Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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    -T--v -fr
, . ; . ,
7 ho hebrasfrc1 National Bank
Up Capital - 5250,0
Surplus Fnnrt. Nov. 1 , 1883 ' 16,806
U.W. TATKSi President , tot trm ye ri CM
lh Flrat Nation * ! Bunh of Onhft.
A. F. TOUZAUN , Vlo President , of Boston.
< V. V. MOnsC , ot W. V. lions & Co.
UN3. COLLINS , i , O. It & J , S. Collins.
U. WOOLlVORTU.Co nMlotMcl Attotnty ML i
U 8. REED , ot Byron R od & Co ,
This Bank opened ( or business April ST , 1831
he directors an j stockholders are unonR the | o i
( { business ot Omaha , and Its business la oondacti
with eipocUl reference to the best and Increasing I
rests ot Its mercantile patrons.
Collections rceolro prompt attention and obiigi
lowest obtainable hero or elsewhere.
Interest allowed on time deposit ) upon vorab
term and upon accounts ol banks and binkoiJ.
Foreign Exchange , X3o > ernmentD nd , and [ Connl
ml Cltv Boourltlea bought and Bold
Council Bluffs Loan am
Trust Company.
First Mortgage Loans Negotiated. Commorcl
Paper and all Good Securities dealt In. 39 Tea
itreot , and 00 FJrst avenue , Council Dlufls.
NEW YORK. February fl.
Money Kosy nt 1J@2 per cent , cloned o
fared at - per cont.
I'rliuo Paper 15J | per cont.
Exchange Bills Steady.
Govornuionts Firm.
Tbo stock market was quiet this mornin
and prices were n fraction lower. After mi
day coal stocks loomed Into prominence , nr
the general list advanced J to 2J percent , ]
final dealings thora was a decline of } to :
per cent iu the general list. Compared wl
lost night's closing , price ? \vcro down i to ' .
in the general list ,
3'g 10
4Vs Coupons il
4s ia ;
Pacific 6 8 of ' 95 12' '
American Express
Burl. , Coiler Itaphh & Northern
Central PftclBc a
Chicago & Alton 13
do do pfd 14
Chi. , Burl. & Quincy 12
Krio 2
do pfd G
Fort Wayno& Chicago 13
Hannibal & St. Joseph 3
do do do pfd * S
Illinois Central 13
Ind. , Bloom. & Western 11
Kansas & Texas 2
Jjnko Shore & Michigan So 10
Michigan Central 'J
Minneapolis & St. Louis 1
do * do do pfd. . . . . . 3
Missouri Pacific 0i
Njrthorn Pacific * i
do do pfd , . . . 4
Njrth western 11
do pfd 14
New York Contra ! 11o
Onio & o
do do pfd 0
Peoria , Decatur & jE vonavillo 1
; y Asked.'J
Hock Island 11fl
St. Paul & Milwaukee fl
do do do pfd 11
St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba 0
St. Paul& Omaha.- 0fl
do do pfd fl .
Texas Pacific .1
Union Pacific si
\ \ abash , St. L. & Pacific 1
do do do pfd
Western TTnlon Telegraph
* Asked.
Special Dispatch to THE BEE.
Ciiit'AHO , February 0. The board of trn
was very active to-day , and at times intonsi
excited. Speculation shifted into whe
after several days absence , and , as it grew
volume , included all the local crowd and i
ducod a flock of outside orders. Trading 1
gan at OSjjc , and for a tiino lagged until a li
of shorts of 200,000 bushels was covered , whe :
general buying movement began , Ythich carrl
prices upward 2c , when 101 was reachi
There was a jump in ado by the longs
realizs , and some selling by the bears , wh
hammered down prices about 2c. A gc
many lines of long wheat were bought. 'J
temper of the crowd was nnmistakcal
bullish , and all ndvlces to custom
were in the same tenor. February 11
March are always bull months. The cons
vativo dealers avoid the short side during tl
period. Corn rose l c in sympathy w
wheat , and under good buying the coun !
purchased liberally both of options and of I
cash stulf. The demand IB excellent. 1
manipulators of provisions paused n quiet ill
nnd mudo no attempt to bulge prices ,
tillght advance was marked , which WUH lift
wards lost , and on the whole pork
, lard were quiet , and not oxtentivi
traded in. Prices are pointed to 820 a ban
and there appears little doubt that most
this at will bo loalized. The clique hi
the market thoroughly under control , a
among tholocal traders there is a dbposill
to avoid heavy trading either way. the gi
oral theory being that ; prices are likely to i
vanoo , it is to late to buy and not time to s (
CHICAGO , February C. Flour Steadier n
no quotable change ; winter wheat Hi
§ 1 7f > @ 5 ( JO : for good to choice pott spri
wheat , 4 00 © 1 50 ; Minnesota bakers' , 4 51
5 25.
Wheat .Regular actlvo , buoyant and i
settled ; opened uteady , and advanced w
llght fluctuations of 2je above Inside prle
then receded gc and finally closed 12o big !
than yesterday ; cash , 9'ii@93Jc ; J'obnm
! ! 3 c ; March , Jlc : May , l OO.jMl OOi ; Ju
1 02J ; winter wheat firm at 1 00@1
spring wheat firm at U2jfgOc. ( : (
Corn Active ; opened steady , advanced
nbovo inside prices , and closed c higher tl
yesterday' * closini' figures ; cash and Fobrna
P,33c : ; March , 61(5) ( ) ( > 4Jc ; May,0'J @ 69ic ; Ju
5o ! ) ; rejected , 451a,4Co. (
Oats Market firmer , advanced i@2 , a
cloiod at nearly outside prices ; co.shund F <
ruary , 33o ; March , 33 < e ; May , 3rg@3r.J .
Ilyo Market stronger at 6So.
Barley Market dull at Olc.
Timothy 1 20@1 37.
] ' 'Jax Seed Firm at 1 D24@l 53.
