Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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    > " ? *
Friday Morning , Fob , 8 ,
. ' "V
Clara MorrU pauod through this city on
her way to Denver yoitordny noon.
* Now crop clover nnd timothy socd for sale
Shtigart , Walto & WIes , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
The overland train was three hours livto
yostordny Afternoon , tlio delay being causct
by the deep snows In Western Nebraska am
In police yostordayconrtmornlnn thrcodl )
turbcrs of tlio peace nniworod to tlio call for
volunteers nnd were each given the customary
$5 nnd trimmings.
Undo Tom's Cabin will bo presented by
homo tnlont at the Saratoga ecliool homo tht
craning. The Union 1'aclflo orchestra II
furnish the muslo for the entertainment.
Coasting on the aide walks should bo n ! > o'
Ishod In A city ns big M Omaha , nnd novoral
citizens who Iiavo seen ladles knocked down
by tlods on Capitol hill propose to "run In" to
jnll the next boys caught on the sldowalki.
The Douglas County Medical society met
at St. George's hall , Tuesday night , nnd hold
.their regular monthly meeting. Dw. Murray
And Galbralth were admitted as members , nnd
after the regular b'islnoM Dr. II. Durham road
spicy paper on the "Tho Moral Philosophy
of Fat. "
A man who was driving up Ilarnuy street
Wo Jnoaday evening wns discovered to bo an
Incipient bonfire , Ms clothes burning qulto
briskly Walter Kelley who wns passing wnrnet
the man of Ids danger nnd helped him with the
oRglstnnco of several men who came up , to
"dlvost himself of his outer garments and ox
tlngulshod the fire by rubbing them in tlio
It Is reported that Mrs. Hitter , who recently
contly loft her husband nnd children nt Sioux
JMLs , la. , nnd came to Omaha with a male
frlond , bw ropoiitod and loft for homo last
evening. After eluding her huiband nnd the
officers In tlih city , Mm. Hitter went to 131alr
nnd romntnod until Tuesday whonolio rotuniod
and on the strangth of n letter from her hus
band offering to forglvo nnd forgot , dqtorinlncd
to profit by her dearly purchased oxporionca
in Nebraska , and go back to her family. Hlio
was wise in this nnd should Htay nt homo In
future. '
L. A. Paffer and J. 11. Gat more , Valley ,
Nob. , are at the Metropolitan ,
M A.lIartlgannnd'V * . W. Muldoon ,
ntrico , are registered nt the Metropolitan
L. 0. 1'nco , Lincoln , nnd J. KJacleman
and lady nro stopping nt the Biatropolltan.
II. T. Maxwell , Olnrku , nnd It. S. Pen
nlngton , Beatrice , Neb are nt the Motronol
Han ,
J. W. T'dtlo , Wood lUvor , is a guest ntthe
Jlllton Noble's troupe Is nt the Metropoli
.fmnos Ware , .Nebraska City , nnd V. K.
\Vlilto , I'lattainouth , nro nt the Pnxton.
Max Hoffman , CJrand Island , and William
A' . Miller are nt the Mlllard. [
William Sandore , Pnpllllon , 1A. . Wollnmn
' and A. Wellmon , Hampton , nro guostii of the
Mlllard. )
V , M. Porsoy , Ponca , , T. II. Edooy , Fair
mont , are stopping nt tko Mlllard.
Goo.W. Fnrwell , Lincoln , and L. M. Tomb-
lin , Arrapahoe , nro guests of the Mlllard , fO
Chief Clerk Stacy is confined to his room > if
by a severe cold. til
A. J. Ifanscom nnd family started for Now tilO
"Vork yeutorday afternoon. th
Milton Nobles came In on the overland al
train yesterday afternoon ,
S. D. Dent , of Hastlngx , is nt the Paxton.
David Wine and wife , of Lincoln , are guostn ,
of the Paxton. \l
G. X. Bellows , agent of the Now York &
Baltimore railroad , in , quartered nt tlio Pax-
' 0. P. Stocking nnd wife , of DonnlstocklDg ,
KB nt the Paxton. or
E. W. Terry , Nebraska City ; G. Winter- oil
ten , Geneva ; Hon. B ! J. Alexander nnd P. B
J ) , Sturdevaut , Lincoln , nre guests at the ta
l'ox ton , taui
Chnrloi D. Smith and L , 0 , Burr , of Llu <
coin , are nt the Paxton ,
N. Caf > tellar , of Blair , is stopping at the
An IMItor'a Tribute. 3
t Theron P. Koator. Editor of Ft. Wnyuo , I'l
.liid. , "Gozetto , " writes : "I'or the post flvo
years have always used Dr. King's Now Dig- tti
.covcry , for coughs of jnostsovero character , as ttu
well wi for tkoco of n milder type. It uuvur u
fall * to effect a speedy euro. My frionda to sa
'whom I have recommended It , gpealc of It In ia
MIUHJ high terms. Having boon cured by it of iaa
every cough 1 have Lnd for five yoaw , I con- iaBi
Bluer it the only reliable and sura euro for Bi
Coughs , Colds , etc , " ( Jail at 0. J1. Goodman's ciB
Drugstore and got A J'rre Trial Bottlo. Largo ciOi
Slzo 81,00 , Oi
A. Second Meeting to uo Hold nt the w
Mlllard tlila Kvonlng. ww
The hold in the ac
mooting parlors ot the
Millard hotel yesterday afternoon to iii
adopt plans for raising money for the in
pedestal of Hartholdi'a ' statue , waa not j
attended no largely aa desired. Quito a inw
goodly number was present but no busi- F
CM was done or auyjilan agreed upon ,
Hon , llahlon Chance gave his viovrs to
the mooting as did other * present. The o
in attendance expressed deep interest in
the movement and will make strenuous
efforts to secure the amount desired
from thii state. AinoiiR thoao present
werp Judge Like , Jud > o Savage-Joseph
H. Millurd and Hertnau Kounteo.
The meeting then adjourned to this
It vras agreed by the cotntnittoo ap
pointed for that purpoto that the follow
ing notiru bo published in iho daily paP -
P M pi tie oily ,
An udjourntu rueeting to devise wart
End moans for raising money for the
.Bartholdi'pedcstal , will bo held in the
jparlova of the Millurd hotel this evening
A rfprtwentativo of ( he national com- -
littiU Hill bo preeent and report th <
J'f rsM of the noV > tfl wirk ,
t J. W. SAVAOK ,
- > Committee.
