Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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Thursday Morning , Fob. 7.
The ovorUml train from the well yester
day afternoon was two hours Into.
The stock of wlnos , llqunra nnd dgara ,
formerly owned by Julius Trottechko were
sold nt sheriff's ftlo yesterday
City Manlial Outhrlo hai issued nn order
prohibiting idling anil loafing In the city jail.
What will become of "Chicken Jim ? "
The funeral of Daniel Hurloy was largely
Attended Tuosdaymornlng. The A. 0 , II. band
escorted the procession to the cemetery.
Tlio many friends of Mrs. Hannah Largo
And her non-lnlaw , Mr. 0. 11 Gordon , will
learn with regret that both of them uro dan *
gornusly 111 with pneumonia.
The citizens of North Omaha will hold n
mooting on Saturday evening noUnt 7 o'clock
lit Samlor's grocery etoro on Cumlng street , to
dh.niss the subject of lini > rocmcnts In that
Another gambling homo was opened on
Douglas street , on the second floor of Splglo's
building , Saturday oionlng. Tills makes four
full fledged Rambling house * located on Dou
glas street.
The annual supper nnd reunion of the
Dtptlst church will take place In the church
parlors on Thursday night nt 0:30. : A cordial
invitation to nil members of the congregation
is extended to bo present.
The dance of the Thunton hose company
"will bo hold in Crounso'a hall Thursday even
ing , February llth , nt which time the com.
pany will bo proionto J with a beautiful ban
ner by Mrs. J. JL Tlmrston.
The ambulance from Fort Omaha , carry-
lug the children from school to the pogt.wiu
wrecked near Twentieth and Webster streets
last evening and the driver severely hurt ,
while several of the children were bruised by
the overturning of the vehicle.
The vigilance committoo.of Jlrown county ,
Nebraska , suspecting Thomas Durnnd , living
near 0'Nolllof being n bad horse thief , hanged
him six miles from O'Neill Sunday night , but
bo afterwards managed to cut himself loose
nnd fled the country.
Mr. P. C. Hlmobaugh , who Is now in Cal
ifornia , writes to a friend that ho is very much
imtircycd in health. Mrs. IHmobaugh has
joined him for several months , and they expect
to visit various place of Interest nnd pleasure
in that delightful winter cliinato.
Tlio contract for the construction of tlio
B. & M. now line from Aurora to Grand Is
land has boon lot to Malory & Gushing , who
will at once put n force of men to work and
complete the entire track by the 1st of May.
The distance is twenty-throo iiilloa nnd there
is not much heavy work.
A young f ollew by the name of MInquo ,
who has boon hanging around the gambling
houses for some time past , was arrested TuosI
J.tnlnht ( or vagrancy. This morning the judge
nantoucod him to fifteen days work on the
streeti. That will almost break his heart , for
it U ttocidcdly against hU principles to work.
A good many of our citizens and business
men appreciate the introduction of Incandes
cent light , and nro having burners placed In
' their places of business. The First National
bank have twenty lights pkcod in their
bank building ; the Nebraska National have
twenty ; McNamarn & Duncan hava twenty
ia their saloon , and a number of business
houses liavo n Kiuallor number. T iero is no
doubt but that the Incamlrscont light ia the
finest light in use for offices and small rooms.
Johnny Brunuer , son of the superintend-
out of public instruction , met with an ccldont
Tuesday cost' him one of his finger'
While engaged Jin moving a printing press In
"Vnn liuren'a ollico hia finger was caught be
neath the machine iu such a manner as to
crush It oft. It iin painful wound but the
youthful HtifFeror is getting along nicely.
Members and friends of the Young Men's
Christian Association enjoyed a pleasant
evening nt the association hall last night. A
number of mombora of the Council Bluirij
association , headed by Secretary Curtis , wore
present. Music , refreshments and other pan-
times completed tin. en joy able programme.
\ Mr , Hzrn Milliard loft for Chicago h t ovou-
] \ls3 ! Helen Q t7laii , of St. 1'aul , in the
gucet ofliiisa Itlohartlson. '
Chirlc.i Siuimlora , 1'gq , , loft last ovonlug 01
his return to Helena , Mont. ' /
Mlitt Oarrlo Blsliop , who has boon vhltluR
frlonda for u movoolc3 , roturndd to Denver
W. H. Bonnet , an old Omaha boy , who has
lately engaged In the theatrical bualnou * , la tn
the city visiting old friends.
TiIlM Mary Nowcomb , of Qulucy , 111. , who
has boon visiting MIsa Dolllo McCormtck , loft
yesterday to return to her homo. '
Mr. Goodwin , representing Clara Moms ,
the great emotional actress , was In the city ,
Tillaa Horrla will pasa through thia city to
day en route for Denver. After playing
nn cngagemont in that city , the will return tc
Omaha , where HUO will ploy an engagement ol
two nights , TUoiday nnd Wednesday , Fobrn.
nrySlst and 22d. Shots without doubt the
greatest emotional actress In the world to-day
W. A. WilU , David City , ia at the MJllard ,
J. W. rortertiold , Fremont , nnd 11. A
Welluiaa , Hampton , nro guests of the till
JT , 0. Kohl , Bchuyler , nnd J. Wood Smith
Loup City , are at the Mlllard.
A. IS. Cody , Schu/ler , and B , H. Cowdcry
Columbus , are registered nt tne Mlllard.
M. A. Mlhllls , New Haven , Conn , , la riuar
tsiod nt the Millard.
W. J. Gou , of liklr , Ia at the I'axton.
C , W. Avcrlll , of IJiioolu , U n guest nt th
Pax ton.
