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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1884)
6 THE DAILY BEE FEIDAY , FEBRUAK * 9,1884. ffiE PAIL ? .J3EE , C30UNCIL BLUFFS Friday Morning , Pol ) . 8 , 1 mmscntrnoN HATES : By Carrier - - - - - - - c nt p r w sl By UM - - - - - - - - (10.00 per Yea OFFICE : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION , Cheap railroad tickets nt Bushnoll's. Taxes begin to drop into the county'i cash drawer. The old city building is to bo sold nl public auction to-morrow. The Bluff City boys nro making bi | preparations for their masquerade on tin 22d. 22d.It It is hoped that the murcory will climl up a little before the test of the water works next Monday. To-day there is a matinee for ladici only at the Museum of Anatomy nnd i lecture especially for thorn. , The case ot the State vs. Wilson , thi young man charged with forging a du < bill , has boon continued until the 15th. The Y. M. C. A , is negotiating for the thirdjfloor of Sturgart's block with n viov of using it for meetings , rending room gymnasium , otc. To-day , between 2 and C p. m. , will be the ladies' last chance of Booing the won dcrf til sights at the museum of anatomy , It is really instructive. Latest marriage licenses : William T , BrigRs of Keg Crook township , and Eyt M. Perry , of Silver township ; Hormnr B. Trakor and Elizabeth Stout , both ol this pity. Council Bluffs tnx-payora are express ing much satisfaction nt the low bid ; which were put in for paving , they being < ing much lower than nny city has received for years. Washington avenue will doubtless b < paved also , so that there will bo nobroal between Sixteenth avenue and the cemetery tory , making a drive of two miles of con tinuous paving. There will bo special interest at thi aknting rink to-night. Will H. Danio will bo hero and give another oxhibitiot of his marvelous skill on skates. Ho i certainly a wonder , and all delight ii occing him. The Y. M. 0. A. rooms , No. 12 Norti Main street , are kept open daily from ! n. m. to 9 p. m. They afford a ploasan place of resort and nil young men will b heartily welcomed thoro. A prayo mooting , lasting for half an hour , will b hold regularly nt noon. A wagon hauling dirt had an axli broKcn yesterday In front of Judg James' residence. The dirt thus dumpoi was scattered about with a shovel , mak ing the first filling which Judge Jame has done , although as alderman ho ha caused many others to fill. Yesterday forenoon the alarm ot firi wao sounded , caused bya little scare ii the rooms of the Y. M. C. A. A log o the utovo coming out the stove tippoc over , and in putting out the fire an < straightening up thu pipe , etc. , a quanti ty of nruoko escaped which poured out o the windows and caused nn alarm. Ni damage. If ono of Tun BJK : force is now see keeping his coat oloso-buttonod up to th nock , and his collar pinned to his vcsl kind-hoartod friends should not bo to curious. His " good " shirt is gone , an his "relief" shirt which answered fo wash-days will hardly boar the strain e overy-day wear. Tlio best shirt was o the line drying , the other day , when well-trained dog dashed into the yarc playfully pulled the shirt off the line , an ran down the street with it. There th dog caught up with his master , wh coolly took the shirt away from him rolled it up , and walked off with it. Noi if that man will please lend THE BKU inn that trained dog for a few days , ho wil be forgiven nnd may keep the shirt ; fo TUB Bun man has his oyb on a belle line of shirts , and wilh the loan of a do | will aooa bo even with the world. Angostura