A l < Ufe toek-ol window and brnameu <
The Quack Denies the -Charges Haflo
in The Bee ol Tuesday ,
A. Warrant Issued for Jills Arrest for
Abortion Porlormcil In lown.
The man O'Doll , who insists in dis
gracing the profession by calling himsol
a doctor , has handed in a communication
in which ho flatly denies all the charges
made in THE BEE of Tuesday last , ant
furthermore states that ho can prove thai
they are fatso in every particular , but al
the same time ho fails to provo that they
are not true. His unsupported wore
will not answer as proof. Ho says the
only tapeworm of eighteen inches in
length which ho has ever removed was
from the body of a lady at No , 315 North
Fourteenth street , this city. Ho further
says that as for the detective mentioned
ho never saw him , nor did ho ever know
of him. In fact , ho declares that TUB
BKK , in handling his case , has grossly
misrepresented Him.
If O'Doll haw any proof to substantiate
what ho say in this matter , wo are ready
to rccoivo it , but knowing that ho can
furnish no proof wo do not hesitate to
brand him what ho is a quack.
A BKK reporter had a conversation with
O'Doll a few days since , and inquired ol
him where ho had attended college , and
f i om what institution ho had graduated ,
and as to whether ho was the possessor
of n diploma. O'Doll stated that ho had
a diploma , but failed to show the docu
ment. Ho claimed that ho vras a gradu
ate of the Philadelphia college in 1873 ,
but could not remember the name of a
single professor in the institution at that
time , and could not even give the name
of the president.
It is a well known fact that at that time
Buchanan was the president of the Phil
adelphia college , and that diplomas were
sold to anybody who , applied for them
with 85 in their hand. Buchanan was
chasod/rom Philadelphia to Detroit whpro
ho was arrested and taken back to Phila
delphia , where ho committedBuicido.
O'Doll is undoubtedly ono of the 85
doctors and with his enormous cheek ia
trying to impose upon the good nature of
the citizens of Omaha , which , however ,
ho will find a hard matter.
While looking up his record a little , a
BKK reporter happened into police court
where ho'found the following document :
"Henry E. Guchor being duly sworn ,
deposes and says that O'Doll , full name
unknown , is charged with having com
mitted the crime of abortion , on or about
tfio first day of July , 1883 , at Polk county -
ty ; Iowa ; and alllant further says that
said O'Doll , full name unknown , is a fu
gitive from justice and'is now within
Douglas county , Nebraska. "
The document is properly signed by
G. Bonoko , police judge , and on the 10th
day of December last a warrant was is
sued for the arrest of O'Doll.
About this time O'Doll disappeared
md was absent until a few weeks sinco.
The man making the above affidavit re
mained in this city until within a short
time , when ho departed for his homo in
Iowa and the oflicor returned the war
rant to Judge Bonoko , and O'Doll then
rotuniod to this city. But the end is
not yot.
From the above it is plainly soon that
) 'Doll is not only a1 quack of the worst
typo , butalso _ a criminal and fugitive
from justice , and will in a few days.with-
ut doubt bp looking through the bars of
ho county jail.
A Very lloinarkublo llecqvory.
Mr. Goo. V.Willing , of Manchester. Mich. ,
vrltos : "My wife has boon almost holploas
or ! five years , so holplont that sbo could not
turn ever In bed alone. She used two Uottles
f Kloctrlo Dlttors , and Is BO much Improved ,
hat aha Is now able to do her own work. "
Kloctrlo Blttors will do nil tlmt IB claimed
or ! thorn. llun-Jroda of testimonial "attest
tholr trroat curative powers. Only fifty cents
buttle nt 0. F. Goodmnu'H.
| IMMM %
Walter ISonnoit Oliiu'Kea With Ob
taining Money in nn
innto Manner.
Below is published an ailidavit from
ono Samuel Harmer , a resident of Coun
Bluffs , in shich ho states that Walter
Bennett , an attorney of this city , did ob ;
tain the sum of $10 from him ( Harmer )
under false pretenses :
SAMUEL HAUMKII , First being duly
sworn , deposes and says that about the
30th day of January , 1881 , nfljant ap
plied to ono Walter Bennett , an "attorney
Omaha , for the purpose of having said
Bennett i procure alllant a divorce from
wife , for which said Bennett informed
said ailiant that ho could procure the
same in three ( S ) weeks according to tlio
lawn of Nebraska. Alliant informed said
Benuott tlmt ho was a resident of Coun
Bluffs , in the state of Iowa , and said
Bennett know affiant wag residing at
Council Bluffs , in said state , and vras not
aresldontof Nobraskaandnovorhadboon.
Alliant paid said Bennett the sum of
$10 , and was to pay a balance of $11
when said divorce woo procured , which
was to bo in three weeks. Said Bennett
well know ho could not procure the same
according to his said agreement nnd the
laws of Nebraska , Aillant reposing con-
lidenco in aaid Bennett's statement and
not knowing what the laws on the sub
ject in said state pajd said Bonnet the
monoy'aforosaid , a copy of the receipt of
which is hereunto attached below.
Further alllant saith not.
( Copy.
OMAHA , January : 30 , 1881.
Received of Samuel Hornier ton del
lars , retainer in divorce .mutter.