J. L. Dart , of Beatrice , ta utopplug at th
H , 0. BIgelow and wifa , ul Hebron , am
K , Adams , of Central City ; nro at the 1'ax
' John 1C , Hwris , pf Hod Cloud ; B. f
\ " J'rown , of Bellevue , and F , C. Harrison , ' ar
TigUtMttd at the I'axton ,
0,1C. Hlgonbothaw and wife , of Button
Fred. W. Vaughau , of Fremont , and JuanN
, JBoyla .aud T. H , Morrlck , of Kearney , ar
topilripr 6t the FAXton.
J. M. MjiloDO end lady , of Lincoln , or
guiwU tit the Mtitrypo'ltan.
IT. CBL rp. vf Canton , George W > How
w laudS , M. DeLauoy , of Lincoln ore ten
MwJ > t tiie MetrujiollUu. ,
.J buK il y ftnd Jolin LftugUlln , of Area
A.n Indictment Found ARntnst Ocor-
Kin Sinclair ,
In the district court yesterday the
day's assignment wfis called in the morn
ing , but no cnsos were found ready for
trial in the forenoon. Judge Neville
nt 11 n. m. adjourned court until 2
o'clock , The case of Spading against
O'Brien was taken up before Judge
Vakoloy at that time to n jury. This
clion WAS biought on a bond signed by
ofondftiit for $10,000 , for the half of
which amount plaintiff claims that
O'Brien is liable. The defendant alleges
10 was induced to sign the bond by
raud and misrepresentations and con-
oquontly is divested of his liability.
In the afternoon the grand jury were
> rought into the court to report and ro-
rUrn its presentments. Only ono in-
ictmont so far was found , that against
loorgin Sinclair charging her with on-
icing and decoying girls under eighteen
oars to disorderly houses for purposes
f prostitution. The prosecuting wit-
IPBSCS Mrs. James and Miss Jessie Toy-
or renewed their bond of $300 each to
ppoar at tha trial of Mrs. Sinclair on
us charge in the district court.
W. P. Crowoll was appointed bailiff of
the court.
In the case of Grossman ngainst Gross-
tan default was entered against all the
ofondants yesterday forenoon.
The following is the list of to-day's
ssignmcnts :
oforo Judge Wakoloy
Spaulding vs. . O'Brien.
Edwards vs. Board of County Com-
IIousol vs. Oromor.
Krolish vs. Svacina.
cforo Judge Kovillo
Lodotior vs. Nyo.
Ililloko vs. HUBS.
Same vs. Same.
Gallagher va. Dow.
North vs. Ponbody.
Itous vs. Wright ot nil
Johnixoon vs. Nelson.
Iluokloii'8 Arnica Salvo.
The greatest mrdlcal wonder of tlio world ,
fnrrantod to speedily euro Uurns , Cutfl. Ul
an. Suit llhoum , i'over Soros. Cancers , 1'llon ,
hillblaltm , Corns. Totter , Chapped hands ,
ud all Mn eruption , gnrantood to euro in
very Instance , or tnouoy refunded. 25 contH
or box.
A Flno Showing Miulo for tlio First
Nine Montliu.
The annual mooting of the Omaha
luilding and Loan association was hold
n the Firomons' hall last evening.
The mooting was called to order by
'resident Bcchol , nearly two hundred
members being present. The report of
10 committee to examine the nocrotrtry'a
> ooks was road and approved. The re-
> ort showed 2,013 olmrca of atock , worth
iO.dO per Hharo , upon which the not
iroilt since May lat , 1883 , was § 2.55
rich share , netting a gain of 28 1-3 per
ont in nine months , and raising its
aluo to $11.55.
Tlio mooting then proceeded to the
luction of directors.
A motion was then made and carried
: iat the nine candidates receiving the
ighost number of votes bo declared .the
iroctors for the ensuing year.
The ballot resulted in the olootion of
V. F. Bochol , J. H. Butler , J. RosScky ,
Charles U. Turnoy , E. K , Longi G. An-
roon , 0. P. Noodlmm , L. M. Rhoom
nd J times Forsyth.
A rosalution was introduced by Judge
Savage by which the directors elected
tat evening shall bo divided into throe
losses , of throe each , ono class to servo
or ono year , the second for two years ,
nd the third for three years , and Ivoro-
ftor throe directors to fill the place of
ho outgoing onoa , to bo elected nt each
nnual meeting instead of ninn.
The mooting then adjourned.
The directors will moot in tlio near
uluro and elect the company's ofllcors
or the ensuing year.
An Kdltor'H Tribute.
Thcron IMCpator. Kclltorof 1't , Wayne ,
Iiid. , "Guzotto , " writoi ! "For the past five
earn liuvo always used Dr , King's Now Din-
: every , for coughs of moat acvoro character , as
veil M for these of n wilder typo. It never
nils to Direct a speedy euro , lily frlonda to
whom I have roconiiiiondod it , apeak of It Ii
nniuo high tcrmi. Having boon cured by it nl
uvory cough I liavo had for five yearn , I con
sider it tha only reliable nnd HUIO euro for
Douglw. Colds , etc. " Call ftt 0. 1' . Goodman' *
Drug Store nnd Rot a Wee Trial Ilottlo. Largo
Slio 81.00.
Tlio Uuatriuo Itrnncti.
The Beatrice extension , the now roaO
juilt down tha Blue valluy by the U. P.
railway company , between Lincoln ant
Beatrice , , will bo opened for business
about tho'-lCth inst. , with the following
stations : 43
Jamaica , eight miles from Lincoln.
Ilanlon , olovoii miles from Lin
coin )
Gortlan , twonty-two miles from Lin
coin. '
Piokroll , thirty-two miles from Lin
coin. *
Tito distance from Pick roll to Beatrice
la' ' eight wlloa ; the distance from Lincoli
to Ityalrico , forty raileu.
A Very llomarlcnblo Kccovory.
