Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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    .2 THE DAILY BEE -OMA.ilA AY , FEBRUARY 8 , 1884.
'Tho Proaclio'r'a Qulot Habits ;
Sedentary nnd studious men some
times become prostrated before they
know it Thosc who spend nnicli
time in close mental work nnd neg
lect to take enough exercise often
find their stomachs unable to do the
work of digestion. The liver be
comes torpid. „ Tlie bowels act ir
regularly. The * brain refuses to
serve as it'oncc did. Their preaching
becomes n failure , nnd there is n Uatc
of general misery. ' * So many minis
ters have been restored to health by
the use of Brown's Iron Bitters that
clergy generally arc speaking to
their friends of this medicine ns the
very best tonic and restorer they
know of. It restores thin and watery
blood to its proper condition by toning -
ing it upt with the purest nnd most
invigorating preparation of iron that
science has ever made. It is picas-
ant to take , nnd nets immediately
ivith. the happiest results , not only
on the parsons , but on other folks
a3 well.
Mpo Bmoldmrlatharciltaitof atobaoeo.
It In the rcffti way of rmoklnir. Von irct
moro dlrecUy t Uio flavor anil t rairranco.
You lake Uio > moko cooler , and Uio tonlo
cleanlier and Rafor. m > o etuoklrff ii
smoking reduced to a flno art.
The taore Uio auction of adulterated
tobacco forces Itself on the attention of
mnokcra , the moro desirable 1 ( becomes
to know precisely what you are emoklnir ,
In Blackwcll's Dull Durham Bmoklnjr To
bacco you hart a irnaranteo ,
i alwayii , that It Is Nature's
4 ovmunadulCoratodproduct.
_ _ fa. Its fragrance , flavor , and
) *
- ri\ed from the EOll and air.
Try U. and you will bo M <
ttflvl. Nona pcnulno with.
out trade-mark of the Bull.
All ruoccMfnl Fishermen and BporU.
men nmoko IJlackwrtrii Bull Durham
Smoking Tobacco , * nd Uicy cnjojr It.
The remedy being Injected directly to the Beat ol
tha dlscano , require * no cluuico of diet or nnu cou
mercurial or poisonous medicine * to bo taken Inter
nally. When uied as a preventive by cither tot , Itli
Impossible t j contract uny jirlvato disease ; but tn thi
coso of the o already unfor.rtnately allllcted wo Ruar
nnteo thi eo boxes to euro , or wo will refund the mon
m ey. 1'rlco by mail , postage paltli per box or tlirei
boxes for $5.
( sued by all authorized agents.
SOLE rnoruinTona
PC , P. Goodman , nruggltt , Sole Agent , for Omahl
Neb. m&o-wly
Health is WjalJ
& * x4
tiENT , a Bunrnntood epocllla for HjBtcrin , litxl <
ness. CoiivHlaiono , Vila , Nervous NouralRla ,
lleadaoho , Norvons Prostrntum caunccl by the use
of alcohol ortobncoo , Wnki'fulnoBB , Jlontul IJo-
prcssion , Boftoning ot the Jiraln rceultinBinin1
nanity nnd loiuluiK to misery , ocwiy mul uentli
lroranturo Old ARO , Diirrcnnuao , LOBB ; > r powoi
in cither BOX. Involuntary Ixisaca nnd Bpormiifc
orrhccn cauecd byovor-oxortluu oj thobrnin.Boir.
nbueoor ovor-lndulnonco. Knch box conuiinf
ono month's treatment. $1.00 a boxer BIX boxoi
for $3 0 , sent by mail propaldon rocolptofprlco
To euro nny cnso. Witli cnoli or.lor rccolvod by ni
lor BIX boxoe , uccompaninl with $5.01. ' , wo vf L
Bond the jmrcliasor our wrltlon gunrnntwo to ro
fond the raonry if the trratmontilooauotoflocl
uouro. Uuaruntoaa ioenudouUrby
C. P , GOODMAN ; Solo Agent , Omaha , Nob.
s vrnrnintixl to wear loncer , n
lin form mntcr , nml ( tlvo IK.U !
tMltlactlon than nny other Conf
In thn markct.or rrlco paid wl
by wruiiilwl. Ttiolndom.uicnUij
Clilcoiru'g li it pliyelcluna. uocon
h Cornt. I'rlco , I It.I rtntrrii Jcuu , l'u Uj (
, 81.AU Ack yourin nlunturthuux >
'lt TIIB01tn. , JOXKfll A CC.T
ufaclureniu .S i ! J lloiululpli St. , Cl
QOU ) MEDAL , PAEIfl , 187 !