( Sicnod. ) SAMUEL UAHMUU.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this
7th day of February , 1881 ,
Notary Public ,
Douglas county , Neb ,
Ouo day lost week "Rod" Mulchy was
arrested and charged with vagrancy.
This is the oocond time within a few
mouths that ho has boon called upon to
answer to this charge , Upon being \
-irought into court lost Thursday ho
pleaded not guilty and was required to BUI
jive bonds for his appearance Fridtiy. A
reeiionsiblo business man signed his bond (
ana ho was released. On Friday ho waa
not ready for trial and a continuance was
granted until Monday last , when ho
again asked for rooro time nnd the CASO
was again continued until Wednesday f ,
teruoon , when his bondsman appeared
and stated that Hulchyhad concluded to
go to work nnd would da BO to-day. 11
now remains to bo aeon whether ho wil
in the future cat his broad in the sweat
of his brow or no.
The police and city officials are making
a strong effort to rid the city of vagrants
and all persona who have no visible moans
of support , but their labors will bo in
vain if business men continue to go upon
the bonds to liberate from custody this
class of pooplo.
Judge Bonoko says there are two
classes of tramps , the high-toned ones
nd the low-toned ones , and ho considers
the former the more dangerous whip !
undoubtedly is the case.
An Itnporlant DamnRO Suit Tried nni
licit to the Jury.
In the district court ycatordrty , morn
ing Judge Neville waa unable to proccoi
with the cnll of his assignments , his proa
once at homo being required on nccoutr
of fiiokncas in his fnmily.
The cnso of Spaulding against O'lkion
was finished before Judge Wakoly.
Tlio case of Anna K. Johnson , by her
next friend , against Andrew Noleon was
then taken up. This action was brough
to recover $5,000 damages for porsona1
injuries rociivod by the plaintiff at the
handdof the defendant. . The testimony
showed that .Annio K. Johnson , in the
early part of the year 1883 , went to the
homo of Air. Nelson , who resided
about eight miles north of
Omaha , to live and go to school. On
the 1st day of December of the sntno
year , as she had not boon nt school a day
while living with Mr. Nelson , she was
ordered by her mother to como homo ,
and the next morning the plaintiff stated
to Sir. Nelson what her mother had
commanded. The defendant became enraged
raged and ordered her to change her
clothes and go immediately to her homo ,
which was distant orer a mile and a half.
This day was a bitter cold ono and her
change of clothing had given her nothing
but t. few cotton rags. She was nearly
two hours in reaching her homo , where
she arrived almost frozen to death. She
was confined t/i her bed nearly thrco
weeks , and it was chimed by her counsel ,
Mr. Cowin , that she luid received per
manent injuries. The dofandant filed a
general denial to the plaintiff's petition.
The case was hotly contested by the
counsel on both sides , and was concluded
at U p. in. The Judge did not give his
instructions to the jury , which waa dis
charged until 10 a. m. to-day.
In the evening the jury in the case of
Spalding against O'Bnen returned a vor-
Hot , but its contents could not bo oscor-
An action was begun by A. M. Schuo-
jor & Co. against Jacob Itosonfiold tore-
cover judgment against defendant for
The grand jury returned no indict
ments yesterday , but were busily en
gaged in the investigation of the Snell
caso.Tho following is tlio assignment of
causes for to-day :
Before Judge Wakoloy
Spaulding vs. O'Brien ; submitted to
jury ,
Lois vs. Harhnan.
Kuhn vs. Bankoa ot al.
Johnasen vs. Nelson.
Callahan vs. Nebraska Gas Light Coin-
Before Judge Neville
Ed war da vs. Board of County Conv
Foulk vs. Kennedy Manufacturing
Agoo vs. McClonogan.
Platvs. . Omaha.
Baldt vs. Smith ot al.
Robinson vs. Clifton.
Mrs. Hitter Becomes Weary of AVanJv
and KoturiiH to Her
Homo and Husband ,
Mrs. Rittor , the woman concerning fib
vrhom the papers of this city have said
BO much , has probably returned to her
lomo. The acU and eccentricities of
his woman were strange indeed. When
alio came to this city , just two woeka
go , she had $1,150 , of which aho lost rc
? 50 the morning after her arrival by the K1
dishonesty of her paramour. She
stopped at the St. Charles hotel , and
although she was there nearly ton days ,
aho formed the acquaintance of but fow.
She would talk of her homo and children
ouo day and the next oho would say she
was going away and would never rotuni.
When she was informed by her
friends that she was under the surveil 3
lance of the police she quietly withdrew
from the hotel , and her disappearance
had not boon noticed more than ton min E
utes before the city marshal and her hus-
band'cama in for the porposo of arresting
her if necessary. She finally , after elud
ing the city police for three or four days , in
succeeded in getting to Blair. After
staying there about n week she became w
penitent , and telephoned to Mr. Hoidlo- 51
berger , vrho clerks at the St. Charles , 51M
inquiring if ho know anything concern R
ing her children. She waa finally in
duced to return to Omaha , and came
down from Blair last Wednesday even Hi
ing. While hero on. her return aho
atayod at the St. Charles , and gave her
money to the clerk to count ; $513 was all son
she had loft. In Blair she bought a >
horao and buggy , for which she paid
8320 , a silk dress , gold watch , nnd many dept
other things indicative of a well-filled
After she had rotuniod hero she again ptHi
resolved not to return homo , but was inT Hi
ducod to do so through fear of the law ,
nnd Jon Thursday morning last ac q
companied by an oilicor who escorted her
the Bluffs , started for her homo , where
ahe hail loft her two only children ,
She would ppoak of her acts with the
greatest indifference , and seemed entirely 10
lost to any material fooling. '
She is probably this morning will ) her ?
family , where it is to bo hoped she will
constrained to remain.
liiioklou'B Arnica Sulvo. to
The greatest medical wonder of the world.