Bitters , the world rcnowno njijKJUzer and Invlj/orator. Used nowovc the whelp clIllzed world. Try It , hut hewer of luilUtlons. Ask your grocer or drHggls t' tUe Bcnuino article , preimrod hy Dr. ,1 , O. 1 SloRort & Sunn PERSON AI * S. 11. rotter , of Foster Bros. , has lu con panywHhhls wife gone to Wisconsin for inonlU'K visit to relatives and friends. VlUWarron , formerly clerk of thocuurl hero , and now located nt Valentine , Neb. , I hero with his wlfo and child on aUlt to hi parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. II. P. Warren. H. II. Ualnbrldgo , ol Chicago , wn nmon the arrivals at Bechtele'ii yesterday. Mayor J. A. Hake , Job" Lodwlroh mid / \V. ColFman , of Avoca , were in the o'ty yc terday looking up the uow court homo pr , j > oaal. They dined nt liochtele'i , H. O. Smith , of I'lum Creek , Nob. , was I the city yuitorduy. 0. IU Bolter , of l. gai ! , wai at the Pncll yetterday. II. A. Ketchum , of Now Yoik , U a I'acll house arrival. 0 , J , King , the supervising architect of tl new government building , It at tiio 1'aclfio. Samuel Burns was ou this side of the rlv yeaUrday. Mr , Lucius Well , 'of Deere , \\'ells & C < { nowone of thshappliat of the happy , llttlo maiden U added to hU household. Nervoiwnew , Nervous Debility , Nouralcl XHVOUI. . Shock , St. Vltus DauceKtmtfo wid all dueascs of Nurve , Oent-rntlvo Orgii And Jl jiwiuaiiently am ) radically cured I -AlUa'n Brfiln Food , the great botanical rei if , * lpkff.efor 6. AtdrupgUU. BEOKE HIS NEOK , A O. , I ! , < fb Q. Brnkcmnn Fulls I'Yorr Ills Train nnd IB Killed. The Mnlrorn Lender gives the follow ng details concerning thn death of Jo < vlng , which was announced briefly it 1HK DKB of recent date : About 12 o'clock last Friday night nt coidont occurred on the Q about a mill his side of Glotmood , resulting in th DBS of another human life. The name o ho narty killed , as wo have received th JOWB , was Joe King , and ho was fron irnkomim on a freight train , with Jiinnv iIcGann as conductor. When the ongi ncor whistled down brakes on the grad near Robert McCoy's place , both brake men got out nnd did their work. Th oar brakeman returned to the caboose and supposed his companion had gen orvrnrd to the engine , hence tin nan was not missed till the trait tad reached Pacific Junction. Tin > rakonmn's lantern was found in the rea : end of the tender , and the train mot oalizod at once the fate that had over akon their comrido. The engine tvai lotachcd nnd run back , slowly , till tin > ody was found , just this side of Glen rood. The man's head was badly cut ant us neck was broken. Ho had fallen tone < ono side of the track in such a mannoi hat the wheels did not touch him nt all t was supposed ho fell while climbing rom the front car on to the tender Cing was a young man 25 or 2G years o : go. The remains wore taken to tin unction nnd properly cared for. This is the lourth death on the Q. it CBS than throe weeks , Grant Anderson , ninoB Ditto , John Pylo and the subjcci f this sketch being the victims. In none f those cases , so far ns wo .havo learned , ras the railroad company to bliuno , bul ! io inon cartio to their death througl ; licir own carelessness. Hardly Fair. Congressman Pusoy already begins tc onlizo flomo of the discomforts of trying to please a constituency. There wat ircsontcd to him a , petition signed bj 87 prominent business men and prop rty owners of Council Bluffs , asking thai 10 should introduce a bill for n bridge cross the river connecting G'ounci ' Bluffs nnd Omaha. Ho framed a bit ovoring the ground called for in tin etition , nnd introduced it , supposing o ourso that it vwuld bo subject to sucl mondmont ns might bo needed. Hi hen telegraphed the board of trade o ouncil Bluffs , asking whether he ahoult > rcas the passage of the bill. Instead o wiring back nn answer , the board after i imo held a mooting , referred the matte o a committee , discussed the question nnd had nn old bill hunted up , etc. L ho meantime Congressman Pusoy , hav ng acted in accordance with the requcs of the 187 petitioners , was not a littl surprised to find the Nonpareil callinj lira n "Bill" Pusoy , and pronouncin ; lim a traitor to Council Bluffs and it ntorosts , betraying his own city to hoi ] 3maha , etc. , while a brief tologran from the board of trade wo received , tolling him to holi lis horses until that body couli idviso him what to do. No wonder tha > y such fickleness and delays ho got si nnnoyod that ho telegraphed back 'Hadn't you bettor hang the bridge in jtond of the man who introduced tin bill ? " Then Congressman Pusoy has boon do ug his best to got an additional appro mation of $100,000 for the now government mont building. Many thought it wai , lmoat useless to ask for it , nnd said no nit ho made a dash for it nnd succondoi n getting it favorably reported on by'thi committee. Aa soon ns there seemed i good prospect for Council BluiFs to socuri the § 100,000 , The Nonpareil began ti abuse him for not asking for § 200,000 Tliat organ is sot to but one tune , nm ; hat is n sort of minor , whining sort o an air. It is bound to nbuso , Congress man Pusoy anyway. If ho fails to go the § 100,000 it will howl nt him mid do iiounco his weakness. If ho succeeds instead of giving him nny credit , it pur loses nbusing him for not getting twic < is much. Mr. Pusoy might as well < mi ; rying to please some of these fickle cit ; : elks nnd put his time in sending ou aood through the rurnl districts , aw mailing public documents. Now BiilIilliicB for the County , As the time draws near for the people ; o decide vrhothor this epunty shall buih a now court house nnd jail , or not , tin ntoroat in the question increases , anc conjectures as to the result of the vet < are various. It must bo acknowledged that the pres sent county building nnd jnil nro unfi and ought to bo replaced by now ones n order that the records of the count ; may bo preserved , nnd criminals kept so euro. If it is conceded that a now cour louse nnd jnil nro necessary , then ono o .ho questions to bo answered is : Wlior ought the now buildings to bo erected As soon as possible , of course , for th quicker a necessity is supplied the bolter Nothing can bo gained by delay , am much may bo lost. If the records shouli bo burned the titles to all property in th county will bo liable to litigation , mud moro costly than the tax for building court house. Another question is us to the amoun to bo expended ? A court house costiu , 5100,000 , is llttlo enough for a county o this size and wealth , to say nothing of si building as to moot future demands , no is 10,000 for a new jail a dollar to much. Such opposition as has boon showi seems to really omaimto from either i desire to punish Council Bluffs or t make way for a division of the countv Why punish Council Blufls ? No oil Buoins to know. It is a city which by it prominence and size draws much mono nnd business into this county. It pays 1 largo share of the taxes It is a city u which Pottnwottamio county may wel fool proud , Why should any onourir the county to bite off its own nose t splto ono of its own household ? \Vh lot valuable records bo , jeopardized an criminals run at Inrgo limply to koo Council Bluffs