Mess Pork Maiket nctivo end irregul
opened Co higher , further advanced fiu , tl
receded to opening figures , but later the m
ket allowed moro htrungth and advanced 2
22ic , but eettled back fi@7Ao , near the cl
prfcei j allied again 10 "l21c , gradually
ceded 20u,25o ( , and rulud quiet at the cl <
t-ftsh. 1'ctiniary and March , 17 35@17
April , 17 50@17 52J : May , 17 G2J@17 05.
Lard Active and rule l 10tajl2o hlgl
but the appreciation was not maintained ; c
and February , 9 55@9 C7i ; March. 9 (12 (
{ > (15 ( ; May , ! l 83@9 87A.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , 7 40 ; short ri
H05t.hoit ; clear , ! ) (10.
Butter Choice creamery , 31(53'ic ( ; ; fa
dairies , 2. @ 27c ; good to choice , ly@18c : re
105 ? IGc.
ChecBB Firm nnd unchanged ; choice
cream choddani , 14c ; choica full crenui fl
14@1 1 Jo ; good pnrt ekitn cheddars and fl
Krai T7iu > ctted ! ; fresh , .
llldea- Steady ; green salt cured bull i
damaged , Co ; roeii salt heavy , 7Jo ;
salt calf , lie ; drysaUod. lie.
wi'ttllow No. 1 country , OJc ; cake , 7c.
Whisky 1 1C.
CALL BOAIID Uegular wheat \o lo
for February , Jo higher for May. Jo lo
for June ; May clouuJ at 1 005 ; eah ? , 1.5
Corn Jo higher for March , Jo lower fi
Juno ; others unchanged ; * ale ? , 500,000 but !
ols.Oats Jo lower for March ; others m
changed ; sales , 190,000 bushel * .
Pork 5o lower for April , 5o higher for Ma ;
7Jo higher for Juno ; May closed at 17 07
Bales , 11,000 barrels.
Lard 2Jo higher for March , May an
June ; May closed at 9 87J ; sales , 2,000 tlorco
i-KontA rnonccK.
PKOIUA , February 0. Corn Finn ; no
mixed , 474@-18c ; now. rejected , 44(311 ( IJo.
Oat.i-Hlghcr ; No. 2 white , 3G@SGic.
Whisky Finn at 1 10.
ST. Louis , February 0. Flour Firm ,
Wheat tjharply higher ; trndlug chiefly I
May optloni ; No. 2 rod , 81 Ol@l 03 for u-wO
8105@1 05J for February ; 81 00 ? © ! (
for March ; 8107J for Aprllt 810S109
closing at SL09J for May ; ! ? 1 07l OSJ fc
uno 'Janffi02o for the year ; No. 3 rciIT 9899
Coni"-Illchcr and active ; fi
wh ; 50c for February ; 50Jo for March ; 52J (
3Jc ; closing at 0'2o for May ,
Oats Higher nnd firm ; 3lj@35 for casi
IJo for February ; 31Jc for March ; SOJo fiat
- at .Me.
llnrloy Dull \mchangod. .
liultor Unchanged.
F.ggs Higher ; 32@33c.
Flax Seed Quiet at 1 45.
CLOSING HOAUDWheat ( Juiot ; lOSi fi
'obruary ; 1 OOJ for March ; 1 09J@1 OUJ f
Corn Quiet ; 50o for February , fiOjJ f
larch , 531o for May ,
Oats Nothing done.
CINCINNATI , February G. Wheat Dull ni
omtnal ; No. 2 rod , 10.1(311 ( 01.
Corn Higher ; No. 2 mixed , 54c.
Oata Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 38c.
Kyo Quiet nnd unchanged ; No. 2 , G
© file.
Pork Quiet ; moss , 17 50.
Lard Strongand higher ; prlino fitoam , 9 1
Bulk Moats-Steady.
Whhky Quiet aud steady nt 114.
NEW ORLEANS , February G. Corn 1) )
maud fair , and prices higher ; white , 5Sc.
Oata Firmer nnd quiet ; 44@45ic.
Corn Meal Quint and steady at 2 80.
Pork In good demand and higher at 171
Lord Steady ; tierce , rollnod , 9 2.1 ; ke
Bulk Mcata In good demand and firmer.
Whisky Firm and unchanged ; westo
octlfiod , 1031 20.
TOLEDO , February G. Wheat Quiet at
irm ; No. 2 rod , cash , 1 00103.
Corn Demand light but firm ; No. 2 , ca
nd February , 55io
Oats Quiet nud steady ; No. 2 , cash , 3
@ 3Cc.
MILWAUKEE , February G. Wheat High
No. ' . ' , 92ic for February ; 93Jc for Marc
41c for May ; 1 001 for Juno.
Com Firmer ; No. 2 , 53ic.
Oata Firm ; No. 2 , 33o.
Ilyo Firmer ; No. 2 , 58j@59c.
Barley Inactive ; No. 2 , cash and Fobt
, ry , 59Jc.
NEW YORK , February G. Wheat Cosh 1
c higher nnd strong ; options opened 1
; c higher , ruling firm during the day , ai
mug a trifle lower ; ungraded red , 87@1 1
No. 2 iod , 1 OGJOl 11J ; No. 3 rod , 1 00
101 } .
Corn Cash , l@c and options J@Jc high
ind firm ; ungraded , 50GlJc ; No. 2 , C2i
Oats 3@ic higher ; mixed western , 40@41
white , 42ol4fc.
Eess Western fresh , dull and lower at
@ 33c.
I'ork Firm anil moderately active ; n (
ness , 1C 50@1G 75.
Lard Weak ; prime steam , 9 75.
Uutter Quiet and unchanged.
KANSAS CITY. February G. Wheat Mi
ket higher ; 85jo hid lor caah ; S"ic bid 1
April ; tjOiffiOtlc May.
Corn Higher ; 41.c } for caah ; 42c Marc
45Jc bid for May.
Oats Dull and nominal ; 28cbid.
LIVEBPOOL , February 0. Wheat Marl
steady ; winter , 8a8s 9d ; npriug , Ss@8'j ' ' .
Corn ( Juiot but steady ; now , 5s 2\d ; o
' " 5d.
CIIIOAOO , Febniary C. The Drovers' Jo
nal reports this afternoon us follows :
Hogs Active nud fi@10o higher ; rou
packing , C10@ti 05 ; heavy packing and sh :
iiing , C C5@710 ; light , G 850 CO ; skips , 4
Cattle Slow ; low grades 10@1" lower ; i
ports , 025@7 00 ; good to choice shippi
iteers. 5 C0@j ( 10 ; common to medium , 5 0 (
5 50 ; inferior to fair cows , 2 40@3 90 ; modii
to good , 4 00 © 175 ; stockers1 , 3 25@1 SO ; fei
irs , 4 75@5 23.
Sheep Sendy ; inferior to fair. Ii50@l
per cwt ; medium to good , 4 2S@4 50 ; cho
to extra , 5 50@C 00.
ST. LOUI8) February G. Cattle Gc
atios in demand and firm ; exports , 0 3 (
0 75 rood to choice. 5 80@G 25 ; common
medium 75@5 fiO ; otockors mid feeders , 3
@ 5 00 ; coin fed Texans , 0 00@5 50.
Shcop Best grades firm ; others weak ; co
mon stutif , 2 75@3 25 ; fuir to medium , 3 51
' 40 ; good to cholco , 4 C0@5 75 ; fancy , C
KANSAS CITY , Febniary (5. The Daily .
dicator reports :
Cattle Weak and 10@20c lower ; nnt
steorH , 4 80@5 95 ; feeders , 4 25@4 80 ; coi
Hogs Fairly iicti\o and steady at G3I
3 75.
Sheen Staady ; mitivcs , 3 7C@400.
On 10AGO , February ( ! . KojoipU And * h
monts of flour nnd grain for the p.ut 21 hoi
nnvo boon as follows :
.Receipts. Ship
Flour , bbls 18,000 13,1
Wheat , bushels 43,000 23,1
Corn , bushels 119,000 102,1
Oats , bushels 111,000 82,1
Rye , bushels 13,000 2i ,
Barley , bushels 43,000 , 35 , <
EW YonK , February ( ! , Receipts i
Bulpmentaof flour and g ralu for the p&st 24 ho
have boon us follows :
Iteoolpto Ship
Wheat , bushels fi.OOO 41 ,
Corn , bushels 69.0CO 0" ,
Oats , busholH 10,000
OniOAdO , February G. llocolpts nud el
menta of live stock for thu 21 hours It
boon aa follows !
Kecofpts. Ship
Oattlo (1XX ( , ( )
Hogs 11,500
Bhaep 3,800
KANSAS CITI , J ebruary G. Uocolpta i
shipments of live stock fur the pas * lit ho
liavo beou as follows :
llecoliti. Ship
Cattle J.400
Hogs , . . , .J/JOO
Sheep , 1,000
ST , Louie , February li. Rccelpti nnd sli
menu of live stock for the past 2-1 hours h
beou en follows ;
Receipt * , Shli ;
Cattle 1,900
Bhoep 2,700 1 ,
WodnesUay Kvonlng , February 0 ,
Tha following prices nro charged retail
by jobbers , wholesalers and commission n
chants , with the exception of ffralu , which
quowd at the prices furnished by the olovnt
nd other local buyerat
WHKAI Cw-h No. 2 , 73Set No.-S , C2o.
BABLKT Cash No. li , 48(500c. ( ;
Ilvz Cosh No. , 431 3. A
OAW-No. 2 ,
Ijlvo Stock.
FAT STBKns-Qutot nt 4 00@5 00 ,
Hooa-5 25@B f > 0.
SHKKP 3 &V3 7. .
CALVKS 6 W0 ) 23.
Flottr nnd Mlllfttnflii
Witrrsn WHEAT Best quality ,
8tcoNi > QUAtiTT 2 7x3 23 ,
SrntNd WIIKAT Best quality *
2J3 50.
BKAN fir > o i > or cwt.
CuorpKn FKKI > Per 100 Ibs. 860 ,
Cons MKAL 1 00@1 10 per owtj
SciiEKNixaG5@76o per cwt
General Produce.
TlCTTKn Fancy creamery. 33@35o ; col
orogo creamery , 23@27c ; cholco dairy , 'J
312 to ; boat country , nolld ( lacked , 12@lto
sst country , roll , lG@18c ; Inferior grades
) @ 14c. llocolpts are small nnd the doinan
oed ,
MEATS Hams , 13c ; breakfast bacon , Hi
oar Mdo bacon , short , lOJc : clear itldn bacot
ng , lOjc ; dry gilt short , 9Jc ; dry Rait long
jc ; shoulders , 7c ; drtod beef , 13e ; lard , re
no > l , lOc.
Enos Market firm ; sales to-day nt2S@30i
opelpts light.
Arn.KS Fancy Jonathans , 54 60@5 0 (
anuy Bon Davis , 63 G0 < c2 > l 00 ; fancy Jouol
.3 00@3 60 ; fancy Willowtwlg , 53 25@3 7f
leiniuul good ,
CHEE3S Now York State full cream , lat
outombor make , 14c ; Now York Statn fu
roam , 10 hoop lots , ISJo ; do full cream , C
oop lots , 13c , ; Wisconsin , full cream , In boj
Ic ; Young Americas , strictly full cream , 14 <
ill cream , 12c ; full cream 10 hoop lots , lljc
ill cream Oats , 12jc | ; full cream flats , 11J <
ancy brick cheese , 100 Ib cases , 151oj Lin
urgor 13Jc ; gonulno old Swiss , lUc.
POTATOES Hecolpts small and price
; ood. Conolgmnonts of strictly cliolci
argo sized , straight potatoes are collln
rein 45 to 48c ; mixed cars 40 to 42o an
ght demand ; poachblowR , 50c.
SWKKT POTATOES Cholco yellow , nono.