Warrantud itbiottitilttir
Coeon , from vlilch tliu I'xccei >
Oil Iranlu'Ciircmuscd. ItliiuMn
Iliati th itrtnglh of Cucaa nili (
with Blarcj , Jtrro\rroot or Buna
utid U llicrvforo far muro vconoui
cnl. It U dvllcloiii , uourUhlu
rtrciujtlicnlin ; , ( rully ( lltfcitril , at
admirably adapted fur Invalid *
ivtll iu far pcriioiit In health.
Uoi ! < uy ( iroccm ctcrj-iihcrr.
BAKEB 5 PL ( Dorciicstcr. Has :
f DRf
* -
Y *
1DYES | [
Tji mao-VovtAia DULT end { .tuef .
, lll Aii'UiKCKa are ceni tm U ) Days' Trial 'i
St.N ONLY. YOUKO Oil OU ) , who are um <
WiarrinaVKtuntuua. . and all tbota dlscaic o (
NIUUErtKultloK from ABDsr * aii
TBpeedy relief and ooinpkl
rwtoratloa to HBU.TII , Viaoit anil junmiuv
ouAiUKTrrn. fcend at ouco for Illuitratc
I'aiapblet f tee. Addrcu
VOI.TAIO lIKI/f CO. . niar.bnll. MIel
/ , T. ARHSTROHB , M , D. ,
. , . f iMMMt Mf * t , Pwtoo HoW , 0 l
Ladies Wo Arc Kleptomaniacs ,
Daily Pilfering Done by High-
Toned Women
Whoso Position nncl Wealth Kntlllo
Them lo Exemption from ilio
Pen nl I y.
Chicago Ncw .
A lady stopped out of a carriage and
entered onoof the largest dry goods stores
on State street , north of Madiaon , yesterday -
torday afternoon. She were a black satin
dress , i furlinod circular , silver gray
bonnet , and small but jonuino diamond
oar rings. She had the bearing of a lady
nnd a refined and sensitive faco.
The usher who mot her was requested
in a polite way to uhow her to the notion
counter. Hero she bought a spool of
white cotton , two hair pins , a sot of garter -
tor clnsps , nnd a dress braid , the whole
bill amounting to twenty-six cents.
V/hilo the girl who sold her the goods
was making out the chock she got into
conversation about clerking , and by the
titno Bho was ready to go they were the
best of friends.
"Bo kind enough to send my purchases
to the lace counter , " she said on deport
ing , nnd was soon seated before A black
velvet mat , on which were several hun
dred dollars' worth of thread laco. She
was Tory profuse in her admiration , and
nskod several times for varieties which aho
know were not in stock. The clerk in
charge was more suspicious than is uaual-
ly the case , and whenever ho wanted
another box ho gathered up the whole
display , velvet and lace , put thorn on the
box-shell , and wont after the goods in
demand , "
" \Voll , I am not satisfied with your
selection , and I think I'll look else-
whcro before buying. Have the kind
ness to send my goods to the hosiery de
partment. "
She took n scat before a row of willow
baskets that were filled with stocking !
ranging in prices from 25 cents to $1.GC
"I Rhould like to BOO some cashmere
stockings , fast colors , full regular , it
black. "
"What size ? "
"Oil , 8if " they shrink , or 8 if the dyr
pure. "
She looked at goods worth 81.75 npair ,
and , noticing some pink silk hose which
were about three yards from where she
sat , asked to see them. Tha young girl
wont to got thorn , and during her absence
sonco , which was only momentary , shi
glanced round the department , and , sup
posing all was favorable , slipped n pair o :
navy-bluo stockings , worth a trillo lost
than $2 , under her circular , and was ir
readiness to examine the silk boautioi
vrhon placed before her.
"Oh , those nro lovely ! but American
nro they not ? It thought so. Well , I can'i
say that I think much of Undo Satn'i
silk stockings ; they are strong nnd dura
bio enough , but the silk is lustreless , am
after the first washing has UP moro glosi
than n cotton rag. "
"Well , I can give you imported stock'
ing nt ? 5. "
"No ; I have changed my mind , as al
fickle people do , and will not invest tn
day. However , I am obliged for youi
attention , and will add my thanks if yoi
will send that paltry collection of goodi
to the ribbon counter. "
She passed down the length of thi
store intending to make the circuit 01
route for the ribbons , which wcro not fn
from the door. Ono of the floor managers
ors , who evidently had mot her before
overtook her , and , with a "pardon mo
madam , " stopped her near the oflico.
"If you have no objections I will mnki
out a chock for the stocking you havi
under your cloak and have them wrappoi
up , " ho said.
Of course , she feigned astonishment
and actually blushed with indignation.
"I don't want to put my hand under i
lady's cloak , but if you do not rcstor
those stockings 1 will ring for the pa
trol. "
She hesitated but a minute , for shi
took 110 to of the boy nt the tolophon
who awaited orders with his hand on th
Throwing back her shoulders and look
ing every inch n queen , slio drew fort !
the woolen hose , handed them to her accuser
cusor vrith n low , sweeping bow , withou
removing her eyes from his faco. Th
salute was returned.
"Now leave , and don't you dare t
conic iu this store again. " said the man
ager. With n bewitching smiio and
Blight bow of the head she swept dowi
the store , passed out the door , nnd entering
toring the carriage was driven west o
Washington street ,
"Why didn't you have her arrested )
was asked of the manager.
"Tho firm decide otherwise , bocaua
the notoriety wo should got would hui
the houno , and besides she is only ono c
a largo class who would have revenge b
making us their prey for the next yon
or so. "
"Aro they frequent cnllorsl"
"I cannot say so , but wo have ono cat
every day. Saturday wo lose hcnvil ]
" ' because then is
our patronage largos
and the crowd facilitates Uio success i
those pilferers. During the busy part i
each season wp engage ono of Plnkorton
private detectives , and ho spots tho-r. i
sight. Whore do wo lose most ? I thin
nearly all the thefts are made at the laci
ribbon , hosiery , and glove department
A professional whom wo watched an
caught , too , last month , bought thri
yards of as many kinds of ribbon , at ;
ponkotod as many bolts of the best in
ported ribbon wo had in the stock ,
light-lingered lady who used to trat
hero last fall could got away with
whole dozen pairs of kid gloves , the oil
and color she wanted , while the cloi
lilted her with n tingle pair. "
"I am inclined to think that thesoalu
lifters are either scheming women or u :
in business themselves nnd know haw I
go to work. Ono of our best customer
however , is n shop-lifter , but belongs I
neither of these closes. She is win
might bo called a kleptomaniac , and
utterly unable to resist the temptation i
stealing whenever there is a chance. SI
took everything she could get into a ret
culo which eho always carried. Her hu
band is n well-known lawyer in this cit ;
and acknowledged that it wus a disoui
with his wife and ho was ready to pi
for everything oho took. The stoK
goods are always billed under the hw
of sundries. The iirat time she was ii
clined to dispute the nccurack'8 of ti
statement , but it wna only once for tl
cashier thiow out broad insinuatioi
while handling the complaint. Born
times the item is aa largo an ? l'u fc 01
month , "
Great Head for Uualucas.
Detroit Free Prw .
A clothing dealnr down on Jpflers <
j avenue wus dancing around tho'door
| hU store in a great rogo yesterday , wht
an Kcquaintnnco halted nnd nalccd him
Uio oiURO of his excitement , "Vhy , dot
now boy of mlno Bolls a man n hat for n
dollar dot vims marked twelve nhilllngs. "
"And you logo fifty conta ? " Foofty
contsl I discharge dot boy no quoek his
head doan' liov time to ahwitnl" In the
courao of an hour the pedestrian was re
paying the store , nnd , seeing the man at
the door with a emilo on his face , ho
nskod , "Well , did you diachargo the
boy ? " "Dot boy vns all right , sir ! Vhpn
I comes to inquire into it I doan' lot him
go if I have to pay him moro wages. Ho
makes a mistake on price , but when ho
gifsback | [ dor change for a 810 bill ho gets
mo rid of nil my trade dollars nnd pieces
mit holea in "cint"
Hood's Sarsnparilla givo.1 nn appetite ,
nnd imparts now life nnd energy to nil the
functions of the .body. Try n bottle nnd
realize it.
Tlio Itcllgion , Ilnhlti , mill niornlH oi'
llio Oypnj'H The Tlnlccrs
Philadelphia Press.
The only living American who has nny
intimate knowledge of the language , his
tory , nnd customs of the mysterious gypsy
is Uharlca Godfrey Lulanil , the diatin-
guiahod author , of this city.
Although "Hnna liroitmann" has spent
many years of his lifo in Fhilndolphia ,
his personal appearance is not generally
known. Apparently , ho is nbout CO years
of ago. lie wears n full , long , flowing
iron-gray board. His gray hair is closely
cut. The forehead is broad and full.
His dark , restless , nnd ohnrp eyes glisten
from under high-arched eyebrows. Mr.
Loland's manner in free and kind. Hn
is nervous nnd his hands nro forever in
"Oh , yes , I do know considerable about
the gypsies , " ho said In the course of
conversation. "I was with them con
stantly for several years in England , nnd
oven now , in America , I see some of that
queer folk nonrly every week. The way
1 camp to know thorn wna through m ;
studying philology , for months 1 tpnit
entire days in their tents , using on'.j the
Ilomnny language. By the bye , theit
language is the best index of their origin.
The gypsy is unquestionably n Hindoo ,
The European gypsies of to-day lm\o re
tained much of their race characteristics.
But they are amalgamating moro or loss
with other races. They thrive bettor iu
America than elsewhere. In England
the passage of the inclosuro net virtually
abolished nil commons , nnd BO the gypsy
has now no plaro to pitch his tent unless
ho becomes n trespasser. The fact is that
the great increase of population there
of 20,000,000 of people in that small
country necessary put n stop to gypsy
encampments. Now very many live
in cities during winter season. In
summer they resume their nomadic ca
reer."Their avocation for the most part ia
horse-dealing nnd fortune-tolling.
They have the reputation of stealing
horses. They don't deserve it. I regard
1 the gypsy as n very much moro honest
character than many Christian folks of a
superior standing nnd higher culture.
Many people think they steal household
articles. I am sure they don't. Why ,
if an article is missed within five miles oi
n gypsy tent , the entire neighborhood
for miles around makes n raid on the
tent. If they over did steal this would
prevent it. Besides , there is no need ,
All gypsies are rich. The mon are verj
shrewd horse-traders , nnd they earn considerable
sidorablo money nt the business. Tlu
women alwaya lind superstitious people
r from whom to extract money for tolling
their fortunes. Their habits nro ocono
mica } , nnd their mode of lifo very inox
pensive. The gypsy never cares aboul
personal surroundings. Even the old
taste for fancy cobtumos is disappearing ,
if it has not entirely disappeared ;
"How many gypsies there are I can nol
any. 1 was only able to trace nbout on <
hundred family names in England. Mosl
of these have representatives in America
There are a few Snnnish ( jypsios hen
also , but the great bulk nro of Englisl
stock. Most of the older folks in Amoric :
now were born in England. Only thi
younger generations are natives. Thi
o Scotch gypsies are of a higher class ; bu
they are not numerous now. Irish gypsies
Yes , there are some fow.
"They nro for thd most part tinkers o :
tinklers. They have a dialect of thni :
own , which 1 nm the lirat philologicu
discoverer of. Tiio only mention of it ii
literature is by Shakespeare , who make ;
Prince Hal say : 'I can talk with thotinko
in his own dialect , The dialect is callot
thoUholta. Some time ago I saw nn Irish
man tinkering ia the back yard of inj
houao. I wont up nnd addressed him ii
Romany. Ho replied in that tongw
without showing the least surprise. ]
then addressed him in the Sholta. Ho a
once exhibited unfeigned surprise. Tin
follow told mo ho know very few wh <
spoke the dialect , nnd thnt ho wns sur
prisc l to find mo use it. From him ]
Iparned much moro of the dialect than :
had known. 1 made his instructions t <
mo the basis of n chapter in a work on thi
gypsies. A London journalist said tha
the Irishman had poked off nn ancion
Irish dialect on mo. 1 jokingly roprorci
my instructor in the Sholtn. 'Bo dad ,
said ho , with a strong Irish nccont'i
there wns but ono language , no you thinl
would I have been after learning twol
The Irish gypsy b a half-breed. They nn
all tinkers ,
"Tho religion of the gypsy was pur
8. atheism. They are the only absolut atheists I over mot. But now , however
DO in England , they are beginning to practice
id tico formal religion. Some of them nav
n- the babies baptized , und others nu'co
nA legal marringo. With this change , ma1
lo come a love of civilized and cultured pur
lon suits. An far as I can trace no gypsy ha
to risen in literature , nrt , or science. However
rk over , if ho should , it would bo dillicultit
provp , for pride would hide the origin. I
is said that Daniel Webster nml Ilunniba
rote jp Hamlin were of gypsy descent. I do no
believe thoaEsortiou had
teat good foundation
President Lincoln certainly did look lik
a SJ'Wi nd yut I know no reason to ns
at sort that ho sprung from these strong
is pooplo. With theao amalgamations wit
of gentiles cornea alson desire to settle down
10 There nro the Coopers in Boston an
Harrisons in Waahiugto'n ; they nro ricli
and , as far as 1 know they never go o
the road , I know n few other familic
y.BO that have given up tent lifo , and wh
now permanently rcaido in houses. "
xda llejmty , that traniitory newer , can only I
a- lioul by using 1'ozzoiml'ii medicated complo :
lie on | xndor. .