\Yinrftuted to upeodlly euro Hums , Cuts , Ul- ta
cera. Halt liheum , 1'ovor Sores , Cancer * , riles ,
ChUlblaluu , Corni , Totter , Chapped hands. gor
! nil tkln eruption , garanteoii to cure ID t
wory Instancy , or money refunded. "Q touts
Mr box ,
Underwear , Flannels , Kto. A complete q
stock , all new. You can save money in
buying these goods at
A. n
Hardware Dealers , AssM to Sheriff
Miller Yesterday Morning ,
The Indebtedness Not I/nr o nnd n
Prolmbllltr Thnt tlio Stock
W t P r
Quito a little ripple appeared upon th
commercial sea of Omahayestorday morn
ing , by the announcement that Piorcy
Bradford , the woll-knovrnhardwaro firm
had made an assignment to Sheriff Miller
It was a matter of great surprise to
largo majority of the business men as i
was generally supposed that the firm wa
doing a largo and profitable business , an
so they were , and there was , in reality
no occasion for an assignment aa the firm
was solvent.
The reason for this 'movement is th
fact that the two partners had como to
distrust each other and each accused the
other of being dishonest and a coolncs
sprang up between them and instead o
working with each other they constantly
worked against each other. As a consequence
quonco the business was not properly
looked after , and the bills of the firm
were not paid when due , and ono of their
heaviest creditors put in an _ appearance
on Tuesday and after looking into the
affairs , thought it best to close out the
A few days since the firm made a state
ment to the effect that ! their assets were
818,000 , while their liabilities were but
$0,000. It appears , however , that their
liabilities are about § 10,500 and their as
sets will run about as follows : Stock ,
813,000 ; book accounts , $7,000 ; teams ,
wagons , etc. , § 1,000 , making in all aboui
There is a strong probability thai the
stock | vrill pay out , but the creditors are
not looking for much ever 75 cents on
the dollar.
The firm of Picrcy & Bradford , began
business March 1st , 1882'ns succcesora to
D. A. Piorcy , who had boon in the hard
ware business in this city for sometime.
It ia to bo regretted that this stop should
bo taken , as the firm wore next in the
hardware business to Milton Rogers.
It was understood this afternoon that
papers had boon sworn out against Mr.
Piorcy ty Mr. Bradford , and that ho
will bo arrested upon hin rotuni from
thosouth. Mr. Bradford has had an export
book keeper at work on the books for
several weeks past , and has found considerable
sidorablo crookedness.
DlB llomalns Awaiting Interment ,
The remains of Edward Carroll , the
unfortnnato man who died atSt. Joseph's
hospital on Friday evening last , are still
lyitlg in the undertaking rooms of Mc-
Carty & Burke. It was thought at onetime
time that an inquest should bo hold , but
upon investigation there can bo no doubt
that the man came to his death by inju
ries other than those received from a '
policeman. "The statements concerning
him are very conflicting , but this
much is certain that ho was violently
thrown from a buggy upon a hard pave
ment and severely injured. This man'ft A
history is another example of the ruin
brought about by drink. Upon in
quiry it jis learned that ho
has an educated and highly
respectable family in Chicago. But ho )
covV. not refrain from the intoxicating
cup , and was brought gradually lower
and lower , until ho was an outcast from
his own family. Ho finally drifted to
Omaha , and worked for Mr. 0. F. Good
man as a teamster. His employer says
ho was ono of the beat of men with this
ono : exception , and that even when in
toxicatod ho was ono of the most harm- „
less men. His family , it is stated , resides )
sides on Hyde 'park , and his wife is se
worth nearly $75,000. She has been see
telegraphed to , but no answer ban been ol
received. The body will bo kopr for a elm
couple ) of days yet , and if no directions
from his friends are received an order to
bury him a.t the county expense will bo
applied for ' , as ho was entirely penniless
when ho 'died , and has no friends in the
Heal Kstato Transfers ,
The following deeds were filed for .
record in the county olerk'a otilco February
ary 6 , reported for Tuu BEE by Arccs ,
real estate agency : I
U. P. 11. II. Co. , to Frederick Schro
ler , w d , sw | of BW of sec , 8 , 14 , 11
, containing 40 acres , § 320.
Eunice Pattoa , James M. , her husband
Jennie Schulds , w d , lot 10 in God
frey's add. # 500.
George H. Bogtjs and Lewis W. . Hill ,
unmarried , to M. S. Barr ott , w d , lota
, 4 , C , 0 and 7 , block 1 , in Omaha View ,
George L , Miller and wife to James M.
iwotuatn , w d , lot 4 , block 10. in West
End add. to Omaha , 8750.
Anna E. Rood and Robert Rood to
Anna N. Thompson , w d , sub 14 of lot If.
Capitol add. , 1,600.
William Fleming to Rebecca J. Lovolt ,
d. lot 2 in Preston it Williams' add. ,
81,028. AA
Samuel E , Rogers and wife to Loyi F.
tlcKonnn , w d , lot 5 , block 8 , S. 1C.
Rogers add. , 8000.
llenry W. Yotos and wife to Anna E.
Reed , w d , lot I ) , block 2 , Oapitol Hill
idd. . 81,025.
John D. Thomas to John P. Thomp
, w d , lot 8 , block 340 , lots 2 and 3 ,
look 211A , in Omaha , also aw } of BOO
5-llM ) , containing 100 acres , $15,500.
Lawrence F. Mullory to Ella Mullory ,
decree of court , lot 30 , BOO 10-15-13.
Annie Barsalow to J. 0. Cow in , q o
a w . } of sec 10 , 15 , 13 o. $1.
Ella Mullory Robertson and H. W.
lobertsou , her husband , to J. 0. Cowin ,
o pt a vr Jof see 10 , 15 , 13 o. $2,700.
August Kountze and wife to Jauios
lichards , w d n A of 1 12 , b 5 , in
Countzo'a 3d add. " 8350.
