "
nowaro rf counterfolU.
ToboRonnlno It must
l > a put ui In al > eve et > lo
of liottlo. nnd bear on la
bel the natnu of
ARcnU for thn United
States and British 1'rovln-
cos of North America,278
OrccnwIehSt. Now York.
Till : UKNUINIT. I'rlco.CUorcrUoiun.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $75,000.
only S3. Shares lu Proportlon'K *
Lonisiana State Lottery Com paiy
' H'/t ifo hereby certify that ut itiptniie t\t at
angementi for all tht Monthly and Semi-Annual
IJraieingl of tin Louitiana State Lottery Company ,
add in jwnoti man&ne and control tnt Drairinyt
hemtifvnandthattneiam are conducted uith
cnetnfaimiti , and in good faith toward all par ,
in , and tee authorita the company to ust thti cer *
ifratti , leithfae-timiln cf cur tignaturc * attacked ,
n ill advtrttscmcnti. "
Incorporated In 1ES" for SS yoara by the leRbUtori
or educational and charitable purposes with a oap <
tal of 01 ,000,000 to which a reserve rund ol otor
1350,000 nan ulnco been added.
lly an ovcnvliolmluR popular vote Its ( rancblM
iraa mudo a part of the present state oonsUtntloo
idi > pted December 2d , A. 1) . 1879.
The only Lottery ever voted on nnd en
dorsed by thu people of any State.
It no\cr scales or postpones.
Ita grand oinglo number drawings tnke
A aplpmlul opirortunlty to win n Fortune ,
Second Cruullriwing ! Clnaa 13 , nt New Or-
: oam , Tuesday , February 12 , 183i IGotb
Monthly iliawiiij. (
CAPITAL PRIZE , 675,000.
100,000 Ticket ) nt Five Dollars Each. Frac
tions , in Fit ths in proportion.
i cArrrATiMiizK . KSCO
1 do do . ,003
1 do do . 10,000
a rnizKS OP $0000 . 12,000
do HXK ) . 10,000
10 do 1000 . 10,000
0 do BOO . 10,000
100 do 200 . 0,000
300 dude 100 . . . SO.OOO
100 do CO . . . . 25000
1000 do 26 . 25,000
ArrooxiuATiox rnizu.
0 Approximation prlroa ot $760 . 0,7CO
0 do do COO . 4.EOQ
0 do do S60 . 2.2M
1967 Prlzcoamounting to _ . . .
Application for rites to cluht abnuld ba mada only
ak'tno ofllco of the Oompnny lu Now Orleans.
For further Information wrlto clearly giving toll
address. JIako 1 > . 0. Money Orders livable and
ddrew Registered Letters to
. . . N n Orleans , lo. Notes and ordinary Idttdrs by Mall or Ex *
press ( all < uma of 85 and upwards by Uxptiaj At nui
expense ) to
.r . n. . , „ . , . . , * * * DATJPlrii ? ,
or 21 , A. DAUPHIN. Kow Orleans Ia
Wi BcvenUj St , WMhlnjfton' V.'c.
B. Frank MSoore ,
27 Li Salla Sir set , Chicago. ,
New Manager of Chicago OIIIoo. To whom apply for
Information and tickets , 182th Monthly
Drawing ,
Feb. 12.
Tuesday. . .
First Capita Prize 075.000. Tickets. $1 ; gold n
Fifths at 81 each. Boo lull Bchorea oNor
A regular graduate to
. , medicine , Oter fllxtcon
a 0Caiu003WndottoBt' years' proctloo twelro la
AA. ilfeAH OTY , MO. Chlcaffo.
i i Authorised by tbo stAte lo tre ,
i tl * ? Chronlo , Nervous and Private disease * ;
I ABtliinaEpllep "
' * XJPJ UM'4 r MVAUA * Ayvuiubjr | iuoa mecaiufcL . . _
'to ' , Curcn ffuaronteed or money reiunded. Charge ! C
. 'jw. Thousands ot oasea cured. No injurious maul *
olnos furnished even to patlerita at a distance. Con-
sultatlon frco and confidential call or wrlto : age and
experience are Important. A BOOK for both sexe *
luitrated and circulars of other thing * sent scftlt
with w 8 cent itaraps. IfBEBlfUSKUU
ad od-w
Graham Paper Co. ,
217 and 210 North Mala 8t , St Louis.
rare/Kb eaU far H ass of oil
Plnttsmouth Neb
, - - - -
ftrYonngr utook for ule. Oorrespnnilenrvi nclldU-il.