Mr , Goo. V. Willing , of Manchester. Mich.
wrltaa ; "My wlfo has boon almoat holplos
for live years. BO holploat that bhu could no
turn over tn bed uluno. Shi used two Uottlot
of JJleotrlo Jilttors , and U to much improved
that vhoia now nblo to do her own work , "
Kloctrlo Bittern will do all that la clalmoi
for them , Hundreds of testimonials niton
their great curative power * . Only fifty cents
u bottle at 0. Goodman1 ' * .
TcmporAiiuo Prayer Meeting ,
The mombora and all ladies who do
airo the welfare of mankind , are earnestly
invited to work with the W , 0 , T. U , tc
avert the woo pronounced on him tha
siveth his neighbor drink. ITub. 2:15 :
Mooting to bo hold in Y , H ,0. A. room *
Thursday , February 7 , at 2:30 : p , m
sharp. By order of president.
Miw. L. G , OIUUI.TON , Seo'y.
A Aligning
William Eggleston , a man who 1m
boon in the employ of Dr. Chambers , th
veterinary surgeon , for omo time past
is missing and it is feared has mot -with
omo foul play. Ho left the doctor1
home , on Sherman venue , Monday
night , having drawn a month's salar
j Imt still having a balance duo him. Ho
wnodoim to the city and afterwards
; told a companion that he was going ou
o the road house , Since that time holes
los not boon soon , and inquiry showed
that ho had not boon at either of the
road houses. Ho was a man who never
drank at all , was steady nnd industrious
and who had no reason to go off in any
such way. Ho was only about 33 years
of ago.
Dr. Chambers is trying in every way
o solve the mystery which surrounds his
ate ,
J. IV , Sforrlson's 1'niicr WcttliiB Bta-
vhlnc , Now at Work In tlio
PrcHs llooiti of the Hoc.
For a number of years , Mr. J. W.
Morrison , foreman of THE BKK'S press
room has boon engaged in perfecting a
nachino which would do away with wot-
ing pnpor by hand , As ho his con-
tantly wntchcd the growin list of THE
DKE , and the enormous amount of paper
oquirod to Till the subscription list of
liis paper , nil of which had to bo dam
pened by hand , ho was more and more
mprossod with the fact , that seine means
must bo devised by which the paper
rould bo dampened moro rapidly and at
.ho eamo time , evenly.
After long and careful otudy ho finally
uccoodod in putting together n machine
which docs its work to perfection. _ On
ho 4th day of December last ho obtained
otters patent upon a machine for wetting
) apor , and at once ordered ono made ,
rhich has since boon completed and is
low at work in the press room of Tun
The bundle of paper is opened nnd
ilacod upon the food-board nnd ia fed
hrough the machine n quire at n time ,
ust as the bundle is opened. The paper
lassos between rollers , and n pan of wa-
or comes up at each revolution of the
nachino , and the paper is passed through
Ills , than through moro rollers , and-out
ho roar ot the machine , vrhon it ia taken
> y n fly and laid in proper shape upon
lie delivery table.
The machine is so constructed , that by
ilacing the foot upon nn automatic trip ,
.ho water does not come up to meet the
apor , and consequently it passes through
dry shod.
By the use of this machine , twenty
jundlcs of paper may bo thoroughly and
evenly wetted in one hour , and that too ,
nt very small expense where power is ro-
[ uirod to run other machinery , as this
nachino runs so light as to bo scarcely
noticeable upon the powor.
At present , mechanics are employed in
lorfocting a system of folding machines
vhich can bo attached to presses and run
n conjunction therewith. In the event
of their success , which is already assured ,
t will bo very essential that the paper bo
/cry evenly wetted , and this cannot bo
done by hand , and Mr. Morrison's machine -
chino ia the only one now working which
operates to perfection. James has un-
loubtcdly struck a bonanza in his invon-
AVI11 Danlolw , tlio Ex-MnnnKcr of the
Holler Itinlc , Tendered a
Ilcceptioii Tuesday
Since the opening of the roller skating
rink , in November last , Will II. Haniola
laa boon its mam\gorand has kept things
ivoly there all the timo. Each evening
10 has oil'erod some attraction , which has
caused the people to part vrith their
monoy. Under BIr. Daniels' manage-
nont the rink has como to bo a very pop
ular place of amusement , and many of
ho best citizens of the city are frequent
visitors thoro.
A few days since Mr. Fonton sold hia
ntorcst in the rink to J. 0. Elliott , and
in conscqucnco of this change , Mr. Dan
iels ceased to bo manager. Through his
jontlonmnly conduct und _ courteous troat-
nont to all , Mr. Daniels has won for
limsclf a host of warm friends in this
Tuesday his friends tondorop him n
faro well recaption at tlio ( rink Skating
was indulged in until ! ) o'clock , who i
the tloor was cleared nnd Mr. Dai loh
_ ave ono of his inimitable oxhibitii 09 on
wheels. Ho was assisted by Master
Vert Bliss. At the oloso of the exhibi
tion , Mr. H. I ) . Estabrook stopped for
ward and aakod permission to publicly
address Mr. Daniels , and said that if
jorno ono would adjust the rope around
Ills nock and pull down the black cap , ho
would proceed to pronounce sentence ,
which ho did. IIo said that Mr , Dan
iels was accused | of grand larceny , inas
much as ho had stolen the uliectiona of a
lnr o number of the citizens of Omaha ,
and not being contented with seeing
tables nnd chairs rolled around the room
on rollers , ho had sot the sons and daugh
ters of Omaha a rolling in u like manner ,
and that it was thought but just and
right that some punishment should
bo meted out to him , As Mr.
Daniels vros A single man it was at first
thought best _ to compel him to marry
ono of Omaha's fair daughters , but upon
second thought that was considered toe
eovero a punishment , and it was decided
to liavo a hanging and hang upon Mr.