Arthur Baily and wife to William Ban-
man , w d , part so cf aw and lot 25 in BOO
, 15 , 13 , § 2050.
Joseph Barker to the public , plat of
armenter Place , subdivission of blk 7 in
West Omaha.
Frank Murphy and Goorp-o E. Barker
the public , plat of West Omaha , w *
BW i of BO | of BOO 20 , 15 , 13 o , con
taining 20 aciea
Edwin Tool Curator to W , F. Ballin-
, lease , lot 24 in Charles add , part no
of so jof euo 21 , 15 , 10 o , § 140.
Edwin Tool , curator , to William Fo-
, lease , lot 23 in Clark's add. , 8.1,000.
John Edward , ot al. , to William Ruth
o d , nel of ncj uejof ieot,14 , 10 o , 81
Oeorco Armstron and wife to Lewi ,
F.Mclveima. wd , ii of lot 4. block 3,1 thi
Armstrongs add , $1,200. irltb
Anthony Bailey and -wifo to Wel-'K !
mine Bnumat ) . w d , pt nw corner block 1
in E. V. Smitii's ' add. 82,050.
First Notioual Bank , of Pola , Iowa , by
E , R. Cassott , president , and J. H. Stu-
bcnranch , cashier , to Louis P. Larson , w
d , n J " of BW | of sec. 11 , CO , 0 o , $800.
L. "M. Anderson and wife to A. H ,
Swan , ot al , trustees deed , part of BOO
3,4 , . , 5 , and 9,14 , 13 , part of sec. 32 and
33 ana 31 , 15 , 13.
8(111 ( a Cnmltic.
The headquarters and factory of the J.
M. Brunswick & Balkc Co. , arn still lo
cated at 50 ! ) South Tenth street , Omaha ,
Nob. , and Mr. John Uochatrasser is still
in charge , and is not only the general
agent but likewise manager of the con-
corn. Parties anticipating the purcha o
of billard tables or supplies of nny kind
will find it to their interest to buy ol
this house and thus save agents' commis
sion. The J. M. Brunswick & Balko
tables are recognized by all expert bit
liardists to bo the most superior table
now in inc. All the first-class hotels
and billiard halls are supplied with those
goods. A full line of remodeled , rcfin-
ishod and second hand tables are kept in
stock. Owing to their immense facilities
for producing these goods they can bo
sold at lower prices than can bo furnished
by any commission agent. Do not fail
to call upon The J. M. Brunswick
Co. 508 S. Tenth street , before purchna
ing billiard tables , pooltablcs or sup
A Good Cup of CofTeo and Tea
Is an every day inquiry , and in the
science of modern cookery the , prepara
tion of cofleo and tea has received much
attention. But the great want has been
for n suitable vessel in which to prepare
Mid servo , in a state of purity and perfec
tion , these highly prized beverages of the
table. A rEUFECTLY made cup of coffee
should contain the aroma , the flavor , and
the essence of the berry , should have a
rich brown color , bo clear and entirely
free from grounds. THESE HESUI.TS CAN
INLY bo obtained by preparing the cofleo
in a vessel that prevents escape of all
steam andflavor _ , that filters the liquid ,
and in which the beverage is made by in-
'usion instead of by boiling. Such a ves
sel wo offer you iu the "Ideal" Coffee
"BOSTON STORE , " Tenth St ,
By giving the bargains advertised by
us during the past thrco days , our store
iias boon crowded. AVe will continue our
sale until these goods , ( placed on our
counter at half price ) are closed out.
Wo have already quoted prices which
are unapproached in Omaha , nnd would
ask your immediate inspection , as these
j" ooda are soiling very rapidly. Remem
ber everything us advertised at
614 & 616 Tenth St ,
The Danish association of Omaha will
lava their llth annual masquerade ball ,
Saturday eve , Feb. 9th. Only for mem-
'icrs and ( hose having invitation. Tick
ets $1.00. Members are entitled to two
tickets at half rate. Gallery 50c , to bo
lad at S. Nelson's , 20th and Burt ; A.
Dorn , IGth and Chicago streets ; Hanson
; Klindt , , St. Mary's avenue ; S. Jona-
sen , 13th and Harnoy ; Chos. Itaamusson ,
Farnam street ; U. Neve , 10th and
Howard ; S. Jorgensen , 10th and Jack
son ; K. Honrickson , Loavenworth and
th , and A. Granbeck & Co. , Cth and
f4-5 7-9
This is a now addition to Omaha join-
ng tlio syndicate lands. Nicely located ,
eautiful ( view and lots , will bo sold
cheap. No finer residence lots in any
lart of the city. Parties wishing to buyer
or make investments should not fail to
secure some of this property. Choice of
lots , § 100 , corner lots , $125. No ono
oleo oilers lots so cheap. Call early and
make selection. BEWOKI * & Souuit ,
Soward'a Cough Cure never foils. At
n2-tf GOODMAN'S. '
Ono dollitr will buy ono of our own
mnko stock shirts , v/oith two sold else
where. Our order department is stocked
.with the finest and largest selection of
fancy shirtings. Omnba Shirt Factory.
The Colorado ooai sold by Jefl' W.
Bedford ) is as frou from soot and as clean
as Rock Spring. j22-tf
FOB SAIE Two portable steam boilers ,
10-horoo power. Apply at
17-tf 9.1 RrniUi ifith St.
Ono car load of show-coses , oval and
mansard , all sizes just received at Good
man's. n2-tf.
Colorado , Rich Hill , Walnut Black ,
Iowa and Boulder soft cools , and the
best quality of hard coal for sale by Jeff
W. Bedford. j22-\f
Money loaned on Clothing , Jewelry ,
Watches , and Diamonds. A. SMITH ,
20-tf G20 South 10th street.