10us Served Him
0- ii < n toJ Hallway Jouruil.
119 Mary was a buxom country lass , nn
her father was an upright deason in th
Methodist church of n Connecticut vl
lago. Mary's plan of joining the boj
and girls in a nutting party wasfrui
on trntod by the unexpected arrival of
of number " "
of the "brethren" on their wa
en to conference , nnd Mary had to atayj
liomo nnd got dinner for her father's cler
ical guests , llor already rufiled temper
was Increased by the reverend visitors
themselves , who eat nbout the alovo nnd
in the wny. Ono of the good ministers
noticed her wrathful impatience , nnd desiring -
siring to rebuke the sinful manifestation ,
said sternly : "Mnry , what do you think
will bo your occupation in hollr "Pretty
much the anmo ns it is on earth , " she re
plied ; "cooking for Methodist miniatora. "
Letter From n Well-Known Now York
110 & 118 EAST l-lrit STHKF.T ,
NEW YOIIK , May 18th , 188. ! .
I hnvo been troubled with an Irrita
tion of the Throat and ft Cough for aomo
time. I nm nlss a martyr to Dyspepsia.
By the ndviao of n very learned physician
1 nppliod two AIT-COOK'S POHOUH PI.AH-
TElis to my cheat , nnd ono on the pit ol
my stomach , In three days my Couili ;
was cured nnd my Throat was well. I
have now worn the Plasters two weeks ,
and my nppotito nnd digestion hnvo
much improved. 1 nm coniidont that in
another week my Dyspousia will bo en
tirely removed. 1 have never used so
nlcaxant and aiirccallo a rcmcy in my
"Allcock's" is the only ponuino Porous
Plaster ; all other ao-called Porous Plas
ters nro imitations.
Arknnsnw'H Hot Springs.
Correspondence Now York Times.
They have n story down hero of n trap
per traveling with his boy Iko , who came
unexpectedly upon the Hot Springs ono
day before there was any settlement.
The boy saw the steaming water pouritif
from the rocks nnd wanted to stop _ nnc
wntch it. "No , go on , go on , " said the
old man ; "don't stop hero for jfour lifo
this plnco nin't moro than live miles from
porditionl" Only ho didn'tsay perdition
thnt isn't the Arkansaw name for it , i
the trapper were to come hero now nut
were to fall into the hands of any of the
army of quack doctors and other sharks
who have pitched their tents hero , ho
might possibly think ho had covered the
remaining five miles. The little city tha
has grown up around the springs is like
no other place under the sun. It is n
great hospital , with the patients forovc :
sunning themselves on the sidewalks ; i
is n California mining town , with build
ings springing up in n night , nnd the
music of hammers and saws ringing everywhere
whore ; it is n progressive Ynnkoo town in
Massachusetts , with a good fire depart
ment , fine water w rks , good city gov
eminent , and a handsome brick opera
houao ; it is n very religious place
with n dozen or 20 churches o
all donominntions , twice as man ;
ministers , and n great assortment o
church fairs , sociables , and Bible societies
ties ; it is n paradise of gamblers , wit ]
fifty faro banks open day and night , Sun
day included ; the moral tone of the plac
is kept up by a saloon to about every fou
inhabitants : it has n little police fore
drosaoa exactly in the Now York uniform
it has three or four brass bandi that soon
to bo playini : day and night , and tha
make n specialty of being drawn througl
the principal streets in chariots 'over ;
Sunday afternoon , pLiying "Tommy
Mnko lloom for Your Uncle ; " it has stroo
cars , gas-works , scores of electric lights
telephones , banks , daily newspapers , bij
hotels all the attributes of civilization
It has 0,000 inhabitants nnd 0,000 o
8,000-visitors every year. There is nvor
heavy penalty for carrying concoaloc
weapons , yet every man is a walking ar
aonal. In the streets are cowboystramps
city mon from nearly every big America !
city , cripples , Chinamen , gamblers. Ital
ians , and a choice assortment of th
laziest and most insolent negroes tha
over ornamented n southern town. I
combines , in short , the characteristics p
towns in Now England , in California , ii
Texas , in Georgia , and in the frco nnc
onlichtonod commonwealth of Arkansaw
It has so many very gnod pointscountor
acted by so many very bad points , that i
would bo the nasirst thing in the world tc
write it up as the banner town of America
ica , or to write it down ns the worst hoi
in the world. To take n middle cours
between those extremes , and describe i
just as it is , ( which is what I shall try t
do ) , will bo an undertaking of some mage
o nitudo.