Daniels' breast a beautiful gold modal ,
which had boon purchased by his man j
friends , and it was accordingly presentee
to him. Mr. Daniels in ado u few re
marks in which ho very kindly thankee
the donors.
This being concluded , the skates were
removed and u Hello social dance was en
gaged in. Twelve numbers were dancec
to the delightful strains of Irvine's or
chestra ,
The festivities lasted until nearly mid
Army Orttoru.
Recruit William L. Crumb , enlisted a
Fort D. A. Pusiall , Wyo. , is assigned to
the Ninth infantry ,
Private Warren R. DoOamp , enlistoi
at Fort Omaha , Nob. , is assigned to the
Sixth infantry , and will bo sent to the
station o ! his regiment on the first favor
able opportunity.
The commanding ofllcor nt Fort Sidney
noy , Nob. , will send military convict
Peter Clouttor , John R. Ellis and Join
Flynn , undur suitable guard , to For
Omalm , Neb , , there to uwait further orders
dors ,
L. 1'Vu nnd T. I'oo , of Davonjiort , la. , ar
nt the Metropolitan.
D. 8. lUrrltigton , Farrird , Noli. ; D.Vo
ley , Harlau , Ia. ; and D. 11. Foster , Kewaneo
III , are ( Barteredat the Motroi > olU it.
FOU SALE , CHEAP , The 2-storj
Laundry building , S. W. Cor , 10th nnd
Dodge streets. Apply to T. 0. Drunnor
The itntcH Between loxvn nnd
rnnkn llxcd mill Adjusted ,
W. F. Laraway , W. A. Deary and
3harlos A. Donoy , directors nnd stock-
loldors of the Iowa Union Telephone
company , have been in .this city for n
week past consulting with the proper
authorities of the Nebraska Telephone
3o. , with a view to adjust nnd fix the
rates over their linos. Ever since these
.wo companion liavo boon brought into
oxistanco no satisfactory adjustment or
arrangement has boon had as to rates on
messages which nro sent over the lines of
) oth. It was doomed best by thorn to
make the rates on messages over distances
not moro than 58 miles , not to exclude
hose of the telegraph companies. The
adjustment was very satisfactory and
Hr L. II. Korty ono of the managers of
ho Nebraska Telephone Co. was inter-
vied by a BEE reporter upon the settle
ment nnd fixing of rates. The gentleman
ays the numerous small towns and vil
lages that are constantly growing up
iround Omaha look to it as their morcnn-
ilo point. On this ncccount there is a
; rowing and constant need of communi-
: atim quicker than .by mail and the
uporiority of the telephone ever qho tol-
graph is that a message is sent and ro-
oived by its single use will garantoo the
ompany an increase of pataonago so soon
as spring opens a line .will bo built to
3avonf ort. During the summer it will
> o extended to Chicago nnd it may possi-
> lyroach Now York before winter sots in.
Korty does not think that these long
istanccs can bo operated successfully , as
lie excuse of keeping , thorn ij so great
liat they cannot compote with the tolo-
raph. Mr , Korty osiimatcs that n wire
o Chicago could not bo famished for less
lian four dollars for each ton minutes.
The Nebraska exchange will increase
ts olliccs this season nnd Omaha before
all will bo connected with all the towns
nd villiagcs in the state which can bo
iractically worked on a paying basis.
Deed for $1,4OOOOU Placed on
Fllo Yesterday.
The last a'ct in the consummation of
ho crcatost financial transactions which
ms ever taken place in Nebraska was
done to-day. The trust deed , from
Jovorett M. Anderson and wife to Alex
ander H. Swan , Frank Murphy , Thomas
Swobo , Charles W. Hamilton , William A.
? axton , Peter E. Her and James M.
Woolworth , for 1,804.0 acres , was filed
n the county clerk's oflico yesterday af
ternoon. The lands so deeded were pur
chased by the English syndicate lostsum-
mer in Sarpy and Douglas counties.
Thisrcal cstateso puruhasedby thcsomon ,
was all deeded to Mr. Anderson , and the
deed of trust filed yesterday was exe
cuted nearly seven weeks ago , but owing
; o clouded titles to certain parcels of it ,
the instrument was not lodged in the
county clerk's ofiico until the clouds had
aeon removed. The deed is executed
'or the consideration of $1,400,000
n bonds , which are duo as fol-
ows : § 500,000 on January 1 , 1889 ;
S-1GO.OOO January 1st , 1894 , and § 450 ,
)00 ) January 1st , 1899. This conveyance
is printed , covering twcnty-fivo pages ,
and is bristling full of reservations nnd
: onditions. ( The bonds so obtained shall
jo placed on the market and sold , the
proceeds thereof going toward building
jp the corporation. A rcscaration in
: ho deed requires that 150.48 acres , ac-
juratoly described , and lying close by the
[ Jnion Pacific track and the Drexel farm ,
shall bo used for stock yard purposes.
Another ono requires that § 100,000 shall
oo need in laying out , surveying and
auilding up the now town of South
Dmalia. The projects of these nion are
lasuining mammoth proportions , and nro
indications of a source of prosperity to
Omaha. Hon. William Paxton returned
jnly a few days ago from the e'ast , where
lie bought and paid for all the lumber
necessary for the stockyards.