Fen RENT. Ono Ballot & Davis
quaro piano. Inquire at Kdholm &
Ericknott ; ( i-Ut
Absolutely Pure. 1
Thlt powJor never Ttnii. A nancl c ! purlljr
itmnjh a 1 wtijlucjncu M U > r oouoinla I tlat j
o3lo rjr kludi1 , md c * ct b i olj in coini > ttl < loii -
tbemaUltud f low ( MS , i ivrt might uluui or 1
phMDlutep i ( ! o . Sold only I a n > ji . Itorullikk. J
Vork ,
\ Bnfants and Children
Without Morplilno or Tfaroottniy
{ WhatRlvM our Children rosy chwks ,
I What cures their fevers , nmKes them sloop }
'Tl < fnntorln.
When rtable * fret , nnd err by turn * ,
What cures their colic , kflU their n ornn.
, , lint Cnitnrl
ff J ltll 1/i
What quickly enrol Constipation ,
Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigestion :
J Hut ( ifintorln.
Farewell Uicn to Morphine Bjrrups ,
Castor Oil and TarcRorlc , nnd
Ilnll Cnninrln.
Contour Liniment. An at' '
Bolnto onro for Rhoamntism ,
Sprains , Bams , Gnlla , &o. , and an
Instantyuioons Pain-rollover.
jcarspeclals will Fosltlvelynot bo Inserted
unless paid in advance.
TO LOAN-Monov.
ONEY TO IXAN The lowest rates of Interest
1VI "neuu8r eMi A Reno7. IGth''DougUii SB4-W
TO LOAN Insuma of 1300. and upward.
MONEY Davis anil Co. , Heal Ivjtito and Loan
Agents , 1505 Farnam St. 89Mf
A K0"d ft'1 ' 'or Kcncrul house work In
ftfamllyof two , KO < 1 WBROJ. Apjily at At
kinson's millinery establishment , frclghton block
icar the PostolHco. 345 tf
W 'ANTKD A girl for general house work , 2012
Harnoy ht. 2 4-7J
"IT7ANTKO Iiurroilatclj , flrst-ciaai laundress at
VVthuCorzeiiu. 348 s ;
TT7ANTKD-Experienced cook and laundrots at
1 _ 1724 Da > cnpoit ttrcet. 319-D
\TTANTEIl A fifl at the City Hotel for Rcnorat
VV hltshen hcli. | S S
WANTED Girl for general hoti'cwork. Apply
at the Waterworks olllee , 151U Furnam St ,
" \ \17ANTED- furgcneril housework 1 < 14 north
> V ISth at.
- gttl forRC'cral hou o ork , oin-
plojment bureau S17 N. IQtli St. 3428 *
ATl/ANIED ( llrlln uiimfTfamily. Inquire at C.
W .1. Canau & Co. 234-tf
WANTED A coraptl nt illii'n ; room RlrlImmed
iately at the St. Charles Hotel. 230-8
- Hrst o'a s ohaniuor maid at Leon
WANTKD-A IK tot 022 S. 10th St.
t3-8 !
Va'hlno hands at the Omaift Shirt
factory 1207 Farnam St. 23D-tf
ANTKD A first classmalo waiter at Leon Ko
W jiald's Uuropcrm Hotel C2i S. 10th St. 232 3 <
TirANTFD Immediately , a poud woman , to do
VV m-noral heusourrk or. Mason and 10th St.
TXfANTED A Rill forsecond work , and to assist
V > with was > hlncraud Ironing. Applj to Mrs K'ng- '
mill , 601 Pleasant fat. 2nd St , north of cement , bet. ,
St. Har/s ao , and Harnoy St. 30 8t
WANTii : ) A RKd ) female cook. Call on Mrs.
John J. Monoll , St. Marj's avo. , nurtlrslde ouo
leer \ , cat of 20th St. 237-9
"ITt/ATiTEU A jouni ; man | < oescsstnK a Kood eiln-
V > cation , can secure niituatlon. Ucferenccs w ill
> o required. Address P. O. Dtvc 12U Council Bluffs ,
a. 22612
TT7ANTED A good and o < pcrloucO't t nner can
V > tlnd auttady job. App'y.siatlnswa
cd. C. F. Elselfy , Norfolk , hot , 212-118
WANTED CIrl at Mrs. A. S. Kerjualu's 1DSO N.
18th Street. 218-111
WANTED Servant jjlils of iv'l kinds in reed of
employment , to call ntour ofliiw , opposite post-
olflco , bctveen 4.SO nnd 9 p. in.
OAHNON , JONES & CO , Frenier Block.
"ITCTANTED A Oermau dining room kitchen girl.
VV Ucuso and lloppo , 418 B , 13th St , between
lameyandlloward. 605 tf
\\7.\NTED hUii
TT sewing In private famil.v. Call rr addrun
Mlm Emilia llor , 25th bt. 2nd house north of ht >
Marj's a > e. 3537 *
TX/AN'TED A situation as second girl in urinate
W family , with references. Employment Bu > uau ,
217 N. lUhktrr-ot. 43-7 *
WANTED By a chemist and druggist nf several
years experience , IrfLondun , Eiin'UndandaUo
n thluconutr ) , as Ulsucnser or Tiera ) assistant.
Adur'88 "C. 11. " care Mr. Alexander Johnson , Liim-
, Bhxjmlngton Neb. 229-8 *
A Young luaii speal both Geruion anil Enrllali
llncntly , ilcslrcs a itiutoiiassalrtmun : ortlilp-
< lerk m a grocery or conunla'lon house , llrf-
ctonccs ghen II < lu Ircil Adilrcua "UF , " tliU otilco.
WANTED A iilaco for a lioy 10 yean olil to work
for his hoard. Adilreis ' "A. J. " this otilco.
211-7 ]
WAX1KD-Situations ( or flrht ulodi domeatlcH.
Call at onr otllca ircm 4-33 to 0-11. m. Saturdaj a
1 to 9 | v m.- CANNON , JONES & KO. , Opp. V. 0.