As a natural wonder the hot spring
deserve to rank with Niagara falls an
the Mammoth cave. No two people so
these things alike ; but to mo to see fift
springs of hot water pouring forever ou
of the rocks is n creator curiosity than t
sco the Niagara river take its grand turn
bio. There are other hot springs i
America , but uono to compare with thes
in magnitude or heat. They all com
out within a Hmall space on the side o
the hot springs mountain , nnd in most o
them the water is so hot that n porso
would not care to dip his fingers in i
moro than once. Any of the springs wi
cock an ngg in n very few minutes. Pee
pie go across the street with their cans
till them with water before breakfast
and return home and with this natural !
hot water cook eggs , stoop tea and nf tor
ward wash the dishes , this ns pure an
tastclcis as any water that bubbles froi
the earth , and excellent for cooking. A :
tor bathing in it n short time , ( but nc
lees than two or three weeks , ) the hai
Booms more naturally charged with electricity
tricity ; and you cnn go to nny of th
springs nnd drink glass after glass just n
it comes out of the rock without nntise
thnt usually follows n draught of ho
water. But thceo are the only iudicn
tions that the hot springs wato
contains any medical proportic
whatever ; for it is entirely tasteless , nn
nnalyecs have failed to discover anyjmii
orals except such as nro found in a
water. They have made the miatnk
hero that is made in most such places o
putting the buildings over nearly all th
springs , for visitors like to see th
actual issuing of the water from th
earth. But this can still bo aeon to spin
extent , for there are dozens of littl
outlets that are not counted , that poll
their tiny steaming streams into the Ho
Springs crook. This creek runs entire ]
through the valley , through the mai
street , and in places it is naturally walle
with a curious black stone that 1 ca
call nothing but burned rock. It ha
certainly boon burned in n volcano , nn
npt very long ago. Some of it is sof
onought to orumblo in the hand , nnd th
marks of fire are still upon it. Throug
thw black rock the little Jivulflts trickl
LO into the creek , every ono of them stean
nip ; nnd I have gene out into the stroo
early on n frosty morning whoii th
whole place looked like n vait ten kettle
with steam rising everywhere.
lo an unprejudiced visitor it look
curious that the United States coven
inont should bo the owner of the enl
piece of land in Arkansaw that's wort
powder enough to blow it up with ( I be
10 Arknnsaw's pardon ) . But such is > th
case. There was a long litigation eve
U , 1 believe , and the government cam
out on the top side , and now owns th
raountaiii , and consequently nil the ho
Bl"n8 The
- - have to p
tribute , and so does the Arlington ho o
Inch is on the government reservation.
ho price of baths is consequently rcgtt-
itcd in Washington , and no moro than
0 cents n bath is allowed to bo ch&rgcd ,
elides which you havoito pay your
arky 15 cents for pretending to rub you
own and prepare the tub , nnd furnish
our own towels. The government is
uilding n military hospital on ono corner
f the mountain , nnd ia arching over
ho Hot Springs creek , nnd leveling the
trcot for the better preservation of iU
mountain. The impression is very general
n Hot Springs that the hospital is to bo
or the thousands of sick tramps who
omo hero from everywhere , but this is n
ittlo mistake. The work of nrching over
ho creek upnota the main street terribly ,
id makes the whole place look out of
.rim , but n few months moro will BOO it
inishcd , ( with the nid of another appro
bation ) , through the heart of the city.
The place has grown so rapidly nearly
ill the buildings being of frame that
louses were erected on hill tops nnd in
deep valleys , without regard to grado.