ONIONS No demand ; market ovorstockci
BEANS Hand picked natives , 52 25@2 5 (
and picked mediums , $1752 00. Hi
oipts largo.
QASIK Pralrio chickens , per doz. , 53 00 t
25 ; snipe , SI 60 to 1 75 ; ducks , Mallard , pe
oz , 2 00@2 50 ; mixed , SI 50 to 2 00. 11
areful that your game comes to market !
Ice condition ,
FUESII OTSTEUS Selects , 40c ; Btandardi
5c ; mediums , 23c.
POULTRY Live chickens , per doz , 175 (
00 ; fulldro < sodchlckonHpurlb,10(5)12c ( ) ; tu
ays , per Ib. , 1517c ; ducks , 10@12 ; gooai
LESIONS Extra fancy bar lomono , ? G 0 (
ancy Messina lemons , per box , 85 25 ; 5 bu
ota , Messina lemons , $5 00 ; 10 box lots do
4 76 ; Malaga lemons , fancy , 54 60 ; do 5 bo
ota , $4 25.
CHANGES Valoncias , G 10 ; Mosslnas , 3 71
CRANBERRIES Boll and miclog , § 12 00 ; bo
nd cherry , § 9 C0@10 60 , Above quotatior
or choice.
DATES Black Arabian , per Ib , , 8@9i
uartcr crates , lOc.
FIGS 23 Ib. kegs , per Ib. , 12Jc ; 10 Ib. boi
ayer , per Ib , , IGc ; smaU ! vaIs per Ib. , ISc.
COCOANUTS Extra fine , per 100 , 8 00.
CIDER Pure sweet cider , 22 gal keg , $0 0 (
I. & P. clarified , 10 gal keff , 54 75 ; M. & 1
larifiod , 32 gal keg , $8 00.
Pias FEFT , PRIDE , ETC. Pigs foot , 15 1
dts , SI 15 : j.igs 40 Ib qr bbl , S2 25 : pigs feel
0 Ib half bbl , 34 00 ; tripe , 16 Ib kits , 01II
ripe , 40 Ib qr bbl , 52 25 ; tripe , 80 Ib half bb
j.1 . 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 Ib kits , $2 60 ; pif
.onguos . , 40 Ib qr bbl. 50 00. Lambs' tonvua
5 Ib kits , S3 05 ; 40 Ib qr bbl , ? G 25.
MINOR MEAT Atmoro's , 181b buckel
buckets 25c ) 9c ; 371b buckets ( bucket 40c
c. ; lOOlb kegs , 9c ; half barrels , SJc.
ASSORTED JELLY 2-lb stone jars ; 12 In casi
ior doz , 52 25 ; tumbler , per doz , ? 1 91
chooner , per dozen , 53 10 ; 1-lb tin cans ,
[ oz. in case , 5140 ; 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz iu CBBI
BULK .TELLIES Currant , 30-lb wood pall
ior Ib , 7Jc ; ; strawberry , 30-lb wood palls pi
b , 7 c ; raspberry , 30-lb wood pnils per 11
7Jc ; blackberry , 30-lb wood pails per Ib , 7J
crab apple , 30-lb wood ralln per Ib. 7Jc.
APPLE BCTTER 35lbto dan n IH , per 11
! o ; 6-lb wooden pails , G in ca o per cas
PEACH BUTTER 2o-lb wooden palls per I
1100 ; 5-lb wooden pail-i , G in case , per cos
4 25.
PRESERVES ( In 20-lb wooden pails ) K s
orry , 15c ; strawberry , quince , 14c ; peac
.4c ; cherry , He ; tomatoes , 14c : plum , 14
assorted , 5-lb wooden buckets , G in caso. p
case , SI 75 ; assorted , 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz
caso. per case , SO 60
NEBRASKA COMB HONBY 2-lb framei , 24-
cases , per Ib , ISc.
HAY Baled , 8 00@10 00 per ton ; in bul
G 00@7 00 per ton.
Grocora Jjlsr .
CANNED GOODS Oysters ( Standardpor ) cas
3 70@3 90 ; strawberrioa , 2 It ) , per case , 2 00
210 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; Bar tie
lears , per case , 2 40 ; wnortloborrios , per ca
3 10 ; OCR plutDB , 2 Itiior coso , 2 00 ; grei
aes , 2 Ib , per CUBO , 2 90 ; pine apples , 2
) er case , 4 85 ( ) 50.
RorE Sisal i inch and larger , lOc , g Inc
lOic ; i inch , lie.
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , IGs , 15c ; fig , If
) oxo.i 40 Ibs , 10 oz. . Cs , IRc.
AlAroilES Per caddie , 35c ; round , casi
2 55 ; arjuaro coses , 170.
SnaARS Powdered , 9Jc ; cut loaf , 9 ]
p-anulatod , 8n ; confectioners' A , 8icStan ;
urd extra 0 , 78c ; extra 0 , 7jc ; modinm y
ow , 7c ; dnrk yellow , GJe.
Coi'I'ECS Ordinary ( rradoa , 12@121oj fair
@ 13Jc ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@16c ; cho ! (
; G@17c ; fancy green ;
jovernmont Javn , 20@2io ( ; Lovorlng'a roa/itc
I8c ; Arbucldo'a roattcd , 184c ; McLaughlti
XXXX roasted , 18Jc ; mltatlon Java , 1
KIOE I/oulslana prime to choice , 7c ; fu
Cc ] | ; Patniu , Gjc.
FJBH No. 1 mockorol , half hrls. , 8 00 ; K
L mackerel , Alts , 1 15 ; family mackoral , hi
jrls. , GOO ; family mackerel , kits , 950 ; No.
white fish , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits. 105.
Bvitur Standard Com. , 32c , buls ; Stauda
lo , 4 J gallon kcga 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 call
3pa 150
SODA In Ib papers , 3 80 per CAPO ; keg per 1
PIORLE.I I.Iodlum , lii barrels , 7 00 ;
; n half barrels , 4 00 ; small , in burrula , 8 00 ;
n half barrels , 4 50 ; ghcrklruiX In bands , 91
do In half barrels , fi 00.
TEAS Gunjxnvder , gpod , 45@55c ; cholco
S75c | ; good Imperial , 40gJ3c ( ; choice , C0a ( $ !
Young Hyaon , good , 3G@50o ; choii
Gnc@l 00 ; ilcitan , natutal loaf , 3i5c ; .Tnpi
cholco , C075c ; Oolong , [ 'ood,35@-10cOoloi ;
cholco , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , S5@t
choice , 35@15c.
WOOIJENWARE Two hoop palls , 11
three hoop paila , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; P
noor washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 !
WollbucketH. 3 85.
SOAPO ICIrk'a Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kir
gatlnot , 3 GO ; ICirk'a ( standard , 3 75 ; Kir
white HuEelan , 625 ; Kirk's outoca , 2 :
Klrk'a Pralrio Queen , (100 ( cakon , ) 40c ; Kir
magnolia , doz.
POTASH Ponnoylvanla cnns , 4 ca n , In en
3 85 ; BabbUt.8 boll 2 doz. In coao , 1 90 ; And
ball , 2 doz. In case , 1 60 ,
CANDY French mixed , in 30 lit. palln , 1
American mixed. In 30 Ib pallw , 14c ; Urlllii
mixed. In 0 Ib jalls , 13s ; Nobuy mixed , In
Ib tialh , 13c ; Competition mixed , in 80
palls. 121o ; Excelsior stick , 30 Ib pnilo , 1
double rnlinad , 0 ll jmlls , 13c ; Crystal mlxi
30 Ib palls , 15c ; Old Time , mlxod , 30 llj pal
14c ; TIJI Top , mixed , 30 ib pails 13c ; Fll
mlxod , 30 Ib nails , lllc ; Flirt , stick , 30
palls , lljc ; Tip Top , stick , 30 Ib polls , 12o.
ViMEOAii Now \oricapplo IGc ; Ohio ;
plo , ISc.
" i , per bbl , 180 ; Ashton ,
. . .
HriCEH Pepper , 17o ;
Bo ; cassia ICc.
LtK American , 8 40 ; Greenwich , 8
Western , 2 7fi ; North Stur , 2 00 ; Lowla'.J
4 G6 ; Jewell lye , 2 75
Dry Goods.
BHQWK ConONu-Atlantio A. 8He ; Api
ton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Su ; Boot PF , i
Buckeye Llj , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot V , 74o ; GlJl
nongo A. CJc ; OreatKalUK.Sic ; lloo ler , (
nonwt Width 805 Indian Head A , 80 ; lud
Hnndard A 8c ; Indian Orchard , d. w. , 7J
R\vrcnco IJ , CJc ; Myntlo lllvor , ? Jcj I'cquc
\ , 8Jc ; Utlca O , r.Jc ; Wftcmwott 1J , 7Jc ; il
V'fljo dolMS.bfo.
I-'INR Bnow.v Corroxs Allondftlo 4-1. 74
VlllRfttor 3-1 , 8cs Argyle 4-4 , 7 < c ; AUnr.l :
i\i , Ciej Badger SUto X 4-4 , GJc ; lonnlncto
0 4-4 , BJc ; Buokoyo -M.GJc } Indian Orchnr
AAO-8,8jc ; Loconlft O 89 , SJo ; I/oMnhK4-
4c ; ropiiorell N SO , 7c ; ilo O 32 , 7jc ; do 1
1 , 7Jc ; do K 39 , 8c ; I'ocas 0 4-4 , 7 (
Vnnuiutta 4-4. 18c ,
BLCACIIBO COTTONS Andro-icofflttn TJ 4-
Us Blackntono AA Imperial 8ifc ; do do hn
leached 4. 1. Ho ; Cabot 4-1 , 8o 1'idollty 4-
tjc ; l < Viiltot the hooni , I'Jo ! uo c.vnlirio 4-
i. } ; do Water TwJut , lOjo ; Qront Falli Q , fl
ndlan 11 Mil nhrunk 4-4 , l2o : Lontulalo , 10
camhrio 37 , l'2\c ; Now York Mills , 12 *
Pcquot A , 1 Oc ; Pcppcrol , N Q Twills. 12J
'ocahontai 4-4 , Me : Poc.-wiot 5-I.8J ; Utlc
Ic ; WnnnutU O X X , 12Jo
DCOKS. ( Colored ) Albany K. brnwn , 8c ; tl
0 , drab , lie ; do XX stripes and plaids , 12 l 2i
0 XXX brnwn nud drab , atrlpoa nnd plaldi
21-'c ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; Brunswlc
) ro\vn , 8 l'2c ; Chariot fancy , 12 1.2o ; do w
ra heavy , 20o ; Fall ] { lvorbni\vn , extra hoiwj
1 l-2c ; Indlaun A brown , ISc ; Nopoiuot -
irown , ISo
TtCKiNOS Amoskonft A 0 A 32 , lOc ; do X
luo 82. 18 l-2c ; Arrowanna , l-2c ; Clan
mont BB , 1 2c ; Conestoga , extra , 17 l-2i
lamllton I ) , 11 l-2o ; howlston A 80 , ir > oUi ;
ohaha 44 , 0o ; Omoea , super extra 1.4 , 1R.
carl lllvor 32 , 10 We ; Putnam XX bit :
tripe , 12c ! Shotuckot S , 10 l-2c ; do S3 , 12i
Tooman'R blue 21) ) . He.
UKNIMS Amoskonit , blue nnd brown,10 l2i
Andovcr DD blue , 15 l-2o ; ArlhiRtoU X bh
Scotch , 18 l-2c ; Concord OOO , blue nn
irown , 12 l-2c ; do AA V , do do 13 1-2 ; tl
XX to do do , 14 l 2c ; Haymnkor'g blue an
> rown. 0 l-2c ; AlysUo lUvcrlDstri ! > olG1.2i
'carl lllvor , liluo and brown , lOc ; Uncaavilli
) luo and brown. 14 1.2c ,
41 tltlltlitb Will K1VJ U Mllinil | t'gV > 4,1 Ut > IF\'l V llUttiS !
do glazed , 6jo ; Poquot do , oc ; Lockwooii li
finish , Gc.
CORSET JEANS Amory , Androscoggl
saltoon , 8fc ; Clarendon GJe : Conostogga sa
tocnn , 7jc ; Hallowoll , 80 ; Indian Orchard , 7Ji
Nnxragansott , improved , Bic ; Pcpporill Ba
teen , lljc ; Hockport , Go.
PRINTS Allonn , Go : Amoncan , lljc ; Arnldi
CJc ; Berwick , 4Jc ; Cochuoo , Gi jCouosU ga , GJi
Danldrk , Gc ; Dunnoll , Gl@7c ; EddynUino , Cji
Gloucester , GJc ; 1 larmoiiy , 6\c ; Knlckorbocko
GJc ; Motilmac L ) , 7c ; Mystic , 5Jc ; SproRue
Go ; Southbridgo , Gc ; do Qlnghaii.a , 7c ; Mar
bore , 6Jc ; Oriental , fi\e \ ,
GINGHAMS Amoskoag. O c ; Argy'o ' , 8
Atlantic , 8c ; Ctunbcrlaiid , 7Ac ; Highland , 7i' '
Kenllworth , OJc ; Plunkstt , 9Jc ; Sussex , 80.
COTTONADES Al > hor\llln , 13JO ; Atjato , 20
American , lie ; An slan , 20c ; Cairo D and 1
ISAc ; Clarion D und T , 171c ; Docan Ci
stripes D and T , IGc : Keystone 13jio ; Nai
tnckot , 19c ; Nonpareil , IGo ; Ocean D and 'J
13Jic ; Itoynf , llc ( ! : Sussex , 12c ; Tioga , Wacln
ROtt shirting chocks , 12Ac ; do Nankin l'2Ji
York , plain Nankin , 12&c : do chocks , stripi
nd fancy , 12ic ; do 8 oz , 20o.
SHEKTINQS ndroncofjgin 10-1 , 27io ; tl
0-4 , 23c : do 3-4 , 32o : Continental C 42. 11- -
Fmit of the Loom 10-1 ; 27JcNow ; York m 1
98. 35c ; do 78 , 30c ; do fiS , 22Jc ; Pombrol
10-4 , 25c ; Ponuot 10-1 , 28Jc ; do 74 , l ! > c ; d 4 !
Gc ; Poppoaoll 96 , 29c ; do G7 , SJlc : do 17 , 18i
Uttca Urt , 86c ; do 58 , 22lo ; do 43 , 17c.
We quota lumber , lath and shlnglo.ijon aa :
t Omaha at the following pricon :
Joisr AND SCANTLING 16 ft. nnd nudi
° 2 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50.
TuiBKiia 1C foot and under , 22 00.
TIMBEII AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 W ; 20 ft , 23 51
° 2 ft , 20 50 ; 24 ft , 26 50.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 nnd G in. , 2100 ; No. !
SHEETING No. 1(2J ( common boards ) , 20 01
No. 2 , 18 00.
LIME Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk i > or uiuhol1 85i
oment , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; 1m
> or bu. 50c ; Tarred felt , 100 ibs , 3 50 ; atra'
loard , 3 50.
Ptilnte.Olls and. Vnrnlulics.
OILS 110 ° carbon , per gallon , 13c ; 150' '
icadlijiht , per gallon , 14o ; 17fi ° hoadligh
or gallon , 18c ; 150 ° water white , 17c ; II
cod , raw , ; pr gallon,5jc ; linseed , Iwilcil , ] > c
nil /in Pifi1 .oi-il ttrlnfrt * * of * * * * ! * \n * > rvnllmt kfli
on , 1 50 ; No. 3,1 30 : sweet , per gnllon. 1 (
perm W.B. , per gallon , 1 GO ; fish , W. B
lergatlon , G5c ; noatsfootoxtrn , per gnllon , 90i
Vo. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , r.oro , per gallon , 30
ummor , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gn
on , Boo ; No. 2 , 23c ; spoon , signal , per gallo ;
Oc ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; iinptha 74c
ot gallon , Kic.
PAIKTB m OIL White load , Omaha P. I
; white load , St. Louis , pure , 0.c ; Marsoill
preen 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c : French zinc , groi
eal , 12c ; French 7ino , rod Real , lie ; From
inc , In varnish nest , 20c : Fionch in c
isst , 15c ; raw nnd burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , 10
AW. end burnt Sienna , lOc ; vandyke brow
3c ; refined lampblack , I'-'c ; conch black , ni
voi-y black , Ific ; drop black , IGc ; Prussh
; luo , 30u ; ultrninmino bltio , ISc ; cluromo groe
j. M. & D. . IGc ; blind and shutter prcon , ]
tl. & D. , IGc ; Piuis green , ISc ; Indian ro
5c ; Venetian rod , 9c ; Tuscan icd , 22c ; Amoi
can Vermilhon. I. & P. , ISc ; chromo yello
TJ. M. , O. & D. O. , 18c ; yellow ochre ,
; olden ochre , 16c , patent dryer , 8c ; gi'ainii
colors , light oak , dsrlt oak , walnut , chotu
nnd ash 15o.
lrv Pnlnta.
White load , 80 ; French zinc , lOe ; Pm
wluting , 2ic ; wlilting nildcra , lc ; wldtli
xm'l lie ; lampblaclr , Germantown , 14
nmpblack , ordinnrj' , lOc ; Prussian blue , 6f
dtramarine , 18c ; vuudyko , brown , 8c ; umbe
jurnt , 4c ; umbor. raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , -1
sienna , ru'v , 4c ; Pans green , genulno. 2f '
L'aris irroon , common , 20c : cliromocreon , N.'V
.tic ; chromo pfroan. 1C. , 12c ; vorniiliion , Knj
rOc ; vonnillfon , American , 18c ; Indian n :
LOc ; rose pink , 14o ; Venetian rod , Cokusoi
! ? c ; Vouotian rod , American , IJc ; rod lea
Tjc ; chromo yellow , gflnuhio , 20c ; chrome yi
ow , 1C. , 12cochre ; , rochollo,3ooehroFrenc ;
2'ic ; ochre , Amoiican , 2c ; Winter's minon
M ; lohiifh brown , 2ic ; Spanish bro\vn , 2) )
L'rinco's mineral , 3o.
VABNiailKfi Burrols. per gallons Fun
iuro , extra , ? 110 ; furniture , No. 1 , SI ; coat
extra , SI 40 ; coach , No. 1 , § 1 20 ; Dam !
extra , $1 75 ; Japan , 70onaphaltuu ; > . oxtrn , 81
shollnc , S3 r/0 ; hard oil finish , SI 50.
PLCO TOBACCO -Climax , r,0o ; Bullion
IlnrHoshno , 50c : Star , 50c ; Ruddy , 45c ; H
soy's , 48c : Block , 3810c ,
FINE COT Common , 20@30c ; good , 4t
Vc ; Rosn Leaf , 70o ; Promtuin , U5c ; Dlamo
Crown , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , 47c.
SIIOKIKQ O. S , , 21 c ; Mocrbclmmn , 28c ; Di
liani , 8 oz , , 55c ; Durham , 4 oz. . 57c ; Dnrha
2 oz. , CBc : Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , 6
Seal of North Carolina , 4 in. . . 57o ; Seal
North Carolina , 2 oz. , GOc ; 0 , ] U Durham
oz. , 28c ; O. 1C DuiY" 0c ; Un
Nod , J'a 2Kc ; To' ' ' 'f ? .3c.
tioallicr ,
iiolo , 38o to i2c ; homioclc DV. 8o to 3
Hum o hip , 80o to 1 00 ; lunncr G5o to ( -
nrm o cult , S5c to 120 ; hemlock upper , !
to 2(5c ( ; oak upixir. 21c ; alligator , 4 00 to 5
lf Jdd , ! 12@ir ; ( irolson kid , I ! BO to 2 75 ; i
kip. 80o to 1 00 ; oak cnlf , 1 20 to 180 ; Froi
kip , 110 to 155 ; Fiench calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; r
sets , B 50 to 7 f)0 ; linings , ( i 00 to 10 50 ; t
I Milwaukee 87 : No 2 do 3 IP
Iron , ratoi , 2 50 ; plow stool special caet ,
crucible , 80 ; ipocidlor Oormun , ( ! c ; cant t
do , 15@20 : wagon Bp kes , net , 2 2.r ) ( < a3 00 ; hi
per sot , 1 25 ; follocM Rawed dry , 1 40 ; tongi
each , 70@85c ; tales oacli , 75o ; square nuts
Ib , 7f51lc ; waMieru crib , 818c ; rivets ,
Ib , lie ; cell clmh' , pir Ib , G@12o ; malloublo ,
iron wedgof , Gc ; urowburB , Gc ; harrow to
4c ; eprlni ; tool , 7@Kc ; Burden's horsohow , C
Burden's mulcslioeii G 00.
BAP.BEU WiBK In pear lots , 4io peril
NAiLS-Rates , 10t < iGO , 300
BIIOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; orioi
powder , kegs , 040 ; do. .half kegg , 348 ; c
ijuartorkoM , 188 ; blasting , kogK , 333 ; ( \
per 100 feet 50o.
LEAD Bar , 1 C3 ,
COAL Cumborlftiul blRclumlth , 30 00 ; B
tlsnm Blotmbtirjj , 1000 ; Whltobrocat lui
B 00 ; Whltobreast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 6
lown nut , C 01) ) ; Rock HprliiK , 7 00 ; Antl
cltoll25@UfXj ( ) Canon City , 7 00 , per I
Dull , nnd weak ; Krf on i butcher * , B@CJo ; pi
saltad 74 oy7Xc ; Jrylllut , 18@13o ; Urv
lOfcllc ; linnR l hldoi , two-thirds prfco ,
SHHKP Psira 25c@l 00 ,
Merino nnwoshod , light. ll@lGo ; hour ;
13@15o ; modinm unwashed , light , 1R@2 ( )
woshod , cholco , ! )2c ) ; fair , ROc ; tub nnd washoi
2Sc ; burry , black nnd cottod wool , 2@Co los
Iilquor * .
ALCOHOL 1R3 proof , 2 2S per wlno Rnllo
extra Californln nplrll.1 , 183 proof , 125 p <
proof gallon ; triple refined slilriU , 187 proo
123 ( > or ( iroof gallon ; ro-dl Ullc'd whlnklo
1 00@1 50 ; fine blonilod , 160@2 CO : KOI
lucky Imurlwns , 200(3)700 ( ) ; Kentucky nn
Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00.
BRANDIKS Imt > orto < l , G 00@1000 ; dommtl
140 ® I 00.
OINS Imixirtocl , 4 50@0 00 ; tlomostlo , 1I -I
@ 300.
llusis Imported , 4 50@0 00 ; NowEnglnni
2 00 ® I 00 ; domoiitlo , 1 60@3 60.
CiiAMPAQNEa Imported per case , 2800 (
3100 ; Ainorlcan/por case , 12 00@1G 00.
" " " "
ni ;
Cuncn MEAT * ANI > J Mnti In tlorcoi 1&
InpatU Ilo. Hanm. Hie ; hronkfnnt bocoi
13aUicj ) nmokod sides , l > i@10c ; talt ehlo
QiiKKS FnciT AND PnoDcoK Potntoos , C5 (
G,1o per 100 pounds ; onions , per 100 pound
SI 50@2 00 ; turnips , per 100 Ib. G0(3)80o ( ) ; Co
orndo cabbngo , now , per 100 , 85cGftl 0 (
live chickens , old , per doz , 81 OW
42Cprnrio ; | ! chickens ) > or doz , $3 75@40I
cggc , fro < h , per doz , 323r > o ; butter , fair itm
full cream , per to , lG@17c ; npploa per bb
eastern , $ Ti 00@0 50 ; grapoa. per 11
7 ( < fllOc ; California poarn per 11) , 7@10i
MossiniV lonious , { 'extra porl'B ox , ? 7 C
@ 8 00 ; oranges , L12 0013 00JRColorad ;
wheat , prr lOOBlb , ? 13)1S8 ) { Hour , fa
quality , $10 00@10 * 50 per barrel Ilou
Graham , per 100jlb ( ? 'J 002 50 : Ilou
rye , pnr 100 Ib , 82 502 70 ; flour , Imckwhon
per bbl , CIO 00(5)10 ( ) 50 ; cornI3inoal p <
100 U , $1 05 ® 1 8fi ; com , per 100 Ibs , 8130 (
185 ; com chop , per 100 Ibs. ? 1 30@1 33 ; no
outs , per 100 Ib * . $1 35 ® ! 45 ; oats , Nobraski
inlxott , per 100 Hi , 81 33@1 35 ; wheat , per K
Iba , 81 35145 ; barley , per 100 Ibs , 81 50 {
@ 1 75 ; mixed chop , per | 100 lb , § 1 33 (
1 40 ; bran , per ton. S17 0010 00 ; ha ;
per ton 81 0016 00 ; baled second botton
810001200 ; baled upland , ? 14 00@1T 01
straw , nor ton. RS OOffl ! ) 00.
AtoNa Tin : LINK or inr.j
Cliicago , St. . Paul , Minneapolis an
The now extension ol this line from WakeflcM l
llirouK'h Concoid and Colc
Itonchos tlio best portion nt the Stnto , Special o
curslon rotas ( or 1'inl toolicrt OUT till * line i
Wayne , Norfolk mul IInrtlntun | ; , ami \ la IlUIr to r
prlncluil | iiolr.U on the
Trnlna o > ur tht 0. , fit. T. M. & O. llaUnny In Co
tiiEton. Sioux t.lty , 1'onca , llnttln ton , Wayne nr
Norfolk ,
Far ricmont , Oaktlalo , Nollnh , anil thiongli to'o
tiTFoi rates mul nil liitnrnmtlnii call on
T II. WHITNKY , General Acnt | ,
Sunup's Ihillillctr , Cor. lotli anil KnniMii Sti. ,
, Uinaha , Ku !
jrrlfkotH ran bo socnrcil nt depot , roincr 141
and WolBtcr BtrocU.
J. It. GAJIl'llElJ , . S. S. CAM1MIKI.1
Campbell & / Co. ,
10.1 South 14th Street , bctu ecu Douglas and Dodg
OSIMIA , Nii : ) .
llofcrencej First Ntvtlanal Dank , Stoclo , Johns'
Co. , Omaha ; Hank ol HIM County , riattuniuut
And your work'is done for all tin
to timq to conic.
o protluco a moro durable inntcri
for street pHVomonfc than the
Sioux Falls Granite.
[ 'ACADA ' !
filled promptly. Samples sent a
estimates given upon npplicatioi
Sioux Fulls. Dnkoj *
Cucoii , froinwlilcli tlio i
OH lianbctnrcinoH'U. Xthtu/i
tlinei tin ttrength "t Cocoa rn
ullli Klarcj , Arrowroot or Uu
and U tU-rcCvro far moro vvuiu
cat. U I * ilcllcloui , naurUl
trcngtlicnlntr , tally dlgcttul ,
( iilmlmlly udnpttd fur iuviilli
u for ( > f rnoiiii In licalth.
f tioW f ( lrorer
Omnlm llcnl Eslnto is n snfo investment for both local nnd foreign cnp-
itnl , mul there is no property , in or around the city , bubwhnh will bring
pnrclmsors good returns in the iienr future. Wo Imve property for snlo
in nil parts f the city , nnd nlso
Surrounding llio city , nil of wlnchjwo'glndly show to pnrtiss who feel
We nro often uslced which is the best part of the city for nn invest
ment ? Wo always advise patrons to buy what is culled
In ;
lly this is meant property not moro'than ono nnd a half miles from the
Tostollicc , and the nearer the center the better the investment. While -I -
outsiilo property will steadily advance in price , insidu property will ad
vance much greater in proportion. The now addition to the city kuown as
is located ono mile from the postollice , west , only nine blocks from the
High School , nnd these lots are being sold at less thun half the price
asked for lots same distance iu any other direction , and
As those lots will , in n short time , be advanced to correspond to prices of
lots surrounding .Hawthorne.
Tlio contract has been let for grading Davenport street through this
addition. Work has boon commenced and will be finished early in the
summer. Purchasers of lots in Ilawthorne Avill not have to bear any
expense for the grading. This is n decided advantage. Prices for regu
lar Hi/.e lots
835O TO S5T5 ,
Wo have also some double lots in Una addition at from § 000 io $650.
This part o the city is being built up with the best class of : residences.
Near business , near High School , and desirable in every particular.
We have a ! | e\v lots left in this addition , which we will sell at lower
additions. Tholots are beautifully
prices than can bo had in surrounding
ly located and larger than than those in adjoining additions , and will bo
sold on terms lo suit purchasers.
In Douglas County and all parts of tl' < > State.
S "O" 23 TJ 3EBL IO JSU.
A line tract of land three and one-half miles from Omnhn fit ? > it > pel-
acre. Also a tract four miles from the bit/ at10 p fjucru.
Lots in Ihifi addition will bo sold on matronly payments ; , 10 per cent ,
cash nnd S'por cent , i > or month.
" O
Of all the lots we have for'sale , wo think 'his isthe , most desirable
either for n home or for investment , as it is nour business nicely located j
and at present nnccH is the cheapest "property in the mnrkut , nud first
213 South Uth Street , between Farmup'.and ?
, ! >