V\7 ANTKD-Jtook kcoplnp , ft t of honks to ] ui t
TT uo owning or u few huurn t noh day nnd ulao
look after collection ) * . Addrctiv ' ! . L. " Boo ulllcc1
llcut ft tetaisnceaglMin , 131 tf
WANTED A stock of incichondlao tat cither ol
the follow inir. A 400 HCIM highly linprotcil
farm I Wixcunilu , < n h price 310,000. A 210 acru
farm DO miles ( ram Chluigo , price $3,000. Perfect
tltlu. Ait l.cni W. W. WIIuo 1312 Dodge bt , , Onuha.
WASTED Furnished room and boud In prhato
ftmll } ' , for wan and wlib. Imttiire at blilreiimu
Uroi & Cu , , 1SOS 1'arnam Ht city.
TITAKTED-Doatdfor famijy ol tUrce. V < lvatn fam-
TT ll > preferrwl , AUdro.8 BUtlDjf ttrms , "U. I' . "
thlsollice. 1P30J
WAmKD Kor a cmUuier , etr-m room rn r T
Dam tit. IjLlj : , t 8111UVKU. 12'J-H
YXTANTED V' rtifs vlthliijloarderaand
T T st-juih of board In privute houuti , with or Kit
out room , to rail at our ollke In m 4 EO to tf p. m
OANNON , JONES & CO. , Ojipotlte Boitofiicc.
T\7ANTED AQENTS-Cull at Co/zur Hotel iy
TT cvinlnR tills week mid BCO " 5 ( pcclaltles for
nun out' I employment tountc ni"iiov Uh. Two
Ilrst clwa book ifutlt \ \ anted F. M. Van Mton.
LADIES Oil YOUNG MEN in city or country to
takn nice , llj-ht and tilcaeant work ot their nun
homes : $2 toi. a day easily and quietly made ; noik
tent by null , nn ran > aMlt < eiio btamn for ruily.
1'leasoadilreu llellaUo Jlau'J'fc' ' Co. , I'hlUdelplila Pa ,
drawer Tf. '
FOR KEWT noutos and Lots.
UKNf A nlfulv lurnUhwl room , mltibie for
onuor.tnoKi'Ltluu.en. Ji. ulro No. 113 noitli
Hthfcticct , sio-71
TTlOIl 11KNT IleiUi nco 'H3 Ca ( ht , Apple to
J < Clenodl Hawkins tolSCtid. t2i-K
FOU HKNT-FualshoO rooms at 1019 t'arnam.
1)57-111 )
F OU HENT Nicely lurnUheU rooau wltU or with
out beard 1B14 l > oda ht. „ , . . , .
FOU IIKNT A bi cir.fiittltli ihitu room * lor
Illlht homo Leepln { ,013 Uodre bt. 191 UJ
17Ult KENTrurulthed room vlth or without
1 board. Flnt t lucallsu In Ilio city , Also ton
table boarders anted , N. W , cor. 16th aiid t'arcaiu , SJ
llU-t !
TTiOll HENT Larg * n w , t\vo story dcullo house u
-L'Slilnu'KKlditlui hultAtle for tno families or "
ing home. Inquire Koom JJ , Omaha atlor.U
Uauk U.Udlujr. 158 tf
FOU RENT FurnUbed joouuwlth boanl.fTAUo g
few day boutlcn , 18U DarooK > rt. SJ2 71
976 tf
Ij OR llEKl I'urrUi d room lot tlcmanso !
L1 twotorllslit home Keeping Uceiccr * block ,
corner KtjhUiunil Huvtarlsi. KI-U
FOR HENT S rcora house on W'clrttor wwt rtl
10th EL S. T. 1'eterten , re&l ttUte ogcnt , 16 , , ;
nd Douglu. MS
Fen nKNT rnroUhod rooms on the northwei
oor. 13th nJCapltolaveuue , formerly CrMahton
Home. tgQ.
FOR RKNT rooms In NcbrwU Nftllona IJunlc
nulldlntr. lo t deslratla offices In the city
Supplied with hydmullo clo' tor and netted b
( team. Apply ot Conk. 828-tf
OR'ShtiR Cheap , ono fix foot and one thrco
I * foctBlii'tt MM Ml > ; on'i Ogftr Store , 07 Hontti
IBth m. Kt tf
FOU SALK Hand press. A newish to put In A
fatter prcM , we offer an excellent c jr
han d p * CM f or Al cJi eap. Address at once , "Scntl-
ncl" Oilcans. Noli. 22S-7& w-ll
> OR SAt.K An uprisht RrRiid piano. Fine ln tri | .
JL1 mcnt nearly now , I'rlt" JlTfi.OO. illi Imndsonio
cover and ttotd. Address I ) . Uon , Iko cilice.
7\OR \ SALE A irroeory * tore liKatol Inn thickly
iMl tl part ol town , lllght part } ' can nmko
money. Address "Orecor" this oincu. SC8-7 J
oR SAM3 A set cf tinner's too's nearly new.
. Inquire olJacobC. Mlllor , SprlngficM , HarpyCo. ,
Neb. 207-111
SAtK A liargsln. IIoii'o of 7 rooms , 61 h '
and lUncrott at. ROtlilc Well built , harn &o. , ft'
only $1.KDO U s M "Ithin 00 da } . HlCAItS A rtOS- ' '
AU1) , Wl'llams Block. 208 tf
-j rT\OKSATE Home of & rooms In 1'nrkcr's njdltlon
J1' near the $ iD 000 school hiiura now. A cheap
plco on ca y terms. $1.700. tUARS k D03AH1) ,
Williams Block. 209-tf
? OR SA1.K A tptendld house of 10 rooms In
fclilnn's adMllon. If noldlthln.1t ) daja only
13.700. SBAnS k IIOSA11D , corner inthanupotigo
OR SALE An extra peed horf o and good
F. tophuucy. IncMiIro < il J M. Boid , N. W. Cor.
3th an'l ilariic } , ( ir at Iluinnn's Ihcry stable ,
FOR SALK Oil KENT Uood secondhand piano *
and organs cheap at I'rcscutt's music Store,1500
1'arimtn St. 190 0
SALE Farm 8 miles from city. c of
Mrs. Mojcr , oierRoodor's Drug store , IBth and
Webster. 672-tl
Tnocoiintcisanrt nft ) feet of Rood
FORSALn chctp , at 1503 DodRO St. 103-tt
SALK TwolarrfO NornmnstallliJns . Addriss
0. D. Blrdsall , Walnut , ln ft. ISI-lm"
7\OR \ SALH A K ( * . \ two story etoro rroperty In
J \Vajno , Wnj no county , Neb. Address 0.1) . Bird-
sail , Walnut , IOHO. ' 156-lmt
SALK First clisH corner lot G8xl32. Hoi e
FOR rooms , barn fruit and sh-ulo treox. Very dc-
slrabl J location , near Ktroct ears. Oltered'SSOO. ho-
owaluc. . I'rlee $1,700. J. W.LOUNSBUKY , IBth
and 1'arnam. . ' IS5-tf
FOR SALE Vrrj- desirable lets In Coburn'a Sub-
dhislon nnd Honarri place on inotithly pnjmonts
10 city tax. HELL & SHUIVER. 127-8
SALE OR TKADE-A coed epau of mules ,
FOR nnd vagon. Inquire Alex U. Charlton ,
at UcCftgiis Itros. OSO-tf
FOR SALE Splendid residence lot near car line ,
corner , 31.000. DKLLitSURIVlUt. 317-13
FOR SALE Two open nocond-hand bugleu and
one doHicry wagon , iho p , at 1810 Ilarney St.
3S1 tf
TTtORSAl.K-Colorado coal. This coal la as free trorn
JD soot and as cloiu as Rock Spring ,
834 It JKFjT. W. BKDFOnn.
TPOU SALK IVo uortablo boilers , 10 horse now 4
.T Apply at D. 1'ITZPATRICK , ,
C63-tf 218 Soutli'lfith 8k.
FOR ] SALE A small MoBlcr , B liman is Co. , flro
proof faff , almost now , at this offlce. U
" 1 SALE My two story brick residence , 19th
FOR St. Mary's a\cnue. Largo barn , out-houno ,
water wor.s , well arranged. Lot 00200. Piled
87.500. Best Bargain In Omaha Call at M. Toffi
Ji ' Binlc. 277-t
i SALE 12 lots ono bloofc west of Park a o-
line cars. 'Lota 00x160. Will sell the whole trao
'ctt ' $7,100 , If sold before January 1st , 1834. Rcalea
tt : ate owners bid this bargain , U joucall at People
Bank. 278-tf
T7OR SALE Choice banmcss property , three lot
Jj cor. Saundcrj and Charles Stroit. It will pay ycu
to Investigate this offer. Call at People's Bauk.
T70R SALE Improved propcity , which will pay
JJ the bnj er 20 per cent on the Investment. Rents
forSl.OCOperjear. All occuplcil by first class ten-
anK Will sell for $10,500 , If sold soon. All or ono-
mlf each , balance , ono to flo } cars. Tlio above In
vestment la worth Investigation. Call at the People' *
Bank. 2oO-tf
'OK SALE Old newbTOpers ID ltnr.0 nd
first class stock general indte , dry gooai , po-
cerles , clothing , hoots and tliocx , liats , anil cans ire. ,
airifrcxotlnif S,000 In v hole or any evparato lln'j for
Iowa or Nebraska lands. Address "a. K , " Bee olllee.
PHOTKCTOJt-Unprccedentedlr ducementa
_ nffcred lady a oiiU for thlD ne rubberundcrgar for ladles. Address w ith * ntaiup4 , Undcrgar-
ncnt Co , U south May St. , Chicago. ISO-Inn.
T AKOEl'stof ' rootm , with nt without board , In
JLj prhatefamillea fiinurhed tree of charge at i lit
olhco , oppoalto pottoIUct. Cannon , Jones i I'-o. , I'M
o 9 p. m. OtS-lm
HPAl-EN UP-Cn my premises on Dec. 10.1883 , In
JLwesc Omnha , one Cream Colored I'ony , Snial
white ( pot In toiehcadiaano and tall a little darker
hail thu body. JAS. B VANDERCOOK.
ALIBf , 303 Tenth street , between Pamam and ll r-
noy , will , with the aid of ffu&rdlan spirits , obtaining
Rnj ono glance of tb put and present , nadtlio
certalu conditions In the future. Boots and shoex
mala order. Perfectuttlnfaotlon icnarantcKd.
Patent Dried Fruit Lifter.
GROCERY Groceries
l'7tl'IPSIt1JIB * ! ftocXleto > t " ylni ? trijS'liiVsm " ? /
.no nmtdf baa
< llicot rfil 11 me a meaok of K \ !
our , which hi > will und I'nCU to hl Pi I w"ir ? ? i.
Addreu. J. H.
Chicago , St , Paul , Minneapolis and
The DOW extension of this line from WuUflolJ up
through Concoid and Coleridge
* % - * --J- . i.A-t.-j -a.jxrcri c > 3Xr ,
HeachcK tha bout rortloa of thu btatv. Special ci.
1. ? ? ? , . ' 0.1:1.11 : e KB" "vrr.thl , line 7 ,
Trtlm o er tht C. , bt 1 > . U. & 0. Ilalhay t * G-.I--
CfOXXXLOOt , t . . . . . .JL-
Fcr Kicmont , Oikdsle , Neligbsndthroueh to V.I
intliin ,
JiTI'or rate * tinl all Infonuution call un
F II , WHITNKV , UvnonJ Acert
Str ug' ( Ilulldlf ( f , Cor. lUtii and V riui fin , ,
" - - " -
. * w