When it is cousuiured that this great
imount of money ia simply raised from
.and which only thirty years ago was
worthless , ono catchui n ylimpao of what
Nebraska some day will bV
ltotticbtcl to Contribute
Her Portion Towards the
Pcdoutal torBarthoiaro
In the Millnrd hotel thia afternoon
Lhoro will bo a mooting at which everyone
ono who roads thia notice and loves his
country should fool enough interest to be
presort , nt least. Thia mooting haa boon
called by Hon. Mohlon Chance , .
a consul to ono of the West India islands ,
who haa boon sent here by the general
jovornmont to devise ways and moans
by which .Nebraska is to pay her proportion
tion towards the pedestal for Bartholdi's
statao of ' 'Liberty Enlightening the
World , " soon to bo erected on Bodloo
Island in Now York harbor. This statue
is the gift of the French republic to the
United btatoa. It is pronounced ono of
the finest , pieces of art produced in
modern times , nnd was finished bv
1' ' ranco at a cost of $250,000. To build
a proper pedestal and erect the statue
will cost as much moro and each state in
expected o furnish its proper amcmit
T 8 Jl"8 8reat do8iS . The pedestal
( i
to bo
s 184 feet
high and made of u o
best nutonaJ. Tlio statue will bo 234
feet lush when mounted on its pedestal
and wtil bo soon for many miles out of
the .harbor. Franco
. many years ngo
WRodhoTrTinte"tionto > ako < " a
Kift to the
United States , but fate re-
" " } .Bartholdi to bo made immortal -
mortal by this product of his hands.
T" New Tel ° I > ho o Coinj.uny.
i |
Iho Overland Telephone company , of
tl city , hav0 neariy completed their ar-
raiigoments to form a company , nnd
wthmafow days will bo incorporated.
Iho perfection of this organization has
been delayed for a great length of time
by an injunction in the United Stato.
c wmt court in Wuladelph } , , , to test the
fth ° Do11
TrS Telephone company ,
Uad that
company been sucoossful , which
jt wu nut , a doftth blow would have been
dealt to all ofibrla which now nro under
contemplation in various parts of the
United States to perfect telephone ox
change. ! otlior than Boll's. Those now
companies will furnish their appliances nt
n much reduced rate. An exchange will
but up in Omnha with oflicos in all parta
of the stato. The mon who nro nbout to
form this company fool sanguine of sue
cess , nnd conGdent of the superiority of
their methods nnd machinery over the
Bell tolophono.
The gentlemen who will compose this
companv nro mon of tried ability and en
ergy. Messrs. Frank R. Johnson , Wm.
A. Paxton , James E. Bpyd and Jnmos E.
Ililoy some of the principal stockholders.
They expect to reduce present prices
From 33to / fiO per cent after they shall
liavo brought their wires into successful
So soon ns spring opens the company
will go to work erecting poles and string
ing wires.
to uo Ilcprcsontcd by ox-
Governors FurnnB null Nance.
The World's Industrial nnd Cotton
Dontonnial exposition , to bo hold in Now
Orleans from the first Monday in Decom-
) or next , promises to bo a grand affair.
The occasion of this coming event wastho
ntroduction of cotton into the United
jtato ono hundred years ago. The ex-
losition will bo hold under the auspices
of the United States , the National
Cotton Planters1 association nnd the city
of Now Orleans , which has subscribed
iborally toward this project which un
doubtedly will introduce her tn many
who will visit her only to see the great
display there made. Congress sometime
ago passed an act by which each state is
.o . bo represented at the exposition by
ono commissioner and an alternate , to bo
ppointcd upon the recommondntion of
; ho governor , and a proclamation has
icon issued by President Arthur in ac
cordance therewith.
It is to bo exceedingly regretted that
Nebraska cannot contribute something
as n state to this great enterprise by
which she may bo represented as such.
But as the legislature is not in session
ind will not bo for nearly a year noth
ing can be done. Liberal donations have
been and are being made constantly by
the dillbront nations , states , societies ,
nnd cities , Mexico nlono giving 8100,000
toward the enterprise. The Nebraska
SUto Agricultural and Horticultural soci
eties have determined not to lot us bo
unseen at the exposition , and Nebraska
will bo expected to make a showing of
the industrial arts and agricultural pro-
ducta tnat will "do her proud. " Gov
ernor Dawes has appointed as commis
sioner ox-Governor Furnas and as alter
nate Albinus Nance. These men , un
doubtedly , will be appointed by the
president and in them Nebraska will bo
ably represented.
AVei 0o Meyer.
It Is now undisputed thntAVci Do Mcy-
or'n Catarrh Cure is the only treatment
that will absolutnlv euro Catarrh froah or
chronic. "Very efficacious , Saml , Gould ,
Weeping Water , Neb. " Ono box cured me ,
Mrs. Mary Kenyon , Bismark , Dakota. " "It
restored mo to tlio pulpit , llov. Geo. E. Kois.
CoblevilloN. Y. " "Ono box radically cured
mo , Kov. C. H. Taylor , ] 10 Noble street ,
Brooklyn. " "A perfect euro after 30 yeara
sulferii-g J. D. McDonald , 710 Broadway , N.
Y. , &c. , &c. Thousands of testimonial are
received from nil parta of Deliv
ered , 81.00. Dr. VVci Do Meyer's Illustra
ted rrcntlec- , " wish statements by the cured
mailed free. D. B. Dewey & Co. , 182 Fulton
street , N. Y. tucs-thur&uat-in&e-2.n
Tlio Thornlmrgli Komi Builders.
Februarys , 188 J. J
To the Kditor of TUB OMAHA BRK :
The discussion of the causes of deser
tion from our little much-abused army ,
through the columns of the busy BEE ,
having abruptly caased , I should like ,
through the same fearless source , to call
attention t the fact that these nephews
of our dear Undo Samuel , who per
formed the very arduous and extremely
nnsoldicrly task of building { ho Thorn-
burg road last summer , have , up to date ,
failed to receive the extra compensation
of 20 cents per diem , promised by said
dear , old uncle , through his agents the
otHcerri having churgo of the same.
"Better hiHi than never , " is u good old
adugo , but "a biid in the hand , " &c. , ia n
better ono , and wo want our monoy.
Kcal Estate TranslorH ,
The following deeds were filed for
record in the county clerk's office Fobru
nry 5 , reported for Tnc BEB by Amea'
real estate agency :
Evorot V. Smith to Jnmos Hailing , w
d , lot 1 , block 7 , in E. V. Smith's ndd. to
Omaha , § 700.
Jetur 11. Konkliug nnd wife , Clarence
J , Canan and wife to Helen L. Stevens ,
w d , lots 1 and 8 , Moyfiold , § 1,000.
Tliodor G. Barker and wife to David
II. Bowman , w d , lot 4 , block Ql ( > , in
Shinn's ndd. to Omaha , $000.
John Uhollnmn and wife to Gustav
Oaninn , w d , lot & , block 2 , in Hyde
Park , § 100.
Absolutely Pure.
Tbli powder never i.tuj. A " "i. ,
itrouijUau < l hMo oi L Jloro eco.y 'JLMV
bo < lUary kloJf.toiov. ; b iollc jmw
ith thtumltltuilg c ! ! > twaoit w.
. -vhiiMtiK itu ti.ilV .d/'jI. ' f .llil p'W lO r ' ' - -
- - - _ --I.--- . - . < i
\ Infants and Children
Without Morphtno or Knrcotlno ,
t 'NVliatRlrcs our Children roiychecH
L What euros Ihclr fevers , mnkcs them sleep !
{ f. 'TN fnntnriiu
[ When Babies fret , nnd err by turns ,
What euros their colic , kills their worms ,
jr. . Itnt Cantorin.
' 'VThnt quickly cures Constipation ,
Sour Btomnch , Colds , Indigestion :
| Hut Cnntorln.
Farewell then to Morphine Svnips ,
Castor Oil and 1'aregorlc , anil
Contour Llnlmont. Anaii-
Rolnto cnro for Rlioumntinm ,
Sprains , Burns , Galls , &o. , and an
tnstantnnoons Pain-rollover.
iJTSpcclals will Posltlvolynot tie inserted
unices void in advance ,
TO LOAN-Honev.
TO LOAN-Tholoweol r tos of Interest
Ikmls1 IxukU Agency. Hth & Dougta 23MI
\TONEY TO LOAN In sums of { 300. ftnd upward.
iVl 0. F. DM Is and Co. , lloal Estate and I.onn
Agents , 1605 Frnatn St. 893-tt
XT A NI iD ; GTrTTuTTmSffaiiiily. Inquire nt U.
' > J. Canan&Co. 234-tf
WANTED-A compel ntilln'np ' room girl Immed
iately at the SS. Claries Hotel. 230-3
"VXTANTED A flrstc'asa chamber maid nt Leon
V > Kopald'j European IKtcl 012 S' JOth St.
T\rANTKD-OIrl for general housework , 1724 Woh-
V > stcrkt. , corner N ISth. 22301
TX7ANTnD An experienced cook nt 1 24Ia ) > en-
W port St. 227-0
'ANTiD : Mn-Mno hands at the Omaha Shirt
factory 1207 Karnam St. 233-tf
'ANTED A first classmate waiter at Leon Ko
W European Hotel 022 S. 10th St. L'32 S
" \T7"ANTED Immediately , n poud woman , to deV
V > general housework cir. Mason and 10th St.
A Rl'l fornecond work , and tonssUt
WANTED and Ironing. Apply t" Mrs K'ng- '
man , 04 Pleasant St. 2ml St , nurtn ot coin cut , hot. ,
St. Mar } 's ao. . , and Harney St. 230 St
A good female cook. Call on Mrs.
John J. Moncll , St. Mary's a > e. , north kldo ono
door west of 20th St. 237-9
WANTED A roung man to maKe hlmstK gencr-
Uly uselul about a store 1422 Doiybjft.
J 233-tf
_ _ _ _ -
WAM'EU A youiiK man possessing a good edu
cation , can secure a situation. References will
ho required. AUdrcss I' . O. t/uv 1211 Council Bluffs ,
Iowa. 220-12
"VXT'ANTED Salesman to work In a general clrv
VV goods storeono wlio his'expcrlcnco in boots and
shoes and can lurclsh citv references. Oocil salary
to the right pan\ . Address "Salesman , " thU oHicc.
VX/ANTUD A mWdlanged woman as dl h washer ,
IT at Aroulo llcstaun nt , 1215 Douglas bt.
ATTANTED A g > od and ipurlonccd tinner can
Ti find a stead ; job. Apply .sKitlngwa cs expect
ed. C. F. EUcl.y , Norfolk ; Sob. 212-115
W ANTKD-GlrlntMr3.A. N. Kcrgusln'a 1536 N.
ISth Struct. 'Jl 0-111
WANTED T * o glrla In private family. Cook and
second girl. Uood wagisto compctint help.
Apply 5. U ourner'.Oth and California bts. 2200 *
A good girl for gcncial housework.
German preferred. Call at 1922 Chicago street.
200-6 §
WANTED Girl for general housework N. W. cor.
18th and Furnam. 131 tf
WANTED Serrarlt giils of a'l kinds m need of
employment , to call at our ofllc. , opposite post-
olllce , between 4:30 : ndO p. m ,
CANNON , JONES & CO , Frcnzer DIock.
WANTED A German dining room kltclicu girl.
Ucsso and Hoppe , 418 U. 13th St , between
Harnev and Howard. 605 tt
WAN I ED Uy a chemist and druggist of soioral
jcars experience , hi London , Englandand also
in this country , as UUucnser or general assistant.
Address "C. H. " care Mr. Alexander Johnson , Lum
berman , DIoomlngton NeU 229 6 *
A Young nnn Bptat ! both German nnd Kwlisli
jilL.fluently , desires r.iituation asHilcsnian crshlp-
plng clerk in a g rccery or commls- ion houhc. lUf
crenccsghcn If do Itcd Address "C. F. " thla ol'.ico.
WANTED I'osltlon as book Keeper or salonncn
IM store or on the road , by nn experienced man.
Willing to work hard. Good lefercncos furnislud.
Address "N , " Bco office. 211-OJ
IT17ANTED A place for a boy 10 > ears old to w ork
for bis board. Addrcts"A. J. " this ollico.
Slluatloni for first cla domestics.
rt Call at our oiilc.j from I'Sito 9 n. in. Saturdays
' to 0 p..m. CANNO.'f , JONES & CO. , Opp. P. O.
A Gtoclc of incrLhandlte tat cither "I
the followutir. A 100 nciu highly iinpnucil
irmi Wiscunilii.taih price 810,000. A 24U acre
irm 00 miles fn > m ChUajra , price tfl.OOO. Perfect
itlo. Ad J.essV. . VV. WIUo 1S12 Dodge bt , Onuha ,
VT7ANTED Furnished room and board In piivnto
> ' ftmlty , for man and wife. Inquire at Slitrvinan
roe. & Co. , 1303 Imtnam St. , city. 2tf
\\7ANTUD-l'oardfor family of three. I'.lvala fam-
V lly preferred , Addrova stating terms , "IU V. "
his olllce. 113 0 $
f ANTED A few persons w > instruct m hook-
keeping , as thtru U a demand for competent
iook kceK ] > rj I w 111 learn a few , and w alt for half of
iay until situations nru Inrnlshcd. J U. SMITH ,
P7S-01 1510 Douglas St.
W "ANIIIU For & cmtomcr , stoio rooai rn Tor-
nam .St. BKLL Js S1IIU VIUl. 129-8
VVANTKD-I'artlea Uhlni'bcariJcr nd those
T > fcurih of b&ard tn jirhato housi , with or it
iut room , to call at our ollico ! rrni4 So to 0 n. m
CANNON , JONES & CO. , tmpotit * IlObtoHlce ,
WANIltii Aih.MSj.lUt Cozicca Jlntel tny
Oiiilng thtj neek anil BCO Z5 Bjicclaltlea lei
mm out' ( employment to iiitko monov wlili. Twc
fine data book jenta w anted V. JI. Van Ktten.
T AUIGSORYOUNOIIKN m city or country t
JLJ takn i Ice , light and pleasant work nt their o\u
houu-H ; (2 t < > $5. a day easily and quietly made ; wet
cnt by mail , no cainansiuir ; no eUmp lor rtjily
I'loaco wlilreu Kcllable llau'lV Co. , I'hllidolphlaro
dmwcrrr. 7M lmn
FOP. RriNT Honaea ana Lots.
RKNTUctia > nco 1016
IpOR 1 lIauUn 20JH Ca
r > 01t ItKNT-furbUhcd tovnu at 1019 1'uruam.
! OlMll
FOR IlKNT McilurnUliod roomi with or wit !
out boar ! lOli lo > l Bt , 100-SI
F .OH . 11ENT A ba euient ulth three rooms ic
FOU houee keeping (013 ( liodro bt. 191 9 ]
OU HKNT Nicely ( umUhed bed room at flt
dollara per moiitli , 1015 Chicago bt. ID5-6 }
IttftriuruUlieU room wllh or withoi
IrvOrt I . Flnctt localbn hi I lie city. AUa It
table boarder * artedt < , W , tor. IbtbauJ Karnan
FOR RUNT t rif new , twoitory double hoi
Sblnn't addltlru Fuitable ( er two ( amlllcs c
boarding houib Inquire Itoom 24 , Oinalia Nationi
FOR KENT Furnl hoU ronioswlth boardVAbo
lew day boanltn , 18U JJeuXrt ) , 822 7 |
F UUNISIIUI ) room heattd 2i K.lOth.
FOU BKNT Furnlil ed room lor gentleman , alt
iHoforll 'lit houM Ltiiiluz B emcri blotl
comer iivhth : And llnu ar.l til OCA II
J OIt ItKVr i t > m bou3 on WeUUr cat <
1 laihbt. H T. I'ctcrwn , real cttatof nt , 15t
OR rooms < m ih
F ear , 13th and CapltoIaTonue , tortanty Crolshtoa
Itoiiro. _ _ 189-tf
OR RENT Hoonn In Nebraika K tlon Bank
Building. Most dcslrtllt offloes in the dlr
Supplied with hydraulic ola-ator and heated b
> team. Apply at Bank. fl2fl-tf
8AIE Cheap , ono nix foot and ono Ihrce A
foot ihowcu- L > ) on'aUar Store , 207 Borrtli
16th SI , ! 1 tr
FOR SAtK Hati'l prcw < As wo wish to put In a
faster prcts , o offer nn excellent ca y running
hanil p'c 9 lor Kilo cli'ap. ' Address at once , "Sonti-
nel" Oilcan * . NcK W5-7& w-lt
"TT OR SAt.K An uprlsht gnmpiano. \ . Flno Inttnl.
JL1 incut nearly new. I'rlcn $17fi.00. nith handeomo
co\n and ( tool. Address II. f.lon , Dcoolllco.I233'
FOP. SALK A ( jrocery store located Inn thickly
setth it part of town. Right party can make
tnnnm * . Address "flrorair" this nillrn. tfiUl.7
. 8AI < K A tct cf tinner's too's nearly now.
1.10H 1 of Jacob C. Miller. Springfield , Harpy Co. ,
Nob. 207.115
SALEA bargain. Homo of 7 rooms , Dili
FOR Bancroft St. Kothlo. Well built , barn to ,
onlr Sl.BCO If soM within 60 days. SiiAllS & 1103'
AIID , Wrilams Block. iZOS-tf
OHSAIiK House of ft rooms In Parker'a addition
' near tbo $20 000 school houio nortA cheap
place on ca y terms. (1.700. bKAHS & I10SAIID ,
Williams Illock. 209-tf
SALE A iplcndld homo of 10 rooms In
Ehtnn'aadcltlon. If sold within 30 days only
{ 3.700. SKAH8 & BOSA1U ) , corner IGihanu Dodifo
FOIl SALK An extra ( HHM ) buggy lion o and good
top buggy. Inquire ot J M. Iknii , N.V. . Cor ,
9th and Harney , or at Ilomin's livery stable.
FOR SALE OR UKNT ( loot ! Bccondhaiid pianos
and organs cheap nt l'rcscott'8 muilo Store,1609
1'arnam St. 100 0
TIOR 8ALK Hccund hand liugilcs. Call at 1319
JL1 Harney. ISl-tf
71011 K\In A small tobacco and cigar business ,
; 2W.3 Cumlng ttrcct. 1S7-OI
TToiTsALEFarm 8 mllea from city. Inquire of
? Mrs. Mcjcr , o\erlloeder'a Drug store , 16th and
Webstar. 872-tf
] 10IIS\LK Twocountcisanl fifty feet of good
} shchlnp , chop , nt 1503 Dodga St. 163-tt
7 ' ( SALE Enlarge Normanstallloni . Address
O. D. Illrdsall , Walnut , lona.
FOR SALE A good two story store property In
\Va noVaj no county , Neb. Address O. J ) . Bird-
II , Walnut , Iowa. 155-liut
, iR SALK- Thrco show cases , 10 foot long. In-
" qulroof 'UCKSON ,
11 BALE-Hrnt oluss corner lot 05x132. House
" G rooms , barn fruit nnd shcdo trees. Very do-
rabl'location , near street c.irj. OHered S500. be-
w \aJuc. Price $ l.oo. J. W.LOUNSUURY , 16th
id 1'arnnm. I35-tt
710R SALE Very dc lrfchle lota In Coburn'a Sub-
" division and Howard iilaco un monthly l > njmonta
o city tax. BELL&SIIUIVEn. 127-3
R SAI.i : OP. TilADK A good span of mules ,
harness and wagon. Inquire Alex Q. Charlton ,
t McUagiw Bros. DSO-tf
-OR - SALE-Oolorulo This coal Is as tree ( ram
' soot and as clean as Rock Spring.
034 tf JEFF. W. BKDFORn.
T10K SALE Two portable boilers , 10 horsa oowa
? Apply at 1) . riTZt'ATRlCK ,
C63-tf 218 South 15th St.
iiORSAtiE A nmall Monlcr , Bihrnan &Co. , fire
? proof saft , almost now , at thin ofllcc. tf
TIORSALB My two story brick residence , 18th
. and St. Mary'savonue. Largo barn , out-houso ,
atcr woraS , well arranged. Lot 00x200. Pilca
7.600. llcsl Bargain In Omnh.i Call at U. Tolt'a
eoplo'.i ltr.nk. 277-1
IORSALE 12loU one block west of Park a\o-
JL' nuo cars. Lots COxlBO. Will sell the whole traT
r $7,100 , If Rold bcforo January lot , 1ES1. Kcale )
.ate ctvucra bid thU bargain , If jou call at People
ank. D78-tf
ell SALE Choice Imsineso property , thrco lots
? cor , Saiiudcrs and Charles Ktreot. It will piy ycu
lu\estlRato thia oCer. Call r.t 1'eoplo'a Bank.
R SALE Improved property , which will pay
} the buyer 20 per cent on the 1m cetnient. Units
or 91,02U liT ) ear. All occupied by first clans ton-
tits. Will sell for $10,500 , If sold soon. All or one-
alt each , balance , one to live jcars. The above In-
cstuiout is noith Irirtetlgattou. Call at tha 1'ooplo'a
3ank. S80-tf
11 SALE Ola cewroapon in bryo unit anuu
. qrtantltlea at this office. tf
r.uciiAN'oianTo EXCHANGE vui eichans
first class stock gewral mdfc , dry goods , ( ? > o-
orlop , clothing , boots and ( hoes , hats , and caps c. ,
CKrcgatlnx ? 8,000 In whole or any separate line for
on a or Mebiaslta lands. Address "a. B. " Bee olllce.
, 231-12
( "vUPKV rKOTECTOll-Cnprecedentedtrducementa
J. offered lady apotita ; for this now riibberundcrjfjr
ojut for ladle * . Address nHh'stamps , Undergar-
lent Co , U south JI ySt. , Chicago. ISD-lno.
roomi , with < > r without board , In
prhalo families furnif hcil free of charge at fur
, opposUopObtoMlce. Cannon , .loued & Oo. , 4 0
oD p. m. 843-1 m
"IDT THIS OUT AND PKElT.IU'K-To trade , wiK !
J land for Merchamlteo of any Iclnd , cr town nruii-
rty. Address CLAHK 4 : HOB1JA11D. Ida , Grove ,
o\\a , 1 6J
TAhnN 1)1' ) Cn my prcmitcs on Dee. 15 , l&SS , In
nest Omaha , ono Cream Colored Pony. Smil
htte > l > ot In foreheadmane and tall a lltMu darker
boil the body. JAS E VANDEIICOOK.
S25-6t luv.ltf ( .
r/L iBTr.u or VAiatmnsnv AND co Dmo -
ALI3T , 203 Tenth Htuhi , between Jamum and liar ,
oy , will , with I'citi r.ld of guardl.\a spirits , oltilnlni ?
n > ono KlA cfl n ( th pout nnd present , bed Iho
? rtala rondltlini In tltt fiitiuu. Hoots and Khoc
nule order. Perfect natkfaotiou guaranteed.
Patent Dried Fruit Lifter.
GROCERY Grocorics
AS A i > Ain or TOIUJ
A ! cUm of earljr Impmd jnc
! ? notnCSS" , ' " *