Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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David C
Hearst , Dram & do's Peoria Advance Corn Planters and Check-Rowers ,
And a Full Line of
X xxi 131 e m G ix t
Nos. 1100 to 1116 South Main Street , COimCIL BLUFFS , IOWA ,
- "
Peoria Advanc Corn Flanter and Check Eower ,
Old Sellable Peter Schuttler Wagon.
Fish Bro's ' & Go's Celebrated Wagon.
We carry a complete line of buggies aud can furnish
anything from best tocheajitst
Call pa u ? at our Mammoth Warehoiisp. and bee the
finest display of vehicles on the Missouri river or write
fior catalogues.
Peoria Mary Droj Planter
1. Lightness of draft and ease of hand
2. Combination of hand and foot levers
s such that Planter can bo made rigid or
lexible , at will of opeerator.
3. Hand lever is in centre of machine ,
icncc ono runner cannot go deeper than the
other a fault common to all planters with
ever on side of machine.
' 4. Made of A No. 1 stock aud substan-
; ial in over particular.
o. Painted with the best Oriental Vermil
ion , elaborately striped ' and varnished ,
making it very handsome and attractive.
0. Warranted to do first clars work in
iny soil. The check rower is very simple
and warranted to do first-i-lass work if prop
erly handled.
The Old Reliable
Needs not one word of praise from us. It
is known all over the United States , and
where the very besb wagon is wanted , yon
can always see a , Schuttlcr. A sample set
up in your Warehouse will 'convince you
that farmers will buy Ilia Schuttlor at
Schuttler prices.
Owing to the fact that we brought the
into this trade ono year ago , pnud sold in
twelve months .5100,000 worth of them ,
many o our competitors have been repre
senting to the trade , because of the financial
difficulties of ! the Pish Bros. , that wo would
not be able to supply them , hence wo wish
to assure dealers that wo have arranged for
the salo'of this celebrated wagon , and call
their attention to the fact that the wagon
must be nearly perfect , if that is all the
fault our competitors can find with it. Fa
vor us with an order for any number and
we will convince you by n prompt shipment
tliat wo are able to supply the largo and
ever increasing demand.
If you want Corn Shelters , write to
Peoria Planters , , write to o Si 0H
Stalk Cutters , one or two rows , write to O
Rakes and Harrows , write to w
Feed Mills , write to g
Fish Bro's Farm Wagon , write to fc
Peter Schuttlei's Wagon , write to fcW
Barnes' or Royal Check Rows , write to
Peoria Check Ro TJS , write to o 02
Bradley's Tongueless Cultivator , write to
( i Fish Bro's & Co , , Spring Wagon , writelo o * * a
Cheaper Spring Wagon , write to ' § 9
d Buggies or Carriages , write to HP P )
n Anything in the Implement or Vehicle line d 0
write ton Q !
The Furst & Bradley Plow is BO favorably known to every farmer
wesb of the Allcghany mountains , that it is not necessary for us lr >
recommend it.
This is our second year with the Bradjey Tongueless Cultivator , am
arc guaranteed to bo like all implements manufactured by Purst & Urad
ley Manufacturing Co. , lirst-class in every particular.
This cultivator has been well and favorably known to farmers an
dealers for years , and wo arc hound to maintain its enviable reputatio
in the trade.
The Bradley Jtaltes nra first-cliiss. We make them either hand o
self dump , for one or two horses.
Thin Thresher la manufactured by 0. Aullmnn & Co. , Canton , 0. , an
with their new power or Trap ! ion engine i * all that can bo desired by tl
beat threshers.
* *
The Dos Moinoi distillery is buying
corn at 30 cents n bushel.
A project for ft $10,000 hotel is under
discussion in Hock Ilapids.
0. Kittpring , n wealthy farmer in La
Porto , paid the widow Hudson $5fiO in
spttlomont of a'broach of promise of mar-
The residence of Hon. 0. W. Cable , of
Davenport , was entered by burglars ono
night recently , and $1,000 worth of jew
elry stolon.
George Yule , a well known young man
of Anamosa , was arrested at ft Presby
terian festival the other night on n charge
of horse stealing.
The people of Indianoln has At
tained the necessary population of 2,000
or over , entitling that town to bo n
city of the second class.
There will bo more Catholic churches
built in Iowa during 1884 than was over
built in any two years before. The
growth of Catholicity in lown is unpar
alleled in the history of the state.
Madison King , brakeman , vras missed
from his train on iU arrival at Glrn-
wood. His body was found beside the
track with his nock broken. Ho was bur
ied at Kent on Sunday. Ho loaves a
young wife.
The revival in the little town of Car
son , Adams county , 1ms resulted in the
conversion of over ono hundred and thir
ty penitents. The names of eighty-sir
were reported for membership in tlio
several churches last Sunday.
According to ollicial statistics as to
postal matters in Iowa , it appears that
Iowa is now paying to the government ft
not postal income of over $10Q,000 not
only paying all of its own postal expenses
but $100,000 besides. The increase from
the postal service in Iowa last year
waa $1,477,320.72.