The city shaves off the hills nnd fills up
.ho valleys of now atroeta ns fast as it
can , nnd houacs thnt yesterday opened
out upon the sidewalk , to-morrow will
ind the streets on n level with their
roofs. Other houses nro loft high in the
air , nnd have to bo approached by flights
of stops. '
In nil the bath houses the visitor real
izes nt once thnt ho is in Arkansaw ,
whom the darkies believe that Massn
Linkum's proclamation emancipated not
only from servitude but from nny further
iccessity to wield n scrubbing brush or n
jroom. Some of the buildings , notnbly
; ho Now Hector nnd the Palace , are
grotty wooden structures , neatly fur-
iishon. But there is not the air of
cleanliness about nny of them that there
ihould bo. The routine for taking n bath
a about the same in all of them. You
nro supposed , first of nil , to hnvo n phy
sician's advice nbout bathing ; but in the
cnso of n person of ordinary strength
this is not at all dccessary. Local tradi
tion tolls you how very powerful the
waters nro , nnd how the first sensation
on entering the tub is n gentle electric
thrill , loTlowcd by n general fooling of
elation. This is nil bosh. The first fool
ing is that the bath tub is greasy and
needs a good scrubbing. The sen-
lations nro exactly these of getting
into n warm bath in your owe
louso. If you go to n doctor ho will
toll you for 85 to take thcjwater at a tem
perature of 08 * to 100 % to stay in aboul
10 minutes , nnd to drink , any n pint ol
the water while bathing. Those direc
tions ho writes carefully out on A printed
plank , you give the blank to your bath
ing attendant , ho files it on an iron hook ,
and immediately forgets nil nbout it. Il
you don't have n doctor's directions you
soon find these things out for yourself.
You have n comfortable little room to un
dress in , and immediately behind this is
the room with the tub in which some
other fellow bathed 10 minutes ago , anc
for which two or three moro are now-
waiting in the parlor. But you musn'i
mind n little thing like that. After
spending your 10 minutes or so in the
water , you can if you wish , or if your
doctor directs , go into what is callet
the 'Vapor , " a closer closet into which
the steam is conducted. This is
utterly without ventilation , is per
fectly dark , nnd you will not want tu
stay in it moro than the usual two min
utes. You comp out , take another douse
in the tub , and if you hnvo nerve enough
; ot under the cold shower , which immo
[ iatoly makes you feel like n prize-fighter.
Your attendant rubs you down with a
Turkish towel , you dress , and go into the
parlor to cool oif. There you will moot a
apron or twenty choice spirits , all mop
ping their hcnds with towels , and de
scribing to each other with great minute
ness the now and interesting phases ol
their different diseases. You will fine
that they represent every disease you over
heard of , and n good mnny moro , and
that they are nearly all anxious to toli
you about their "cases. " If you nro like
most mortals you will for a time wish
yourself in purgatory for n little recrea
tion , but in n short time you become used
to it , and join with the others in laugh
ing at the "tender-feet , " who , having
just arrived , nro visibly frightened at the
ugly sight.
An Undoubted Blcsalng.
About thirty years ORO , a prominent Phy
sician by the name of Dr. William Hnll dis
covered , or produced after long ojqiorimenta
research , a remedy for diseases of the throat
chest nnd luoga , which wna of anch wondorfu
efficacy that it Boon gained a wide ropntatloi
in this country. The name of the medicine ia
LUNGS , and may be safely rolled on as a
speedy and positive euro for coughs , colds
sore throat. &c. Sold by all Druggists.
Durno'a Catarrh Snun" .
Hits well known remedy lor Catarrh stil
maintains IU well earned popularity. K. A
Savage , of Geneva , Kansas writes March 4
1880. I have used Durno's Civtarrh Snuff
and it la the only thing that docs mo nny good
It nlwuys alTccU n cure. " Sold by druggists
Townsly's Toothache Anodyne curei in
stantly. _ _
It 1'nyu to Advertise.
Now Ha\en Now * .
The following advertisement wn
printed in The Morning News a couple
of days ago ;
Bov WASTED Good references required
steady employment. Apply to G. 1) . H.Huu
liAltl ) , IMutertt1Vareliouao , 370 Stitto St ,
The Morning News received the fol
lowing notice last night :
BOKN In this city , January -l.a eon
and Mrs. G. 1) . 11 llubhard.
llorsford'H Auitl
Admirable Results In Fever.
Dr. J. J , RYAN , St. Louis , Mo. Bays
"I invariably proscribe it in fevers ; also
in convnleacenaoa from wasting and do
bilating diseases , with admirable results ,
1 also find it a tonic to an enfeebled con
dition of the genital organs. "
The oiptrlonca In the treatment ol Cancer with
B lft'dHj > ocllla(8. ( H H. ) uoulil bucui to v&rr&nt u
In t > Ii > tf that It wll curatliUmucti dreaded BCOUI-KC
re oimatlllctelki < InUtodto corrcapoml ulthui
lbclmeSUt'.i8r.cclll-il ! > nsi\eJ my Itfo. I ImJ
> Irtiikllly lost tha uuo of the upper part ol my body
ami lay nniu Iron ) the poisonous effect * ol a Urt ;
caivcr on my neck , ( rum whirli I tnj mitturd for ; ' (
> cara , H. H , H hai relioied mool all sortuex , Bin
the polion la being forced out of my eyitcm. I H U
W. n. Homaoi , DatUboro , Ca.
Tno moiithi ign my attention wit called to th
O BO of amaii allllct < xl \ \ 1th * caucer ou her dioal
dor at least Iho IndieIn oircumfereiice angry , pain
fill , and ulvliif the patient no re&t day or mgbt fo
U month * . I obtained a lupply of Hwlft'i bpcciH
for for her. She bat taken ttto bottle , and the u'c '
U entirely bested up , only a my imall ( cab rcraili
InU and tier health f bttUr thau for ttto ) can put
Bet wa to bo iwifcctly cured.
UKV , JLMBE CAuruLUColumbui , ( la.
I bare tccn remarkable rciulti from uie ol H tft'
Si'cclflo ot n canonr , A youni ; uun hero bu bee
uttlictcd Iho > e r * with Uio iuo t angry looking tat
log raucrrt I ev er ba\v and w t eirly acid The flu
boltlu ii'ade a wonderful change , and after five tat
tc ! vere UVeii , bo linearly or quite will It U trul
H oudcrtxil *
U. F. CurxLXT , U. D. , Oglcthorpe , 0 .
Our tr tlao on Blood and HUu IUea e4 mallei
free to applicant * .
Drawer 3 , Atlanta Oa.
N r. Office , U9W , S3J St. , bctvecn Otli and 7th AT
Has tho.Largest Stookliin Omaha and MakesHtho
Lowest Prices.
Furniture !
Purchasers should nvnil themselves of the opportunity now offered to
juy nt Low Prices by taking advantage o the great inducements set out
1206 , 1208 nd 1210 FnrnnmSt
To All Floors. OMAHA , NEB.
403 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878 Catarrh ,
Deafness , Lung nnd Nervous Diseases Speedily and Permanently Cured. Patients
Cured at Homo. Write for "TiiK MEDICAL-MISSIONARY , " for the People , Free.
Consultation nnd Coi r3Tv n ] p" ce GVnrfw P.O. Box 292. Telephone No. 220.
RON. EDWARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , says : "Physician of
Koal Ability and Marked Success. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport ,
writes : "An iiOnorablo Man , Fmo Success , Wonderful Cures. " Hours. 8 tn 5.
( Chicago , Burlington & Quincy Railroad. )
I Elegant Day Conches , Parlor Cars , with Reclin Solid Trains of Elegant Par Coaches and PutH
Infr Chairs ( tcata free ) , Smoklnjj Cars , with Re- man Palace Sleeping Cars are run dally to andj
reiving Chairs. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars and from St Louis , via Hannibal , Quincy , KcokiikJ
.ho famous C. B. & Q. Dining Cars run daily to and Burlington. Cedar Rapids and Albert Lea to St' '
'rom Chicago & Kansas City , Chicago & Council Paul and Minneapolis : Parlor Cars with UeclinU ? '
.Bluffs . , Chicago & Dos Moines. Chicago , St. Jo Chairs to and fromSt Louis and I'eorianndt" ,
seph , Atchbon & Topeka. Only through line between - and from St Louis and Ottumwa. Only 01 i
tweon Chicago , Lincoln & Denver. Through cars change of cars between St Louis nnd B :
between Indianapolis & Council Bluffs via i'eortn. Molncs , Iowa , Lincoln , rfcoraska , and Denver
All connections made In Union Depots , It 131 Colorado ,
known as the great THROUGH CAB LINE. 1 It la universally admitted to be the
Flnnst Equipped Railroad In the World for ail Clnssos of Travel. ,
P. J. POTTER. 3d Vice-Prcs't and Gen' } Manager. PEHOEVAIi LOWEf.T. ) on. to * . AR' ( . Chicafc. . . !
Upholstery Goods
O TT R E" k. X 3\T
Commence the sale of all goods in our line
m r i"i s * * * " tf ? v MB
This will present nn opportunity never before oflcred in Omaha for
the purchase of Carpets retail at the
New York Wholesale Prices.
Anil these desiring n choice selection should cal 1 early , as the [ rush
will doubtless be great.
As owing to the prices , wo will Hell only for cash. Remember the place
313 Farnam Street , - - - .Omaha , Web.
widUetray Prices before hnvvip elsewhere. Yards , corner
J. 0. PRESOOTT - VI . 9 f'
vx .cl.
Music , Musical Instruments of all Descriptions
XxxYtlao * * > *