from having ono moreno building ? Suchgpito is too potty , an mow ought ( o bo ashamed of it. Wliat opposition there is , is making Kfjat ado about the burden of ttaatioi Properly owners of this city are payit icavy taxes now , and are willing tostam holr portion for the now buildings , anc t is no small portion , either. But thi act is that the tax is moro of A bug-boa ban a reality. On a piece of proper ! ; which would sell for $3.000 or moro. tin actual tax would bo about ono dollar i year , nnd less than that in the comini rears , for the increase in the total assess nont before the ten years are up wil ; au8oa _ great decrease in the tax of th individual , This showing ought not I Tighten nny ono. SIGNS OF THE TIMES , JJCRiRlntlvo Visitors nt the ItiBtlUt lion for tlio Donf nnd Dninl ) . The legislative' committee yostorda ; mndo nn official visit to the institutioi 'or the education of the deaf and dumb located in this city , and last evening Tory pleasing entertainment was given i : , ho chapel by the pupils. The commttco consisted of ox-Oov onior Carpenter , Senator Miles and Hop rcsontativo Holbrook. Senator Barrel was nlso present , nnd nlso Hon , B. F 31nyton , who is president of tfio board o .rustocs. All expressed themselves as dolightoi vith the pniortainmont , which consisto < > f recitations , hymns , comio stories , am n closing n pantomime , "Tho school ii nn uproar. " The entire programme wa carried out in the sign language. After the entertainment the company adjourned to the parlors , where wn ; ivon several musical selections by tin oachora and officers. Ono very ploaain ; and touching feature of these later oxer lisoa was the rendition of "Nearer m ; Jed to Thee , " in the sign language , bj Ura. McDermott , Miss Christy accompa nying on the piano. . A Now Skntliifj Club. "Tho Olympic Roller Skating club" ii ho title of a now organization , the ofli ors of which are , John N. Baldwin president ; Frank Cook , vice-president and F. S. Pusoy , secretary. The clul las arranged with Messrs. Chapman & ilontous for the exclusive use of thoi : now rink on the evenings of Monday rVednesdny nnd Friday of each week nt which time only members of the clul will bo admitted to the hall. Tlio tickets which are to bo good for thirty days are < o bo sold at § 2 each , to only such per sons whoso names have the unnnimoui approval of the executive committee which consists of John N. Baldwin Will A. Maurqr , A. T Elwoll , 0. 0 , : , J. H. Wheeler , W. F. Sapp , Jr. Fran k Cook , J. 0. Mitchell and F. S Pusoy. A Glaudorcd Horso. Yesterday a glandored horse was picli od up running about loose on the bottot and running at the nose too. Ho wa Brought before Justice Abbott , who 01 dorod a proscription of lend to bo ir jootnd in fatnl quantities by a gun. Bt tore pas-ring this sentence Dr. A. E Bailey and Dr. T. J. Cody testified t the fact that the disease was really th [ jlandorfl This is the third Rlandoro liprso which Justice Abbott has ordorn killed , and they appear to have ' n' caught it from running around wit pthor horses on the bottom. The advic is given that if anyone has n horse whic lias the glanders , said horse should b killed at once , as there is a heavy per alty for keeping such a horso. - Konl Estate Transfers The following doeoj vroro filed for re cord in the recorder's office , Fobruar 8 , reported for the BEE by P. J. Me Mahon , real estate agent : John A. Prindlo to Edward Lowis.lot 13 , 14 nnd 1C , block 11 , Bryant i Clark's add , § 1,180. John T. Baldwin to Emerson & Bow crs , lots C and C , block 17 , and lots 1 and 11 , block 27 , Boors' sub , § 1,800. 0. , 11. I , & Pt R. R. Co. to P. W Swiggort , nw-sc | , 12 , 70 , 42 , § 300. Briglmm Graybill to Fred Crete ot al lota 3 and 4 , block 8 , Underwood , § 300 Win H. Berry to Innao M. Walker no } soj , 0 , 77 , 44 , § 1,241. IS. J. Look to J. E. Lock , part so no ] , 30 , 77 , 38 , § 500. Robert Porcival to D. 0. Bloomer , lo 8 , block 4. Bayliss' ' 2sfc add , lot ! J bloc ! 2 , Grimes add , lots 7 and 8 , block G lots 5 , 15 and 1C , block 0 , nnd lots 1 nnd 12 , block 10 , Williams' aed , $0,000 Robert Porcival to D. 0. Bltomor , lo 8 , block D , Piorco's add , § 50. Simon Reynolds to D. R. Minium part so 1,4 , 10 , 75 , § 40. M. 0. Walker to Robert Porcivnl , lo 8 , block 3. Baylis's 1st add , § 60. David Stidham to A. Osier , part no sol , 21 , 74 , 39 , § 18. Wm Hnworth to A. Oslor , so ! no ! . 2 74. 3'J , § 8 ! ) . Total sales § 5,581) . COMMEUOIALi. COUNCIL BLUFFS UAIIKKT. Wheat No. 2 spring , C5o ; No. 3 , COc ; re ioctod , 45o ; jood ilomumL Corn Lroulcra are paying 33o for old con nnd 2Co for u w. Onta In peed demand nt 22o. liny i 00@0 00 pop ton ; DOe per bale. llyo IO@IOo. Corn Meal 1 2B per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 0 00(5 ( Cool Doll vcrod , hard , 11 50 per ton ; soft 5 00 per ton Dutter 1'lonty ami iu fair demand nt 20e creamery. J)5c. ) - KRs I" B'xul ' demand at U5o jior dozen , Lard Full-bank's , wholesaling nt lie. 1'oultry Heady sale ; dealers uro nayinnr fo chickens Ho ; turkeys , Mo. Vofjotauloj VotatoesI0o ; onions , 40c ; call bapro , none In the market ; nnnloa , ready sal at 3 00@3 f,0 for prlino Htock. 1'lour City Hour , 1 C0@l 00. Brooma 2 U5@3 00 i > er doz. LIVK arocs. Oattlo 8 00@3 COj calves , 5 00@7 50. How Local packers are buying HOW nm therou a K" d demand for nil Rrailna ; cholc packing , D U5@5 Dfit mUcil , 4 75@5 5. The liabilitioa of P. Martol , the Ooda Bapida clothing man just failed , nro § 35 , OOO.and his iisscat nro not moro than hal that nuiouut. done to"ordor nnd lesson by B. 1) . Rohso. Studio 12 Norti Main street. JACOH sins. K. i . OADWEU SIM3&CADWEU. , Attorneys-at-Law COUKClt.m.UFF8. IOWA Offlc , Wain Street. llooinn 1 and hlni.'mrt & M Mthon'n BlooV. Will v ctloe In Bt U aod wlrr n/\llrB Mrs H J Eiltoc H. D , , , , . , , PHYSIOIAN" & SURGEON 523 Mlddlo Vrolvny , Oounoll Bluff * . r\ RUBBERS ! Oar apcoch is short , but to the point , Ucst Chicago discounts every day in the year on Rubber' Boots , , Shoes , AND AECTICS. Goods WARRANTED as good ns ANY in the market. They are made by the NEW JEESEY EUBBEE SHOE CO. Wo have n big line of SPECIALS nnd nn IMMENSE stock of regular nnd EXTRA WIDE Boots nnd Shoes in all sixes , ready to ship on receipt of orders. rp-pqon " " "FnTV/IF T FTT ! " - ' ' i ' i ni iyl v ry , p r r7\t ITT i Or second quality Boots wo nro introduces are better than ninny so-called firs quality , nnd wo give n largo EXTRA discount on thorn. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. , 412 Eroadwav , Council Bluffs Iowa. MAYNE & PALMER , DEALKKSIN Hard and Soft Goal , AND WOOD , BULK ; AND BARBEL LIME , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND CEMENT , MICHIGAN PLASTER , nAin AND SEWEtt PIPE. HO , 839 Broadway , - . . . COTOOIL BLUFFS. IOWA. SMITH & TOJJljEK. Spring Goods LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS , Just Received , 7 and 9 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . . IOWA. , OOTTIXTOIXJ TnTT"W T70" "RATRTl ATTORNEY AT LAW. MANAGER OF POTTAWATTAMIE COUN- "UXirj VV. JJ.oJLlV.Lr , TV COLLECTION AGENCY. Offlco corner Btoad ay anUMain Btroot. JOHN BENO & CO GENERAL MERCHANDISE. , , 18 Main street and 17 Pearl Btroot. CIIESTON HOUSE. MAX MOHN , Hotel , 217 and 210 Main street. Da > t U. JL. WJlUJji Corner Main and Fifth nivttalra. KcBldenec. C09 Willow ft venue. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , , scmuEZ , OIHcJncr American Exprcsa. \Kr \ A p TyTPT ? LIVERY AND FEED , Sot O. VV JJVJLN JlUit Will contract for tnncmli at reasonable rates. 22 Fourth street J , M , ST. JOHN & OCLOASE BUYERS. Draft by return mall , 1 < 8 Broadway. lAfinTl TTnmr MEHCHANT TAILOR , UxLVJUJJ JXUU11) Stock Compieto. Sulti made at reasonable prices. No. 805 Main St.1 rj. p o ( Wi TrpTT CONTHACTOR AND BUILDER , \Jt J. . KJ lt.LJLU. . Corner 7th and Broadnay. Plans and speclfleatloni turnlshod. T A MPQ P"R A "M"PV MERCHANT TAILOR. JjajYLJIlO 1 JAiAlN JJ 1 , ArtlHtlc Work and reisonablo charRcs. S72 Broadway TTATHT XT TTAT7T ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JJJULNJJJL W miL\jJ.t Jamoa Block. Practice In state nnd federal courts. fl A "WTT1 A "R f TIM" Antl bfttn bouao , 421 and 423 Broadway. L. Sovereign , Prop. P. J. Mont- ( JO.1N JLJ. M r\l U IVI. Romcrr , M. O. Physician. FTYWTNT T A"R"RnTT JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , J-liJVVHN U. ja.J3DUXJ.t Notary Publloand General Conveyancer. 415Broadway. TTfYTTQP SMITH & NORTON , HU U ( jJJt Broadway opposite New Opera House. Refitted $1 , $1.60 per day A LARGE STOCK OF At VERY LOW KIGUKKS. Don't forget I ray the highest price for 3WLI3IB33D IR.A-G-S I As f nm compelled to buy to fill contracts. S. GOLDSTEIN , C38 Broadway. JTtL ' Now Store , Fresh Ooodt , Low Prices and Pollto Attendants. { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel. AS AN ECONOMICAL INSURANCE , THE EQUITABLE MUTUAL LIFE AND ENDOWMENT ASSOCIATION OF WATERLOO , IOWA , 1 considered the licjt $2.M)0 ) lu case ol death , and 81 000 endowment at the expiration cl ton 5 ears. ABXXS- lui.iiUi < a > able according to ace. Mre. OlUe 1'illoy tlio agent wlllcall aid | explain the plau upuujour re- Hiicst. Direct your cou munlcatlons to 241 Vine St. Council Bluffs Iowa. O. DEALER IN ALL TII LATEST DESIGNS OF fALL PAPER Bnterior Decorations. l.'l S. Pcnrl Street nn\i \ 20 N. Mnin Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special ad\ertlst > incnts , such ta Lost , Found , To Loan , Tor Sale , To Hent , Wants , BoardIng - Ing , cto , , will bo Inserted In this column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PCK LINE for the first Insertion and FIVE CUNTS I'Ull LINE fur each subsequent In sertion. tx > a\o advertisement * atuurolBco , No , 7 1'earl Street , near Broadway WAIIT8. WANTKU-Kiery bociyut Council Blurt * tu take TfinBiK. UclUmd bycarrlcrat only twenty rents u wreck. \\7"AM'KU A coodhoute , lu ulcu locauun , vllh thrco or four rooms. AdJiuu box N'o. 0,11 K olllcc. OiaMVM'ku'b-ro'r' ' ' ' nt Bis 6iUourat"25 cvntj a hundred. TpOlinUNT-Oneortwofii'iiuhedroouJii. 8. W , J corner Ninth Kt. and Tlilrd aunue. appartrocnts lu ik i' AddrcH JV. J | . J. lice offlro. itmt Tr ° Il\ \ " ' 7 utf Mct-ljrfurnW8 room w | 1 , M-cu"wM'S 'm u" M nr. < .um , , t , , CORNER PEARL ST , AND FIFTH AVL CHAPMAN & MAHTKN8 , . . . PUOWUTOHS. Mornlnghours 10 to 12 Attornnm , iMto4SU ! : : Ktculnic TXljtolO Coo-mutation ticket * good for twenty bdmiMloni ja. W. W. CHAPMAN , - Manager , No objectionable characters " 111 be admitted. E , Eice M. D. CHRONIC DISEASES llrer thirty ) * r l > ractlul Mpcrieuce. Offioo No tVjarl vtrvct , tXmni.ll Illn0 Empkie Hardware Co 109 nnd 1111S. Mnin Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 342 and 34-1 Broadwny , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. ' ! * The only Hotel in this City nn the European plan of "PAY ONLY FOR WHAT YOU UET. " Hew Building New Furnishings. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS CENTUALLY LOCATED. Fine Sample Rooms Elegant Restaurant. PETER BECHTELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa. ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) TO LOi 1 ML ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lots and Lands iu the County. GROSVSNOR & GUNN , MANUFACTURERS OF 311 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs ; Iowa. AT COST FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. : s TOOLS Granite and Tinware. Latest Novelties in Fancy Hardware. A large line of extiaordinary Fine Carvers. 504 Broadway , and 10 and 12 Main Street. WHY DOH'T YOU orrrsjME OP Per Flttlntr , Best and Cheapcst-BiFlDO Linen Collars anil Cuffs. ' No. 715 Fourth Street Gounoil Bluffs , Zoyr'a. FEOM NOW UKTIL FEB. 1 , WE WILL GIVE In allourBocts and Shoes , regardless oE Quality. Don'fc miss this chance. S. A. PIERCE , 100 Main Street. CASADY , ORCUTT & FRENCH , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MAIL ORDERS FILLED CAREFULLY. 502 Broadway , Council Blufft. | CASADY , OilCUTT & FKENCH. DE , THOMAS JEFFERIS , No. C23 Sixth avenue , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Homeopathic Physician and Mag netic Healer. T B.M\.n\E SEMIS' raiT.itiE.scK ; riimnMUHS A UKS- IDKJ > T OK COUNCIL BLunii. Dlaeuoiti ( dUeased conditions described ) mthout questIpiih.y. There are hundreds of n Itueeses to the fact that the blind lire restored , the ileaf inado to hear , also paralysis and rheumatism of months ami jcars BtanJIng frequently cured In 20 minutes' time through psjchlo mesmeric , spirit or soul force. "These things w ere not done In a corner. " The only reliable pro entatiio and cure for dlph. thcrU known ( keep It on hand ) . The best ratarrh remedy In use. Hmall pox cntative-supcrlor to % nccluat on. h > eryca-io of Indigestion ( desu r la ) curcd-t mo required ono to nix weeks. CId ulcersi commonly called cancers rcmoi cd without the use o ! the knife. In fact all acute and chtonlo dUcascs successfully treated. 'iho records of mortality show that Dr. Jcffeilcs 1s the inoet sut-cestful prattlcloner o [ mo'JIrlno In the western country. Ilia greatest auccisa has been lu caws that ha * Ufflid the skill of other doctors , ai ell as causing despair and financial ruhi In many cattij. TERMS REASONABLE. No charge for comiiltatlon by letter or otherwise. Inclose tatni > where antwerato Icttcra are required. Uesf kind of relernces hcn. S4T Persons free from ooutagloua discaBo Vlll bo re- eel > cd Into his Inbtitutsol Ikulth for tieatinuit. POSITIVELY LAST WEEK. EUROPEAN MUSEUM OF IN THIS CITY. Go and See It. Admission - 25 couts JOSEPH G-A&HEG-A31T. AND -COAL Corner Main strict and Eighth Menuf. Oiaa Bluffs. jRTLoucet rates nxd prompt delivery GTl MINERAL SPRINGS. CURE OR NO PAY Wo irua'anteo the cute ol the following named tils , poasos , or no nay ; Rheumatism , Bcrclula , Ulcers Catarrh , u 1 Blood and.kludlsea es , Dvnwnola.Liver Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Gout/Hen / , ralgla and Asthma , Thesj Biirlncs are the faiorita resort ol the tlrod an.l debUltiud , and aroHio 1'KEULB LADIKJ mat Good hotel , r Slloam Spring * . Cara. 1' . O. ANALYSIS , , , . . . . . i tarn t Alumina..1. . . . ' . . ' o'nla > lJ Volatile nmtUir'kncl low . ' . ' "IJM per gallon . . 67174 ' Wmoiitt MEKiuu.jCh'cmUU ' u. K. rvair. OFFICER & PUSSY Council Biuftj Esiabiisnea 1858 Un KWH _ _ _ _ W.R.VAUCHAW. Justice ol the iPeaea Ornalia aim Council r I I uol , ti.