Mrs. J. E. Sheolor , of Union town
ship , was fatally burned on the 31st ult.
by her dross catching fire from the stovo.
In order to obtain assistance she waa
compelled to put on other clothing and
po to the houses of a neighbor n fourth of
n milo nway , thus aggravating her inju
ries by exertion and exposure.
Thn Iowa City Republican reports a
Bad casualty from North Liberty , John
son county. Mr. and Mrs. G cargo Alt , a
young couple , started from their homo
near that place to visit Mr. Alt's parents
in the vicinity of Tifliti , Their baby , a
girl three months old , they had with
them , closely bundled up , for the weather
was cold On reaching their destination
the child was found to bo dead , having
boon smothered.
Fred Roth , on the night of May G ,
1883 , fell into an excavation for a now
building at Dos Moiuos and seriously in
jured liimsolf. Ho brought suit for
damages in a largo amount aqainst the
city. The jury gave him a verdict for
$2,000. This verdict was sot aside on
account ot * .ho bad conduct of a juror ,
aud a nowHrial ordered. It was ob
served during tt second trial that Roth
was looking very pale and weak. The
trial closed last Saturday afternoon by
the jury finding for -Defendant. .
hours later Fred lv
Thirty-six > | ji was
Mrs. Dan Innlow , living in Aurott
111. , kept her money in her sowing machine -
chino drawer. Dan struck the drawer
for $100 , and lit out for Cedar Rapids.
There ho routed a house , bought furni
ture , and proceeded to go into the busi
ness of keeping boarders. But ho waa
arrested and jailed. Mrs. Dan cam o on
and wanted to know what ho was going
to do about it. She took some money
and some furniture in settlement and
luturncd to Illinois , and Dan was dis-
clmiyccl , quiio broken down in fortune ,
and expecting to remain for the present
in Cedar Rapids.
Jack Sweeney sat in n seat behind
Will Davia in the Ottumwa Methodist
church last Tuesday evening. Sweeney
talked with girls sitting in the seat ahead
of Davis. This attracted attention , and
Davis said ho did not want to bo guyed
For -what Sweeney was doing , and wanted
Sweeney to dry up. Sweeney replied
disrespectfully to Davic , and Davis said
he would see him after church. The
young men mot after church , and 'ho re
sult was , after some words and blows. ,
that Davis cut Bweonoy with a pocketknife -
knife , twice on the head and once on the
arm , making bad wounds. Davis was
arrested aud placed under bonds of $300
to answer.
About 11 o'clock last Sunday night UB
John Thurnor , of Dubuque , was lighting
the gas in his saloon there was an awful
crash , the Clay street door of the saloon
was "burst in , and a maddened runaway
horse lay writhing , kicking upon the
floor. All was darkness inside , and the
noise created consternation and aroused
the people of the neighborhood. TJiurn-
cr and his friend managed to got out ,
and bystanders hoistated about going
into the dark and noisy place to view the
situation. Finally a light was procured ,
about twenty men "mado a sneak" on
the horse and hold him down until ho
was pulled out , a good deal demoralized.
A'Woman's Way.
ChlciKO ? ntor-0can ,
"Lot mo have five two-cent stamps ,
please , " uaid a lady to the retail stomp
clerk in the post ollico yesterday.
"Yessum , " ho said , handing thorn
out."Can't ' you lot mo have them in one
piece ? " she added.
"Certainly , ma'am , " said the clerk.
"Can I send them homo for you ? "
' "Oh , nojldon't live far onlyon.tho
North Side and I am going right homo.
I wouldn't want to put you to the trou
ble. "
"No trouble at all , " said the clerk. "I
havn't very muoh to do to-day , and I
could very cosily spare an hour.
"Very much obliged , " said the lady ,
amilling sweetly. "Dear mo , " she said ,
putting OH a stamp , "what a horrid both * * * !
er it is to stamp lottoral Why can't wo
send letters and lot the post oflico sand
in their bill once a month ) "
"They might just as well , " said the
clerk , sympathizing , "I'll mention
the fact in my next message to con
gress. "
"SVillyou ) How nice ! But you musn't
mention my nomo. Say the idea was
suggested by a North Side nocioty lady.1'
After a patient La been dnaed with com *
KVO subllmato until hU teeth are loose , his
mouth sore , his hair all gone bin limbs all
drawn with rheumatism , ha Is put on Iodide
of 1'otaeh , one of the strongest mineral repa
rations In the whole list. This soon taken
away the little appetite left LI in by the men
cury disorders ills stomach , causes pain ( n
the bowels , nausea , dries up tlio gastrla juices ,
and food It rejected , wastes him away to a
bkelcton , and ho la BOOU a subject for the un.
ilertaker. To all such Swift's Specific in n
boon worth more than Its weight In dia
monds. It bulldn up the wosto , roots out these
ul mineral poisons , and bring * help and happi
ness. Send for a copy of Treatlsa on Blooq
and Skin Diseases , froo. '
Tins Swire BPECWO Co , , * %
I Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga ,