G THE DAILY BEE-THURSDAY , PEBKl/ARY 7,1884. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. . Thursday Morning , Feb ( 7 , HATES : Br Carrier -20 centi per went By MM - - $10.00 pet Ten OFFICE : No. 7 roart Street , Near Broadway. MINOB MENTION , Additionnl local on seventh page. Cheap railroad ticket * nt Bushnoll'a. Undo Tom's Cabin showed yesterday afternoon nnd evening nt the opera house. Warrants 011 tlio general fund of the city nro selling nt 03 to 95 cents this month. Dorkson ia making nome great im- proTomonta in his bathing rooms nnd en larging thorn. The Driving Park association announce the dales for their running mooting no May 27th , 28th nnd 29th. To-morrow , between 2 nnd 0 , p. m. , is the last chnnco ladies will hnvo of vis iting the museum of anatomy. Wo noticed some very olcgani panta loon patterns nt Smith & Tollers' yester day that had just arrived from the oast. "Tripping on the light fantastic roller skate" is the way the society reporter puts it now. It's moro than n "trip" fern n now beginner. The wood nnd hay market will here after bo located on Bryant street , bo- twooii the city jail and city hall. Tins space ia being filled now for that pur pose. pose.This This spring promises to bo of the boom nature for Council Blufl's , nnd yet n healthy sort of boom. With the now gov ernment building , streets being paved , water works completed , oloctrio lights running , nnd various other building im provements , no houses for rent nnd n db- mand for many , Council Blulld folko need not bo in the dumps. 0. R. Alton , who is * preparing ranps of this city nnd county , has decided to make Council Bluffs his permanent headquar ters , nnd has purchased the residence of C. D. L. Orookwnll , in Glondnlo. The firm of C. II. Allen & Co. have published maps for years , and the addition of this firm to Council Bluffs' industries is n welcome ono. Offices will soon bo opened hero by them , nnd this city will bo their headquarters. The Bulletin , in writinc up the bache lors of Donison , gives H. N. McGrow , the old Council Bluffs newspaper man , the following recommend : "Has a num ber of good qualities , nmong which is $125 overcoat , lias lots of enterprise nnd intends to get rich. Is n boss Insur ance ngent , n good writer nnd n'n excel lent printer. Matrimonial applications must bo sent in early , collect on delivery , nnd made in good faith. " There was a jury called yesterday for the opening of the monthly term in the superior court , but , as usual , there was no use for them , nnd they were excused. The case of Monan vs. Probstlo was on trial yesterday , it being an appeal. The plaintiff claims that ho was manufactur ing stone in a basement , and by Probstlo moving the building the stone was in jured before they were fully dried or hardened , nnd that the damage was § 75. The clock in the Bloomer school build ing has boon a little "off" for a few days a half hour or so. Too much sleet and frost is said to bo the cause. If it don't brace up it will have to bo laid nlong on the shelf with the present iiro alarm , foi an unreliable clock , like nn unreliable alarm , is worse than none. The board oi education is said to bo unwilling to pay what it is thought to be worth for a mar to look after the clock and BOO that it it kept in ordor. Alderman Keating has made a vorj sensible report to the council in favor ol doing nwny with the present fire nlarrt system until the city can secure a bottoi and inero reliable ono. A poor fire alarm is really bettor than none , for it is liable to mislead and send the department of on a wild geese chase , while a real fire , located perhaps in nn opposite direction , may bo gutting beyond cosy control. It n city covering oo much territory a : Council Bluffs n fire alarm system ii greatly needed , but still there ia no roon for n poor ono. TEIlSONAIj. Maura. Illclia and Nelson , of G Ion wood were In tlio city yesterday , nnd promlaoi quite a delegation from their town to uttoni the roller nlqUng rink Friday ovouluu next. B. Slllowny , tlio proprietor of the Ogden , I In tiio tity looking after his iiitcrustdhoro. W. D , Oroailo and S. L. Winter , ef Wood Hne , were lu the city yesterday. \ J5. B. Cliwk , of Chicago , U at the Ogdcn A. M. M&combcr , of Boston , Is on Ogdo. house arrival. Jhv William 13 , I'ortcr t > ( I'lattsmoutli Nob. , lain towu. Wr . C rrlo V , Doiioloy , of AVoslilngto Territory , U vbttloff hero for a few dnya be toio her departure home , Mr. Van Vraujcen , nptent at Macedonia c the Chicago , Uurllugton & putney ratlunj was yniterday In town. Will II , Daniel , the champion idler akatei wa over from OuioLa jentorday nftornor if' oilHwg on hli friend W , W. Ulupuaii , mat ; ref the roller eka'.lnjf ilnh Mr. Turner , of Washington , WM ywteriJfl fn the city , Hon. I ) . 1Claytor. . JfeoJonI , U la t ) " * 9 Mr , J. K. McGoicrn , of Logan , la a gue Mr. Jf. T mpJoaiMlwfc ) , of Atantb , a ilia 1'AfllHe. BLOCKS OF GRANITE , Oakland Avenue and North Main to Have Oodar Blocks , The Council Decides to Pave Main and Broadway With Thorn , ThoConlrnctH Ixil. An adjourned meeting of the city coun cil wnf hold yesterday afternoon , n full board present nnd the mayor presiding , A petition wns presented signed by citizens , asking that in advertising for sidewalks on Main street , Egyptian ce ment ns well ns hard-burned brick bo named , so that bids could bo received on both. Placed on file. The report of the mooting of Main street property owners at tno court house Tuesday evening , to consider the kind of paving they desired , wns presented and road. Each property owner at that mooting voted according to the number of foot owned , nnd for the kind of paving ho preferred. The result of this ballot wes 4,470 foot in favor of granite pave ment and 2,751 in favor of wood. A resolution was also passed nt this mooting , urging the city council to lot the contract for the paving of Main street nt once , nnd that the city notify the water works company to lay its pipes from the mains to the curbing nt once , before the paving was dononnd also that the gas company bo likewise notified. The minutes of the meeting were placed on file. An expression of the property owners of North Main street and Oakland avenue - nuo was nlso presented , rend nnd placed on file. This expression WAS in fnvor of paving North Main street nnd Oakland avenue with cedar blocks. The recent decisions nt Davenport and Dos Moincs on cases in regard to special assessments were brought up and dis cussed somewhat. George F. Wright was called on to give hii opinion. Ho thought it was perhaps the bettor part as a cautionary measure to pass an amcda- tory ordinance remedying all possibla de fects in the present ordinance. C. R. Scott , who had prepared such an nmcndatory ordinance , presented nnd road it. It provided for the giving of the noccssnry notice to property owners fix ing n day when the council would make the assessments , thus giving the parties n chnncu to have a hearing , the failure of which choice scorns to have caused the trouble to DCS Moines nnd Dnvonport. After some discussion the nmcndatory ordinnnco was passed. Alderman Siodontopf offered a resolu tion that Main street from Broadway to Sixteenth nvonuo bo paved with granite blocks , in accordance with the action of the meeting of the nroporty owners. A comparison of the bids in for granite ito block , showed that of Regan Bros. & MoQorick to bo the lowest , it being 83.48 n square yard , while the highest bid in was 8 * 10. This § 3.48 includes n foundation nf six inches of broken rock , then two inches of sand , and upon this blocks of Sioux Falls granite from six to eight inches in thickness , the contractors to do all the necessary excavating and filling not to exceed ten inches , nnd to receive for anything in excess of ton inches tnronty-iivo cents n cublo yard , die specifications being the same as those of the Omaha contract. The price named is 'subject to a discount of five per cent for cash paid on completion of the work. Alderman Siodontopf offered a resolu tion instructing the making of n contract with Regan Bros. & McQorick , of DCS Moiuos , for the paving of Main street from Broadway to Sixteenth avonuo. Adopted by a unanimous voto. 0. 11. Scott read a resolution that north Haiti street , Washington nvonuo , nnd ) aklnnk avenue bo paved with cedar Aocks. There nroso some objections ibout including Washington nvonuo with- iut giving the property owners some lotico , although most of them seemed in ravor of the Improvement. The rosolu- ion was lost. Alderman Slodonlopf then presented a esolution for paving north Main street ind Oakland nvonuo with white cedar ulookn , the contract to bo lot to J. B. Smith & Co. , of Chicago , at § 1.08 a iquaro yard , five cents oil'for cash. Alderman Soidontopf then presented a osolution notifying property owners n north Main street fnm the iridgo to Washington nvonuo , nnd then iroporty owners on Washington nvonuo , o Oakland avenue to Dave with white cedar blocks withinfifteen , days. Adopted. " The question of paving Broadway then : arao up. J , M. I'almor expressed a do- iiro that asphaltum be used on that itreot , nnd that 0. IS. Squire , of Omaha , explain the process , otc. IIo did so , and narrated how the work had boon done nnd how it had stood in Omaha. Robert Poroivnl presented n petition of Broadway property owners , asking for that street to bo paved with granite , and spoke earnestly in favor of that pav ing Aid. Keating spoke , ns n proportj owner , in favor of paving with granito. Aid. MoMuliou called attention to the fact that only 1,100 foot were ropro' sontcd intho petition in favor of gran ite , and thought moro of the property should be hoard from , Aid , James thought some of the prop1 orly , especially west from Sixth street , would hardly stand so oxponslvo n pav- ng as granito. Aid. Siodontopf thought that provis ion should bo made for n fountain or Upper Broadway before the paving was done , nnd offered n resolution that nn ordinance bo propnrod providing that a fountain bo located , together with ti market place on Broadway , by the Meth odist church , to occupy the entire widtli of the street. Mr. Scott , in behalf of Oakland avenue property owners , sugaosk-d that the fountain provided in the contract will : the wAter works company , at tlio head ol Oakland avenue , bo included in the resolution elution , Mr. Siodontopf explained the rosolu tlon that it was intended to relieve tlu properly owners there of so much expensive pensive paving , the street being 10 widi thoro. Captain Wilson objected to a 1m ; market in front of Ins property , Th" resolution called forth uomo other dis cussion , nnd wes thou withdrawn. Returning to the subject of ravin : Broadway , AJd. Keating moved tha Broadway bo paved with ebonite , an that the contract bo lot to Rognn Bros. & McGoriok. /Idormnn James moved tonmondby unking grnnilo paromont on Brondwny from Stutsmnn to Sovonlh utrcpt. The tmondmont wa lost. The orlgitml mo tion providing for the paving of the entire - tire length of Broadway , from Stutsmnn ntreot to Twelfth atrect , with Rranito was then carried , and the contract lot to lie- gan Bros. & McGorick nt the sumo price as Main street. Carried unanimously. _ A resolution was presented that certain property owners on Oakland avenue bo notified to fill up their low loU BO that water wotTd not stagnate or soak through and undermine the paying. Carried. The council then adjourned. SILVER CITY'S ' SENSATION , How tlio 1'AitlCH to n AVcdillnR Failed to Connect , Correspondence of THE BER. Sirvr.n CITY , Ia. , January 30. An other illustration .of the adage , "Tho course of true love never runs smooth , " occurred hero to-day. A young man ro- iding in this vicinity wns smitten with ono of Silver City's fair daughters. For- .uno . smiled , and the wedding day was ixo'1. Then trouble commenced. The bride went to Illinois on n final visit to Honda. The groom not being posted n the law relating to such matters , nnd thinking that a license was legal tender nnywhoro nnd nt nny time , procured n license nt Council Bluffs , thinking it would bo handy to have in the family. Jut ho reckoned without the " /fee. " 'ho argus-oyod reporter of TUB BEE pub- ishod the fact of his procuring the li- onso. To say the leatt the people hero voro astonished , and tlio groom found hat his license would not keep. It ox- u'rcd at 12 m. to-day , so ho sent post msto for the bride , and arranged o have n minister ready at 'ouncil Bluffs to tie the knot. The groom's parents arranged to o up on the early freight , but the train ailed to come. The bride's parents pro- mrod to go nn the "cannon-ball" train , ) ut it was behind and did not stop horo. , 'ho bride was expected on the Chicago' xpress over the H. & S. railroad , nnd ho groom wont to Shenandoah to meet lor , but the Chicago express failed to onncct. Minister in Council Bluffs , taronts in Silver City , groom in Slion- ndoah and bride somewhere between Chicago and Shonandoah. Tableau. The evidence against T. W. Watson is ccumulating. There is very little loubt of his guilt in this neighborhood , where lip worked all summer. The talk of lynching has subsided. The general health in Silver City is > otter than it has been for six months. Yours , X. Y. K. Painting done to order and lessons given by S. D. Rohso. Studio 12 North Iain street. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS , How IH Council BluflVi to bo Afl'cctcd by Recent Decisions ? The decisions in the Davonoort and ) ca Moincs cases in regard to special as- CEsmcntH renews the many queries as to low Council Bluffa will stand in case oi itigation. The substance of these do- isions is to the effect that the city liould notify the property-owners that on a certain day they would make special ssossmonts , and notify them to bo prcs- nt , and show reason why the assessment hould not bo fixed ; in other words the property owners must bo given a day in ourt , or a chance to bo hoard before the assessment is finally settled upon. Tlio ailuro to thus notify proved a defect. While those decisions were on curbing , and do not directly pass upon the [ uost tion of the filling of streets , yet as .his city has boon doing so much street filling and charging it up to the abutting property , there seem to bo grave doubts about the legality of this assessment. Some of the attorneys claim that the lotico to property owners to do the filling vithiu ninety days is sufficient , but oth ers think not. In view of the fact that heavy special isitossmonts will soon bo made for paving .ho council has thought itiao to hedge at least and protect the city if possible. An amendatory ordinance was passed yesterday , but still the doubt rests over , ho work that has boon done , and as to .ho future the doubt scorns not ul- .ogothor removed by this amond- fttory ordinance providing for the giving of the necessary notice. If the ) ld ordinance is void , ivs it appears from the late decision , how can it bo made good by amending ? If the old ordinance is dead can it bo brought to life by unending it 1 That is a question which still puzzles the heads of some of the attorneys. The _ cily council seems to go ovoi those important measures hastily and clumsily. In yesterday's session , im portant measures were passed with nc city attorney present to advise or sug gest. There was other good legal talent present , plenty of it , but still it did not sooni to have the oflicial stamo. In addition to the regular city attorney , the council lately retained ono of the strong est law fiims in the city , yet neither ol thorn were present. To depend on what advice may be gained accidentally by some attorney , liowovor good , who chooses to bo in at tendance at n council mooting on othoi business , and who has had no time noi pay for looking up the questions , seems rather a careless way to handle important matters. The city attorney is not to blame sc much , for lin is sometimes nocossarilj ubsont , and when hero ha is not always called upon for an opinion or given time to hunt up u question , nor is his advice always followed. The 1'nclllo houio rcgUtor cuutatncd tbi muiiwof "Uuclo Tom's Oabtn" combination Mrs. Dr. Montgomery U on tha tick 11 > U JACOB 8IMB. E. 1' . OADWELl SIMS& CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Office , Itiln btrrtt. Room * 1 * nJ blmmrt & Me Uahon't Wock , Will I'uctloe la Mate tuid vdcn oourU Mrs , H , J , Hiltop , M , D. , & SUJWEON ! 23 utddlo Urofl ty , Couuotl DluQa. Wo liave the following goods in quantities to suit purchasers : Sheep Skin Slippers , Kid Sock Protectors , Magnetic Insoles , dork and Imitation Cork Soles , Shoe Dressing , "T. M. 70" Blacking , Heaton Button Fastners , Shoe Laces , Shoe Brushes , Shoe Hooks , Etc. , Etc , As wo buy above goods of Manufacturers in largo quantities for Spot Cash , wo nre enableoto sell them low enough to suit competition. Ordcis promptly attended to. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. MAYNE & PALMER , Hard and Soft Goal , AND WOOD , BULK ; AND BAiuinL LIME , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND CEMENT , MicmaAN PLASTER. HAIR AND SEWKll PIPE. No , 639 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & TOILER. Spring Goods LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS , Just Received. 7 and 9 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . . IOWA. TnTT'NT TAT 15 A TPTl ATTORNEY AT LAW. MANAGER OF POTTAWATTAMIE COUN- UUHIN VV. JJxLLIliJ , TV COLLECTION AGENCY. Office corner BroadnayandMalnstrcet. JOHN BENO & 00 GENERAL MERCHANDISE. , , IS llain street and 17 Poul street. CRESTON HOUSE. MAXMOHN , Hotel , 217 and 219 Main street. i J. Jl. WJlLJ.Xjj , Corner Mnln nnd Fifth np rtalra. Residence , 809 Willow avenne. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , . SOHUEZ.JUSTICE Express. LIVERY AND FEED , SQ . Will contract for funerali nt reasonable rates. 22 Fourth street J. M , ST , JOHIT & OO..OA8H BITTERS. Draft by return urnll. 146 Broadway. TTfinfT MERCHANT TAILOH , JX.U UHt Stock Couii mU. Suite inado at reasonable prices. No. 805 Main St I QC1TTTT CONTRACTOn AND BUItDER , &P QI'IXJ.XJ. Corner 7th and Broadway. 1'lana and spcclflcatlons furnished. MERCHANT TAILOR. JAMES FRANE7.MERCHANT FRANE7. Artistic Work and reasonable charges. 872 Broadway ATIOUNEYS AT LAW , TTMTVT1 XT nATJT JUliiJUJL Ut > Jj.jtlIXiJ. James Block. Practice In state and federal court * . Q ) A TVTTTp ATJITTIVI And batn house , 421 end 423 Broadway. L , Sovereign , Prop. P. J. llont- OfiiN ± J.zLLbi U1V1 Komery , M. D. rbyalclan. PTIWT'W T A "RPHTT JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , JJJJVVJ.1M Ui J3.JJJJU ± J. , Notary Public and General Com eyancor. 41S Broadway. TPVP1P SMITH & NORTON , lUJ V JjlVjj i Broadway oppoeito New Opera House. Refitted $1 , (1.60 per day A LARGE STOCK OF At ViUY LOW FIGUiaS. Don't forgot I pay the highest price for XEG As 1 am compelled to buy to fill contracts. S. GOLDSTEIN , 538 Broadway. "H" JL New Store , Fresh Goods , Low Prices and Polite Attendants. First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } AS AN ECONOMICAL INSURANCE , THE EQUITABLE MUTUAL LIFE AND ENDOWMENT ASSOCIATION OF WATEULOO , IOWA , 9 conttdcrcil the best { 2r > 00 In uiReol death , and 91 000 endowment at thoexilratlonof ten J earn. Asso'f- ncnUmaboaccordlnptaag ! ; . Mr * . Oli\e Ullcj the agint will call and explain the plan upon jour re- meat. l > iri.ct your tou uiumcatio&s to 211 Vine bt. Council llluffs Inno. DEALER IN ALL TH J LATEST DESIGNS OF IALL PAPER Bnterior Decorations. 13 S. Pearl Street nnd 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. L1VK-IO EAT. EAT TO LIVE. Of. Tlxo IM. 0 ll > on 1 404 BroaduB ) , Moil * at all Hours. Chef d'cultlno f Council I'urtlesaSpeilaltj. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special a < h ertlscraouts , euch iw Ltut , found , la Loan , For Bale , To Kent , Wauta , Board * lug , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at tha low rate ol TEN CUNTS PEIl LINK lot tha flret Insertion and FIVE CECT8 I'EIl LINK lor iich ubieiiuent In. Bcrtlon. LCMO adtertlnemoDU atourofflco , No. 7 I'earl Street , near Broad v WANTS. TXrANTCU Ktcry booym Council IllufU to t ko VV TuEllmt Utllrcred by carrierat only twenty cents a week. \VAMI.U A good humw. in nice locaUuji , with i thrco ur four room * . Addruj box \o 5.8 , Dm otlla1. OLD VAVKHS-l'or ralti at IHKoinoo , t 25ccnU a hundred. "ITWH PENT An tlogantly luniUhcd room , location /K offlcc.Uelc""CT' : 'c-lu'reJ. ' Adilrtus A. U tt nK offlcc. Foil SALE-lIouie No. JzlUrrinou trt t and sounloU , taw. llkllrafcii. "rpORUKNT l ri ' , nlctl ) furnl al room iih t ckXwC'oui : ' 1"1'80" i < i t eau' . * CORNER PEARL ST , AND FIFTH AYE , , CHAl'JIA'N * 1'UOl'Hlirr.OIlS. Morning hour * . ' .lOtol'J Alteriicon , . 230to4SU : EttnUig . . 7ajtolO Coinmutatiou tickuu good tor twenty adinlitloai (3. W. W , CIIAI'MAX , . Manager. No object iouable rlurocters will beotliulttcd. R , Bice H D. CANCERS , CHRONIC DISEASES * * * O ur lUlrtj } caw practical eiiicrltnce. OfSo B I'wrl rtrvtt , Oouacll I Empkie Hardware Co Hardware 109 and lll'.S. Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. IK WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 342 nnd 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , UFTho < The only Hotel in thia Ciiy on iho European plan of "PAY ONLY FOR WHAT Y9U GET. " New Building New Furnishings. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS CENT It ALLY LOCATED. Fine Sample Rooms Elegant Restaurant. PETER BECHTELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Blufl's , Iowa. ( OPPOSITE COUET HOUSE. ) ! Y TO LOil 1 ML ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts o Title to all Lots and Lauds in the County. MANUFACTURERS OP 311 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs ; Iowa. AT COST FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. IT < Granite and Tinware. Latest Novelties in Fancy Hardware. A large line of extj aordiuary Fine Carvers. 504 Broadway , and 10 and 12 Main Street. GETSDME OF Pel Fitting , Best and Chcapest-Birino Linen Collars and Cuffs. , 715 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , FROM NOW UNTIL FEB. 1 , WE WILL GIVE In nil our Bocts and Shoes , regardless oE Quality. Don'fc miss this chance. S. A. PIERCE , 100 Main Street. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL sneral House Furnishins ! MAIL ORDERS FILLED CAREFULLY. 502 Broadway , Council Bluffs. | CASADY , OitCUTT & FEENCH. DE. THOMAS JEFFERIS , No. B23 Sixth a\enuo , Council Bluffs , Ion a. Homeopathic Physician and Mag netic Healer. \KAiui'KXI-ERII CE ; TIIIRTI MSIM AUKD- inrvr OK COUNCIL BuTm. Dlaunofi * ( dUcascd conJItlora described ) without nucstlonlnu' . There are hundreds of wHiiLBscu to the fact that tlio blind are restored , the deaf made to hear , olio ) > nrai\ sis and rheumatism of months and years Btandlnir frequently curtd in 20 minutes' time through psychic mcstmrie , eplrlt or soul force , "llieso tluniiaoro not done In a earner , " Iheauly reliable pro\uiitatUe and cure for diph theria known ( keep It on hand ) . Tha best catarrh rcmul ) In uso. Small pox pre > uitatlvo superior to vaccination. Everycaie of Indlgcatlou ( desprpela ) cured time require ! 0110 to tlx weeks. C'Ul ulccru , commonly called uiiiccra roniovcd without the use of the knife. In fact all acute and chronic upcasts successfully treated 1 ho records of mortality she * that Dr. Jcffetlca is the most successful practlclonir of mcJiclne In the wcnUrn country. Illagruatest success 1ms bcin in cases that has Lsllhd the el.ill of otncr Jot-tors , at H ell 09 cautlng dosjulr and financial ruin In man ) COSC3. TERMS REASONABLE. No charge for consultation by letter or otherwise. Inclose Ump wlicro aniucrs to letters are required. BLSI kind of rufcrnccs gltcu. giT 1'ereons free from oontaglousdisease will ho re ceived Into hid luntltuU of Jlcalth lor ticatiuent. POSITIVELY LAST WEEK. EUROPEAN MUSEUM OP IN THIS CITY. Go and See It , Admission - c' i JOSEPH / * / * * * * _ df % a * * * AND Corner Main street and LIghth airnue , Cnu lilulls t3TLowest rates acd prompt delivery CURE OR NO PAY Wo euarautee the cure of the follow inK named dls- foanos , or no jiaj : Itheumatlam , Scrbfula , Ulcent , Catarrh , a I Dlood andikindlseaics , Dyrpepsla , Liter Complttlnt , Kidney and Dladilcr Wscnscs. ( Jout , Neil- ralgla and Asthma , This > Springs are the fnotlto retort ol the tired an 1 debllltatad. and are the FEKI1LG LAUIhS 1I1-.ST 1'HIEND. Good hotel , lltery and bathing acrnniodatlon both \\lnttr and summer , Locality highly j Icturcuqui- and health ) . Accctblblo b ) V/ubjth rallwaj , r E\ona , or O. , B. if Q , at Albam. CorroiionueiiL solicited , IICV. M. M. ailOJIl'SON. Manager. Sllosm Springs , Cara , I1. 0. , Gentry Co , Ho. ANALYSIS. Specific Gra\lty IWrtS lliactlon , , . . , Ncutra Carbonic Arid Cos , , . .20 In. per gallon Carbomuo Calcium 35,921 Urains Carbonate Iron 7(41 ' . ' SulphatoJiapuesla , , , , , , .3a " Bulpbate Calciuu , , . . . .1,116 " Chloride Sodium. . . , , 7,200 " Slllico , 1,688 < Alumina . . . .0,010 " Urgauloand Volatile matter and loss , . , .1,4W ' < Total scllds per gallon 07,174 " WI.IQIIT& UrnitiLL , ChtmUtg. u. ii. BANKERS. CouncU Uladi Esrabi/snsa Justice of the Peace , Omaha antt Council Bluff ? ,